
Getting Ready

A giggle from the wardrobe startled me.

“I remember wearing this when I lost my V plates”. Emily stepped out of the cupboard holding a dark blue halter-neck short dress. “Year 8, Jayden Wallace, on the beach”. Her eyes dazed with the memory of her first sexual encounter. She smiled sweetly before tossing the dress at me.

“Here, you wear it, it’ll help you get lucky” Emily always enjoyed teasing me at the fact that I was still a virgin at 16 and she wasn’t. I laughed as I caught the dress before it hit my face, then gave her a disgusted look.

“I don’t think so Emily. It must have too many shocking memories of that night that I seriously don’t want to know about”. Emily giggle, snatching the dress from my hands and hanging it back up in the wardrobe. She continued searching her cupboard as I sat quietly on the edge of her bed looking around her room. Her room was large, and pink; pink walls, pink bed sheets, pink curtains, pink everything. A large double bed sat in the middle of her room, a study table to the right and a walk-in wardrobe to the left that held so many clothes in it, you’d think it was a shopping mall.


“I have it!” she called out from the back of the wardrobe, stepping out with two dresses in her hand. One was a short, sparkling, strapless, pink dress, with purple swirls on it. The other was a short, plain, strapless red dress. Emily held the pink dress up to her body.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“On you… Very sexy” I answered back giggling. She laughed and tossed the red dress at me.

“Never been worn” she said as I caught the dress. I stood up and held the dress to my body, looking at it in the wardrobe mirror. Emily’s whistle suddenly made me turn just in time to catch the pair if silver diamond studded stilettos she threw at me. They were brand new, never been worn. The tag was even still on them. I carefully tore the tag off, not wanting to look at the price of them. I hated wearing expensive things, but it seemed like that’s all Emily ever had.  Her mum gave her everything she wanted, or rather, gave Emily the money to buy whatever she pleased.

“Come on, lets go for a shower” Emily was already half way out the door with her pink fluffy towel before her words reached me. I quickly tossed the dress and shoes to the bed before running out behind her.


Emily lived in a large, two story white house, with a red roof and door, and yellow and white roses growing out front. She lived with her mother, Christy, and her older brother, Jake. Emily’s father died when she was nine. He had a fight with Christy that night, and decided to go down to the local pub, have a few drinks and calm down, but by the time he left, he was almost to drunk to drive, and crashed into the lake, drowning himself. Their house was a four bedroom, two bathroom house, and Emily’s and Jake’s rooms were on the top floor. Christy had her room on the ground floor. Emily’s room was to the right of the stairs, the bathroom in the middle, and Jake’s room was to the left.


“Hey Jake”. Emily snapped me out of me day dream. I was still in the shower, the hot water rinsing over my skin. Emily was at the bathroom door, her towel wrapped around her as her hair dripped to the floor.

“What do you want Emily?” Jake’s voice was deep, but sweet, even when he sounded bored.

“Are you going to Ashton’s tonight?” Oblivious it seemed to anyone else but me, that her voice always seemed to get a little higher whenever Emily said his name. Ashton had short brown hair, with dark blue eyes and, as Emily like to say, “the body of a god”. He was muscular, and fit, with a slight tan and the biggest hands I’d ever seen on a guy. He said it was because he played bass in his band, though he never talked much about the band.

“Emily, his my best mate. Course I’m going”

“Good, me and Sienna are coming with you then”. To me, Emily always sounded demanding with her brother, with everyone actually.

“Well I’m going with Adam so..”

“Cool, so we’ll all go together”

“We will if youse girl will hurry up in the bathroom” A door slammed shut just as I shut the water off. Jake was getting frustrated with her. I heard Emily giggle as she closed the door. I quickly climbed out from the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. Emily begun blow drying her hair, a large grin displayed across her face. As I begun to run the brush through my hair, I let my mind wander to thoughts about Emily and I.


Emily Chase. We had met in year 10, she was my first friend, ever. Emily was tall, with long legs and an amazing figure. She wasn’t thin but she wasn’t fat either, just like I am, we were healthy looking. We almost looked like twins due to us both having long, straight, pure blonde hair, only, the past few months, her hair had begun to go dark. She had dark blue eyes, darker then the ocean, and bright pink lips that were always covered in lip gloss, whereas, I had bright green eyes and blood red lips that always made people think I had been drinking blood. Emily and I were the same size in all our clothes and shoes, except for bras. Emily was only jealous about two things; my house and my boobs- they were bigger then hers. But aside from them, she liked everything about me. She taught me how to socialize with everyone and got me to meet new people. While I was the shy, quiet type of person, Emily was the loud, party-all-the-time type of girl. She was a rebel girl, 16 years old and she was drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and whatever else she could get her hands on. Christy, was an alcoholic, had been since Emily’s father died, and had never paid very much attention to what she did. Apart from me, the only other person that cared about her, was Jake. Jake was tall as well, with beach blonde short hair, a strong build and a perfect tan. He was 19 years old and worked as a mechanic at the local car repairs. Emily never knew, but Jake really had an effect on me, I really liked him, though I would never had admitted it, just like she wouldn’t admit her feelings about Ashton.

“Leave your hair out” Emily voice startled me out of my thoughts.


“Leave your hair out, let it hang down” Away with my thoughts, I hadn’t realised that I was tying my hair back into its usual high pony tail. I quickly dropped my hair and shook my hair so it would hang loosely around me. A loud bang against the door made me jump.

“Ok, Ok, we’re finished, hold on a sec” Emily rolled her eyes, and tightened her towel around her before turning towards the door. Jake was standing outside the door waiting with his arms crossed over his chest.

“’Bout bloody time” He said as Emily opened the door. Emily smirked at him as she walked off towards her bedroom, leaving me lagging behind when I notice Jake wasn’t wearing a shirt, his stomach and chest muscles exposed for me to see. I looked up at him to see he was watching me staring, winking at me as I turned red in the face and ran towards Emily’s room, turning back just in time to see him walk in to the bathroom.


People were everywhere, anyway I turned, someone would be right there, a drink in their hand, and just about screaming at each other to hear over the music. We had been here ten minutes, and I’d already lost Emily. Weaving through the bodies, I tried to find someone I knew. I reached what looked like the kitchen, where people were lining up shots of tequila. I heard someone call out my name suddenly. I turned around looking to find who called my name, when a hand closed around my wrist and pulled me into the kitchen. It was Ashton, a big smile across his face, and a look in his eyes that reminded me of a little kid with a lollipop.

“I’m glad you’re here Sienna. Have a shot with me?” His breath reeked of alcohol and before I could say anything, he was pressing the shot glass to my lips. I swallowed back the shot, hearing the cheers from the people around me, calling out “again”. Another shot was pressed to my lips before the first was fully down. Again I swallowed back the second shot. After another three shots, I couldn’t take anymore.

“Where’s Emily?” I yelled towards Ashton. He shrugged and shook his head.

“Haven’t seen her” he yelled back.

“I’m gonna go find her” I called back. I felt Ashton close his arm around my waist before I even moved.

“One more shot with me first” He said into my ear, the shot already at my lips. I quickly swallowed it back and ran off before they could get another to my lips. I wandered around the house, people handing me drinks along the way. I finally found myself out in the back yard, no Emily still in sight. I could feel my head pounding in my head, and my legs aching. Where could she be? My body began to shake, and I realised I was laughing, for no reason at all.

“What are you laughing at?” A voice behind me made me stop. I turn around to see Jake staring at me, a big smile on his face.

“I don’t know actually” I giggle. I can feel my cheeks starting to burn in embarrassment. I watch as Jake shakes his head, a small giggle escaping him that almost makes my legs give out from beneath me.

“How much have you had to drink so far?” His eyes questioning me more than his mouth.

“Umm… I don’t know. Wasn’t exactly counting” My giggling responses made me think I was flirting, and by the look he gave me, told me I was doing just that. He stepped towards me, a few more steps and he was directly in front of me.

“So, how are you feeling?” his hand reached up, brushing my hair behind my ear.

“A little dizzy… But I can’t find your sister” I still wanted to find Emily, but in that moment, I wanted to be with Jake more.

“She’s inside with Ashton at the moment” I could feel the warm of his breath on my face, the smell of alcohol stinging in my nostrils. I could feel my legs wobbling beneath me as his eyes burned into mine, like he could see every single piece of me, of my past.

“Walk with me?” His voice whispering in my ears as I nodded. Jake grabbed my hand, and led me out away from the house.

Ashton’s house was surrounded by bush land, and little tracks led deeper into the trees. Soon enough, we found ourselves alone amongst the trees, far away from prying eyes of people, and the pounding of the music. It was quiet out here, only the light of the moon above the tree tops to guide our path. I watched Jake as we walked, the moon light glistening off his bright blonde hair. My eyes moved to see him watching me. I turned away, my cheeks burning so hot I thought they would burst into flames.

“Sienna?” The sweet sound of his voice made my legs give out beneath me, his arm wrapping around me to hold me up before I hit the ground. I looked at him, his eyes staring right back into mine as he lifted me back up to my feet, but he didn’t let go.

“I like you Sienna” I couldn’t speak, my voice caught in my throat, and all I could do was stare at him. He slowly leaned forward, his breath blowing warmly into my face. Softly his lips pressed against mine. My eyes closed as I felt the warmth of his touch trace my bottom lip, it’s warmth parting my lips. He moved his head again, deepening our kiss as his tongue slide between my parted lips. My arms slowly wrapped around his neck, my finger curling themselves into his hair as he kissed me. He kisses were soft at first, slowly getting rougher every second, and he soon pinned to a tree with his body, his tongue wrestling mine fiercely. I could feel the bark of the tree taring across my back as he pressed himself harder to me, his hands running down my sides to the bottom of my dress, and running them back, pulling my dress up with them. He pressed harder against me, the bulge in his pants digging into my stomach. He pulled me away from the tree quickly and had me lying on the floor in a second, the leave crunching beneath my body, his lips never mine. His body was on top of mine, grinding over me. I was enjoying this, it was a dream come true. This hot guy was kissing me. Suddenly his body shifted above me, and his hand rubbed my most private part. A gasp in the back of my throat made him kiss me harder. The feel of his hand there made me no long feel intoxicated, and the realisation came to me of what was happening. No. Not here. Not on the ground in the middle of the bush! Softly he brushed my panties to the side, his finger grazing the apex between my legs, my eyes shooting open with a gasp, making me break our kiss.

“No Jake. Not here” I was breathless beneath him.

“Come on baby. You know you want too” His voice sounded as breathless as mine, his lips kissing up my neck, to the bottom of my jaw. My eyes closed slowly as I arched my head back with his kisses. I wanted more, but not here. I heard his fly zip down, and my eyes shot open again. I moved my neck away from his touch.

“Jake, I said no” I said sternly.

“Why not?” He was angry, his voice booming loudly in my ear, the look in his eyes were dark. I felt myself begin to shake.

“I want to but not here Jake” My voice was shaken, like the rest of my body. I wanted Emily. She’d know what to do right now. I watched as a sly grin spread across his face. He lent towards me and softly kissed my shoulder, then the bottom of neck. I felt my self loosen beneath his touch. He kissed up my neck to my jaw line again, his body moving back on top of mine as he softly kissed my lips. I felt his hands move up along my sides, following down my arms and resting on my wrists as he moved them above my head. He kissed me harder as he trapped both my hands under on of his, his other hand moving back down my body to between my legs. He was trying again. I tried to move from beneath him, but his body held me down. His lips crushed against mine didn’t allow me to protest, and my arms were trapped beneath his hand, not allowing my to push him away. I was stuck. His lips suddenly left mine as he pushed himself up to an angle, and I knew what he was doing.

“Jake, please. Don’t. No…” I screamed out in a mix of both pleasure and pain, and it was too late to stop him. He was inside me. I could feel the burning between my legs as he stretch me out. I could feel the tears stinging behind my eyes. He moved softly, easing in and out of me, and I didn’t know whether to enjoy it, or fight against him to get him off. I struggled beneath him, twisting my body to get him off me, each turn pulling at my insides making me crying out.

“Jake, please” I cried, the tears pouring out from my eyes as I looked up at him, his eyes gleaming in pleasure as he watched me struggle beneath him. He pushed himself deeper inside me, lowering his body to whisper in my ear.

“You said you want to Sienna, so we are” He pulled back and slammed deeper into me, making my cry out louder. I let my body fall limp to him, the sounds of my cries being the only response I would let. He fucked me harder, and I begged for someone to hear me, but I knew they wouldn’t.

It felt like hours had gone by before his body crash back on top of mine. I felt his hand loosen from around mine, his body heaving against me. He finished. My eyes stung with tears, my hands balling up into fists with anger. His body lifted from mine, and I listened as he zipped his pants up. My body laid still, I didn’t want to move yet. Jake lent back over me, his lips softly pressing to my wet cheek in a small kiss before moving his lips to my ear.

“Tell anyone, and I will hurt you worse then this” He got up and walked back along the path we followed, back towards the house. I laid there for what felt like hours, but could only have been a few minutes. My tears had stopped, and I began to ache all over. Pain surged through my body as I moved to stand up. I winced in pain as I walked slowly back towards the house. I wanted to find Emily. I wanted to find her so we could leave.

Looking For Emily

Back at the house, people were still every where, each one either leaning against something, sitting down, or falling over. I walked through them quietly, my eyes searching the crowd for Emily. Across the room, I spotted Ashton and Jake’s words suddenly rang in my head: ‘She’s inside with Ashton at the moment’. My eyes begun to sting again. No. Don’t think about it. I walked quickly over to Ashton who greeted me with a big smile as I reached him.


“Where’s Emily, Ashton?” His smile disappeared as I spoke.

“She went with Adam down the hall…” I took off towards the hallway before he could say anything else, bumping into someone as I went.

“Woah, watch where your going Sienna” Adam looked down at me, his hands on my shoulders, and a scared look in his eyes.

“Where’s Emily? I thought she was with you?” His eyes looked away from mine, his breath getting heavier before he spoke.

“She’s in the bathroom. Someone spilt their drink on her…” Again I took off towards the hall. There were three doors along the hallway, only one of which was closed. The bathroom was empty and so was the other room. Risking catching someone in the act, I wandered in the room where the door was closed. The light was turned off when I entered, and searching the wall for the light switch appeared useless. I walked the room in the dark, stubbing my toe on what felt to be the bed, and falling to the ground, landing on something hard and pointed that dig into my side. I felt around me, and managed to find a small table with a lamp. The light blinded me as I switch it on. Looking down, I found it was a bright pink stiletto I had fallen on, the exact same ones as what Emily had worn to the party. Looking up at the bed, I found her…

Her body was cold, and covered in blood from her neck, a white sheet draped across it, her eyes wide open staring up at the ceiling. A bloody metal photo frame holding a picture of a baby laid next to her on the bed. I reached out to touch her, only I couldn’t. I couldn’t move, my heart pounding through my ribs as my chest heaved with each breath. A piercing scream suddenly filled my ears as someone burst through the door.


It was a blur of colours after that. The red and the blue lights flashing in my eyes. Someone guided me out of the room, but I couldn’t tear my eyes from Emily. I was taken from the house, out into the cold night air. Jake was crying on the grass, Ashton with him. They both looked at me, watching as I was led out to the street. Christy rushed passed me. I watched as she ran to Jake, holding him in her arms as he watched me. His eyes burned mine, accusing me, asking me… Reminding me. I felt myself begin to shake, my head getting dizzy, my legs wobbling beneath me, my eyes stinging, burning as the tears filled my eyes… Then nothing.


Grandma stayed with me that night. Laying in my bed bedside me, hushing me as wept in grief, in fear… I was the one to find her, to see her. The rest of the night, Jake’s eyes burned me, and I knew I wouldn’t sleep.

For the next few days, grandma let me be, knowing that Emily’s death had brought back the memories of the people I had already lost; Grandpa’s the most.


I was eleven when Grandpa died of a heart attack. Grandpa and I were down in his bar room playing ‘Go Fish’ on the glass table that had been set up for us to play on. I had noticed Grandpa rubbing his chest a lot during the game, but when I asked him if he was ok, he said he was fine, that he just needed a drink of water. He asked me to run up the stairs to get him a glass of water. I said ‘fine, but no peaking at my cards Grandpa”. I was half way up the stairs when I heard a big crash, and the sound of glass smashing against the floor. I quickly ran back down the stairs to find Grandpa lying oh his stomach, his hand over his heart, on the now smashed table. Blood slowly began to spread around him on the carpet. I couldn’t move or speak, my chest heaving heavily as I took in a deep breath and let out the loudest scream I could. Tears begun to stream down my cheeks as Gran burst in through the back door, my eyes glued to Grandpa’s body. Grandma had took Grandpa’s death in stride. After the funeral, we’d spend every night for months looking through all the photos of Grandpa and telling the memory of the image we held. Eventually, we decided to hang all the photos of him and my parents down in the bar room.


Almost a week had passed and I hadn’t moved from my bed. Grandma would come in several times a day, bringing me food and drinks, checking on me. But I barely said a word, I didn’t eat, and couldn’t sleep. I hadn’t told Grandma about what happened, I couldn’t, but the constant replay of the memory burned at me.

The next day, Grandma left for town, leaving me at home alone. I decided I couldn’t stay still anymore, staying still allowed my mind to sit on the memories. I wandered the house, recalling my childhood of running the hall ways, and chasing Grandpa up and down the stairs.

My grandparents’ owned a large farm with 50 acres of land which they used as a reserve park for homeless and injured animals saved by the RSPCA, and an old, red brick three story house that was built half into the side of a hill. Only the top level could be seen from the front of the house, but at the back, you could see all three floors. The back walls of the house were also made from glass, since it was such a secluded area, no one would see inside the house. Grandpa decided it was a great idea because it would allow the light in a lot more and we would save on so much electricity. The top floor of the house held the kitchen, dining room, and a large entertainment area with a large flat screen T.V, 18 speakers surround sound, a large stereo connected to a computer that held all the music and movies you could think of, and three reclining chairs as well as the stairs that led down to the middle floor. The second floor had five rooms, three of which were actually used as bedrooms, another used as a ladies parlour for gran and the last as a home schooling room, where grandma and grandpa would teach me to read, write, and calculate since we lived so far from town. The last room at the end of the hallway was mine. It was huge with a wall-length walk-in wardrobe, a king-size double bed, couch, TV and TV cabinet, study desk and a bathroom with a spa and large shower with 8 jets that spray out water from the sides of the walls. Half way down the hallway are another set of stairs that lead down to the last floor. The bottom floor is Grandpa’s bar room, where he and a few of his friends would go to watch the footy and drink beers. At the far end of the room, double glass doors lead out into Grandma’s garden that’s filled with vegetables, and flowers of all sorts and colours.

Telling Grandma

I found myself in the kitchen in front of the sink with a glass of water when Grandma arrived home. I watched as she came in the door, her long silver hair pulled back in a plait. She wore a full length short sleeved crimson dress and her little red slip on shoes. I watched as she brought in two bags of shopping, and sat them on the grey stone bench top. I moved forward and began to help Grandma put the shopping away. We did it in silence, moving around each other.

“Would you like a tea, dear?” Grandma’s voice was soft as she asked, moving over to turn the silver kettle on.

“Yes please, Grandma” I said, leaning against the bench top. I watched as Grandma moved around, getting cups, and the milk.

“How are you feeling today sweet heart?” She said as she poured the hot water into the mugs.

“A little better, thanks Grandma. I had to move from my bed… Get my mind of things” I felt the memories coming back, quickly shaking them away before they got to close.

“I have to say it is nice to have you up and around. Come talk to me” Grandma handed me my cup before walking into the dining room and pulling out a chair, while I quietly followed. I sat down next to her and looked at my cup. I still wasn’t sure about telling her yet, though I knew I should.

“I went to the doctors today” Grandma’s words made me look at her.

“And what did they say?” Grandma had been diagnosed with Metastatic brain tumours when I was 14 years old. I had just started high school that year.

Grandma looked down, her hands covered her cup. She took it a deep breath before looking up at me.

“He said I should be good for a while yet, his just really upset at the fact they can’t operate”.

I looked down at my own cup before taking a quick sip, the hot liquid burning as it slide down my throat. It was silent for a moment as we both stared down at our cups.

“Grandma, there’s something I need to tell you” the words were already out of my mouth before I could stop them, and now I knew I had to tell her, she was watching me, her bright blue eyes capturing me, questioning what was wrong. I took a deep breath in, slowly allowing the air to escape my lungs.

“That night, Emily wasn’t the only one who got hurt” I stared down at my cup as I spoke, not wanting to look into Grandma’s eyes, and think of how to piece my words together. “Her older brother, Jake, he… umm…” I could feel the memory coming back, stinging in my brain as the pain spread around my body, especially down below. “He… raped me…” My voice was almost a whisper, yet when I looked at Grandma, she looked like she had just been punched in the face, her eyes welling up with tears, as water trickled down mine. It felt like forever before she spoke.

“Did he…? In you?” her voice was a whisper and all I could do was nod. Tears streamed from her eyes as she leaned over and hugged me tightly. We sat there for hours as I told her what happened, the memory burning in my head.


Another week passed by in a blur. I didn’t return to school, I couldn’t stand the thought of sitting in all the rooms I had with Emily without her, and I didn’t go to her funeral, the thought of seeing him made me shiver. The police had found Adam guilty of murdering Emily, and had to attend court for sentencing within the following week. He was given 20 years imprisonment. I had begun to feel really sick to the stomach that week, often throwing up each morning. Grandma decided that I should do a pregnancy test. I had sat next to her on the couch holding her hand as tight as I could as we waited the three minutes for the result. It had felt like the longest three minutes of my life before the small plus sign appeared on the stick. Positive. I was pregnant.

“What do you want to do?” Grandma’s voice was soft, questioning my thoughts. I looked from the stick to her, then back again. I could feel my breathe caught in my throat and I couldn’t speak. I sat there silently staring at the stick until I could talk again.

“I don’t know” My voice the slightest of a whisper.

Grandma said she would support me in whatever choice I made.


Grandma stayed in my bed again that night. I woke up later that night to the sound of a thump in the hallway. I looked beside me to find Grandma no longer there. I rushed out of my bed and in to the hallway. At the other end, just below the stairs, Grandma’s body crumpled in a heap. I ran towards her, calling out to her, but not a sound heard back. Reaching her side, tears begun to sting at my eyes. Her long, silver hair, now matted in thick red blood from her scalp, her hand bleeding from the glass now smashed on the floor, water pooled around her hand. I rushed up the stairs, and snatched the phone off the kitchen bench. I bounded back down the stairs, dialling 911 as I went. Back at Grandma’s side, I waited for someone to answer.

“911 emergency line, how may I help you?” A women’s voice sounded softly through the phone.

“I need an ambulance to 836 Lilac Road immediately. My Grandmother has fallen down the stairs, and she’s bleeding from the head” My voice was rushed as I breathed heavily, my panic rising the longer I saw the blood.

“An ambulance will be there in about 15 minutes…” I hung up the phone, feeling for a pulse in her neck. I broke down in loud sobs… She was gone.


After another set of flashing red and blue lights blurred past and disappeared, I was left alone, the house suddenly feeling cold and empty. I didn’t sleep after that, the doctors words ringing in my head over and over; “The tumours erupted in her brain, killing her instantly.” He had organised for the them to be removed next week earlier that day. He was going to ring her in the morning…

Seeing The Doctor

Grandma left everything to me, the house, the car, the land… Everything. I spent the next three days curled up on the couch, staring out the window. I felt alone.

I still hadn’t decided what I was going to do, but feeling so alone, I decided.

The next day I made an appointment at the doctors, and drove in.


Dr. Lexas was tall, with short curly blonde hair that reminded me of Jake. He was mid-twenties, with big brown eyes and the most toned body I’d seen. He wore a short sleeved navy blue t-shirt and blue jeans beneath a big white coat.

“Well, as you can hear, the foetus now has a heart beat and it is developing well” he said, he moved a white stick across my stomach, a small speaker in his other hand giving out a loud dudum dudum. Listening to the sound of it’s heart beat, I suddenly felt a warmth around me. My hands moving to cover my stomach in protection. A smile slowly spreading across my face as I looked down at my hands, a tear slipping out my eye as a small laugh escaped my lips. Dr. Lexas smiled, watching me.

“A couple of months and I will be able to tell you the sex” his voice light, not wanting to disturb my burst of happiness. “How ’bout we organise your next appointment? And I will grab some books for you to read that will tell you about pregnancy, and child birth”.

I smiled at him, nodding my head, my voice lost beneath my joy.


Dr. Lexas, had been Grandma’s doctor, and knowing that I had no one to help me through the pregnancy and to teach me how to take care of a baby, also signed me up to take some birthing classes that would show me how to do everything I needed to know.

“Now, the classes are on Wednesdays at 10:30, so you will have to be there by then tomorrow, ok?” he said, a gentle smile on his face as I still stared down at my belly. I left the medical centre after that and drove home, sitting up late that night to read one of the books Dr. Lexus had given me about the stages of pregnancy.

The next morning I woke up at 8:30 having the need to be sick. I had read about morning sickness last night and rushed myself to the bathroom just in time for me puke into the toilet bowl. I took myself a quick shower and dressed myself in a pair of black skinny leg jeans, a short sleeved red hooded shirt and black flats, before grabbing the car keys, locking up the house and headed to town.


Meeting Someone New

I pulled my commodore into the last parking space left. I turned off the engine, and got out of the car. The family center was an old red brick building, with a large grassed area out the front. I watched as a couple with a toddler ran around, chasing each other. I walked to the foot path that led to the glass sliding doors to enter the building. As the doors opened, a cold gush of air blew across my face. The walls were white inside, a front desk sat to the left of me, an older looking lady with red framed glasses and silver hair sat behind the desk reading a book. I walked over as she looked up at me.

“Can I help you dear?” her voice was sweet as she spoke to me, putting down her book.

“Umm… I’m here for a pregnancy/birthing class” My voice sounded shaky to me, but she answered me kindly.

“Yes, it’s just down the corridor, the second last door on the left. It should have a sign on it saying ’Birthing Class’” I thanked her and followed her directions. The door was wide open when I walked in. The room was bright, with light blue walls and carpet to match. Pictures of babies covered the wall across from, with a banner saying ’Welcoming to the World’. Five other people were here already. Two couples were talking to each other against the back wall. The other person, a light brown haired girl, stood looking at the pictures of all the babies. She wore black tracksuit pants and a light green tank top, her hair falling down around her shoulders. I walked towards her, pretending to looking at the pictures.

“They’re cute aren’t they?” Her voice was soft as she spoke. I turned to look at her, but she was already looking at me, a soft smile on her face.

“Yes, I suppose they are” I replied, smiling back at her. Her brown eyes sparkled as her smile grew.

“I’m Christan Browne” She held her hand out for me to shake. I shook her hand back.

“Sienna Ryan”

“Nice to meet you” She looked around before continuing to speak.

“You here by yourself?” I nodded slowly.

“You?” She nodded back.

“Welcome my class!” I large lady walked in the door, her voice booming around the room.

“Please find somewhere comfortable to sit, and we will begin”

“Sit next to me?” Christan asked as she walked over to the corner and grabbing a couple of bean bags and putting them in front of the lady. I joined Christan, smiling as we both got comfortable. The lady before us smiled at us and begun the lesson.

“Now before we begin, I would like us to go around the room and introduce ourselves to everyone and just say a little something about your little beings. So to start off; Hello everyone, I am Amanda, I will be running this class, and while I myself am not pregnant, I have three children. Who would like to go next?”

A lady from one of the couples stood up. She had bright red hair that was flowing down over her shoulders, reaching the top of her very large belly. A man stood along side her, with dark brown hair, and deep blue eyes that shined even brighter compared to his navy blue sweater and dark blue jeans.

“Hi everyone” The woman said, a big grin spread across her face.

“I am Tiffany, and this is my partner Ryan. We have been trying to conceive for the last four years, and are proud to be having a little baby boy, who we have named Levi” Together they sat back down as the next couple rose. They both had dark brown hair, and just like Tiffany, the woman also had a rather large belly.

“Hi everyone, I am James and this is my partner Jacinta, and we are having a little baby girl, who we have just decided to call Ebony” The man spoke. As he and Jacinta took their seats again, I noticed Amanda looking toward Christan and I. In fact, everyone was, wondering who would go next. Slowly, I rose from my bean bag and turned to face everyone.

“Hi everyone” My voice felt so weak to me, yet I hoped was loud enough for everyone to hear.

“I’m Sienna. I have only just found out I was pregnant, so I don’t know the sex yet..”

I turned to take my seat.

“Where’s the father?” Tiffany called out towards me. I turned back to face her.

“Umm… I don’t know” My throat clenched as I spoke, trying to stop the words coming out as I thought to Jake, my heart pounding in my chest. I quickly fell myself to the beanbag before anyone tried to pry further into my pregnancy. Christan stood up as soon as I was seated.

“I’m Christan, and my babies father wants nothing to with ’it’ so his not here” She said quickly, earning shocked faces from Jacinta and Tiffany, before taking her seat beside me. All was quiet, before Amanda cleared her through and begun the class.

She spoke to us about eating healthy and all the things we should and shouldn’t eat. I took notes as I listened.


After class, Christan and I walked out the car park together, having organised to go and have some lunch together. Christan didn’t have a car, so we went in mine. We drove to a small café on the other side of town, and ordered a couple of salads, with fruit juice. While we waited for our food to come, we got to know each other.


Christan was 18. She was currently two months pregnant and single. She fell pregnant after being raped by her boyfriend’s best friend, but when she refused to get rid of the baby, her parents threw her out. When she told her boyfriend the news of her pregnancy, he left her. She found a refugee where she was currently staying, but was finding herself becoming bankrupt due the cost of staying there.

“You know, I live in big house all by myself… Why don’t you come stay with me? Until you get back on your feet” I said. I really felt sorry for this girl, and wanted to help.

“Really?” her voice was so soft as she spoke, her eyes still welled up with tears.

“Yeah, I really mean it” I smiled at her, making her smile back at me.

“So what about you?” She asked as our food arrived.

“What about me?” I answered taking a mouthful of my salad.

“What’s your story? How did you come to live in a house all by yourself and be pregnant?” She asked smiling at me. I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt that I could tell Christan anything, and she wouldn’t judge me. So I told her; about the party, what Jake did to me, and how I found Emily, even about Gran. By the end, we were both had tears rolling down our cheeks.

“Oh my god. I’m so sorry Sienna” She whispered shaking her head. I tried to give her a soft smile, not really sure whether or not I succeeded until Christan returned the smile.

“So, where’s your parents then?“ She asked after a while. I had been waiting for this question. It was the question I was always asked.

“They died in a car accident when I was three. Head on collision with a truck on the way to come get me from Gran’s” I answered. I don’t really remember them but Gran always showed me pictures of them.

“Oh, sorry…” She said quietly.

“It’s fine. Everyone always asks me about them” I smiled reassuring at her, to which she returned. Together we finished off our lunch, and I drove her to the refugee to collect her belongings before we went home.

Caught Out

Christan’s eyes widened in amazement as I showed her around the house.

“Your house is huge!” She exclaimed as I led her to the spare room.

“This room is for you” I said, opening the door to baby blue coloured room. It was the same size as mine, and styled all the same. Christan’s mouth dropped when saw the room.

“This is for me?” She squeaked.

“Yeah, it’s the spare room, but no one’s stayed in here since Grandpa died” I hoped my voice sounded neutral, cause at the sound of saying grandpa, I felt like bursting. Christan turned towards me, a smile spread on her face.

“Thank you so much, Sienna” She said before giving me a big hug. I helped Christan unpack her belongings, and together we went up to watch ‘What to Expect When You’re  Expecting’ (ironic right?) before starting on dinner.


I enjoyed having Christen around, we did everything together. We maintained Grandma’s garden, and eventually even cleaned out Grandma and Grandpa’s room, adding Grandma’s pictures to the wall down stairs. We attended our weekly baby class, and went to every doctors appointment together. We even organised a car for to drive.


A few weeks had passed when Christan suddenly locked herself in her room. She hadn’t been out in days. I tried to leave her be, knowing she would come out when she was ready, but she wasn’t eating, and so I got worried.


I knocked on her door, but she didn’t answer. Slowly I turned the door handle, surprise when it turned fully and begun to creak open. It wasn’t locked. I crept inside, shutting the door behind me. I looked about the room. Cans and bottles were scattered across the floor, each one labelled as either Jack Daniels or Jim Beam. Christan was curled up on her bed, a bottle of Jim Beam in her hand and tears streaming down her face. She looked a mess. Her eyes were blood shot and had dark bags underneath like she hadn’t slept in weeks, her skin was pale and her clothes and alcohol stains on them. I approached her slowly, easing myself on to the bed next to her.

“Christan?” I spoke softly. She looked up at me slowly as more tears ran down her face.

“I saw him” her slurred.

“Saw who?” I asked.

“Riley” Riley was Christan’s ex-boyfriend.

“He was with someone” She continued, crying even harder.

“I’m so sorry Christan” I said, moving up closer so she cuddle into me.

“You need to forget him, Christan. His not worth your tears. No boy is worth your tears. If can’t see what his walked out on then that’s his fault” I said, holding her close.

“I can’t do it anymore, Sienna” She cried.

“Yes you can, you’re a strong girl, and your not alone, I’m here for you, and soon you will have a little baby who will love you more then anyone else”.

Christan looked up at me through drooping eyes.

“But you need to stop this” I said gesturing to the bottle still in her hand. She looked down at the bottle.

“Not only for yourself but for your baby” I continued.


Christan eventually stopped crying and got up from the bed and walked over to a small bin beside her bathroom door before dropping the bottle into it. She turned around to face me as I smiled at her. I got up and hugged her.

“Now lets get you cleaned up” I said, talking her into the bathroom and running her bath. While she washed up, I wandered around cleaning her room, and changing her sheets, before getting her some food. Together we curled up in her bed and got some sleep.


I woke the next more the sound of running water. It was Christan in the shower. She was up early. I climbed out of her bed and made my way up the stairs to the kitchen, turning on the kettle and wandering around to get a couple of cups and the milk to make us a cuppa each. By the time I finished making our coffee’s, Christan was bounding up the stairs.  I handed her a cup as she walked in.

“Thanks” She said taking the cup and having a sip.

“How did you sleep?” I asked.

“Better then ever. I still feel a little groggy but, I will be ok. You?”

“I slept fine. Still asleep though” I giggled. Christan smiled back at me.

“Ok, so why don’t you go have a shower, and I will make us some breakfast before we go” It was baby class day, and we didn’t go last week so we had to go this week.

“Sounds good. I’ll be back” I said as I trudged back down stairs and off to my room.


After our baby class, Christan and I decided to go a little shopping for baby stuff. Since neither of us wanted to know the sex of our baby until they were born, we only got a couple of uni-sex outfits for the babies to come home in, and some baby essentials.


We decided to take apart my old learning room and turn that into the baby room. We spent the rest of the day moving out all the old furniture so we could move in some of the new stuff. When we had finished, neither of us could be bothered cooking, so Christan decided to go get some take out.


I was curled up on my rocking chair watching Dark Shadows when I heard Christan pull up. I continued watching the movie until I heard the front door slam open. I jumped up in surprise, and rushed towards the front door. Christan stumbled towards me, a drunk guy hanging off her.

Christan's Brother

I rushed to help Christan, grabbing the other side of the drunk guy.

“Take him to the lounge room” Christan said almost out of breath. We dragged him to the lounge room and dropped him on one of the chairs.

Christan ran back out of the room before I could say anything. I followed her out to the kitchen.

“Christan, who the hell is that?” I asked sternly.

“That’s Ethan” she answered.

“Who’s Ethan?” I asked.

“My brother” she answered, looking at me like I had forgotten something.

“I didn’t know you had a brother” I said.

“Yeah, his four years older then me”

“Ok so what’s he doing here?”

“I found him stumbling across the road, well rather I almost hit him, not found him”

I sighed and walked back into the lounge room. I looked and the brown haired guy passed out on the rocking chair. Him and Christan did look a like. The hair colour was the same, as well as the light tan skin tone. His hair was short, but still came down across his face. Ethan’s head was dropped to his left shoulder, his body slumped down. His grey v-neck shirt crumpled up enough I could see the hairs of his snail trail. His body looked toned with a nice 6-pack. He wore a pair of dark blue baggy jeans and a pair of black boots that looked brand new. Both his hands were cut up around the knuckles like he had punched something, or someone, really hard. I walked back out of the room and down the stairs to my bathroom, returning with a bowl of warm water, anti-septic wash, a bag of cotton balls, and a couple of bandages. I cleaned all the blood of his hands, being careful not to wake him up, before bandaging them up. I grabbed a blanket that I had curled around me earlier and draped it over him. Christan was still in the kitchen laying out the food she had bought for dinner. She bought us KFC. I grabbed my box of chips, pop corn chicken, mash potato and gravy, and a drink and returned to lounge room. Christan joined me and together we watched the rest of Dark Shadows before heading off to bed.


I woke up early the next day. I climbed out of bed, had my usual morning sickness into the toilet, hoped into the shower and getting dressed in a nice black and white floral dress that tied up around my neck and went all the way to the floor. My belly was showing and all my pants were starting to get too tight. I left my hair down in waves down my back. Slowly I made my way up across the hallway. Christan’s door was still closed, but I could hear the shower running. I made my way up the stairs to the kitchen. I moved straight to the kettle flicking it on and grabbing a couple of cups out before turning around and getting scared out of my skin.

“Oh My God!!” I yelled, as I jumped, my hand going straight over my heart. At the other end of the kitchen stood Ethan in just his jeans, no shirt. He held a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. His hair was damp around his face, and his brown eyes sparkled as he stared at me.

“Morning” He said with a smile on his face. His voice was sweet, but strong, that my knee’s felt like they’d go weak.

“Hi” My voice sounded so shaky to me that I begun to feel my cheeks getting hot. I quickly moved to the fridge to get out the milk. I moved back to the bench, the whole time feeling Ethan’s eyes on me. I quickly finished making mine and Christan’s cup of coffee. I picked mine up and lent my back up against the bench, looking at Ethan as he stared at me. His soft red lips curved up into a smile. His hands were cupped around his cup in front of him, sitting just above his belly button. I took in his body. He was nicely muscled. A firm 6-pack, nicely shaped chest muscles, and ripped biceps. I wanted to feel each muscle, run my hands of each one.

“You have a very nice house” His voice shocked me out of my thoughts. I looked up to his face to see him still looking at me. My cheeks boiled beneath my skin in embarrassment.

I looked down at my cup before answering.

“Thanks” My voice was sounding a little bit more normal this time. I suddenly heard Christan coming up the stairs, picking up her cup and holding it out for her to grab as she walked in.

“Ooh, thank you very much. I need some coffee” She walked straight over to Ethan giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Good Morning Ethan” Her voice had a light bouncy tone to it. She lent back against bench across from me and had a sip of her coffee. She was also dressed in a dress today. Her’s was a blue and black dress that flowed down to the floor and also tied up around her neck. Even though the dress was loose, it still pulled tight around her belly. Christan was only a few weeks more into her pregnancy, but her belly looked so much more bigger than mine.

“Oh” Christan suddenly called, her hand moving to her stomach.

“Do you like my coffee, baby?” She said talking down to her belly. I looked at her in confusion, which she noticed when she looked up at me with a large smile spread across her face.

“It’s kicking!” She exclaimed. I quickly moved over to her, place my hand over her stomach. I felt something pushing up into my hand. I giggled in response.

“Wow. That feels so weird” I said. Ethan moved his hand onto her stomach. A joyful laugh escaped Ethan’s lips.

“I can’t believe my little sister is going to be a mum” He said looking at his little sister. Christan smiled up at him. Quietly, I moved away, and made my into the lounge room. I needed to sit down. My back was already begin to ache. Christan and Ethan soon joined me, and Ethan begun to tell us how he ended up wandering across the street.

Ethan's Story

He had just finished work and got home, where his girlfriend, Melissa, was waiting. He had only just walked in the door when she said they needed to talk. She told him she was pregnant. Ethan was over the moon, but that all changed in a heartbeat.

“It’s not yours” She said. Ethan’s best friend, James, walked out from in their room. He moved over to Melissa and place his hand over her stomach as she smiled up at him. In a rage, Ethan had got up and begun to lay punches into James, while she screamed for him to stop. Eventually Ethan stopped, and ran out of the house. He went to the closest bar and started to drink. He drank away all the money he had left on him, until the bar refused to serve him. That’s when he had stumbled across the road on the search for a new bar, but Christan had almost hit him, and brought him back here.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry Ethan” Christan hugged him and tears started to well up in his eyes.

“I’ll be fine” He said, tapping his sister on the shoulder to tell her to let go.

“I just got to find somewhere new to live now, since they’re going to need the house” I felt sorry for him, and with a second thought…

“You can stay if you need” I shocked myself with my words, but I knew I meant it. Ethan looked at me, his brown eyes softening my heart.

“Really?” He asked. I nodded in response.

“We could use a man in the house, anyway, since we can’t do any lifting and stuff” I answered. He smiled at me and moved over towards me. Slowly he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. It took me a moment to register what he was doing, but when I did, I wrapped my arms around him. His arms got tighter when we felt me hug him back. He smelt really good, like the ocean, which I realised must have been Christan’s body spray.

“Thank you Sienna” He whispered before letting me go. We then organised for Christan to drive him back into town to go get his belongings while I set up Gran’s old room for him to stay in. I didn’t quiet know how I felt about him staying in there, but I knew I’d get used to it.


Ethan worked as a mechanic at the local garage in town, so he left early the next morning to go to work, which left me and Christan to go do some food shopping.


Grandma and Grandpa had left me enough money to support myself for a while, so me and Christan didn’t have to work, and had paid all the bills for a year, so I didn’t have to worry about that either.


So together Christan and I loaded ourselves into my commodore and we headed off into town. We got all the foods we thought we would need for a week, since there was now another mouth to feed, then decided to get some more baby stuff. Together we picked out matching basinets, cots, toys, and clothes.


We were looking at baby strollers when I heard him. His voice started up my heart, it thumping in my chest in fear. I looked out of the aisle I was in to the one across from it. There he was. Smiling and talking with a girl in front of him. Jake. They were playing around, pushing each other while they browsed the shelves. I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes.

“Hey Sienna, what about these ones?” Christan called out to me. At the sound of my name, Jake span around and looked at me. His eyes piercing into mine and glaring at me with nothing but pain, angry, blame and… Shock. In a second he charged towards me, and my heart began to pound out of fear.

“What the fuck is that?” He called out as he reached me, pointing at my stomach. Fear had closed up my throat and my voice disappeared in my fear.

“Quiet obviously, it’s a pregnant belly” Christan said noticing I wasn’t going to answer.

“I wasn’t asking you!” He spat back, his eyes never leaving me for a second.

“Well I’m telling you, now back the fuck up!” Christan spat back at him, her hand pushing him back until he grabbed her wrist. Christan’s gasp in pain shocked me out of me fear.

“Take your hands off her!” I spat. Anger sparked up in me, and in that moment, I wanted nothing more then to hurt him. Jake stared at me, his grip still around Christan’s arm.

“Answer me first” he said, a stern look on his face.

“’That would be your child!” I yelled. His face fell to complete shock. His grip tightening on Christan’s arm before dropping it completely.

“You have no proof” He finally whispered. A smirk grew across my face.

“I have all the proof I could ever need” I replied, grabbing Christan and begun to walk away.

“Oh, and don’t worry. You will never have anything to do with this child” I yelled back at him as we exited the shop.

When we got home, we unpacked the shopping and took all the baby stuff down to the baby room. We left the basinets in the boxes, thinking we could get Ethan to set them up when he got home. I decided that we should wash all the baby stuff first before we put it all away, so I took it all to the laundry and put on a load. As I walked back up the stairs I began to think that we should paint the baby room, make it look a bit more… Babyish. Christan was up in the lounge room putting on a movie for us to watch.

“Hey Christan, what do you think about painting the baby room?” I asked. She turned and looked at me, a big smile on her face. She nodded quickly, before running to get some paper and pens.

“Here, we can put down our ideas on this” She said handing me some paper and a couple of coloured pens.

“And maybe draw how we think we could set out the room with all the furniture” I could tell Christan was really excited. She had told me a while ago how she would of set out her baby room, but since we were going to share, we needed to suit it to the both of us. We sat down in our chairs, and while we watched The Vow, we wrote down our ideas for the paint, and how to set out the room. After the movie, we both explained how we thought we should do the room. Since neither of us knew what we were having, we decided we should paint all the walls yellow, with my idea of painting a tree with owls sitting on the branches on the two side walls, with brown curtains to tie it together. It was really easy to place everything around the room since the closet was place in the joining bathroom. We decided that the basinets would go on the opposite sides of the room, under where we would paint the trees. One change table would go up next to the windows, whereas the other one would go in the bathroom for after we gave them a bath. We already had two little cupboards on either side of the change table that was filled with nappies and wipes. A small bin was placed underneath the change table for the dirty nappies and wipes.


We were excited to tell Ethan about our plans that as soon as he got home we rushed to tell him. We showed him how we would set it out, and he really liked our ideas and was keen to help. It was the start of the weekend so we decided that the next morning, we would do an early run into town for the paint, and start doing the walls.

Bed Crawling

By the end of the weekend, the baby room looked amazing. We were all really proud of the work we did, and finally the room was all set up.

That night we all curled up together and watched Frankenweenie before heading off to bed.


I woke up that night suddenly to the fell of someone climbing into my bed next to me.

“Christan?” I asked thinking it would be her.

“No, it’s me” Ethan’s voice softly whispered to me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I couldn’t sleep” He continued as he slowly placed his hand over my belly.

“Christan told me what happened to you. I know that guy, I used to work with him” His voice was soft as he spoke. I begun to feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

“I just want you to know…” He whispered softly.

“That as long as you want me around, I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again”. His words soaked in, and slowly I turned over to face him. The moon light shimmered against his face. He looked so handsome laying next to me. I watched as his mouth slowly opened as he whispered…

“I’m in love with you Sienna. That first day I saw you in the kitchen when I scared you, you stole my heart. You’re the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Then after hearing about everything you’ve been through, and how strong you’ve been, it just made me fall even further for you. I want to be there for you, and your baby. I want to protect you Sienna” Tears streamed down my face at his words, and all I could do was wrap my arms around him and bury my head against his chest. I felt his arms close around me as he pressed his lips to my forehead, kissing it softly. We stayed like that for a while until I could feel my voice back.

“Ethan?” I whispered.

“Yes Sienna” He answered quickly, but quietly.

“Don’t leave me” I whispered. My eyes slowly closing.

“Never” was the last thing I heard him say before I fell back into a deep sleep.


I woke up the next morning to Ethan next to me. I smiled as I watched him sleep. He looked so calm and peaceful, and unbelievably handsome.

“Can you stop watching me sleep?” He asked with smile. I smiled bigger before throwing the covers off me and running to the bathroom for my morning throw up before I climbed in the shower. I got dressed in my full length black maternity dress, tying my hair back in a high ponytail before walking back out into my room. Ethan was sitting up on my bed talking on the phone.

“Yes, I will see you tomorrow” He said before he hung up. He smiled at me as I walked over to him. Carefully he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down onto his lap.

“So what should we do today?” He asked. I looked at him puzzled.

“Don’t you have to work today?” I asked back. He shook his head with a smile.

“Nope, that was my boss on the phone. His given me the day off cause there is only paper work to do today” He answered. I smiled at him.

“Well, Christan and I both have doctors appointments today, want to come?” I asked. He nodded so quickly, looking really excited. Today we get to have an ultrasound and hear the baby’s heart beat. I’ve heard mine a couple of times already, but it still amazes me every time I hear it.

Ethan gave me a quick yet passionate kiss that left me in a daze as he ran to the bathroom for a shower. I giggled as he closed the door behind him before walking out and going up stairs to make us a coffee, but Christan was already there. Just as I walked into the kitchen, I was handed a steaming cup of coffee.

“Oh, thankyou” I said talking my cup and having a sip.

“Your up early today” I continued. She nodded quickly.

“Yes! I’m too excited. I just want to see my little bub!” Excitement filled her voice and I had to giggle.

“Me too!” I exclaimed.

“Ethan’s coming too”

“So guessed after coming in to wake you up and seeing my brother next to you!” She laughed. I went red with embarrassment. A smile spread across my face.

“I knew you two would get together” She continued.

“It was only a matter of time”

“What was only a matter of time?” Ethan asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“You two getting together” answered Christan. Ethan blushed then looked straight to me, a cheeky smile on his face.

“Good, so then I can do this…” he walked straight up to me and planted his lips against mine, kissing my softly, tracing his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. When I granted him access, his tongue softly slipped into my mouth, massaging my tongue with his for a minute before pulling back.

“…In front of you” He finished. Christan started to pull gagging faces.

“Eww… I already threw up once this morning, I don’t want to again” She giggled, watching as Ethan stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, softly tracing his fingers over my stomach. I suddenly felt something push against my ribs from the inside. Then another pushed out against my side. My baby was kicking!! I turned to look at Ethan, the look on his face telling me he felt the kick. I started to giggle as I felt another hand press against my stomach feeling my baby’s kicks.

“You got a strong one in there” Christan said, rubbing her hand around my belly.


We all drove together to the doctors in my car. Christan and I checked in at the front desk and got made to pee in a cup and weighed before we saw the doctor. Christan went first to hear her baby’s heart beat, then me. Both our babies had strong heart beats. Then we had an ultrasound, Dr. Lexus showing us our babies on the monitor.

“Do you want to know the sex?” He asked. Both me and Christan shook our heads. Dr. Lexus laughed before taking a few more pictures and printing them out for us. Christan and I decided we should make a scrap book each of our babies, so after the doctors, we went to the craft shop and bought ourselves everything we thought we would need to make our scrap books.

Uninvited Visitor

Christan and I were up late that night, working on our scrap books and trying to think up names for our baby’s.

“How about; Justin for a boy, and Michelle for a girl?” Christan I asked. I gave her a weird look and shook my head.

“I like Justin, but Michelle, no way” I answered.

“Fine. What do you suggest for a girl?” She frowned.

“I like Lyra-Rose, or Elora” I said smiling. Christan gasped suddenly.

“Oh My God!! I love Elora!! Can I please have it??” She exclaimed. I laughed at her in her excitement.

“Of course” I answered. We were quiet for a moment before Christan spoke up again.

“So what about a boy’s name?” She asked.

“Umm… I was thinking maybe Xaviar? Or Hunter?” I asked back. Christan sat there thinking for a moment. She was just about to answer when we heard the screeching of tyres and a bright light shine in through the lounge room window through the dark blue curtains. We looked at each other, questioning each other at who it might be. Together we both got up and walked to the front door, opening it and peering out. A bright red sports car sat just behind my commodore, headlights on high beam shining towards the lounge room window. I couldn’t recognise the car but was thankful I saw him before he saw me. Jake climbed slowly out the car and staggered towards the house. I quickly shut the door, pressing my back against it as my heart started to beat hard in my chest. Christan looked at me questioningly.

“Go get Ethan” I whispered to her quietly as thump hit me through the door.

“Sienna!!” Jake called out slurring. Slamming his fist against the door as Christan turned to run down the stairs towards my room.

“Sienna! Open this door!!” Jake yelled still banging his fists against the door. Quickly I locked the front door and felt the handle trying to turn. He banged his fist against the door again.

“Sienna I know your there. Open the fucking door!!” he yelled. Quickly I moved myself away from the door and ran to the kitchen just in time to slam into someone’s body.

“Agg….” A hand shot across my mouth as I looked up to Ethan. Tears rolled out of my eyes as I wrapped my arms around him.

“Shh” Ethan whispered into my ear. Christan stood behind him, a worried look spread across her face. Ethan slowly moved me behind him as he walked quietly towards the door. Just as he reached it, the thumping stopped and everything went quiet. Ethan looked towards me, listening carefully to any movement happing on the other side of the door. Suddenly, the lounge room window smashed, making both Christan and I jump. Ethan ran towards the lounge room, Christan and I in tow. Shattered glass was spread across the floor, a brick laying in the middle of the room and right beside, stood Jake. His blond hair a mess, and dark rings circled under his eyes.

Jake starred at me, my heart pounding in my chest, tears still rolling down my cheeks.

“Jake” Ethan called. Jake’s head whipped from me to look at Ethan, a snarl forming on his face as he looked at him.

“Ettthhan” He slurred.

“What are you doing?” Ethan asked. Jake smirked at Ethan before turning to look at me.

“I’m here to take what’s mine!” he smirked. My hand shot over my stomach protectively, my eyes never leaving Jake’s.

“And avenge what has been taken from me” he continued. Jake’s smirked disappeared as his face turned hard, glaring at me in anger.

“I was your fault!” he yelled, taking a step towards me.

“It was because of you! You had to scream!” He yelled louder, taking another step.

“You couldn’t just enjoy it! Could you?” He kept moving towards me, tears spilling down my face.

“No! And now she’s gone!” He spat, a single tear ran down his face. She’s gone! I realised what he was saying.

“Skye…” I whispered. He stopped where he was.

“She heard you! She knew what was happing! And she knew it was me!” He said.

“All because you screamed!” He yelled, taking more steps, closing the distance between us.

“You took her from me! Now… I’m going to take what’s yours!” He yelled pulling a pocket knife from his pocket and charging towards me. I froze. Suddenly, I’m shoved to the side, and falling to the floor as I hear a cry of pain. I turn to see Ethan standing where I had been, Jake’s pocket knife sticking out of his left side while Jake leaned into his body.

“You shouldn’t have done that” Jake whispered in Ethan’s ear, but loud enough for me to hear, as pulled the knife out, pushing Ethan to the ground. I watched in horror as Ethan dropped to the floor. I looked up at Jake as he stood over Ethan looking at me. As he took a step towards me, I scrambled to my feet, running from the room. I quickly ran down stairs, hearing Jake’s steps close behind me the whole way. I dashed along the hallway. I reach my bedroom door in time for me to be ripped back by my hair and slammed against the wall. I cried out in pain as Jake pressed his body against mine, pulling my hair tighter.

“Did you really think you could get away from me?” He smirked, his breath hot against my neck.

“Hmm… It’s too bad for you. You know, I always thought you were special, especially when you would smile at me. It would make me want you bad. Just thinking about it now, makes me want you!” He said, his voice rasping in my ear. He suddenly pressed his lips against mine, kissing me roughly, forcing my mouth open with his. As soon as I felt his tongue touch mine, I took my chance, slamming my mouth shut and biting his tongue hard enough I tasted blood. As he ripped his mouth from mine, pulling his body away from me and releasing my hair, I slammed my knee up, hitting him in his soft spot. Jake dropped to his knees, bringing his head low enough for me to get another shot. I quickly kneed him in the head, the impact loud enough for me to hear. I watched as he fell completely to the floor, his mouth and nose spilling with blood.

I ran back the way I came, seeing Jake’s pocket knife sitting on the staircase. I grabbed it in my rush. I rushed into the lounge room where Christan was holding a bloody tea towel to Ethan’s side.

“I ran the ambulance and the police” Christan said when she seen me. I nodded quickly rushing to her side before hearing the thudding of footsteps up the stairs. I quickly hid against the wall.

“Sienna!” Jake called as he charged towards the lounge room. He stopped just in front of me his back to me, facing Christan as she crouched to protect her brother. With Jake’s pocket knife still in my hand, I threw myself towards him, stabbing his knife into shoulder blade. Jake cried out in pain dropping to the floor once again and trying to reach his arm around to pull the knife out, but it was already to late. The lights were flashing outside and the sirens rang loudly. Two police officers stepped in through the broke window, their guns raised.

I Love You

Jake was arrested for several charges; driving while intoxicated, possession of a weapon with means to harm, break and entering, and causing harm to another. The police even got him for rape, after hearing the whole story about how he came to be here. The paramedics stitched Ethan up on the spot. Thanks to Christan and the tea towel, he didn’t lose to much blood, so he didn’t need to be taken to the hospital. They handed him some antibiotics and told him he’ll need to go to the doctors in the morning to change the dressing and get a doctors certificate to have time off work until his wound healed. After everyone left, I tidied up the house after sending both Christan and Ethan to bed. I picked up all the glass of the floor from the window and made myself a reminder to call the glass people in the morning to get it fixed. After the house was clean, I sat down on the rocking chair. I relaxed for a moment when I felt a little kick under my ribs. I rubbed my hand over my stomach pushing on it’s feet, making bub kick again. I giggled softly.

“It’ll be alright now, baby. He can’t hurt us now.” I whispered softly, still running my fingers over my stomach. I sat up for the rest of the night, talking to my baby. I watched as the sun rose from the broken window, bub still kicking me softly. Softly, I felt arms wrap around me. Turning, I saw it was Ethan. I smiled up at him as he smiled back. I leaned back against him and watched the morning. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, before moving off to get ready for the day. When Christan woke up, we took Ethan to town to see the doctor. The whole town had already heard the news of what happen last night, and including the news of how I came to be pregnant. Ethan was given two weeks off work because of his injury. We decided to take the medical certificate straight to Ethan’s work. His boss wasn’t interested in the medical note, only that he was alright.

“You take as much time off as you need” He said. Ethan’s boss was a short man, with a bald head and a moustache. He was well built though, and had a warm, caring smile for everyone.


It was still early when I made my way to my bedroom for a lay down. I stripped of my clothes down to my matching baby blue and black bra and panties and just laid down in bed when Ethan came in. I watched as he stripped silently to his briefs and laid down beside me. Carefully, he wrapped his arm around me, resting his hand on my stomach, tracing swirls against my bare skin. I giggled as bub began kicking Ethan’s hand from inside me. Ethan laughed with me. I turned to look at him, his eyes already on me. We stared silently at each other, looking into each others eyes. Slowly, our lips touch softly, kissing slowly. I felt Ethan tracing his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for access, which was granted almost instantly. We kissed slowly, our tongues dancing slowly, but as time moved, our kisses begun to get rougher, more passionate, filled with both love and lust. Ethan’s hand ran up and down my body. His hand moved up and begun kneading my boob softly. With the feel of his touch, I could feel my panties starting to get wet. I pressed my body against his, letting out a little moan when I felt his hard cock pressing against my soft spot. Ethan kissed me harder, rubbing my boob a bit more rougher as my hands ran over his chest, moving them lower over his abs and to the waist band of his briefs. I ran my hand softly over his cock through his briefs before bringing my hand back up and slipping my hand inside and wrapping my hand around his dick, stroking him with my hand. Ethan moan against my mouth before taking his lips from mine and kissing my neck, I moaned softly at the feel of his warm breath and lips against my skin. Suddenly my bra was off my body and thrown to the floor as Ethan wrapped his lips around my nipple, sucking and nipping them softly. His hand moved down and begun to rub me through my panties, my moans telling him I like it. I continued to stroke him as his hand moved it to my panties, feeling my nicely shaven pussy, rubbing it softly before pushing a finger inside me. I gasped in pleasure as his finger moved in and out of me. Ethan continued rubbing me, slipping in another finger and working them in and out of me as he worked on my nipples. Suddenly, Ethan stopped, looking at me, searching my eyes for an answer to an unasked question.

I looked back into his questioning eyes before grabbing him by the back of the neck and smashing my lips to his, giving him his answer. We both naked in seconds with Ethan braced over the top of me, his cock positioned against my pussy. Slowly, his lips pressed against mine, kissing me softly as he begun pressing his cock inside me. I gasped out in pleasure as he cock stretched me. With his cock filling me completely he stopped for a moment, allowing me to adjust to his length and thickness. His lips broke away from again as he looked into his eyes.

“I love you Ethan” I whispered softly. A smile begun tugging at the corners of his lips.

“I love you too Sienna” He whispered back with a smile before crashing his lips back against mine as he begun to slowly move himself in and out of me. We begun to kiss more roughly causing him to move more faster. His cock was soon slamming in and out of me making me moan louder and louder, crying out in pleasure. Before long I could feel myself building up from the inside. Ethan fucked me harder, making me moan even louder and with a couple more pumps of his hips, we both moaned out as we came together…

Baby Elora

A few months blurred past. Ethan was at work when Christan’s water broke in the kitchen one morning. Quickly, I rushed Christan out to my car with her hospital bag. When we were both buckled in, I drove her to the hospital, calling Ethan from the road. By the time we reached the hospital, Christan contractions were getting stronger. Ethan met us there. The mid-wife rushed out to meet us with a wheel chair for Christan. We all rushed into the hospital. Ethan and I stayed with her until the end and after 9 hours of labour, Christan gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who had thick brown hair and bright blue eyes. Elora Rose Browne she named her. Ethan and I stayed with her for a couple more hours before heading home to get some sleep.


We got back to the hospital early the next morning. As we entered the maternity ward, we could her Christan yelling for someone to ‘get out’ and ‘keep away from my baby’. Ethan and I ran to Christan’s room to see Christan in tears, holding Elora. A grey haired man was holding his arms out to take Elora from her, while a light brown haired woman told her it was the best for the baby.

“Mum, Dad, what are you doing?” Ethan asked angrily. Both spun around to face us. Both of them looked shocked to see Ethan.

“Ethan, tell her she needs to hand her over” The woman said.

“Ethan, don’t let them take my baby” Christan cried. Ethan looked at Christan softly before turning back to his mother.

“You need to leave now before I ring the police” Ethan said sternly.

“She can’t look after it! She’s to immature, and unstable! I will not allow my grandchild to be brought up with a whore for a mother!” Their mother spat.

“How dare you!” I yelled.

“Christan has done a wonderful job caring for herself and her baby all without your help! If anyone here is immature, I would have to say it would be you!”

Their mother looked at me, shock all over her face.

“AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??” She yelled.

In illusion, Christan, Ethan and I said “Her Aunty!” Suddenly the nurse came rushing in, telling us we need to be quiet.

“Excuse me” Their mother said to the nurse softly.

“Can you please remove these two from here!” Pointing at me and Ethan. The nurse looked at us. I remembered her from last night. She was the mid-wife. She looked at Christan before speaking.

“Christan, what’s going on here?” She asked.

“It is none…” Their mother begun to say but the mid-wife cut  her off saying: “Christan! Is who I asked, not you!”.

“They’re trying to take her!” Christan cried. “Please don’t let them take my baby!”

“Christan, no one will taking away your baby” The mid-wife said softly. She turned back towards her mother and father.

“You two need to leave right now, before I ring the police” She said calmly. Their mother begun to speak back but was cut off by “SECURITY!!”. Two large men walked into the room and grabbed their parents, much to their mothers protest, and were escorted from the room. Christan thanked the mid-wife, and held her baby tightly.

“I will make a note that they can not be allowed back in here for you” She said before leaving the room.

We stayed with Christan for the rest of the day, leaving when both Christan and Elora were fast asleep.


That night, after I finished in the shower, I walked back out into my room to find in covered in red rose petals. Candles were lit on every flat service and in the centre of my room Ethan stood dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants. I smiled at him as I walked towards him.

“What’s all this?” I asked. Ethan smiled at me before slowly lowering down onto on knee, just like the way I had always seen in the movies. My eyes straight away started to well up with tears of happiness.

“Sienna Ryan, I have loved you from the day I met you, and will love you every day until I die. More then anything else in this world I want you to be mine, to love and to hold. From now until forever, I vow to protect you, love you, help you and cherish you. Sienna, will you marry me?” Displayed in his hand was the most beautiful ring I had seen. A sterling silver band with a square white diamond on top and four little white diamonds on either side. I quickly dropped down to my knees and kissed him so hard, putting all my love into that one kiss.

“Yes” I said softly when we pulled apart. Ethan put the ring onto my finger before picking me up and spinning around with me in his arms.

“I love you Sienna”

“I love you Ethan”

The New Baby

I screamed out in pain, the doctor telling me to push. I felt hot, worn out, and in so much pain. The contractions kept coming and all I wanted to do was push.

“Keep going baby” I heard Ethan’s voice next to me ear.

“You’re doing wonderfully” He was holding my hand and using his other hand to dab a cold wet cloth to my forehead. I smiled up at him, before I felt another contraction coming on.

“One more big push” Dr. Lexus said. I screamed out as I gave the biggest push I could. Suddenly I heard a little cry. In the arms of the doctor, a little baby boy. I felt Ethan kiss my forehead.

“Good job baby” He said. I looked up at him, a smile on my face to mirror his.

“Daddy?” Dr. Lexus called to Ethan.

“Would you like a hold?” He asked. Ethan looked to me, questioning. I nodded, telling him to go ahead. I watch as Dr. Lexus slipped my baby boy into Ethan’s arms.

“His perfect” Ethan said softly. Looking to me he asked “What should we call him?”

I sat there and thought for a moment before answering “Hunter?”. Ethan smiled at me again before looking down at the baby boy in his arms.

“Little Hunter, my strong little man” He smiled.

Watching them, in that moment, I thought nothing could be more… Perfect…


Texte: All characters are fictional and have been created by the writers imagination. Anyone who copy's any part of this story will be found and charged. Thank you for reading.
Bildmaterialien: Google :)
Lektorat: Laura-Jo Banister
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.09.2013

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In dedication to a friend... Thank you for believing I could finish this.

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