
Crocheted Afghan Pattern




American Thread Company "Dawn" or

"Clover Leaf" Germantown Wool

7-1 oz. Balls White

9-1 oz. Balls Pink

1 Ball Lt. Blue

1 Afghan Needle


Each square measures about 5 ½ inches.


Afghan St. Square. With White, ch 25, and work 24 Afghan sts.


Afghan St. Pick up each st of ch, work back by drawing through first 1 loop, * yarn over and draw through 2 loops, repeat from * to end of row.


2nd Row. Same as 1st row, picking up the vertical yarn instead of ch and work back in same manner. Repeat 2nd row.


Work 16 rows of Afghan st. Work 16 more Afghan squares.


Star Stitch Square. With Pink, ch 29, pick up 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th st from needle, leaving all loops on needle, thread over and pull through all loops on needle, ch 1, this is termed as the eye of st. * Pick up the eye, side of star, next 2 sts and pull yarn through all loops on needle, repeat from * 11 times (13 stars).


2nd Row. Ch 3, pick up 2nd and 1st st of ch, side of star, eye of next star and pull through all loops on needle, * pick up eye of star st, side of star, side of star st in previous row, eye of next star st in previous row and pull through all loops on needle. Repeat 2nd row 9 times.


With Pink work a row of s c around all squares.


Embroider the designs in Cross st with Pink, using Lt. Blue for eyes, working over the Afghan sts and following diagrams below.


Sew squares together, arranging them as illustrated, and finish with edge.


1st Row. With White, 1 s c in each s c, working 3 s c in corners.


2nd Row. 1 s c in s c, ch 1, skip 1 s c, s c in next s c, repeat all around, working 3 sts in corners.


3rd Row. Ch 1, d c in next s c, * ch 1, d c in same st, repeat from * twice. Ch 1, skip 2 s c, s c in next st, skip 2 s c and repeat from beginning all around.


4th Row. D c between first 2 d c of shell, ch 1, d c in same space, * ch 1, d c between next 2 d c of shell, ch 1, d c in same space, repeat from *, s c in s c and repeat from beginning all around.



Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.10.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-4712-5

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