All sizes
3 skeins Sock yarn 3 ply, m.c. (1 oz. skein)
1 skein Sock yarn 3 ply each in two c.c. (½ oz. skein each)
1 pair knitting needles each No. 1 and No. 2
1 set sock needles No. 2
7 bobbins
2 stitch holders
1 card Nylon for heel and toe reinforcement
NOTE: Wind 2 bobbins each in 2 different c.c. and 3 bobbins in m.c. On model m.c. is oxford grey, 1 st. c.c. is navy, 2nd c.c. is light blue.
GAUGE: 7 sts. = 1 inch
With m.c. and No. 1 needles cast on 64 sts. Work back and forth in ribbing K 1, P 1 for 3 inch. Change to No. 2 needles and pattern. 1st row: Attach a bobbin of grey. K 12 grey, attach a bobbin of navy, K 4 navy, attach a bobbin of light blue, K 4 light blue, attach a bobbin of grey, K 24 grey, attach a bobbin of navy, K 4 navy, attach a bobbin of light blue, K 4 light blue, attach a bobbin of grey, K 12 grey. 2nd row: P 12 grey, P 4 light blue, P 4 navy, P 24 grey, P 4 light blue, P 4 navy, P 12 grey. Repeat these 2 rows once more. 5th row: K 12 grey, * slip next 4 sts. to an extra needle, K next 4 sts. with light blue, K 4 sts. from extra needle with navy * (a cable made) K 24 grey and repeat between * once, end K 12 grey. 6th row: P 12 grey, P 4 navy, P 4 light blue, P 24 grey, P 4 navy, P 4 light blue, P 12 grey. 7th row: K 12 grey, K 4 light blue, K 4 navy, K 24 grey, K 4 light blue, K 4 navy, K 12 grey. 8th row: Like 6th row. 9th row: Like 7th row. 10th row: Like 6th row. 11th row: K 12 grey * slip next 4 sts. to an extra needle, K next 4 sts. with navy, K 4 sts. from extra needle with light blue * (a cable made), K 24 grey and repeat between * once ending 12 grey. 12th row: Like 2nd row. Continue to work this way cabling the K 8 sts. every 6th row on right side and repeating these 12 rows for pattern until sock measures 7 inch. or any des. length to heel ending with a P row. Cut off light blue and navy bobbins. Attach grey. With No. 2 sock needles K across 16 sts. With another sock needle K across next 32 sts. for instep (2nd needle). With 3rd sock needle K across rem. 16 sts. HEEL: Slip the 16 sts. from 1st sock needle and the 16 sts. from 3rd sock needle on one needle tog. (make sure that center of heel is center of sock.) Attach Nylon. 1st row: (wrong side) P across row. 2nd row: * slip 1, K 1, repeat from * across row. Repeat these 2 rows for 27 rows. Now start to shape heel. With right side facing you, slip 1, K 17, K 2 tog., K 1, turn. Slip 1, P 5, P 2 tog., P 1, turn. Slip 1, K 6, K 2 tog., K 1, turn. Slip 1, P 7, P 2 tog., P 1, turn. Slip 1, K 8, K 2 tog., K 1, turn. Slip 1, P 9, P 2 tog., P 1, turn. Continue this way, always working 1 st. more on each row until 18 sts. are left on heel needle. Cut off Nylon. With another needle (1st needle), pick up and K 14 sts. along one side of heel. K across all instep sts. (2nd needle). With another needle (3rd needle), pick up and K 14 sts. along other side of heel and K half of heel sts. to same needle. Slip the rem. heel sts. to first needle, end at center of sole. Decr. for instep as follows: 1st round: On first needle, K to within 3 sts., K 2 tog., K 1, K across instep sts. On 3rd needle: K 1, slip 1, K 1, and p.s.s.o. the K st. K to end. 2nd round: K around. Repeat these 2 rounds until there are 64 sts. left in round. Work even until foot measures from tip of heel 8 ½ inch. for size 10 ½; 9 inch. for size 11; 9 ½ inch. for size 11 ½, 10 inch. for size 12; 10 ½ inch. for size 12 ½, or 2 inch. less than desired length when finished. Now start toe decrease: Attach Nylon. 1st round: K around. 2nd round: On 1st needle, K to within 2 sts., K 2 tog. On 2nd needle: K 2 tog., K to within 2 sts., K 2 tog. On 3rd needle: K 2 tog., K to end. Repeat these 2 rounds until 20 sts. are left in round. Weave sts. tog. Sew up seams. Steam lightly.
All sizes
2 balls Sock yarn 3 ply (1 oz. ball) for short socks
3 balls Sock yarn 3 ply (1 oz. ball) for long socks
1 set sock needles each No. 1 and No. 2
1 card Nylon for heel and toe reinforcement.
GAUGE: 7 sts. = 1 inch
Cast on 64 (68) sts. with No. 1 needles, join and work in ribbing K 2, P 2 for 3 inch. (2 inch. for short socks). Change to No. 2 needles and work in pattern as follows: 1st, 2nd and 3rd rounds: P 1, K 4, P 2, K 4, P 1, K 20 (22) P 1, K 4, P 2, K
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-0616-3
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