
Moonlight Dreams

Quicksilver pools of moonlight
bathe this grassy expanse
giving it a sense of magic
and there she stands.

Her hands coarse
her hair like straw
her eyes dull
as an unpolished stone.

Her clothes worn
and fitting tight
ungainly to everyone
but she is alone.

She lifts her rough hands
shakes out her hair
twirls her skirt
and dreams of being


The Butterfly

From amidst the leafy tree
catching my roving eye
it landed on the earth beside me
the beautiful butterfly.

So gracefully the butterfly flew
and swiftly it drew near
and whispered all sorts of delicacies
into my eager ear.

Its black gossamer wings
ever so slightly brush my cheek
bringing to mind joyful things
and making me want to weep.

As the butterfly quickly flew
towards the clouds and far away
I silently sat and pondered
why ever couldn't it stay?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.08.2010

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