
The Dreamer's Heart

The sweet little dreamer
closed her eyes and spun around
all her loves, and hopes and life
in her dreams, did they abound.

She lived in her own little world
where nothing would ever go wrong
where deer pranced and elves danced
and on her lips, ever a sweet song.

She danced in glades and forests
as free as a butterfly
not a tear was to be found
amidst the twinkles in her eyes.

Everyone who met her
shrank from voicing care
but reveled in her joy
of which they were all aware.

Some men came who caught her eye
and she hovered for a while
but her curiosity waned
and she left them with a smile.

But one came by who kept her eye
and so she stayed and lingered
for he seemed almost as carefree as she
and he was quite the singer.

She loved him so, or thought she did
and tried to please him every day
but his heart belonged to another
and so he pushed her away.

So embedded in her day dreams
amidst a world so high in the air
she never saw the signs for the stars in her eyes
as she flitted like a sparrow, with no care.

And then his fist of reality
came and caught her in the face.
She floundered in this new world
falling from her clouds with no grace.

But her Dreamer's Heart remained
and with her childish innocence she fled
back to her world of fantasy
though thoughts of him plagued her head.

He wormed his way back through
into her fantasy world of old
and she welcomed him with open arms
wanting only him to hold.

He led her by the hand
although she often fought
and showed her glimpses of his own land
reality, with which, it was fraught.

This time was not much fun for her
and her childish innocence prevailed
and when he saw he couldn't win
a bow, he then unveiled.

She was a little curious
although she trembled with fear
for this very man held her life
which she held very dear.

He unknowingly drew the bow
with every word he said
and the bow loosed the arrow
aiming for her head.

The arrow flew past and missed her head
yet slightly grazed her ear
and though his words still came forth
they didn't seem so dear.

A hasty retreat she did beat
back to her fantasy land
yet the bow again drew the arrow back
drawn by his unknowing hand.

The arrow flew, its path true
straight to the Dreamer's Heart
and as it sank into her chest
she gave a little start.

A crimson blossom bloomed on her chest
and as its petals spread
the Dreamer's Heart fluttered once
and then it stopped. Dead.

The Dreamer slowly opened her eyes
and saw with finality
her day dreams shatter
to be replaced by reality.

She cried aloud, her last sweet song
and the words rang true
"My Heart, my Heart, my Dreamer's Heart
has died because of you."

She closed her eyes as a jagged sigh
tore from her crimson breast
her innocence gone, forever long
by a man who thought he knew best.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2010

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