
Bridge Builder

Love is patient
Love is kind

I believe these to be false
for little love
matches these.

My greatest love on this earth
is no more patient than a weed
rushing through its growth.

He wishes me to throw away my gift
my blessing, my innocence
for his lustful love.

He does not...nay WILL not
understand my pleas, my fears
he casts them as rocks from his sight.

Whipping me, as one would a dog,
for my beliefs and reluctance.
Why does he not see?

My tears are rivers of grief
yet he is as a blind man
and builds his bridges.

O Bridge Builder!
Are your body's desires so strong?
Your flesh overrides your common sense.

Ho! Bridge Builder!
Come and see your damage.
The light of truth reveals all.

Nay! Bridge Builder!
You cannot repair what has been lost
it has been thrown into the void.

Tarry no longer! O Bridge Builder!
For your time here is done,
you have wrought enought destruction.

These rivers have craved their beds
as you have carved mine
from the flesh of the earth.

Poud the final nail in, O Bridge Builder.
Seal my final fate, for it was never mine,
but always yours
always yours.

Beautiful Lie

My voice is neither pleasing
nor soothing
but it is all I have
and you don't care.

I speak my fears
my hopes, my dreams
yet they fall upon
your deaf ears.

I am like Echo
there is nothing left of me
but my voice
and your beautiful lie.


The stars are so beautiful
as they dance on the black sky.
If I watch them long enough
will I learn to be beautiful?

Invisible against the azure sky
as the Sun is jealous
that they outshine her
and best her in their dance.

They have fascinated man for years
and have been the things dreams are made of.
They are part of us

Lost In Your Eyes

Deep pools of brown
endless in their shining depths
they have sucked me in
and trapped me deep within.

I try to see
as you do
through eyes of brown
instead of eyes of blue.

But everything is cloudy
not a thing ever clear.
I am starting to wonder
will I ever get out of here?

I escape, back to my world
and your actions become clear
as if looking through a window
that is now clear.

'Walk a mile in someone's shoes.'
the old saying goes
but maybe they meant
to see the world through each others eyes.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.07.2010

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To all my friends and family who are always with me.....I loves you guysez!!!!

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