
The Beginning

   At the beginning of time, a being popped into space. He represented goodness and was the most beautiful and handsome man in the universe. His eyes and hair kept changing colors every few seconds. His name was Achilles. He was the most powerful being ever born. But, he knew that it wasn't for to reveal himself to anyone and waited until another being popped into space.

After 20 millennia, a being called Void was born. He had eyes with purple supernovas exploding in them and black hair. He created the universe and soon, he started to feel lonely. So, Void waited for a few centuries until he had enough power to create beings like himself. One was named Chaos and represented everything good and the other was Order who represented everything evil. Void soon faded from the usage of so much power. Of course, Void still didn't know about the existence of Achilles.

Chaos and Order created the planets, stars, and galaxies after Void faded. After life forms were created to live on the planets, Chaos and Order started to fight because Order wanted to control every life form that was created so that everything would be organized while Chaos wanted every life form to have freedom. The fight was a few years long and at the end, Chaos nearly lost because he wasn't as powerful as Order. Achilles saw this and gave a little bit more power to Chaos and Order was defeated and locked away in the Void (the place where Void went to after he faded).

Once Chaos recovered from the fight, he created the primordials, beings that were a little less powerful then Chaos himself. Chaos's favorite planet was Earth that was located in the Milky Way. So, the primordials domains were created on Earth. The primordials Gaia and Ouranos has twelve sons and six daughters. But, the giants and other children but the Titans were locked under the Earth. Gaia hated this and convinced Kronos, King of Titans to slay Ouranos with with his sickle. The Titans ruled over the humans horribly. Kronos and his wife Rhea had children born, the Gods. Kronos ate all of his children as soon as they were born due to his fear of thinking that they might overthrow him. But, his wife, Rhea couldn't take it anymore and asked for Gaia's help. Gaia told Rhea to replace Zeus with a rock and give it to Kronos. Once Zeus grew up, he freed his brothers and sisters. Together, they all defeated the Titans and sent them to Tartarus. Once the war was over, Zeus married Hera and they both became the rulers of Olympus. Most of the major and minor Gods had affairs with humans and created their offspring. Demi-gods. Of course there were also other types of Gods like Norse, Egyptian, and Chinese Gods. They all ruled over Earth fairly.

But, Achilles knew that one day, Order would be freed and that Earth would have to defeat him. So, he started to make plans to make sure that all the Gods would be united when the time came for to defeat Order. Achilles had an advantage because nobody, not even Order knew about him. Achilles made himself reincarnate into different different people from all of the different phantoms like Pharaoh Ramses II, Hercules, Beowulf, etc.

But, his last reincarnation before he had to stop because of Order was Perseus Jackson. But, he liked to be called, Percy Jackson.

A Hero's Death


   Percy Jackson was fighting against against Gaia with his friends and other Demi-gods. The Greek Gods came to help them defeat the giants. They were finally able to defeat Gaia but, the cost of victory was high. Leo died when he used his fire ability to kill Gaia. The gods gave all the campers who fought in the war, Greek and Roman, partial immortality.

***A few months later*** (Percy is 17 years old now)

Percy was at the beach with Annabeth. They were spending some time together when suddenly they heard a scream. "Ahhh!" I person was yelling. Percy gave Annabeth a quick kiss and said, "I'll be right back Annabeth. Ok?" Then, he ran to Thalia's pine tree and found a boy with messy black hair and seaweed green eyes that was around his age running away from a hellhound. Percy let the boy get behind him before he quickly sent the hellhound to Tartarus. "Are you ok?" Percy asked. The boy kicked Percy down, covered himself with monster dust and took Percy's sword, Riptide. All the campers ran to the hill and saw Percy on the ground while the boy said, "I killed the monster while this boy just stood there!" Annabeth, who arrived with the other campers said, "Percy, how could you do that!" Percy said, "But, I was the one who killed the monster while this kid was hiding behind me!" Annabeth said, "Stop lying Percy! You don't always have to take the credit! And anyway he has your sword in his hand?" Suddenly, a trident appeared over the boy's head. Poseidon appeared and said, "This is my favorite son, Leo Burns!" Percy replied, "I thought I was your favorite son Dad!" Everyone ignored him and kneeled to Leo and Poseidon. Leo said, "Why aren't you kneeling!" to Percy. Percy ignored him and ran to the ocean and dived in.

***A few hours later***

   Percy came back to camp after he calmed down a little bit after his swim in the ocean. It was dinner time and Percy ate his food at the Poseidon table with Leo Burns trying provoke him. After Percy finished eating, he went to bed in the Poseidon cabin. For once, Percy didn't have any nightmares.

***The next day***

   Once Percy woke up the next day, he got ready for the day and went to Olympus at the Empire State Building. He got the key for the elevator and rode it up. He wanted to ask Athena for permission to marry his daughter, Annabeth. He had to go on a quest for a few months to get a golden apple from Hera's tree. Once Percy succeeded, he got the ring that he asked Hephaestus to make. The ring had little sea green stones around a big diamond that was as blue as the sea. On the inside it said, "Seaweed brain and Wise girl forever."

***At Camp Half-Blood***

   After Percy gained Athena's approval to marry Annabeth, he went back to camp. When Percy went camp, he saw lots of people cheering at the beach. When Percy got there, he saw Annabeth and Leo in the middle kissing. Percy yelled,"Annabeth what are you doing?!" Annabeth cried out,"Percy! I thought you were dead!" "Don't you think that Nico would of told you if I was dead! Now I don't think there's a need for this," Percy yelled and threw the ring at Annabeth's feet and ran to his cabin. He quickly packed all of his things up and left for his mom's apartment. Once Percy got there his mom told him to get out and not come back because she didn't want her and Paul's baby girl to get hurt. Percy said, "Fine! It's not like anyone wants me anyway!" And ran off before his mom asked him what he was talking about.

***One year later***

Once Percy left camp, it was like a spell was lifted off the campers. Everyone found out that Leo was a son of Gaia who came to kill Percy. Leo Burns was killed and sentenced to Tartarus forever. They started to look for Percy ever since and soon they found Percy's dead body with monster dust all over him. Everyone was in a horrible mood once they found out it was their fault their hero died. Percy's mom felt terrible that she sent her son to his death.

Percy's POV

A year after I left Mom and Camp Half-Blood I was barely able to survive with monsters trying to kill me and demi-gods looking for him everywhere. But soon, he meet his match. Somehow, three Titans escaped and were trying to get their revenge but, Percy killed them before a sword went through his heart and soon died. The Titans tried to get Percy on their side but failed. Percy died thinking, "Athena was right, my fatal flaw would one day kill me."


Returning Memories and Chaos


Percy Jackson's soul immediately zoomed into a body instead of going to the Underworld. Before Achilles decided to start reincarnating, he hid his body in a secret place and put a spell on it so that all of his body functions would keep working. As soon as Percy's soul flew into a body, memories of his time as Achilles and all of his reincarnations flooded into his head. The pain was so severe that Percy started to scream out in pain. After a few minutes, which felt like hours to Percy, the pain stopped and he had all of his memories and powers back. "It looks like after a few years I'll need to gather all the gods together for to stop Order from killing everyone on Earth. But for now, it looks like I'll need to reveal myself to a Chaos," Achilles says to himself. "I'll reveal myself to Chaos as soon as I finish training my body to how it looked like before," Achilles thinks.

***One year later***

Achilles finished training his body and powers to how he looked like before reincarnation. The spell on his body only kept his body functioning. But, it didn't keep his body nourished. So, he had to train for a year to get back to his original self. Achilles remembered that he had to see Chaos. "Oh boy, this is gonna take a while," he thought. Achilles already knew where Chaos lived so, he usually stayed away from Chaos so that he wasn't revealed yet. But now, he had to go and reveal his existence to Chaos so that he could get Chaos's support to defeat Order.

***At Chaos's palace***

   After Achilles transported to Chaos's palace, he started walking towards the throne room, where he knew Chaos would be. Achilles had to fight some guards to get to the throne room. Chaos yelled, "Who dares to enter my "throne room!" "I do! " Achilles yelled. Achilles then said, "Unless you want Order to kill everyone, you'll listen to me!" Chaos said, "How do you know about Order! I never told about him!" Achilles replied, "I was there when he you fought with Order and I was there when your father, Void was born." "Impossible! My father was the first being born!" said Chaos. "Then how would I know that you almost lost to Order when you got a burst of power?" Achilles replied. "That was you?" Chaos asked. "Yes, if it wasn't for me at that last moment, you would not have defeated Order," Achilles answered. After Achilles said that, Chaos started to calm down and trust him. "How did you know that Order is rising? I thought I was the only one who knew about Order rising," Chaos finally said. Achilles replied, "I've been keeping an eye on Order ever since he was imprisoned and the fact that I was more powerful then your father. But now the important part is that we should warn the Gods soon." Chaos said, "Until then we should start building our army. I have an army but, it's not powerful enough to defeat Order." Achilles agreed.

***A few months later***

   Achilles and Chaos built their army. Achilles created lots of powerful monsters and Chaos brought some of the dead back to life and started to train them for the fight with Order. The new recruits soon found out about Order rising and why the army was being built. But, they still didn't know about Achilles. Achilles acted as their head commander but, he and Chaos decided not to tell anyone about his true identity until Order completely awoke.

**Far away in the universe***

   Order yelled, "I'm finally free and powerful enough to defeat Chaos!" Keep in mind that Order still didn't know about Achilles. He was the hidden card.


The Gods

  When Order yelled that he was free, he didn't know that he was heard by Achilles. Achilles knew that it was time to reveal himself to the Gods and the army. The army would be upset but, they would soon understand why Achilles hid his true identity. Achilles told Chaos that Order was free and that they needed to warn the Gods. Chaos agreed and started to get the army ready to fly to Earth with the help of Achilles. Achilles and Chaos could flash (a type of teleportation) but, the army couldn't so, they had to use spaceships.

***At the Gods meeting spot***

Chaos flashed to Earth a few minutes before the soldiers and Achilles arrived and sent up a black flare. The Greek, Roman, Chinese, Norse, and Egyptian Gods all came to the meeting spot and respectfully asked Chaos why they were called. Chaos replied, "Order,  my evil brother has broken free from his prison." But, before he could finish all the Gods started yelling and shouting things like, "You have a brother" or "What!" Chaos got mad after a few minutes of waiting and yelled, "Shut up!!!" because he knew that Achilles would arrive soon and he would have a bigger headache. The Gods got quiet and Chaos quickly explained about Order and Achilles. He warned them that Achilles was the commander and to not get him mad because he has a bad temper. As soon as he finished, Achilles and all the soldiers arrived at the meeting spot. The soldiers and Achilles were wearing black robes and they had a bask on that covered the top half of their face. Achilles asked Chaos telepathically, "Did you tell them about me?" Chaos answered back, "No, I thought it would be better to explain after you and the soldiers arrived." Achilles released 5% of his aura and just that was enough to kill all the Gods here and thousands of monsters. Achilles then said, "I am Achilles. The commander of this army and the first and most powerful being born." The army and the Gods didn't believe him because all of them thought that Void was the first being born and just laughed at him. Chaos said, "It's true and we didn't tell the army either because it wasn't the right time yet." The Gods and the army were surprised until Achilles shouted, "Enough!" Everyone quieted down and one God asked, "Then why didn't you reveal yourself before?" Achilles answered, "Because it wasn't the right time yet to reveal myself and anyways, almost all of you have seen me before. But, in my different forms. I wanted to have enough experience to be able to defeat Order when the time came so, I made myself reincarnate as children of the Gods." Achilles then showed some of his forms like Percy Jackson, Pharaoh Ramses II, Hercules, and Beowulf. All the Gods and the people in his army gasped because they recognized at least one of his forms. Achilles then said, "Please remember that my reincarnations are just little parts of me and that my forms' personality became like that because of my experiences of that life." When the Greek Gods saw Percy Jackson was one of them, tears fell out of their eyes and they started apologizing for their betrayal. Achilles soon forgave them and made sure to tell all the Gods not to tell anyone outside of this room about him. Then, Achilles told the Gods to bring their children here. The Gods children soon appeared in the meeting room. Achilles then told the children about the war with Order and introduced himself as the commander of the army of Chaos. Next, he told everyone that he is expanding Camp Half-Blood and that all of the children of the Gods are going to be staying there until the war with Order is over.

***At Camp Half-Blood***

After Achilles finished talking, everyone went to Camp Half-Blood. An hour after everyone arrived and settled in. The camp alarm was blown. Someone yelled, "Monster attack!" Achilles told his army that he'll take care of it and ran out of their cabin.

***Achilles POV***

Achilles quickly helped everyone get settled in camp and just went into his room in the army's cabin when he heard the camp alarm was blown and someone yelling, "Monster attack!" He knew that he could handle the attack alone and told his army, "I'll do this by myself guys." The army and all of the teenagers there watched as Achilles rushed towards the monster army.

Achilles ran towards the army of monsters with his swords in his hands. He quickly killed half of the monsters in a few seconds and didn't notice that his robe had fallen off his body. After all of the monsters were killed, he finally noticed that his face and body was exposed. Thankfully. his mask was still on. He saw that all the girls were staring at him blushing. They watched as his eyes and hair kept changing into different colors.

***Third Person's POV***

The girls noticed that Achilles' was the most handsome and beautiful man that they had ever seen. His ever changing eyes and hair, his body that looked like it was sculpted out of stone, his chiseled jaw, his perfect pink lips, and tan skin. He looked like a model come to life! Even some boys were staring! His army had never seen Achilles without his black robe so they were staring too. Achilles noticed that everyone was staring at him so, he broke the awkwardness by clearing his throat. The noise startled everyone out of their daydreaming. Some boys and girls were still staring!

Just then the Gods arrived.



The Gods had decided to work together until Order was defeated. They choose to live at Mount Olympus because it was closer to Camp Half-Blood and their children. So, all the Gods were busy moving to Olympus and worrying about Order at the same time. Suddenly, the Gods heard an alarm. "Attack at Camp! Attack at Camp!" The Gods flashed themselves to camp with their armor and weapons. But, by the time they got there, they saw all the monsters gone and Achilles with tight fitting clothes and his mask. No robe. All the goddesses couldn't stop staring at him. Not even Artemis! The male gods all had looks of jealousy on their faces. And just like the demigods, they were enraptured by Achilles good looks even if his black mask still covered his face. All the females there wanted to rip of Achilles mask just so they could see his complete face. 

   Achilles started to get embarrassed with everyone looking at him again. He knew that he was good looking but did everyone have to stare at him like creeps! After 5 minutes of everyone still staring, Achilles snapped his fingers and his robe was back on covering him. Everyone snapped out of their daze as Achilles started walking towards his cabin with his army. Everyone even his army thought, "What a handsome and beautiful man!"


Sorry for the short chapter!

Unmasked and Problems

Double update because of short chapter. Enjoy!


   The next day, Achilles and his army woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning for their training. Achilles changed all of his soldiers appearances because all the people in his army were demigods brought back from the dead like Luke and Charlie and they didn't want to give anyone a heart attack. Achilles changed his appearance because he hated the attention that he got whenever his face revealed. One day, Achilles forgot to put on his robe and mask on Chaos' planet and nobody would stop staring at him. So, Achilles changed his appearance into a little boy with blond hair and blue eyes. They did a 5 mile run in ten minutes and started to fight practice battles. Achilles didn't fight against anyone because he could defeat any one of his solders in ten seconds. At 8 o'clock, all the campers started to wake up for breakfast. Achilles and his army took quick showers and just wore their armor and their black masks. Achilles made sure to change their appearances back to normal before they all headed to the breakfast area in camp. Everyone got quiet when the army came in. But just like yesterday, all the girls stared at Achilles throughout breakfast. The army ate their breakfast while Achilles went to talk to the Gods about training the demigods for the war.

***At Mount Olympus***

   Achilles changed his appearance into a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes to avoid getting stared at so much and to avoid wearing his mask. When he arrived at the doors to the throne room, he kicked them open and walked in. He saw all the Gods standing there. They got out their weapons and yelled, "Who dares to disturb the Gods meeting!" The Gods didn't recognize Achilles because he changed his appearance. Achilles said, "Don't you recognize me? I'm the commander." Zeus said, "What commander? We have never even seen your face in our life!" Achilles remembered that he had changed his appearance. He changed his appearance back to normal only, he forgot that he wasn't wearing his mask! All the Gods gasped. The females all blushed at seeing his face uncovered. Even Hera, Artemis, Hathor (Egyptian goddess who personified the principles of joy, feminine love, and motherhood) and the other goddesses couldn't stop looking at him either! The males including Zeus were staring at Achilles with immense jealousy. When Achilles noticed that everyone was staring at him he said, "I don't have my mask on, do I?" They all nodded. The women blushed. When Achilles put his mask back on, the Goddesses all sighed in sadness for not being able to see Achilles face. Zeus cleared his throat and said, "We're sorry for not recognizing you Lord Achilles. But, we have a big problem." Achilles asked worriedly, "What? What's wrong?" Zeus replied, "Some of Thor's(Norse God of Thunder), Hephaestus's(Greek God of Blacksmiths and Fire), and Yu'huang's(Chinese God of the Sky) children are at North Side High School and Apollo just found out that they will by killed by some monsters of Order in a few months.  But, we're not allowed to go and save them due to the Ancient Rules." Achilles said, "Then I'll go save them. I'll pose as a teacher there, save them, and bring them here. But on one condition, all of your children must start training for the war against Order. I'll put one of my soldiers in my place until I return." All the Gods and Goddesses agreed.



You can find this book on Wattpad. Just look up StarPlus456 to find my books. 

High School


   Once all the Gods left the throne room in Mount Olympus, Achilles made his eyes and hair stop flashing once his eyes turned bright green and turned his hair into shoulder length dark red hair. Achilles still new that people would stare at him no matter what so, he decided that he would start ignoring the people who would stare at him. He found out that North Side High School(doesn't exist) is located in Virginia and found a house in the neighborhood where the demigods he needed to protect lived in.He made his new car appear in front of the Empire State Building and flashed himself inside it. After a few hours of driving, he arrived in front of his house. When he got the car parked in front of his garage, Achilles made luggage appear in his trunk for show because there were people staring at his curiously and put on a cap to cover his face. Then, he opened the door and got out of his car but, everyone still stared at him. Must be the new neighbor charm," he thought. Achilles quickly got his "luggage" into his new house. Then he snapped his fingers and all of his clothes and furniture were set up. By the time Achilles ate dinner, it was 9 o'clock. He set his alarm at 7 o'clock for school and fell asleep.


***The next day***


    Achilles alarm started to ring when it turned 7 o'clock. He groaned and slammed the alarm to make it stop ringing. Then he took a quick shower and made his clothes appear on him. After Achilles quickly ate breakfast and drove to the school that he would be teaching at. After 10 minutes, Achilles arrived at the high school. He put on his cap and sunglasses so that nobody would stare at him. But, once he arrived at the entrance of the high school, he had to take both his cap and sunglasses off. Achilles thought, "I'd better get ready for the staring." Then, he started to walk towards his classroom.


   When Achilles entered the classroom, all the kids were talking and chatting loudly. He heard snippets of conversations about himself like, "I heard that the old teacher resigned," or, "I heard that our new teacher is hot." When Achilles heard that one, he had to force himself to not burst into laughter. He wrote his name, "Mr. Brown" on the board and started taking out all the things he needed for class before the bell rang. After five minutes, the bell rang and all the students started to get out the supplies needed for history class. Achilles said, "Hello everyone! My name is Mr.Brown and I'm your new mythology teacher." When the girls actually looked at Achilles, they started to blush. Achilles just ignored it and said, "For today, we're going to be watching a video on Ancient Greece while we take notes." The girls including Thor's daughter, Wendy Little, wouldn't stop staring at Achilles throughout the whole class. The boys kept looking at Achilles with jealousy but, they still took notes and didn't say anything. The girls quickly copied the notes off of the boys in the last five minutes of class. When the bell rang, Achilles aka Mr. Brown said, "Okay everyone, please turn in your papers into the turn in bin." Some of the girls were trying to flirt with him but Achilles politely refused them. All of my classes were a repeat of my first class. But, the good part was I found Emily Wire daughter of Hephaestus, Wendy Little daughter of Thor, and James Chen son of Yu'huang. I made sure to be friendly to all of them and was able to gain their trust. School ended at about 3 o'clock and I went home after using my powers to find out who payed attention to my classes and who didn't. After I got home, I watched some TV while eating dinner and went to sleep after setting my alarm for tomorrow. I fell asleep an hour later.



I will only update this book once every 2 weeks so that I can work on my two books at the same time. Sorry!  


***Few Months Later***


   Achilles teaching days passed by and he was getting closer and closer to his goal. He was able to gain the demigods friendship but, his female colleagues and students wouldn't stop chasing after him. Soon, he started to act as cold as ice for to make them fear them and it worked. He acted rude to everyone but the demigods that he had to save.


***The Last Day of School***


Achilles knew that today was the day that the demigods would be attacked. He didn't want the demigods to know about their heritage but, he didn't have a choice anymore. As soon as school was over, Achilles secretly followed Emily, Wendy, and James to the back of the school where the parking lot was. He saw the monsters leap out from the shadows, ready to kill. Achilles made his sword appear using his powers and jumped in front of the teenagers. He was just in time and killed a monster before it could land on Wendy. The the teenagers gasped in shock when they saw their teacher kill a monster. In 5 minutes, all of the monsters were killed. James Chen asked, "Who are you!? Is Mr.Brown even your real name? What were those things!?" Achilles chuckled and answered with, "My name is Achilles and Mr.Brown was my fake name. And those 'things' were hell hounds, monsters that were sent to kill the three of you. All three of you are demigods, half gods and half human." Wendy said, "Do you even know what you are even saying!? " Achilles said, "I know that it all sounds impossible but it's true. All three of you are demigods. The Gods, demigods, me, and Chaos are in a war and fighting against Order, the evil brother of Chaos. He wants to destroy Earth and all living things on it because Earth is Chaos's favorite planet. And before any of you decide to ask anymore questions, we have to get to camp first." Then, Achilles transported all of them to Camp Half-Blood.


***At Camp Half-Blood***


   All of the demigods yelled, "Whoa!" when they arrived at Camp Half-Blood. Achilles smiled and said, "You three should be claimed by your parents soon, but until then, let me take you on a tour of Camp Half-Blood." Achilles then changed his appearance back to normal and made sure his cloak and black mask was back on. Wendy asked, "Achilles why do you have a cloak on." Achilles replied, "I am the commander of the army of Chaos and because my original appearance brings too much attention to me." After that, Achilles took the three demigods on a tour. As soon as the tour was done, a hammer appeared on top of Emily Wire's head showing that she was the daughter of Hephaestus. On top of Wendy Little's head, a blue hammer and lightning bolt appeared showing that she was the daughter of Thor, and on top of James Chen's head, a symbol of the breeze appeared showing that he was the son of Yu'huang. After the claiming was finished, Achilles called Annabeth for to take the three new demigods to their cabins. As soon as Annabeth took the demigods to their cabin, Achilles turned invisible and went to visit his army.


***At the Army Cabin***


   Once Achilles arrived at his army cabin, he asked Luke Castellan, the second in charge while he was gone about how training went. Luke sarcastically relied with, "Just wonderful. None of them were able to last anymore than 10 minutes of training." Achilles then replied with, "Then I guess that I'll have to deal with training and by the way, were there any monster attacks." Luke said, "Yes, there were some monster attacks but the army was able to take care of it. The demigods didn't even help a little bit!" Achilles grimly  said, "It looks like the demigods are getting very lazy. So, I guess that we'll have to show everyone what they are up against. If we don't, then I'm afraid that that we will lose the war thanks to their laziness." Luke agreed with Achilles.


Monster Test

***The Next Day***


   Achilles woke up at dawn for to finish his workout and training. Then, he woke up the campers for their training. He told the campers, "Everyone wake up and get out here in 10 minutes your training will start soon." While most of the campers quickly came out of their cabins, some of them were late and Achilles made them run 10 laps for being late. While he was training the campers, Achilles was starting to burn up in the cloak that he was wearing. So, he took off his robe and kept his mask and clothes on. He made several copied of himself for to train all the in different weapons. Achilles himself knew how to use all weapons but, the campers had to know how to use two weapons and their fists just in case they lose their weapons. After a few hours, the campers started to get tired and Achilles stopped training for lunch. The rest of the day the campers just enjoyed the rest of the day with their friends and there were no monster attacks today.  


***One Month Later***


3rd person's POV


   Everyone was really nervous because there hasn't been any monster attacks. Achilles knew that Order was up to something since there weren't any monster attacks. He wanted to go and spy on Order but, every time that he got some free time, he was either chased by the girls or stopped by some campers that wanted some tips on fighting. One time, he was chased by the Aphrodite girls and they nearly trapped him in their cabin but, he was able to teleport away just in time.


   Today, when Achilles was training alone, he heard the camp horn blow and a camper yelling, "Attack! Attack!" Achilles put on his cloak and battle gear and started to run to the camp borders. The demigods were still in their pajamas and some had missing pieces of armor. They charged at the monsters and started fighting against them. Achilles knew that he could blow up the monsters with a snap of his fingers but, he wanted to see how much the campers improved with his training. The campers quickly defeated the monsters without Achilles' help. But, Achilles knew that this was just the beginning. Order had sent those monsters to test how strong the campers were. The reason why Achilles didn't kill the monsters or let his army help was because he didn't want Order to get suspicious on why he was so strong and blow his cover. He wanted Order to think that his army was lazy. Anyways, Achilles still had a hidden card.


The monster army that he had created. 


On Hold

 I will be putting this book on hold until I finish my other book, "The New Superhero." 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.06.2017

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