
Argyle Sweater Pattern




Size 6 to 8 years



    5 balls Fingering Yarn 3 ply—main color (1 oz. ball)

    1 ball Fingering Yarn 3 ply—dark contrasting color (1 oz. ball)

    1 ball Fingering Yarn 3 ply—light contrasting color (1 oz. ball)

    1 pair S.P. knitting needles No. 2 (3 mm.) and No. 3 (3¼ mm.)

    1 set of yarn bobbins

    6 buttons


GAUGE: 7 sts. = 1 inch

    Note: Main color: M

    Dark contrasting color: D

    Light contrasting color: L



    With M cast on 96 sts. with No. 2 needles and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 2¼ inch. Change to No. 3 needles and stock. st. Work even until the entire piece measures 10 inch, or any des. length to underarm. Bind off for armhole at the beg. of the next 2 rows 5 sts., at the beg. of the next 2 rows 2 sts. (82 sts. left). Work even for 5½ inch. from the first binding off. Bind off for shoulders at the beg. of the next 4 rows 13 sts., remaining 30 sts. bind off for neck.



    Wind 2 bobbins in M and 1 bobbin each in D and L and take 2 long strands in D and 2 long strands in L.

    With M cast on 57 sts. with No. 2 needles and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 2¼ inch, keeping the 7 center front sts. in garter st. for buttonhole border throughout the entire front. Change to No. 3 needles.

    1st row: right side—with M K7 border sts., K11 M, attach a bobbin of L, K9 L, attach a strand of D, K1 D, attach another strand of D, K1 D, K9 L, attach a bobbin of M, K19 M.

    2nd row: To prevent a hole, twist yarns around each other, when changing colors. P20 M, 7 L, 1 D, 2 L, 1 D, 7 L, 12 M, K7 M (border).

    3rd row: K7 M (border) K13 M, 5 L, 1 D, 4 L, 1 D, 5 L, 21 M.

    4th row: P22 M, 3 L, 1 D, 6 L, 1 D, 3 L, 14 M, K7 M (border).

    5th row: K7 M (border) K15 M, 1 L, 1 D, 8 L, 1 D, 1 L, 23 M.

    6th row: P23 M, 1 D, 10 L, 1 D, 15 M, K7 M (border).

    7th row: K7 M (border) K14 M, 1 D, 2 M, 8 L, 2 M, 1 D, 22 M.

    8th row: P21 M, 1 D, 4 M, 6 L, 4 M, 1 D, 13 M, K7 (border).

    9th row: K7 M (border) K12 M, 1 D, 6 M, 4 L, 6 M, 1 D, 20 M.

    10th row: P19 M, 1 D, 8 M, 2 L, 8 M, 1 D, 11 M, K7 (border).

    11th row: K7 M (border), K11 M, break off strand of D and attach strand of L, 1 L, 8 M, break off bobbin of L and attach bobbin of D, K2 D, 8 M, break off strand of D and attach strand of L, K1 L, 19 M.

    12th row: P20 M, 1 L, 6 M, 4 D, 6 M, 1 L, 12 M, K7 (border).

    13th row: K7 M (border) K13 M, 1 L, 4 M, 6 D, 4 M, 1 L, 21 M.

    14th row: P22 M, 1 L, 2 M, 8 D, 2 M, 1 L, 14 M, K7 (border).

    15th row: K7 M (border), K15 M, 1 L, 10 D, 1 L, 23 M.

    16th row: P23 M, 1 D, 1 L, 8 D, 1 L, 1 D, 15 M, K7 (border).

    17th row: K7 M (border) K14 M, 3 D, 1 L, 6 D, 1 L, 3 D, 22 M.

    18th row: P21 M, 5 D, 1 L, 4 D, 1 L, 5 D, 13 M, K7 M (border).

    19th row: K7 M (border), K12 M, 7 D, 1 L, 2 D, 1 L, 7 D, 20 M.

    20th row: P19 M, 9 D, 2 L, 9 D, 11 M, K7 M (border).

    21st row: K7 M (border) K12 M, 7 D, 1 L, 2 D, 1 L, 7 D, 20 M.

    22nd row: P21 M, 5 D, 1 L, 4 D, 1 L, 5 D, 13 M, K7 M (border).

    23rd row: K7 M (border) K14 M, 3 D, 1 L, 6 D, 1 L, 3 D, 22 M.

    24th row: P23 M, 1 D, 1 L, 8 D, 1 L, 1 D, 15 M, K7 M (border).

    25th row: K7 M (border) K15 M, 1 L, 10 D, 1 L, 23 M.

   26th row: P22 M, 1 L, 2 M, 8 D, 2 M, 1 L, 14 M, K7 M (border).

    27th row: K7 M (border) K13 M, 1 L, 4 M, 6 D, 4 M, 1 L, 21 M.

    28th row: P20 M, 1 L, 6 M, 4 D, 6 M, 1 L, 12 M, K7 (border).

    29th row: K7 (border) K11 M, 1 L, 8 M, 2 D, 8 M, 1 L, 19 M.

    Repeat pattern between 11th and 29th row all the way up front, reversing colors in every diamond. With 57 sts. work even until the entire piece measures like back. Bind off for armhole at seam edge at the beg. of the next row 7 sts. and at the beg. of the next 2 rows at seam edge 2 sts. (46 sts. left). Work even for 4 inch, from the first binding off. Bind off for neck 12 sts. at center edge and then always 2 sts. at neck edge every other row until 26 sts. are left over. Work as high as back and bind off for shoulder at armhole edge 13 sts. twice. Work the other front to correspond and make 6 buttonholes in front border, starting first buttonhole after ½ inch. (To make a buttonhole: k2 sts., bind off 2 sts., work to end of row. On next row, cast on 2 sts. over the 2 bound off sts.). Repeat buttonholes every 2¼ inch. 5 times more.



    With M cast on 46 sts. with No. 2 needles and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 2¼ inch. Change to No. 3 needles and stockinette st. increasing 4 sts. across first row. In­crease 1 st. at the beg. and at the end of every 6th row until 68 sts. on needle. Work even until the entire sleeve measures 12½ inch, or any des. length to underarm. Bind off at the beg. of the next 2 rows 4 sts. Decrease 1 st. at the beg. of each row until 54 sts. are left. Decrease 1 st. at the beg. and end of every 4th row until 44 sts. are left. Bind off 2 sts. at the beg. of each row until 28 sts. are left over. Bind off. Work the other sleeve to correspond.



    Sew up side, sleeve and shoulder seams and sew in sleeves. Right side facing you, pick up around the neck with No. 2 needles 78 sts. and K1, P1 for 6 rows. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P. Steam lightly and sew on buttons.

Slip-On Sweater Pattern


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.10.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-2096-1

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