
The story

Hans sat with his head down on his desk, thinking about his mangy house which was converging upon the unreal, with the colors peeling off the walls, a dank smell in the atmosphere and, its corrugated floors. His wife, Lucy, had been distant with him recently for reasons he could not figure out. Hans contemplated his lousy fate and,tried to appease his gloom but, he could not stop the train of despondent thoughts. His situation left him embroiled in an intricate feeling of helplessness. He wondered what on earth had caused Lucy to fall away from him.


In order to work on their relationship, Hans decided to take Lucy on a trip.



The angel blue sky peeped between the tiny, pearly clouds on a beach in Seychelles. The site was truly a feast for the eyes. The aquamarine waves crashed and, broke upon the shore in white, soapy foam; the sound was soothing. Hans was an accountant in a private sector and had been saving up for this dream honeymoon of theirs for many years. Lucy ran upon the beach, agile as a lamb and Hans, paced his steps to catch the love of his life. They had gone on their honeymoon after a fortnight of their marriage. His wife sailed across the sandy beach,flaunting her butter-milk skin and, an outrageous baby- pink bikini, like a graceful swan in a pond. Hans sped faster now and grabbed her tight, smoldering her with ardent passion on her bare skin. Lucy returned the kisses and,


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.01.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-8019-1

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Dedicated to my parents and the Almighty.

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