
Ch. 1: My Horrible Life

My Horrible Life



Sophia Rose was having a horrible day. She was holding back tears and her clothes were soaked with orange juice. Her parents didn't care about her at all. At least that's what she thought. The truth is her parents did care about her, it's just that they're very busy at work.


Sophia loved school but, the sluts and jocks like to bully her by playing pranks on her and saying horrible things like, "You're parents don't care about you." or "Move out of my way nerd." Then they shoved her. But today was the worst. The cheerleader or slut Marissa Jones, her ex-best friend had "accidentally" dumped the orange juice on her and said, "Sorry, I didn't see you there Soap." "Sophia," I said. "What did you say!?" Marissa said. I repeated myself and then she punched me. After that her "friends" beat and kicked me. My whole body hurt but the worst was my leg. "There is going to be a huge bruise there," I think. But of course, they don't care. "Don't try to speak out again," said Marissa. "Got it?" She asked. I nodded. She kicked me one last time and left with her group. I quickly got up and went to my last class, math with Mrs. Conner, one of my favorite teachers. But, I had this class with another one of my bullies and crush, Adam Homes.


Adam Homes and I used to be friends in kindergarten. And after that I don't know what happened. He started to bully me in first grade for some reason. It's a lot worser now. He absolutely abhors me. Adam is a jock and plays as the quarterback in football. He has beautiful golden hair, eyes blue as the night sky, and is very muscled. Me, I have weird and ugly violet eyes, limp brown hair, with a tomboy body. But, I have a brain, unlike most people in this school. I was supposed to be a freshman this year but, when I took a test last year, it showed that I should be a sophomore. So, I skipped a grade.


Once I entered class, I tripped on a foot, Adam's to be precise. I fell on the floor and hit my elbow. Adam snickers and says, "Watch where you're going freak." I just get up and quickly walk to my seat. Once the bell rings 30 minutes later, Adam corners me and says, "Don't ignore me." I kick his stomach and quickly run away. He holds his stomach and yells, "You will pay for this!"


I get scared. After all, Adam Homes always keeps his promise.

Ch. 2: Going Home

Going Home



After school, I walked for ten minutes to get home. I don't get why people hate walking if their house wasn't far from school, it was peaceful. Once I got home, I took the key that was under the doormat. I opened the door and went upstairs. As usual, my parents were at work. Sometimes I don't see them for a day or two. They are always at work and usually come back at around 10 o'clock at night or later when I'm asleep.


After I finish my homework at 8 o'clock, I go and eat dinner while watching TV. Once I finish, I brush my teeth, change into my pajamas and open the window because it was suffocating in my room. I read for a little while. Suddenly, I remember Adam's threat and shuddered. After awhile, I fall asleep thinking, "I hope nothing happens to me tomorrow."


At around 1 o'clock in the morning, I hear something in my room and sleepily woke up. Once I saw there was nothing, I brushed it off as the wind and went back to sleep.


Adam's POV


Once class was over, I quickly went outside to corner Sophia Rose so that she stops ignoring me in class. Once she is cornered, I say, "Don't ignore me." She kicks my stomach and runs away. I hold my stomach from the pain. For a girl she kicks hard. I yell, "You will pay for this!" Once my stomach stops hurting, I get in my car after I kiss my girlfriend Marissa and say, "Bye babe," and go home. I heard Marissa shout, "Bye Adam!" in her squeaky voice. Once I get home I hear my mother say, "Hi Adam, how was your day at school?" I said, "My day was good." I went upstairs to change my clothes and noticed that Sophia's house was right next to mine. I remembered what happened at school and thought of a plan to embarrass her tomorrow. I finish all my homework and ate dinner with my parents (I care about my grades ok). I asked my parents, "Mom, dad who lives next to us?" I wanted to be sure that it was Sophia's house. They said, " Sophia Rose lives there with her parents. Why?" "No reason," I replied.


I went to bed early so that I could wake up at 1 o'clock to find something embarrassing of Sophia's to show at school. I got up and saw that Sophia's window was open. "You shouldn't have done that," I thought. I climbed through her window and saw that Sophia was sleeping. I quietly searched her room for something I could use. I found a video of Sophia dancing to a song in just her robe singing, "I love you Adam!" I yelled, "Yes!" Sophia woke up from the noise and I quickly shut up and hid in her closet hoping she wouldn't find me. I sighed when she went back to sleep and climbed back into my room with the video. I put it into my backpack and went to sleep thinking, "I will finally get payback for Rose kicking me." I fell asleep with an evil smile on my face.

Ch. 3: The Video

 The Video




Sophia's POV


My alarm went off signaling me that it was 6 o'clock. I sighed and turned it off. I closed the window because it was freezing. I brushed my teeth and took a quick five minute shower. Once I dried off, I put on my baggy jeans and t-shirt. For once, I could hear my mom and dad, Lily and John Rose, downstairs talking. "Good morning sweetheart," said Dad. "Good morning," I replied. "How could I have thought that they don't love me," I think. "Sophia, your lunchbox and breakfast are on the table," my mom called out. I ate my breakfast of toast and butter. Then, I took my lunchbox and book bag. "Bye Mom, bye Dad!" I yelled. "Bye dear," they both replied. I liked walking to muy school. After all, it was only ten minutes away. But, what I didn't know was how horrible this day would turn out.


At School


Once I arrived at school, everyone looked at me and started snickering. "What are they laughing about?" I thought. I just ignored all the snickering I heard when people saw me until lunchtime. When I went into the cafeteria, there was silence. A guy came up to me and said, "Nice dancing nerd," then walked away snickering. "What is he talking about?" I thought. "You still don't get it Soap?" asked Marissa. Her friends were laughing behind her. "What are you all talking about!?" I yelled. I was starting to get frustrated with all the snickering. Adam who was behind her said, "Hey babe, what are you doing talking to this geek?" "Adam show it to her," said Marissa. "Show what?" I thought. Adam pulled out his phone and showed everyone in the cafeteria the video of me dancing and singing, "I love you Adam," in a robe with wet hair one year back. "Remember that sound in the morning?" he asked. I nodded while holding back tears that were threatening to show. "That was me and how could you think that I would even love a nerd like you?" he replied. "I told you I would get pay back. Remember?" That was when some of my tears escaped. "A-all th-that for j-just kicking your stomach?" I asked while stuttering. "I always keep my promise," was all Adam replied. He then kissed Marissa and then she said," You thought you could get him? I noticed all those glances you gave him. You are just an ugly, naive, stupid little girl." Then everyone in the cafeteria started to kick and punch me. My body ached from the horrible pain. After five minutes, everyone stopped and left the cafeteria laughing and smirking. I broke down into tears and ran back home with a broken heart and aching body. I had never missed a day of school before, even if I was sick. But I just didn't care anymore. The only reason I went to school and acted like a good girl was so that mom and dad would stay home and actually pay more attention to me. It didn't matter anymore. "I hate school," I thought. After I came home, I just went upstairs to my room and shut the door. I cried my heart out into my pillow thinking, "I will never fall in love with boys like Adam Homes."


Adam's POV 


I felt a little guilty when I saw Sophia crying remembering that she loved me but, I quickly brushed it away.



Lily's POV (Sophia's mother)


Like usual, my husband and I came back home around 10 o'clock at night. John and I were glad that we saw Sophia this morning. We almost never see her because of our work. So, John and I decided to take off a few days so that we could spend some time with our daughter. We quickly ate dinner and went to bed so that we could be awake when Sophia wakes up for school.



The Next Morning

John's POV (Sophia's father)


Me and my wife woke up at 7 o'clock so that we can help our daughter and talk about a vacation this summer. "I wonder why Sophia isn't awake yet? She is always awake before anyone else in the house," I thought. I went and opened Sophia's door. She was sobbing into her pillow. "Sophia dear, why are you crying?" I asked. "Sophia is crying?!" said Lily. I nodded my head. "Sophia, answer our question." I said. Sophia said, "Why should I? You never cared about me before!" "Is that what you thought?" said Lily surprised. Sophia didn't answer. "We're sorry sweetie, we didn't know. Can you please forgive us?" I said. Sophia lifted her head. We saw that her eyes were red and filled with sadness. "Oh no, is this our fault?" I thought. "I'll forgive you this time only," Sophia said. Lily and I said, "Thank you!" Then Lily asked, "Why are you crying dear?" Sophia explained that she started getting bullied from first grade till now. She then told us that yesterday, Adam Homes, the boy who lives next door, snuck into her room and stole a video of her dancing and singing in her robe. She told us that he showed it to everyone at school and that the people at school teased and hurt her. She then showed us lots of bruises on her stomach, legs, arms. back, and face. We immediately took her to the hospital and while we were there, Lily and I talked about moving to a different state so that Sophia could have a new start. We both agreed and decided to talk about it to Sophia once we got home. Then, we called Sophia's school and told them that Sophia wasn't going to go to school anymore and that we were moving. After finishing up at the hospital, we all went home.



Sophia's POV


I was surprised when I saw my dad in my room saying, "Sophia dear, why are you crying?" I was even more surprised when I heard my mom say, "Sophia is crying?!" But, I didn't answer. Then, my dad asked, "Sophia, answer our question." I replied,"Why should I? You never cared about me before!" "Is that what you thought?" my mom asked. Again, I didn't answer. My dad asked, "We're sorry sweetie, we didn't know! Can you please forgive us?" I finally brought my head up and saw the guilt in my dad's eyes and sadness on my mom's face. I said, "I'll forgive you this time only." I saw relief on their faces as my parents thanked me. My mother asked, "Why are you crying dear?" I started to tell them about the bulling since first grade till now and what happened today during lunch including my crush on Adam and I soon broke down crying. I showed them the black and blue bruises just in case they didn't believe me. I saw the fury in my father's eyes when I told him about Adam. I knew that my parents would believe me, it's just that I've been insecure ever since the bullying started. I didn't expect my parents to take me to the hospital. Even though I tried to stop them they didn't listen. After we visited the hospital, I learned that I had a broken bone in my arm and leg! The doctor told me and my parents that I should get plenty of rest. I saw the anger on my parents faces and I had to stop them from suing the school. Before I fell asleep in the car, I heard my parents talk about moving somewhere else.


John's POV


I was very mad when I heard that Sophia had a broken arm and leg. I could see the anger reflected on my wife's face as well. We wanted to sue the school but, Sophia managed to calm us down and stop us from doing it. When I was driving home, my wife and I kept talking about moving because Sophia's injuries strengthened our choice to move. When we got home, I noticed that Sophia fell asleep in the car and carried her to bed. When I set her there, I noticed her injuries and got angry that I didn't even have time for my own daughter. Lily saw the guilt and anger on my face and calmed me down, telling me that Sophia's injuries weren't my fault.

Ch 4: Moving



Next Morning

Sophia's POV


When I woke up the next morning, I saw that I wasn't in the car anymore. I thought that my dad must have carried me to bed. I smelled something from downstairs. My mom made chocolate pancakes with strawberries on the top! "Delicious," I thought. Dad opened the door and told me good morning. I asked him,"Why are you and Mom still home?" He said, "We didn't want to leave for work today and took a few days off. Since you aren't going to that terrible school anymore, your mother and I have decided to talk to you about something after dinner." "What do you mean by me not going to school?" I said. "Didn't we tell you? We dropped you out of that torture yesterday," dad replied casually. "What!!!" I said. "We will tell you why after breakfast. I got you a chair so that you could brush your teeth without any problems. Make sure that you take a bath without getting your casts wet," was all he said. Then he left my room. Knowing how much dad eats, I quickly and carefully brushed my teeth and took a bath.


After I took my bath and got dressed, I went downstairs with some help from my dad. I was happy that I didn't have to go to school today but, I would never tell my dad. He would start bothering me about it. I wondered what my parents wanted to talk to me about. The smell of pancakes interrupted my thoughts as soon as I got near the kitchen. My mother said, "Good morning sweetie. Your pancakes are on the table. You better hurry, you don't want dad eating them." "Hey!" said Dad. My mother and I giggled. I poured some orange juice for me and quickly took my seat to eat my pancakes. I can't remember the last time I giggled and had breakfast with my family. As soon as the creamy chocolate touched my tongue, I moaned. My father chuckled and started to eat his pancakes as well. My mother soon joined us and started to eat. Once we finished, I started to do the dishes. My parents said, "Honey, we have to talk to you about something important," when I finished the dished and we all sat in the luxurious living room. Did I forget to mention that my parents were rich? They're heart surgeons. "Sophia, your mother and I have been thinking about something since yesterday and we wanted your opinion ," said Dad, interrupting my thoughts. "Well, what do you want my opinion on?" I questioned. Mom said, "Your father and I have been thinking about moving to Florida after your injuries are healed. There are more job opportunities there and it would be a fresh start for you." At first, I said nothing out of shock. It would give me a fresh start and I could heal my heart. And the best thing, no bullies! Then I said, "I would love to go to Florida." My mom and dad beamed and Dad said, "Great! You injuries will be healed in about three weeks and there's plenty of time to start packing, looking for a place to live and find a job." "We'll start getting packed starting from tomorrow," said mom. "Ok," I said happily.


Three Weeks Later


The time is 3:30am. I had my casts taken off yesterday and the bruising was all gone. I was happy that my body was unmarked by any bruising and was back to its normal pale white shade. I had started packing all of my clothes, accessories, and important objects in organized boxes. My dad put my bed into our moving truck. Everything but the furniture was packed. My parents decided to rent our house to a nice family that was going to stay here for a few years. After my parents packed the last minute things they needed, we got a taxi because our car was being transported to Florida. My dad managed to find a new house (more like mansion) and bought it. My family and I were taking a plane from Maine (that's where I am) to Florida directly without any stops. I was nervous and excited because this was going to be my first time on an airplane. I was glad that I wasn't scared of heights. I was brought out of my musing when my dad yelled, "Sophia, hurry up or we're going to miss our flight!" "Coming!" I yelled. I wanted to get away from this place not stay! I quickly got in the car and closed the door behind me. The driver in the taxi drove us to the airport in one hour. My parents and I quickly checked in and found where our plane was going to arrive. While we were waiting, my parents and I bought some breakfast and ate it because we didn't have time to eat at home. The plane arrived after three hours of waiting at 9:00am. My parents and I quickly boarded the plane and found our seats. After a little while the plane took off and I looked outside the window. I saw lots of large, white clouds. I closed the window after five minutes of looking at the clouds. The air hostess brought some lunch after a few hours. After I ate, I fell asleep thinking, "I can't wait until we arrive at Florida."

Ch. 5: Arriving at Flordia

Arriving at Flordia 

   I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder saying, "Sophia, wake up. The plane landed." I woke up immediately when they said that and saw that someone was my mother. I said, "We're in Florida?" My mom nodded her head excitedly and said, "Hurry up and get your bag out. We still need to collect our suitcases before we go to out house." My parents and I quickly got out our bags and stood in the crowed line with everyone else. After ten minutes, Mom, Dad, and I got out of the plane with our small bags. Then, we went to the luggage area to collect our six suitcases. It took twenty minutes to find all of our luggage because everyone else from the plane were trying to find their luggage to. My dad put our luggage on a luggage cart and started to push it towards the exit. When we went outside, I saw that the sky was dark and asked my mother what time it was. She said, "It's eight thirty." After ten minutes, we found a taxi that was willing to take us to our house. When we arrived at our house/mansion, I saw that it was near the beach! I yelled, " Is that our house!?" My father laughed and said, "Yes it is. Don't you like it?" I said, "It's beautiful." Dad smiled and said, "Good. It took us a long time to find it." "I thought you said that it was easy to find," I replied. "Yes it was. Isn't that right sweetie?" Mom said. "If you say so," Dad replied. Mom started to kiss Dad and I said, "Eww, get a room!" Mom blushed and a Dad chuckled. After a while, Mom said, "Shouldn't we get inside?" Dad said, "We should." After Dad unlocked the door, we brought our luggage inside and put it near the stairs.


Mom and Dad decided to share the master bedroom and told me to pick out my room. I went upstairs and found a large room with a balcony that had a great view of the sea. I yelled, "I found my room!" My mom came into my room and said, " Great! Now come downstairs, the movers just arrived with our things. We can get our rooms set up today." I ran downstairs and found Dad with the movers. "Did you choose your room?" he asked. "Yes I did," I replied. "Good," he said. One of the moves came up to Dad and asked, "Do you want our with your things or will you be fine on your own?" We would like your help setting up the heavy things like bed posts and dressers," Dad replied. "Ok," said the man. Mom and Dad started to tell the movers where to set up the things in our rooms. Dad had already gotten our rooms painted a few days before we arrived here. So, we didn't have to worry about that. Mom, Dad, and I got our clothes set up quickly because they were all folded and in organized piles. At ten o'clock, Dad ordered cheese and vegetable pizzas for dinner. We went to bed at eleven o'clock.


At Morning


I woke up at ten o'clock in the morning and saw the stars on my night blue ceiling. "My parents must still be asleep," I thought. I got out of bed and and took a ten minutes shower. Then, I quickly dried off and got ready for the day. After I got ready, I went downstairs to cook bacon and eggs for breakfast. I started some coffee and started to cook breakfast. A few minutes later, Mom and Dad came downstairs, smelling the food. "Is that bacon I smell?" asked Dad. "It sure is," I said. I gave Mom and Dad their plates of breakfast and made myself the same thing. Dad said, "School starts tomorrow Sophia." "I forgot about school," I said. "Too bad. Do you have money for school supplies?" Mom asked. "No," I replied. "Take my card today so that you can get them. The store isn't far from home," Mom said. I said, "Ok," and quickly finished my breakfast. I already had on a jeans pant and shirt, so I took Mom's credit card, put on some shoes, and went out yelling, "Bye!" to my parents. I found the store Mom was telling me about and bought my school supplies. I went back home and put my school supplies in my room. Then, I changed into my one piece swimming swimming suit and put a note on the refrigerator telling my parents that I was going to the beach because they went shopping for a new couch and dining table. I packed a lunch, a change of clothes, sunglasses, a towel, and my phone in a small bag. Finally, I went to the beach.


At the Beach


When I arrived at the beach, I found an empty spot to put my bag, quickly ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and ran into the ocean. I was glad I had taken swimming lessons a few months ago. I remembered Adam and started thinking, "I will never be that weak again." Suddenly, a little rainbow fish came and bit me. "Ow!" I cried, forgetting that I was underwater. I quickly swam to shore and took a deep breath. I went to my bag and sat down. I saw that the place where the fish bit me was bleeding. I dried my body with the towel I brought and changed into my clothes in the bathroom. I ran home thinking, "I have never seen a rainbow fish before!" I took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. I heard the front door shut. "It must be my parents," I thought. Dad yelled, "Honey, we're home!" I finished getting dressed and left my hair down to dry. I went downstairs and saw that Mom and Dad brought early dinner. "Sophia, this is for you. We already ate lunch out," said Dad. "Ok," I replied. I was hungry and the peanut butter and jelly sandwich from lunch didn't help. While Mom and Dad took showers, I ate the dinner that they from the Chinese restaurant. By the time I finished, it was seven thirty. "There's school tomorrow!" I thought. I ran upstairs to label and put my school supplies in my backpack. Then, I chose my clothes for tomorrow: A black t-shirt, and a red skirt with tiny red shorts underneath. Suddenly, I felt really sleepy. I remembered to set my alarm at five o'clock in the morning for school tomorrow and got in bed. I blacked out as soon as my head touched the pillow.



Ch. 6: Weird School Day

Weird School Day 


My alarm rang, waking me up. I got up and took a ten minute bath. Then, I put on the clothes last night. I went to the mirror to put some makeup on. But, when I looked at my face, I started to scream. I put my hand to my mouth tightly to stop myself from making any noise because my parents were still asleep. After a few minutes, I stopped screaming and remove my hand from my mouth. I looked at my face again and saw that it had changed. My eyes were a vibrant violet with tiny golden and silver flakes, my normally pale face was tan like I had been in the sun, and my thin lips were now full red lips. But, the thing that surprised me the most was my hair. It was a beautiful shade of crimson that looked like it sparkled in the sun. Then, I noticed my body. It had muscled like I was really athletic my womanly parts looked very proportional, my legs looked very long and, I was taller. In all, I looked like a supermodel. I thought, "What happened to me!? I didn't look like this yesterday!" Then, I remembered the rainbow colored fish that bit me yesterday and looked down at my hand where it bit me. It was gone! I rubbed my eyes, thinking that I was imagining things but. I wasn't! I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. It worked. Suddenly, I remembered that I have school today and that Mom and Dad were going to the hospital today for work. I took my phone from where it was charging and looked at the time. "Oh no!" I said to myself. "I'm going to be late!" I ran downstairs and had a quick breakfast of toast and butter with some orange juice. I looked at the time again and saw it was five forty. I took the lunch money Mom left for me on the table along with my backpack and started running to school. Everything looked like a blur and when I stopped, I was at school! "What the heck!" I said. I looked at the time on my watch and saw it was five forty one! "How con I make it to school in one minute! It would take at least fifteen minutes to get here! It must have been that fish. It was there one second and gone the next. " "I'll have to worry about that later, classes start soon and I don't know where my classes were," I thought. I entered my new high school and found the principle's office. I knocked on the door and heard a male voice say, "Come in!" I opened the door and went in. I saw a fat old man with kind brown eyes. "Hello, you must be Sophia Rose. I am Mr. Leo. Welcome to Florida High School and I will be showing you around today," he said. "Hello and thank you Mr. Leo," I said. Mr. Leo started showing me all the classrooms I would go to, gave me my schedule, and dropped me off at my first class when everyone started arriving to introduce me to my teacher. My math teacher's name is Mrs. Kelly. She has lone chocolate hair, twinkling brown eyes, a slender body, and tan skin. She was really kind. When the bell rang at six ten, people started to come in and I chose a seat at the front of the room. After ten minutes, class got started. Mrs. Kelly said, "Okay class, we have a new student today. Her name is Sophia Rose. She just moved to Florida." Then she asked me to introduce myself to everyone. Usually, I would feel nervous but, for some reason I didn't. When I started to walk towards the front of the room, a few of the boys whistled. I blushed. I started to speak and said, "Hi, my name is Sophia Rose. I just moved here from Maine two days ago. I'm fifteen years old and I like to swim. Do you have any questions for me?" A jock asked, "Will you go out with me?" The class started to laugh and sicker when I said, "No, thank you," and walked back to my seat. The boy started to blush. The boys kept staring and drooling at me while most of the girls stared at me with jealousy in their eyes throughout the whole class. "I didn't know I looked that good'" I thought. I was glad when the bell rang and was the first one out the door. I got out my schedule: Math, Science, History, Gym, Lunch, Art, Music, and Drama were in order. I groaned when I saw music and acting because I was horrible at it. A girl ran after me and said, "Hi! My name is Emily Rock. I was in your math class." "Hi, my name is--"

Emily interrupted me and said, "Sophia Rose. Ya, I know. Everyone is talking about you and staring at you right now. This isn't a large school so, it's not hard to know if you're new. Also, you rejected a date from the most popular boy in this school, Jared Emerson. The guy with blond hair and blue eyes." "Oh," I said. "It's okay. Jared needed to be taken down a notch. Now his girlfriend, the cheerleader Marissa Caves, is going to try to ruin your life," replied Emily. When Emily said the name Marissa, I was reminded of my ex-best friend from Maine. I pushed Marissa from my head and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of Marissa." "If you say so," Emily replied. I arrived at my next class, science, and told Emily that I would see her at lunch. My next few classes until lunch was a repeat of math. With everyone staring at me.


At Lunch


   When I entered the cafeteria, everyone got silent. I met up with Emily and her friends after I got my lunch. I yelled, "Stop staring at me!" because people didn't look away from me.It was like I broke a spell when I yelled that and everyone went back to normal. I sighed. I resumed talking with my new friends and eating lunch. In the middle of lunch, everyone got silent again. My friends looked up to see why and saw a group of cheerleaders entering the cafeteria. A girl who looked like the leader of them walked up to me and  said, "You messed with the wrong girl." I asked her, "Who are you?" Her face turned red and she yelled, "I am Marissa Caves, the most popular girl here!" I turned back around to eat my lunch, making Marissa more mad. "How dare you!!!" she said. I turned around with my open water bottle and "accidentally" spilled some water on Marissa and said, "Oops, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." Marissa screamed and ran out of the cafeteria with everyone laughing at her. The bell rang signaling that lunch was over. "That was the best lunch I ever had!" Emily said. Her friends agreeing with her. I just went to my next three classes after telling my new friends bye. I was surprised during music and drama class because my voice sounded like I had been singing for years and my acting was flawless.


After School


   I ran home in one minute like today morning thinking, "I have to look up that weird fish. After a few hours of looking, I found something about rainbow fish bites. It was a Native American legend (I'm making this up) that if you get bitten by the rainbow fish, it bites you on purpose but, it only works on people that are about to turn sixteen and have faced a lot if emotional pain. It says they will know how to use their powers ten days before their birthday and on their sixteenth birthday, their power will grow to its maximum height so, you will feel very tired on that one day. But, after their birthday, they will be able to control all their powers and it will take some time for to get used to your powers. Their powers are: Mind reading, being able to use all fighting techniques, increased intelligence, control of the four elements (earth, water, fire, and air), being able to conjure any objects they want, flying, enhanced senses, super strength, and being able to change their appearance at will. The signs of changes are: sudden sleepiness, appearance changes (this will be their natural face and will attract lots of attention if seen), being able to sing, being able to act, and sudden super speed. It also said that I would get a/more special unknown power(s). Once I finished reading this, the website disappeared like it was never there! The words, "If anyone else finds out about this, you will be in great danger. So, this website has been destroyed. PS, you will always be reborn with your memories and powers," came up. Then, that disappeared as well.I was very shocked.  I wasn't expecting this to happen! I calmed down and counted how many days there were until my birthday using my calendar. I saw that I had exactly three months until my birthday. Today was May thirty first. My birthday was on August thirty first. I sighed in relief thinking, "I'm glad I have some time to get used to this." I closed my computer and put it away. I was glad that I had straight A's for once because the teachers didn't give me homework for today.


After an hour, I heard my parents come home and ran downstairs to make dinner while they got freshened up. I made spaghetti for dinner. My parents asked my some questions about school while we ate dinner. An hour after we finished dinner, I felt sleepy so I went to bed after telling my parents goodnight. I fell asleep in a matter of seconds.


Ch. 7: My Birthday

 My Birthday 


The next three months were a repeat of my first day of school. But today, I was really nervous. Today was August 31st and my birthday. I got my powers like the page or whatever it was said. I still don't know why I was chosen when there were others or how to control my powers. I had to pretend that I was sick so that I didn't have to go to school. I didn't want to hurt anyone because I could barely control myself from unleashing my powers. So, I had to lie to my parents and tell them that I was sick. I hated lying to my parents. But, I didn't want to put anyone in danger and who would have believed me anyway? I was glad that I would be able to go to outside my room tomorrow. Mom and Dad left food at my door everyday and went to work worried because I didn't dare go outside after I nearly trashed the house. Of course, they didn't know that since I cleaned everything up before they came home from work. I felt guilty for making them worry. I wouldn't have to worry controlling myself after my birthday today though! "Please let today pass without anything bad happening," I thought. "Honey, are you feeling any better! We could go out for your birthday," said Dad. "Sorry Dad, but I don't feel like I'll be getting any better yet," I replied. "I'm sorry to hear that dear," Dad said. "It's fine," I said. "Your mother and I were thinking of going to a restaurant today. Is that fine with you?" he asked. I still felt guilty for lying to them so I said, "Of course you can go Dad. Why do you need my permission?" I replied. "Are you sure you can take care of yourself?" he asked. "Yes, I can. I'm not a little girl anymore," I said. "Alright, alright. We'll be leaving at 9 pm. Just call us if you need us," Dad said. I heard his footsteps walking away from my door. I sighed and flopped onto my bed. "Why does the most happiest day of my life have to be the worst?" I thought.


9 o'clock


   At 9 pm, I heard my dad yell, "Honey we're going out for dinner, are you sure you don't want to come?" "I'm sure Dad," I yelled back. "Okay, but don't stay up too late," he said. "Okay," I replied. Mom yelled, "Bye honey," and they locked the front door and left. I sighed with relief. Suddenly, I felt a horrible pain in my stomach. I dropped to the floor and held my stomach. The pain soon started to spread throughout my whole body. It felt like I was squished under a truck and it wasn't long until I started to scream. I thought, "I'm glad that Mom and Dad aren't here," before I blacked out.


The Next Morning


   I woke up on the floor and the time was 3 am. "What the heck am I doing here?!" I thought. The memories from last night quickly popped into my head. "My birthday is over! Finally!" I thought. I thought about how I'm supposed to control my powers and remembered that I had complete control over my powers. I thought about fire and suddenly, I was holding a flame in my hand! I panicked and thought about putting the fire out. I checked my hand and saw that it was completely unharmed! This time I set my whole body on fire. After five minutes of standing unharmed, I understand that my fire wouldn't hurt me. I was happy that I could use the fire without hurting myself. Next, I tried using water. I was able to shape the water however I wanted to and I was able to harden it into ice. I also tried to make myself wet but, I saw that I could could only get wet if I wanted to. I saw the time on my clock and thought, "Oh, no! School is gonna start in an hour!" I used my super speed and quickly got ready for school. Then, I grabbed a doughnut on my way out. All of a sudden, wings popped out of my back!


"This must be one of my unknown powers," I thought. I started to flap my wings and went into the sky. The wind was blowing my hair in long strands behind me and I could see everything from up here. I saw my school and flew behind a tree where nobody could see me. Then, I quickly walked toward the front entrance and entered the school building.



 Sorry for the long hold!




Also, you can find this on Wattpad. Just search Starplus456 for to find my books.

Ch. 8: Moving Back

Moving Back


Two Years Later


Sophia's POV


   Today was my last day of Junior year. The day ended Senior clap out at my school. Once it was over, I walked home after saying, "See you next year," to my friends. I have gotten used to my powers but, I haven't told anyone about my powers. Not even my parents. I arrived at my house in a few minutes and when I opened the door, I saw my parents packing everything up in the house. My dad said, "Sophia, pack up all of your clothes. Your mother and I had to suddenly shift back to our old house because of work. The movers will be here in an hour so hurry up." "What! You know that I hate that place!" I replied. But Dad said, "I'm sorry Sophia, but we don't have a choice!" I stomped upstairs to my room, angry. I used my powers for to fold all my clothes and put them in my suitcases. By the time the movers arrived, all of Mom's, Dad's, and my clothes were folded and put in the back of the car. The movers moved all of our furniture into their truck and started on the long drive back to my old home. My family started the long drive 10 minutes after the movers left. And just like last time, I fell asleep during the ride back to hell.


A Few Hours Later


   I woke up when my mom shook me awake saying, "Sophia wake up. We're back home." I woke up immediately and got out of the car. I helped my parents bring all of our luggage out of the car trunk. Thankfully, almost everyone was gone because it was summer break. So, nobody saw me or my parents move back into our house. The movers truck arrived as soon as the luggage was taken out of the car. The movers and my parents worked together for to put where the furniture belonged. Then, my parents payed the movers money and they left. I could of sworn that they were staring at me though. Thankfully, Dad didn't notice.


Three Months Later


   After a peaceful summer break, my senior year was going to begin. I had gotten all the school supplies that I needed and was just packing them into my book bag. Then, I chose the clothes that I would be wearing tomorrow and set my alarm. This time though, I made sure to keep my window closed. I didn't want anyone climbing through my window again. I fell asleep thinking, "I will never let myself get bullied again!"


The Next Day


   My alarm rang, waking my up for school. I slammed the alarm for to make it stop ringing and got out of bed. Then, I took a five minute shower and got ready for school. I usually used my powers to get myself ready so, it took just 10 minutes for to get ready for school. After I finished, I I ate 2 slices of toast and a glass of orange juice. Finally, I walked to school and got there in 10 minutes. "You can do this Sophia. Just take some deep breaths," I said to myself. Then, I walked into my school. I needed to go get my schedule so, I went to the office to get it. Here's what my schedule looked like:


1) Math


2) English


3) Science


4) Gym


5) Lunch


6) Art


7) Music


8) French


   I sighed and went to find my math class. I still had the same teacher as last time for math before I left, Mrs.Conner. I got in my seat right when the bell rang. I made sure to hide my face with my hair so that nobody stared at me. Mrs.Conner said, "Class, we have an old student back with us. Ms. Rose would you stand up please?" "Oh well, there goes the idea of being ignored," I thought as I stood up. When everyone saw me they gasped. Someone said, "Sophia, is that really you?" I replied coldly, "Yes, It's me. Why are you so surprised?" I made sure my voice sounded rude because I wanted everyone to see that I had changed and not just physically but emotionally. I noticed that someone was Adam. My ex-crush. Adam said, "It's just that you look so different." "Well that's what happens when you get bullied by everyone in the school," I replied. Everyone went silent and Mrs.Conner awkwardly cleared her throat and said, "Let's get started. Shall we?" I went back to my seat but this time, nobody tried to trip me or anything. They could see that I had changed. The rest of the class passed by slowly.   

Ch. 9: First Save

First Save



  Sophia's POV


   After half an hour, the bell rang, signaling that math class was over.  I packed up my stuff and went to my next class. Everyone stared at me with shock, sadness, pity, or jealousy. I just ignored everyone and went to my next classes. When I went to the cafeteria for to get my lunch, everyone went quiet. "I guess I'll have to get used to this," I thought. I decided to not let anyone in this school get close to me, after all, they showed me how much I can trust them. Note the sarcasm. I put on my ice face for the rest of the day at school. But, in my Art class, I unfortunately had Adam sitting next to my seat. At the beginning of art class, Adam had tried to apologize to me but I just ignored him. Adam should of known that I don't love him anymore. Not after he broke my heart. The most annoying part was that Adam wouldn't stop talking until the teacher told him to be quiet. As soon as art class was over, I quickly packed up my stuff before Adam could start following me and went to my last few classes before school ended.


   After school ended, I started the walk back home. It was really sunny today so I pretended that I took a hat out of my bag when I actually made it appear with my powers in my backpack. Suddenly, I saw a few children crossing the road while there was a truck headed towards them. I changed my hair color and threw my backpack on the ground so that nobody would recognize me. I knew that I wouldn't get there in time so, I used my powers to make them teleport to the the sidewalk. I saw that the the truck was going to crash because of the sudden turn so, I used my super strength to stop it from crashing into a tree. I was pushed back a little before the the truck stopped moving. People started cheering and clapping. I didn't want anyone to find who I was so, I made my backpack appear in my room and then, I made my wings appear and flew away. While I was flying home, I made myself invisible so that nobody could follow me. After a few minutes, I was  back in my room. I had flown through the window because I didn't want anyone to see me turn visible. I took off my cap and changed my hair color back to normal. Then, I changed my clothes and quickly finished my homework. My parents had come home early today. After they freshened up, Mom made dinner while Dad was watching TV.


   When Mom finished making dinner she called me down and told me to set up the plates. Dad turned on the TV in the dining room and I saw a clip of myself rescuing the the kids and the truck. Then I saw, "Who is this mysterious girl? Is she a superhero or a super villain?," appear on TV. I quickly ate dinner and told my mom and dad that I was going to bed. Before falling asleep I thought, "Am I supposed to become a superhero and use my powers or not?" 


Ch. 10: Star



   Sophia's POV


   As usual, I woke up for school, took a shower, ate breakfast, and started walking to school. My parents had gone to work early today. When I arrived at school, everyone was talking about the woman that saved the truck and the kids. Some people thought that I was a superhero and others thought that I was a freak. This whole day I was on autopilot because of what had happened yesterday.  As soon as I got home, I started working on my superhero outfit. It was black with tiny white glitter pieces. I put supernovas and golden stars as well. Then, I made my mask. It was pink with black stripes on it. I put a spell on the mask so that it could never be taken off by anyone but me. I also put an indestructible spell on the costume and mask for to stop myself from being injured when I fight. By the time I finished, it was turning 9 o'clock. I hadn't even started on my homework so, I used a spell for to finish it. I then used my magic to make dinner because Mom and Dad would be home in 10 minutes. I ate my dinner with 5 minutes to spare. I put sticky note on the fridge saying that I ate dinner and went to bed. Once I went into my room, I made my costume appear on me and then for the final touch, I changed my hair color to a black so dark it looked like a midnight blue and my eyes to a bright silver color. Before I left, I made sure to leave a dummy of myself sleeping in bed. Then, I transported myself 5 minutes away from my house. I flew in the air, using my enhanced hearing for to find anyone in danger. After an hour, I heard a woman screaming, "Help! Help!" I followed the noise and found a 20 year old women surrounded by thugs in an alley. I landed next to the women and said, "Why don't you let the poor women go boys." The thug that looked like the leader said, "No can do cupcake. Why don't you join us?" I replied, "No thanks. I've got other things to do." Another thug said, "But, we won't let you escape." Then they attacked. I used my magic to tie them up and the women said, "Thank you! You got here just in time. I called the police while I as being chased but they aren't here yet." I could hear the police sirens arriving so I replied, "No problem," and was about to fly away when the women asked, "Wait! What's your name?" I answered, "Star," and then flew away just when the police arrived. I started flying back home because I saw that it was turning 11:30 pm and I had school tomorrow. By the time I arrived back home, it was midnight. I quickly changed into my pajamas and fell asleep.


The next day


   As soon as I arrived at school, I heard about my alter ego, Star. The stuff that I heard about myself was really good. When school was over I ran home at normal speed and put an alarm at 5 o'clock in the morning so that I could start my morning shift as Star before school started. Then I used my magic to do my homework and told my parents that I was going out for a walk and that I would be back before dinner time. Then, I closed the front door. After 5 minutes of walking, I hid behind a building and changed into Star. I found lots of people in trouble and saved them. Finally, I sent the criminals to jail.


   The next few days passed by like this. But, what I didn't know was that that there was going to be a new villain that actually had powers or that there was going to be a new student.


Ch. 11: New Student

New Student


Sophia' s POV


   Today when I went to school, I heard lots of chattering. I used my enhanced hearing to find out what the were talking about. It turns out that there was a new boy at school today. His name was Jason Smith. He was a transfer student who just moved here with his family. When I went to class, nobody was there. Today I wanted to sit in the back so that I could be ignored by the new student. I was reading a book while I waited for math class to start. When there was a minutes before the bell rang, all the students started to pour into the class. I guess that they were waiting to see a glimpse of the new boy. But, the disappointment on their face tells me that they didn't see him yet. Mrs. Conner, the math teacher came in a few minutes after the bell rang. Everyone got quiet when she came and I put my book away. Mrs. Conner said, "Class, we have a new student today. Jason, you can come in now." Jason came in. He had blond hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes. Mrs. Conner continued, "Jason why don't you introduce yourself to everyone." Then Jason said, "Hello, my name is Jason Smith. I just got transferred here from Britain and I love to play soccer." "Great, another jock," I thought. Then Mrs. Conner said, "Jason, go and sit by Sophia Rose. She'll show you where your classes are today. Sophia raise your hand." I wanted to refuse but Mrs. Conner stared at me with eyes that looked like they were saying, "Please." I sighed. Jason sat next to me and said, "Hi, my name is Jason Smith." I just ignored him and coldly said, "Give me your schedule." "Straight to the point, aren't we," he said but he still gave me his schedule. I memorized his schedule and gave it back to Jason. Throughout the rest of class, Jason wouldn't stop staring at me.


   After half an hour, the bell rang and everyone started to pack up their things and walk out the door. I was about to go too but, Jason stopped. "Hey! You're supposed to show me around!" he said. I stopped and said, "Come on, I'll show you your classes. It's the same schedule as mine." "That's great! " Jason said excitedly. "I'm not sure about that," I thought.


   While Jason kept talking, I just ignored him. When it was lunch time, I told him, "Go and sit somewhere else. I always sit alone." Jason replied, "But I wanna sit with you, cutie." I glared at him when he called me Cutie. "Ok, ok. I'll sit somewhere else." Jason replied when he saw me glare.


Jason's POV


   When the teacher told me to sit next to Sophia Rose, I thought, "Great, another cheer leading girl." But, the girl I saw shocked me. Sophia had beautiful crimson hair, vibrant violet with tiny golden and silver flakes, and full red lips. My heart stared to beat fasted and I felt nervous but, I stopped myself from showing my emotions on my face. I sat next to Sophia and said, "Hi, my name is Jason Smith." I was surprised when Sophia coldly said, "Give me your schedule." I recovered myself and said, "Straight to the point, aren't we," then I gave her my schedule. Sophia quickly looked at my schedule and gave it back to me. "what was that about," I thought. Even after Mrs. Conner started class, for some reason, I just couldn't stop staring at Sophia. The rest of my classes till lunch passed by like this.


   As soon as the class before lunch ended, I followed Sophia to the cafeteria. Once I arrived at the cafeteria, I found Sophia sitting at a table alone. When I asked if I could sit with her she answered, "Go and sit somewhere else. I always sit alone." I answered with,  "But I wanna sit with you, cutie." She glared at me when I said that. "Ok, ok. I'll sit somewhere else," I said. I went and sat with the jocks and cheerleaders. After lunch was over, i asked one of my new friends, "Why does Sophia always sit alone?" When he told me what had happened to Sophia with all of the bullying, I was very shocked. I thought, "Now I get why Sophia acts so cold to everyone. It would of been surprising if Sophia did trust the people in this school. But no matter what, I will get Sophia!!!"



Ch. 12: Bank Robbery

 Bank Robbery


Sophia's POV



   After lunch, Jason started following me for the rest of the day to get to his classes. For some reason, he stopped flirting with me. I thought that it was weird but, I was happy that he stopped annoying me. As soon as the bell rang, I quickly ran out of the classroom and started home. Suddenly, I heard someone yelling, "Help! Help!" I used my super hearing for to find out that it was coming from the bank 5 minutes from where I was. I quickly found a place to hide and transformed into Star. I flew towards the bank and saw that it was being robbed. A woman was being held hostage by one of the five robbers while the other four were getting the money. I landed behind the robber holding the woman and knocked him out. I then asked the woman, "Are you okay Ma'm?" She nodded her head and saw the other robbers coming out of the safe. When they saw their comrade knocked out, the robbers quickly took out their guns and said, "If anyone tried to stop us, we will shoot!" Then they fired their guns twice in the air. Everyone screamed. I used my super speed for to quickly get rid of the guns and pulled a rope out of thin air for to tie them up. Just then the media arrived. One of them asked, "Who are you!?" I answered, "Star," and quickly flew away. When I was far away from the bank, I transformed back into myself and walked home. I quickly did my homework without using my powers and told my mom who came home early, "I'm going out!" Mom replied, "Okay honey, but make sure you're home by 9!""Ok," I responded back. Then I ran out the door and found a place to hide and transformed into Star. After flying for five minutes, I saw a purse robber running away and a man running after him saying, "Help! He stole my purse!" I lander in front of the robber and tied him up with rope and called the police. Then I gave the man his purse back and told him, "The police will be here soon for the robber. You should wait until the y arrive." The man said, "Okay, and thank you for getting my purse back." I just winked at the man and flew off. I still had an hour till 9 so I flew around, helping anyone in trouble.


   After an hour, I transformed back to normal and went back home. I ate dinner with my parents and told them that I was going to bed when in reality, I transformed into Star for to do a nightly patrol. After an hour of flying around and finding nothing, I went back home and fell asleep.


??? POV


   I watched as Star did her nightly patrol. Once she was gone he said, "Ha ha ha!!! I will soon get you Little Star but until then, enjoy the time that you have left! Ha ha ha!!!"


I'm sorry everyone but because of school I might not be able to update this book as regularly. I will try my best to update when I have time. 



Ch 13: Feelings



Sophia's POV


   The next day when I went to school, I saw that Jason was sitting right next to my seat and that was the only seat left. I sighed and sat in my seat. Jason said, "Hello beautiful." I just ignored the tingling feeling in my stomach and waited for the teacher. Jason kept passing me notes in every class saying, "Will you go out with me?" I always threw them in the trash but that didn't stop him. To make things worse, Adam cornered me after school and said, "I will have you." Then, he tried to kiss me but, I kicked him in the nuts and walked away. Adam went down and groaned in pain. I told him, "Why would I want to be with someone like you?" and walked away. After that horrible incident, Jason stared to follow me home asking, "Will you go out with me?" I stared to get annoyed and yelled, "No!!!" Jason said, "Don't worry, I will get you to go out with me some day."  And true to his word, this continued for the next two weeks. I had to avoid Jason and Adam everyday. Everyday, I went home thinking, "When will this torture end?" One day, Adam was able to find me and surprisingly, he told me, "Sophia, I'm sorry for bullying you and showing that video to everyone. I realized that I fell in love with you when you left. Please forgive me." I said, "Adam I can forgive you but I don't have feelings for you anymore. I'm sorry." Adam replied, "Why can't you give me a chance Sophia?! Don't tell me that you fell in love with someone else!" When I didn't reply he said, "You did didn't you? That's why you don't love me anymore!" Before I was able to reply Adam told me, "Fine! I won't come after you anymore but don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart!" Then, he left. "Poor Adam," I thought. But at least he helped me realize that I liked Jason. "When Jason asks me next time, I will say yes," I thought.


   The next day when Jason asked me I yelled, "Fine!" Jason said, "Will you please go out wi-Really! My ears didn't deceive me did they?" I sarcastically replied, "No, that's why I yelled fine." Jason just ignored me and said," I'll pick you up at 6pm this Saturday and wear something normal." Then, he ran to his friends yelling, "She said yes!" I tried to hold in my laughter but, I failed. When I stared to laugh everyone looked at me, spellbound. Especially Jason. I put my cold mask back on and went to my first class. I could hear whispers about me and Jason. I went to bed that night thinking, "I hope that Jason doesn't disappoint me."


   When I woke up the next day, I remembered that my date with Jason was today. I quickly got out of bed and chose a nice but simple dress for my date. Then, I quickly ate my breakfast and transformed into Star for my morning patrol. Thankfully, there wasn't much trouble today. I transformed back to normal and came home to my parents yelling, "Where have you been Sophia, we were worried that bad something had happened to you?!" I told my parents, "I'm sorry mom and dad I just went out for a walk to clear my mind for the date," I said without thinking. My mom squealed and my dad said, "What date! Nobody is allowed to take my baby girl!" Mom said, "Honey it's just a date not a torture show." Dad grudgingly agreed and said, "But if he hurts my baby girl he's dead." Mom helped me get ready for my date with Jason. At exactly 6pm, I heard someone ring the doorbell. I tried to get the door before Dad but, I failed. Dad said, "So you're the boy whose taking my daughter out. Bring her back by 10pm and don't hurt her or I'll break your bones." I heard Jason gulp and reply, "Yes sir." I had arrived at the door by then and yelled, "Dad!" Dad replied with, "Sorry Sophia but nobody hurts my baby girl. Just saying." I told my parents goodbye and got in Jason's car. I told Jason, "I'm so sorry about my dad. He might seem rude but he's a big teddy bear once you get to know him." Jason chuckled and said, "Don't worry I know how he feels I'm a big brother you know." "I didn't know that," I replied. In five minutes, we arrived at the park and Jason covered my eyes with a cloth. "What are you doing!" I yelled. Jason replied, "It's a surprise, just wait for two minutes." Then, he held my hand and led me somewhere. After a few minutes of standing there, "Jason took off my blindfold and said, "Surprise!" I opened my eyes and gasped. I saw a table full of food with some candles lit up. "I'm sorry if it's too simple but this was the best thing I could think of for our first date," Jason said. "It's perfect," I replied. The rest of the night was perfect. When we arrived in front of my house, Jason quickly got out of the car and opened my door. "Thank you," I said. Jason just chucked and closed the door once I got out of the car. He walked me to my house and I told him, "I had a great time today." " Me too," he replied. I turned around to open my door and then turned back to face him and suddenly saw that he was very close to me. Our lips were separated by an inch. Our faces slowly inched towards each other. Our lips met and we kissed. My hands combed through his hair and he put his hands on my waist. We separated a few seconds later. Jason walked towards his car after he told my that he would see me on Monday. I went inside and saw that my mom was standing near the window. She squealed and told me that she was able to convince my dad to go to bed. After an hour of telling my mom what had happened, we both went to our rooms. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
I'm sooo sorry that I wasn't able to update sooner!!!
I was really busy with school and didn't have enough time.
My updates will be a lot slower because of school.
Anyways, I hope you like my update!!!




Ch. 14: Attack



Sophia's POV


The next day, I got up in a cheerful mood. I chose a skirt and shirt to match it. Then, I let my hair down and put on some clear lip gloss since my lips are already a perfect shade of red. I skipped breakfast and walked to school for once. Like any other day, people started to whisper about me. I overheard some people saying, "Look, she actually looks happy! She deserves to be after what we did." "She looks horrible!" That last comment was Marissa. I ignored them and started walking to my next class. I saw Jason walking towards me, smiling. He said, "Hi Sophia!" and gave me a quick kiss. "Hey Jason," I replied smiling at him. Everyone gasped when I smiled. Jason and I just ignored them and went to our next class while holding hands. I forget to tell you that Jason asked me to be his girlfriend didn't I? Anyways, Jason and I sat together in class while everyone else stared at us in jealousy.


The same thing happened in every class. During lunch, Jason and I sat together with the football team. Which included Adam. "Just a great," I thought. One guy named Jake asked, "When did you guys get together?" Jason replied, "We got together yesterday. I asked Sophia out on a date and --" Suddenly, someone broke through the lunch walls saying, "Everyone is my prisoner until Star arrives." Everyone started screaming and tried to run out the public door but, the guy just created a force field and nobody was able to get out. Once the smoke cleared up, everyone was able to see the guy who broke in. He was wearing a black leather suit full of pockets that stuck to his body and a black mask. I rewinded time back to when Jason and I entered the lunch room. I froze time and transformed into Star and created a clone of myself that acted and talked just like me. Then, I turned myself invisible, unfroze time, and waited for the attack. I saw my clone self walk into the lunch room with Jason and sit down with the football, and the conversation being repeated once again. Just as expected, the attacker arrived and said, "Everyone is my prisoner until Star arrives." Just to make sure that my power of time is kept a secret, I waited for half an hour and saw myself start a food fight. Everyone followed my example an threw food at the attacker. The attacker tried to dodge the food but, some landed on his mask and suit. While the attacker was distracted, I pretended like I had just arrived and flew through the hole in wall. Someone yelled, "Star is here!" Everyone cheered and the guy in the black suit said, "So this is the impressive Star? My boss told me that you were beautiful but not this beautiful." "Just stop with the small talk and surrender to me. If you do, you might get a smaller amount of time in jail," I replied. "Thanks but no thanks beautiful. My boss just sent me to tell you that he's coming for you. Soon," the guy in black told me. I asked, "Who the heck is your boss?" The guy in black just laughed and said, "You already know him sweetheart. Just look in your past." I was about to ask him what he meant when he suddenly threw a smoke bomb. By the time the smoke was gone, the guy in the black suit had disappeared. The students all started to crowd me and ask me questions but I just smiled and used my teleportation power and appeared in a deserted ally where I transformed back into Sophia. I knew that school would of been canceled and that my clone would be home soon so I used my powers to locate where my clone was. I saw that it was five minutes away from my house. When the clone was in my room, I teleported into my room and absorbed the clone. The memories of the clone transferred into my head and I saw that my clone self had walked home with Jason. I quickly did my homework, ate breakfast, and went to bed after I changed into my PJ's.


That night, I had a weird dream. I saw myself in a beautiful deep blue gown and a tiara on my head with Jason on my side dressed like a prince with a crown on his head. I saw Adam in a guard's uniform holding a sword. Suddenly, the scene switched and I saw Adam using his sword to kill Jason and me saying, "If I can't have you, then nobody can." Then, I saw myself screaming, "Nooo!!!" I quickly woke up and turned on the bedroom light. It was 2 o'clock in the morning. I went to the bathroom and threw some cold water on my face to clear my head. I could still see the blood on the sword as it came out of Jason's stomach. I tried to go back to bed but, I couldn't. I stayed awake until it was time for to patrol as Star.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.12.2016

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