

"How many times do I have to tell you? You can't skateboard anymore. You know your condition." says Mom. I snort and walk upstairs to my room. I close the door behind me. Falling onto my bed, I close my eyes. I can still hear my heart beating fast against my chest and my heavy breathing. "Fuck." I whisper, still out of breath.
I hate it when I run out of breath after I skateboard. I'm still working on the 360 flip and I got a couple of bruises and cuts on my arms and legs.
I roll over onto my side and stare at the calender. Skateboarding tryouts to win a thousand dollars starts in a week.
I close my eyes again. Shit. I can still hear my heart thudding against my chest.


I walk into the hospital to see my twin sister. She's sleeping and a bunch of wires are stuck onto her. I stare at her face. She looks so happy. So peaceful.
I go outside of her room and sit on one of the benches. I see a boy probably around my age walking in with a skateboard in his hand. He coughs, gets his other hand and puts it on his chest. A woman with blonde hair is by him. I think the woman's his mom.
Anyway the doctor tells them to come into his office and the door closes. I see my mom walking towards me.
"Hey buddy." she says smiling at me. I smile back. "Is she going to be all right?" I ask.
Ever since Liliya got sick, my mom never got sleep and she always looks tired. It's surprising that she has enough energy to smile. She smiles again, "Yes, she'll get better soon."
I kick at my feet and then I hear the door opening and the boy from before walks out with his mom. As soon as he gets out, I see the guy riding his skateboard doing a 360 flip. He grinds on the railings of the hospital and I can see his mom yelling at him, but the boy doesn't listen. He keeps on riding. I start to smile. I have to be good as him.
Then the skateboarding contest came into mind. That's it! I can earn $10,000 for my sister! For her to get better! I smile. "What's so funny?" my mom asks. "Nothing." I say smiling. My world just got a bit better.


"You have a heart tumor." were the words that the doctor told me. The words were like steel.
I'm skateboarding down the street and I do the laser flip, trying to get the thought off my mind.
"Shit." I whisper as the heel of my foot catches the nose of the skateboard. I land on my back and I curse at myself.
I see my mom standing there with her arms crossed, she shakes her head at me. "Oh geez. Why bother telling you it's dangerous." she says.
I ignore her and I skateboard all the way home. But this time, I don't make any mistakes.


I'm eating mashed potatoes that my mom made. I look out the window and spot that boy from the hospital. He's riding his skateboard.
Why was he in the hospital? He looks fine to me.
"What are you looking at?" my mom asks.
"Nothing." I say.
I get up from the table and head for the door.
"I'll be back in ten-minutes." I tell my mom. She nods and goes back to looking at some health magazines.
I rush out the door and yell hey!

to the boy. He stops skateboarding and flips the skateboard up with his foot. He's holding the skateboard now and I smile at him.
"Hi. I'm Aden. Aden Fender." I say. The guy doesn't seem to be paying attention. "Shit

." he says. He sort of wheezes and then he looks at me. "I'm Kieran Matthews." he says. I nod.
"I heard about the skateboarding competition. The one that's held in Wind Lake." I say quickly. Kieran nods.
"Yea, I'm practicing to win it." he says. He gives a smile. His eyes are looking at something that's far away. I nod again.
A thought pops into my mind. "Can you teach me some tricks?" I ask. He examines me from head to toe.
"I guess I can." he says. "You have a skateboard?" he asks.
"No. But I really want to get one." I explain. I look at Kieran's skateboard. It's black with skulls on it. He catches my eyes.
"You can borrow this," he says pointing to his skateboard. "But only for lessons." he adds.
I nod.
"So you're Aden right?" he asks.
"Yep." I say.
"Ok, so met me at the Wind Lake park tomorrow at six." he says. "You better be there tomorrow." Kieran adds.
"I will!" I say.
"Wait. In the afternoon right?" I ask.
"Yea." he says.
With that, Kieran puts his skateboard down and skateboards down the street making what he past in golden light.
I want to beat him in the competition.


I lay back in my bed and I laugh. The kid named Aden looks at me like I'm some kind of god. Skateboarding god to be exact. I laugh and I hear Mom downstairs.
"He's only going to live until he's sixteen!" she yells.
She's talking to someone on the phone and I sigh. I'm 14 right now which means that I only have two more years to live. I didn't even know that I had cancer when I was three. Yea. That long I had it for. I thought it was asthma but it's worse. The news about me having cancer doesn't really bother me. The only thing I want to do is skateboard. And that's the last thing I'll do before I die.

Mom's wearing this short t-shirt that shows part of her stomach and her hair's all pulled up into a pony-tail. She gives me a nod and lightly punches me in the arm. I stare at my hands which are covered in dirt and it has cuts all over. I sip a glass of water that Mom gave and I see her staring at me. Then the tears well up in her eyes.
"I just don't want to lose you." she whispers.
"I won't die. I'll live up to an old ass." I say sarcastically. That makes Mom smile a little.
"Well. I just want what's best for you." she says quietly.
"I'm entering the skateboarding competition." I say.
She sniffles some more and then says, "What skateboarding competition?"

Why did I tell her that? Now she's gonna be more annoying. I think some more. Mom will never understand what I want to do. "Nothing." I say.
"Ok, Then I'll be upstairs. Call me if you want anything." she says.
I hate it. I hate how she's treating me like a sick bastard. My dad's "original" wife is not Mom. Mom is dad's "second" wife. I hate my family. I hate how everyone doesn't see me a regular person. They all treat me like I'm all old and wrinkly. Skateboarding is my way out of that. I just want to become a pro-skater and then, my mission is accomplished.


Texte: COPYRIGHT 2012
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.01.2012

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To my family and friends who support me! xoxo, love you guys!

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