
The First Day of the First Year

It was August 13 2016 when Lilian started 6th grade. She started off usual, shower, breakfast, anything a normal girl would do. She wanted to look cute for a good first impression. She kissed her mom goodbye and went off. She got the school's breakfast for extra health. Then girls named Maribel and Arleny were right next to her and complimented her on her outfit. She was wearing a white dress that went up to her knees, that had flower patterns on it, and a white headband. Maribel and Arleny were newbies as well. Lilian asked for a friend request to both of them.  And right when Maribel and Arleny were about to say yes, a 8th grade boy group so called the cool group, interupted and pushed Arleny out of the way so they could get breakfast. Arleny's brother Marcus was in the group, he was the leader, he didn't care for her as much as Maribel did. They had been best friends since 1st grade. The same group had been messing with Arleny since she was 7. Lilian asked Arleny if that always happens. Arleny answered with a nod, and a face filled with fear and sadness. Lilian instantly got fustrated with her brother and his group, so she went straight up to them, and threw a breakfast sandwhich right at the back of his head like a target. Marcus turned with anger, he was so angry a few of the members ran away. Lilian intantly had regret, but still had confidence. Marcus finally got mad enough that he started saying things like, you need to back up, I'm warning you, want to fight me step up, why are you coming around with that beanhead. Lilian stood there with this bored look on her face and crossed her arms. Maribel and Arleny finally came out and Lilian before she came out had a plan, Lilian distracted the group while Maribel and Arleny went behind Marcus with old stinky chocolate milk and poured it on his head. Marcus was 5'7, so they had to at least got on their tippy toes. The group of three ran away and into the library. They held the door when Marcus and his crew tried to come in. His crew also at the same time tried to avoid Marcus because he stunk like a fart candle. At this time the bell rang, so everyone went to 1st period except for Marcus he went to the office to get picked up by his aunt. The three girls both had PE. But Lilian had Mr.Capri. Mr.Capri was the best at least they said. He wouldn't make you do the mile, but he would just take a few points of your grade. Since it was the first day of school than he let us do what we want. It's called Free-Time. Suddenly already the bell rang for 2nd period. The 3 girls met up and checked their classes. Lilian and Maribel were going to Honors ELA. And Poor Arleny went to Science. So they started walking to their classes. When Lilian got to her classroom, Standing there was Cassie Martinez. Cassie is blonde, cute, funny, and loves pineapples. She was handing out papers for the dance. And the only person Lilian wanted to go with was Mark Melone. But before we get into Mark Melone, Cassie stopped Lilian at the door and became her friend. Now into Mark Melone. Mark Melone had Brownish Black hair and had glasses, but there was only one problem. Mark Melone aready had a girlfriend. Her name is Makayla Cunning. Makayla had Dirty Blonde hair she is funny, social akward and she likes hanging out with friends. Makayla and Cassie were The Best of Friends. They spent every single second of their life together. They would literally stay up and talk on the phone. Anyway Mark Melone was in the class. Right when Lilian saw him, her heart stopped. The class started. They read books all period, if you were done with a book, you get another book and read it. All the sudden the Fire Alarm went off. Principal Grainger took the annoncement. "THERE IS A SHOOTER ON CAMPUS, LOCK YOUR DOORS, UNDER YOUR DESKS, STAY QUIET!!!". The whole room went under their desks. The teacher did not care about his students so he locked himself in the middle room between the rooms. Lilian went under her desk, her partner is Cassie so, Cassie instantly gave Lilian an emergency kit, water and food. She told Lilian that herself was really prepared. All the sudden the lights went off. Everyone was silent. Everyone put on their black emergency break-in shrits and their black blankets so they blend in. Another Annoncement came on "ok the cops are her and got the shooter, go back to work. Cassie told Lilian that it was scary. Mark Melone was into the whole thing. Meaning that he didn't really care. The bell finally rang for 3rd period. The 5 girls met up at the stairs. Lilian had Avid, Cassie had Social Studies, Arleny had Math, Maribel had History. And Makayla had Wind Symphony. Lilian went to Avid and pretty much all they did was write. so the bell rang again. The girls met up again. Cassie had Math, Makayla had a different Math, Lilian, Maribel, and Arleny had Science. Lilian had to wait so long until the class finally started. Their teacher was Ms.Zoey. Ms.Zoey was cool. She did fun projects and always was in a good attitude. So on the first day of school, Ms.Zoey let them do a Science project. The only rules were to follow the directions correctly. The bell rang at least 45 minutes after that. Lilian jumped in cheer as it was lunch. But she noticed that Makayla and Cassie were not with her group. Until she found out that Makayla and Cassie spend lunch with eachother. Makayla was hanging out with her boyfriend, and Cassie just started to go out with this guy named Steven Cole. Steven Cole was in the same grade as them. He was in the middle of Blonde and Dirty Blonde, he was cute, funny, and had good grades. They were perfect. So the double dates went off to the field and play foorball together while Lilian was hanging out with Maribel and Arleny when they were interupted by The Marcus group. Marcus's little brother, Leo, was Maribel's crush. Arleny couldn't believe that she liked him, The only problem was that he was in 6th grade and he was supposed to be in 8th grade but you know he's his little brother. Maribel stared at him imagining their perfect life when Lilian smacked her in the face. Lilian told her to snap out of it. Maribel couldn't take it. The bell rang. Cassie had Choir, Makayla and Maribel had Social Studies, Lilian had Math, and Arleny had to go to Avid. Everyone went their seperate ways and went to class. Lilian pretty much just did reviews of 5th grade. Soon in time the bell rang. 6th period started. Cassie and Makayla had science, Lilian had Social Studies, Arleny had Social Studies, and Maribel had Math. Lilian just studied Africa and its cities. The bell rang to go home, She jumped with joy and went home, hopefully the first week can be better then the first day.


Texte: Cassey Vasquez
Bildmaterialien: N/A
Cover: N/A
Lektorat: Cassey Vasquez
Übersetzung: N/A
Satz: N/A
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.03.2018

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