
That Fateful Day

October looked up from her book. English class was rather boring to her since she had taken this same class about 40 million times. Not to mention she had top of her class everywhere she went. A name was just a name and this was just another school. But this time it was different.


She could feel that her mate was here the day that she and her sister had walked into the door. She immediately had called her brothers and her best friend who were running a bit late. Violet had been happy for her. So had Angelita. But that all was about to change when she realized just who said mate was.

The moment she had seem him she could feel her fangs lengthen a little. It was already hard to hide them but oh wow that was really hard. But she looked to her sister so she could point him out only to see her sister staring at him as well. Not great. Her sister had ignored her mate for a long time wanting to have some fun first. October could tell the boy was a mortal and when it came to Violet he wouldnt be alive when she was finished.

"Violet." October growls softly.

"What Halloweeny?" Violet asks her softly using her nickname.

"The one you happen to be undressing in your mind is my mate."

"What?" She replies shocked.

"You heard me."

Violet looks from him to her sister. One what the heck he was popular her sister just was not. And two damnit!

"Alright. I will leave it."

~End Flashback~

"Alright class today we have a new student. His name is Jacob Andrews. I want you all to give him a nice warm welcome."

October about died. If that was possible for one of the undead. The boy was the one she had bitten when he was little. Her fledgling had come to her. Well not technically. He had just moved schools. He looked around before taking the only open seat. The one next to her.

She tried to ignore him. Would he notice it was her? She still looked the same. She looked up to see her brother Paul looking at her pointedly. Violet gave her a look before passing her a note.

"Looks like i found a new play thing."

October growled softly earning her a look from Jacob. She quickly responed with a rather harsh hell no and passed it on.

"I know who you are October." Jacob whispers to her softly.

That was it. She was doomed. He would hate her. Kill her if he tried. Oh crap she was fucked. She glanced desperately at her brother but he smiled and shook his head before telling Violet the seemingly clueless one about the situation.

"How do you remember me childe?"

"That night never leaves my mind."

"You wish to kill me then?"


October starts and looks up at him. He was not the sweet innocent child she remembered. He had grown. He had slightly wavy hair that was neat and a slight beard. His eyes were the things that gave away his knowledge. He was really smart. She could see it.

"Why?" She asks sounding almost hurt.

"October there is no love without pain. As what you are your love is harder to find. You could have to wait for years and years and it never comes. I understand fully why you did what you did. And for allowing me this gift i thank you."

"You....Thank me?"

"Yes. You doing that was what made it so that i could live to here."

She shuddered. She had bitten him because his pull had been so strong that she had been confused as to if he was her mate. Now she knew it had just been a cry for help. But could he look to her as the sire that she was to him?

"You are my fledgling you know."

"Ive done my research."

"I can kill you."


"Are you not afraid?"

"No. You wont hurt me. You love me. I am in that sense your child."

"You live alone?"

"With my brother."

"Would he miss you?"

"If i left?"


"No. He wants me gone."

"You are living with my family and I."


"You have been my family since that night."

"Thank you. Do tell me. Have you found your mate?"

He almost gasps as pained eyes look up at him. The same eyes turn to the boy sitting beside her best friend. Had she been rejected? Had she never asked? Did her friend not know? He felt angry. Purely enraged. How could somebody hurt her? The most beautiful girl in the school? He wasnt just angry because what the boy did but because he was her fledgling. All fledglings had the connection to their sires.

"I am sorry."

"Don't be. He doesn't know. And he is a mortal."

"Does she know?"

"I don't know."

They look up and she looks to her brother who leans and says something to Violet in a loud but angry whisper. Violet whirls around to stare at October. Emotions cross her face before settling on one that seems to say "oh my I'm so soorry dear." October looks at her before nodding.

Jacob smiles. Mainly to himself. October had been the one the others had looked up to from the start. To betray her was almost as bad as betraying a sire. He looks at Voilet shaking his head. This was not his mate. She would not touch him.

"What class do you have next?" October whispers to him.

"Huh? Oh. Right. Let's see. Anatomy and Physiology."

"Let me see that?"

He hands her his paper. She smiles and looks at him.

"It would seem we are in the same classes. Don't worry. I have the same schedule as most of the people here. Only ones who dont are the jocks and those that are in band or another sport."

"Oh. I see. So the guy?"

"We have one class that isnt together. And he is my partner in one class."

"What class?"




"And he is still clueless?"

"I haven't put off the signs."

"What? Why?"

"He would not accept them."

"He is your mate. He can't very well deny them."

"You know he can. I would rather keep him close than lose him."

"You shouldn't have to be that way."

"I know. But he is a player. There aren't many girls in the school he hasn't been with. He hasn't looked at me that way because I turn down the party invites."


"Why? To hear him while he has sex with some unkept slut?"

"No. If you go you can use your whole mate pull thing to keep him from it."

"I can't do that unless I let him know."

"Doing that would let him know wouldn't it?"

"He would feel an overly strong pull towards me. If it just popped up he would be more likely to run from me."

"Does anybody know about well you know."

"Some students make fun of me because mine are noticeable. I have them fully retracted. They just are very long."

"I noticed. It's because of your bloodline."

"It is alright."

The bell rings and they stand up. October offers to show him to class. They walk off in that general direction without noticing that they are being watched.

For those that asked...

Since some of you asked for a picture, this is Violet. 





My Horrible Friend

Angelita watched October and Jacob walk away before finishing her conversation with Joe.

"So see if you invite him to the party I will have sex with you."

"You serious?"

"Yes. Invite him and October."

"Will they come?"

"She will if he does. They have met before."


"Come on babe you get me out of the deal."

"I do."

Angelita smiles at him before kissing him and walking off. Joe had been easy enough to trick. To get her mate alone would be much easier now. At least he would be her mate. Even if he didn't want it. And she honestly didnt care if she hurt October by mating with him. Maybe seeing him happy would make her happy instead of sulking.

Little did she know that her little plan was already going to hurt October...and possibly herself.


Later that day at lunch, Angelita's plan was being set into action.

"Hey Halloween!" Joe shouts as October walks past the jock table to see Angelita sitting not at her own table with the vampires but with Joe. On his lap.

She feels her heart drop and hears Jacob growl beside her.

"Here October let me take your tray to our table. I can get there on my own."

"No stay here newboy. I need to talk to you too."

October can feel her teeth now starting to lengthen in her anger. She looks at Angelita glaring at her coldly before answering Joe.

"What is it that you want Football?"

"Back to such mean terms October?"

"You called me Halloween."

"Alright. I'm sorry. Come to my party this weekend? Both of you."

"Yeah sure." Jacob says from behind her.

October turns and looks at him curiously before nodding her head in agreement.

"Good. I'll see you in Chem."

Angelita chooses this moment to accept a kiss from Joe not noticing the rage practically pouring off of October. As calm as she can October hands her tray to Jacob who walks away with it before coming to stand behind her.

"Angelita." October says with rage filling her voice.

Angelita and Joe stop making out and she looks at October pointedly like hurry it up.

"We need to talk." October stresses the words slightly.

"I'm busy."

A few of the jocks laugh but not Jacob or October. And now the rest of the vampires have walked over at hearing blatent disrespect to the one who had taken them all in. Angelita looks up at October as if fearing the reaction but not caring.

"I don't care that you are busy."

"And I dont care that you want to talk."

Jacob can feel it as Paul steps between him and October. He settles a hand on her wrist.

"October perhaps this isnt the place to deal with this." Paul whispers softly into her ear.

"Perhaps this is not the place for her to make out with my fucking mate."

"Oh shit."


"Hey look October whatever you need her for you can talk at the party tonight. She will be there. She always is." Calls Michael one of the other jocks.

"Oh. I was under the influence that she was meeting her parents for dinner?" October hints coldly.

"Come on you know Joe always has his girlfriends their. If not he just gets another and poor Angelita has gotta take care of her boyfriend."

"Wait...The two of you are actually dating?"


Octobers fangs slide fully down. She knows it is very dangerous to continue speaking lest they notice but she doesn't care. He is her mate. And Angelita was pushing it too far.

"Look Ang come on whatever Occy needs to talk about will be fast." Violet says trying to help.

"I dont care how fast it is all I know is that it is unimportant. Now go away."

"Grab her Paul!" Another vampire by the name of Chris shouts a little too late.

October jumps over the people infront of her and slams Angelita out of Joe's lap and starts slamming into her with her fists too fast for human speed. The vampires know if they dont do something then it will become very noticable. Then the words come before they can even think.

"You ungreatful little cunt! I fucking took you in when I could have left you to him! You would be nothing without me and you know it!"

"Get the fuck off me!!!!" Angelita screams.

"Get the fuck off? Get the fuck off of what belongs to me you corrupted whore!"

"What belongs to you!? How dare you!"

Paul at this moment dives in between his now once friend and his pretty much sister. He takes a bite in the process and manages to shove the two girls apart. He hisses in Angelita's ear in the process.

"Joe is her mate you dumb bitch."

He pulls October up with him and hugs her to keep her from getting free.

"We will see you when you pick up your things." Violet says from where she is standing.

"Pick up my things? You cant kick me out its not your house."

"It is as much hers as it is mine. You will collect your bellonging and be gone before I return home. If anything that is not yours is gone we will know. Jacob will be taking your room. Go live with your master you dog."

"Wait October I'm sorry!"

"I don't want to hear it. Blatent disrespect goes too far. What you did knowing full well was also too far. And your little offer. I overheard it. It goes too far. Do not let me catch you out after dark. Better yet, don't let Jacobi catch you out after dark."

At these words from October Angelita actually pales. Once again if that is possible for an undead person. Everyone knew to fear Jacobi. October was old enough and crossing her was bad, but to cross her and bring down the wrath of her sire was even worse. Jacobi is one of the oldest vampires alive and the strongest. His anger is not survivable. And now Angelita had not only her once friends but also her ex best friends sire out for her blood. October was bad and could mean death. Now knowing she had gone way far with her mate was bad and more than likely meant death. With October calling out Jacobi she knew she would have no choice. She had just signed her death certificate.

"Hey Halloweeny?" Joe calls to October.

"Yes Joe?" She answers tiredly.

"Can we talk?"

"Go ahead."

"I mean quietly."

"Lead the way."


The Talk

Joe leads her to the small school garden. It's rather nice. Secluded from eyes and very peaceful. He leans against the tall brick wall with the cherry tree next to it.

"What is it that you wanted Joe?"

"Why did you beat the hell out of Angelita?"

"She disrespected me."

"What did you want to talk to her about?"

"Her disrespect to me."

"But she didnt desrespect you until after you said that you wanted to talk."

"She did but i am not sure if she knew the full extent of what she did."

"You just were mad because she kissed me."

"Like i couldnt?"

"Could you?"

"I am not getting into this I dont want to be a toy to you."

She turns to walk away and reaches to open the door.

"I know what you are!"

She freezes. What did he just say? She stays still before turning to look at him.

"I know what you are. Please come here."

She gives him calculating glances. She cant kill him. That's out. Could she like whack him in the head and make him forget? Why her?  She sighs and decides it is best to find out what he knows and how. She walks back to him and leans against the tree.


"It was hard to figure out but I was able to. The fight just made it for real for me."

"Are you going to tell?"

"Do you hurt people?"


"Then no."

"What do you want?"

"Show me. Change me."

"What?" She asls slightly surprised. Yes most humans were greedy but he didn't know what he was asking of her. She already wanted to change him.

"Change me."

"Why would i do that?"

"I could be the best. We would always win football and basketball games. I saw how fast you are. I know."

Of course. Mortals always wanted something more from it.

"It takes time to be this fast."

"How old are you?"

"You dont want to know."

"No tell me."

"I was born in 1497"

"You are like five hundred and fifteen years old."

"Against your seventeen."

"Yeah but still. Show me?"

"What my fangs?"


She looks up at him through the branches before allowing them to enlongate to their full length before giving him a look to see his reaction.

He looks at her, her make-up had always been dark but her eyes were pretty with it. She leans against the bushes looking up at him through them and he smiles. He looks at her before reaching his hand out to cup her cheek. Then he does the thing that she never expected. He kisses her.

'OMG. Not good. Not good! No fuck! Ugh! Crap! Man he's gonna find out!'

He continues to kiss her and he traces along her bottom lip gently asking for entrance which for some stupid reason she allows while mentally cursing herself.

'He knows. Yep. He knows. Gotta know. Ugh! Wait what if he doesnt? I dont wanna be some whore to him!'

She deepens the kiss before pulling away and looking down.

"October look at me please?"

"What is it Joe?"

"Please change me?"



"I can't not until you know."

"Know what?"

"I can't tell you."

"Fine. I'll see you tonight. I have plenty of other girls to fuck and Angelita will change me since you wont."

He roughly shoves past her, knocking her to the ground, and goes inside. Once he walks inside she breaks down into tears. She curls up against the cherry tree and looks at the door where he had walked in before lifting a hand to her cheek. It was warm where he had held it but it wasn't real. He just wanted to use her for something.

She looks up when she hears the door open and curls against the tree more trying to hide herself.

"October? You out here?"


"Yes childe. Your friend called me. Come on out."

She looks up and climbs out from behind the tree and looks at her sire and her friends. Actually only a few of them had come out with Jacobi. Mainly just her fledling and her siblings. Jacobi opens his arms and she leans into them and cries.

"We saw him come in from here so we figured..."

"What did he do childe? Did you tell him?"

"No. He asked why we fought and then when i tried to leave after we had talked he said he knew what I was."

"So you turned around."

"What could I do?"

"What happened then? Why are you crying?" Violet asks.

"He kissed me. After asking me to show him and change him."

"Then what?"

"I said no so he said fine. I will see you tonight I have plenty of other girls to fuck and Angelita will change me."

At this the others physically bristle. That was almost as bad as rejecting your mate without actually doing it. They hug her also dispite the fact the worlds most dangerous vampire is right there.

"He will change his mind."

"But Angelita will be stupid enough to do it."

"We will need to stop her. Tell me my childe what about this fight?"

"She kissed my mate. In front of me. And then disrespected me."

"So you threaten her with me?"


"I pamper you too much." Jacobi says with a smile

"I noticed no denial that you will deal with her."

"Because I will deal with her."

"Thank you."

"Go to the party tonight. I will see you after."

"How do I speak to him?"

"Tell him. Start showing you like him. Do something. Go on Childe. I will take care of your problem."

With that he leaves as soon as he had arrived. She looks at the small group in the room with her and hugs them.

"October I am sorry I didnt really remember he was your mate."

"I know."

"Forgive me for not stopping her?"

"Yes Violet. Always."

"Let us go to class then?"



October and Jacob walk into class together to see the instructions on the board and to hear Joe call out to them.

"Hey Halloweeny come here we need to get started and we need to talk."

October looks at Jacob and shows him over to a seat next to a nice but shy girl before sitting next to Joe.

"Look whatever it is I dont feel like talking about it."

"Why is your make up messed up?"

"I was crying. Good enough?"

"October I didnt mean what I said that way."

"Fuck off Joe." She responds as much as it hurts.

"Look I am sorry please. Come to my party tonight. Let me make it up to you."

"You have plenty of other girls to fuck. And Angelita. You don't need me."

"Look I have had a slight crush on you since you got here but me and you dating would get some wierd looks. Just please let me appologize."

"Fine you have appologized."

"October you cant say you havent liked me?"

"I dont."

"No you are just in love with me."

She ignores him and continues with what she is pouring out. He reaches out gently and catches her hand in his own. She looks up and notices that his blue eyes really do look appologetic.

"Forgive me?"

"Give me time."

"Will you come tonight."


"Good. Tonight is the rotation for seven in heaven."

"What do you usually put in there?"

"Usually my ring."

"So people know?"

"Yes. All the girls go for it."



"I will be called on last. You will have somebody in your bed and have your dick wet by the time my name is called."

"Woah! Hey thats a bit rude."

"So says the guy who kissed me. Then insulted me. And is now asking me into his bed pretty much."

"What you want to go first? Cause I was going to make sure you went first?"


"Look October please?"

"Joe, I am too old for these games. I want my mate. That is what i want in this world."

"Can you not get him?"

"He wouldnt want me."

"Then forgive me for coming onto you."



"It is not neccessary."

Joe gives her a look when she isnt watching. That gave him all the more proof. It was him she was always secretly watching. He was going to have fun getting her one of the only girls in the school he had not gotten. He had always asked her to his partys but she was too smart for his charm unlike the dumb cheer leaders who fell at his feet. It was really annoying that she hadn't done the same and made him want to make her fall at his feet too. He had of course not known what to do and been very ahem frustrated so the constant females after him was just a plus. I mean free pussy hell yeah. But now how to get the obviously untrusting girl to get into his bed.


"Yes Joe?"

"Go to dinner with me?"

"What?" She stops what she is doing to look at him.

"Will you go to dinner with me Saturday night?"

"I...What time?"

"I will pick you up at seven. No need to bring anything but yourself."

"And clothing."


"Where at?"

"We could go to Luchesse's."

"You just offered to take me to the most expensive restraunt within a two hundred mile radius."

"And a movie as well?"

"You want to go to the movies?"

"Well yeah."

"Late film or late dinner?"

"Late film."


"Dress nicely."

"Joe dear, if I so desire I could eat at Luchesse's every night for a year."

"I know. October?"

"Yes Joe?"

"Does this mean you will be my girlfriend?"

"I wont let you use me like you do the other girls Joe. I am not a vagina. I am a woman."

"I know."

"Then if you respect me, yes."

"Thank you."


"Solving my problem."


"Are we almost finished?"

"Joe we've been done for the past ten minutes."

"Then what are you writing?"

"My address, and directions if you need them."

She rips out the sheet of paper and hands it to him.

"No way. I didn't know you live there."


"Those places are so expensive."


"Right yea sorry."

"My father owns them."

"Wait he's alive?"

"My sire is and he is pretty much my father. My real father is but Jacobi has always been there." She whispers softly to him.

"Oh. So ok. I get it now."

"See you tonight?"


"Alright. I will go see Jacob then."

"Wait tell me about him?"

"He isnt a threat to you. He is pretty much like a child to me."

"Ooh. Really?"


"Alright. See you tonight."

She walks over to the table Jacob is at and sits beside him. The girl he is with immediately strikes up a conversation and Joe smiles watching them. October was beautiful. He was glad that she would be no better than he was now. Finally the last pretty girl in school would fall before his charm. After all if you can't get what you want one way, you can always play nice. He leans back in his chair and takes a nap for the rest of Chem.


At the end of the last period of the day October meets up with the rest of the group in the parking lot. Everyone except for Angelita that is.

"Alright everyone. So we have everyone but Tony, Bradley, Claire, and Gracie but they have practices right after school and they found out already. So for those of you who don't know my fledgling this is Jacob."

"Wait fledgling?" Elsa asks curiously.

"Yeah remember that kid I was talking about biting when i was younger? Like ten years ago younger? This is Jacob."

"I dont think everyone knew the story October. Violet didn't."

"That's right. Well now you all know. He will be moving in with us and either taking Angelita's room or picking a different one."

"Angelita's room is like in the middle of the first floor." Aaron says.

"Most of the guys are in the basement or the very top floors with their mates." Violet offers.

"Top floors?" Jacob asks curious.

"We live in a huge ass house." October answers.

"Should we introduce everyone?" Paul asks.

"Ooh good one. Alright. Line up everyone. Or circle up. Just get with people so i can do this right." October smirks and pulls Jacob next to her so she can point out people easier. "Alright so there is Paul and his mate is back at home because she is off work today her name is Ella. Then next to Paul is Aaron and Jessica, they're mates. Then we have Violet, Charlie, Andy, Veronica and her mate Thomas, Randy, Dylan and his mate Kirsten, and then the twins Lucy and Elsa."

October points to each in turn. When she is finished she looks at Jacob who seems to be memorizing names.

"Dont worry there are four more that you will meet later. Anyway so I guess we can all head home or go do whatever ya know so see y'all. Keep in touch."

Everyone begins moving to their various vehicles before October turns to Jacob. He is looking at her rather lost.

"Dont worry we will get you a vehicle or you can just ride with one of them for a while if you would rather. So do you want to go get your stuff now or wait until later?"

"Let's go while Steve is home."


They hop in the vehicle that belongs to October which is suprisingly amazing. She has a rather nice truck and she knows it. Jacob gives her the directions which she follows with relative ease. A perk of living in the same general area so long. They arrive on the destination and she looks at the rather plain normal appartments before her. Jacob gets out and she follws him up to a rather nice looking on on the outside and out. It is well furnished but awkward.

"Hey woah woah woah. No getting it wet in my house out."

"We aren't here like that. She is letting me move in with them. I'll be gone in ten minutes."

His brother, Steve, glares at October and she smirks at him from where she is leaning against the door frame.

"Go ahead Jacob I will wait for you."

"Alright. It will be fast I dont have much unpacked."

Jacob turns and Steve continues to stare at October before getting up from his chair. He is obviously drunk and whatever he thinks he is about to try is going to go very wrong.

"You're a pretty little thing. I like pretty little things."

"Get back piggy. I don't want to hurt you."

"Right I'm a cop now just be good and bend over real quick like and behave before I arrest you."

"Get back pig."

He keeps coming closer so she kicks her leg up into his chest shoving him back into his chair.

"You little bitch!"

He stands up mad and starts towards her to be kicked down again. Jacob chooses that point to come in and go through the fight with no problem and out the door dragging October with him.

"You little bitch. You'll pay!" Steve shouts as they leave.

"Ignore him. He's drunk."

"You didnt say it was bad."

"I know."

"It was not good."

"I know."

"Let's go home."


The drive is in relative silence with some music playing but not really much that either of the two are paying attention. However Jacob soon finds outside very interesting as they drive closer and closer to the house.

"You live on the nice side of town."

"You mean the rich side?"


"It has it's perks. The house I actually had built for me. But she's home. You can pick out a room on any of the floors. There are like three to four bedrooms on every floor except for the top. The top there are only two and downstairs in the lowest floor meaning the second basement there is only one room. Usually its just storage stuff. There are nineteen of us in the house. Now twenty. With 4 floors above ground and then two below its nice. We have a pool, a patio, a sun tan deck, and a ballroom. Not all of the bedrooms are used either. Most of the couples share but some still like to have thier own private space. Most of us have altered the rooms but if there is a room being used for something like a study or something and it calls to you we can move stuff"

"Thank you. What floor do you sleep on?"

"Tippy top."

"Can I have the other room?"

"Yeah totally. They're the largest rooms. Mainly because its like a suite with no inbetween walls except for the bathrooms. Its the door, a study like section, the television and stuff section, a patio door leading onto the patio, and then the bedroom secion and bathroom. The patios are on two different sides of the house. My patio goes from the center of the house on the back all the way around the side but it doesnt go around the front. its like an L. The other patio for the other room is on the other side of the house."

"Seems cool."

"I like it. The bathrooms have their own hot tubs. The others either had to buy their own or use the one down at the pool."

"Cools. Let's get inside."


October helps him to get his things inside before their butler Yaxley gets there and helps them to move his things upstairs. The maid Annabella helps to tidy up the room really quickly as well. October entroduces him to the rest of the staff before heading off to her own room to get ready for the party that would start in like five hours. Until she remembered to check Angelita's old room. Nothing had been missing and she knew Maria had been watching her the whole time. That little maid was good about being trustworthy.

She wonders down the stairs and over to the door that was once decorated with random things. She opens it and looks into the room to see it the way it was when Angelita had gotten there. At least the fool hadn't stolen from her. She turns and heads back up to her room to take a nap and then a shower.

Do I Look Alright?

October woke up at about 5:30. Her nap had her feeling better. Yes vampires can sleep. They don't have to as long as they keep eating but its better to sleep too. She glances out the window and walks to her closet to get some clothes out to change into when she got out of the shower.

She goes through the first little rack of clothes before setttling on some grey sweatpants and a blue tank top. Hey nobody was going to see her who cared if she matched. She takes her clothes into the bathroom and runs herself a bath getting out one of her large fluffy zebra print towels.

The tub is filling up and she wipes off her make up while she is waiting. She checks the clock before slipping into the water.

Ten minutes later has her sliding out of the tub and into a towel. She gets into her clothes before drying her hair vampire style. Also known as running through the room really really fast. Worked way better than a blow dryer and didn't cost her any money. It also gave it a slightly windblown look.

She runs her fingers through it to make sure that it is dry before sitting down in front of the vanity to fix her hair and make up. It is then that she stops and decides what to wear. Her mate was going to be there. So she had to look good. She always looked good though. She goes through clothes trying things on to put them away again. Why was it so complicated!? She smiles as she pulls out a pair of skin tight leather pants and a jacket. She pulls out the tank top that is very well fiting and then her boots. She would make him beg for her.

She gets dressed before doing her make up in the order of eye liner, eye shadow in grey and then purple, and then mascara. Anybody would have sworn she used a concealer or a powder to keep her skin so white, but she didn't.She looks down at her outfit before walking out of her room and down to the kitchen where she knew everyone would most likely be hanging out at.

She walks in and of course the conversation stops. Just what she wanted. Paul even actually oogles her for a moment before being slapped in the back of the head by Ella.

"WOAH!!!!" Three of the girls shout.

"Hello sexy did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Tony teases her.

"No no did it hurt getting kicked out of hell for being too hot?" Charlie teases as well.

"Guys come on."

"What are you doing tonight Occy?" Ella asks her politely.

"I'm going to a party."

"No way. You finally accepted Joe's invitation?" Violet asks.

"Yep. Had too. Couldn't let my fledgling be hurt."

"Right...." Bradley and Lucy say together.

"Gotta get that revenge too huh?" Gracie asks from over her coffee.

"Always." October smirks back.

"So when are you showing up. Better yet how are you getting there?"

"With my new bike?"

"Occy, you dont have a new bike."

"I will in about twenty minutes."

"Wow. You are gonna buy a bike?"

"What the last one was broken in the wreck."

"Yeah. So what are you getting?"

"A fancy smancy one of course." Claire laughs.

"Well duh Claire you know me so well." October replies plucking the just made coffee out of Pauls hands.



"That's mine you little brat."

"Oh this? It's just black coffee I was unaware you drink black coffee."

"I don't I just haven't put anything in it yet."

"Well it's my cup so clearly it is mine." She laughs pointing at the word October with the pumpkin under it.

"Yeah yeah yeah go ahead. Damn halloween cups." Paul laughs before getting another cup.

October smiles before getting out sugar and her two types of creamer. She puts in just the right amount of both before happily beginning to drink her coffee.

"Occy you are so odd." Ella says laughing.

"Just cause I like Irish Creme and French Vanilla means nothing."

"You're a vampire that is addicted to coffee."

"So is Jacobi and you guys dont laugh at him."

"Jacobi is different."

"Yeah yeah you chickens. Jacobi is a big softie."

"I am now am I?" Jacobi asks walking into the kitchen.

"Yes you are."

"Funny. Put the coffee down."

October laughs and puts the coffee down before charging into him and laughing when she tackles him only to be twisted around and trapped under him being tickled.

"STOP!! October gets out through her giggles twisting under him to get free.

"Take it back." He says calmly while everyone watches on laughing.

"NO!!!!!" October laughs struggling to keep her breath and get the words out.

"Suffer then." Jacobi continues to tickle her much to the amusement of the other nineteen people in the room.

About a minute later October gives up and Jacobi holds out a hand to help her up before joining in on their conversations.

"So your problem is hiding. She is living with Thorn."

"What was it that I said about go home to her master...." October wonders before cracking up with everyone else.

"Hey Occy don't you need to go get that bike?"

"I do. We can all head over there together and you guys can see what I had them get me."

"I have to go to work little one. Though I know what you got. I will see you tomorrow." Jacobi says hugging her and the other girls and shaking hands with the guys before poofing off as usual.

The group that is going with her decides how to do the vehicles.

"Alright so I am taking my car. But somebody will need to take it home for me."

"Hey why dont we all get into just a few vehicles and show up together. It will be easier. Only like four to a vehicle though."


"Let's head out. Paul I know you are driving, I am taking my truck, and then who else?"

"I'm taking mine." Tony says from the back.

"I'll drive as well" Aaron says.

"We need one more guys."

"I got it." Dylan says.

"Alrighty lets go" She says laughing.

People rush up the stairs and then back out into the garage laughing most of the way as they pile into the five vehicles. Paul has of course himself, Ella, and then Veonica and Thomas. Tony has himself, Gracie, Bradley, and Claire. Aaron has himself, Jessica, Randy and Elsa. Dylan has himself, Kirsten, Andy and Lucky. Finally October has herself, Jacob, Violet and Charlie.

They all start up their vehicles and pull out of the large garage and onto the road. October is in the lead followed by Paul, Dylan, Aaron, and lastly Tony. After about a twenty minute ride they pull in at the dealership. The cars were full of random conversation and music picked by the groups inside. One group had some country blaring, another rap, another screamo, and then some mix of all of the others in the last two.

It was a rather interesting sight to see from inside of the dealership. Expecially when you see some real expensive cars and trucks pull up. However seeing just kids get out was a bit of a let down.

October leads the large group in and smirks when nobody jumps to help them. Until the manager comes around the corner.

"You dunderheaded idiots these are my most expensive customers!" He shouts to his workers.

Some of them look confused before a few come around to ask if they can help with anything. The manager, Jesse, shoos them away saying it was already taken care of before leading October to the prize of the dealership. The badass bike that was sitting inside a case well protected, a Dodge Tomahawk. The bike was the most expensive bike of the year at $500,000 dollars. The staff stares at the small teen as the manager opens the case and allows her to walk inside. Not only to walk inside but to bring the bike itself out. And not only to bring the bike out but to get on the bike.

"I like the way it feels. But does she ride good?"

"Why dont you find out?"

"You offering?"

"You could buy tons of these I trust you with it."

"Alrighty where are the keys?"

"Here you go."

He hands her the keys and she takes the bike out the doors and onto the little track that they had out behind the dealership for test drives. She smirks and gets her helment out of the back seat of her truck before getting on the bike and starting it up. She smiles at the sound and looks at them before taking off down the track. The bike was a beast. Great handling too. She finishes up after just a short ride and removes herself from the bike, slips the keys into her pocket, takes off her helment, and looks at everyone.

"I do believe Jesse that I will take this monster off of your hands."

"But of course. We just need to fill out the...Never mind. Jacobi handled that this morning when he dropped by. All you have to do is pay for it. He said you are old enough to buy your own toys."

"He just wouldn't cause he knows it would make me look like a spoiled rich kid if he bought it and he didn't know for sure if I would want it."


"Alright so what did you say the price on her was?"

"$500 k. Tax is included in that. Just straight five hundred."

"You want it all in hundreds?"

"Would be nice."

"Alright lets go inside then shall we?"


The group walks back inside and stand by the counter. The manager goes around behind the counter and does some work on the computer and then looks up at October.

"Just need the cash now. You're all set. Your plates will be put on right as soon as we get it paid for."

"He bought me plates?"

"And registered the bike to you."


"It is."

October reaches into her inside pocket and pulls out a two rolls of money. She starts counting out the hundreds in front of everyone quickly but not too quickly.

"And there is five thousand one hundred dollar bills."

"You sure love to count out large sums of money."

"I once was a banker."

"I would believe it. Nathan go put the plates on that bike and do be careful."

"Yes sir." The young man Nathan says.

"It shouldn't take but just a minute."

"You guys stayed open just for me didn't you?"

"We usually close at 6."

"You gotta pay them over time."

"Jacobi handled it."

"Thank you Jesse."

"I owe it two him. We've been friends since about the same time you were born."

"Yeah yeah which way?"

"The first. Mine wasn't until about ten years after you. When I was thirty-seven."

"Ah. Alrighty."

Nathan comes back in and tells them that it is ready.

"Alright Jesse I will have to come back and see you if I need anything."

"Please do."

"I will. Alright so who is driving my truck? No Violet don't think about it. Jacob can you drive a truck?"

"I have before."

"Would you rather you or Charlie drive?"

"Charlie can."

"Woohoo." Charlie comments.

"You just want my truck." October laughs.

"I do. I really do."

They all laugh and head to their respective vehicles. It was time to party. After all it was nearly a quarter after eight. The party had already begun.


The cars and other vehicles skillfully arrive before October. The party had of course already started but it was not into the game time yet so they were fine. Joe however wasn't to be found. They assumed he was upstairs busy.

October pulls up on her bike much to the shock of everyone that is in the back yard. People inside even look out the windows and come outside. She parks in the drive next to a nice looking truck before removing her helment and adjusting her not even messed up hair. She smirks at the stares she was getting. She knew it wasn't just because of the bike but because she had actually come. Some of the guys were practically drooling which meant hell yeah she looked damn good.

"Hey Tober!" Michael shouts from the doorway.

"Hey Mikey!" She replies walking past everyone and into the house to grab a drink and party it up.

"Finally came hmm?"

"Yep. Can't let my best buddy get hurt. Where is Joe?"




"He's upstairs isn't he?"

"I don't know if anybody is with him or not."

"Do you know he asked me out today?"

"Yeah. The whole team does. He bragged about it at practice once Tony and Bradley were away."

"What did he say?"

"Just that you would be his just like the other girls. But i really can't remember him going up with anybody."

October listens carefully. She knew Mikey knew about her and the group even though he was a mortal. She growls deep in her throat when she hears moans.

"Would you be so kind as to tell my family that I am taking care of a little problem?" She seeths as she pushes past him and towards the stairs.

People stop to stare and move out of her way. The news of her fight with Angelita had gotten around and nobody wanted to deal with a mad October. Paul and the others watch as she goes not assuming anything until Paul catches sounds of moaning.

"He didn't!" He looks at Mikey and storms towards the stares along with the others at Mikey's nod.

October continues knowing her family is going to follow only to dead stop when she finally hears words. She recognizes the voice. Angelita. She turns hearing footsteps behind her and catches the eyes of her sire and her friends. Her eyes are no longer the soft blue that they usually are but pure white. Her fangs are enlongated and she looks like a straight up demon from hell. The teens that had been up stairs had all gone down the stairs not wishing to be caught up in the fight.

Jacobi steps forward and wraps his arms around his childe before whispering into her hair.

"I will deal with her childe."

She nods and moves out of his grip and storms the rest of the way to the room looking all the while the very impressive vampire she is. She doesn't even stop to open the door but slams up a leg and kicks it down. The sight she sees is enough to make her have enough. On the large bed is Joe and Angelita fucking like a bunch of rabbits. Angelita is just about to bite him.

October moves and drags Angelita off of Joe careful not to hurt him even in her rage before sinking her teeth deep into Angelita's neck. She drinks deeply feeling the power and life draining from Angelita. She drinks until Angelita is just barely hanging on. Then she stops. She throws her on the floor and looks down at her in disgust.

"Kill me." Angelita begs.

"No. That is not for me to do. Take her out of my sight."

Jacobi steps forward from where he is holding Joe with a glare and grabs Angelita by her hair.

"You will regret hurting my childe. I will take you back to your sire you little whore. Then you will realize true pain."

He nods to October before poofing away with Angelita. October's gaze then turns to settle on the boy in the bed.

"You lied to me." She states coldly trying to hide the pain.

"I told you to change me."

"You want to be changed? Fine. Earn it."

With that she looks to her family and nods. They would make him earn it. They wouldnt kill him. but the pain would make him wish they had. She turns her back and leans against the wall looking away as the take their revenge on her mate. She waits until they are finished before turning around.

Joe is a bloody broken mess. He is crying and very close to passing out. She walks towards him slowly before reaching down and taking his hand in hers.

"I warned you I would not be a toy."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I won't kill my own mate. You survived their anger even though I know they didn't go as hard as they could. You will live."

She reaches up and cups his cheek turning his head to the side before leaning down and kissing his neck softly. She winces slightly as he moans and then sinks her teeth into his neck and drinking slowly. She waits until he is very near passing out before stopping and biting her own wrist causing it to bleed. She holds it to his lips.

"Drink it." She commands and he willingly obeys.

She watches as he drinks and smirks at his moaning. She watches as his wounds slowly begin to heal. He continues to drink and she runs her fingers through his bloody hair. It would only take a little while before he would feel the pain.

Suddenly his eyes widen and he stops drinking. Yep. Now the pain. It hits him in waves and every one causes him to clench her wrist with both of his hands and writhe in pain. Finally after a few minutes it stops and the last of his wounds heal. He is definately different now. His complexion looks a lot clearer even more manly. He looks more grown up and strong. The vampirism had caused him to look the way he would after going completely through growth. He was taller and more muscular too.

He looks up at her before blinking. She knew his eyes were hurting. His normal dark blue eyes would fade to a light blue. They wouldn't turn white like her silver had done but they would get lighter. That would only take a few weeks.

"Go take a shower." She offers softly.

"Come with me?"

"You recognize me as your mate because you are a vampire, but it will take time for me to forgive you."

"If it is any help, she started it."

October takes this moment to slam him against the wall despite how much bigger than her he is. She is stronger than him and knows it.

"Explain to me just how this little incident started." She growls.

"I came up to get something. She came in and started on me. Its a bit hard to say no."

October lets him down and turns away.

"Take a shower. It will take time for me to forgive you."

He nods before grabbing clothes and walking away. Once he is gone she sits down and cries. Her family comes and hugs her before almost all of them leave. All except for Jacob go back to the party which now is getting even more lively now that the alcohol is out.

"Are you alright?"

"I want to be angry. I want to hate him."

"But you can't"


"October. He is your mate. You know Angelita tricked him. He was a player anyway. Breaking him of his habits will be hard unless you mate with him."

"He at least recognizes that he is my mate. I can see the guilt in his eyes and feel it when he drank. That is a start."

"They're playing seven in heaven tonight. Will you go with him?"


"He will go with a female."

"He will either not let her touch him or he shall die."

"And you?"

"If my mate cannot put off the advances of a mortal whore then he is not worthy of me."

"That is cold October. And not what I meant."

"I will be fine. From what I have heard the pain goes away."

"It is hard to find two mates."

"I will either find another or be alone."

"You are stubborn childe." A voice calls from the corner of the room.

Jacobi steps out of the shadows and sits beside her pulling her into a hug.

"You always were a stubborn child. He will turn her down or I will teach him a lesson. Do not push away your bonded. You are one that needs a bonded even more than I."

"You never said how Elicia died."

"I killed her."

"Why?" Jacob asks catching on that Elicia was Jacobi's mate.

"She pushed me away after we had been together for so long. I caught her with another man and I killed them both."

"Oh." October and Jacob both respond.

The shower kicks off and October hears Joe drying off.

"I will see you tomorrow childe. The play thing has been delivered back to her mate. He will take care of her as he sees fit."

"Will he kill her?"

"No. He will make her pay for running from him and the way he does it will make her learn her place."

"He will make her into his slave wont he?"

"She will always be his mate. But she will no longer be among the well respected members of society. Because of this she will either accept being a house wife and bear his children or be his slave and watch him be happy with another. Goodnight my children."

Jacob looks at October. After Jacobi poofs away.

"Because I am your child I am kind of his aren't I?"

"Yes. So is Joe."

"That's cool. I'll leave the two of you to talk."

Jacob leaves the room and heads back to the party just before Joe leaves the bathroom. He has just a pair of jeans on without his shirt. October looks up. They had replaced the sheets on his bed and gotten rid of the blood already. He turns on the lights before sitting on his bed.

"I will forgive you."


"I have to or let it eat me up inside. It is stupid to hold a grudge against something you didn't understand. Now you understand. You will have one chance. I am not my sister's mate. I cannot allow my mate to constantly betray me. If I can trust you I will fully mate with you."

"What do you mean?"

"I will give you a chance to decide what you want."


"It is either me or not."

"I see. October?"


"Is October your real name?"

October starts and looks at him. It had been so long ago that somebody had asked her real name. She remembered she had asked Jacobi that same night he had turned her as well.

"October is my real name. My mother named me because in our time it was a blessing to have a child in October. But yet a curse to have a child born on Halloween. I was born on the stroke of midnight on October thirty first. By that I am yet a curse and a blessing. My name is October because it means curse and blessing. Directly from our people it meant "The Blessed Curse.""

"It is interesting. Where were you born?"


"Were your parents Italian?"

"My mother was. My father was a German sailor. He met my mother but he wanted to continue his career. He did not know she was pregnant. He was a vampire when he and my mother concieved me. I was not supposed to survive since many half vampire children drain their mother of blood without the father there to provide blood. Jacobi turned my mother and I was born. When my father saw my mother again he was surprised to see she had me with her. I was only a baby at the time."

She pauses and looks up to where Joe is laying on his bed running his fingers through her hair. She moves and sits on the bed beside him. He smiles and continues to card his fingers through her hair waiting for her to continue her tale.

"He was angry. He wanted to hurt the person who had turned her but couldn't after he found out who it was. He wanted to kill me at first too. But he didn't as I am still here. But that is a difficult part for later. He wanted to talk to her and since I hadn't opened my eyes he didn't know that I was his child yet. My mother let Jacobi hold me while they talked and my father reconciled with her and they talked of marriage. He soon had to go back to sea and did not return for a long time. I was three the next time we met. He came to my home one night and I opened the door. When I looked up at him he could see that I was his child as I was not a full vampire but a half. When I say half I mean that I was a mortal with vampire traits. Such as the eyes and stuff. He was angry that my mother had not told him and they argued for the short while he was there. During his stay he tried to grow close to me. Mother even encouraged it hoping it would get him to stay. But he wouldn't. I saw him again when I was eight. He finally had come back and bought my mother a ring. He got a job in our village thanks to Jacobi. He and my mother were married and I was claimed as his child. Which caused an uproar. Halfs were forbidden because they were easy to spot. Jacobi had to come to our rescue and claim that he had turned my mother which indeed he had. Since Jacobi is one of the oldest vampires known nobody dared to cross him. I continued to age but at around fifteen it started to slow down. I was already fully formed but not seeming to grow much more. My vampire traits had picked up the stopping at full growth. At age sixteen my growth was done. I had gotten myself quite the name. I was a bad ass among the mortals but scum among the vampire children. The vampires tried to kill me and Jacobi turned me to save me. My vampire traits helped to stop the pain but for the most part I looked the same as I did. My family had to move around because we didn't age but it was alright."

"Are your birth parents alive?"


"Where are they?"

"The last time my mother and I spoke they were living in Italy still."

"Do you not speak to them?"

"Things became tense when I was changed. I had very violent outburst until Violet and Paul came along. But they didn't come until in mortal years I was fourty."

"But they love you?"

"They do. My father owns a cruise line and is a captain. My mother is a dress designer. We see each other often enough. They like to do the things they did when we lived in 1497. What can I do about that?"

"Do you miss them?"

"I do. But like I said. I see them. Just not every day since they live in Italy and don't know how to do the poofy thing Jacobi does."

"Can you do it?"

"Partially. I can't get the landings right. I end up in the wrong places."


"Enough about me. Let's get to the party. It's already nine thirty. Time for the games to begin is soon."

"Hey wait October."


Joe reaches over on his night stand and pulls his ring off of it and takes October's hand. The ring is his class ring. He places it in her palm and folds her fingers around it.

"Wear it for me?"

"You are serious?"


"Then yes I will."

She reaches into her jacket pocket and removes a necklace that has a lot of class rings on it. All of them from different schools from different parts of the world. She removes the rings from the chain and slips his ring on it and then puts it around her neck. The other rings she gathers into her hand and puts back into the pocket before zipping it shut.

"That was a lot of rings."

"I've been to a lot of schools."

"It was cool."

"You will have a collection soon enough."

"Do the others?"

"Most of them except for Jacob. Dylan and Kirsten dont have as many as I do because they are only about sixty."

"Still a lot of rings."

"It is."

"I have more at home. But these are mainly the ones that I made friends at the school or I liked the ring or the school."

They head out the door and downstairs once Joe gets a shirt on. Downstairs people are piled up on couches and chairs or just standing around talking and having a good time. Upon seeing them Mikey heads up to the front and gets a top hat.

"Alrighty everyone! Let's get the game started! If all of the guys participating would please get their crap into the hat that would be great!"

Seven In Heaven

October watches as people go up and put random things in the hat before looking at Joe. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys. He takes a key ring off of them before putting it into the hat. Just like his ring.

"Alright. Now ladies lets all get something nice hmmm? October come up and go first."

October gets up from her seat on the couch and walks up the Mikey. She looks at Joe as she reaches into the hat and pulls out not the small key ring but a large black skeleton key. Joe's mouth drops and she smiles at him before looking over at Chris. He smiles and walks up to her and gets his key.

"Y'all will be up on the second floor. First room on the left." Mikey says with a slight laugh to his voice.

October and Chris head up to the room and laugh when they see what the inside looks like.
 After paul had heard what room he had quickly rushed the stuff upstairs. They had snacks like crazy, an Xbox, a Wii, and a crap ton of games. Oh yeah October's brother was amazing.

"So looks like we will be all set for the night"

"It's only two hours silly."


"Alright you get the soda, I'll get the games set up."

Back downstairs Joe is called as Mikey says his name. He looks up to see one of the cheer team girls that he had already been with lots of times. She was actually very good. But she was too clingy. She wanted marriage after sex all the time. Like did she really expect him to ask her to marry him after fucking her?

"Come on Joeyboy I've gotten some nice new clothing just for you." Bethany says none too softly.

He inwardly groans as everyone seems to cheer him on before catching the eyes of the vampire group. Over half of them are glaring at him with that give me a reason to kill you look. Oh well. Didn't matter. He lets Bethany lead him up to his room smiling slightly at her antics. She was sashaying and swaying her hips a bit much for her intoxicated state. Inside his room only got worse. She tries to strip for him and kisses him before his mind reacts and he pulls away and locks himself in his bathroom. What a way to spend the damn night. Oh well it was only until midnight.

"Do you think he did it?" Mikey whispers to Paul when Paul comes up to get his car keys from Ella.

"I don't hear screaming. Or moaning so not yet."

"Alright. You two are upstairs in the room two doors down from Joe's."

"Alrighty!" Ella chirps happily before leading Paul up the stairs.

He watches her and smiles. She wanted kids. But she wanted them to be married. Tonight wasn't the night for marriage. He had that all planned out for next week. He kisses her once they are in the door and proceeds to lead her to the bed and laughs when she snuggles against his chest. Some much needed bonding for the next two hours. Wink. Wink.

The rest of the people participating were finding their ways to their rooms leaving Mikey, Jacob, Bradley, Tony, Claire, and Gracie all downstairs chilling with their drinks.

"Still no screaming yet."

"Wonder what October is doing?"

"Wanna go play videogames with them?"


The small group heads up to the room and laughs at the sight they see: October holding Chris down, stuffing popcorn in his mouth, laughing insanely and calling him a loser. They make themselves at home until the two finish their little war.

"What was the cause of that?"

"He made me chug a two liter of Dr. Pepper!"

"That's a good thing." Jacob laughs.

"Yeah but still I needed revenge."

"Wow. So how goes it?"


The group starts to play videogames themselves. Only another hour and it would go by quickly thanks to Paul and his quick thinking. The same was not to be said for Joe. He could hear moaning coming from another room but was stuck in the bathroom. Bethany had stopped begging him a while ago after he started ignoring her text messages. He had to admit some of the things she bought were damn hot. Just not on her. He assumed she had fallen asleep since she could hear her breathing.

He peeks his head out the door to see her sleeping. Yep he was right. He picks her up off of his bed and carries her down and sets her on the couch. Mikey would wake her up before everyone got down there. Now what room was October in... He heads up the stairs and he catches the sounds of laughter and knocks on the door.

Jacob answers the door since nobody else feels like it and stares when he sees who it is.

"Can I come in?" Joe asks.

October turns her head and looks at him from her game before shouting yeah and continuing with the game beating the crap out of Mikey. Joe laughs and grabs a Mountain Dew before sitting down with the group.

"So what are you doing here? Where is Bethany?"

"She went to sleep after I locked myself in the bathroom. I put her downstairs."

"Sneaky." Mikey comments having just lost.

"You locked yourself in the bathroom?" Tony and Bradley ask doubtful.

"She's downstairs asleep if you don't believe me. I also have texts of her begging."

"Don't show me show Tober."

"I don't want to see. He is telling the truth."

"The whole mate pull thingy?" Jacob asks curiously.

"Pretty much again." October says laughing.

"Wait what pull thingy?" Tony and Grace ask.

"Yeah that's right you guys don't have it. Well when you get even older and more powerful you will be able to read the minds of others. A mind link between you and your mate will occur and you can literally talk and read thoughts and feelings from the others heads."

"Woah." Joe breaths softly.

"Ours should work merely because of the fact I am so strong. Jacob's will start before the others' will because he has Jacobi's blood in him."

'Joe?' October asks softly to her mate in her head.

Joe snaps his head up to look at her. He had heard her.

"If you want to answer just think something back to me. If you can think of like a visual door from me to you it will be better."

Joe concentrates for a little bit before looking at her blankly.

'Joe see focus on my voice and responding.'

'I am fucking trying to!'

'Joe you just did.'

'I did?'

'Woah I can hear us. Sounds like we are actually talking.'


"Uh guys?" Claire asks.

"We are good. How much time left Mikey?"

"A little while. We can go downstairs so that people will get there after we are there."

The group packs up there junk before heading down the stairs. On a couch sure enough Bethany is sleeping. Mikey grabs her a bottle of beer and wakes her up.

"Joe honey why did you ignore me?" She asks practically throwning herself towards him.

October steps between them and Bethany stops seeing the ring hanging from her neck.

"You have his ring?"

"He is my fiance."

"Have fun with that thought." Bethany sneers before storming back to her couch.

October and her group shrug before piling onto the section that the vamps usually claim. Soon people start coming downstairs to get drunk before leaving.

When it is just the vampires left October looks at Joe.

"I know your parents love you. But can you move out?"

"I'll be eighteen in two weeks. They want me out by then."

"Come live with me?'

"Can I say no?"

"You could. But it wouldn't be appreciated."

"Then yes."

October smiles at him before nodding to paul who does the whole vampire thing and manages to get tons of totes in like five minutes. They help Joe get everything packed up before moving it all into October's truck and some into Joe's car.

"Is that your bike?"


"That thing is expensive."


"Yeah right."

They laugh and pile into the vehicles for only the third time that night. Back at home October would need to move some of her stuff around for Joe to be able to put his things in her room as well. Mainly just put her books in order, arrange class pictures and that kind of stuff back into her study at her personal house, and make sure he would have plenty of space at both.

Once they arrive Joe gawks a little before helping them to carry things inside. October introduces him to everyone on the staff before leading him to their rooms.

"These are our rooms. You should find everything you need in the closet clothing wise. Anything you need just ask. I'll get you a card for the account but don't be stupid and go blowing money."


"Now i'm all for some of Paul and Ella's cooking in the kitchen. Want some?"

"I'm starving."

"We should get you some blood but I don't think you need a human until your bloodlust will be safe enough. We'll get you some food first then find you some blood."

"I thought you didn't hurt people."

"We don't. There are willing donors. And plenty of blood put back in blood banks and stuff. Or you could get an animal for now."

"You drank from another vampire."

"Angelita will not keep me full since she was weak. I would need a normal human for me to be satisfied. Jacobi actually let's me feed from him occassionally. I'm sure it is from him you will be feeding tonight."

"A dude?"

"Don't worry the whole arousal thing never really goes away but it gets better. Usually it doesn't cause embarrassment because most vampires know that it is just part of you. It happens."

"To you too?"


"Who is Jacobi?"

"I am."

Joe jumps and spins to face the figure in the darkness. Jacobi steps forward and comes to October's side.

"Looks like I get to play dinner for two tonight?"

"What?" October asks confused.

"You will need to get stronger to help him out. Fledglings are dependant enough when first changed. Mates will use you as a food source until they are safe enough. Since you turned him he will look to you for food also because you are his sire."

"I would ask if you would be alright, but you will stop him if he becomes too greedy."

"Let's go get some food. And Joe this is my sire, or the one who turned me, Jacobi."

"He was there tonight."

"Yes. Do not let me catch you hurting her."


They all head down to smell wonderful cooking almost halfway down. October laughs before taking off full speed to get her coffee that Paul had apparently just made for her.

Most everyone is down there and they all pile in around the table leaving the ends for Jacobi and October. People pile the food  on their plates and stuff their faces laughing and making polite conversation.

"So you guys going to eat tonight?" October asks the group.

"Most of us have decided yes. Some of us have decided just to bag it or wait."

"Bag it?" Joe asks between bites.

"Blood bag. From a blood bank."

Joe nods and continues eating. The group finishes up and they all try to help as much as possible with cleaning up. Which means half of them getting told to leave and go eat already by Ella. It seemed that only Jacobi, October, Jacob, Paul, Ella, Tony, and Gracie.

"Are you feeding him?" Paul asks October.

"No. He is."

"Just checking. Have a good night guys." Paul says to the group before leaving with Ella, Tony, and Gracie.


"I'm just checking on you. I'll be next door if you need anything." With that he heads up the stairs to his room.

"Ready Joe?"


"I don't want a messy bed. I'd rather we did this thing down here."

"What do we do?"

Jacobi laughs and sits down in a chair. October hops on the counter and hands him a knife. Jacobi slices across his wrist. The blood draws Joe's attention and in a heart beat he is drinking deeply from Jacobi's blood.

October watches her sire carefully. He was strong but a fledgling was dangerous. Jacobi reaches down after about a minute and a half pushing Joe back. Joe growls and tries to go back. This being October's que she jumps off the counter and pins Joe down until he calms down. Once calm he looks up at her. She kisses him softly before allowing her fangs to enlongate and moves to Jacobi's shoulder. He was normally taller than her by quite a bit so sitting down was just the right height. She sinks her teeth into the flesh and drinks.

After a little while Jacobi tries to pull her away but she fights him. Her blood lust was very strong since she hadn't fed in a while not including Angelita. Jacobi tries to push her away again put she clings to him.

"PAUL!" Jacobi shouts.

Paul comes running in and pulls October off and slices his wrist allowing her to drink before looking at Jacobi.

"She has not eaten in a long time. Be careful. I will go get another elder."

The group inside the kitchen trades off on feeding October until Jacobi gets back with not one, not two, but three other elders.

October turns on the fresh blood as soon as the scent reaches her. She was starving. She drank deeply of the first two and slowly of the third before becoming full.

She curls up in Joe's lap sleepy. The other's regard her carefully. All of them slightly weak.

"Childe you need to eat more. That was very dangerous."

"It hasn't been that bad."

"You almost drained all of us. If it would have been just me I could not have fed you."

"I'm sorry."

"You have your mate to look after now. With so much vampiric blood you will be strong enough for him to get way ahead in his power. You will want to feed daily. Maybe two or three times. If you feed him twice with blood eat three times."


"Go to bed Childe."

"ok. 'm sleepy."

Jacobi laughs as Joe kisses her forhead and nods at them before carrying October up the stairs.

"Jacobi it is dangerous to feed her. Her blood is becoming as strong if not stronger than yours." One elder says.

"It will be alright."

"If you kill yourself it isn't" The other elder comments.

"She and I will be fine. You know my reasoning."

"When you do go, will it be because she drains you?" Paul asks.

"No. She will only need to feed from me once a month for another year before her power out ranks mine. If you test her blood strength it is so much vampiric that the cells are close to matching the blood from the Cursed One."

"Are they related?"

"She is a decendent. We suspect she is the one to reunite vampires with our own world and ways."


"If you test her blood, the strength is that of a vampire that is my age. It was strong even before I turned her and her mother. It is her."

"Jacobi she is young." An elder says.

"But she knows it is her. She's spoken to him."

"You mean?"


"What exactly will happen?"

"She will drink his blood while in a semi sleep state that she has gone into herself. Then it will cause all of us to join her in the vampiric realm. You know the stories."

"I didn't think it was real."

"It's very real. We will all be safe. She will be very respected among the vampires but not necessarily treated as a queen unless she wants it. Which i doubt. I just can't wait to see Elicia."

"You will see her?"

"The mate rules will be re-established and by that they will be given another chance. If a vampire loses a mate there, they will be rematched with another. Usually another who has lost a mate as well. Sometimes not."

"Sounds harsh."

"It could be. But she will be fine."


"Night children. Sleep well. Check on her in the morning for me?"

"Always Jacobi."


A Time to Kill and a Time to Wait

"You left me. For many long years you left me. You ignored me simply because you did not want my love. You think that by them forcing you back that you can trick me into being foolish. You my childe are the fool. You will be forced to live by my terms and accept them, or become a slave and watch me be happy with another."

Those were the words Angelita heard before fainting again. She was very weak and as nobody felt the need to feed her she was not getting stronger. Thorn was angry. She had never liked him when he was angry. He was known as one of the most vicious vampires. He was not as old as October but yet he was well known.

She hated the fact that she loved him with a passion. She wanted to end it. So she ran from him. It had made him angry. But in turn he had made her angry. She would play nice. If only to get her vengance. October would pay. So would Jacobi. They would all bow before her. After all without their little "curse" to bring the curse to end where would they be....

The door opens inturrupting her thoughts. The room was rather lavish. A large four poster bed, large bathroom, large everything. It was an elegant room. Which meant it was Thorns. She turns and looks at the door. Sure enough there is Thorn.

"You are awake."

She continues to glare at him before looking back out the window. He strides forward and grips her chin forcing her to look at him.

"Answer me. I am sick of your games. This is your last chance. That fire is gone from your eyes now. Maybe you have learned your place. I will feed you for now."

He tilts his head to the side looking at her. She growls before biting his neck. She drinks slowly of his blood. She only hadn't planned on one little thing. Arousal. The feeling was so thick you could feel it in the air.

He allows her to continue to drink but helps her remove her clothing and his own before biting her neck and beginning to drink before continuing with the mating ritual. She is so blood thirsty and love drunk she doesn't even realize the full problem until they are both hot sweaty moaning messes. She gasps once they reach the top of that cosmic ladder. She realizes what she has allowed. Thorn had been no fool. He tricked her. But at this point it was too late. Her body had betrayed her into the ritual and now it was sealed. She would be stuck to him. Damn that October

She passes out as she begins to feel Thorn inside her mind. It was to late to fight it. She was his and she loved him. Why couldn't she just give up. She would be with Thorn. But October would pay.

Thorn looks down at Angelita. He smirks and looks at the picture of her on the wall. She was no longer the head strong angry beauty that he had created. She was his now. And she would learn her place.

Taking another glance at the picture he pulls the blanket over the two of them and roughly bites her causing wounds big enough to scar before laughing to himself and falling asleep. The beautiful hands in the picture were the same as they are now, but the wrists in the picture were different. The ones in the picture were beautiful marble skin clean of scars, the ones before him were already scarring over. She was marked as a traitor to her mate and nothing more than a whore who was lucky to be granted another chance. Her place was decided. But now was a time to wait.

Wake Up

October groans and rolls over only to bump into something hard. She pushes out an arm to shove it out of her bed. Whatever it was it didn't belong there. She pushes against it only to realize it is a person. Not a warm person so definately another vampire. But warm enough to be recently changed. What the hell did she do last night.

"Get ou my bed."

"You really aren't good just waking up are you?" A very male voice chuckles.

'The voice sounds familiar. Oh crap very familiar. So familiar I swear it would be Joe. Why is Joe in my bed? Oh man now I remember. Did we mate last night too?'


"Yes October?"

"What did we do last night. I feel awful."

"Ha. No doubt. Don't worry I didn't do anything. You went a bit over board drinking. Jacobi had to get a few people to feed you. That was actually almost a week ago."

October jumps straight up from her position curled around Joe.

"A week ago!?"

"Yep. Today is Wednesday."

"That happened on last Friday. Holy hell."

"Enough with the language. Come back to bed."


"You're warm."


"I could say you're cold."

"Close enough to the truth."

October lays back down and allows Joe to wrap his arms around her and pull her against his chest. She smiles at his smell and closes her eyes. A little nap would be nice.

"Don't think about it."



"Who said I was sleeping."

"I heard you in my head."


"Take a shower with me."

"I'm busy."

"Doing what humping my thigh?"

"Is that what that is?"

"Oh hush silly. Unwrap your legs from around my leg."

"But your so warm right there."

"Cause I have a fucking raging hard on. Cut it out."

"No. Feels good."

"If you won't let me fix it you fix it."


"Let me go fix it."


"Damn you."

"Already damned."

"You are awful."

"And you are horny. Now that we have that established I have a weeks worth of sleep to catch up on."

"You slept all week."

"Not naturally."

"Fix it."


"Drink." Joe tilts his head slightly.

"If I do we are gonna have to finish that mating thing. You up for that?"

"Let's go."


She reaches over and latches onto his neck sinking her fangs in before sucking. His blood flows into her mouth all rich and irony. She moans as she feels little rushes of pleasure running through her body. Her mate. Her food. Damn Joe fix it.

'Working on it smart ass.'

'mmmmmm tastes soooo good.'

'Oh honestly I can't tell if you are talking to me or not.'

Joe slides on top of her and wraps his arms around her before pulling the covers fully over them...



Hours Later

"Guys get up. You have school soon." Paul's voice calls out to October.

She looks up at him from under the covers and slides out only to laugh as Paul quickly looks away. She hadn't realized she was naked. Oh well. too late now.

"If he is naked too I am leaving."

"You can bet that he is."

"Yep that's gross. I don't want to hear about your mating. We got to hear enough of it."

"Ew. Nasty. Alright you can look."

Paul turns and laughs when he sees her wearing Joe's shirt and some female boxers. He hugs her and congratulates her before reminding her she has school in fifteen minutes.

She gasps and rushes around getting dressed and ready before waking up Joe. Joe luckily only has October there since Paul left and follows October's choice of rushing around. They are both ready to go downstairs in about five minutes. They arrive down in the kitchen and get tons of cat calls.

"Have fun last night?" Tony laughs.

"Shut up Tony. I did. I really did."

"From what we heard it sounded that way."

"You guys could have just left."

"We did right about the part it kept going bed slamming into wall followed by oooh Joe."

"Shut up. Some of you have mated too."

"Not fully as in whole god damn thing like that."

"You're kidding."

As if to show proof they all hold up their left hands. Sure enough no tattoo. All fully mated vampires had tattoes on them in the place of a wedding ring. October looks down at her own hand and sure enough there in Joe's favorite color is the ink of her tattoo. On his finger the same except with her favorite color. Lovely. That would draw unessesary attention.

"Alright. I am heading to school. Joe come with me?"

"I will go with you forever."


The couple heads for the door only to step outside into a different world.

The End

To this day nobody knows why suddenly so many people just dissappeared. At the high school many say that the mysterious group of gothic kids killed everyone. It doesn't matter though. There is no proof of that. The vampires all just seemed to vanish. But they knew different.

When October and Joe walked out the door, they set off into the true vampire realm. October had opened the door in her long slumber. The vampires would finally have their own place. The family stayed the same for the most part after that. Some moved out into their own places. October of course still has all of her money and her houses. Or at least the last time she was heard from she did. Jacobi was reunited with Elicia and they had children of their own.

Jacob met his mate and lived a wonderful long life with her. They had one small daughter named Taylor. The boy they lost just months before birth.

Violet opened her eyes to how she had treated Charlie and they reconciled. Things didn't work well for a while but they managed to get through things.

The others managed just fine. Of course there was the occassional problem of Angelita being a problem, but nothing they couldn't handle.

Anglita was not even treated like an acceptable member of society in the vampire realm. Her once friends still hated her and she died shortly after killing Thorn in a fit of rage. Many rumors were started about how she died. Some said October took her revenge and killed her after Angelita killed Joe. Other's say Jacobi killed her. Some even say she just died.

Secretly October knew the story. She had left the vampiric world for the world with the humans. She and Joe were alright of course and he went with her. They could travel in between the two. They had great lives and had many children and grand children. They even had some great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. Then those children even had some great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. Sadly though some time late in the mortal years of 12830s they grew tired of life and faded off of the face of exsistence together. Some say that to get your mate through the mate bond you would have to speak to October and Joe. Other's call this a mystery.

As for Jacobi he knew what had happened. The two had gone on so that no longer would the vampires live in a world of pain without love. They had their own world. One all of their own. And as for the young lovers that had set them free...well they were free in their own way to live finally a life that their ring said. To reverse the path of Pain without Love into a life of Love without Pain.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.08.2013

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