
Dont Go...

"Tobi! WAIT!"


I run screaming for him to wait. Begging for him to come back. He is gone. The rain falls around me as I sink to my knees in the forest. I curl in on myself on the soft spongy grass. I didn't understand. I wasn't heartbroken, I just wanted to understand. Why? What had changed? I knew things had been changing between us for the longest time but I never knew why.


It was a price of course. Everything has it's price in this world. I just wonder what his was. What did she give to him that I was so unable to? What caused her to betray me in such a way? How was I so blind to it? How were we all so blind?


I am startled from my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. The grasp is comforting and slightly warm under the chill of the rain. I turn my head slightly and see boots beside me. Dark black biker boots with black jeans. Only one person I knew had those boots. David.


"Come on now, get up."


His voice isn't harsh, but it isn't as kind as most would assume. He's one of my best friends. We've been friends since I moved here back in seventh grade. I smile slightly and stand up. I don't look up at him. I choose instead to stare out into the darkness surrounding us.


"You knew?"


"All along."


"You never said anything."


"We thought you knew."




"I knew, Devan knew, and Sam knew."


"She never said..."


"No. She tried hinting at it. You ignored her. When you guys broke up and you finally caught on that they were suddenly too close was when she realized her little hints weren't ignored."


"But nobody told me."


"Would you have listened if we had?"


"No. I would have asked him."


"Exactly. Tobias is a dick. I never liked him. He treated you like shit. You deserve better than him."


"I wasn't expecting him to just out it when I forced him to talk to me."


"And he did?"


"I pushed him with the issue until he finally stood up and screamed at me that he did it and it was the past and I needed to ignore it."


"But you don't feel that way?"


"David, he cheated on me all that time. With my best friend."


"She has a boyfriend still doesn't she?"


"She's fucking Marko and dating her boy still yeah."


"Yeah I brought that up to Marko. He doesn't care. Pussy is pussy to him."


"But not to you David?"


"Never to me."


"I know."


"Come on, you'll catch your death out here."


I smile and look at him for the first time that night. His eyes glimmer slightly even though it is dark. He is removing his jacket. He wraps the warm jacket around me and brushes my hair from my eyes. I give him a nervous smile and he hugs me tightly. If he were normal, being in this position with my head on his chest I would be able to hear his heart beat. But David isn't normal. He's a vampire.


"You don't have to be so afraid of me you know."


"I'm not afraid of you."


"Trust me..."


I look up into his eyes. The beautiful peace shown in their depts is enough for me. I nod slightly and lean into his hug wrapping my arms around his waist. He leans down and I feel his warm breath against my neck. A sharp pain pricks my skin before I feel the blood slowly sucked from the two small wounds in my neck. He's gentle. So unlike Tobias. He drinks slowly.


Suddenly he stops. He pulls away carefully before leaning back down and kissing my neck softly. I feel the skin already beginning to knit itself back together and I look up at him. He smiles down at me and cups my cheek gently. I smile back happily and gasp slightly as he kisses me. He doesn't take advantage of the gasp. He pulls away and stands up fully and turns away. I watch him carefully for any sign of attack before releasing a breath I didn't realize I was holding.


"I told you I wouldn't hurt you."


"I believe you."


"You'll catch your death out here, come on let's get inside."


"You say I'll catch my death. I'm already dead."


"You're living dead. That's different."




"Do you want me to stay with you?"




"I'm there."


He lifts me into his arms and smiles at me again before turning and walking up the forest path towards my house. The only lights on when the building comes in sight are the living room lights, the light in the kitchen, and the light over the back porch. Enough for us to know my family has already gone to bed, not that they would care if he was staying anyway.


In the entry way I remove his jacket and hang it on a hook beside my own completely soaked one. I didn't realize how long I was in the rain, but it must have been a while if even my shirt was soaked. He isn't too wet though, but we still both needed a change of clothes.


"Are you thinking about a shower?"


"Yeah. I'll get some of your brother's clothes."


"I'll get it. Would you get my black shorts and my tank?"


"Yeah. I'll be in your room."


"Thank you David."


I turn and walk down the hall to my brother's room. His door is open so I look inside and see him watching TV. He turns and looks at me before smiling. He walks over to his closet and comes back with a pair of shorts and a shirt.


"Will these fit him?"




"Don't you wanna know how I knew?'


"You looked out the window?"


"I saw him following you. I'm impressed he didn't kill Tobi."


"I am too..."


"Give him a chance Blue Bell."


"Shut up you."


"What's the matter Kry?"


"I don't want to get hurt Bran."


"He won't hurt you. He's older than Tobi. He's smarter than Tobi. He cares for you."


"And I care about him Bran."


"But you wont say anything?"


"No. I dont know what to say."


"I'm sure you'll come up with something. I'm sure he already knows."


"Night Bran."


"Night Kry."


I smile slightly before turning with the clothes and heading down the dark shadowy hall to the stairs. I climb them slowly before continuing my journey down the hall to my room. Light is coming from the door which is cracked slightly. David is laying on the couch against the wall. His boots lay on the floor beside him along with his socks, shirt, and belt. He doesn't move when I walk in. He just shifts his eyes to look at me. I set the clothes on the table beside him before I continue on my way over to my bed where I sit and remove my socks and shoes.


I turn once I am finished and look over to see my own dry clothes on the table beside him as well. His eyes are still watching me and I smile slightly before walking over to stand next to him.


"You gonna take that shower?"


He smiles at me before sitting up and pulling me down into his lap. He wraps his arms loosely around me and leans his head on m shoulder.


"I trust you David."


"That's a dangerous thought to have Kry."


"Bran told me to just tell you what you already know."


"And you know that wasn't what he meant right?"


"But it's enough for you to know what I mean."


"Are you sure I wont hurt you?"


"I know you wont."


"We'll see."


He smiles against my neck before leaning back and kissing me. The kiss slowly becomes more and more powerful. I gasp against him as I feel his hands slip under my shirt and slowly pull it up before breaking the kiss to pull it off. As soon as it is off he returns to the kiss before carefully unclasping my bra and removing it as well. He breaks the kiss again to kiss my neck gently before I feel him slowly start a trail across my chest and stomach. He stops and looks up at me. I smile at him and he shifts so that I am lying on the couch underneath him. He lays ontop of me careful not to put his full weight on me before slowly unbuttoning and unzipping my pants and removing them. He removes my panties as well before removing the last of his clothing.


A nervous breath escapes my lips drawing his attention off of the current task of roaming my body back up to my eyes. He kisses up my jaw before kissing me and pulling me into his arms. A sigh escapes his lips and I kiss his neck gently. He laughs lightly and I smile before kissing his neck again. His grip around me tightens before I feel him standing from the couch. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around him and hold on tightly.


"You good there small fry?" He asks teasingly.


"Shut it evil." I laugh back at him.


"If you want I'll put you down."


He lets go and I gasp and clutch at him frantically as I begin to fall back. He catches me with ease and pulls me back to his chest before continuing his walk into the bathroom.


"That was mean." I say as he sets me on my counter.


"Have I ever told you that I am an asshole?"


"Yes. Do you take hot or cold showers?"


"Hot. Just like you I know."


"What's that supposed to mean?"


"I know you take hot showers not because all girls do but because I know you enjoy warmth. I'm not sexist. I'm sexy."


"Perhaps you are."


He smiles at me and kisses my forehead before turning around and opening the door to my shower. He turns on the water before shutting the door and shutting the door to my bedroom as well. He reaches down and grabs two towels from the shelf that is shorter than him because it is at my waist level before smiling at me. I give him a look that just dares him to laugh. He doesnt laugh though. He hangs up the towels and pulls me off the counter and onto my feet beside him.


His body is amazing even though he isn't very athletic. He's still chisled though. Probably the being a vampire thing. A tap on my jaw draws me out of my inspection of his body. I look up at him blushing.


"Like what you see?"


"Oh come on I didn't look!"


"You thought about it. And just because you didn't look doesn't mean I didn't."


"How could you have looked its between stuff!"


"You were just sitting on that counter with your very lovely legs crossed. Doesn't cover too much now does it?"




"I didn't look. I merely looked at your legs and your chest. It's a little harder to ignore. I wouldn't take away what you haven't granted."


"You're an odd vampire."


"Perhaps I am. Come on the water is warm."


He opens the door and offers his hand out to me. I take it and step over the lip of the shower and step into the warm water. He's right. It's definately warm. I smile as he steps in behind me and smirks his charming smirk at me.




"Nothing. You mind pushing that button right there?"


"This one right here above our heads?"


"Yes that one silly."


"I know what button. I am just making fun of your shortness."


"I bet."


He leans close to me as he pushes the button above my head. I smile as the water now is not only coming from the shower head above us but also the little jets along the walls. He steps closer and wraps his arms around me again. I breath in his smell and he gently starts to massage my back and shoulders before turning me away from him. I hear him pick up my shampoo and I cant help but smile again as he begins to wash my hair for me. Once he is finished he quickly washes his own hair with the shampoo I had here in case one of my friends stayed the night like Daniel.


An evil smirk suddenly takes over his features and I look up at him cautiously. His eyes glint darkly before he picks up my loufa and pours some body wash on it. His eyes don't leave mine and he reaches out with one hand which I accept. He turns me so that my back is against his chest. I relax against him as he gently begins to rub the loufa all over my chest and stomach. Once he is finished he washes both of my arms before sliding his arms down to my legs and washing my thighs and up around my back before having me turn around. He slowly and gracefully sinks to his knees and looks up at me before continuing to wash me clean with the puffy loufa. He even lifts my legs one at a time to wash the bottoms of my feet. Gently and slowly making his way back up he edges carefully towards the spot between my thighs. I look at him nervously which he seems to understand because he continues just to rub my thighs massaging them gently until I am comfortable enough to open my legs to him. He doesn't look away from my eyes which is a little unnerving but also comforting to know he isnt going to look away and ignore me. He doesn't linger like I sort of expected either. He only cleans the area before standing and kissing me gently before washing off the loufa and hanging it back up.


Now that we are finished he pushes me against the wall. Something I wasn't expecting but wasn't against either. His gaze doesn't leave mine but the playful look leaves his eyes in exchange for a more serious look. I feel slightly uneasy as I realize where this is going but I don't fight it. I look into his eyes and smile a little reassuringly.


"Do you trust me Kry?"


"Yes David, I trust you."


He shivers slightly. I forgot how much telling him I trust him affects him. He leans down and gently bites my neck before kissing it and then sinking his sharp canines into my soft flesh. The feeling is different from earlier. It is slightly erotic. He wraps one arm around me as with the other hand he gently caresses my side. He easily shifts his hands and lifts me up into his arms. He slips one arm around my back and the other he puts on my ass and holds me up as I wrap my legs around him. He slowly slides his teeth out of my neck and kisses the wound which is already healing. He reaches up above me and pushes the button again to turn off the water coming from the sides of the shower. He pushes me against the wall and looks at me again. His gaze is slightly concerned but he has a look of wild desire in his eyes. If I asked, he would be ready to go all the way with me in a heart beat. If I say no he will respect it. He's leaving it up to me to decide if he will continue or not. The tension in the air is so tight you could cut it with a knife. He smiles at me and kisses me before shutting off the water and setting me down.


I look at him slightly confused but he just reaches out and grabs the towels and hands me one. I dry off quickly and quickly dry off my hair as best as possible with the towel. He is already dry and he opens the door to my room and grabs the shorts my brother had loaned him and puts them on. He leaves the shirt on the table but hands me my dry clothes. I slip into them and hang up my towel. While my back is turned he sneaks up behind me and pulls me up into his arms and flips off the light. He carries me to my bed and sets me down on it gently. He pulls back the covers and I slide under them. He walks over and turns off the light before walking back over to my couch. He makes to lay down when I sit up.






"Stay with me..."


"You don't know what you are asking of me."


"I know. And I'm asking anyway."


"You trust me?"






Carefully he gets up off the couch and walks over to my bed. He slides into the bed with me pulling me into his arms. His touch turns even gentler as he slowly and carefully removes both of our clothes. He looks down at me a final time for reassurance. I nod slowly at him. He's gentle with me as though I am a delicate doll. He keeps control of himself with ease. Something I'm sure Tobias never would have been able to do. He pulls me into his arms and holds me tightly afterwards. He kisses my lips and pulls our clothes back from where he had set them on the very end of my bed. He puts on his shorts and helps me to redress in my clothes.


"It's late and we have school in the morning."


"What time is it?"


"One thirty."


"What time did we come in?"


"From outside?"




"About ten thirty."


"How long were we in the shower?"


"About an hour."




"Trying to calculate?"




He laughs again and kisses my forehead. I smile and kiss him before rolling over and facing away from him. He laughs again and wraps his arms around me and pulls me back against him to cuddle.


"About an hour and a half. We just cuddled for about twenty minutes." He says softly in my ear before kissing my jaw and laying back down.


I smile and wrap my arms around his arm and close my eyes. I sigh happily and tighten my grip on his arm. He smiles against my neck and we both fall asleep.


"Hey sleepy heads get up."


I sit up in bed and look at my door where my brother is standing. David isn't beside me. He isn't even in the room. I look over to see his boots still where they were last night and smile. That meant he wasn't gone.


"Have you seen David?"


"No. I thought he was in here with you."




"Maybe he's downstairs."


"Yeah maybe but his clothes are still right there."


"Maybe somebody brought him some?"


"True. What time is it?"




"Thanks. I'm gonna go get ready for school if you see him, tell him he shouldn't run off like that?"


"Run off like what? I went to get my clothes from Marko." David says as he walks in behind Bran.


Bran turns and looks at him critically before turning around and heading out the door back towards his room. David closes the door and looks at me. I toss off the covers and get out of the bed.




"I called him earlier and asked him to bring me some clothes."


"And he did?"


"Yeah. Weren't you going to get ready?"


"Yeah. I shouldn't be too long ok?"


"I know female stuff right? I'll be here when you get done."


"Thanks babe."


I smile at him and walk over into my closet to pull out my clothes. After I pick them out I set them on my table and walk into my bathroom to turn on my flat iron. When I turn around he is standing in the doorway dressed with his arms crossed.


"What?" I ask him.


"No kiss good morning?"


"Nope." I laugh slightly as I step closer.


He smiles in response and leans down to capture my lips with his. I kiss him back before pulling away and looking up at him.


"What now?"


"Last night..."


"Wasn't a dream. I didn't leave. I'm right here."


"That wasn't what I meant."


"You want to know what it means?"




"If you want a relationship then I'm here. If you don't, I'm still here."


"I do. It's just Tobi..."


"Nobody will say anything. He won't dare say anything. Just relax. We're in this together now ok? For better or for worse ok?"


He leans down and puts his forehead against my own. He looks into my eyes and strokes my cheek softly. A soft kiss is placed on my nose before he stands up and walks back into the bedroom. I smile and start to get ready with a little bit of hyperness. Today was going to be a good day.


Once dressed I walk into my room and see David still on my couch. He looks extremely relaxed and I smile as I walk past him and sit next to him to put on my shoes. Now fully dressed I look at my clock, it's only 6:20.


"Would you like me to take you to breakfast?" David asks nonchalantly.


I smile and look at him. He hadn't even moved. I slip into his lap and he smiles and opens his eyes.


"I said would you like me to take you to breakfast not would you like to be breakfast." He laughs before kissing my neck.


He picks me up and smiles at me. I grab my things and we head down stairs. Bran is sitting at the table in his boxers eating a bowl of cereal. He looks up and waves at us as we walk by. My dad is sitting on the couch drinking coffee with mom.


"Hey mom. Hey dad." I say laughing as they keep moving the cup away from the other.


"Oh hey sweetie. Hi there David." My mom says cheerfully.


"Good morning ma'am." David smiles at her.


"Are you not going to eat this morning?" My dad asks while stealing the cup of coffee back from mom.


"I was going to take her to breakfast actually."


"Nice of you." Dad smiles.


"Oh go on now kids don't be late. Kry we will be leaving for our next business trip this afternoon."


"Is this that long one you have been talking about?" I ask.


"Yes. We will be gone for three months. You kids know how to take care of things, don't throw too many crazy parties ok?" Dad laughs before getting up and hugging me.


Mom gets up and hugs me too before following dad into the kitchen. Probably for more coffee.


"Love you mom and dad call us when you get there!"


"We love you too honey. We will." They shout back.


I smile at David and we head out to his car. Usually he would have his bike. I give him an arched eyebrow. He smiles and opens my door.


"I decided you would like this better."


He walks around and gets in. He starts the car and we head out to the little cafe just across from the school. The place isn't too busy but all of David's friends are there. So is Sam. Sadly, Tobias and Mandy are there too. Sam is sitting with David's buddies so David and I join them.


"You alright Kry?" Sam asks as she reaches out her hand to touch my arm.


"Fine Sammy. Let's just eat ok?"




David flags down a waitress and orders us all some coffee. I look up and see Tobias and Mandy making out. I must have paled slightly because I feel David tense beside me.


"Have they always come here in the mornings?" I ask Sam.


"Yeah. Always met each other here for breakfast. Used to sit across from each other, now well you see." Marko answers.


"I see." I nod and take a sip of my coffee.


The waitress comes back and takes our orders. Conversation flows back and forth while we wait for the food. When it arrives we eat quickly. The waitress brings the bill but David stops her.


"Are you the new girl?"


"Yes sir."


"We never pay. Ask your boss."


The girl looks at him before turning and walking into the office. She comes out a few minutes later and smiles.


"You all have a nice day. Miss Rose said stop by again."


"Tell her she knows we will."


We all get up and head to the cars. At the doors, Tobias and Mandy bump into us.


"Excuse me." Mandy's nasally voice cuts through the air.


"Excuse yourself bitch." David snaps at her as he holds the door for Sam and I.


Tobias glares at us. I have no problem returning the glare. David steps between us and looks down at Tobias.


"I strongly suggest, boy, that you watch yourself."


With that David sweeps me into his arms and turns his back on Tobias.

School Sucks (my life away)

After the close encounter in the resturaunt this morning David is even more protective than i expected him to be. Of course there were the rumors that he was only protecting his new food source but that didnt bother me too badly. I stand up from my place at the table next to David. He looks up at me quickly.


"Where are you off to?"


"Gonna go talk with Chloe and Connie about how the campaign is going."


"You silly student leadership kids. Have fun." Sammy calls cheerily.


"Be safe. I'll meet up with you in second hour." David says kissing the back of my hand.


I smile and nod before walking over to the 'popular' table and sit next to my friends Chloe and Connie. Excited to see me, the two girls quickly launch into conversation about the campaigning for school offices. Chloe was running for Class President with Connie and I as her vice presidents. Even though it is only the third week of school the campaigning is going full swing. The one thing I must say I love about having friends in every group and class would be that i'm never alone and I always have ears everywhere. Funny that I never heard of Tobi's deceit...


The bell rings to signal it is time to head to first hour so we wrap the conversation up quickly and head in separate directions to our classes. David is smart but he doesnt bother applying himself so he heads off to take his manditory classes that are on the normal level with the rest of his gang minus Sam. Sam and I are both on the fast track to college so we are off in the direction of the highest level classes our school offers, college courses. It isn't easy having math first thing in the morning but it isnt so bad.


The class picks up where we had left off but my mind wanders off. I think of David and other things such as revenge on Tobi through class but nobody notices.  The professor assigns us work after his lecture and there is a rustle of noise and students move to take down the assignment onto their own papers. I had been paying enough attention to get my notes before starting the assignment. Starting the assignment would prove pointless as we had very little time before class was over so I quietly put my things away and wait patiently. As if to prove me right, the bell for dismissal rings out and everyone scrambles to put their things away.


Already prepared, I stand to leave only to be stopped by an angry looking Tobi. He takes my arm none too kindly and tries to pull me to the door. I am only a half vampire so his much stronger strength overpowers me with relative ease. He starts to drag me through the hallway ignoring the odd looks people are giving him and he finally stops after wandering through a maze of deserted halls and into a storage room in the basement. He throws me into the room and quickly locks it behind us with a key before he hides the key. I glare at him defiantly and cross my arms.


"Well well, I bet you think you're so smart bringing somebody like David into the equation don't you? You think he will be much better than me? Why are you suddenly with a vampire like him?" He growls angrily.


"Why are you suddenly with a human? Decide you need a new blood bag?" I shoot right back at him.


He growls in anger and flashes his fangs at me. I dont outwardly show my fear but inside I really want to know where this is going. Like yesterday.


"A new blood bag? I am assuming you don't know then?" He looks at me with a lifted eyebrow.


I raise an eyebrow in response and give him my continue on look. He smirks at me before pulling his fangs back in and sitting down.


"I turned Mandy when you broke up with me. I had no reason to keep her a human after that. You wouldn't hurt her as a human but I didn't trust any of your friends not to leave her intact. There is no way any halfie like you could take on a full vampire so I turned her to keep my assets safe so to say."


"And you're dragging me into a empty storage closet to gloat?" 


"Ah no, sadly Mandy seems to be happy sleeping with others. It's only fair that I enjoy the same privilages, but with somebody I desire of course."


His fangs slip back down as he stands and quickly has me trapped under him with his fangs buried into my neck. I struggle against him but he is much stronger and I am quickly losing my strength with every mouthful of blood he steals from my neck. As I feel myself beginning to black out I cry out for David knowing that i'm at the mercy of a monster.


Meanwhile with David


I finally reached the college level math class that Kry is in to see a very few amount of students inside. I look around for her but I dont see her anywhere. Angel, a sweet little human walks up to me boldly.


"Uh David?"


"Yeah Angel?'


"Tobi came and drug Kry off after him a little bit ago... I dont know where they went but he looked angry and she didn't seem happy about going with him." She tells me nervously.


"What way?" I ask her feeling my fangs slam down with my growing anger.


She points down the hall and I begin walking in that direction asking a few people if they had seen Kry. A couple of people just pointed and others didn't know. I let out a growl and think as I walk. What could he want with her...Suddenly I stop and look towards the stairs leading towards the older parts of the building that were off limits at the moment. If he were to take her anywhere it would be there. I start off that direction as I go I list off places he could have went. Coming up with no wonderful ideas I stiff the air for emotion. Fear and anger stand out and I follow them until suddenly I smell blood. Not just any blood, its Kry's blood. As a coven leader I can call for my coven and I call for them all telling them if they can to get to where I am.

I follow the smell until I am met with a key to key lock and the sounds of sex. One sided sex. Rage fills me and I slam into the door until it busts down under the weight. The door slams into the now partially dressed Tobias. I look between him and the girl laying on the floor. Her beautiful tanned skin is ashy white but smeared with blood. Her chest has bloody bites covering it and dried blood covers her neck and shoulder. I see red with anger when I see the inside of her thighs covered in blood. She wasn't a virgin anymore so that was an obvious that he had hurt her. She is unconscious but breathing. I growl at Tobias and he smirks at me.


"What's wrong big guy? Take something you wanted? Shes not a virgin anymore so how exactly do you expect to be with her?"


"You fool. You act as though you are high and mighty. You see the blood and assume she is a virgin but you don't care. She wasn't a virgin anymore. You hurt her."


"She had one more place that was a virgin then. I know you didn't touch that."


I pale slightly and look down at her prone form. The blood covering her exposed thigh was bad and there was still some trickling from her opening. I long to flip her onto her stomach and assess just how much damage he did but I look back at him sensing Sam near. Tobias grins wolfishly before kicking her leg. The force is enough to cause her to roll a little bit giving me a little better view of how badly the situation is. I know if I fight Tobias I will kill him and he is too afriad to fight me. 


"Get out." I hiss angrily at him.


At his arrogant smirk I slam him into the wall and sink my fangs into his neck draining him of blood as quickly as I can. I leave him just enough to survive before shoving him out the door. He runs fearfully just as I expected. I wipe the blood from my lips and drops to my knees beside Kry. Any movement of her legs causes more blood to pool at her wounded sex. I risk moving her legs in order to roll her to her side. He hadnt been gentle with her in the least and the bloody torn openings were proof. I feel for her pulse and sigh as I feel it beating against my fingertips. It isn't strong but it is there. I hear a strangled cry and I look up to see Marko and two others holding back Sam. She looks ready to faint.


Her best friend is dying in my arms and there isn't much I can do to save her. I sink my fangs into my wrist and hold my wrist to her lips massaging her throat to make her swallow.


"David what are you doing?! You'll turn her!" Sam screams at me.


"Don't you think I know that!" I yell back at her fighting tears.


Turning Kry wasn't what I wanted at all but I couldn't let her die. I cradle her to my chest as I continue to feed my blood to her. Her pulse doesnt change and I begin to worry. I allow the skin on my wrist to seal itself as I cradle her into my lap. Tears flow from my eyes as I hide my face in her silky hair. My coven stands in the doorway with Sam crying against Marko. We are watching one of our best friends die and we know there is nothing we can do. My blood isn't enough to save her. Her body cools even more and blood ceases to pour from her damaged body.


I lift her into my arms and carry her through the halls before escaping to our burial chambers. While it does take a lot to kill a vampire we still can die and our bodies dont just disolve or something like many people think. We just look dead like any other human So since we need a place to bury our dead as well, many covens wil build buriall mosuleums. This one was built with the help of my brother's coven before he was killed. Most of his coven along with a few of mine are burried here already. Inside the chambers I lay her on the stone alter that is in the center of the main room. I would have to come and take care of her later but now was not the time. I would have to go tell her family and see if they had any plans for her first. I close the doors to any other rooms and then close the final door back towards the entrance on my way out. I start the long downhill walk to my house leaving her behind in the darkness. I had to tell her family but first I need a drink. 

Our Angel

Bran's POV


I hadn't seen Kry at all yet today and it was nearing time for school to be over. As a matter of fact not she or any of David's group were there at lunch. It was a little odd but I hadn't let it bother me. I pull out my phone and text my little sister. After almost ten minutes with no reply, I call her, it goes to voicemail after a few rings. There was something wrong. Kry always answers her phone as soon as she can and she would have sent me a text if she were in class.


I head through the halls that are starting to fill with students leaving their last classes and I make my way out to my car. I free my keys from my pocket and unlock the door to my 2010 Mustang. It isn't amazing compared to some of the cars lining the parking lot but it is a car and it runs. I set my bag in the backseat before turning aound and starting my car. I pull from the parking spot and onto the little road through the parking lot that leads out to the main road. At the main road, instead of turning left to head towards The Heights were I live, I turn right towards the lower class side of town. David lived way out on the outskirts this way. If she was anywhere it was near him. The businesses I drive past begin to slowly turn into houses until I am passing house after house made of various materials letting me know I am past the subdivisions. Finally I come to a four way to the left there are a few trailer parks and to the right there are some farms, i continue to drive straight knowing I am heading right towards the cliffs.


The cliffs finally come into my view and I notice that the countryside out in this area is very beautiful. I pulll in at a nice looking house that is a solid white done in panels. There is a car parked in the driveway with several motercycles parked in the garagge. David and his friends were here so it didn't make any since that my sister wasn't answering her phone.


I put my car in park and turn off the engine before getting out and walking up to the door. I knock before patiently waiting. After knocking a second and then a third time I try the door. It is unlocked, a common thing for many vampire homes as many people wont intrude and if they do they usually have a good reason. I hear the sound of a TV and make my way down the hall to what appears to be a game room and a sitting area. There are people in various states of lying or sitting on couches or chairs while a few people are playing a fround of pool. My sister is not among the group but Sam looks up at me. Her eyes are red and puffy as though she has been crying. She looks from me to David who is nursing a glass of whiskey. David looks up at me and I see that his eyes are also red. Looking from the faces of the people in the room all of them have slightly red eyes and are in various states of drunkeness.


David stands and throws back his drink before gesturing for me to follow him. They must have lost a coven member I think to myself sadly. They probably took my sister home and she just fell asleep. I follow David as he leads me outside and out towards a building on a hill. It looks nice on the outside but it is made of stone. I realize he is taking me to the mosuleum. I wasn't close to any of the coven but maybe it would be easier for him to speak away from his coven. He slows down to allow me to catch up and match his pace. Suddenly at the bottom of the hill he stops and looks at me.


"How well do you like Tobias?" He asks me quietly.


"Not well, why?" I ask.


"How much do you love your sister?"


"I love her as though she were my sister David. She may only be my half sister but I still love her."


"And if Tobias hurt her?"


"I would hurt him."


"You know he turned Mandy don't you?"


"She was a virgin before him?"


"Apparently so. Marko was going to turn her and she was going to be in our coven but Tobias got her first."


"I see."


"Who took your sisters?"


"Well you did as far as I know."


"You're right, I did. Last night. But somebody else had hoped that I hadn't and thought that they would take it today."


"What are you saying?"




He turns and begins to walk up the hill. I stare after him before running to catch up with him. I grab his shoulder to stop him.


"David what are you saying? Somebody raped my little sister?"


He pulls away from me and continues walking before stopping in front of the door. He unlocks it and opens it. He walks in and I follow shutting the door behind me as he turns on lights in the room. He lturns on the light for the main room and gestures for me to follow him. I hadn't been inside a mosuleum bore but this must be one of the nicer ones. He stops before a large door and turns to look at me. He sighs and pushes open the door before stepping back. I look in the room and see that it is empty. I walk in and look around before looking at him as if there is something I am supposed to see.


"David?" I ask him.


He looks up and glances from me to the alter. When he sees the alter his eyes widen and he storms into the room. He stares at the alter in what can only be disbelief.


"Your sister was lying here two hours ago. Tobias killed her."


"What?" I choke out.


"He took her after first hour and lead her down the the older part of the school that is off limits. He drug her into a storage closet and locked them both inside. It was key to key so she couldn't have gotten out. From what I can tell he drank enough of her blood that she was unable to fight him. Maybe even was passed out. He raped her and she was bleeding. He mistook the blood for her being a virgin. Well that wasn't good enough for him...He took her elsewhere too."


"You mean to tell me that that bastard raped my sister and killed her and you didn't even bother to tell me until hours later!?" I shout at him furiously.


"I was going to meet up with her and walk her to second hour but she wasnt around. Angel, the little human girl, told me what had happened and I found my way to them. When I got to them it was already too late. I busted down the door and Tobias was standing and he told me he took her virginity. I said that I had already taken it and he said I hadn't taken all of them. I looked at her and she was covered in blood and blood was smeared across her thighs so it didn't leave much to wonder about. He kicked her leg and it gave me a better view of how badly she was hurt. I drank from him and made him leave before I checked on her. She was still bleeding from both places and her neck was covered in blood. I tried to give her my blood but it was already too late. She died in my arms Brandon."


I feel myself fall to the floor in shock. Tobias had raped my sister and when that wasn't enough he brutalized her as well. David had done all he could do and even brought her here to give her a proper farewell. Why wasn't she here now? What happened to her?


"Where is she now?"


"I don't know. The air in here is different than it was when I left her. It doesn't smell of death either. We need to search the building for her. Come, the others are coming and we will find her."


After a short wait the door opens and David's members walk in. David walks to the door and locks it before turning on the security system which will prevent anyone from getting out. He tells us it is just a precaution. We split up and search through the halls in pairs. Sam and I head through the door closest to us. It contains the newest buried. David heads on his own down the last door. The oldest are through there, Sam tells me. His brother's coven is mainly in that room as well along with his brother and his parents. I nod sadly. It was more likely that she was in the halls with us instead of with him which meant he was just going to open old wounds.


David's POV


I knew it was more likely that if Kry were still alive she would have gone into the newer halls and not these. This makes me question what I am even doing here but the air here smells different too just like in the main room. I wind my way through the twists and turns making my way to the farthest part of the hall. My parents and brother and both in that last room in glass cases to preserve them. I will be buried there as well and my children, if I have any, will be buried in the room beside that. What greets me is not what I expected. Sitting on top of my brothers tomb talking away to what appear to be the ghost of my family members is Kry. Perfectly safe, beautiful, breathing, alive Kry. As I walk in my mother smiles and looks at me. Father does the same but Jacob pushes Kry in my direction. He physically was able to touch her. Which I find very weird but then again I didn't know ghosts could exist.


Kry walks towards me and I look at her. She was paler than her usually tanned self, and the blood was still smeared on her skin since nobody had removed it yet. What I wasn't expecting were the two tiny little fangs that I can barely see in her mouth. Not much bigger than a halfies fangs which is odd. She seems to notice this and stops smiling and just looksa st me with a lifted brow. I lose all self control and lift her into my arms and hold her tightly. My parents smile at me and continue to talk to my brother until I set her down.


"How is this possible?"


"Oh well you see I was dead. I ran into these guys when I was wondering the halls. They said I shouldn't be dead. I said well I am. They came with me back to my body and said for me to try to focus on my body. I could move my fingers if i really tried. They said I was just having a death experience and that I could choose to stay out of my body and truly die or I could go back and accept your blood and become a full vampire."


"A death experience?" I ask her curiously.


She smirks at my obviously dumb founded look before turning to look at my mom.


"Half vampires, when they die, are given a chance if theyy have recently consumed vampire blood. They have this out of body experience in which their body does die but they are still alive. They can choose to go back and accept the blood, like she did, or they can stay out and die. They will go on to some form of afterlife if they do die because it takes many years for you to be able to understand ghosting. Which is possible and its just rare. So that should explain it. If you hadn't given her blood she would have just simply had to move on to the afterlife." My mother tells me in a lecturing tone.


"Oh." I answer and promptly sit down as I feel my head start to spin.


Kry's POV


I sit down next to David and pull his hand into mine. He smiles and i hear his voice in my head telling the others to come back to the main hall. That means i'm part of his coven. I smile at him and hug him before pulling him to his feet.


"Go. We will see you kids later."


"Later bro. Love you."


"I love you all. We will be back to see you soon." David says as he leads the way out the door.


He leads me through the halls back towards the main room and stops outside the door. He kisses me deeply and I smile kissing him back just as happily. He was scared and alone for a while but now he is alright again. 


"You know if you want to be my co-coven leader you gotta have sex with me right?"


"Oh so I'll be co leader in a few weeks."


"Oh. Yeah. Gotta heal up huh?"


"Yeah. But that will be by the end of the week no doubt."


"I want to take you out to dinner tonight."


"You better find my clothes first."


"Here take my jacket for now."


He pulls off his jacket and I put it on and zip it up. He looks at me before taking off his boots, pants, and boxers and handing me his boxers as well. I smirk at him and slip into them while he gets redressed. He asks me to wait for a second and dons a sad expression before walking out the door alone. I hear the others asking why he called them back and he just says he felt it was time to go home and forget about it that somebody must have taken my body. Bran starts yelling before I hear a slight whisper asking me to come to him.


I open the door and everyone turns to look at me. Bran stops yelling and rushes to hug me. Sammy promptly faints dead away to be caught by Marko. Bran checks me over even pulling at my lip to get a view of my teeth. When he sees the tiny fangs he sighs.


"What is up with the halfie fangs?"


"I'm not sure. I can't retract them and I can't figure out how to lengthen them. They're as in as they will go."


"They're in the place where halfies have their fangs not where vamps have fangs. Maybe you have two sets?"


"That wouldn't make any sense."


"Well it still could be possible. Do you feel anything in your mouth?"


I take a second and feel around with my tongue before shaking my head no. Suddenly Bran shoves me and goes to swing at me. I feel my fangs slam down and I shift to dodge his hit. He smirks and stops what he is doing. He just wanted to get a rise out of me to see what would happen.


"Hey um Kry...You have some really funny looking eyes."


"What do you mean Marko?" I ask the tall boy holding my best friend.


"He's right." David says stepping closer, "Theyre red and look like cat eyes but the pupils are green. Normally they retain their human eye structure just the color changes to that a bit lighter. I haven't met anyone with red eyes in my entire life and I don't know if my parents have either."


"So I get to be freaky?"


"Yes. You also have two sets of fangs. Your halfie fangs grew a little bit but you have some colossal looking fangs kiddo. I don't want those in my shoulder."


I walk over to the mirror on the wall and look in it. Sure enough I have some really long and deadly looking fangs that hang just to the inside of my other fangs. They didn't get much longer than what a human canine should look like. I looked like somebody that shouldn't be messed with.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2014

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