24 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" with Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 2/0 (double zero).
Starting at bottom, ch 134 to measure 22 inches. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, * tr in next ch, sc in next ch. Repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn. 2nd row: Sc in each st across. Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: Sc in first sc, tr around bar of 2nd tr on first row, skip 1 sc on row in work, sc in next sc, tr around bar of first tr on first row, * skip next sc on row in work, sc in next sc, skip next tr on first row, tr around bar of next tr, skip 1 sc, sc in next sc, tr around bar of skipped tr. Repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows alternately until piece measures 34 inches.
Border for Mat: 1st rnd: Sc closely around, making 3 sc in each corner. 2nd to 5th rnds incl: Sc in each sc around, making 3 sc in center sc at each corner. Join. Break off at end of 5th rnd. Block to measurements.
24 balls of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" with Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 2/0 (double zero).
Starting at bottom, ch 133 to measure 22 inches. 1st row: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across. Ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Holding all loops back on hook, thread over, insert hook in first sc, * draw thread through and up to height of work, thread over, insert hook in same sc, draw thread through and up to height of work, holding all loops on hook, skip next sc, thread over, insert hook in next sc, draw thread through and up to height of work, thread over, insert hook in same sc, draw thread through and up to height of work, thread over and draw through all loops on hook, ch 1 to fasten (joint puff st made), thread over, insert hook in skipped sc. Repeat from * across, making last half of joint puff st in last sc, make a dc in last sc. Ch 1, turn. 3rd row: Sc in first st, 2 sc in each joint puff st across, sc in top of turning chain. Ch 3, turn. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows alternately until piece measures 34 inches.
Border for Mat: 1st rnd: Sc closely around, making 3 sc in each corner. 2nd to 5th rnds incl: Sc in each sc around, making 3 sc in center sc at each corner. Join. Break off at end of 5th rnd. Block to measurements.
COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. “SPEED-CRO-SHEEN” MERCERIZED COTTON: 2 balls of No. 1 White; 1 ball each of No. 46-A Mid Rose and No. 48 Hunter's Green.
Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No. 1/0 (zero).
12 inches of round elastic; scraps of red and black felt; cotton batting.
GAUGE: 6 sts = 1 inch; 5 rnds = 2 inches.
COVER—TOP … Starting at center with White, ch 4. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: In ring make 2 sc, 2 h dc and 6 dc. Do not join rnds but mark last st on every rnd to insure proper shaping. 2nd and 3rd rnds: 2 dc in each st around—40 dc at end of 3rd rnd. 4th and 5th rnds: * Dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc. Repeat from * around—90 dc at end of 5th rnd. 6th rnd: Dc in each dc around; then make h dc in next 2 dc, sc in next 2 dc. 7th rnd: Sl st loosely in each of the 90 sts around.
SIDE … 1st rnd: Picking up the back loop of the st behind the sl st only, make sc in next 2 sts, h dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 86 sts. 2nd rnd: Dc in each st around. Repeat 2nd rnd until piece covers the roll of tissue; then make h dc in next 2 dc, sc in next 2 dc, sl st in next dc. Break off and fasten.
DOT (Make 12) … With Green, ch 4. Join with sl st to form ring. Ch 1, 9 sc in ring. Join to first sc. Break off and fasten. Sew dots, spaced at random, to side of cover. Run elastic through the sts of last rnd. Fasten.
HEAD … Starting at top with Rose, work as for Cover-Top until the 3rd rnd has been completed. 4th rnd: * Dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc. Repeat from * around—60 dc. 5th rnd: Dc in each dc around. Repeat 5th rnd until piece measures 4½ inches from top. Next rnd: * Dc in next dc, holding back on hook the last loop of each dc, dc in next 2 dc, thread over and draw through all loops on hook—1 dc decreased. Repeat from * around—40 dc. Following rnd: (Dc in next dc, dec 1 dc over next 2 dc) 10 times for front of head; dc in remaining 10 dc—30 dc. Work 2 rnds even; then h dc in next 2 dc, sc in next 2 dc, sl st in next dc. Break off and fasten.
NOSE … With Rose, work as for Cover-Top until the 2nd rnd has been completed—20 dc. Next rnd: Dc in next 2 dc, h dc in next 2 dc, sc in next 2 dc, sl st in next dc. Break off and fasten.
EAR (Make 2)
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.06.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-9830-1
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