
The Kid Who Knew Too Much











The Irony of using Witchcraft and where it lead me



My first language is German


Rough Draft to Final Print - True Story


Laird Lee Horton







Start Here: The cloak of mysteries will be open to you now






THE cloak of mysteries will be open to you now


  1. My mom used to say “Close the door or you’ll let all the roaches out”. She liked the dark and enjoyed the supernatural. She told me I was “much more powerful than her.” I was 3 at the time.

  2. My mother was a real witch with the ability to predict the future she was a real gypsy. Doesn’t sound like a big deal but it is. She’s is also extremely lazy and doesn’t clean up after herself. Although she does bathe everyday -- Go figure.

  3. Something is happening in 2018 unlike any other time in history. And you’re aware of it right now. You just have a hard time putting your finger on it. I’m going to make it clear what that is.

  4. Do I have special attributes and abilities? Yes. Do I use them everyday? NO. I’m forbidden to or I will be destroyed. The time is coming when I will use them. Let me put it to you this way. I don’t need a gun -- EVER.

  5. I’m forbidden right now to show my face as you will not find me on any google search engines. There are 0 pictures of me. That’s the way it’s supposed to be for now. The movie Logan is loosely on human beings like me but uses witchcraft and mind games for the yes men and women of our demented world. But the storyline (for the most part) is fake, as we don’t have metal coming out of our hands. We wouldn’t need to if we can control our environment now would we? How silly tell-lie-vision is. Remember everything anyone “can do” is BORROWED. We don’t have any special abilities without GOD or god.

  6. The words I have chosen are not perfect but they are from my heart and from the source of everything. I’m 14 years old and have a lot to say. I’m more than just a boy. I’m a real messenger lead to you now. And I will prove all these things. Keep reading.

  7. I currently live in the United States. I’m protected by the “highest” who are in control of the Holy of Holies -REAL House. Not the fake news world either or CIA or anything corrupt including the illuminati. I’m part of this “organization” See Micah 4:1-5, which are many that sit at the top of the Mountains in these last days in every kindred, tongue, people and nation.

  8. There is one TRUE RELIGION on earth who does builds these “Houses” as in Isaiah 2:2 or Micah 4:1-5. No I don’t live in one of them. Christ does literally have his feet washed in his “HOUSE” every Thursday in the Holy of Holies by his ordained Apostles. They are real and they are humble. They do not boast or brag about their abilities like every other fake evangelist or the POPE who are frauds. But they have all the power from God. They have the same abilities that the original 12 Apostles had when Christ walked in Jerusalem. I will show you who and how in a minute.

  9. You will be taken back as most are with anger and hysteria to see who has the truth. I wasn’t because I knew before I could talk. I will show you that also in the pages ahead.

  10. Everything for the most part that you know is a lie. Including your pastor. But don’t blame him as he was just part of the vicious cycle that all of you are in now. You’re mistaken to believe that good people are told the truth. Far from it. They are the ones easily lied to. The good hearted neighbor you live next to is usually blinded by the craftiness of man. It’s the way it’s always been.

  11. I was chosen before I was born. No, I’m not the “Chosen one,” but I do know who he is. We are “friends”. I’m not talking about Jesus Christ either.


  1. The people who control God’s real sacred word are protecting me.

  2. Again, All religions are man made and corrupt -- EXCEPT ONE. And it’s been right in front of your face.

  3. Whatever your current situation, or what you believe in, I want to add or subtract depending on what lies you’ve been told. I can help you, even though I’m just a kid. Don’t let my age fool you. I probably know more


    Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

    Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.08.2018
    ISBN: 978-3-7438-7918-8

    Alle Rechte vorbehalten

    I’m forbidden right now to show my face as you will not find me on any google search engines. There are 0 pictures of me. That’s the way it’s supposed to be for now. The movie Logan is loosely on human beings like me but uses witchcraft and mind games for the yes men and women of our demented world. But the storyline (for the most part) is fake, as we don’t have metal coming out of our hands. We wouldn’t need to if we can control our environment now would we? How silly tell-lie-vision is. Remember everything anyone “can do” is BORROWED. We don’t have any special abilities without GOD or god. The words I have chosen are not perfect but they are from my heart and from the source of everything. I’m 14 years old and have a lot to say. I’m more than just a boy. I’m a real messenger lead to you now. And I will prove all these things. Keep reading.

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