
"The Demons...Are They Real?"

“It’s so dark, why are we running?” The thoughts run through my head as my mother and I flee. I turn around and see our home up in flames. I can’t see anything in front of me only my mother’s back. I can hear her breathing heavily as we run. She tells me, “don’t worry, we’ll be fine”, but I don’t know what she means. There’s a smell in the air making me sick. Heavy black smoke fills my lungs and makes me dizzy. A loud explosion sounds to my right, and then in front. Mother stops running and I see green lights surround us. I hear a voice coming from up above.

“It’s time to release him now! He’s ready! Leave him be!” I look up to see who was speaking. I’ve never seen him before. He floats above us with a black essence surrounding him. His face was hideous. It reminded me of stories my mother used to tell me.

“The day will come when there will be no difference between humans and demons. Sharp teeth, adamantine skin, claw that rival katanas, hair thick as rope, horns grow from their head in many different ways, the powers they wield could destroy us all, and their eyes tell you exactly what they can do.”

“What’s wrong with their eyes mother?” I asked young and fascinated. She smirked and said, “Their eyes all tell a different story unique to their own personality.” Hearing her story again in my head made me look into his eyes. They were blacked out and a small diamond shaped pupil remained. I asked my mother, “The demons…are they real!?” She stood silent with an intense look of surprise on her face. The nameless demon tried to answer the question for me.

“We are not demons we’re all just”- Suddenly my mother took action. She stepped forward slightly and beams of green light shot out from around us. The demon danced around them deflecting some of the beams in the process. He retaliated with orbs of black smoke that exploded around us.

“He needs to know how to control it, or your baby boy will grow into something that you’ll have to put down! You won’t be able to just stop him! He’ll try to destroy anything and everything!” He pleaded to my mother.

“He’ll grow on his own terms, in his own way, with friends he can trust! I won’t let him be another mindless feed into the depths of hell that you call the Midnight wars!” Mother responded with such ferocity. Her response made my heart burn. I heard a heavy voice in my head say, “I can help if you want.” I didn’t think anything of it. Maybe I was just scared. I looked to my mother.

“Mother what’s going on?” I asked but got no answer. Mother reached up and her green light began to shine so brightly that anyone looking at it was blinded. I couldn’t see but I could hear the demons voice grunting and shouting. Maybe she had blinded him too. She spoke to me very quickly.

“There’s no one in Adon that can help you. Never come back here until you’re the one leading the revolution. The world is a dark and evil place but never forget to be the light that illuminates it all.” When I got my eyesight back she was waving goodbye as her green light was lifting me into the air. I couldn’t move I couldn’t speak. I could only watch as she vanished from my sight. I was thrown into a completely dark tunnel, I couldn’t see anything. I was so scared I could hear myself breathing. I tried to cover my mouth but that just made it worse. I called out to my mother but got heard no response. A green light shined in the distance. I ran to it as fast as I could but it didn’t seem to be getting closer. I was very scared and alone for the first time in all my life. I screamed as loud as I could. I pushed myself when my body wanted to stop. I just kept running after the light. Hopefully it was my mother leading the way.

“We could have stopped this you know?” The voice came back again. Before I could answer, the darkness shattered. I was cast out into a forest. I tumbled and rolled into a large tree.

“You know we could have beaten that guy back there right?” Once again a voice I didn’t recognize, speaking in such a dire tone.

“We can burn anything you want my little friend.” Thinking of what could’ve have happenedI almost agreed to the offer but I didn’t know what it would mean. I didn’t quite understand what the voice wanted from me. I stood up and looked around. I grabbed my head and pulled on my hair.

“What is this? Who are you?” I shouted. I fell back against the tree and shed a few tears.

“Hello, is someone there!?” A female demon drifted from the wood. Gliding on air she locked eyes with me. I could feel the fear and anger inside colliding with one another.

“Another one?” I asked myself.

“What a strange looking child you are.” She said. At the time I had only seen one other like this but his eyes were blacked out. She was a pinkish color and her eyes appeared to be made of pure gold. I felt a heavy pressure on my shoulders. My eyes started to sting slightly. My anger survived the collision with my fear.

“Where is my mother demon?” I asked but didn’t care if she answered or not.

“Demon?” she said confused by my question. I went after her with a speed I had never been capable of. I threw a punch but she just pushed me away without even touching me. The anger was too much to control. I just kept attacking her and shouting.

“Where is my mother?” After my loud plea she let me punch her. Her skin was so hard it felt like my hand shattered. She gripped my neck and took a closer look. Her grip was so strong I couldn’t move my head at all.

“You’re Adonian that explains your look. You’re a long way from home child. I’ve explained many times to you Adonians that this forest isn’t a rebel territory. This forest belongs to us.” When she finished her sentence children, adults, and even elders appeared from the woods behind her.


“What is your name child?” she asked.

“Well what’s your name you worthless scum!!?” The voice in my head screamed so loudly. My heart began to burn again. My entire body began to feel warm. My hair started to feel really heavy. The back of my eyes started to sting again. She looked into my eyes and saw red pupils.

“Well if only you could look at yourself, you’re just the same as everyone else. You’re no pure human child. There hasn’t been a pure human in existence since before those petty little wars began. Humph, I think I know who you are. Yes your ignorance plays your cards prematurely. You’re the son of Nohkaria. Raikoe was it? Anyhow I don’t know why your mother would send you here.” I felt my body and anger calm to a simple ease when she mentioned my mother.

“Where is she?” I asked.

She answered simply. “Fighting and dying in the war I presume.”

“What!?” I asked frenzied. She released my neck. And I fell to the ground. My neck still felt like she had her grip on me. She silently noticed a burn mark on her hand from my neck.

“Fire?” she said confused.

“How in the world did you get this?” she asked.

“Get what?” I responded.

“How could she let you be so ignorant and have the nerve to send you here?” she asked angrily.

“She was trying to protect me from demons like you!” I responded. The people waiting near the forest were drawing near.

“That’s hilarious. It seems your mother kept you this way on purpose.” She said.

“My mother’s never lied to me demon!” I responded. “Oh? Then why are you still calling me demon like I’m any less human than you.” She softly floated to the ground and revealed her human form. The demonic skin and hair seemed to recede into a stone that appeared onto her chest.

“See? I’m no demon. There’s no such thing. Now this is what makes me look the way I do.” She held a large medallion in her hands. It was split down the middle with a green and pink crystal on each side.


“What is it?” I asked.

“People like us use these to change into…well, what you call demons. Every person that uses these is combining their souls to the crystals. Some people say that eventually the souls can no longer stand alone without the crystals and you can never change back. But that’s probably just the people who are too scared to use them complaining about them. You have one too don’t you?” she asked.

“No I don’t.” I answered.

“But the fire, I know you have one.” She said.

“No I’ve never had that, done that, or whatever.” I answered. The voice inside my head spoke to me once more.

“Yes you have, but I don’t think you remember.” The voice said as I fell into what seemed to be a daydream.

“We are one. I am you and you are me. When the time comes I’ll protect you and you’ll defend us. I’ll give you back your home. Just give me someone to fight. Show the world our perfect union. The fires will reignite the embers one by one and we’ll find whoever you wish. To begin I need to show you your memories.

The Huntress

“I hope he’s okay. I probably shouldn’t worry about him. She’ll show him what he needs to do now.” Nohkaria, Raikoes mother thinks as she flees from her still burning home.

“I wonder if he still knows where I am. The light should have blinded him in his demon form. But--" she was interrupted in the middle of her thought when a random black orb almost hit her. The black demon was casting out black orbs to flush out Nohkaria.

“You can’t run forever Nohkaria I smell your fear! Oh I forgot you don’t use your power anymore because you’re scared of it! Face me!” the black demon shouted. From beyond the shadows, green lights and a heavy mist filled the darkness.

“Yes that’s it embrace your power!” the black demon screeched.

“I’m using this evil to destroy you with it!” Nohkaria responded. As she stepped out of the shadows her emerald green demonic skin shined brilliantly.

“I’m no demon I hunt them!” she spoke as she opened her eyes. Her pupils were a light green tint with numbers inside.

“You hunt them? What an ignorant notion, demons don’t exist.” He responded.

“You’re wrong there’s a child on his way to proving just how wrong you are. Demons do exist but by the time the world knows, you’ll be history!!!” Nohkaria shouted.

“Don’t threaten m--" the black demons remarks were cut off when Nohkaria attacked. She was so fast he didn’t see her move. She landed a punch directly in his gut, sending him flying over a hundred yards. She rushes over to him again and smashes him into the ground. She jumped back and prepared for him to retaliate. He stood up and smiled. His black demonic teeth dripped black ooze that simulated blood. He opened his mouth and started to spray the ooze everywhere. Nohkaria managed to avoid it. She covered her demonic nose the smell was horrifying. He laughed and pointed at the ground. The ooze began to boil and create a thick black mist. Nohkaria began to lose sight of the black demon. Suddenly the black demon landed a blow directly to Nohkaria through the treacherous mist. She began to brace herself for the next attack. She kept trying to calm herself but the smell of the mist was too much. She tried to use her speed to escape but was met with a kick in the stomach. She fell back in and started to focus. Her sense of smell was disabled and so was her sight. That left only touch, taste, or hearing. The thought of tasting the ooze made the smell even worse. So she listened out for his movement. She heard a slight stepping sound in the distance and turned towards the sound. She braced for the attack and waited. The mist opened for the black demons attack. He was surprised to see Nohkaria there waiting for it. She took hold of his fist with her left hand and landed a devastating punch with her right breaking the grounds foundation. With the mist cleared Nohkaria caught her breath and started to walk towards the demons body.

“I have the fastest power in existence you can’t win demon!” she gloated. The demon stood up injured and breathing heavily.

“Well nicely done Nohkaria. But I’m not history yet though!” the demon said as he raised his arm up. Black smoke started to extend from his arm unsheathing an onyx blade.

“You may be the fastest but I’m the most evolved power in existence, you can’t win!” he shouted. In a slashing motion with his blade he sent a wave of black energy towards Nohkaria. The wave appeared to have skulls screaming from within. Nohkaria could hear the sounds of humans suffering. Surely his earlier victims Nohkaria thought. She tried to block it all on her own and was sent all the way back into the burning wreckage of her home, the Red Stone Castle of Adon. The demon smiled as he walked towards the destruction.

“Hey Nohkaria how long do you think you’ll last? I’m really asking?” the demon gloated. Nohkarias demonic skin was badly torn and bleeding but she still stood up to fight. From beneath the castle she shot green energy upwards. The black demon looked up at the green energy surprised.

“How can she even move after that?” the demon said.

“How long do you think you’ll last!?” Nohkaria responded. Using the energy like a blade she slashed down onto the black demon. The green energy flushed over him slashing, ripping, and tearing his adamantine skin. He tries to send another black energy wave through the tsunami of power but it’s drowned and backfires. In the aftermath Nohkaria walked out onto the scarred earth and started to use her green energy to heal herself. The black demon was laid out beaten in the open.

“I told you already, I hunt demons like you for the revolution. I’ve never lost.” Nohkaria said.

“I’m not some wild beast you wretch!! I’m your worst nightmare! The black creature that stalks the night and weaves death into the lives of hundreds! I am Elguntier of the Night!!!” the demon pleaded out. Nohkaria could tell he wasn’t as strong as she first thought.

“Well Elguntier I’ll give you one moment to run or flee to whoever sent you after my son. Tell them you failed and that the huntress will see them on the frontlines.” Nohkaria offered. Elguntier was clearly disgusted with her offer.

“I shall do no such thing. I was sent by the Red Guard in the Kings Capital. You will be slain and dragged before Hiemachy.” Elguntier said. His demonic form receded with no crystal.

“Hiemachy hired you!? After twelve years he takes an interest in his… no, Raikoes my son. You will go back to the Red Guard and you will tell Hiemachy that there’s no one here for him to return to!” Nohkaria demanded. She raised her right arm across her chest and a flash of green light revealed an emerald short sword. She directed it at Elguntier and said, “Or you’ll lose your wretched life today.” Elguntier lay silent.

“Answer me cretin!” Nohkaria said. Elguntier began smiling she glimpsed into her blade and saw the reflection of a blue blade falling towards her neck. She quickly ducked and evaded it.


The sword struck the ground in front of Elguntier. “Why’d you tell her who sent us? Now if we did have Raikoe in custody she’d know where to find him!” said a mysterious voice. A short young man appeared with a gust of wind.

“Hello mother. Where’s Raikoe? I heard from all your little rebels that you couldn’t even protect them from your own son. Let me guess, you gave him the last fire crystal you’ve been hiding from the world, he couldn’t handle it, and he went berserk.” He said.

“Typhon!? Of course he would send his own children to fight his battles for him. What is he giving you this time? Money!? Another cesspool of a city!? Whatever it is I’m warning you,” she said as she stepped forward readying her blade.

“You’ll never find Raikoe until it’s too late to brainwash him. Raikoe is of no importance to you! He didn’t use a fire crystal!” She pleaded.

“Your rebel buddies told me what happened. They clearly described a fire demon. Don’t lie to me!” Typhon shouted.

“There are no more fire crystals, we destroyed them long ago.” Nohkaria said. Typhon glimpsed over to Elguntier.

“I wonder why you haven’t killed him yet. He has an actual demon within. He’s not using some crystal father created. Don’t you want to help your devout friends by making sure they destroy us all?” Typhon said.

“She’s fast Typhon and also strong. You should not underestimate her.” Elguntier said as he lies on the ground still injured.

“You dare try to give me advice about her? You lost! I grew up with this woman I know her power and how it works. Humph, she calls herself the Huntress for a reason. But there’s one thing Nohkaria can’t destroy.” Typhon slowly moved closer to Nohkaria the wind around them got stronger with every step. Typhon pulled a crystal from his robes.

“You may be a Huntress but I don’t think you’ve ever hunted a storm!!!” Typhon said. Typhon was the Red Guards general. He always carries a sleek blue sword with a blade shaped like a saw. His hair was very short in human form. He always wore a heavy blue robe with big black boots. Hiemachy would always tell him to change his colors. The Red Guard always wore red robes with black trim. He would tell everyone he wanted to stand out. Most times he walked around castles and cities with a smirk on his face. Seeing him before me now he’s no different. He serves his father no matter what. And he’s also never lost a fight. Typhon crushed the crystal from his robes in his hand. A large burst of wind was released from the stone. The winds grew stronger and stronger surrounding Typhon. Nohkaria tried to stand her ground. She released as mush green energy as possible from within. She used the energy to create a large protective barrier around herself.

“Nohkaria, if I can’t bring Raikoe with me, you’ll be taken back dead or alive!!” The transformed Typhon shouted. The winds stopped and the dust cleared leaving a blue demon. Typhons demon hair was spun like small tornadoes on his head. His topaz blue skin and claws made him a fully realized demon. His eyes were something different. Nohkaria had never seen them before. His demonic eyes resembled storms inside of crystal balls.

“Did you master demonic power!?” You were never good at it.” Nohkaria asked.

“I spent two years on the battlefield in the Midnight Wars. I guess it just took a little incentive for me to master it.” Typhon explained.

“Incentive!!? Is that what your father called it when he got disappointed in you!? When his heir wasn’t performing the way he expected!? Was it really incentive Typhon!? Or was it his way of getting rid of you by using his foolish war to destroy you!!? Use your head Typhon please! Why else would he send you after Raikoe!!? Why does he need Raikoe!? He has an heir already doesn’t he!?” Nohkaria pleaded.

“I have the entire army under my command Raikoe would be just another soldier!!” Typhon shouted.

“Now really ask yourself what Hiemachy really wants with Raikoe.” Nohkaria said.

“Well after this is over, you can ask him yourself!!” Typhon shouted as he leaped forward taking hold of his sword next to Elguntier. He jumped up and slammed down with his saw-like blade. Nohkaria tries to deflect it but it was too strong. The power of Typhon strike forced Nohkarias demonic feet to tear into the ground. The sparks from the two blades clashing sent demonic energy into the surrounding areas causing it to combust. Nohkaria gathered energy in her left palm and pushed the back of her blade forcing Typhon back and a wave of green energy kept him flying backwards. Using her speed she rushes behind him and gathers more demonic energy in her sword and tries to slash Typhons back but his body turned to wind and reappeared behind her. Her energy wave was still approaching. She took hold of the energy and threw it at him. He cut it in half with his sword and jumped after her. Their swords clashed over and over. Neither of them has ever lost a fight. Their combat abilities were far above the normal. Typhon began to become frustrated. They both swung their swords again and knocked each other back. They came after one another again. Nohkaria used her speed and Typhon used the wind. Their swords clashed again. Sparks from the blades turned to energy. The green light from Nohkaria grew stronger. The wind from Typhon forced his blade forward. The relentless collision of power tore through whatever was left of the Red Stone castle. Typhon could no longer sustain the power. He used the wind to disappear behind Nohkaria once more. Her power continued forward and exploded into a river next to the castle. Nohkaria looked back at Typhon who was about to attack and threw her blade at him. Typhon wasn’t expecting it so he pulled his blade in front of him to protect himself. The blade deflected off of his sword and flew upwards. He pulled his sword down and looked for her but didn’t see her. Typhon looked up and saw Nohkaria falling towards him with her blade in a stabbing motion. Nohkaria then remembers Typhons first baby steps in her head.

“No stop showing me this demon, he’s just like his father!!” Nohkaria thinks to herself.

“It’s not too late for him Nohkaria! It’s not too late for your child! Don’t do this, not yet!” A soft and delicate voice speaks with Nohkaria from within. Instead of striking at Typhons heart she uses her elbow for the attack. When her elbow made contact Typhons body turned to wind again and she struck the ground.

“You’re pathetic Nohkaria!” Typhon yells.

“Don’t worry I’ll defend us!!” the voice from within Nohkaria says as the green energy forms over Nohkarias skin. Slash after slash from Typhons jagged edged sword cut into the demonic skin of Nohkarias back. Typhon then fell to the ground and one big swing of his sword sent Nohkaria flying upwards.


“You’ve failed your children mother! All the years you spent fighting and hunting your demons you weren’t there for us once!! Don’t you dare judge me or my father!! What about Annabelle, Januro, and Kaley!? Where were you when we all needed you most!!? You’re protecting Raikoe from Hiemachy!!? Well what should the rest of your children had done!!?” Typhon yelled while releasing his demonic wings and flying after Nohkaria. With the wind behind him he rises above Nohkarias limp body.

“Nohkaria, I’ll never forgive you!!” Typhon yelled. With another large swing of his sword, Typhon gathers all of his demonic energy turning him back into a human. He cuts down Nohkaria and a large tornado spawned from his blade sending her smashing into ground. With his energy spent Typhon falls back to the ground.

“I’m sorry Nohkaria but we’ve lost this fight. It’s my entire fault!” the soft voice from within Nohkaria explained. Her demon form vanished as she laid out cold. Elguntier reached over to where Typhon was falling and created a black cloud that carried him down.

“Is she dead sir?” Elguntier asked Typhon. “No, I left her exactly the way father wanted. She’s beaten, alone, and out cold. She’s an enemy of the Capital. Take her with us!” Typhon answered. Elguntiers black cloud lifted the three of them and began to fly away.

Within The Fires

“My memories?” I thought.

“Yes you asked me to help you and I did.” The voice in my head responded. I could see the memory the voice spoke of as if I was outside of my body. I no longer thought of this as a daydream. It seemed too real.

“Is that me? Whoa. Wait, wait what am I doing on the floor?” I asked.

“This is right after you asked for my help Raikoe. You lost consciousness when I gave you the power so… I tried to give you what you want on my own.” The voice inside the vision said.

“What do you mean on your own!?” I asked. When I asked, my body in the memory caught fire inside my room. The room became a box of flames and when I stood up my eyes had become a blood red color. Strands of my hair glows like embers from a recent flame. My skin darkened and started to change colors. The flames swirled around me giving me dark red armor like skin. I could hear the bones in my back crackling, breaking, and reforming. Bones shot out from my back making wings. The teeth I had were large and sharp.


The memory displayed itself bit by bit. The boned wings caught fire and began to vibrate the entire room, until I released a bloodcurdling howl that detonated the room and awoke everyone in the Red Stone castle.

“That’s my home why would I ever let you do something like this!? What are you!!?” I demanded.

“I am Nohtay!! The inferno that scorches the world and leaves only devoured and charred corpses! You are the weak little child I gave my soul to! Together we are the perfection, the blemish upon the world, the deficiency, the tainted blood, the stigma, and the contagion eradicating the world while it suffers within the fires!!!!” He proclaimed. The memory was a horror to be witnessed. In my demon form I floated above Adon and was soothed by the moons glow. My mother Nohkaria awoken by my monstrous form took action. I could hear the screams of the people in Adon. They all ran away frightened.

“Everyone, leave this place now!” mother demanded.

“You foul beast you will leave this place at once or lose your soul to…..” she halted her speech as her son Raikoe floated above her in a demon form.

“Raikoe!? What have you done?” she looked into my eyes and saw the blood red tint. The star shaped pupils of mine lit up and burning like cinders.

“I don’t even think he’s controlling it. That’s too much power for someone so young. No no no!!” she said as Elguntier the Red Guards spy came smashing into me in his demon form, crashing the two of us into the castle. Nohkaria started to glow green and she quickly went into her demon form. Using her speed, she came to me.

“You need to change back Raikoe!” she tried to warn me but I wasn’t in control. Another howl from me made the castle tremble. Elguntier stood behind me waiting to strike. My demon body dematerialized in a fiery flash and reappeared behind Elguntier. With my childish demon fist I jabbed Elguntier and sent him flying through the castle and into the river behind the castle.


Mother looked up at my demonic grin. I seemed overjoyed with satisfaction after the punch.

“This is no longer Raikoe, I must…. Stop him by any means necessary!!” she said with tears in her eyes. The memory ended, I awoke from the daydream. I was back in the woods with the older woman.

“No!” I said with deep sorrow.

“What have I done?” I said.

“What’s the matter child? Did your mother even tell you who I was? I’m Priscilla; the one your mother seems to think is a babysitter!” she said.

“Take me to Adon!” I demanded.

“A please would be welcomed.” Priscilla responded.

“You have no idea what’s going on do you? My mother is in trouble!” I shouted.

“So are everyone else’s mothers, brothers, sisters, and cousins. I would say fathers as well, but you might not know what your father is. That or you don’t care.” Priscilla responded as she turned to walk away.

“I know exactly what my father is he’s an evil tyrant that left my mother to die thirteen years ago.” I angrily responded. I started walking after her. She kept walking while the people I saw before were following us in the trees above. Priscilla laughed at me.

“What did I just say kid? You have no idea what your father is.” She mockingly responded.

“I know when someone’s mocking me lady. I’m not a fool.” I said.

“I believe Raikoe was your name? Look, you don’t want to learn anything then fine. I’ll just continue to teach all the rest of the stranded children sent here.” She said.

“What could you possibly be teaching kids in a forest?” I asked.

“I teach them how to use their crystals properly. So they can protect themselves from your father’s foolish war.” She responded. I was appalled by her answer.

“You teach kids how to use savagery to defend themselves!? Well if only you could look at yourself! You’re no better than the rest of them. The only difference is the places you people hide in!” I exclaimed.


“For an ignorant child you actually seem to know something about the wars. But what do you know about the misery these people go through everyday hoping they get to see their families again one day.” She said. I looked up at their faces as they followed.

“You don’t know anything about it Raikoe. You just want someone to take you to a battlefield just so you can hopefully find your mother, if that’s your wish than you surely are a fool. Your father has put so many people in harm’s way. Leaving your mother for dead is I’m sorry to say, but the least of his evil deeds. Your mother sent you here for the same reason every other child has been sent here, to learn how to use the power given to you. So Raikoe you’re either with us learning how to protect yourself or you’re on your own.” Priscilla presented a dilemma to me that I had no idea how to solve. I stopped walking to think and she stopped and looked back at me to see what I would say. The others in the trees waited as well. I wanted to find my mother. But if I found her and she was still in danger what could I do. Am I to trust this woman and learn to fight.


“Priscilla.” I called to her.

“Yes?” she responded.

“How can I use the same power that burned down my home and haunts my memories? I don’t think I can use something that destroyed my life.” I said as I turned to walk away.

“What!?” Priscilla asked. Before she could come after me a girl stopped her. She was small but not smaller than I was. She had long black hair in pigtails and she wore clothes that were slim and easy to move in.

“Hey Raikoe what makes you think you’ll find what you want anywhere else? Priscilla’s right. You’ve been sent here not let your mother go it alone but to make sure she doesn’t have to. I’m Malory my brother Kane and I were sent here by our older sister two years ago. We're eager to fight back same as you. But if you go before you’re ready, you’ll die or just….. Get in the way.” She said with grief in her voice.

“It wasn’t your fault Malory just let it go” her brother Kane said from up above.

“Is it easy?” I asked Priscilla.

“No but you’ll be the better for it.” She responded.

“What’s first?” I asked.

“First we figure out what stone to give you. Then whichever stone you feel strongest with you keep. Lastly we find you some different clothing.” She explained.

“Well what’s wrong with my clothes?” I asked. She smiled and responded, “You’re wearing royal robes in a forest.” I looked around at what everyone else was wearing. Everyone had very loose fitting clothes that freed movement. Priscilla wore a very slim pair of boots and leathery armor.

“Okay I see your point” I said. Malory smiled walked over and took my hand.

“Well let’s go then!” she said happily as we all continued through the forest. Priscilla’s people were all so agile. They jumped and leaped through the trees with much ease. The forest smelled a lot different from home. It was a lot dirtier too though my robes were already dirtier than they’ve ever been. Everyone started to pick up speed. Malory looked back at me and I started to feel….. I don’t know happy.


I picked up my speed as well. I ran beside Malory and looked up and saw her brother Kane as he jumped through the trees better than everyone else including Priscilla.

“Let’s go!” Priscilla commanded. Everyone began to take hold of their crystals. All of them changing into demons and their speed dramatically increased. I was worried about how so many of them looked exactly the way mother described but I was also interested.

“Oh wait I don’t have a crystal!” I said to Malory.

“It’s okay I know.” She responded. She took her green crystal and a bright green light shined around her. The way the green light reacted reminded me of mother but I never saw mother change into something else. I closed my eyes because of the light. I felt my body lift upwards. I opened my eyes and I was floating above the forest with Malory’s green light carrying me. I could see so much of the forest. It was a very large forest with a giant boulder in the center. It was like a small mountain surrounded by forest.

“My power is the only one capable of sustaining flight besides Priscilla’s!” she explained as she flew beside me in her demon form. I was speechless. How could a demon be so pretty? Mother always described them as hideous creatures. But Malory had no claws. She didn’t have horns or sharp teeth. All she had was smooth green skin and light green hair. I thought I was staring at her so I stopped looking.

“I think I can fly too!” I said.

“I thought you didn’t have a crystal!?” she asked.

“I don’t but….. I don’t know. I’ve seen myself do it before, Except I wasn’t controlling it. He said I asked him for it?” I tried to explain.

“You asked who and for what?” she said confused. My heart started to burn again and I heard his voice once more.

“We don’t need those fabricated fragments of power. We are one I am you and you are me. When the time comes I’ll protect you and you’ll defend us. I’ll give you back your home. Just give me someone to fight. Show the world our power and perfect union.” Again the demon Nohtay whispers his promises to me once more. I fell into the darkness of my mind, only myself and his voice remained.

“Why are you bringing me here again? What do you mean fabricated power? This all looks real to me what am I missing?” I asked the demons voice inside.

“Within the fires ill teach you more. Give me what I ask and I’ll provide the gifts you seek.” The voice said.

“Gifts, You mean malicious destruction that’ll consume lives and destroy others hope. No, I’ll decide what to do with it on my own! No one else is hurt or torn from their families because of you!” I said angrily.

“If you ever want to take control of my power Raikoe you will first satisfy my hunger!!!” the voice shouted. I opened my eyes and could see Priscilla flying towards us. Everyone else was leaving us behind. I looked to Malory who was timid and frightened as she landed us on the ground.

“How did you do that!?” she asked.

“Do what?” I responded.

“Your hair, your face it changed without you using a crystal!” she exclaimed. Feeling the heat on my face and hair made me realize that talking to Nohtay must have triggered a change. But I was still in control of my body.

“I don’t know. The first time something like this happened to me I wasn’t in control and destroyed my own home.” I explained.

“Was it too powerful to control?” she asked.

“No I wasn’t there, in my body. I didn’t even know it happened until he showed it to me!” I said.

“Who showed you?” she asked.

“Nohtay did!” I said. After I said his name Priscilla flew in, grabbed me, and flew upwards.

“Raikoe you can never tell anyone here about that! My people wouldn’t understand. I don’t even understand!” she said.

“Understand what?” I asked hoping I wouldn’t fall.

“How you have the powers but no stones or crystals to activate them!” she explained.

“It’s Nohtay!!” I shouted.

“What in the world is Nohtay!? Is it some form of new magic?” she asked.

“The demon in my head!” I tried to explain.

“What, that’s just absurd!” she said laughing like I was joking.

“I’m serious!!” I shouted.

“And does this demon talk to you? Does he give you ideas? That’s your brain!!” she said. I scowled back at her very annoyed.

“I thought you might know what this is that’s why I stayed with you!!” I shouted.

“Yeah, that and the little crush you have on Malory!” she said smiling at me.

“What, again with the jokes!” I said annoyed. “Show me.” She said as she flew over to a large field in the forest. She put me down and landed across from me.

“Show you what?” I asked.

“The change, the transformation, the demon you’re so afraid of!” she responded.

“I don’t just do it on my own. I wouldn’t even know where to start!” I explained.

“Well I can’t help if I don’t understand.” She said.

“Sorry but I don’t know. He pulled me in the last couple times.” I explained to her. Priscilla laughed while I tried to think about it.

“Well why don’t you just ask Nohtay Raikoe?” Priscilla asked but appeared to be joking. It wasn’t a bad idea though. I closed my eyes and felt the heat from the sun against my forehead. The warmth started to build up in my chest. I took a deep breath and when I exhaled a small stream of fire came out. In my mind I could finally see him. Nohtay stood before me in a dark infinite. A very tall demon with the happiest expression was waiting to greet me.

“Welcome to my home, Raikoes disastrous mind. I’ll get the lights.” Nohtay said. With a snap of his fingers flames erupted all around us and lit up the darkness. Beneath us a small flame turned into a platform with a chair made of fire. The stage was set for us to discuss our terms within his home made of fire.

Where'd The Love Go

Nohkaria sits in a dark dungeon after being captured by Typhon conversing with her demon out loud.

“Well here we are captured like incompetent vermin. It’s your fault you worthless creature you’re supposed to make me capable of destroying other demons not stopping me in the middle of an attack. I know you hear me Gestalsia speak up!! Explain yourself!” she shouted.

“I’m sorry Nohkaria but I sensed that Typhon is still capable of returning to whatever light is left in his heart. He’s hiding something I know it.” Gestalsia responded.

“I know, but I tried to explain everything to that ignorant scum child of mine and look at where we are. I already know it’s just a matter of time now.” Nohkaria said as she took a gander around the dark prison. Another prisoner was looking at her from only a few feet away. 

“Who could you have possibly been talking to lady?” The prisoner asked. Nohkaria laughed and responded, “Gestalsia my imaginary friend.” 

“Imaginary? So….. You’re just completely out of your mind apparently?” The prisoner asked.

“I must be! I had a perfectly good chance to kill Typhon, but I hesitated. Now I’m in a dungeon with no view of where I am.” Nohkaria responded.

“Well I can tell you one thing; they dumped you on coastal rock.” The prisoner said.

“What, I’m not even shackled. Why wouldn’t they take me directly to the Red Guard?” Nohkaria asked.

“Umm I kind of heard some of the guards say something like, she’s an explosive waiting to go off. So put her at the bottom with the other one. That would be me, and they continued to say, if he wants to see her he’ll show the effort and actually come to see her.” The prisoner explained.

“Those fools left me in an unguarded prison!?” Nohkaria said smiling.

“Unguarded? This prison is everything but unguarded! Coastal rock is the epitome of what a war prison should look like. They can simulate hope and take it away.” The prisoner said.

“What do mean simulate hope?” Nohkaria asked.

“Just take a look through the tiny little slot on the door. You’d think this prison was unguarded and easy to escape from but it’s not. The outside you see isn’t real I learned that the hard way. It’s some kind of an illusion meant to give false hope. I don’t even look anymore. When you actually manage to open the door without a real key the alarm sounds and the illusion vanishes leaving only the real underground hell that you’re actually in.” the prisoner explained.

“I don’t think it’s an illusion though. I can actually smell the air and feel a breeze.” Nohkaria said.

“It’s not real lady! Just stop!” the prisoner yelled.

“You make it sound as though you’re defeated and would rather stay here!” Nohkaria yelled back.

“Hiemachy could never defeat me! I have children waiting to see me again and they won’t be disappointed.” The prisoner said.

“You’re a mother? You seem really young.” Nohkaria asked.

“Well I’m sorry I didn’t clarify. My younger siblings are waiting for me. I’ve been here for two years now. That’s more than enough time for Priscilla to teach them.” The prisoner explained. Nohkaria thought of Raikoe and the power he exhibited. She sighed in hope that Raikoe hasn’t lost control. Nohkaria saw the pain in the prisoner and wanted to help. Nohkaria smelled the air once more and started to think of a plan.

“I’ve been here two minutes and I’m already thinking about escaping.” Nohkaria said. The prisoner chuckled and said, “Well I’m Ayane but people used to just call me Anya. I wish I could tell you that you’ve only been here two minutes but you’ve actually been here at least two days. It’s hard to tell with that illusion of a day and night cycle.” Anya responded.

“Two days already? Then he must be on his way here by now. How did you almost escape the first time?” Nohkaria asked.

“Sorry lady I used up whatever energy I had left in my system to escape the first five times, now I’m all out. If I had a crystal to fight back once I actually got out I wouldn’t even be here. So why even bother escaping without a crystal?” Anya asked. Nohkaria smiled and backed away from the cell door.

“Because you never know, you might actually meet someone who doesn’t need a crystal to change.” Nohkaria said as she emitted a small glimmer of green light. Anya stood up in shock. She saw the light without any crystal in sight.

“You can change without a crystal!!!” Anya shouted.

“Keep your voice down kid I’m getting us out of here!” Nohkaria tried to whisper.

“I’m no kid lady I’ve been fighting in the Midnight wars since I could even hold a crystal. I have more combat experience than most of the people in the wars!” Anya shouted angrily. Nohkarias face turned sour when Anya mentioned her combat experience.

“Why does a young girl like you take pride in that? Like you really believe that it’s a lifetime achievement. It’s really not. What would make you think that being in a war is a good thing?” Nohkaria asked of Anya who had no real answer.

“Who are you anyway?” Anya asked. Nohkaria looked at Anya and was hesitant to answer. She knows the anger she would cause if Anya knew who she really was.

“I’m Nohkaria.” She said. Anya’s eyes widened and her surprise turned to anger just as expected.

“I’m the mother of Raikoe, Kaley, Januro, Typhon, and Annabelle.” Nohkaria continued.

“How dare you!! I know exactly who you are! You criticize me for being in the war when your family’s the one that started it!!” Anya shouted.

“You didn’t let me finish Anya I’m also the last person strong enough to end the Midnight wars. I’ve lead resistances and gave power to thos ewho needed it most. Adon is….. Well was the last bastion from the Midnight wars. Why, because everyone that hasn’t had their heads stuck in the frontlines knows what I’ve done since the wars began. You have the frontline experience fine, but my two daughters and I have been fighting the same war as you only more accurate and covert!!” Nohkaria explained with the same fury.

“That’s just obnoxious! I thought Annabelle was the leader of the Red Guards Navy? That entire fleet of hers wiped out an entire militia without even taking damage.” Anya asked.

“Yes but how long has it been since you’ve seen a water demon on the battlefield or even in the war period?” Nohkaria asked.

“About….. Oh yeah six years now. Everyone I heard from said that all the water crystals were probably destroyed.” Anya responded curiously.

“Of course they weren’t destroyed. Annabelle took them all and is at this very moment building her army’s strength in secret.” Nohkaria explained.

“What about Kaley, the silent reaper? What has she done for the alliance?” Anya asked.

“It’s not really an alliance anymore Anya. We’re on our own now. They dropped out of the war six months ago.” Nohkaria stated.

“What do you mean they dropped out!!?” Anya yelled frightened by the thought of losing the war.

“The alliance is no more Anya. I tried everything bribes, threats, and even peaceful negotiation, in secret of course. We did everything they wanted. We even destroyed all the fire crystals this world had. They won’t budge, even though we all want the same things.” Nohkaria explained.

“I don’t understand why they would just drop out, quit a war!?” Anya asked.

“I understand perfectly. Either Hiemachy gave them a better offer or they’re just waiting for their rivals to be extinct.” Nohkaria responded.

“That’s so evil and cruel. Hey Nohkaria, Where’d the love go!? You’re older than I am so that’s why I’m asking. I’ve heard of love and even thought I saw it at one time. But does it really exist. There’s so much fighting and dying in the world. Who do I go to for peace and innocence?” Anya asked. Nohkaria wore the pity across her face like she couldn’t hide it. Nohkaria reached down and hugged Anya.

“Love is the feeling you got when you protected your siblings by sending them to Priscilla. The love that you want to feel outside of family members is non-existent yes, but when this war ends and the evil that descended upon our world is eradicated the love you want will sweep across our world again. I’m sad to say that the alliancewasn’t created for love? It was created because of the hatred we all share for Hiemachy.” Nohkaria responded while consoling Anya whose eyes were tearing up.

“So….. What? They just live peacefully while the other half of the world dies?” Anya asked. “That’s my theory anyway. I mean why else would they just leave us, bunker down in their territory, and stop all communication with us?” Nohkaria said in deep thought as she turned back to the door. Anya looked up at her.

“What is it?” Anya asked. The surprise on Nohkaria’s face turned sour as she looked to Anya.

“I need to get out of here now!!!” Nohkaria yelled.

“What are you doing!?” Anya yelled out to Nohkaria.

“I just figured out why Hiemachy wants Raikoe!!” Nohkaria explained while desperately building her energy. 

“Well just tell me what happened!” Anya yelled.

“I don’t think my son Raikoe found a fire crystal!! I think he might actually have a demon with him!!” Nohkaria shouted.

“What are you talking about!?” Anya asked.

“Hiemachy dies before he sees my son again!!” Nohkaria responded. Outside the Coastal Rock prison the guards awaited a VIP visitor. “Who do think it is?” one of the guards on duty said to another. “Well don’t be an idiot; it’s obviously the Red Guard. She’s been here almost two days now.” Another guard responded.


Nohkaria tries to build the energy but can’t build as much as she wants. “Nohkaria I’m not that kind of demon, I don’t think I have enough strength for us to escape unharmed!” Gestalsia, Nohkarias demon said to her.

“Well how bad is it?” Nohkaria asked. “I’m not sure, wait… I can protect your head, body, and one arm but everything else, will be unprotected.” Gestalsia added.

“Well that’s just fine! Besides, I have a plan. Anya I need you to take my hand!” Nohkaria smiled.

“Get behind me and when I break free I want you to break open all of the doors to free every prisoner!!” Nohkaria demanded.

“I got it!” Anya said as Nohkaria changed her head and body into demon form. Nohkaria pulled back a little and charged for the door. Shoulder first she hit the door as hard as she could and the door flew open. Nohkaria looked at Anya’s arm in her hand and waited for it to change. Anya’s arm slowly changed into Nohkarias demon arm.

“Now go set them free!” Nohkaria said as she took off. Anya went over to each door and punched them open. The prisoners all rushed for the path that led up to top of the prison. Nohkaria led them all to the top taking out all guards that stood in their way. Nohkaria came to a door that led to the back exit of the prisonwhere the guards kept their small boats used to leave the island. She burst through the door and let all the prisoners escape.

“Find Raikoe my son, he’ll lead the revolution from now on!” she shouted to the freed prisoners. She thought about escaping with them but she knew that the prison had to be destroyed. She turned around and continued to the top of the prison. Anya came out to the last empty boat but didn’t see Nohkaria. She looked up to the top of the prison and saw guards being thrown around and beaten. Anya ran after Nohkaria. The guards Nohkaria left behind were knocked out or held against a wall by green energy. Anya was getting close; she could hear the fighting at the top of the large steps. Nohkaria reached a large door that halted her from reaching the top. Anya finally caught up with her.


“What now?” Anya asked. Nohkaria walked over and touched the demon arm she gave to Anya and it transferred back to Nohkaria. Anya just watched as Nohkaria started punching the door.

“I did it Nohkaria, we have enough now!!” Gestalsia said to Nohkaria. Anya looked around and saw a purple aura in a corner. She walked over to it and saw a purple eye glow within the darkness. A woman in demon form flew out and grabbed Anya’s face.

“Nohkaria help!!” Anya muffled. Nohkaria looked and saw a purple demon floating above her with Anya’s head in her hand.

“Let her go Sinaria!!” Nohkaria yelled.

“So you do remember me? I thought maybe after all this time you would have forgotten what you did to us. Every one of your sisters wishes death upon you Nohkaria!!” Sinaria the purple demon yelled out.

“I told you I refused to fight for Hiemachy!! I told all of you that I would leave and you all decided to stay.” Nohkaria yelled back.

“Did you know I created this prison to hold you and all your traitorous rebels?” Sinaria the purple demon said.

“I tried to take you all with me but you refused!! Don’t blame me for leaving you all behind!!” Nohkaria yelled. Sinaria dropped Anya and Nohkaria leaped over to catch her. As Anya was caught Sinaria slammed her fist into Nohkarias back. Sinaria lifted up and laughed. Nohkaria looked up and angrily shot a green orb from her hand. Sinaria smacked it away carelessly and it smashed a hole through the ceiling. Nohkaria changed into full demon form and wrapped Anya in her green light. Anya looked to Nohkaria. Nohkaria ripped a ring from under herdemon skin and threw it to Anya.

“Give this to Raikoe and tell him not to wait for me!! Tell him to take hold of his power and stop Hiemachy!!” Nohkaria yelled before she transported Anya back outside in front of the last boat remaining.

“Okay, I promise.” Anya said under her breath. Nohkaria turned back to Sinaria making her sword appear, preparing to fight back. Sinaria floated to the ground and changed back into human form. Her Red Guard uniform draped over her. Her purple hair hung nearly to the ground.

“You lost against Typhon, but you take up your arms to fight me when you can’t even beat him!? Do you know that there are no more places for your rebels to hide? Why even rescue them when there’s no escape!? Maybe you’re hoping your daughter Annabelle comes to save you right? Yeah my husband knows all your minor plans. Oh wait you hadn’t heard have you?” Sinaria asked. Nohkaria didn’t respond she just waited to attack.

“Okay fine, destroy this place if you wish but you’ll die if you come after him!! Leave us be and you’ll live!! He’s mine now!!” Sinaria shouted at Nohkaria. She flashed the wedding ring Hiemachy once gave to Nohkaria hoping to get a rise out of Nohkaria, but she showed no emotion. Sinaria backed away towards the door, touched it, and when it opened Red Guard soldiers holding their crystals poured in. They all changed into white demons.

“Look at me now Nohkaria!! I command a platoon of wind users! I have everything you always wanted and more! I’ve surpassed you ten times over! I’ll laugh at you once again when I meet you in the afterlife!” Sinaria said and laughed as she walked through the metal door slamming it shut behind her.

Feel For The Fires

“We have a lot to discuss my little friend.” Nohtay took a seat in a large chair made of fire.

“Well let’s get this over with!” I responded.

“Aren’t you going to have a seat?” Nohtay said as another flaming chair appeared.

“Fine.” I hesitantly took a seat in the chair. The flames didn’t burn me or hurt at all. It didn’t really feel like I was sitting, more like floating in a heat bubble. Nohtay just sat there smiling with his legs crossed and hands locked together.

“Are we going to talk or stare at each other!?” I asked.

“You don’t seem to be very fond of me Raikoe.” Nohtay responded.

“You set my home on fire and most likely attacked my mother! I don’t consider us friends at all!” I responded.

“Even though I’m your salvation from the misery, pain, and evil?” he asked.

“I really doubt that you’re my salvation Nohtay, you are evil!!” I yelled to him.

“True but I wasn’t always evil. I was once just as innocent and happy as you were.” He responded.

“Were? You mean after you destroyed my home?” I asked. Nohtay laughed and stood up from his chair.

“I wasn’t always a demon Raikoe. I happened to come across you while fleeing from the clutches that kept me from what I enjoyed most!” Nohtay explained as he stood and raised my chair level up to his height.

“And that is?” I asked.

“War and conflict!” he responded. I wasn’t impressed.

“No, I want to know what the clutches are! Who chases a demon like you away!?” I asked. “

Do you even know what a demon is Raikoe?” he asked moving closer to me.

“Only what my mother told me.” I responded.

“We are the ones who survive our fall from up above! The place I escaped. The place that has split your world in two and left humans forever divided.” Nohtay explained.

“How did that happen?” I asked.

“When one angel falls another is sent to vanquish it. The angels who fall by choice are marked and turn into the dishonored demons you see before you. The angels are what demons fear Raikoe.” Nohtay said and looked to me for a reaction.

“Where are these so called angels when there are demons all over fighting in wars against each other?” I asked.

“Angels cannot sense the presence of a demon when we fuse our souls to human bodies. So fighting us would be difficult for them. When I threw away my duties as an angel, I fell to your world. I was being pursued the entire time. I fought against so many angels. Some of them I knew and others I didn’t. I began to wonder how many would be sent after me before I died. The stream of angels was endless. Thes tronger I got the stronger the angels were that pursued me. I teamed up with the demons that fell before me and the demons that fell after me. War between the angels and demons grew larger than it had ever been. I fought against the same angels that I’ve been through wars with against the demons! I was enjoying the battles again, even though I was on a different side. I was enjoying the battles so much I didn’t pay attention to my allies falling in battle. The firea ngels destroyed most of the earth demons; the earth angels destroyed most of the wind demons, our water demons couldn’t beat the wind angels, and our fire demons were completely suppressed by the water angels. They overwhelmed us after a while. Even the humans joined our feud. Half the humans chose to worship the angels and the other half worshipped us. The angels had almost eradicated every demon in existence. So I fled as fast as I could. I met demons all across the world. Some were not angels before they fell. They had talents that had nothing to do with war. I met a demon named Gestalsia that showed me aw ay to hide from the Angels. She created two small blades called intercissions. The blades are used to cut into the souls of the demon and the human and bond them. I went through human after human trying to escape hoping the angels would leave me be, but humans only live so many years before they pass. Unless I wanted to pass with them I had to leave their bodies and find another. So I had to find a new solution, but something I didn’t understand was how the intercission had such a serious side effect. It started to take away my solid form. So, I tried to flee as fast as I could, but before I was caught I saw you, a child playing out in your yard.” Nohtay explained.


“Then you hid yourself within me, so you could stay alive? So why haven’t you left me alone yet!?” I asked impatiently.

“I need the intercission.” Nohtay said.

“Well where is it?” I asked.

“Your father has it now or your mother, your father’s probably using it to create more crystals.” Nohtay responded. His answer frustrated me.

“So before I could even speak you dragged me into your problems!?” I asked angrily.

“What was so precious and perfect about your life anyway!? I’ve seen your memories Raikoe; all that you’ve ever done is serve under your mother!! Blind to what is really happening in your own world, you’re angry about someone opening your eyes to the truth!?” Nohtay yelled back.

“That’s not for you to decide!! I want to decide how I spend my life. What if I don’t want to fight against angels!!? What if I don’t want to use your power to fight in a war that your demons caused in the first place!!” I loudly shouted to Nohtay as I stood up from the chair.

“Demons caused no such thing! The Midnight wars are of human creation. Hiemachy saw an opportunity to take over half the world using the crystals he created from the intercission that his demon Waachter stole from me. The Midnight wars are only the minor issue you face Raikoe!” Nohtay said as he sat back down across from me.

“What about friends?” I asked.

“You’ve never had any!” he responded.

“Family?” I asked.

“They’re all in the same boat as you!” he responded.

“Love?” I hesitantly asked.

“That’s the funniest thing you’ve ever said Raikoe!” he said containing his laughter.

“Are you just incapable of taking responsibility for disrupting my peace!?” I asked.

“Your peace was flawed and boring!!” Nohtay responded.

“Again, it’s not your place to decide that!” I shouted back.

“Well that’s why you’re here isn’t it, to find a way to get rid of demons!? Nohtay asked.

“Maybe, and if not all of them then just you!” I responded.

“Well here we sit Raikoe. Without me and my power you’ll never see your mother again!” Nohtay stated.

“And without me and my body you can’t fight!” I stated back.

“So what’s it going to be? The angel’s won’t wait forever you know?” Nohtay asked.

“Where are they? I thought I asked already?” I inquired back.

“You did yes; they’re all bonding their souls to the other humans.” Nohtay responded.

“You mean across the oceans!?” I asked.

“Yes they’re all waiting for Hiemachy to implode and leave this side of this world in disarray. The wars may end but no one will take Hiemachy’s place. When that time surely comes, all demons and remnants of demons will be cleansed and erased.” Nohtay predicted.

“Everything will be back to normal then!? No demons no Angels?” I asked happily. Nohtay paused and looked into my ignorant eyes and saw that I was really serious about my question.

“Raikoe all humans who’ve ever interacted with demons, demon remnants, even the little crystals, will be destroyed without mercy!! I’m trying to get you to understand that there is no back to normal anymore! It’s just fight or die Raikoe! Make your choice!” He demanded of me but I was never in this when it started.

“Make my choice!? I’m not going to die because of you Nohtay! I’ll do what I have to do but it won’t be for you! So stop trying to be cryptic and just tell how to end this!” I demanded back.


“The end will come when Hiemachy is off the throne and the angels are defeated and sent back to where they came from. First you defeat the people Hiemachy put in charge. Next you end the war by defeating Hiemachy. Then you put down the angels, and lastly you will have to face the archangels. Do you understand?” Nohtay explained but not in much detail. I felt that if I wanted answers I would have to wait. Nohtay wasn’t telling me everything I needed to know.

“Yeah I got it! Sounds easier than it really is of course.” I said hoping to force more details out of him.

“Good because there will be no retries or room to make mistakes. When the fires rain down from the sun you have to make sure that you’re the reason the fires fall!” Nohtay reminded me.

“Yeah I understand. Now for your power, I’ll need it.” I asked calmly.

“Of course Raikoe, learn as much as you can.” Nohtay responded.

“Show me the way, I’m ready.” I stated. Nohtay gathered the fires surrounding us both and shot them at me. I awoke in front of Priscilla. At first I didn’t feel any different, but a wave power came over me all at once. I looked at my arms and legs as they changed into demonic limbs. Nohtay began to speak to me.

“This is my power, and this is my sight. Use them to destroy our enemies Raikoe.” He shouted. I started to feel pain in my eyes and back. My eyes turned full red. My back shot out boned wings that caught fire just like my memories. Only this time I could actually feel the power. I was fully transformed and in control. The power I felt was like nothing I could dream up. Priscilla was in complete awe.

“How in the world is this possible!? No one should be able to do that!” Priscilla stated.

“I feel amazing! Why don’t people just stay this way, it’s a whole lot better!” I shouted astonished.

“Well shall we test it? “ Priscilla asked.

“Yeah, but how?” I responded.

“Have you ever even been in a fight before?” she asked.

“Whoa lady I don’t want to hurt you only my enemies!” I responded.

“Relax its just to see how powerful you are kid!” she said with an emphasis on the kid.

“Okay fine.” I responded. Priscilla flew after me. I tried to block but she still sent me flying into a tree. My flaming wings lifted me. I flew back at her. All of my punches, kicks, and a head butt were all evaded by her. She then landed a kick on my back. I fell into the ground annoyed that I couldn’t hit her back.

“You have to be faster than that kid!” she said almost taunting me. I remembered the memory Nohtay showed me. I had dematerialized and reappeared behind Elguntier.

“Can I still do that Nohtay?” I asked him in my head.

“Well of course Raikoe; just think of where you are and where you want to be.” He responded. I thought about punching her in the back and I dematerialized.

“Whoa, what was that!?” Priscilla asked amazed. The fires materialized me behind her. I landed a punch directly on her back. She flew through a few trees before one finally stopped her. I thought of doing it again and again but she wasn’t really who I wanted to fight.

“Your little punches wouldn’t even touch me in your human form but you seem to have immense strength now.” She said.

“I guess so.” I said with a demonic smile. We both laughed.

“What about your weapon?” she asked.

“What weapon?” I asked back.

“Well everyone I assumed got a weapon to use.” She responded.

“Well Nohtay, how about it?” I asked him. I could hear Nohtay’s demonic laughter in my head.

“Sure, a bit further wouldn’t hurt.” Nohtay said. A long flame extended from my arm. The blade showed itself as the flames subsided to the hilt. It was a very large blade wrapped in extremely hot metal chains. When I tried to swing it the chains seemed to set the air on fire. A fiery red trail followed the blade as I swung it around. For someone so angry at the demons I seemed to enjoy every bit of their powers.


“You mean this right!?” I asked rhetorically.

“Yeah that’s it Raikoe.” Priscilla responded with a proud look upon her face. Then she crossed her arms over her chest and grew blades wrapped in tree branches from her palms. She dual wields two green swords. I just stood silent. She giggled and came after me. I swung my blade and missed. She was above me. I jumped after her and she spun downwards with her swords like a drill. I blocked it but the force was too much. I fell back down but landed safely. She flew down and began to fly around me in circles. I was confused but tried to focus. My sight turned red and her speed seemed to slow down. I saw her preparing an attack. I braced myself. She attacked from the right. I draped my sword over my right arm and blocked it. Punching the sword with my left arm pushed her back. I took my sword in both hands and flew after her. I swung my sword in every direction I could think of. Priscilla blocked and dodged my attacks. As I continued to attack my arms caught on fire.I landed and readied my sword. Priscilla smiled and scraped her swords together. Sparks from her sword fell to the ground and made a wall of trees.They grew taller and taller. I heard Nohtay’s laughter.

“Send the fires after her!” he yelled loudly in my head. Without responding I slashed my sword downwards through the wind and sent a wave of fire at the wall of trees. When the fires reached the wall it covered it and made it explode. Malory and her brother Kane showed up.

“What is this!!?” They both yelled.

“We were just testing Raikoe’s strength!” Priscilla yelled back.

“Well now you see what we can do together Raikoe. Any time you need me just feel for the fires inside and let them out.” Nohtay said to me. When he said it my demon form vanished. I felt so tired and weak. I passed out and fell to the ground. When I regained consciousness, I saw demons sparring with each other underground. Priscilla looked back at me and smiled.

“Welcome to your new home Raikoe!” she said.

“Welcome my new friend” Malory said.


Nohkaria limped through the metal door injured after beating every wind user in the room. They were all scattered about with green energy lingering in the room. Nohkaria climbed up the stairs of the prison and reached the room at the top. Sinaria was there waiting for her.

“You just don’t know when to quit do you?” Sinaria asked as she went into demon form. Nohkaria raised her right arm to her chest and a bright green light formed in her hand. Her demon form vanished and the energy remained in her hand.

“Now what will you do with no power Nohkaria!?” Sinaria asked.

“I’ll destroy this place!” Nohkaria yelled. Sinaria turned and flew out of a window. She stopped and looked back at Nohkaria.

“You fight on the wrong side Nohkaria!” Sinaria yelled. Nohkaria slammed the green energy into the floor of the room. The entire prison rumbled and exploded when the energy tore through the bottom of the prison.

“Let’s go Nohkaria!” Gestalsia Nohkaria’s demon shouted to her. Sinaria escaped and Nohkaria tried to do the same she jumped from the window and started to fall to the ground.

“I can’t do anything else Gestalsia!” Nohkaria yelled. As she fell a small glimmer of green light caught her in mid air and she then vanished. Nohkaria appeared in the darkness she put Raikoe in. she passed out in the darkness and Gestalsia her demon from within appeared beside her. A green demon with emerald green eyes and no legs just a tail. Her hair was extremely long.

“You won’t last very long like this Nohkaria. I see what you’re trying to do but you’re abusing the power I give you.” Even though Nohkaria couldn’t hear her she spoke anyway.

“I’ll wait with you until you’re ready to face him but we both know this won’t end well Nohkaria.” Gestalsia said.


In the Kings Capital amongst the quarters of the Red Guard, Typhon laid in his room thinking about what his mother said to him. He tried to ignore it but he couldn’t escape her words. He held his crystal in his hands and thought of the day he received the crystal from Nohkaria. She taught him how to use it for the first time while his older siblings watched and smiled. Remembering his siblings made him think of Raikoe and where he could be. He looked toward a mirror in his room and stared at it.

“If Raikoe really has a fire crystal like father said then the wars can be put to an end one way or another. Father wants more war with the angels and Mother wants no war at all. Januro wants to be left alone while Annabelle keeps her secrets. Kaley hasn’t been seen in two years while I’m in line to be King after my father. Raikoe is being hidden from the world and quite possibly learning to use the fire crystal against us. Who do I go to? Who do I help? What should I do?” Typhon speaks to himself in his room. He walked over to the balcony and stood out watching the people of the Capital go about their days. He looked up and saw Sinaria flying back to the Capital.

“What is she doing here!? She’s supposed to be watching over her prison!” Typhon shouted aggravated. Sinaria landed in front of the Red Guard and made her way to Hiemachy. Typhon stood before the door to his office and waited for her to speak.

“She escaped Typhon I need to tell your father!” Sinaria said to him.

“How did you let her escape, She was in your custody you fool!!” Typhon shouted.

“The soldiers you gave me were weak!” she responded.

“Typhon!” a voice from behind the door Typhon stood in front of called to him.

“You’ll be explaining this one you fool.” Typhon whispered to Sinaria.

Nohkaria awoke in the darkness and sighed.

“I’m awake lets go Gestalsia.” She said. Gestalsia waited in front of her.

“Do you really think we can beat him like this?” Gestalsia asked.

“I have to try Gestalsia.” Nohkaria responded.

“No you don’t Nohkaria! You’ve basically handed the revolution over to Raikoe! You wouldn’t do this if Raikoe had no power so why now!? Why go after him after all this time!?” Gestalsia asked angrily.

“If I can stop him now it’ll be easier for Raikoe to end the war and take control of the Red Guard!” Nohkaria responded.

“I hope you don’t expect me to believe that! Why not help Raikoe further by being by his side when he faces the war for the first time! Let Raikoe decide for himself what should be done. I’ve seen what Raikoe is capable of remember? He’ll mature faster than you think!” Gestalsia tried to explain to Nohkaria but she didn’t seem to care.

“I’ll do this for my son Gestalsia! You can leave whenever you feel like it!” Nohkaria said.

“How dare you! I’m here for the same reasons you are Nohkaria! I’ve been with you through it all! Every demon we’ve killed and sent to their judgment! And you know what, I’ll be right there with you when you lose your life on this pointless mission!” Gestalsia said as she jumped back into Nohkaria’s body. Nohkaria went into demon form and the darkness shattered. She then stood before the Red Guards gate ready to face the disaster her husband had become.


Typhon stood in front of a large red throne and a large red desk turned to the window in Hiemachy’s office arguing with Sinaria about Nohkaria’s escape.

“Father, tell this insolent fool that my soldiers were some of the best in the Red Guard!!” Typhon asked.

“Hiemachy, this child of yours obviously gave me his weakest soldiers on purpose to make me fail and disappoint you!” Sinaria exclaimed.

“Both of you shut up, your bickering will be the death of both you! Your prize is already watching. Take a look; we have a long awaited guest.” Hiemachy said as he turned in his throne. His Eyes glowed bright yellow but he was still in human form. He had long golden hair that hung in front of his face. He wore a shiny black cape and red uniform with a long black hood draped down his back. Typhon and Sinaria looked to the open door and saw Nohkaria in demon form standing at the door with her deadly staring eyes fixed onto Hiemachy. Both of their eyes widened in surprise.

“It’s okay you two, leave us. Nohkaria’s been known to do things that aren’t in her best interest. Isn’t that right sweetheart?” Hiemachy asked as Typhon and Sinaria edged their way out of the room. Typhon looked at his mother but she didn’t look back. As Sinaria shut the doors. Typhon felt left out. He felt that his own mother had disowned him. From that moment his confusion only grew and so did his anger.

“Now that you’re here Nohkaria you can tell me where Raikoe is. So we can all be a family again.” Hiemachy said as Nohkaria walked over to the front of his desk.

“I told your perfidious new wife that I would never let you have him!!” Nohkaria responded.

“There’s absolutely no difference between us Nohkaria! Except the fact that I have more power than you, I have an army, and all but one of our children is with their father!! What exactly are you protecting Raikoe from anyway!?” Hiemachy asked.

“Raikoe will kill you and restore this world to the peace and love that the people of this world desire!!” Nohkaria exclaimed.

“Then what, he’ll kill his vengeful siblings!? Or will he make the angels leave the demons alone using his childish charms!?” Hiemachy angrily asked.

“He’ll rule as a just leader and correct the mistakes of the world!!” Nohkaria angrily replied.

“Are you really feeding this stuff to a child!? Across the oceans and continents there’s a force still building that is so powerful it could destroy what’s left of us, all of us!! One child alone can’t take on the whole world!!” Hiemachy said as he angrily stood up from his throne.

“Maybe not Hiemachy but one child can definitely change the world!!” Nohkaria responded.

“Where are you getting these theories that I’m not changing the world for the better, huh!!? Where!? I was always nothing but good to you Nohkaria!!” Hiemachy tried to explain.

“You’ve destroyed the lives of so many!! You’ve destroyed the way people think! Being in the wars has become an achievement to people!! There’s no excuse for your evil, no explanation, and no justice!!!” Nohkaria roared. The air was thick with tension as Nohkaria and Hiemachy stared each other down.


“Well Hiemachy shall we?” Nohkaria asked.

“Of course, we can play for a while. We’ll dance with the evil intent until the light fades or the lightning strikes its last!” Hiemachy responded. Nohkaria took a step back and revealed her sword. Hiemachy held out his hand and gold lightning flashed and revealed his sword. The blade was almost normal it had no color but it glowed just like his eyes. Hiemachy then smiled at Nohkaria.

“Last chance Nohkaria where is Raikoe!?” He asked. Nohkaria smiled back and laughed.

“Die!” she shouted. Hiemachy kicked his desk at Nohkaria but she simply cut it in half. Nohkaria then bolted and slashed Hiemachy; he then flew out the window and ricocheted off of the building next to the Red Guard and into the road in between the buildings. Hiemachy stood up smiling. Nohkaria stood at the hole made by his body.

“What’s wrong Hiemachy can’t go into your demon form? Too scared to see what would happen if that demon took the rest of your soul!?” she shouted from above.

“I don’t need it to kill you Nohkaria!!” Hiemachy shouted from below. Nohkaria jumped up from the hole and slashed downwards to Hiemachy. Her power forced Hiemachy to dodge. Slashing into the ground made a small crater in the road. Nohkaria stood up and looked at Hiemachy. He could see that Nohkaria was serious she was holding nothing back. Hiemachy shot lightning from his right hand and made Nohkaria dodge. A flash of lightning made Hiemachy disappear. When he reappeared his hand was already on the right side of Nohkaria’s face. His golden wings shot out from his human back and he flew through an entire building with Nohkaria’s face in his hand. He flew up and threw her at another building. Nohkaria’s wings appeared and she stopped herself. The entire Red Guard then surrounded Nohkaria including Typhon and Sinaria.

“Leave us now!! This is our fight!! Now leave or die!!” Hiemachy shouted to them. They all started to step back and watch on top of every building in the Capital. Before Typhon backed away he looked to his mother.


“What are you doing?” Typhon asked. Nohkaria looked to him. 

“Trying to protect all of my children.” Nohkaria responded. She then flew up after Hiemachy and clashed swords with him. Typhon watched wondering what to do. He then started to step forward but Sinaria stepped in front of him.

“Move aside woman!” Typhon yelled.

“There’s no future with your mother Typhon!” Sinaria yelled back. Typhon pulled his crystal and went into demon form.

“I’m warning you Sinaria move aside now!!” Typhon warned. Sinaria went into demon form as well.

“You will not interfere Typhon!” Sinaria responded. Typhon took hold of his blade and Sinaria did the same. They both clashed swords as the Red Guard watched in confusion. Nohkaria and Hiemachy flew around the Capital fighting and shooting lightning or green energy all over the city. They smashed each other into buildings and went back into the air and paused. Neither of them seemed to be injured. Nohkaria saw Typhon fighting Sinaria and smiled. Hiemachy looked too but was the opposite of proud. Hiemachy started to fly towards Typhon, and Nohkaria chased after him. Typhon almost slashed Sinaria but she dodged just in time.

“Red Guard sisters of the Capital destroy this traitorous fiend!!” Sinaria called out to the Red Guard and every female demon in the Red Guard leaped into action. Typhon tried to fight back but was being overwhelmed. Sinaria flew in for a killing blow. While chasing after Hiemachy Nohkaria noticed that there was water rising all around the building Sinaria and Typhon was fighting on. Before Sinaria dealt a fatal blow upon Typhon the water rose and froze her in place. Typhon jumped away surprised by the save. Hiemachy stopped and changed his direction to search for the person responsible. He saw nothing. The ice holding Sinaria shattered with her inside. The female demons of the Red Guard started to ease away from the fight after their leader was vanquished. Nohkaria saw a hole opening in the waters surrounding the Capital and a figure rising from within.


As the figure rose Nohkaria saw that it was Annabelle rising from the waters. Hiemachy didn’t seem surprised that it was Annabelle at all. Everyone else thought she had disappeared from the war. A smaller child was standing next to her in the waters but the child was hooded and the face couldn’t be seen.

“This isn’t a part of the plan mother. You were supposed to wait until the resistance was ready. Why are you here?” Annabelle asked.

“I wanted to end this immediately Anna.” Nohkaria responded.

“End it!? Look at you and look at Hiemachy. He’s not using his demon form is he? He’s damn there human mother!!” Annabelle shouted at Nohkaria and then looked to the child next to her.

“Go ahead.” Annabelle said. The small child jumped to the building in front of them and started to unsheathe a small dagger. Typhon looked to his eldest sibling scared of what she could do. Annabelle had a deadened look upon her face. Also confused he looked to the small child even more scared than he is when he looks to his sister. The child drew the dagger almost completely but Hiemachy rushed in and Nohkaria did as well. The child didn’t hesitate. Hiemachy flew in and grabbed the child and formed lightning in his hands. Nohkaria landed a kick on Hiemachy’s face just in time. Hiemachy grabbed Nohkaria’s leg and tossed her to the side. The child revealed the dagger and then everyone on the battlefield eyes widened in awe. The parts of her hands that could be seen turned to bone and dust, her dagger instantly turned into a black scythe. From underneath the hood darkness took form and replaced the shroud the child wore.

I am death!” the child only spoke but the echo vibrated the entire capital. Hiemachy wasn’t afraid at all. Nohkaria looked to Annabelle but neither of them spoke. Typhon stood right in front of the deathlike child and couldn’t move himself.

“Move darn it move!!” he thought to himself.

Hiemachy Muramai your death will make an excellent sacrifice to my hunger!” the child stated.

“Well what are we waiting for!?” Hiemachy responded. Nohkaria looked to the child once more and leaped to Hiemachy’s position.

“This needs to end by his hands alone!” She shouted as she drew her blade and clashed with Hiemachy. Hiemachy laughed and deflected her blade.

“You’re all weak!!” Hiemachy yelled out as he went into full Demon form. His golden demon form was the only thing keeping the fight from coming to a close.

“Kaley!!” Annabelle yelled out. The small child jumped back to the waters with Annabelle.

“This fight is over Typhon come with us if you want to live.” Annabelle pleaded to her younger brother. Typhon looked to his mother.

“We will avenge her I promise.” Annabelle said. Typhon jumped to the waters as well disappointed in himself, because he could do nothing to stop this from happening. Hiemachy’s lightning surrounded his sword as Typhon and his sister vanished beneath the waters. Nohkaria still couldn’t regain her balance, she smiled as her children escaped and stopped trying to fight back. Her body went limp.

“Is this the end for you?” Gestalsia Nohkaria’s demon asked her.

“Yes and tell Raikoe to fight. Never let the world take from him what he holds dear. Don’t become the plan if it’s not yours. Live as free as you’d like but first remember to educate yourself. Tell him to fight for his life and then fight for his happiness.” Nohkaria responded. Hiemachy slashed Nohkaria’s demonic skin over and over faster than normal eyes could even see. Hiemachy’s blade then struck Nohkaria’s body and the lightning shot from the edge of his blade. Gestalsia used an intercission to escape Nohkaria’s body. Gestalsia fled immediately. Hiemachy and his army were left there with Nohkaria no longer breathing.

“Your funeral will be celebrated sweetheart.” Hiemachy said as he went back to his human form.

And Just Like That She Was Gone

When I woke up I could see them all sparring against eachother. Priscilla was standing there watching them all. I looked to my right and Malory was reaching for my hand to help me up.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We're home Raikoe." she said.

The powers they all possessed was different from the elemental powerhouses I was used to. Only some used the normal elements of water, earth, wind, and lightning. The others turned into demons with unimaginable speed. Some were able to grow roots and trees from their limbs and the earth beneath them almost the same as Priscilla. Although Priscilla is a lot stronger. A few of them like Malory, used light like my mother did. But only Malory's light had the same color as my mothers. Kane was the only unique power I had seen. He called it the ultimate defense. He could control and manipulate the strongest of metals.

"My sister always says that I inherited the power to protect the three of us. But I have to have all of us together to protect us first." Kane said to me while showing me his power.

"I'm sure you'll find your sister Kane. You're more than capable." I responded.

"First I need to make a plan to get information from the Red Guard, about prisoners of war" he said, but then he paused. It was almost as if he was waiting for me to propose a plan. I felt almost sad that I had no ideas to offer him.

"Maybe Priscilla can help, she has more knowledge than any of us." I told him. Priscilla was watching us speak. As she moved over to us Kane moved to tell me a secret.

"I won't be just sitting under this rock doing so called training, forever. It's almost time for me to act and go on the offensive." He explained. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I'll give you some time to make your decision. But me and Malory are sneaking out to find our sister, hopefully she's still alive. Noone else wants to join us they're too afraid. But you and I have something in common. We both want to find our loved ones. We both will stop at nothing to see them again." He proposed.

Priscilla made her way over and asked what we were talking about. Kane walked away but not before he finished his proposal.

"2 weeks Raikoe, that's all I can give you." He said as he ran away to join the sparring.

"What does he mean two weeks?" Priscilla asked.

"I'm not sure yet." I responded. Priscilla seemed to leave it alone, but I couldn't. Two weeks until we venture out and begin an actual insertion into the war. It seemed like such a short time away.

Back in the "core," or the place where everyone slept. I thought about what an actual fight would be like an actual kill. To be able to do whatever it takes to find my mother amongst the fog of war. I looked over to find Kane, but I didn't see him. I could almost feel Priscilla watching me, even though she wasn't there. I looked through one of the holes that the underground safe house had, and the moon always seemed to shine brighter the longer I stared at it.

"Two weeks is not enough time to be resting. If you want to learn then stop being lazy and show me you're ready to begin." Nohtay spoke to me in my head.

"I can't sleep anyway Nohtay. It's fine. Let's begin now." I responded.

I emerged from the safe house with only training on my mind. I had figured training would mean practicing with my sword, physical readiness, and mental fortifying. Nohtay had something else in mind.

"I thought training would mean something entirely different Nohtay." I said to him.

"All we need to do Raikoe is understand eachother completely." Nohtay responded. I seemed to have had opened my eyes in the realm of my mind. There he was again. But instead of looking like a giant monster raging through flames, he looked just like me. He took on the form that we both take when using his power.

"Why do you look that way?" I asked.

"Because  we're  beginning to understand each other. That.....or maybe I'm the one understanding you." He responded.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean I can't give you power if even you don't know what you're going to do with it. It's the same as being a king but have no idea how to rule." He responded.

"You already know what I want though." I said almost as if I was asking him a question.

"Do I though? For all I know we could be destroying the world in two weeks." He said with a weird attitude.

"You heard Kane just like I did, we're going to look for the people we've lost. What exactly are you expecting to happen?" I asked.

"I'm not sure Raikoe, you tell me." He responded.

"Well I'm not exactly certain about anything that'll happen after we leave but if I ccould just see her one more time then maybe I'll know exactly what to do." I explained ed.

"And by her you mean your mother? I almost want you to see her again. Not for the immature need you have for her but for you to finally learn that you've been drafted into a war with no end in sight, and you need to be ready for it." He responded as his fiery aura grew smaller and flickered. He knew what my mother meant to me no matter how much he hid it.

"Well if me being strong is so important them why aren't you helping me? I thought understanding meant something along the lines of empathy?" I asked.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.09.2014

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