

"I hate you!" I scream at him.

"I hate you too you little bitch!" My step dad shouts back at me.

"You're not my real dad. You'll never be half the man he was!"

Her step dad stands from where he is sitting on the couch and in three long strides has her pinned against the wall. He slaps her hard causing her to see stars before grabbing her jaw forcing her to look at him.

"I may not be your real father, but that's not my problem. My problem right now would be paying for my wife's funeral and taking care of her brat child. Get your ass into your room and do your God damn homework before you piss me off." He threatens looking at her ferociously.

He steps back and she holds her cheek looking at him before running off to her room. This was the first time he had ever hit her. Things had never been pleasant between them but he had never hit her before.

She throws herself onto her bed and begins to cry. She missed her mom, but most of all, she wished that she had married somebody nicer. She grabs her Ipod and turns on her music before crying herself to sleep again.

Two Years Later

Krissy groans as she hears her alarm clock beeping at her. She slaps the off button and looks at the time before getting up and walking into her bathroom. She slowly slides out of her clothes and looks at herself in the mirror. She wasn't anywhere near perfect, in fact, she didn't consider herself very pretty at all. She had brown curly hair that hung to her hips that she straightened, brown eyes, and 34C chest. Now most guys looked at her and thought her face was beautiful but most of them were drawn to her chest and her ass. She wasn't exactly tall but that didn't matter. She was rather fond of her 5'0 frame.

She sighs and turns on the shower and stepping into the hot water. She washes her hair and her body before shutting off the water and grabbing a towel. Her step dad yells at her to hurry up from downstairs so she quickly blow-dries and straightens her hair before putting on clothes for the day. She puts on a black strapless dress that comes to mid thigh. The top part is silk and has a pink sash running just under her chest that ties in a large bow at the back. The dress under that line is a layer of black fabric that has a poof at the bottom covered by a layer of pink silk and finally a layer of black mesh. It looks really cute on her and she slips on a pair of black pantyhose and her black slip on shoes.

Grabbing her eye liner, she does a quick fix and grabs her bag for school. She rushes down the stairs to find her step dad looking at her.


"I have a wrap." She answers putting on the little black short sleeved half jacket.

"Better. Grab your breakfast and let's go."

She walks into the kitchen to find her bagel fixed on the counter. Some days, his temper was to reckon with, but ever since she had stopped standing up to him, he stopped hitting her. It had only taken until almost her 17th birthday, speaking of which had just been two weeks ago.

She hurriedly eats her bagel and runs up the stairs to brush her teeth.

"Ready now?"


Her step dad picks up his keys and they walk out to his blue ford fusion. She tosses her bag into the back and slides into the front passenger seat while he starts the engine. They put on their seat belts and he backs out of the driveway. The drive to school was only 10 minutes, she could walk if she had to, but since it was on his way to work, he insisted on taking her.

They arrive at the school a few minutes later and she grabs her bag from the back seat.

"Hey Krissy wait."

"Yea Nelson?"

"You're never gonna call me dad are you?" He sighs looking at her.

"I do sometimes."

"I know. Have a good day. I'll see you when I get home. Need anything you call alright?"

"Alright. You have a good day too."

She hops out of the car and heads across the courtyard into the double doors that lead to the cafeteria. First days were never fun, but news was spreading that they had a new Gym teacher which was hopefully a good thing. The last guy had always tried to look at the girls when they were doing his "stretches." It was just plain weird.

She looks for her friends as she walks in and finding none, she sits at an empty table at the back to wait. Not long after, her friend Daniel walks up and sits beside her.

"Hey Krissy."

"Hey Dannyboy. What's up?"

"Not much. You gotten your sched yet?"

"Oh yea. Why?"

"Do we have any classes together?"

"Uh wait." She reaches down and grabs her schedule from her bag and compares them.

"Oh crap yea. We have gym together. And health. Ooh and english."

"I wonder who the new teacher is."

"I hope it's not a perv."

"Yea. I know how you feel that guy was creepy."

"Hey guys." Matt says as he sits down on the other side of Krissy.

"Hey Matthew." Krissy says looking at her ex before returning to Daniel.

"Still like this huh?"

"Yep." Matt answers Daniel.

"Well dude, what can I say, ya'll fought too much.

"We did." Krissy and Matt both answer before laughing and hugging each other.

"Gosh I missed you. How was summer?"

"Lame. I worked so hard for my tan, and now i lose it."

"Aw it's alright at least you didn't have to work all summer."

"Ha you work?" She asks him.

"Yea as in house work and crap."

"Hey now guys, I have an actual job, i work at a business, you guys can't beat that."

"Oh yea? Try working on a farm hauling hay and messing with horses. I mean horses no problem, driving no problem, pushing hay off a trailer no problem, Krissy driving with a trailer full of hay, big problem." She laughs looking at him.

"Wow you went to your uncle's farm?"

"Yep awful."

"I can see that."

"Hey so Krissy what's your schedule?"

She hands Matt her and Daniel's schedules before looking up to see Ms. Bitch walking towards them.

"We all have Gym and Health together, English too." Matt says before passing them back.

"Yea and here comes the devil."

Ms. Bitch walks over and leans on the table batting her eyes at Matt.

"Hey Matt, we were wondering if you wanted to come hang out with us at our table at lunch?" She offers looking at him seductively licking her lips.

"Ah no thank you, I have other places to be."

"Whatever loser." She storms off angrily with her friend following behind her.

"That was interesting." Daniel says looking at the other two with a smirk.

"Yea Matt, she's so into you, just go get with her and leave."

"No. I may be nice looking, but I got myself a girl back in my hometown."

"So you took her back?"

"We're hoping for it to work this time."

"Good luck."


Daniel frowned slightly. Matt loved Krissy and Krissy loved Matt, they desperately wanted to be together but could never get things to settle down in the arguing. He looks at Matt and he looks back with the sad look. Krissy doesn't seem to notice.

"Hey Matt?"

"Yes Krissy?"

"What if i said i love you?"

"Id say i love you too."

"Do you?"


"I love you too."

"I know dear."

He hugs her tightly and kisses her forehead. She starts to cry and he knows exactly why. She wanted him to be her mate so badly that she often thought about killing herself. They had decided to try and take it as just friends but that wasnt going very well. They both cried and pleaded with whatever they could think of as a higher power to let them be mates, it never worked.

"Come on Krissy don't cry you'll find somebody baby. Somebody you love more than me who you'll never leave."

"But i want it to be you."

"i know babe. Come on wipe those tears away we have gym to go to."

My Gym Teacher Is Famous

The bell rings and the group heads off into the first class of the day. Gym. The gym had been redone over the summer and the floor had duct tape Xs on the floor with each student's last name on it. Great, they were separated by names. She looks at Matt and Daniel before going over to her X in the very first line in the very first place. Sometimes, her last name was horrid.

There were a few giggles around the room mainly from the girls and guys who hated her but she didn't care. She stood on her X staring down at the Abandonato written on it. Whoever had written it had very elegant handwriting.

Just as she thought that, the new Gym teacher walks out of the office next to her. The room is suddenly filled with gasps from the guys and she looks up to see the man standing in front of her.

"Sheamus." She says surprised looking up at the man towering before her.

"Ms. Abandonato?" He asks looking down at her.

"I um was just surprised that you are at our school..."

"Don't be. I quit wrestling and well, here I am." He walks past her and grabs a clip board from a chair on the far wall.

She looks behind her at Matt and Daniel to see them looking at her with that is this real look. Carefully, she looks at the man walking back towards her. He was 6'4, 267 lbs, and drop dead gorgeous. His hair was fiery red and his eyes the clearest blue she had ever seen

'Krissy that's your teacher stop oggling him like a piece of meat!' She mentally screams at herself.

'I've had a crush on him since I first saw him wrestle he is amazing!' She yells back at her conscious in her head.

The voice in her head goes away and she watches as Sheamus places the chair down a few feet before her and sits down.

"Alright class, I'm going to call role and when you hear your name, you're to come up here, and tell me your shorts size and shirt size. Abandonato, Krissy."

Krissy takes a step forward and looks at him.

"Large. Small"

"Large? No way, your shorts are a small too."

"I hate short shorts. I like shorts baggy."

'Hun, these shorts will come to the bottom of your knees and they are baggy."


He reaches into the boxes behind him and hands her two pairs of black shorts and two black tank tops.

"Go get changed."

"I cant."

"Why not?" He asks her giving her a look that dares her to challenge him

"The doors are locked."

He gets up and walks towards the doors. She follows him and stands by the door waiting for him to open it. He reaches into his pocket for his keys and growls slightly when he realizes he doesn't have keys to the dressing rooms.

"Back up. Wouldn't want to hurt that pretty face of yours."

She takes a few steps back and he grabs the door handle and rips it free. He grabs the space where the handle had been and opens the door.

"There you go."

"There's a hole in the door."

"Yes. It would appear that way."

"You ripped out the door handle."


"Are you not gonna have to pay for the door?"

"More than likely."

"Alright then...well I'm just gonna go change."

She walks into the room and closes the door behind her. She walks into the far end to change so that nobody can see her. She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles. The shorts fit just right and the top was skin fitting. Which meant perfect for her. Then it crossed her mind, he called her pretty.

She walks back out the door to see that the gym is empty with all of the others in the locker rooms changing. She walks over to her X and sits down in front of Sheamus.

'He is so sexy.' She thinks to herself as she looks at him.

She keeps checking him out when she hears a throat clear. She blushes at looks up to see him looking back at her.

"Like what you see?"

"I've liked watching you wrestle since the first time I watched you. You're amazing."

"Thank you."



"Is this real or am I dreaming?"

"Trust me it's real, and so will the soreness in your legs when you leave here."

"Why would I be sore?"

"I have plans for the class to be doing stretches and jogging today."

"That's not a problem, I'm a jumper."


"Do you know about Matt?"

"The big guy with a limp?"


"What about him?"

"He isn't supposed to run and stuff like that. His leg and stuff."

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know if I can tell you."

"Why might hurt your boyfriend's feelings?" Sheamus laughs bitterly.

She looks at him for a minute before answering. Something about the way he said that didn't sound very right for a teacher. She looked worriedly down at her leg before covering it with her hand. She knew the mark was there, but she wondered if he did. She looks at his leg before realizing, he has the same mark. That meant he also hadn't found his mate...

"He isn't my boyfriend. He's a jerk."

"My, my, do tell?"

"He's my ex and one of my friends we fought far too much."

"Oh. I apologize for being rude."

"Hey Mr. Teacher Guy, can we start class already." A preppy blonde from the back of the room speaks up.

Krissy turns and notices the whole class is now back and looking around and talking among themselves. She blushes as she catches Daniels gaze. Sheamus stands and walks to the middle of the group.

"You're ready to start then, let's start off with some stretches..."

He shows them all the stretches and has them do them in sets of 10. Finally, the stretching is over.

"Alright, we have a little obstacle course. If anybody can finish it on their own with no help today,  well congratulations to you for cheating, I will help you through it. We will do this one at a time in alphabetical order. Whoever I am not working with needs to be jogging or walking around the track. I will know if you cheat. Let's get outside."

Outside, the back field indeed had been changed into an obstacle course. A very complex one at that. There were obviously parts that went underground and parts that would be completely dark. Krissy walks up to him since her name is first and he tells the class to begin jogging.

"Alright, I'm going to go through this with you so that you know what you need to do in the order you need to do it."


They walk to the start of the course. A large rock wall that had grips in it in various places.

"First task, climb the wall and get to the top without falling."

She begins to climb along with him and gasps as she feels his hand touch hers when they reach for the same grip. She pulls her hand back and looks at him to see him looking back at her.

"Did you-"

"Not now. Wait." He continues to climb and she follows his lead until they are halfway through the course.

They reach the underground tunnel and he looks at her. She leans against the wall looking back at him with surprise.

"Well this is certainly awkward."

"Indeed. My mate is a fucking teenager!" He shouts punching a wall.

She flinches away instinctively and he looks at her.

"What's wrong?"


"Don't lie. Tell me please?"

"My step dad used to beat me."

"I apologize for startling you. I don't mean to sound so angry, it's just the situation. I'm a teacher and you're a student it isn't exactly legal."

"But we're mates"

"Yea. That may be, but it is still illegal."

"Sheamus I-"

She is cut off as he leans down and kisses her suddenly. She tenses up before relaxing and kissing him back. She wraps her arms around his neck and smiles softly as she feels him wrap his arms around her waste. He deepens the kiss and licks her bottom lip softly asking for entrance. She allows it and they explore each other's mouths briefly before ending the kiss. He doesn't take his arms away and she moves hers to hug him around his middle.

"Don't apologize. I wouldn't want an apology for you being my mate."

She smiles and leans against him happily. He holds her tightly to him for a little while longer before pulling away.


"So what?" He asks her curiously.

"What are we supposed to do?"

"We behave normal in class. I'm sure we can handle it."

"What about outside of class?"

"Out of school, you're fair game."

"What about my step dad?"

"What about your mother?"

"She's dead."

"I'm sorry. Will he be alright with this?"

"He can't exactly fight it?"

"No that's true. I just hope he will allow you to see me outside of school."

"You're a sweetheart."

"Don't piss me off though."

"Yes I know my Celtic warrior. You have a temper to match your hair."

"What is that supposed to mean princess?"

"Simply that its a bad idea to piss you off."

"Alright. Come on I have a class to teach."

He leans down and kisses her neck once before kissing her lips.



"Can I call you by your real name?"




"What about marks?"
"What about them?"


"It won't heal by the time we get out there."


"So everyone would know."

"But when else would we do it?"

"When we are completely alone."


"Yours would be noticed throughout the day."

"What about yours."

"Mine would be as well."

"So no marks?"



They kiss once more before rushing through the rest of the course. Krissy hurries over the the track and the next person heads to the start of the course. She watches Stephen as he helps the boy through the first section of the course before Daniel clears his throat.


"Yea?" She asks not looking away from Sheamus.

Matt appears on her other side blocking her view. She looks up at him angrily before looking over at Daniel.

"What guys?"

"Somebody is hiding something." Matt says calmly.

"What?" She asks.

"Oh just that somebody just found her mate and isn't telling me about it." Daniel says idly.

"Danny shhh!" She shouts looking at him.

"I'll shh if you tell me what happened."

"Alright. We brushed hands when we were climbing and we both felt it. We kissed in the tunnel and that's that."

"That's that?"

"That's all guys promise."

"What are you two going to do?"

"See each other out of school."

"And your step dad?"

"He should be alright with it. After all, look at his kids." She answers.

Finally, the class has all gone through the course and there is twenty minutes before the bell rings. They all head back inside and most of the group heads into the locker room to shower and change. Krissy just changes since she isn't sweaty and throws her clothes into the locker before walking back out to see Stephen.

He is sitting in a chair talking to Daniel and Matt along with a few other boys. More likely people asking for autographs she laughs to herself before walking over and leaning on Danny.

"Hello there lovely." Daniel says hugging her happily.

"Hey babe." She says hugging him back.

She listens and catches a hint of anger rising in Stephen's voice and looks over to see the man glaring daggers at Daniel while answering somebody else's question. Krissy looks up at Daniel and laughs. Stephen thought that he was her boyfriend. Daniel looks down at her and shrugs his shoulders before walking off to talk to Matt.

Most of the boys dissipate as she is sitting on her x and she looks up to see Daniel, Matt and Stephen still there. Stephen is glaring daggers at both her and Daniel now.

"Stephen," She says softly so that nobody but the three in front of her can hear her, "he's gay."

Stephen looks at Daniel and then back at her.

"Stephen, i'm not interested in your mate, I have one, in fact, here he comes now." Daniel smiles and walks off to hook arms with Jasper, his boyfriend.

"I thought I said not to tell." Stephen scolds her with a frustrated look on his face.

"Relax, Daniel questioned me about it. He and Matt already knew by the time I got to the track."

Stephen looks at Matt who then nods in agreement.

"Alright. No telling, I can lose my job for this shit."

"Promise." Matt and Krissy both answer together before Daniel walks up holding Jasper's hand.

"Hey guys. So who has health next period?" Jasper asks excitedly.

"We all do." Krissy groans. She absolutely hated health it was far too boring.

"Ah so I get the pleasure of seeing all of you twice today?" Stephen asks curiously.

"You teach health too?" Matt asks him.


"Great!" Krissy chirps a little too happily.

"That class will be much smaller than this one though. Only 6 people in it." Stephen says looking at another clipboard.

"Who?" Krissy asks curiously.

"You, Matt, Daniel, Jasper, Victoria, and Stevie."

"Holy crap they're all my friends!" Krissy shouts happily fist bumping Matt.

"So they're gonna be making out all period." Jasper teases.

"Not him too!" Stephen says angrily.

"He knew just like Daniel. They're just gifted that way."

"And the rest of your friends?"

"They are good at it too."

"Are you?"


"Is that why they are your friends?"


"And no Mr. Garcia, we will not be making out all period."

"Maybe." Krissy says suggestively at him.

"Great my mate is a horny virgin teenager. Heaven help me."

The little group laughs before the bell finally rings dismissing class.

Health Class

 Krissy walks to health with her small group sadly without Stephen. About halfway to class however, Ms. Bitch decides to make an appearance. Courtney shoves Krissy down as her and her girls walk past.

"Oops did the poor emo fall?" She sneers at her causing most of the hall to laugh.

"Leave her alone Courtney" Jasper says leaning to help Krissy up.

Thomas, the football captain walks over with a few of his boys. They push the boys backwards against the wall and hold them there as Courtney and her girls grab Krissy and start punching her in the stomach and face.

"Enough!" A loud voice says.

The girls let Krissy go and she looks up to see Stephen standing there.

"Bullying girls really? I'll have to ask all of you to report to the office."

"Who are you?" Courtney asks batting her eyes and pressing against Stephen's rock hard body.

Krissy growls deep in her throat at the bitch all over her man.

"That's enough. Go to the office, i'll know if you try to skip Ms. Tate." Stephen says icily before walking into the health class.

Krissy gets up and follows him in happy that he interfered. The rest of the class soon walks in and Stephen looks at her with slight anger in his gaze.

"What's wrong?" She asks him.

"Why do they do that?"

"She has always treated me like that since I moved here in 2nd grade. I don't remember why anymore. I think it was over a crayon."

Sheamus laughs softly before standing and unlocking a closet and placing the text books on the desk.

"Pass these out for me." He tells her before walking to the front of the class.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" Victoria screams as she walks into the class.

"Ms. Everstine watch your language." He scolds looking at her.

She rushes over to him and hugs him tightly.

"It's freaking Sheamus and he's in our class. And he's single. So Shea, mind if I call you Shea? Let's go out to dinner some time say pick me up 7 o'clock? My-"

"TORI!" Stevie shouts at her.


"Look again."

She stops for a minute and stares at him looking at him before realizing her mistake.

"You're not single. Awww dang. I'm too late. Well girls looks like none of us get our dream."

"Tori, his mate is in this room." Jasper says blandly.

Tori looks up and rushes over to Krissy squeezing her tightly.

"You've gotta tell me everything!"

"Ladies. I'm trying to have class here." Stephen interrupts her.

"Oh I'm so sorry go right ahead you're doing a great job!" She plops down in a seat with a goofy grin motioning him to continue with her hands.

"Oh my this is going to be a weird job...Would you all turn to page 15, we are going to start off with some basic stuff about the human body and do the review on page 25 questions 1-20."

The class follows his instructions and reads over the material before going to answer the questions. Krissy of course is the first to start. Stephen watches her happily from where he sits at his desk.

'She truly is the most beautiful creature.' He thinks to himself as he feels the demon within him beam with pride.

'Those big brown eyes and lovely smile. Plus great body.'

He is interrupted in his thought by a hand raising in the air. Sighing he gets up and walks over to Stevie.


"I can't find the answer to number four."

He looks at the question and turns the page back to the section on physical well being.

"Reread through this section right here and see if you can't find it." He offers before returning to his desk.

He sits down and props his feet up on the desk when Krissy looks over at him. He smiles at her and she smiles back before looking back down at her work.

'I have a smart mate too...' He thinks to himself with a slight smile.

Krissy raises her hand and looks over at him expectantly. He smirks at her and gestures to his legs and she quirks and eyebrow before picking up her book and walking over to him.

"I've looked and I can't find the answer for twenty. I've read over the sections again too."

He holds out his hand and she hands him her book. He reads the question before looking over at the teacher's book.

"It's on page 23."


"Wouldn't you like to know."



He taps his lap and she eagerly slides into his lap as he flips the page. He points to a selection on the page.

"Right there."

"That's it?"

"Yes." He says rubbing her thigh softly with his free hand.

"But it's so simple."

"Don't start sentences with the word but."

"You're not my English teacher."


"You're teaching three classes?"


"But isn't there an English for the first two classes?"

"No. I have two gym class, two health classes, and three English classes."

"When is your free period?"

"During your lunch hour."

"How convenient." She smirks looking at him.


"Old people." Daniel calls out happily.

"Watch it." Stephen replies.

"Aww what's the matter?"

"I'm not old."

"Yes dear."

"Would you like me to prove it?"


"Allow me to take you to my house after school."

Jasper and Daniel chuckle as they turn in their papers.

"What's so funny?"

"She hasn't the slightest clue what you're talking about."

"What is that supposed to mean?" She questions looking at them.

"Krissy what exactly would you do at his house?" Matt asks her.

"Well fuck I don't know play wrestling video games."

Stephen cracks up laughing at that and so does everyone else in the room besides Krissy and Stevie. Krissy looks at Daniel annoyed before tapping Stephen on the shoulder.


"Why are you laughing?"

"Just you think we would play video games."

"That's what I do with everyone else so yes, we will play video games. Besides, it would be fun to see Sheamus beat Sheamus."
"Yes mistress." He jokes looking at her.

"I'm not older than you. And you aren't married and banging me behind your wife's back."

"Oh well."

Daniel laughs and the others finish their questions as Krissy lazily leans against Stephen's chest. He idly taps his hand as he hold her to him.

"Hey Mr.S?" Stevie asks.

"Yes Stevie?"

"You hurt her, you die."

"I have no intention of hurting her or being killed by a junior in high school."

"Good. Cause we'd all kick your ass."

"Kids, I took on plenty wrestlers three times the size of you. I can handle it."

"Careful now baby, we all have advantages they don't." Krissy says from his lap before kissing his cheek.

"What would that be?"

"We fight for blood."

He chuckles before kissing her forehead. Everyone returns to their conversations and he looks at her curiously.

"What period do you have English?"




"Curious as to when I'd be able to see that pretty face of yours again."

"You'll see me at lunch."

"I won't be in here."

"No, you'll be in the teacher's lounge wont you?"

"No, English classroom."

"Can I come eat in there?"

"Yes. I just need to write you a pass."

"Can you?"


"Will you?"


He chuckles warmly before grabbing a pen and a sticky note and handing her the pass.



She smiles and kisses him smiling as the same fire from earlier flows through her body. They part after a few seconds and she smiles at him.

"What now?"

"I think I like that."



"Continue then?"

"Duh!" She says before kissing him deeply.

They are interrupted by the sound of a camera shutter. Opening their eyes they see everyone in class has their phones out taking pictures. Everyone except Matt.

"Delete them now." Stephen says calmly with a hint of steel in his voice.

"Send them to me first guys!" Krissy shouts before turning to look at Stephen.

He looks very agitated and she sighs softly knowing that she can't have the pictures.

"Nevermind guys. Just delete them." She says to everyone in a slightly defeated tone.

Everyone listens except for Daniel who sends his picture to her before deleting it. Krissy looks over at him with a knowing gaze before hugging Stephen and kissing him. She hops off of his lap and walks over to pick up her bag.

"Krissy come here." Stephen says swinging his legs from the desk and looking at her.

She walks back over to him and stands facing him. He takes her hand carefully and he stands up. He leans down and firmly plants his lips on hers kissing her passionately while he wraps his hands around her waist. He breaks the kiss and holds her tightly.

"I'll see you at lunch."

Just then, the bell rang for second period to be over. Krissy grabs her stuff and heads to her locker. She changes out her books before heading to her next class, College Algebra.

Algebra Fun and Threats

Krissy sits there in third period doing her work when she sees manicured nails tapping on her desk. She looks at the fingers and then follows the arm up to the face of one of Ms. Bitch’s lackeys.

“Yes?” She questions looking at her.

“Courtney is pretty upset about you getting her in trouble.” She flicks her blonde hair over her shoulder.

“She hit me. Mr. Farrelly stopped her and sent her to the office. I did nothing.”

“Yea whatever, you and your little gang better watch out. I hear Broken Boards is planning something.”

“Whatever, your brother doesn’t scare me. Go on I’m trying to do my work.”

“Listen up reject, I’m onto you. Oh and by the way everyone knows you’ll never be anything you’re seventeen with no mate. Freak.”

The girl turns and stalks off. Krissy laughs softly to herself and returns to her work. She knew Broken Boards was teaming up to challenge their reign but it wouldn’t work. Celest and Jackson were no match for Bleeding Pain. She finishes her work and turns it into the tray. As she turns to sit down she sees Ash looking at her curiously. She shrugs her shoulders at him and takes her seat.  Ash gets up and walks over and plops down into the empty desk adjacent to hers.

“What are we going to do?”

“We continue as usual. I’ll talk to Chance on the way over. They issued a challenge this morning. Boards and Fang are teaming up against us. Last man standing match, everyone involved from both sides. We may or may not go into it alone. I hear there are some teams wanting to jump in with us.”

“Could we take them alone?”

“You know my answer to that Ash.”

“If we can’t we go down fighting.”

“Yep. Don’t worry. This isn’t the only time somebody has threatened our reign and it won’t be the last. We’ll just have to fight our hardest. Just leave Celeste to me.”

“You really hate that alpha don’t you?”

“Yes. With a passion.”


“She’s my step sister and the reason my dad beat me. She can stand on her own two at home and laugh while I don’t fight back, but let’s play hard ball and see who runs.”

“They’re going to call a no teeth rule.”

“Then we can call a no weapons rule.”

“Won’t that hinder us?”

“Not really. Boards works mainly with hitting people with things and Fang is bad about knives and whip like stuff. Most of our people know how to do hand to hand and weapon.”

“So we should be ready for anything tonight?”

“Yep. Just remember, if we can use teeth, it’ll be a blood bath.”

She smirks showing her canines slightly. That was one thing she loved about her teeth. Her canines are vampiristic and its all natural. They can do some serious damage if she bites too hard but they can also be a hindrance, especially when kissing. Ash looks at her once more before bowing his head slightly and going back to his seat.

“Hey Krissy, what’s the answer to number 48?” Breana asks from behind her.

She turns and helps her with the problem before putting her stuff back in her bag. The bell rings and she gets up heading off to fourth period, college biology. That was one thing she was proud of, she was in all of the college classes she could cram into her schedule and had no problem juggling the classes. She walks down the hall and peeks into the new English class which was right next door. Stephen is digging through a cabinet and she sneaks up behind him ignoring the stares of a few students. She stands on her tip toes and covers his eyes. To her surprise, he reaches around and flips her up onto his back in a quick lock.

“Mr. Farrelly please let me go.”

“Krissy what on earth are you doing? I could have hurt you.”

“Sorry Stephen, just wanted to say hi.”

“Well next time don’t sneak up on me to do it.”

He sets her on the ground and she smiles at him before walking into her class.

‘That girl is going to be the death of me.’ He smiles trying to hide his growing erection.

Lunch Time Worries and English Dramas



“Are you doing anything today after school?”


“What exactly is it you’re doing?”

“Well I um planned on hanging out with some friends.”

“These friends wouldn’t happen to be Bleeding Pain would they?”

Krissy looks up at him shocked before looking back down at the food on her tray.

“How do you know about us?”

“I heard some students talking about a fight after school between a few people.”

“And they mentioned the group names?”

“Yes. Your name as well.”

“Are you mad?”

“You didn’t find it fit to tell me you are a fighter?”

“I don’t talk about it.”

“You could get hurt.”

“I won’t.”

“I’m going with you.”


“I won’t get in your way, I just want to watch you. Make sure you are alright.”


“I’m driving you.”

“It’s at the old abandoned warehouse over on Parker Street.”

“I know the place.”

“Are you mad?”

He looks at her before kissing her forehead softly.

“I am not mad, but I am worried about you. There was talk of an ambush.”

“More like a cheat.”

“Three groups against one.”


“Yes three.”


“From what I overheard, Broken Boards, Sharp Fang, and Skylight Night.”

“So Night joined in as well.”

“I heard it’s because their leader is the leader of Broken Boards mate.”

“Oh yes, Olivia is Jackson’s mate.”

“You will be alright won’t you?”

“They are planning on a no biting rule. If they call it we call the no weapon. Our group is one of the four that know how to fight hand to hand well.”

“That’s good.”

“No, I rather like my teeth.”

“I rather enjoy them too, just be careful with what they bite.”

“I don’t follow dear.”

He gestures down to his lap and she blushes slightly.

“I’ll be careful.”

“You better.”

“Or what? You’ll spank me for being a horrible child?”

“I can. Actually, I might anyway.”

She blushes again and looks away knowing he found a weakness. She was crazy into that kind of stuff. He reaches under her chin and pulls her to kiss him.

“Behave my mate. No dirty thoughts in your head without me there to fix them.”

“You’re here right now.”

“However, I can’t fix them here.”

“Oh. How true. Curse you, ya evil minions that made that rule.”

He smiles and hugs her tightly delivering one more kiss to her lips.

“Come on. Let’s get that tray down to the cafeteria before lunch is over.”

They get up and walk out of the class and through the halls. The noise coming from the cafeteria isn’t too loud, but it’s enough for you to notice it. They walk in and go directly to the trash cans where Krissy dumps her tray. She slides the tray into the window to a lunch lady before turning and walking away with Stephen.

“I seem to be getting ogled.” He smiles softly at her.

“You’re famous. Of course you’re being ogled.”

“You know people are going to ask why you are with me right?”

“I’m your friend?”

“That you are.”

A few guys walk up and introduce themselves while chicks mainly just stare. Krissy glares at the ground and then the bell rings.

“I will see you in class later Ms. Abandonato.”

Krissy watches as he walks away and smiles softly. Soon it wouldn’t be Ms. Abandonato and he knew it.

“Hey Krissy where ya been?” Jasper asks hugging her.

“Sorry ate lunch in class. We have an issue.”


“Get the word spread to everyone that there may be a no teeth and no weapons rule today and that its now against Boards, Fang, and Night.”

“Will do boss lady.” Jasper says before wandering off in search of Daniel.

Krissy sighs and makes her way through the crowd to her next class telling everyone she sees in the group along the way to spread the word. Classes seemed to be going so slow but finally, it was time for English. She walks in and finds the seats closest to Sheamus’ desk taken. She sighs in frustration and takes the seat closest to the podium. Usually she sat either in the back or in the very front so it really wasn’t anything new but she still got stares.

A couple of her friends walk in and they sit around her.

“Krissy three really?” Toby asks her curiously.

“Yes Toby. We’ll be alright. If they call a teeth it’s a for sure win.”

“And if they don’t?”

“We will either win or go down fighting.”

“As always.”

“As always.” She smiles turning around as the bell rings.

Stephen walks in and looks over the class before grabbing a clipboard off of his desk and walking to the front of the room.

“When I call your name say hear please.”

He goes through the role and Krissy notices that he skips a few people, herself included. She raises her hand and he looks at her.

“Yes Ms. Abandonato?”

“You didn’t call me, Matt, Daniel, Jasper, Toby, Victoria, or Stevie.”

“You mean to say "Matt, Daniel, Jasper, Toby, Victoria, Stevie, and I." I have all of you in different classes Kris I know who you are.”

She looks away feeling a little awkward as heat rises in her cheeks.

“Alright class today we will be learning about…”

She tunes him out watching him write on the board and checking him out thinking about that afternoon.

“Ms. Abandonato?”

“Yes sir?”

“Could you come point out what is wrong with these sentences?”

“No sir.”

“Why not?”

“I wasn’t paying attention.”

“And what is so important other than my class?” He asks with a knowing look in his eyes.

“Nothing sir. I just zoned out.”

“It is alright, now pay attention.” He says laughing at her with his eyes happily.

‘Oh he’s gonna get it.’ She thinks to herself as she laughs softly.

“Ms. Tate, come tell me what is wrong please.”

Krissy watches as Courtney makes her way up to the front of the room leaving a group of drooling boys in her wake. She leans heavily on Sheamus for a moment as she takes a marker and fixes the sentences. Krissy growls softly in her throat bearing her teeth at Courtney as she walks back by. Courtney swings her hip and pushes the text book on her desk to the floor.

“Oops. Sorry.”

She returns to her seat and Krissy picks up the book frustrated. She looks up to see Stephen looking at her with worry in his gaze. He quickly shifts his look and continues on with the lesson. When the bell rings Krissy and her friends sit in class to wait for a while.

“You should not take that.”

“I’m sorry what am I supposed to do?”

“Kick her ass.”

“And cause more problems? No thanks. She’ll get tired of it eventually.”

“And what if by then you’ve been hurt?”

“Stephen please relax.”

“Alright. Are we ready?”

“Yeah. Come on guys. Let’s show those scum how its done.”

The group gets up and makes their ways to their various cars. Krissy stops dead as Stephen stops before a bright green Lamborghini. He turns and looks at her curiously before motioning for her to get in.

“This is your car?”


“Can I drive?”

“Not today. Maybe later.”


She slides into the car and he starts the engine driving to their destination to see quite a few cars.

“Looks like a lot of people.”

“Most of them will just watch.”

“You sure?”

“There are plenty of groups that support us enough that they won’t fight us and then there are others who know not to.”

“Be safe mi amor.”

“I will.”

Krissy lifts her shorts to adjust the dagger strapped to her thigh.

“You crazy?”

“No it’s just in case.”

“Are you going to be alright?”

“I always am. Plenty of people try to throw themselves down to save me. A few have died doing it.”

Stephen gets quiet and kisses her before they get out. He locks his car and they head into the building.

Fighting Time and Meeting The Family

Inside, people part to let her through some nodding their heads while others bow slightly. She makes her way to the center where Chance stands with their group.

“They’ve called no teeth.”

“Did we call no weps?”

“No. Should we?”

“No let me.”

She jumps up onto the rack near her and looks for Celeste, Jackson, and Olivia.

“Hey Boards!”

“Yea Pain?” Jackson shouts back at her.

“You call no teeth we call no weps.”

The voices in the room increase back to a loud whisper and the three stare at her coldy.

“Fine. You have your teeth.”

“That’s what I thought.”

She jumps down n stands before her group.

“Be ready guys, Boards likes to try to break stuff over your back and your head, Fang likes knives, and Night likes dirty tricks. Be on your alert. Oh, and Celeste is mine.”

“You’ll get in trouble if she rats you out.” Chance says taking her arm softly.

“Chance, what more can they do to me than what has already happened?”

He looks away before hugging her tightly.

“Be safe my little alpha.”

“Are you not fighting?”

“Ayre is pregnant Krissy.”

“Congratulations. Keep her up there and out of the way dude. Let’s go guys. Stephen, I’ll be back soon.”

She steps forward with her group following behind her. The room shifts and soon there is a large rectangle area for the groups to fight. Krissy stands in the lead of her group while the other teams  cluster together ready to fight.

“My my, your little friend isn’t coming to join us?” Celeste taunts.

“He’s expecting.”

“Aww how sweet. Too bad you’ll die without him.”

“Too bad you’ll be exiled in a little while.”

“And who said I won’t be Alpha Leader?” Jackson asks.

“The fact the most groups would fight and there would be chaos.” She growls looking at him angrily.

He takes a step forward and she follows. After two steps, the groups charge at each other and a complete brawl begins. Her group was holding strong but Night was definitely fighting dirty. She had already taken down several fighters on the other side before catching the edge of somebody’s dagger. She growls clutching her wound before sinking her teeth deep into their shoulder. She throws them aside before continuing her fight with Olivia. A couple in her group had already taken out Jackson and now it was only Olivia and Celeste. Most of her group was only blocking or weakly attacking Celeste though but the girl didn’t seem to notice.

Olivia falls due to Krissy sending a painful hit to her leg causing her to fall. She holds her hands up in the defense position and Krissy moves on. The battlers on each side were steadily diminishing and she watches as people back away into the crowd as she comes to face Celeste. Her step sister looks at her coldy.

“Poor little emo run out of weapons?” She taunts fingering her knife softly.

Krissy smirks knowing the dagger is still strapped to her thigh and there is a whip dangling from a tower  ten feet behind her.

“Little bitch gonna fight?”

With that, Celeste throws the blade and it misses Krissy. They go into hand to hand combat but Celeste, knowing she is losing, backs up grabbing knives and slicing at Krissy with them. Deciding on a better idea Krissy backflips until she reaches the whip hanging from the tower. She grabs it and strikes it out against her step sister angrily. She looks over at her mate to see him smiling with pride but worry is written deep in his face. She cracks it again and catches Celeste on the ankle and the two are soon back at hand to hand. Krissy tackles her and pulls her dagger pinning it to her throat.

“Stand down.”

Celeste looks at her fearfully before raising her hands in defeat. Krissy stands and offers her a hand up which she rejects. She walks past the  people lying on the ground and stands in the middle of the circle.

“Would anybody else like to challenge Pain?!” She cries to the audience.

Nobody moves for a moment but then slowly, people start to kneel. She walks to Chance and hugs him.

“Get the wounded some help brother.” She tells him before leaning against the tower.

“You need help.”

“I’m alright, help them first.”

Chance looks at her before walking off and calling a few people from in the room to help him out. She touches her side wincing in pain before looking up. A younger girl and boy stand in front of her.

“You need to get help Alpha Leader. You’re bleeding a lot.”

“I will get help when my group has been helped.”

They bow their heads and walk off. Sheamus walks up to her and hugs her tightly.

“Come on,” He says pulling her to his side and letting her lean on him.”


“I’m taking you to get help. You’re bleeding.”

“It’s not bad.”

“Krissy, your jacket is soaked and that rip in it isn’t going to hide much, come on. They’ll be alright. Everyone is worried about you.”

“I’m alright” She says weakly holding her throbbing head.

“Krissy, look at me.” Stephen says standing before her.

She looks at him through blurry eyes as she sways slightly.

“Stephen, I’m really dizzy.”

“You need a doctor come on.”

“Really I’m al—“

She stops mid-sentence as she faints. Stephen catches her and cradles her to him tightly. He rushes out to his car with her in his arms not caring about the amount of people giving him weird looks. His mate was bleeding out and needed help, being a teacher was not going to stop him from saving her. He wraps his jacket tightly around her and places her in the seat before speeding out of the parking lot and to the nearest hospital. Almost half the cars follow him as he speeds toward his destination but he doesn’t care his mind is solely on her. Once he gets to the ER he picks her up and rushes into the building carrying her in his arms. He rushes to the lady at the desk and informs her of what’s going on.

A nurse comes out with a gurney from the back and they rush her to the back.

“I’m sorry sir, but you can’t go in just yet.”

“But she’s hurt.”

“Sir, the doctors will take care of her just go sit down.”

He walks defeated over to the waiting area and sits down amongst the staring people. A young boy walks up to him and smiles at him. He looks at him patiently.

“You’re Sheamus.”

“That’s right kid.”

“Can I have your autograph?”

“Listen, I can’t give you one right now, my mate is in there and she’s really hurt.”

“Okay.” He skips off back to his dad who nods his head at Sheamus before continuing the conversation with his wife.

Just then, the large group from the warehouse comes through the door like a stampede.

“Is she alright?” Chance asks him.

“I don’t know they wouldn’t let me see her.”

“What are they doing?”

“I don’t know. They said give them a little while.”

The large group files in and sits down on the chairs. There are so many of them that everyone has somebody in their laps and many of them are on the floor or standing. Sheamus looks over at the little boy and his parents and walks over to them.

“Hi, I didn’t mean to sound so rude just a minute ago kid.”

“It’s ok Mr. Sheamus, he’ll get over it.” The boy’s mom says.

“Just call me Sheamus. Could I get your address or maybe a pen?”

“What for?”

“I’d like to give your son what he asked for.”

“Oh well here you go” The father says handing him a pen.

The little boy rushes over and points to his shirt where he wants Sheamus to sign. Sheamus smiles and signs. A nurse walks out from the back.

“Would whoever is with the girl that was just brought in please come here?”

The large group of teens stands up and Sheamus pushes his way to the front. Most of them sit back down except for he and Chance.

“Which one of you brought her in?”

“That would be me.”

“And who are you?”

“Stephen Farrelly.”

“The wrestler?”

“Yes, could you please tell me how she is?”

“She’s going to be fine, but I can’t allow anybody to see her except for her family.”

“I’m her mate!” Sheamus shouts angrily.

“I’m sorry but she is under age and you cannot see her without her parents being here.”

“I have her step dads number Stephen I can call him.”


Chance pulls out his phone and dials the number. The phone rings before a voice comes in on the other end.


“Mr. Kinsley, it’s Chance, we’re at the hospital, Krissy is hurt and they won’t let anyone see her without you being here.”

“I’m on my way.”

He hangs up the phone and Chance looks at Stephen.


“He’s on his way.”

Stephen walks back to his chair and sits down to wait glaring daggers at the door. After almost half an hour, a man walks in with Celeste. Chance jumps up and rushes over to them.

“Chance, thank God how is she?”

“They won’t tell us anything.”

Stephen walks up behind Chance and the man who is apparently Krissy’s step dad looks at him shocked.

“Stephen Farrelly?”

“Yes sir, could you please just go tell the receptionist that you’re here.”

“Well yes, but what are you doing here.”

“Uh Mr. Kinsley, this is Krissy’s mate.”

Mr. Kinsley stops and looks at the two of them like they just grew an extra head.

“Oh well, Celeste, looks like you will have to wait to see your sister.”

“She isn’t my sister, she’s a freak.”

Stephen growls low in his throat as Mr. Kinsley tells the receptionist who he is. A nurse arrives and leads them through the building into the room where Krissy is. She is lying on a bed with a blanket over her and an IV in her arm.

“Is she going to be alright?”

“The doctor should be in in just a few minutes to do her stitches.”

“Stitches?” Krissy’s step dad asks.

“Yes sir, that’s a rather nasty cut.”

The nurse leaves and Stephen walks over to her side. He lifts up the blanket to see bandages wrapped tightly around his mate’s upper body. He pulls the blanket back since everything is covered and her step dad gasps at the blood soaking through the bandages.

“What happened to her?”

“She was wounded in a fight.”

“Was Celeste involved?”

“She was, but Krissy was hurt before then.”

“I’ve tried to get the girls to get along, but Celeste just won’t leave her be.”

The door opens and a wiry haired man and a nurse walk in with a tray with materials to do stitches with.

“I’m afraid if the two of you aren’t related, you’ll have to leave.”

“I’m her father and this is her mate.”

“Very well.”

The man walks over and begins to unwrap the bandages from the bottom so that he can get at the wound. Krissy reaches up groggily to swat away his hands.

“Could one of you hold her hands away please, she may begin to try and move when I start these.”

Stephen looks at her step dad before stepping over and taking his mate’s wrists in his hands and kissing her forehead.

“Sheamus?” Krissy asks dazed.

“Yes babe, I’m here, we’re at the hospital, they’re going to do stitches can you try and be still for me?”


“She’s out of it.” Her step dad says.

“She’s coming around really well.” The doctor responds as he finishes unwrapping the wound.

“Stephen?” Krissy asks confused.

“Yes love?”

“Am I gonna die?”

“No, you’ll be just fine, now just relax alright? This is going to hurt a bit.”

“Hold her.” The doctor says.

He starts to stitch the wound closed and Krissy cries out in pain as Stephen and her step dad hold her down. The doctor makes quick work of it and soon Krissy’s side is stitched up.

“It’s alright Krissy you can relax now.” Stephen tells her kissing away her tears.

“She’s going to have to stay a few days in the hospital, but her friends will be allowed to see her.” The doctor tells them.

“When will she be moved to a room?”

“We’ll have her moved just as soon as we can get a nurse in here to move her.” The doctor and nurse leave and Stephen looks at Krissy’s step dad.

“This is certainly awkward.”

“Yes it is.”

“So you’re her mate?”

“Yes sir.”

“Don’t call me sir, call me Nelson.”

He holds out his hand and Stephen shakes it before returning back to Krissy.



“I told you.”

“Hush you. Rest.” He leans down kissing her softly.

“Do you want to go tell everyone that they will move her to a room?”

“Can we wait until we move her?”

“Of course.”

A nurse walks in and smiles at them.

“Hello guys, we’re ready for her to be moved if I can just get you both to step aside so I can unlock the wheels?”

They move over and let her unlock the wheels and remove the IV from her arm. They maneuver the bed into the hall and down to the elevator. They go up to the top floor and they go through the halls until they reach a large room with three couches and a few chairs.

“This is where we usually only keep the richest patients, but with who you are, we made an exception.” She says to Sheamus.

“Thank you.”

He lifts her carefully onto the bed and helps the nurse get the bed back into the elevator down the hall. He returns to the room to see Krissy playing with her pillow.

“What’s wrong dear?”

“I’m bored.”

“Would you like to watch some TV?”


“Hey Stephen? When was the last time either of you two ate?” Nelson says looking at them.

“Lunch today dad.”

“I think I’m going to go order us a pizza or two while Stephen goes and gets your friends.”

“My friends?”

“A lot of people followed us here.”

“Is Chance here?”


“Can I see your phone?”

Stephen pulls out his phone and hands it to her. She dials Chance’s number.


“Hey Chance, it’s me I’m in a room.”

“You have to stay?”

“Yea but the room is real nice. Come on up.”

“Room number?”

“Hold on. Hey could you guys see what the room number is?”

Stephen sticks his head out the door and looks before stepping back inside.


“We’re on the 22th floor!?”


“Wow. Ok Chance, 2269.”

“Be there in a sec.”

Her step dad gets off the phone with the pizza place and sits in one of the chairs.

Krissy lazily grabs the remote and flips through the channels until she finds a show she likes.

“Scoot over you.” Stephen says cheerily.

She scoots over a little in the king sized bed and laughs as he gently picks her up and moves her over enough so that he has room to lay beside her. He steps around and takes off her shoes before removing his own and placing them beside the bed. The door opens and the large group from the ER files in piling onto the couches and the floor.

“Hey girlie feeling better?”

“Chance, it’s been an hour, no.”

He smiles and sits on the edge of the bed beside her. She talks to a few people and before the pizza arrives, the group has diminished plenty. Now only Chance, Krissy, Stephen, Nelson, Celeste, Stevie, Victoria, Jasper, Ash, Ayre, Matt, and Daniel remain.

“So, what happened to cause that nasty thing?”

“I caught the edge of somebody’s blade.”


“Hey, we tried for no weps.”

“We did.” Chance says softly before hugging his wife again.

They eat their pizza quietly with small bits of chatter. Ash and Chance are the first to get up.

“Alright well, we can’t stay much longer Krissy, Chance has to work.” Ayre says hugging her.

“It’s fine Ayre. Be careful on the drive home.”

She hugs the couple and Ash before they walk out the door.

“Now it’s just us nine.” Krissy chirps happily

“What medicine are you on?” Daniel asks curiously.

“They gave me a shot and an Iv before you guys got there, and that pill on the way up.”

“Lovely.” Jasper adds.

“Speaking of lovely. Celeste, why were you girls fighting?” Nelson asks his daughter.

“Jackson asked for our help to take out Pain, we agreed to help.”

“Did he pay you?”

“Of course.”

“How much?”

“$200 to each member who helped.”

“How many of your group fought?”


“That money, you can either ask for it back from your group or you can pay for it yourself, but it will be going to Sheamus.”

“Nelson, why?” Stephen asks.

“You’re paying for my daughter’s room. It is the best I can do.”

“Daddy that is 3,200 dollars.”

“I know it is.”

“I’m not giving up that much.”

“Then pack up your things and get out of my house.”

“Fine. I’ll get the money.”



“I love you.”

“I love you too dad.”

“Come on, it’s time to go home, you have school tomorrow, actually all of you do.”

“I called in and told my boss my mate was in the hospital.”

“You’re HER mate?”

“No, I’m just in bed with her because your virgin sister is a slut.”

Krissy pops him on the arm playfully before returning back to the show.

“I did not need the attitude dude.” Celeste huffs angrily before walking out of the room.”

Nelson walks over and hugs Krissy.

“Get some sleep sweetheart, I’ll bring you some clothes in the morning.”

“Night dad.”

Nelson leaves and the group is left with just 7 of them now.

“Krissy do you want me to run and get you some pjs?” Stephen asks her.

“Can you please?”

“Alright. Will you guys stay with her until I get back?”

“Yea sure.” Daniel, Jasper, and Matt answer at the same time.

“I take it you girls aren’t staying?”

“Huh? No I plan on heading out and Tori has a curfew in ten minutes.”

“Alright. Keep a close eye on her boys.”

Stephen kisses her one more time as he puts on his shoes and walks out the door with the two girls. The four sit there quietly watching TV. Jasper falls asleep on Daniel and she and Matt talk for a little while. Stephen comes back in twenty minutes with a pair of shorts and a shirt for her and a change of clothes for himself the next day.

“Are you staying with me tonight?”

“Yes dear.”

“Do you guys mind if Jasper and I stay?” Daniel asks.

“Sure just crash on the couches.”

“Mr. Farrelly?”

“Yes Mr.McAllison?”

“May I stay?”

“Why are you asking me?”

“You’re her mate, I’m her ex.”

“You’re also her friend. You can stay too. I’ll wake you for school in the morning.”

Matt gets up and walks into the bathroom.

“Hey Matt, stay in there for just a few minutes.”


“I’m putting on pjs!” Krissy shouts back.

“Ok.” He answers.

Stephen smiles and looks at the sleeping couple on the couch before helping her get out of her clothing and into his shorts and shirt. He strips himself down to just his boxers and folds their clothes placing them on the table before sliding into the bed under the covers with her.

“You can come in now.” He calls to Matt.

Matt walks out and lays down on the couch. Krissy shuts off the TV and cuddles against Stephen before falling asleep herself.

“Hey Stephen?” Matt calls in the darkness.


“Be nice to her.”

“I will.”

Matt nods before closing his eyes and rolling over to drift to sleep himself. Stephen smiles before cuddling up to his mate, careful not to hurt her side, and falls asleep.

I Found My Closet

Sheamus looks down at his watch and shuts off the arlarm before swinging himself out of the bed. He carefully wakes up the sleeping boys on the couch before walking into the bathroom to change. He brushes his teeth and his hair before walking into the bedroom area.
The boys are all gone and Krissy is sleeping. A nurse walks in and stares at him.

"Yes?" He asks rather impatiently.

"You um..."

"I'm here, this is my mate, what do you need?"

"I just came in to see if she is awake and check on her stitches."

"Can you come back when she wakes up?"

"I'll be back in about 30 minutes"

She turns and walks out the door and Stephen looks at Krissy. He leans down and kisses her softly. She surprises him by kissing back.

"You're awake."

"Yep...I'm hungry."

"I'll go get us some breakfast the nurse will be back to fix up your stitches in a bit."

"Do I need to get dressed?"

"Your dad hasn't stopped by yet."

He turns and walks out of the room and down the hall. Krissy attempts to get up and cries out in pain as agony rips through her upper body. Apparently she would not be going to the bathroom on her own.

She reaches over and pushes a button for assistance and lies back. A little older nurse with black hair walks in.

"Did you need anything dear?"

"I can't get up on my own and i really really need to go to the bathroom."

The nurse steps into the hallway and says something to another nurse who comes in. They help her up and into the bathroom before standing outside the door to wait for her. She hurriedly takes care of business and washes her hands. She clutches her side tightly as she walks out of the restroom.

"Are you alright?"

"They hurt."

"One hundred and eight stitches is going to hurt."


"You can see them when we change your bandages."

Sheamus walks in and sets the trays down on the table as the nurses help her into bed. They smile and leave as he thanks them.

"Somebody is awake." He jokes as he hands her the food.

"I had to pee."

"I could have helped you before i left."

"I know. I didn't think about it."

He props a pillow behind her and steps over to his own meal to eat. Her step dad walks in about 2/3 of the way finished.

"Heya kids what's up?" He asks setting down the large bag.

"Did you bring my whole dang closet?"

"I have your hair supplies, clothes for a week, make up, pjs, a few snacks, your ipod, and your phone and ipod chargers."


"Did you need anything else?"

"You didn't get my tooth brush and tooth paste?"

"That's in here too."


"They wouldnt let me bring him in even if i did."

"Whose Stone?" Stephen asks curiously.

"The puppy Matt gave me for our year aniversery."

"How old is he now?"

"Two years."


Her dad sits down and turns on the TV the couple finishes their meal and stacks up the trays. The nurse walks in carrying a box.

"Hey, good you're awake now. I just need to change your bandages, clean those stitches, and give you your medicine."


The nurse sets the box on the bed and Krissy pulls off the shirt Stephen had brought her. Her entire upper body was bandaged so it wasnt like she was flashing them.

"Could I ask you gentlemen to step out?"

"Can Stephen stay?"



"Is he your mate?"


"He can stay."

Her step dad steps into the hall and closes the door behind him. Stephen walks over to her side and he helps the nurse unwrap the bandages. He winces as she whimpers in pain when the last layer is being removed. It had stuck a little because of the blood. The nurse grabs a wet towel and carefully cleans the area.

"Is it bad?" Krissy asks.

"Here you can see."

The nurse hands her a mirror and Krissy gasps. The stitches went from  just to the left of her belly button over to her side a little ways and then up. It caught part of her left breast and she sighs.

"What?" Stephen asks.

"It's going to be a nasty scar."

"Indeed, but you'll still be beautiful."

The nurse puts away the mirror and begins to bandage up Krissy. She hands her the medicine and leaves the room. Krissy's step dad walks in and Krissy shows him the picture Sheamus had taken. He sighs and hugs her before telling her he has to go to work.

"Stephen i'm bored."

"Me too. What do you want to do?"


"He did bring your Xbox."

"OMG! Really?"


"Any games?"


"Let's play wrestling. I wanna make Sheamus beat Sheamus."

"Alright then nerd."

Time To Go To Work

Sheamus kisses Krissy as he walks out of the door. She was finally up and moving around on her own even though it was slow. Sadly, he had to go back to work or he would lose his job. He walks down and hops in his car and drives to school. There aren't many students there yet so he walks off to the teachers lounge to check his mailbox.

There isnt much mail just a few notices about events and trips going on through the week. He looks down at his phone to see if Krissy had texted and is surprised that he has seven new texts from an unknown number. He checks the texts and groans. His crazy ex had found him again. He knew it wasnt too hard to find him but you would think she would give him some respect.

"Oh come on i have a mate." He says out loud ignoring the texts.

He turns and walks out of the lounge and to the gym to get ready for the day. He wonders about what Veronica is thinking. She tried to claim him as her mate but it wasnt for love, just for his power and money. She even knew he wasnt her mate and trying to claim him that way would just be awful for them both. He looks over at the clock to see how much time he has before texting Krissy.

He gets out of the chair and walks out into the gym as the bell rings for students to be in their assigned area. He calls role and notices that a few students are gone. All three of them being Krissy's friends.

'I wonder what they're up to..." He thinks while he tells them to start stretching and walking to put his attendence outside.

You Guys Are Great

Krissy smiles as she sees Stephen had texted and looks at the signature on her arm. The doctors had said she could move around on her own now well enough that she could go home with a home nurse. The nurse was supposed to be in at 11 to help her get down to the truck so she could go home. Only another 20 minutes. She gets up and finishes making sure she has everything before laying back down.

There is a knock on the door and Matt walks in.

"Hey you!" Krissy smiles getting up to hug him.

He hugs her back and sits down in a chair facing both the bed and the Tv. She gets back on the bed and curls her legs underneath her careful not to pull her stitches too much.

"How are you?"

"I'm pretty good. Why aren't you in school?"

"Danny, Jasper, and I skipped."

"Well where are they!?"

"Still in bed, they said they'd meet you at your house later."

"They better."

"You know we're taking you to the mall."

"I heard."

"Will you be allowed to go?"

"As long as i don't overdo it."

"Then you're in a wheel chair huh?"


"Cheer up. You'll be alright."

"I know."

"So, you had breakfast?"


"Oh. Well is there anything you want?"

"Vincent is going to be here to pick me up in a few minutes."

"I know."

"So i don't think so."

"Alright. Well do you mind if I follow you to your house in my truck?"

"Go ahead. What are we taking to the mall?"

"Well your nurse has to come too so we plan on taking Daniels SUV."

"Who all is going?"

"Me, Jasper, Daniel, Nelson, you, and your nurse."

"Awww you invited my step dad?"


"Is he seriously going?"

"He has to sign for that tattoo of yours."

"Oh yea."

The nurse walks in and they help get Krissy ready and grab her things to go down to the truck. They make her stay in the wheel chair since it is hospital policy. They get into the truck and drive to Krissy's house. Once they get everything settled Daniel and Jasper show up to go to the mall.

"Hey girl!" Daniel and Jasper cheer together.

"Hey boys. What's up?"

"You ready?"


"You sure you're allowed?"

"She is allowed to go as long as I accompany her." The nurse, Allison, tells them.

"Alright. Lets get settled into the truck."

"Daniel, that thing is not a truck." Vincent laughs.

"Close enough."

They group up and walk out the door to get settled to go to the mall.

The mall isn't very busy since it is a school day but luckily, they all didn't stand out too much. The first place they were going was the tattoo shop in the back of the mall. Blood, Bonds, and Beyond. They walk in and see Duke behind the counter and Krissy smiles at him.

"What did you do now trouble?"

"Oh not much, just a fight as usual."

"You gotta be careful you silly alpha."

"I know."

"So what can I do for you?"

"I need a tattoo."



"What would it be?"


She guestures to his arm and he walks around the counter to get a better look.

"Stephen Farrelly? As in Sheamus?"


"You got his actual signature? On your body?"


"How the fuck did you get that?"

"Easy said hey sign my arm with both signatures."

"And he did it?"

"Of course. He will do anything to make her happy." Daniel laughs cheerfully.

"Why?" Duke questions standing and brushing his hair away from his face.

"He's her mate." Matt says looking at Duke.

"Oh. Oh. OH! I'm happy for you. Our little runt has finally found her mate."

"Shut up Dukey."

"Hey no. Don't call me that."

"Or what?"

"I wont do your tattoo."

"Ok. I'm sorry."


"What color are you wanting it?"

"Uh red and Black."

"Sure you don't want green?"

"Maybe a little...Alright, green and black with red between the two colors."


Duke walks around the counter and grabs some paper and a pen. He puts up his hair before walking back and tracing the signatures on her arm onto the paper and printing them off onto the paper he needs to have it on her arm.

"Let's go."

They walk back into the back room and Krissy smiles. This was always Duke's spot for her and members of her group.

"What?" He asks looking at her.

"Oh nothing."

"Come on wash your arm."

She smiles and walks carefully to the sink and removes the writing from her arm. She turns and moves to where he wants her and sits carefully before holding out her arm for him. He places the paper on her arm leaving the print before pulling it away and getting out the stuff he needs.

"How did you get hurt?" He asks.

"A knife caught me."


"Stomach and chest. Were you not at the fight?"

"No. I was out of town."

"Ah. I knew you didn't come say hi to me. And you didn't know that Stephen is my mate."

"I appologize."

"It's alright."

He falls quiet as he puts his shaggy brown hair in a pony tail before starting on her tattoo. It stings a little at first but she ignores it. She closes her eyes and relaxes for a moment before texting back Stephen.

After the tattoo is done, Duke puts a bandage over it and hugs her goodbye before sending the group on their way. The group goes into a lot of stores and end up spending most of the day there before going back to Krissy's house at 2.


"Ma'am, the alpha wants to speak with you."

Veronica sighs. Her sister always wanted to speak to her. Usually about her not finding a mate. She didn't need one, she was going to have Stephen. She walks up to her sister's door and knocks.

Her tall blonde sister opens the door and steps aside to let her into the house.

"What did you need sister?"

"Always so touchy Veronica."

"Just what do you want?"

"You really need to find yourself a mate and either stay in our pack or move into his. Stop obsessing over that ex of yours. He wasn't your mate."

"He could be. I just need to convince him."

"V! Listen to yourself!"

"I do. He loved me. I loved him. I still love him, he's my mate not anyone else's."

"You really are dense. If you think you must find him, well listen to this."

She walks over and picks up a letter off of the desk and unfolds it to read it.

'Dear Alice,

I don't suppose that your pack has heard the news of a new wedding in our future. A big one at that. The Alpha has found a mate. A real one this time. They haven't fully mated yet from what I heard, and I hear she is human. There is almost no record on her other than she is a good student, lives with her stepdad, and is an emo girl who lost both of her parents. I hope my cousin is finally happy.

with love,


"Don't you see Veronica. He has moved on."

"Then maybe it is best that i do as well."

"It's good that you see it that way."

"Alright, look, im going back to  my house to catch some sleep. Talk to you later."

Veronica turns and walks out the door. Alica sighs looking down at the last paragraph that she had neglected to read to her sister. She puts the letter away and calls Jacobine, hopefully Stephen knew to protect his mate from his ex.

At home Veronica packs her stuff quickly and leaves the town. If Stephen had a mate, the only way to fix the problem is to kill her. She smiles as she she drives down the road heading to where Stephen now lived. It was only across the country.

Krissy Goes Back To School

Krissy groans as she hits her alarm clock and gets out of bed. It had been almost two months since she had been in school and today was her first day back. She quickly gets dressed and heads down to grab her breakfast and hop in the truck. Nelson hugs her goodbye when he drops her off and she walks into school.

Once inside the cafeteria she sits down with Daneil, Matt, Victoria, Stevie, Elliot, Kayn, Elaine, and Amanda. The group quickly launches into a discussion about what has been going on at school and the swim team tryouts.

"So they're today after school?"

"Yeah. Coach said everyone who wants to try out is welcome. Do you think you'll be allowed to?" Elaine asks.

"Oh yea. Stitches are all healed up."

"Will Stephen let you?" Jasper asks sitting down.

"Yes. It's my choice not his."

"Alright." Jasper says holding his hands up in a defensive position.

"I just need to call Nelson and ask him to bring me a swimsuit."

"What about Celeste?"

"She wouldn't no where to look or bring it if she did."

"Oh yea."

Krissy pulls out her phone and calls waiting for her stepdad to answer.


"Hey dad it's Krissy."

"What did you forget?"

"Hey! I'm not that bad."

"Oh sure."

"Swim tryouts are today after school and I need a suit."

"Will the black bikini you bought be alright?"

"Yea. What about my black one that has the piece between the top and bottom the one that covers the center of my stomach?"

"I'll see if I can find it."



He hangs up and Krissy smiles before texting back Stephen and putting away her phone. She knew he wasn't going to let her participate in Gym and was kind of bumbed out that Courtney and some of her lackeys were now in that class. The bell rings and she smiles heading to the said class with Matt, Daniel, Jasper, and Elaine.

She gets changed and walks to her normal spot on the floor to see her name gone and replaced with another. Actually, her name isn't anywhere so she just walks over and stands next to Daniel and Jasper confused.

"You were out so long and he got new students that he had to move your x. You wont be doing the stretches anyway."

"He didn't have to remove my x." She pouts.

"Chin up. Go sit in his chair."

"What an excellent idea."

She smiles and turns and walks away to sit in the rolly chair Stephen had at the front of the building. She rolls herself around the front slowly and lazily before the bell rings for class to start.

"What do you think you're doing in Mr. Farrelly's chair?" Courtney snaps sharply from her place.

"I don't seem to have an x."

Courtney doesn't respond as Stephen walks out of the office. He is looking at his clip board and checking off names as he goes before stopping infront of her.

"Would you like me to sit on you or would you like to move?" He asks her slightly teasing.

She rolls her eyes and stands up letting him have his chair. He smirks and grabs a roll of duct tape out of his pocket and a sharpie. He puts a strip of tape on the back of the chair and writes Farrelly on it.

"There, you can have a spot."

She smiles not caring that he put his name and sits down. He finishes roll and starts the group off on stretches before moving another chair next to her.

"How did you sleep?"

"Good. Getting up was a pain."

"I can imagine."

"You put your name on the chair."

"I know. But technically it will be your name soon."

"How soon?"

"When we decide on a date."

"When I get a ring mister."

"I have a ring, I just haven't found the right time to give it to you."

"Can I have it?"



"Let me give it to you in the next class."


"Excuse me, I have to get to work."

He gets up and helps the group get started on the set up of the volley ball net and gets out the ball. Krissy gets up and walks over to the line for teams. He starts down the line picking members for each team and skips over her.

"Sheamus you forgot Krissy." Matt calls to him.

"I did it purposely."

"Stephen let me play."

"Krissy you are still not healthy enough."

"Stephen the stitches are all healed."

"Fine. Any sign of pain and you're out."


"This team."


Krissy takes her place as the first server for her team and serves a nice serve to the other team before stepping into her position. The game goes on for a few minutes before she is finally rotated to the front and sadly right next to Courtney. The ball comes from the other team and she jumps up to spike it when courtney slams an elbow to her stomach. She gasps in pain but hits the ball back over. Stephen blows his whistle and calls Krissy out of the game.

"Are you alright?" He asks watching the game with little interest.

"Fine. That kind of hurt."

"It is bound to, it isn't completely healed."

"Very close though."


"Come on here."

He pulls out a ring from his pocket and slips it onto her finger. The white gold ring fits perfectly and the large diamond glints in the light. The little opal accents fit nicely and she smiles down at the ring with pride. She was his fiance and nothing would change that.

Lunch Time Blues

Krissy sits in Stephens room eating lunch that he had bought for them and plays with her ring slightly.

"If you keep playing with it im going to take it back."

"What?" She gasps looking at him horrified.



She reaches over and grabs his hand before putting another chunk of steak in her mouth. She smiles at him as he eats some rice and then they look at the clock. Ten more minutes until the bell.

"How are the scars?"

"They are scars."

"They are not and you know it."


"So tell me."

"They're getting there. They still have a bit of healing up to do but they are close to closed up."

"Where is already scarred?"

"The top part and the bottom. Mainly its just right across the rib cage that is healed fully into a scar the parts that are still scabbed over are mainly across the stomach."


"I'm trying out for the swim team."

"Are you now?"


"No you aren't."

"Stephen yes I am."

"Krissy, you need to wait."

"No. This is what I want to do and you aren't going to tell me I cant."

"Fine. But I'm going with you."

"When do you not?"

"Would you like me not to?" He asks slightly hurt by her words.

"It's not that. I didn't mean it that way."

"Krissy are you alright?"

"Yeah just fine."

"Are you sure?"


He picks up his plate and hers before walking to the trash can. He drops the empty plates into the trash before walking back to her. He rubs her shoulders gently before hugging her.

"You are a lot of trouble you know that."

"Yeah I know."

"Are you aware that your principal knows about us?"

"No I was not. Are you in trouble."

"No. I met with her while you were out of school in front of the school board."

"What did they say?"

"I can keep my job. We are allowed to be together at school, but we need to keep it toned down a bit."

"So I can kiss you?"




"Can I hug you?"


"Hmm so no making out then?"

"Not in front of students."


"You're telling me."

He laughs and kisses her as the bell rings.

"So have you gotten your new schedule?"


"Do you like it?"

"I'm still in the same classes. Gym, Health, College Algebra, College Biology, Lunch, World Lit, World His, and then English. "

"Still counts."

"I know."

"Come on, i'll walk you there."

"Stephen, it's right across the hall."

"I know."

"Then why are you walking me?"

"So I can steal that ring back when you aren't paying attention."

"You hold my right hand. I could steal yours."

"Well, you wont. Also, I wouldn't steal yours."

"I know."

"Let's go to class."

Swim Practice

Krissy sighs slightly upset as she looks at herself in the mirror of the locker room.

"Hey Krissy come on!" Victoria, Elaine,  and Stevie shout at her from outside.

"Coming!" She shouts back wrapping a towel around her waist

She covers up her stomach and walks out the door and sits beside her friends.

"You're up next." Elaine whispers to her.

"I know."

"Stephen's here." Stevie tells her pointing to Krissy's mate sitting in the stands.

"I know. He walked me here."

"Has he seen your stomach?"

"Nobody has except for me and the doctor since I got my stitches out."

"Does it look ok?"

"Ms. Abandonato! You're up."

Krissy stands and removes the towel. She folds it and ignores the gasps and stares from the other girls as she walks over to the water. She dives in and swims strongly and finishes the routine of laps before getting out of the pool. The last trick was the high dive. Sadly, the ladder was right next to Stephen and the last thing she wanted was for him to see her scars. She walks to the ladder looking at him to see him studying her scar. She moves her arm and climbs up the ladder and diving.

When she gets out of the water the coach walks over to her.

"Those aren't going to bother you are they?"


"Then, you're on."


She turns and walks to the bench but gets stopped by Celeste and Courtney.

"Aww look how ugly you are now. Oh wait, you were ugly before!" Courtney laughs before pushing past her.

Celeste looks at her disgusted and clicks her tongue as she passes. Krissy ignores them and picks up her towel and sits with her friends for a moment before walking into the locker room to change back. When she is dressed she walks over to Stephen.

"You lied to me."


"You told me they were healing fine and that they weren't bad."

"They are fine."

"You call that fine?"

"Stephen please."

"No. Have you talked to the doctor? Can you get them to go away?"

"He doesn't think anything will work."

"I didn't figure as much. You are still beautiful, but I can tell it upsets you."

"I know."

"Come on, let's go to my house, I have an idea."


"You wont like it."

"Why not?"

"It's about your past. And your parents."

"What about them?"

"They aren't dead."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you when we get there, just please, come with me."

He takes her hand and leads her to his car. She is silent most of the ride and he finally pulls in to his house with another car in the drive and lights on.

"Krissy, are you alright? You're pale."

"You just told me my parents aren't dead. Of course im a little pale."

"Just please relax, they're going to explain everything to you I promise. I love you."

"I love you too."

He reaches over and kisses her softly to calm her down before getting out of the car. He walks around to her side and opens her door. She takes his hand and he gently helps her from the vehicle when her step dad and Celeste drive up. They step out of the car and Nelson looks at Stephen.

"What did you say?"

"I told her the basics."


"Have you seen how she is treated at school normally? With those scars, its going to be worse. She didn't seem happy when she looked at them. I want her happy. To fix them, she has to know."

"She's going to hate us."

"Which one, Krissy, or her mother?"


"I wouldn't be the least surpised if Mrs. EVILMURDERER hated you."

"I wouldn't either."

"You are only human, and they make mistakes."

"Always do."

"Come on let's get inside. Oh and Celeste?"

"What dude?"

"Watch your mouth in front of them."


"Excuse me?!" Celeste shouts at him getting in his face.

Sheamus doesn't back away or show any emotion at all except for pure rage for about ten seconds. Krissy grips his hand tightly and Nelson pulls Celeste back.

"That is one person you don't want to mess with." A voice says from the porch.

The group turns to see a woman who looks like a much prettier version of Morticia Adams without the creepy dress looking at them. She looks rediculously similar to krissy. Her hair is long, dark, and curly. She isn't too tall, but she stands taller than Krissy. The blood red dress she is wearing and the black half jacket fit her perfectly and bring out her lips.

"Mom?" Krissy asks completely shocked.

"Hi honey." The woman replies.

A man walks out behind her and stands behind her. He looks just like the picture she had of her dad.

"Dad?" She asks him.

"Hello darling."

To everyone's horror, especially Sheamus' Krissy passes out cold. He catches her before she hits the ground and lifts her into his arms.

"Oh my. That was not the reaction we were hoping for." The woman states.

"She thought both of you were dead. What did you expect?" Nelson snaps.


"Let's just get inside." Sheamus says.

Once inside, he takes her to his room and lays her on his bed. He removes her shoes and covers her lower body with a blanket before walking out of the room and closing the door. He turns and walks down the hall and down the stairs to join the others on the first floor.

"I didn't mean to scare her, I was upset." He hears Nelson saying.

"So you what beat her for almost three years?"

"I stopped."

"Does she forgive you?"

"Yes she forgave me."

"What about her?"

"I'm not so sure."

Sheamus walks in and sits down in a large recliner.

"I can answer that for you." He says looking at the confused group.

"Well come on Stephen tell us."

"No, she doesn't. She hates her to be honest. That however does not mean kill her."

"I wouldn't say kill her."

"Look Ma'am, you do not want to do that."

"Well then what do we do?"

"Leave things as they are. Punish her as you would a normal human for any sin they had done."

"But then she isn't a human is she Stephen?"

"Yes, she is even though she hangs with the wolves."

"The way you guys talk makes you seem nutty." Celeste says idly looking at her nails.

"You could respect your elders little girl." Krissy's dad says angrily.

"Now, now, please calm down your highness." Nelson says stepping infront of his daughter.

"You're right."

"So what are we going to do about Krissy. She is running late enough already with the change, there has to be a problem."

"There is no problem Stephen, she is locked until after we tell her the information. We were hoping to show her a little at a time."

"I don't think there will be enough time for that."

"Why?" Nelson asks.

"There is sreet fight thing and then also the packs and a few other creatures are beginning to become less and less familiar with the laws. They need their leader here on earth."

"She isn't strong enough for that is she?"

"She is the prophecy child. One made from the most evil and most good."

"Speak of the little critter, there she is." Celeste says rudely.

Stephen growls low in his throat before walking over to Krissy. She hugs him tightly and he kisses her gently.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm still a little shocked."

"We will explain everything to you, but i think it will be best if you sit down."

"Stephen, are you really my mate?"


"Why did you know about them?"

"Because, they left for a reason, they're back for a reason, I didn't want you to know this yet, but i'm a werewolf."

"A what?" Celeste asks cracking up laughing. "Are you people insane?! A werewolf ha!"

Stephen rounds on her and shifts as he turns. He slams her against the chair by her throat before picking her up.

"I told you be respectful, it would be wise if you did so."

He sets her back down on the chair with her shaking violently. He turns to Krissy and looks down at her. She doesn't seem shocked, merely interested. She reaches out and runs her hand across his fur and walks around him before hugging him. The top of her head barely reaches his stomach so he leans down a little to keep her from having his manhood in her face.

"You're huge." She says looking at his large muscular body.

"Was I not before?" He asks his voice slightly more husky.

"Well yes but not like super tall."

He shifts back and smiles to find her still holding him tightly. He lifts her into his arms and walks back to his chair and sits with her in his lap. He puts his feet up and looks at her parents.

"You two done?"


"Alright. Krissy, your father and I, we aren't who you think we are."


"You see honey, I am the leader of hell and he is the leader of heaven."

"What happened to God and Satan?"

"Well that is the Christian belief because we have angels and demons."

"So in other words you guys are like rulers of these two places and have control over the magical creatures on the earth."


"So that makes me what? A half-breed."


"Well what?"

"You are what people would call a protector, or an earth leader." Her father says.

"And what is that exactly?"

"They keep watch over the beings on earth and keep things in balance between them."


"You inherited traits from both of us, we bound them so that you would fit in with the humans. If you want, we can unbind them and you can meet your true form."


"I am not sure we want to be in Stephens nice house when we do it. Or in his lap for that matter."

"Meaning it is dangerous?"

"We aren't sure what form you may take."

"There are many possibilities that you could have the dangerous bodily appearance." Her dad says looking at the couple.

"Where do we go?"

"To hell of course."

In a flash all of the group is gone and sitting on a large open plain in hell.

"Where are we?" Krissy asks.

"Both heaven and hell look just like earth except there are the distinct color differences and the fact that hell is all cold everywhere except for the pit and heaven is warm everywhere. Really the torture isn't there except for in the depths of hell."


"Everyone needs to take a few steps back just incase she does have a volatile unbinding."

Stephen kisses her once more before backing up several feet. Her parents grasp their hands and begin chanting in latin and soon she begins to feel like a chain is being unwrapped from her. She closes her eyes and sees everything clearly. Her skin is normal white but she has horns, a tail, large wings that can either be dragon like and red or feathery and black or white, long sharp canines, a forked tongue that she can make normal at will, eyes that can kill in a look if she chooses for them to, and long sharp tallons that she can make normal nails at will.

She opens her eyes and looks at her parents. They are looking at her and she looks at the wings behind her. She looks at Stephen and takes a step towards him. He rushes to her and hugs her tightly and she smells him. He smells sweet and she can smell releif all over him as he hugs her tightly.

"You are beautiful." He says kissing her.

She moans into his kiss and licks his lip asking for entrance. He grants it to her and she slides her forked tongue into his mouth and she feels his emotions spike. She felt herself trying to keep herself from ripping his clothes off and shifts into her human form.

"That was amazing." He says breaking the kiss.

"I think the two of you have some bonding to do."

Krissy smirks and pictures Stephen's house and the two of them appear in the kitchen.

Who Will Claim Who

Stephen growls deep in his throat and pushes her backwards against the counter and kisses her neck softly. He moves down to her collar bone and nips softly at the soft spot. She moans and presses against him. He reaches down and pushes her hips backwards keeping her off of him. She moans louder and he covers her mouth with his knowing she will not be able to over power him even though she is the earth mother. He slides his tongue into her mouth and moans as she responds by sliding a forked tongue into his. His mate was tricky.

He lifts her legs and forces her onto the counter and carefully removes her clothes. She helps him to remove his and he gets ontop of her on the large counter. She whimpers under him begging for him but he holds her hips down. He wasn't wanting to hurt his mate any more than he already would.

She wraps one leg around his waist and runs her nails across his back. He carefully grabs her hands and moves them above her head as slides one hand down between her thighs. He rubs her clip gently and she gasps into his kiss. This was her first time being touched by a guy since it was illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to be with anyone other than their mate. He would have to be very gentle. He gently rubs her sensitive nub before sliding one finger into her tight pussy.

He moans deeply at how tight she is and slowly slides his finger in and out of her. She moves her arms and wraps her arms around his neck moaning loudly.

"Oooh Stephen...."

"Shhhh....Be patient baby. I don't want to hurt you."

"Stephen please, im ready for you to be my mate completely."


He keeps fingering her and carefully adds one more. She whimpers at the stretching and he slows his pace.

"Baby...I don't think my dick will feel too comforable in your pussy. This is only two fingers."

"Stephen please. I want to."

"If you insist. When you are limping tomorrow do not cry to me."

He adjusts himself and lines up the head of his dick with her pussy. She pushes up at him and he holds her down. He gently slides the tip of it in and looks down at her. He slowly continues taking small slow thrusts. She gets used to him slightly and he speeds up a little bit. He looks down at her and gets ready to put himself fully inside her instead of just the tip and pulls almost all the way out before slideing himself back into her firmly and successfully breaking her maidenhead. She crys out a little but he kisses her and keeps going getting her to calm down

She moans loudly after a while and he starts to speed up and get faster and harder. They keep going for almost another hour and he begins to feel his orgasm getting close.

"Baby, look at me."

She looks up at him and moans loudly.

"I'm going to switch positions and shift. For the mating to be complete, I have to be in my were form."

She looks at him and kisses him deeply before allowing him to move her into doggy style. He slides himself back into her knowing that as soon as he shifts she is going to be in even more pain. Being a werewolf meant that not only was his dick large as a man, but at least another inch long as a wolf. He was a solid 10 and a solid 11 and a half in his wolf form. He speeds up slowly before shifting and thrusting himself into her harder and faster as his orgasm is about to explode. He thrusts one more time and groans as he feels her clench tight onto his dick as his dick slides into her womb and coats the inside with his cum.

He moans holding her tightly and shifting back. He smiles and slides out of her tiny body and rolls over so she is on top of him.

"That was amazing."

"You can say that again." He says kissing her.

"Can we do it again?"

"Now?" He asks raising his head to look at her.


"I was about to say."


"You need a bath to get relaxed and cleaned up after that. I think I do too. Would you like a bubble bath?"


"Can I join you?"

"It's your house."

"Correction, it's our house."

"Then yes get in with me."


He slides down off the counter and picks up their clothes and sets them beside her before helping her down. She takes a step and whimpers leaning onto the counter.



"Come on i'll carry you, you carry the clothes."

"Wait no I want to try something."


She closes her eyes and shifts. She looks at her wings and looks at Stephen. She flexes a few muscles and follows her instincts on which ones she needs to move to fly and flaps her wings a few times. She flaps them slightly but only enough to keep her slightly hovering off the ground and smiles at him.

"Do you want to fly up to the bath tub?"



He picks up her clothes and heads over to the stairs and up to his bedroom. He walks through to the bathroom leaving the clothes in the dirty clothes bin and steps over to the large tub. He tuns on the hot water and smirks as she comes in.

"You have an in ground bath tub?"



"Rock walls in this part of the house. Heated of coursse."

"This is amazing."

"Get in the water you silly thing."


He grabs her and pulls her into his arms smiling as she shifts back and wraps her legs around his waist. He growls lightly in her ear and slips his erection back into her tight sensitive cavity. She moans and relaxes as he carries her into the tub and begins to move himself inside her. He continues for a little while and she stops him before he cums.

She slides off of him and gets on her knees and takes him in her mouth, they were still in the shallower part of the bath tub so she wasn't yet under the water. She sucks gently and carefully with slight skill but still a little confusion. It was the best blow job ever and he grabs the back of her head as he cums and moans as she gags slightly as she swallows his large load. She finishes and licks him clean before he helps her up. 

"You are very talented dear."

"I know baby."


"I know."

"Good. Come on let's get cleaned up."

He helps her to clean herself off and then they get out of the tub and head into his bedroom after draining the water and drying off. They curl up under the covers and he holds her tightly.


"Yes my love?"

"When are we to be married?"

"Do you want to be married?"


"Then we are."


"Alright, tomorrow."



"Can we really get everything done?"



"Your father will take care of the invites via mental, your mother will do the catering and set up via mental and telepathy, you can go dress shopping with her along with my bank card, I can go shopping with my wallet."


"Yes. Whoever you want invited, just think about it and send it mentally to your father."

"I don't know how."

"Just think about it and think about telling him."



The next morning Veronica had finally made it to the little town the new couple was living in. With her wolf demon it wouldn't take her long to find Stephen. She never learned about that second paragraph of the letter but her sister had. She wouldn't know just who to expect when she got there. It wouldn't bother her though. She thought she could just kill her and leave. So she would.

Veronica laughs to herself. She had asked around and gotten the address to Stephen's house. He was at work though so it would be fairly easy to sneak into his house. She parks her car at a parking lot and heads into town to sneak into his house.

Meanwhile at school Krissy was happily bouncing around telling her friends all about her family. She was really happy. The principal never even got onto her for tackling Stephen when she saw him. Courtney was another story.

"Hey slut sit down." Courtney shouts in first period.

Krissy glares at her careful not to let her eyes change. She knew if Courtney dropped dead just from a look it would be hell to pay. Not that it was a bad thing. She hugs her friends before walking over to her chair in the front of the room. Stephen was finally letting her stretch again since her wounds were healed by the transformation. The only downside was the scar. But it was kind of enticing in its own way.

"Fuck you Courtney."

"What did you just say to me?"

Courtney and her lackeys jump up angrily and at this point Krissy remembers Stephen was at a meeting. To protect herself she would have no choice but to attack.

"I said fuck off. Now take my advice and sit down I don't want to hurt you."

Courtney laughs along with her lackeys. They suddenly shift into some weird looking creatures that looked just awkward. They had two heads, forked tongues, purple eyes, and scales. Whatever they were they were ewww.

"You couldn't hurt us if you tried freak. We are Dark Sprites. You have no chance against us."

The group laughs and jumps at Krissy and she knows her only choice is to fight. She looks to her friends before shifting into her form. Only this time it was different. There was more pain lots of it. She claws at her throat screaming in pain. Every fiber in her body felt like it was burning only to freeze the next second. She gasps and pants hard trying to catch her breath. She attacks the ones attacking her and pins them down. She doesn't kill them but they know who she is after she is done.

"Krissy?" Daniel and Jasper call out to her.

She turns and looks at them.

"What is it?"

"You look different."


"From the last time you shifted, you've changed."

Krissy rushes to the locker room and sure enough. She was different. Her once white skin had hardened into feeling like metal, her claws were golden and she could feel the poison in them and her fangs, her eyes were electric blue almost white but that wasn't the worst part. She had more horns. Her tail had grown and had spikes down its length and she had grown two more horns and little spikes down her back. She was truely a beautiful but terrifying creature. She shifts down just until she has her skin, fangs, tongue, teeth, and two sets of horns. Like this she looked pretty.

She sits on the floor and changes more until she has her wings, teeth, tongue, and skin still hardened. This was pretty as well but she liked her soft skin so she changed it back. There. They cant make me change back now. She let her wings be the demon type and walked back into the gym to come face to face with a furious Stephen.

"My house. Now." He growls angrily at her.

She whimpers in slight fear and does what he says quickly blinking them from where they are to his house. Once inside she downshifts to her human form only to be picked up immediately and carried up the stairs.

Veronica hears them enter and hides in a guest room. Angry that her plans had been ruined but not badly. She got to see the girl and now knew what to look for.

Stephen slams his bedroom door shut behind him and throws her onto the bed unaware that his arm caught her stomach. He lost his temper slightly but calms down enough when he realized she was afraid.

She doesn't look at him but looks away and pointedly at the ground as if tranfixed by the carpet.

"Look at me." He tells her.


"Look at me Krissy."

She shakes her head tears clouding her vision. She didn't understand why he had done that and now was just upset. He sighs and pulls her down into his lap careful not to hurt her now sore body. She curls against his chest balling and he holds her tightly. When she stops he makes her look at him and begins to speak.

"Do you know what I did that for?"


"You don't hmm?"


"Remember how I said if you ever put yourself in trouble I would make you regret it?"


"And what did you do today?"

She stares up at him and her eyes go wide. She knew what she had done but she hadn't thought about it.

"I thought so." Stephen says softly.

He leans down and kisses her forhead before laying her down on the bed. He climbs next to her and holds her kissing her gently rubbing her sides.

"I don't want to hurt you and I realize I think I lost my temper a little but I was very upset. Do you see why I did that?"

"So I wouldn't put myself in danger again."

"Good girl."

He kisses her gently and slides ontop of her making her whimper as she realizes she missed him. He smiles and pushes her legs apart with his and slides one leg between them to keep her from gaining any pleasure that way. She growls in frustration and he laughs deeply before teasing her more and taking off his shirt.

Now he knew he was sexy. He also knew he was getting into it. But right about then he smelt and intruder in his home. He growls deeply and alerts her sublty. He recognized that smell. Veronica.

"Krissy you know that I am an alpha wolf right?"


"Remember me telling you about my crazy ex?"


"She's somewhere in this house."


"And she wants you dead."

"Meet me in the clearing in the woods. I'll get this finished."

Krissy follows what he says and blinks off to wait. Stephen sighs and heads down the stairs. He opens and shuts the front door before walking into the kitchen to wait. If Veronica thought he was alone it would be great.

Veronica smirks. He was only using her for sex then. And now he was home alone. All to her. She smirks and heads down the stairs and into the kitchen where she could smell him to find him sitting at the table.

"Hello Veronica."

"Oh Stephen no need to be so cold you are my mate after all."

"I am not your mate."

"Come on baby don't be like that."

"You haven't finished the bonding yet. If you really wan't me as your mate, meet me at the clearing in the woods. You wont miss it."

With that he gets up leaving and taking off into the woods shifting into his wolf form as he goes. He arrives in the clearing to see Krissy in the tree in her shifted form. It isnt really surprising. She shifts and stands infront of him tiny compared to his eight foot tall self. He hugs her leaning down low and turns as he hears a noise behind him. He growls low in his throat as he recognizes the scent isn't Veronica.

Jacobine walks out from behind the bushes with Veronica's sister. Stephen growls slightly before shifting and looking at them.

"Hey there S. What's up?"

"What is it you have planned Jacob?"

"We are actually here to stop Veronica from being stupid."

"Well you're a lil late she was at my house."

"Oh. Well is this your little one?"

"She's not little Jacobine."

"She's a human Stephen." Kelsey comments slightly tense.

"You can stop talking about me like i'm not here. I am here and can take care of myself."

"Right. A human fight off a full grown werewolf. I'd love to see it." Jacobine laughs.

Krissy growls slightly and looks at Stephen.

"You're the freaking alpha make them fight me."

"I wont make them fight you unless you are sure you can handle them. And if they do it's only one at a time." Stephen says with worry in his voice.

"Oh come now no need to fight we wouldn't want to hurt you little human."

The taunts continue for a little while and Krissy glares at Stephen. She steps past him and turns back to him.

"If you wont make them fight me, they will learn how." She spits angrilly.

Krissy steps forward and places herself in a pose that invoked no questioning.

"Fight me you pathetic dog." She calls out to Kelsey violently.

Kelsey laughs and shifts into her wolf form and charges towards Krissy. Krissy laughs darkly before shifting and using her powerful wings to avoid the charge. Jacobine gasps in shock and Kelsey stares in surprise.

"Don't shift back mutt. Prove to me that you can defeat me."

Krissy drops to the ground and lashes out with her tail and catches Kelsey's paw. Kelsey growls angrily as Krissy lets loose a blast of ice from her mouth causing a frost burn from hell on her. Literally. Charging forward violently Kelsey tackles Krissy. In defense Krissy sinks her teeth into Kelsey at the same time as she digs her claws into her. Kelsey gasps feeling the poison flowing into her body and pulls away. She falls to her stomach and rolls over into a surrender before howling in pain. Krissy looks at Jacobine before allowing the antidote to fill into her claws and fangs. She uses her tail to drag the howling werewolf to her before injecting the antidote into her in the same holes as the venom had gone.

She drops the wolf to the ground before shifting back and allowing her wings to stay behind her. She walks over to Stephen and kisses him deeply. He wraps his arms around her and she wraps hers around him along with her tail she allowed to come out and flies up into the air kissing him deeper in the clouds.

He pulls away and looks at her. He runs his fingers through her long hair before kissing her forehead.

"You are beautiful. They'll learn to respect you."

"I love you Stephen."

"I love you too."

She sighs against him before allowing them to float down to the ground. When they land the other two werewolves look at them. Kelsey now in her human form takes a step forward and bows to Krissy. Jacobine follows her lead before straightening and hugging the couple.

"I am sorry that we thought you were a human."

"It's fine."

"So when's the wedding?"



"You're invited brother." Stephen laughs.

"Am I?"

"You know all the packs are invited. Most are required to come and hunt that night."

"Veronica?" Kelsey asks worried.

"She is invited and required to come. You know she may try not to. She may come and try to be a wedding crasher. Who knows."

"For that matter who cares." Krissy laughs kissing Stephen.

"Mmmmm you're right." Stephen laughs kissing her nose before hugging her.

"She really makes you act young again Stephen." Jacobine laughs.

"She makes me feel old sometimes." Stephen jokes.

"Hey! You are old."

"Why you little minx!"

Stephen laughs and starts tickling her much to the amusement of the other two. Krissy laughs before giving up and accepting Stephen's help up.

"Good. Well I guess Veronica isn't coming so we will just have to see what she has planned."

"We will be around for some help. Where is the wedding?"

"Uh Ireland."

"Oooh the estates hmm?"


"You will love it."

"I know." Krissy laughs.


Real Deal?

Krissy and her mother got up early and headed shopping. Stephen went with a few of his pack members and they agreed that they would meet at 11 since the wedding was at 1:30.

Krissy and her mom had looked at a zillion dresses before Krissy finally found the one she said she had to have. It was long and had a trail behind it and a lace veil. The front of it was slightly low and only hinted a little bit at her beauty, not enough to be considered showing cleavage. The entire dress was covered in a layer of grey lace over white silk. Inside the lace were little intricate designs of flowers. She picked out some grey heels that would match perfectly and the two headed on their way to lunch with their things sitting safely at the room krissy was going to be changing in.

Everything went well up until time to come down the isle. Her dad and her step-dad agreed they would walk her down the isle. Right when they headed out, Veronica waltzed in. Now would be the fun part.

"Hey there human how ya doing? Planning on marrying MY man hmm? Yeah no. You gotta die." Veronica laughs.

Krissy laughs back looking at Stephen. They knew this would probably happen which was exactly why it was being planned well before the time of the wedding. Veronica shifts being of course her dumb self and not noticing tons of people who were there were there out of respect. Krissy laughs and shifts herself.

Veronica snarls at her and Krissy fully shifts allowing Veronica to feel the power radiating off of her. Veronica makes the unwise choice of ignoring it. Insanity could be blinding. She lunged at Krissy in full attack mode. Krissy however just flapped her wings causing her to fly up out of her reach before dropping down onto her back and digging her nails and teeth into the wolf. Veronica howls in rage and in pain. Choosing to avoid a fight, Krissy decides to hover just out of the dying wolf's reach. She continues to attack until she becomes too weak because of the poison.

"Pathetic." Krissy growls before dropping down and injecting the anti-venom into the whimpering mass.

She sits back and waits until the wolf is getting better before dropping down in front of her. Veronica looks up at her with hate filled eyes. She spits at her feet, a clear sign of hate.

"I give you two choices, you can leave us alone and find happiness or I can kill you."

"You can't kill me. You'll kill Stephen."

"You think he is yours? He's mine!"

Angered Krissy reaches out and slams the girl into the floor causing an indent in the floor. She looks up at Stephen who just shakes his head.

"I gave you a choice. Will you live or die?"

"I'll kill you."

"Then you choose to die." Krissy smirks.

She laughs viciously before using a newer power she had found. She glares at Veronica and her eyes shift colors. They turn a bright vibrant red before suddenly Veronica cries out in pain. Krissy's gaze doesn't leave Veronica and everyone begins to wonder what is going on.

The benefit of being the leader was she had the healing gaze of an angel but could corrupt it to have the blood boiling affect of some demon spells but without the spell.  It would cause the blood to boil inside the body causing extreme pain and eventually, if it is not stopped, death. Sure it could be healed before the victim died but only if it was cut short and then healed. Nobody could bring back the dead. Veronica cries over and over before she eventually dies.

They had hoped she would occur so she could have this dealt with. Maybe the next time would be better. She laughs looking away from Veronica before blinking up behind Stephen, wrapping her wings and arms around him, and blinking away.

This time right?

The wedding was set once again but it was on a week later. Actually it was just great. Everything would be perfect. They could just feel it in the air.

The dress was the same as before and everything was the same. Except of course Veronica wasn't there. The little girls behind her were holding the ends of her dress and two little girls were tossing flowers before her. Once again at the end of the ilse the preacher asked who was giving her away.

"We both do."

Her dad and step dad answer and they hand her off to Stephen. They go through the first part of the vows and come close to the end.

"Do you Stephen Farrelly take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"And do you Krissy Abandonato take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Stephen leans in and kisses her gently. The couple smiles and turns and walks down the isle and inside the building to change. They both thought that clothing needed to be changed for other reasons. Despite the fact it was thier wedding they wanted to have clothing to have fun in.

Once inside, Stephen looks at Krissy.

"I love you Mrs. Farrelly."

"I love you too Mr. Farrelly."

Stephen smiles and thinks to himself as he kisses her again 'I knew when i first saw you i would be falling for you.'

Krissy smirks up at him having heard his comment.


They change into their clothes which consists of Krissy wearing a black knee length skirt and black leggings, a red shirt, and changing her make up a little bit. Stephen puts on a tux and they walk out of the building laughing happily. They head over to the large courtyard where the guests are standing. They run through things and cut the cake.

It is a delicious red velvent and vanilla cake with chocolate icing. Not a typical wedding cake but they enjoyed it none the less. They received tons of gifts though too. The main part would be later that night.

That night was the pack hunt to celebrate the wedding. Everyone was celebrating. The werewolves, the demons, and the angels. Really everyone was happy except for one soul. Veronica was suffering in the darkest depths of hell and could only think of her hatred for krissy.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.03.2013

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