

Looking back over her shoulder Kirsten keeps running as fast as she can knowing she has to hide. Her wings had not yet grown in even though she was already 16 otherwise she would have flown away and left these creeps at the party when they first started bothering her.
'Why didn't I just listen when Auntie told me the party would be a bad idea!? Wait why the hell did she let me go knowing it was a bad idea? Did she know they would come? I have to hide before they catch me.’
"Come on girly we just want to see to you up close and have us a real nice talk. Don't you think you should stop? We'll even give you a ride back to your house if you stop now."
"Shut up you idiots. Do you think an angel like me would be stupid enough to fall for your tricks?" She screams back at them.
"Oooh looks like we got ourselves a feisty one. That's just how I like them." The lead hunter Kyle mocks.
She turns heading into the brush and lays down under some thick thorn bushes hoping to discourage the hunters from following her. The thorns prick at her skin and clothes as she crawls a little ways under them. The thundering footsteps stop, right next to where she is hiding.
"Come on Kyle she isn't worth it" Jesse, one of the underdogs, pants.
"Fool did you not feel the energy coming off of her? Either she is one strong human or she's an immortal. I'm willing to bet that it's the other."
"Jesse! Kyle! She ran up towards the water fall!" Adrian, another hunter, called.
"Well don't just stand there let's go."
The footsteps start up again and she wiggles her way back out of the bushes. As she stands up she is grabbed from behind and slammed against a tree with a hand over her mouth. Her captor quickly ties her hands behind her back and gags her. A collar is placed on her neck that has a chain going from it to her captor's waist.
"You try to attack me and your dead got it?" Her mystery catcher whispers dangerously against her neck.

Meeting the Captor

She feels a hand on her cheek and she turns and bites one of the fingers. The smooth metallic taste of blood fills her mouth and the irony smell fills the air. She feels her teeth scrape against the skin as the person jerks their hand away.

"What the hell did you do that for!? I was gonna pull out your gag so you could talk! Be still and I’ll take it off alright?"

She feels him reach back down and untie the knot. She opened her mouth as he pulls it out and licks her lips before asking what he wanted. Her question is ignored and she sits in the dark wondering if he had left her completely. The striking of a match catches her attention and she looks to her right to see a tall muscular figure leaned over a lamp. The lamp took the flame and he turns up the light before unlocking her chain from his belt. She looks to the door to find it locked as he walks across the room and lights another lamp.

When the room is bright enough he stops and turns to look at her. She gasps as she realizes it is Xena's cousin Riverr. She had been crushing on him for forever even though she had only talked to him a couple of times at school. There could be no way that somebody so handsome could be an angel she thought. No way in hell.

"Close your mouth before something flies in and lays eggs. Want some food?"

She continues to stare at him for a moment shocked by what he had said before shaking her head no.


She shakes her head again. He shrugs and walks off into the other room. Soon light comes from inside the room and the sound of pans being placed on a wood stove catches her attention. She licks her lips and realized she was thirsty and very hungry but she wouldn't accept his food. It is probably poisoned anyway.

After sitting on his bed for a little while longer listening to him moving in the kitchen she hears a chair scrapping the floor and hears him sit down and begin eating. Curiosity was poking at her to go investigate, but she refused to move from her position. The smell from the kitchen began making her mouth water and her stomach growls its irritation so she finally gets up and walks into the other room.

He smiles as she walks and she knew that he had heard her walking across the floor with the chain dragging behind her. She looks at the food on the table before looking at him.

"Would you like some?"


"Come here let me get your hands free so you can eat properly unless you want me to feed you?"

She walks over towards him turning around so that he could unleash her wrists. The cool metal of a knife presses against her briefly before cutting through the rope. She pulls her arms around in front of her and stretches before taking a seat in the other chair at the table. He stands up and grabs a plate and a fork setting them in front of her before placing a steak and vegetable on it.

"Eat it all, you need it after all that energy you wasted tonight."

"How did you know?"

"I heard rumors about immortal hunters coming to town. Usually they leave angels alone since they are so well respected, but these guys have been known to catch young angels and sell them. They do the same thing to demons. Catch them at age 15 just before their wings sprout and then clip off their wings when they first appear. Any angel or demon without their wings loses their means of escape and since young ones haven't had time to acquire another means of identification, it’s the perfect crime."

"And these hunters, you knew they would be at the party?"

"No. I didn't figure there would be any young demons there. Most hunters only attack the demons since there are some humans who pay big money to have them destroyed."

"There weren't any demons there."

"Ah so you don't know yet. Not surprising that they wouldn't tell you, but still odd."

"What do you mean? Who tell me what?"

"It isn't important for now. Eat."

She growls angrily and cuts her steak into chunks before scarfing down her vegetables. She pokes a piece of meat with her fork before stabbing it and eating it and the rest of the chunks quickly.

"Do you want more or are you full?"

"I'm full thank you."

"Alright. Your parents never told you their secret did they?"


"Your mother was an angel."

"Yes and so was my father. I live with my aunt and uncle after my father died and my mother was found to be the mate of a demon."



"Your father was not an angel. Who told you this?"

"My mother. Why?"

"Your father was no more an angel than I am."

"How would you know?"

"I may only be 17, but demons do not hide what wrongs they may do unlike angels. Do you know what happens when an angel mates with a human?"

"The angel becomes fallen and is forced to live its life on earth as a human."

"Do you know what happens when a demon mates with a human?"

"It gets ignored?"

"No, the demon is punished by the demon lord but then is released to continue life as it was. What about an angel and a demon?"

"The last case of it, the baby was taken and slain by the angel lord, its parents were destroyed."

"What if the demon happened to be the demon lord?"

"Why would a demon lord want an angel?"

"Because you creatures are beautiful to us in some ways and disgusting in others."

"Gee thanks."

"You’re welcome. Now see the demon lord met this angel before he became demon lord and he fell in love with her. They knew the risks of what would happen if they got together so they tried to get one of their friends to cover for them. The friend covered for them when the child was born and said it was his. When the child was young its mother was found to be the mate of a demon. She was thrown from heaven to live on earth as a human. She died when the child was 15. The child was thought to be an angel so the child was given to the brother of the mother. There she turned 16 and her wings did not come. They waited for 6 months but still no wings. So they just expected them to come later. Her true father was such a powerful demon that his blood runs through her veins even stronger than the angel blood does. Due to the mixing, the half-breed is stronger than most angels and also most demons. Unlike angels, a demon grows into its wings when it turns 17. Along with its fangs and poisons. On the night of you 17th birthday, you'll grow into your wings, and you'll be stronger than both your father and the angel lord combined."

"What makes you so sure that this half-breed is me?"

"Your blood. I can smell a difference in it. It isn't human, demon, or angel. It is demon and angel mixed together. I went through training to be a tracker. Trust me I would know. Plus the fact that the demon lord keeps tabs on his little "angel.""

"I'm not sure I believe you, but we will see in a few days."

"Alrighty then...So angelcakes, I may have captured you and you may be my prisoner, but your running me low on lighting so you'll have to forgive me if I seem impolite and do the whole get to knowing each other process through insight."


"It's when a demon looks into an angel or human's soul and sees their past. I'll do a two-way so that you can see mine as well."

"Wait is it safe?"


"Do we need to lay down or something?"

"If you would like to lay down."

"Could you take the collar off?"


Riverr stands up and grabs his keys taking off her collar before dousing the lantern and walking back into the other room. He sits down in the chair. Peeking into the room Kry walks in and stretches out on the bed she was originally thrown on.


"I guess. Do I need to do anything or what?"

"Just lie still and relax."

She closes her eyes and begins to relax when she begins to see images from her captor’s childhood. She watches the images float past her eyes like they were her own memories for a few minutes.

Riverr is experiencing the same feeling of mild interest as he watches images of the girl growing up dance around in his head. Then he sees many images he becomes angry with, but one stands out as most traumatic. The image was of the girl in a room crying. It looked as though she had been beaten up very badly. He goes back about a year and watches as the girl went from age 15 to age 16 being bullied at school and then from age 16 until just a few days ago of her being ridiculed and beaten up because she was different. 'So that's why she's so submissive. She just wants somebody to accept her' The images finish floating by and he ends the sharing. Looking up he sees that she has fallen asleep.

"Oh my little angel, my cousin did well to tell the demon lord that she was your friend. He will be pleased to know that I have found you. Unless he kills me for taking you from him before he meets you first."

He picks her up carefully and pulls back his covers before laying her back down on the bed. He kissed her forehead gently before pulling off her clothes and looking at the scars and fresh bruises and scrapes from the endeavors of that evening. Running his hand across the length of one of the scars causes her to shiver so he grabs one of his shirts from his dresser and a pair of his boxers and dresses her before changing into a pair of boxers. He douses the lamps and lays down beside her. She moves closer to him and cuddles up to his side. Smiling he wraps his arm around her protectively and pulls the blankets around them.

"Sleep well Kry. Your mate is here to protect you."

He speaks into the darkness and falls asleep.

Kirsten Is Gone

"Lord Jacob please you have to help us find her I let her go to this party last night and she never came home. I searched most of last night trying to find her and none of her friends know where she is not even Xena!" Kirsten's aunt pleads with the Angel Lord.

"Xena is the demon correct?" Lord Jacob questions.

"Yes sir."

"Was she having any problems on earth that she wouldn't have spoken of?"

"No she tells me everything. She does very well in school and is always talking about what her and her friends do. I didn't approve of all the time she spends on earth at first, but her friends all seem to get along despite their differences and even the demons respect her."

"I suspect that there is another reason for her not to have come home. For now I will need to speak with her friends and see if there is anything that she hasn't told you that she may have said to them."

"Sir Xena cannot enter heaven."

"A demon may enter if summoned by myself or a full-grown pureblood angel."

"Do you wish me to stay or go while you speak to them?"

"It will be better if you stay to hear anything they say, it could help us to find her."

Lord Jacob sends out a magical summons to the three in question and soon enough the three are standing in the same room as him and Kry's aunt.

"Children, do any of you know where Kirsten is?"

They all look at each other confused and Destiny steps forward.

"Sir, the last any of us spoke to Kry was last night at the party."

"This party, what happened?"

"We were all just hanging out when these hunters showed up. They tried to capture Xena but then their lead said there was another being they were after instead. They let her go and ran after Kry."

"Well that is just stupid humans don't usually pay for a hunter to capture an angel!" Auntie cries out indignantly.

"Relax Auntie, Kry ran. She's the fastest on the track team at school there's no way they could have caught her." Xena offers as a comfort.

"Destiny, is that all that any of you three know from last night?"

"Yes sir."

"What of her school life? She is an outcast isn't she?"

"Yes. All three of us sort of are, but hers got worse when her wings didn't come in. Humans started beating her up more often and called her a demon. The demons got angry about it and said no late blooming angel was a demon and started beating her up too. Worst of all was the other angels. Kelly and her group went after her a lot. They had Trenton and his gang catch her one day going home from school and rape her."

"Destiny! We promised her we wouldn't tell anybody!" Charlotte shouts fearfully.

"Char, it isn't like he wouldn't know. He knows about everything that happens once it gets reported. I'm sure the kind of stress Kry emitted after that was enough for him to pick up on. "

"Actually girls, I may be the angel lord, but I don't always know everything. I can only see what an angel will open their mind to allow or what somebody reports. I do have eyes and ears almost everywhere, but sometimes even they can miss things. The teachers, did they know?"

"Yes. Most of them just don't meddle in the affairs of students unless a student asks for help. Everyone assumes Kry is just strong enough to deal with her own problems. She really just wants to be free."

"Destiny, you didn't get to hear the story like I did. I was the one who first heard about the bullies and also about the rape. I was the one who stopped it along with help from my cousin." Xena steps forward to stand by Destiny. "Angel lord, can you use insight like a demon does?"

"We have insight, but it doesn't work like demonic insight does. Ours is only what they allow us to see anything a person has locked away we won’t see." Destiny answers softly

"Xena, as angel lord I can see all of what a person's memories are even if they are hiding something. Is there something you wish to show me?"

"Yes. I wanted to share the night Kry told me about the abuse and when Riverr and I saved her from Trenton and his guys."

"Alright, ready?"



Kirsten and Xena are sitting on the bed while Xena is stitching up a large wound on Kirsten's back.

"Why did you not say anything sooner?" Xena asks carefully.

"Oh Xena I didn't want to bother anybody."

"Kry, they have no right to do this. You haven't done anything to them. You need to tell somebody!"

"No. Xena don't tell anybody. Char and Des suspect but nobody else really knows other than teachers and other students. Nobody will say anything."

"Kry you know I will not say anything unless you gave me permission."

"What if they tried to kill me?"

"I would tell. For now you seem to be handling it well and mainly everything is minor cuts and bruises. What did they do to your back?"

"Actually that happened once they were finished. Kelly and her group left and when I was trying to get up I fell and hit the broken bench. It cut me when I fell on it."

"Ok. I'm done you can turn around now."

Kry pulls her shirt back down and turns to face Xena.

"Xena, promise you won’t tell?"

"My word as a demon!"

"That's not worth much!"

"You little brat come here!" Xena pushes Kirsten backwards and starts tickling her.

The image starts to change and they are in an alley. There is a tall figure walking next to Xena and they are talking softly on their way home from the coffee shop. Jacob falls into step behind them and listens to their conversation.

"So your angel friend is she alright?"

"Why do you care? Crushing on her?"

"If I am, it is nobody's business but mine missy. No, the demon lord asked about her again. He got reports that some demons had beat her up a few times. To say the least those guys are still in the pits."

"Riverr, she doesn't want anybody to do anything. She wants to deal with it herself. I’m sure her wings will come soon and things will stop."

"And if her wings don't?"

"They will."

"What if they are black?"

"Riverr! To speak of such a thing! Why in hell would an angel have black wings?"

"Xena, you know exactly why."

"That is only a story. Lord Tom wouldn't have."

"He may have..."

"We can hope for her life that he didn't"

"If she is his daughter, by the time she turns 17 she will be free to live her life as she wants. If she is a demon, the angel lord will not harm her. It will be against their ways."

"You also forget, the angel lord is her grandfather."

"True. He wouldn't hurt her if he could avoid it. The angel council however..."

"Those morons are nothing but power hungry ready to take over at any possible chance they can. If they find out she is a half they will demand her destroyed."

"Her mother has already been destroyed. Her father they are no match for."

"Do you think Jacob knows?"

"How could he not."

Jacob smiled sadly to himself. Of course he knew. He could see it in how she acted and sense it in her blood. His granddaughter was not a pureblood. He would protect her until she had her wings, and even after that. He heard a noise and the smell of blood wafted to his nose. Stiffening slightly he prepared himself for what he was about to see. The two in front of him rounded the corner to a sight that made him sick.

Kirsten was trapped within a group of angels, humans, and demons as they all took whatever they wanted from her. Trenton, the obvious head of the assault had a hand full of Kirsten's long hair in his fist as he fucked her roughly. Kirsten was barely able to even struggle against the three large bodies that were raping her and was completely unable to block off the multiple other hands pawing at her. The demons before him stared at the group before Xena went to move forward. Riverr grabbed her shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping my friend Riverr that's Kirsten!!!"

Riverr growled ran forward ripping two of the assailants from Kirsten while the third backed away. His black wings flared up behind him as he caught Kirsten's limp form. Xena chased the two humans and warned them her lord would hear of what they had done. She turned back and walked to Riverr her red eyes bright with anger.

"Is she alright?" Xena asked looking at Riverr anxiously.

"No we need to get her to a doctor and soon before she bleeds out."

"What do you mean?"

"I would never allow myself to fall for a weak one. She would have fought back....had they not cut her first."

He stood with her in his arms and turned to face Xena. For the first time Jacob got to see how badly his granddaughter had been hurt. She had bite marks and claw marks on nearly every inch of her body. She had cuts across both of her wrists as though they had attempted to drain her of enough blood for her to be weak. Her usually creamy white skin was pink and red with blood smeared all over her body. She was still alive and still conscious, but barely. She opened her eyes at looked dazedly at them.

"Kelly made them do it. Riverr Kelly paidTrenton to do it!" She cried against him as he wrapped her tightly in his arms.

"Xena hold her. She needs to be covered."

He quickly handed her to his cousin and pulled off his shirt and dressed her in it. He reached for her back and in almost a flash slip-streamed to the hospital.

~End Of Insight~

Jacob sat for a moment without saying anything. He looked at Xena. She was staring back at him with her ruby eyes and red hair standing out against her black clothes.

"So...she has a mate."

"Indeed." Xena snarled angrily at him.

"Relax, he will find no harm from us."

"Lord Jacob? Who is her mate?" Auntie asked from where she was sitting in a chair next to Destiny and Charlotte.

"Riverr Pierce."

"A demon then....Jacob if you don't do something the council will try to step in."

"Yes they will....if they think she is an angel. Don't worry dear, she will be fine. She is stronger than both I and Tom put together. They cannot harm her. If only we could find her..."

Slipping away unnoticed, one of the angelic council members rushes back to the meeting hall of the council.

Meeting Daddy

While her aunt was meeting with the angel lord and looked for her, Kirsten lay sleeping on Riverr's bed, unaware that her very existence was in question. She wakes up to see Riverr had left the room. With a frown she stretches and looks down at her clothes. 'This was not what I wore he’s seen me naked again....and I haven't seen him naked once!'

"Careful there sunshine you'll get wrinkles if you keep making faces like that." Riverr teases as he walks into the room carrying a plate of food.

"Oh hush I will get no such thing."

"Sure, just keep telling yourself that. Here I made you some breakfast eat quickly. You have a party to go to."


"Yes party it’s your birthday."

"My birthday is in two days."

"Kirsten, you've been asleep for two days."

"I what!?"

"You've slept for two days. Today is the 13th. It's your birthday."

"And of course still no wings." She breaks into tears and wraps her arms around her knees crying harder. "What's wrong with me why can't I be just like all the others?!"

"Kirsten, no need to’re not different. Your wings are right there on your back."

"Don't lie!"

"I'm not. Flex your muscles in your shoulders, those are the ones that control wing movement."

She flexes one and hears a noise turning her head she looks behind her and sees large silky black and white wings behind her. She gasps in surprise and reaches up to touch one.

"Alright alright enough play. Eat, then play."

"Riverr they're not white."

"No, but they’re not black either."

"So, what am I?"

"You're a demon. Have you never seen the demon lord or the angel lord when they show their wings?"

"No. Grandfather's are white with gold in them. What color are the demon lord's?"

"Black with silver in them"

"So why are mine black and white?"

"Because your royalty."

"How so?"

"If your father is a demon lord and your grandfather is the angel lord, you have mixed the bloodlines. The only explanation I can come up with is that because your blood is mixed, your wings are mixed as well."

"But can I not make them one solid color?"

"You can. Just like we can hide our wings I'm sure there is a way you can change the colors. Just ask one of the lords."

"But I only know one."

"Ah, about that....your's in hell."

"And I get to meet my dad right?"


"What's he like?"

"Well he has a temper that is very dangerous and he is very leader like. He is a good leader but it is a very bad idea to anger him."

"Like those demons from yea..."

"Yes. Like Trenton's friends."

She stops talking and finishes her food in silence. She stands up stretches and tries to move her wings. They move but only a small amount."

"Riverr how am I ever going to fly if they won’t move!"

"They move it just takes a little practice. Put on your clothes and then I'll help you."

"What clothes?"

"Oh right, Xena brought me some of your clothes when I told her you were here."

"Xena was here? Why didn't you wake me?"

"You needed your rest. Get dressed."

"Anxious to see me naked again?"

"Questioning your superiors now too?"

"Ha I do believe I am stronger than you, plus both lords will clobber you if you hurt me."

He slips behind her and grabs her wrists he pinning her against the wall and whispers in her ear.

"My little angel any pain I give you will be pleasure."

She shivers as goose bumps run down her spine. He runs his free hand around her waist and holds her tightly and he nuzzles gently at her neck kissing and biting at her collarbone. She lets out a soft moan and he smiles against her skin. He stops and lets her go.

"Like I said, any pain I give you will be pleasure."

Smirking at her he walks off into the kitchen with her plate. He leaves her enough time to change and he walks back in to see her in her pants, boots, and a bra.

"I thought I said get dressed?"

"I'm not gonna have to explain that my shirt does not fit over these things do I?" She points at her wings as she talks with an irritated look on her face.

"Oh yea. Just picture yourself without wings and they will go away."

She closes her eyes and pictures herself with no wings.

"There you go shirt will go on now."

She slips her shirt on and follows him out the door. Once outside his wings suddenly appear behind him.

"How did you do that?"

"I pictured them there?"

"Will it rip my shirt?"

"Did it rip mine?"

She looks at him for a minute and closes her eyes to picture her wings behind her. She shivers as she feels the wings unfurl behind her.

"Alright so how do I fly?"

"Easy there tigress you need to work on stretching so that you can move them."

He starts showing her how to move her muscles to get her wings to move. Within minutes she has learned enough to begin to fly.

"Do NOT go too low and try to be careful. If anybody sees you they will know you are different. Follow me."

He stretches out his wings and flaps them a few times before jumping into the air and starting to fly higher and higher. She stretches hers and begins to flap them starting to rise off the ground. She catches the hang of it and begins to catch up to him. They go higher and high until they are in the clouds. They start off with basics of flying maneuvers. They fly around for a little while before he says it’s time to get to the party.

"How do we get there?"

"How do you get to Heaven?"

"Well we picture it in our minds and we use our bracelets and we are there. But the bracelets come off at 16. Well mine didn't. Once you have your wings you can slip-stream up there."

"Well demons are given these necklaces that act as teleporters. You just think in your mind hell and then your there."

"But I don't have one."

"This is why I will use mine to take us both."

"You can do that?"

"Yes. Come here."

He opens his arms and she steps into them and wraps her arms around him. He wraps his around her.

"Stop flapping your wings and press them tightly against your body."

She pulls them tight against her and he pulls one hand away from her tightening the other. He reaches up and grasps his necklace flaps his wings once more and tightens them around them. They begin to free fall and Kirsten tenses up. Then, as soon as it started she feels firm ground under her feet and looks up at Riverr.

"You alright?"

"Yea that was scary."

"You wouldn't have splattered against the ground. Come we're making a scene."

She steps back and looks around. Many demons are staring at them, well mainly at her. Whispers are rushing through the crowd. Riverr takes a step towards them and they start to part to let them pass. He leads the way through the gawking onlookers until they reach the walkway to the castle.

"How are you holding up?"

"Fine. Why is everyone staring at me."

"It isn't every day a half breed walks through hell."

"There has never been one to survive!"

"True. Let’s get inside." He begins to walk down the road towards the doors when the doors burst open.

A tall muscular but thin man walks out, his dark black hair waving slightly with the breeze. He stops and watches them for just a few minutes. It felt as though everyone was staring. Suddenly the man comes walking towards them swiftly and hugs her into him tightly. Gasping for breath she hugs him back tightly. She feels something warm and wet landing on her shoulders and she looks up to see him crying.


He smiles and hugs her tightly. In a voice that could have lulled thousands of angels to sleep he answers her.

"Yes Kirsten it’s me."

She tightens her grip on him clutching him tightly for a moment more then steps back. Nobody else was close enough to see that the demon lord had actually cried, but she knew the crowd was wondering what would happen next. The demon lord blinks away the tears before facing his demons.

"Demons! You all are looking at me like I just lost my head! Do not stand there looking like an angel!"

Many of the demons grumble their complaints at being told the look like angels and continue to watch curiously. Kirsten looks at Riverr and he walks to her side wrapping his arm around her shoulder comfortingly.

"First off, this is my daughter Kirsten Chloe Zaffiro. Second off, you are all invited to come in and meet her if you so desire. Keep in mind that any harm done to her results in death. With that all said, Welcome home Kirsten."

The crowd yells various welcomes. Kirsten looks at Riverr and then at the demon lord. Looking at the two of them he quirks an eyebrow.

"I think we shall have much to talk about Riverr Pierce. But for now, let’s get inside. There's lots of people worried about Kirsten that have been yakking my ears off all morning."

With that he turns and leads the way into the castle.

Crafty Council

"This council will now come to order!" Grand council member Dolores screams over the shouting of the council.

They settle down slowly and everyone begins to take their seats. Dolores signals to Stephan to come up in front of everyone. He rises and slowly walks up towards her. When he is standing by her, she speaks.

"Stephan tell the other members of the council what you told me."

"Well um two days ago I was in Lord Jacob's castle I overheard a conversation between him and some guests of his."

"You have no business snooping into Lord Jacob's affairs boy you should be ashamed of yourself!" One of the older council members voiced loudly.

"Hush Preston listen to what the boy has to say." Another member piped up.

"Anyway, I was walking by and I heard him speaking to a demon about insight. They had been talking about the angel outcast the one whose parents are dead. Kirsten. They were talking about how she had gone missing after a party where hunters showed up. Her demon friend did insight with Lord Jacob about how Kirsten was treated at school and something about what Trenton and his gang did to her. I stood there for a while listening and soon they started talking again. Lord Jacob said something about Kirsten having a mate. But the mate was a demon. Kirsten's demon friend got real angry looking and then Lord Jacob said that Kirsten would be alright and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. That's when I left."

"So you see council this boy witnessed Lord Jacob saying he wouldn’t do anything about an angel who has a demon mate!" Dolores states sharply.

"Wait just a minute we don't know for sure what he saw during insight. We also don't know if she accepts the demon as her mate." Julia comments.

"That's true. We cannot just assume that because a demon claims her as his mate that she accepts it." Preston offers.

"Order! Order! All in favor of finding the girl in question and having her arrested say I." Dolores calls into the group.

A large voice of I rises. Only three members stand in defense of the young girl.

"Well that's settled then. We find her and have her arrested under the crime of mating with a demon."

The three who stood in her defense sit there sadly. They all knew if she was found even if she was innocent the council would have her fallen. Or worse killed by the cherubic guard.


"Auntie! Auntie! I know where Kirsten is!" Xena calls as she walks into Kirsten's house with Destiny and Charlotte.

Auntie comes into the room wiping her hands on her apron.

"Sorry dear what were you saying? I was just fixing up a batch of cookies. Kirsten would have wanted them for her birthday."

"Auntie you can fix cookies later we found Kry!" Charlotte laughs hysterically.

"You did? Oh girls you must take me to her right away!" Auntie states pulling off her apron and looks at them impatiently. "Well what are you waiting for let’s go!"

Smiling Xena takes her hand and grabs Des and Char.

"Everybody ready?"

"Yes! Yes! Just go!"

They open their eyes to the sight of the demon lord's castle. Xena leads the way inside following the sound of voices. They enter the grand hall to see Kirsten leaning on Riverr as she sits between him and the demon lord. Groups of people stood around in the hall and a few were talking to Kirsten.

"Kry! Oh Kry!" Destiny calls to Kirsten.

Kirsten looks up and a smile as big as the Grand Canyon spreads across her face as she jumps up running to greet them.

"Oh Kirsten I was so worried I even asked your grandfather for help!"

"It's alright Auntie, Riverr kept me safe.”

Riverr and Lord Tom walk over to the reunion after Tom had dismissed his demons to leave them. People begin to leave and Lord Tom directs the group to his personal chambers. As soon as they enter he turns and grabs Riverr throwing him into a chair.

"Tell me one good reason why you have the right to put your arm around my daughter. Better yet what reasons have you to sleep in the same bed as her!?" He growls angrily.

Kirsten jumps between them and stands between her father and Riverr.

"He is my mate. You cannot say that a mate has no right to have his arm around their mate."

Lord Tom takes a step back looking thoroughly shocked. Looking at her he smirks before hugging her.

"If you were anybody else I would have you killed for getting in my business. It pleases me to know you aren't afraid to stand for those that you care about."

"I won’t let you hurt him."

"I will not hurt him if he is truly your mate."

Riverr had sat by watching the affair through tears. His mate had just claimed him as hers, now they were official. Xena smirks knowingly as the other onlookers relax. Kirsten turns and looks at Riverr before sliding in his lap and leaning against his chest. The rest of the group sits on the couch and other chairs.

"Kirsten why didn't you try to contact us when you went missing, we were worried sick about you." Auntie asks her.

"Actually, I knew where she was yesterday when Riverr told me to bring some clothes for her." Xena says. "How do you think I knew where she was?"

"I didn't think about that. Oh I’m just so happy that she's alright."

"Kry what were the two of you doing for the two days nobody heard from you?" Destiny asks coyly.

"Oh you dirty mind not everyone always has sex on the brain! I was asleep."

"Sure sleep."

"She really was. I did insight on her the night that I caught her and brought her to my cabin. She was conked out by the time it ended. One memory in particular stood out to me so I watched it and took a look at her to see how bad the damage was. I had already seen her naked the night that Xena and I found her being raped." Kirsten shifted uneasily in his lap and he tightens his arms around her. "I picked her up and removed her dirty clothes. I looked at her scars and made sure nothing from that night had caused any danger and dressed her in one of my shirts and a pair of my boxers. I changed too and got into bed with her and went to sleep. The next morning I fixed myself food but she still didn't wake. I worked around the house but she still did not wake. I went ahead and took a shower and then gave her a bath. I went to bed and the next day was the same way. Finally when I got up the next morning she was a little more responsive so I made us breakfast. I ate my food and when I took hers in to her she was awake with her wings behind her."

"You got wings? Let me see! They're black aren't they!?" Xena questions happily.

"Oh you nitwit they aren't black her mother was an angel after all they just have to be white." Destiny counters.

The two stare furiously at each other. Kirsten sensing a fight stands up.

"Both of you are wrong! Shut up and look." Kirsten pictures her wings behind her and smiles as everyone except Riverr gasps.

"Oh my, they are going to be hard to explain. Nobody has bi-color wings" Auntie says looking at them carefully.

"I know. Dad, is there a way I can make them a solid color? If only temporarily?"

Silence passes and everybody looks at Tom.

"What? Oh I’m dad. Sorry still adjusting. There are some spells you can do to change the color but it takes a lot of strength."

"Will you teach me?"

"Yes, but later, I get the feeling you and Riverr need time to talk and it is getting rather late. I need to attend to some business. You all are welcome to stay here for the night if you wish. Just ask for a servant to bring you food if you get hungry. JAYDON!"

A short blonde haired demon walks through the door bowing to the demon lord.

"Yes my lord?"

"Show them to their rooms they will be staying here tonight."

"My lord Char, Des, and I can all stay together in one room."

"I think that I would prefer to go back to heaven. I'm sure Kirsten will come when she gets the chance. She's in good hands." Auntie says to the demon lord.

"Very well. You can come with me and you'll be able to slipstream up to heaven. Two rooms then?"

"Yes." The remaining members of the group chirped together.

"Teenagers...Jaydon show them to two of the suites."

"Yes my lord. Follow me." He turns and lead the way through the castle. stopping in front of a green door three floors up.

"My lady this is your room."

"Riverr's as well?"

"Yes ma'am"

He turns and walks away leading the other three to their room. Kry and Riverr walk inside to a sitting room in green and silver. Kirsten walks through the room past the TV. and straight into the bedroom.


"Kirsten dear are you alright?"

Riverr walks into the bedroom and looks at the bed before he gets knocked to the ground by Kirsten. She kisses him roughly and starts pulling on his shirt. He grabs her hands tightly and makes her stop.

"Kirsten stop."

"Why? Don't you want me?"

"Baby you know I do just not like this."


She gets up sadly and flops down on the bed. He gets up and lays beside her holding her tightly.

"Baby I simply meant not on the floor. Somebody downstairs would hear us. I don't think your father would take to well to that if it happened to be him to hear us."

Smirking at her he rolls on top of her kissing her passionately and slides his hand under her shirt unclasping her bra. He pulls off her shirt and bra leaving her in her pants. He slides down and starts rubbing her boobs sucking on her nipples. He slowly kisses his way to her pants and kisses along the top of them looking up at her as he slides them and her underwear off. He licks her vagina on his way back up and smiles as she squirms under him. He slides up up and pulls his own clothes off kissing her neck and sliding his hand between her legs rubbing her gently before sliding his throbbing member inside her. He starts slowly looking into her eyes as he begins to speed up.

Soon they are going hard core and screams are heard down the hall by Kry's friends who crack up laughing. Riverr kisses her and wraps his arms around her tightly. His wings stretch out behind him and he holds her tightly as he releases. They stay still holding each other tightly when Kry suddenly cracks up laughing. Riverr watches her in confusion and asks what she finds so funny.

"Nothing its just that this was my first time."


"Yes. Well willingly you know."

"Yes baby. Shower time we are all sweaty."

A knock on the door ruins the thought and he grabs a robe sliding out of her and putting it on. He walks to the door to find Lord Tom with Xena and Charlotte standing there looking at him.

"Uh my lord this isn't the best time could you come back say in the morning?"

"Why interrupting you cousin?" Xena retorts cleverly.

Kirsten walks out of the bed room wearing Riverr's boxers and shirt. Stepping up beside River she leans against him.

"Can a couple not take a shower?"

"You two need it. You reek of sex." Lord Tom states as he leans against the door frame.

"Did you three actually want something or not?"

"Actually we could hear you from our rooms so we were going to ask you if you could keep it down. We just met him along the way."

"Did you need something then?"

"We heard you downstairs. I'll have one of the maids come make your bed with some clean sheets. Sleep well."

"Night dad, girls."

Kirsten shuts the door and hugs Riverr tightly. He lifts her into his arms and pulls her into the bedroom throwing clothes on the floor as he takes her to the bathroom. He turns on the water and fills the large tub before setting her in and sliding in behind her. She leans back against him and he begins to wash her hair and body. Smiling as she twists to kiss him and returns the favor by cleaning him. They finish their bath and get out of the tub and dry off. Riverr leans down to kiss her and slides one of the robes around her and put another around himself. They walk into bedroom to see that the maid had come and taken the dirty clothes and replaced the sheets on the bed.

They slide off the robes and place them on the dresser next to the bed. Smiling Riverr picks her up and slides her into the bed. He slips in beside her and smiles as she cuddles into his chest wrapping one arm around him. He wraps an arm around her and draws the blanket up around them. Shifting positions they move to where they are spooning and drift into dream land.

Trouble At Home

"Babe, I think you looked better with the green wings. It brought out your eyes." Riverr comments slyly.

Smirking she turns them back green.

"You just like it cause it matches your bed."


"Alright Kirsten get them back white. I will come to Heaven with you, I have a meeting with Jacob and the Council anyway." Tom says with mild disgust.

"What's wrong dad?"

"The council is scheming about something and that is never a good sign. Also, there are a few angels and humans that have a trial to go through today. You as well."

Riverr takes her hand as he realizes that the angel lord had demanded the gang that had raped Kirsten stand trial for their crimes.

"There is no way we are letting her go alone. Can she put her wings black?" Xena growls angrily.

"No. That will only put her in danger." Tom says after thinking for a minute.

"Nobody knows Riverr do they? Angels I mean?" Charlotte questions the group.

"No. Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" Destiny asks.

"Change his wings white." The two chimed together.

"That's crazy!" Xena shouts outraged.

"No, it's not crazy at all. If they think she has an angel mate it will help us out." Tom mentions.

"So it's settled. Dad can help Riverr change his wings and then we can go."

They stay just a little while longer and once Riverr's wings are white they slipstream up to Heaven into town square. People stop and stare as the demon lord steps forward and begins to lead the way to the court. Whispers go through the crowd that Kirsten had gotten her wings and was seen with an angel mate. The group entered into the court to see the council and angel lord at the front of the room.

"Lord Tom, girls, and who are you?" Lord Jacob greets them as they walk up the isle and take their seats.

"Jacob. You know him, he is one of yours after all." Tom looks at him slyly.

Recognition sparks in Jacob's eyes as he realizes that this was a trick so that Kirsten could have her mate be with her.

"Ah yes. If you would all just be patient this will not take very long."

"Actually Lord Jacob, Lord Tom there is another case that stands. This council wishes to press charges of treason against Ms. Kirsten Chloe Zaffiro." Dolores the head council member speaks quickly.

"Under what grounds council member?" Tom and Jacob both ask at the same time.

"Why would a demon care?" She retorts coldly.

"Watch your tongue angel, I am more powerful than you can ever dream of being." Tom threatens angrily.

"Please Lord Tom, I can speak for myself. What is it that the angelic council wishes to charge me for?" Kirsten asks stepping between her father and the slouchy pig that calls herself an angel.

"Your under accounts of treason. For having a demon as a mate." Dolores says through a smile.

"Ma'am not to be rude, but my mate is right here." Riverr stands up and comes to stand beside her. "And as you can see, he is an angel."

"So that would appear." She turns glaring angrily at Stephan.

"Now Dolores, may we continue with the trial that we actually came here for?" Lord Jacob asks.

"Yes. If we can all just take our seats." With that she turns and walks up to her place at the councils table.

Jacob squeezes Kirsten's shoulder comfortingly before walking up to take his place at the center of the room.

"If everyone would please come to their places this trial will now commence." Jacob speaks calmly with authority.

Kirsten stands to walk up to the front but Riverr and Xena grab her. Trenton and the other accused angels and humans take their places and Xena marches forward with Kirsten and Riverr.

"My lord may I ask why a demon and her mate must accompany the alleged victim." Dolores asks curiously.

"Ma'am I was the one who saved Kirsten from the incident." Xena says.

"The council will allow it."

"Kirsten will you tell us what happened the night these boys did what they did?" Jacob requests.

"Well my lord, most people don't know about what my school life was like, but I was beaten up a lot by Kelly and her friends. They didn't like me just because I had a demon and a human as friends and because my mother was found to have a demon as a mate. When i turned 16 and my wings didn't come it got worse. After school I was walking home from studying at the library. I planned on going to our house on earth so I was walking the back way. Trenton came around the corner with a few of his friends and they blocked off my path. I turned to go back the way I came but some other guys came around behind me."

"She's lying!" Trenton yelled outraged.

"You will do well to hold your tongue Trenton and wait until we ask for your side of the story." Lord Jacob says looking at Trenton "Continue Kirsten."

Riverr looks at his mate anxious to know what had happened before he saved her. Seeing her face is red and her eyes are starting to water he squeezes her hand. She squeezes back and takes a breath before continuing.

"I had left my bracelet at home and i couldn't port out of the situation and I wasn't sure they actually wanted trouble. Trenton stepped forward and started walking towards me. I stood where I was and when he got close enough I asked him what he wanted. He said that his friends and him were just looking for a good time. I told him I wasn't interested. I said if you'll excuse me it's late and I need to be getting home. I tried to walk around him but he put out his arm blocking me. I tried to go around but he grabbed me and slammed me against the wall. He said sorry but I don't think Kelly would like it too well if I didn't do what she paid me to do. He put his hand over my mouth as his friends got closer. They started pulling at my clothes. One of the humans pulled out a knife and cut off my shirt and bra. Some of the others ripped off my pants."

She starts shivering a little and Xena hugs her comfortingly.

"Come on babe, you need to be strong they will get what is coming to them if the council will do it or not." Riverr whispers softly in her ear.

She nods and takes a sip of water that Xena offers her.

"Are you alright to continue?" Dolores asks barely containing her excitement at the possibility that she cannot continue.

"I'm fine. I'm not entirely sure how many there were total, but there were a lot. The dragged me into the darker part of the alley and I wasn't sure if I was going to get raped or killed. One of the demons grabbed me by my hair and tried to shove his cock in my mouth. I don't think he expected when i bit him because he screamed and punched me in the face. A few of them started grabbing me all over. They bit me in different places. Trenton told them to stop for a sec and then he motioned one of the others over hand told him keep me quite. The one who I bit must have left because I couldn't see him anymore. Trenton told them go ahead but nobody was allowed to 'use her' as he put it. He disappeared from my line of sight and i was still kicking out at the others. The one with the knife came and grabbed my chest and started dragging his knife across my body holding it just at the base of my neck. He said if I bit him I would die. Before he got to do whatever he wanted to do, a few more hands started grabbing at my legs. I kept kicking out at them and then I heard one of them say to hold me still. I was practically on my knees and one of the demons grabbed my legs holding them together. A few other guys grabbed them and Trenton told them to hold them apart. I started jerking against them harder trying to wiggle my whole body from their grasp. There were so many holding onto me that there were at least two holding each arm and leg. I was lifted up and several of the guys were holding onto me as Trenton stepped between my legs. He leaned over me and pulled me against him. He whispered in my ear 'I hope you played with yourself before cause this is gonna hurt.' At the time I had never been with a male sexually. I heard him spit and felt his hand rub against me. His hand was wet and I struggled trying to swing away from him. He told his guys take what they wanted as soon as he was done. He forced himself inside me and i screamed. The guy that had his hand over my mouth slapped me as one of the others was putting his belt around both of my wrists. I had started crying and Trenton reached up grabbing my boobs forcing me up against him. He slipped my arms around his neck so that I was forced to stay up against him while he raped me. A few of his friends had left but there were still a lot and one of them got in front of me and started biting and sucking on my nipples. Most of the group was leaning against the walls touching themselves while they watched Trenton. He kept going and the guys who were holding my legs backed off. I struggled from Trenton and ran. One of the humans caught me and slammed me against the wall. He asked where I was going without my clothes and they all laughed. Trenton smirked at me and he pushed the guy aside turning me to face him. I stared him in the face and spit at him. He slapped me and he picked me up forcing himself back inside me he started going rougher and held my hands above my head. Just before he finished he grabbed my throat and made me look at him. He kissed me roughly and wrapped his arms around me. He was breathing really heavily and he said "I hope you liked it. I know I did. Wait til I get my hands on you later. I wont be near as nice." He came and tossed me to the rest of his group and told them have fun. Some time during the time i was fighting against them the one who had the knife handed it to a demon and the demon put it against my wrists. He pressed it against my wrists and slit them open. By the time he had done this I was already starting to black out a little. Lots of guys had taken turns with me and then Trenton was in front of me raping my mouth. The next thing I remembered was Xena and Riverr coming there. Riverr was throwing them off me and then he was holding me. Then I woke up at the hospital a few days later."

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Dolores asks

"Ma'am?" One of the humans speaks up softly.


"That night, I was there. We did what she said. I left after I gave them my belt. I couldn't go through with it."

"Very well, but that does not prove that Trenton was paid by Kelly."

"Mrs. Dolores, I know stating that we are guilty will do nothing to help us, but Kelly did pay me. She found me after school and said that she was tired of Kirsten ignoring what they did to her. She gave me $300 and told me to have my gang rape her. I accepted the money and I told my gang what was up. We all agreed to catch her on the way home from the library and the rest you already know." Trenton says sadly.

"You admit that your guilty Trenton?" Lord Jacob asks.

"Yes sir."

"Wait! Wait." Kirsten says looking at him.

She pushes past Riverr and walks towards Trenton. He looks up at her as she stops in front of him. He drops to his knees crying before her and she kneels down. To everyone's surprise, she hugs him.

"Kirsten what is the meaning of this?" Lord Jacob asks confused.

Kirsten stands pulling Trenton to his feet with her. She steps forward and stands before the council and her grandfather.

"My lord, if I do not wish to press the issue will Trenton still be punished?"

"Well no, if you were a demon or a human yes but since it was with an angel he would be free to go."

"The humans?"

"They would be punished for crimes against an immortal. They would be damned instead of killed."

"I do not press charges."

"What!? Kirsten you can't do that. You remember what he did to you." Xena says angrily

"Xena, he did it for his family. He may act rich but he isn't. His reasons were good even though his actions were cruel. He did something wrong for all the right reasons, for that I forgive him."

"Are you sure?" Jacob asks her.

"Yes sir."

"Council do you accept that Kirsten does not wish for the charges to stand?"

"Yes my lord we find we will accept this." Dolores replies.

"Then by the power vested in me I pardon Trenton and his friends of the crime of rape on Kirsten Chloe Zaffiro. Oh and Kirsten?"

"Yes sir?"

"You'll make a fine angel. Court dismissed."


Kirsten turned and extended her hand to Trenton. He looked at her before reaching out and shaking her hand. He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. New tears streamed down his cheeks as he thanked her repeatedly. She let him go and shook the hands of his friends before turning to face her friends, mate, and father.

"What are all of you staring at me for?" Kirsten questions cheerfully.

"Oh just wondering where you lost your mind and if we should send you to go find it." Charlotte tells her.

"Guys I can't hurt somebody for what they did to me. He didn't do it for him, he did it for his family. Look."

She points over to where Trenton stood holding his little sister while his mother stood beside him and his younger brother. His mother looked way older than what she really was. His family was dressed nicely in what seemed to be their best clothes.

"See? Look at them. Since his dad left them they really have had a hard time. Dad your about to hate me for this next one."

With that she walks over to them and Trenton's mother hugs her tightly.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea what you have done for my family."

"Ma'am your welcome. I wanted to ask you something. Where are you currently living?"

"With my sister and her family why?"

"I'd like to offer you a house."

"Thank you, but we can't afford it."

"No ma'am I want to let you stay there free of charge. I have no use for it anymore and you need it more than I do. It's fully furnished please just say you'll stay there."

The older woman bursts into tears and hugs her tightly again. Trenton hugs her too and she hand them the keys.

"You know where it is don't you Trenton?"

"Yes. How can we ever repay you?"

"Expect to have a new friend to your group. Five of us actually."

"Who?" He asks curiously.

"Myself, Xena, Charlotte, Destiny, and Riverr Pierce."

"Done. Thank you so much."

"One more thing."


"You will acknowledge myself and my friends as your friends."

"You already are my friend Kirsten, you saved my family and my wings. For that you are now my friend."

"Thank you. See you at school?"


They all hug her again and she walks back to her group. Lord Jacob had joined them and was talking to her dad and they all turn to look at her as she enters the group.

"You missy are overly forgiving. I just hope you don't regret it come Monday." Her aunt says nicely.

"This is why I fell for you. Your strong and have a temper to be reckoned with, but you know when somebody needs help." Riverr says as he hugs her.

"Mr. Pierce we have plenty of time for this later. For now I need to see everyone at my home." Lord Jacob comments gravely.

They all look at him curiously and he tells them that now is not the place. He walks out the door and stretches his wings taking flight and slip streaming to his house. Everyone else follows suit and they are all standing outside his door. He opens the door and lead the way in taking them to his personal chambers.

"The council is sure that you are mated to a demon."

"They're right. What do we do?" Kirsten asks worried.

Tom places his hand on her shoulder.

"You can live in hell with us."

"Dad that won't work. They think i'm an angel."

"True. Tom we all know this will not end well." Jacob says sadly as he places his hand on Tom's.

"Jacob I will not lose my daughter that I just got."

"I know Tom. You may not ever have gotten the chance to be called my son, but you are. I will stand behind Kirsten but it is up to her what to do."

"The council is getting greedy they know that they are on to something. Tom's being there didn't help settle the suspicions. They will try even harder now to take things into their own hands." Destiny comments dryly.

"Let's just hope they stay as they are." Jacob says softly.

"We can hope, but it won't end well." Auntie offers.

"True. Now i'm sure all of you are tired and I have business to attend to. So I wish you all a good day." Jacob shows them to the door and everyone but Tom heads back to Auntie's house.


"Yes Auntie?"

"You are letting that family stay in the house your mother left you?"


"Well I think it is a fine idea how about we all fix up a nice meal for them and take it to them?"

"That's a great idea!" Charlotte says enthusiastically.

"Well wait, we need to make sure they don't already have plans. I can run down there and see if they are there." Kirsten says

"You do that take Riverr with you. Honey change your wings back its not your color."

River smirks and puts them back to black before slip streaming with Kry down to the house she was letting Trenton and his family stay in. Kirsten smiles as she sees Trenton's truck outside and knocks on the door. Trenton's mother opens it and hugs her welcoming her inside.

"Kirsten this place is amazing! Thank you so much."

"You're welcome Mrs. Jones."

"Oh call me mamma everyone does! What can I do for you and your friend here?" She says looking at Riverr

Riverr offers his hand to her and tells her his name she shakes it and looks back at Kirsten.

"Well actually do you have any plans tonight for dinner?"

"No, why?"

"My aunt and I would like to bring dinner for you and your family."

"Only if you, your mate here, and your friends will join us."

"What? Ma'am i'm not-" Riverr starts fearfully

"Oh hush I may be old but I am not a fool. Be assured your secret is safe with my family. Trenton has his eyes on a particular human would you mind if she joined us?"

"Of course not."

"Then its settled then i'll tell the kids and we will be ready for you when you get here."

"We will see you then. Bye"

The couple stood and slip streamed up to Auntie's house. They arrive to see everyone hard at work on preparing food of some kind.

"Oh, Kirsten your back! You and Riverr start on desert!" Auntie says handing them the recipe.

The couple smiles at each other and wash their hands before starting on their chore. Two hours later everything was cooked and ready to go.

"Guys before we go, they know about Riverr and I. Mrs. Jones caught on i guess. Don't worry Trenton has his eyes on a human."


"What Xena?"

"He took her for his mate. Vanessa the one that lives just down the road from me."

"Ah. Cute. Anyway everybody all set?"

"Yep lets go."

They all slip stream onto the porch and Kirsten knocks. Trenton opens the door and helps them get everything into the dining room. When he stops and starts staring at Kirsten.

"What?" She asks.

"Your wings. What's wrong with them?"

Everyone looks and Kirsten turns her head. She had forgotten to change her wings back all white before they had left. Looking at everyone lost for words she wills them away and they vanish from sight.

"No don't put them away they were pretty."

"Trenton you can't tell anybody about what you just saw please."

"I won't if you'll tell me why they're different." He sits down looking at her expectantly.

"This isn't a good idea Kry he could use it against you." Destiny says edgily.

"He could but he won't. Dad would kill him first. Trenton you know how my mother was accused of mating with a demon?"


"Well come to find out the man she claimed was my father wasn't. Lord Tom is my father."

"That's why you got them at 17."


"Sweet. They're both colors because your both angel and demon."

"Yea. Don't mention this to anyone alright?"

"Deal. Let's get everyone in here and lets eat."

Smiling Kirsten announces that the food is done and they all sit down for dinner. The meal goes well and the group all splits up after each going to their own places. Kirsten and Riverr head to Riverr's house and take a shower and spend a few hours watching TV together before going to sleep.

The First Move

Tom sat in his room with his elite council members.

"Tom there will be a war. What will we do?" One of the members, Dustin asks him.

"I know the demons will fight if i ask it of them, but will they demand that I step down?"

"My lord, I do not think any of us will stand against you. If we must go to war against the angels we shall."

"Even if it is only for my daughter?"

"If your heir's life is at steak then it is our job to do what we can to protect her."

"Why do you accept her knowing she is a half-breed?"

"Because my lord, the rules are foolish. Keeping the three separate makes us all weaker. Kirsten is as strong as one of the ancients were. The only solution to save all of the groups is to allow people to mate with who their heart says their mate is."

"Is that how you honestly feel Dustin?"

"Yes Tom. Wholeheartedly."

"If the council makes an attempt at rising to power?"

"The angels will fight them. And we shall help them."

"Isn't declaring war up to me?"

"We know that you will. Cause they will destroy her first."

"You are correct there. Thank you Dustin."

Riverr woke to somebody shaking his arm and he looked up to see Xena and Destiny standing over him. Destiny was in tears and he sat up waking Kirsten by asking what was going on.

"It's Lord Jacob! He requested to see you both right away he's dying."

"How is that even possible?"

"Just hurry up and get dressed."

Kirsten jumped out of bed throwing Riverr a pair of boxers and putting on her own under clothes quickly. Riverr slides them on under the covers and stands up walking into the closet and getting dressed. Kirsten puts on a pair of his shorts and one of her shirts. She brushes her hair quickly and kisses Riverr softly as they slip stream together into the great hall of the angel lord. Lord Jacob's assistant Whitney comes in and directs them to his bedroom worryingly. They walk in the room to find Lord Jacob in his bed looking really sick. They stop talking as the group walks into the room.

"Come in girls, Riverr."

"Oh grandfather what happened?"

"Poison." Riverr states looking at Jacob.

"How did you know?" Jacob questions.

"I was a tracker."

"Ah so you can smell it then?"

"Yes. You don't have long left."

"I know which is why I have called you all here. Whitney, bring in the others."

Whitney opens the door and two tall angels walk in.

"Everyone, these are two associates of mine. They helped me start a few orphanages on earth. They are here as witnesses."

"Of what?" Xena asks.

"Any angel lord must name a heir before he fades or it will be up to the council to name one for him."

"Who is your heir?" Charlotte asks cautiously.

"Kirsten come here. Give me your hand and show your wings. The true color if you would."

Kirsten steps closer to the man in the bed and allows her wings to show behind her as she offers him her right hand. The two men who had entered the room look at her wings in amazement. Jacob takes the gold ring with the pearl off of his right ring finger and places it on hers.

"Kirsten Zaffiro in front of all those present today by the power given to me as angel lord I pronounce you my heir and successor do you accept?"

"Yes sir."

"Then so be it."

Suddenly Kirsten's wings begin to glow a brilliant white. The light begins to fade and the white in her wings becomes outlined in gold.

"What happened to your wings!?" Xena questions anxiously.

"They are the wings of the angel lord or lady in this case." Jacob answers softly.

Slowly he begins to fade from sight and they all watch as he fades from existence.

"What now?" Auntie asks

"We have to tell the council that he faded. But do not tell them that he named me his successor." Kirsten answers thoughtfully.

Tom walks into the room and Kirsten hears voices speaking in her head.

:Hello?: She thinks trying to find out where they are coming from.

:Oh you must be the new angel lady that Jacob was telling us about. We are the angel lords and ladies of the past. You can speak to us at any time through the connection that the ring provides.: A voice answers her.


:Yes dear?:

:Am I going bonkers?:

:No dear the ring I gave you provides a bond and it allows you to speak to us.:

:But you faded.:

:Yes that is true, but the ring captures our essence and we are able to live on through it in a form at least.:

:Oh. How do I get the voices to stop?:

:Just close the link. Kind of like you just ignore it. You can open it completely or you can wish to speak to just one of us. You will know us all by name soon enough dear now go, your father needs to speak to you. If you have any questions ask him.:

Kirsten blinks and looks at the group.


"You kind of zoned out are you ok?" Auntie asks her.

"It's the ring. She's fine." Tom answers the question.

"How did you know that Tom?"

He holds up his hand and they see a silver ring with a black stone in the middle.

"I have one too."

"Jacob said ask you if I needed any help."

"Oh course the old coot would say that."

"HEY!" The group of angels and humans shouted at him.

"What? He was an old coot. He was a friend of mine though I have every right to tease him. My nickname was worse."

"Tell us yours?" Kirsten asks.

"NO!" He mock shouts laughing.


He puts his arms up and does a little chicken flap and scratches the floor with his foot. The whole room cracks up laughing.

"Never do that again." Kirsten says as she composes herself.

"Alright. I don't mean to bog you down but I met with my council before I came here."


"They feel that the angelic council will start a war."

"What will the demons do?"

"We will fight them."

"Just the council and the ones that stand by them?"

"Yes. We believe that most of the angels will fight back against the council. From the amount of angels that are currently living on earth with there children in human school rather than the angelic academy, I think most of them will rebel."

"You agree that we shouldn't tell them he had a successor?"

"Indeed. They will attempt an attack on your life if they find out. Do you know who poisoned him?"

"Stephan the young council member stopped by last night and they had tea." Whitney offers helpfully.

"Stephan wouldn't do it unless somebody made him. I'll bet it was that monster Dolores." Auntie growls bitterly.

"True but either way the council is guilty of murder."

"Well, now that we know what we are doing. You're a half breed aren't you?" The dark haired man asked.

"Yes. I forbid you from telling anybody by the way. And you know what the wages of going against the angel lady is."

"Ma'am, Jacob wouldn't have called us if he couldn't trust us with your secret."

"Alright. Well if you'll excuse me, Whitney, Des, Auntie, dad, we all need to head to the council."

"What about me, Charlotte, and Xena?" Riverr asks her.

"You guys can come if you want to."

"Kirsten, I don't think you should speak to the council. Let me or your aunt." Tom requests.


"We don't want you in any danger than they have put you in. I'll bet that things can get out of control without Jacob there to protect you."


They all turned and went their separate ways, with the main group heading towards the meeting hall of the angelic council.

Danger Is Threatened

The group walks into the meeting hall to find only a few members in the room talking. Dolores turns as they walk closer and sends Stephan to call the other members. When he returns with the others she asks them what they want.

"Dolores, the angel lord is dead." Tom says holding back his emotions.

"That is...unfortunate. Did he have a successor?"

"If he did, it is unknown to me as to whom it is."

"Well then, we must name one for him."

"It would seem that way."

"Well, as the head of the council, I think that I am very qualified to play the part. Council! All in favor of electing me as angel lady say I."

The group watched with mild interest as most of the group said I. The plan was going as they had expected.

"Well, that is settled. I am now the angel lady."

"It would seem that way." Tom says dryly.

"First thing to be done would be to solve the problem of all of the angels on earth. There are far to few here in heaven. It causes a better chance of mating with a human or demon. I must recall all of them to heaven."

"Ma'am aren't you needing the ring?" Preston asks her.


"The ring of the angel lord or lady. Lord Jacob always wore it."

"Indeed." Turning to the group she asks "Where is it?"

"We do not know." Kirsten answers.

Dolores reaches out and slaps her.

"You lying little moron. You will tell me where my ring is and you will tell me now!"

Riverr's eyes flash dangerously as he grabs his mate tightly and pulls her back towards him.

"Interfering with the business of your leader are you? Guards arrest them both. And ready the traitor for execution."

Guards move quickly and grab Kirsten and Riverr. They begin to drag Riverr away and pull Kirsten towards the center of the room. Tom flinches and Auntie grabs his wrist telling him not to interfere.

"Ma'am Kirsten is no traitor she has committed no crime." Auntie tells Dolores.

"She is being insubordinate to her leader and she is using this angel as a cover up. Her real mate is a demon. She was seen with him on earth. Guards hold her."

"Dolores you cannot do this she deserves a fair trial." Preston begs to her.

"She deserves nothing. She blames my nephew for rape and then claims that my daughter paid him to do it! She will die by my hand."

"Dolores if you do not give her fair trial you will lose your powers as angel lady." Tom says.

"She will have her trial then. But she is guilty."

One of the guards grabs Kirsten and handcuffs her wrists in front of her and forces her to her knees before the council.

"Bow to your leaders girl."

Kirsten starts to laugh and then she stand. One of the guards kicks her legs out from under her and she falls.

"Hey guys, I made up my mind on one thing, I never said i wouldn't let them know about two others. Of course telling them one of the two will involve telling the third if they can figure it out."

She stands and looks at Riverr. Riverr lets his wings show and he throws the guard holding him into the wall knocking him unconscious.

"Dolores you were right when you said my mate was a demon. There are rules against an angel mating with a human or a demon, but are there rules for a half-breed?"

With that she wills her wings to show behind her. Dolores stares and yells for the guards to hold her.

"Stop." Tom yells angrily and everyone turns to see the demon lord holding a flaming fireball in his hand. "That is enough. Kirsten if you wouldn't mind explaining to your leader why your wings are bi-color that would be lovely."

"You have no power here demons. Begone!" Dolores shouts. "Eh ehm. I said begone!"

"You cannot ban anybody from heaven unless you are the angel lord. And Dolores, you are not the angel lord since Jacob did have a successor!" Destiny says smartly.

"Who was it then? If I kill them I'll have the power to do what I wish."

"Kirsten show them."

"Guards get them."

Guards grab everyone except for the demon lord.

"Dolores, are you blind. I'm older than you and I can see plain as day who the angel lady is." Preston says as he walks to Kirsten and bows slightly to her.

"Preston do not bow to me. Please your my elder I should bow to you."

"No my lady, you are my leader so I shall bow to you."

"ENOUGH! This isn't over. Kill her friends!"

"Stop. You will not make one move to kill anyone. Any of you." Kirsten says leveling her gaze on the guards.

"My lady we can't move. We are trying but we can't move." One of the guards whimpers.

Dolores looks once more at Kirsten.

"Unless you want a battle you will step down." Dolores says venemously.

"I will not allow my people to fall before a monster. You poisoned Jacob just to try to get what you want, this is war Dolores. Be prepared to fall."

Kirsten vanishes from sight along with the rest of her group leaving Dolores to think about what she had said. Dolores stood staring at the stop where the girl had stood.

"Very well girl. If it is a war you want, it is a war you shall have. The angels will not side with a half-breed."


News had begun to spread like wild fire as soon as Kirsten had left. News that the angel lady had sided with the demons according to Dolores. Everyone was preparing for the battle to come. Some didn't wish to fight, others believed Dolores was lying. Those who agreed to fight with the council found themselves the only ones in heaven besides a few who refused to leave.

The cherubic guard had been convinced by Dolores and they agreed to fight for them. Everyone was nervous about the upcoming event. Even though many angels had left, Dolores still had a large army. Kirsten in the mean time was having no trouble gathering her warriors.

Kirsten sat in the middle of the town at the park with her father and her mate. Tom had told everyone to meet in the center of town. Among the demons there were even a few angels. The odds were turning in their favor. Kirsten sat stroking her feathers softly.

"Baby you look fine. My lord tell her." Riverr says reaching up to stroke her wings softly.

"You look fine. I think everyone is here if you would." Tom says looking at them.

Kirsten stands and lets her wings hang casually before walking next to her father with Riverr standing next to her.

"Attention my demons. You all have met my daughter, Kirsten, earlier in the week. Recently the angel lord Jacob was poisoned by his council and he faded. Before he did, he named Kirsten as his successor. She is now the angel lady. The council that poisoned Jacob does not wish to accept that."

"My lord, what did you call us all here for?" One of the females in the front asks curiously.

"Good question Cass. Don't look at me like that of course I know your name. The angelic council refuses to accept Kirsten as their lady. The head had the angel lord poisoned and then attempted to kill Kirsten after she declared herself angel lady. At the time they didn't know Kirsten was the angel lady. She had her guards grab her friends and her mate, they made an attemp on their lives and Kirsten showed them that she is a half-breed and that her mate is a demon. War was then declared."

Various voices speak out and finally an older demon pushes his way to the front.

"What is it that you ask of us?" He asks.

"I ask that you stand and fight. I wish to take down the angelic council and allow Kirsten to establish one that is loyal to her. I fear that the council will try to change things not only in heaven but on earth as well. I do not ask that those who are not able to fight fight, but I do ask that you stand for your leader and your leader's heir."

"She is your heir then. I can see it in her wings. The silver and the gold. I cannot stand for you my lord for I am too old. I wish you well in this. To you too Lady Kirsten." He bows to Kirsten and Tom.

"Thank you sir. Demons, I know my father has already spoken, but to those of you who will support me, I want to say thank you."

Tom steps down and begins to walk through his people. Many tell him they will fight. He makes his way to the weaponry house and they all begin to get their armor and weapons. The war would be bloody but they were still willing to fight. The many angels that had found their way to hell joined them in getting ready for war. For the first time in history, the angels and demons would fight side by side against a common foe.

Riverr's Revenge

Almost a week later Kirsten and Tom sat looking over maps of heaven with the leaders of their troops as Riverr walks in the door.

"Kirsten why are you still awake? I left you guys at noon you said you would be done by now."

"Babe we have to be ready." She says looking at him through bloodshot eyes.

"He is right my lady, we are all tired from this planning we need to rest to be strong for our attack." Dustin says looking up from his chair.

"Dad what do you think?"

"We should rest. We know our plans and the troops are training. The angels must also train. We will have time for extra changes later. Go we all need sleep."

She gasps as Riverr picks her up from her chair.

"Riverr put me down."

"No. You little missy are going to bed."

"Ok. Night dad."


Riverr smiles at her and starts walking down the hall to the stairs. They go up the stairs and after a little while they reach the room they had stayed in the first night there. Riverr opens the door and carries her inside closing it behind him before carrying her into the bedroom and setting her on the bed.

"I need a shower." Kirsten says through a yawn.

"Go take one."

"I want you to come with me."

"Then you will not sleep."

"I will promise."


He kisses her as he stands and pulls off his shirt. He looks at her to see her laying back peeking at him through half-closed eyelids. Smirking at her he flexes his abs. She smiles and he throws his shirt at her.


"Well get moving or i'll shower without you."

"Take them off for me?"

"Now your just milking it."


"Ok. If you insist."

He grabs her shirt and pulls hard causing the buttons to pop off as he slides it off of her.

"Easy mister this ain't no rodeo."

"No your right" He smiles looking down at her. He gets on the bed on top of her holding her tightly in place with his legs on either side of her. "It's just payback."


"You tied my hands to the bed and left me there while you took a shower!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." She says innocently as her face turns red.

"Then perhaps i'll jog your memory."

He quickly grabs his belt and ties her hands together and then to the bed.

"Remember yet?"

"Nope i'm telling you I didn't do it."

He leans down kissing her roughly before sliding his tongue in her mouth. They start making out and he bites her lip softly as he runs his hands down her sides. She lifts her hips and starts grinding against him and he grabs her hips and pushes her down. He reaches behind her and pulls off her bra and starts rubbing her tits gently.


She is struggling to move underneath him and he keeps holding her down to the bed preventing her from rubbing herself against him. He leans down and bites her nipple causing her to gasp.

"I wanted an answer." He growls seductively at her as he continues to lick and massage her tits.

"Maybe I remember something." She says trying to convince him to let her go.

"Maybe isn't good enough."

He runs one hand down her stomach and tries to rub her pussy through her pants but she closes her legs tightly against him. Growling at being denied what he wanted he brings his other hand down and holds her legs apart forcing one of his own between her thighs making her keep them spread as he bites her nipples again. She gasps and squirms under him.

"Denied me an answer and something I wanted. Not a good choice." He says looking up at her.

She looks down at him to see him staring back at her with his normally bright blue eyes blood red. She moans as he teasingly grinds his leg against her. Smirking he stops and continues to play with her tits.

"Dammit please me!" She screams at him her voice husky with desire.

"Funny. You left me tied to the bed after teasing me for quite some time. You kissed me as you stroked my dick after you tied my hands to the bed so I just figured you wanted to please me without me doing any work. No, you slide down and start sucking my cock and then bam you slide a fucking cock ring on me bounce up and tell me your gonna take a shower. You walked out of the room and left me there rock hard for almost a fucking hour before coming back to finish what you started. Even after I begged you to come back."

"I'm sorry."

"No, you're not sorry. Not yet. See, I could have come after you since you didn't take the time to make it so that I couldn't slip stream. But I was so angry that I thought I would hurt you. Now that I think about it, I should have come after you, I think you would have liked it."

"Riverr please stop teasing." She begs as he keeps massaging her tits.

"Did you stop teasing when I begged you to? No. So no dear, I wont stop teasing til i'm satisfied I got the message through that your mine to conquer not the other way around." He leans down and kisses her neck softly and he bites her collar bone causing her to moan. Knowing he has her on edge he stops everything and raises up looking down at her.

"You bastard that isn't fair! You can't just put somebody on edge and stop!"

"You did it to me. Why should I not have the same privileges? Besides, I am nowhere near done. I just don't want you getting off without me deciding that you can."

"Please Riverr just fuck me."


He waits until her breathing calms down before he continues with what he was doing. He reaches down with one hand and rubs her pussy softly. Smiling as she wriggles underneath him he unbuttons and unzips her pants before pulling them of and putting his leg back between hers.

"You're wearing the underwear I bought you."

"Yea what of it?"

"Oh nothing. Just that it is light red right here." He runs his fingers over the area he was talking about. "But then here it is dark red." He moves his fingers and rubs them against her pussy watching her as she moans and attempts to move closer to his fingers.

"Stop it Riverr. I don't like it." She says through gritted teeth.

"You don't hmm? Then do tell me why your thong is soaked with your juices could it be from somebody else? Did somebody other than your master turn you on like this?" He asks her in a dangerously vicious tone.

"You know nobody did! Please stop teasing me. I hate when all you do is tease."

"I'll tease you until the end of earth if i want to got it?" He growls angrily at her as he pulls his hand away.

She looks at him seeing the anger and then love in his eyes. She ignores him and turns her head to look the other way. He reaches up with one hand and strokes her cheek softly in a silent apology for his anger. He turns her face to him and brutally kisses her as he starts massaging her clit getting her close to cumming.

"Now, my little tease, would you like to apologize for what you did to me? I might allow you release if you do."

"I'm sorry please stop teasing me. Please let me cum." She says through gasps.


He smirks at the look of utter shock on her face as he pulls his hand away once more.

"You said you wouldn't do that!"

"I said I might allow you release. Not that I would."

"Master please!"

"Begging won't grant you your release slave. You're punishment is nearly a week overdue."

"We've been making plans. You know I've been too tired please fuck me."

"No. Not until I decide you need it."

He feels her wiggle under him and grabs her leg as she moves it.

"Trying to knee me in the dick?"

"No master please I wouldn't do it you know I wouldn't" She pleads with him.

Smirking at her he moves his leg and flips her over underneath him.

"Master please don't you'll make me cum."

"You're not that close yet. You just know you'll like it and you don't like knowing i'm right."

He leans down over her and reaches into their bedside table. Smirking as he hears her moan under him as his cock rubs against her through his jeans. She watches him and gasps as he pulls out the wooden paddle about as long as her arm that he had used on her once before. She struggles under him and begins to cry out of fear he was going to punish her with it.

"Relax slut. I don't feel like tying your legs down and i'm not in the position to use this."

She relaxes a little as he sets it on the bed beside her. She watches him as he pulls out a small blue metal box and a black riding crop. Both look new and she is curious what is in the box.


"Yes?" He asks setting the things he pulled out on the bed before putting the paddle back in. She lets out a small sigh of relief and he strokes her hair gently.

"What is in the box?"

"This box?" He asks tapping the box.

"Yes sir."

"Oh its just one of the few things I bought after I planned just what to do to my naughty little tease."

She swallows hard as he moves both items out of her sight. He watches as she tenses her muscles underneath him when she hears the box open.

"You wanted to cum right?"

"Yes. Please Riverr."

"Maybe in a little bit."

She feels him as he shifts his weight back and slides back a little. She winces as she hears the crop swish through the air. When there isn't a hit she relaxes. Suddenly he smacks her on the ass with it and she yelps in surprise. He continues to spank her with it for another minute before laying it on the bed.

"Did it hurt?"

"Yes." She says softly.

He leans forward and slips his arms under her holding her against him. She moans again as the bulge in his pants rubs against her.

"What's wrong? The fesl of my jeans feel good against your pussy? You only got that soaked thong to protect you from anything I might do. I bet my jeans feel good. Don't they?"



He grinds himself against her knowing she is close to cumming. Carefully he flips her back over to face him. Smirking down at her he pulls her thong off. He throws it aside and begins to massage her clit teasing the entrance of her pussy with his fingers.

"What was it you said earlier? About not liking it?"

"I said I didn't like you touching my pussy."

"And you were lying right?"


"Do you know what you just now got punished for?"

"Tying you up and leaving."

"No, that was for lying to my face. You'll get more later. I know you like it, but I also know it does still hurt. Especially after you've had it done and you aren't horny isn't that right?"

"Yes." She says looking away.

"What's wrong love, thought a demon wouldn't know how to find your weaknesses?" He asks as he pulls his hand away and grinds against her again.

"Don't do that..." She moans.

"You want to cum now?"

"Please Riverr."


He slides off of her and grabs his black shirt throwing it over her face so that she can't see what he is doing. He grabs the box and takes off the lid watching as she struggles to find out what he is doing only to stop at the sound of the lid coming off. Quietly he pulls out the little machine he had bought at a shop on earth and then grabs a rope that he had worked his own magic into.

"You know how a mate cannot resist their own mate's magic as long as it is not meant to harm them?"

"Yes." She answers curiosity filling her voice.

"Well, this little thing will make sure you can't slip stream away from me during your punishment."

He drags the rope along her body before tying it around the base of her wings just tight enough for her still to be able to move them but not enough for her actually flap them.

"I just tied a rope infused with my own magic around your wings. Should you try to slip stream or fly away, you will not be able to since I intended for my magic to not allow you to fly while the rope is around them. Unless I actually intend to hurt you, you won't be able to fly away."

He grabs the item he had removed from the box and places it on the bed.

"Give me your left leg."

Carefully she lifts her left leg and holds it in the direction of his voice. He grabs it and ties another on of his belts to it and then to the bed.

"Other leg."

She lifts up her leg after pausing for a moment and he does the same to that leg. He runs his hand up her leg slowly and then rests his hand against her pussy.

"Still wet are you?"

She nods and he slides one of his fingers inside her as he massages her clit. She starts moaning and he begins to pick up speed before slowing back down to a stop. She growls frustrated and he curls his finger inside of her pressing up and she whimpers slightly in pain.

"Sorry sir."

He lets go and begins to move his finger inside of her teasingly before pulling it out and replacing his finger with a small, blue, pole shaped object attached to the little machine he had bought by a small cord. The object was about as long as his middle finger and a little bit thicker.

"Do you know what this is slave?" He asks as he taps it."

"No sir. What?"

"It's attached to a little machine I have here in my hand. When I turn it on, I guarantee you'll get just what you asked for."

He leans down and kisses her clit softly and then licks it with his tongue. He retracts the cord into the machine so that there is only enough room for it to reach to her thigh where he then straps the machine. He unties her legs from the bed and takes the belt off of her right leg. She pulls it away when he tries to grab it again and he twists her slightly and slaps her ass hard.

"Ow!" She yelps.

"Do not pull away from me again. Now give me your leg."

She moves her leg to join the other one and he ties them together tightly by the ankles. He uses his other belt and ties it around her thighs so that she can't spread them.

"Do you still want to cum babe?"

"Please Riverr. I've been on edge for 10 minutes please."

"You sure?"



"Master why are my legs tied? What does that thing you put inside me do? Master I don't want it there. Only your dick, fingers, and tongue belong there."

He ignores her for the moment and pulls the blanket up over her waist as he ties her legs to the bed. He moves to sit next to her and takes his shirt off of her face. She looks up at him her eyes full of desire. He leans down and kisses her biting her lip. He stands up and grabs the controller for the machine from the box and walks into the living room.

"Master wait don't leave please!"

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to watch TV i'll be right here on the couch. Promise."

He sits down and she struggles to look at him. All she can see is the back of his head as he turns the TV on.

He smiles and looks down at the touchscreen controller in his hand. He taps the button labeled slow and smirks as he hears her gasp and then begin to moan softly.

"Riverr come back please."

He stands up and walks back into the room.


"Please take it out." She begs him.

"Your just upset that i found out that you like the feeling of something vibrate inside your pussy. Even right now your fighting the urge to cum. Don't even try to deny it. You know you are."

He reaches into the dresser and pulls out a cloth gag. He shoves it in her mouth and ties it behind her bed. She continues to fight back against cumming even though she knows that he knows she is close. She starts moaning louder looking away from him as she cums.

"I told you."

He walks back into the other room and continues to watch TV. He hears her moan louder after almost 5 minutes and the looks at the counter in the top corner of the screen on the controller change to two. He presses the back button that goes to the speeds screen. He reads them in order from super slow, slow, medium, fast, super fast, extreme, and then tease. He taps the info button next to tease. The description reads:

Vibrates at various speeds until the female is close to orgasm and then stops. Starts again after she has recovered enough.

He taps the information button next extreme and smiles as he reads:

Continuous vibrations that are very fast. Causes an estimated 2 orgasms in 5 minutes. Do not jump from any speed under fast to extreme.

He taps the medium button smiling as her moaning gets louder. He sets the remote back down.

'If I use extreme on her i'm more than sure she will have over 2 orgasms in 5 minutes. I'll work her up to it giving her five minutes of each speed. Then i'll leave her at extreme for almost an hour. She's bound to be sore and ready for me to not have her cumming by then.'

He watches the show and at the commercial he looks at his watch. Five minutes had passed and he taps the fast button. She starts moaning louder. He picks up the controller and walks back into the room.

"Kirsten. I'm going to go downstairs and have something to eat. I will be back in an hour. I'll lock the door so that nobody can come in. I love you."

She looks at him and he can see the worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry, i'll open our link so that you can talk to me. Any complaining i'll close it back though. I love you."

He turns and walks into the living room shutting off the TV before walking out the door. She hears the lock click as he leaves. He walks down the hall and when he gets to the kitchen he switches the speed to super fast. He grabs him some food and cooks himself a very late dinner and sets it on the table.

He sits down in a chair and opens their link.

:I love you.: He thinks towards her.

When she doesn't answer he checks his watch and taps the button for extreme. There is a spike in the pleasure coming from her end of the link and he smiles and starts eating.

:I...Love...You...Too.: She answers slowly as if she was trying to recover from an orgasm.

:Good. How do you feel? Remember do not complain.:

:I've cum so much...Its so fast master:

He doesn't answer and he continues to eat happy that his plan is working. He finishes and cleans his plate looking at his watch to see that he still has another 15 minutes.

:Slut it's been 25 minutes how are you holding up?:

He felt the lust coming through the link spike a little as he called her slut but then it went back down. Since he had finished eating a small amount of regret was beginning to come through laced with tiny amounts of discomfort.

:I'm fine. Master i'm sorry please forgive me for trying to take control please Riverr i'm sorry. I'm yours to do with as you please. Will you please come back up here and forgive me?:

:You have a little bit of time left. If I leave now and take the long way back to our room i'll be there right as your time ends. Be patient. You're still taking my dick once this torture is done with.:

:Master no please. It hurts so much already please don't make me fuck you.:

:I said no complaints. And you fucked me after the torture you put me through. An hour with a cock ring on. Forced to stay rock hard until you got back unable to get release. Not being able to cum hurts just as bad as cumming a lot. I've only had you on extreme for 25 minutes. I'll see you when I get to our room.:

He shuts off his end of the connection and begins to walk the long way to their room. As he walks by Tom's chambers Tom steps out.

"What are you doing up so late and roaming the halls for that matter?"

"Just didn't want to hear Kirsten screaming so i decided to get some food."

"Screaming is she alright?" Tom asks his voice edgy with worry.

"She's fine. I'm just getting payback for her tying me to the bed and taking a shower after teasing me."

"Oh" Tom looks awkwardly down the hall. "Did NOT need to know my daughter is a kinky one but oh well. Riverr do you love her?"

"Yes sir with all of my heart?"

"Does she love you?"

"Yes. If she doesn't she does a good job of hiding it."

"When exactly are you going to ask her about the thing that we talked about the other morning before breakfast?"

"After this war thing is over with."

"What if one of you fade?"

"Then I will not be able to ask her and if she lives I wish her well in finding another mate if that is what she chooses."

"And if she fades?"

"I will not search for another mate. For my heart has known love that is incomparable to any other thanks to her."

"You're a good man Riverr Pierce. You know that once you two are married you will be entitled to being a possible demon lord."

"Yes sir. But you have named her as your heir. Not I."

"She is my heir but she is not my successor."

"What are you getting at I have ten minutes before I have to be up there."

"She is already going to be under stress of being the angel lady. If she cannot handle both, you will stand in her place as the demonic leader."

"Sir is it possible for her to be both the angel and demon lady?"

"It can be since she is both angel and demon, but it would depend on if she can handle it and on if she wishes for you to lead the demons."

"Can she not be both and make the choices for the angels while I make them for the demons?"

"Yes, if you two were to wed then you would be the angel lord. And if I name her my successor you would be the demon lord. Unless I named you my successor. Then you would be lord and she lady. You would be the named decision maker, but both of you could decide what you wished to do."

"It would be something to think about. I only want what is best for her."

"So do I. Goodnight Riverr. If she comes downstairs bruised to breakfast tomorrow it will be your head on my plate."

"Yes my lord. Goodnight."

Riverr turned and continued to walk down the hall noticing he only had five minutes left he sped up a little.

Hearing a key in the lock Kirsten looks up waiting to see Riverr walk in the door. The door opens and shuts and then he walks into view and leans on the door frame.

"You still have a minute left. I'll go ahead and take off your gag."

He grabs the controller from his pocket and sets it on the dresser before reaching around and untying her gag. Her face is red and she is still moaning softly as he removes the gag from her mouth.

"Don't speak." He says as she opens her mouth to say something.

Carefully he opens their link and taps the off button on the controller. The pleasure he felt coming from her was still very high. The regret had risen a bit and so did the discomfort.

"Feel better?"

She nods catching her breath.

"If i pull back the covers will the bed be wet with your cum slut?"

She looks away and he grabs her chin making her look at him.


She looks at him with a look of embarrassment on her face.


"Why not say it out loud? Tell me exactly what I will see when I pull the blanket down. Through the link or out loud."

He had gotten a hard on the minute he walked in the door. He could smell her sweet juices and walking in the room to see her tied up looking at him had only made it worse.

:You'll see my pussy dripping wet from cumming so much and the bed will probably be wet too.:

"Good girl." He leans down and kisses her and she kisses back fiercely.

He reaches down and grabs the blanket pulling it down. He smiles as he sees she was exactly right about the bed. He walks around and grabs the belt holding her thighs together and takes it off.

"Spread them as best you can."

She spreads them shifting her legs so that she can twist her ankles a little. Her pussy is red and the lips are large and slightly puffy. He rubs his hand against the outside and smiles as his fingers get greeted by the wetness on her skin. Gently he removes the object from her pussy and unstraps it from her thigh.



"Are you still gonna make me take your cock. I'm so sore I don't think I can."

"You'll take it if I make you take it."

He strokes her pussy softly and she tenses up in discomfort. He continues to examine her with his fingers before boosting a small bit of healing magic onto her pussy. She sighs happily as the pain decreases a little.

"Thank you sir."

"You're welcome. I won't do it for what I have planned later though, keep that in mind."

"Yes sir."

He stands up and walks around to untie her ankles. Once they are free he sits next to her on the bed and releases her hands and her wings. She stretches and hides her wings but remains laying on the bed.

"Remember how you told me you would go to bed?"

"Yes sir."

"Did you plan to go to bed before or after breakfast."

"What time is it?"

"We left your fathers room at 1. We got back here at about 1:10. I came back from downstairs at 3. Its 3:08 now. Breakfast is at 7."

"Before breakfast."

"No. You won't be going to bed before breakfast. Your going to be fucking me before breakfast."

"But master that is almost four hours."

"Your right. Be glad I won't be fucking you all that time."

"Yes sir."

"Come on. You need a shower and I do too. I'll call one of the night maids to come clean up this mess. Get in the shower and wait for me. Do not turn on the hot water just yet. Put it a little cool but not too cool."

"Yes sir."

She gets up and stands. He grabs her by her waist and she leans down to kiss him. He pulls her down against him making her straddle his lap and he pulls her legs onto the bed making her sit in his lap facing him. He wraps his right arm around her tightly holding her against him and slaps her ass hard with his left hand. She gasps into the kiss and he lets her go.

"Go." He looks at her and she slips off his lap and turns to walk away. He grabs his belt and swings it lightly at her smirking as it his her ass and she starts walking faster.

Getting up he grabs his belts and puts them back in the closet with the others. He hears the water in the shower turn on and listens to the door close before he continues with cleaning up. He grabs the vibrator and the control taking the vibrator into the kitchen and washing it off in the sink before putting them both into the box and into their dresser drawer. He picks up her pants, bra, thong, and his shirt and puts them in the laundry basket. Walking back into the living room he pushes the button labeled maid on the call box.

"Yes master Pierce?"

"I know it's late but would you mind coming up and changing our bed sheets?"

"Not a problem master Pierce" She says giggling softly.


'Why is it always the flirty one up this late.'

After a few minutes there is a knock at the door and he answers. The maid, Chelsea, stares at his shirtless form and then at his obvious hard on before looking away.

"You wanted me to clean your room sir?"

"Yes. Just the bed. I'll be in the shower."

He turns and hid his wings behind him as he walks into his room and then into the bathroom. The bathroom didn't have a door but the shower was on the far end and the area where the toilet was did have a door. He pulls off his pants and boxers when he is out of sight. Kirsten stands in the shower shivering under the cool water. He opens the door, steps into the shower with her, and turns up the water a little until it is warm.

Kirsten looks at him and he opens his arms to her. She presses close to him him and hugs him tightly against her. She was cold but her nipples were hard and she was still obviously horny. He looks over and then just about wanted to slap himself as he realized the door was one of those no fog ones from his stomach up and the full wall mirror was completely no fog.

'Great the maid can look in here and watch us fuck. Did not plan this very well.'

He leans down and kisses her wrapping his arms around her tighter and lifting her up.

"Riverr please....."

"Please what?"

"Fuck me."

"I will slut. When I decide you need it."

In the other room the maid changes the bed sheets realizing that they were wet from the half-breed.

'Stupid half-breed. She doesn't deserve a demon like him. He was the greatest guy all through school and he is the greatest warrior in all of the lord's army. Why would he want a freak like the half-breed? He could do so much better with her. She was what he needed not that stupid bitch.'

She listens and hears the shower running and remembered the mirror that covered the wall in front of it. She could look in it and when he wasn't paying attention she could slip inside with him. She sneaks close to the door and looks into the mirror. She only sees him and smiles realizing his toy was somewhere else.

'I think i'll just watch him for a bit. Before I make my move'

Riverr smirks as he sees the maid in the mirror looking at him. He leaned against the wall of the shower as Kirsten continues to deep-throat his hard manhood.

'I bet she thinks i'm alone since she can't see Kry. I wonder if I should tell her we are being watched.'

Carefully he pulls the hand full of Kirsten's hair that he had and taps her temple softly. She nods and continues sucking opening her link to him.

:Riverr? What is it?:

:Hush slut.' The pleasure from her spikes a little at his words. 'Do NOT freak out and do anything about what I am about to tell you alright?:

:Yes sir.:

:The maid I called is attempting to watch us in the mirror. The shower is not see-through below my stomach so she cannot see you. I want you to keep sucking me until I come. Then you are going to stand after you swallow my load and i'm going to pick you up and fuck you against the wall.:

Kirsten stiffens slightly but continues what she was doing and relaxes a little.

:Yes sir.:

:Good girl.:

She could feel the pleasure coming to her from his side of the link and also picks up on a little bit of annoyance.


He feels worry coming from her and looks down.

:What's wrong?:

:Why are you annoyed?:

:It's the maid. I went to school with her. Do not worry love, my annoyance is not towards you. It is that she has the guts to watch me in the shower. She does not like that we are together. She also does not like that I am with a half-breed.:

:She doesn't know me.:

:True, but she has tried desperately to get with me since I was 16. I am yours Kirsten, nobody else will touch me.:

He sends her a mental caress and smirks as he sees Chelsea rubbing her pussy underneath her skirt. He lets Kirsten know he is close and starts moving her on his dick with his hand in her hair.

Chelsea continues to stroke her pussy and stares as she sees his arm begin moving faster.

'He's touching himself just like I am. I wonder if he sees me. Maybe he is watching me while he does it. Oh hes so hot.'

She keeps rubbing herself and moans softly as she watches a smile spread across his face as he cums. She stops as she sees a dark haired girl stand in front of him. She comes up to his chest and there is a tattoo on her back of a tiger. She smiles a little.

'Looks like the half-breed hasn't tied him down and he is still free.'

Riverr looks down at her and bends down to kiss her. He knew none of the maids had seen Kirsten's tattoo and smiles as he sees a jealous smile spread across Chelsea's face. He picks Kirsten up and Turns pushes her against the wall behind her. She wraps her legs around him and he gently pushes his dick into her pussy. He starts fucking her slowly as he glances at the mirror out of the corner of his eye.

'She thinks it isn't Kirsten and that I haven't actually gotten a mate and that I am just fooling around.' He thinks to himself.


:Yea River?:

:I'm not going to fuck you til I cum. In about 10 minutes I will shut the water off and we will go fuck on the bed.:

:What about the maid?:

:She will leave when I shut off the water.:


Soon enough he reaches out and shuts off the water. He sees Chelsea rush towards the living room and then hears the door open and then shut.


:Yes sir.:

:Good slut. Now lets get a towel so we don't get the bed wet.:

He slides her off his dick and sets her down. They get out of the shower and as they open the closet door to get a towel the mirror is blocked from their view and they do not see Chelsea sneaking into the bedroom. They also don't hear her hide in their closet.

The closet had one of those slatted doors so that from the inside you could look out but from the outside you couldn't look it. The perfect hiding spot until the girl left and Riverr went to sleep Chelsea thought as she slipped inside.

"Come on slave, I said I wasn't finished."

"Yes master."

Chelsea smirks to herself.

'He is a conqueror even in bed. I can do that.'

Riverr and Kirsten come into view but she can't see Kirsten's face because she is thrown on the bed and the dresser blocks her view.

'Oh well, who the whore is isn't important. What he takes from her is.'

Riverr gets ontop of Kirsten and starts sucking her tits sliding his hand between them and begins fingering her quickly. She moans begging him to fuck her.

"Hush. Do you want to be back where you were earlier?"

"No master."

"Good, cause I would hate to have to call another maid to come clean these sheets again."

"Yes sir."

He bites both of her nipples before he shifts himself and grips his huge cock in his hand stroking it softly.

'Holy hell he's got to be at least 8 or 9 inches.'

"Do you want this cock slut?"

"Yes sir please."

"Do you apologize for what you did?"

"Yes master forgive me please?"

"We have two and a half hours until breakfast. You have this and then one punishment remaining. Then you're free to go. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

He positions himself and buries himself inside her and begins fucking her roughly. He bites at her neck as she is moaning his name and after 30 minutes he begins to moan. He growls loudly and slams himself into her as he cums. The girl on the bed arches her back and screams his name as she too finds release once more.




"Yes. We have two hours. Hand me the rope from earlier. Its on the pillow beside you."

She reaches up and hands him the rope.

"Flip over and put your hands behind your back."

Kirsten flips over and Chelsea catches a sight of the tattoo again.

'I wonder if it is one of the other maids. I'll have to ask if anybody has a tattoo on their back.'

Riverr ties her hands quickly and lifts her hips making her stay in doggy style. He looks down at his cock and smiles.

"Still hard slut. You sure you can handle this after earlier?"

"Yes sir. The healing helped."

"I may have to heal you again. You look sore."

"I'm fine."

Riverr presses his cock against her and she gasps slightly in pain.

"So sure?"

"No sir."

"Didn't think so. I said I wouldn't heal you from your punishment. Not that I wouldn't heal you from this."

He slides his fingers against her pussy and they glow softly for a second as he sends a small boost of healing magic against her pussy.

"Is it only the lips that are sore? Do not lie to me once more."

"No sir."

"The inside too then?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you know how many times you have lied to me tonight?"

"No sir."

"Do you know how many times you have came tonight?"

"No sir."

"You sure you don't know how many lies?"


"Tell me."

"I told you I didn't like it when you touched my pussy, I said that I was fine when I wasn't, and I said I didn't know how many times I lied."

He slips his fingers inside her and sends a warm boost of healing magic inside of her before pulling out his fingers and replacing them with his dick. He starts fucking her slowly but strong.

"Do you remember what happened the first time you lied tonight?"

"Yes sir. You spanked me with a riding crop."

"Do you know why I left you in here with the vibrator in your pussy for an hour?"

"Because I left you tied up for an hour."


"Do you know why I didn't just leave it on slow and turned it up to extreme instead?"

"No sir."

"You sure?"

"Yes I have possibilities but I don't know for sure."


He starts moving a little bit faster and she moans underneath him.

"Because I didn't make up for what I did right away? Because I lied and told you I didn't like it when you touched my pussy with your hands? Because I told you nothing belonged inside me except your tongue, fingers, and dick?"

"I'm surprised you remembered the last one. Good girl. This whole thing is punishment for tying me up. The hour was for the time you left me. The vibrator, because I knew you would be upset that I found out you like vibrations inside you. The extreme setting for forty minutes because it took you four days to make up for it."

"I'm sorry master."

"Your next part will leave a lingering effect and if you heal it i'll leave you tied up with the vibrator and I will not heal you afterwards before fucking you. Got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Would you like to know why I healed you? And then fucked you even after you said you didn't think you could take it?"


"You came back and you took the cock ring off and then fucked me so I fucked you after torturing you because it is what you did to me. Taking off the cock ring made my cock feel better so I considered healing you. When I realized your pussy was probably so sore it had swelled too much for me to fuck you I did heal you. Then I fucked you because you fucked me afterwards. Your tight enough as is. With all the swelling from too many orgasms there was no way my cock would fit. Not even one of my fingers would fit. So there"

"Thank you master."


"Healing me instead of forcing yourself inside me."

"Your welcome. Now hush."

He smacks her on the ass and she jumps a little bit. She starts moving her hips against him more and he grabs her hips with his hands and starts going faster and harder. He keeps picking up speed and soon he is slamming himself into her pussy as fast as he can and as hard as he can with all of his weight behind his thrusts. She is under him screaming in pleasure as he holds her in place he cums inside her once more and his wings flare behind him. He leans down against her and stays that way for a little bit until they both calm down.

He reaches over and looks at the clock before pulling out of her.

"Don't move slut."

She stays still and he gets up and grabs another rope from the dresser and ties her feet together at the ankles.

"Master please...."

"Hush or it'll be worse."

"Yes sir."

He pushes he hip down lightly and she lays flat. He takes the rope and ties it to the bed so that she cant move her legs. He frees the rope from around her wrists.

"Put them above your head."

She moves them stretching slowly first and then holds them up. He ties them together again and then ties them to the bed.

"Actually slut. I think I want you bent over something instead."

He unties her and tells her stay put. He walks to the other side of the bed and reaches in the dresser pulling out the paddle.

'Shit he is one vindictive son of a bitch. I would do anything he asked no matter how much it hurts just for him to be mine though' Chelsea thinks as she watches him walk back to the other side of the room and sit in the chair.

"Come here slave."

"Yes sir."

Kirsten gets up and walks towards Riverr on shaky legs.

"Over my lap."

Her hair covers her face from Chelsea's view and she watches the girl do as she was told and lower herself onto his lap carefully. He shifts her a little bit and takes the paddle in his hand resting it against her ass.

"You're going to count for me after each hit. Then you're going to thank me got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Oh, I said I wouldn't heal you and I did say a lasting effect. So it is definitely going to be more than the 30 you're used to."

"Yes master."

He lifts the oak paddle in his hand and raises it drawing his arm back he swings it down and it lands a solid hit with a loud smack. She jumps and cries out in pain


He continues for a long time and she keeps counting. He lands one more whack.

"Fif-ty." She cries out through hard breaths and hiccups.

He lets the paddle fall from his hand and lean against the side of his chair. He gently rubs her back convincing her to calm down.

"There are still more. But not until you calm yourself."

"Master it hurts i'm sorry please no more please" She begs him.

"No. I know you said you've learned you lesson, but I want you to remember it when you sit down for a meal tomorrow morning. You are mine. I own you not the other way around. Understood?"

She doesn't answer right away and he slaps her ass with his hand. She cries out and starts crying hard again.

"Yes master yes I understand."

"Say it. I want to make sure you understand."

"I am yours. You own me not I own you."

He rubs her back gently and slides his hand down to gently caress her very sore ass. He dips his fingers between her legs and smiles.

"Does it hurt?"


"Does the pain turn you on?"


He grabs her by a hand full of hair forcing her to look at him.

"What did I say about lies?"

"Not to lie."

"What did you just do?"


"You just lengthened your punishment. Your getting fucked again after I finish this."

"We won't have time to before breakfast."

"Yes we will slut. We have an hour and a half now. Get up and bend over the table."

She does as she is told and stands up. Her hair still hides her face and she turns and bends over the table with her back towards the closet. Chelsea stifles a gasp. Kirsten's ass is a medium shade of red after only part of her punishment.

'Now I sort of wish it was the half-breed.'

Riverr stands and walks around behind her. He bends over her rubbing his stiff dick between her legs before backing up and leaning down to grab the paddle. He steps to her right side and lifts the paddle again.

"Master wait."


"Please don't hit so hard?"

"Sorry but no. Your ass is going to be a nice crimson color by the time i'm done. Almost the same color as my eyes when i'm angry."

"Yes sir. Do I still count?"


With that he drew back and began to spank her again. After what seemed like an eternity he finally gets to 100. He stops and places the paddle on the table.

"Don't get up."

He walks towards the closet and Chelsea backs up into the farthest corner and hides behind some clothes. He opens the door and reaches in and grabs a box from the top shelf without looking anywhere else. He turns and walks back towards Kirsten and he places the box on the table beside her.

"We have just over an hour. Would you like me to fuck you or would you rather I make you play with yourself and let toys fuck you."


"I thought you would say that."

He moves to stand behind her and then stops.

"Turn around and face me."

She turns and looks up at him.

"I want you to ride me."

"Yes sir."

"Backwards. In a chair."


"Hush. I know it will hurt, that is the point. Be happy i'm not making you take me in your ass. That would hurt more."

He backs up a little and moves the chair so that it is against the wall. He sits in it and leans his head back against the wall.


"Yes sir."

Keeping her head down she walks over and stands before him. He stokes his cock lazily and makes a motion at her with his hand. She turns and slowly lowers herself down and onto his cock holding herself high enough with her hands on the arm of the chair that her sore ass doesn't touch his lap.

He moves and grabs her arms pulling them off the chair so that she falls the rest of the way down on his cock. She cries out and tries to pull away but he holds her tightly down by her arms. Soon she relaxes a little bit and he grabs her hips and starts moving her up and down.

"Master please it hurts let me face you please."

He keeps going and makes her go faster. She keeps crying out and begs him to let her up. Finally he lifts her almost all the way up and slams her back down on his lap. He does with for a little and she begins to try again.

"Alright slut. If you can't take this, then your getting toys. And since you can't seem to ride me like this, looks like you get toys."

"You chose the most difficult one on purpose!"

"Of course I did. Now get up and bring me that box."

She gets up and walks over to the table grabbing the box.

"It's heavy."

"I know. It has some pretty heavy duty toys in there too. Bring it here."

She carries it over to him and he takes it from her setting it in his lap. He pulls the lid off and pulls out a dildo that is smaller than his dick that straps around the persons thighs and fucks them according to the setting chosen by the remote holder.


She turns slowly and he smacks her upper thigh with one of the straps.


"Stop your whining and hurry up. Bend over."

She bends over and he positions the dildo so that it will slide forward into her pussy first instead of out. He straps it into position on her thighs and pushes it into her making sure it goes all the way in before he grips the end and pulls it back out just enough so that the tip remains inside of her.

"Face me and get on your knees."

Kirsten faces him and gets on her knees.

"You're gonna suck me off while that thing fucks you. If I cum and I'm not satisfied I'll slip one of the small vibrators inside you and make you wear it all day...Come to think of it. I bought one that shuts off just before you cum. I might just make you where it all day so that your ready for me inside you tonight."

"Yes sir."

She says as she eagerly leans forward and begins to suck his hard cock. He pulls the remote from the box and presses the on button smiling as he feels her slow down a little bit before speeding back up. He turns the speed up until it is going as fast as he fucked her earlier. She moans around his cock and he smirks as he feels her slow down a bit in her sucking so he grabs her by her hair and start moving her head on his cock. After about 20 minutes he cums and she swallows. He lets go of her hair and turns off the dildo.


She stands weakly and turns around. He unstraps it from her legs and pulls it out of her pussy.

"Feel better?"

"Kind of sir."


"May I get dressed?"

"Yes. 17 minutes until we have to be downstairs go brush your hair baby. I love you."

"I love you too Riverr."



"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"I don't think so. Oh..."


She spreads her legs a little and allows him to reach between them and rub her pussy.

"I'll heal this, but not the other. Can't have my little kitty upset with me."

"There. Now you may get dressed."


"Go on hurry up."

She turns and walks into the bathroom. Riverr grabs some clothes from the dresser and puts on some black jeans and a blue t-shirt. He carries Kirsten in a green shirt, a green bra, blaack thong, and light blue jeans.

"Come on baby."

"I'm sore baby."

"Good. Let's get down there before everyone gets there so they don't see you wincing to get into your chair."

They walk out of the room and Chelsea hears the door open and then close.

"Wow. It was the half-breed. He will be mine. One way or another."

She slips out the door and runs down to the maids chambers and tells the others about what she saw.

Peepster Discovered

"Well look who decided to get to breakfast on time." Xena drawls.

:Riverr! You said nobody would be here!:

:I didn't think there would be.:

"Shut up Xena I was up all night." Kirsten says sleepily.

"What for?" Tom asks as he walks in the door.

"Ask him." She points at Riverr looking at him angrily.

Riverr picks her up careful to not touch her ass and gently sets her down in the chair next to Tom. He sits beside her.


"No." She winces slightly as she slides her chair forward.

Tom starts laughing. People look at him for a sec before continuing to eat their food.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing just overheard a few of the maids talking about "that stupid half-breed that doesn't deserve him" and what they watched this morning.

"Crap. Chelsea must have told somebody she watched us in the shower." Riverr groans putting his head into his hands.

"Oh I heard about that! The maids who cleaned our room were talking about one girl hiding in the closet and watching. She said that she thought it wasn't Kirsten."

"Dafuq!!!" Kirsten screams angrily. Her normally green eyes turn electric blue and she stands from the table wings behind her and storms towards the maids chambers with Riverr right on her heels.

Tom looks at everyone.

"Well what are you all sitting here for let's go see what is happening before she kills all of my maids!"

They all get up from the table and Tom lead the way to the maids chambers. The door to the front room is hanging off the hinges and most of the maids are cowered against the wall.

"Kirsten! Riverr! Enough! You're scaring my staff. Deal with this rationally. Please."

"Dad this freaking creep watched Riverr and I have sex with the idea in her mind that it wasn't me and that she could get him!"

Riverr is holding Chelsea. One of her wings is broken and the other is nothing but a stump.

"Riverr please." Chelsea begs through tears.

Riverr looks at Kirsten and she nods. Riverr lets her go and she drops to the floor. Tom walks over and touches her wings healing them.

"I will see all of you in my office now!" Tom shouts storming out the door and to his office.

Within five minutes Kirsten, Riverr, Xena, Destiny, Charlotte, Tom, and Chelsea are sitting in the demon lord's office.

"Riverr last night after you guys left my chambers what happened?"

"I carried Kirsten to our room and put her on the bed. She said something about a shower and asked me to take her clothes off for her. It ended up with me tying her to the bed and then I left her there in the bedroom for an hour. After maybe 20 minutes i left the room and went to the kitchen downstairs to get something to eat. I ate and I started my way back up when I ran into you. After our talk I went back upstairs and untied her. The bed sheets were soaked from that part of my payback and I told her wait for me in the shower and that I would call a maid. Well I buzzed down and Chelsea said she would be up. I waited until she came up. I was still shirtless and had a raging hard-"

"HEY!" Destiny and Xena shout in unison.

"Oh sorry. Figured y'all wouldn't mind. Anyway, I opened the door when she knocked and she stared for a second. I'd told her what to clean when I buzzed down n she said so just the bed then I said yea and that I would be in the shower. Well The mirror is no-fog and the shower is from about my stomach up. Kirsten was waiting and I got in and we kissed for a few before I had her give me a bj. I looked up and noticed that Chelsea was watching and touching herself. I told Kirsten through our link and told her not to freak out and what we were gonna do. Well we fucked against the shower wall and I told her that when I shut off the water Chelsea would probably leave. Well I did and she took off the door opened and shut so i thought she had left."

"Chelsea what happened after he shut off the water?" The demon lord asks her.

"I grabbed the blankets and hid them and ran and hid in the closet in the bedroom. I waited and soon he and her came out and they had sex a couple of times. Well then he um yea."

"Oh do tell. I'm not ashamed of what I did to her and I doubt she will care either."

"Well I really didn't know who it was because of the tattoo on her back and then he called her slut and slave and she called him master and sir. He was gonna tie her to the bed but then he changed his mind and made her bend over his lap. He spanked her and made her count. At 50 he took a break and calmed her down. He then made her bend over the table and he continued spanking her til he got to 100. He started coming towards the closet so I hid in the back. He reached in and got down a box and shut the door. He tried to make her ride him backwards and when she wouldn't go all the way down he used a dildo that moved on its down and had it fuck her while. After they left I ran down the hall and told the girls about it."

"Ok. Well, were you thinking when you realized it was Kirsten?"

"I kept thinking the filthy half-breed doesn't deserve him. Because she doesn't."

"Well listen here you excuse for a demon. She is much better than you could ever dream of. I will never leave her. Got it?" River shouts as he grabs Chelsea by the throat.

"Riverr let her go." Tom says and watches as Riverr releases her.

"Exactly what do you intend to do about this?"

"What can I do?"

"You can do something or watch them do something."

"True. Chelsea, since they did a good job of destroying your wings, you are losing them and your demon life. You will live out your days as a human on earth." Tom snapped his fingers and watched as Chelsea's wings vanished and then he called a guard to escort her from hell.

"So um this is certainly odd." Charlotte comments breaking the silence.

"Indeed. Just what I wanted. My dad to hear about my sex life."

"You think I wanted to know? I'm not really surprised knowing Riverr but please."

"Alright enough. Let's get to training ok?" Kirsten asks the group.

"Sorry dear, you're going to bed." Riverr tells his mate.

"You're going with her." Tom says.

"And we are going to make sure the two of you actually sleep." Charlotte, Xena, and Destiny chime together.

"I'm too sore for much else."

"Let's go."

The group walks up to Kirsten and Riverr's room and the couple sits on the loveseat as the girls take the couch.

"Bed." Xena says.


River reaches up and tugs off his shirt. He bends down and pulls off his shoes and his pants. He grabs his clothes and smirks as Kirsten tugs off her shirt, shoes, and jeans as well.

"Alright. Stop stripping and go to bed."

Kirsten gets up and grabs her clothes as well. Destiny gasps.

"Kirsten your bruised!"

"Yea I know."

"Let me heal it." Destiny reaches towards her and Kirsten dances behind Riverr.

"Ah no i'm good."

"No you are not!"

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Go get in bed."

"Yes dear."

Kirsten walks into the bedroom and gets under the covers. Destiny glares at Riverr.


"You need to heal her right now!"

"She's fine. It is just lightly bruised and sore. She can accept her punishment, you accept it too."

He grabs his clothes and walks into the bedroom setting them on the dresser and gets in bed next to Kirsten.

:You better do what she says. She'll tell.:


She snuggles against him and he slides his hand down and rubs her lower abdomen softly. The girls turn and start watching TV satisfied that the couple is going to bed.

:No more punishments love. Just us. Sleep well. I love you:

He smiles and closes his eyes as he realizes she had already fallen asleep.

Arise My Love Final Preps

:Love?: Riverr calls to Kry mentally as he begins to eat at the breakfast table with everyone.

"Riverr did you not wake Kirsten for food?" Tom asks him.

"No my lord. She needed the rest."

"Well she needs to be here. The troops are ready. Everyone is going to eat and then we head to battle."

"I sent her a mental."

"Are you gonna ask yet?" Xena asks him curiously.

"Ask what Xena?" Riverr asks taking a drink of coffee.

"Her to marry you."

River chokes and looks at her like she lost her mind.

"What? We found the ring last night when we were looking for some movies. Nice hiding spot by the way." Destiny says.

"Do not say a word to her. I'll ask her soon."

:I'm up love.:

:Are you still in bed?:


:Get up and get dressed. Today is the day.:

"She's coming."

"Alright. When she gets here we go over the final plans." Tom tells the group.

"My lord?"

"Yes Dustin?"

"All of the leaders will need to go over it one last time."

"I know. You all will be here when she gets here. You will be responsible for leading your squads to battle. Hopefully it will not be long lived."

Riverr stands up and walks out of the room. He walks back in with Kirsten in his arms.

"Well good morning sunshine." Tom says jokingly.

"Yea yea."

"Awww is Riverr still gonna be a meanie?"

"Ha. No. Its just us." Riverr says setting her down in the chair.

"Eat quickly and we will discuss plans. If we hurry we can tell the troops more." Tom says finishing his food.

Kirsten starts eating her food and suddenly howls in pain. She clutches at her mouth in pain. Riverr grabs her tightly and pulls her to face him.

"Whats wrong with her?" Charlotte and Auntie ask in unison as Tom stands and walks over to Kirsten.

"Kirsten let me see. Move your hands." Tom coaxes grabbing her hand carefully and pulling it away from her mouth.

"My lord?" Dustin asks worried.

Tom has Kirsten open her mouth and he and Riverr gasp. Kirsten had large fangs where her canine teeth had been before. They must had been sore and when she bit down it hurt.

"She's fine. I think. I've never heard of a demon or angel with fangs."


:Yes Layne?:

:My father had them.:

:He had fangs?:

:Yes. Before he split the kingdom between my brother and I. He also had black and white wings.:

:He was the very first.:

:No. He was just the first to have two children. My brother had white wings and I had black. To settle it father split heaven and hell between us. When brother asked for a white winged mate father took a human and gave it wings. That was when the rules for heaven and hell were established.:

"Interesting....It seems that because she is the first half breed in forever she isnt exactly a half breed at all."

"Explain Tom?" Auntie asks.

"Heaven and hell were created because one of the greats had two children. One with black wings and one with white. He split the lands between them. When the child with white wings wanted a mate he took one of the humans and gave it wings. Then the rules for heaven and hell were established before his passing. Any human who did good was allowed to go to heaven and become an angel until they faded. Any human who was evil was banished to hell to be punished until they faded."

"How are there so many angels and demons now though?"

Layne tells Tom the answer and Tom looks at the group.

"The black winged son also wanted a mate. The father took a human and gave them black wings. Both sons had lived in harmony for a while and soon had children. The children would need mates as well and they did not wish for them to become inbred. They asked their father for mates for their children and also for 50 humans to be turned to each side. Their wish was granted and soon the numbers of each grew. Soon it evolved into what it is now. Somewhere in there one of the leaders decided that there did not need to be any mixing of the bloods. So the angel leader decided the laws for an angel and the demon leader decided the rules for the demons."

"Layne told you?" Kirsten asks through tears.

"Yes. Did Titus tell you?"

"Yea the other day when I was talking to them I asked."

"So Kirsten is exactly like what the great ones were?"


"Why would the leaders not wish for there to be another great"

"They did not wish to lose their thrones. It is what the council fears. That is why they wish to have Kirsten destroyed."

"So mixing the bloodlines created a great?"

"Yes. Because they are practically the same blood except it isn't. Nobody wants to destroy the harmony we have. I agree that people should be free to mate with their mate even if their mate is a human or angel or demon."

Kirsten smiles at them.

"They kind of hurt but I can get used to them."

Tom reaches past her and hands her a bowl of scrambled eggs.

"Here. You eat this. Alright. Lets talk battle. Dustin will start at the West outskirts. Thomas the East. Jesse the North. Zachariah the South. Kirsten, Riverr, Des, Xena, Auntie, Char, and I will take one smaller squad and attack in the middle. They will be forced to run towards the outskirts where they will be cut off. Kirsten will put a lock in place as soon as we get there so that they cannot slip stream out and they will have the choice of surrender or die."

"Nice idea. But how do you know where they will be." Dustin asks.

"They will be in the square ready to battle. That is how they always are. They fight in the same place all the time. The same routines. It will be easy to do."

"If they fight differently?"

"They will still be outnumbered."

"We will fight my lord."

"Let’s suit up. We have a battle to win.

Stand Strong and Fight

"Everyone knows what we are doing? Lets move out quick!" Dolores yells.

The angels begin to march towards the fields instead of the square.

In hell the mixture slip streamed to heaven. Kirsten sent up a block prohibiting anybody from slip streaming out except for their troops.

"Ready?" Tom asks.

"Let's go."

The begin to move towards the square when Kirsten stops.

"Wait! They're in the fields."

"To the fields!"

They turn and make their way to the fields. The angels are fighting when the group enters. Dolores runs with a few others to the hall of the council.

"Dad they're running to the hall."

"Leave them! Let's deal with these. Make sure they are just stuck in there."

Kirsten and Riverr stand back to back as the angels of the cherubic guard surround them. They pull their swords and begin to fight back against them.

The battle continues and soon there are many angels and demons dead. Lots are surrendering. Finally the angels have surrendered.

"Kirsten. They will be fine. Let's get the ones inside."


"Do all of you acknowledge me as your Lady?"

"Dolores said you killed Jacob." One of the angels scream.

"Why would I kill my grandfather? He named me his heir because he was poisoned by Dolores. Just look at my wings. Look at my power over you. Nobody but the angel leader can force an angel to obey them."

"Prove it."

"You. Come here."

The angel gets up and walks to Kirsten.


"Rip off your brother's wing."

"No!" She cries out even as her body begins to move. She grabs her brother's wing and rips it off.

"See. You did it even though you didn't want to." Kirsten walks over and touches the blood stump healing it and making the wing grow back.

The angels standing kneel in respect as they accept her as their leader. Kirsten tells them to rise.

"Let's take out the true evil ones."

She stormed angrily towards the door. She bangs on it and to no surprise it is locked.

"Open it." Riverr yells to some demons standing around.

The begin to slam into the door repeatedly. The door begins to crack and finally bursts open. Kirsten struts in to see the group cowered in the corner.

"This is your last change Dolores. Your done. Surrender now and pay for your crimes or die."

"Never. Steven now!" Suddenly an arrow streaks out from a dark corner of the room. Kirsten dodges it but it doesn't miss everyone. The arrow hits Riverr in the shoulder and he yells.

"Grab them!" Tom yells as he joins Kirsten at Riverr's side.

The small group is captured and held by the guard. Kirsten pulls the arrow out of Riverr's arm. He begins shaking and she realizes it is poisoned.

"Riverr. It's ok. You'll be fine."

She grabs his arm and starts to pour healing magic into him. She starts glowing with power as Riverr is being healed. The glow begins to fade and she kisses him brutally.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Kirsten marry me. Please?" Riverr asks as he holds up the ring.

"Oh Riverr yes!"

She hugs him tightly and begins to cry tears of joy. She pulls back and he slips the ring on her finger.

"Well. Finally!" Tom says.

"There is one more thing to do before we go home." Kirsten says as she stands.


She walks over to Dolores. Two demons were holding her and Kirsten smirks at her exposing her fangs.

"Dolores. You will never accept me as the Angel Lady will you?"

"Never." She spits at her angrily.

"Very well."

Kirsten grabs her by the side of her head and rips her head from her shoulders.

"That was violent." Destiny comments surprised.

Kirsten looks at the rest of the group before her.

"What about the rest of you?"

"None of us will fight you." One of them says.

"Good. You are banned from heaven and your wings are revoked."

The group's wings disappeared and they vanished from sight.

"They will be sent to hell for their crimes on earth even if it is little."

"I know. As long as they do not try to harm me. Or my love."

"Nor your child." Tom says dryly.

"What?" Riverr and Kirsten ask.

"You're pregnant."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. Find out for yourself.”

Kirsten closes her eyes and begins to work her magic to reveal every health fact about her body. She gasps as the words days pregnant pop up.

"Riverr. He's right. You're gonna be a father!"

"Oh Kirsten i'm so happy!"

He picks her up and kisses her.

"Let’s go home." Tom says to everyone.

The demons begin to disappear and spread the news that the war is over. Angels begin to come back to heaven. Kirsten establishes her council and orders that the mating laws be destroyed.

Happily Ever After

Kirsten lies back on the couch with a happy sigh. She and Riverr had just gotten home from her father's where he had named Riverr his successor. Their wedding had only occurred just a few weeks back and they had spent the honey moon in Riverr's cabin in the woods. She gasps as she suddenly feels her water break.

"Riverr! Whitney! Somebody!"

Nobody answers her calls so she stands up groaning as she feels another contraction. She slowly walks towards the stairs and walks down to the kitchen. A servant in the kitchen comes to her as she walks in the door.

"My lady your water broke! You don't need to be walking! Here let me take you to your bed and call the doctor!"

She allows the woman to escort her to her room.

"Where is Riverr?"

"He said he had to go talk to Lord Tom my lady."

"Call the doctor please."

"Yes ma'am."

She leaves the room and calls one of the maids to sit in with Kirsten. She flies to the doctor's and tells him the situation.

:Riverr I need you! The baby is coming.:

:Oh my. We are on our way!:

:We who?:

:Me and your father and friends.:

She went to reply but he was standing next to her along with her friends and father. He grabs her hand and sits on the bed beside her.

"Baby how are you?"

"It hurts Riverr"

"Just breath baby. It will be alright."

The doctor comes in and checks Kirsten's vitals.

"Mrs. Pierce it will be a while so everyone can stay for now but you're going to need to change your clothes."

"Thank you Chuck." Riverr says. "Would all of you mind turning your back except for you girls. I'll need your help."

Tom, the doctor, and Trenton turn around.

"Will a night gown be fine Chuck?"

"Yes as long as it is loose."


Riverr walks to the closet and pulls out a loose fitting night gown.

"Alright Here ladies. Help me get her out of these clothes?"

Xena begins taking off one of her shoes while Des takes off the other. Riverr pulls off her shirt and slips the nightgown over her head. Charlotte helps to lift her as Xena and Des pull off her pants and underwear. He pulls the night gown down to cover her and pulls the blankets up over her.

"Thank you ladies. Guys you can turn around."

They turn and Riverr kisses her softly. She cringes a little as she feels another contraction and he places his hand on her stomach softly.

:It's alright baby. It'll be fine. Just relax. I'm here. They won't hurt you too bad. Do you want me to try to do some healing?:

:I don't think you can ask Chuck first.:


"Chuck? Can I heal her or anything?"

"Not until the the baby comes out."

"Great. I'ma die."

"You can't die. You're the angel lady we need you too much. Besides, you wouldn't leave me and the kids to fend for ourselves would you?"

"Oh you hush!" Kirsten growls irritated.

"Somebody is in a good mood." Trenton smirks at the couple on the bed.

"Would you like it? Cause i'm sure I could find a way to make you have your own baby." Kirsten barks back at him.

"No thank you."

"Easy there tiger you'll hurt yourself." Tom says coming to sit on her other side.

"Tom I don't think that is helping." Xena says.

"Oh well. I'm a guy I don't have to help."

"Alright, my lady I just need to look..." Chuck moves the blanket and after a minute stands back up. "Ok so, apparently the little one is anxious to get out. You all will need to wait outside. Whitney did you get those hot towels I asked for?"

"Yes sir right here." She says tapping the bucket she's holding.

"Alright then lets get this on the road."

Everyone but Chuck, Riverr, Kirsten, and two of the doctor's nurses leave the room.

"Will she be alright Tom?" Auntie asks worriedly.

"She should be why would it not be like any other birth?"

"Because she isn't like any other."

"True. I'll speak with Layne."


:Yes Tom? How's the girl you're worried.:

:She's in labor and very close. Will she be alright?:

:Why wouldn't she be?:

:Because of how she is.:

:She will be fine Tom. Just be patient. Riverr will heal her as soon as he can and the baby will be alright too. Just wait for the doctor to do his work.:

:Thank you Layne.:

"Layne said she will be fine."

"I have my doubts."

"Lets just wait."

30 Minutes Later

"You all can come in now. Kirsten is fine." Chuck says opening the door.

Tom rushes in and stops dead in his tracks. The group crowds in behind him. Krissy is laying on the bed holding one baby while Riverr is sitting beside her holding another.

"They're twins...." Tom says awestruck.

"Yep. Aren't they adorable?"

"Indeed." Tom walks closer and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Do you want to hold your granddaughter dad?" Krissy asks looking up at Tom.

Tom nods and Krissy carefully hands over the pink bundle to her father. She leans back against Riverr and he kisses her forehead softly.

"What are their names?" Xena asks reaching out to take the boy from Riverr.

"Daemon Elias and Piper May."

"Hello little Daemon." Xena coos softly at the baby in her arms. He smiles back at her happily.

"Demon in Latin?" Tom asks looking up from Piper.


"Very well."

He kisses Piper on the head softly and gasps as she reaches up and grabs onto a lock of his hair.

"Well well. Somebody takes after her father." He says looking over at Riverr before gently pulling her hand away.

"Nope. That's all Kirsten." He smirks evilly.

"Eww gross enough sex life talk!" Destiny chides them.

"Sorry." Kirsten says yawning.

"Get some sleep. We will watch them for you." Auntie says to the couple.

"Thank you."

Kirsten snuggles against Riverr and drifts off into sleep.

"Tom. What about their wings?" Auntie asks fearfully.

"What about them?" He ask curiously.

"What color will they be?" She asks

"Does it matter anymore my dear? After all thanks to Krissy revealing the truth, half-breeds are going to be accepted." He replies.

"But they aren't halfs." Charlotte says.

"But they aren't fulls either." Riverr tells them.

"They're 2/3 demon." Xena chirps.


"No what Tom?" Auntie asks.

"They're half great half demon. They're just another form of a half-breed. They are a new race. One of their own. Just as the angels who mate with demons will become greats, just as the angels and humans, and the demons and humans, they will all be a new race. This will be the new beginning. Finally, there will be no more hiding in plain sight.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.12.2012

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