
Boy's Skating Outfit





1 oz. Knitting Worsted light blue

½ oz. Knitting Worsted navy

1 pair knitting needles No. 5


GAUGE: 5 sts. = 1 inch




With light blue and No. 5 needles cast on 14 sts. and work in ribbing K 1, P 1 for 4 rows. Change to stock. st. and incr. 1 st. at each end of needle every 4th row 3 times. Work even until piece measures 2 ¾ inch. Put a marker at beg. of row and decr. as follows: * K 1, K2tog., K to last 3 sts. K2tog., K 1. Work 5 rows stock. st. Repeat from * 3 times more. Work even for 10 rows. Bind off. Work the other half of slacks the same way.




Sew up back and front seam to marker. Sew up side seam of each leg. Block to size.






With light blue and No. 5 needles cast on 18 sts. and work in ribbing K 1, P 1 for 3 rows. Change to stock. st. and work in striped pattern * 4 rows navy, 4 rows light blue. Repeat from * once more. Slip a marker on each end of needle to mark armhole. Work 4 rows navy and 4 rows light blue. Bind off 4 sts. at beg. of next row, P across next 10 sts, (neck facing}, K rem. 4 sts. Bind off 4 sts. at beg. of next row. P across 10 sts. K across next row and incr. 1 st. at the beg. and end of row. P across 12 sts. Bind off. Work Front as Back.




Sew up shoulder seam. With navy and No. 5 needles pick up 12 sts. between markers. Work in stock. st. and striped pattern as on sweater until 3 navy stripes are completed. With light blue work in ribbing K 1, P 1 for 3 rows. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P. Work the other sleeve to correspond.




Sew up side and sleeve seams. Fold neck facing to wrong side and hem. Block to size.




With light blue and No. 5 needles cast on 24 sts. and work in ribbing K 1, P 1 for 2 rows. Work in stock. st. for 6 rows. * K2tog. across row. P back. Repeat from * twice more. Break yarn leaving an 8 inch end, thread this end with a tapestry needle and pull tightly through rem. 3 sts. Sew up back seam. Make a small navy pom-pom and sew to top of hat.

Mohair Coat and Hat





1 ball Mohair or

1 oz. Knitting Worsted

1 pair knitting needles No. 6

3 buttons



GAUGE: 4 sts. = 1 inch




Starting on bottom of back cast on 16 sts. with No. 6 needles. Work in stock. st. for 2 rows. P 1 row on right side for hemline. Cont. stock. st. and work even for 5 inch. Cast on 10


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.07.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-0493-0

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