
Part One













I watched her as she played with her dog in the backyard. The black screen separating us distorted her shape slightly. She was so happy with it just being the two of us. I just didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth. That our time was limited, that she had a whole heritage that made her special. Yet, I was never going to have the chance to explain.

I thought there would be time. Time to explain what was happening to her. She was reaching puberty quickly. Her inner wolf would start to show herself soon. I couldn’t rely on anyone to tell her. Tell her that she was more than just a human girl. I could only hope that she found someone who would explain.

Once I was gone she’d go to her human father, and judging by his initial reaction, she’d be raised as a human. She might never experience her first shift, or even know that she could. I worried about what she would go through after I was gone.

Our kind didn’t handle grief well, just as humans tended to use transference. My ex-husband hadn’t handled the divorce well. Though in all fairness, I had gone behind his back to get it. Forging his name so he wouldn’t show up to the hearing.

But I had needed time. Time alone with our daughter, away from all the fights and violence. And as badly as I had treated him, to see that smile on her face was worth it. I had never seen her as relaxed as when he and I were not around each other.

All of that throwing things, the yelling, the name calling, it wasn’t good for her. I needed her to have good memories to keep her going. Because I didn’t have long. Which was made all the more evident as I limped to my chair.

More than anything I wished I could shift one last time. But the cancer had spread to far, making it an impossibility. I could barely handle this form, let alone that of a wolf. The stress of the shift would kill me almost instantly, and I wasn’t quite done yet.

I eyed the unfinished letter on the table. Her sibling’s letters were done, but I was struggling with hers. There was just so much to say and not enough lines to say it all. How did I explain that her father leaving was my fault. That I had led him on, without telling him the truth until it was too late.

I remembered when we first met. I was already mated to an awful alpha. He wasn’t abusive really, just not someone I could love. Then her father was introduced to me by my sister. He was such a wonderful man. Strong, brave, kind, of course he had some issues, but who doesn’t these days.

At this point, everyone has baggage. It was the fact that he had an abusive father that made me sure that he would be a good one. Children often strive not to make the same mistakes of their parents. At least when it came to how they were raised.

But we spent time together, and I knew I loved him. So I packed up my children and we left to live with my human husband. I didn’t expect my pack to take it so personally. Dating a human was looked down on, but marrying one was forbidden. I expected them to cut ties with me, that I would become a lone wolf.

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, I woke with a cutting pain in my middle. As if I were being cut in half. Cut in half by a sword that had been bathed in fire until it burned red. A part of myself being melted away in that heat, and a cold emptiness replacing what had once been my pack.

The next day I looked in the mirror, and saw the silver. It shocked me, that flash of silver, that proof as to what I had become. But it was also the same day I found out I was pregnant with Ailith. I worried for her then. A born lone wolf would receive nothing but disdain. But a female, I had never heard of one surviving, and a half breed. Half breeds were rare.

So rare that Ailith was an oddity simply by her conception. A lone wolf born of an alpha mother and human father. A concoction that only the best of circumstances could allow her a long life.

Throughout my pregnancy I was constantly alert. Feeling as though the tendrils of death were already wrapping around my unborn child. Fearing that my pack would kill her before she could take her first breath.

They had gone so far as to beat my other children without my knowledge. Using the human laws against me to take them. The image of my two year old son, covered in bruises and cuts as the case worker took him. Ripping my five year old daughter from my arms. Those were images that I would never forget. They were forged in my mind just as hot as the sword that cut away my pack.

I had tried to keep my family in my older children’s lives. As they used the human laws against me I took my advantages where I could. I was allowed visitation, if not custody, and though I was barely tolerated at my visits, my children still knew. They still knew that I loved them. That I had never intended for them to be harmed. And I made sure that they knew their sister.

All of my fears throughout my pregnancy were unfounded. My former pack hadn’t even been interested in the birth of my youngest child. Assuming she would be a still born as a breeding such as hers had never been heard of. But she was born, practically forcing her way out as though demanding to see the light of day. And she was strong.

So strong as she used every drop of her will to take her first scream. Letting the world know that she had arrived. As they laid her in my arms I felt it. The ripple of power and strength that she held in her small body even as she calmed. Her silver eyes stared into mine. Not only was she a healthy, half breed, lone wolf. But she was an alpha.

I chose the name Ailith, to belay her strength, her willingness to fight even the natural process of birthing. It was old English, meaning warrior. Names meant more to wolves than that of simply meeting another individual. It was a way of showing others what they were. Their personality, or even their station in the pack.

Being a half breed only helped to aid us. Living so closely with her father, she took on the scent of a human. The silver in her eyes was buried in the darkest brown I had ever seen in the first few months. An entire pack could walk past her and not discern the difference. They would barely recognize that she existed.

By the time she was three she was already acting like the wolf she was. When her father wasn’t around I would play with her, as pups played. But then she started to act like that with her father. When he was unable to hold her still as they rough housed he became suspicious.

I still hadn’t told him. What I was, what our daughter was. I’m not sure why, and I felt guilt that I hadn’t been honest with him before. Yet, if he was going to help raise our daughter, then he had to know.

When I showed him what I really was, he didn’t handle it well. Turned out he had a real problem being the weakest person in our small family. That’s when the fights really started. My anger had heightened when I was exiled, driving me to throw things. We both said horrible things to each other. It wasn’t a healthy environment for Ailith to grow up in.

So, after I was diagnosed for the third time, we knew. This was my last round, my time on earth was coming to an end. My time with my only lone wolf daughter, was coming to an end. That’s why I left him. I needed her to have some good memories to hold onto after I was gone.

I only hoped that he could put our problems behind him, that he wouldn’t force her to pay for my actions. Though I didn’t have a whole lot of hope for his new girl friend. She was weak, physically and emotionally, but manipulative. Even though he had a way of treating women badly, she still always got her way.

And she was young, no children, not even a whole lot of time around them. What if she wasn’t the mother figure that Ailith was going to need? She seemed more like a spoiled sister every time the three of them were together. I had no choice but to rely on her father stepping up. Putting her needs before his wants.

As I limped my way to the backdoor, contemplating how many months I had left, I called out to my ten year old daughter.

“Lily, it’s time to come in and eat!” Her smiling face turned up to me. “Okay, Mom, I’ll be right there.”

All I really wanted for her, no matter where she ended up in life, was that she be happy.

Chapter 1

My hand slammed down on the alarm just as it went off. It was a daily routine grained into me so I was always awake at least a minute before it went off. Kadi stirred as I climbed over her, and I tucked the blanket around her tighter. She mumbled something and hugged my pillow to her small frame, before returning to her dreams. For her sake I hoped they were of fairies and shining knights. Anything would be better than reality.

I stood and stretched, turning to check on Lori. Her bed sat next to the basement door, putting her in the perfect spot to be the look out when we did something against the rules. The blanket covered her from head to toe, and she was curled up as tightly as she could get. She was a good four inches taller than me so it was quite a feat. But she was quieter in her nightmares.

Kadi rolled over, her dirty blonde hair blocking her face from view. I watched her for a few moments. She was way too scrawny. Even after nearly two years she didn‘t look a day older than five. When I had met her, she had had such a glow. The glow that every small child has. It’s what makes them different, special, innocent. Yet, even at seven years old, that glow was gone. Replaced by a heaviness that even adults would struggle to hold.

My thoughts turned to Lori. Her birthday had been the day before, I had barely managed to snag a cupcake to celebrate. It wasn’t the sweet sixteen that every girl dreams of. She should be excited about getting her driver’s license, not dodging beatings.

She was way too thin as well, but she wore it better with her tall frame. She was worked so hard, any chance she had at gaining any weight was ruined upon waking. She insisted that I keep her light brown hair cut short. It was more practical. But with her sharp features, it left her naturally pale complexion looking sallow.

With a long sigh I went to the sorry excuse of a bathroom we were allowed to use. The only reason it was technically a bathroom were the toilet and shower stall. There wasn’t even a sink or mirror, just a metal shelf screwed into the concrete wall.

I brushed my teeth, using the shower head for a source of water, and pulled my hair up into a high pony tail. My hair reached to mid thigh and it was with practiced movements that I plaited it down my back.

That metal shelf held everything the three of us owned. A few towels and all of our clothing. After taking inventory I grimaced. A white polo shirt, worn out jeans, my cotton underwear, and my one and only sports bra. It was our standard uniform.

We were allowed two white polo shirts that we never had any hope of actually keeping clean. It didn’t matter how hard I scrubbed, our shirts were always a dingy, off white. Again, we were allowed two pairs of jeans, two pairs of underwear, and Lori and I had one sports bra each. Two pairs of socks, one pair of worn out tennis shoes, and that was the end of our wardrobe.

Kadi had outgrown nearly all of her clothes. She was small for her age, yet she still seemed to keep growing. Her jeans stopped at the tops of her ankles, her shirt was starting to show her thin stomach, and her shoes pinched her feet.

Lori wasn’t much better off. She had reached her full height, but she was significantly more gifted in the bust. She needed a bigger size bra, and could probably use a bigger shirt. It almost made me glad I had fully matured before being sent to this hell hole.

I took a moment to stare at the basement door. It was something I did every day. My way of shoring up the energy it took for the day to day drivel. This was not going to be a good day. Not with having to ask for bigger clothes for the girls.

But I couldn’t stand there for as long as I wanted to. So after a deep breath, and then another, I made my way out of the basement. The clock on the kitchen wall said it was seven thirty in the morning. I had roughly an hour to get breakfast ready, and get the girls up so they could eat before Them.

I got to work, quickly preparing the simplest of meals for the three of us. Once it was done, I went back down to the basement to wake the two. They were still curled up the way I had left them, and I sat down next to Lori.

“Hey, you need to get up and eat,” I murmured. After a minute of rubbing her shoulder, she stirred a little, then opened her blue eyes. Her face looked paler than usual from sleep, and she rubbed her eyes. She didn’t say anything, but nodded.

I moved over to my bed and rubbed gentle circles on Kadi’s back. She moaned and rolled over, only to close her eyes again.

“Sweetheart, you need to get up. Breakfast is ready, we have to eat before They wake up.” She groaned again, but sat up rubbing her eyes, much like her older counterpart had.

Lori came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and running our shared brush through her hair. She handed me Kadi’s clothes, and then the brush. I got her dressed as quickly as I could, putting her waist length hair into a ponytail. After I was done, I left Lori to help her with her shoes. She was capable of handling it on her own, but she didn‘t have the dexterity that we did. And I tried to let them sleep as late as possible.

Taking the stairs as silently as I could, I hurried to shove my food down my throat. I was just finishing as the girls made their way into the kitchen. By now this was all routine. I hadn‘t even swallowed my last bite when I started Their breakfast.

By the time I was halfway through, the girls were done eating, and I heard stirring in the bedrooms upstairs. Given our circumstances, we were all hyperaware of anything and everything that moved in the house. So I grabbed their dirty dishes and swiped their crumbs to the floor. In the same moment they jumped up, rushing to start the chores.

Ten minutes later, give or take a few seconds, the first of the Them walked into the kitchen. There were a total of three, but they seemed to follow a set chain of command. Each more ruthless than the last.

This one was the leader, Van. He was tall, broad shouldered, with biceps as thick as my thighs, and a fist the size of my head. His long blonde hair hung in greasy clumps to his chin. His dull grey eyes swept over me in no more than a glance as he took his place at the head of the kitchen table. As soon as he pulled his chair out I hurried over with his plate.

I turned back to the stove when the second in command, Mark, walked into the room. He was just as tall as Van. Actually, they were all tall. At 5’6” I wasn’t exactly short, but I still had to tip my head for my gaze to reach their eyes. Though this one, a little shorter than his leader, had even wider shoulders, and bigger fists. His hair was a color I couldn’t quite discern, as he kept his head buzzed. His eyes were dull brown, with no more emotion than the dead.

The third one walked in, Luscious. I didn’t even need to look. His presence was like a cloud of hostility enveloping me. This one was the worst. He had the least amount of power in the house, aside from us girls, and that made him even more cruel. He was an inch or so taller than the leader, but thinner than both. Though I knew from first hand experience, he had no less amount of muscle.

His black hair barely curled over his ears, and his blue eyes were almost startling in comparison. But they were a flat blue, like the lights were on, but no one was home. I truly believed that it was the lack of conscience that caused their eyes to be so lifeless.

He had this way of looking kinder than the other two. In truth, he was the worst. I was willing to put money, on if a doctor took an x-ray of his chest, there would be a black hole where his heart should be. Simply being in the same room with him caused the hair on my arms to stand on end.

I put his plate down and turned to start on the morning’s dishes. All was quiet and I dared to harbor a little hope. It was possible that today wouldn’t be as bad as they usually were. Until Kadi walked into the kitchen, several dirty glasses from the bedrooms filled her scrawny arms. The men were slobs, and often went to bed with half finished drinks on their bed side table. I only wished that I had noticed. Her shoe laces were untied.

She had to move around the table to make it to the sink, and in her hurry to get past the men, she tripped and fell. I watched as every glass hit the floor, they didn’t break, instead they bounced. Splashing liquid all over the back of Luke’s legs.

His expression turned from mild boredom to rage in that fraction of a second. He turned on her and the image of her in that room flashed through my mind. Her blood pooling on the floor from whatever device he chose. The sound of shattering glass rang through the room, and he glanced down at the shattered pieces of the glass I had been cleaning.

The slow grin spread across his face as he looked back at me. My hands were still covered in soap. I was impressed I had even had a descent enough hold on the glass to throw it.

I knew it would miss him. In fact, it was intentional. It would only piss him off more if I had hit him. As it was the punishment was going to be bad enough.

When he turned on me, Kadi temporarily forgotten. Bless her, she scampered from the room as fast as her little legs could carry her. I kept my face blank as he made his way over to me. Showing fear only made him enjoy himself that much more.

He moved with a grace that spoke of deadliness, and an expression that promised blood loss and pain. But I kept my eyes on his as he closed the distance. This I was used to, this I could handle. It was a mantra I repeated over and over again in my head. If I kept quiet, kept my mouth shut, he would get bored and it would be over that much sooner.

I shut my mind off, retreating to the back of my own head. I could see and hear, but nothing touched me. It was a defense mechanism that I learned a long time ago.

He grabbed my upper arm, his grip so hard it was sure to leave a bruise, and sneered down at me. His breath smelled of last nights alcohol binge, and his teeth had a slight yellow tinge to them. Though it was his eyes that made me want to cringe. The only time I ever saw any emotion in them were moments like this. That was when they filled with a disgusting glee, sending shivers down my spine.

He tossed me against the wall, the same wall that was next to a door. That door led to a separate part of the basement from where we slept. It led down to what they liked to call the punishment room. In reality it was a modern day torture chamber.

He slammed the door open, shoving me down the stairs ahead of him. It was pitch black, the iron steps clanging with every step I took. But I knew my way down by heart. Over the past year and a half, I had made this journey way more times than I cared to admit, and would most likely lie about.

When we made it to the bottom I heard the familiar click. He pulled the string connected to the single light bulb in the room. I kept my eyes straight forward. I didn’t need to see all of the tools they used, that hung all over the walls. I didn’t need to see the shackles that hung from the ceiling. And I definitely didn’t need to see the table that had built in restraints. Everything in this room had been used on me more than once, and those are memories I would rather keep repressed.

“What’s it to be today, huh? Should I tie you down? No, not good enough. Oh, how about the skinning knives? No, I still need you to be able to work. I know…” He shoved me to the middle of the room, yanking my shirt over my head. When my back was bare, he began locking the shackles around my wrists, and ankles.

With my arms secured over my head, I took as wide a stance as the chains allowed, supporting my weight evenly. The mirror on the opposite wall showed me my exposed flesh, and I resisted the urge to sneer at his reflection. Before dropping my eyes to the floor.

This was his favorite, the punishment he used most often. I heard him moving around behind me. I could hear when he reached the wall. I could hear when he came back to me. His breaths were quick in anticipation, and I swallowed hard. Determined to keep my meager breakfast down.

I took a deep breath, just as I heard the whip ring through the air. It struck my back and the pain was almost blinding. It felt like fire racing over my muscles. I kept my expression blank as I felt the skin tear, and the wound bleed. If I cried out, or so much as grimaced, he’d hit harder, and go longer.

Over and over again he brought the whip across my back. Never pausing to take a breath, and chuckling with every swing. I never blinked. I never cried out. I didn’t even wince. I focused on different things, until eventually my mind truly did go blank as I zoned out into space. But it went on longer than usual this time. I began to wonder if my mental distance wasn‘t due to blood loss.

“Luke! Come on, we have to go!” Van yelled down.

Luke sighed in frustration, but went to put the whip back where it belonged. I felt him step up and unlatch the shackles, before stomping up the steps. I stood where I was, swaying slightly, until the door closed.

I let out a long sigh and collapsed to the floor. The smooth cold concrete felt wonderful on my cheek, and I took a few calming breathes. When I felt I could handle the residual pain of the lashing, I stumbled to my feet.

I didn’t have long before one of the girls came looking for me. With Them gone they would brave that damned door. The time we had spent together had made us close. Surviving, made us close. If one of us hurt, we all did, and I needed to shoulder this one on my own.

More importantly, I didn’t want them to see all of the devices scattered around the room. Those were nightmares they didn’t need, and a good night‘s sleep was hard to come by as it was.

My knees trembled as I inched myself over to the corner. It was where they kept the spare towels to clean their hands. I grabbed one, wrapping it around my shoulders. After a second thought I grabbed another one, twisting it before stuffing it between my teeth.

I bit down as hard as I could, hoping it would muffle the screams that I had swallowed earlier. I hated doing it, and it hurt like a bitch, but I leaned my back against the only clear spot on the wall. My groan was cut off by the second towel and I pressed harder. I repeated the process until I was sure that the bleeding had stopped. I would have to wait until I showered that night to wash off what was left.

It took a couple of minutes, but I finally found my shirt in a dark corner. Later, when Kadi was distracted, I would ask Lori to take a look at it. First, I had to get past their initial scrutiny.

I opened the door to the sunlit kitchen, and the girls were no where to be seen. But sitting neatly on the table was a sandwich and glass of water. The chair had already been pulled out for me. There wasn’t any evidence of the initial mess that had started the episode to begin with.

Just looking at that hard, straight backed chair made me want to vomit. But I sat down anyway, as straight as I could. After a hard swallow and small sigh, I took my first small bite.

My stomach tried to reject it. I had lost too much blood. That was what the water was for, so I alternated taking a bite and then a swallow of liquid. By the end, I wasn’t nearly as nauseous, and felt like I could stand without falling over.

The first thing I did was raid their first aid kits. All of them came home with some injury or another regularly. So they kept fully stocked first aide placed all over the house, including suture kits. Tonight, after Kadi had fallen asleep, Lori would follow me to the bathroom, and stitch what she could. As for right then, I popped an iron pill, and started on the work I was assigned.

Chapter 2

You might think that between three girls, we could get a house clean in no time. But this house is huge. I’m talking a mansion. So it takes us all day. We do the same things every single day. We have to.

If a dish goes unwashed, or dust comes away with an idle hand, it’s the punishment room. That’s how it goes when you’re a slave. I’m not speaking metaphorically. We are literally slaves.

Our families sold us to Them. It was bad for me, but it was worse for the other two. After my mom died I had become a slave in my father‘s home. I was the cook, the maid, and eventually the nanny. I had taken beatings before I had ever laid eyes on Luke. Though, from my father, it was with his fists, not weapons. If my blood was spilled, it was from a nose bleed. But I was already used to the work.

When I was sixteen, and had just gotten my driver’s license, my father made me drop out of school. Claiming that I could make up the lost time the following year. However, two days after that, I was sold, and had been here since. One year, eight months, and eighteen days to be exact.

I had tried to keep up with my education, with the aide of the mansion’s gigantic library. It was my job to dust every book, and I took that opportunity to keep up with my reading. I wasn’t entirely sure if it was allowed, I never asked, and kept it quiet just in case.

I tried to help Lori keep up with her education, though it was harder. Her depression was palpable most of the time. It wasn’t that she was unintelligent. She just wasn’t as interested in school as I had been. She seemed to retain the information I spouted at her most of the time. However, she had been pulled out of school after her eighth grade year.

Her sale came out of nowhere, but she was hard pressed to be surprised. Her parents weren’t physically abusive, but she suffered from a major case of neglect. They just ignored her whenever they could manage it. She knew her parents didn’t love or care about her.

It was worse for Kadi. She had no clue, and at six years old who could blame her. She had never even seen the inside of a school. Her parents had claimed that she was home schooled, but they didn’t teach her a thing. When I met her she didn‘t even know her alphabet. Over the past year I had managed to sneak a book out of the library every now and then. So that at night when our work was done, I could sit down and teach her. Now she could read, write, and even do basic math.

I’ve been here longer than the other two, but only by a few days. Lori showed up three days after me, Kadi barely over a month. We did what we could just to keep breathing. We haven’t even seen the sun, except through the windows, since we’ve been here. The thing is, is that once we turn eighteen, there was nothing they could do to keep us from running away.

But until we were of age, we were legally stuck with these monsters. Thanks to those trusty, legally binding, adoption papers They had custody of us. And the kicker? We were stuck here until Kadi turned eighteen. I planned on staying until we were all legal, but I had hoped that Lori would at least be able to leave when she came of age.

But we all knew, even Kadi, that if we didn’t leave together, the ones left behind wouldn’t make it to that age. They’d kill us before letting us go, and it wouldn’t be a quick death. Only eleven more years and we were home free.

By the time They got home, we were done for the day. It was late enough that I didn‘t have to make their evening meal. It was rare that we got to just work, eat, and be in our room when they returned. These were the days we longed for most of the time. Even if our dinner had been sandwiches and stale chips.

I sat in the corner of my bed, Kadi was snuggled up against me, as I read to her from a stolen book. Here and there she would ask me what a word meant. Then she would spend days using that word until she knew how to use it properly.

Lori sat on Kadi’s bed, along the wall with the door. This was a nightly ritual. I would read to them, while Lori kept her ears open to make sure we didn’t get caught.

Kadi was starting to fall asleep so I turned to hide the book. I had just closed it when we heard a loud crash coming from the stairs. I jumped up, wedging the book between my bed and the wall, using the blanket to cover the spine. Kadi huddled up to me in fear. Lori jumped on the bed with us, taking up my other side. With both of them mostly behind me, we watched the door, waiting.

These types of things didn’t happen often. Most of the time we were safe once we reached our bedroom door. But every once in a while, when they had a bad day, and needed someone to take it out on, they came for us. Grabbing the first one they could reach.

I tensed and listened hard, trying to anticipate which one it would be. I stifled an internal grimace. Luke was almost always the one that came down. And he always targeted me specifically. I wasn’t complaining, but with my earlier lashing, I wasn’t sure how much more I could take without succumbing to blood loss. Lori hadn’t even had the chance to stitch me up yet. When I heard voices I started. There wasn‘t usually more than one, and they certainly never talked to each other.

I listened harder, trying to decipher who they belonged to. It took a moment before I realized that I didn’t recognize these voices. A thrill of fear forced my stomach into a tight ball. I shared a panicked look with Lori. We were malnourished, weak girls trapped in a room of concrete. No windows and only one door with strange men baring down on us.

We both started moving as one. I grabbed Kadi under her arms and slid down to the floor. Lori lifted up the ratty blanket, just as I started pushing the little girl under the bed. Lori dropped the blanket so it hid her from view, and knelt in front of it. I sat back up on the bed, making myself the bigger, easier target, just as the door opened.

They weren’t even looking at us, walking into the room with their backs to us, talking to one another.

“I told you we should have just snuck out the back door,” one man whispered, but it sounded more like a snap.

“Oh, shut it! There’s bound to be a way out of here from the basement. There always is with houses this big.”

“Whatever. Did you see their interrogation room?”

“Sick, sadistic bastards those three. There was fresh blood on the floor.” I took the opportunity to gape a little at their size.

Our owners were unnaturally large, but these two were just as big, if not bigger. The first one had had to actually bend his head to get past the top of the doorway. I had no idea how we would survive an encounter with them. A moment of complete irony took me over.

After everything we had survived already. Our parents, Them, the punishment room, only to be finished off by men we had never seen before. Hysteria bubbled up into my chest and I had to take a deep breath to calm myself. It just happened to be what got their attention.

“Oh!” the second man had spotted us. He stared in shock as the larger one turned, jumping slightly in surprise.

As their eyes roamed over us I felt tremors run through Lori‘s body, pressed against my leg. Pity was enough to send us into shock. Their eyes were wide, taking in the pathetic sight we undoubtedly made.

I felt Kadi peek out from under the bed, and the larger one’s eyes widened further. Fully taking in the three of us. I pushed her back, and moved forward to make a better barrier. Yes, I knew he pitied us, but the wrong type of pity could get you killed.

He held up both hands as if to say that he wouldn’t hurt us, and took a small step forward. I stiffened and he paused, the ski mask he wore hiding his expression. A crash sounded from directly above us. All four pairs of eyes shot to the ceiling. The other man, who had been staring open mouthed, ran to the door. I’m not sure what he saw, but he spun back around, grabbing his companion’s arm.

“We’ve got to go. The distraction is wearing off.”

“When you get to the top of the stairs, go left. It’ll take you down an out of the way hallway. It leads to a side door of the house. You can get out that way.” They stared at me for a moment, nodded and crossed to the door. The big one turned and looked at me before leaving.

“Come with us.” It would have sounded like a command, but a pleading tone was buried in it. I shook my head.

“We can’t, we legally belong to them.”

“There has to be something we can do?” That was the same question I had been asking myself since we arrived here. The answer hadn’t changed, and I shook my head.

He stared into my eyes for what felt like eternity. But finally he caved with a nod, and rushed out the door.

I don’t know why I helped them. They just seemed like they were…okay. Decent even. The bigger one’s eyes haunted me with his need to help. A wave of depression almost overwhelmed me. I felt like I had just sent our only hope rushing out the door.

“Come on. Let’s get cleaned up and get to bed. We have another long day tomorrow.”

I helped Kadi wash her hair, and tucked her into her own bed. She would probably be back in mine by the time I got out of the shower. After Lori had done what she could for me and curled up in bed, I finally got my turn in the shower.

I stood under the shower head for as long as I could stand it. My tears mixed with the blood stained water as it spiraled down the drain. I was tired, over worked.

All I really wanted was to sleep. Sleep for days and let everything be as it should. But I couldn’t, because that would be giving up. So when the water turned to ice, I turned it off.

There was no use in wishing. I just had to deal with my lot in life.


The next day started almost exactly as the previous one had. I stood at the sink, washing dishes while They ate their breakfast. My back had healed a good bit while I slept, so the pain was more bearable. The girls were off doing their chores. So far there hadn’t been any misshapes. We spent the morning being ignored, like servants should be.

When there was a knock at the door, I stayed where I was. We weren’t allowed to answer the door. Someone might get an idea of what happened in the privacy of Their home. So I did what I always did when there was a visitor. I ignored it.

It was probably just another tramp that came over from time to time. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to wash any of their lingerie this time. That was just disgusting, and some of them were impossible to fold.

Van had been the one to answer. Whoever it was, judging by the annoyed tone I could hear, he wasn’t happy. An imperceptible sigh escaped my lips. The punishments always came more quickly when they were angry.

In a matter of moments Van came back, followed by three men. I allowed myself a quick glance, due to curiosity, and went back to the dishes. It wasn’t until one of them spoke that I truly started to pay attention.

“You have property we wish to purchase.”

Keeping my eyes on the counter top, I grabbed a hand towel to dry my hands. There was no telling what the stranger was actually after. But hope started to bubble in my chest.

The kitchen was clean and my next job was in the library. But I grabbed another towel and started wiping down the counters for the second time. There was very little entertainment for us in this house. I would most likely pay for Their anger later, but there was no way I was going to miss this.

The one that spoke seemed to be the spokesman of the small group. He was just as tall as Van, with broad shoulders. His light blonde hair was pulled back into a small ponytail at the nape of his neck. Just looking at him inspired intimidation. His bright hazel eyes were hard, and he held himself as though he expected a fight.

His gaze flickered my way and he caught me staring. My eyes dropped to the counter and I moved to wipe a different section. The last thing I needed was for any of them to suspect that I was eavesdropping. Even though I had no intention of stopping.

Chapter 3





I felt her gaze. As quiet and invisible as she tried to be she had a presence. There was a vibe coming off of her that I tried to ignore. In all honesty I had no idea what I was doing here.

I tested the scent in the room and the girl was human. Though I had been told there were three. I wasn’t sure if this one was whom Adrian had spoken to or if she was one of the younger ones. She had dark circles under her eyes, her dark hair hung in a single braid over her shoulder. Her clothing was old, baggy, and badly in need of being replaced.

When her eyes met mine, I saw nothing. Her entire expression was blank as if she were nothing but an empty shell. I was skeptical when Adrian told me of the girls. The Crudelis pack were known for their cruelty. But holding three girls in their basement as prisoners seemed a little over the top. Even for them.

But seeing this girl, I believed. The door behind the dining area swung open, a small girl, no older than five or six, ran into the room. She was carrying a basket filled with folded laundry, but froze when she saw us.

Her blonde hair was pulled into a neat ponytail. Her skin paled further, giving her a more haunted look. Her eyes snapped to the older girl. I watched as she gave the little girl an almost imperceptible shake of the head. It was a signal of some sort, though I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what she was warning her against. However, the little girl lowered her eyes to the floor, making her way out of the kitchen. Clutching the basket with white knuckles.

As soon as the little girl left, another walked in. This one was older, a teenager at least. Her short hair fell into her eyes as she hesitated for no more than a second. It was a short brisk walk for her to make it to the oldest. Their eyes met in some sort of silent communication, and the newest one went to work cleaning the windows.

In my peripheral I caught Adrian staring at the oldest. She gave no reaction, but my suspicions were confirmed. She was the one he had spoken to. This was going to be interesting. I turned my attention back to the alpha of a rival pack.

“As I was saying. You have property we wish to purchase.”

Van glared back at me, his beta and third flanking him. I hated them all, but it was Luscious I wished to see with his head on a pike. The others were cruel, he was sick.

“You wish to buy our property? Do you honestly believe we would sell you a piece of our territory?” I sneered at him.

“Your ‘territory’ is of no interest to me. It’s your servants I’m after.”

A whoosh of air came from the corner of the kitchen. I glanced over just milliseconds after the noise. The spray bottle had fallen from the younger girl’s hand. It was caught just as quickly by the older one. She handed it back and they went back to what they were doing as if nothing had happened.

“Our servants? What would you want with them?”

“That’s our business isn’t it? Name your price.”

“Which one do you want?”

“All three.”

“No! She’s mine!” Luscious snarled.

From the corner of my eye I saw the oldest stiffen. She looked at Luscious with narrowed eyes. Hatred that potent should have caught him on fire where he stood. It left me with no doubt to whom he was referring.

“Everyone has a price,” I replied, enjoying Luscious’ anger. Knowing he couldn’t touch me. Ultimately, he had no say in the matter.

“Fifty thousand for the two younger ones. Each.”

“And the third?”

“A hundred thousand for her. She is by far the most useful of the three.”

“Two hundred thousand then?”

“Yes, nothing less.”

I held my hand out for Aden to put my checkbook.

“I’ll write you a check now, but the girls leave with me.”

It was his turn to sneer. I had to say, he was far more practiced at the expression. He knew I didn’t trust him not to dispose of the girls, before I could come back to get them.

“Of course, Mark, go get the paperwork.” His second in command rushed from the room, reappearing in seconds with a manila envelope. The girls gave up trying to be furtive in their eavesdropping, and were now openly watching our exchange.

“Get your things and get out of my house.” He barked the order, and the younger rushed from the room. The older however, tossed her hand towel onto the counter top, walking out at an even pace. Locking eyes with Van on her way past. Distain covering her features.

By the time the papers were signed, and we made it to the door, the girls were waiting. The eldest held a single knap sack over her arm, holding both of the younger girl’s hands. The youngest looked up at me with fear, the middle seemed uncertain, while the oldest just looked resigned.

Adrian opened the door, ushering the girls out blocking the sight of them. Either he didn’t want Van to see them, or he didn’t want them looking back. His behavior intrigued me. He was kind by nature. But the way he had begged for us to retrieve these girls, had me wondering what he had witnessed.

When we were surrounded by sunlight and fresh air, the girls paused to blink their eyes. Once their eyes adjusted to the harsh light the youngest looked around in awe. The second oldest tilted her head back, as if she would soak up the warmth. But the oldest did nothing but squint at the ground. Like the light was to much to handle. They must not have been outside in a while.

I really looked them over, since I could see them clearly. It looked like they had just gotten the nutrition they needed to stay active. Their skin was pale, making the oldest, with her olive skin tone, look sallow. Their hair bordered on lifeless. Though they were clean for the most part, except for the occasional stain on their clothing.

Their initial reactions subsided, and the oldest looked at me expectantly. So I led them to the SUV, opening the back door for them. Taking the back bench seat, they huddled together, taking solace in each other’s presence.

“You should get comfortable, it’s a two hour drive home.” I spoke directly to the oldest, receiving a nod of acknowledgement.

An hour later, I turned to look at them. The little girl was fast asleep. The other one had her head pressed against the window, enjoying her own nap. But the oldest just sat there, staring out the window. She sat as if she were waiting for something.

She woke the girls as we pulled into the driveway. By the time we made the five minute drive to the house, they were all wide awake. After climbing out, they stared up at the house. It was a three story, ten bedroom mansion with a finished basement.

The two younger ones looked impressed, the oldest looked at it in despair. None of them had said a word since I had first laid eyes on them. If it weren’t for Aden and Adrian, I would have thought they couldn’t speak at all.

Adrian escorted them through the front door, careful not to touch them. The grand staircase was at the end of the foyer. The kitchen was to the left, and the living room to the right. Again, the girls gaped, while the oldest looked close to tears, before looking at me with another expectant expression. I didn’t know what she was waiting for.

“Daddy!” Jennifer squealed as she ran down the stairs. I caught her as she threw herself at me.

“Jen, you’re getting too old for this,” I sighed. At seventeen, she still insisted on acting like she was five from time to time.

“But I missed you. Where did you go? What took so long?” she asked in a rush.

“I went to arrange for our new additions to the house hold,” I replied. She looked past me to the girls, her eyes widening and her mouth formed a perfect O.

“Oh,” she whispered, taking in the girls’ appearance.

“Why don’t you go tell the others, huh?”

Something I always enjoyed about Jen, she knew how to take a hint. It wouldn’t stave her off for long, but it would be long enough.

“Okay,” she took off up the stairs.

I led the girls into the kitchen. It had a huge table to fit all of us for meals. We had a formal dining room, but that was only used for holidays and special occasions.

I had hoped to talk to them privately, before they were overwhelmed. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen that way. My office was the only truly private place in the house, but it being early afternoon, the odds of the kitchen being full was slim. So, of course, it was packed with large male bodies.

Three of my sons and six of my enforcers stood there, hovering over six pizza boxes, laughing and talking in loud voices. I cleared my throat, and all of them went silent turning to me.

Me, Adrian, and Aden stood in the doorway. The girls were small in comparison and hidden behind our backs. Which meant, the boys wouldn’t be as well behaved as they should‘ve been.

I was greeted by a chorus of “Dad!” and “Boss!”. Adrian was my second oldest at twenty years old, while Aden was the third, being eighteen. From there it went to Aaron and Jennifer, twins at seventeen, then Camilla at sixteen, and Bailey at thirteen. My oldest, and the alpha set to take my place, once he was married, was Asher. He just turned twenty three. Now that I thought about it, it was better that we had a few more girls around.

My enforcers went as follows; Alexander, Dalton, Justin, Jacob, Macon, Nevin, and Sadler. There were two people not accounted for in the kitchen. Asher and Sadler, neither one of them were much for groups. My enforcers weren’t related to me. They were wolves that left their original packs to join mine, for this reason or that. It could be for school, or a disagreement in their own packs. Regardless they were all good men, and I thanked the heavens for my good luck in having them with me.

“Hey Dad, you want some pizza?” Aaron asked, holding up a slice.

“No, I’m alright. I do need some space though.” They all shuffled around to the other half of the table.

It wasn’t great but it would have to do. Putting the manila envelop on the table, I took a seat. Filling out the adoption papers right away was a necessity. The sooner it was done, the less chance Van had of filing a kidnapping charge.

Several gasps went around the room drawing my attention to the objects of their staring. The girls had lined up in front of the island. The little girl had her arms wrapped around the eldest’s leg, her face hidden. The second kept her eyes on the floor, her hand gripping the eldest’s so hard I could see the beginnings of half moon marks.

The oldest, however, simply looked around, that same blank expression in place. Her eyes roamed the room, taking in everyone and everything. She looked alert and ready. As bad as it sounded the three looked kind of pathetic, almost lost.

Aden reached for the pizza, while Adrian never strayed far from the girls. In the distance, I heard the back door slam shut, light footsteps making their way to the kitchen. The oldest stood ram rod straight, as if hearing the sound of someone new approaching. I was barely able to hear him, it seemed unlikely that she would be able to. But her head snapped to the kitchen door just before Asher stepped into the room.

“Dad, what is Jen talking about? She said you brought new additions to the house hold?” he asked as he arrived. When he spotted the girls he froze, testing the air for their scents.

They stared at him wide eyed, all but the oldest, who looked just long enough to take in his appearance. He stood there in ripped jeans, no shirt, and barefoot. His long black hair hung loose, making him appear wild.

“Where have you been?” I asked absently, taking in their reactions to each other. He tore his gaze from them with obvious effort, the surprise finally fading.

“I went for a run.” That explained his appearance.

“You better not have tracked mud in the house again, your mother will kill you.”

“It hasn’t rained in weeks.”


I leafed through the papers in the folder and swore quietly, “They didn’t put your birth certificates or social security cards in here. It’s going to make it more difficult. I’ll have to pull some strings to push the papers through.”

I was talking to the oldest, but she didn’t respond, just stood there looking at me. I tried to give a light hearted shrug, but it came with a heavy sigh, “What are your names?” For the first time, one of them spoke.

“Kadi,” the oldest replied, gesturing at the smallest, “Lori,” she continued nodding at the other girl, but then she stopped.

“And your’s?”

“Ailith,” I looked back up at her with a raised brow. It was a beautiful name, it was also old English meaning warrior.

“And your last names?” Her eyes fell to the floor, just as it occurred to me that Van may have gone through the steps to adopt them, but wouldn’t have told them what their last names were.

“Can you tell me your birth parents names?” I asked softly.

She stiffened but instead of answering me, grabbed her knap sack, rummaging through it to the bottom. She pulled out a thin folder, breaking away from the girls to put it on the table in front of me.

“Everything you need should be in there,” she said softly.

It looked like it took a lot for her to give up whatever was in that folder. When I opened it, I could see why. Van may have had the intention of making things difficult for me, but Ailith was far more prepared than I would have believed. In the folder were the girls’ birth certificates and social security cards, as well as, some school records.

“How did you get these?” I asked. There was no way Van would have left these in easy reach. However, instead of answering she just shrugged.

It only took me a couple of minutes to finish filling out the paperwork, and when I was done, I turned to the girls, taking in their appearance. They looked tired, wearing matching clothing, with only one bag at their feet.

“Where are the rest of your things?” I asked. It had just occurred to me, I had seen only one bag so far.

“This is all of it,” Ailith replied, indicating the one bag.

“For all three of you?” She nodded and I took out my wallet.

“Do either of you have your driver’s license?” I asked, glancing up at them. She hesitated but then answered.

“I do.”

“Great. You can take the SUV and my credit card.”

“For what?” she asked. She had so much incredulity in her tone, I looked up at her in surprise.

“To get some clothes, and anything else you might need. I have to admit, I’m lost when it comes to female things. You might want to get some school supplies too. I don’t know how long it will be before I can get you enrolled, but you should get what you need now.”

“School?” Ailith asked, her tone taking on equal parts reverence and suspicion. I nodded, and she scowled briefly before settling back into that blank face.

As if trying to relieve the tension in the room, Adrian handed her the keys to the car. Her hand trembled as she took them, having to step forward to take the card from my hand. She was careful not to touch me in the process.

“School, that‘s the big building you told me about right?” Kadi asked, her voice barely a whisper. Ailith answered her as they left the room.


“Do we really get to go?”

The front door closed behind them before I could hear the reply. Adrian stared at me, his expression begging for permission to follow. My chin barely dipped before he was out of the kitchen, having grabbed the keys to one of the other cars.

Chapter 4






It wasn’t until I had started the engine when I realized I didn’t know where any shops were. I didn’t even know what town we were in. I looked around hopelessly for a minute. I needed a map.

“Umm. Look in the glove compartment, there might be a map in there,” I told Lori.

She reached forward quickly to follow my instructions. It was then that I realized we all did everything quickly. We didn’t really know how to do anything slowly. She found the map and showed it to me. But I couldn’t drive and read a map at the same time.

“Do you know how to read it?” I asked hesitantly.

She nodded and set about unfolding it. The biggest problem we had was figuring out where we were to begin with. I thought I remembered seeing a street sign on the way here. Once I found the street name on the map and pointed it out to Lori she started following the lines to what looked like a town square. There weren’t any shop names on the map, but it was the best place to start. Once we got there I could probably ask someone for directions.

We were quiet until I turned out of the driveway. We weren’t used to being alone. Even with Them, one of them was almost always home. It was a rare occasion when all three were gone, and even then we were in separate parts of the mansion cleaning.

“Do you think they’re really going to let us go to school?” Lori asked quietly. I sighed softly.

“I certainly hope so. I don’t think he would spend money on school supplies for no reason.” I replied. The truth wasn’t so straight forward. I didn’t really trust that they would allow us to go. But it was important for the girls to have at least some hope. So I kept my doubts to myself.

She nodded and it was quiet again, except for when she told me to turn or go straight. I checked on Kadi, using the rearview mirror, only to see her staring out the window in awe.

We reached the square without incident, but all I saw were small boutiques and restaurants. There was nothing there that we could use. I parked in front of one of them and turned to Lori.

“Lock the doors, I’ll be right back,” I waited for her nod before hopping out of the car. When the locks clicked I made my way inside.

The cool air hit me as I stepped inside and looked around. Small glass shelves with knick knacks and the like filled every space on the walls. Creating aisles in the middle of the floor. Finally, I spotted a counter in the back with an elderly woman standing behind it, reading a book. I approached her slowly, but she didn’t seem to notice me.

“Excuse me,” I mumbled and she jumped slightly. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” She gave me a kind smile.

“Oh, it’s quite alright, I just didn’t hear you come in. What is it you need dear?”

“Well, me and my sisters are new in town. I was wondering if you could tell me where I can find a place to buy some clothes and school supplies?”

“Oh goodness yes. Just go down to the street over there and turn right. A couple of blocks down is a strip mall with all kinds of shops. If you would prefer there is a larger mall a couple of miles on the other side of town. If you want to go there just go left, follow the road for two miles, and you can’t miss it.” I smiled at her.

“Thank you, I really appreciate it.”

“It’s no problem, honey. My name is Darla, if you need anything else just come see me, I’m here all day everyday.”

“Thank you.”

I decided to go to the strip mall instead of the bigger one. We weren’t used to being in crowded places, and a big mall could be disastrous.

Five minutes later I parked in front of a random store, and helped Kadi reach the ground. I wasn’t really sure where to start, so I just picked a store that had clothing in the window. We walked in and the place was quiet.

The children’s department had a rather large selection. Much larger than any she had ever seen. So it was with wide eyes that she started from one end and made her way to the other. All of the clothing were kind of expensive, Lori and I shared a few worried glances.

Then Kadi spotted the dresses. She ran through them, touching this one and that. I’d use the statement ‘Like a kid in a candy store’ but that would be kind of redundant. The longing she showed almost broke my heart. Especially when she turned to me.

“Ally can I? Please, I promise I’ll take good care of them and won’t get them dirty.” I looked around a little lost.

“Well, if your going to school then you need some good school clothes. I guess a few dresses won’t hurt anything.”

She actually jumped up and down in excitement until she had to stop for a coughing fit. She never got the rest she needed, and her diet wasn’t exactly ideal for a child her age. I only wondered what our new owners would expect from us.

She chose a few sun dresses in various bright colors. She’d never had to choose before and she couldn’t pick a favorite color. I was about to tell her that she had enough, but then she spotted a really pretty light blue dress. It looked like it was love at first sight.

She tried it on and it looked beautiful on her. The skirt went to just below her knees, with ruffles along the bottom hem. There was a wide belt that went around her waist in a blue that was a few shades darker then the dress itself, matching her eyes. The fabric was smooth along her torso and shoulders. The sleeves ended at just above her elbows, and it was loose enough that it would last her at least a year of growing. Then I looked at the price tag.

Lori and I shared another worried look. I wanted nothing more than to get it for her. She loved it and I wanted her to be happy. But the price could be a problem. The man that bought us didn’t give us a price limit. I didn’t know how much was too much.

“Oh Ally, please?” Kadi looked up at me with hope filled eyes.

“We’ll see. Why don’t you go put your regular clothes back on.” She gave an impressive pout, but went back into the dressing room to do as I said. As soon as she was gone, I turned to Lori.

“It’s two hundred dollars,” she whispered, looking pained.

“I know, but she loves it. She’s never gotten to be just a little girl before.”

“What if he gets mad?” she whispered back. I thought about it for a minute, and decided the consequences would be worth it.

“I’ll take care of it.”

“But…,” I cut her off.

“I’ll take care of it.”

She sighed in defeat just as Kadi came back out with the dress back on the hanger. She looked like she was ready to cry, but I took the dress and hung it on the inside of our cart. Her eyes widened and she looked at me.

“Really?” she asked, her eyes filling with hope. I nodded and she smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen from her. Whatever happened after he saw the receipt, it would be worth it just to see that smile.

“Come on, we still have to find Lori’s clothes.”

We walked into the junior girl’s section, and I waited patiently while Lori picked out her clothes. I gave my thoughts here and there when she asked, but other than that I let her do the shopping.

I had to almost demand that she buy at least one dress. I wasn’t going to at first, but then I saw her eyeing one in particular. It went to her knees and had a scoop neck. It was classy and didn’t show too much skin.

When she tried it on it fit perfectly. It hugged her body in all the right places, and showed her to be the beautiful young woman I knew she was. It was a deep purple but it only accentuated her skin tone. Again, it was expensive, but again it was worth it. When she looked at herself in the mirror she glowed. Feeling beautiful was more important than a price tag.

It was only when it came to buying her bras, did she need help. It had been a long time since she had known her size, and she had grown since then. I didn’t have much experience with it myself, but between the two of us we figured it out.

Finally it was my turn. It didn’t take me long to pick out my clothes. I wasn’t big on color. I never had been. So black is my choice. I’m not claiming to be goth. I’m just comfortable in the color. Though I found I had a real taste for black and silver.

There were no dresses for me. I didn’t like dresses. At all. In fact, I had a pretty firm stand against them.

While we were at the counter the woman smiled at us and tried to make small talk. We tried to talk back, but we didn’t really know what to say. I needed to use the restroom before we left, so I handed Lori the card and asked Kadi if she had to go too. She said she did so I told Lori to pay for everything while I took Kadi. She said okay, and we followed the sales clerk’s direction to the restroom.

Five minutes later we met Lori back at the door where she stood holding all of the bags. I took half and we left to put it all in the car before moving on the shoe store. I asked where the receipt was and she assured me it was in one of the bags. So I didn’t think much about it.

Buying shoes was a little more complicated. We had to find the right size for Kadi, and then there was the matter of getting her a couple pairs of dress shoes to go with her new dresses. Lori went to find her own really quick while I helped Kadi, and came back with one pair of tennis shoes and a pair of strappy heels that matched the color of her dress. I grabbed a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of knee high flat boots that looked they would be comfortable and durable.

By the time we made it back to the car we were all hungry and tired. I had spotted a small diner not far from the shoe store. I figured we had already spent a good chunk of change. If I was going to get in trouble for it then I might as well have a full stomach while I’m at it.

We walked since it was only a block away, and our mouths were watering when we walked in the door. The food smelled delicious and it had been so long since I had eaten a meal I hadn’t had to cook. We found a corner booth and slid in with me and Kadi on one side and Lori on the other.

Our waitress arrived soon after with a smile and menus. She asked what we wanted to drink, and Lori and I immediately ordered the sodas we used to love so much. Kadi asked me if she could get a milk shake so I ordered a strawberry shake for her. As we looked over the menu it was hard to choose what we wanted. Everything sounded delicious.

“Ally, can I have chicken strips?” Kadi asked in a whisper. She always whispered when other people were around. Like she was afraid she would get yelled at for making too much noise.

“Sure, do you want French fries with it?”

“What are French fries?”

“They’re potatoes cut into long thin slices and fried. They’re really good with salt and ketchup.”

“Okay, then I’ll have some of those.” I smiled down at her and went back to what I wanted. They had a shrimp and steak meal that came with fries or whatever else they had. I figured, what the hell. I had already started down the path I might as well go to the end. When the waitress came back with our drinks she asked if we were ready to order. I told Kadi to go first and she looked shyly up at the pretty blond.

“I’ll have chicken strips and French fries, please.”

“Of course, darling. It’s rare to see children with manners these days.” She answered with a nice smile aimed at the little girl. She turned to Lori next, but she was ready for her.

“I would like the cheese burger and fries. With the vegetables on the side and no onion, please.”

“Okay,” the waitress mumbled as she wrote down the order then turned to me.

“I’ll have the steak and shrimp meal with fries, please.”

“Would you like to have the salad with that?” I thought about it for a minute then nodded.

“Yes please, actually could we get three salads?”

“Of course.” We rarely got any vegetables and the girls could use the nutrients.

We all sat quietly for a while just looking around. About fifteen minutes later our food arrived, and we were too busy stuffing our faces to even consider talking. It took us less than ten minutes to clean our plates, and when we were done we all gave satisfied sighs. It was a rare moment when we felt full, and we spent a little extra time to finish our drinks and relax.

The thing about the three of us is that we rarely felt the need to speak. We were so used to just sitting in comfortable silence. When we did need to communicate we usually could with just looks or small gestures. Finally I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost late afternoon. I didn’t exactly know what our new owners expected from us, but cooking was usually one of the first things I did.

“Come on guys, we have to get back.” It amazed me that we had been out for over three hours and no one had come looking for us. Of course, we couldn’t go far in their vehicle and the credit card would be traced. Plus, if we got caught legally we still belonged to the Other’s until the paperwork was finalized. But still that long shopping? It was something I had never done before.

We piled back into the car and I realized just how exhausted I felt. The drive back to the mansion felt like it took forever when in reality it was really only about fifteen minutes. We finally made it back and I searched the bags until I had all of the receipts. I slipped them into the pocket with his card, and handed half of the bags to Lori.

Kadi was dragging her feet a little and I knew she was even more tired than we were. We walked through the front door as softly as we could, and the man came in through the kitchen. A smile lit his eyes and he spread his arms wide.

“Ah, your back! That was quick, did you get everything you needed?” he asked as I handed him the card with the receipts. I nodded and he gestured for us to go into the kitchen.

“Oh, are they back yet? I can’t wait to meet them.” I heard a woman say from the hallway. A few seconds later a woman who looked to be in her mid thirties walked into the room. She was taller than me, probably about five eight or nine. Her hair was a lustrous brown that fell to just below her shoulders, and she stood straight and proper. Her eyes were a compelling shade of brown, and she looked at us with a big smile.

“Well, aren’t you just adorable. What’s your name, honey?” She asked bending down to talk to Kadi. Kadi grabbed my hand and looked up at me nervously. I nodded with a small smile and she turned back to the woman.

“Kadi,” she whispered and the woman’s smile widened.

“Hello Kadi, my name is Becca. It is very nice to meet you.” She held out her hand and Kadi hesitantly held out her own hand in response. After they shook Becca turned to Lori.

“And what’s your name, Dear?”


“It’s wonderful to meet you.”

“You too,” Lori looked at me with a confused look, and I responded in kind.

“And who is this beautiful young woman?” Becca asked turning to me and her voice softened.

“Ailith,” I answered. She didn’t bother putting her hand out to me. As snobbish as it sounds I didn’t like to touch people.

“A beautiful name.” She whispered keeping her eyes on mine. “And quite accurate I believe.” The comment surprised me. I knew my name meant ‘warrior’ in Old English, but I had never been told that the suited me before. Despite what happened in the future I was inclined to really like this woman. I dropped my eyes a little. I didn’t want to look at her anymore. I didn’t want someone to tell me that I was a warrior, because warriors fought for themselves and others. All I knew how to do was take a beating in silence.

“Thank you.” Much to my relief she turned her attention to Kadi again.

“I heard you went shopping today. Will you show me what you got?” Kadi beamed up her and nodded grabbing her bags out of my hands.

She knelt down and rummaged through them until she found her favorite dress. I stiffened when she pulled it out to show Becca. Her eyes widened and she took the dress from the little girl. She ran her hands over it and then looked at the price tag.

“My, this is beautiful. I bet it looks absolutely gorgeous on you. And it’s so cheap too.” My eyes widened. Cheap? If two hundred dollars was cheap what did she think expensive was? I exchanged a look with Lori only to find she thought the same thing I did.

“Are you sure you got everything you needed?” The man asked looking up from the receipts. I gave him a questioning look. “You didn’t spend much.”

“Oh, Drake they aren’t Jen or Camilla.”

“Yeah, but they spent less than Jen when she goes shopping. And there are three of them.”

“I forgot to buy school supplies.” I said abruptly.

“That’s okay you can run out tomorrow and pick them up.” Becca replied with a smile as she looked at the rest of Kadi’s new clothes. After Kadi was done gushing Becca turned a curious smile on Lori. Who blushed before handing her bags out for her to grab. Which she did with more enthusiasm than I’ve ever seen for clothes. She pulled out the dress first and gasped.

“This is just gorgeous. How did you ever find this?”

“Oh. My. God!” I turned to the door to see a shorter girl standing there. I assumed this was Camilla since she’s the only one I hadn’t met yet. “That is the prettiest dress I have ever seen.” She said as she hurried forward.

“Isn’t it? I can’t wait to see it on you Lori.” Becca added.

I just stood there watching. It was kind of like a science experiment to me. I was never one for dresses or jewelry, and didn’t really understand the allure they held for other women. I always felt just fine in jeans and a t-shirt, and never really felt the need to dress up or use makeup. I felt eyes on me and turned to see Adrian, Drake, and Asher staring at me with the same interest I had for the girls. I guess I wasn’t the only one who found things odd about other people.

Becca didn’t bother asking me about my clothes, and I was very grateful for it. Instead I turned to the rest of the kitchen. Cooking was one of the things I did best. And to be honest I kind of enjoyed it. Going through the motions of cooking a complicated meal cleared my mind. When I started setting things up to get started I heard a gasp.

“What are you doing?!” Becca screamed and I jumped a mile into the air. I turned to see her staring at me in horror. I had never been yelled at for cooking before. I was standing on new territory and didn’t know what to do.

“Cooking,” I answered with my eyes wide.

“Why?” she asked seemingly horrified. But I didn’t have an answer for her question. I had always cooked because I had too. I’ve never not had to. “You don’t have to do that.”

“Okay,” I answered in a whisper. Now I was completely lost. I’ve never just stood around doing nothing and I began to fidget when Becca turned back to the girls. I looked around and one of the guys walked up to me. I think I had heard someone call him Aaron.

“Not in Kansas anymore huh?” he said with a chuckle and slapped my back. Have I mentioned that all of the men here were huge? Not fat, but huge, and they apparently don’t know their own strength. It probably wouldn’t have effected me badly if it weren’t for my thirty six hour old lashing.

The force of his slap sent me forward half a step. But the pain was almost unbearable. I felt a few of the gashes reopen and start bleeding all over again. I felt my face pale a little and I turned to see Lori looking at me with worry. In fact they were all looking at me with worry.

“Ally? Are you okay?” Kadi asked. I kept myself turned so she couldn’t see my back and smiled stiffly down at her. I met Lori’s gaze.

“I’m fine sweetie, why don’t you and Lori go find out where your going to sleep so you can put your new clothes up?” I asked never looking away from Lori. She nodded and turned to Camilla, taking Kadi’s hand.

“Yes, we do need to know where we’re going to be sleeping.”

“Oh, I’ll show you.” Camilla said looking around in confusion. But she led them from the room all the same. I had been tense while they were talking and barely allowed myself to breath. When the girls were out of the room I couldn’t take it anymore. My knees buckled and I caught myself with my hands.

“Drake!” Becca yelled and I heard scrapping chairs and quick footsteps. I heard several people say my name, but I was stuck there. On my hands and knees, not blinking, mouth shut tight, and never moving. If I moved or tried to speak or even blinked I would scream. The pain came wave after wave like fire rolling up my back. I felt my shirt soak up so much blood, until finally the pain was too much. The world went black.

Chapter 5





I had been staring since I first laid eyes on her. There was just something about her that I couldn’t quite place. Her clothes were less than flattering, but she held an air of restrained beauty. I tried to shake it off. I had always had a taste for dark haired and dark eyed girls. So it would only be natural for me to have a base interest. But her hair was in a long tight braid and I itched to see what she looked like with it down.

She had watched with a detached interest as Mom went through the clothes with the other two. She never joined in or said anything, but just watched as if it were a documentary. She didn’t even show her own clothes off. It was as if she just didn’t care about them. That wouldn’t bode well with my mother and sisters. They were shopaholics and absolutely loved clothes.

Adrian had already reported to my dad about what he had seen while he was following them. Apparently they grabbed the clothes they needed plus some extra things for the little one and then went to get something to eat.

While Mom did everything she could to make the girls feel welcome, Ailith just stood there stiffly watching. It was almost funny when she tried to cook. I thought Mom was going to have a heart attack. It was equally amusing that when she was told not to, it was the first time Ailith actually showed any discomfort. Standing there fidgeting like she didn’t know what to do with herself.

Aaron decided to take pity on her and tried to lighten the mood a little. He was always there when there was tension, and he was the best at disabling it. He was friends with everyone, and everyone was his friend. It was almost impossible not to like him. But when he clapped her on the back in his Aaron way she went tense.

Her face showed nothing and her skin paled. When the girls exhibited worry for her she just smiled at them. Though the smile didn’t reach her eyes and it looked like it took a lot of effort for her to maintain it. Her and Lori shared a look as she urged the girls out of the room. As if taking a hint Lori took Kadi out of the room as fast as she could with Camilla struggling to keep up.

I looked at Ailith questioningly but she didn’t see it. As soon as the girls were clear she dropped to the ground. Mom was yelling for Dad, but I was already out of my seat and halfway to her, with Adrian just a step behind me. Aaron backed up with a stricken look, and what I saw would stick with me for a long time. I rounded the island to see her on her hands and knees. Her hands braced her upper body and her knees were close together. Her entire body was stiff. The back of her shirt was slowly turning a dark red.

“Ailith, babe what’s wrong?” I asked kneeling down next to her. But she didn’t respond. She just stared down at the floor as if she couldn’t see a thing. She let out a small sigh and collapsed. I barely caught her before her head hit the floor. I laid her down gently and Adrian straightened her legs so she would be more comfortable.

I did the only thing I could think of. Her shirt was soaked and I needed to see why. So I moved her braid to the side gently and grabbed the collar of her shirt. With one quick tug I ripped the shirt in half all the way to the bottom.

My mom let out a small scream as we took in the damage. Her back was covered in cuts. Half of them had stitches. It looked like someone had started to patch her up but didn’t have enough thread. So only the worst of them were seen to. But under the open wounds I could see scars in various healing stages. She had been whipped multiple times.

“Call the doctor.” My dad ordered as he knelt down next to her and Aaron ran off to carry it out. “God, the pain must have been unbearable. I don’t know how she did it. There was no way to tell that she was hurt.”

“She’s done it before. It looks like she’s done it a lot of times. Practice makes perfect.” I whispered but couldn’t stop the low growl at the end.

“Tom is on his way.” Aaron told us as he walked into the room. His face was pale and he looked close to tears. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know,” he mumbled and Mom put her arms around him.

“We should get the other two girls checked out while he’s here.” Dad said as he eyed Ailith unconscious on the floor. She was still bleeding and I was worried that she would bleed out before the pack doctor could get here. I grabbed a towel that was sticking over the edge of the counter. I spread it out over my hand and pressed it gently against her wounds, afraid the extra pain would wake her up. But I couldn’t just let her lay there and bleed to death.

Adrian knelt on the other side of her and reached up for his own towel. He looked close to tears as he took in her appearance. She was even paler than when she passed out. Between the two of us we managed to cover her entire back. He took the top half with her shoulders and I took the bottom. Her wounds went all the way down to her waist band, and I realized just how deceiving her clothes had been.

Her shirt had been baggy and long hiding her torso, down to almost the middle of her thighs. It gave her the look of being a little on the chubby side. But in reality she was really thin. Almost too thin, but I bet that if I had wrapped my hands around her waist they would almost touch. Under the blood and scars her back was smooth and muscular, and I was willing to put money on her having a sculpted stomach.

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about the girls. They may have a bruise here and there, but other than that I’m sure they’re fine. Physically at least.” Adrian told my dad while I was inappropriately checking out the wounded unconscious girl in front of me.

“What makes you so sure? If they could do this to her what would stop them from doing it to the others?” Dad answered with anger simmering in his eyes.

“She always got in the way.” A female voice said from behind us. We all turned to see Lori standing there staring at her friend looking paler than before. She moved forward and the others let her through. She sat down and put Ailith’s head in her lap, slowly running her hands over her hair.

“What do you mean?” Mom asked. Tears filled Lori’s eyes but she answered anyway.

“Just what I said. This one happened because Kadi dropped some glasses. Ally got in the way so she got the punishment. I should have been the one to do it. I’m the only full wolf out of us. Kadi’s only half, that‘s why she smells human, and Ailith is human as far as I can tell. But every time it was her, and then I would do what I could to help her after.” A tear slipped down her cheek as she gazed down at the other girl.

“You can‘t let Kadi know. She can‘t know how hurt Ailith is. She would just feel guilty and it‘s already done. Please?” Lori said and waited to get the agreement of everyone in the room before turning her attention back to Ailith.

The front door slammed open and Tom rushed in. Tom was our pack doctor and the best in the country. He was an old friend of my dad’s and had actually handled the birth of every member of the pack in my generation. And let’s just say there were a lot of us. He reached us with his black medical bag, but paused when he saw Ailith. One of the things that made him the best was the amount of empathy he held for every living being.

“What piece of shit did this?” He snarled. Okay, empathy for most living things.

“Luscious,” Lori answered.

He leveled his gaze on her but only nodded, telling everyone to give him some space. I backed up throwing the towel into the sink. I looked at my hands to see them covered in her blood, and I winced before turning to wash my hands. Adrian followed suit with a look of pain. I turned to watch him work.

We had managed to clean up a lot of the blood so he had a clear spot to work on the wounds. I watched as he poked here and prodded there. Again I was thankful for her being unconscious. All of that would have hurt like a bitch. Finally he sighed and looked up at my dad.

“We need to move her to another room. This hard floor isn’t helping her. I have some painkillers I can give her but they may rouse her. She passed out from pain and her body is waiting for it to ease. I might give her a sedative to keep her relaxed. I need to stitch some of these up or they’ll keep opening up and scar worse. With the number of scars she has it’s a wonder she’s survived this long.

It was difficult since they couldn’t touch her back with the risk of more bleeding. So it ended up being Tom and my dad braced her upper body in their arms, and Adrian and Aaron supporting her legs.

“She’s heavier than she looks.” Dad grunted as they made baby steps.

“I think I’m going to check her body fat percentage while I’m at it. This has to be all muscle.”

Somehow they managed to move her without uncovering her, and Tom sent everyone but Mom and Dad out of the room. So we sat in the hallway waiting for them to give us the all clear. Of course, we eavesdropped anyway. There was no hiding anything in a house filled with werewolves. Especially when you leave the door cracked open.

“Is she going to be alright?” Mom whispered.

“As long as I get these clean and closed she should be fine. She’ll probably need to eat more than usual for a human girl for a while, just until her blood count goes back up. I’ll give her some iron pills as well, it’ll speed up the process. He cut into some muscle, but it should heal. As long as she gets some exercise to make sure the scar tissue doesn’t build, and keeps them stretched out. She should remain just as mobile as she was before.”

My dad let out a small sigh, and I heard Mom gasp in relief. It seemed that Ailith was already very well liked by my parents. Adrian seemed a bit over protective, and I had a feeling Aaron was going to put in some extra charm for her. He still felt guilty for her collapse.

A half hour later all three of them came back out, and told us she was fine. But he had given her a sedative so she would be out at least until morning. Tom was going to stay with her just in case she woke early, but the rest of us should go about our day. I had no idea how they were going to get her up to her room.

Chapter 6

I woke with a start, and pushed myself up on my hands. I turned to sit on my knees, but found I was on a bed. I had been sleeping on my stomach. I looked around but the room was dark. I definitely wasn’t in the kitchen anymore.

After a minute my eyes adjusted. A wide stream of moonlight shone through a huge window to my left. Casting the parts of the room not touched by the light in deep shadow.

I spotted a clock on the bedside table and it said it was just past midnight. I stared for a minute confused. That is until I remembered that I had passed out in the kitchen from pain. That was a first, how embarrassing.

I looked down to see I wasn’t wearing my old shirt anymore. Instead the one I wore was a black button up. But I was still wearing my jeans and socks, though my shoes were no where to be found.

Someone cleared their throat and I spun towards the sound. Sitting in the corner next to the door was a middle aged man. At least I assumed he was middle aged, his face was hidden in shadow. He stood holding his hands out in front of him, I assumed to mean he wouldn’t hurt me.

“Ailith, right?” he asked in a soft voice. I nodded and he took a few more steps forward. I stiffened and realized absently that it didn’t hurt like it usually did. “My name is Tom, I’m a doctor. Drake called me when you passed out in the kitchen.” I nodded again and he took a seat at the foot of the bed as far from me as he could get. To add a little distance of my own I backed up to the headboard.

His face was lit up with moonlight and I realized he was younger than I thought he was. He looked to be maybe late thirties, early forties. His hair was a short brown with a few flecks of gray, and his dark brown eyes held kindness and concern. I allowed myself to relax a little as I studied him. He waited patiently until I was done, then met my eyes.

“Ailith, why didn’t you tell anyone that you were injured?” I shrugged slightly.

“It wasn’t important.”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“It happens often enough. I’ve never had a problem with it before. I get hurt and I heal, so it isn’t a big deal.” I said softly. I don’t know why I felt I should whisper, maybe because it was so dark.

“If I hadn’t gotten to you in time you could have bled to death on the kitchen floor. They were doing what they could to stop the bleeding, but a deep breath at the wrong time could have started it again. As it is, you’ve suffered some severe blood loss.”

“I’m still here aren’t I?” It was almost a snap. He sighed in defeat.

I took a few deep breaths and took the opportunity to look over the room. It was large without having too much extra space. The bed was king sized, but I couldn’t tell what color the blankets were in the dark. The walls looked like they were a dark blue, and I spotted a door that could lead to a closet or bathroom.

Actually there were two doors. More like three as one of them was a set of double doors. There were two bed side tables and a desk along the left wall. From there I turned further to the left. There was too much light for it to be just a window. But further down the wall from the bed was a set of double glass doors that looked like they led to a balcony.

“Where am I?” I asked turning to see him studying me.

“Your room.”

“No, this can’t be my room.” I told him dismissively. I’ve never had a room this nice or this comfortable. I was bought as a slave. No matter how nice they were they had to expect something from me. Everyone always did.

“I assure you it is.” I looked at him directly again. He had nothing but sincerity on his face.

“Why?” I asked suspiciously. What I meant was, why would they give me a room this nice. To what extent do they think I owe them? He looked at me confused.

“Because they thought you would enjoy this one. You’re the oldest so naturally you would get the bigger room.”

“The oldest?” Did he mean I was the oldest of me, Lori, and Kadi? But he nodded.

“Yes, the oldest daughter in the house now. Jen used to be the oldest, but you’re a year older than her. And all of the boys sleep on the ground floor.” As he spoke I felt my face harden.

“I’m not their daughter. They bought me. You can’t buy a daughter.” I said with a tone as hard as my expression. His eyes widened and he took in a deep breath, but before he could say anything. “I’d like to be alone now, please.” He hesitated but in the end only nodded. He stood and placed a medicine bottle on the table.

“This is for the pain. Take it as you need it. And don’t try to just stick it out. It’ll only make you more sick before you get any better. You have a hundred and three stitches in your back right now. They’re dissolving so I won’t have to take them out. But go easy for a week or so, until they’re fully gone.” He waited until I nodded then left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

After he was gone I got up from the bed and wandered around the room a little. It really was nice. I opened the single door and stood in front of one of the largest walk in closets I had ever seen. I swear I could put every article of clothing I had ever owned in it and still have room to stretch. On the bottom next to the walls were shelves to put shoes, and a mini dresser for undergarments. All of which were in easy reach. My bags from the store were placed neatly in the middle, ready for me to unpack.

I moved over to the wooden double doors and opened them at the same time for a little added dramatic effect. And I was ever so grateful that I had. It was the most beautiful bathroom I had ever seen.

The counter held one sink in the middle and the top was black marble. The Jacuzzi bathtub was black marble as well with bright silver faucets. It was huge. It could take my entire body and maybe one more. The shower stall was ridiculously large as well. Though it had walls of glass except for where it met the wall. It was long with a detachable shower head, as well as, a seat on the opposite end.

At the end of the room next to the tub was a shelf that held towels and wash clothes. There were so many towels. I mean seriously there were way too many for only one person.

On the counter in front of the long mirror were various hygiene products. There were so many different kinds of shampoo, conditioner, razors, and body wash. It was like they didn’t know what I preferred so they just bought every kind. I looked in the cabinet under the sink and found it empty. Well on one side anyway. On the other side there was enough toilet paper to last me a year.

I walked out of the bathroom in a daze. Of course, my next stop was the balcony. There were chairs and a table spaced out. All of which looked comfortable. The balcony sat under an over hang to protect it from the weather. It was rimmed with an iron railing to protect from falls, and I made my way to the front.

I looked up at the sky to see the full moon, and the stars. It was breathtaking. Almost as beautiful as the garden beneath it. Rows of flowers so brightly colored that they glowed in the moonlight. I could see several different kinds of roses that provided a barrier between the sea of flowers and the walkways. And there in the very middle stood a large black wolf.

It was staring up at me and I couldn‘t stop staring back. Staring into this wolves eyes was almost calming. Like I knew it from somewhere. We just looked at each other, for I don’t know how long. Then it turned around and ran back into the woods that surrounded the property.

I took a deep breath of fresh air after it had disappeared, and went back inside. I knew what I was going to do now. I went directly into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I itched to try out the tub, but felt that it would have to wait until my stitches were gone.

Having grabbed one of the many towels, I turned to the counter. It took a minute or two but I finally found one I liked, and grabbed the matching set.

I took a hot shower, being as careful as I could to keep my back from getting too drenched. The seat helped a lot with that. The main problem was washing my hair. Something that usually couldn’t be done quickly. There was just too much of it. But I managed and turned the water off.

After I was dry I realized I didn’t have anything to sleep in, other than my dirty jeans. So I grabbed the button up I had had on before. It wasn’t mine and I would have to give it back to the owner tomorrow. But as of that moment it was comfortable. It already had a pleasant masculine scent. I figured there was nothing wrong with enjoying it while it was in my possession.

By the time I made it back into the bedroom my back started to ache. I grabbed the pain pills, swallowing one with the very handy glass of water that sat next to the bed. When I was done I crawled under the big fluffy blankets. Letting out a satisfied sigh. This bed truly was magnificent.









I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. 12:30. Becca was going to kill me. She hated it when I stayed up too late working. One of the woes of being mated. It was a rare occasion despite what all of the books said. Fact was, was that it’s a lot harder to find your one true mate. Many alphas don’t but it made us that much more powerful. Could be that you lived in the US and your mate was in China.

It was much more common for an alpha to just marry a powerful female, and leave it at that. We can still fall in love with others, but it’s not as pure. And it’s definitely not as intense. Especially at the very beginning of the mating process.

My internal musings were interrupted when my office door swung open. Tom walked in kicking the door closed, and started pacing in front of my desk. I waited for a few minutes for him to tell me what had him so obviously flustered. He was supposed to be sitting with Ailith in case anything happened.

“Is something bothering you?” I finally asked. Becca was waiting for me as it was. He paused his pacing and faced me fully.

“There is something seriously wrong with that girl,” he said pointing in her general direction. I tensed, my mind obviously going to the worst possible scenario. Which of course was death.

“What do you mean?”

“She woke up a little after midnight.” I relaxed a little.

“She’s awake?” I asked, happy that there wasn’t anything medically wrong with her. But he shook his head at me.

“Oh, that’s just the tip of the ice berg.” Now I was confused.

“You lost me.” He resumed his pacing.

“You don’t understand. I gave her the same amount of that sedative that I would have a wolf. She should have slept well into tomorrow morning. But barely after midnight she jumps up. She didn’t wake up slowly like she should of. Oh, no. She woke up like an injured wolf on hostile territory.”

“What are you trying to say?” I asked, wishing he would get to the point. Again he pointed in her direction.

“She is not human.”

“Of course she is. You took in her scent, hell it’s all over the kitchen thanks to her blood loss. Even Lori said she was human, and didn‘t know anything about us.” He shook his head.

“I know, I know. Her scent is human, but so is every wolf’s as a child until their wolf starts to make an appearance.” It was my turn to shake my head.

“The wolf appears at the beginning of puberty, she’s well past that.” Contrary to popular belief, we aren’t born with our internal wolf.

We start the change at the beginning of puberty. Only when you come to terms with your internal struggles, and have full control of it, do you achieve the physical change. The age of first shift varies greatly from wolf to wolf, depending solely on your level of self control. But it’s very rare to go to fifteen before then.

“I’m aware of that. But she doesn’t act like a human girl. Were there any oddities when she collapsed?” I thought back to that blood filled afternoon.

“She waited until the girls were out of the room before she showed any pain.” I looked up to see Becca standing in the doorway. She had come for me, but instead of being angry had listened in.

“What?” Tom asked, turning to her. She stepped fully into the room, letting the door swing shut.

“Aaron slapped her back, but she didn’t fall until she got the girls out of the room. She held the pain back until they were clear of it.”


“To protect them.” Adrian supplied as he walked in. I sighed, was everyone going to pitch in here? Maybe Ailith will walk in next to answer all of our questions. But oblivious to my frustration at being interrupted in a private conversation, Becca nodded.

“Lori came in soon after. She said that Ailith had always protected them from the pain.”

“So she learned to have strict control over her own pain?” Tom asked, a little in awe.

“You saw the scars. She’s had a lot of practice. Probably way more than anyone knows.” Adrian added. “You didn’t see her in that basement. She stayed in front of those girls the whole time we were in the room, and barely let us even see them. I asked her to come with us, and she wouldn’t leave them.”

“Do you have any idea what this could mean?” Tom asked, and we turned to him in confusion. “What if that’s how her wolf has manifested? In the protection of those weaker than her?”

“But what about the other aspects? Hunting, fighting, hell even self defense. She has shown no hostility even when she thought she was in danger. She didn’t even fight back when she took the beatings.” I thought back to all of the times I had seen any reaction from her. “If she’s a wolf she would be an alpha, she’s definitely not submissive. Her wolf wouldn’t have allowed her to just take the pain without dealing some damage herself. Not to mention she’s still well past the age to even have her first shift. Her scent hasn’t even changed.”

“What if she’s repressed it? Is that possible?” Asher asked walking in. I sighed, is everyone up this late?

“What do you mean?” Becca asked.

“Well, it seems she’s completely focused on protection. It’s one of the biggest ways a female would react when it comes to children. But what if in order to protect someone she completely repressed her wolf. Only allowing the basic of instincts to manifest. If it were in the best interest of a child she would have repressed her need to defend herself. And even then she would consider protecting them in everyway, including mentally. Which means she wouldn’t have shown any sadness or regret. Or even anger. All in the best interest of another.” He suggested. I had to admit he had a point.

“But it doesn’t make sense. Even if she didn’t allow her wolf to have a say in anything she did, her scent still would have changed.”

“Not if she started repressing before the wolf appeared.” Tom said as if he had gained some inspiration. But I shook my head.

“She would have had to start repressing even her human emotions at what, nine or ten?”

“What do you know of her history before she landed with the Crudelis pack?”

“Nothing, I don’t even know how long she was with them. But this is all just speculation anyway. She’s shown no real sign of being a wolf. Other than that she has a high metabolism and is jumpy.”

“So how do we prove it then?” Adrian asked.

“We could piss her off. Force her to react. She’s kept the wolf at bay by refusing to react to anything that’s done to her. If you take the other girls and prove that they are safe, and that there’s no need to protect them, then it’s left for her to protect herself. If anything it would bring the wolf forward to start the process that every wolf goes through.” I shook my head.

“That would be dangerous. Besides a pure blooded wolf wouldn’t be able to hold their wolf at bay for this long anyway. The pull is too strong it would force it’s way to the surface.”

“What if she wasn’t a pure blood?” Asher asked. I looked at him. How is it they all seem so able to counter my arguments? I was losing my touch. “What if she’s only half? The gene would still be there. If she had lived a normal life it still would have appeared at the proper age. But if she is half human and was repressing her human side, it stands to reason that she would be able to do the same thing to her wolf side.”

“That still doesn’t tell us how to get the wolf to come out. If she is a wolf and she keeps it caged in her own mind, eventually she’ll waste away from the effort she’s putting into keeping it at bay. Even though she won’t even know it.”

“I told you, we have to get her to react. Pull the girls aside make sure she knows they’re safe and rip into her. Make her protect herself or at least get angry.”

“It’s too dangerous. I told you, if she’s a wolf she’s an alpha. She could do a hell of a lot of damage. If we force her to let go, there’s no telling who she could hurt without even knowing it.”

“There’s a deeper reason to let it happen on it’s own.” Tom said plopping into one of my chairs. Tom never plops so it was a slight distraction.

“And what’s that?” I asked exasperated.

“When she woke up, she asked me where she was. I told her she was in her room, but she just waved me off. Told me it wasn’t her room, as if it were the most ridiculous thing in the world. I assured her it was, and she asked me why.”

“She asked you why it was her room?” I asked, not sure I was understanding. He nodded and continued.

“I said it was because she was now the oldest daughter in the house now, so she got the biggest room on the top floor.” I nodded, that was the base logic to it. “She said…she said, she wasn’t your daughter. That you had bought her, and you can’t buy a daughter. Then asked me to leave her alone. What‘s going on Drake? What does she mean, you bought her?” I sighed. I had hoped that this particular fact would remain buried.

“She was bought by the Crudelis pack as a slave. And the only way to get them out of there and safe, I had to get them legally. And the only way to do that was to get them to let me adopt the girls. So they wanted two hundred thousand for the three of them in exchange for the adoption papers.”

“So you did buy her, but not as a servant.”


“Then I suggest you tell her that. Because as of right now, she thinks she was bought to be exactly what the Crudelis pack made her. And you need to be careful. If our suspicions are correct, you have a lone, tortured wolf living in your home.” With that lovely piece of wisdom he left. I listened until I heard the front door open and close. With various words of departure the others went off to bed. As I soon did myself.








I woke to the sun shining. I hadn’t set an alarm the night before. But the clock said it was seven in the morning. I guess getting up at the same time for a year and a half set my internal alarm.

I got up and went through my bags of new clothes. I found my functional pair of blue jeans and a long sleeved black shirt. I hadn’t bothered to try the clothes on in the store. I’d been wearing the same size since I was fourteen. But the shirt was a little tight. It hugged my torso in a way that I wasn’t used to.

It was still kind of warm out, but all of the other shirts I had grabbed would show part of my back. Not because they were skimpy they were mostly just spaghetti straps, so they would show the back of my shoulders. I hadn’t really thought about style or the weather when I had picked them. They were just what I always wore when I lived with my father. It was functional because it was warm for most of the year, and I had to do a lot of lawn maintenance. Ever tried to do yard work in long sleeves? Well, the shirt is basically ruined by the time you’ve gotten a couple of hours of work done.

As it was, here it was barely August and the nights were already getting chilly, while the days were moderate. So I had one long sleeve shirt. I would have to figure out how to get a few more actual t-shirts, things more suitable for the cold. I could probably just get a long sleeved over shirt that buttoned or something. I could still wear the other shirts and it would cover my back, and the colder temperatures.

I dressed quickly, when I had my new shoes tied, I stepped out of the room, and closed the door as softly as I could. I tested the air. I needed to find the girls and I had passed out before I found out where they were sleeping. And as weird as it sounds, I could smell them.

I can always smell them, it was just some weird way for me to find them when I needed too. I didn’t really question it, it was just something I could always do. And from what I could smell at that moment, they were close. I followed Kadi’s smell to a door caddy corner to the room I was in. The door was cracked slightly, and I peaked in. Kadi laid curled up on a small pink bed with her head barely peaking out from under the covers. She shifted slightly but didn’t wake.

Next I followed Lori’s smell. She was the next door down the hall from Kadi. I turned the knob softly and looked in. She was curled into a tight ball, but otherwise she was breathing evenly. I backed out closing the door.

Satisfied that they were okay, I went down stairs, still moving as quietly as I could. It wasn’t really a conscious thing, I was just used to doing it. I made it to the kitchen and it was empty. I guess these people weren’t early risers. I looked around the kitchen not sure what I should do.

By now I was already done with mine and the girls’ breakfast, but the last time I tried to cook I got yelled at. But I couldn’t just stand here doing nothing. Nothing was just not my thing. So I did the only thing I knew with certainty that I could do. I set about making breakfast.

I did a mental count of all of the people I had seen the day before, and sighed. This was going to take a while. I looked in the refrigerator to find that it was fully stocked for a large house. Again I sighed, but this time in relief. I grabbed everything out and set it out on the counter.

I did another mental count, but this time to see how much of which I would need. All of the men here were large so they would eat a lot. But at the same time every one had different tastes. Some people didn’t like bacon, while others didn’t like sausage or ham. The only way to be sure was to make it all.

So that’s what I did. The kitchen was actually very well set up. Either Becca knew what she was doing, or I was unnaturally good at finding my way around a kitchen. I was leaning towards the former. I almost laughed when I came across the hidden cabinet filled with junk food and sweets. Yep, definitely knew what she was doing. You don’t have a lot of kids without finding your own hiding spots.

The pots and pans were high quality, and everything was easy to use. When everything was almost done, I started the coffee. It was the largest coffee maker I had ever seen. Everyone in this house must drink it. Luckily I didn’t have to measure out the coffee. In the drawer right under the coffee maker were separated packs of ground coffee that I just had to put in the filter.

I set the table, and had just put all of the different types of food in the middle of the table, when the coffee finished. The smell made my mouth water. I hadn’t had coffee in so long.

I was just putting the syrup, butter, and a bowl of shredded cheese on the table when they all started showing up. Drake and Becca were first, closely followed by Asher, and Adrian. The rest followed closely behind with Lori and Kadi trailing. I stepped back, fully prepared for a tongue lashing for cooking. The girls came over to me.

“What is that heavenly smell?” Drake asked. He rubbed his eyes. It looked like he had just jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes. His button up was crooked as he had missed a couple of buttons. He put his hands down and caught sight of the table. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.

Becca stepped passed him and surveyed my work. She lifted her head and took a deep breath through her nose. Her eyes turned to the full coffee pot and she sighed. She looked to me as the girls stuck close.

“You’re lucky you remembered the coffee,” she grumbled as she ambled over to it. She filled her own cup, pulling some creamer from the refrigerator that I had missed. I made a mental note to remember where it was, so I wouldn’t forget it again. She filled a second cup, and handed it over to Drake, as he sat at the head of the table.

“This is…something else.” Drake said as he stared at the food. But regardless of what he thought he leaned forward to fill his plate. I had everything from fried eggs to scrambled. As well as, pancakes and cinnamon French toast, and everything in between. Aaron stepped into the room, as everyone else just continued to stare.

“Wow, Mom whose birthday is it?” he asked surveying the breakfast buffet. She shrugged as she started to fill her own plate, starting with the French toast.

“Ask the cook,” she said, nodding her head at me. Aaron turned to look at me, but dropped his eyes quickly.

“Is that cinnamon?” Camilla asked, taking the seat two down from her mother. I nodded but no one was really paying attention. Except for the girls who were still standing close to me.

“Why didn’t you wake us? We could have helped you,” Lori whispered to me. I shrugged keeping an eye on the group who were one by one getting their own plates.

“I didn’t know where you were.” I whispered back. Both of them gave me the look. The look that said they knew I was lying, even Kadi. It was their way of promising me that they would ask me again later. I glanced up to find several of them watching us. I couldn’t let them know about my odd way of finding people. With Lori and Kadi it was unavoidable. You can’t live that closely with people and them not figure it out.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Jen asked, staring at us. There were three empty chairs sitting on the other side of Camilla, with Aaron sitting on the other end of them. The rest of them, though with their mouths full to varying degrees, looked at us expectantly. I turned to the other girls and they just looked lost. We weren’t allowed to eat with the Others. I shrugged at them and we went around the table. Lori sat next to Camilla, and I took the seat next to Aaron, which left Kadi the seat between us. I grabbed her plate first and started to fill it.

Normally we just ate a simple egg sandwich, or plain scrambled eggs with toast. But since we were eating with them anyway, I filled her plate with as much as I thought she could eat. A couple pieces of bacon, one piece of sausage, a large scoop of scrambled eggs and a torn up piece of toast later, and I was reaching for the cheese bowl.

“What’s the cheese for?” Aaron asked. I sprinkled the cheese on her scrambled eggs so he could see what I was doing. I mixed it in until the cheese was melted, then handed Kadi her plate. Her eyes widened and she picked up her fork hesitantly. “That looks gross.” Aaron said as I started my own plate.

When I had my own cheesy eggs made I put a little bit on his plate for him to taste. He stabbed it with his fork and the eggs stuck together. He popped it into his mouth, and his eyes widened. Then he lurched forward for the eggs and cheese. He sprinkled the cheese on his eggs, but didn’t mix them. He took a bite and his face fell.

“I don’t think I did it right.” He mumbled. I felt sorry for him. I couldn’t help it, he just looked so sad. So I reached over and put a little more cheese on his eggs then took his fork and mixed it together. When it was all melted and mixed evenly I gave him his fork back, picking up my own.

“Where did you get that idea?” Drake asked with his fork halfway to his mouth. I shrugged, but knew he would want a better answer than that.

“I used to really like it when I was a kid.” I told him softly. He nodded, and thankfully, continued eating. It was actually kind of surprising that they hadn’t heard of it. I thought everyone knew the wonders of cheesy scrambled eggs.

“So school starts in three weeks, have all of you gotten what you need yet?” Becca asked, as she took a drink of her coffee. There were a few grumbled yeses, and I looked around. They were all only half way done with their meals. While me, Kadi, and Lori were already done. I stood and to take my plate to the sink with Kadi and Lori following.

“Oh, Mom, I still need to grab a few things, and I was wondering if I couldn’t do more shopping for a new wardrobe.” Jen asked.

“Yeah, me too.” Camilla chimed in.

“Cause we all know you two don’t have a whole store’s worth of clothes in your closets.” Adrian mumbled. Earning not one, but three horrified gasps. I turned to see Becca looking just as offended as the teenage girls.

“Some of my clothes don’t fit anymore. Besides, those are all last season. We need to keep up with the fashion. Do you want us to get laughed out of school?”

“It’s hardly that drastic.” Asher put in. For some reason Drake gave him a pained expression. A second later I knew why.

“Of course it is! Just because you have no fashion sense doesn’t mean the rest of us have to be as drab as you!” Jen yelled. I looked at Asher, taking in his appearance. He wore a simple black t-shirt, blue jeans, and combat boots. I couldn’t tell if he was wearing any kind of necklace or anything, his back was to me. But his long hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the back of his neck.

I didn’t think he looked bad. He didn’t look dirty or anything. I looked down at my own clothes. A plain black long sleeved t-shirt, with blue jeans and tennis shoes. I didn’t think it looked bad. I looked up when Drake cleared his throat. He was looking at Jen, and bent his head in my direction. Jen looked at me, taking in my clothes. Her mouth made that comical O shape.

“Oh! Uh, it’s not that I don’t like black or anything. It’s fine if you can pull it off. And I mean, of course you can. It’s just that, you know, I just like color more,” she stammered.

The rest of the table decided that they were suddenly interested in what I was wearing. I felt several eyes giving me the up down thing. Drake got that pained look again, while Adrian looked slightly worried. Asher on the other hand gave me a little smirk. Yeah, he had noticed that we seemed to be wearing almost the same thing. I just shrugged.

“It’s fine,” I said, when she still looked worried I gave her a half smile, and she relaxed. Drake sighed in relief. I guess he was expecting a teenage girl blow up.

“Well, what about you Ailith, do you need some more clothes for school?” Becca asked conversationally. I gave her a confused look.

“I bought clothes yesterday.” I told her. I had already done my shopping. Why would I want to do more. I still needed some traditional school supplies, but I had all of the clothes I needed. Of course, that got everyone’s attention again. My god, how much money did these people spend?

“Yes, but you might need some more for school. You only had a few bags yesterday, and you didn’t have anything when you got here.” I shrugged again.

“But I have everything I need.” She eyed me for a minute then nodded turning to Lori.

“What about you, Hon? Would you like to go shopping with us? We could get you a little bit of makeup. Maybe a couple pairs of shoes to match all of your outfits? I bet we could find some clips, so you can pin your hair back.” Lori looked at me then back at her, like she was torn.

I wasn’t into the whole makeup and hair stuff, but I knew Lori was. She would eye the magazines that the Others brought home. I knew part of the reason she kept her hair short, was because she couldn’t do anything with it. And if she couldn’t do anything then she wouldn’t want to.

“Go ahead,” I told her and her head snapped at me.

“Are you sure? I mean…” I cut her off.

“Go, have fun.” I knew she was always trying to be like me. So she wouldn’t cry when she needed to, or she would withstand things she shouldn’t have to. The last thing I wanted was for her to be like me. She met my eyes, and I kept my gaze straight. She was looking for any sign that I didn’t want her to go. When she didn’t find anything she nodded.

“Can I go too?” Kadi asked softly. She was looking at me, but Becca answered.

“Of course you can! Come on we’ll make it a girls’ day out.” I smiled down at Kadi and she smiled back. If I had said no, she would have declined. “So let’s go! Ailith are you sure you don’t want to come?” She asked as she grabbed a light jacket, and the girls got up to leave. I shook my head and she smiled at me. They left and I turned to eye the coffee.

I hadn’t had anything to drink yet today, and I really wanted a cup. I hadn’t had coffee since I was ten though. What if I didn’t like it anymore? What if I try it and I don’t like it then it ruins some of the good memories I have? Drake interrupted my internal debate to refill his own cup. He offered the pot to me, and I took it hesitantly. A minute later he put the creamer on the counter in front of me.

So I grabbed a coffee mug and filled it three quarters of the way full. Filling it the rest of the way with the creamer. It was French vanilla, it used to be my favorite. I stirred the creamer in and took a sip. It was wonderful. I was half way through my second cup when Drake said my name.

I turned to see the kitchen almost empty. Only three of them stayed sitting at the table. Drake, Asher, and Adrian. Drake motioned for me to sit in Becca’s empty seat. I sat hesitantly and gripped my coffee cup with both hands.

“I think we should explain a few things to you.” Drake said, he looked like he felt awkward, but to be honest I felt a little relieved. I would finally get to know what it is they expected from us. He looked like he was waiting for me to answer, so I nodded.

“We didn’t bring you here so you could work for us.” I looked at him confused and he sighed. “We don’t want you to cook and clean for us.”

“Then what do you want?” I asked.

“Nothing. Or more appropriately, we don’t want anything from you. We brought you here so you could live. Go to school, have friends, do what you want. Within reason. We want to be here for you. I understand you’re too old to be expected to accept a new family, but that’s what we want to be for you. We will treat you and the girls just like we treat our own kids.”

“But what if I want to cook and clean?” I asked. He gave me a skeptical look.

“Why would you? I’m forty eight years old, and I don’t want to.” I shrugged.

“I don’t know how to do anything else.” That was obviously the wrong thing to say. I thought they would understand. But they didn’t know about what I did before going to the Others. The look of sadness in all three of their eyes had me backpedaling. “I mean, how can I earn my keep if I don’t?”

“You don’t have to earn your keep. Get good grades, stay out of trouble and we’d count our blessings.”

“I prefer to earn what I have. I don’t do handouts very well,” I explained and he nodded.

“Okay, well then, how about you can do all of the housework you want. But only if you want to. You’re under no obligation to do anything but keep your own room clean. If you feel the need to help out around the house then we’d welcome it.” I nodded. That I could handle. For a brief moment I wondered what they would do if I got a job. He did say I could do what I wanted within reason. I assumed the within reason meant against the law, or house rules.

That led me to thinking about school. I knew it would be more complicated than he let on to get us back in. Kadi had never been, Lori and I had it on record that we were dropouts.

“How are you going to get us into school?” I asked abruptly. He apparently wasn’t expecting the sudden change in topic, but he went with it.

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. The few school records I have on you guys are from years ago. Junior high most of them, and I have nothing on Kadi.” I nodded, it figured that my father wouldn’t even give the Others updated records, and the last grade Lori completed was eighth grade.

“I had to drop out right before my sophomore year, Lori barely made it through eighth, and Kadi has never been to school.” He nodded.

“Does Kadi know anything. Has she had any education at all?” He asked. He wasn’t mean about it, just mostly for reference. But I nodded.

“She can read and write. She knows most of the basic math. She has most of her multiplication tables memorized.”

“Do you think Lori will test into sophomore or is she on more of a freshman level?”

“I think she can get into her sophomore year. We tried to keep up as much as we could.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to the principle and try to get the tests you need by tomorrow. The quicker we get this done the better. I’m doing all I can to make sure you guys can pick up where you left off.” The level of sincerity in his voice was heartwarming. But I knew something he didn’t.

You can’t erase your past. You can’t undo what you or anyone else has done. You can try to live like it never happened, but it always comes back to bite you in the ass. No, me and the girls will still have to deal with what we’ve been through. It didn’t matter how hard he tried to make us normal, we never would be. Kadi had a better chance of it. With any luck she would just have a handful of bad memories. But the details would always stick to me and Lori. And I learned the best way to cope was to look forward. Do what we could at the moment to survive, and work to make things better in the future.

“I do still need to get some school supplies though,” I added and he chuckled a little.

“You can take one of our cars. Becca has her own bank card, so you can have mine for the day. Don’t worry about how much you spend, I run a very successful business. You might consider picking up a laptop too. The kids have found that it makes school a bit simpler if you have papers due or you need to do research about something. We have wifi throughout the entire house, so you don’t have to worry about internet access.” When he finished I just stared at him. “What’s wrong?” he asked when I didn’t say anything.

“I don’t know anything about computers. What if I get the wrong one?” I asked. I was more worried about wasting his money on something I couldn’t even use.

“I can help,” Adrian replied and I nodded in relief.

“Here you can take my car,” Asher said pushing some keys across the table to me. Adrian and Drake stared at him in disbelief.

“Where is it?” I hadn’t seen much of the grounds besides what I could see when we pulled up, and what I saw from my balcony the night before. He pointed to the only other door in the kitchen. I had seen it before, but had steered clear. Their kitchen was eerily similar to the Others’, and that door led down to the punishment room. I felt myself pale.

“It leads to the garage.” Adrian said quickly. He hadn’t missed the similarities. I nodded and stood and walked to the door pushing it open quickly. Sure enough there was a garage with several cars parked in it. All in a single line so none of them were blocked. The garage looked like it was the same length as the house to fit them all. I used the key pad to see which car I would be driving and when I saw the lights flash my jaw dropped.

Sitting there all nice and pretty was a black convertible Lamborghini. It had silver rims and just looked delicious. I stared for a minute then said the only thing that I could to express my amazement.

“You’ve got to be shitting me!” I heard a few chuckles from behind me. Then out of nowhere it seemed like my seven years of no caffeine caught up to me. The two cups that I had had rushed through me, and I spun quicker than I thought I could. I rushed to the table just as Adrian stood, and grabbed the bank card that Drake had left on the table.

“Okay, thanks, bye!” I said as I ran out the door. I vaguely heard Asher yell at me to be careful with the car, but I was already sliding in behind the wheel. Asher was considerably taller than me, and it looked like he drove while laying down. I adjusted the seat as Adrian slid into the passenger seat.

“Do you know how to drive one of these?” he asked with a nervous lilt. I looked at him and grinned.

“It’s about time I found out isn’t it?” I started the engine and slammed it into reverse while stomping on the gas. The car surged backwards and I spun the wheel so I was facing the driveway. I got another surge of adrenaline and smiled bigger than I had in years. I slammed it into drive and stomped on the gas harder. By the time I made it to the actual road, Adrian was gripping the oh shit bar as hard as he could. I felt like I was running on air.

Chapter 7

By the time I pulled back into the garage, a good portion of the day was gone. When I turned the ignition off, I turned to Adrian. He was pale and had to slowly peel his fingers off the oh shit bar. He looked the same way by the time we had reached the store.

He had waited patiently while I did my shopping for all of the traditional school supplies, plus a few I had always wanted but never had the money for. For example, I picked up a high quality calculator that could do anything I needed to. If you didn’t have enough proof of how weird I am just remember. I don’t care about shopping for clothes, but I love shopping for school supplies.

He had picked out my laptop. Honestly, I had no idea what I was going to use it for. I guess I could use it for papers or whatever, but I always preferred to do research the old fashioned way. There was just something about having the information in my hands as opposed to reading it on a computer screen.

I popped the trunk open and he grabbed half the bags leaving me with the other half. When I closed the trunk he was already halfway to the door. I walked into the kitchen just in time to see him put the bags on the table.

“How did it go?” Drake asked, he was looking at me but Adrian answered. Mostly by pointing an accusing finger at me.

“That girl is insane!” Asher and Drake turned to me in confusion, but I just rolled my eyes, and set my own bags down. “Seriously! She’s a freaking maniac! Next time she borrows your car you can ride with her!” he snapped at Asher.

“You’re such a baby.” I mumbled and he turned on me.

“I’m all for an adrenaline rush, but a hundred and eighty down a five mile long highway is ridiculous!”

“I handled it just fine. You’re still alive aren’t you?”


“Oh please, there wasn’t even any traffic.” Drake kept quiet and just watched our exchange, but Asher looked like he was holding back a snicker.

“So how did you like it?” Asher asked, and I answered by placing the keys firmly on the table in front of him.

“That car is sex on wheels.” I told him as I turned back to my treasure trove. I didn’t mean anything specific in my comment. It just seemed to be the most accurate description. But when I looked back at them all three of them had eyes as big as saucers. I scoffed. “Oh come on! I didn’t mean it like that.” All three of them relaxed and I shook my head.

The comment I had just made was not meant to be taken literally simply a statement of fact. The Lamborghini was incredibly sexy and made me feel wonderful.

I grabbed all of my bags and took them up to my room. After depositing them either on or by the desk I looked a the clock. It was almost four thirty. I made a silent promise to come back and open everything later. Then I went back to the kitchen to start dinner.

About a half hour later I was engrossed in what I was making, and barely heard the girls come in the door. Their cheeks were flushed and they had the biggest smiles I had ever seen on them. Each of them had several bags in their arms, and couldn’t stop talking about all of the things they had gotten.

I half listened as I worked and though it wasn’t really my thing, I was happy for them. Becca walked in and saw me at the stove. She didn’t look happy about it, but she didn’t say anything. I understood that they wanted to give me a chance at being a normal teenager, but it was ridiculous to not allow me to help out. Besides it looked to me that with a family this big, she could use all the help she could get.

She placed a small bag on the counter in front of me and glared as if daring me to complain. My curiosity got the better of me and I opened it to peak in. Inside was a small box but I couldn’t tell what it was. I pulled the box out and turned it over. My eyes widened as I took in the picture of a cell phone on the front.

“Isn’t it great? I got one too,” Lori gushed as she showed me her own. The only difference between the two was that hers was in purple and mine was a plain black.

“This is so we can get a hold of you two, just in case. If you’re going to be out late with friends then call us so we don’t worry.” The way she said it, it was almost like she was demanding that we stay out late with friends. I smiled my thanks and continued what I was doing before they had come in.

Like I said before, I actually really liked to cook large meals. The more complicated the better, and I had been cooking for so long I never needed a recipe or cook book. Everything was kind of instinctual by now. I knew just how much seasonings to add to make it taste perfect. I knew just how long to cook meat to make it completely done in the middle, but still retain the juices and tenderness.

It was an art and I treated it like such. It was calming, and helped clear my head. When everything was done to perfection I started to lay it out on the table. To my surprise all of the guys got up to help set the table while I distributed the food. In no time everyone was seated and dishing out their food.

The noises of appreciation that they all made was relieving. Some people just didn’t like certain things. And it wasn’t really a lack of talent it was more of one those things that you couldn’t help.

“You’re not allowed to cook anymore.” Jen said looking right at me. I looked at her in surprise. I thought she liked the food I made. “If you keep this up, I’m going to get fat.” she added and I relaxed with a smile.

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want you to not be able to fit into your new clothes,” Asher replied sarcastically. That seemed to be the only way he could talk. The meal passed fairly quickly. After I was done cleaning up the kitchen I made my way up to my room.

I was tired but as soon as I saw all of my bags sitting around a burst of excitement ran through me. Before going through all of my other treasures, I set about hanging up all of my clothes. It was a quick job and didn’t take long. Of course, I had still forgotten to pick up night clothes. Damn, well I guess I’ll just have to sleep in that shirt again. Another thing I had forgotten about.

With that done, I turned to my other bags. There were at least twice as many as my clothes had taken. I sat down at my desk and started with the first bag. Which contained exactly one item. My school bag. It was plain black and hung over one shoulder at my side. It was perfect for me, allowing easy reach for anything I might need.

An hour later I had everything organized and ready. I hung up the black sweater jacket I had bought. It was a couple sizes too big. Just the way I liked it. I had also bought a belt. It wasn’t that my pants were loose, it was just handy to wear to keep them from sliding around while I moved.

After it was all done, I made my way to the bathroom. I was tempted to try the Jacuzzi, but when I took my shirt off to look at my back, my stitches were still there. Though they were more than half dissolved. I had always healed really quick. Well, not always. When I was a kid I didn’t, but after my father started beating me regularly is when it had started. I just chalked it up to my body had to heal on a regular basis, and had just gotten good at it. I knew by the next night I would be fine so I made a mental promise to test out the Jacuzzi then, as I turned on the shower.

When I was clean I brushed my ridiculously long hair out so it would dry faster, and made my way out to the balcony. I stood in the same spot as I had the night before and looked up at the sky. A light breeze was blowing, and though it was getting chilly at night, it felt good. I was about to turn to go to bed when I felt eyes on me again. I looked down, and that same wolf was standing there. Staring up at me just like before. And just like before when he had his fill, he turned and loped back into the woods. I watched until he was out of sight and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up about the same time as always. I sighed. There was no way I was going to get back to sleep, so I did the only thing that was left to me. I got up and dressed before going down to the kitchen.

I didn’t make breakfast like I had the day before. Instead, I poured a bowl of cereal and made coffee. When both were done, I just stood at the island’s counter to eat. There was a newspaper sitting on the counter not too far from me. I grabbed it thinking that maybe I could get caught up on anything I might have missed in the last year and a half.

Unfortunately, I had never really been one for current events and it didn’t hold my attention. When I finished the cereal, I refilled my coffee cup. After that I didn’t really know what to do.

On a whim I walked out of the kitchen and into the room right across the foyer. It was the living room. And it was amazing. The was a large wood fire place on one wall with a sixty five inch screen TV hanging on the wall above it. The effect was startling. There were two large couches set in an L in the middle of the room. It looked like they were suede and a large bay window was on the wall opposite the doorway. On the back wall behind the couches were pictures.

I made my way over and studied all of the pictures. It looked like the entire wall was nothing more than the family’s history. It began at the top with wedding pictures of Drake and Becca. Underneath those were pictures of all of the kids in order. Followed by pictures of them as they grew, and other kids were born. It was kind of neat. I could almost pin point how old each kid was when another was born. But the only thing that really caught my attention was that in all of the family pictures, Asher was almost always off by himself.

I shrugged and headed for the bay window. I had always wanted one of these, so I could do exactly what I had planned on doing now. I sat down with my back to one side, and looked out the window as the sun finished it’s ascent.

The house was quiet and it was just me and my coffee. I had never experienced a moment so peaceful. The view was amazing. All I could see were trees with the sun rising above them. It was perfect. And remained perfect for about an hour.

I heard the others stirring in the house and sighed. I listened as one by one, they made their way into the kitchen. And though they weren’t being loud, I could still hear what they were saying. They were talking in normal tones, but it was easy to pick them out.

When I was a kid that was how I always kept tabs on my father when we weren’t in the same room. I would listen for his footsteps and his voice. It helped in anticipating if I was going to be punished or not. After a couple of years I just kinda did it all the time. It had come in handy more than once.

“Oh, no breakfast?” That would be Aaron.

“Good, I hope she slept in. It isn’t good for a girl to get so little sleep.” Becca added.

“Coffee’s made,” Drake put in. I could here someone rummaging in a cabinet. He must have been looking for a cup.

“Her door was open when I came down,” Jen said, I could hear her light footsteps as she pulled back a chair to sit. “It’s too bad. Breakfast yesterday was awesome,” she added.

“You’re the one that told her she couldn’t cook anymore,” Adrian snapped. It was odd. He was normally so soft spoken for someone so large.

“Oh please, if Mom’s yelling couldn’t keep her from it, I highly doubt anything I said would have an affect.”

“Well, she’s up, so where is she?” One of the others asked. I didn’t recognize the voice, it was probably one of the one’s that I hadn’t actually met yet.

“If she got up before anyone else she probably just went wondering. She hasn’t really been anywhere in the house except for the kitchen and her room,” Asher answered.

“Drake…” Becca said suddenly. There was an odd note of panic in her voice. What was wrong with me looking around?

“Let’s find her,” He answered, just as I heard small footsteps on the floor above. Kadi must be up. I stood and walked calmly into the hallway just as the rest started to leave the kitchen. Drake was in front and he stopped dead when he saw me. He looked behind me, obviously taking note of the direction I had come, and relaxed.

I raised a brow at him, and he shrugged a little uncomfortably, his face going a little red from embarrassment. The little foot steps came closer and I looked up at the stairs just before Kadi came into view. She made her way down them slowly, but when she saw me she picked up her pace.

We hadn’t seen each other much in the last couple of days, and that was rare. I had missed her, and judging from the way she flung herself at me she felt the same. She was still in her pajamas, and when I picked her up she felt a little warm to the touch.

“Ally, I’m hungry,” she mumbled, as she buried her head in the crook of my neck. I saw Lori come down the stairs over her shoulder.

“Okay Sunshine, I’ll make you some breakfast. Do you want some eggs?” I asked softly, motioning for Drake to get out of my way. He moved quickly, and stepped into the kitchen.

Kadi nodded in answer to my question, but when she tried to talk her body shook from her coughs. I exchanged a worried glance with Lori. Kadi had always been a little sickly. I had always just assumed it was a lack of a good environment though.

I set her down on the counter and turned to sink, knowing that Lori would’ve already taken my place in front of her. I grabbed the softest wash clothe I could find, and ran it under some cool water. When it was damp I barely turned enough to toss it behind me. I knew Lori would catch it.

This was all routine by now. Kadi had been sick several times, and we always did the same thing. I would make her the best meal I could while Lori kept cool clothes on her forehead and neck, to keep her temperature under control. After she had eaten we would put her back to bed, and split her chores for the next couple of days, until she felt better.

I took some things out of the refrigerator, while going through a mental check list. Eggs for protein, milk for calcium, fruit for nutrition, and French toast for energy.

I put her at the table to eat, and me and Lori took turns playing with her hair. It was something she liked and it kept her calm. Which in turn evened out her breathing and kept her coughs to a minimum. When she was done she leaned against me as Lori took her plate to the sink.

“You feeling okay, sweetheart?” She nodded, but looked up at me with glassy eyes.

“I’m tired.” I nodded.

“Okay, how about we go up to your room, and I’ll run a lukewarm bath. It’ll help make you feel better, then you can take a nap.”

Three hours later I came back downstairs, exhausted. Kadi was asleep but Lori was sitting with her just in case she woke up.

“She okay?” Drake asked from his usual spot at the table. I swear I have never seen a family that spent so much time in the kitchen. I nodded in answer.

“Yeah, she’s always gotten sick easily. I was hoping that would change since we’ve been here. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it.”

“Why would it change now?” Adrian asked. I shrugged.

“She’s allowed outside. She doesn’t have to work all the time, and she can get the rest she needs. We didn’t live well. We hadn’t even been outside until you came for us.”

“Does she need anything?” Becca asked. Her worry warmed me, but I shook my head.

“I had bought enough medicine to last a while our first day here. She should be alright in a couple of days.” It looked like she was going to say something else, but there was a knock on the door.

She got up to answer it, but didn’t get far. The door opened and Tom rushed into the kitchen. He looked a little frantic but when he saw me he froze.

“Uh, Drake, can I talk to you for a moment…in private,” he asked quietly. Drake shot him a questioning look, but stood. They went to his office with Becca right behind him. I had no idea what it was about, and to be perfectly honest, I really didn’t care.

Chapter 8





I sighed as Tom started to pace across my office. Becca sat in one of my armchairs to wait. She had always been the patient one. That is one virtue I did not posses.

“Get on with it, Tom, I have better things to do,” I snapped and he stood at attention.

“I’ve been doing some research. First on half-breeds, and second on lone wolves. Tell me have you ever heard of a lone female?” he asked in a rush, and to his credit it was a good question, one that actually required thought.


“Neither has anyone else. There’s a theory that females require too much care, they can’t make it on their own. No offense Becca,” he added absently. She just raised a brow at him. Great, I was going to hear about this later. Tom had never been her favorite wolf to begin with.

“I assume you’re going somewhere with this?”

“Yes, yes of course. Well, we all know that half-breeds are rare. It’s unusual for a wolf to successfully mate with a human. But the half-breeds require more care than most. Their wolves are erratic, the timing of their wolf’s appearance is based solely on their upbringing. Some will never shift if they aren’t around other full blooded, full grown wolves.

“Sometimes they end up with the instincts and a few heightened senses, but never obtain the shift. But it really depends on what line the wolf gene comes from. If it’s from the male line, it’s unlikely that they will achieve the shift. But for some reason if it comes from the female line, they are more unstable.”

“Unstable how?”

“Feral. In other words she may gain the ability to shift, but her mind will go. She’ll become violent and unpredictable. It’s likely that, through no fault of her own, she won’t be able to control her wolf. Add that to the fact that she has spent the majority of her lifetime in servitude or injured, her wolf will probably be insane. Drake, she’s dangerous just for her blood line, and then add in that she‘s a lone wolf. Lone wolves can not be controlled, no matter how strong the alpha.”

“And what do you suggest I do?”

“If she had had a normal upbringing she would be fine, but she hasn’t and right now the only advice I can give is to get rid of her. Send her off your territory.”

“I can’t do that. She’s underage and I’m her legal guardian.”

“She hasn’t even shown any signs of her wolf. She might be one of those that only gain the extra senses. We don‘t even know what line the gene came from. Let‘s just wait until we have more information,” Becca replied calmly. It was obvious that Tom disagreed, but I sided with my mate on this one.

“If you won’t heed my warning at least assign Sadler to watch her. If it turns out that she’s not dangerous he could at least help her cope with being a lone wolf.” I nodded. That wasn’t a bad idea.

Sadler was my only resident lone wolf. The process of becoming a lone wolf, if you hadn’t been born to it, was quite painful. Both physically and emotionally. Sadler had been the next alpha in his pack, but his father was a power hungry man, when it came time to teach Sadler how to run the pack, he rejected him instead.

There are only three ways to become a lone wolf. Either you’re born to it, like Ailith, you’re rejected by your alpha, like Sadler, or you choose to leave your pack. The third is nearly unheard of, but there have been a few accounts of it happening. Mostly females who didn’t like the rules and foolishly run off. Most of the time they don’t survive long. Which is why a lone female is so shocking.

When Sadler was thirteen and achieved his first shift, his father kicked him out of the pack. He lived on his own in unclaimed territory until he turned seventeen. He had heard rumors that I was an understanding alpha, and approached me. He offered his loyalty and allegiance in return for training, an education, and permission to live on my territory. At the age of twenty two he has yet to cross the line or disobey an order. In many ways he was better than my own enforcers.

After I agreed Tom left in a hurry. I immediately picked up the phone to get Sadler here. The sooner they became acquainted the better. If he wasn’t a stranger it would be easier on her to accept him as teacher when or if the time came.

Aside from his part time job as my employee, Sadler had a life of his own. He lived in the same town, but rented a flat on the opposite side. He could get here quickly, but he valued the semblance of privacy living apart from us provided. There was a reason they were called lone wolves.

“What’s up boss?” The wonders of caller ID. Sadler always answered his phone in a personal greeting to anyone that called.

“Sadler, good you’re home.”

“When am I not? What do you need?”

“I have a lone wolf here.”

“Do you want me to escort him off the territory?”

“It’s a she actually.” I was answered by silence. “And no I don’t want you to escort her off the territory. It seems I have unwittingly become her legal guardian. She’s only seventeen and doesn’t know what she is.”

“Doesn’t know?” I almost laughed. It is an odd concept.

“No, she was born a lone wolf, and her past…well, it’s complicated. I don’t think I even know all of it. She’s also a half-breed, and hasn’t shown signs of her wolf yet. But we think it’s only a matter of time. What I need is for you to come over, and spend some time here. Let her get accustomed to you. So when the time comes you can kind of, show her the ropes.”

“You want me to stay there?” he asked. There was a edge to his voice that I knew well.

“No, you don’t have to stay here, but I do need you come over as often as you can.”

“And what reason should I give if she asks?”

“I don’t know, you could say you’re coming over here to hang out with Asher.” He snorted.

“Yeah, like that would actually happen.” That was the problem with having more than one alpha around that wasn’t family. They didn’t exactly get along very well.

“Then one of the others, I don’t know, come up with something.”

“Okay, and what should I tell her when she notices I’m spending more time around her than my ‘friend’?”

“Just let her think you have a crush or something. She‘s a seventeen year old girl, I‘m sure she‘d believe it. And if she does then she won‘t ask questions.” He sighed.

“I didn’t realize I would end up babysitting for you,” he grumbled but then added. “I’ll be there in ten.”

“Thanks,” I replied but the line had already gone dead. He wasn’t happy about his new assignment, but he would do it without question, and do it well.

And true to form, ten minutes later someone knocked on the door. Becca answered with me right behind her. Sadler stood there leaning against the banister. His native American heritage stood out in the way he kept his hair longer than usual, even for our kind, and his dark skin. The only thing that showed his Caucasian side were his deep blue eyes. He stepped in and rolled his shoulders.

“Where is she?” he asked stiffly. No matter how comfortable we tried to make him, he never forgot that he was on another alpha’s territory. His little rivalry with Asher didn’t help.

“Kitchen last time I saw her.” Becca was the first to enter the kitchen, and the majority of my sons were already at the table.









I could smell her scent the moment they opened the door. It was almost like she spent her time just standing in the foyer. Definitely female, though not as defined as most others. Her scent was more subtle until you focused on it. Then it grew in strength and potency. Though I had never been there, her scent reminded me of the ocean. What I thought the ocean smelled like anyway. Mixed with roses and a hint of a smell I associated with a library.

I followed Becca into the kitchen, where she joined a girl that had her back to the rest of the room. She was at the sink, and it looked like she was getting a drink of water. A waist length braid rested between her shoulders, which stiffened as soon as I entered the room. When Becca approached she half turned to her without looking at the room.

“Another one? How do you put up with all of them?” she murmured. Becca actually threw her head back and laughed, when she sobered up she answered.

“It takes a lot of practice.” The girl half shrugged and put her now empty glass in the dish strainer. She finally turned around so I could see her face. I took a deep breath which turned out to be a mistake. Her scent saturated the room.

Her dark brown, almost black, eyes met mine, and I couldn’t pick out what I saw. It was like she had no emotion, or if she did, she kept it under tight control and almost completely hidden. Her body was slender, but I could see muscle lines under her shirt. Her hips were the perfect width for her frame, and smoothly flowed into well defined legs.

“You’re awake,” she said softly, and I was brought back to reality. While I had been staring at her she had been looking past me. I have to say that doesn’t do much for the ego.

Then something short brushed past me. I looked down to see a little blonde haired girl making her way to the wolf. She didn’t hesitate to open her arms, just as the lone wolf didn’t hesitate to pick her up and place her precisely on the hips I had been admiring. I took another deep breath, prepared for the onslaught of her scent. The girl had a human scent. But then again, so did the lone wolf.

“I tried to keep her in bed, but she insisted.” Another girl said as she entered the room. She made her way over to the two, and made herself comfortable beside them. The little girl stuck her tongue out at the new girl.

“I’m bored. There’s nothing to do in bed.” The wolf smoothed the little girls hair the way I had seen several mothers do to their young.

“Well, I’m sure we can find something to do,” she answered quietly. Just as the little girl finally noticed me. She turned to the one holding her.

“Who’s he?” The wolf met my eyes again briefly.

“You know, I have no idea,” she answered.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Girls this is Sadler, he works for us on occasion. Sadler, the little one is Kadi, the middle is Lori, and the one holding Kadi is Ailith.” Becca made the introductions hastily. I gave a half hearted wave and each of them returned it, Kadi more enthusiastically than the other two. The older ones looked at me with more caution.

“Hey, look what I found,” Lori said turning to the little girl, and holding up three decks of cards.

“What do we do with those?” she asked in a child’s way and reached for one of the decks.

“We play games. Come on we’ll teach you about the wonderful world of Go Fish,” Ailith answered moving to some free space on the floor. They sat in a circle while Ailith mixed the decks.

I made my way to the opposite end of the table from Asher. He stiffened as I passed and I’m sure he would have growled if it hadn’t been for the girls. I glanced over to see Ailith switching between us with a calculating expression. Then she turned her attention back to the game and proceeded to explain the rules to Kadi.

I sat in the chair closest to them while still being able to see them. Three hours later their game was winding down and Kadi yawned. Ailith gathered the cards into one pile, and Lori took Kadi up to tuck her into bed.

Ailith stood and stretched, not knowing that I was watching every move she made. She evaluated the available seating at the table, but didn’t have much choice but to take the seat next to me.

She sat down with one leg folded underneath her, and leaned close to the table. Then she proceeded to separate the decks into their appropriate piles. She was quick. Really quick, her hands were practically a blur. When the decks were separated, she then proceeded to separate them into the appropriate suits to make sure they were all there.

“It’s rude to stare,” she said quietly. It took me a moment to realize she was talking to me.

“Sorry, bad habit” I murmured.

“An impressive one.”

“What do you mean?” She finally looked up at me but only for a moment.

“Not many people can stare at someone for three hours without a break.” I chuckled. She was observant I had to give her that. She had never even let on that she felt me looking. She gave a half smile and I relaxed back into my chair.

When she looked up at the clock she sighed slightly. And then proceeded to do card tricks. They were amazing. It wasn’t magic tricks, it was more like tossing a single card up out of the deck using two sides of the deck separated. Then she would catch it in the same spot facing the right way. After she got bored with that she just started to shuffle them over and over again.

You’d think it would be annoying, but I found it oddly relaxing. It seemed she did too. She unfolded her legs and stretched them out. Then she started to zone out. Just staring straight ahead with unfocused eyes, but her hands never stopped.

It wasn’t until Adrian had called her name three times, without a response that I intervened. I snapped my fingers in front of her face. A dangerous thing to do to a lone wolf, but she only blinked slowly, and turned to look at Adrian.

“I’m sorry, what?” Adrian chuckled fondly at her.

“Where’d you go?” She shrugged.

“Space.” He only nodded.

“Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join our game,” He said indicating the poker game him and the other guys were playing. They were using cheetos as poker chips. She shook her head.

“I don’t think so. Thanks though.”

“Why not? You look like you know your way around a deck.”

“You’d hate me afterwards.” He brought his eyebrows together.

“Why would we hate you?”

“Because I’d win.” There were several chuckles around the table, but she just looked back at them, completely serous.

“What makes you so sure?” Asher asked and she zeroed in on him.

“Experience. Besides it‘s late, I‘m going to bed,” she said as she stood. Before she left the table though she turned to Adrian and nodded toward Asher. “He’s bluffing by the way.” Without another word or glance she walked out of the room. She really should have stayed a second longer. The look on Asher’s face was priceless.

With her in bed I was no longer needed. I got to the foyer just in time to see her climbing the last of the stairs. I watched until she was out of sight then let myself out.

Three days went by in that fashion. I would show up early in the morning and hang around until she went to bed. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

She wasn’t a talkative teenage girl. She was quiet and reserved. She only spoke when she was asked a question or felt that she had something worth saying. Otherwise, she was perfectly comfortable just sitting and watching. The most emotion I ever saw from her was when she was interacting with Lori and Kadi.

My second day, Drake pulled me aside and told me their story. Or rather, the amount of it that he knew. Including the beatings and the connection the girls had with one another. It only added to my growing respect for the quiet girl.

I finally managed to engage her in conversation on my third morning. I walked in the door to see her sitting at the table alone, as usual. She was nursing a mug of coffee, when I poured my own, and joined her. She didn’t even glance at me, just kept staring into her coffee cup.

“You okay? You look like something is bothering you,” I asked quietly. She looked up at me but only for a moment.

“I’m fine, just nervous I guess.” For a second I wondered if Drake had finally shared his suspicions with her.

“About what?” I asked cautiously.

“We should get our test results back today. For school.”

“Really? Are you nervous about going?” I asked marginally relieved, but she shook her head.

“About not getting in,” She answered softly, taking a sip of her coffee. I raised a brow at her.

“You want to go to school?” She nodded and I waited for a longer answer. I almost gave up when she spoke.

“This last year and a half, even after my parents sold me, school was what I missed the most. School was the only thing that was right with my life. The only thing I could count on. School was home for me.” Her answer shocked me, but most of all was the fact that I could relate.

Even before my father exiled me, he wasn’t the nicest man in the world. School was my escape and the thing I had wished for in my time in the wild. I’ll never forget how lost and lonely I felt without it.

“I’m sure you did fine. You seem intelligent to me,” I answered. She gave me a soft smile, a smile that imprinted itself on me. I smiled back and she let out a soft sigh, before getting up to refill her cup.

I joined her just as we heard stirring in the house. I knew she heard it because she stiffened. A small look of regret passing over her features. She enjoyed the quiet alone time, I did too, yet another thing I could relate to. I gave her a sympathetic smile, and we shared a moment of camaraderie.

I could sense Asher making his way toward us. Just as he could sense me in the house. It was an alpha thing. One neither of us particularly cared for. My thoughts were halted when someone knocked on the door.

Asher wasn’t coming toward us, but the door. He answered it a minute later, and I heard an annoying high pitched voice. It was Christina, Asher’s girlfriend. His relationship with her was mildly surprising. She was eighteen and going into her senior year of high school. She was also the daughter of a disgraced family.

Her grandfather had committed treason before his son even reached his first shift. Her grandfather was exiled by the previous alpha, and the family was still struggling for a place in the pack. Her father had mildly redeemed himself by becoming a part of the town’s politics. Turns out having an in with the mayor was more beneficial to the pack than expected.

But that still left his wife and children struggling for their own places. His wife was treated horribly, no matter that she was the sweetest woman I had ever met. And his kids, twins, a boy and girl, were left fighting.

I had heard rumors that the boy had declined, getting into things that were illegal and dangerous. While Christina was trying to up her place by dating the future alpha. It wasn’t a bad arrangement really. Asher was notorious for only dating girls that he could toss away later. Christina needed the popularity and Asher needed the good time. In a way they were a match made in heaven for temporary romances.

“Hey babe, you ready?” I could hear her attempt at a sultry voice and rolled my eyes. The girl was as fake as fake could get.

“Sure, just let me grab something to eat real quick,” Asher answered, and I could hear the disgusting smack of a quick kiss. Me and Ailith were still standing in front of the coffee pot when he walked in with her at his heels.

Her bright pink shirt made my eyes hurt. Her skirt matched, top that off with a large expanse of pale legs and three inch heels, and there she stood. Her blonde hair was styled in the new fashion, and she maintained her usual haughty expression. Though the look on her face when she took in Ailith, well, I would have paid money to see it.

“Who is she?” she snapped and Asher turned to see Ailith standing there.

“Oh she’s, uh, she’s…” he stumbled over a suitable answer. We couldn’t have the whole pack knowing about Ailith until we had some definitive answers about her. But surprisingly she was the one that saved his ass. By raising her coffee cup in solute.

“The family’s new charity case.” Christine gave her a once over.

“Obviously, you could use all the charity you could get.” It was a direct insult and I stiffened, prepared for fight that could very well break out. But Ailith just smiled at her. It wasn’t a kind smile, and Christine took a half step back upon seeing it.

“You could say that, nice outfit by the way.” I had never heard an insult so thoroughly hidden behind kind words before. Asher sat down at the table, and Christine huffed over to his side. Taking a second to glance over her shoulder at Ailith, she then turned and sat down in Asher’s lap. He looked a little annoyed because he was trying to eat, but he didn’t complain, and Christine got comfortable.

I glanced over to see Ailith’s reaction, and almost choked trying to cover my laughter. She stared at Christine with a look I had come to recognize. A look meaning that she thought that what she saw was completely ridiculous and absolutely unnecessary.

She caught my eye and noticed my poorly hidden laughter, and had to fight down a smile. Adrian walked into the kitchen, caught sight of Christine, and gave a silent groan behind their backs. Ailith lost her silent battle and threw her head back, and let out a melodious laugh. It was a surprising and infectious sound.

I joined her quickly, and Adrian gave a quirked smile before joining in as well. He made his way over to us to get his own coffee, still laughing. He actually had to put his cup down to keep from spilling it, and it made Ailith laugh harder. She wrapped her arms around her waist and doubled over, laughing so hard her body shook.

Asher was looking at us with amazement, or should I say, he was staring at Ailith in amazement. Christine just looked on like she was missing out on a joke, and that increased the laughter.

Adrian finally stood up straight and looked out the window. It looked like he was watching something. Then a couple minutes later he uttered one sentence that put an end to that marvelous sound.

“Huh, mail’s here.” Ailith straightened immediately, all mirth forgotten, and rushed for the door.

I waited knowing she was only going to the front door. She walked back with a pile of envelopes in her hands. She rifled through them quickly, tossing all of the things that weren’t for her half-hazard onto the counter. Then she was down to the last three.

She looked through the three of them as if deciding on which one to open first. She settled on one and ripped it open. She quickly scanned the print and gave a small smile, then turned to the second one. This one got a bigger smile, and then it was down to the last. She stared at it for a long moment then slowly opened it with silent dread. I knew this one was for her.

Finally, she started to read it carefully and her shoulders dropped in relief. She had obviously scored well, and she leaned her head back, like she was sending a thanks to someone.

One by one all of the others filed into the kitchen, with Lori and Kadi being the last. Drake was the first to notice the mail, and looked to Ailith as the other two girls joined her.

“What’s that?” Lori asked propping Kadi up on the counter top.

“Our test results.” Lori’s eyes widened and she exchanged worried looks with the little girl.

“How did you do?” Drake asked evenly. Ailith smiled up at him and he blinked a couple times.

“Kadi tested into second grade, Lori will be a sophomore, and I made it into my junior year. We‘re back on track.” Lori let out an ear splitting shriek and she hugged Ailith.

“I can’t believe it. Kadi, you’re going to be in the second grade! I’m so proud of you!” Kadi who had been looking on with mild confusion suddenly beamed.

“Just think, in two weeks time you’ll be walking down the halls at school again.” I murmured to Ailith. She looked up at me with a glorious smile and slumped back into the counter.

Drake caught my eye and motioned for me to follow him. I wanted to stay with Ailith, but my boss needed me, so I obliged. We went into his office and my least favorite person just happened to already be seated.

Tom looked up at us as we entered and it was all I could do not to snarl at him. Tom trumped Asher any day on my shit list. As much as I didn’t like Asher it was simply an Alpha thing. Deep down I knew that he was actually a decent guy, and had we been human, we probably would be friends. He was just terrified of commitment and responsibility.

But Tom was another story, and someone I had known for much longer. He was the doctor of this pack, but he consulted for others. He was at my father’s ear every chance he got. And I couldn’t help but suspect that he had something to do with my exile.

Of course, no one would believe me if I spoke of how slimy the man was. He was a respected member of the pack. I was simply a lone wolf mooching off of the hospitality of a generous alpha. Never mind that I did everything I possibly could to earn my keep. I loved Drake, he was like the father I never had but wished for. But the man was much too trusting.

“What did you need?” I asked taking a position as far from Tom as I could. Drake knew how much I hated the man, but no matter how much someone disliked another, they were always to be civil. It was a rule that Drake enforced personally.

“I think it would be wise not to encourage Ailith’s hope in returning to school,” Drake said slowly. He was being cautious. He was one of the few that truly knew how much education meant to me. I hated being denied it myself, and I couldn’t stand the thought of denying others when it was something they truly wanted.

“What? Why?” I stood at attention, especially since I now knew how much it meant to her.

“She’s too dangerous to be allowed out,” Tom supplied, but I paid him no attention. My focus was strictly on Drake. He wasn’t a cruel man, but what he was suggesting bordered on it. I kept my eyes on him and he finally cracked, putting a hand to the bridge of his nose.

“We don’t know what she’s capable of yet. We need to make sure she’s safe for the human world before we unleash her on it. After her week here it’s obvious that her senses are already on par with our own. Her wolf shouldn’t be far behind.”

“Are you going to tell her?” I asked, my tone came out sharper than intended, but under the circumstances I knew he would over look it.

“No, not yet. We have to make sure before we…” he trailed off not quite knowing how to finish the sentence.

“Break her?” I supplied.

“That’s a bit overly dramatic. It’s only school, it’s obvious that she isn’t lacking in education. She could live perfectly fine with what she has for the rest of her life,” Tom snapped. I leveled my gaze on him. He swallowed hard. He may have the ear and trust of the pack alpha, but I wasn’t pack. And I was alpha.

By pack law he could challenge me. I wasn’t a member of the pack. I couldn’t be a member of any pack, thanks to my lovely title of lone wolf. I couldn’t give orders. Well, I could and any lower ranked wolf would be compelled to obey, but they could shake it off. Simply because I wasn’t their alpha.

But since I didn’t belong to the pack, they could, at any time, challenge me to leave. If a challenge was issued and I lost, the pack alpha would decide whether or not I was forced to leave the territory. Even if I was allowed to stay my status and treatment would drop dramatically. I would no longer receive the respect and well wishes that I had at the moment. Sure some wouldn’t change the way they treated me, but the majority would.

I had no doubt that Tom would issue a challenge to me if he could. He debated heavily with Drake against keeping me on the territory to begin with. Almost like he had managed to get rid of me, just for me to move closer. His only problem was that legally he could not issue the challenge until I came of age, and by then I was at the top of my class in my training. I was an alpha in my prime, and his prime had been over for quite a while. It was not unheard of for a wolf to die from a challenge for rank. Normally, from injuries after the fight was done.

I turned back to Drake. “So what exactly is it that you want me to do?” He sighed. It was then that I noticed that he hated what he was doing. Which meant he was only doing it because he felt he needed to in order to insure the safety of his people. That meant there was still hope that he would eventually change his mind.

“Just stick as closely as you can to her. If she leaves, offer to keep her company. If she’s bored keep her entertained. Anything to keep her calm and at least marginally satisfied. Until the time comes for us to drop the bomb on her.” I nodded and left the office without another word. I couldn’t go back to Ailith, not yet.

I was far too upset, and she was far too observant. She would know something was wrong, and it’s possible that she might put it together that it had something to do with her. And a part of me was a coward. I didn’t want to face her knowing that they were about to take the only thing she wanted in the world, and flush it down a disease ridden toilet.

So I spent a couple extra minutes in the hallway. I could hear her talking to the human girls. The way she was with them, there was no way she was dangerous. They were worried about nothing, and she was going to pay the price for it. But maybe I could help keep her happy until then. I took a deep breath to compose myself and made my way back to her.

She gave me a happy smile when I walked in, and it just made me feel like a shitty person. She was finally coming around towards me, and I was going to help them destroy her.

Chapter 9





Another week passed. It was agonizingly slow, but I found I really appreciated Sadler’s company. He would play cards with me when the girls were busy doing their own things. They were starting to gain a life outside of me, and I was happy for them. But it was kind of lonely.

A few times Sadler even went window shopping with me. It was a lot of fun, especially when we could make fun of the horribly dressed manikins. When that was over we would go back to the house and just sit and talk until I was too tired to keep going.

But I was confused as to why he invested so much time with me. I was hardly an interesting person. So one night we were alone sitting across the kitchen table from one another. We had just gotten done laughing about something inconsequential, and I felt it was time to ask.

“So, why do you spend so much time with me?” I asked, absently taking a drink of my soda, yet another lost and regained desire. A look passed over his features, but it was too quick for me to analyze, and he shrugged.

“Maybe I like spending time with you. Maybe I like you a little too much,” He raised a brow and I chuckled.

“Yeah, or you could tell me the truth,” I answered, the idea that he could see more than friendship in me was laughable. I was a seventeen year old girl, and he was a twenty two year old man. Why would he be interested in a girl when he could obviously have a woman. He put a hand over his heart with mock hurt.

“Ouch,” He said and we both laughed until he looked up at the clock with a sigh. “It’s late, I need to be going,” he stood and I stood with him. I needed to be getting to bed anyway, so I followed him into the hallway. We paused briefly in front of the door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I supplied and turned to go to my room. I vaguely heard the door open and close, and I knew he was gone. I also noticed that he never answered my question.

The next day I was on pins and needles. It was the open house for school. A day where we could get our schedules and meet our teachers. It was also a perfect opportunity to try to figure out our way around the place.

Jen, Camilla, Aaron, and Bailey wouldn’t be going. They knew all of the teachers and how to get around. And Aden had graduated the year before. So it was just the three of us while Adrian offered to drive us, and Sadler tagged along. As odd as it was for me I found his company reassuring.

We dropped Kadi off first. They discouraged parents attending with their kids. Apparently it reinforced their dependency on them, and made it harder for the children to adjust to the new environment. She was scared but she walked into the building with her head held high, and a smile on her face. I had never been more proud of her.

Next it was mine and Lori’s turn. Adrian stayed with the car, and Sadler joined us throughout the building. It turned out he knew the place remarkably well. It seemed he made his money being a tutor. The school allowed him to use their facilities and provided him with his own hour per student. So he was actually on the roster as a part time teacher. I was impressed, I couldn’t help it.

Lori stuck to me, so as we looked for our classes and lockers we just went to all of the rooms together. We had two classes together and we were both relieved that we would at least have someone we knew in there with us on the first day.

When we were done we piled back into the car, and went to pick up Kadi. We still had a few minutes before they let the little kids out. So we all just stood on the outside of the car in front of the building to wait. About ten minutes later she walked out of the building with two other kids flanking her. Two little kids that I thought I would never see again.

The little boy was blonde with dark blue eyes that would sparkle when he laughed. His naturally pale skin shown in the bright sunlight as he turned his head to say something to his sister. She was only a year and a half younger than him, but was a huge contrast in appearance. Her brown hair was so light that if she spent enough time outside it would be more on the blonde side. But her eyes were brown and contrary to her brother she had a tan.

I flashed back to memories I had suppressed for over a year. A little boy that would crawl into my bed when he had a nightmare, and a baby girl that used to sleep in a playpen in my room. She would always throw her bottle at me when she woke up in the middle of the night.

Jake turned to Kadi and said something that had both little girls laughing. Arielle said something back and Kadi giggled harder. Then she spotted me and said something to them right before she ran to me. She hugged me around the waist and I glanced down at her before looking back up at the other two. They had seen me and stood staring.

“Ally look, I made new friends already.” I scanned the crowd of parents there to pick up their kids. I didn’t see the ones I was looking for and looked down at Kadi.

“That’s great sweets. Why don’t you tell Lori all about it?” I said transferring her to Lori’s waiting arms and looked back at the other two. They each took a step towards me, and it was all the encouragement I needed.

I ran to the two and they met me halfway. I dropped to my knees taking them both into my arms. I buried my face in their hair, and I could feel them shaking. I pulled back to get a better look at them up close. I checked them over as quickly as I could then looked into their eyes. They had tears running down their faces and I hurriedly wiped them away. We didn’t have much time.

“Oh I’ve missed you two so much,” I whispered having to wipe my own tears away.

“Sissy, where did you go?” Ari asked with a whisper.

“Daddy said that you had to go away because you didn’t get along,” Jake supplied.

“I had to go live with someone else. I didn’t want to.” They both nodded in understanding.

“We know. We’re just so glad you’re okay,” Jake said giving me another hug. I leveled my gaze on him. I knew he remembered more than Ari could and I knew he would understand my questions better than she would.

“Are you okay?” I asked, he knew what I meant and his little face went serious.

“Yes, he’s nice to us now,” I nodded and glanced around. I knew the open house was a two day affair, but the second day was optional.

“Are you coming back here tomorrow?” I asked quickly, and they nodded. “Okay, I’ll try to come see you again, but you can’t tell mommy and daddy okay? They’ll make you leave if they know you’ve seen me.” Again they both nodded and I spotted the car I had been searching for pull into the parking lot.

“I have to go. But I’ll be back, I promise.” They nodded and bless their hearts, they wiped their faces and tried to act like I had never been there.

I ran back to the car and got in before any of the others. I couldn’t risk either of my parents seeing me, and the others filed in quickly. As we drove away I looked back to see my step mother walking up to my little brother and sister. I turned back around to see Lori looking at me with understanding, and Sadler looking on with worry. Adrian simply glanced every once in while using the rearview mirror.

“Do me a favor?” I asked softly and they each nodded, even little Kadi. “Don’t say anything, to anyone.” They each nodded again, though Adrian was more hesitant than the others. But I was in no mood to explain.

I managed to go the rest of the day without incident. But I couldn’t keep my mind on anything for longer than a few minutes before I slipped back down memory lane. Sadler tried to keep me occupied but it never worked.

The next day I made some excuse to go out. I almost made it to the car before Sadler stopped me. He had become a pretty good friend over the last couple of weeks, but he didn’t seem to understand the idea of personal time.

“I’m coming with you,” he said making his way to the passenger side of the car. I tried to protest but he only cut me off. “I’m coming with you.” I sighed.

“Fine, but don’t ask any questions, you won’t get any answers.” He nodded and I slid behind the wheel.

Ten minutes later we were at the elementary school, parked in the same spot we had the day before. As promised, Sadler didn’t ask me any questions. I waited until I saw them come out. They spotted me in the car and I pressed a finger to my lips, to signal them to keep quiet and not let on that I was there.

They nodded and stood there waiting until their mother picked them up. I watched as she pulled out of the parking lot, then followed. We were silent in the car and I had no intention of changing it.

About fifteen minutes later she pulled into a driveway. The house was in the country, like I had assumed it would be. One thing my father valued was privacy. I couldn’t follow her down the driveway, she would have noticed me. So I kept going for a couple miles, then turned around.

There was a small clearing right next to the rarely used highway about a quarter of a mile from the driveway, and I parked. I would have told Sadler to stay there, but there was no way he would have listened. So instead I said nothing as I climbed out of the car.

I looked around and realized we were only about six miles from where I now lived. Roughly a hundred and fifty miles from where they left me. They obviously didn’t want to risk running into me again.

The driveway was only about a half mile long, but it was surrounded by woods. When I finally made it to the house I took it in, not the least bit surprised. It looked like a small three bedroom from the outside. Sitting on about an acre of yard. The siding was a generic plastic tan color, and was on par to my father’s tastes.

I sat down just at the outline of trees. He wouldn’t be able to see me, but I could see anything that went on in the yard and through the windows. For several hours I just sat and watched.

She cooked dinner, and he sat in front of the computer, while the kids watched TV. I watched until I saw her put the kids to bed. I saw which lights were turned on and which ones were turned off. I watched some more until the two of them got up to go to bed. And from there I knew which room was whom.

When there were no more lights on in the house I waited for about another hour. When I was sure they were asleep I finally said something.

“Stay here, I won’t be long.” He only nodded and I stood, stretching my stiff muscles.

I made my way around the house until I reached Jake’s room. There was a screen over the window, but it popped off easily. I tapped on the window a few times until I saw Jake’s face as he peered out. He smiled at me and opened the window, stepping back so I could climb in.

His room was almost identical to what it had been in the old house. Same bed, same toys, all of it. I turned back to him and he threw himself into my arms. I smiled down at him until he pulled away.

“Go get your sister, but be as quiet as you can,” I whispered to him. He nodded quickly and tiptoed out of the room. A minute later he came back with a yawning Ari behind him. She saw me and her face lit up as she reacted the same way her brother had.

When I was able to peel her off of me, I sat on the bed and they climbed in with me. I sat there hugging them for a while, then turned on my knees to face them. I let out a breath of relief to see them so healthy and intact, I had feared the worst after they had sold me.

“How are you? Are you okay? Had Daddy said or done anything?” I asked in a whisper. They both shook their heads.

“No, not since you left. He doesn’t get mad anymore, and sometimes he even plays with us,” Ari answered. I had a split moment of envy, but it was quickly replaced by relief.

“Good, I was so worried about you. You know the girl Kadi, you met yesterday?” They nodded. “She lives with me now. If you stay friends with her, maybe you can come over to play, and we can see each other again.” Their eyes lit up and they both nodded their heads vigorously. “But you can’t tell mommy or daddy. They can never know that we have spent time together, okay?” They both answered with their own ‘Okay’, but then I heard movement in the house. It was time to go.

“I have to go, can you get back to your room without them knowing?” I asked Ari, she shook her head.

“It’s alright, we sleep together sometimes, when we have bad dreams.” I nodded as my eyes filled with tears. That was something they had always done with me. If they had a nightmare they would crawl into my bed. I kissed them both on the forehead, then climbed back out the window.

I lowered it behind me and popped the screen back into place as quietly as I could. I heard footsteps from inside, and the light turned on in the kitchen. I ran as fast as I could back to my earlier hiding place.

I slowed when I entered the trees and Sadler appeared next to me. I didn’t bother saying anything, just made my way back to the car. The drive back was just as silent as the drive there, and when I pulled into the garage the house was quiet.

It was almost midnight, so most of them would be asleep. Apparently, it isn’t hard for me to be wrong. Becca, Drake, Asher, Adrian, Aden, and Aaron were all seated at the kitchen table. It didn’t occur to me until then that they must have had an obsession with A names when they named their kids.

Every one of them stared at me when I walked in the door with Sadler right behind me. I hung the keys up on the hook, and turned to get a drink of water. When I finally faced them again, they were still staring at me. Sadler was standing next to the sink, almost like he didn’t want to be a part of the dispute. I couldn’t blame him, I didn’t either, and I wasn’t even a hundred percent sure what I had done wrong. They told me I could go out when I wanted, and stay out as long as I wanted to. Finally someone broke the silence.

“Where have you been? It’s after midnight. You were told that if you were going to be out late that you would call to let us know that you were okay. We were worried sick,” Becca snapped. Ah, that’s right, I had forgotten that I was supposed to call.

“I’m sorry, I forgot to call. I’m okay, I didn’t get hurt or anything,” I answered. Drake met my gaze.

“It doesn’t change the fact that I need to know where you two have been. The mall closed at nine and I checked all of the usual gathering places. You were no where to be found. Where were you and what were you doing?”

I looked around the room, trying to find a suitable story when my eyes fell on Adrian. He had his head hung low and wouldn’t meet my eyes. I sighed and he finally looked up at me, guilt filled his eyes. I squeezed the bridge of my nose right between my eyes and sighed again.

“What did you tell them?”

“Only what I knew.” He answered softly. Which was next to nothing. The only thing he knew was that I seemed to know a couple of children from the elementary school. It was hopeless though. I would have to tell them everything. It would be the only way they would understand. If they even could.

So I did the only thing I could under the circumstances. I reached up into a cabinet and grabbed out a couple bags of chips, then grabbed one of the decks of cards that was always in the kitchen, due to the guy’s obsession with poker. I made Aaron move to another seat and I sat down signaling Sadler to sit next to me. That put me between him and Asher, with Drake at the head of the table and Becca next to him, Adrian and Aaron took the seats just down from her. I started to shuffle the cards and Drake opened his mouth to say something, but I held up a hand to stop him.

“Please, I think and talk better when I have something for my hands to do. Just…humor me, just this once.” Sadler, of course, took everything in stride, but when the others saw what I was doing, they split up the chips to use as money. I shuffled the cards a few more times then let Asher split the deck. I dealt everyone in, even Becca and she took her cards without complaint, though Drake looked like he wanted to say something.

“Five card draw, deuces are wild,” I informed them, and we went through the first round in silence, except for when they asked for cards. I won the hand and started to deal again. We were half way through the next hand when I started to talk.

“I’m not an only child.” I took a deep breath and the extra weight to the silence was not lost to me. “I’m actually the middle of five. My mom was married before she met my dad, and had my older brother and sister with him. Then they got divorced and my mom married my dad. Somewhere down the line, before I came along, my older siblings were taken from my mom. I’m the only child they had together. It’s not really a wonder, they fought all the time.

“Until one day it ended. My mom divorced my dad and we moved to a smaller town. Things were okay then. Not great but okay. I saw my dad every other weekend, and they didn’t fight anymore. I think I was the happiest kid whose parents were divorced.

“But then my mom started to get sick. Turns out my dad didn’t fight for custody because he knew that it was only a matter of time. They both knew. She had been diagnosed with cervical cancer. She fought for three years, but when I was ten, she finally lost. Six months before that, my dad had gotten remarried and had my little brother, Jake.

“They moved into the house I had been staying at with my mom, and tried to keep going like nothing had happened. When I was eight I had started to learn how to cook. At first it was only because I wanted to learn, but then it became a necessity, so I could help take care of my mom and myself. She was still working nights to try and make the bills, so I did what I could around the house.

“And then my dad got mean. If dinner wasn’t perfect I got yelled at. If I forgot to turn the dryer on when his work clothes were in it, he would dump a pitcher of water over my head and send me to school in wet clothes. Didn’t matter if it was February. Then it got to where if he came home in a bad mood he would find something to yell at me for.

“Eventually, everything was my fault, and then he got meaner. He would tell me horrible things. Like I was a bad person, not worth the dirt under my feet, I didn’t deserve to live and he hated me. Sometimes I thought he was saying those things to my mom, not me. But that wasn’t until I was older.

“Then he started to hit me. When I was eleven he almost killed me. But he never stopped hitting me whenever he had an excuse. I would try to hide my bruises and black eyes, but I was too young for makeup. Then my step mother had my little sister, Arielle.

“When I was twelve a friend went to the councilors at school, about the way my father treated me. I told them everything, but they only called him in, and he convinced them that I was a pathological liar. I didn’t even know what that was until I looked it up. Then he started telling me that that was what I was.

“I got confused. Because a pathological liar is someone who lies all the time, but believes the lies are true. I lost a lot of friends because of what he told the councilors. If it wasn’t for the few friends that I still had, who had seen the bruises and caught glimpses of how he treated me. I think I would have lost my mind.

“As the kids got older things got even more complicated. He would be in a bad mood and they would step in the wrong spot and set him off. More than once I put myself in his path, just to keep them out of it.”

“Why? Why would you intentionally take that treatment?” Aaron asked in a hushed voice. I leveled my gaze at him.

“Why wouldn’t I? I was the only one there that could take it. And if I could save them the trauma of being beaten by someone who claimed they loved them…if I could save them from that life, there was no reason not too.

“Anyway, it kept going until I was sixteen. I had made the most of my life, by that point. I got a job, and my driver’s license. I had one foot out the door. But my father had a thing about control. He controlled my every minute of every day. If I was ten minutes late getting home from work I would get in trouble. He would accuse me of outlandish things. Including but not limited to what he thought I was doing with any boy I met.

“And then the summer after I turned sixteen, right after I finished my freshmen year, I got home from work only for my father to put me back into the car. He drove me to the Other’s house, they signed papers and he left. A few days later Lori showed up, and then a month passed and Kadi was dropped off.

“If it wasn’t for them I would have run. I would have found my way back to my little brother and sister. Of course, now I know that they had moved here right after they got rid of me.

“Yesterday when we were picking Kadi up, I saw them. My little brother and sister walked out of the building with her. It was the first time I had seen them since I was sold. Today, I followed them home. After my parents went to sleep, I snuck in.

“I had to see them. I had to make sure they were okay. I needed them to know that I hadn’t abandoned them. That I still thought of them and missed them. I had too.” I finished my story and everything was quiet. While I was talking we had gone through the deck once and we were halfway through it again.

“And are they? Okay?” Drake asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, my father stopped the beatings and the treatment. They’re fine.”

“You could have told us. You didn’t have to go yourself, we could have found out and told you.” I shook my head this time.

“I needed to see for myself. And I didn’t want everyone to have a slice of my past.” They nodded in reply and I pushed my, rather large, pile of chips into the middle of the table, then stood. I was tired and needed some sleep.

But before I fell asleep I felt as if an anvil had been lifted off my shoulders. For once I could actually relax, knowing they were truly okay.

Chapter 10

I woke up to a splitting headache. I looked at the clock and it was almost eleven. I couldn’t remember ever sleeping this late. I could hear everyone down in the kitchen. Which was odd. I had good hearing and I had learned to harness it a long time ago, but it was never this good.

I got up and dressed slowly. Quick movements only made the headache worse. I made my way, just as slowly, down to the kitchen and the sound slaughtered me as I walked into the room.

No one was talking in loud voices, it was just that everything seemed to be amplified. I had a blissful second when everyone went quiet. Sadler was leaning up against the island and smiled at me until his expression turned to worry.

“Are you okay?” He asked and I slapped my hands over my ears.

“Everything is so loud,” I mumbled, the others turned to look at me again. All of them with worry. I looked around and noticed several things that I hadn’t before. Like how Drake’s normally thick lustrous hair suddenly had small spots of gray at his temples.

I noticed slight crows feet in the corner of Becca’s eyes, and when I focused I could see little bits of dust and dirt floating in the air. My eyes darted here and there taking in everything as if for the first time. Then an awful smell assaulted me. I looked around for it, but didn’t realize that it was an open jar of maraschino cherries on the table until it was almost too late.

“What is that smell, it’s horrible,” I muttered right before I rushed to the trash can to throw up my already empty stomach.

“Call the doctor,” Drake mumbled to Adrian and he rushed from the room. Watching him it looked like he was almost moving in slow motion. I collapsed onto the floor in front of the trash can and turned my back to it.

“Someone please, I’m begging you, get rid of that damn jar of cherries,” I whispered just seconds before Sadler threw the whole thing into the garage and slammed the door shut. Well, he didn’t actually slam it, but it sounded that way to me.

By this time everyone was out of their chairs and making their way over to me. When I realized I was surrounded I panicked. I don’t know why, I knew everyone in the room, and I knew enough about them to know that they wouldn’t hurt me. But my breathing quickened and my eyes darted around as if they had a mind of their own. As much as I tried to focus I couldn’t. Everything was too bright, too loud, smelled too strongly, or coming right at me, and my head pounded harder.

Let me out’ a voice whispered, and my glances became more frantic. Great, now I was hearing voices. ‘It’s okay, just let go. I can make it better. You have to let me out. I can’t be trapped anymore.’ What the hell was happening to me. Was I losing my mind finally. Had I actually cracked after all this time. ‘No, you’re not crazy. They’re all safe, I don’t have to hide anymore. I can come out.’

‘Who are you?’ I asked tentatively to the voice. I didn’t speak out loud. The voice was in my head, and that’s how I spoke to it. I figured if I was losing it, I might as well make the most of it.

I’m you, and you’re me. We belong together, we are a part of each other, but different. We can work together now. I can help you, just like you can help me.’

‘Help you with what?’

Help me live, survive, thrive. But you have to let go. Just a little bit. Relax, finally, there’s nothing to fight anymore. They’re safe, you can live now. Not in your world. It’s time that we lived in our world.’

‘What world.’

The world we should have always been in. We should have been fighting together, but if we had, us and the others would have died. I had to stay hidden. But now I don’t have too. Now we can finally fight together. But you have to let me out! If you don’t it will only get worse. You can’t handle the senses overload, I can. Just let go, let me live, please.’

The voice, she spoke softly, it was almost like it was a more guttural version of my own voice. And she was begging me to let her out, to free her so she could live, so we could live together. I had no idea what she was talking about, and I didn’t know how to do what she so desperately needed me to.

Provided she actually existed and wasn’t a figment of my imagination. Probably brought on by traumatic stress.







She sat there against the wall, completely zoned out. She had stopped staring frantically, but the empty look in her eyes was disturbing. I made my way over to her, and knelt down so I could look into her eyes. She was there, but in a distance. The only time I had ever seen anything like this was…the first time someone talks to their wolf. I stood and stepped back quickly, forcing everyone else to do the same.

“It’s happened,” I said turning to Drake. He met my eyes in understanding, but I felt I had to elaborate. I was scared and it’s not a feeling I was accustomed to. “Her wolf has come forward, and they’re speaking.”

“What do we do?” Becca asked, she had already sent the young ones out of the room. “What if she gets violent?” I shook my head.

“No, she won’t get violent. There’s nothing violent about her.”

“Are you a doctor now, Sadler?” Tom asked as he walked into the room. He knelt down in front of Ailith, but she had her eyes closed.







I relaxed every muscle in my body, one by one, just as she instructed. Then cleared my mind. But I didn’t know what to do next.

Good, now let go.’

‘Let go of what?’

Control, you have to willingly give me control.’

‘Of what, my body?’ I asked in slight panic.

No, not completely. You’ll still have the basics of motor control, but you have to give me control of your instincts. You’ll react more like I would, but you can still control it. It will just take some practice.’

‘So I have to give you control of my instincts. How do I do that exactly?’

You have to trust me completely. No questioning, and no second guessing. This first time will be different than the rest of the time. I’ll always be here, but you will get the final say.’

‘And you’ll be okay with that?’

Of course, we are one and the same. I already have complete trust in you, because you’re just the human side of me, just like I’m the wolf side of you. I will always know that you’ll do the right thing. Even if you make mistakes, we will learn from each other. But you have to trust me enough to have a spot in your mind and body.’

‘What did you mean, ‘this first time’?’

You’ll have less control this time, but after this we’ll be able to work together. I have to have a taste of the outside world, or I won’t exist anymore. You have to let me have a few minutes in the sun. I’ll have more control over what we do, but once I gain what I need, you’ll have full control again. Until our first shift.’

“First shift?’

Yes, when we gain my true form. Then you will still have intellectual control and thus be able to dictate what we do, but it will be my form that we inhabit. That’s when I get to stretch my muscles. But that is a long time coming, it won’t happen until you’re ready.’

‘How am I supposed to trust you completely, we just met.’ She chuckled.

But I’ve always been here. From when our mother died, to when Drake took us in. He is a very generous and caring alpha. He will take care of us.’

‘Do we need him to take care of us?” I asked, barely noticing how I was already referring to the two of us as ‘us’.

Well, no. We can take care of ourselves, but that will scare many. They have seemed wary of us. Unsure of our nature and breeding. We must let them think they need to take care of us. Otherwise, I fear they may send us away. I have always been here, just pushed to the back until you needed me. And now you do. I can help you survive. And we need each other. Every time you reacted without thought, that was me. Your excellent hearing and sense of smell, is me. You have and will always have access to my extra senses, but they are too much for you right now. I have to gain control so your body can adjust to them without killing you. So you can use them to our full extent without discomfort or illness.’

I thought for a minute and saw no flaw to her logic. The whole letting them think we needed them was a little disturbing. Would they really send us away just because we could take care of ourselves? That was a question for later. When we had time to discuss things. I felt that she knew little more than I about our situation. So I thought it best to heed her words.

Now I just had to let go of my control. Which was so much harder than it sounded. I had survived this long because of my control. To let it go now was almost painful.

That’s it. Just a little more.’ I felt myself sliding to the back of my mind, and as odd as it sounds, I felt something warm brush against the mental me, it was comforting and I was able to relax more.

It’s done, now let’s take in our surroundings shall we?’

‘Sounds good to me.’ I answered, and our eyes opened. I say our because it was more of a combination of the two of us. She had no sense of control over my human form and I could feel her frustration with it. More importantly she had no desire to control it. She simply wanted to see the light and smell the air. Not watered down as it was when I was in complete control, but fresh with her own choice and, for lack of a better term, with her own eyes.

But our eyes opened and the doctor was kneeling just a foot or so from our faces.

Threat!’ my wolf exclaimed. I felt her panic and our reaction truly was instinctual.








She finally opened her eyes and the first thing she did was throw herself to the side and scurry back until she was in the corner. Tom sat there shocked by her reaction. I stepped closer and caught sight of her eyes.

They were their usual black but there was a bright silver ring around the inside and the outside of her pupil. I had never seen this before. It might be common for half-breeds, except that in every lone wolf, what made them stand out, was that in wolf form their eyes were silver.

“What’s going on?” Drake asked. Tom stood and shook his head in bewilderment.

“I don’t know. I expected her wolf to have appeared but I’ve never seen it effect someone physically. My guess is that her wolf has primary control right now. And it‘s showing.”

“Well, that’s normal.” Becca answered edging closer. But Tom shook his head.

“This isn’t good. She’s unstable and this means that at some point she will shift. And then there wont be any way to stop her, except to kill her. She’s too old there’s no telling how long it will be before she shifts. Her mind will start to go now. She’ll be violent before the wolf takes over completely.”

“What do you suggest?” Drake asked running a hand down his face.

“Well, if you can’t send her away, and you can’t kill her, then I would lock her up.”

“For how long? There’s no guarantee that she’ll be dangerous. We’ve never seen a half-breed lone female before.”

“True, so I think you should just put some sturdy locks on her bedroom door, and keep her up there. Don’t let anyone who can’t adequately defend themselves see her. Keep her isolated as much as possible. And watch her carefully. But Drake, the second she starts to go insane, I think you know what you have to do.” Tom said all of this as if it were a matter of fact. They were talking about locking her up, not allowing her to see anyone she truly cares about, and waiting to see if they have to kill her.

I had listened to all of this in silence, while I watched her. She just huddled into the corner, casting fearful eyes around the room as if she didn’t know what was going on. I’ll admit the whole silver thing was unnerving, but it was still her. And honestly the silver looked rather beautiful on her. To hear them talking about what they plan to do to her, made me seethe.

“What are you talking about?!” I snapped looking directly at Drake. “Look at her! She’s terrified! Now you’re going to lock her up and throw away the key?” Drake met my gaze but not for long.

“Sadler, I know how disturbing this all sounds, but we don’t have a choice. We have to make sure she’s not dangerous. And until we know that, we can’t let her roam around. She could hurt someone without even knowing it. We won‘t just lock her up now. We‘re going to wait until her wolf has retreated and she’s cognitive again. We‘ll make sure she understands first.”

He left no room for argument, and I turned to look back at Ailith. The fear in her eyes broke my heart. I approached her slowly and her eyes tracked me. I knelt down next her and her head tilted back just slightly and she took a deep breath. When she caught my scent she jumped into me so her torso was laid across me and buried her face in my chest. She was trembling.

Asher approached and she stiffened again, but when he sat she relaxed and let him rub her back. We sat like that for several minutes until finally she relaxed completely and her breathing returned to normal.

Then she sat up, looked at us, and it was plain to see that Ailith was back. The silver ring around the outside of her irises was still there, but the one around her pupil was gone. She straightened herself and took a minute to look around and breath the air. I almost smiled. The first time of truly experiencing your fully developed senses can be a little intoxicating. She turned to look at me and I let my smile show.

“You’re back.” She nodded slowly and she took in my details.

“Yeah, we came to an understanding.” She took that moment to realize that she was practically laying on me and eased herself back. I thought about just leaving it alone, but it was a rare occasion that this girl would ever be embarrassed.

“Your wolf is a bit more affectionate than I thought she’d be.” I said waggling my eyebrows at her. She looked at me for a second then nodded appearing to be in deep thought.

“Yeah, I’m going to have to talk to her about that.” I couldn’t help the slight feeling of disappointment that arose at her words. “But until then, I have some questions, and I have the feeling that anyone in this room could answer them.” She stood completely and reached her arms above her head to stretch. I caught sight of Asher out of the corner of my eye, and the look on his face said he was having a similar internal battle to mine.

She started for the table but paused for half a second when she came close to Tom. She paused for half a second before waving dismissively at him, as she continued on her way.

“You can leave,” Her tone was sharp and he winced before his face twisted with fury.

She didn’t know it, but she had just pulled rank on him. To a human it would have just seemed rude, but for us it held a much deeper meaning. It was a command, and a command from an alpha at that. It was all over her now. Even before her wolf made it’s abrupt appearance she held a strength and presence that spoke of alpha. But now it was intensified ten fold. Her very posture bespoke of her rank and she moved with a confidence that hadn’t been there before.

She sat at the table and settled in to wait patiently. She knew there was going to be a long talk, and she was just waiting for the rest of us to get started. I couldn’t hide my grin as I looked at Tom. Though he didn’t see it, instead he was looking at Drake. Probably assuming he was going to call her to task for commanding a wolf under his domain. Apparently he didn’t know Drake as I did. Drake would never reprimand someone for doing something when they didn’t know what they had done.

Instead he just nodded a dismissal and took his seat at the table. Tom showed an obvious dislike of the snub and hesitated upon leaving. He wanted to stay to see his handy work carried out. Even hesitating as long as he was, was dangerous and could be considered disobeying a direct order from his alpha. So he did the only thing he could, and turned and left.

I sat next to Ailith. Partly because when she was told that she was going to be isolated and locked away was likely to upset her. But mostly because I liked being close to her. Asher took the seat on her other side and I repressed the growl that wanted to leak out.

An hour later she sat rock still in her chair. Her spine was straight and her eyes never left the table. Honestly, to look at her she seemed perfectly calm. Well, if you consider looking emotionless calm.

“So you’re telling me that at any point I could literally turn into a wolf. And that I’m going to go insane and attack any one that I come across?”

“There’s no guarantee that you’ll lose your sanity,” Becca said quickly. But Ailith shook her head.

“But your worried that I will. That’s why you’re going to lock me in my room…until further notice,” She said the last bit softly, while speaking Drake’s exact words from a few minutes ago. He blanched in response. The guilt came off him in waves, and I begged him with my eyes to reconsider. To just give her a chance to prove that she’s perfectly fine. But he wouldn’t even look at me.

“What about Kadi and Lori?”

“They’ll be taken care of. They are perfectly safe with us, no harm will come to them. I give you my word as an alpha.”

“Yes, while I’m sure that means something that I don’t yet know about, I was asking what you plan on telling them?” That gave them all pause, and it infuriated me.

Could they not see how much those girls meant to her? How they depended on her, even when they couldn’t see her. Sure they did things without her, but that’s only because they’re trying to figure out how to be normal. They always come back to her, and she is always there.

“We’ll think of something,” Drake answered after a couple moments of silence. She nodded and stood. As she made her way out of the room she paused. She barely turned her head, but kept her back to the room.

“What about school?” Her voice was so low when she asked. It was almost like she was afraid of the answer. Drake sighed.

“We’ll make sure the girls go, but…” He trailed off and the answer was given with silence. She nodded in understanding, and I could see her wilt. Her shoulders dropped and she lowered her head just enough for me to notice.

She left quickly and I listened as she took the stairs. I stared at the table for a couple of minutes, then stood quickly. She shouldn’t be alone, not after receiving yet another disappointment from life. I almost made it to the door, but Drake stopped me.

“Sadler…” I turned to look at him. If he forbid me to see her I wouldn’t have a choice. I couldn’t help her if I was not allowed on the territory. But when he met my eyes he averted his, and I took the opportunity.

I took the stairs two at a time. There was a heavy lock on the front of her door. I had no idea when they had installed it, but it was there and it served as a shock of ice down my spine. She finally escaped one prison only to be put in another.

I knocked but heard no answer. I knew she was inside, when I focused I could hear her heartbeat. I opened the door slowly, giving her plenty of time to tell me to leave. But she didn’t so I entered closing the door softly behind me.

She stood in the middle of the room, staring at the sliding glass door that led to her balcony. It only took me a second to see why she had stopped. There was a chain secured to the door. It would only open about three inches.

“You knew didn’t you? You knew all along that this was going to happen. That’s why you were spending so much time with me. Why you insisted on going everywhere I did. You were ordered to,” She spoke with her back to me. The betrayal I heard in her voice cut me like knives. But I wouldn’t lie to her, instead I sighed.

“Yes, I knew. I’ve known for about a week. I wanted to tell you, I tried to change his mind, I swear.”

“Even after I told you what going to school meant to me. And you knew I wasn’t even going to get to go. You let me have hope, knowing that it would be crushed.” I reached up to touch her shoulder, but she stiffened so I let it drop to my side.

“I knew, I’m so sorry, but I wasn’t allowed to say anything. And yes, at first I hung around you because I was ordered to, but that’s not why I stayed. You became a friend. I never wanted any of this to happen.” She took a deep breath, but never looked at me. Instead she drew her shoulders back and lifted her head high.

“Please leave, I need some time alone.” I nodded though she wouldn’t have seen it. After I had closed the door between us I stared at the lock. I turned and went down the stairs slowly. They wanted her locked away, but I would be damned if I was going to be the one to turn the key.

Chapter 11





The first few days were actually kind of peaceful. The locks and chain were disheartening, but if I ignored them, I could just pretend like I was spending time in my room. I soaked in my tub and stretched out on my bed. I still had some pilfered books, so I spent a good deal of time reading. I didn’t have to worry about Kadi and Lori, I knew they were well cared for.

But then the Jacuzzi lost it’s appeal, and I ran out of books. I had too much pent up energy so I would spend hours just walking in circles in my room. The locks and chain became impossible to ignore, and I missed the girls. If I focused I could hear them, even smell them, but the appeal they held was just too much of a temptation. So I had to ignore the rest of the house instead.

I kept the sliding door open as far as it would go, if only to let in some fresh air. They would send one of the men I hadn’t actually met to give me food, and retrieve my empty plates. But then the food lost it’s taste. It still looked good, but I had no desire for it. It started to get to where two out of the three meals they delivered went back untouched.

Sadler never came back. I was starting to regret sending him away. I was just too upset at the time to let him stay. But now I ached for company, someone that would actually talk to me, instead of acting like I was a prisoner.

My wolf was almost nothing more than an internal growling and whining. She was taking our confinement harder than I was. The situation was depressing enough that I didn’t even spare the time to be freaked out that I had an internal wolf. Everything had happened so quickly, from finding out to when I heard the lock slide shut. It was almost instant acceptance born from having no other choice.

Until finally all I could do was sit in front of the crack in the glass door, and stare out. I couldn’t even see the yard from where I was. All I could see was sky and the metal railing that guarded the edge of the balcony. And it had only been a week since the door closed. At one point I looked at my calendar. It was the first day of school and I listened as the rest of the house got ready to go. And then the silence after they were gone.

I was beginning to wonder if this was the start of my insanity. This desolation and depression. I felt like I was in a cage, although a pretty one. A cage that gave the semblance of comfort.

Then someone knocked on the door. The ones that brought food never knocked. They simply opened the door and put a tray on the floor. I didn’t bother answering, after all, the lock was on the other side of the door. Anyone that wanted to come in would regardless of what I said. I didn’t bother to look when the door opened.

“Hey,” I turned at the sound of his voice. Sadler stood there with a tray of food. He must have volunteered to bring me my meal.

“Hey,” I answered and turned back to staring out the door.

“The guys told me that you haven’t been eating much in the last couple of days.” I shrugged.

“Not that hungry. I’m surprised they bothered to even mention it.” His brows furrowed.

“They’re starting to worry about you.” I snorted.

“Well, you can tell them I haven’t gone crazy yet.” He shook his head.

“That’s not what I meant. They don’t hold any ill will towards you, Ailith. They volunteer to bring you food, they aren’t ordered to.” I shrugged. There really wasn’t anything for me to say, it’s not like they ever show me any concern when they’re here. He sighed.

“Is there anything I can get you? Anything you need?” I looked over at him. He sat perched on my bed, but he was at the very edge and his hands clenched the mattress. He looked so tense and eager to help. So I decided to ask for something he couldn’t give me.

“Got any cigarettes?” His eyes widened in surprise, but to my surprise, he pulled an open pack out of his pocket and tossed it to me. I caught it easily and dug my own lighter out of my pocket.

It was a silver Zippo, and had a black crescent moon with a five pointed star etched into it. The irony was not lost on me. But I had always had a fascination with the moon and stars. So when I spotted this lighter in a mall when I was fifteen, I convinced the cashier to sell it to me. I had kept it with me everyday since, it was something to remind me of a part of who I am.

After I lit my cigarette I leaned back to enjoy it for a moment. I had finally run out the day before. I could feel Sadler watching me. I didn’t think he would condemn me for my bad habit, after all I was smoking one of his. Although me being underage might cause comment. I kept the smoke aimed out the door, and a couple moments later he joined me on the floor. He lit his own but handed me the pack.

“Keep it, I have more. I can bring you a carton tomorrow.” I raised a brow at him.

“Supplying a minor? You sure you’re ready for that?” He shrugged.

“I don’t think anyone can blame you. When did you start? If you don’t mind my asking.” I rolled my eyes, it wasn’t like it was a really personal question.

“When I was fourteen. I had a few knowledgeable friends.” It was his turn to raise a brow.

“Knowledgeable?” I shrugged.

“They saw a few things they weren’t supposed to see. Well, it’s more like they got tired of my secrets and looked for answers. I was tired all the time, had a few bruises I couldn’t hide. They wanted to know why I slept in class even though my grades were really important to me. And why every once in a while I would walk with a limp.

“So one of my friends decided she wanted to spend the night with me. My dad always tried really hard to look like the perfect father and allowed it. We slept on the living room floor, we thought she was asleep. But my dad had pulled me into the kitchen. She heard what he said to me and watched as he hit me. She just kept pretending to be asleep and the next day told the rest of my friends what was up.

“They were all older than me and one of them finally understood why I was always so stressed, so at lunch he pulled me aside and offered me his pack.”

“You took it?” I nodded.

“Yeah, I shouldn’t have but, I don’t know, I guess it was one small rebellion that I allowed myself. My own passive aggressive bid for freedom.”

“Can I see it?” I looked at him confused but he was staring at the lighter I still held in my hand. I offered it to him and he took it gently. He turned it this way and that, taking in all of the details. “This is really nice. How’d you get it?”

“Bought it.”

“They can’t sell lighters to a minor.” I snorted.

“I looked older than my age.” He nodded before handing it back.

“You want to play a game?” I looked at him curiously and he smirked before pulling out a deck of cards. I chuckled but didn’t object when he started to deal.

We passed the next several hours like that. Just playing this card game or that, and talking. Then we had to turn on a light in order to see, and not long after that my dinner was delivered. Finally, he stood and I stood with him.

“I need to go, but I’ll come back tomorrow afternoon.” I looked at the floor.

“You don’t have to. I know you have better things to do than keep me company.”

“See that’s where you’re wrong.” I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. “I really don’t have anything better to do.” He made it halfway to the door before turning back to me. “Is there anything else I can bring you?” I thought for a minute.

“Can I have some music?” He nodded and held up his index finger.

“Under one condition, you have to eat that entire meal.” He pointed to my tray and I smiled before nodding. He gave me a half wave before letting himself out. And I grabbed the food and sat on my bed to eat it. True to my word, when they came to get the tray it was empty.

The next week went the same way. He would come and spend several hours with me. Sometimes he would bring books and we would just sit quietly and read together. Other times he would bring different games and we’d laugh while we played. Or we would stick to the cards.

But every time he left and for the hours before he arrived, the depression would always come back. And I would go back to staring through glass. I tried to eat more, for him, but my appetite really hadn’t improved. The music helped but it would usually just remind me of how alone I was.

Then another week passed, and everything stopped working. I still anticipated Sadler’s company, but I couldn’t eat anymore. It would only make my stomach hurt. I lost interest in the games, and talking no longer held any appeal. For a couple of days we simply sat in silence. I was still better when he was there, but I couldn’t even fake a smile anymore.

One day I had tried to pry the chain off, but it wouldn’t budge, I had only scratched the wood. I knew that Sadler had noticed, but he didn’t say anything. The next day, before Sadler showed up, I snapped. It started with me putting a hand against the glass.

All I wanted was to step outside. To feel the sun and breath real fresh air, instead of the sliver that I had access to. I started scratching at the glass. It hurt but I couldn’t stop, all I could think was that I needed to be outside. I scratched until I was too tired to continue. Then I just continued to stare outside.









I opened the door and walked in before I noticed anything. She had been rigid for the past couple of days. Not talking just sitting there staring outside. She knew I was there and acknowledged me, but that was it.

I had closed the door and turned, usually she at least said hello by now. But she kept her back to me, and as I approached her I noticed she was trembling. Then I caught site of the door. I felt like all the breath in my body had been squeezed out. Like a giant and wrapped his hand around my chest and squeezed.

The door was covered in blood and scratch marks. I rushed to her side, but she didn’t even look at me. Her hands were placed gently in her lap, but she held them at an odd angle. I grabbed her wrists and she didn’t even react. Her hands were covered in blood, her fingers torn and still bleeding, it brought tears to my eyes.

“What did you do?” I whispered. She looked at me, but her eyes were glassed over, it was like she was looking at me, but she couldn’t really see me.

“I wanted to feel the sun.” She whispered. Her voice was harsh from nonuse. I rushed into her bathroom and grabbed all of the first aid stuff I could find.

When I came back she was sitting exactly as I had left her. Staring at the spot I had been. I grabbed her shoulders and made her sit on the bed. As I doctored her hands she just sat there unmoving. I tried talking to her, but she might as well have been deaf. After her hands were wrapped I tried to get her to talk again, but she never changed. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore.

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her. I yelled at her to snap out of it, but she just kept staring with empty eyes. I crushed her to my chest and wrapped my arms around her. At first she didn’t react, but then she started to tremble again.

“It’s going to be okay,” I whispered in her ear, but it was apparently the wrong thing to say. She pushed me away and when I looked at her she was no longer staring with empty eyes, but eyes filled with anger instead.

“No it’s not. It’s never going to be okay. You don’t get to lie to me,” She snapped.

“Yes, it is,” I told her as vehemently as I could. She shook her head.

“Stop it. Stop lying to me. It’s never been okay, and it’s never going to be. Every time I start to feel like it’s all going to work out something like this happens. First my mom died, but I thought at least I had my dad. Then he started to be cruel, and I thought it’s alright, because I can move out when I turn eighteen. Then he sold me to those monsters, so I started to plan how we were going to run when we were old enough.

“But Drake brings us here, and I had actually hoped that maybe, my torture was over. Instead, he takes away everything I ever managed to care about, and locks me away like I was the monster. What is so wrong with me that I can never be happy. What did I do to make these things happen. What did I do to deserve this?” She had started her rant out of anger, but by the time she was done her eyes were filled with despair, and tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

I reached up and wiped some of her tears, but they were coming too quickly for me to keep up. She didn’t blubber when she cried. Instead she just sat there straight faced as her tears fell. It was sad and oddly beautiful at the same time. I pulled her to me again, and to my surprise she didn’t fight me. Her bandaged hands gripped the front of my shirt and her shoulders started to rise and fall with her sobs.

“You don’t deserve this. You never deserved any of it.” It was the only thing I could say.

I moved us up the bed so that I was leaning on the headboard and she was leaning on me. After about a half hour her sobs stopped and her breathing evened out. She had cried herself to sleep. I moved her so that she was stretched out and covered her with the blankets. After I was sure that she was comfortable, and wouldn’t wake, I grabbed some water and a clothe from the bathroom.

It took a lot of scrubbing and several minutes to get the blood off of the glass, but when it was done I got rid of the clothe and soiled water. I watched her sleep for several minutes. Her cheeks were tear stained and she looked exhausted even in sleep.

I left silently and made my way downstairs. Everyone was off doing their own things and I had intended to let myself out. But then I heard laughter coming from Drake’s office. It infuriated me. Ailith was upstairs in torture and they acted like she didn’t even exist, apart from the occasional meal. Which I knew for a fact that she hadn’t been eating.

So instead of leaving I risked my entire way of life by bursting into his office. Becca had been reclining in one of the large chairs, and Drake had positioned himself so that he could prop his feet up on the corner of his desk. They both jumped as the door slammed open, but they only put their feet down and sat in their seats.

“Sadler, what’s wrong?” Drake asked just as Becca asked her own question.

“Is she alright?” I shook from my anger and clenched my fists to keep from lashing out.

“No she’s not. She’s trapped in a room wondering what the hell she had done to deserve her life.” Drake sighed.

“Sadler, we’ve been over this. We have to keep her contained until we know she’s stable enough to be around others.”

“And how long will that be? It’s been three weeks, Drake, how much longer do you need?”

“We have to make sure she’s okay after she shifts. Until then she could snap at any moment.”

“So you’re going to keep her up there until she has her first shift?! That could take years.”

“We don’t have a choice.”

“No, she doesn’t have a choice. You’re alpha, you do have a choice. Look at my shirt Drake, these are her tears. If she loses her sanity it will only be because you drove her to it.” He slammed his fist down on his desk and stood. Becca jumped at the sound, but I didn’t even flinch.

“That’s enough! She is in a comfortable room and we provide her with everything that she needs.”

“She’s in a glorified cage! She hasn’t eaten in days. Today she bloodied her hands trying to scratch her way out. And why? Because some sorry excuse of living trash told you to do it!” I had crossed the line. I knew it and more importantly he did too.

I basically just told him that he was following another’s orders. That he didn’t control his own pack, instead he was nothing more than a puppet. And as much as I respected the man, I had to admit that that was what I saw.

“I think you’ve become too invested in this girl. It would be best if you didn’t see her anymore.” He said it calmly as he took his seat, and I knew it was an order.

If I disobeyed he would kick me off the territory. There was nothing I could do. I wouldn’t visit her again until he told me otherwise. I took a deep breath and turned to leave. At the door I stopped and half turned back.

“Ailith, that girl’s name is Ailith.” I stomped out.

I hadn’t bothered to close the door before I had stormed into the office, so anyone who was bothering to pay attention had heard the entire thing. Asher stood leaning against the doorway to the kitchen. He met my eyes and instead of the usual sneer, he gave me an affirming nod. Almost like he agreed with me for a change. That gave me a little hope. That maybe she wouldn’t be totally alone after all. Others would advocate for her in my absence. I only hoped that she didn’t think I had abandoned her.








I flinched when the front door slammed shut. I regretted denying her to him, but it was to late to fix it. He had issued a challenge and I had had to meet it. He felt passionately for the girl. Ailith. I had subconsciously depersonalized her, to make up for the guilt I felt at locking her up.

“He’s right you know,” Becca said levelly. I turned to her, she had stood from her chair. As she made her way to the front of my desk she continued speaking.

“Becca, please don’t start. You know what Tom said. She could be dangerous, we have to make sure she’s safe to be around.”

“Yes, that does seem to be Tom’s opinion.” I ran a hand through my hair.

“What do you expect me to do?” I felt desperate.

My kids have been alienating me since that lock had turned. Even my men have been avoiding me. Only answering when I ask a direct question, and only acting when I issued a direct order. Now Sadler had completely overstepped, and he had once been my most loyal male. She raised her brows at me.

“Get a second opinion.” She turned and left without another word.

I sighed and looked down at my desk. Then it occurred to me that she was right. Tom was our pack doctor, but he consulted with other packs as well. Surely he wasn’t the only one to do so.

I picked up my phone and started to call an old friend of mine. He was the alpha of a pack that was quite a distance away. But I had heard that his doctor was very talented for being so young. I had also heard that he did special research on half breeds and lone wolves. Apparently the subjects fascinated him.

Chapter 12





It had been three days since Sadler had visited last. He had left me. I guess he had seen a little too deeply into my thoughts, and had run the other way. I didn’t blame him. I had heard that a lot of guys couldn’t handle crying.

I was a little ashamed of how I had acted. I hadn’t cried in front of anyone since I was eleven. But it didn’t really matter anymore. I was back to staring out the glass window. But I hadn’t realized how much Sadler’s presence had meant to me. Without him to keep me connected to the rest of the world, even for those short hours, I didn’t even bother to sleep in the bed anymore.

I just fell asleep leaning against the wall. I only ever got up to use the bathroom. The food came and went, but I didn’t even have anyone to eat for anymore. I was completely alone. My wolf had almost completely retreated only giving the occasional whine, when my thoughts turned back to Sadler. She missed him. Maybe even more than I did.

I wished for him to come back. Over and over again I prayed and hoped. If only so I could ask what I had done wrong, and promise never to do it again. But instead I was left alone. I didn’t even bother to turn the music on anymore. I just sat and stared until I couldn’t even see anything. I could feel myself slipping away.

I only wished that if I was going to go crazy, that it would happen already. Anything would be better than this. If I was forced to be here anymore, I didn’t want to be coherent. For the first time in my life, I wished for insanity.








The new doctor was supposed to arrive any minute. I hadn’t even had the chance to tell him what was going on. As soon as I said I had a half breed lone female he told me he would be here in two days and hung up. His alpha had called me later to tell me that the doctor had been so excited that he had started packing immediately, pausing only long enough to get someone to take over his patients while he was gone.

I was told that his name was Jason and he was twenty eight years old. Young for a pack doctor, especially one that managed to get his name known well enough that I would have heard of him. It wasn’t long after I had gotten off the phone with him that I had told everyone he was coming.

Suddenly the warmth that I used to receive came back, and my household stopped feeling frigid. The girls even started talking to me again. We had told them that Ailith was sick and needed to be left alone. I should have known that we couldn’t fool them for long. After all, they had seen her in much worse conditions.

I still remembered the tantrum that Kadi had thrown. I had raised seven kids, and two of them were girls, and werewolves besides. But none of them compared to this little half breed girl. She walked in from school and demanded to see Ailith. Later I found out that she had gotten an A on some project, and really wanted to share it with the young woman that had raised her for so long.

But by the time that Lori had been able to calm her there were broken dishes, toppled chairs, and all sorts of gunk dripping down the walls. The end result was her crying and Lori leading her out of the room only to give me an icy glare before getting out of sight.

The morning that the doctor was going to show up I had finally swallowed my pride and called Sadler. When I told him about the second opinion I was seeking all I got for a moment was a relieved sigh. And then a quiet question as to whether he would be allowed to be there. I owed him quite an apology, but it didn’t compare to the one I would owe Ailith if it turned out that I had followed the wrong advice. But I hadn’t even told Tom what I was doing, and he was not to be allowed into the house until it was all said and done.

So there I was sitting at my desk with my ears trained on the driveway. At noon almost exactly I heard wheels on the gravel. We were so far out of town that no one showed up without a reason. Which meant that he was finally here. I made sure to be the one to open the door. This young man had been so excited that if anyone else had greeted him, he would probably be up in her room before I ever laid eyes on him.

I opened the door to see a tall gangly man with glasses and dark brown hair that badly needed trimming. Before I could even get the door closed behind him I saw Sadler pull up and jump out of the car, almost before he could turn it off. I waited until he was inside, before directing them both to my office.

Asher and Becca were already sitting in two of the three available chairs that I had when we entered. I motioned for the young man to sit down, and Sadler immediately staked out the corner that he usually stood in.

“So…where is she?” Jason asked with an eager expression.

“First I think we need to discuss a few things about the current situation,” I told him as I took my seat.

“Oh, okay,” he looked crest fallen, like a puppy that had just been yelled at for piddling on the carpet.

“Now, my own pack doctor told me that she is very rare.” The excitement returned almost immediately.

“Oh yes, so rare you might call her unique. What is her name?” The question surprised me. Most doctors often referred to rare specimens as he, she, or it.

“Ailith,” Sadler had been the one to answer. His posture spoke of hope and oddly like he was trying really hard to give the cold shoulder. I didn’t have to guess who it was aimed at.

“And how old is Ailith?” this time Jason directed the question directly to Sadler.


“And she just recently discovered her wolf?”

“Yes, she didn’t even know what she was, she had been raised by humans.” Jason nodded at the answer.

“Yes, quite unique,” he murmured as he looked at the carpet, seemingly deep in thought.

“Your thoughts Doctor?” I asked irritably. They were talking right over me as if I hadn’t been the one to schedule the meeting.

“Oh, I’m sorry, it’s just that…half breeds are considerably different from full blooded werewolves. The same as a wolf in the wild is different to a half wolf half any other breed, really. Some are more aggressive, some more meek, it all depends on the breed it’s crossed with.

“But she’s half human, while that makes a difference, it’s the same concept. Her relationship with her inner wolf is the same and yet separate. While we may be able to carry on conversations with our wolves, it’s only on rare occasions. In the case of a challenge, when we shift, or if we encounter our mates.

“But half breeds are always able to contact their wolf. It’s almost like two consciousnesses in the same body. While that may sound disastrous it’s quite the opposite. They are able to live in harmony with their wolves, two beings completely in sync with each other. It also gives them an advantage.

“While we run purely on instinct in some situations while in our human form, a half breed can gain insight and advice from their other half. It’s also been proven that their shifts are smoother and more controlled. It allows them to retain their humanity even in wolf form.”

“What’s all of that got to do with her being raised by humans?” Asher asked looking bored.

“Even most half breeds gain their inner wolf at puberty. The fact that she didn’t and now can is remarkable. Tell me, did she suffer any trauma as a child? Anything that might delay her natural development?”

“Her entire life has been a trauma,” Sadler answered bitterly. “Her mother died, her father remarried right before. As soon as they had custody they forced her to do all of their dirty work and beat her. Then sold her into slavery, where she was tortured regularly.”

“Oh my,” Jason murmured. His eyes had gotten wider and wider with every word that was spoken. “And she’s an alpha you say?” he asked turning to me. At my nod he got thoughtful again. “Well, that explains a lot. Her wolf stayed hidden out of necessity. An alpha wouldn’t be able to help fighting back, but survival dictated that she must not or risk death in the attempt to defend herself,” he went quiet and I vaguely heard a couple of cars pull up into the driveway. The kids were home from school. I motioned for Asher to close the door but before he could Kadi slipped into the room. She walked up to the only stranger in the room and tapped on his shoulder.

“Excuse me, but are you the doctor that going to let Ailith out?” Jason stared at her, confused for a moment, before turning to me.

“We’ll see Kadi, go play, we still have to talk before we know anything.” She huffed a ‘fine’ and stomped out of the room the way only a child could.

“Who was she?” Jason asked still looking at the door.

“Kadi, she came with Ailith, as did a sixteen year old named Lori.”

“They’re both human?.”

“No, Kadi is half, low ranking I think. Lori is full blooded but from the lowest of rank.”

“Were they close?”

“Very, Ailith took care of them, protected them from the men that had bought them as slaves.”

“What did she mean, let her out?”

“We’ve had Ailith up in her room, as our pack doctor dictated, for fear of her sanity.” At my answer he went completely still.

“You locked her up?”

“Yes, our doctor said that since she was female, a half breed, and a lone wolf that she would become unstable upon discovering her wolf.” His face started to go a deep red. He was so angry in fact that he stood.

“Your doctor lied. There is nothing unstable about her combination of traits. The reason it’s a topic of interest is because it speaks of more solidarity than a pack born, pure blood.”

“I don’t understand,” I was shocked by his accusation. Normally it would be a matter of a lack of knowledge or having been misinformed. Almost never do you here a doctor say that another had outright lied.

“What makes a half breed so interesting is how they retain such strong hold on their human side, as well as their wolf side. They maintain complete control, you will never hear of a half breed shifting because of anger.

“A lone wolf may be primarily solitary by nature, but when they bond with someone it’s with more intensity than a bond between mother and child. Their loyalty is unwavering. When a female bonds with someone it is stronger than any male, a female will defend someone they care for much longer after a male would give up.

“A combination of all of those would only lead to an independent, strong female with unwavering loyalty and dedication. In short, you possibly have what could have been your strongest ally in a decorative cage. Something your doctor would be well aware of.” I felt the blood drain from my face as he spoke.

There was that phrase again. ‘Decorative Cage’ Caging was a serious punishment, one that usually involved an actual large metal cage. Wolves are social creatures with a need to roam. That‘s why caging is usually only done when you have a disobedient wolf that you don‘t want to execute or exile.

I didn‘t think that having her in her room would be that bad. I guess I had just chosen to see it as a more comfortable alternative. But in reality it was only four walls with no one to talk to and no way out.

“Have you been allowing her to see the girls? You said that they were dependent on her.” I shook my head and he ran a hand down his face.

“Why?” was the only word I could force from my throat.

“She’s half human. Human’s have a freer maternal capacity than wolves. With a female wolf they will have the maternal instinct only for other wolves. But a half breed will have the maternal instinct for any child she grows close too. You said that she protected those girls, took care of them.

“She’s passed puberty which means that her maternal instincts would have been in overdrive. Especially if she was willing to take pain for them. It’s likely that she feels that those girls are as close to her as her own children would be. What you did by separating them is the equivalent of tearing a female from her pups.”

“Oh god!” Becca whispered as she covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes were huge and empathy drenched her features.

“How long has she been locked up?” he asked quietly.

“Four weeks.” He jumped as if shocked by an electrical socket.

“Then we’ll be lucky if she hasn’t been driven to insanity or death by now. The longer you keep her up there, the closer she’ll get to one or both of them,” his words barely left his mouth before both Sadler and Asher were out of the room, taking the stairs as quickly as they could. Sadler was in the lead if only because he had been standing close to the door. While the rest of us were right on their heels.






Insanity or death, insanity or death. The words rang over and over in my head as I ran to her as fast as I could. I had a hard time with the locks at first, I was about to break the whole damn door down when they finally slid into place. I rushed into the room with Asher on my heels and the others just getting to the top of the stairs.

She was laying on her side at an odd angle, right in front of the glass door where she usually spent her time. It looked like she had fallen over and just stayed there. I knelt down next to her and rolled her over so her head was supported by my forearm. Her eyes were open, but glassed over. She was breathing and I could hear her heartbeat, but both were faint, and she never even blinked.

“Ailith? Ailith wake up, babe,” I shook her slightly and her head lolled to the side toward me. When her eyes met mine she finally blinked and took a deep breath.

“You’re back,” she spoke so softly that I barely heard her.

“Yeah, I’m back,”

“Am I hallucinating? Have I finally gone crazy?” I had to clear my throat before I could answer her.

“No, you’re not hallucinating, you’re not crazy,” her face crumpled in disappointment at my words.

“Then when? I’m tired, so tired, I don’t want to be here anymore, I want to be crazy. It’s better than this.” I didn’t have anything to say so I just turned to the door. They all stood there looking down at her. Becca had tears falling down her cheeks, Drake’s hair was sticking up at all ends like he had been pulling on it. The doctor apparently had just been waiting for my cue. As soon as I looked at him he rushed to my side to check on her. I looked back down to see that she had passed out.

He started by putting his stethoscope to her chest and listening to, I don’t know what, then started putting his fingers under her jaw. He looked down her throat and then lifted her shirt and felt around her stomach. It was all very clinical, but his rushed movements betrayed his anxiety.

“She’s dangerously malnourished, and dehydrated. It looks like she might have some self inflicted injuries on her hands.” I explained to him how she had gotten them and he nodded as if he had expected as much. “She’s been caged for too long. She’s completely withdrawn into herself. She needs to be outside, in the fresh air. But not around a lot of people, she’s going to have to adjust to more than one person at a time again,” he backed up as I started to lift her. If she needed outside and fresh air then I was going to give them to her. Let the others figure everything else out.








The first thing I noticed was the smell. It was like I was surrounded by a multitude of flowers. Their scents enveloped me and I couldn’t hold back my smile. Maybe I had finally lost it. I could think of worse things than imagining myself in a garden for the rest of my life.

“Ailith, open your eyes,” the voice was deep and seemed to vibrate around me. But I didn’t want to open my eyes. I didn’t want to lose the heavenly place I was in at the moment.

Open your eyes. I need to see,’ my wolf whispered and I moaned in protest. ‘Please, open your eyes,’ it was the first time she had spoken to me in weeks so I decided to oblige her.

As soon as I opened my eyes I had to immediately close them again. It was too bright. Wait, it was bright. I opened my eyes again, but more cautiously. It took a few moments but I finally adjusted to the harshness that was assaulting me. It was the sun, I was finally seeing the sun.

I took in my surroundings and realized why I had smelled so many flowers and why that voice seemed to surround me. I was laying in the middle of the garden, on Sadler’s lap. I wanted to move off of him, but I was too weak. I could barely lift my head to look around.

Drake, Becca, and someone I didn’t know stood several feet away, watching. Asher was sitting on the ground next to me, and Sadler smiled down at me gently. Instead of fighting my surroundings, I soaked them in.

The warmth of the sun on my skin, the sound of Sadler’s heartbeat and steady breathing. The mixing of his scent and the flowers that surrounded us. I let my hand trail down to the ground, and felt the grass trail through my fingers. And instead of the slight chill in the breeze making me shiver, I felt like I could finally take a deep breath.

“I’m sorry, but we must get an IV in her. She needs liquids and nutrients, I don’t think her stomach could take solid foods,” the man I didn’t know was standing a couple of feet to my right.

He had a stethoscope around his neck and his glasses looked like they were the kind that he had to constantly push back up on his nose. If I had to describe him I would have to say tall and gangly with empathetic eyes. I didn’t know why, but I felt like I could trust him, something my wolf agreed with me on.

“We’ll take her inside,” Asher said as he started to stand. I panicked and grabbed his arm. He paused though I could tell that if he had wanted to he could have shaken me off easily.

“No, no I want to stay out here,” I felt like I was going to start crying. His eyes filled with compassion but Sadler was the one that answered me.

“We won’t take you to your room, we can go to the living room. It’s close to both doors and a large window. You won’t be locked in again. But you won’t get your strength back if we don’t do what the doctor says. I’m sure you can come back out tomorrow,” he looked over my head as he said the last bit, and I followed his line of sight. He was looking at Drake, who looked like he was trembling, but he nodded in response.

I kept his gaze for several minutes, waiting for the other shoe to fall. Like maybe I would have to be guarded or something. They did believe that I would go insane and start hurting everyone. But Drake met my eyes and nodded again.

His word as an alpha,’ my wolf whispered though she was as reluctant as I was.

‘One of these days you’re going to have to explain what that means,’ I answered mentally while I let Sadler help me to my feet. And by help me I meant that he took my weight as I pretended to walk. I had no idea when I had gotten so weak.

Twenty minutes later I was laying back on the couch with an IV in one arm and a glass of water in the other. It was actually my second glass, the first had been gone almost as soon as it was put in my hand. The doctor who had told me to call him Jason, was sitting on the coffee table in front of me rechecking my vitals.

I almost panicked again when they attempted to slide the living room door closed. So instead they had a blanket tacked to the top of the door way. It was for a semblance of privacy though every word could be heard anywhere in the house. I could here the girls playing in the backyard. But they weren’t allowed to see me until I was back on my feet. At least I would get to see them soon, a blessing I had counted many times just in the last few minutes.

It wasn’t long before he told me that I had improved and would make a full recovery. The entire room seemed to start breathing at once. Then he told me that he specialized in patients of my breeding and asked if I would allow him to ask a few questions. If I felt strong enough of course.

I said that I felt fine with it, and he asked for privacy. It took a few minutes but everyone cleared out. Even though he asked for privacy I could hear all of them in the hallway. I didn’t think that they meant any disrespect, they just wanted to be close in case something went wrong.

“First, I would like to ask some medical questions. I spoke with Drake and he agreed that if you didn’t mind I would be your full time physician,”

“Sounds good to me,” was my answer and I had to clear my throat and take another drink. My voice felt rough, probably because I hadn’t used my throat for anything except breathing in days. To be honest the last couple of weeks were a bit of a blur.

“Okay, were you vaccinated?” I nodded. My mom had made sure that I was all caught up before she died.

“And your father was human?” again I nodded. “Did you have any significant injuries in the last several years?” That one gave me pause.

“What exactly do you think is significant?” He thought for a moment.

“Any broken bones, um, anything happen concerning a good deal of blood loss?” he looked up from his clip board, looking uncomfortable.

“Um, my right arm was broken when I was twelve. Again when I was fourteen, along with a couple of ribs. My left shoulder was dislocated a couple of times. And over the last couple of years I had serious blood loss from lashes on my back, roughly once a month. Um, also a couple of times, I had had knife wounds on my sides, shoulders, and hips,” he stared at me for a few moments after I finished listing my numerous past injuries.

“Were you ever hospitalized for any of them?” I shook my head and he wrote something down on his clip board his pen moving violently. Then he cleared his throat and his face reddened a little. “Okay, um, you may find this to be a very personal question, but I assure you it’s important for your medical records. I assure you I will never speak to anyone about anything you ever tell me. It’s all part of the patient, physician confidentiality,” he waited to make sure that I understood what he was saying them started stammering. “I need to know if you have ever been assaulted in a, um, a, uh, sexual manner,” he wouldn’t look at me as he finished, but I felt both of my eyebrows raise.

“Are you asking if I have ever been raped?” Apparently he wasn’t used to so much bluntness, because his face turned a bright red.


“Any major illnesses?” I shook my head. “Okay, that’s enough of those questions, now we can get to the interesting ones.”

Chapter 13





“No, that’s never happened,” was her answer and I sighed in relief. At least that was one taste of hell she hadn‘t had to endure. Even contemplating the possibility had me feeling possessive. But it wasn‘t like I had any claim to her.

Nonsense, take her, she’s ours,’ my wolf snapped at me. It was kind of a shock, we normally don’t talk unless we’re in his form.

‘No, you don’t want her to run do you?’

She wouldn’t run from us,’ was his answer though he sounded unsure.

‘We have to keep our distance until we know she’s ready. Until she figures out who she is, and can except us for who we are. She deserves that and more. Besides, we haven‘t gotten to know each other completely yet,’ his only answer was to grumble an agreement.

I had been staring at the carpet but glanced up to see Asher standing on the other side of the hall across from me. He was also looking at the floor, but his brows were raised with interest. The last thing I needed was for him to see her as a challenge to me.

But if he was genuinely interested in her, I would back off. He could give her a better life than I ever could. It wasn’t easy to be an alpha who took orders from others. My wolf whimpered at my thoughts. But it was her choice, she had to decide for herself what and who she wanted.









It was after three in the morning, the day after I had been released. The doctor said he would take the IV out at noon, if I was stable enough to gain my nourishment on my own anyway. But I had managed to eat something solid that day, even if it was small and made my stomach cramp.

I was supposed to be sleeping, but I felt like I had been sleeping for the past month, and was not the least bit tired. If it wasn’t for the damn needle in my wrist I would have gone to the kitchen. I was hungry, and currently trying to figure out how to get there undetected.

Everyone had been adamant that I was not to get up to do anything other than go to the bathroom. They insisted that everything be brought to me. Honestly I think a lot of that was guilt. But the rest of the house had been in to see me. Bringing me flowers and teddy bears. It was ridiculous even if it was kind of heart warming.

I was even allowed to see Lori for a while, but Kadi wasn’t allowed in until I was able to move around the house on my own. Which I hoped would be tomorrow. I was thinking about throwing their demands out the window and going to make me something to eat, IV or no IV. But the curtain moved aside and I had the sudden suspicion that someone had heard my thoughts. Though that was impossible I was told, except for when someone wished to communicate in wolf form.

But it was Drake that walked in, holding a covered tray. He had been all but openly avoiding me ever since they left to let me and Jason talk. But he came in, set the tray on the table in front of me, and grabbed a chair so that he could sit closer and reach the tray. Finally, we were sitting there in an awkward silence. Until he cleared his throat.

“I, uh, couldn’t sleep. Figured you might be hungry, I know I get the munchies in the middle of the night sometimes,” he uncovered the tray and all sorts of goodies sat there.

There was ice cream, chocolate bars, marshmallows, cookies, and hard candy. I felt like a child who was being spoiled for no particular reason. Then he lifted a second covering to show less sugary food. Including cereal, left over lasagna, sandwiches, popcorn, chips, just about anything I could want for a late night snack.

“Wow, um, couldn’t decide what you wanted?” I asked eyeing it all. He shrugged.

“I didn’t know what you liked, or what you would want,” he mumbled as he grabbed one of the pints of ice cream. I shrugged and grabbed a sandwich and some chips.

“You didn’t have to do this. I mean, I’m thankful, and I was hungry, but you didn’t have to bring the whole kitchen in here,” I said after swallowing my first bite. I paused to take a drink of water. My throat was still relearning how to swallow food. He was quiet for a few moments before he put his food down and leaned his elbows on his knees.

“I know I owe you the largest apology of my life. Actually I owe you more than that. I screwed up, horribly, you should never have been caged. I guess I made myself think that since it was a nice bedroom that it would be okay. But I was wrong, very, very wrong, and I am so sorry.” I tried to answer him but he kept going. “I’ve been needing to talk to you for a while. I should have explained everything the day you came out, but I was ashamed so I procrastinated. It’s not just me that owes you a debt. You are an alpha female, if you follow orders it will be by your choice.

“You will always be welcome in this pack, for as long as my line holds the alpha position. But someday you will want to go your own way, and I don’t want this to be like everywhere else you’ve been. But there are customs that need to be followed in this situation,” he paused for a moment to take a breath and I asked my question.

“Customs?” I was beginning to get nervous.

“As I said, you are an alpha, and since your primary wolf parent is deceased, you must be treated as an adult in this matter. And a great grievance had been committed against you. A grievance that is punishable by pack law.

“If your mother had been here then she would perform the necessary tasks herself on your behalf. But now you must do them for yourself.” I was already nervous but then he dropped the bomb shell. “Tom is our pack doctor. He’s held the position for many years, and has a lot of wolves that will support him. He gained his position when my father was the ruling alpha. He consults to several other packs and has supporters there as well.

“But he is under my rule now. I’ve known for a long time that he has a more sexist opinion. He believes that females are weaker and must therefore answer to males. I knew this but I never took it seriously. He only ever showed his distain for females in acts that would be considered ignorable. He mostly just disregarded them. Something that is looked down on but tolerable in most company.

“When he told me what you were, he led me to believe that you were dangerous. Not just to my family but my pack and the humans on my territory as well. When he advised me to lock you in your room he was well aware of what it would do to you. He assumed that you would either go insane like he had predicted or that you would die. Therefore getting rid of you, so you weren’t a threat to his way of life where females were subservient to males. He lied to me.

“If word got out that a female survived for as long as you have as a lone wolf, then suddenly females weren’t as weak as they are usually portrayed. He feels threatened by strong females, and lone wolves alike. To him all lone wolves should be put down. In short he attempted murder. A crime punishable by death.

“He will face a trial, not only in this pack, but with every pack he consults in attendance. You and I as well as all who witnessed your captivity will be held as evidence against him. His punishment is assured. But you are the alpha that he directly harmed. Therefore, you will be the one to dictate his punishment, and the one to see to it that it is carried out. It can be public, or private, it’s completely up to you, human laws have no place in this.

“But there’s one more thing. I also had my part in your ailment. And as such I will offer myself up for my own trial. It’s only right. And I will except any punishment you administer without a fight or complaint.” By the time he was done I was sure my jaw was in China.

“No!” I hadn’t meant it to come out so sharply, but his eyes snapped to me. “You trusted a man that you had known for most of your life. You only did what you felt was necessary to protect everyone you cared about. It’s not your fault that he lied, and I won’t fault you for doing what you truly felt was best. I won’t have you face a trial for it. And if you insist then I will just find you innocent. If you really want to face a penance then we can handle it privately. There’s no need for you to be punished because of another man’s actions.

“That being said, I will gladly handle his punishment. But I will need someone to teach me how all of this works before then. It won’t do any good for me to walk in unprepared and only add to his support because of my ignorance. I’ll figure it out, but I won’t be your judge and jury.” His eyes were wide, well, wide for him. He always seemed so stoic when it came to pack business, something I had noticed when he was facing down the Others.

“You’re sure?” he asked quietly.

“Of course I am. So when do my pack etiquette lessons start?” I asked if only to drop the subject of his trial. It just weirded me out.

“As soon as you’d like,” he answered but held up a hand before I could say, ‘right now’. “When you have a clean bill of health.” I smiled and nodded before turning back to my food.








I stood there listening to the both of them. When he had gotten out of bed I thought he was going to his office to get some work done. That’s what he does when something is bothering him. So after a few minutes I had followed. Intending to drag him back to bed.

But when I heard them talking I decided to wait. He had been on edge ever since he made the order to lock her up. The guilt stabbed at him, until he couldn’t sleep and barely ate. To him he had just given an innocent girl a life sentence. And he wasn’t wrong.

The girl could hardly control who her parents were, though I was becoming quite curious as to how she was brought into this world. Being born a lone wolf and an alpha besides has the makings of a good story.

It hardly mattered now, she was with us and would stay here until she was ready to move on. It was the least we could do for her. In our attempt to save three innocent lives, we only managed to torture the one that was worse off. In the worst possible way for a wolf. Caging requires a heavy violation, and is rarely done simply because of what it turns the wolf into.

I felt a small smile tug at my lips when she spoke so forcefully about refusing his trial. She was stronger than I ever imagined, to have that level of understanding. To be honest I didn’t think I could have that amount of forgiveness under those circumstances. If I had been treated the way we had treated her, I would be out for blood.

Though I suppose she could have her fill with Tom’s hide. I never liked the man. His determination to keep females on the bottom rung infuriated me. The number of times that he had ignored my rule and disregarded my word, made me only hope that I would be there to see his punishment first hand.

I couldn’t count the number of times that I had spoken against him to Drake. But Drake was his father’s son, and as liberal as he was considered among the packs, he was still a traditional alpha male. Pigheaded and arrogant. We owed this girl a heavy debt, she would be a wonderful alpha if she ever got a pack. Regardless ours would always be her ally.

I backed away quietly, leaving without being noticed. He felt like he needed to make all of this up to her. And I was willing to bet that she could ask for just about anything over the next month and it would be hers. I only hoped she didn’t take advantage of it.










The summons for the trial went out today. It would be another three weeks before they took place. It wasn’t well known yet that Ailith would be the judge, jury, and executioner. The only reason I knew was because Drake told me that that’s what he would do before he told her.

All anyone knew right now was that an alpha was addressing charges against Tom. It probably wouldn’t be but a few days when everyone found out who she was. What was funny was that Tom wouldn’t hear of the summons for at least the next week. He was currently consulting for my father, and usually enjoyed his stay for a while. Voluntarily making himself oblivious to what was going on with his own pack.

I wasn’t worried about how she would handle it. She could handle just about anything by now. I was more worried about how the trial would be perceived. There were a lot of prominent males that would back him, and if his support was too strong she would have to give him a low punishment. A strapping and then allow him to continue with his place in the pack. It was the equivalent of a slap on the wrist, but she would be forever discriminated against for bringing the charges against him.

According to custom anyone could come to Ailith with a grievance against him, no matter how long ago it was committed. There was no such thing as a statute of limitations in pack law. He could go in with just her charges and end up with added charges of theft from when he was a teenager. But he was well respected and it wasn’t likely that anyone but a few would come forward.

I climbed out of my car and headed inside. She was allowed to remove the IV today, and I already knew where she was. I had spoken to her the day before and she had bounced back from her captivity remarkable well. As of last night she really only had a fear of closed doors.

I walked straight through the house and out the back door. I had brought her a few books from my own small library. It was really the only excuse I had to see her now. I was no longer under orders to watch her, and I wasn’t her only company anymore.

But as soon as I made it outside I stopped. She was sitting under a large willow tree, not far from the woods, but she wasn’t alone. Sitting in front of her, unusually close, was Asher. She was smiling at something that he had said and plucking at the grass. I hadn’t seen her that relaxed, not that I could remember. Not even from before she was locked up. She had always had a measure of tension about her. As if something would go wrong at any moment.

But she sat there as if she had no worries. Just enjoying her time in the sun with a friend. I couldn’t stop the jealousy that I felt towards Asher. But I could decide whether or not to act on it. So instead of acting like an idiot I simply turned around and went back inside. I left the books on the kitchen table, telling Adrian who they were for, and got back into my car.

Chapter 14





I had two weeks until I was expected to get up in front of members from at least five packs. I was told that almost this entire pack would be allowed to attend. As well as, every alpha male and female from the other four packs that he consulted for. The number of attendants from those packs depended on who their alphas allowed.

I wasn’t nervous about speaking in front of them. Stage fright wasn’t one of my weaknesses. I was more worried about who would contest the charges that I was going to bring against him. Apparently, being a lone wolf, a half breed, and a female besides didn’t exactly lend me a lot of credibility. It pissed me off that this man could get away with murder simply because the victim was female. And therefore less believable.

The day before I was told that a beta from another pack would be acting as his defense. From what Asher had explained to me, the accused was to be tried by the alpha based on the complaint from the victim. But the alpha that tried him was always the alpha of the victim. Since I was the alpha and the victim, it was my job to conduct the trial.

However, in order for an alpha to bring someone to trial they had to have at least two witnesses to the crime. Something I had, and at least one other alpha to supervise to make sure that the alpha conducting the trial wasn’t acting on a bias. Which, as it turns out, would be Drake, since the crime was committed on his territory and Tom was a member of his pack.

But since he elected to have someone there to defend him, it changes things. For one, I will end up having some stranger argue with me, over what had been done to me. And most importantly, I’ll have to have at least a ninety percent consensus from all alphas that will be present in order to find him guilty. But once I have the guilty verdict, since I’m the victim bringing charges against him, I can administer any punishment I see fit.

Drake had a point though, he would have a lot of support from the other alphas. I wasn’t too worried about the females. He had treated them badly for long enough that they would probably be looking for a reason to convict him. But the males were my biggest problem. They were less likely to take a stray female’s side, even if a respected alpha supported me. If I failed, then it was likely that Tom would get an invitation to join another pack, and Drake would be shunned by all of them. Ending all treaties and alliances. No pressure.

I went over all of the rules in my head again. Every member that I spoke to was to be addressed by their rank. According to Asher I would automatically know what they’re rank was. It was an extra sense that every alpha possessed.

I was never to sit. It diminished my standing, giving the defense the appearance of being more powerful. I was never to step above Tom. I had to be on even footing to give the allusion that I was charging him as an equal, not lording my position over him. And if another alpha spoke, I had no choice but to listen. All alphas are equal and interrupting one was an insult and I could lose their support. But I received the same courtesy, if I was speaking no one was supposed to interrupt me. If another alpha did so, then their obvious disregard for custom could sway others in my favor.

But at the same time Asher had told me that all of them may gang up on me. Never letting me get a word in, as a way of diminishing my position as alpha. Since I was young it was more likely to happen.

This was the first time that someone so young had conducted a trial in over a hundred years. Simply for that reason. The older alphas had a tendency to be condescending to the younger ones. Regardless that they were their future potential allies or enemies. Apparently, the stronger your pack, the more respect you got, regardless of your age. But I had no pack. I was a lone wolf, and once a lone wolf always a lone wolf.

I could mate an alpha of a pack and join it that way, but even though Drake was my legal guardian, I couldn’t be made an official member of the pack. The best I could hope for was to take the same position as Sadler. Give a service to the pack in exchange for admittance to live on the territory. But Sadler had one up on me, simply because he was male and a trained enforcer. Females weren’t traditionally allowed to train in combat. Not even self defense. From my point of view it looked like werewolf pack customs were terribly outdated and offensive.

Just the thought of Sadler brought a measure of sadness. He hadn’t been to see me all week, and I wasn’t supposed to leave. Not a rule just a precaution. Tom’s supporters weren’t thrilled with me, and might take the opportunity to take action against me if I was seen alone. It wasn’t unheard of for a female to suddenly drop the charges after being caught out alone.

Last week he had dropped off some books for me, but didn’t actually stay to give them to me. He just left them with Adrian to pass them along. I hadn’t even had the chance to say thank you or tell him how much I liked them. I didn’t have his number so I couldn’t call him, and I didn’t want to ask for it, it might give everyone the wrong idea. It was just that he had been my only friend here, and it hurt that he suddenly wasn’t around to help me. I could have used his support.

Asher did alright though. He was surprisingly funny, given how quiet he used to be around me. Especially since he had broken up with that horrible girlfriend of his. Which he made a point to tell me one day while we were sitting in the garden. I spent a lot of time in the garden these days.

He was my only company most days, since the girls had school. Which I would be allowed to attend but not until the trial was over. We spent most of our time talking, sometimes about pack etiquette, which he had volunteered to teach me, but other times it was about nonsense. Favorite foods, movies, etc. Sometimes I would catch him staring at me, and other times he would catch me staring at him. Every time we would both looked away awkwardly.

There were times when I would be sitting on my balcony, finally managing to bring myself to go to my room again. I was fine if I kept the door open. But I would sit there and draw him, or the wolf that I saw the first few nights I was here. I hadn’t been able to pick up a pencil and sketchpad in years. I had forgotten how freeing it was.

But usually after I had finished a sketch of him, I would turn the page and spend another hour drawing one set of eyes. If anyone ever saw it they wouldn’t be able to figure out who the eyes belonged to. But I did, and they weren’t Asher’s.

“Ailith, there’s someone here to see you,” Asher said as he stepped onto the back patio. I had gotten to know him well enough to be able to distinguish when he was just being him and when he was serious. This was something serious.

I got up and followed him to the foyer. Standing there was a girl about Lori’s age. She had dirty blonde colored hair, and slim frame. Though it was hard to tell by the old dress she wore. It hung on her like a sack. Her eyes were a dark blue but filled with caution.

“Hello,” I said quietly, everything about this girl said that she would bolt at the first sign of harshness.

“Are you Ailith? The girl that is bringing charges against Doctor Tom?” she asked in a rush, I had to really concentrate in order to catch what she said. Her hands bunched in the skirt of her dress over and over again.

By this time most of the house was standing in this doorway or that, watching with interest. That much attention couldn’t help her nervousness. So I decided to throw her a bone, no pun intended.

“Yes, would you like to talk in the garden?” I asked and she nodded her head quickly with her eyes wide. The audience she had acquired seemed to frighten her. I motioned for her to go ahead of me so she felt a measure of safety at her back.

Asher had warned me about this. That there might be others that wanted charges brought up. He said that they had to come to me, so I could decide whether or not they would help my case or not.

When we made it outside I directed her to the middle of the garden. It was as far from any eavesdropping spot I knew of. Anyone who listened in would have to strain. I wanted to make her as comfortable as possible.

“What can I help you with?” I spoke softly and her eyes brimmed with tears before she began her story.








She stood there talking to the small girl. I knew her name and her rank. Her name was Elizabeth, and she was the beta’s oldest daughter. She held a lot of potential to be the female beta when she was younger. But as she grew older her potential just seemed to diminish over night. She became weaker, skittish.

I was too far away to hear what she was saying, but the tears on her face were obvious. As she spoke Ailith’s face grew harder and harder until it looked like you could freeze water on her cheeks. I had seen Ailith in a lot of positions. I’ve seen her regal, when she was told that she was going to be locked up. I saw her emotionless, when she first came to us. I’ve seen her laugh and smile, sick, injured, and helpless. But I’ve never seen her angry. And right now she looked like she wanted blood.

Finally, she wrapped her arms around the girl, and rubbed soothing circles on her back. Elizabeth just cried harder. After several minutes Ailith pulled back and Elizabeth calmed down. They spoke quietly and then started heading my way. With Ailith keeping her arm wrapped around Elizabeth’s shoulders.

I backed out of the way and they passed me into the house without seeming to notice me. All the while Ailith whispered in the girls ear. I couldn’t hear what she said but I caught her reassuring tone. When they reached the front door Ailith opened it and held it for her. Just before the girl could get all the way down the front steps Ailith stopped her.

“Liz!” She stopped and turned to look back up at her. “Are there others?” I had no idea what she was talking about but Elizabeth nodded. “Bring them to me. As many as you can find.” Again Elizabeth nodded and scurried away to the car that had been waiting for her, with a renewed strength in her stride.

“What’s going on?” Mom asked from the doorway, my dad right behind her. Ailith closed the door, her expression returning to the hardened look.

“I’ll have that bastard’s head if I have to cut it off with a dull, plastic spoon,” she growled before going up the stairs. My parents looked to me with confusion and all I could do was shrug at them. I had no idea what was going on.

Over the next week Elizabeth came back, over and over again, and always with a different girl in tow. All of them ranged from eight to eighteen years old, and not all of them were from our pack. Some of them I only knew from formal gatherings between the packs. And some of them I didn’t know at all that came from families that held no prominence among their pack. Sometimes she showed up with more than one at a time.

There was one that I only knew by rumor. She was a beta’s daughter from another pack, but she had been disgraced. She had gotten herself pregnant and had an abortion in secret. Getting pregnant was forgivable if scorned, but abortions were not.

Her father had disowned her, though it wasn’t as harsh as it sounded in a way. He wasn’t able to kick her out but he had formally denounced her. Making her rank as a beta negligible. Last I heard she was being forced to work as a maid among the people in her pack. Which was harsh in it’s own right, but a punishment that was widely agreed with.

And each time they showed up Ailith was the one that opened the door. And each time she would get more and more angry after they left. But she wouldn’t talk to anyone about what they were telling her. Claiming that it wasn’t her place to tell anyone, and they would all find out at the trial. If she could convince them to come forward formally.

Then about five days before the trial they all showed up at once. There were over twenty of them and she took them all out into the garden. Suddenly I wasn’t the only one watching their gatherings. Mom, Dad, and all of my brothers were there as well. Some of the enforcers even stopped by to watch. We couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she had them all sitting in the grass in a circle with her in the middle. For most of the meeting it looked like she was arguing with them.

Finally, she stood and turned to take them all in at once. We heard what she said then. Only because she raised her voice, not to yell, just to make it carry. The way she spoke she was every inch an alpha female. And a glorious one at that.

“Look at you. All of you. You each have your right to claim a piece of his hide. And if you will just stand with me, I swear to you, he will not walk away from this. Together we can make sure he never has a moment to so much as close his eyes again. And I promise you that each and every one of you will have that piece of his hide that you deserve. This is the last time I’m going to ask. Will you come forward? Will you help me give this bastard what he deserves?,” she was breathing heavily by the time she finished. The circle of girls looked up at her, with mixed looks of awe and doubt. Then they started looking at each other and I could almost smell their fear.

It wasn’t long after that that they all left. Giving off scents of fear, trepidation, and hope. By this time I was burning with curiosity, but every time I tried to pry something out of her, she just shut me down. So I sighed in frustration and decided that I just needed to wait until the trial.








It was late and I was in my office when Ailith knocked on the doorframe to get my attention. I motioned her in and she closed the door behind her, which got my attention better than anything else would. If she closed the door then that meant she wanted to speak privately.

“You got a minute?” she asked quietly as she stood just a few feet from the door.

“Sure, take a seat.” She nodded and sat down in the chair that was directly across from mine. But she sat on the edge with her back straight and her hands clinched the edge of the cushion.

“I need a favor,” she said hesitantly.

“Well, I’ll see what I can do.” First lesson you learn about ruling a pack, never make a promise until you know exactly what you’re promising.

“I’m not worried about whether or not Tom is going to have enough support against me anymore. The evidence and charges I have against him will condemn him for sure. And I know what his sentence will be. But I need some supplies first.”

“What do you need?” She took a deep breath as if preparing herself.

“Weapons, nothing lethal, but some bats or clubs. Some, um, brass knuckles if you can get them.” I just stared at her. She was asking me for the equipment necessary to beat someone, badly.

“How many do you need?” I held my breath just as she sighed.

“At least twenty three.” I felt my eyebrows climb, but she didn’t look at me, she just stared at the floor.

“Who will be using them?” She finally looked at me. It was a look I knew well. She wouldn’t tell me, her mouth would be sealed even through torture. Instead of waiting for her to tell me this I just nodded.

“Okay, I’ll get what you need. I’ll have it all brought to the auditorium where the trial will be held. They will be brought it out at your command,” I told her and she let out a deep breath, but didn’t move to leave.

“There’s one more thing. After the trial is done. I would like to take self defense lessons.”

“Ailith, it’s not that I don’t want to let you. But it’s against custom, if anyone knew about it there would be an uproar.” She shrugged her shoulders, but didn’t give up.

“So don’t tell anyone. We can make them private and swear the person to secrecy.” I shook my head.

“Secrets have a nasty way of making themselves known, no matter what precautions we take.” She leveled her gaze on me. She wasn’t teary eyed, just deathly serious.

“My entire life, I’ve always had to stand by and watch while people did things to me. I watched while my parents made my home a combat zone. I just stood there every time my dad called me some horrible name or said terrible things about me. Every time I was beaten I had to stand there and take it without so much as a complaint. Every time I was whipped, skinned, tied down, my bones were broken, I was stabbed, and I had to just take it, because if I didn’t someone else would get hurt.

“But that isn’t the case anymore. If someone attacks me, which from my experience will happen, I don’t want to have to just take it. I want to be able to fight back, defend myself, for once.” The entire time that she spoke she kept my gaze with her own.

I think it was her way of expressing how serious and determined she was. And she was right. After everything she had gone through she deserved the right to defend herself. So it was with dread and reluctance that I said my next word.

“Okay, I’ll set you up with my pack trainer. He’s the best that anyone has ever seen. I’ll command him and anyone that gets involved not to say anything. We’ll set up a time after the trial is over for you to start,” I said with a feeling of doom hanging over my head.

For the first time since I had known her she gave a big genuine smile. After she thanked me and left my office I sat back in my chair. All I could think was, ‘What have I gotten myself into’. Whatever it was I hoped it was worth it.

Chapter 15





I walked into the huge auditorium and took a deep breath. This was the day. In less than an hour I was going to be standing in front of an entire room and bestow a punishment on a well respected, evil man. Half of the people that would be attending were already sitting in the soft seats that surrounded the room. They were set up almost like bleachers so that everyone can look down on the center.

There was a podium about every twelve feet in front of the seats, so that the alphas could stand there and speak what they wanted. But the front was bigger. It was like a stage that had several chairs and an even bigger podium. Behind and to the side of it were bigger chairs than the regular seats. That was where Drake and his family were going to sit. I was expected to walk the floor. But I had my own podium, and so did the defense.

In the very middle of the room there was a square of roughly four by four feet that was removable. When it was moved out of place you could see two rungs set in concrete. They were meant for chains. Turns out that in the past they’ve had some problems with the accused running, or shifting and attacking the accuser. But they can’t shift if they’re chained and they can’t run either. So they got the thickest most durable metal they could find and fashioned shackles and chains. Both of his hands and ankles would be chained to the concrete throughout the entire proceedings.

I had planned my outfit carefully the night before, with the knowledge that I would be on my feet for possibly a couple of hours. I had a long sleeved black shirt that hugged my torso, but the neckline went straight across from shoulder to shoulder. My jeans were the darkest I could find, and I wore flat boots that came up to my knee and matched my shirt. I had my hair pulled back and braided down my back. My goal was to look elegant without struggling to look older than my age.

If I tried too hard they would eat me alive. But if I didn’t try at all, they would bury me. Its a precarious line to walk, but if I was going to walk it anyway, I might as well add some fancy footwork. So I picked out a spot on the side of the stage, out of sight, and waited until I was supposed to start.

While I waited I watched the people as they filed into the room and found their seats. Some of them were families, and they took up the majority. But a lot of them were also single males and females. When they picked their seats it became obvious which pack they belonged to. All of them just seemed to have an identifying mark that couldn’t be seen by humans. Asher told me that it was werewolf thing, to know if a wolf belonged to a pack and which one.

One family in particular caught my eye. The man was tall with sandy brown hair, wide shoulders and long legs. The woman had dark hair, though whether it was brown or black I couldn’t tell in the distance. She was a petite woman, but the way she held her shoulders pulled back and her head high, reminded me of someone.

Then I took in the girl at her side. Not a girl really, she looked like she could be anywhere from twenty to twenty three. But she held the same regality and smooth gait as her mother. It was the shape of her face that made me realize who they reminded me of. It might have been considered a smoother version of heart shaped. Her hair was several shades lighter than his, but I was willing to bet that she and Sadler had the same color eyes.

They must have been Sadler’s biological family. I couldn’t actually call them his family since they exiled him for no good reason other than greed. But I supposed biological would work.

It wasn’t long until I spotted him as well. There was a ring of men standing around the room, between the center and the seats. They were Drake’s enforcers, set in place in case anyone tried to commit any violence, and to restore order where needed. I noticed that he looked everywhere but at the family that gave him his looks.

But I managed to catch his eye and he gave me a small smile of acknowledgement. And after scanning the room once more, mouthed a ‘good luck’ at me. I smiled back at him and turned my attention to the doors.

The seats had filled completely and the doors opened to admit Tom along with four men. Three of them I recognized as Drake’s but the fourth I had never seen before. He took the podium as the three men secured Tom in his shackles, so I assumed he was the defense. I hadn’t recognized him because he was the beta to another pack.

But my focus was on the man I hoped would burn in hell. He had walked in like he was about to take part in a tea party in his honor. He even managed to appear calm and collected while they chained him to the floor. He wasn’t just confident, he was cocky. I hated him more and more by the minute.

When he was secured the three men took their places around the room, and everyone in the seats calmed down. Drake stood at the top podium and looked around the room, meeting this alpha’s eyes or that one’s. After the room was good and full of apprehension he began.

“Thomas Ryther, you have been summoned here to face charges you are believed to have committed,” he paused and Tom took the opportunity to speak.

“What charges do you have to bring against me, Alpha Drake?” the condescending tone he used towards his alpha caused a bit of a stir among the audience. But Drake leveled his gaze at him calmly and answered his question.

“I am not the one bringing charges against you, Tom,” the older man’s eyes widened in surprise and I detected a little bit of worry.

It had been kept as secret as possible that I was the one conducting this trial. Only members of Drake’s pack new and they were all explicitly ordered not to inform Tom. Almost none of them were happy about it. Drake was actually quite ashamed to admit that I had to stay in the house in case of a threat from members of his own pack.

It was actually through word of mouth amongst the females that brought me all of my witnesses. It was almost like black market talk. But I was beginning to learn that while the males were always dominant, the females had a society all their own. Beneath and out of sight from the males. Apart from the order to keep their mouths shut, that apparently didn’t pertain to pillow talk.

“Alpha Ailith Blackbourn will be prosecuting.” At the sound of my name I walked around the stage so the room could get a good look at me.

There were several feminine gasps, and many more masculine grumbles and complaints. I was told that generally a female did not hold a trial unless there was no one else to do it. Well, there wasn’t so here I was.

I would forever remember the look on Tom’s face when he laid eyes on me. The last he knew I was locked up safely going insane and slowly dieing. But to see me standing there in obvious good health and sanity made his face go pale, and he swallowed hard. His defense immediately leaned in to talk to him quietly.

By the time I reached my podium that faced him directly, he was calm and confident again. I fought the urge to lick my lips. It was time for me to start by listing the charges against him. But in order for my plan to work I needed to seem just as calm and confident as the distinguished doctor.

“Thomas Ryther, you are being charged with direct disobedience against your ruling alpha, as well as, the intent to cage and murder another alpha on his territory,” I had practiced this part, and the result was as I had expected. The room erupted.

Men were yelling their complaints and the demand to remove the charges. One of them was so loud that I was able to actually here what he said. That there was no reason to keep up this nonsense just to appease a little girl’s desire for drama. But no matter the insults they yelled at me. And no matter the smug smirk Tom gave me at his loud defense. I kept my expression calm and emotionless. It was something I had a lot of practice at in worse circumstances than this. At my non-reaction Tom’s smugness diminished. Finally, ordered was restored and the beta spoke.

“What evidence do you have to support these charges?” his demeanor was cold and professional. The way he held himself and the look he gave spoke of belief that I was lying.

“I have eighteen witnesses to the act itself. And four witnesses to his direct actions that led to that act,” my answer made him and everyone else stumble in their arguments. “I came to live with Alpha Drake and his family roughly eight weeks ago. I was injured upon arriving and the doctor was called. I was unaware of my being a werewolf at the time, and upon discovering it, Tom also realized that I was born a lone wolf.” I waited as whispers filled the room.

When quiet descended I continued. “It was later discovered that my father was a human and my mother was a wolf, which indicated that I was a half breed.” More whispers, then quiet. “Upon realizing these facts, Mr. Ryther advised Alpha Drake that I was unstable and would turn dangerous.” More interruptions, this time a rather loud voice yelled.

“Then you should have been taken care of! What is a dangerous wolf doing conducting this trial anyway?!” I waited until they all settled down again, giving no indication that I had even heard him. It was Sadler’s father who had made the statement. Much to my disgust I saw several others agree with him.

“He informed Alpha Drake, that I should be either terminated or locked away to ensure the safety of the pack.” There were several murmurs of agreement, and Tom looked at me with that smug look back in place. “Upon the advice of his pack doctor Alpha Drake locked me in a room for the span of four weeks. In that time I suffered major depression and suicidal thoughts. I injured myself trying to go through glass. I stopped eating and drinking, resulting in major malnutrition and dehydration.

“Upon urging from his family, Alpha Drake, decided to gain a second opinion to my condition.” Tom’s self satisfied look disappeared completely. “He brought in a doctor from a trusted ally. Who informed him of Mr. Ryther’s lie. He confirmed that I was not dangerous in anyway, nor was I unstable. Mr. Ryther intentionally lied to his alpha in order to have me falsely imprisoned and eventually driven to death. Whether by the order of Alpha Drake or my own hand.” There were several other protests, but the beta managed to get his statement in over the disruption.

“What proof do you have that his advice wasn’t given out of ignorance, and was a simple mistake?” I decided to ignore that he considered whether I had died or not as a simple mistake and continued.

“At the admission of the lie by the second doctor, Alpha Drake consulted three others who had no experience with my specific breeding. All three confirmed that it was common knowledge. There were no indications what so ever that I could be considered anything but a normal female.” With my answer hanging in the air several members of the audience mumbled to each other.

It wasn’t enough though. I had the proof, but that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t overturn me. Simply because they didn’t want to believe that he had done it intentionally. It was time to keep a promise and play my ace in the hole. Well, it was more like an entire deck.

“There are further charges that need to be acknowledged today.” The entire room went silent. Even Drake and his family looked at me with curiosity. From the corner of my eye I saw Sadler look at me with confusion. Tom just looked green. “Upon discovering, through the very tightlipped grapevine, that I was bringing charges against the doctor, several other young females came to me with their grievances. Would you all care to stand and join me on the floor?” There were a lot of murmuring at this.

It was unheard of for everyone that had a charge to file to stand on the floor together. It was also unheard of for twenty three young females to stand as one and make their way down. As each one of them joined me behind my podium, Tom swallowed and turned a little greener.

“There are twenty three girls standing with me today. They are not the all of them. I asked the youngest to stay with their families. You will know who they are when they are ready to tell you. Now, they wish to speak to you themselves, and tell you exactly what horrible crimes this man committed against them.” I stepped aside and Liz stepped up to the podium. All of the girls that were under the age of twelve were still with their families. I felt like they were too young to really handle this level of scrutiny, as they told everyone the most humiliating and traumatizing thing that could ever happen to them.

One by one they each described how Tom had brutalized them. How, starting when they were each eight years old, he would get them in a private room for a ‘check up’, and take advantage of them. Leaving them bruised and damaged, then telling them that if they ever tried telling anyone he would just say that they were lying. And they would believe him, because they were only females and he was a male. They told how he had made them feel like trash and less than what they were. How he had committed these acts repeatedly over the years.

Until finally we reached the last one. The one most effected by the heinous acts he had committed. Her name was Kiera and he had ruined her life more than the others, if that was even possible. He had started attacking her when she was eight just like the others. And continued until just a few months ago when she turned eighteen and could press charges against him in a human court for rape. This particular story hit the hardest, because Tom’s defense was her father.

“When I was sixteen he raped me, and I got pregnant. On my next appointment he realized and forced me to have an abortion. Told me that if I didn’t go along with it then he would see to it that I was forever shamed in my pack. He performed the abortion himself, refusing to give me painkillers, he refused to used sterilized tools. He rendered me unable to have children.

“Then after it was over, he went to my father and my alpha. Told them that he did an exam and there was concrete evidence that I had been pregnant and had an abortion in secret. My father disowned me, my alpha shamed me in front of my entire pack. And now I’m left to be a wolf with no rank and no family. I’m shunned by everyone I have ever cared about. Even friends I had had in school would have nothing to do with me. He ruined me,” her voice was strong and her eyes and cheeks were clear and dry. She had harbored a lot of hate for the man for a long time.

The beta that was defending Tom looked at his daughter as if seeing her for the first time. Then his face started turning red as he turned to the man he had been willing to defend. I glanced at Sadler and motioned for him to do something. Before the man lost his mind and killed Tom before his conviction could even begin.

Sadler nodded at me and three men came forward to detain the beta. It took all three of them to get him out of the room unharmed. All the while he was yelling at the top of his lungs. Some of the obscenities I had never even heard of before. When the room calmed down again I turned to the audience.

“I call for a vote. Who all believes that this man is guilty of the heinous crimes he has been charged with today?” My voice carried to each and every one of them, and Tom stood there shaking with fear. Then slowly one by one of all of the alpha females and males raised their hands into the air. It was decided, a hundred percent of the vote was for guilty.

I gestured to the man at the door and he disappeared only to reappear with a large trunk. When he set it down next to me, the room was so silent I could hear each individual breath.

“Thomas Ryther, you have been found guilty of attempted murder, rape, child molestation, child abuse, medical malpractice, and disobeying your alpha. As your prosecutor it is time that I dictated your punishment.” It was my turn to smirk, and he wasn’t as good at keeping himself emotionless as I was.

“First I would like to say that I believe the punishment should fit the crime. As I’m sure most would sentence you to death I have something better in mind. Death is too easy. Instead, you will be made to feel inferior to everyone here. You will be defenseless, weak, and you will feel the pain you administered to every girl you had ever attacked.

“Then you will be allowed to heal, before being caged for the duration of three weeks. You will be given food and water, but nothing else. Not so much as company will be allowed to you.

“And third, you fear lone wolves, believing that they should be put down on sight.” He took a hard swallow, and started breathing through his mouth. “I think it’s time you learned what it’s like to be one. After you have recovered from your caging you will be exiled.” I stopped to turn around and the entire room erupted in applause. It shocked me enough that I stopped to look around.

It wasn’t the entire audience. It was all of the females. Every last one of them was clapping for me, while the males were sitting there looking uncomfortable. Sure a couple of them looked on with approval, but not the vindication that the females seemed to feel. Of course, they were all males, and to watch a fellow male be made inferior would only remind them of their own tenuous hold on their domination. After all, it only takes one word to take away their control. ‘No’.

Finally, they settled down and I took in the audience again. There were families with small children sitting in the seats. This wasn’t something that they should have to see. So instead of opening the trunk I addressed them.

“I’ve decided that the beginning of his sentence will be held now, here. If anyone has any small children I suggest you take them outside. This isn’t really something that they should bare witness to.” Several of the elderly woman nodded at me in approval, and some of the young mothers picked their children up and took them out of the room.

While they were making their way out I turned to the girls that were still behind me. After I explained what I had planned, several of them nodded at me in appreciation and understanding. When the doors finally closed I let my voice carry again.

“As I said, the beginning will start here,” I turned to Tom, but let the audience hear my words. “You have been violating young girls for years. You made them scream and cry in pain. You made them bleed and kept going. It’s time they paid you in kind,” I turned to the girls and opened the trunk with a flip of my wrist. “Pick one,” and they did.

Each one grabbed a weapon. The younger ones tended to take baseball bats and clubs. The older ones who had faced his torture longer wanted to feel his bones break, and they grabbed the brass knuckles. After they each had what they wanted, without hesitation or instruction, lined up in single file, youngest first.

And then the violence started. One by one they took out all of the pain, humiliation, and fear that he had caused, and funneled it into their clubs and fists. Then directed it into him. The whole room watched as small twelve year old girls hit him over and over again in the legs and arms. Leaving his torso for the ones using their fists.

He was weeping after just the first one. I was sure she had broken at least one bone in his arm when he had tried to fend her off. Another girl aimed mostly for his back, the chains keeping him from being able to turn to get away from her. Then the older girls took their turns, punching and kicking him in the stomach, chest, and sides.

I was true to my word. He was defenseless, weak, and he felt pain. And I watched. I watched the entire thing, from beginning to end. I hated that something like this had been done. Hated that I was the one that ordered it. But it was no less than he had done to others, and those girls deserved their vindication.

Then, finally, we were on the last girl. It was Kiera and she pummeled him worse than any other. She had brass knuckles on her hands and her fists were covered in blood. But after a few minutes it looked like she wouldn’t stop. Couldn’t stop.

A couple of the enforcers started to step forward, but I waved them back, and stepped up to her myself. I laid a hand on her shoulder and she turned to me with fire blazing in her eyes. I looked back down at Tom and she did the same.

He was laying there, bloody and bruised. If he hadn’t been a wolf he would’ve been dead by now. But he was still breathing, if raggedly, with a rattling sound in his throat. He opened his eyes to stare up at me. It looked like he was begging me to just let her finish him off. But instead I spoke to her. Actually, I wasn’t sure which of them I spoke to. Regardless, the words fit for both of them.

“Death is too easy.” Kiera nodded and turned away to throw the brass knuckles back into the trunk with the rest of them. While Tom started to weep quietly.

At my signal two enforcers came and picked him up, while a third took his shackles off. There would be no trying to run for him. I was pretty sure both of his legs were broken. And besides, even if they weren’t he was too injured to do more than moan in pain. Which he did a lot of.

Once they had him on a stretcher and out of the room a low murmur picked up around the room. I looked around and they were all gathering their things to leave. That was it, no remorse, no horrified looks at what they had just witnessed. Nothing. And it made me sad. So sad that that measure of violence was committed against a man who was chained and unable to defend himself. Even if he had deserved it, there should have been at least a little display of disgust over what had just happened.

I turned away from the spot on the floor that was still covered in his blood and caught a sight that helped to warm my heart. Kiera was standing with her father in a far corner out of the way. He had his arms wrapped around her as she cried onto his shoulder. At least a girl could be reunited with her father. Some silver lining on this dark day.

“Hey.” I turned to see Asher standing unusually close to my right.

“Hey,” was my genius reply. He reached down and gently took my hand. His was large compared to mine, and it was warm and comforting.

“You were great today, really,” he said as he looked down at me softly all I could do was give him a small smile.

I turned to look around and caught sight of Sadler. He was standing by the door and it looked like he was about to leave. I felt myself perk up at seeing him, but he only gave me an encouraging smile, a nod of acknowledgment, and then walked out the door.








I watched her throughout the entire hearing. She had been magnificent. I had seen so many trials where the prosecutor lost their temper at the first insult. But she had kept that emotionless look that she was so good at throughout the entire thing.

The look of disgust as she watched everyone get up and start leaving was understandable. It wasn’t easy to accept that that kind of violence was considered everyday wolf life. And the sadness that accompanied that disgust made me realize just how kind she really was. Even though she had ordered that display, she still felt an aversion to it. That’s what made a good alpha. To hate the cruelty and pain that was sometimes necessary in life, but still be able to do what she had to do.

I just started towards her when Asher appeared. They spoke a few soft words and then he slipped his hand in hers. She didn’t pull away, she didn’t act like she was uncomfortable. She just smiled at him.

And that’s when I knew it was over. She had made her choice. It was all for the better really. She was young, well, younger than me. Asher was older than the two of us, but only by a year. And he had more to offer.

He could help her, would be able to give her more than me. He could make sure she was taken care of. Give her a family and surround her with people that love her. It was what was best.

When she caught sight of me, her eyes brightened like they always did. They brightened with friendship and caring. I didn’t want to give up on her. But instead of telling her that, or telling her anything, I smiled, nodded and left. Left her to a life that was better than I could ever provide. I truly wished her the best, and it tore me apart.

Part Two










New Life

Chapter 16





The first day of school. It has been almost two years since I’ve walked down the halls of a school. So really was like the very first day for me. But worse. I wasn’t five and a boy was just another kid. No I was a teenager and about to walk into a building just bursting with hormones. Catty girls and boys that almost literally only had one thing on their mind.

It’s been two weeks since the hearing and in that time I’ve been exploring my new stronger senses. It turns out that werewolves can smell a human’s hormones. If they’re sad, angry, jealous, happy, or even attracted to someone I can smell it. Some scents are more pleasant than others, but it really just sucked all the way around. Luckily a werewolf can’t smell another werewolf, so at home it was back to plain old guessing, and it was bliss. Too many smells at once can give you a headache.

I looked at my schedule and sighed. I had gotten lucky though. I had finished all of the mandatory freshman and sophomore classes before my father pulled me out of school. So I got to choose my classes based on what credit category I wanted to focus on. Except for one hour. It would normally be a free period, but I had, had a long conversation with Drake several nights before. I wanted to learn an instrument, more specifically I wanted to learn to play the violin. It was my favorite sound with the rare exception of a particularly talented voice. But that class didn’t have a teacher listed next to it, all it had was where I was supposed to go.

But my first hour was algebra two and I was running late, so I took a deep breath and walked in the front door. Finding my way to class was easy, I still remembered the tour from several weeks earlier. And as I suspected I was late. After a very embarrassing moment of the teacher fumbling a little with my name, and a short admonishment about being on time, she let me sit down.

There was only one empty seat but yet again I got lucky. It was in the back corner next to a window, behind everyone. I realized not too long ago that I have a serious issue with crowds. I couldn’t stand anyone being behind me and if I was forced to stay in a crowded area I had to be close to an exit. As exits go a window wasn’t exactly optimum but it would do in a pinch.

There was another awkward moment when the teacher was trying to get me a text book. She kind of struck me as a bit clumsy and socially awkward, but then she got back to her lecture and all of it kind of melted away. Math was her element even if people weren’t.

About five minutes into the lecture I felt someone staring at me. I looked to the left and spotted him almost immediately. It was almost impossible not to, he was sitting right next to me. I hadn’t really even paid attention to who I was sitting next to, I just wanted to get away from the front of the room.

He reminded me of Asher and Sadler. The same dark look with his features except he had a strong Romanian nose and his dark hair was cut short instead of kept long. His eyes were a deep shade of brown and filled with curiosity. Another difference between him and the two men was that they tended to wear dark clothes but weren’t considered ’gothic’. This boy couldn’t be considered anything but Goth.

His t-shirt was covered in one large skull. And he sported red and black cargo pants with combat boots. Still he reminded me of someone else, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on who.

I managed to get through my next two classes without any embarrassing incidents. And then I got to my fourth class. I had tried to just pick up where I had left off. Which meant choir. Every school handled their music department differently. But most of them usually had it set up so that it was a class to take to get an easy credit.

From what I was told by the other students I lived with, this was one of those classes. Or at least in theory it is. I also heard that the choir director did her best to actually make you improve yourself and put effort into the music.

No, what I was nervous about was that it had been about two years since I had actually sang. It was punishable by the whip at the Other’s house. And it had been so long that I didn’t sing around Drake and Becca’s house. I was willing to bet that I was rusty. So yet again I had to take a deep breath before opening the door.

I had to give it to them, they did a really good job in sound proofing the room. All I could hear on the outside of the room was silence. But as soon as I stepped in there was noise everywhere.

There had to be at least thirty students in there. All of them were separated into different groups doing their own thing. Not far from the door was a group of girls singing ‘Royals’ by Lorde. And they were amazing. On the other side of the room there were about six people, all messing around with the typical instruments. And in between all of them were various groups just sitting and talking.

The director sat at the front of the room watching all of them goof off. She didn’t seem upset, but amused. Even somewhat entertained. She was younger than I expected. Maybe in her late twenties. She had hair the color of straw, and from where I was standing her eyes looked to be a mix between brown and green. Then she looked right at me and called the class to a halt.

After everyone was seated she gestured me forward. Holding her hand out for my piece of paper that she was supposed to sign. I felt the eyes of everyone in the room. And smelled the arousal of several of the human guys. It was a sickly sweet smell that made me want to vomit when there were so many of them.

“Ah, yes, Miss Blackbourn. We’ve been waiting for you,” she smiled to take any sting from her words and I smiled back.

“I’m sorry, I got a little lost.”

“It happens. So are you soprano or alto?”

“Um, my last teacher put me in soprano,” I answered awkwardly. My last choir director actually put me right next to the guys on the soprano side. She said it was because I had a better control of my pitch and could go high or low.

“Alright, why don’t you sit over there next to Jacob.” It wasn’t a question so I turned around to try to figure out who Jacob was. Turned out the guy who gave me the half wave pointing me to my seat was the goth guy from my first class.

I sat down, dropped my bag on the floor next to my chair and waited for the new wave of hormones to pass. I really didn’t know why that kept popping up. There were so many skinny, aropostle wearing, bottle blondes in the room. I almost choked on the excess fumes from their last dye job. All I was wearing was one of my long sleeved black shirts, jeans, and some knee high flat boots that Lori had bought me while I was locked up.

My hair was in it’s usual braid and I looked just as uninteresting as always. I must have flinched from the oncoming scents because Jacob leaned over to whisper to me.

“Don’t worry, you get used to it.” I looked at him sharply and then realized that the only scent I caught from him was his own natural smell. He must have been a wolf. So I answered.

“That both relieves and terrifies me.” He chuckled lightly, offering me his hand.

“Jake.” I took his hand slowly. It was the first contact I’d had with someone other than my adopted family since I left the Others. And even then it was more just Lori, Katie, and the occasional touch from Asher. He hadn’t done more than hold my hand after the trial. Mostly for emotional support.

“Ailith.” He looked like he wanted to say more, but the teacher called for everyone’s attention.

The hour passed quickly, except for when I realized that Asher’s ex girlfriend, Christine sat a couple of rows behind me. Other than a few unintelligent jokes at my expense the class passed fairly quickly. With the same old music sheets that were on the contest lists. I even knew a couple of them. I had forgotten how frustrating the mandatory music was. But I was grateful to be able to sing them again.

After choir was lunch, and then it was for my first violin lesson. I got lost again. I had no idea where this room was, and I had to actually stop by the office to ask for directions. Turned out that it was a room just off the music room. The door leading inside was actually in the music room. When I finally got there I prepared myself for a sharp admonishment from the teacher for being so late.

I opened the door quietly, hoping to maybe skip the disciplinary part of the class. The room was small, fitting only some shelves, a grand piano, a chair and a sheet music podium. The lights were dim, making it seem more personal and focused. There was one window on the far wall with dark drapes, only allowing so much light into the room. It looked like it used to be a large closet.

“Your late!” a snap came from behind me, on the side of the door I hadn’t investigated yet. I spun only to see a broad back as the man was bent over messing with something.










Another brand new student, apparently this one hadn’t even touched the instrument. A sigh of frustration escaped me as I realized she was five minutes late. I didn’t know her name yet, I’d only been told that my fifth hour had been filled. So when she walked in, I didn’t bother turning to look. I only snapped at her due to the frustration of the day to day routine that I had come to expect. But her scent hit me right before her voice did.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, I got lost.” I’d forgotten how soft her voice was. I spun, needing to see for myself, half hoping that I was imagining things.

But there she stood, her head barely clearing my shoulder. Her dark eyes were still rimmed with silver, her hair still in that long braid. She wore a simple long sleeved black shirt that went straight from shoulder to shoulder. Her jeans fit her perfectly as they hugged her waist and hips leading down her legs, where they were hidden underneath knee high flat boots.

Her elegant hand gripped the strap to her bag as the other one slipped slightly into her front pocket. She looked just as she had a month ago, the last time I saw her. And she didn’t even realize who I was, she was looking everywhere but at me. It didn’t look like she had gotten the hang of distinguishing individual scents yet.

“It’s alright, I understand.” As soon as I used my ordinary tone her eyes snapped to me. A small movement played at the corners of her lips, as though she wanted to smile. A look of uncertainty crossed her features, but was gone before I could address it.

“I forgot you worked here,” she said with a small uneasy chuckle.

“Ouch,” I mumbled and a gleam of amusement appeared in her eyes. “Well, now that you’ve been reminded how about we get started?” At her nod I directed her to the chair sitting in the middle of the small room.

We spent the next hour simply going over the chords and the proper way to care for the violin. By the next day we were able to move to the first exercises. And by the end of the week I was teaching her, her first song.

She learned unbelievably fast. Almost as though she had already known how to play, of course, I knew that wasn’t the case. But none the less it was remarkable. I had never had a more focused student. Which was what I had told Drake when he called me that weekend to check up on her.

I was starting to slide back into old habits. Over the month that I had had no contact with her I had stopped thinking about her so much. I was rather proud of the fact that I only thought about her once or twice a day instead of every waking moment.

But spending an hour every day shut up in a room with her. It reminded me of the way she needed very little words to convey what she meant. The way she would become so focused on something that the world seemed to disappear around her. Even the way that her brows would furrow every time she thought that she had done less than perfect.

Everyday her scent enveloped me for an hour that felt simultaneously like eternity and a mere second. It was like I was drowning in it when she was there and yet I needed it once it was gone. The intensity that was her left me breathless and not wanting it any other way.

After that first week Drake asked me to keep an eye on her. Apparently, she was coming home late, and not telling anyone where she had been or what she was doing. Though she would call to let them know that she would be late, and therefore not breaking any rules, they worried about her. I asked why Asher didn’t do it. He said that Asher was too hot headed, more likely to drag her home rather than just report her whereabouts and activities. I didn’t complain.

Instead I watched. I watched as she drove up to the school, in the car that Drake had bought specifically for her. I watched as she met up with a small group of other students. Only one that I recognized. Jacob, Christine’s twin brother. I also watched as she sat in choir, bored from the looks of it.

And then that night I followed her to a bar, where she met Jacob and a couple of other students. I made sure not to draw attention to myself as I sat at a back table. Instead of sitting with anyone she walked behind the bar. When she put on an apron and started delivering food and drinks, it became very apparent why she didn’t come home until late.

She was working. Why she didn’t want any of her adopted family to know was beyond me, though I had no doubt that she had her reasons. Unfortunately, I was under orders, and yet again I was going to have to work against her. So I left before she realized I was there.











I walked into the kitchen and tossed my keys on the counter before I realized that there was a group sitting at the table. Aden, Asher, Drake, Becca, and Adrian were all seated at the table. It looked a lot like an intervention, though the looks of anger instead of compassion gave me a pretty good hint that it wasn’t.

“Sit down, Ailith,” Drake rumbled and I leaned against the counter. I caught Sadler’s scent and turned to see him leaning in the doorway. His expression was guilt ridden, and he wouldn’t look at me.

“I think I’d rather stand.”

“Very well. We can do this either way,” his tone was reasonable, however it was Becca that snapped.

“How could you?!” her eyes flared, and I felt like I was walking on egg shells, but I didn’t know what she was talking about.

“How could I what?” I asked, unnerved.

“Go to that place with that boy!” Now I was really confused.

“I’m not entirely sure what’s going on,” I said carefully.

“Sadler followed you, Ailith. We know you’ve been spending your nights at a bar with Jacob Wilt,” Asher answered, his voice low, a hint of something I couldn’t quite catch in his tone.

It wasn’t entirely true. Sure I’ve been working there three nights a week. But the other four were spent either at my combat lessons, which no one knew about. Or dance practice, which everyone knew about. So far only one was going well, and it wasn’t combat.

“Then I’m sure he told you that I was working with Jacob,” I couldn’t help the cutting tone in my voice. They were acting like I was out drinking and robbing banks.

“We don’t agree with you working. Especially, if you feel the need to hide it,” Drake was the one that spoke, so I turned my attention to him.

“You don’t agree with me working which is exactly why I hid it from you.” I wouldn’t have if they hadn’t already scoffed at Jen.

She had asked for some money to get some things, something about trying her hand at making her own clothes. She had gotten the whole, ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees,’ lecture. So she volunteered to get a job to pay for her desired pass time. They had said no, that other people who actually need jobs should be the ones to get them. That the economy was bad enough. Their kids didn’t need to be taking away valuable jobs from people who actually needed the money.

“We don’t want you spending time with that boy either,” Becca hissed.

“His name is Jacob, and why not?” I asked, fully frustrated with the entire conversation.

“We know that Jake has been getting involved with some unsavory characters,” Drake answered, doing his best to keep from being insulting.

I was just really confused. Jake worked five nights a week to keep from having to go home. The only people he ever talked about were his friends, and I knew them. None of them were unsavory. In fact, Jane, Vicky, Patrick, and Seth were all really nice. Jane and Seth were goth so they wore some unusual clothes sometimes But Vicky and Patrick were almost like your good old fashioned American teenagers. Vicky could probably pose for Teen magazine with her red hair and skinny as a board body.

“Unsavory?” I asked, hoping they could clarify. The five of them were in a band together, but other than that they did their homework just as often as any other teenager.

“Drug pushers,” Adrian said abruptly before anyone else could sugarcoat it.

That’s what I liked about Adrian. He knew when to be upfront with me, all while having my best interests at heart. It was almost like he’d made it his life’s work to look out for me. Even if he wouldn’t have been able to handle being my confidant. But at his words I almost laughed.

“They are not drug pushers.” The incredulity obvious in my voice. Earning me a stern look from both Asher and Drake, and an exasperated one Adrian and Becca. At this point I didn’t even know why Aden and Sadler were even there. Neither one had said anything so far and Sadler had just been watching.

“Ailith, sometimes people have sides to themselves that are hard to see. That they keep hidden. And most of the time no one even knows it exists until they’re faced with it head on,” Drake gently said. It was as though he was being careful with what he said so that he didn’t upset me. And it upset me.

“Believe me, Drake. I know all about hidden agendas.” He blanched at my words, but I kept going. “I think you’re forgetting that I’ve actually spent time with these people. I may not know everything about them, but I do know the big things. Like how they spend their time, and how they make their money.” With effort I kept my tone even as I asked my own question. “How are you even getting this?”

“It’s all over town, Ailith. Everyone can’t be wrong.” I felt my eyebrows climb as Asher finished his last sentence. Then I felt an ironic laugh make it’s way out of my throat.

“So a pack of werewolves are choosing to believe a rumor?”

“You don’t know the history of that family, Ailith,” Adrian mumbled, doing his best to keep his eyes on mine.

“No I don’t, and I don’t need too. All I need to know is what I can see. And I can see that they are good people, and I count them as my friends,” I answered, he lowered his head, apparently deciding to drop it.

“It doesn’t change the fact that you went out and got a job without telling us,” Becca snapped.

“Yes, I got a job, no I didn’t tell you,” I answered with no small amount of exasperation. I was really just tired. I had gotten up at seven that morning, went to school, and then worked a full eight hours. The next day I had school, combat lessons, and another four hours of work ahead of me.

“We do not condone our household to work when they don’t have the need,” she replied, as though taking an authoritative tone would work any better than anger. Maybe I had a problem with authority.

“I’m not quitting. I appreciate what all of you are willing to do for me. But I need you to understand that I have to do for myself. I can’t rely on all of you all the time.”

“What are you afraid of? That we’ll force you to do things you’re not willing to? Because if that’s the case then tell us what we need to do to prove to you that we don’t mean you any ill will,” Drake responded with so much guilt and compassion that I softened.

“I don’t need any proof. I know you don’t want to do anything to hinder me. But I have to be able to take care of myself. And that means making my own money.”

“Then at least get a different job. I’m sure the supermarket is hiring. Or maybe the mall?” Becca asked, her eyes were watery, and I wondered why she felt so strongly about her family not having to work.

“No one else will pay as well. I make enough at the bar to pay for my own living, plus some.”

“Why do you need so much money?” Asher asked, dumbfounded.

“Is it for college? Because we already told you that we’d pay for it,” Drake immediately followed.

“I know you did. And I’m grateful, really. But do you want me to live with you forever? Even if you do pay for my school, what about my living expenses? So you want to pay for my rent and everything else that comes with it? I’m saving up just in case. There’s no telling what might happen in the future and I need to be prepared.”

“Oh! Nothing is going to happen! We’re not going to kick you out or force you into slavery. We’ve been nothing but good to you! And we expect your obedience in return. You’re going to quit that horrid job, and stop spending time with those trouble making kids!” Becca seemed to have gotten her anger back.

“No, I’m not. I’m not going to quit a job that I can keep for as long as I need. I’m not going to let you pay my way for me for the rest of my life. And I’m not going to give up my friends. You have done a lot for me and the girls. I am grateful, and I respect you, but I cannot let you dictate my life.” On that lovely note I left the kitchen, making my way up to my room, and my bed. I got about halfway up the stairs when I felt a gentle hand on my arm. I turned to stare right into Sadler’s eyes.

“Ailith, look, I’m sorry. I didn’t want…,” I cut him off with a small smile.

“It’s fine, I understand. You were just doing what you had to do.” He returned my smile and gave my arm a gentle squeeze, before turning around and leaving the house. Leaving me feeling very alone as I laid down on my bed.

I wasn’t alone for very long. Asher tapped on the slightly open door about five minutes later. I hadn’t even bothered to change my clothes so I just waived him in. He stepped inside, knowing not to close the door, and sat down on the edge of my bed. I moved up to the headboard and pulled my knees up to my chest.

“Can I ask you something?” his voice was soft, as though he were afraid of making me angry. At my nod he spoke again. “Why are you so determined to work when you don’t have to?” I took a deep breath and watched him pick at my blanket for a moment.

“I don’t really expect you to understand.” His eyes snapped to mine, barely concealing a small bit of anger. Though it was gone almost immediately it had definitely been there.

“I’m sure I can keep up,” to his credit he hid that anger very well.

“You’ve lived a good life, Asher. You’ve had supportive parents, who say they care about you and mean it. You’ve had the freedom to come and go as you please. To see whoever you want, do whatever you want within reason. With the knowledge that no matter what you do your family will still care about you. I’ve had my life scheduled and timed down to the minute for almost eight years. Where the consequences weren’t worth the deviation. My life has been dictated for me for a long time.

“I don’t want to feel like having a normal life is a privilege. Given to me by someone else. I can’t live a life where all of the good things in it are only mine because someone else has allowed it to me. I need to be free to make my own choices. To make my life my own.” He kept my gaze for several moments, until finally he went back to picking at my blanket.

“And Jacob, is he your choice as well?” I gazed at him in confusion.

“Jacob is a good person. A good friend, for as short a time as I’ve known him.” His eyes met mine again.

“How good of a friend is he?”

“I’m not sure what you’re asking, Asher.” The intensity in his gaze had me swallowing hard, and breathing started to get difficult.

Then I realize that he had somehow moved closer without my noticing. Until he was so close that our breath mingled. The only thing separating us were my legs that were still pressed to my chest. His eyes stayed glued to mine as his hand traveled up my arm, settling where my shoulder met my neck. His hands were big enough that I felt his thumb caress my cheek. All that was left was just a few inches.

Until finally, his lips met mine. I don’t know what possessed me to let him kiss me. I barely knew him really. But then I was kissing him back. My hands made their own way up to his shoulders, and into his hair. He was warm and intense, and by the time we pulled apart our breathing was ragged. He caressed my cheek one last time as I pulled my hands back to rest on my pillows.

“I guess I have my answer,” he mumbled before standing and making his way to my door. He gave me a small smile, as he left me to sit alone on my bed, not even remotely sure about what had just happened. Or what it meant.

Chapter 17






I closed the door, making sure not to close it completely, before my smile could get any bigger. She just sat there staring at me, not saying a word. I was hoping to knock her off balance, and it would seem that I succeeded.

Now I only had to keep her off balance. She would get used to being taken care of. All I had to do was keep showering her with kisses and whispering in her ear. Eventually she’ll quite that job and toss Wilt to the curb. She still had a lot to learn about pack etiquette. I almost looked forward to teaching her.

I didn’t miss her little exchange with Sadler though. He may prove to be a problem, which wouldn’t be unusual. I had known that they had grown close during her time locked in her room. But I didn’t think it would come to a point that he would apologize for following orders. Or that she would be understanding when he had ratted her out.

I can only hope that he continues to stay out of her life. He hadn’t even come by to say high to her since before the trial. I wasn’t too worried though. She would be too preoccupied with me, and he knew whose territory he was on.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t accounted for her lack of time. She kept working and staying after school. I barely saw her except for the rare occasion that she had a morning off. But then I only had a few hours to spend with her before she was off doing something else.










Three days. It’s been three days since that kiss, and I haven’t had a chance to ask him about it. Every time I got the chance to see him we usually just sat around talking. And it wasn’t even about anything important.

We didn’t talk about my past, neither one of us wanting to bring it up. It was mostly just about everyday life. Since I didn’t have to hide working, I was able to tell a few funny stories about this customer or that. Of course, I didn’t tell him that I made nearly three hundred dollars a night. Partly from my actual paycheck, but mostly from the drunk customers who were primarily men.

Dance practice didn’t change, we still worked on the regular routines. But I did learn just how bad the cheerleader and dance team rivalry was. Most of the girls on the dance team were human, so the few of us that weren’t had superior control. Making the stunts that much more important.

We performed during basketball games while the cheerleaders performed during football. It seemed like a good arrangement. We get the floor, they get the field. But it turned out that they wanted both. They had apparently petitioned the school board to get rid of the dance team a few times. But the team had gone to state too many times for it to go through.

And guess who the captain of the cheerleading squad was. Christine Wilt. Jacob’s twin sister and Asher’s most recent ex. She started targeting me just as avidly as she targeted Stacey. The captain of the dance team. But I wasn’t as quick to rise to the occasion as Stacey was. She was a little put out because I sat with Jake and the rest of his friends at lunch instead of the team. But since I was one of their strongest she didn’t complain too much.

But all of that aside, including Asher, I was having some issues. Mostly in my combat lessons. Bastion was the head trainer. I was told that he was the best, and he was who was conducting my private lessons. By lessons I mean he knocked me on my ass repeatedly while I didn’t even raise my fists. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. Every time he would come at me I would freeze. Bracing for the blow instead of fighting back.

It was bad enough that he said tonight was my last lesson if I couldn’t get past whatever was hindering me. He had already told Drake as much. So when I walked into the gym with my empty envelope addressed to Bastion in Drake’s handwriting, my hands were shaking. The envelope was my excuse for being there. If anyone asked I was to tell them that I was delivering orders. Apparently, that wasn’t too uncommon.

That is until I literally bumped into Sadler. I walked right into his back because I was watching the floor instead of where I was going. He spun around only to freeze when he saw me.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” he asked, a slight amount of concern in his tone, if not in his expression. I waived the envelope a little.

“Delivering a letter for Drake.” His brows rose, but he only nodded as he moved out of my way. I didn’t bother saying anything. The less I said the less anyone else had to go on. Instead I made my way back to the private training room.

Bastion stood in the middle of the floor, his impossibly wide shoulders were pulled back, his arms thicker than my thighs, and crossed over his chest. His hair was a dark brown with speckles of grey scattered throughout. His icy grey eyes held a penetrating look as though he could run you through with a simple look.

A scar ran from the corner of his eye all the down to his chin. He was a pretty scary looking guy, with his strength and demeanor, it was no wonder why he was Drake’s second in command. And trained every male in the pack that chose to be an enforcer.

“Are you ready?” his deep baritone vibrated through the room. It wasn’t as big as the gym downstairs. That was the main training room, where everyone was trained. This one was chosen for me because there were no windows and the door could be locked. I stepped up in front of him, squaring my shoulders, and gave him a nod. He seemed to like that I wasn’t that talkative.

But instead of squaring off with me, like he usually did, six men walked in through the back door, that led to an old office. They were all dressed identically, wife beaters and cargo pants. I also knew all of them. They were Drake’s closest enforcers and all of them had brought me a meal at one time or another during my incarceration.

Alexander, Dalton, Justin, Jacob, Macon, and Nevin, every last one of them were at least twice my size. And all of them surrounded me. I looked back to Bastion, his eyes met mine with cold indifference. My breathing picked up, dread made my stomach tighten. The hair on the back of my neck was standing on end, and for the first time in my life I wanted to run.

I hoped that he might give me an explanation. But all he did was look directly into my eyes and bark two words. “Break her.” I didn’t even have time to brace myself.

I took a kick to the stomach, and dropped to the floor. Fists connected with every part of my body that they could reach. I did what I could to protect my head and stomach, kneeling in the fetal position. But that wasn’t good enough for them. I was grabbed by the back of my shirt and thrown into a nearby wall. I slid down, barely able to breath.

In the few seconds it took them to reach me, I managed to stumble to my feet. Using the wall to keep on my feet. Until I took a punch to the stomach. I doubled over trying to draw a breath. But they kept going, until I coughed up blood and fell to my knees. So far I had managed to keep silent. But this was by far the worst beating I had taken in my life.

My hand was flat on the floor while the other cradled my bruising stomach. I felt them back off, giving me a chance to get my bearings.

“I didn’t tell you to stop!” Bastion yelled. But one of them, Dalton, spoke up.

“She’s done, Bastion.” I looked up, right into Bastion’s eyes. I did my best to stay calm, but I was seething. He sent six full grown, fully trained men after me. Without so much as a warning. He set me up.

“No, she’s not. Keep going.” They continued to protest, but stopped abruptly as I started to get to my feet. Silence filled the room, making my heavy breathing the only sound in the room. I looked up from under my lashes, as every muscle in my body screamed. All of the men, with the exception of Bastion, looked at me like I was either crazy or unnatural. Both were probably correct. But I didn’t care, about anything, my mind was completely blank.

One of them pulled back and aimed a fist at my chest. But somehow, I caught it, twisting in the last second to hit him across the face with the back of my upper arm and elbow. He fell back and another took his place. This time I didn’t catch the blow, instead I blocked it, and retaliated with a punch to the solar plex.

When he doubled over I kneed him in the face, sending him back to a standing position. Then punched him in the jaw, sending him to the floor.

Once those two gained their feet again, they all regrouped. Allowing me to get away from the wall. They surrounded me again, this time taking it seriously. They were all fully trained, with years of experience on me. There was no way I could win. It just wasn’t a possibility.

But I could sure as hell deal some damage in the process. And I did, but when I hit the floor again, thanks to one of them sweeping my legs out from under me, Bastion called a halt.

I just laid there for a few minutes, on my stomach. Letting the cold floor cool my heated face, and just breathing. Until a hand entered my line of sight. I took it without thought and as he pulled me to my feet, I immediately regretted it. My body was on fire. Everything hurt and it was a trial just to take a deep breath. I doubled over almost instantly. A few seconds later I was eased down into a chair.

I was still leaning forward when Bastion crouched down in front of me. I should have been angry at him. Hell, I should have wanted his head. But I was drained, feeling nothing but exhaustion.

“Sometimes, we have to break through the walls before we can learn from the experiences that led to their construction. I had to find a way to strip you down to your basest form so you could escape the prison of your own making.

“I’m sorry it came to this, but I’m not sorry for my actions. You have so much potential. I saw it the first time I laid eyes on you. You had this look that said one day you will be great. Now…I can help you become better than great. Now, you can be the best,” his gaze never left mine throughout his entire speech. And when he was done I gave him a nod to express my understanding, and then he was gone, replaced by a bottle of water. I looked up at Dalton and took it with another nod of gratitude.

“I’ve never seen anyone take a beating like that and get back up. I don’t know if you’re insane or just that damn good. Either way, if anything ever goes down, I’m on your side.” I swallowed half the bottle while he was talking, and when he was done I gave a slight chuckle which hurt like hell. He answered me with a grin.

“You’ve got a hell of right hook,” Macon said as he rubbed his jaw and grimaced. He was the one that I kneed in the face. He had a black eye forming but he smiled down at me all the same.

“Imagine what she’ll be like after she gets some training,” Nevin put in and all of them had a good chuckle. All I could do was smile and take another drink.

“Seriously though, respect,” Justin said, holding out his fist. I met his with mine and nodded my thanks. I just didn’t know if my vocal chords would work properly yet. Finally, Alex and Jacob popped up with a large first aid kit. The first thing they did was wrap my hands. Both of which were bruised and bloody, and they had to put two of my knuckles back into place.

They couldn’t decide what to do with my torso, I was bruised all over. So they settled on wrapping my ribs, just in case any of them were broken instead of just bruised. They had all steered clear of my face, which was probably so my current state of health wouldn’t be too obvious. I ended up having to borrow a loose fitting t-shirt from one of them. Mine was torn and soaked in blood. Plus, it was form fitting and the bandages would have shown through.

Oddly enough I didn’t mind any of them seeing me without a shirt on. It wouldn’t have mattered in any case. I couldn’t change it without their help. And they didn’t seem to really notice anyway. They were really just acting like I was one of the guys.

I didn’t know that Sadler was standing in the doorway, watching. And had been there the entire time. If I had known, the look of contemplation on his face probably would have made me nervous. But he didn’t make himself known. And he left right before I walked out, got in my car, and drove home.

That night at dinner, which I didn’t have to cook, everyone noticed my bandaged hands and stiff movements. Drake gave me a knowing look, a gleam of pride in his eyes as I’m sure Bastion called him right after I had left. But I told them I had fallen during dance practice, and that seemed to satisfy most of them. Well, the females and younger males anyway.

Asher and Adrian looked doubtful. Then again. They had gone through the same training. They knew what combat injuries looked like. But none of them pressed the issue, so I was content to act like they believed me. It was just simpler at the moment.

The next day I was completely healed. I had never seen anything so miraculous as I unwrapped all of my bandages before getting in the shower. There wasn’t a single scar or mark on me, aside from the ones that still riddled my back. But I’d grown used to those.

Unfortunately the healing had come with a price. I had slept until noon. It was the weekend so I wasn’t worried about school, and I had the day off from work. Bastion had told me that I didn’t have to have another lesson until the following week. I was free for the entire day. So I made the last second decision to use my Jacuzzi tub instead of the shower for a change.

By the time I was done, I was relaxed and content. I had just finished dressing when there was a light tap on my door. I called for who ever it was to enter, and Asher stepped into the room.

“Good afternoon,” his voice was soft and filled with enough sarcasm to choke a bear. So I smiled at him.

“I know I slept late, I guess I was a bit worn out.”

“You have been busy. Which is why I thought this might a good time to entice you into taking a day off?” he asked, leaning against the wall.

“What did you have in mind?” It seemed silly, but I felt a rush of excitement.

“Do you trust me?” I felt my smile disappear, all I could do was blink for a moment. My mind had gone blank. It was such a loaded question even though he meant it in jest. It was impossible for me to take it as such. “Dumb question. What I meant was are you willing to let me surprise you?” he amended and I felt my shoulders relax. My blank stare was replaced by a small smile.

“Sure.” He nodded his head towards the door and walked out. I grabbed a light leather jacket, a gift from Drake, and followed him out. And then followed him out to his car, which still made me drool a little. Though he still hadn’t let me drive it again.

By the time we reached our destination it was almost three. The sun was out, warming the afternoon air just enough to take the majority of the chill from the air. So I left my jacket in the car as he got something out of the trunk.

The scenery was beautiful, and fall was well underway. We were in a clearing surrounded by trees and bushes that were well into their color change. The grass was still that vibrant green thanks to the occasional shower, and the soft ground rolled into a small hill that ended in a sheer cliff.

I stood at the edge and looked down. At the bottom there was what looked like a shallow river. If anyone tried to jump into the water they wouldn’t make it back to the surface. At least not alive.

“Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come eat?” Asher asked from back at the top of the hill. I turned to look at him, but he was sitting on the ground.

Well, he was sitting on a blanket anyway. Scattered next to him was a wide arrangement of food. He had everything, from fried chicken to chocolate éclairs. It was a feast, and I was starving.

About halfway through he made the joke about me eating like a pig. So I smashed a piece of devil’s food cake in his face. He sat there silently for a few seconds while he blinked. Trying to remove the icing from his eyes with dignity. As he began to wipe the sweet stuff away he started to growl.

At first it was just a low rumbling deep in his chest. But as the moments ticked by it got louder and louder, until a flock of birds erupted from the trees. The entire time I sat there watching him, struggling to hold in a smile. I lost the struggle just before he lunged for me. I jumped up laughing and took off in the direction of the trees. The clearing was huge with plenty of room to run.

I had no doubt that he would eventually catch me. He was stronger, in better shape, with far more training under his belt. But even then I didn’t run as quickly as I could have. I wanted him to catch me. So when his arm went around my waist, I was already braced to hit the ground. I was laughing when he pinned me to the grass, and used his free hand to tickle my side.

When I had laughed so hard my chest felt like it was on fire, and I was begging to be released, he let me go. Only to smear the left over chocolate all over my cheek. I groaned as I tried to wipe it away, and he helped me to my feet.

But I couldn’t help the chuckle that wouldn’t stop as we made our way back to our blanket. It felt so good to laugh and have real fun. I had forgotten how freeing it was. We plopped back down on the ground and started to pile all of the uneaten food back into the basket he had brought.

It was almost six and the sun was setting. We had laid back on the ground to watch the stars appear. It was peaceful, and beautiful, it had a calming effect that I had never experienced before.

When the moon had risen, and glowed right above us, he raised himself up on his side. He gazed down at me, his grey eyes reflecting the moon light.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” his voice was low, almost a whisper or murmur.

“Yes, today was great. I don’t remember the last time I’d had this much fun.”

“Good, because I was hoping that I could count this as our first date,” his tone never changed, but my eyes snapped to his on the last word.

“I’m not like the girls you normally date,” I answered, thinking of Christine. His expression turned somber but he nodded.

“I know, that’s why I wanted to try. I like you, Ailith. I have ever since I saw you standing in my kitchen. Christine was just a way to pass the time.” I opened my mouth to explain just how screwed up that sounded, but he talked over me. “I know, that’s sounds bad, but it’s true. She can be really sweet when she wants to be, but she’s not really relationship material. I know you are. You’re serious, intelligent, resourceful, stubborn, beautiful, kind, everything that I didn’t even know that I liked. But I know now, and I would kind of like to give it a try, if you’re willing?” he asked.

I took a deep breath, trying to clear my head and truly think about what he was asking. But it was difficult with him laying so close to me. I could feel the heat coming off of him, and smell his body wash and cologne mixed in with his natural scent. I wanted to ask for more time to think about it.

I mean, I liked him well enough. I was certainly attracted to him. He made me laugh, and I had fun when I was around him. Like shoving a piece of cake in someone’s face, or let them chase me around a clearing out in the middle of no where. But what came out was…


A couple of hours later we walked into the kitchen. Jen seemed to be arguing with Drake about something. Camilla was just sitting in the corner with a notebook in her lap. She seemed to be oblivious to the world.

Adrian, Aden, Aaron, Dalton, Macon, and Nevin were all seated around the table playing their almost nightly game of poker. Bailey sat at the end of the table hanging on every word any of them spoke. He was a rambunctious thirteen year old. But if you paid attention you could tell that all he really wanted was to be like the enforcers, family or not.

What caught my attention the most was Lori. She was standing next to Jen, arguing just as hotly as the other girl. It looked like she was backing her up on something. I’d never seen her step up so strongly. Whatever she was arguing about I hoped she won. It would be good for her.

Dalton, Macon, and Nevin gave me a discreet nod of acknowledgement before directing their attention back to their game. Asher moved to sit down with them as their hand ended and they began another one. I was still too wired to go up to my room for the night so instead I sat down next to Camilla.

The notebook on her lap wasn’t actually a notebook, it was a sketchpad. The scene she was sketching was absolutely gorgeous. It depicted a wooded area illuminated by the full moon casting the trees in a luminescent glow. There was an entire pack of wolves gathered around the trees, all of them either walking or sitting with others. The camaraderie was evident with every line she drew.

“Ailith!” my head snapped up to look at Jen. “Will you please talk some sense into my pigheaded father?” I looked back and forth between them, utterly confused. Why on earth would she want my help against her father? But I stood and made my way around the table to where they were standing.

“What’s going on?” I asked, not entirely sure that I wanted to get involved at all.

“He still won’t let me make my own clothes,” she answered with exasperation dripping from every syllable.

“It’s a waste of money. You’ve never even held a needle before and I’m not wasting hundreds of dollars for you to try for ten minutes and then give up!” Drake answered, anger mixing in with his own exasperation.

Wait, isn’t this the man that allows all of his children to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes when they already had some that fit perfectly fine? All in the name of fashion? That gave me an idea.

“What about all of your old clothes?” I asked Jen. Her brow crumpled in confusion.

“What about them?.”

“Well, do you still have them?,”


“Then why don’t you use them for your projects? I mean, you could take them apart and use the fabric to make all new clothes. You could even make new designs by taking different parts of different shirts and putting them together. That way you wouldn’t have to spend money on new fabrics, and you have material to learn from,” I looked between the two of them, uncertain as to whether or not it was a good idea. But Drake had a thoughtful look, and Jen was staring at the floor as if really thinking through the possibilities.

“I have an old sewing machine you can use,” Becca said out of nowhere. I had no idea which direction she had even come from. “I can teach you how to use it if you’d like,” she offered.

“Then it’s settled. You can use your old clothes and your mother’s sewing machine to make your own designs,” Drake answered with finality. I half expected Jen to argue about needing brand new supplies, but she just gave a thousand watt smile and took off for her room.

What I didn’t expect was for her to spend the next three days, outside of school, in the attic where the sewing machine was set up. On the third day I had just gotten home from dance practice. Stacey was determined to beat out the cheerleaders at an assembly that was scheduled in the next couple of weeks. I had about an hour to kill before I had to be at work, so I had decided to go home and spend a little time with Asher. But as soon as I walked in Becca had asked me to take a plate of food up to Jen.

I got to the top of the stairs only to stop dead in my tracks. There was fabric everywhere. All sorted out by color, shape, and size. It was like a rainbow vomited all over the attic, but in a nice way. And right in the middle of the room in front of the sewing machine sat Jen. She was so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn’t even realize I was standing right behind her.

“Hey.” She jumped at the sound of my voice and spun looking around the room frantically.

“Oh, I thought you were Mom for a minute,” she answered, taking a deep breath.

“You don’t want your mom to see what you’re doing?” I asked.

“Not really, Dad either. They wouldn’t understand,” she replied as she turned back around. I looked at what she was doing and nearly gasped. She was working on a gorgeous dress. It was a base black and it looked like she was attaching silver Rhine stones all over the bodice.

“I thought Drake had said that you had never touched a needle before?” I asked, eyeing the garment.

“Yeah, I guess I just never told them,” her answer had a vague feeling to it and it piqued my curiosity.

“Never told them what?”

“That I’ve been sewing for the last three years. I started in eighth grade, when I took home-ec. The teacher taught us a lot and I’ve been trying to make my own clothes since.”

“Why don’t you want your parents to know?”

“They don’t really want us to get too attached to anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, its just that, they want us to wait until collage to decide what we really like. So we don’t get our hopes up if it doesn’t work out.”

“That doesn’t sound all that fair,”

“They mean well I guess. But I really like doing this, and I wish I could make it a real hobby. That’s why I finally decided to ask Dad to let me get some materials.”

“Well, your secret is safe with me. I really like that dress though,” I answered as I turned to leave.

“Really? You’re not just saying that?” she asked and I turned back to look at her. She had such an expression of hope. That I would have felt terrible to tell her I didn’t even if it was the truth.

“Yeah, really, you should keep doing this. Especially if you really enjoy it,” I answered, and turned after she smiled at me.

The rest of my hour was spent sitting on the couch with Asher. I was just watching a movie when I felt his arm stretch over my shoulders. I looked over at him, but his eyes were glued to the TV. So I just mentally shrugged and turned back to watch. It wasn’t long after that that I had to go to work.

The next day, right after the last class had ended Jen ran up to me. It took her a couple of minutes to talk since she was out of breath. But when she finally did she had a smile the size of Texas.

“I joined the home-ec club. They meet three times a week and all they do is sew and cook. I don’t care much for the cooking, but I don’t have to. They said I can do whatever I want in there. This is so great thank you.”

“Why are you thanking me?” I asked, a little unnerved.

“What you said yesterday, about how I should keep sewing because I enjoyed it, and how you liked my dress. It got me thinking that maybe I don’t have to hide it anymore. Especially if there’s a chance I could be good at it. So I asked Mom and Dad last night if I could join. I said it was to help me learn how, and they agreed so long as I didn’t get too attached or make it all my life was about.”

“That’s awesome, congratulations,” I said, smiling as she rushed off to do this or that. I walked away in a daze, only to run into Camilla a few hallways away. She was just coming out of the art room. A line of students followed her out, talking to her as they passed.

“Camilla?” I asked, not entirely sure I had the right person. At home she seemed so quiet and shy except for when it came to shopping and clothes. She jumped when I said her name and she looked at me wide eyed.

“What are you doing here?” she asked and I squinted at her slightly.

“Dance practice just let out. Are you in the art club?”

“Yeah.” But then she leaned in forcing me to listen closely to what she said next. “Can you keep a secret?” she asked and I nodded, feeling a little uneasy. “I’m the president of the art club.”

“Why is that a secret?” Did this entire family have forbidden hobbies?

“Mom and Dad know I’m in the club, but they think it’s just a way to pad my collage application. They don’t know I’m the president, and I don’t want them to. They’ll make me quit.”

“Why would they do that?” I asked incredulously.

“Because, if they knew they’d say I was too invested in it. That I’m not leaving my options open.”

“Do you want to leave your options open?”

“I don’t know. It’s not like drawing is going to be my career or anything. But I love it, and I don’t want to stop.”

“Then don’t,” I answered simply, but the look of suspicion she gave me made me wonder if she believed my words or not. “I saw your picture the other day. It was really good. That takes talent. I would hate to see you give up something you love so much.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, and then turned and walked away.

Chapter 18

A few nights later I was busing tables, waiting for closing time so I could go home and sleep. I had had a gruesome training session earlier in the day, and Bastion kicked my ass all over the floor. Fortunately, I managed to give him a black eye in the process so it wasn’t a complete loss.

Jake and the rest of our group had left an hour ago, so the sound system was playing a CD, instead of having a live band. One of my favorite songs started to play and I sang along, not really paying any attention. That is until one of my customers leaned over and slipped some money into one of the pockets on my apron. I pulled out a ten dollar bill.

The customer in question had already made his way up to the bar, probably to pay his tab. So I approached him with the ten in my hand.

“Excuse me.” He turned to look at me and I tried to hand him the money back. “I think you gave me this by mistake.”

“No I didn’t.”

“This is a ten dollar bill.”

“I know.”

“Then why did you give it to me? Were you wanting me to bring you another round?”

“No, I’m actually about to head out.”

“Are you being frustrating because you think it’s fun?” I asked, trying to keep my tone even. He apparently thought it was a great joke, because he threw his head back and laughed.

“I like you. No I gave it to you because you’ve got a good voice.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I heard you singing next to my table. You’re good, so I thought I’d give a little extra for the entertainment.” I didn’t know what to say. I should have said thank you, but that didn’t occur to me until he had already walked away.

I stood there like an idiot for a few moments. Long enough for my boss, Rob, to lean against the counter and give me the eye. You know, the one that says they have an idea, and you probably won’t like it.

“What?” I asked, not really sure I wanted the answer.

“How would you like to perform nightly?” A half grin made it’s way onto his face, as though he liked the idea more and more as he thought about it.

“I’m a waitress,” I tried to say it like it was the end of the discussion, but he started talking before I could finish walking away.

“You could be both.” I turned back to him.

“I don’t want to steal Jake’s stage time.”

“You wouldn’t be. He’s looking for a lead singer.” That much I actually knew, he had even asked me if I was interested a couple of times. “You could wait tables and sing a few songs while you bus them.”

“It would get too complicated. How am I supposed to take orders if I can’t hear the customers?”

“You’d figure it out. Look, just give it a chance. Get with Jake, rehearse a few songs, and then next week we can give it a trial run.” It was clear that I was indecisive, so he sweetened the pot a little, so to speak. “How much you make a night in tips? About a hundred?”

“Something like that,” I answered cautiously.

“I’d bet you’d get several other customers like that man. Willing to double or even triple what they would normally leave.” I took a deep breath, trying and failing to get my heartbeat under control.

“I’ll think about it.”

“Great, we’ll hold the trail run next Friday.” I shot him an incredulous look, but he had already left, heading into the kitchen.

I talked to Jake the next day and his excitement almost made me cringe. But after dance practice I decided to go over to his house. I didn’t have combat lessons and I didn’t have to be at work for a couple of hours. That’s how I ended up meeting his mom.

I had never met anyone so sweet in my life. She practically gave me cavities. Literally, she offered me homemade cookies, muffins, cupcakes, fudge. It looked like she spent all day baking just in case someone came over so she could pawn it all off on them. Or fatten them up for cooking, but I decided not to continue down that line of thought.

“Here you go, Hun,” Beatrice Wilt said, as she set a glass of milk down in front of me to go along with the chocolate cookies. Her light blue eyes shone brightly as she smiled down at me. Her face was mostly wrinkle free but I could see the beginnings of grey at the temples of her dark brown hair.

“Thank you, Mrs. Wilt,” I murmured as I started to pull a cookie apart.

“Oh, call me Trish, please.” I nodded as I nibbled on the impossible sweet pastry. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I didn’t like milk, so I just left it sitting there.

She spent the next couple of minutes asking me questions. Like how school was going, and if Jake was being a good friend to me. She never even mentioned Christine. Or her husband for that matter. But I didn’t have the chance to ask her any of my own questions.

“Hey, Mom, I’m expecting…,” I heard Jake said from the hallway, he cut off as he reached the door way. “Oh, you’re here.”

“Yeah, I’m just enjoying a couple of your Mom’s cookies,” I answered with a smirk. He returned my smile then gestured down the hall.

“If you’re ready you can come down to the basement with me.” I nodded, smiled my thanks to Trish and followed him.

“I’m sorry about my mom. She thinks she has to fill everyone who visits with sugar,” he apologized as we made our way down stairs.

“I thought she was nice. And those cookies are really good.” He looked at me like he truly appreciated my words. Then we came in sight of Jane, Vicky, and Seth.

A couple of hours later we were halfway through the last song when we were interrupted.

“What the hell is she doing here?” We all looked at the stairs to see Christine leaning over the banister.

“We’re practicing, what do you want?” Jake asked, but she only rolled her eyes.

“Whatever, freaks,” she mumbled before she turned around to leave. We were about to start over when she came running back down. “Dad’s home,” her eyes were wide, the fear was evident, even before Jake swore under his breath and ushered all of us out of the basement door.

Jane, Vicky, and Seth all walked out like this was normal. I looked to Jake, hoping he would tell me what was wrong, but he just promised to tell me later and closed the door. I guess that explained why they wanted me to park a couple of blocks down the street. The others gave me a parting wave, and I headed off to work.

At school the next day I tried to ask Jake what was going on. But he just said that his dad didn’t approve of his band, and wouldn’t say anything else. So I let it drop. Not wanting to push in case he distanced himself.

After the last class ended I went out the back door to get to the parking lot quicker. But I paused because the cheerleading squad was having practice. I watched as they did twists and turns in the air to music. Their dance routine looked like it needed a bit of work, but their stunts were amazing. And it gave me an idea.

So I cornered Stacey the following morning. She wasn’t thrilled about my plan, but she agreed that it had possibilities. The only down fall was that in order for it to work we needed the squad’s cooperation. And she said that since it was my brilliant idea I had to be the one to talk Christine into it. I groaned, but then turned on my heel in search of the bottle blonde.

I found her, all I had to do was follow the strongest of male hormones. And sure enough she was standing in a circle of football players. Having an audience really did not sound even remotely appealing, so I waited. After the first bell rang the crowd dispersed, and she was left alone to gather her things.

That’s when I made my move, leaning against the locker next to her, waiting for her to notice me. When she finally did she jolted slightly, I suppose to her I had made a miraculous appearance. Something for me to chuckle at later.

“What do you want?” she snapped, grabbing her last book before slamming her locker shut.

“A deal.”

“There is nothing you have that I want,” she moved to brush passed me, but I stepped to the side, blocking her path.

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” She let out a sigh as the second bell rang and we were both officially late for class.

“You’ve already ruined my chances with Asher, and commandeered my brother. Why can’t you just leave me alone?” The exasperation in her voice stalled me for a moment.

As far as I knew Christine and Jake weren’t close, and haven’t been since the onset of puberty. Asher had already told me that they both knew that the whole thing was temporary. I had no idea what she was talking about. But this wasn’t the time, so I shook my head slightly, realizing that I had been staring at her.

“Look, this isn’t about us, or Asher, or Jake. This is about cheerleading and the dance team.”

“What about it?”

“You know the assembly that’s coming up in a couple weeks?”

“Of course, the squad always performs at the assemblies.”

“So does the dance team.” She rolled her eyes, but I kept going. “I saw your practice yesterday. Your stunts are amazing,” She actually flipped her hair with pride, this time I rolled my eyes. “but your dancing needs some work. We’ve got the dancing but our stunts need some improvement.”

“What’s your point?”

“My point, is that we can help each other out,” I expected her to brush me off and tell me go stuff myself. But to my surprise, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.

“What do you mean?”

“You help us with our stunts and we’ll help you get your routines together. And we combine for the assembly”

“You mean the squad and the team perform…,”

“Together, yes,” I finished for her. “For one amazing routine.” She fiddled with her bag for a moment, staring at the ground.

“I’ll think about it.”

“Don’t think too long. I need your answer by tonight’s practice,” I replied and turned to head to class, knowing I would get a lecture for being so late.

By the end of seventh hour I was getting nervous. She hadn’t so much as looked at me throughout the entire day. Let alone given me her answer. It was odd enough that she wasn’t throwing jokes my way. Odd enough that Jake commented on it at the end of choir.

But as we were stretching and getting ready to warm up, the entire squad walked into the gym. Led, of course, by Christine. Stacey gave me a look and I followed her over to meet them.

“Okay, how are we going to do this?” Christine asked, and Stacey, being such the wonderful person she is, gestured to me.

“Ask her, she’s the mastermind.” I had known that it would be difficult to get them to work together. But the tension in the room was so thick I could almost see it.

“We start at the beginning,” I answered and spun on my heel knowing they would follow.

Three hours and five fights later we were finally getting somewhere. The problem was that neither team trusted the other. Which was a huge problem, because we had to trust each other to catch us if we fall. And the dance team weren’t used to their feet being off the floor. The squad had to trust the dance team to teach them how to dance with their entire body and not look ridiculous.

Predictably, three of the five fights were between Stacey and Christine themselves. Both wanted to take control and neither was willing to give that control up. Until I finally had to metaphorically slap them both.

“What is wrong with you?!” I snapped as they were facing off. “This is in the best interest of both of you, and you can’t swallow your prides long enough for any of this to do any good! Pull your heads out of your asses and act like the captains you are!”

After that they agreed that Stacey would coach the squad, since we were teaching them the moves. And Christine would coach us, since they were teaching us how to fly through the air without injury.

By the end of the day, we were all about to fall over. Every last one of us was drenched in sweat. Which is what ultimately led us to quitting for the day. Turned out you needed a pretty firm hold to do what they do. But even though we were exhausted, the majority of us felt actually pretty satisfied with the day’s work.

Well, I was satisfied until I realized that I was an hour late to my combat lesson. Bastion was not happy with me. And brought the guys in to make sure I regretted it. By the end of those couple of hours I was limping, and still had to work for the next six hours. I was an hour late for that too. Though Rob was more forgiving.

Christine went far beyond my expectations over the following week and half. She had always come across as a tyrant. But in actuality she was a very good captain. Always making sure to take all of our safety into account. After practicing during and after school during the week, we finally felt ready for our performance.

So the day of the assembly all thirty six of us were grouped together in the locker rooms. Everyone was wringing their hands, glancing this way and that. The tension coming from the humans was starting to make me nauseous.

“Guys,” I snapped after I couldn’t take it anymore. “relax, we’ve got this.” Several of them actually started repeating my words under their breath. But the onslaught of nerves subsided slightly so I counted my blessings.

We still had another five minutes before all of the students were supposed to be settled down, and the principal was going to announce us. So I spent my time looking around the room. Mostly at the people in the room. We were all in our individual uniforms. The cheerleaders in the midriff showing stereotypical uniform with the skirts that look suspiciously like school girl skirts. Both pieces decked out in royal purple and black, the school colors. And then there was us.

Our tops were made to look like more of our torso was exposed than the cheerleaders, but we had flesh colored spandex that actually covered us completely. Our skirts ended at mid thigh as well, but we wore spandex shorts that covered us as far down as the skirts themselves. The sleeves went down to the backs of our hands, and I’ve never seen so much glitter in my life.

When we heard our teams come out of the speakers the cheerleaders exited first, as we had planned. I was second in line on the dance team and I watched as they ran out all pumped up and excited. Waiving their arms and jumping with every step. As the last of them got to their spots we glided out. At least that was the effect we tried to have.

The atmosphere was that of an ordinary assembly. No one cared, and no one was paying any attention. I was told that most assembly performances pretty much just consisted of the cheerleaders and dance team trying to outdo each other. So when we took our positions, scattered among the cheerleaders, people started to take notice.

For the first half of the routine the squad went high and we went low. But then halfway through we switched, throwing ourselves into the air while the they took the floor. And for the finale we joined forces. Letting the squad toss those of us who were small enough up into the air. While several of them fell into step with those of us with our feet on the floor.

By the time we were done we were all breathing heavy and sweat coated our bodies. And the audience just stared for a moment. Before they finally started applauding. But once they got started it took a few minutes for them to calm down. The principal had to tap the microphone a few times before they would stop. Christine shot me a conspiratorial look as we took our seats, and turned to the podium.

“That was a very impressive performance, congratulations. Unfortunately, I believe my news will end all of your good moods. I’ve been informed that we will not be getting any funding next year.” At his words several students started murmuring to each other, wondering what that meant.

“So, as much as I hate to say it. This will be our last year here at Rarefied High. We’ll be closing at the end of the school year. Depending on which side of town you live on will dictate which school you will be transferred to. Those of you who are allowed to drive will have your own transportation, those of you who do not will be bused to other nearby schools.” There was a complete uproar. Most of the students were complaining, while others were trying to yell out questions.

“I know you all are upset. But believe me there’s nothing that can be done for it. We’ve exhausted every avenue possible. There just isn’t anything remarkable about this school, so they don’t see any point in keeping it open any longer. I’m sorry, you’re all dismissed.” He walked away, but it looked like the students weren’t going anywhere. They were just milling around, talking animatedly with anyone willing to listen.

I stood leaning against the wall, watching, listening, seething. I had just gotten to come back to school. And this one may not be perfect, but it had every opportunity that I had always wanted. I didn’t want to have to start all over at a new school, with new people and new teachers. I’m sure that there will be people I know, but it wasn’t the same. It wouldn’t be the same halls, the same class rooms, the same teachers.

I liked most of my teachers. They actually cared about whether or not we learned anything. There was no minority here, not to the faculty anyway. No one went without the attention they needed.

I was staring at the floor, lost in my own miseries when someone snapped right in front of my face. I’ve never had to resist biting someone’s hand before, but I did then. Instead looking up into Christine’s, Stacey’s, Jake’s, Vicky’s, Seth’s, and Jane’s faces.

“It’s about time! We’ve been trying to get your attention for hours now,” Christine huffed and I looked around the room. Everyone was still there, milling around, arguing loudly. It took me a second to realize that she was exaggerating. I really needed to work on my habit of taking everything literally.

“What?” I asked, eyeing them all. All of them had their eyes glued to me like I was supposed to do something.

“Well?” Stacey asked.

“Well what?”

“What do you think about all of this?” Jake asked, almost gently, like he was probing for something.

“I think it blows. It doesn’t make any sense. Nothing remarkable? This place is so much better than other schools I’ve been to! The teachers actually care, the students get decent grade averages. There’s just so much going for everyone here! So much untapped potential…,” I cut myself off. The beginnings of an idea forming in the back of my mind.

“Finally!” Christine huffed, her shoulders dropping slightly.

“What’s the plan?” Stacey asked, her excitement bubbling out.

“I don’t know yet,” I answered slowly, doing my best to hold onto the idea that had just begun to take shape. Disappointment leaked out of every one of them, until I spoke again. “I need you guys to go get everyone. Every captain of every team, every president of every club, everyone who has a lot of influence, student council, everyone. Tell them to meet in the music room after school tomorrow. But tell them to keep it quiet and make sure none of the teachers see them.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do yet, and we have a lot of our own avenue’s to exhaust first.” They all split as soon as I stopped talking but I called Jake back. “Make sure you get Jen too.” He gave me an odd look but nodded at my request. I didn’t know why I wanted her there, but I had the feeling that I would need her and Camilla with me.

Jen met up with me after school, worry clouding her features. She could barely get a word out. And eventually I pulled her into my room and closed the door for the first time in almost two months. The effect was kind of ruined when I opened the sliding glass door that led to my balcony.

“What? What’s wrong?” I asked, standing as close as I could and it still be socially acceptable.

“Jake told me that you’re planning something to keep the school open.” I nodded, but she wasn’t done. “And that you want me and Camilla to help,”

“Yeah, what’s the problem?” I asked, not entirely sure why she was so upset with the idea.

“Dad’s on the school board.” That took a second to sink in. It just caught me off guard. Imagining the big, bad, alpha werewolf on the school board. I couldn’t imagine when he found the time.

“Why is that bad?”

“The school board votes on everything. Something like this had to be unanimous. I mean to completely disband the school board and close down the school? The state wouldn’t do it because our tests scores are above average. So it had to be an inside decision.”

“How do you know all of this?.” She shrugged as though she were uncomfortable.

“Mom made me learn it for when I’m older.”

“Why would that be considered necessary life information?”

“Well, you know,” she answered, her eyes never rising above my knees.

“No, I don’t.” She huffed out a sigh and reached up to straighten her immaculate bun.

“For when I marry or mate, and start my family. She wanted me to learn how the school system worked so I could be prepared to handle it.”

“When does she expect you to do all of this?” I asked, slightly horrified. The girl was only about six months younger than me.

“If we don’t find our mates by our eighteenth birthday, one is chosen for us, by our parents.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. What is this the sixteenth century?” She just shrugged.

“It’s just the way it’s always been in the packs. On our eighteenth birthday the higher ranked wolves have a party to introduce them to the werewolf society. It gives her a fair chance to meet her mate among the higher ranked wolves of the other packs. If he’s not there then whatever males that are interested request the right to court her. If they get along he can ask her parents for her hand. If they approve it’s granted.”

“Is this just for females?” She nodded.

“Yeah, otherwise Asher would be alpha right now. He can’t inherit the pack until he marries. And everyone knows that will never happen.”

“How long does it take to figure out who your mate is? Is it instantaneous or something?” She giggled.

“No, that’s just in the movies and books. It takes time, like any other relationship. But a male can only communicate with his wolf in human form when his mate is close. Or if he needs to hunt. So that’s usually a pretty good indication. A female doesn’t go into heat until she spends a lot of time around her mate. We can still have kids and stuff, but they won’t be as strong with a male that isn’t meant for us.”

“So we go into heat when we’re around them a lot, they can’t talk to their wolves if they aren’t around us. And the females only have one night to find their mate or they’re forced into an arranged marriage. Is that right?”

“Well, it sounds worse than it is. Most of the time if the female doesn’t like the male then her parents won’t force her to marry him.”

“Most of the time…,” I quoted and she blushed slightly.

“It does happen.” I gave my head a brisk shake.

“Anyway, back on topic.” Her expression turned frantic again.

“We can’t change anything. The school board already decided, and Dad’s on the city counsel as well. And the school board would have needed their permission to see it through. There’s nothing that can be done, and if Dad finds out we’re working against him, our alpha, there’s no telling what kind of punishment he’ll come up with.” I rolled my eyes, I couldn’t help it.

“Worse than that?” I asked gesturing to the scratched and splintered wood that still bordered my glass door. She winced but kept her back straight.

“Maybe not, but he could exile you. Kick you off the territory, and you’re already a lone wolf, you won’t be welcome anywhere. He could strip me and Camilla of our position. We’d be lucky to get a job cleaning another wolf’s house.”

“All because we’re trying to save our school? So far I haven’t heard of any direct orders from Drake. And really we’re not going against him, just the school board and city counsel.” Her eyes narrowed.

“You’re splitting hairs.” I couldn’t stop my grin.

“You’d be surprised how splitting the right hairs can save your life sometimes.”

“Then we’d better hope you don’t grab a wrong one.”

“We’ll just have to keep your’s, mine, and Camilla’s involvement quiet. Besides, we’re not doing anything right now. Just going to meet with some people and try to come up with some ideas.” She nodded and turned to leave, but looked back to give me one last piece of advice.

“We can’t tell Asher or Aaron either.”

“Isn’t Aaron your twin?” I asked, thinking of the good natured boy that still looked at me with guilt in his eyes.

“Yeah, but he’s been training to be an enforcer. His loyalty will always be to our father before me.” I nodded my understanding despite the wave of sadness that enveloped me. After that I spent my evening with Asher, curled up on the couch watching a movie.

The next day, about fifteen people had snuck into the music room. I wasn’t expecting that kind of turn out, but I didn’t count it as a bad thing. I was only hoping for five or six really. It wasn’t long before they were all seated and staring at me. I guess I didn’t really think this part through.

“Okay, so it looks like this is more than just the school not being remarkable enough to gain anymore funding. Turns out the school board and city counsel were the ones that decided to close down the school.” There were worried whispers and murmuring immediately following my words.

“That’s it then. We can’t fight city hall.” A smallish girl with large glasses exclaimed from the back.

“We can’t just sit back and let it happen. I mean there has to be something we can do. I don’t want to have to start over on another football team,” The captain of said team, Jason I believe his name was, answered.

“Come on, be realistic guys,” A preppy blonde huffed from a few seats down from Christine. I had no idea why she was even there. I think she was from the student council. “This isn’t some fairy tale, or historical story about protests.” That girl needed to go to history class more often. “There’s nothing we can do, we might as well save ourselves the embarrassment.”

“Tiffany, stuff it,” Christine snapped and the girl spun on her, glaring her little heart out.

“Why are you even here, Christine. You’re a senior, you’ll be gone at the end of the year anyway.”

“That doesn’t mean that I don’t care. This is a good school, and I have friends who care. So I care.” It never occurred to me until then, that Christine had people that followed her because she was loyal to them. But this wasn’t the time for it, so I shook it off and tried to do some damage control.

“Anyway,” I spoke loudly, hoping it would get everyone’s attention. It worked. “We may be students but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have the freedom of speech. Just like the rest of them. The school board and city hall want to shut the school down, obviously none of you want that to happen. That’s why you’re here isn’t it?” I asked, and most of them mumbled in agreement. “Then lets exercise our rights. Anyone have any ideas on how we can do that?” It was quiet for several moments, until the same girl with glasses raised her hand.

“I’m on the school newspaper. I have to go around and ask the local shop keepers to put their ads in our paper. Maybe I can get them to sign a petition? I mean, they get a lot of their business from the students. If the students leave they‘ll lose some of their profit.”

“That’s a really good idea.”

“But what do we do if the petition doesn’t work? If they already have their minds made up they aren’t going to listen to a few mom and pop stores,” Seth put in, he had a good point.

“Well then, we can have all of the students sign it as well. Maybe some of the teachers would even be interested,” the girl answered, I really needed to figure out her name.

“Okay, a petition is a good start, but Seth is right. It might not work. What else can we do after that?” I asked. Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing. I’ve never organized a petition, or lead a group of people for a cause. I was really just hoping that by getting everyone together, then someone else could come up with a good idea.

“We can set up a bunch of fund raisers. If we can come up with enough funding then they have no reason to shut us down. It might not be permanent but it would give us another year to figure something out,” Jen supplied and the room erupted in ideas.

“Yeah, we can do bake sales.”

“It’s too cold to do car washes though.”

“Maybe we can sell t-shirts or something?”

After that it was all a blur. Idea after idea was put forth, but by the end of it, I didn’t hold much hope. They were all good ideas, but the likely hood that we would get anywhere with any of them was slim. There was no way we could pull in enough funding to fund a school for an entire year. Not just from fundraisers.

But the girl with glasses, Patsy, took the lead on the petitions. Several other girls scheduled out a bunch of different fundraisers, so they didn’t overlap. A lot of them enlisted some help from the various athletes, so they had enough man power.

“One more thing!” I called out before all of them could leave. “Jen, Camilla, and I can’t do anything except from behind closed doors.” Jen picked up for me after that.

“Yeah, my dad is on the city council and the school board. If he found out we were trying to stop the school closing we’d be in a lot of trouble.”

“So would we, our dad’s the mayor,” Christine added, gesturing to Jake as well. It was the first time I’d ever seen her actually address him in public. They all immediately agreed and quietly made their way out. There was something to be said about being taught not to tattle.

Chapter 19

One month later, four and a half weeks of petitions, fund raisers, parental nagging, and all out temper tantrums from some of them, and we were back in the same room. Shockingly the fund raisers had yielded over two thousand dollars. So at least we new the town was behind us. But we were only told point blank by the superintendent that no matter if we managed to come up with enough to fund the next school year, it didn’t change anything. They were still going to close the school.

Everyone was sitting around, looking depressingly dejected, and looking to me for answers. I don’t know when I became the leader of our little rebel group. But I figured so long as everyone was looking to me I might as well do my best.

“I heard my dad talking on the phone last night,” Christine said suddenly. “There’s a man willing to pay a lot of money to build a night club here. He said that since the school is kind of on the outskirts of town then it would be the perfect spot for it. They plan on using the money for the land and demolishing the school to pad the treasury. And do a bunch of city beautification work. Claimed it was what would be best for the economy, since they can just send the students to other schools anyway.”

“That can’t be legal,” I replied with more disbelief than I had ever felt in my life.

“They’re claiming that the school is too run down to keep up with anymore. That‘s how they‘re getting away with it.”

“The school isn’t that bad. I mean, a lot of the lockers are broken but…,” Jason put in.

“The desks are falling apart too.”

“The floors are missing some tiles in a few places.”

“The basement was flooded last spring.”

“Their heating system doesn’t work very well.”

“All of the equipment for the athletic department needs to be replaced.”

“It’s the same for the music department.”

“The text books are all outdated because they had to replace a lot of windows a couple years back.” With every word that was spoken the more depressed everyone became.

“They’re right,” Patsy mumbled in the most dejected voice I’d ever heard.

“No,” I snapped back, it came out as more of a snarl than I had intended.

That had been happening a lot lately. I end up making animalistic sounds without wanting to. The other night I had growled at Asher because he had stolen the remote. He thought it was hilarious. I was weirded out. Then he explained that it happened more and more as we became more comfortable with our wolf side. He said not to worry, with time came control. Personally, I just wished it would stop.

Jake shot me a warning glance, while Christine looked at me in surprise. It occurred to me in that moment that she knew nothing about what was going on with me. She had no idea that I had only started to become a real wolf in the last three months. The first of which I was locked up with no chance to start experiencing what being a wolf meant.

“If the state of the school was the only real reason for shutting it down then they wouldn’t have told everyone to stop raising money. It’s just an excuse to hide their greed.”

“So what do we do then? If they won’t take any money that we raise to fix the school what else can we do?” Stacey asked. I could smell her misery, it reminded me of damp earth that had been dug up and turned, that rich mixture of earth and decay. After delving into that lovely mental picture for a moment an idea hit me.

“We make it public.” That got everyone’s attention, several of them even perked up a little.

“No one’s going to listen to a bunch of teenagers. They’ve proven that already,” Tiffany answered, though her attitude she held during our first meeting seemed to have melted.

“Maybe that’s because we weren’t talking loud enough,” I replied slowly, allowing a plan to form completely.

“What do you mean?” Jake asked from an opposite corner. There were several wolves in the room, and all of them had scorned him at one time or another.

“What if we held a benefit?”

“Benefit?” Tiffany asked, the rest were hanging on my every word.

“A benefit performance. We can sell food, t-shirts, DVD’s of the performance, and while we’re at it, we can oust the real reason that they’re closing the school.”

“How are we going to get everyone to come? And even if they do there’s no reason for them to believe us,” Christine asked.

“We can advertise once we have it all ready to go.”

“How are we going to do that?”

“Easy,” I answered with a smile. “We start a rumor, let it spread word of mouth until the entire town knows about it. And then once the rumor has taken hold, we put up flyers, all over the place, over night. We have to keep it as quiet as possible until then though, if we don’t someone will try to stop us.”

“Yeah, we’d have to be like ninjas,” Jason added, a conspiratorial smile spreading across his face.

“Or a secret protest group, working undercover,” Patsy put in, earning a praising smile from the quarterback. Resulting in a blush that spread from her neck to the tops of her ears.

“But what all are we going to need to pull this off?” Camilla asked, she was turning out to be more level headed than I had originally assumed.

“We’ll need performers, stage workers, someone that knows how to work the equipment we’ll need, and a place to perform. We can’t just do this in the street,” I answered.

“We can’t use the school either, someone will notice something,” Jen supplied.

“So we’ll need an outside place, somewhere away from the school where we can rehearse and use for opening night.”

“Um,” Stacey said, gaining everyone’s attention with just that small sound. “My uncle owns an old opera theater. It was built a long time ago, and he had said that he wanted to repair it and open it for performances again, but he never got around to it. He’s trying to sell it right now, he might be willing to let us use it. I mean, we‘ll have to fix it up, but it has a ceiling, a floor and sturdy walls.”

“Exactly how much money do we need to raise to cover all of the work the school needs?” Cassie asked, leave it to the president of the math club to ask about the numbers.

“You know, my older brother is a contractor,” Patsy answered. “I don’t see him much but we used to be really close. He’s done inspections for churches and stuff. Maybe I can get him to come visit me at school and he can do an undercover inspection for us.”

“Well, the dance team is in,” Stacey stated abruptly.

“So is the squad,” Christine added.

“I don’t know about any performing, but the football team can do any heavy lifting.”

“You know the gear heads can help with any machinery you need,” Tommy put in. He wasn’t a part of any official club. But the gear heads, all the people that worked on the vehicles in automotive class, hung out together all the time.

“Me and a few of my friends did some construction work for my dad last summer. We learned a lot, maybe we can help put the theater back together,” Derrick supplied.

“The home-ec club can help with the costumes and make some food to sell,” Jen added, her eyes were lit up with excitement. I think this was the first time she’d ever done anything on her own without express permission.

“The art club could help with any sets you may need,” Camilla said right behind her sister.

“The drama club can help organize, most of us have been doing performances for years. But only a few of us can really sing or dance,” a girl, I think her name was Samantha, offered.

“You know the tech club can provide any devices that you might need,” Zach, president of said club, put in.

“Okay, okay, okay,” I stepped in quickly. “We can’t get too ahead of ourselves. Stacey, why don’t you get a hold of your uncle. See what he says.” She nodded and pulled out her phone. “Patsy, call your brother, we can’t do anything until we know how much money we need to raise.” She was already dialing his number. “The rest of you, spread the word. We’re going to need a lot of help if we’re going to pull this off.

“But don’t tell anyone you don’t trust one hundred percent to back you up. That includes adults. If you have even the slightest bit of doubt, keep your mouth shut. It won’t do us any good if they shut us down before we can even get started. Get a list started, everyone who is involved should write down any song or skit that they want to perform. Give it to Jake. Jake, look over the lists, you’re going to be in charge of the music.”

“Why me?”

“Because you have the most experience. Look through the list and cross out anything that you’re not completely sure that you can pull off. After that give it to Stacey.”

“What?” she asked, spinning with her phone still in her hand.

“You need to cross out any songs that you don’t think you can choreograph. Then give it to Christine, she’s going to be in charge of any stunts. We have to treat this like a professional performance.

“We can’t just go out there like a bunch of kids playing dress up. The songs, the routines, the stunts, the costumes and make up. All of it has to look like we know what we’re doing. And it has to mean something, it can’t just be a bunch of teenage drabble. If we want them to take us seriously, then we have to be serious. We have to prove that we‘re worth listening too.” Everyone sobered up slightly while I was talking. Something that I was glad for. This couldn’t be just a big joke to them. If they didn’t take it seriously then it was never going to work.

Three days later we scheduled another meeting. We desperately needed to find another place to meet. If we kept doing this then a curious janitor or a teacher who was working late was going to notice that nearly twenty vehicles were still on the lot when they left. Which was why I addressed Stacey first.

“My uncle said that the only way he would let us use it is if we bought it from him. He said that he wasn’t going to put himself in the lime light by allowing our rebellion. But if we owned it then he wouldn’t have any say in what we used it for. But he did say that since it was in such a terrible condition then he would give me a discount.”

“How much does he want?” I asked hesitantly. I had a lot of money saved back, thanks to Rob pushing me to perform while I waited tables.

He was right when he said that I could triple my tips. I made nearly three hundred a night now. And after a month and a half of saving I had nearly nine thousand just from the last month and a half. Add that to the month of working before that and I had eleven thousand in my savings account. But she heaved a heavy sigh.

“Sixteen thousand. It’s what he owes in back taxes on it. It‘s actually about to be put up for auction.” Everyone groaned.

“We’re never going to be able to come up with that much money,” Jack muttered.

“Not necessarily,” I answered, again everyone’s attention turned to me.

“What?” Christine asked.

“I have most of it.” Several surprised gasps answered me.

“How?” Jen asked, I chose not to be insulted by her shock.

“I’ve been working a lot. Making really good tips for the past couple of months. It all goes into a savings account to earn interest. I have eleven thousand.”

“We have the two thousand from the bake sales,” Tiffany added hopefully.

“That still leaves us three thousand short,” Jake huffed.

“I have it,” Christine said suddenly. Everyone snapped their heads to her, and she shrugged with a haughty expression. “I wanted this really expensive prom dress so I started saving my allowance over the summer. After I had what I needed I just didn’t stop.”

“So we can buy the theater,” Jen exclaimed, her smile spread from ear to ear.

“Yeah, but who’s name is going to be on the deed?” Zach asked.

“I think it should be in Ailith’s, Christine’s, and Stacey’s,” Tiffany answered. All three of us turned to look at her. She was the least unselfish person in the room, and Christine was sitting right behind her.

“I’m not eighteen yet,” I answered, but she shook her head.

“So long as your signature is next to someone who is eighteen it doesn’t matter. It just means that you can’t do anything with it until your birthday. And you’re providing most of the money. Stacey’s uncle is the one we’re buying it from, and Christine is giving the last bit.”

“Yeah, but what about the fundraisers?” Stacey asked, she had a good point, a lot of people took part in those.

“That didn’t come out of any of our pockets.” It was a simple enough answer so the three of us shrugged in agreement. At least it wasn’t going to be owned by just one person. It took a lot of distrust away from the situation.

Since we had the space, Christine handed me the list of songs. When I asked her why I had them she said that it was only right that I get the final say. Especially since it was my idea and I would have to perform just as much as the rest of them. So I took it just in time for Patsy to walk in with an older version of herself.

That wasn’t quite accurate. He was much taller than her, standing at about six foot one. His shoulders were stocky like he had lived a life of hard work. His sandy colored hair was cut short to keep it out of his light blue eyes. Which were mostly hidden behind wire rimmed glasses.

“Hey guys, this is my brother, Dylan. We just got done walking around the school.” That got everyone’s attention. But before he said anything he walked over to the middle of the room and grabbed a chair, spinning it so he sat on it backwards and eyed us all. Whatever he was looking for he must of found it because he started talking.

“Do you want the good news or the bad?”

“Might as well give us the bad,” I answered, and he leveled his eyes at me. He gave me a once over, not like he was checking me out, but like he was sizing me up. He was human. So the only reason I could come up with, was that he was testing to see if I was worthy enough to lead our little adventure.

“You must be Ailith.” It wasn’t a question and I just raised a brow in answer. Then he smiled and his shoulders relaxed. I had no idea what that meant so I just ignored it. “The school is in really bad shape. Some of the floors need to be leveled out, the lockers have made some of the walls unstable, and it needs to be completely rewired. Not to mention the termite and water damage in some areas. It looks like it’s going to need a new roof as well.”

“So how much is it going to cost?” I asked, dreading his answer.

“You’re going to have to hire an electrician, and a plumber, not to mention someone to take care of the roof and the inside work. With the building being so large, and with all of the work that needs to be done. It’s going to run you about a hundred and fifty thousand.” Anyone who had been standing grabbed the first available spot to drop down on. I was the only one left standing and I found the closest wall to lean on. Sympathy filled the man’s eyes as he watched all of our hopes go down the drain.

“That’s it, it’s hopeless,” Christine mumbled, everyone closest to her nodded in agreement. Out of desperation and the lack of knowing what the hell we were going to do next, I looked down at the papers in my hands.

The list of songs was about three pages long, front and back. I scanned the list and saw several songs that I knew and hit me personally. The type of songs that will bring you to tears or make you stand up straighter. Of course the majority of them weren’t appropriate, but that was why they gave it to me. To weed those out, and make the final say on the selection.

That’s what they’ve been doing this entire time. Looking to me for the final say and how to move forward. All I’ve managed to do so far is get their hopes up. I couldn’t let us go out like this. There had to be a way. If this music can bring out a physical reaction in me, then maybe it will with others.

I may not show a lot of my emotions, it was something I was working on. But that didn’t mean that it wouldn’t have a visible and deep reaction in others. If we did it right, we could very well give everyone in this town a performance they’ll never forget, and maybe want to experience again.

“What’s the good news?” I asked abruptly. His eyes landed on mine.

“I beg your pardon?”

“You said there was good news. What is it?” I asked again.

“What’s the point? We’re never going to be able to raise enough money to fix the school,” Stacey replied. I was shocked that she had sunk so low. She was usually so optimistic.

“The point? Why does there have to be a point?” I asked instead, and she looked at me like I had lost my mind. I probably had. “We don’t know if we can raise enough money. And realistically it’s not likely. But we won’t know if we don’t try. Why are we here if we were just going to give up before we even got started?”

“Look, I know your heart is in the right place,” Jake stated, “but you said it yourself. It’s not likely that we’ll succeed, it‘s impossible,” he shrugged. “It’s beyond our limitations.”

“How do you know?” He opened his mouth, and then shut it, a confused expression taking over his features. “How do any of us know? We’ve set our own boundaries, or someone else set them for us. When in reality we don’t know our limitations, because we’ve never pushed those boundaries far enough to find out what we can really do.

“The truth is, is that I don’t even know what I’m capable of, because I’ve never bothered to find out. Allowing other people to dictate my own abilities.

“Because someone said that it’s impossible? What’s impossible? Almost everything until someone decided that they wanted to rewrite the definition. Is it really impossible for us to raise over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars with one performance? I don’t think so. It’s improbable sure, but impossible? We’ll never know if we don’t try.”

“Yeah, okay, let’s give it a shot,” Jake answered.

“I’ve always wondered if I could ever make a difference, might as well find out,” Stacey put in. After a moment it was unanimous. So I turned to Patsy’s brother.

“So…about that good news.”

“Patsy told me you guys might have a place to hold your benefit. She said it was the old opera theater. It just so happens that I know the place. It’s considered a historical building, which is why it hasn’t been demolished. I’ve done some volunteer work for churches and other historical sites. Now I can’t afford the man power, but I can donate the materials you’ll need.” That was the best news I’d heard in weeks.

After that everything moved fairly quickly. Stacey said that her uncle was willing to meet us at the theater the next afternoon when school let out. Patsy was the one that ended up with the list of students willing to lend a hand. Only about fifteen of them were interested in performing. Twenty more offered to help with the back stage work. But we had the cooperation of the entire music department.

Which meant that the school orchestra and choir were at our disposal. There were roughly twenty five students in band, and twenty more in choir. Including everyone in the room that gave us a total of around sixty people. It took me a half hour to narrow our list of possible songs down to twenty seven. Which Cassie informed me that they all added up to ninety four minutes and thirty seven seconds.

Jake, Stacey, Jen, Camilla, Christine, and Samantha all decided to get together at Stacey’s house to brainstorm on the songs I approved. In the meantime, I had to go to the bank and then to my combat lesson. After that I was going to talk to Rob about giving me a few more hours. If I knew anything it was that we were going to need a lot more money to pull off the kind of performance we would need to in order to do any good. And we would have to fund it ourselves. I didn’t think everyone’s allowance would cut it.

Chapter 20






The kitchen was dark, the only light coming from the clock on the stove. I sat there waiting. Everyone else had gone to bed a couple of hours before. Things were changing, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on how. However, I could feel a difference in my everyday life.

Things weren’t going as smoothly as I had planned. I tried everything in the last month. I’ve flattered her, made out with her, taken her on romantic outings, and yet she still texted me to tell me that she was going to be late. No matter how hard I tried to monopolize her time she still managed to slip past me.

And what’s worse is that everyone seems to be on her side. Dad had told me to be patient, that she was just starting to get her life back. He said to let her live her life for a while and she would eventually make her way back to me. Mom said something similar, stating that she was a young female and needed some space to figure out who she really was. Even my friends were looking at me with disapproving glances when I spoke about her. When normally they would be making bets on how long it would take me to get her in my bed.

But I wasn’t giving up. She’d eventually succumb to pack life, she just needed some time to get all of her rebellious energy out of her system. She was the most extraordinary female I’d ever laid eyes on. She was powerful, strong willed, intelligent, stoic when she needed to be. She was the perfect alpha female.

I couldn’t run from taking over the pack for forever. So if I had no choice then she was the one that I would settle with. She would eventually fall back a step and stand behind me like a proper female, I just had to keep working on her.

“You’re up late.” I looked up just in time to see her drop her keys on the counter. She let her bag slide down to the floor and took a seat in front of me.

To look at her it was like she never needed sleep or sustenance. She always looked the same, even her clothes always laid perfectly against her skin. Her hair never left that immaculate braid. But if you looked closely you could see the dark circles under her eyes. See the way her shoulders drooped ever so slightly. She was exhausted.

“I just wanted to see you before the sun rose,” I answered softly. A slow smile spread across her face.

I was beginning to recognize it as her waiting for the other shoe to drop. She never took a compliment as anything but a tool for someone to get something from her. In our world it wasn’t a bad attribute to have. If I were being honest, her constant distrust was one of the reasons I wanted her at my back. Her eyes were always searching for that knife that so many people held.

But it didn’t bode well for my endeavor to get her to trust me before anyone else. We’ve been seeing each other exclusively for the past month, and we had yet to share more than a few kisses. However, she was finally starting to get past the silence. I had never met a female as quiet as she was. Most of the time I felt like it was up to me to create conversation. And I’ve never had my conversationalist skills tested so thoroughly.

“I know I was out late, I was picking up a few extra hours at work,” she answered softly. I reached forward and grabbed hold of her hand.

“You’ve been working a lot.”


“I’d like you to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night.” An expression flitted across her features so quickly I couldn’t decipher it before it was gone.

“I don’t know what my schedule will look like tomorrow.”

“Please?” I’d never had to say please to get a date before, and I wasn’t a hundred percent sure that I hid my irritation very well. But she sighed.

“Okay, I’ll figure it out.”

“Great, we leave at seven,” I leaned forward allowing my lips to graze her forehead before going to my room. I was determined to make tomorrow night the turning point for us. The point where I mattered more to her than whatever it was that she was doing when she wasn’t in my sight.










At four o’clock I sat in my car in front of an old, very large, building. It looked like the whole thing was made out of stone. If it weren’t for the trash that littered the parking lot, and the overgrown shrubbery, it would be beautiful. There was a beat up old Honda parked right in front of the door, and I finally climbed out when I saw Stacey’s Lumina pull up next to me.

Patsy and her brother were with her. He insisted on coming so that he could see what materials we would need, since he was giving them to us. Derrick had caught a ride with Jake and Christine so that he could gage whether or not he would be able to do the work. Once we were all standing together we went for the door, Stacey in the lead since we were buying the place from her uncle.

He was an older burly man. Honestly, I couldn’t picture him behind the wheel of the Honda. To look at him I could really only see him on the back of an old Harley. His beard reached his chest with gray splattered among the brown. His hair was braided down his back and a bandana hid any balding spots. Yet he was in a dark blue suit. It was quite the unsettling scene.

But Stacey greeted him with open arms as he spun her around in circles. The twinkle in his eyes never left as he looked all of us over. After I got past the conundrum that was his appearance I let my eyes travel around the room.

It was obviously a lobby, but it was huge. The high dome ceiling offered an echo anytime anyone spoke too loud. But the wooden beams looked like they would gleam if we just bothered to wipe away the dust. The floors were all hard wood, oak by the looks of them, and the front counter had a glass display meant to show case various treats.

The glass cases looked newer as though someone had tried to modernize the old building. The tan colored walls allowed for a more neutral atmosphere, but I was more concerned with the four doors that I could see. Two of them were on either side of the long counter, while the other two were at the ends of narrow hallways that branched off of the main room. The whole picture would have been impressive if it weren’t for all of the cobwebs and dirt.

“If you think this is nice, wait till you see the stage,” he was looking directly at me, and when I met his gaze he gave me a playful wink.

He went over to the closet door next to the counter. When I faced it directly I realized that I had gotten it wrong. It wasn’t just a door it was a set of double doors, made from a dark stained cherry wood. He paused, grabbing both handles, and looked back at us, trying to create some anticipation. Then he threw them both open at once with a loud sigh. Christine, Patsy, and Stacey all giggled.

When we all stepped in he hit a switch on the wall and bright florescent lights came on, illuminating the large windowless room. He was right, it was impressive, and not just large, but huge, leaving the lobby in the dust as far as size goes. Though the lobby was in far better condition.

It looked like the entire floor was carpeted at some point, though several spots were bare now. The wood underneath was worn out and cracked. The stage looked like it was a full floor beneath where we stood at the back, the seats making a slope all the way down. Three aisles separated three sections of seating. The aisles were made up stairs that led all the way down to the front of the stage. Which was a bare floor, tiled or wood I couldn’t tell from the distance.

The seats looked like once upon a time they were velvet. But present day several clumps of seats were broken or simply missing. On most of the ones that I could clearly see the upholstery was missing or torn. As I made my way down the stairs a few steps creaked, but that was forgotten as I looked up.

Above the back and side walls sat balconies. Nine of them total, with elaborate pillars to hold them to the ceiling. When I finally made it to the bottom I could see curtains hanging from the ceiling. One of them was to drop while the performers changed scenes and backdrops. Three more were meant to keep the audience from seeing the behind the scene actions.

Straight back was a huge open space, probably to hold the props for any necessary scenes. To the right it looked like the wardrobe and makeup areas, with simple curtains to help with privacy. But there were several old clothing racks and even a few tables with mirrors attached. To the left sat another open area, though what it was for I had no idea. And right in front of the stage sat a deep divot for an orchestra.

“It needs a lot of work,” Derrick mumbled, though thanks to the acoustics in the stadium like room everyone heard him.

“Do you think you could fix it?” I asked, he was still up in the seats, though he looked at me so I knew he heard me perfectly.

“Yeah, but if we want it done quickly I’ll need more help.”

“Jason did offer up the football team. Maybe the basketball team could put in a few extra people. I’m more worried about the missing seats, how are we going to replace them? This place is really old, we probably won’t be able to find any exact replicas,” I was mostly talking to myself, but Patsy answered.

“Maybe the guys in shop class could help. If they get a good look at them. My cousin loves that class and their quarterly projects are due in a few weeks.” I shrugged.

“Can’t hurt to ask if you trust them.”

“At least there’s a spot for the orchestra,” Jake supplied hopefully.

“No, we won’t need that.” Everyone turned to look at me. “Anyone who performs should be seen not just heard. I mean, that’s the whole point of this right? To be seen and heard for a change?” I asked, and several of them nodded.

“Check this out,” the should be biker said with a mischievous grin from next to one of the curtains. He reached his arm behind the curtain and suddenly the floor started to move. The divot for the orchestra started to rise until it was even with the rest of the floor. And then it was above the floor. He let it rise a good four feet before hitting something else and letting it settle even with the rest of the stage.

“How’d you do that?” Christine asked, making her way over to him.

“It’s not that surprising really,” Patsy’s brother stated from the other side of the stage. “This place was really popular for a long time. They tried to keep it as updated as possible, until about fifty years ago.”

“Yeah, I added the electric platforms a few years back. But between that and the lobby I ran out of money. After that I just kind of never got back to it.”

“Platforms? How many of them are there?” I asked.

“Enough for the entire stage area. I had high hopes for the kinds of performances that I wanted to play. It’s all sectioned off in four foot by four foot squares. All of the lights and wiring have been redone. I even added dimmers for all of them. There are small lights all along the seats and aisles, kind of like a movie theater.” With this new information I scanned the stage. It was big enough to fit an entire orchestra, the choir and then enough space for the football team to lounge around in. I met Stacey’s, Christine’s, and Jakes glances. All of us thinking of the same thing. The numerous possibilities.

“What do you think, Derrick? Can we get this place in good shape?” I asked, if he couldn’t or even suspected that we couldn’t, then we were screwed. He cast an appraising eye around the room, and took a deep breath. The rest of us held ours until he nodded.

“I think so. It’ll take a lot of work, but it’s like you said, it’s worth it.” At his words I turned to the current owner.

“You said sixteen thousand right?” I asked, when he nodded I pulled out the envelop that I had gotten from the bank when I had cleaned out my savings. Christine and Patsy both followed suit. While he pulled out the necessary paperwork.

“Just sign and date, I’ll send the papers in, but as of this moment, consider the place your’s,” he answered, though he had a sad lilt to his tone.

“You know, after the benefit we really won’t have much of a use for this place,” I said as he met my eyes. “Maybe, after this is all over, as long as the school can use it for whatever is needed, I don’t see a reason why you can’t run it.”

“That’d be awesome. We need a new place around here,” Christine added, her small smile as she looked at me said she knew exactly what I was doing. The older man eyed us carefully, before he smiled, his eyes glistening slightly, before he nodded.

“I’d be happy to keep the place running for you.” I offered it to him, mostly because he had had such high hopes for the place. I understood how life could sometimes get in the way of your dreams.

This way, he wouldn’t get nailed for the back taxes and he could still have his dream. He could probably even make a good living off the place. Besides, I thought, thinking about what Drake and Becca had said about taking away the jobs that others needed. This way we could replace any jobs that we’d be taking away. Therefore, truly helping the local economy.

After that he left us to decide what materials we would need. Though Patsy’s brother took care of most of that. We really just needed to decide what cleaning supplies we needed to get. Though we all agreed that we needed a lot of pledge and pine sol.

“You know, something’s been bugging me about this whole thing,” Christine murmured to me. I didn’t know what shocked me more. The fact that she was talking directly to me or that she had thought any deeper into our current situation.


“This mystery man that’s buying the school. Maybe if he knew what we were trying to do we could talk him into delaying the buy out. Give us a chance to succeed. But no one knows who he is. Even when I heard my dad talking he had said that no one had met him face to face. They were just doing business over the phone.”

“Do you think you could find out who he is?” I asked uncertainly. She shrugged.

“I could do some snooping on my dad’s computer. He keeps everything on there.”

“Do what you feel you need to do,” was my answer and she nodded as though I had given her permission. I really didn’t know what was up with her. Most of the time she hated me and then she does things like this, as though she’s looking for my approval. I looked at the time and nearly had a panic attack. “I have to go.”

“But we just got started here,” she complained.

“I know, but I have a date with Asher.” In retrospect I probably shouldn’t have divulged that to his ex, but she didn’t get angry, just apprehensive.

“Look, I know you don’t want to hear this from me, and I’m not exactly the most trustworthy person when it comes to you. But be careful with Asher.”

“What do you mean?”

“Asher’s a good guy, he really is, he’s gentle and caring. But he’s also possessive, and isn’t traditionally a fan of equality amongst gender,” she shrugged. “It’s fine if you’ve been raised as pack, it’s the way it is, but you weren’t. All I’m saying is that you need to be careful, and patient.” I eyed her carefully, but I saw no hint to indicate that she was trying to pull one over on me. So I decided to take her advice with caution.

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. But I really have to go. I’ve stood him up a few times already, and we can’t afford for him to find out what we’re doing.” She nodded and I waved a goodbye to everyone else.

It wasn’t until after I was already in my car that I realized exactly what I had just said to her. I couldn’t afford for my boyfriend to find out what I was doing. Because he would try to stop me. I couldn’t trust Asher to be on my side. At least not yet. I guess only time would tell if that changed.

By the time I had gotten home there was a dress laid for me on my bed. I assumed it was for tonight so I took a shower before slipping it on. It was really pretty if not necessarily my style. Though I had to give props to whomever picked it out, it covered the scars on my back.

But it was a midnight blue color with sequins decorating the bodice. Though the back completely covered me the front was uncomfortably low. Not so low that my bra showed, but it was close. I would have to watch anytime I bent over. The skirt was too short for my liking as well. Showing way too much leg and making me hope that wherever we were going that the seats wouldn’t be leather.

Some strappy heels the same color as the dress had been left next to it, so I slipped them on, and took a few practice steps. After that all that was left was a light jacket and a little bag thing that was about the size of the palm of my hand and sparkly. It made me want to vomit, but since someone obviously had gone through the trouble to go shopping for me, I slipped my phone and what little money I had left into it. They barely fit.










I stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her. She had gotten home almost an hour ago, and spent her time since then in her room. Hopefully getting ready. And then she appeared.

The dress fit her perfectly like I knew it would when I saw it on the rack. She was concentrating on the stairs so I got the chance to get a good look at her. Her legs were toned and smooth, the heels making them stand out even more than the exposed skin. The color accentuated her skin tone without taking away from it.

She looked beautiful. Though I had hoped that she would do something with her hair other than that plain braid. And I could tell that she hadn’t bothered putting on a scrap of make up. But she would catch every male’s eye anyway, so I would still be the envy of the place.

When she finally made it to the bottom she looked up and gave me a smile. I took her hand and kissed the back of it. I had aimed to make her feel flattered, though it seemed to just make her feel awkward, her smile becoming strained. So I just guided her to the car.

She had gotten some compliments from my parents and sibling as we made our way through the kitchen. But she just gave them that same strained smile and I had to work to keep from showing my frustration. Reminding myself that she wasn’t used to the royal treatment.

By the time we made it to the five star restaurant that inhabited one of the rare unclaimed areas between territories, the silence was killing me. When we were seated our waitress showed up. She was an old ex of mine. Though from a different pack. I had only dated her to try to get under my parents skin. Unfortunately they had just acted like I was being a rebellious teenager. I was but it was frustrating none the less.

But I recalled that she had been a lot of fun. Her vibrant red hair and voluptuous body had provided a lot of entertainment on cold nights. She wasn’t very bright, but that was during a time when I wanted my women dumb and pretty. She was one of the few that was in it simply to get the royal treatment and toss the sheets occasionally.

When she recognized me she turned on the old charm. I glanced over at Ailith, hoping to see a modicum of jealousy. She wasn’t even paying any attention. Her eyes weren’t even at the table, instead she was looking around the room. Her expression was that of someone who was extremely uncomfortable. And seeing her shift in her dress, trying to find some kind of comfort, was severely disappointing.










Asher was busy flirting with the waitress, from the sounds of it they had known each other for a while. So I occupied myself by looking around the room. After a few minutes I was starting to get bored, and then I saw Christine and Jake walk in. Followed by an older version of Jake and their mom. They walked past our table, glancing at me as they moved. Just as he was about to pass Jake pulled his tie out of his jacket and held it up in the air, as though he were hanging himself with it. It took a lot for me not to laugh.

Right before the waitress finally left to get our drinks I noticed Sadler sitting with two women. They looked familiar though I couldn’t quite place them. But I didn’t get the chance to really think on it, because Asher decided to try to talk.

I tried to pay attention to what he was saying. Really I did. But like I had feared, the seat was leather and my legs kept sticking to it. The front of the dress kept feeling like it was falling so I was constantly pulling at it. The place was too warm for the jacket, but too cold for short sleeves. I was just really uncomfortable. I didn’t even feel like I could laugh without being stared at. This place just wasn’t me.

After about ten minutes he finally gave up. We had gotten our drinks, but I had yet to see a menu. So I didn’t even have the excuse of eating to keep me focused. Finally, with a huff, Asher left the table. I watched him as he walked up to the waitress and started a conversation. I hated to say it, but I was relieved.

I just didn’t know what to do around Asher. It was like he was always expecting something from me and I was constantly disappointing him. It made me wonder why he was wasting his time on me. Which, if you didn’t know, is not a very confidence inspiring thought.

Luckily, I didn’t really have time to dwell on it. A movement caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. Sadler and the two women he was with were looking right at me. I turned to fully look back and Sadler smiled, gesturing to the seat next to him. I glanced over at Asher, but he was still deep in conversation with the red head so I did a mental shrug and stood.

Thanks to all of my fidgeting my skin wasn’t stuck to the seat. Though I was still pulling on the skirt, trying to make it longer than it was. And then subsequently pulling the neckline up. As I approached his table he pulled the seat out, though not without giving me an ironic look.

“Nice dress.” I scoffed.

“Don’t even get me started,” I answered as I sat. Doing my best to smooth out the skirt so less skin came in contact with the seat.

“Here,” Sadler said, sparing me a sympathetic look as he gestured for me to stand back up. I did as he indicated and he placed his coat on the seat. So I sat on soft material as opposed to the cold seat.

“Thank you.” I think more gratitude came out than I had intended, though to me he deserved every last bit of it.

“Hon, if you didn’t like the dress then why did you wear it?” the older of the two women asked. All I could do was shrug.

“I don’t have any other dresses and I didn’t know where we were going.”

“Not even one other dress?” the younger woman asked and I shook my head.

“I’m more of a jeans person.”

“It is nice though,” Sadler supplied. It looked like he was trying to be helpful. I gave him a sardonic look.

“My dance uniform is longer.” It seemed I picked a bad time to say it. He had been taking a drink of water, and most of it ended up on the table. I jumped a little, startled by his reaction. I didn’t intend on making him choke.

“Are you okay?” I asked, handing him a napkin. He nodded quickly, using the napkin to mop up the spilled water.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Um,” he stumbled for something to say. “Oh, Ailith, this is my mother, Janet, and my sister, Kelsey. Mom, Kelsey, this is Ailith.” I nodded politely, and received the same response, though the older woman’s eyes lit up.

“Oh, so you’re the young woman we have to thank.”

“I beg your pardon?” I answered at the same time that Sadler spoke.

“Mom.” Though while mine was polite, his was a quiet warning.

“I was beginning to think that I would never see my boy again, except at a distance. You must be the new friend that made him think of getting a hold of us.” I looked to Sadler, confused. However, he wasn’t offering up any answers as his face was as red a tomato. Personally I thought that was an overused term but it did fit perfectly. But since he was obviously embarrassed I let it go.

“Ma’am?” I looked up at the young waiter, he couldn’t have been any older than me. “May I take your order?” I glanced down at the menu sitting in front of me and picked something random.

When the food arrived, I sat quietly while I ate. For the first time in a while I felt comfortable, despite the wardrobe malfunction. But I didn’t feel pressured into saying anything. Instead, I just people watched. That was how I noticed the dark headed young woman followed by an older male that I knew by face if not name. And a young man that looked a lot like her. She spotted me right after I saw her and made a beeline for me.

“Ailith,” she seemed genuinely delighted to see me.

“Kiera, it’s so nice to see you again,” I replied while I stood. She pulled me in for a hug that I didn’t fight. When we separated she was still beaming. It was such a change from the sullen girl I had met nearly three months ago.

“You too,” she turned to include her father and the other young man. “I’m sure you remember my dad, Kenneth.” I was just going to nod politely, but he grabbed my hand, bending at the waist and pressed his forehead against the back.

“Alpha,” he spoke with reverence, and I looked to Kiera for help. But she was just grinning, he finally stood straight, smiling down at me softly.

“And this is my brother, Kevin,” the young man grabbed my hand as well, but he just held it for a moment.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I answered, not entirely sure what to do.

“Anyway, I’m so glad I ran into you. We need to get together sometime,” she started, but then her eyes slid down to what I was wearing. “and have a serious talk about decent formal wear.” I rolled my eyes, finally feeling a bit more comfortable.

“It wasn’t my idea,” I answered, gesturing to where Asher was still standing with the busty waitress.

“Oh honey,” she whimpered with empathy, but then her smile was back. “Anyway, give me your number before you leave.”

“Okay.” She left with the two men following after her. I took my seat, catching the amused expression on Sadler’s face. “What exactly just happened?” I tried to keep my voice low, he leaned over so he could be quiet and still answer my question.

“He feels he owes you a debt for helping his daughter.” I looked directly at him, my confusion evident.

“All I did was stand there. She’s the one that did all of the work. She saved herself.” I was expecting more of an explanation but he just shrugged. Since I wasn’t going to get anything else from him I decided to finish my meal. Which turned out to be a heavenly steak. I had never loved beef more than in that moment.

Another few minutes passed, and the song that was playing caught my attention. It was just the beginning and I knew it well. The soft smile I gave at the memories it brought was involuntary. It brought back all of the rides in the car with my mom. Listening to this song and several others that were rarely played now.

“Good memories?” I opened my eyes and looked over at Sadler.

“Yeah,” I turned when someone approached my side of the table. I looked up to see Keira’s brother, Kevin standing with his hand out to me.

“A smile like that belongs on the dance floor.” I eyed him carefully for a moment, but I sensed no threat from him. When my wolf told me to go for it, I slid my hand into his and allowed him to pull me to my feet.

“So tell me, Alpha…,” I cut him off.

“Ailith.” He smiled down at me, as his arm tightened around my waist. We moved rhythmically, swaying back and forth.

“So tell me, Ailith, are you as good on the dance floor as you are in a court room?” I narrowed my eyes slightly. It sounded an awful lot like he wanted a challenge.

“That depends really. In these shoes, not a chance,” was my reply and he stood back holding onto my hand. I looked at him quizzically.

“Then take them off. If you think you can keep up with me. But if you don’t think you can I have no problem keeping it slow.” A slow smile crept it’s way across my face, and I bent down to slide my heels off. He took them from me and went to the nearest table, thrusting them into the nearest man’s arms, patting him on the shoulder as he turned back to me. My jaw was hanging open and my eyes were as wide as saucers. The man sat there staring at us with indignation. Kevin reached for me and spun us away from the table.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” I whispered, but he chuckled.

“Now come on, show me what you can do.” And just like that we owned the floor. I’d never had the chance to learn how to ballroom dance, and I didn’t think what we were doing had a name.

But we took turns taking the lead, the movements getting more and more subtle as the song played on. Until eventually I couldn’t tell who was leading and who was following. We moved in sync as the tempo rose and fell, until the floor was cleared and I spun out to find myself standing in the middle alone.

The song picked up and I started to spin, faster and faster, raising my arms above my head. When I came out of it I let myself fall back without fear of hitting the floor. And he was there, catching me, slowly lowering me until I was almost level with the hard wood. He picked me back up and we drew close, slowing almost completely until the song was over.

Neither one of us could stop smiling as the room erupted into applause. We both turned as one, our hands still linked, and took our bows. Finally, we couldn’t hold back our laughter and practically ran off the dance floor. I went over to the man that Kevin had forced to hold my shoes. He handed them back gracefully, and I apologized profusely for our rudeness, but he just waved me off.

Kevin guided me back to Sadler’s table, joking about how one should never underestimate a beautiful dance partner. It came out a little playful, so I turned as I sat down to slide my shoes back on.

“Are you flirting with me?” I asked, narrowing my eyes to make it apparent that I was just playing. But he grinned down at me.

“Nah, I know when someone’s out of my league,” his answer sent a shock wave through my mind. He took advantage of my momentary speech loss to bow to the table.

“Sadler, ladies,” he held his hand out to me. “Ailith, thank you for the dance.”

“It was my pleasure,” I answered, excepting his friendly hand shake.

“I bid you all a wonderful evening.” With that he was gone.

“Well,” Sadler breathed. “I can’t let a pup out do me. So,” he continued holding his hand out to his mother. “shall we?” She gave him a delighted smile and took his hand. I watched as they made their way to the dance floor.

“That really was impressive,” Kelsey said after a few minutes, gaining my attention.

“It was okay, for spur of the moment anyway.”

“Are you going to unleash moves like that at your ball?” she asked, smiling, but I had no idea what she was talking about.

“I’m sorry?”

“Your birthday ball, we got the invitation yesterday. I can’t wait.” I sat there staring at her. Completely frozen.

My eighteenth birthday was in three months. They were already sending out invitations. Jen’s words played over in my head. ‘When a female turns eighteen they throw her a coming of age party, to give her a chance to find her mate. After that a male can ask for the right to court her, if they get along he can ask her parents for her hand. If they approve, he gets to marry her’. Kelsey was starting to give me a worried look when Sadler came back. I looked up at him.

“Did you get an invitation too?” I asked, he looked confused for a moment.

“You mean to your birthday? Yeah, I got it the other day,” he sat down as though it were no big deal, and then he really looked at me, his expression falling. “You didn’t know.” I moved to try to stand, but he kept talking. “It’s nothing personal, it’s just pack law.” I looked back at him.

“I’m not pack.” it came out as more of a growl but I didn’t spare a thought for it. Anger was coursing through me so potently that I couldn’t recall the last time I felt so strongly. I stood, but Sadler stood with me, grabbing my arm in a gentle grip that wasn’t meant to keep me still, simply stall me.

“Ailith, it’s all they know.” I turned to face him fully, his arm never budged.

“They can lock me in a cage, but they cannot force me to marry.”











She walked away, and I let her go. I just couldn’t come up with anything that would match her argument. With her back straight and her head high she made her way onto the dance floor where Asher was feeling up the waitress. Her anger radiated around her, catching everyone’s attention.

And it wasn’t just her anger. To look at her on a normal day one would only be able to tell that she was a wolf if they knew what they were looking for. The grace, the confidence, but when she allowed herself the rare moments of anger or any strong emotion her rank came through. Her dominance was strong enough that even the humans moved out of her way.

Asher was so distracted that he didn’t notice the wave of power, however, the girl did. She looked at Ailith with the beginnings of a snarl, only to shrink in on herself. Ailith dismissed her with a simple wave of her fingers, and the female scurried away without so much as a backwards glance for Asher.

His irritation showed as he watched her approach, only for his expression to shift to one of confusion as he took in her state of mind. When she was close enough to speak quietly to him I could see them arguing. Until finally she simply spun and walked out of the restaurant, leaving her jacket behind. Asher tossed his hands up into the air and quickly went back to their table to grab their things, and follow her out.

“I like her,” Kelsey said suddenly and I looked over at her, only to see my mother nodding in agreement. All I could do was shake my head.

I had always been close to my sister, her being barely a year younger than myself. The nine years I had spent with no contact had eaten at me until I was merely a husk. When Ailith had been locked away, we spent a good deal of time talking. She told me many things but what stuck with me the most was how she had spoken about her mother. How much she missed her, and wished she could talk to her again.

Then one day I found myself picking up the phone, dialing my sister’s private number. We spoke regularly after that, and then she talked me into talking to my mom. That reunion was a bit more difficult. And now I found myself seeing them both for the first time in years that wasn’t across the room for a hearing.

Seeing Ailith seated not far away had seemed like the purest form of irony. The young woman that had stirred the desire to reconnect with the only family I had been close too. Present for the physical reconnection itself. Though she looked horribly uncomfortable. Really Asher should have known better than to bring her here dressed as she was. Though he was preoccupied with his ex.

I hadn’t thought twice about inviting her to join us, and she didn’t seem to think twice about taking me up on the invitation.

“So, brother mine,” Kelsey casually as she leaned forward. “how does she look in her dance uniform?” I just shook my head and ran a hand over my face.

I couldn’t believe that I had choked, literally. Her comment just seemed to come out of nowhere though in retrospect it fit the conversation. It just so happened that I really, really liked how she looked in that uniform. Especially when she was twisting and turning in the air.

“She looks like a high school student,” was my answer. She chuckled, knowing when I was dodging a question. Things really hadn’t changed that much.

“She doesn’t agree with the marriage process does she?” Mom asked.

“It wouldn’t seem like it,” I answered, I hadn’t had a decent conversation with Ailith in weeks. The subject of marriage had never come up. But I couldn’t stop my exasperated sigh. “What was Drake thinking? Planning her ball and sending out the invitations without telling her?” He just kept making mistake after mistake with her.

“Well, he was probably thinking that it would be easier than fighting with her,” Mom answered. “Though I have the feeling that any male he picks out will have a difficult time of it.” I couldn’t help but shake my head.

“She’ll refuse the vows,” it was a simple statement of fact. She would never allow herself to be forced into an arranged marriage. She’d leave before they could get the gown on her.

About ten minutes later we decided to leave. The meal was long over and they needed to get home before my father sensed that something was amiss. We said our goodbyes at the table, and they left before me. I reached down to grab my jacket that I had placed for Ailith to sit on and a small dark blue bundle of clothe fell on the floor. I picked it up and felt the hard plastic of a phone underneath the thin material. Ailith must have forgotten it in her anger.

So when I got in my car I pointed it in her direction. Intending on simply dropping it off and leaving. I didn’t even get there. About three miles down the road I saw her walking. Carrying those ridiculous shoes in one hand while the other swung freely at her side. It was November, the chill in the air was more than enough to give her a cold. However, if she was still angry it wasn’t likely that she’d want any help.

So instead I pulled up ahead of her and opened the door. She could get in or walk past. It was her choice.











I never slowed my pace as the car came closer. I knew it was Sadler, no one else would make a wordless offer and leave it completely up to me. It was tempting to just walk by it. But my feet hurt and I was freezing. Asher still had my coat, and it was still another five miles to the house. So I kept my stride and slid into the car when I got to it.

He didn’t say anything, which I was grateful for, and handed me that damned purse. I must have left it at his table. I took my phone and money out of it and tossed it out the window. I already felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders.

The drive home was silent, though it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. It was just one of those drives that silence was accepted. By the time we pulled up to the house, my anger had drained. I tried to climb out, but he spoke.

“Lily.” I looked back at him. His hand had landed on mine in his effort to get my attention, and neither one us moved for a beat. “It’s going to be alright.” I didn’t have anything to say, so I just nodded and made my way into the house.

Drake, Becca, and Asher were waiting for me. Asher hadn’t even changed out of his clothes. It looked like he had warned them of my outburst at the restaurant, because they looked like they were ready for a fight.

“Ailith, we need to talk.” I just sighed.

“There really isn’t anything to talk about. You had no right to start planning my marriage without my consent.” He opened his mouth but I cut him off. “I understand that you have expectations to meet. But I will not enter into an arranged marriage. You do whatever you have to do to save face. I don’t mean to sound petulant, but the simple fact is…you can’t make me.” I made it to the other side of the kitchen when Asher finally spoke.

“Where’s your bag?” I barely paused long enough to give a polite answer.

“Somewhere along the highway.” It wasn’t until I was changed and wrapped in my blankets that I took a deep breath. And then I remembered what happened in the car with Sadler. All I could think before I fell asleep was, it had been an awfully long time since anyone had called me Lily.

Chapter 21

The following week went by quickly. It was mostly filled with work, school, and preparing the benefit. For the first few days we were in a frenzy when we figured out what our deadline had to be. In order to save up the money in time to keep the school from closing we needed to have the performance before graduation. So we had roughly five months to prepare, get enough money for the equipment, and rehearse.

Though after those first seven days things slowed down. Jake managed to assign each performance to a specific person, then handed it over to Stacey and Christine to choreograph. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to want to do any of that without my presence. Claiming that I came up with the initial ideas that would make them memorable.

Our goal was to make each major performance a theme pertaining to the song. And until we had the theme we couldn’t move forward with costumes or set designs. Ultimately it led to all of us getting together at the same time to hammer out all of the details. That meant that we were drawing attention. Even if that attention was positive.

We were all sitting around the living room floor, deciding that it would just be easier to get together at our house. That way Jen and Camilla could be there and it not be as suspicious. Kind of one of those, ‘nothing to see here just a group of teenagers hanging out,’ type of thing. We even put in a movie and were eating microwave popcorn to add to the effect. Though we were having a lot of fun with the popcorn.

“Oh my god! How do you do that?” Christine laughed loudly, while I was throwing popcorn up in the air and catching it with my mouth. It was my sign that someone was listening in. Though I had seen her try it a few times when she didn’t think anyone was looking.

“Just don’t think about it,” I answered and demonstrated one more time. After a couple more tries she managed it and that led to Stacey and Jake attempting it as well. A lot of popcorn ended up on the floor.

“So when do we get to the pillow fights?” Jake asked with a wiggle of his brow. He bellowed out a laugh when four handfuls worth of popcorn hit him in the chest. “What? It’s like every guys dream to crash his sister’s sleep over. Don’t ruin it for me now.” That carried us until we were sure no one was listening again.

Camilla had her sketch pad open on her lap, while Jen whispered things in her ear. Stacey and Christine sat across from each other, that rivalry still hadn’t quite dissipated, which left me and Jake to play peacekeeper.

“Anyway,” he leaned in, back to business. “I was thinking that you could sing Battlefield.” He was looking directly at me.

“What? Why me?” I asked, the less time I was seen on the floor the better. This wasn’t about stage time and I didn’t want it to turn into a competition among the performers.

“That’s obvious,” Christine cut in and I looked at her, confused. She let out a heavy sigh. “Look, you have this weird ability to look like a complete bad ass, we should use that.”

“Yeah, we could stage the entire thing as one big battlefield. The dance itself could be a battle.”

“What like hand to hand?” Jen asked, looking up from Camilla’s drawing.

“No,” Stacey answered a look of contemplation crossing her features. “I think it should be with medieval weapons. It would be more impressive.”

“Do you know how to use any of them?” I asked, I was just starting to train with weapons, mostly swords and a long bow. Bastion had said that my hand to hand was coming along fine and he wanted me to expand.

“No, but I know the fencing coach at the center. He could probably train the dancers.”

“Then you need to pick whose going to be trained,” Jake provided absentmindedly as he wrote something down in his notebook.

“Wait, can we trust him?” I asked, unsure.

“He signed the petition, and he loves conspiracy,” Stacey reassured me.

“Okay, so we’ve got the blue prints for that one. What about, ‘A Thousand Years’,” Jake asked. Stacey jumped in with an excited grunt as she chewed on her popcorn, it wasn’t just for show.

“I actually have a great idea for that one. I was thinking it could be a big ballroom, with dozens of dancers. I was thinking it could an elaborate waltz or something. With the girl singing it could be the main character, and her partner could be on the opposite side of the room, and they make their way over to each other until they meet in the middle.”

“Ooh, that’s really good. Whose going to be the lead?” Camilla asked. Everyone looked at me.


“You would make the perfect lead for this one,” Jen gushed.

“No, no, no, no. I can’t be a bad ass and a ballroom dancer, it just doesn’t work like that.”

“Sure it can. You stick to the back a lot but you still demand a presence,” Stacey added, I couldn’t stop the betrayed look I gave her. Which she shrugged off.

“Besides, we saw you at the restaurant, you rocked,” Jake supplied.

“I didn’t even know what I was doing,” I protested, but everyone seemed to have agreed.

“Whose the male lead going to be?”

“He has to match her, if they’re height or weight ratios are off it’s just going to look awkward.”

“What about that guy at the restaurant?” Jake asked, but Christine shook her head.

“Too short, they barely pulled off their performance as it was, and that was just because they were being spontaneous.”

“Guys I really don’t feel comfortable…,”

“That’s okay, we have a few months to figure it out,” Jen cut me off.

“Yeah, but I don’t know how to ballroom dance,” Stacey added self consciously. I let out a loud exasperated sigh.

“I can get a hold of someone who could either teach us or point us in the right direction,” I answered, miraculously everyone heard me this time. And that’s how it went until it was so late that they actually did end up staying over.









Yet again I heard the peel of teenage laughter. I was surprised to say the least when Ailith asked if she could have a few friends over. I wasn’t too happy about the Wilt boy being among them. But she had been so antisocial for so long that I counted my blessings.

When Asher had come home alone last week, I was expecting a major explosion. The size of which this house had never seen. I didn’t want to force Ailith into marriage. In all actuality I had no right to arrange it to begin with. She was an alpha that was of no blood relation to me. Regardless of what the paperwork might say, she was not my daughter. But I had to keep up appearances. When neighboring alphas started mentioning that she was close to the right age, I didn’t have a choice or risk looking weak.

I didn’t even know how she knew about the custom, and Asher claimed not to have told her. But I was impressed with the way she had handled it. If only I could get her to except the school closing. I understood that she wanted a stable life, and that meant a school close to home, where she would graduate. But after looking over the evaluation that described the school’s state. It would be better off to bus the kids to a different school and use the space to further help the town. It was a situation where I would just have to trust that she would eventually understand.

“I haven’t seen the girls spend time together like that since they were little,” Becca said as she sat down next to me.

“Mm, has Asher gotten any closer to gaining her forgiveness?” I asked.

I was proud when I heard that the two were dating. She was a fine alpha female, and it was wonderful that Asher seemed to finally be ready to settle down. But their fight over his keeping the knowledge of her ball from her seemed to have created a rift. I hadn’t even seen the two in the same room together since.

“It doesn’t look like it. Though I think she’s being obstinate,” she answered.

“She feels betrayed, it’s understandable.”

“Yeah, but I think if he just waits long enough and makes a lengthy apology it’ll blow over. She doesn’t seem to be that hard to please.”

“Perhaps.” It was the only answer I could give. She may be easy to please, but I had the feeling that her forgiveness was not easily attained.

“It didn’t help that she threw the purse he bought her out of a moving car.” I chuckled.

“She’s not a fashion diva. She’s made that perfectly clear.”

“Yeah, but the bag alone cost him nearly two hundred dollars. And I found the dress in the garbage can.”

“I think we all should just let her pick out her own clothes.”

“I would feel better about that if she ever actually picked out any clothes. She’s still wearing the same things that she bought on her first day.”

“Are you complaining that she’s not draining us dry by shopping?”

“No, it’s just that she’s been working for months, where is all that money going if not on herself?”

“Well, that’s her business.”

“I know, I just have this feeling that something’s going on with her.”

“Just give her some space, Love. She’ll come around.” She sighed.

“Okay, at least she’s stopped doing all of the housework,” she grumbled as she made her way out of the room.











A couple of days after our unintended sleep over, I found myself cornered by Asher. I had been avoiding him for almost a week and a half. The thought of talking to him didn’t make me angry anymore, but I still hadn’t gotten around to doing anything about it. It still stung that he had known about that ball and had deliberately kept it from me. But now I stood in front of the sink with him just a few inches away with both arms framing me against the counter.

“I need to talk to you,” he kept his voice low. It was early in the morning, just before everyone got up to get ready for school.

“Then talk,” I answered. At least I had put some effort into not snapping at him. It wasn’t a lot of effort but it was some.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I know I should have, but I knew you would be upset.”

“You had no right to keep it from me.”

“I know. But my dad only set it up to keep the other packs from sniffing around. He had no intention of actually marrying you off. I’m sorry, and I swear it’ll never happen again.” His eyes and tone were sincere.

I believed that Drake didn’t actually intend on following through with the marriage custom. But as Asher leaned in to hug me, and I hugged him back, I couldn’t bring myself to believe that he would never keep anything from me again. Not even if I had the right to know.

That dragged at me all day, all the way up until I reached the theater. When I could throw myself into preparing for the benefit. Patrick, one of the members from the chemistry club had wanted to meet with me. Shockingly, the shop students had come through for us, making exact replica’s of the seats for their projects. They looked amazing as they had managed to even upholster them to match.

They said that when the teacher had noticed that they all were making the same thing, he had gotten suspicious. But when they said that they all wanted to make something to match since it was their last year together, he let it go.

We had managed to get all of the cleaning done in the first week. Everyone taking shifts so all of us weren’t missing at the same time. Since Camilla couldn’t start working on the sets until we had all of the details and knew our limitations, she had started painting murals on the lobby walls. She said that since we couldn’t afford to buy expensive paintings to hang on the wall, she’d put them on there herself. So long as they initialed them to make it apparent that they were replicas we didn’t think it would be a problem.

So far we had two major problems. The first was funding for all of the equipment. The tech club wanted to buy some high quality technology. So we could all communicate with each other from one side of the building to the other. Not to mention the sound system and good quality cameras so we could sell copies of the performances after they were done. Add in the wireless microphones and every thing needed for the instruments themselves and it added up to a very steep number.

And we couldn’t forget everything we needed for the performances themselves. Jen still needed fabric for all of the costumes, and she didn’t even know what all she needed yet. Camilla and the art club needed new brushes and mediums, as well as everything we needed to build the actual sets. Again, we still didn’t know what all we needed yet. The math club couldn’t give us a grand total until we knew what all we were buying. And until we knew exactly what we were doing we couldn’t tell them.

“There you are,” Ricky huffed as I made my way down to the stage. He was a scrawny kid with a habit of being impatient. Lucky for him Christine and Stacey were with him, also squirming with impatience.

“Yes, I’m here, what is it?” I asked.

“Wait until you see this, it’s amazing,” Stacey breathed, barely containing her excitement.

“Yeah, the geek squad really outdid themselves this time,” Christine added with an added grin for the geek in question.

“Check this out,” he cut in, probably before Christine could offend him any more.

He held a small metal box in his hand connected to what looked like a gas tank that sat at his feet. In his other hand he held a small box with a switch. He hit the switch and flames erupted form the metal box. “Isn’t it great?” he asked, his face lit up with excitement.

“Uh, yeah, what is it?” I asked, not entirely sure what I was looking at. His expression turned to one of absolute indignity.

“It’s a heatless flame, go on, put your hand in it.” I did as he asked, moving quickly just in case. When I didn’t feel anything I let my hand sit in the fire.

“How did you do that?”

“It’s a gas, all it takes is a spark to ignite it, but when it’s lit it doesn’t give off any heat.”

“Isn’t the gas dangerous?”

“Well yeah, if your not careful it can explode, but you won’t have to worry about any actual fire damage.”

“What about the gas though? Is it safe to inhale?”

“Oh, it’s made out of completely organic gases, it’s harmless.”

“How does that help us here?” This time I directed my question to the girls that were dancing on their toes.

“We were thinking about the song, ‘Burn’. This would be perfect for it. We can have all of the dancers separated into different groups and surround them with the fire. No one will get hurt and the effect will be amazing.”

“Can you make enough of it?”

“I can make enough for the performance and one rehearsal. It’ll take a few tanks to spread it evenly along the floor, and make it burn for the duration of the song.”

“How are we going to spread it though? We can’t just poor it over the floor.”

“Derrick said he can put in false floors that sit on top of the original. We can run ducts underneath them and just cover them with loose floor boards until we need to remove them,” Stacey replied.

“Okay, sounds awesome.” It was the only thing I could think of to say. It was their project really, but they danced around like I had just given them permission.

The harder I tried to be a non entity in all of the preparations and planning, the deeper they pulled me in. Until eventually, no one did anything without my approval. I continued working full time, and several of the others ended up getting jobs. Between all of us we ended up with enough money to buy all of the equipment and supplies that we needed.

Shockingly, the biggest contributor besides myself was Christine. After I watched her drop two thousand dollars for Jen’s fabric, I asked the math club how much she had donated so far. They kept a record of every cent that everyone gave, and they had no qualms about telling me that so far she had given over ten thousand. So I cornered her.

“Hey,” I said while she was off to the side writing down some notes about whatever performance she was working on.

“Hey, what’s up?” she asked absentmindedly. I wasn’t exactly sure how to ask her how she had gotten all of that money, so I decided to be blunt.

“Colleen told me that you’ve given over ten thousand dollars so far.”


“How do you have so much money? I know you aren’t working,” I added before she could use that particular excuse. She sighed and dropped her pen on her notebook.

“It’s not a big deal,” she tried to shoulder past me, but I blocked her path.

“Yes, it is. You aren’t stealing it from your dad are you?” I asked, concern edging my tone.

“God no, I’m not stupid.”

“Then how?”

“It’s my collage fund,” she finally answered after a few minutes of silence.

“That’s even worse,” I snapped, and she jumped. “You need that for your future.”

“No, I don’t,” she snapped back, I just leveled my gaze at her. She tried to stare me down, but after a few moments she backed down. “I have a full ride scholarship, I don’t need the collage fund.” I felt my eyes widen.


“Yeah, oh. Look, don’t tell anybody okay? My parents don’t even know.”

“Why not?” I asked, incredulous. “You should be proud, that’s a huge accomplishment.”

“I know, and I am. But it’ll totally ruin my image if everyone found out that I was studying when I could have been partying.”

“Why does that matter?” I asked, completely confused. This girls logic made no sense to me.

“I’m supposed to be the carefree, queen bee. If everyone found out, I’d be labeled a geek. And I’d rather go out popular, than an outcast.”

“Why is popularity so important to you?”

“You wouldn’t understand. You walk into a room and everyone wants to get to know you. I’ve spent my entire life living in the shadows because of my grandfather. When I hit middle school I started making a name for myself. So I’m not looked down on anymore.” She looked absolutely miserable.

“Well, what about Jake? He doesn’t feel the need to be rude to everyone so the minority likes him.”

“He’s also the one that everyone thinks is pushing drugs. Drake won’t even allow him to train to be an enforcer. Which is the only way for him to have a place in the pack.”

“I thought you had started the rumor about Jake doing drugs?” I asked. She looked at me like I had just spit on her grandmother’s grave.

“Of course not! He’s my brother, what kind of person do you think I am?”

“The kind that would start a horrible rumor about her brother to further her own standing,” I said honestly. “That’s the reputation you have, Christine. That’s what people expect from you. Jake was the one that told me you had started the rumor.” With that said, I walked away.

That night Lori opened my bedroom door. When I told her to come in, Christine was with her, holding a plastic bag. She was wearing plain jeans, a tight blue long sleeved shirt, and tennis shoes. It was the first time I’d ever seen her in anything but pink and heels.

“Hey, what’s going on?” I asked. Lori leaned against the door frame, while Christine stepped inside.

“Actually I was wondering if you could help me with something.” For some reason she blushed, but pulled a box of hair dye out of her bag. I took it from her to look at it. It was brown, not blonde. I shot her a questioning look. “It’s my natural hair color,” she informed me as she sat down at the foot of my bed.

“I thought about what you said. And then I asked Jake if it was true. He actually believed that I had started that rumor,” she shook her head sadly. “I never intended to hurt anyone, and I would never degrade my brother like that. I just got so sick of everyone looking down on me just because I was born to the wrong family. I guess it got away from me. So I’m going back. Back to the way I look, and back to the way I was. When I had real friends, even if they didn’t have a high standing.”

“That’s great, really it is. But I don’t know how to use this stuff,” I laughed. She laughed with me.

“I can help,” we both turned to Lori, who blushed. “I’ve been, uh, apprenticing at a beauty parlor, for the past couple of months. I don’t get paid, but I get to learn how they style and color hair.” This surprised me. Lori had always just wanted to keep her hair short so she didn’t have to worry about it. She never told me that she had an interest in being a cosmetician. Then it occurred to me that I had never asked.

“You’re learning how to do hair?” Christine asked, her voice taking on a far away tone.

“Yeah, why?” Lori asked, suspicion coating her voice.

Christine looked at me, the meaningful glint taking a moment to click in my mind. Then I looked at Lori in a whole new light. We had recently found out that Camilla had a gift for makeup, as well as, drawing. Looked like we found our hair stylist.

Over the next few weeks, Christine had held true to her word. Turned out that she actually really hated the color pink. And invited several people to what she called her ‘Barbie burning’. Where she burned all of her pink clothes, skirts, blouses, and heels. She actually had a much simpler taste in clothes than she had always bragged about. She even started having people call her Chris, instead of Christine. It was weird, but I was proud of her.

And then one day I was looking in the mirror while I was getting ready for school. I had just finished my braid, and I took a good hard look at it. It was something I had always done, ever since I hit puberty. It was my solace, my shield, what I used to emotionally protect myself when I physically couldn’t. In that moment I realized I hated it.

It was a reminder of everything I had done, that had been done to me. I finally understood that it was my way of symbolically holding on to something. My past. It used to be that I thought I could convince myself that I was strong, that I was admirable, or even respectable. That I wasn’t as damaged as I knew I was, and the braid was the way I did it.

I looked down at the scissors sitting on my counter. It occurred to me that I didn’t need to convince myself anymore. And if Christine could let go of everyone that treated her badly because of her last name. Then maybe I could stop trying to talk myself into being strong, and just do it.

So I picked up those scissors, holding my long braid in my hand, over my shoulder. Pulling it tight, I looked into my own eyes, as the blades closed over it. Two feet worth of hair came away in my hand. My head instantly felt several pounds lighter. I found I could actually turn my head easier. I looked in the mirror again, and I didn’t see any regret or sadness. I felt free.

I hid the braid in the back of my closet, in an old shoe box. As a reminder. Then grabbed my bag and headed out the door. Knowing I would be late to school.

By the time I got out of the salon and to the parking lot first period had just ended. I walked into the school, and most of the people I talked to on a regular basis, which thanks to the benefit there were several, stopped to stare. My hair was now to the middle of my back, and it turned out to be naturally wavy. I had had the stylist part it down the side, and I almost looked like a new person. When I finally made it to my locker I was bombarded by those that I counted as good friends.

“Oh my god!”

“You look amazing.”

“Holy crap!” And it went on and on while I got my books. Even though it was way more attention than I ever wanted, I couldn’t stop smiling.

“Ailith?” I turned at the new voice. Sadler stood there staring. It looked like he was just passing by when he noticed me.


“You look…different.”

“Yeah, spur of the moment decision,” I mumbled, as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

“I like it, it looks good on you.” I smiled my thanks and he kept walking.

His reaction was completely different from Asher’s. Which came out as more relief than shock and awe. I was kind of disappointed, he did compliment it, it just wasn’t what I was looking for.

Then the next thing I know I’m being shoved into a dress for my birthday. The time had flown by as the benefit progressed. We now had everything planned out and were rehearsing and practicing whenever a large number of us had time.

Which was every night of the week, depending on the group. We ended up doing a lot of round abouts. You know, when everyone calls each other’s parents to say that they’re staying at this friends house or that one’s. With the end of school sneaking up on us, the parents were being unusually understanding. Those parents that knew what we were up too would usually field any calls from concerned parents who didn’t.

Which Becca did a surprising amount of checking up on me. It was a mild concern, as she was among the group who didn’t know. Since I claimed to be with Chris so much, her mom was nice enough to make sure she was the one that answered the phone all the time. When Jake had let it slip, what we were doing, she was shockingly supportive. I had never met such a rebellious adult.

I didn’t have much time to dwell on it, while I was primed and poked with this utensil or that. I had let Becca plan my party. I really just didn’t want to deal with it, since it was just for show anyway. But in retrospect, I probably should have had a hand in it after all.

She wanted me to look elegant, as was custom. So she chose a floor length black dress. That didn’t bother me, in fact, even with my braid gone, I still preferred black. But the skirt was so narrow that I couldn’t take a full step. I had to practice for a few minutes before I could walk without overstepping and stumbling. The bodice had a square neckline, without dipping too low, and my arms were bare. The back had a diamond shaped hole right in the middle, the only spot that wasn’t riddled with scars. There was a long expanse of loose fabric that hooked onto the middle finger of my right hand, and attached just below that diamond.

They had twisted my hair into a neat bun at the back of my head, and added enough makeup to make me look at least five years older than I was. Jen at least had the decency to tell me that it was so I would appeal to the older males. Which skeeved me out to be honest.

By the time I made my way downstairs, Asher was already standing at the bottom. He looked very handsome with his simple black button up and black slacks. His hair was slicked back in a pony tail. But it made him look slightly mob-ish. When he watched me slowly maneuver the stairs, he looked pleased. Which was not a very confidence inspiring look. In my mind he was supposed to look at me with awe at my beauty. Not like I finally looked how he wanted me to.

But I smiled all the same when he wrapped my hand around his arm. Turned out that I really should have explored the house more. There was a secret door under the stairs that led to a whole separate wing of the house. When we made it to the other side we were in a long hallway. At the other end there was a door that led to the outside, which was where the guests were entering. There was a large archway to the right just in front of the outside door, that led into a large ballroom.

I could hear a band playing classical music and several of the guest’s voices made their way out to me. When I heard Drake announce me, Asher led me into the room. I smiled graciously at all of the guests, as I was supposed to do. Though Asher’s voice in my ear, coaching me on how I was supposed to act, got on my nerves quickly. But he had to drag me around the room to introduce me. It was custom after all.

There were about four other packs in the room, along with every wolf I worked with on the benefit. They greeted me with a polite nod and conspiratorial smile. Christine and Jake were there, along with their parents, thanks to their father being the mayor. So I wasn’t completely alone. I spotted Sadler standing with his mother and sister in a far corner and he shot me a nod and smile. Though his mom and sister actually waved.

Asher didn’t look to pleased by that, though when he had done his job as my escort he left to go talk to his friends. None of them I knew. None of them I wanted to know. I was more than content to let him go his own way, as I desperately wanted to go mine. However, mine didn’t seem to be possible.

All I wanted was to stake out a corner and stay there. But every time I took a step there was another person wanting to talk to me. Most of them were young men, though a good deal of them were older men and women. Friends of Drake’s who wanted to meet the second lone wolf that he had taken in. One man even referred to me as a stray. I made sure to ‘accidentally’ spill my drink on him.

“Oh I’m so sorry, I’m so clumsy,” I gushed as he flustered and stuttered his way to a napkin. I dropped my act as soon as he had turned his back.

“Smooth,” Sadler said right behind me. I turned to look at him with my best innocent expression.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” Kelsey was standing right next to him, and let out a loud sharp laugh.

“Uh huh, you know he’s the alpha of a neighboring pack?” he asked, I just shrugged.

“I said I was sorry.” He finally cracked a smile.

“I just wanted to say happy birthday,” he squeezed my arm gently and moved on, but Kelsey shot me a thumbs up behind his back before following.

An hour later I finally gave up trying to hide. Too many people wanted to talk to me. So I decided to keep moving, limiting my one on one time with people. I did my best to act like a gracious hostess. Saying hello to this person or that as I passed. Until finally I sidled up next to Kelsey again. She was just leaning against the wall, watching everyone stand around and gossip.

“So, when can I leave this thing?” I asked, quietly. She grinned at me.

“Not until the first guest leaves.”

“And how long does that usually take?”

“Not until you open your presents.” She nodded over to a ridiculously long table, stacked three feet high with wrapped gifts. I couldn’t stop my groan, I tried, I swear I did, but it slipped out anyway. I hated presents. Always having to pretend to like what others give you, when they don’t know a thing about what you do or do not like.

“Relax, until your wedding day this will be the last time you have to deal with anything like this.” I snorted.

“Yeah, I’m not getting married anytime soon.” She looked at me with a sense of camaraderie. It occurred to me then that she was twenty one, and there was no sign of a wedding ring on her finger. I excused myself when Chris caught my eye. I met her, Jake, Kiera, and Kevin in the middle of the floor.

“Are you as miserable as we are?” Chris asked.

“This is torture,” I groaned.

We all looked around the room as one. It was mostly a bunch of adults standing around, holding glasses of this or that, and talking quietly amongst themselves. The few younger people had grouped together with people that they knew. Though they didn’t seem to be any better off than we were. Even the band looked like they were ready to fall asleep.

“Do you think there’s anything we can do about it?” Kevin asked.

It occurred to me that this was my opportunity to ask him for a favor that I had needed to ask him a while ago. Mostly pertaining to the ballroom dancing that we needed to learn for one of our performances. But I hadn’t been able to find a way to get a hold of him until now. I would have to wait for later, however.

“It is my party isn’t it?” I asked. They all gave me dubious looks, as if saying that I should know better. But I continued to give them my clueless look, until one by one they started to smile.

Jake followed me up to the band. I got the attention of one of the men, as the other three went around to gather up all of the wolves that we had been working with lately. When I asked the man if we could borrow his spot to spice things up, he gave me a grateful grin, and offered up his place.

We didn’t really feel like playing so instead Jake turned to the sound system hidden behind the small stage. I moved to go back to Chris and Kiera but nearly fell on my face, thanks to the damn dress.

“Okay, I’ve had enough of this,” I muttered, and singled Asher out of the crowd. I happened to know that he carried a pocket knife with him at all times. By the time I made it to him, all of his friends had noticed me.

“Hey, do you have your knife on you?” I asked sweetly, but he gave me a suspicious look and put a hand down to protect his pocket.

“Yeah, why?”

“Can I use it for a second? I’ll give it right back,” I promised, but he gave me that obstinate look.

“I don’t see any reason why you would need it.” I took a deep breath, to keep from yelling at him for treating me like a child…again, and smiled before turning away.

That was when I spotted Sadler across the room. With as much space between him and Asher as possible. It took some maneuvering, but I finally made it to him. He was talking to a man who looked to be about twenty five. They seemed to be deep in conversation, and judging by his body language, they were pretty good friends.

His friend saw me before he did, giving a small polite bow when I approached. Sadler looked down at me with a quizzical smile, but I didn’t feel like I was bothering him at least. I leaned in to speak quietly, afraid another male would tell me I had no business asking for what I was.

“Do you have a knife on you?” His friend gave me a surprised look. But Sadler reached into his pocket, and handed me a small, very sharp, butterfly knife. I loved butterfly knives. They were just so much fun to open.

“Yeah, why?” I took it from him lightly, opening it in quick practiced movements. Then shoved the blade into the fabric of my dress. It took very little pressure to cut the slit from my thigh to the floor.

I was wearing panty hose, and I had been careful not to cut anything but the dress. I bent my knees a few times, delighted that I actually could, and handed the knife back. His friend had the most shocked look on his face that I had ever seen.

“There, that’s better,” I muttered. Sadler looked at me with an amused expression, while he pocketed his knife.

“Lily.” If it weren’t for the smile I would have taken the admonishment as it was. But it’s hard to take someone seriously when they’re taking you to task for something they found funny. So I waved him off.

“Yeah, I know, it was inappropriate. They should have thought of that before they made me wear the damn thing,” I answered, while I reached back to pull the pins out of my hair. It fell in waves and the headache I had felt for the last hour finally eased. This time his friend was the one that said something. His eyes were slightly squinted as he took in my new appearance.

“You look…better,” he decided with a subtle nod meant only for himself.

“I feel better,” I answered, and both of them chuckled. “Anyway, I’m sorry for bothering you. I’ll let you get back to your conversation.” Then I walked back to the middle of the room where Kiera was standing with her brother. Both of them gawking at me with ridiculous grins on their faces.

It turned out that the sound of clothe ripping in a quiet room attracted a lot of attention. Half the room stared at me while I moved. By the time I reached my friends, most of the younger people had gathered around them. Several of them were laughing as we spread out in a line, with three more lines behind us. As we moved into position, the older guests were forced to move back along the walls. Then the music started playing.

Jake had picked an upbeat play list, filled with mostly songs that the dance team already had routines for. Which was fortunate because we used several of those routines as warm up for rehearsals. All of it was tasteful, no one had to crawl around on the floor. And by the end of the second song, we were all laughing.

What I found more interesting were the looks that we were getting. It looked like the room was split in half. One half looked on with amusement and appreciation. While the other, not so shockingly, predominately male, looked on with blatant disapproval. Asher was among the second group. So I avoided him when we split up to dance among our closer friends.

Kevin and I were dancing together to another upbeat song, Kiera and Jake were next to us, and Chris had snagged the hand of a guy I didn’t know. But when Kevin put on hand on my waist, and by that I mean that he put his hand halfway between my hip and my underarm. It was completely appropriate, he wasn’t making a move or anything. He simply wanted to spin me around. Since it seemed to have a direct line to my laughter.

Asher was suddenly there, pulling me away by my arm. It took every ounce of my self control to let him pull me out into the hallway. It took even more when he spun on me, anger filling every inch of his face.

“What the hell was that?!” he snapped. I didn’t know why he bothered to pull me out of the room, everyone could clearly hear him. But my self control had hit it’s limit, and I was sick of him treating me like I was second class.

“What was what?!” I snapped back, and his face turned a really uncomfortable shade of purple.

“First, you take a knife from Sadler to mutilate your dress. And then you upset the entire party by taking over the music to show those ridiculous dance moves in front of all of my friends. Then you were completely inappropriate with that boy!” I took careful stock of everything he said, so I was ready when he finally paused to breath.

“I asked you for your’s and you treated me like a disobedient child. If anyone had ever bothered to ask me what I was comfortable wearing I wouldn’t have had to cut the dress. And for the record I think it looks better this way.

“And it wasn’t about the damn party, or dancing, it was about having fun with my friends. I was bored out of my mind in there, and everyone that joined me on the dance floor was too.

“And correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t this stupid party supposed to be in honor of my birthday? Why I should I be miserable just because you want to keep some ridiculous image of how you think I should act. And you didn’t seem all that bothered by me dancing with Kevin on our date while you were busy grinding against that waitress. What’s wrong, afraid your friends will see that I’m a disobedient girlfriend?” I asked, I don’t think I had ever used so much sarcasm at one time in my life.

“Your friends?” he sneered down at me. “You wouldn’t even have those friends if you weren’t with me.” He was standing so close I could feel every angry puff of his breath.

“Let’s find out,” I put every ounce of venom I had buried inside me. “We’re done.” I tried to turn to walk back into the ballroom, but he grabbed my arm, forcefully spinning me back around.

“You don’t get to walk away from me! Eventually, you’ll learn your place. You don’t get to dump me!” I leveled my gaze down at his hand, gripping my arm so tight it was starting to hurt. Just like that my anger dissipated, leaving nothing but cold indifference.

“Let go of my arm, Asher,” my tone reflected my feelings. Cold, nothing. His eyes strayed down to my arm, where his fingers were starting to dig into my skin. But instead of letting go, he tighten his grip, as if reaffirming his actions. “Get your hands off me,” I said again, this time evening my stance. If he wasn’t going to let go, then I was prepared to make him.

“Asher,” Bastion snapped from the archway. “Let her go,” his tone was even, no hostility, yet an undertone of a promise.

Asher could have pulled rank, but I had the feeling that it would have been a mistake. Until Asher took over the pack, technically, he and Bastion were equals. Since Bastion was considered the equivalent of a commander. Ever since Asher had finished his training, and until he inherited the pack, he was also a commander. Bastion had the right to call Asher to task, just as Asher could to him. Finally, after several moments of them staring each other down, Asher released me.

He looked down at me, as if suddenly realizing exactly what he was doing. When his skin left mine, my cold resolve vanished in favor of the anger I had felt before. I gave him my strongest disgusted look.

“We’re done,” I growled, and spun on my heel, moving past Bastion to get back into the room.

I had been right. The entire room had heard us. But oddly, I didn’t really care. I didn’t care that they heard. I didn’t care that I had just broken up with Asher, whom I had been dating for nearly five months. In fact, I was a little relieved.

Chapter 22






I’d never seen her more uncomfortable than when she walked into the ball room. The forced smile, the constant attention, her hampered stride. With Asher walking at her side like a pampered peacock it was difficult not to laugh.

She did just enough to be cordial. Though the occasional roll of the eyes when someone walked away, made her discomfort obvious even if you didn’t know her very well. Then Asher gave her a drink and left to talk with his friends. When he was gone I was going to give my birthday wishes, only to overhear Asher’s bragging.

“This is only for show,” he said to one of his friends. I barely recognized the guy, but I knew enough to place him in a distant pack.

“What do you mean?” he asked, taking a drink from a poorly hidden flask.

“I’ve had her for the past several months. It’s not like anyone else is going to be high enough in rank to catch her attention.”

“What about the older males? I heard Trevor was going to ask about her.” Asher scoffed. Trevor was the alpha of a neighboring pack. His previous wife had died a couple years ago, supposedly from a rogue attack. “That old man? Dad would never pair her up with someone so much older than her. Plus, he’s a tool and everyone knows it. His wife did more running of his pack than he did.” He wasn’t wrong. “Besides, she may not want to marry, but I’m the lesser of all evils,” he responded, taking the flask for his own drink.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m the only one who has anything to offer her that she’d want. Anyway, she just wants to live a quiet life.”

“So she hasn’t given you any trouble?”

“No, why would she?”

“I heard not too long ago that she sent another female scurrying for cover, and talked back to you when you reprimanded her for it.” He was talking about the evening at the restaurant. Asher’s tone stopped being so easy going, though he put real effort into making it close.

“That was just a misunderstanding, she was much better after we got home. Anyway, I‘ve still got time to train her properly.” I couldn’t listen anymore, so instead I continued on my way to the birthday girl.

I stood just behind her when Trevor, the old man Asher spoke so highly of, and his sister called her a stray. I was going to say something, being a fellow stray and all, but she beat me to it. Pretending to trip over her dress and dumping her glass of punch all over him.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I’m so clumsy,” she wasn’t a bad actress. Kelsey came up next to me an ear to ear grin on her face. When Trevor finally walked away I leaned down so no one but the people in the immediate vicinity could hear me.

“Smooth.” She turned to look up at me. Her eyes were wide, a hint of confusion showed in the way she held her mouth. She wasn’t a bad actress at all.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” Kelsey saw just enough to find the whole thing very amusing. I had to admit that I struggled with holding my smile.

“Uh huh, you know he’s the alpha of a neighboring pack?” I asked, hoping to make her realize just how drastic her actions could be. But she just shrugged.

“I said I was sorry.” I lost my battle and let the smile show. I gave her arm a gentle squeeze. “I just wanted to say happy birthday.” Then I left before I could talk to her any more. Before I was tempted to tell her what Asher had been saying about her. It was her business, I had no place in it.

I had run into Jaeger, and old friend from a pack that was allied with my father. We used to play together as children. Since I had taken refuge on Drake’s territory, we spoke every time we saw each other. Oddly enough, even trying as hard as I could to keep my eyes from wondering to Ailith, she was the topic he wanted to discuss.

“Word around the room says that the hostess has already been claimed,” he murmured, after the usual pleasantries were exchanged.

“Spoken for, not claimed,” I replied, he raised a brow.

“Do I detect a hint of jealousy?” I smirked.

“Not hardly, I just know her. Even after she wears a mark she’ll never be claimed.”

“A wild one then?” he asked, a spark of interest lighting his eyes. He wasn’t a bad guy but he was a bit of a gossip monger.

“Wild? Not usually, but she’s strong and solitary. She’s a lone wolf,” I answered with a shrug.

“She seems a bit uptight,” he replied, I followed his line of sight to see Ailith talking with Kelsey. She gave my sister an unpleasant look, with which Kelsey answered with an amused one, before Ailith moved on.

“Nah, she just doesn’t like being the center of attention. Or being shoved into constricting clothes.” Which was made obvious every time she tried to take a step longer than the dress allowed.

“It looks like she’s only as polite as she has to be,” he mentioned as she brushed passed a few guests on her way to the stage. She nodded and smiled, but didn’t engage in conversation.

“Only when she’s uncomfortable.”

“Well then, I’d like to see what she’s like when she is comfortable. By the way, how well do you know her?”

“Why do you ask?”

“You just happen to have a reason for everything she does.”

“We’ve been good friends for a while.”

“Oh? How’d that happen?” I shrugged.

“She was born a lone wolf, but was raised around humans. When Drake found her he asked me to show her the ropes.”

“How many ropes did you show her?” he asked with a lilt to his voice and a grin on his face.

“Not the ones you’re thinking of,” I answered, with a grin of my own. And then out of nowhere, as though she had known we were talking about her, Ailith showed up at my side.

“Excuse me,” she mumbled to Jagger politely, then turned to me. “Do you have a knife on you?” She had leaned in, and spoke so quietly Jagger had to lean in to hear her. In the moment of my confusion I pulled my knife out, holding it out to her, before my voice caught up to me. “Yeah, why?” But instead of answering she spun it open as though she had done it several times and plunged it into her dress. She slide it all the way down, showing off a long expanse of her well toned leg. She bent her knees stretching out the remainder of the fabric and gave a relieved sigh.

“That’s better,” she mumbled, finally standing straight. By then my shock had turned to amusement. I should have expected her to do something along those lines. In retrospect, I was surprised she hadn’t done it sooner.

“Lily,” I said, hoping to at least give the impression that I should have been upset. But she just waved me off.

“Yeah, I know, it was inappropriate. But they should have thought about that before they made me wear the damn thing.” By the time she was done talking she had already let her hair loose. The relief that washed over her features was enough that I didn’t question her about it. The over all look, with the slit in her dress and her hair hanging about her shoulders, made her look that much more tempting.

“You look…better,” Jagger informed her, his eyes roaming where they shouldn’t have by the rules of propriety. Though given that the way she had looked before, and in all honesty she had looked a bit uptight, made her look more relaxed. Wilder even.

“I feel better.” Was her answer and we both laughed. Everything she was doing was so spontaneous, so out of the norm, that it was refreshing.

“Anyway, sorry for bothering you. I’ll let you get back to your conversation.” And just like that she was gone.

“I take it back, she’s much more appealing than I had given her credit for,” Jagger said, watching her walk away. I wanted to smack him, but instead I just nudged him. I was about to change the topic when the music started. I turned to see her gathered with her friends in the middle of the room.

They were amazing, spinning, sliding, moving as one. It was all completely unorthodox. But given that most teenagers hated these parties, due to the high amount of boredom, I shouldn’t have been surprised that they had taken matters into their own hands. Unfortunately, most of the older males in the room didn’t agree with me. She would hear about it from Drake for sure. But then Asher decided to so something about it. Snatching her away from Kevin while they twirled around each other.

Kevin watched as Asher dragged her out of the room, shock and worry clouding his features. At one point he made to follow them, but Jake put a hand on his shoulder, halting him. He murmured something in his ear and Kevin backed off.

Most of the room heard their argument. In fact, most of us listened intently. When Ailith broke it off with him, a small part of me rejoiced. Though I wasn’t sure if it was the competitiveness I felt with Asher or because she was now single.

All of that was pushed to the back of my mind when she told him to let her go. After the second warning several males around the room started to move at once. Myself included, though when Bastion made it obvious that he would take care of it, we subsided.

I wasn’t surprised to see them all go to her defense. I had kept track of her training, ever since the first day that I had seen it. It made me question whether or not they were going to defend her, protect him, or just back her up. Regardless, they all seemed to have grown close, without making it too obvious for the rest of us. It really only showed in silent communication when they ended up in the same room with her. It was silent camaraderie. Support shown in nothing more than eye contact. They considered her one of their own. Including Bastion.

Any time I was around when he saw her, his eyes had shown with pride, as though he felt a kinship with her. A bond that I had never seen before. In fact, there had been several times that I had watched them talk after a lesson, just the two of them. As though she would ask him and only him for advice or reassurance. The jealousy I felt towards their bond only made me realize that I was the one that put the distance between us.

When she stalked back into the room, it was with that mask that she wore when she didn’t want anyone to know anything but what she wanted to tell. That emotionless look that hid everything. However, she didn’t get the chance to do anything or speak to anyone when a different form of drama started to unfold in the back of the room.

Christine, with her natural brown hair, and conservative midnight blue dress, stood staring at her father. Jake made his way over, attempting to support his sister, though his confusion was palpable. Ailith’s emotionless look turned to one of concern.

“What did you say?” Christine asked, shock and disbelief evident in her voice. Her father turned to look at her, not realizing that she had been standing so close.

“It’s none of your concern, Christine, go back to your friends,” he ordered, but she stood her ground. Something young females did not do, especially with their father.

“Yes it is. You just told him that Jake was…and that Mom,” she took a deep breath, the betrayal evident in her expression. “You’re the one that started those rumors?”

“Christine, leave now,” he snapped.

“No! You’ve been destroying their reputations so that you could keep your own. Telling people that Mom slept around? She’s never been anything but faithful to you! And that Jake was running drugs? Did you know that everyone thought that I was the one that said that? What have you been saying about me?”

“Nothing, all I’ve said about you was that you were doing what you could to earn your place in the pack!”

“Yeah, by being like you! By trashing people to make myself look better by comparison.”

“You were being smart, until recently anyway,” he looked down at her with so much derision I expected her to go running from the room.

“No, I was being cruel. Just like… you’re so despicable. Forcing us to take the crap while you sat on that damn high horse of yours. Watching us suffer so you didn’t have too. You’re pathetic!” she spat, there was so much venom in her voice I expected him to drop dead from poison.

But instead he raised his hand, ready to back hand her. I had no doubt that he would have, and I was disgusted by what I saw. No one made a move to do anything about it. Some of the men were even looking at her like she deserved it. But when his hand came down and she braced herself for the blow, Ailith was suddenly there to catch it.

Dalton and Macon were right behind her, pulling Christine from the target zone, and pushing Jake into following her. But they stayed standing behind her, letting Alex and Nevin calm them down. I moved up next to them, not entirely sure what Ailith would do when there weren’t any innocent bystanders to protect.

Markus tried to pull his arm out of her grip, but she wouldn’t budge. He glared down at her, but she met his gaze with one so full of anger that he only lasted a few seconds before glancing away. Then she leaned in, making it look like she was simply speaking into his ear to calm him down.

“She’s right, you are pathetic. If you ever raise your hand to her, to any of them, again I’ll have your hide. And make no mistake, I‘ll know. I‘ve dealt with pieces of shit like you so many times I can pick out the signs when no one else can. If you ever have any doubt as to my ability, keep in mind, I don‘t make empty promises. Now I suggest that you go apologize to your daughter for overreacting, to save face, because we both know you won‘t mean it.” She put an amazing amount of emphasis on the word daughter.

The flicker of fear and shock that had crossed his face while she spoke disappeared when she let him go. He absently rubbed his forearm where she had gripped him and made a show of politely bowing to her as he walked back to his family. Dalton casually put an arm on her shoulder, like he was leaning on her and spoke into her ear.

“Remind me never to piss you off.” She grinned at him, before he and Macon walked away. She let out a tired sigh and made her way over to the refreshment table.

I followed behind her just as Drake moved to wait for her. I heard her groan, and Jaeger’s chuckle as he leveled with me. When she finally got to him she made it a point not to look at him.

“We need to talk,” his tone said he was less than pleased.

“Oh? What about?” she asked innocently. Jaeger looked like he was ready to choke.

“Where do I start? First, you get into a fight with Asher.” She opened her mouth to argue but he held up a hand to cut her off. “I know he overstepped, and I’ll have a discussion with him about it later. But then you show brute force in dealing with Markus. You’ve made me look weak in front of several rival packs. What do you have to say for yourself?” his voice was a low growl, but it wasn’t loud enough to distract anyone from the horribly awkward and tense atmosphere in the room. But she just shrugged.

“Tell them that me and Asher have been having problems with our jealousy. We consolidated behind closed doors, agreeing to just be friends. As far as that last little show, tell them that since I was the hostess you gave me silent orders to defuse the situation. Before he could humiliate you by demonstrating behavior best left for private. It will show that I have a mind of my own, but you have me under control. It also wouldn’t hurt if you mentioned that he should be ashamed of himself for resorting to violence against a female. Females need to be protected after all.” Her tone dipped considerably on that last bit.

She kept her eyes on her glass as she spoke, if she had looked up she would have seen Drake’s eyes grow wider with every word she spoke. He was impressed, very impressed, with her way of dealing with the politics of pack business. But instead of saying so he nodded and moved to walk away.

“Drake,” He paused, standing right in front of her. “I also suggest that you have a talk with the mayor. He’s been beating his wife and children for a while now.”

“Do you have proof?” he asked, she was treading a fine line. She finally met his eyes.

“Like I said to him, I know the signs. They’re afraid of him, Drake. All of the them. But Jake and Christine are growing out of it. Trish is starting to defy him behind his back. It’s only a matter of time before it all explodes. And when it does, someone will get seriously hurt.” He stepped in closer.

“Why wouldn’t they come to me about it?” She gave him an incredulous look.

“Why would they? They’re disgraced, all of them are. Markus has been spreading smut around about them for years. Making sure no one would even consider believing them. Isn’t that why you won’t allow Jake to train as an enforcer? A better question is... Why isn‘t what you just saw considered proof?” He just looked at her, several emotions playing across his features. Until eventually he just walked away.

She was walking that line, and I wasn’t sure which side she stepped down on. Basically, she called his entire rule into question. Bringing up as to why he wouldn’t allow them to do what they so desperately needed to gain favor in the pack. All because he was believing one man. It wasn’t the first man I could think of that he trusted out of ignorance. Eventually, he was going to get tired of her being right.

“To bad this party is toast, it was just starting to get good,” Jaeger said after Drake was gone.

“Yeah,” Ailith replied, though she didn’t look too upset about it.

“People will probably start leaving soon,” he prompted and she gave a small grin.


“That’s not good.” She gave him a confused look.

“Why not?”

“This party was a disaster, it’ll look badly on Drake. Even if he manages damage control after it’s over. The party ending on a bad note like this? People will remember.” She narrowed her eyes at him.

“What do want me to do about it?” she asked, her tone was sharp, though she was more exasperated than angry.

“Eh, there probably isn’t anything you can do about it.” Her narrowed eyes turned to a look of speculation. I didn’t blame her. Jaeger had the ability into goading people into doing things.

“Is that a challenge?” she asked, his eyes widened in surprise. It’s rare that he’s caught in his manipulation. But he grinned down at her.

“If you want it to be.”

“What do I get if I can put this party back together?” He thought about it for a moment, then reached into his pocket. He pulled out a butterfly knife, the handle was black and the blade was kept sharp. It looked a lot like my own. Her eyes lit up at the sight of it. “What about if I can’t?” she asked, cautiously. Again he seemed to be deep in thought.

“One dance, and if you enjoy yourself during that dance, I get to petition Drake for the right to take you on a date. And you have to agree without complaint.” If looks could kill she’d have sent a dagger through his eye. But then she took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and nodded.

“Fine.” I didn’t know who was more shocked, me or Jaeger. She turned and gestured to someone. I followed her line of sight to see Lori standing in the corner. I hadn’t even realized that she was there, though I should have. She approached as Ailith put her hair back in a loose ponytail. “Feel like helping me do damage control?” she asked and Lori’s eyebrows climbed up nearly to her hairline.

“Uh, sure, it’s been a while.”

“Where’s Kadi?” Ailith asked.

“Oh, Becca put her to bed after your fight with Asher. She kept trying to kick him in the shins.”

“I love that little girl,” Ailith sighed, and both of them chuckled fondly. With her hair tied back she looked much more demure and non confrontational. I had never noticed the difference before. “See you at the finish line,” she muttered and Lori nodded. Then they split up, working the room from the outside in.

At first they would both just stop at this person or that, talking quietly, giving small smiles, shaking hands, that type of thing. Then suddenly they would get others to join them, engaging groups of people in conversation. Twenty minutes later and everyone was talking, joking, laughing. Both Lori and Ailith were the perfect hostesses, and by the end of it you wouldn’t have guessed that anything bad had happened.

“Well I’ll be damned,” Jaeger muttered, surveying the room.

“You didn’t think she’d take a bet she couldn’t win did you?” I asked, my glee at her triumph way too evident in my tone.

“Funny,” he answered, his displeasure at being out thought just as evident as my happiness. Not many people could quiet down a room full of disgruntled wolves. In fact, I now knew of only two, and one of them was a half breed.

“There, now give me my birthday gift,” Ailith said, popping up out of nowhere. I really needed to find out how she did that. Her hand was outstretched towards Jaeger and with a grimace he produced the knife. I don’t know where she put it, but it disappeared almost as soon as it touched her hand.

“How did you do that?” I asked, after Lori had joined us. They both shrugged.

“We used to have to serve drinks and food when the Other’s had their parties.”

“Bunch of violent bastards,” Lori muttered. It was the first time I had ever heard her say an inappropriate word. But Ailith grunted her agreement.

“Sometimes they would end up with full out brawls, and if we didn’t get the blood out we suffered the consequences. So we learned how to keep them happy and sedated.”

“Kadi was especially good at it. No one could stay angry when she got cute,” Lori added and they both laughed at something only they knew.

I saw Drake walk back into the room, and stare around in amazement. Everyone seemed to be having a good time and he had no idea how it had happened. He caught my eye and I gestured to the girls. He stared at them, blinked a couple of times, and then walked amongst the guests like he was in a trance.

Not long after that Ailith opened her gifts. She faked it well. Pretending to like a dress, or a set of jewelry. But anyone who knew her would know that most of it would end up re-gifted or collecting dust. When she was done I decided to take pity on her, and said my farewells. After I left she was free to bow out gracefully. I just had one small errand to run before I left completely, and then I went home.









By the time I made it to my room my feet were killing me. I didn’t even bother to turn the light on when I tossed my shoes on the floor and went into my bathroom to take a long bath. When I came out I finally turned on a lamp. I turned to move my blankets back, and paused.

Sitting on the foot of my bed was a medium sized box. It was wrapped in black paper, with a silver ribbon wrapped around it, only to be tied in an elegant bow on top. I loved it and could barely bring myself to open it and ruin the picture it represented. But I slowly loosened the ribbon, doing my best to keep it intact, and untapped the paper without ripping it.

Underneath sat a leather case, it looked like a violin case. The outside was decorated in intricate tribal lines. It was beautiful. I unclasped the side and gently lifted the lid. It took a moment for me to be able to breath again. Inside sat a gleaming brand new violin. The front and sides were etched with black lilies, all connected with vines in the same design as on the case. If the case was beautiful the instrument itself was down right gorgeous. It was the only gift that truly took my breath away.

Though Lori’s and Kadi’s were close, with a set of jewelry made out of leather. Jake’s had been a really nice leather coat that went down to my knees. Christine’s wasn’t bad either, a dress that came down to mid thigh with long sleeves that nearly reached my finger tips, and a neckline that stretched from shoulder to shoulder. Jen had gotten me leather knee high heeled boots. Camilla had gotten me a similar pair, though they were flat boots. They said that they corroborated to make sure that I had both so I could wear them interchangeably.

Dalton and the guys had given me their presents in private. A full set of weapons, complete with straps that I could use to wear them with whatever I wanted. Bastion had given me a silver ring that looked like it had intricate black lines running all around it. Later he had told me that if I put pressure in the right spot, spikes would stick out of it.

But the rest were mundane things that I would never use or want. I cherished the gifts I got from my closest friends, loving the big chest that Drake and Becca had gotten me. As it turned out it was perfect for hiding all of the presents that they didn’t know about. But the violin brought tears to my eyes.

I searched for a card or tag that told me who it had come from. But found nothing. It didn’t matter though, I had a pretty good idea who had given it to me. And that night I fell asleep, feeling like, despite everything that had happened, it was the best birthday I had ever had.

Chapter 23

The next morning I wasn’t feeling so hot. Correction, I was feeling too hot. I woke up sweating, it felt like I was sleeping in a furnace. My hair was soaked with sweat and I had torn at my clothes in the night to the point that they were only half on. Finally I gave up, moving to the bathroom to take an ice cold shower.

I stood under the water until it stopped being cold and started feeling lukewarm. When I got dressed it was in a sports bra and the shortest shorts I owned. It wasn’t exactly appropriate, but the thought of wearing anything heavier made me start sweating all over again. After I was dressed, I went downstairs to shove my head in the freezer. I briefly wondered if they had a deep freeze I could climb into.










“No, we have to be firm. We can’t afford to give up any more ground,” I instructed Bastion.

Sadler stood leaning against the wall behind the table, and the boys were shoving food in their mouths at the other end. Bastion stood to my left, looking at the map I had spread out on the table. Asher was no where to be found. Probably nursing his pride after last night. So long as he was present during the actual meeting I didn’t care. A neighboring pack was coming in to negotiate territory lines.

I had to have all three of my commanders with me, as well as a couple of enforcers. It was protocol since they were coming here for the negotiation. The tension would run high since they were one of the packs that has withheld judgment on whether or not they would ally with us. And as custom dictated they would be allowed more enforcers to be present than us.

My train of thought was derailed when Sadler stiffened. So much so that it brought him up off the wall. I shot him a quizzical look, but he just looked back at me, confused. He raised his face, testing the air, and I did as well, though I couldn’t sense anything out of the ordinary. Then Ailith walked in, going directly to the freezer.

She moved everything to the side and stuck her head in, breathing in deeply. Her clothing or the lack thereof was almost scandalous. Her shorts barely covering everything they were supposed to, and her skin was covered in a sheen of sweat.

“Ailith, are you feeling alright?” Bastion asked, concern etched all over his face. The guys had stopped eating long enough to watch her. They had all bonded closely over the last several months. It worried me slightly, though at the same time I was glad that she was finding support within the pack.

“No, something’s wrong with me,” she answered as she slide down to her knees. She turned to put her back against the refrigerator. Her face was flushed and her breathing was heavy. When she wrapped an arm around her middle and laid her face on the floor, it occurred to me what her symptoms meant.

“Becca!” I yelled, she was the only one that could be trusted to handle her. She came running, taking in Ailith’s condition in mere moments. She rushed to her side, reaching over her for a package of frozen meat, placing it on the back of her neck.

“Drake,” Sadler mumbled his voice sounded strangled. I looked over at him and he was staring at Ailith, his eyes flashing silver, his breathing was heavy and he was starting sweat. I nearly panicked.

“Go!” I snapped and he took off for the closest door.

“Someone help me get her down to the basement,” Becca muttered, smoothing the girl’s damp hair out of her face. She started to curl into herself, moaning in pain.

“It hurts,” she breathed, and Becca leaned down to smooth her hand over her back.

“I know sweetheart, it’ll be okay, we’ll get you more comfortable.” That was all we could do until it passed.

Alex was the only other mated male in the room besides myself, so he was the one that hoisted her up into his arms. He followed Becca down the hallway and I heard her opening the padlock. The basement was set up specifically for when this happened.

We had a separate room down there that was actually a large refrigeration unit, meant for large restaurants. It wouldn’t ease the pain, but it would help keep her cool. We had strong sleeping pills for the rest.

“What’s wrong with Ailith?” Jen asked, running into the room. I gave her a long look, her worry only increasing.

“She’s in heat,” I answered, and several groans sounded around the room.

It was rare to see a female in heat. Because it only happened when she spent any significant amount of time around her mate. Several females went their entire lives without ever encountering the experience.

Females only mate with those of equal or higher rank. Since she was an alpha she can only mate with an alpha. Which meant that we had two choices. As much as I wanted to say that it was Asher, she spent an hour a day, five days a week with Sadler. It could be either one of them.

To be honest I was surprised that Sadler managed to control himself. The scent of a female in heat was a kin to the most potent drug to an unmated male. Irresistible. If I had let him go he would have lost to his wolf, and she would have welcomed him. Because the only thing to ease the pain of the heat was a male’s touch. She wouldn’t have even known what was happening until it was over. So until it passed we couldn’t trust any high ranking male in the house.

“We’re going to have to reschedule the meeting,” Bastion rumbled and I nodded in agreement. He pulled his phone out and stepped into the hall to make the call. Becca came back into the room with Alex right behind her.

“Poor girl,” she mumbled, sympathy radiated from both of them.

She had once told me that an unsated heat was a lot like the pain of child birth, only deeper. It was an intense ache that no pain killer could touch, and ran so deep that it was like your organs were boiling. The only thing we could do for her was keep her cold and sleeping.

“Yes I understand that it’s an inconvenience,” I could hear Bastion, his voice barely contained his irritation. “You see we have a young female in heat so…,” he broke off, the irritation eased. “Yes, thank you for your understanding. We’ll be in touch to reschedule,” he hung up as he walked back into the room.

I could tell that he regretted having to tell anyone about Ailith’s condition. It was a private matter and everyone knowing about it would be humiliating for her. Now all we could do was wait it out. Which was made difficult the next day when several of her friends showed up to check on her.

They were worried because she hadn’t been in school, and none of them could get a hold of her. They were so worried that they refused to leave until they saw that she was okay. Becca ended up having to explain the situation to the girls. Who then grabbed the boys and forced them out the door without another word.

Everything carried on normally, until at night, when the house had quieted down. Asher was still missing, but Bastion had set someone to guard the basement door just in case he came home in the middle of the night. He would react just as strongly as Sadler had when he caught her scent. And I hadn’t been able to get a hold of Sadler since he ran out.

As everyone struggled to get to sleep we could hear her moaning in discomfort. We had upped her dosage of sleeping medication three times in the first night. But Becca said that it was real hit or miss when it came to them actually working.

The men who had been stationed outside of her door always looked strained the next morning. No one liked to hear a female in intense pain when they were unable to do anything about it. Especially for an entire night.

Until finally all we could hear was silence. It looked like her heat was finally easing. And all of us were able to actually sleep. I hadn’t had to deal with a female in heat in a long time. When Becca hit hers I was there to sate it. I’d never seen a female that didn’t have anyone to help her with it. It gave me a little more appreciation for what my mate went through every six months.











He felt warm, his touch, his lips, it was bliss. His scent surrounded me as his hands roamed my body. He took the pain away as he kissed behind my ear, his hand squeezing my hip. But I couldn’t see him, he was laying, pressed against my back, with no air to separate us. I rolled, wanting to see his face, needing to know who he was, but as I looked, he was gone.

I was laying in a bed, alone, in a small room, and I was freezing. I wrapped the tangled blanket around me and I crawled to my feet. There were at least six locks on the heavy door that separated me from the outside world. It looked like they were all deadbolts that would need to be opened with a key on the outside.

The locks twisted open easily and a good push got the door open. I was in a basement with no idea how I had gotten there. The last thing I remember was laying down on the kitchen floor when the pain hit me. After that it was all a blur, pain mixed with that constant dream. I looked around, still dressed in the things I had put on, wondering what the hell had happened to me.

But my hair was caked in dry sweat and my clothes were still damp. So my first stop was a shower. I ran up the stairs, wanting to find a warmer place, but the door was locked from the outside. For a moment I panicked, terrified that they had locked me up again. But after a moment of heavy breathing I reached out and knocked.

The door opened with Alex standing on the other side. He smiled from ear to ear when he saw me, bringing me in for a tight hug. He was warm and I started to shiver.

“Are you okay?” he asked, rubbing my arms vigorously through the blanket.

“I’m cold,” I muttered, I sounded like a small child but in the moment I couldn’t bring myself to care. He chuckled but wrapped an arm around my shoulders

“It’s no surprise, you’ve been sleeping in a cooler.” I nodded, but I couldn’t stop shaking. “Come on, you need a warm shower and a change of clothes.” He helped me up the stairs and into my bathroom. He ran the water, adjusting it so that it wasn’t too hot and wouldn’t sting, then left me to climb in on my own.

Five minutes of standing under the lukewarm water and I was able to turn the heat up. My fingers actually started to work so I started to clean up. When I was done there was a pile of dry clothes sitting on the counter. Sweat pants and a spaghetti strapped shirt. I dressed quickly and opened the bathroom door.

Alex was gone, but the sun hadn’t risen yet. I looked at the clock and realized it was just after two in the morning. Exhaustion took over me and I crawled under the blankets. Sleep was almost instantaneous, but I finally lucked out and it was a dreamless sleep.

When I woke up I felt great, and even smiled as I dressed for the day. I wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, but it seemed to be over, so I tried not to dwell on it. Instead I focused on the fact that I was starving. I felt like I hadn’t eaten in days.

By the time I reached the kitchen breakfast was already on the table. Everyone stared while I sat down and stuffed my face. Dalton and Alex were there and both smirked while I acted very un-lady like. Aaron and Aidan at least tried to cover their smiles. Jen and Camilla both watched me with small signs of fascination. Until finally I’d had enough to eat that the staring was starting to get to me.

In order to cover my awkwardness I looked at my phone. I had fifteen missed calls and twice as many texts. When I started to open them I noticed the time stamps on them.

“What?” I mumbled, having forgotten that I wasn’t alone. I checked the calendar and nearly had a heart attack. “Three days!” I had been blacked out for three full days. Friday was when I had woken up sick, and it was now Monday morning.

Apparently, my reaction was hilarious, because Dalton, Alex, Aaron, and Aidan all erupted with laughter. At least everyone else put some effort into hiding their smiles. Everyone but Becca and Drake, they were glaring along with me.

“Boys!” Drake snapped and they all tried to smother their laughter, hiccupping from the effort.

“I’m sorry, but the look on your face was priceless,” Dalton chuckled.

“What the hell happened to me?” I asked, and everyone went quiet.

“We should probably discuss this in private,” Becca replied and directed me to Drake’s office. She closed the door just as Drake got started in on the guys.

“You had no business laughing like that!” Then the door snapped closed and I couldn’t hear anything outside.

Twenty minutes later I sat staring at her. I’m pretty sure my jaw was in China or maybe Taiwan. I had just gone through my first heat. Which I could expect every six months from now on. She claimed that when I had a male with me it wouldn’t be so bad. In fact, she described it as being quite wonderful. I think she was lying.

All of this because I had unknowingly spent time with my one and only mate. If it wasn’t bad enough that I was constantly disregarded and disrespected. Now I had to go through intense pain twice a year because of some male. I thought it was crap, but it was crap that I had no choice but to deal with.

Now I had to explain to my boss why I had missed two days of work. And I could only imagine what Bastion was going to put me through. When I expressed my worries she told me not to worry that they had called my boss and explained that I was sick. She didn’t know about Bastion and I hadn’t exactly mentioned him. But she told me that everyone that was in the house on that first day knew what was going on, and understood. Him included.

Since Asher hadn’t come home until this morning he had been kind enough to place a guard at my door, just in case. Which explained why Alex had been there to open it for me. Something I was strangely grateful for, despite the embarrassment. Regardless, I had to figure out which male had set it off, or I would continue to spend days on end squirming in pain for as long as it was necessary.

As it was I still had some time to make up for on the benefit. So after I could finally leave the office I grabbed my bag and tried to leave for school. But a petite blonde woman stood in front of me just as I opened the door to the garage. We had surprised each other, and stood awkwardly for a moment.

“Oh, hello. I don’t suppose you remember me do you?” she asked as I stepped to the side to let her through.

“Um,” I started, completely confused. I’d never seen this woman before in my life, but she seemed nice and I didn‘t want to offend her.

“It’s alright, you were pretty out of it,” she supplied and I nodded gratefully. Alex came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“This is my mate, Sandra. She helped to keep you comfortable over the last few days,” he informed me.

“Oh,” I replied, my eyes widening and I took in the smaller woman. “then I guess I owe you a thank you,” I smiled, but she waved me off.

“No need. Alex has told me a lot about you, it was my pleasure to help anyway I could,” she held a large paper bag out in front of her. “I packed you a large lunch if you want it. I know how hungry someone can be after an ordeal like that.” Unfortunately my first thought was how she knew I was over it. Alex saw my question and answered it before I could find a way to politely ask.

“I told her last night that you had woken up.” I nodded with understanding and gently took the bag.

“Thank you, I appreciate it,” I mumbled.

“It was no problem. If you need anything Alex can give you my number,” she smiled kindly and I nodded in return. Then I made some flimsy excuse to leave and got in my car, very tempted to peak inside the bag. I was still hungry.

It took another three days before all of the awkwardness finally faded. No one shot any side glances at me. People stopped going quiet when I walked into the room. I felt like I could finally breath. Apparently, for a female my age, it was an oddity for me to have reached my first heat. I was a topic for all of the curious females in the pack. To the point that Chris and Jen had to field the questions for me, and I stopped checking my email. Then things got serious.

“Ailith,” Chris ran up to me, breathless as though she had had to run the ten miles from her house. But she had a manila folder that she waved in my face. “I finally got to my dad’s computer.” I pulled her into what was now my office. Which was actually just a balcony directly above the stage. It was where we were controlling the lights and the stage lifts. We thought it would be better if a small group of people could control it all from one spot.

The electrical equipment sat against the small wall, and a desk had mysteriously made it’s way to the other wall. A couple of filing cabinets sat next to it, holding every receipt, weekly rehearsal schedule, along with every financial report that the math club has come up with. Turned out organization was really important to the student council. I wasn’t complaining.

When we walked in everyone vacated the room, as they often did when I entered the balcony. They spent their time testing the equipment and running it for the rehearsals. If we weren’t rehearsing I was in the balcony and they didn’t see any reason to be there. Chris dropped the folder onto the desk with a satisfying snap. I had honestly forgotten that I had asked her to find out who was buying the school.

“Okay, so I know it took a long time. But in my defense, he had changed his password and it took some time for me to hack into it. His new firewall was impressive.” I stared at her for a minute.

“You hacked into his computer?” She shrugged, feeling uncomfortable.

“I want to be a programmer, it was good practice.” I just nodded and started looking through all of the papers that she had printed out.

The school was being bought by some man named Dragger, Collin Dragger. He was paying a sum of five hundred thousand dollars for the building and surrounding land. I had to reread that three times before it finally sank in. Who would want to pay five hundred thousand for a building that was worth less than two? A night club wouldn’t bring in that much in a year. Not in this town with so many smaller less crowded bars. When I brought this up Jake was there. I hadn’t even realized he was in the room.

“That’s ridiculous,” he huffed. “we’re right in the middle of the bible belt. Even if they got people to come from all over the state it still wouldn’t bring in that kind of business.” I couldn’t disagree with him.

“Then why would the city council agree to it?” Chris asked.

“Because, all they can see are dollar signs,” I muttered. “Imagine how much they could do with that kind of money? How many houses they could build, that would give jobs to the construction workers. They could put in new businesses, there’s some more jobs to give. Not to mention it would leave plenty left over to guarantee your dad’s reelection.” On paper it did look good for the economy as a whole.

But something was bugging me. It was the name, Collin Dragger. I had a feeling like I had seen it somewhere before. Which really wasn’t all that probably. Before we started the benefit I was focused on work, school, and my lessons. Then with the benefit I haven’t had any time to just look around. And I certainly didn’t have the chance to when I lived with the Others. Then it hit me. Where I had seen it. My stomach clenched and I felt like I was going to vomit.

“Hey, are you okay?” Jake asked, cutting off whatever Chris had been saying. I shook my head, not entirely sure if I was.

“I think I know who this is. But it doesn’t make any sense. I have to go look something up,” I stood and grabbed my coat before running out of the building.

It took me five minutes less than usual to get home. No one was around, everyone busy with their own weekly things. So I went into Drake’s office to hunt around. I finally found the books I was looking for and settled down in one of the chairs to read.

Three hours later Jen walked in, startling me. She saw me sitting on the floor with all of the books open and scattered in a half circle. I had just slammed one of them closed. I hadn’t been able to find anything that would give me the information I was looking for.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m trying to look up something about the packs, but I can’t find what I’m looking for,” I told her, thumbing through another book from the pile.

“Oh, well these are all pretty recent. There are some older ones in the attic,” she said, sounding like she was doing her best to be helpful. I looked up at her.

“Really?” She shrugged.

“Yeah, I found them one day while I was up there sewing.” I stood up and almost kissed her.

“Thank you so much,” I gasped and she gave me a funny smile. I started to stack up my mess but she told me to go ahead and go, that she would clean up. I didn’t make her tell me twice.

I found the books she was talking about in a far corner out of the way. There was just one box, but it looked like half of them were journals. Instead of sitting in the dust and grime I took them down to my room.

It was almost midnight when I found what I was looking for. I hadn’t touched the journals yet, but I slid them under my bed for later. I found the information in all of the ones I had read to be fascinating. And fell asleep thinking about what to do with the knowledge I had.

The next day Jake and Chris cornered me while I was putting my bag under the desk. They closed the door and locked it. Making me feel like I was about to get jumped.

“So, what did you find out?” Chris asked, Jake was nodding his head as though silently asking the exact same thing. I was exhausted and slumped back in my chair.

“What makes you think I know anything? I’m just one person you know.”

“Because you have this uncanny ability to figure things out. And if it doesn’t work the way you want it too I’ve seen you find a way around it. Now enough stalling, what do you know?” Jake asked, leaning against the desk. I didn’t bother mentioning that the only times I ever got to work around something, there was always someone there to point me in the right direction. Instead I just sighed and leaned forward.

“Collin Dragger is an alias that belongs to Van, the future alpha of the crudelus pack.” That was enough to send them both into shock. I patiently waited for them to snap out of it.

“Why would anyone in the Crudelus pack want to buy property in this territory? They’d never even be able to come look at it,” Chris asked. It was a very good point. And a question I was waiting for her to ask.

“Because, according to the old pack laws, if a wolf owns property on a different territory, they have the right to challenge the ruling alpha for the territory itself. With or without a mate.”

“But those are the old laws, they don’t apply anymore…do they?” Jake asked, unsure of his own words. I shook my head.

“No, the new laws were added as civilization grew. But they never abolished the old ones. It still applies.”

“So there’s nothing that can be done about it?”

“Sure there is, I can warn Drake about what he’s doing. Which I was going to do right after talking to you two.”

“But if Drake can stop the sale then we won’t need the benefit right?” Jack asked, hope showing in his tone.

“Maybe, but I think we should keep it going, just in case. We still need the money to fix the school,” I didn’t bother mentioning my other worries. They had enough to deal with at the moment.

Instead, I left for home. Drake was usually home on Friday afternoons. But instead of rushing, I took my time. It wasn’t bound to be a good conversation. Not with the sale closing in seven weeks. And the school was a sore subject for most of the town. Especially those responsible for the deal itself.

There were three extra cars in the driveway when I pulled up. I had a difficult time finding a place to park where I wouldn’t be blocking anyone in. I walked into the house through the garage door like usual, but I stopped in my tracks.

The kitchen table was crowded with several males. Only half of them I knew. All of Drake’s main enforcers were there, including Sadler, Bastion, and Asher. Sadler wouldn’t look me in the eyes, and Asher was still sore towards me. I wasn’t exactly thrilled with him either, though I had no idea what I had done to offend Sadler.

Jaeger was seated next to an older version of himself at the end of the table closest to me. Their backs were guarded by eight of their own men. The tension was so thick that I could almost see it. It didn’t take a genius to know that they didn’t exactly get along. I picked a hell of time to interrupt. Though now that I was here I couldn’t very well leave.

Chapter 24





The negotiation was not going well. Drake refused to give up even another acre, and I wanted fifty. My son sat there as though this were a very entertaining game. It was difficult in the best of times to get him to take anything seriously. Sadler stood at the opposite end. Supporting another alpha as if he were born to be an enforcer instead of ruling his own pack. I had cut ties with his father for exiling him as a boy, though he didn’t seem any worse for wear. Even if he was preoccupied.

Asher, insolent as always, hadn’t said a word, other than to snarl at Jaeger. Who merely grinned back. Judging by the way he had taken to the lone female at the ball, I had the feeling that it was more personal than I knew.

Though I was aware of him asking for the right to date the girl. Drake had turned him down, stating that he was giving her some time to get over her break up. From the way she had worked the room that night I didn’t find his words to be entirely truthful.

An hour after the meeting began the girl in question breezed in, only to pause and blink at all of us. Several males in the room perked up at her appearance, all of them but Asher and Drake as a matter of fact. Though only Sadler gave a significant response. He stood up straighter, but wouldn’t meet her eyes. The rest however, seemed happy to see her, as though she were a long time friend. Even Bastion, and from the time that I had known the man, he didn’t look happy to see. Regardless, the interruption was intriguing.

“Ailith,” Drake said, keeping his tone soft, as most males did around females. “we’re in the middle of a territory negotiation. The girls are in the backyard.” It was obvious that he was telling her to leave, however, she looked at him as though his words confused her. After a moment she shook her head, and took a step forward. One of my men gave her a warning growl. She simply looked at him, her eyes hard, her tone stern when she spoke.

“Hush, I‘m no threat to you.” He backed down. I was more surprised that he growled at her at all, rather than the way he immediately obeyed. She was an alpha after all, but my men only give warnings to those they sense as a threat. And this was just a young female. But she turned back to Drake. “Actually, I was hoping that I could speak to you for a moment.” It was nearly unheard of for a female to interrupt negotiations.

“Unless it is of the utmost importance, it’ll have to wait.”

“I wouldn’t have said anything if it wasn’t important,” she answered, keeping her tone level and neutral. He gave a heavy sigh, showing how much of a burden she was being before looking up at her.

“What is it?”

“It’s about the school…” He cut her off after those few words.

“I will not discuss this with you, Ailith. The sale is going through,” his tone said it was the end of the topic. But she took a deep breath and tried again.

“I understand that, but there’s something you need to know about the man buying it.” He slammed a fist down on the table. Either she was a major nuisance to him or she hit a nerve. It wasn’t common for anyone to act so harshly towards a female. But instead of jumping at the sudden sound she merely stood up straighter.

“I said, I will not discuss it!” he snapped, his eyes blazing as he looked back down at the papers in front of him. A clear dismissal. The entire room held their breath, waiting for her reaction. But she just leveled her gaze at him. Taking in his entire demeanor, before finally folding her arms behind her back and making a slight bow.

“Very well.” As soon as the words left her mouth seven pairs of eyes snapped to her. Sadler was the most noticeable. He had been gazing anywhere but in her direction. Though his were the sharpest that went in her direction. All of the enforcers eyed her with caution, and I understood why.

Anyone with that much resolve in two simple words, was not going to be shut down quietly. She had something going on. Some way to take care of whatever problem she saw. She was a very intriguing young woman. When she turned and stepped back out the door, I sent a text to one of my drivers.

‘Follow her’

If Drake would not heed her words, or take her warning, then I was certainly going to find out what was going on. It was a dangerous game I played. Being caught roaming around another’s territory. But my curiosity would not allow me to walk away.








I didn’t even get the chance to make it all the way to the stage before Jake and Chris ran up to me.

“So what did he say?” Jake asked, I shook my head.

“He wouldn’t even let me get it out.” All three of us slumped our shoulders.

“What do we do now?” Chris asked, it was the first time I’d ever heard her sound unsure of herself.

“We keep going with the benefit. We don’t tell anyone what we know, and we get his attention,” I answered.

“Why can’t we tell anyone?” Jake asked.

“Because if the pack knows then they won’t be able to focus on the benefit. We have to keep them calm and sure of themselves. If we add any more pressure most of them will crack.” They both nodded, and we set to work.

A couple of hours later I realized just how far Chris was willing to push me passed my comfort zone. She had come up with a ridiculous stunt routine for the song ‘Titanium’. They realized that the floor lifts reached all the way up to the fifty foot ceiling. And once upon a time she had decided she wanted to learn how to bungee jump.

So I stood at the top of center stage. Way, way up at the top. And a man that had trained Chris had hooked one of my ankles up to a long elastic rope. Her goal was for me to sing the lead, and when we got to the right part, I would ‘fall’ off the platform. Only to do some impressive moves in mid air. She said that they had measured the ropes so that I would bounce back about five feet from the floor. But in order to be sure they had to test it. And for it to be tested properly they had to use my weight.

Over the next week everything went to hell in a hand basket. It started on the following Monday. Joey, a well known school nark, was called into the office. If anything was going on, he was the one that they called. He was also the one they got their information from. Luckily, I had already gotten him on our side.

It was easier than I had anticipated. Turned out he had a cushy thing going on in this school. No one messed with him because they knew that they would get nailed for it. If he had to go to a different school he wouldn’t have that protection. So I was the one he sought out when he stepped out of the office.

I was standing at my locker, organizing my books for the day, when he leaned on the other side of the open door. He spoke lowly his voice barely reaching my ears. He told me that the teachers had noticed the students getting along a little too well.

Different cliques that normally wouldn’t have anything to do with each other, were suddenly racing across the cafeteria to talk to each other. He told them that he didn’t know anything, but that wouldn’t last too long before they started to put pressure on different students. I thanked him for his help and he went on his way.

I leaned against the lockers to survey the halls. Half way down Jason and a small scrawny guy, who was carrying way too many books to hold, were walking side by side. The other one dropped a book, and without thought Jason bent down and picked it up, carrying it for him as they continued down the hallway.

Not too far from those two was a cheerleader and a girl from the chess club. As I watched the cheerleader handed the chess player a tube of lip gloss, while she pointed out a problem in a text book. That was how most of them were keeping their grades up. The smarter students were helping them study.

I couldn’t help the small smile that played on my lips. But when I turned to go to class I noticed Sadler leaning against a wall of lockers, watching the students, and me. So far those of us that needed to had managed to stay behind the scenes. Sadler was bound to put things together, but I didn’t have time to worry about it. I should have.

In retaliation to the school faculty meddling with our activities, we decided it was time to start the rumor. Putting flyers in all of the lockers, including our own, when no one was around. Lucky for us the school couldn’t afford a surveillance system, thanks to replacing the windows the year before.

Over the course of the next two days, they pulled several students into the office. Some of them weren’t involved, so naturally, they didn’t know anything. But every time they brought in someone who was directly involved there was a lot of nail chewing. But me, Jen, Camilla, and the Wilt twins were never suspected. And everyone else said the same things. They didn’t know anything, they just found the flyer in their locker.

Somehow, someone found out where we were holding the performance. On Saturday several of us walked into the auditorium only to freeze in our tracks. The place was trashed. We had sets sitting around until we could get them completely finished and set up in order in the back room. Only one was still standing, and that was because it was huge. It didn’t stop them from pulling all of the boards off and breaking them into pieces.

Everything was destroyed, and we ended up having to call as many people in as possible. No one could breath right for a while as we sat amongst the mess. Many of them wanted to just pack it up and leave.

“How did they get in?” Stacey asked, as she picked up this piece of debris or that.

“The lock on the back door was broken,” Jake answered.

“Well, that’s it, there’s no way we could get it all back together before the performance,” Patsy announced, and I spun on her.

“No, that’s not it. We can’t just quite now. Look, they didn’t touch the seats, or the lights. In fact, they completely overlooked all of the electrical equipment.” It was true, they never traveled passed the stage. “All of this can be remade, probably in a week or so, if we pool our resources.”

“What resources?” Tiffany snapped. “We already owe a dozen people favors.”

“We are the resources. Look, we built all of this once, it shouldn’t be too much work to put it all back together.”

“She’s right,” Camilla said from the back of the stage. She was surveying the damage to the sets. “Most of the damage they did was pretty mediocre. On some of them they just ripped off big pieces, didn’t even bother to fully destroy it.”

“That’s insulting,” I growled. Several people looked at me like I had lost my mind. “They looked at this place, at all of our hard work, and thought that if they just made a big mess, we’d give up and go home. They’re not taking us seriously, even now.” Several people looked like they were digesting that for a moment. Then they started getting angry.

“I’m sick of not being taken seriously. Of just being written off as a frilly little teenager ruled by my hormones,” Jason grumbled. He got several murmurs of agreement.

“So, let’s do something about it. Let’s pick ourselves back up and make this place shine again.”

“Yeah,” Stacey said and then took charge. “Okay, so everyone that was supposed to rehearse today get on the stage. Everyone else can start on the clean up. When you’re done rehearsing take the spot of someone who needs too. We can keep up with the performance, and still get this place back into shape.”

After three hours we had the place clean, and took stock of everything that needed to be done to rebuild anything that needed it. The false floor was still in tact, as were the ducts that ran underneath it and the gas tanks. I guess we did a good job of making it look real. I was up on the lift rehearsing the bungee portion when things got worse.










It was time I found out what the hell was going on. First she interrupts Drake’s negotiation, next all of the students start to mysteriously get along, while she watched. And now half of the teenagers that littered the mall on a Saturday, were absent.

It didn’t take a whole lot to figure out where she was. Especially when her boss informed me that she had called in, and that she had been spending a lot of time at the old dilapidated theatre. He spoke with pride when he mentioned it, that meant that he approved of whatever it was that she was doing.

When I pulled up the back parking lot was almost full. I recognized several of the vehicles from the student parking lot. There wasn’t anyone to stop me in the lobby, and I made it to the large auditorium before anyone noticed me.

The students were everywhere. Some were sweeping, others were using hammer and nails on this project or another. And then there was a group on the stage, standing together and talking. Where Jake finally noticed me. He swallowed hard, but met me at the third row of seats closest to the stage.

“Where’s Ailith?” I asked, and he swallowed again, before looking up. And up, and up. I could see her at the top of a fifty foot drop. Next thing I know my heart was in my throat as she let herself fall off backwards.

A few feet from the ground she stopped for half a second before she was jerked back up. Though she used the momentum to twist, turn, and flip around in the air. After a minute or so she used her own movements to catch the rope, and the guys at the top hauled her up. When she had her feet on steady ground I finally breathed.

“Uh, Ailith!” Jake yelled. I thought he was warning her about me, but when she caught the direction of his gaze it was behind me. I could see her lips as she spoke too lowly for me to hear. ‘Shit!’ I turned to see Jaeger, Stephan, and several of his men walk in, closely followed by Bastion and Drake’s main enforcers. Her eyes met mine as I turned back around, and she said something to the men up there with her. The platform started it’s decent.

When she reached the floor, Jake and Christine started unhooking her from the bungee rope. When that was done, she gestured for us to follow her. Her friends did as well. By the time we got up the stairs and into a balcony there were over a dozen of us. The balcony was surprisingly large, holding a wall full of complicated sound boards that overlooked the stage. In the back was an office like space, complete with desk and filing cabinets. As soon as we walked in, a group of students walked out, eyeing us with curiosity.

“You guys don’t have to stay,” she murmured to Jake and Christine.

“We’re not going to leave you alone.”

“You’re stuck with us,” Christine snapped. But both of them grabbed a spot on the outside wall. Ailith stood behind the desk, taking us all in.

“So, how can we help,” Dalton asked and she looked at him, shocked. As did I.


“You didn’t think we’d let you do all of this alone did you?” Macon asked, offended that she would think such a thing.

“I can’t ask you to go against your alpha.”

“It doesn’t look like you’re doing any harm,” Alex answered.

“Yeah, organizing a bunch of students in a rebellious function doesn’t exactly inspire danger to the pack.” She gave a mix between an ironic scoff and a snort. The other two echoed her.

“What’s going on Ailith?” Bastion asked, she met his eyes, but instead looked at Stephan and his men.

“What are you doing here?” Stephan shrugged.

“Your reaction to Drake last week inspired some curiosity on my part.”

“Well, is your curiosity satisfied?” she asked, and he gave her a calculating look.

“No.” She sighed.

“Then what do you want?”

“To know why you feel the need for all of this.”

“They’re selling the school to a man so he can build a night club. We set up this benefit so that we could get the city council’s attention, and tell the people why they really want to sell it.”

“And that would be?” he asked.

“They want the money. The school is in some serious disrepair. They plan on using the money for it to do some work around the town, and pad the treasury so that Markus can get reelected. We believe our education is more important.” I watched as she spoke. It was mostly the truth, but there was more, just under the surface.

“Cut the crap and tell us exactly what’s going on,” Bastion snapped. She met his eyes, clearly unwilling to do what he wanted in front of the rival pack. “It can’t hurt anything. It’s not likely that he could do anything with the information. You obviously tried to warn Drake of something.” She kept his gaze for a moment before reaching into the middle drawer of the desk and tossed a folder onto the surface.

“The man buying the school is under an alias. Collin Dragger. His real name is Van, the alpha set up to take over the Crudelus pack.” Stunned silence met her words, so she decided to continue. “Once he has the property he plans on challenging Drake for the territory.”

“How do you know this?” Jaeger asked, it was the first time I’d ever seen him look serious.

“It’s the only reason for buying it. The old laws are still in effect.”

“Well, that’s fine, Drake can take him,” Nevin jumped in.

“No, he can’t.”

“Okay, now that’s treason,” Justin snapped. She placed both hands flat on the desk, one on either side of the folder.

“No, it’s fact. Drake is a good man, and that’s why he’ll lose.”

“What do you mean?” Bastion asked, stepping forward.

“Just what I said, Drake is a good man. He’ll fight fair, with honor. Van isn’t a sadist like the rest of them. He’s cold in his cruelty. Calculating. He won’t fight fair. He’ll kill Drake, and the pack will fall.”

“So what’s the point of all this?” Stephan asked, his own calculated look in place.

“To get Drake’s attention. He’s the only one that can actually put a stop to the sale.”

“What if he goes after you for defying him instead?” Jaeger asked, and she smiled at him.

“I’m counting on it.”

“Why?” Bastion asked.

“He’ll come after me as soon as he finds out I was behind the whole thing. But he’s not blinded by anger, he’ll give me the chance to explain myself. After that I just give him some proof.”

“You’re betting a lot on the anger management of an alpha male,” Stephan replied. But she shook her head.

“No, I’m betting a lot on him taking a moment to think. Regardless, what I have to tell him will be cause enough for him to look into it himself, even if he won’t admit it. He‘s not the type to completely dismiss a threat like that just for the sake of hurt pride.”

“So what do you want us to do?” Stephan asked.

“Why do you care?,” Dalton asked him, but Stephan was looking at Ailith. It was like they were having a moment of silent communication.

“He cares, because if Van gets his claws into this territory, his might be next. It’s in his best interest to put a stop to it now,” she answered, and Stephan gave her a small bow. “It just so happens that we have had an oversight to our plans,” she continued.

“That would be?”

“Security. Someone broke in a few nights ago and trashed half of our sets.”

“So you need someone to guard the place,” Bastion announced and she nodded.

“We can’t afford to have to rebuild a second time.”

“Consider it done,” Bastion said and turned to Stephan. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to set up a guard schedule. We can’t risk you coming during the day again, and if you ask for permission it will cause some suspicion.”

“Then my men will take the night shift.”


“Have all of you lost your minds?” I asked, the entire room went quiet. Ailith leveled her gaze at me. But that was it, I’d had enough. “I’ll go tell Drake what’s going on, no one has to go against pack law, no one has to go against him at all.”

“And when he asks where your information came from?” she asked, as though I was missing some big piece of the puzzle.

“It won’t matter.”

“Yes, it will. You’ll have no choice but to tell him that I gave you the information. And as soon as you say my name he will immediately tune you out. He doesn’t find anything that comes from me to be trustworthy.”

“Of course he does.”

“No he doesn’t. I’m female, Sadler, add in my age and I’m negligible at best. A simple teenage girl doing what she can to stop something she doesn’t like from happening. You can‘t afford to lose your credibility by being seen as my enabler.” I didn’t want to believe her, but she had a point. It didn’t do anything to deter my anger.

“And what you’re doing here is better? I just watched you fall fifty feet, you nearly crushed your head on the floor!” She rolled her eyes.

“It was a stunt, we have a bag to catch us just in case the measurements are off.”

“And what happens when something goes faulty and someone gets seriously hurt?”

“It hasn’t happened yet, we’re being careful.” Both of our voices were starting to rise, and everyone kind of backed off until they were lined along three walls. Watching us like a tennis match.

“Not yet, but there’s no way you can account for every possibility.”

“Actually, we have several people that can, and are. We’re not simple minded children, Sadler, believe it or not some of us know what we’re doing.”

“You realize that what you’re doing is considered treason right? Hiding a plot to kill the alpha? Directly going against him? This is an exiling offense, Ailith!”

“I’m risk it.”

“For a school?!”

“For the pack! You’ve forgotten, I know Van, if Drake dies Jen will be lucky to end up as someone’s maid. Becca will be open to any male who wants a piece of her. The enforcers will be executed, as will Asher. The pack will fall, completely! Why are you pushing this?”

“I’m trying to protect you.”

“I never asked for your protection!”

“That doesn’t mean you don’t need it. You can’t protect everyone!”

“No I can’t, but I’m sure as hell not going to stand back and watch!” I continued on as though she hadn’t said anything.

“You can’t even protect yourself,” I growled, she stood straight, her expression going blank as she took a step back.

“Stop,” her voice was dead and it only pushed me further.

“What do you thinks going to happen if you’re exiled? No one will be there to advocate for you. You’ll be nothing, just like when you came here. Bloodied and bruised with two girls hanging on your arms.”

“Stop it!” she gritted her teeth.

“You couldn’t even protect them!.” A glass sphere flew by my head, it shattered on the wall about a foot from Dalton’s head.

“Stop it!” she yelled at me. I didn’t want to say any of this, I didn’t even believe any of it. But I just couldn’t stop.

“That was nice, you realize that you could have hit him?” I sneered, she spun on me.

“I had faith in his abilities.”

“Why? Because he beat the hell out of you?” I yelled at her face. She walked away, and started to chuckle.

“What do you just spend all of your free time following me?” she spun back to me, her eyes slightly wild. “Is that it? Are you under orders? Because that’s all you do! Follow orders.” I opened my mouth to reply, but Jake picked the wrong time to try to intervene.

“Hey, guys, come on…,” both of us spun on him.

“Back off!” we snapped in unison and he held up both hands and took up his spot on the wall again.

“Fuck!” she yelled as she turned and kicked a chair against a wall, breaking off one arm and two legs.

“That was nice, I’m sure your mom would be real proud of that show,” I sneered, she froze her back to me. A growl started from deep in her chest. “Oh wait, you have no way of knowing that do you? Because she died, leaving you with an abusive monster you called Daddy.” That was it, she snapped, kicking the end of the desk so hard it slid across the floor and hit the only open expanse of wall that was left. She spun and looked at me, the silver ring around her pupil was showing brightly. This was no longer her, her wolf had taken control.

“My turn,” she snarled. I realized exactly what I had done, pushed her beyond her control. So I sighed and tried to leave, but a knife embedded itself in the crack of the door, keeping it from opening. “What’s wrong, Sadler? This was what you wanted wasn’t it? Hit her below the belt so many times that she snaps,” she hissed as I turned back to look at her. “Clever of you, only some one who knows her oh so well would know exactly what targets to hit. Beat her down and she’ll just stand back up, but if you hit just the right topics so many times, she’ll stay down. She would never stoop so low as to retaliate, but me? I’m not so noble,” her voice had taken on a guttural sound, as though she were using a wolfs neck to talk through. “You keep going on about if I’m exiled? What about you? What was it like, Sadler, for your own father to toss you out.” I shook my head.


“Your mother didn’t even fight to keep you did she?”

“She couldn’t.”

“She wouldn’t. Your sister just stood back and watched didn’t she? Now you live your life by following orders. Doing as another man wants without question. It’s got to sting, knowing that you’ll never be any better than a foot soldier.”

“Enough!” She was hitting far too close to home, I could feel my own wolf rising to the occasion.

“You’ll always be second best to Asher, no matter how strong you are, because he’s the one with the pack. He’s the one that will command and you’ll be nothing more than his trained dog.” Hearing those words from her mouth was like someone took a battering ram to my stomach.

My fists clenched so hard I could smell my own blood. But I was pushed to the back of my own mind. My wolf taking over. He growled, a warning to back off, but she met him with one of her own. They circled each other, waiting for the other to make a move. But then she smiled a triumphant grin, and took a couple of steps back.

“There, that’s the shift I was looking for. You don’t see me as just another female, needing to be humored or protected. I’m a threat to you, an equal,” she moved backwards until she had backed up as far as she could.

Her words struck home, and my wolf calmed down. We stood there, staring at each other, as our wolves receded as one. Leaving just us. She kept my gaze, looking drained, and disappointed.

“If you can’t support me in this, then at least keep it quiet for as long as you can. That’s all I ask,” her voice was quiet, her tone filled with resolve. She brushed passed me, jerking the knife out of the doorframe, and walked out. I lost all composure, slumping until I leaned against the injured desk, running a hand over my face.

“Well, that was…,” Dalton started.

“Intense,” Jake finished.

“I’ll go get a broom and dustpan,” Christine muttered, glaring at me on her way out the door. Jake followed her out and Jaeger came up next to me.

“What was that, Sadler?”

“I don’t know,” and I didn’t.

Whatever possessed me to push past her breaking point was beyond me. All I really knew was that I felt like a real piece of shit.

Chapter 25






A couple of hours after our fight Bastion informed me that Sadler took a shift guarding the theatre. I wasn’t sure why he told me. It didn’t really change anything. I just wish I knew why he would attack me like that.

My wolf had been right. Only someone that knew me really well, that I felt close to, would be able to push me that far. Every word he said was like a separate knife embedded in my flesh. The hurt turned to anger much quicker than I had thought possible. Most of the time insults run off me like water. But from him, the water turned to ice and stuck to me.

After Sadler left I went back up to the office. They had made quick work of putting the place back together. I had never done so much damage in my life, I didn’t even know I was capable of it. Jake and Chris were just finishing with the trash as I approached.

“I’m really sorry for all of that. I’m not entirely sure what happened, but I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.” Jake just grinned at me.

“It’s cool. I shouldn’t have tried to step in when tempers were running so high.”

“Yeah, besides, Sadler was asking for it,” Chris added.

“We’ve got your back, Ally,” Jake mumbled on his way out the door. Chris put a light hand on my shoulder as she followed.

“You know,” Bastion said as he came up to my side. “Sometimes when people start to care about someone, they push their boundaries. Children do it with their parents, married couples are some of the worst about it. It’s part of truly bonding.” I wasn’t sure how what he was saying applied, but he walked away before I could ask.

The rest of the men were standing around the desk, looking over a pad of paper. I assumed they knew what they were doing, and stood back to give them some space. A couple of them that I didn’t know seemed uncomfortable with my presence, but they would have to get used to it eventually.

I watched as they all leaned down, or moved around. All of them with smooth practiced movements. Wolves had an unnatural strength in human form, having to be careful not to use too much pressure when doing something so simple as holding a pencil. It was something I was struggling with myself. After living for seventeen years with certain boundaries, suddenly having extra strength that only seemed to grow, had caused a few issues.

Like with our routine, ‘Battlefield’, half of the people in it were wolves, the other half were human. It made rehearsal difficult. A misplaced flick of the wrist and we risked seriously hurting one of the humans. But as I watched the men move around something struck a cord.

We had gotten our wireless ear pieces that allowed us to communicate throughout the building. They could also be used as microphones, it was what we planned on using for the performances. But all of us were wearing them so that we could get used to them. That way they wouldn’t be an inconvenience when we really needed them. I tapped the button on the side.

“Jen, Stacey, Christine, Camilla, will you all come up here please?” I spoke into the piece. I knew they would show up, so I picked out six of the men. Three were Stephan’s, the other three were the youngest out of the group of the men I trained with. “Hey, you three, line up over here,” I gestured to the men in front of me. They looked at me warily but Stephan nodded for them to do as I instructed. “Justin, Macon, Nevin, you too.” They went without question. After a moment I added Jaeger to the list. “Take your shirts off.” again, the three I knew obeyed immediately, and while the others were slower to comply they did none the less.

“Wow,” Stacey said as she walked in, the other three right behind her. All of them took in the view with ample appreciation before turning to me. “Not that I don’t appreciate the view. And I mean I really appreciate it, but what are we looking at?” Stacey asked, barely glancing away from the shirtless men. They were an impressive bunch, all toned, trained, strong, drool worthy even if a couple of faces weren’t.

“Battlefield.” Was the only thing I said. Suddenly the girls were looking at them in a whole new light. They circled the males, inspecting them from this angle to that, though it wasn’t exactly necessary.

“How long do you think it’ll take?” Jen asked and I smirked.

“They’re already trained,” Stacey let out a whistle.

I caught Bastion grinning at me. He knew what I was doing, and though I should have been ashamed, I wasn’t. They really did make nice eye candy.

“Sounds good, send them down when you’re done with them,” Stacey instructed while she walked out. Jen and Camilla were still standing next to me while Christine gave one last look over before following Stacey. The guys stood there, waiting for me to tell them to redress.

“You know they didn’t have to take their shirts off right?” Jen asked, though her eyes never left the bare muscular chests.

“Yeah, but I thought you would enjoy the view,” I answered, my eyes never straying far from the targets.

“Nice, I owe you one,” Camilla said as they both made their way out.

“Can we get dressed now?” One of them glared at me. I smirked at him.


“Dude, you should be thanking her,” Macon told him with a nudge to the shoulder. “It’s not everyday a guy gets to be blatantly checked out. Especially, by such good looking girls,” he added the last bit with a playful wink aimed in my direction.

“Why don’t you guys go on down to the stage. Stacey will tell you what to do and where to go,” I said and they all grumbled while leaving. They weren’t performers they were enforcers. It would take some getting used to, for all of us.

Now all I had to worry about was getting the proof I needed, for when Drake demanded it. There was only one way that I could think of to get it, and I would need some help. So I called for Alex, Dalton, Jacob, and Bastion, since I wouldn’t be able to keep him out of it anyway.









One week, one horrible quiet week, and she still wouldn’t even look at me. She hadn’t even come to her violin lessons. How am I supposed to apologize if she won’t even stay in the same room. And when I’m at the theatre and she’s working on the stage, she just pretends that I’m not there. I didn’t know what else to do.

So one night I was driving by the theatre. I had decided that if I saw her car I would pull in, and make her listen to me. But it wasn’t there. I pulled in anyway, because the night shift was supposed to be for Stephan’s men, but the cars that were parked there were Drake’s.

I stepped into the lobby to see Alex, Dalton, Jacob, Bastion, and Jake all turn with hopeful looks. Only to be disappointed when they saw me. Something wasn’t right. In fact, by the guilty looks on their faces, something was very wrong.

“Where is she?” I asked, none of them would look me in the eye, not even Bastion. “Where is she?” my voice rose, echoing in the lobby.

“Here,” her voice came from the dark hallway to the right. “I’m here.” All of them seemed to melt with relief. I couldn’t see anything but her silhouette, and it was making me nervous.

“Ailith, what’s going on? Are you okay?” I could hear her heavy breathing, and I was starting to smell blood.

“Nothing, I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not fine, what happened.” She sighed.

“Of all times to be difficult you choose now,” she mumbled, clearly not intending for me to hear. “Alex, can you give me a hand?” she called. Alex rushed passed me before I could even open my mouth. Next thing I know he lifted her up into his arms and headed down the hall with the rest of them on his heels.

He took her to what looked like an old enormous supply closet. A long stainless steel table took up the middle of the small room. A stool sat next to it, with the walls lined with gauze and a separate table covered in various medical equipment. Alex was a medic, in the human world he rode in an ambulance, and helped out at the hospital. In the pack he was a combat medic. It looked like he had fashioned the room as an emergency room without all of the staff.

He laid her out on the table as Bastion turned on the light. Her face was pale as she closed her eyes against the sudden glare. She was wearing an all leather outfit. It looked like leather armor, she even had various knives and blades that were attached to the top. She grimaced when Alex touched her side. I got a closer look moving Jake out of my way. It looked like she had been shot in the side.

“There’s no exit wound,” he muttered. From the corner of my eye I watched Bastion take Jake outside, closing the door behind them. Alex looked up, meeting my eyes. “I’m going to need you to hold her still, I have to dig the bullet out.”

“Jen’s gonna kill me for getting a bullet hole in this, she worked really hard on it,” she muttered between grimaces of pain.

“Don’t worry about it, she made a spare just in case something happened to this one,” Dalton said as he took her hand, using his upper arm to hold her shoulder to the table. Jacob crossed her legs at the ankles and used his upper body to hold them still. That left me one spot. I grabbed her hand, leaning down on her shoulder the same way Dalton was.

“Are you sure about the painkillers?” Alex asked her while he prepared some vice grips and plenty of gauze. She nodded.

“Yeah, I can’t afford to be anything but coherent,” she replied.

“What if you get a fever? You won’t be much good to anyone,” he warned.

“I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. That’s why Jake is here isn’t it?”

“Alright, if you’re sure,” he said, and then set to work.

It took more pressure to hold her still than I had anticipated. Her entire body seized while he was digging around. It wasn’t exactly her side that was wounded, but closer to her hip. He had to lower her pants and cut part of her top to get a clear view of the wound.

She never cried out, but silent tears ran down her cheeks. Eventually I had to help him staunch the blood flow since I was on his side of the table. At one point I put my hand flat on her chest because her back had arched.

“Pin her down!” Alex yelled, he had the vice grips at least two inches deep in her flesh. Her heart was beating erratically, her breathing was too quick. But then it was done, I heard the clink of metal hitting metal, and looked down to see the bullet sitting in a small metal dish. After that it was quiet. He stitched her up and wrapped her wound, putting her pants back in their proper place.

I backed up when Dalton let go of her, but I waited for Alex to get done washing her blood off his hands in the small sink. After she was able to take a deep breath, things were quiet, no one really knowing what to say. Until she sat up and maneuvered off the table.

“You’ve got a tighter grip than Jacob,” Dalton muttered, grinning over at her. Jacob punched him in the shoulder, but gave her a gentle nudge.

“Welcome to the family. You’re never a true member until you get hurt.” After that they both left. Alex stood there surveying her for a moment while I stood in the corner. Finally, he nodded, as though saying his job was done, and then walked out, leaving us alone.

I looked at my hands, they had blood on them. Her blood. I turned to the sink, scrubbing unnecessarily hard. I could hear her breathing behind me, still leaning against the table. When I was done, and using a towel to dry my hands she spoke.

“Sadler…” I cut her off.

“I don’t care.”


“I don’t care what you were doing, I don’t want to know.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

“Never again,” I muttered.

“What?” she asked again. I leaned against that damn metal table and looked her in the eye. She looked tired, and hurt.

“Never make me do that again.” She met my eyes for several moments, before she finally nodded. I walked out with her right behind me.

“Someone’s going to have to look after her tonight,” Alex was saying as he counted out pills that were in a bottle.

“She can’t go home?” Jake asked, pulling out his phone.

“No, there’s still a chance that she could end up with a healing fever. She needs to be watched closely tonight.”

“Okay, I’ll text mom so she can cover for her,” Jake answered, punching some buttons on his phone.

“So who’s babysitting tonight?” Bastion asked.

“Hey!” Ailith snapped and most of them jumped, guilt written all over their faces. They hadn’t seen her standing behind me.

“What he meant to say was, whose willing to stay up all night?” Dalton said slowly, obviously reaching for words as he spoke.

“As much as I would love to have a house guest, me and Sandra had plans for when I got home,” Alex muttered.

“I can take care of her,” Dalton said with a grin and wink meant only for Ailith, though she just gave him a sarcastic grimace in return.

“She’ll stay at my place,” I interjected, with a healthy glare for Dalton. He, Jacob, Nevin, Macon, and Justin all shared a large house. And it wasn’t that I didn’t trust any of them with an injured female. I simply didn’t trust them with Ailith.

“If you’re sure,” Bastion replied, a grin I didn’t understand showing on his face. Alex leaned over and tried to hand Ailith the bottle of pills.

“Take two of these every four hours tonight. And then as needed for the pain after that. It may take a week or so for that to heal.” She stared at the bottle in his hands, but didn’t reach for it.

“That’s not necessary,” she said as she shook her head. I reached over and grabbed the bottle.

“She’ll take them,” I glared down at her for good measure, but she only rolled her eyes.

“You were supposed to be back an hour earlier,” Bastion said, eyeing her closely, everyone went quiet.

“Yeah, I know, there were complications. But I got what I needed,” she answered and he nodded. After that everyone just kind of left. Most of them gave a small parting wave, which she returned. But after they were gone she leaned against the counter to take the pressure off of her side.

“Come on, let’s get you somewhere you can relax.” She nodded, but halted at the door.

“What about my car? My clothes are in it.”

“I’ll come get it tomorrow, you can wear something of mine for tonight,” I answered and held the door open for her. She nodded reluctantly as she limped passed me.

After only ten minutes in the car she was squirming with discomfort. But yet again she didn’t utter a sound. I finally got her up to my loft and she was ready to collapse. I settled her down on the couch and got her a glass of water. She tried to push the pills away when I handed them to her. But I stood my ground. I wasn’t kidding when I said she would take them. I’d shove them down her throat if I had too. After a few silent minutes of pouting she finally took them.

I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and large shirt and directed her into the bedroom. It was the only room besides the bathroom that had a door, and she slid it closed while she changed. Though she didn’t shut it completely.

Just to be clear, I am not a peeping tom. I was merely making sure that she didn’t need any help. But all I saw was her back. Scars ran the course of her skin, white as snow compared to her dark complexion. They had to have been deep wounds to have scarred her. Even though each one came with it’s own horror, I found them to be undeniably beautiful. Her hair, as she let it down, flowed to reach the middle of her back, covering the intricate markings. Then she slipped my shirt on over her head before taking her pants off. I couldn’t see anything but her legs, which I had seen more of when she danced.

I had just sat back when I heard the door open. She padded in on sock covered feet and stood there awkwardly for a moment. I would have helped her out if I knew what she was wanting.

“Um, where do you want me to sleep. I’m really tired,” her voice was low, as though she didn’t want to disturb anything.

“Go ahead and take the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch,” I answered, but she shook her head.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know.” It seemed like such a simple answer to me, but after a moment she just shrugged and went back into the bedroom, again almost closing the door.

I went to a small closet and pulled out the extra pillow and blanket that I kept for unplanned situations. I leaned back on the couch and just sat there staring at nothing. I didn’t traditionally invite anyone to my loft. It was my own private place, somewhere I went to get away from people. But strangely I didn’t mind her presence.

I had to get up twice in the middle of the night to give her the meds. Both times she struggled with taking them, but only because the healing fever set in after all. She moaned and tossed and turned no matter how hard I tried to get her to stay still. She just couldn’t stop. I laid awake the entire night listening to her.

Her fever didn’t break until noon. But at eight my sister showed up to say high. She had been coming to visit me whenever she got an excuse to leave town. I tried to get her to leave but she brushed past me, just as Ailith groaned.

“Sadler, what’s going on?” At least she asked before just heading in there. Of course, she didn’t wait for my answer before doing so. She stood there long enough to get a good look at the obviously injured female in my bed. Then I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out. “What’s wrong with her?” she asked, sitting down slowly on my couch, shoving the pillow and blanket to the side.

“She was hurt. I’m just keeping an eye on her until her fever goes down.”

“What happened?” I wasn’t sure exactly how much I could say, so I opted for the minimum.

“She went to get something, and things went wrong. She’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” I couldn’t help my smile. She was showing an awful lot of concern for a girl she barely knew.

“Yes, I’m sure.” After that the visit went smoothly. Well, as smoothly as it can when there was someone in pain in the next room. I coaxed Ailith into taking some more of her meds, and after that she slept.

I was just sitting there zoning out when she finally emerged. She was pale, and had to use the wall for support, but other than that she seemed whole. She didn’t say anything as she went to the sink and downed two glasses of water. After that I left to go get her car.

Horror filled me as I took a look inside. There was blood all over the right side of the drivers seat. A blood soaked towel was thrown onto the floor board. As if it had soaked up so much that it was no longer of any use. I took the car to the car wash and cleaned as much as of it as I could. By the time I was done, it was as clean as I could get it and the smell was gone.

She left almost as soon as I got back. Neither one of us really knowing what to say.










It took a week and a half for that damn bullet hole to heal. By the time it was done I had one more scar to add to the rest. But this one was different. This was earned not forced on me.

I got it while I was tiptoeing around the crudelus mansion. They were never very good at filing or staying organized, so it was only a matter of finding the paperwork. It took me longer than anticipated because I stumbled across our old sale agreements. My father was dumb enough to sign a damn contract, proof that he was selling me into slavery. The other parents weren’t too bright either, having done the same thing.

But right next to it were three brand new contracts, for three brand new girls. These were younger, the oldest being twelve and the youngest was five. According to the date of sale, they had gotten them just a month or so after we left. The paperwork for the school wasn’t far from them along with all of the identification required to prove Van’s identity. Like I said, they weren’t very bright. In their eagerness to make sure everything was legally binding they completely disregarded that what they were doing was illegal.

I grabbed all of it, stuffing it into my bag before moving from the office back to the hallway, where I had gotten in. But I couldn’t leave. I couldn’t leave the girls down there. So I went straight instead of turning left. I made it down to the basement without any complications.

There was padlock on the door. It looked like they had gotten smarter after all. It was time that I got to use one of my birthday presents. I took a slender knife from one of the sheaths I had brought with me. After sticking the tip in I pulled back and jammed the blade in as far as I could. The lock snapped and I opened the door.

The beds were in the same spots. Three girls looked up from fear, the youngest jumped up on her knees, while the other two curled in on themselves. The middle child couldn’t have been more than nine. I looked at the oldest, seeing the same fear and resolution I had held not too long ago. I moved forward, part of me wondered why they didn’t go to each other. It wasn’t long before I figured it out. They were cuffed to the beds.

They weren’t risking their escape this time. It was easy enough to break the slim metal around their wrists. They didn’t make a sound I started with the youngest. She stared up with me with big blue scared eyes. Unfortunately, breaking metal makes a lot of sound. I could hear the Others stomp around on the floor above.

I picked the youngest up, putting her on my hip with the bag. The other two stood next to me, holding hands. I told them to keep up and stay quiet, they merely nodded. And then we were out, running when we heard the men yell. We got outside without injury, the younger two running ahead of me into the woods. My car was parked just on the other side of the trees. As I was running I felt a sharp pain in my side, just above my hip, but I didn’t slow. I just kept going, the little girl hiding her face in my shoulder, her whimpers reaching me.

We barely reached my car before they caught up. I had covered my plates, just in case they followed me to it. I couldn’t let them track me down, otherwise all of it was for not. I shoved the youngest in the back with the second oldest, while the oldest hopped into the passenger seat. I drove away, the adrenaline was pumping and I didn’t feel the pain anymore.

“You, you’re bleeding,” the oldest said, panting.

I looked down, sure enough the right side of my body was soaked in blood. I swore softly and told the girl to open the glove box. She handed me the towel I kept in there and I told her to press it to my wound. I was shaking too badly to hold it still and drive. We drove for an hour before any of us said anything.

“Why did you save us?” the oldest asked, folding the towel to get a clean spot, her hands were sure and her voice was even.

“I used to be you.” She didn’t say anything else after that.

I waited until I was sure we were off their territory before I pulled over at a police station. I dug the girls’ sale agreements out of the bag, along with all of their information. And handed it all to the oldest.

“Go inside, find an officer, ask to speak with the captain. Don’t talk to anyone else until he gets here.” She nodded, taking in my every word. “Give him these, tell him everything.” Again she nodded and they climbed out. The littlest hung onto the eldest’s leg as I watched them walk hand in hand into the building.

I waited for five minutes, to make sure that they did just kick them out. If they did I would just take them to another station. But when I saw an older balding man speed onto the parking lot and rush inside I knew they would be taken care of, and I left.

About halfway home my adrenaline faded, and the pain set in. By the time I made it to the theatre I could barely breath. But this pain I relished, this pain I got fighting back. When Sadler made me promise not to make him do that again, I felt sadness well up. Not because he didn’t want to help me, but because I wasn’t sure it was a promise I could keep.

Once the wound was healed, and I had my brand new scar I made a decision, and disappeared on everyone for a while. Just a few hours, before I was back with a whole new bandage over where the other one had been. No one knew about it, my clothes covered it well. And no one asked where I had been.

It was nice to be able to do something for myself, and not have to worry about what others would do in retaliation. But then it was back to work. We had six weeks before the sale was final, and everything had to be perfect if it was going to work the way I needed it too.

Practice was brutal. All of the stunts mixed in the dance routines, and then the music itself. All of us had a job and all of us did our very best. Pushing ourselves until we were ready to drop.

The school officials amped up the pressure, calling in groups of students every hour. But oddly enough all of us who were involved, weren’t worried. Just annoyed because they were taking us from our studies.

They finally decided to call me in. Several of my friends had fear written all over their faces. It was only safe to assume that they had figured us out. But in reality, I was just the last student that they had talked too.

“Young lady, what is going on with the students?” the principal asked for the fifth time.

“I have no idea,” I answered, pulling out all the stops for my acting ability. In a weird way, it was kind of fun.

“Come on, no matter what is going on you will not be implicated. You’re not in any trouble. You keep to yourself, your GPA is rivaling that of the current valedictorian. You don’t cause trouble. We just want to save the trouble makers from making a big mistake,” his voice was soft as though he were talking to a…well a child.

“I wish I could help you, Sir. But I don’t know anything.” He tried for another hour, thinking that I was the only one who they hadn’t talked to yet, I had to know something. But he finally gave up, right about lunch time.

A few weeks before the performance I finally found a little down time. Everything was prepared, and we were just doing the final rehearsals. So I sat on the couch, not far from Becca who was channel surfing. Then a picture of three girls flashed across the screen.

“Wait! Go back,” I said as I sat forward. Sure enough it was the same three girls that I got shot helping. Drake and Sadler had just been walking by to the door when I spoke and they popped their heads in to find out what I was so interested in. It was a major news station. The story headlined as slave trading in the US.

The three girls were said to have escaped their captors’ home roughly six months after their parents sold them. The parents were currently under investigation, as are the men that bought them. The prosecutors were optimistic as they had undeniable evidence. I couldn’t help the small smile that played over my face as I leaned back.

“You didn’t have anything to do with this did you?” Drake asked. I looked over at him. He looked worried, where as Sadler looked at me with understanding.

“I wish I had,” I answered, Sadler made his goodbyes as I went up to my room.

Chapter 26






“I’m sorry, Sir. But we haven’t found any clues as to who is behind the benefit,” Alex muttered. I swore quietly.

Whoever was behind this rebelliousness had to answer for their disobedience. It was made clear over the past months that a human wasn’t responsible for the mayhem this so called performance was creating in city hall. It had to be a wolf, that’s the only explanation for them having escaped notice so far. I was pretty sure we were looking at an adult. It wasn’t likely that a bunch of teenagers could pull all of this off. At least not and keep their mouths shut about it.

We had the best interest of the town in mind, we weren’t just trying to pad our pockets. But most of the people wouldn’t understand that. All they would see was that we were damaging their children’s education. It really only left me with one solution.

The benefit was said to be planned for a week from today. Me and my family would attend. And when I had the chance I would go backstage and meet the mastermind. Then I would make certain that he stopped this farce before too much damage was done.









It was crunch time. We had a week to make sure everything was prepared. Bastion and the men had to chase off three wolves in the last few weeks. All of them trying to break into the theatre, and all of them weren’t from this pack. I was willing to bet which pack they came from.

Sadler had taken a further interest in the benefit, and was currently helping to oil the pulleys for the curtains. We were down to just dress rehearsals, using streamers for ‘Burn’ so we didn’t use up any of the gas. Then Chris, Stacey, and Jen ran up to me. All three in a panic.

“We never found a partner for you for ‘A Thousand Years’. Now we have a huge gaping hole at the end of the performance,” Jen bellowed.

“Okay, okay, calm down, just breath,” I said.

“What are we going to do? The programs are already printed and waiting to be distributed at the door. We can’t just skip it,” Chris panted.

“We’ll figure something out, maybe Kevin can pick up the slack,” I suggested.

It had turned out that Stephan was Keira’s and Kevin’s alpha. They had been a huge help in the performance, Kevin teaching us the necessary steps for the dance we wanted. And Keira was unnaturally gifted when it came to makeup. She also made a great backstage manager.

“No, he doesn’t fit, not if we want it to be perfect,” Stacey said, desperation clear in her voice.

“Hey, is everything alright?” Sadler asked out of nowhere. All four of us turned to him, and then it looked like all three girls struck the same idea at the same time. All of them starting to circle him, Jen using measuring tape to measure his shoulder width and everything else in between. He panicked a little when Stacey and Chris started testing the sturdiness of his shoulders and hips. “What the hell are you doing?” he snapped though he couldn’t seem to get away from them.

“Girls stop,” I snapped, they all paused to look at me. “He can’t afford to risk his home. We have to find someone else.” He gave me a strange look, but the girls overrode him with their arguments.

“We have masks for everyone but you, no one will even know it’s him,” Jen argued at the same time that Chris and Stacey jumped in.

“He’s the only one with the right height and strength to be your counterpart.”

“We don’t have time to find anyone else. It’ll be a struggle just for him to learn the steps quickly enough.”

“I’ll do it.” We all stopped to stare at him.

“What?” I asked, I was saying that to him a lot lately.

“It’s fine, I’ll wear a mask, Jen can make sure no one recognizes me. You don’t really have a choice,” he muttered with a shrug.

I didn’t have time to argue as Jake turned up to tell me how the instrumental department was doing. The girls had whisked him away before I could turn back to them. I didn’t like it, it was a bad idea. A really, really bad idea. But it was his choice, so I had no choice but to let it go. Distracted by the girls practicing their vocals.

The night before the performance I stayed at Stacey’s house. We thought it would be best if no one saw me leaving the house. Jen and Camilla had told me that Drake had announced to them that they would be attending. Though the girls had arranged a plan to leave early, claiming they wanted to eat before hand, just in case the food sucked. Though we all knew it didn’t. The home ec students had been testing their food on us for weeks, making sure it was perfect for customers.

When I got there at around noon, everyone was already there. Even Jen and Camilla. The performance wasn’t until five so we had some time to make any final adjustments. We had managed to get our hands on an old popcorn machine, one of the techs had to rewire it, but it was free so we didn’t complain. We had even managed to get several old mom and pop shops to donate several old cash registers so every stand that we had set up for after the performance would even have receipts.

All of us were dressed alike, the girls in simple black blouses and slacks, the guys in black button ups and slacks. The only ones dressed differently were those serving as security. Their only job was to keep anyone from robbing us and getting back stage. The only difference in the way they were dressed, was that they wore jackets over their button ups.

I was helping to organize the lobby when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Stephan, dressed the same as his men with Jaeger a step behind him, grinning. He wasn’t supposed to be here during the day.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, more afraid of his presence bringing Drake before we were ready for him.

“Relax, rumors of your benefit have traveled far. Several packs are requesting permission to enter the territory to attend.”

“And he’s allowing it?” I couldn’t believe that he would allow any more attention to be drawn to this than absolutely necessary.

“It’s either that or break etiquette. If he denied everyone then he risks alienating all of them. If he only allows certain ones he risks losing possible allies. I have to say, you have him in a tight bind.” I had to close my eyes for a moment. The guilt hit me hard. I didn’t want to cause Drake any trouble. I just didn’t see a way around it. “Hey, relax, you’re only doing what you have to do,” he put a gentle hand on my shoulder.

“Then why doesn’t it feel like it?” I asked, he smiled down at me.

“Doing the right thing is never easy. That’s how you know it’s the right thing.” I nodded, running a hand over my hair, smoothing my pony tail. “Now, where do you want me?” he asked and then laughed at the look I gave him. “I’ve been sitting on the sidelines and watching other people work for years. It’s about time I got my hands dirty.” I blinked a few times and shook my head to clear it.

“Um, Jen could probably use a hand making sure everything is organized,” I said and he gave me a slight bow before moving passed me into the auditorium.

After he was gone I went around to the back balcony to make sure the equipment was working. Jared was currently speaking though the earpieces warning everyone when the lights would dim and what he was doing. He never stopped until someone told him it was working properly.

“How’s it going?” I asked behind him, he turned and smiled at me.

“We’re ready.”

“I hope everyone else is,” I muttered before going back down stairs.









I climbed out of Drake’s car with trepidation. It was part of the ruse that Ailith came up with to keep suspicion away from me. Though I was dressed similarly to the rest of them, it was actually most of my costume. But she had wanted me to arrive with Drake and his family. Which only consisted of Drake, Becca, Aaron, Aidan, Asher, and Bailey, the only children that weren’t already there working.

None of them were supposed to be within sight of the lobby. The plan was for all of them to stay behind the scenes, until it was absolutely necessary for them to show themselves. And that included almost all of Drake’s enforcers.

There were several nicely dressed people waiting outside the brightly lit front doors. The doors were lit but there was a curtain on the inside, hiding any activity until they were ready to be seen. They had done a lot of maintenance on the front, making it look like it used to when the theatre was an opera house. It preached elegance, making you feel like you were about to walk into the fanciest of halls.

I had no idea what the line up was tonight. I hadn’t been allowed to actually see the full dress rehearsals. So I was prepared to be just as surprised as everyone else. Drake made way for us to the front of the doors. I guessed he wanted to be there to confront whoever opened them.










I waited, my anger building. Someone was going to open those doors, and I would be the first to see them. It was ten minutes till five, they should be opening any minute now, to give the patrons time to be seated. And then I heard the locks turn. I put on my most intimidating expression, and the door swung wide. There stood a girl, it was not what I expected. She was just a child, no more than seventeen. But I didn’t recognize her, and she was human. She took one long look around, including me, and gave a dazzling smile.

“Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the Last Stand.” I had heard that that was what they were calling this little performance of theirs. If I were being honest it was an impressive name and spoke of their last stand to save the school, clever. “If you will please enter in an orderly fashion, feel free to browse, the concession stand is open if you are hungry, and the ticket takers will be ready in a moment. After you receive your ticket please wait to be seated by the ushers. Thank you, and enjoy yourselves,” she finished with a charming playful wink.

We stepped in to see a very peaceful, elegant display. The floors were polished, the glass was gleaming and the lighting was perfect. But every single person I could see working behind the counter or around the room was a teenager. Not a single adult was in sight.

We walked along the walls, thinking that there were rare paintings, but they were only painted on as though they hung there. The effect was quite impressive, though I felt like I had seen the technique somewhere before. I wasn’t much of an art enthusiast so I didn’t put much stock in my own memory.

Becca and Asher decided that they were hungry so we made our way to the concession stand. They had everything that didn’t require a plate and a table. Candy, muffins, cupcakes, popcorn, soda, bottled water, and one man was carding people for wine. I thought I had seen him before but I couldn’t place him. So I supposed not everyone was a teenager. But he just looked like a bartender, not a major player. At least they were obeying the human laws.

We were finally able to buy our tickets, five dollars for an adult and three for children. Then the double doors on either side of the counters opened, it was rather gallantly done. When an usher found us I finally saw someone I recognized. He was a young wolf and a member of the school football team if I was correct. He bowed respectfully and presented us with several programs.

“Alpha, if you’ll be so kind as to follow me, I’ll show you all to your seats,” he spoke softly, respectfully, following the rules of etiquette perfectly.

He led us down the middle aisle. The place was bigger than I realized. The lights were dim, and the curtain was down. The effect was calming, gentle almost. He showed us seats right in front of the stage.

“You realize the implications of your actions, correct?” I said quietly. He bowed again.

“I’ll except any punishment you deem necessary, after the night is over,” then he turned and left. After five minutes the place was full. Even the balconies. I could have picked out a balcony, they were just a few dollars more than the floor seats. But I had wanted to be able to get back stage. I was actually just about to stand when the lights went out.

“Ladies and Gentleman, again we welcome you…to the Last Stand,” the voice was male, though not one I could recognize.

The curtain rose, and several lights turned on behind a group of people casting them in shadows. None of them were recognizable until the music started. Then Christine of all people was lit up as she started to sing. I didn’t recognize the song.

Then as the song continued several of the dancers in the back, still covered in shadow, started to move subtly. And a girl I recognized as the dance team captain was lit up. She had a powerful voice. And then the world fell away as Becca gripped my arm.

Ailith was next, moving in the center of the other two. Then the lights above the stage shown casting all of them in light. They all moved as one, though doing different things. Some young men showed up out of the shadows around center stage, dancing with the girls. While several dancers who didn’t have partners did acrobatics in the back ground.

When the song was over, the curtain fell. I sat there stunned. Ailith was a part of this the entire time. I was willing to bet that I knew who was behind it all now. She just did not know when to back down. Less than two minutes later the curtain rose again. This time the stage looked completely different. For instance it actually looked like a stage.

It rose up higher than it had been before, and instead of a large group of people it was just a band. I recognized Jake on the guitar, though I couldn’t honestly say that seeing him was a surprise. He and Ailith were practically inseparable.

Jake wasn’t the one singing however, that was a young man I didn’t know. When it was over, the curtains dropped again. And yet again, the lights went out. I could feel the anticipation building in the room. Everyone else was enjoying themselves, including Aaron and Aidan.

Then a spotlight switched on, but it wasn’t on the stage, it was at the back of the room. I turned and looked up just as Christine made her second appearance. She sang wonderfully, though the song was a bit upbeat.

A second spotlight glared at the opposite aisle. A girl I didn’t know was singing the second first. They moved down the steps as they sang, doing small dance moves here and there. They did a lot with their shoulders. Ailith started down with her own bit. When all three made it down to the bottom the curtain rose with a group of girls doing the same moves. All of them were in sync, despite the distance and the their sudden appearance. The audience around me was moving with them to a certain extent.

At the very end, the three girls stood on the railing that separated the seats from the stage. When the music stopped they all did back flips onto the stage, and the curtain dropped.

When the curtain rose again it was a normal stage just as before. Only this time Jake was singing. When the curtain dropped again I stopped taking stock of the performers and instead focused on the performance itself. So far it had been really tasteful.

But when the curtain rose I had to remember to breath. Three large staircases sat on the stage, all elegantly decorated. One on each side and one in the back. All of them stopped about ten feet from the railing. Several girls dressed as ballerinas made their way around the stairs. All keeping time with the music.

Then Christine showed up at the top of the staircase to the right. She was dressed in an elegant gown with a small tiara perched atop her head. As she sang the first verse as she made her way down slowly, more girls dressed similarly to her followed her down, all moving to accent her body language.

Stacey sang the second part, though she was dressed in a leotard, much like the ballerina’s that still littered the stage. Then Ailith made her appearance, on the middle stair case. She wasn’t dressed as a princess, or a dancer, she wore an all black outfit, complete with combat boots. She looked like a fighter, as did the girls following her down the stairs.

When they all three reached the bottom landing, that was still a few feet off the floor, they moved with the dancers. Until the last part, where they looked out to the audience, as though they were speaking the words specifically to all of the girls watching them. When the curtain fell, applause erupted. Becca was on her feet, wiping at tears that traced down her cheeks.

Next was a group of girls surrounded by people with various images. They were dressed as though they were from the lower part of society and sang. The next several songs went the same way. A big performance, followed by a small one. After the smaller group it was a song sung by a whole group of the teenagers, Ailith included though she played a smaller part in that one.

After that it was a song by a smaller shy looking girl. Next was a more powerful performance this one was done by Ailith with several dancers and singers backing her up. I’d never seen someone display such energy and passion on stage.

The night progressed with a song performed by a heavier set girl with a guitar. Then another performance by Ailith, with several other dancers. After that Jake and his band performed. All of this I knew because I finally opened my program. Then something changed. The curtain rose but no one was on the stage. Instead a voice came over the speakers.

“We all have a dream. Something we want beyond anything else,” the voice was male, I believed it was Jake, but the speech was taken up by his sister.

“But we struggle. We work so hard just for someone to tell us that we can’t.” Ailith picked it up after her.

“They tell us it’s impossible. So we rewrite the definition of impossible.” Another female voice took over.

“While you watch this, think to yourself. What is it that you’ve always wanted, that other’s told you was impossible. Hold that dream in your mind. Just take it, one step at a time.” The music started and the entire stage filled with dancers. Moving to the sound as though they breathed it in, and made it their own.

When they got to the end a giant screen descended, showing words across the black screen. ‘I want to be’ and then they all started to hold up signs, starting from the back and making their way forward. The first one said, professional NFL player, and then Surgeon, professional ballerina, and so on and so forth, until it reached Ailith at the front. I could have sworn that she looked directly at me when she lifted her sign above her head. ‘ME’. The curtain dropped and the entire audience seemed to be in deep contemplation.

According to the program it was now the intermission. I took my opportunity. I wanted to find out exactly what Ailith was thinking while she was setting all of this up. I made my way back to the lobby and then down one of the hallways. I took a left at a set of stair cases and followed the nearly deserted hallway towards the sounds of busy people.

I emerged into a well lit section of an area behind the side curtains. Teenager were running everywhere, all of them doing this and that. As I moved closer I could see several of the stronger young men maneuvering large props. Everyone seemed to have a job.

“Sir, you can’t be back here,” a scrawny boy said, holding his arms out as if to physically stop me. He had a head set on, and could barely keep his eyes focused on me. He pressed a button at his ear. “I need some security over here.” Then he turned back to me. “I’m sorry, Sir, but this section of the theater is closed until after the performance is over.” I was about to brush past the weakling when I spotted a head of blonde hair.

“Jen?” I asked, outrage filling me instantly. She looked up from the girl standing in front of her. It looked like she was adjusting her clothes.

“Oh, hey Dad,” she called back, immediately going back to her task. I looked around and saw Camilla standing in front of yet another girl, doing something to her face. She looked up when she felt me staring at her and gave a half hearted wave accompanied by a genuine smile. Neither one seemed the least bit affected by the fact that they were going directly against me, and had been for months.

I spotted Ailith in the back, directing several more teenagers to different tasks. I started to make my way over to her. Determined to find out what the hell was going on, but Dalton was suddenly in my way.

“You too?” I asked, at least he had the decency to glance away.

“I’m sorry, Sir, and I swear you will get an explanation, just not until the night is over. We really can’t afford for you to be back here.”

“I’m taking Ailith out of here, good luck with your performance,” I sneered, but he smirked at me.

“She thought you might try something like that. That’s why this whole thing is set up to keep going even if she isn’t here.” I growled at him. “Look, I’ll except my punishment for disobeying you, we all will, but this runs much deeper than you. The show will go on with or without her, but it’ll be a hell of a lot better with her in it.

“Besides, you‘ll get a much better chance to get to her once all of this is done. Because to be honest, we‘re really not willing to lose her just yet. And she‘ll go with you willingly once it‘s done. With Ailith you really can‘t get a better deal than that.” I had calmed down while he spoke. They all seemed willing to take any punishment for all of this. I figured I might as well see what they’ve been up too. So I nodded, turned and went back to my seat. Just as the curtain rose again.

This one was a simple band performance, though I didn’t recognize any of the performers. It was smooth song, and oddly enough I enjoyed it. Stacey performed the one after that with a group of dancers. Ailith was no where to be seen among them.

The next song was sung by a heavy set girl. I found it beautiful and she really seemed to feel strongly for the song. Then it was Jake’s band with Christine and Ailith on a seemingly normal stage. Another one was performed by a small girl with a big voice. And then the lights shut off completely again.

When a light came back on it shown directly on Ailith. The stage was different, half of it had been raised nearly to the ceiling, all in a long line. When the song started she was just standing on the floor, but as it progressed, she started to rise, right in front of us. The song picked up, she was still going up, when suddenly people started coming down.

I heard several screams as the audience reacted, only to gasp when they didn’t hit the floor and instead bounced back up, doing incredible acrobatics in the air. When she finally made it to the top, the song reached it’s climax and as she let herself fall backward off her platform. I was on my feet. But just like the others, she didn’t hit the ground, she bounced back up spinning, twirling, flipping, all of it was breathtaking. Until she reached up, grabbed the rope and continued the singing as though she weren’t in midair. The song ended when, as one, they all reached for their ankles, unhooking their equipment and landed easily on the floor. Even I applauded after that one.

Then everyone settled down while an energetic girl performed. Then tension ran high again, as the curtain rose for the new song. I recognized three of my enforcers on the stage, and three more enforcers that were not mine. In fact, all of them were wolves.

Females took one side of the stage, while males took the other, they faced off, all of them holding a weapon of some sort. And all of them in leather armor. The music started and Ailith appeared from the back. She made a show of walking amidst the females, straightening their backs, correcting their stances. And not one of them so much as flinched. Until the song climaxed and Ailith was standing like a general in front of her female soldiers. Next thing I know they all charged each other.

It had several of us on the edge of our seats, though the scene was obviously choreographed, they made a good show of it. They all moved quickly, almost too quickly to be seen, until the last note played and each pair ended up in a stale mate. I had to meet the man that choreographed that. It was impeccable. I noticed several people in the audience start to fan themselves with their programs, though the temperature was comfortable.

After that we were allowed a cool down by a strong voiced girl. But then we were metaphorically thrown back. It seemed like they were coming quicker with every rise of the curtain. The stage was different this time. Various platforms were about four feet off the ground. Christine, Ailith, and a girl I didn’t know stood on the three platforms closest to us, while several others littered the ones further back. Even more dancers were placed along the floor.

The music started with the girl I didn’t know, then Christine added hers, and then Ailith began. When the chorus picked up flames erupted out of the damn floor. Again most of the audience reacted physically. But it became apparent quickly as all of them danced in the flame that they weren’t harmed. When the song ended, the flames disappeared, leaving nothing but a group of sweating, smiling teenagers. Then the curtain dropped again.

When it rose it was too a sparkling scene. The stage was used to it’s full potential, the design was beautiful with a single girl standing in the middle. I didn’t know her name but she was dressed in a gorgeous dark blue gown. As the instruments began the orchestra was lit up, and she began to sing. The girl did an amazing job and I felt Becca grip my hand. I smiled over at her before we both looked back at the stage. A choir joined in, right before Jake’s band was lit up, showing off his skill with his guitar. The whole thing was very passionate, and very well done. It was one of those moments that I conceded to their skill.

When the curtain rose again, it was too an even more impressive scene. The entire stage was decorated as a ballroom. At least a dozen couples littered the stage, between two small stair cases.

“Where did Sadler go?” Becca whispered to me. I glanced over and didn’t see him, but I just shrugged, distracted by what was going on in front of me.










As everyone was distracted by Tracy’s performance I left. Making my way, almost at a run to the backstage area. As soon as I appeared I was ushered into a changing room, which was really only a bunch of curtains hung up for a semblance of privacy. Once I was in there I was handed a more elaborate jacket than I had worn in, and a mask that would hide half of my face, and part of my chin, leaving only my mouth and the bottom of my left cheek showing. My hair was pulled back in a soft pony tail and tucked into my jacket. Then a hat was placed on my head to both hide me further, and make me more noticeable. I was the male lead after all.

When I stepped out I had three girls I didn’t know very well look me over, making sure everything was perfect. I heard the applause from the last song and the girl that sang it came rushing backstage, her face flushed, a smile stretching from ear to ear. It took them less than two minutes to change the stage and I was being pushed to a small stair case. I was supposed to stand at the top and wait for the music to begin.

I was halfway up the six stairs, finally able to see above the landing, when I froze. Ailith stood at the top of the other staircase. Her gown hugged her body in all the right places, though the skirt went down to the floor. The midnight black matched my own suit, but with sparkling jewels decorating the bodice. The sleeves reached her knuckles and the neckline was modest. Her hair was tied up off her face, with soft curls barely touching her cheeks and her eyes were sparkling as she laughed at something Chris said. She was beautiful.

“Sadler, what are you doing? Get up there!” Jaeger snapped, he was helping with the performance by making sure everyone was in the correct spots.

“Uh, yeah,” I stumbled trying to clear my head. He gave me a weird look and stepped up next to me. He saw Ailith across the stage, his expression lit with understanding.

“I know, dude, I know, but you can gawk at her later, come one, she’s counting on you to play your part.” I nodded again and took the last two steps to the top. She saw me across the stage and gave me a small smile. Then the curtain rose, and the music played.









She sang beautifully, while she and a male I didn’t know weaved around the dancing couples. It was all strictly ballroom dancing with enough of a twist to make it semi original. They all moved smoothly, as one, it was wonderfully done.

When Ailith and the male got to the middle it was like the dancers created a wall around them. No it was more like they were in a world of their own. Everyone waited with bated breath, waited for the portrayed lovers to meet. They danced the same as the others for a few measures, until he spun her out, and the other couples disappeared into the shadows. Suddenly it was just the two of them, staring at each other from a few feet away. The song never halted, as far as I could tell not a single note was missed.

And then they were together again. Moving as one, separate yet the same. It was so passionate, so enthralling, tears welled up in my eyes. When the song ended, they stood facing each other, as if only they existed. It was by far my favorite piece of the evening.









The music stopped and I stood staring. I didn’t want to walk away. But the plan was simple. This time they wouldn’t drop the curtain. Since it was the final performance they wanted it to be upbeat and happy. So after it was over, several of the performers rushed onto the stage, circling those who had performed the previous piece.

Ailith looked up at me and smiled as they unwrapped her skirt to reveal a short one underneath, that went down to just above her knees. The sleeves came off as someone undid her hair, letting it fall around her shoulders. Where she had been in an elegant gown, now she stood in a very pretty black dress. As planned I used the chaos to sneak off the stage.

I ran as hard as I could to get back to my seat. I was just supposed to tell people that I had been in the bathroom. I had to admit all of the cloak and dagger the teens had come up with was kind of fun. I sat down only a few seconds into the song. They were all jumping around the stage. Every single one of the performers, even most of them that didn’t perform, but just worked backstage. This last song was simply supposed to be fun, and from the looks of it, it really was.

Ailith held her hands out at one point and a violin landed in them. I leaned forward when she started playing. It was violin I had given her for her birthday. She was actually playing it, and loving it by the look on her face. When she wasn’t playing she was dancing with Jen, Camilla, Chris, and Stacey, all of them laughing and smiling. She even sang along with Jake at one point, making her way over to them.

The entire picture was heart warming. And when it was all done they were laughing. Ailith took center stage and listed out every job that every group performed. Except her own of course. And then came the last bit.

“This performance was funded, choreographed, planned, and executed by the students of our school. We understand that the school board and City Hall only wish to help the towns economy. But we feel that investing in our futures would be more appropriate. Look at us, so many of you said that we were just kids, we didn’t know what we wanted or what was best for ourselves. But we did this, together. We were told that there wasn’t anything special about our school. They were wrong. We are what is special about our school.

“The school itself is in some disrepair, and that’s why we’re here tonight. We want to raise enough money to cover the expenses to have it fixed. Then maybe the school board, and City Council will take us seriously. Will allow us to stay in a place we feel at home in. Thank you for coming tonight. And thank you for showing some support. We all hope you enjoyed the performance.” After that she walked off the stage.

The audience, the entire audience gave them a standing ovation. Several of the students just stood there, marveling at what was in front of them. It lasted enough time that we were just starting to leave. I was last in line, behind the rest of Drake’s family. When Jake started talking. We all paused, I was just up the stairs from center stage.

“We forgot to give someone the credit they deserve. Or rather, she forgot to give it to herself. Ailith kept us all together. Kept us from fighting, taught us to work as a team. Without her we would have fallen apart long before we reached this point. So can we get some applause for her? Maybe she’ll be willing to come back out,” he grinned at the side as we all clapped. Even Drake, who had stepped down to stand next to me.

She came back out, dressed completely different. She had changed into a pair of jeans and black knee high heeled boots. Her shirt was long sleeved and the neckline went straight from shoulder to shoulder. She wore a leather choker that Lori and Kadi had given her, and her hair hung loose. Even without the nice dresses I though she looked more beautiful than ever as she gave Jake an ironic smile. The applause increased as she took a mock bow. She tried to leave the stage again, but Keira and Chris stood in her way.

“You know, you never got to perform a fun solo,” Jake said, keeping his microphone on. She shot him a warning look, but he just grinned. “The rest of us got to have some fun up here, you didn’t, all of your numbers were stressed. What do you all think? You think we should let her have some fun for all of the work that she’s put into us?” he asked the crowd.

They erupted in applause, several of them retaking their seats. Drake folded his arms across his chest, but I settled back, anxious to see what Jake had in mind. “I think that’s a yes,” Jake said, looking at her. The other guys were already clearing out the remains of the ballroom number. Even parts of the stage was starting to rise. They were all so used to it by now that they just moved around it. She reached up and pushed the button on her ear piece.

“Fine.” Was the only thing that she said before walking to the back. The lights dimmed as she approached the new stage. It looked like a concert stage now. I just found it amazing how they could do that in a matter of minutes. Jake ran back to get his guitar, talking to the rest of them. When the music started she spun back and stared at Jake, but Keira and Chris came up to either side of her, and she started to sing.

I recognized it, it was one that Ailith played in the office when she thought she was alone. There was no routine for this song, it was just for fun, and after the first few measures she threw herself into it. For a few moments, just a few it felt like she was singing to me. Like it was just the two of us, and I had a hard time breathing.

Moving around up there, swaying to the music, and the sincerity she put into the lyrics, she wasn’t just beautiful anymore. She was gorgeous, like nothing I had ever seen before. At one point her shirt rode up slightly, exposing her side, the same side that was shot, and I caught a glimpse of a tattoo, just as the music ended.

When she was done, the spell broke, and I was able to breath again. I looked over to see Drake staring at me with an odd expression. I just shrugged at him and moved past to leave.

Chapter 27






It was over, and now for the hard part. The lobby was filled to the brim with people buying chess club t-shirts, home made muffins, paintings done by the art club. Pretty much everything anyone could think of selling. Including, clothes with Last Stand printed on them. Everything from sweat pants to halter tops.

I spotted Markus in the crowd. He was being congratulated for having such talented children. He was livid, and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it. If he laid a hand on either of them, not only would he have me to deal with as promised, but everyone had their eyes on Chris and Jake. Someone would notice something.

The place was so full people were still waiting in the auditorium to get out the doors. It was marvelous. Everywhere I looked someone I had worked with over the last several months was smiling and handing over change. After it was all done, the cash would be gathered up and counted. I was going to get a text when they had a total.

Thanks to those trusty back doors, I managed to get home before Drake. I had just enough time to get out the papers I had hidden for the last several weeks, and get something to drink. For just a couple of minutes I got the chance to take a deep breath. The house was silent with the only light coming from the kitchen. I was exhausted, but when I heard the front door open I stood up straighter. Prepared for the battle at hand.

Drake walked in, with Jen, Camilla, and every high ranking enforcer in his employ. After his family came Stephan and his men. To say that Drake was upset would be more than a mild understatement. He tossed his jacket across the banister as everyone else filed into the kitchen. The girls came to stand at either side of me, making sure that I didn’t take sole blame. While the guys all lined up on either side of us. Sadler stayed in the doorway, next to Bastion.

“Someone want to tell me what the hell all of that was?” he snapped, kicking a chair out to sit. He eyes found mine as I set my cup down on the island. I didn’t expect him to listen to a word I said, so I grabbed my neatly organized file and dropped it on the table in front of him. He glared at me but flipped the top of the file open. I backed up to lean against the counter and waited. “What is this? What am I looking at here?”

“The sale agreement for the school,” I answered. He looked up at me.

“I already have a copy of that.”

“Do you have one with Collin Dragger’s real name on it?” I asked in return.

“Real name? I’m not in the mood for nonsense, Ailith.”

“Flip to the next page.” He did as I instructed. The next page had a very unflattering picture of Van along with a list of all of his alias’. Collin Dragger was the second to last. I couldn’t believe that Van would leave that just sitting on his desk. He wasn’t much of an organizer but he was thorough.

“This is preposterous,” he muttered, closing the file before reading anything else in it. “Van would have no interest in buying a school on my territory.”

“He would if it meant that he could challenge you for the territory.” He shook his head.

“That law hasn’t been followed in over a hundred years.”

“But it’s still law. Can you honestly tell me that if he followed that law to the letter, that he would have met any resistance?” I asked, he opened his mouth several times but couldn’t bring himself to say anything. Instead he bypassed me and turned to the rest of them.

“What do you have to say for yourselves? You all deliberately defied me. Some of you even went against my direct orders.” He eyed the enforcers, but Bastion was the one that answered.

“We understand our actions, Alpha. But given the circumstances we felt obligated to act on Ailith’s information.”

“Then you should have brought it to me sooner!” he yelled back. Bastion had always seemed like he would snap at a confrontation, or just straight up beat the shit out of you. But he just bowed respectfully before answering.

“With all do respect, Alpha, Ailith tried. You wouldn‘t listen so we did.” Drake’s face turned red.

“That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t have brought it to my attention,” he responded. I couldn’t keep quiet anymore, not after that huge fight me and Sadler had, over the exact same thing.

“And when they told you where the information came from?” I asked, he spun on me. But he couldn’t hold my gaze.

“I would have looked into it.”

“No, you would have told them to stop humoring a female’s tales. You knew how much that school meant to me, and that’s why you wouldn’t have listened!” He started breathing heavily.

“And bringing my daughters into it? Was that to get back at me for not listening to every syllable you uttered?” he snapped.

“They got involved because they wanted too. They wanted to fight for something that mattered to them. That you wouldn’t allow them.”

“For good reason!”

“Yeah, those skills wouldn’t do them any good once they were married and knocked up! That’s all they’re good for isn’t it? It doesn’t matter if they want a career, or a hobby they’re passionate about, that would just get in the way of starting a family.”

“Our customs are in place for a reason,” he growled. “And you directly defied me,” he finished.

“So kick me off the territory, Drake. That’s the punishment for treason. Forget that if I hadn’t done what I did, you would have died and your pack would belong to Van!”

“Pardon me, Drake,” Stephan interrupted before Drake could speak. “But me and my men have been working closely with Ailith for quite some time now. She has a good head on her shoulders and a skill for leading. I only wanted to say that as long as she is on your territory you may count us as an ally. That’s all I wished to say, and we bid you a good night.” With that he and his men walked out. Leaving a stunned silence in their wake. Drake sighed and ran a hand over his face, before turning to his men.

“Bastion,” he called, the man stepped up to his side. “I am thankful that you acted to protect the pack. You and your men saved my family and myself as well as several others.” Bastion bowed, and several of the men in question sagged with relief. “But I’m afraid Ailith will have to be punished for her insolence,” he muttered, regret evident in his voice. Jen and Camilla were not so resigned.

“Dad, that’s not fair!”

“She’s the one that did most of the work!” Camilla added. I just held up a hand and they went quiet.

“I don’t write the laws, I just enforce them.”

“What law?” I asked, I had been reading up on the legalities of the packs for a while now.

“I cannot tolerate a low ranking wolf showing such blatant disobedience, regardless of the reasons for doing so,” he replied, Sadler was actually the one that stepped forward.

“Drake, she’s not low ranking, she’s alpha.” But Drake only shook his head.

“She’s still female, Sadler. That puts her below Bastion,” Bastion was his beta, he just said I was no higher than a third. “and every ranking man Bastion already has.” Correction, I was no higher than the lowest ranked enforcer. Any male in the pack can become an enforcer, no matter the rank, if they have the skill. So I was just the highest female, besides Becca. Who wasn’t even allowed at any meetings, and barely allowed at the hearings.

“She’s at the top of her training class, Drake,” Bastion rumbled.

“Training?” Asher said, sitting up straight for the first time since he sat down.

“She’s not supposed to be in a training class!” Drake snapped, standing so quickly his seat almost toppled over.

“She’s been training?” Asher yelled, standing herself.

“You were just supposed to teach her how to defend herself. You told me she had stopped training weeks ago!” Now I was confused. They were going to make me stop training?

“I lied,” Bastion replied, standing straighter and meeting my eyes. “She’s one of the best fighters I’ve had. I couldn’t let her skill go to waist.”

“What skill?” Asher asked, laughing brokenly as though the very idea were preposterous. “She’s female, there’s no way she could hold up against even one male.”

“Actually, she’s wiped the floor with all of us at some point,” Alex cut in.

“A couple of times it was at the same time,” Dalton added. That wasn’t entirely true, so far I could only stand against three of them at a time, and still come out on top.

“All while sustaining minimal damage,” Bastion finished, several of them smiled at me.

“Regardless, she’s not and will never be an enforcer. Therefore, her previous rank still holds,” Drake snapped, doing his best to control the room.

“I just want to make sure I understand this correctly,” I said, catching Drake’s eye. “They will all be commended for carrying out the same acts that I did, but I will be punished because I have ovaries?” I asked.

“That’s a very barbaric way of putting it, but yes,” he answered, sitting back down.

“Tell me, Drake. What exactly has to be done before a female can gain a little equality here?” I asked, feeling my anger start to burn up my chest.

“Female’s are equal. The laws are set in place to protect them,” his tone was clipped as he answered me.

“Bullshit! The laws are set in place to repress them.”

“I’ve had enough, Ailith! My ruling is final.” I stared at him for a moment, but he wouldn’t even look at me. Bastion caught my eye and I stared at him for a moment. It looked like he was trying to tell me something, but I didn’t get it at first. That is until he gave a pointed look at Asher, who was standing just a few feet away from me.

Then I remembered a conversation we had had a few weeks back. If I was right it would have been right about the time that Drake thought I had stopped. It was after my lesson, just the two of us stood at the back wall, getting a drink of water.

“So how does the whole enforcer thing work?” I had asked out of nowhere. It was a curiosity that I had been keeping to myself for a while. He gave me a long look, as though debating on if he should answer at all.

“Once a wolf finishes his training, he challenges the alpha for a position as an enforcer.”

“How does that work? I mean, I thought that if someone challenged the alpha it was always for control of the pack.” He shook his head.

“No, only an alpha can challenge another for the pack. And only if they have a mate to back them up, except under certain circumstances.”

“Asher’s a commander with you right? How did that work?”

“Yes, he is. But he didn’t have to challenge Drake if that’s what you’re asking.”

“So he got it by default?”

“Not necessarily, we can only have so many high ranking enforcers, otherwise we wouldn’t be enforcers, just commanders. A weak alpha will never keep the position for long. He was the best in his class when he graduated. And he knew that he would have to face challenges until his son is old enough to start.” I remembered thinking that it wasn’t really a bad way to go about it.

“So how did you become the only commander?” I asked, and he smiled fondly at the memory.

“I challenged Drake when we were younger, we weren’t much older than you and Asher are now. Drake was the best, the best at everything, he earned his position as alpha. But I managed to pin him. He married Becca and inherited the pack not long after that, and I’ve been his beta ever since.”

“Has anyone ever beat Asher?” I asked, ecstatic that someone was finally answering my questions instead of telling me that I wasn’t allowed to know.

“No, not yet, but someone has come close.”



“Sadler’s a commander?” I asked, it was something I had never known. Sadler always seemed to just be following Drake’s orders.

“Yes, he’s the only one that ever managed to get Asher in a draw. Why do you think they’re so tense around each other? Neither one was proven to be the best, so they’re stuck at a stale mate, neither one better than the other. You’d be surprised how heavily that can weigh on a man when strength and position mean everything. Especially, when they‘re alpha.”

“But what if one had better training than the other?”

“Sadler was trained by the same person as Asher. But if you’re asking about in different circumstances, it wouldn’t matter.”

“Why not?” He looked at me hard then, as though trying to ingrain something in my mind that I didn’t understand at the time.

“Because a challenge can only be met in wolf form. And training for that doesn’t begin until after your rank is secured.”

Back in the present I eyed Asher. No one seemed to notice but the enforcers in the room. I had yet to reach my first shift though, and I didn’t know if I could manage it at a moments notice like this.

‘I think we can manage,’ she whispered at the back of my mind. She had been quiet lately, letting me handle my world the way I saw fit. With the exception of that fight. Then she forced me into the back of my own mind.

‘Are you up to the fight?’ I asked.

‘I’ve been waiting for it.’

‘But do you think we can win?’

‘He’s arrogant, believing that we’re no match for him. It’ll take some ’persuading’ to get him to shift. If you can get him to comply with our wishes, I would love to come out and play. But you are the rational mind after all.’

‘If we fail, Drake will almost certainly feel like he has to send us off the territory,’ I warned, but she chuckled.

‘Then let’s not fail.’

“Fine,” I said aloud, looking at Drake. As I grabbed Asher by the back of his shirt, Dalton opened the garage door, just as I tossed Asher through it.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Drake yelled, moving to stand. I gave him one last glance before following Asher out the door.

“Following custom.”

Asher was just getting to his feet when I walked into the garage. The doors were open thanks to the clear weather and I needed to get him out into the yard. I heard everyone start to follow us, but I tuned them out. Asher tried to grab my arms, to contain me no doubt, but it was easy to break his hold,. Taking a step back and delivering a straight kick to his chest, sending him head over feet through the doors. Now all I had to do was get him to shift. Which really shouldn’t be that difficult, he had a quick temper.

Once we were out in the open he tried to back away. I followed him step for step, delivering blow after blow. He managed to block several of them, but in his determination to believe that I was an inferior fighter, he didn’t have the time to block all of them. After hitting him in the jaw with a roundhouse, he flew almost fifteen feet back, giving us ample space between us. He tried to get up, and he couldn’t, his wolf was taking over, trying to force him into a shift.

I crouched down, waiting, watching, until finally he sprouted fur and claws. I had never seen a shift before, and I was slightly surprised to realize that I recognized him. He was the same wolf that used to watch my balcony at night. He stood up on all fours, reaching my chest easily. His snarl showed all of his very pointy teeth as he started to circle me, keeping his distance. My wolf howled in my head, anxious to join the fight.

‘Not yet.’


‘No, wait for it.’ I watched him, waiting to see the signs that he was going to charge. In order for this to work it had to be a challenge met head on. Finally, his shoulders bunched, his head lowering to the ground, he was getting ready to pounce.

‘Now,’ I whispered, launching my body forward to meet him. In mid air I let go…of everything. My physical control, my mental control, and especially my emotional control. Allowing all of the anger that had been building in my chest for years to break free. She grabbed hold using it to speed the change. By the time we collided with the large male, I had four inch canines to sink into his shoulder.

I didn’t bother trying to help her in the fight. She knew how this body worked, I didn’t. He yelped, swinging his front paws trying to find purchase on our smaller body. He managed it, bringing one large claw down our front right leg. We broke apart, sizing each other up. He had about three inches of height on us, and at least a hundred pounds.

She was in for a bigger fight than I had been. Asher had underestimated me, his wolf wasn’t making the same mistake. But his left shoulder was hurt and bleeding, something we could exploit if we got the chance. However, he had experience.

The next time we collided he drew us into a roll, taking advantage of our weaker front leg. He landed on top, his jaws around our neck. At first I thought it was over, that we had failed, but she brought her hind legs up under his, using our smaller size as an advantage. Once she had a stable position she started to claw at his stomach, he gave a loud yip of pain and tried to leap off. As soon as he let her go she clamped her own teeth on his throat, tossing him over so that we were on top.

He struggled, trying to roll this way or that, and each time he moved she tightened her grip. Eventually, he couldn’t breath, we could taste his blood as he tried to bring his hind legs up under us, the same way we had done to him. But he was too big, and we were too small. He was pinned. It took several moments before he finally gave up, and laid still underneath us. She gave one last squeeze acknowledging that the fight was over, and then limped off of him.

We limped several feet away, before she gave my emotions back and we shifted into my form. It happened between one step and another in a such a way that I ended up crouched on the damp ground. The cut on my right arm was nothing more than a whelp thanks to the shift, but I was breathing hard and sweat coated my body.

Bastion let go of Drake, it looked like he and the guys I had trained with were holding the rest of them back. Giving me a chance to finish the challenge. Bastion put a jacket around my shoulders. Which brought my nudity to my attention. The clothes we had been wearing were shredded and scattered all over the yard. I nodded my thanks as I moved to stand.

“Very well done,” he murmured in my ear before moving back to Drake, who was checking Asher over. Drake stood and looked at me, he was livid, but Bastion blocked his view.

“She won the challenge, Drake. She earned her rank.” Drake looked back and forth between us, before finally letting out a long breath. He looked me in the eye before addressing me.

“Welcome to the enforcers…Commander.” Then he spun on his heel, walking back inside.

The enforcers that were now under my command jumped and yelled, a few even rushed in for a hug, or rather to swing me off my feet. They were all so happy, despite my being female. Asher, now in human form and wearing a pair of sweat pants limped inside, holding his stomach. Sadler caught my eye. He simply smiled, gave me a nod and then left.

Me? I was exhausted. I was happy and felt like celebrating, just at a later time. I tightened Bastion’s jacket around me after the guys finally put me back on my feet. After smiling at everyone, including the beaming females who had watched the fight, and made my way up to my bed.

Part Three













Chapter 28





The tension ran high anytime I was around Asher. Dumping him did a number on his pride, but beating him in a challenge? It would have been bad if I were male, but since I was a female that made it ten times worse.

Suddenly, I had males I didn’t know giving me the cold shoulder, or out right snarling at me when I passed. Which happened a lot since I had started training out in the open. Bastion started pairing me up with the males that didn’t take too kindly to me. I think he was trying to make a point. Which was made every time I won a match.

After about two weeks of that they stopped snarling and started giving me space. Which was a healthy decision on their part. I had begun training in wolf form, and it seemed like every time I shifted I became a little more aggressive. My patience was thinner as though I could only take so much crap before I started to snap. And spending most of my afternoons at the compound I caught a lot of crap. Especially, since school had ended.

My wolf and I didn’t have conversations anymore in exchange for sharing the same thoughts. It wasn’t long before I started to notice a difference in my own demeanor. Picking out clingier clothes, and actually taking a few moments to assess how I look, when I used to just grab whatever was closest. When it was all put together I started to worry that I was losing myself. So I consulted my doctor.

I hadn’t spoken to him very much. He called occasionally to check up on me, but other than that I wasn’t sustaining any injuries that he was needed for. So when I called him, he perked right up. After explaining my worries he seemed to splutter a bit. But assured me that it was normal, me and my wolf were merely merging, becoming one instead of two entities. It happened when half breeds began shifting with any regularity.

As far as my regular day to day behavior he said it was simply that I was finally becoming a mature female. When I mentioned that it didn’t make much sense seeing as how my body was mature, he said that my human side had matured, but not my wolf side. Which meant that my sexuality was finally taking a priority.

He said that I should just consider it like puberty. Which didn’t sound all that optimistic to me. The first puberty I went through wasn’t all that great. But he did make me feel better by saying that it would only take a few months before everything leveled out.

So I decided to enjoy my new found confidence while it lasted. I no longer felt the desire to hug a wall and stay out of everyone’s way. I suddenly didn’t have a problem having attention. Instead, I simply tried to reply in kind, those who gave me their attention got mine. I felt more relaxed, at ease, happier. Even if my home life wasn’t too great.

Granted, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I used to have it. The consequences for my challenge was met with a few days of getting the cold shoulder from Drake. But after those few days it was like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. He still didn’t seek out my opinions, but he actually listened when I gave them. Or at least he gave a show of it. Though more often than not he would try to disprove me every chance he got. I guess it’s a good thing that I didn’t offer up my opinion very often.

But I was allowed into the enforcer meetings. Which was really just boring. Reports about activities at the borders and the outer reaches of the territory. The beauty of it was that attending these meetings wasn’t mandatory.

I was technically a commander, but I had no wolves under my command. Until I did I could live my life normally. It helped that I was the youngest commander in three generations. Normally, wolves didn’t issue the challenge until after they graduated. Circumstances just sped things up for me.

Since school was out and the benefit was over I found myself with a lot of down time. That I filled with work. I had spent every cent that I had made throughout the school year on the benefit. So I had a lot of catching up to do.

Rob had been nice enough to lend a hand for the benefit. Donating alcohol and handing it out when there weren’t very many of us of legal age to do so. And those of us who were, were needed elsewhere. He was also there to watch the performance, and afterwards offered a few of my friends jobs as performing waitresses.

Which ultimately boosted his bar and grill’s popularity, to the point that eight of us worked the weekend nights. Using the wireless headsets that we had bought for the benefit so our hands were free. It had taken a couple of weeks to work out the kinks, but it worked.

Life was good, until my past came back to haunt me in the most gut wrenching way possible.









This was painful. After I had made it clear that things between Ailith and I was purely friendship my mother decided I needed to settle down. So she set me up on a blind date. The girl was cute enough, but no deeper than a piece of paper.

I had let them pick where we would meet, and they chose a nice bar and grill that they had heard so much about. The same restaurant that Ailith worked at, though they had no way of knowing that. I only hoped that it was her night off.

It had looked like my wish had come true, allowing me to relax minutely. Ironically though, the girl had met another male twenty minutes into our meal. They seemed to hit it off really well so I didn’t complain when she left with him ten minutes later.

I leaned back in my chair, taking in the room. The bar sat on the far wall, blocking off the entrance to the kitchen, and was painfully crowded. It had been ever since I had walked in, every time one customer left another took it’s place to the point that I never caught a glimpse of the person working behind it.

I recognized several of the waitresses who had worked with Ailith on the benefit, and several smiled at me when they walked passed. Since all of the waitresses were so busy, Jake and his band did most of the performances. I could see Christine working one side of the room, closest to the stage. I had never pictured her as a working girl, but then again, she had changed significantly over the last few months. Actually becoming one of Ailith’s best friends and greatest supporters.

I’d barely seen Ailith over the last few weeks. She had attended three meetings, always sticking to the back wall, but I suspected it was simply to see what they were like. I had seen her wolf form at the compound a few times, always paired up with Dalton or Macon.

She was a breathtaking wolf. Shorter than most males but still the largest female I had ever seen. Her deep black fur was dusted with silver only visible in the right light, as though a reminder of who she was in human form. But her form was long and lean with muscle more than evident underneath.

Ever since her challenge with Asher, every time I had seen her, she seemed to be more and more confident, and looking more and more desirable. Which ultimately was the reason I was steering clear. She was eye catching before, but now even the way she moved was different. Her wolf only accentuated her presence, making her nearly impossible to ignore. I had even noticed some humans reacting to her, they’re eyes following her, and their jaws going slack upon noticing her.

Shaking her out of my head, where she seemed to have taken up permanent residence, I stood to leave. Only to pause when I saw Bastion and his men walk in. They spotted me at about the same time and decided to join me.

“What are you doing here?” Dalton asked, turning his seat around to straddle it. I grimaced.

“Blind date.”

“Where is she?” Alex asked, looking around.

“She left a while ago with another male,” I answered simply. Most of them groaned.

“Ouch,” Nevin murmured, I just shrugged and took a drink from my glass.

“Nah, she wasn’t really my type.”

“What is your type?” a female voice cut in, I looked up to see a very busty, very fake, blonde standing next to our table. I smothered the urge to say ‘not you’, instead choosing to shrug.

Instead of taking the hint she decided to sit down. There was only one seat left, between me and Bastion. We shared a pained look that she didn‘t, or chose not to, see. Since I was noncommittal she divided her attention evenly between the two of us. Obviously unsure which one to seduce. When she finally went to the bathroom, promising to be back in a moment, Bastion waived down a waitress. It was Christine.

“What can I do for you boys?” she asked, her smile stretched further than I had ever seen it. Her eyes flicked to the bathroom, and I had no doubt she knew what was going on.

“Can I see your ear piece for a moment?” Bastion asked, she shrugged and handed it over. He hit the button that would only communicate with the other ear pieces. “Will someone please get this female to leave us alone?” he spoke directly into the mouth piece. Chris’ smile grew even bigger as she put it back in her ear.

Her eyes went distant just as the woman came back, ignoring the young waitress. She bit her lip as she wrote something on her pad of paper, ripping it off and handing it to Bastion she left. He unfolded it, his eyebrows climbing as he slid it across the table to me.

‘Ailith will be over in a few minutes.’

“I thought it was her night off?” I asked, Bastion shrugged before answering.

“So did I, maybe she got called in, it is pretty busy.” His answer made sense, but I couldn’t help but feel a cold knot form in my stomach. It didn’t make any sense but I sincerely hoped that she hadn’t seen me on my date. But I didn’t get much of a chance to really think about it, as Christine and Stacey walked up and handed their ear pieces over. It didn’t look like they were going to tell us why so after exchanging a look with Bastion we both took them.

“How are your acting abilities?” Ailith’s voice came over the small speaker. I pushed the button to talk back.

“It’s alright.”

“I’m a bit rusty, but I’m sure I can handle it. What did you have in mind?” Bastion asked, a rare grin spreading across his face.

“Well, I can chase her off, or piss her off so she won’t come back. Which would you prefer?” We exchanged another glance.

“The second option, I think,” Bastion replied.

“Alright, Sadler would you mind putting your ring on your other hand?”

“Why?” I asked, suspicious.

My ring was a simple solid silver band. I started to wear it not long after I met Ailith. I usually wore it on my right ring finger.

“Just keep an open mind. If I’m going to do this then I’m at least going to have some fun. I’ll be over after the next performance.” After that the speaker clicked, signaling that she had turned off her end.

We handed the ear pieces back, and I started fidgeting do to nerves. I had no idea what she had planned, and I didn’t know if I would like it. The blonde just kept smiling, completely oblivious, as she ran her finger tips along my forearm, and then leaned over to invade Bastion’s personal space.

The lights started to flicker and we turned to see Rob on stage. He held a regular microphone and spoke to the customers.

“Ladies and gentleman, it is my utmost pleasure to inform you that you’re about to see what you came here for. I ask that you remain patient on your orders as my girls are performing two tasks at once, with that said, enjoy yourselves.” As soon as he stopped speaking, the band started to clap their hands rhythmically, except for the drummer.

It took a moment to notice that the waitresses were clapping as well. Then the music started and Chris started off the song. I was able to pick Ailith’s voice out of what was coming out of the speakers and we started to look around for her. Then the song slowed and hers was the only voice singing. The people crowding the bar split down the middle catching my attention.

She was standing on the bar, clapping to the beat until she launched herself over the customers, doing an impressive spin in mid air before landing softly. Then she joined the other girls in the middle of the room. When the song ended the entire room erupted in applause and the girls split in different directions, waiting on their tables.

But instead of going back to the bar, she came in our direction. When she was level with us she looked at Bastion, her face lighting up like a damn Christmas tree.

“Daddy!” she exclaimed, throwing herself at him as he stood. He gave her a full on smile and hugged her back.

“Daddy?” the blonde asked, eyeing the two of them. She couldn’t have been more than a few years older than Ailith.

“Hey, Sweetheart, we thought tonight was your night off?” Bastion asked, taking his seat, she moved around the table to stand behind me.

The blonde’s eyes never left her as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. I had lifted my hand up to touch her arm without thinking, and the blonde’s eyes zeroed in on our hands. Our left hands, that both sported rings on the right finger.

“Yeah, I’m covering Delia’s shift, she had an emergency at home,” she answered easily, her smile never wavering. The blonde stood, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Well, it was nice meeting all of you, but I’ve got to go.” We all waved goodbye.

“Come back soon,” Ailith yelled after her. As soon as the door closed behind her Ailith stood straight, taking the vacant seat. She leaned back, crossing her legs at the ankles and let out a content sigh. “Well, that was fun.” She smirked at all of us, and the guys erupted in laughter. She transferred her ring to her right hand before reaching for a cheese fry on Dalton’s plate.

“If I had known having a daughter was so much fun I’d have knocked someone up a long time ago,” Bastion replied, and she laughed so hard she bent over clutching her stomach. When she could breath she stood.

“Where are you going?” Macon asked, she leaned over, snagging another fry before answering.

“I have to get back to work.”

“Oh, you’re not going to be our waitress?” Nevin asked, disappointment evident in his tone.

“Nah, I’m working the bar tonight. Don’t worry, I’ll leave you in Chris’ capable hands,” she answered. Christine materialized just at she finished speaking. And then she was gone.

Though that explained why I hadn’t noticed her here. The bar was so crowded they had blocked out her small frame. Which was probably why she had climbed on top during the performance.

Twenty minutes later Asher walked in with his men. They were his closest friends and just happened to be the wolves under his command. It wasn’t unheard of for a commander to develop a close bond with his men.

Unfortunately, his men just happened to be friendly with Bastion’s, so they joined our table. Having to push a couple more against ours. Asher sat in the seat farthest from me, and we didn’t bother greeting each other. They put in their orders, and the group came together nicely, even with the three silent commanders.

Our table was close to the front door so I noticed when two young men walked in with a young girl. Well, the oldest looked to be about my age, the second looked just a few years younger than him and the girl had to be around sixteen. After being directed to sit where ever they wanted, they chose a table just down from ours, hidden in shadow filled corner.

My curiosity got the better of me and I decided to listen in on their conversation.

“What are we doing here, Cory?” the middle male asked.

“I told you, if she’s in this town then she’ll be here.”

“Do you really think she’d be working here?” the girl asked.

“It’s a restaurant with performing waitresses, of course she’d work here.”

“I don’t know, Man. Are you sure it was her? There were a lot of girls in that benefit.” By this time our entire table was listening. At the mention of the benefit those of us who cared about Ailith tensed.

“I’m telling you, I’d know her voice anywhere,” the oldest replied earnestly. When Chris walked up to their table to get their drink order they looked up at her.

“Good evening, what can I get you?” she asked, her smile was genuine and her hand was poised over her order pad.

“Actually we were wondering if you could tell us if a girl, Ailith, worked here?” Several of us turned to actually look at them. They noticed the intense looks they were receiving, but chose to pay more attention to Christine.

“Just a moment,” she mumbled, and went back into the kitchen. After a few seconds she came back out with Rob. He followed her to the table, a towel in his hand.

“I heard you’re looking for one of my girls?” he asked, and instead of seeming intimidated, they all perked up.

“You mean she does work here?” the middle male asked.

“That depends, what do you want with her?”

“We’re old friends of hers,” the oldest answered. Christine was the one that answered.

“Old friends doesn’t necessarily mean good friends.” I briefly wondered if Ailith knew that she had so many people willing to protect her even when she wasn’t around. But the girl was the one that answered this time. She stood up, looking down right pissed.

“Listen, I appreciate that you want to protect her, but she’s my sister, and I’m sick of this bullshit! Either she’s here or she’s not. Now just answer our damn question!” The oldest put a gentle hand on her shoulder and she sat back down. Christine and Rob exchanged a look, and he went back into the kitchen.

“Hang around, you’ll see her soon,” Christine answered, and took down their drink order. But when she walked away she didn’t go back to the still crowded bar. A few minutes later I found out why.

The music started and Ailith’s voice came over the speakers again. All three of the strangers perked up. Then the sea of people around the bar split as she laid trays of drinks on the surface of the bar. She walked around and grabbed one, bringing it over to our table. She continued singing as she handed the drinks out, leaning over with a smile, like she was actually talking to us.

When our drinks were delivered, she went back for another tray, this time taking it to a different table. She sang with any waitress she came close to as she delivered drink after drink. It looked like she was having a lot of fun. Then the song ended and she went back behind the bar. Rob relinquished his spot to her, and I realized there weren’t as many customers surrounding it. So she could actually be seen.

“That’s her,” one of the strangers breathed. All three of them had their eyes glued to her as she worked.

Then they spent the next five minutes with the younger two arguing over whether or not to go over to her. The oldest just stared at her like he had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. At some confusing point me and Asher exchanged a knowing look.

When the oldest flagged Christine down, I was still watching them. He spoke so softly to her that she had to lean down and I couldn’t hear him. When she stood back up she had a stunned look on her face, but nodded.

She walked away and my eyes followed her all the way to Jake. She spoke to him in between songs and his expression turned to one of confusion. Finally, he nodded and handed her a guitar and his ear piece after saying something. It looked like he was speaking directly to Ailith as she looked over at him. After a moment she nodded, but Chris had already walked away, so she didn‘t notice the guitar in her hands.

After a few minutes the stranger started to play. Ailith started to sing on cue, though her expression looked like she was troubled by something. When the stranger started to sing with her, her head snapped up.

He was still hidden in shadow though his companions started to grin from ear to ear. Ailith walked around the bar and started to look around. She first looked at the stage, but Jake just shrugged his shoulders at her. She walked the room, but couldn’t find him. She was about to go back to the bar when he stood and moved closer. His movement must have caught her attention, because as soon as he was visible her eyes widened.

It was impressive really, how they managed to never miss a note. But her shock was more than evident as she backed up a few paces. A few measures later she got over it and started to smile, his smile grew with hers. When the song was over she finally moved.

She took the ear piece out and set it on our table as she moved passed, until she was close enough to throw herself at him. He caught her easily, his smile turning into a laugh. When he put her down she had tears in her eyes.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, but instead shook her head, holding a hand up to keep him from answering her own question. “Wait, I get off work in an hour and a half, don’t leave.” He nodded, and she came back to pick up her earpiece.

“Someone you know well?” Bastion asked, her eyes were slightly glazed as they skimmed over him.

“Yeah, a very good friend of mine. From before,” she mumbled, before turning back to her job. I wasn’t the only one that kept an eye on the strangers.

A phone call and thirty minutes later an older man walked through the doors. He glanced around, his eyes pausing on Ailith, a slow smile spreading across his face, before moving on to sit with the other three. A few minutes later Drake made an appearance. It looked like Asher had called him.

Anyone from Ailith’s past was subject to question, seeing as how her past wasn’t exactly a fairy tale. At least not a good one. When Drake took a seat at our table, several of Asher’s friends left. It looked like they didn’t feel needed, or even welcome for that matter. They weren’t close to Ailith, several of them hadn’t even spoken to her. So they left her safety in our hands.

When it came to closing time none of us moved, and Rob told us we could stick around if we wanted. He had come to recognize her adopted family and friends. By Ailith’s request the other three stayed as well. But as soon as the last customer left and the doors locked, she dropped what she was doing and made her way around us.

She didn’t even make it to their table before the two young men met her in the middle. She hugged the oldest again, then turned and hugged the other. The older man approached and she gasped. She obviously hadn’t noticed that he had joined the other three. But she hugged him none the less. Then she looked around.

“Where’s…?” then the girl stood and made her way closer.

She had a scowl on her face and her arms folded over her chest. It was the first good look I had gotten of her. She was wearing some ridiculously tight jeans, and a white crop top that ended just a few inches below her small chest.

“Sarah?” Ailith asked, as though she wasn’t entirely sure who she was looking at.

“Yeah,” the girl snapped. Ailith blinked at her for a moment, before the middle child spoke, obviously trying to defuse the tension between the two females.

“Ally, where have you been, we’ve been looking for you for…forever.” She grimaced, but met his concerned look with one of regret.

“I know, I’m sorry, I didn’t have a way to get a hold of any of you.” The girl scoffed, and the look of regret turned to a scowl.

“What happened? You told us you were moving and then you just disappeared,” the oldest asked.

“I…uh…I was adopted,” she answered with a nervous laugh.

“By who?” the older man asked. She gestured towards Drake, who smiled politely and gave a nod as way of greeting.

“So you can work here, but you couldn’t pick up a phone?” Sarah asked, her attitude was obviously starting to grate on Ailith.

“No, he and his family are actually the second time I was adopted,” Ailith answered, obviously working hard at keeping her patience with the girl.

“Whatever,” she muttered, and all three males took a long step back, giving Ailith a clear shot at her. Their eyes roaming everywhere but at the two glaring teenage girls. Ailith took a step closer to her, her eyes narrowing.

“What is going on? What is all of this?” she asked, sweeping a hand at the girls’ attire. “Better yet, what is wrong with you!?” she snapped, her voice rising minutely on the last statement. Instead of yelling back the younger girl raised a hand, supposedly to smack her.

But her hand froze on it’s decent, her wrist held tightly in Ailith’s hand. Her eyes widened as Ailith’s expression turned from a scowl to cold anger. Ailith jerked her forward until they were about six inches apart. Forcing the shorter girl to look her in the eye.

“You are not too big to put over my knee.” Sarah tried to jerk her arm back, but Ailith held tight.

The glare that the girl wore turned to a fleeting glance of fear, before she settled on a pale imitation of Ailith’s emotionless mask. Until Ailith’s expression shifted from anger to disappointment. Then the girl looked away, her eyes dropping and filling with tears.

Ailith released her, deciding instead to pull off her over shirt. She wore a black tank top underneath, the over shirt had been loose and made to hang off one shoulder. She handed it to the smaller girl. Well, she shoved it into her chest where the girl grabbed it reflexively.

“Put it on, and go sit down,” she snapped, pointing to a booth across the room. The girl glared at her again and her eyes narrowed. “Sit.” Sarah huffed, but made her way over to the booth, pulling the shirt over her head as she went. It was a size too big and went down far enough to cover her hips. But her midriff was no longer exposed.

The older man looked at her like she was most beautiful sunset he had ever seen.

“I’ve missed you,” he gushed and she grinned at him before allowing him to give her another hug.

“How long has she been like this?” Ailith asked, after he released her.

“Since you left,” the oldest replied. She shook her head miserably.

“I didn’t have a choice,” she muttered.

“We know that, but to her, you just disappeared with no word as to where you were going or if you’d ever come back,” the youngest male answered.

“Why didn’t you call us when you finally could?” the male, I think the other one called him Cory earlier, asked. Ailith wouldn’t look him in the eyes while she answered.

“So much time had gone by, almost two years, I thought you were all better off without me dragging up the past.” She looked so down I almost gave her a hug myself. The male that looked to be about her age put a casual hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him with a raised brow. He smirked down at her while he replied.

“See what happens when you take other people’s feelings into account? That’s why I never do, it’s always better for everyone else.” Ailith snorted.

“Yeah, sure Zeke, that’s why.” She rolled her eyes, before they made their way back to the pouting girl in the booth, she sighed. “I’ll go talk to her,” she muttered before leaning across the table.

She fished my pack of cigarettes out of my shirt pocket, taking one out and dropping the pack on the table. It was such a normal thing for her that I didn’t think twice about it. She was digging her lighter out of her pocket when we heard the sharp intake of breath. She froze, swore silently, then finished what she was doing.

Her scars were such a normal part of everyday life that it was easy for all of us to forget that she had them. Though she usually made sure to hide them under her clothes, her tank top showed her shoulder blades, exposing several if not the worst of them.

“Ally,” Cory said, his whisper sounded pained. Over her shoulder I watched him reach out a hand, as though he would trace them. Zeke and the older male just stared, horrified. She turned her head, just enough to address them.

“It’s over, it’s not as bad as it seems.” The first part was true, but the second was a total and complete lie. It had been horrifying, but she obviously didn’t want them to know that. Regardless, Cory let his hand drop. She lit her cigarette, and walked directly over to the booth.

We all watched as she slid in, putting her back against the wall and stretching her legs out in front of her. Sarah continued to stare at the table top. Her pout still in place. Drake offered the empty seats to the strangers and the oldest male took it, introducing himself as Dave. The other two sat on either side of him, putting Cory next to me, and Zeke next to Asher. After that we all sat silently, watching the two girls with fascination. Well, the humans watched, the rest of us eavesdropped.

“You abandoned me,” Sarah muttered, Ailith sat up straight.

“Never.” The two girls looked directly into each other’s eyes.

“You left.”

“I didn’t have a choice.”

“You could have found a way.”

“I tried.”

“Not very hard.” It was interesting how they seemed to communicate exactly what they meant in so very little words.

“You should have known that if I had a way I would have used it. I would never abandon you, Sarah.” The girl finally broke down.

Tears, sliding down her cheeks. She finally gave up the stoic demeanor and moved around the table, sliding in next to Ailith and putting her head on her chest. Ailith welcomed her with open arms, running her fingers through the girls light brown hair as she cried. I was brought back to my own table by Dave letting out a long breath.

“I don’t how she does it,” he whispered, Drake looked over at him.

“Does what?” Dave gestured to the huddled girls, Ailith was whispering something in Sarah’s ear, whatever it was Sarah was nodding.

“Always knows how to say the right thing. I can barely get her to talk to me anymore.”

“She’s a teenage girl. My girls don’t talk to me anymore,” Drake answered. I don’t know what possessed me, but I answered him.

“They talk to Ailith.” I don’t know if I was trying to point something out or rub something in, either way I got a curious look from Drake. But Dave answered.

My attention was brought back to the girls. Sarah had finally sat up straight, facing Ailith, it looked like her tears had dried.

“Really, Sarah, I know I taught you better than this,” Ailith was saying gesturing to the girl’s clothes. “It’s great to show off your best aspects, but you still have to leave something to the imagination.” The girl laughed.

“I know, I guess I just got carried away.”

“Alright, well you remember what I always said right?” Sarah nodded.

“If it’s tight make sure it covers everything, if it’s loose it’s okay to show a little skin, but only a little.” Was her answer. It really wasn’t a bad philosophy. After that they made their way back over to us, both of them smiling, though Sarah didn’t let go of her hand.

“So how did you all meet?” Bastion asked, and got simultaneous reactions. The girls laughed, the guys groaned and blushed. Ailith answered though.

“I was fourteen, Sarah was twelve, we were both in junior high. I walked into the bathroom after school to see her crying in one of the stalls. So I called my parents and said that I had to stay after school.”

“I had started my period for the first time,” Sarah supplied and Ailith continued.

“And she thought she was dying. No one had ever explained it to her, she must have just slipped through the cracks. So I took her shopping for the necessary products, and walked her back to her house.”

“I got home from work,” Cory picked up a smile playing on his lips. “and this girl walks out of Sarah’s room. And just reams me up one side and down the other for not explaining the necessary facts about puberty. Saying we could have scarred her for life.”

“I walked in at the tail end of it and she turned on me,” Zeke followed. “Saying that with so many older siblings someone should have known to talk to her. She was so small it was hilarious, and when I started laughing she kicked me in the shins!”

“Well, none of you had explained anything!” Ailith supplied laughing.

“So that didn’t mean you had to kick me!” he answered, but she rolled her eyes, her smile still in place.

“Oh, you deserved it. He forgot to mention that he called me a midget.” That got laughs out of several of us, including Drake.

“Anyway,” Dave picked up the story, “I got home that night, and I was about to go into Sarah’s room to tell her good night, and the boys stopped me. Saying that they wouldn’t go in there if they were me. She may have been small, but they steered clear of her at the time.”

“She was scary,” Cory added.

“A few minutes later she walked out, and smiled at me, the most polite young lady I had ever met. The boys looked at her like she had grown a second head.” Everyone laughed again. “Then she asked to speak with me privately and told me what had happened. I was so embarrassed, I hadn’t even thought about Sarah being about that age. After that she came over regularly, almost like she became a member of the family. A couple of times she even made us dinner.” He cast a soft smile at her that she returned.

“Ailith, will you sing to me like you used too?” Sarah asked in the sudden silence. Ailith looked down at her and smiled.

“What do you want to hear?” she asked, while Cory reached for the guitar that was still leaning against the wall. He moved around and the girls turned their chairs so that they made a triangle. It looked like something they used to do often.

“Um…I want to hear ‘Ours’ again.” The older two nodded and Cory started to play.

When the music got really going the girls that were still cleaning up came to sit around them. Joining in when Ailith needed a female back up. I think most of them just enjoyed the mellow atmosphere. Though it looked like Ailith and Cory had slipped into a world of their own, smiling at each other at certain parts. After ‘Ours’ Sarah decided she wanted to hear ‘Stay Beautiful’. Though Sarah provided the back up on this one. Both girls smiling at Cory when his name came up. He smiled along, indulging them.

Between songs Dave leaned in to talk to the table.

“Sarah has always really enjoyed Taylor Swift. Those two used to practice so they could play it for her when she wanted.” Several of them nodded in understanding. I never looked away from the two of them. Something just didn’t seem right. By the third song, ‘Teardrops on My Guitar’ they had pulled several empty chairs close. Sarah stretched out on three, putting her head in Ailith’s lap, Ailith leaned back, crossing her ankles on another, playing with Sarah’s hair while she sang.

After ‘You Belong With Me’ they played ‘Back to December’. That’s when I truly got suspicious. Mostly because at first Ailith asked not to have to sing it. Even Cory shifted uncomfortably. But Sarah begged, so despite their troubled expressions they began. At first they wouldn’t look at each other, but then when they hit the chorus their eyes met as one, and true sincerity showed through. However, everyone seemed to be oblivious to their reactions to each other, and I kept my musings to myself.

And then Sarah sat up with a smile, asking to hear ‘Blank Space’ again. Cory obviously didn’t know how to play that one, but the girls helped her out. Using sticks and other utensils to play against the table and everything on them. Ailith played with Sarah while she sang really getting into the song. With the other females around her it looked like a fun music circle, all of them moving to the beat.

After the song was over Zeke said something that had me staring at him.

“You’re still my favorite ex, Ally.” He had meant it as a joke, and she turned to give him a sarcastic look. But if she had dated that brother, then why did she seem like she was closer to the other one.

“Oh, you dated her too?” Asher asked, the two of them still sitting next to each other. The other group was so into what they were doing they didn’t hear him. Drake and Dave had moved to another table to talk amongst themselves. Dalton and the other enforcers had left after the first song, confident that Ailith wasn’t in any immediate danger.

Bastion was still present though he had moved to the bar to talk to Rob. Which left just the three of us still at the table.

“Yeah, for a time anyway. Did she add you to her short list?” he asked in return. Asher nodded.

“For almost six months.” Zeke let out a low whistle.

“You lasted longer than most. Normally, she only dated someone until she found an excuse to break up with them. I made it easy for her though.” He looked at his glass with regret. Asher tilted his head back to stare at the ceiling.

“I guess I did too. She wasn’t very much fun though,” he muttered. The way he said fun left no doubt in my mind about what he meant. Zeke snorted.

“If she had been I probably wouldn’t have felt so bad about her dumping me. I only got to second base.” It was Asher’s turn to snort.

“I barely got to first.” Listening to them made me want to smile. She had held out on both of them, and I got a sick kind of satisfaction out of it.

“I can’t believe she’s still a virgin.” Asher stared at him for a moment, so did I.

About that time Ailith said that she needed to help close up. Sarah came back to the table, effectively breaking off the current conversation. Cory didn’t sit, instead choosing to stand against the back wall. He watched Ailith as she washed dishes and cleaned off the bar.

Twenty minutes of listening to Asher, Zeke, and Sarah make small talk, I was bored out of my mind. Ailith was actually the only interesting thing in the room. Turned out that she had a lot of fun while she worked. The girls seemed to use this time to rehearse new songs. A little while later she yelled that she was going to fill the ice, grabbing two blue buckets and going to the back room that sat separate to the kitchen. A few seconds later Cory followed her. Everyone else was distracted and not paying any attention, and my curiosity was bugging me. So I followed him.

I got to the narrow hallway that led to the ice machine. The free swinging door that blocked it from sight was propped open, and what I saw made my breath hitch. He had her leaned against the counter, his hands framing her face as he kissed her. At first her hands were braced behind her against the counter, but they made their way up his chest while she kissed him back. It was such an intimate moment I didn’t dare breath.

Finally, they broke apart only for him to press their foreheads together, both of them breathing heavily with their eyes closed. He finally pulled back and they starred at each other.

“I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered. She answered by kissing him again. I couldn’t watch anymore. So I backed up, heading back to my seat.

He seemed like a genuinely good guy. They looked like they had a real connection. Like they really cared about each other. Not to mention the long past together. I hated him.

Chapter 29






I waited several moments after he had left to take a deep breath. It had been so long since I had seen him, any of them, that being in close proximity to him alone was intoxicating. It brought back everything that I had worked so hard to forget.

His smell, his warmth, his expressions, everything that I had always loved about him. We had always claimed to be best friends, despite the three year age difference, and to most it was evident. But it ran so much deeper than that, it always had, even before we ever acted on it.

Sitting together and singing while he played the guitar, all in the name of making Sarah happy, had turned into just sitting and talking. I had lied a lot about where I was back then. Just so I could spend time with the family I wished I’d had. Until eventually our conversations changed from being about nonsense to personal. Our dreams, our feelings about other things.

And then it became natural to just sit together. The idle touch here and there was no big deal, even though those touches made my heart race. He made me feel like I was always running a marathon, like I was always trying to catch my breath. And then I turned sixteen and Zeke asked me out. Deep down I had wanted to say no, but instead I’d said yes.

It had taken a while for me to figure out why. But after I did it seemed obvious to me. Just like it had seemed obvious to Cory when he found out. Zeke was the safe bet. I had no deep feelings for him, though I did care about him. It wasn’t with the intensity that I felt for Cory. There was no risk in dating Zeke.

Two months later we broke up, and nothing had changed with Cory. We still acted the same way. Then one night we had a blizzard. Zeke and Sarah had been snowed in at the school. I was snowed in at their house. Dave was out of town on business. So it was just the two of us…alone. In an empty house.

We had decided to watch a movie, to pass the time after I had called my Dad. I had lied to him, telling him I was at the school. The phone’s cut out right after that so he never got the chance to call up there to check. And there wasn’t a signal to be found so I didn’t have to worry about him calling me back.

We were sitting on opposite ends of the couch, the tension building with every minute that we were silent. And then we weren’t on opposite ends of the couch anymore. We were both in the middle. I remember that I had made up the excuse that it was cold in my head. That was the only reason he would be sitting so close to me. I was just trying to write it off as no big deal.

But then I glanced at him, only to find him staring at me. His expression was soft and intent. It looked like he was trying to make a decision. I started to stare back, trying to remember how to breath. The next thing I knew his lips were on mine.

After that everything was a bit of a blur. All I saw, smelt, or felt was him. The next morning I woke up in his bed. I was laying on my stomach, but I could feel his hand running along the skin on my back. I had rolled over and looked up at him. He smiled at me so softly that any thoughts of regret might as well have never existed. We spent three hours just laying in bed, enjoying each other, though nothing inappropriate happened. He was gentle, kind, loving. Everything I had ever wanted.

It was with regret that I’d had to leave that I felt while I drove home that afternoon, once the roads were finally clear. Three days later I still hadn’t been able to sneak over there again. That night my dad told me that we were moving in a month. Cory had sent me a single blue rose everyday that I wasn’t able to see him. Sending it with this friend or that, though never with a family member.

Two weeks after I found out I was moving I had finally managed to make my way over to him. I cried when I told him I couldn’t see him anymore. That I would be moving to a different town, though my dad still hadn’t told me where. I had told Sarah and Zeke separately at school. He had tears in his eyes when I said goodbye.

The day after my father put me in the car and dropped me off at the Other’s house. I had gone from bliss to torture in just two weeks. I had tried to find a way to tell them what had happened to me. Knowing that they would notice when I stopped coming to school. But there was never a chance. They kept their phones on them at all times, and any stationary was locked away unless it was already used and needed to be filed. After three months I had given up trying to talk to them and started worrying about surviving.

When he had appeared in the back room it was like I was sixteen, snowed in alone with him again. There was nothing but him, and I had thought that I had gotten over that. But his touch warmed me, just like it used too. And his kiss left me breathless. But for some reason a part of me had held back. I don’t know which part exactly, but I knew it was there.

After a few minutes I had composed myself enough to fill the ice buckets. When I walked back into the main room everyone was off doing their own thing. Filling the ice was the last thing I had to do, and the girls were already done with their closing. Rob yelled out to lock up when we left. It was what he usually did when we stayed late to practice.

Which we did, all of us dancing around as we sang, the band didn’t necessarily have to be playing. Sarah really got into it. To the point that we started doing flips off the tables and the bar, just to get her laughing. She was just one of those people that you worked hard to make them laugh.

About halfway through Drake, Asher, and Bastion all left, leaving Sadler to keep an eye on everything. I thought it was unnecessary until the front door opened and I turned to see about five male wolves taking up the doorway.

“Oh, I’m sorry, but we’re closed,” I said, the rest of them paused in what were doing to look at the door. Sarah was standing right next to me, and I was relaxed until I saw the eyes of the males travel along both mine and her body. I could just see them mentally licking their lips even if they didn’t physically. Sarah looked a little freaked out, getting the same vibe from them that I did. I took a step to the left, blocking her from view.

“I see, it just sounded like there was a party going on in here,” the one in front answered. I didn’t know these wolves’ scents. They weren’t from Drake’s pack, they were rogue. It wasn’t uncommon for rogues to travel down the road that Rob’s restaurant sat on. It was a main highway, and therefore a free place for wolves to travel between packs.

“A private party, sorry,” I answered, not feeling in the least bit apologetic. He let his eyes roam my body again before smirking.

“Sorry for the interruption then. We’ll leave you to your fun.” They all turned and left.

I met Sadler’s eyes and he went out the back to make sure that they actually left. I counted my blessings when Chris got things going again. I was too tense to try. And I stayed tense until Sadler came back, giving me a nod to let me know that they had for sure left. I could see Cory trying to catch my eye, but I wouldn’t let him. I had no intention of trying to explain any of that.

Though the males had ruined the mood. So about twenty minutes later we decided to leave. Dave had mentioned that Drake offered them use of a house that he owned so that they wouldn’t have to get a hotel. While they left out the front door, the rest of us left out the back. Sadler walked with us since the majority of the females were all parked in the back. But halfway to my car we both froze.

“I thought you said they left?” I breathed.

“They did,” he answered, I could feel a growl start in my chest.

“They came back,” I whispered. But they weren’t on this side of the building. I only caught their scent because the wind happened to blow in the right direction. They were hidden at the end. But they were moving away, to the front of the building. To the only female that had no chance of fighting them off.

“Sarah,” I muttered, taking off at a sprint around the building.

The group of males hadn’t made it to the cars yet. They were still waiting to make sure they could grab her without too much trouble. I had no doubt that they planned on killing the other three. But they were climbing into their cars without a worry in the world. The males went to move in, but Sadler and I blocked their path, sliding to a stop from our speed. Both of us let out some pretty impressive snarls when we came face to face with them.

The ring leader smirked, coming up even with me. His men moved to circle us. I exchanged a glance with Sadler, making sure he was willing to let me handle my end of the fight. We couldn’t win if he was too preoccupied with protecting me. He gave me a minute nod, so small I was the only one who noticed.

“Well, you know, I wanted you anyway. She would have been fun, but she wouldn’t have lasted nearly as long,” he hissed at me. His canines were sharpening. I’d heard of wolves like this. Ones that could shift a body part at will. It came from being truly one with their wolves. Which meant his wolf was just as disgusting as he was. “Brave of you to come against us with only one male. No one to protect you, it shouldn’t take us long to kill your boyfriend. Of course, you could come with us willingly, send your boy home before he gets hurt,” he continued.

He was smarter than he looked. Females were programmed to protect those they love, though he had automatically assumed Sadler was my mate. Both of us being alpha it wasn’t a large jump. But most females didn’t have training to back them up. Or a male willing to fight at their side instead of as their shield.

“You want me?” I asked, barely able to speak around the growl that was reaching the surface. “You’ll have to bleed for me.” He snarled and charged.

He was the strongest of the five, so while he came for me, his friends went for Sadler. I didn’t have time to see if he survived the initial charge, I was too busy side stepping my own opponent. He was quicker than I anticipated, a mistake I didn’t make twice. No matter how fast he was, I was faster.

He spun coming at me again, this time I met him head on, raising my leg to kick him in the chest. His own momentum made sure he dropped, barely able to breath. He stood up quickly though, barely acknowledging the pain. I punched him in the solar plexus and kneed him in the face when he bent over double. I took half a second to press the pressure point on my ring. Five half inch spikes shot out just as I delivered a right hook to his face.

I had hit him right next to his left eye, blood poured and he held his eye. I took his distraction to pull two men off of Sadler who had done well holding his own, but was starting to slow. They were too quick to keep up with all of them. The two I dragged off of him turned on me like wild animals. No pun intended.

Though they were losing themselves to their wolves quickly. To much pain and anger due to taking on a male alpha. It only took a couple of seconds to kick one of their kneecaps out. He crumpled immediately, while the other one took a swipe at my head. I ducked, but his other arm caught me in the shoulder. I hit the ground and he pounced on me.

I had to knee him in the side to get him off of me, he kept trying to bite my neck. Which didn’t make much sense to me, but I went with it. Once I was on top I used my knees to pin his shoulders. It was harder than it looked since he could bench press more than I weighted.

Once I had him I didn’t think, I didn’t weight my options, I just grabbed his head and twisted. A loud crack echoed against the building, and I looked up for my next opponent. The other two I had fought were still on the ground. It looked like I had actually ruptured the one’s eye, he was still rolling around on the concrete trying to stop the bleeding. The other one was cradling his leg, personally I thought he was being a big baby. That is until I saw his leg was hanging at an odd angle. Then the squeamish side of me made an appearance and I looked away.

Sadler stood between two unconscious bodies, staring at me. It looked like he had dropped his two and was on his way to help me. The entire fight couldn’t have taken longer than two minutes. I was breathing heavily and shaking slightly when he pulled me to my feet.

I expected him to pull me out of the way to check the other three, but instead he was fussing over me. Checking my neck and shoulders front and back. Finally, I snapped out of my stupor and slapped at his hands. It didn’t faze him, he just kept looking.

“Sadler, what are you doing?” I asked, his eyes were wide and panicking.

“He was trying to mark you,” he said as I shoved his hands away.

“What?” I asked, completely confused. He was trying to do a lot of things.

“When a male mates with a female he marks her so no other male can touch her. She’ll carry his scent in her blood until the day she dies. That’s why he was trying to bite you.”

“Oh, well he didn’t, I got him off of me and…” I turned and looked down at him. He was still, I couldn’t even see him breathing. Sadler leaned down to check his pulse. I could see it in his eyes when he looked back up at me.

“He’s dead.” There was no accusation in his eyes, or even remorse at the loss of life. It was just a simple matter of fact. I looked at the ground. Completely at odds with myself.

On the one hand he had been about to kidnap Sarah and he and his friends were going to do god knows what to her. And then when they couldn’t get to her, they came after me, I was completely justified in defending myself. Though technically he had been attacking Sadler first. Which just pissed me off. At least the leader had the balls to come after me himself, though in reality I knew he only did it for two reasons. I was supposed to be the easier target, and once he had me he had Sadler, and the fight would be over.

On the other hand, I just killed someone. There was a man’s body laying in front of me, completely devoid of life because I had snuffed it out. I started to shake uncontrollably.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Sadler said, standing and moving to me. He put his hands on my shoulders and mine found their way to his chest, almost keeping him at arms length. “You had no choice. He would have killed Sarah, he would’ve killed you. You did nothing wrong,” he just kept talking like that until I was finally able to take a deep breath.

When I was conscious enough to realize that my hands were clenched in his shirt, I leaned my head back. I met his eyes and he just stared at me for a few seconds. We were closer than I had thought. I could feel his warmth in my hands as our breathing started to match, every inhale and exhale made at the same time. I started to get really, really warm just staring back at him. I stopped shaking but he never let go of me. About ten beats later he let my shoulders go, and I dropped my arms. It was almost simultaneous and he backed up a few feet, looking anywhere but at me.

“I need to call in a cleaning crew,” he said, pulling his phone out. I nodded and moved to sit against the building.

We had lucked out, Cory and his family had pulled away without noticing anything. The wolves that were still there had watched, but the humans had been kept out of it and sent on their way.

It turned out that the cleaning crew was Bastion and his men. Drake showed up just a few seconds after them, taking in the scene in one sweep of his eyes. Before backing up and waiting for the final report of the situation.

Alex immediately checked the dead guys pulse, when he didn’t find one he moved on to the leader, who was still whining like a baby. I was tempted to go kick him for good measure, just to see if it would shut him up. Alex apparently felt the same way, as he filled a very large needle and unceremoniously stuck it in his neck before he could flinch. It must have been a sedative, because he collapsed onto the ground almost immediately. It took him no more than a minute to wrap a bandage around his head.

The third guy needed more hands. I had snapped his leg in two at the knee, they had to reset his knee before they could move him. I nearly laughed when Alex told him that if he didn’t hold still they’d make sure he never walked again. After that he took the abuse in silence. The two guys that Sadler had taken down were merely unconscious though they were sure that they had severe concussions, and were possibly in comas.

While the guys worked at moving the body and the others into a van, Bastion stood talking to Sadler. Everything was still a bit hazy, but I tuned in as soon as they started talking about the overall actions of all of us who were involved.

“The five of them had shown up about an hour ago. We asked them to leave, and they did. But they must have doubled back. Ailith and I caught their scents as we were leaving. They were going for the human girl. We cut them off before they could show themselves and they attacked us.” Bastion nodded as he wrote something down in his little notepad.

“Who went for who?.” he asked absently.

“The leader over there went for Ailith. The other four came at me. She dispatched the leader and pulled two of them off me. She rendered the one with the broken leg useless and the other one pinned her to the ground. I got rid of my two and turned to pull him off of her, but she flipped him over and took care of him.”

“And by took care of him you mean?” he asked, needed all of the details.

“I killed him,” I answered, they all turned to look at me. “I pinned him to the ground and snapped his neck.” I still hadn’t moved from my spot on the wall. Drake stared at me as though he was seeing me for the first time, and he wasn’t sure he liked it.

“He was trying to mark her,” Sadler added, and everyone took a simultaneous breath of relief. And several of them, Drake in the lead, came over and started to check me over.

“I’m fine,” I spit out from behind clenched teeth.

“Thank god,” Drake whispered, barely pulling back. I stared at him, appalled that he would be relieved that I had killed someone in such a cold manner. Though I didn’t know if that made much of a difference, what manner I had killed him in, he was still dead. He leveled a gaze at me. “You did what I would expect a commander to do. You did your job, nothing more, nothing less. If it hadn’t been you it would have been someone else. As far as I’m concerned you’ve proven yourself an asset.” He walked away when Alex made an appearance from the back of the van.

“Well, the one with the broken leg will walk again, but with a limp. The bastard with the eye patch lost his left eye. How’d you manage that?” Alex asked me, it was out of blatant curiosity so I held out my right hand. The spikes were still sticking out. I didn’t want to close it until I could clean the blood off.

My knuckles were bruised and I couldn’t tell if the blood was mine or not. Alex held my hand lightly, taking a close look at the ring. Dalton sidled up next to him as Bastion glanced at it, a small smile playing on his lips.

“I thought that would come in handy for you,” he said before walking away. He was the one that had given it to me. Though I hadn’t realized exactly how much damage it could do when I put it on.

“That’s cool,” Dalton muttered as he bent over it. After another moment Alex gave my hand a small squeeze before letting it drop.

After that I looked around, the girls had already left, and once I got the all clear I climbed into my car and went home. Becca was waiting for me in the kitchen I walked in. She didn’t say anything, but she made me sit in front of her. There was a bowl of warm water and a towel already sitting in front of her. She cleaned my hands, her movements sure and gentle as the blood washed away. Turned out most of the blood wasn’t mine. After she was done she took my ring off and opened a bottle of jewelry cleaner. Once it was clean she handed it back and I retracted the spikes before putting it back on.

She never said a word, and neither did I. When it was all done I went up to my room. Not really looking forward to seeing the sun rise. I just wanted to wallow in the darkness for a while. But rise it did, and I got up to take a shower. My first stop was the training compound, like most mornings.

But it was different. No one gave me any grief, in fact, several of them looked at me with a new found respect. Even Asher. While all of them that I counted as my friends acted like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. I was grateful. I didn’t want to be treated any differently simply because I now had blood on my hands.

After training I got a call from Sarah. She was her usual happy self and told me that they wanted to treat me to lunch. Though they wanted to have it at their temporary house. So I went over there.

It turned out that one of the biggest reasons that they were even in town was that Dave had business to tend too. He traveled a lot, sometimes closer to home, like the two and a half hour drive to their home town, or clear across the country. He really wasn’t home very often. They had seen a DVD of the benefit and had begged him to take them with them, so they could try to find me.

Sitting in the house alone with the three of them was like I had traveled back in time. I had even managed to forget about the night before. And that’s how I spent the next week. I trained, I worked, and I spent my free time with them. In the rare moments that Cory and I were alone was intense, though not physical. I just kept feeling like something just wasn’t right.

By the time I realized what it was, it was too late. It just hit me out of nowhere while we were just sitting there alone. I had been watching him, while he watched a movie. And it occurred to me that we had never argued. Not even a playful argument. We just seemed to always agree, and when we didn’t neither one of us acknowledged it. Like we were too afraid of pushing each other away. Or upsetting a precarious balance.

On the one hand I liked that we didn’t fight. We got along wonderfully with no tension. On the other hand, there was no passion, plenty of intensity, but no passion, not really. Not even in the most recent kiss that we shared. It left me feeling a little hollow.

Sarah had come in right after my realization, so I never got the chance to say anything to him. We had fun, enjoying the accommodations that Drake had provided. The house we were staying in was meant for any extra enforcers, which meant males, so there was a pretty nice game consol along with several games. Sarah really like the dance games on the Xbox 360.

We played until she was exhausted, then she collapsed onto Cory’s lap. It was simply meant to be playful, and I played along, doing the same with a dramatic flare. We were all laughing when Sadler tapped on the door and walked in. I sat up as soon as I saw him, but he looked different. Colder, more distant, it wasn’t like him, and I didn’t like it.

For a moment, just a moment, it occurred to me that both Cory and Sadler were in the same room. Together, with me, and I started having heart palpitations, I didn’t even know why. But it took me a moment to shake it off, after already having to hide my trembling hands.












Drake sent me over to the pack house to deliver some food. He was doing his best to be hospitable, but I could see the jealousy when Ailith was friendly with Dave. She treated him like the father she never had, and Drake didn’t take too kindly to it. That’s the thing with wolves. Once you become close, even if you don’t always get along, we don’t like other’s touching what’s ours.

Ailith may not know it, but Drake considered her a daughter, whether she wanted to be or not. I almost wished she had heard him when he said that he was grateful she had been there when the rogues attacked. She did a lot of damage, but it served as a better warning than he could ever give. A beating only went so far, but doing permanent damage the way that she had been forced to do, spoke volumes to rogues wanting to cause trouble on the territory. It said that no one was to be messed with, especially the females.

I heard her laughter through the door right before I knocked. When I walked in I had expected to see her messing around with Sarah, not laying with her head in Cory’s lap. She sat up when she saw me, her smile never wavering, though I caught the glance that Cory split between the two of us. I didn’t bother to say anything, instead choosing to put the bags on the kitchen counter.

It was a relatively small house. The kitchen opened up to the living room, allowing the bedrooms to branch off from the center of the house. After I set the bags down Sarah was there rifling through them. Ailith was right behind her, talking about making something to eat.

I didn’t bother to talk, just standing there making sure they didn’t ask for anything else, like I had been ordered. But Ailith bumped me in the shoulder, smiling up at me as though she hadn’t just been cuddling up with another male. I tried to smile back and she gave me a concerned look. I just shrugged it off.

When Cory came over to stand next to her I lost my head. I should of kept my mouth shut. I knew I should have then, but it opened on its own accord. Words just kept coming out until I was ready to cut my own tongue out. It would have been less painful.

“So have you showed him your tattoo yet?” I asked. Ailith froze giving me a stunned look while the other two reacted.

“Tattoo?!” they both stared at her.

“You have a tattoo?” Cory asked her, she barely glanced at him, instead looking at me like I was possessed.

“Um, yeah, I got it a few months ago,” she answered him absently then turned to me. “How did you know, I haven’t told anyone about it?” I shrugged.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Cory asked, the hurt obvious in his expression.

“I figured she would have,” I answered before she could, then I turned on her. “You trusted him enough to sleep with him, I thought you would have told him about it by now.” Her expression turned from cautious confusion to mortification, then pained, as I realized that Zeke was standing in the living room.

“What?” he asked, stepping forward. Ailith turned around running a hand through her hair, Cory grimaced before turning to look at his brother. “You slept with her?”

“Just once, it happened after you broke up,” he answered.

“How could you do that? You knew how much I liked her!” Cory scoffed.

“You just wanted to get in her pants and you know it!”

“So…what? You decided to one up me? Prove that you could succeed where I failed?”

“Of course not, I didn’t plan it, it just kind of happened.” By now Ailith was just crouched down, leaning against the refrigerator with her head in her hands.

“Whatever!” Zeke snapped, before going into the bedroom to slam the door closed. Cory ran a hand through his hair and muttered something under his breath before walking out of the house. Sarah had watched the whole thing from the end of the kitchen counter.

“Wow,” she breathed, moving over to Ailith. “Are you okay?” Ailith looked up at her and nodded.

“Yeah.” Sarah nodded and glanced around before looking down at her again.

“So…you slept with Cory?”

“Yeah.” She nodded again.

“It was after you and Zeke broke up?”


“Why didn’t you tell me?” Ailith rose a brow at her, and she nodded. “You’re right, dumb question.” She waited a second. “Was it worth it?” she asked instead. Ailith looked like she thought long and hard on that one, until finally she nodded.


“Okay, that’s good enough for me. I’m gonna go talk to Zeke, see if I can calm him down. You going to be alright?” At Ailith’s nod Sarah moved to go to the bedroom, but was interrupted by her Dad walking in looking troubled.

“Why did I just see Cory driving off like a maniac?” he asked, casting glances behind him as if he could still see it.

“Dad, you don’t want to know,” Sarah answered, and he thought about that for a second before nodding his head and putting an oblivious expression on his face.

“Good enough for me.” And then he happily plopped down on the couch and started channel surfing.

Ailith stood up and I tried to meet her eyes. But she looked at me with so much anger and betrayal I had a difficult time of it. I opened my mouth to apologize, but she shook her head before simply walking out. I followed just in time to see her drive off.

I had planned on giving her a few days. Alright so I was procrastinating. But I knew I had to apologize for this one and I didn’t know how. What was I going to say? I’m sorry for ousting your past relationship, I just lost my mind when I saw you with him? I really didn’t see that working out very well. And even if it did it would lead to a conversation I was not willing to have.

But instead of getting those few days to think it through, I got a call from Drake. He said that since we had worked so well together last week he wanted me to take Ailith on a border run. We would be trapped in a car together as we drove the border line watching for rogues crossing illegally. The worst part? It was an all night job. We would be taking the night shift. Which meant from sun down to sun up I was trapped with a female that had every right to be pissed at me.

However, I still had a job to do. So about an hour before the sun set I was sitting in her driveway. She came out and climbed in without saying a word. This was supposed to be educational for her. So she could see part of what she might be expected to do when she got any wolves under her command.

I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything. For three hours we sat in tense silence. We hit a spot that had seen regular traffic, so we sat there watching and waiting, while nothing happened. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Ailith,” I started, but she cut me off.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” She never looked away from her window.

“I’m sorry.” I could hear the pleading in my own voice. It was enough to take any male down a few pegs.

“I don’t…want to talk about it,” she said again. So I just nodded and the silence continued. Until five minutes later when her phone rang. She answered it without looking, and then sat up straight.

“I’m on my way,” she turned to me, alarm lighting up her eyes. “I have to go to the hospital.” I started the engine without answering, picking up my own phone in the process.

“I need someone to cover the north border, we have an emergency we have to answer.” I pulled away, knowing that someone would be there in mere minutes.

The hospital was just on the other side of the county line. The county line was the border line for the territory. We had an agreement with the alpha of that territory since we only had a town clinic, we could travel to the hospital without offense.

We walked through the sliding glass doors to see Zeke and Sarah pacing just in front of the receptionists’ desk. Sarah saw us first and threw herself into Ailith’s arms. Zeke held back but after Ailith got the girl to unclench her arms from around her neck, she opened her arms to him. He hesitated for half a second before stepping into her.

“Now, what happened?” she asked after he stepped back, wiping at his face.

“The cops said that they found him in the park in the next town. He was scratched up really bad, and unconscious. He said that he was attacked by dogs?” Ailith looked at me. I knew what she was thinking, and I hoped she was wrong.

“Where’s your dad?”

“The doctor had to redress the bandages, and they said that we couldn’t be in there. So he sent us to get food, he’s still sitting in the hall outside his room.”

“Okay, you two go with Sadler and eat. I’ll go check on them.” Sarah nodded, and Ailith strode down the hallway. Ever since she had figured out how to follow someone’s scent she never bothered to ask questions.

A half hour later the two had eaten and brought a meal back for their dad. We walked down the hall to where they said Cory’s room was. Dave was still sitting in the hall, staring at the window that showed the inside of the room. The kids handed him the bag of food, and I leaned against the wall.

I could see Ailith sitting on the edge of the bed. She held one of Cory’s hands while he talked to her. I couldn’t tell what they were saying, the glass was too thick, so I would have to wait until she told me.

“She hasn’t changed,” Dave muttered. I looked down at him, but he didn’t even glance away.

“She’s different,” Zeke answered, but Dave shook his head.

“She is different, but she hasn’t changed.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, not entirely sure what he was getting at. He finally looked up at me. His hair was a mess, as were his clothes. His eyes were slightly glazed, the way a worried father should look.

“She just shows up anytime someone needs her. She shows up and takes care of it, no matter what it is. No matter the problem. That’s the way she’s always been.” I turned to look at the topic of conversation. Cory was falling asleep, so she stood and made her way into the hallway.

As soon as she surfaced Dave stood. She told him that Cory was sleeping but the doctor said that they could go back in. They didn’t hesitate. She stood there and watched them silently for several moments. She started to talk, but her back was to me.

“The doctor was a wolf from this pack. He told me that he was attacked by four wolves.”

“Rogues?” I asked, she shook her head.

“Pack, I could still smell them on him. They had shifted, he thinks he was attacked by wild dogs.”

“I’ll call Drake, he needs to know.”

“No,” I looked up at her, stunned. “There’s nothing he can do, it was a misunderstanding.”


“They thought he was a rogue. When they realized he was human they called an ambulance and ran.”

“Why do you think they thought he was rogue?” I asked, stepping up next to her. She tilted her head to look up at me. She was miserable.

“He was attacked because my scent was on him. They thought he was me.” I floundered for a moment. I have never been close to a human. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for someone I cared about to get attacked because I was close to them.

“Then we’ll have Drake keep him guarded until they leave.” She shook her head.

“He can’t survive in my world anymore. And he won’t leave until I tell him too.” Then she walked away.

I couldn’t just let her leave like that. So I took three long steps, grabbing her arm and making her face me. The emotionless mask was firmly in place as she gazed up at me. When I first met her, I was impressed by the way she held onto her emotions. But now every time I saw that look I wanted to shake her until it fell off. I didn’t know what I was going to say but...

“I’m so sorry.” Was what came out. She gently pulled her arm out of my grip.

“You should be,” she started and I felt my stomach clench, “but not for this.” This time when she walked away, I let her. I went ahead and told the family that we were leaving, and then followed her out.

Three days later she asked me to take her over to the pack house. Well, actually I was picking her up for another border run since we had to cut the other one short. Cory had just been let out of the hospital and she wanted to stop by and see him. When we pulled into the driveway he was just climbing out of the backseat. I heard her take a deep breath before climbing out.

He beamed at her when he looked up. Then his eyes traveled to me and his smile dimmed slightly. I watched him hand her a single deep blue rose and I looked away for a moment. But I couldn’t just not watch.











I came to tell him goodbye, and he gives me one of his roses. Well, he bought them, but it was something he used to always do. Once upon a time the blue rose was my favorite flower. But as I looked at it I realized that I preferred a very different flower now.

“What? You don’t like roses anymore?” he asked, leaning down to try to look into my eyes.

“No I do, its just that…” I didn’t know how to finish the sentence.

“It’s not your favorite anymore, that’s fine, just tell me what it is and it’s yours,” he replied with that happy grin I used to love to see. For some reason I glanced back at Sadler’s car. It was only for a moment, but it was enough to erase the grin, that was replaced by concern. “Is there something going on between you two?” he asked and I felt my eyes widen.

“No, he’s just been a good friend to me since I moved here.” He gave me a look that I couldn’t decipher.

“You mean the type of friend that would air your personal life for everyone to get a good look?” It was the first time he had ever had a snappy tone with me.

“We argue sometimes, we say things we don’t mean, he didn’t realize that Zeke was there, it happens.” I don’t know why I was defending Sadler’s actions. I was actually still upset with him for that. But I didn’t like Cory ripping into him when he wasn’t there to defend himself.

“So you’re just friends?” he asked, a sardonic look taking over his features.

“Yes,” I answered cautiously.

“You mean like how we’ve always been just good friends?”

“Yes, wait no,” I hurried to correct myself, this conversation was not going in the direction I had hoped it would. “It’s different,” I finally managed to say.

“If you say so.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked, but held up a hand to stop him from answering. “I didn’t come here to talk about Sadler. I came to talk about you.” He leaned against the car, awkwardly folding his arms as one of them was in a small cast.

“What about me?”

“I think…you should go home.” It took a lot to force it out. He stood up straight looking like I had just kicked him in the gut.

“Why?” he asked, then his expression went flat. “It’s because of him isn’t it?”

“No, it’s because of me,” I replied, getting thoroughly sick of him pushing everything off on an innocent bystander.

“You’re still the same girl I fell for almost three years ago,” he gave a nervous laugh and I shook my head.

“No I’m not. I’m different, Cory. I have a different life here. I have freedom and choices. I don’t even know who I am anymore. And until I figure that out I’m not good for you.” He stepped closer, putting his hand on the side of my face, making me look at him.

“What are you talking about? I love you.” My breath caught. It was the first time anyone had ever said that to me, with the exception of my mom, and my dad before he got mean. And I didn’t believe him. I believed that he believed it, but I didn’t believe that it was true.

“I love you too, but not in the right way,” I replied. He took a step back like I had hit him. “Think about it, Cory. We’ve never, not once, ever disagreed about anything.” I was hoping he would get my point without having to explain it further. I could see that he understood, but I could also see him dismiss it.

“That’s because we’re so good together.” I could see the tears well up in his eyes as I shook my head.

“No, its because we always sidestep it. Always doing everything we can never to get angry with each other. If we keep doing that it’s just going to build and build until it blows up in our faces. And we can’t change it because that’s what we’ve always done. That’s the way we are when we’re together.” He wouldn’t look at me for the longest moment of my life. Until finally he met my eyes, his resolve shining through.

“Okay, but I want you to ask yourself something. You don’t have to answer me, I don’t want to know,” he started, then pointed at the rose I still held in my hand. “Did your favorite flower change because of him?” That was not the question I thought he was going to ask. He didn’t even give me a chance to think about it as he stepped forward, brushing a kiss on my lips, and pulling me into a hug. “I’m going to miss you,” he whispered, then released me and walked inside.

I had to take a deep breath before I could even face the car, let alone get back in it.

Chapter 30







She was breathing heavily when she got into the car. The rose in her hand was bent from her holding it so tightly. It was obviously bred to not have thorns. She didn’t look at me, or say anything, so I just started the car.

When I saw the look on her face as he walked away I had made a call, hanging up just as she climbed in. She didn’t even seem to notice. When I turned the car around it took about five minutes for her to say something.

“Where are we going? This isn’t the way we got to the border before.”

“We’re not going to the border.”

“But Drake said we had to do the border run since we didn’t finish it before.”

“I took care of it.”

“Then where are we going?”

“I’m going to drop you off at my place and find something to do until you’re ready to go home.”

“Why?” I shrugged.

“You look like you could use some time alone.”

“I could do that at home.” I raised a brow at her.

“In a house full of wolves?” She looked away, but didn’t complain when I pulled into my driveway. I waited for her to get out but instead she reached over and took the keys out of the ignition.

“I can be alone with you there.” She really hadn’t left me a choice so I followed her out of the car.

When we walked in she went into the kitchen. I wasn’t sure what she was doing so I leaned against the counter to watch her. She started to wash my dishes.

“You don’t have to do that,” I said, but she didn’t even look at me.

“It helps me clear my mind.” I shrugged and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.

We were silent for a few minutes, a few very awkward minutes for me. I had no idea what to do. It didn’t seem right for me to sit on my couch while she cleaned my house, so I stayed where I was.

“How did you know?” she asked suddenly. I was about to ask her what I was supposed to have known but she beat me to it, turning to look at me while she dried her hands. “That we had slept together, how did you know?” I cleared my throat, stalling for time.

“The way you acted around each other. Especially after I heard you had dated Zeke. You treated him like an old friend, but with Cory you were different, closer. It just seemed obvious I guess.” She nodded.

“And my tattoo?” My eyes immediately dropped to her hip. Her clothes completely covered it, like they always did.

“That last song you sang at the benefit. Your shirt rode up a little.” She nodded, as though it made perfect sense. Then she stared at the floor for a while.

“Would you mind if I went and laid down?” she asked, I nodded.

“Yeah, go ahead.” She leaned forward before standing straight, her hair flowed over her shoulder, blocking her face from view. She wore her hair down more and more lately. I loved it, all of it except the part where I couldn’t touch it.

I was losing my mind I decided as I sat down on the couch. A half hour later there was a lull in the sound coming from the TV. I hadn’t even been watching it, I just turned it on for some noise. But I heard an odd sound come from the bedroom. I weighted my options for a minute or two, trying to decide whether or not I should check on her. By the time I made the conscious decision I was already at the door.

She had left it cracked like usual, so all I had to do was peek in through the opening. She was laying on her side, her back to the door. It looked like she was hugging one of my pillows. Then I noticed that her shoulders were shaking. It took me all of thirty seconds before I realized that she was crying.

As cliché as it sounds, I didn’t think that girl could cry. Not unless she were locked up for weeks on end and on the verge of losing her mind. Hell, I thought running a hand through my hair, I watched them pull a bullet out of her and she just clenched her teeth and took it. She snapped a man’s neck, freaked out for a minute, and then shook it off. Now she’s crying so hard her entire body was shaking over a human boy.

I couldn’t just leave her like that. She probably wanted me too, but I couldn’t. I was willing to let her hate me for it later, but I slid the door open as quietly as I could. I made it to the side of the bed and she didn’t move.

I was right, she was hugging the pillow, but only so she could bury her face in it. I was close enough now that I could hear the muffled sounds she was making. She wasn’t wailing, or keening, but her breathing was hard and I could hear it hitch on every inhale.

This situation was not on my list of experiences. I’d never had a girl in my loft, with the exception of my sister, let alone crying in my bed. The first and last time a girl was ever even in my bed was when she was healing from a gun shot. I didn’t even bring the girls I dated home with me. I usually stayed at their place so I could leave whenever I wanted.

So I gave myself a mental shrug and knelt down on the bed. She stiffened as soon as she felt the movement, but she didn’t move away or even turn around. I laid down behind her. Moving closer so I could feel her back against my chest, and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her tighter against me.

Her breathing was still ragged, but she didn’t move, not even to pull her face away from the pillow. Instead the tears started up again, and I just held her. After a few minutes she finally moved, only to roll over and bury her face in my chest. Her hands clenched my shirt as I tightened my arm around her shoulders.












I rolled over and a heavy arm was weighting me down. At first the only thing I knew was that it was warm, and I curled it around me tighter. Then I realized that it was attached to a breathing body. That’s when I decided to open my eyes.

The walls weren’t mine, neither was the pillow that my head was laying on. The warm person that was laying behind me took a deep breath. Then I remembered. I had cried myself to sleep at Sadler’s loft. He had come in half way through. How embarrassing. I made the promise to myself that no one else would see me cry. Of course, that’s not counting when I was caged. But I had come to terms with that one.

This time it was over saying goodbye to Cory. A completely different circumstance. Though in a way more painful. Cory had been a large part of shaping my life. It was hard to believe that it was over. That he wasn’t even a possibility anymore. I decided to get up before I started crying again.

It took some maneuvering, but I managed to crawl out from under his arm without waking him. A lot of maneuvering, he kept tightening his arm around me every time I moved. He was a very heavy sleeper. Once I was finally free I went to the bathroom. One glance in the mirror and I grimaced.

My eyes were puffy with dark circles, my skin was pale, and my head was pounding. After emptying my bladder I stepped out of the bathroom and went in search of a clock. It was after midnight, and I groaned. Drake and Becca hadn’t grounded me yet, but I had to be pushing their limits.

I went back into the bedroom and paused for a moment. Sadler was still asleep, but he had pulled a pillow over to fill up the space that I had previously inhabited. He looked so peaceful I didn’t want to bother him. But I needed a ride home so I stood next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

His reaction was not what I expected. I wasn’t exactly sure what it is that I did expect. For him to jump up maybe, or try to attack me, sure. Those would be expected of a sleeping male who wasn’t used to someone sharing his space. But instead he reached up, grabbed my wrist and pulled me over him.

I landed a little awkwardly with my legs draped over his and my stomach level with his head. I gasped from the surprise, but he only laid his head on my stomach, snuggling into me like I was a pillow.

“Uh…Sadler,” I kept my voice low, hoping I could wake him up gently. But when he lifted his head, his eyes were silver. It wasn’t him, it was his wolf. This was new to me.

“Go back to sleep,” he mumbled, his voice gruff.

“I have to go home.” He shook his head, snuggling back into me.

“No, stay, sleep.”

“I can’t, Drake will be angry.” He growled softly, pulling me closer.

“Fine, wake him up if you can.” I sighed, frustrated. Sadler wasn’t usually this stubborn. So I started to gently shake his shoulder, hoping to snap him out of it. But he only growled again, holding on tighter.

“Sadler, come on, I have to go home.” He finally mumbled something.

I couldn’t tell what it was, but his hand loosened around my torso, settling on my side. I thought twice about waking him up like this. He might feel a little awkward about our current position, so instead I fought my way free. He still didn’t wake up.

This time I approached him from a different angle. And by different angle I mean I kept the bed between us. This time when I shook his shoulder he grumbled but moved. I decided to take a chance and speak.

“Hey, wake up. I need to go home.” He opened his eyes, this time it was him. He squinted but sat up a little. After looking around for a minute he finally swung his legs off the bed. “Sorry, it’s just that…” He waved me off.

“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have fallen asleep anyway. Give me a minute and I’ll take you home.” I nodded and went into the living room to sit until he was ready to go. It didn’t take him long. He went to the bathroom and pulled his boots on when he came back out.

When he grabbed his keys I stood, moving to the door. He nodded at me when I grabbed the handle and I walked out. The drive home was quiet. I didn’t want to say anything since I had invaded his space and then woke him up to take me home in the middle of the night. But when he parked outside the house I just sat there, not entirely sure what to do.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, my embarrassment coming back ten fold. He looked at me across the darkened car.

“No need, I’m sorry for intruding on you.” I shook my head.

“I’m glad you did. I don’t know what got into me,” I answered, his hand found mine and I finally looked at him.

“You had every right to take some time for yourself. With everything you’ve been through, I don’t know if I could have held off for as long as you did.” Again I shook my head.

“Still, it wasn’t your problem to deal with.”

“It doesn’t matter. I was glad someone could be there. You don’t have to do everything by yourself.” It sounded like there was a hidden meaning in his words. But as I looked at him, I couldn’t figure out what it was. As we sat there staring at each other the front door opened, lighting up the front yard. I could see Drake’s silhouette filling up the doorway.

“I have to go.” He nodded, releasing my hand.

“I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah, bye.” I climbed out before I could make a fool of myself, again.

When I walked in the front door, Drake stood at the foot of the stairs. I expected him to be angry. Not only did I shirk my responsibilities to the pack…again, but I came home late…again. He just gave me a level look.

“I was told this afternoon that your human friends left the territory.” I nodded.


“Was that your doing?”


“Are you okay?” he asked with so much sincerity that I looked up at him. He was looking at me with so much concern I didn’t know what to do, so I fell back on my usual answer.

“Yeah.” The next thing I know his arms were around me. He pulled me in for a tight hug, after a moments hesitation, I hugged him back.

“I’m sorry about your friend. They assured me it was a mistake.”

“I know, thank you.” After he released me I gave him a small smile before going up to my room to get more much needed sleep.

A few days later I was cornered by Chris and Kiera of all people. I had just been leaving the compound and had climbed into my car. After I left the parking lot they popped up from the backseat, scaring the hell out of me. After I got the car back under control and waited for them to stop laughing, I finally got to say something.

“What the hell!? You could have killed us!” I snapped. Kiera climbed over the seat to sit in the passenger seat.

“Oh come on, wolves don’t die in car accidents,” she answered, after taking a deep breath I chuckled.

“What are you guys doing here?” Both Kiera and Chris turned serious.

“I heard through the grapevine that you killed a male that was trying to mark you.” I glanced over at her for a second and then pulled into a random parking lot so I could see them both.

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Your rank in the enforcers is a closely guarded secret,” Chris answered.

She was right, it was, Drake didn’t want the neighboring packs to know that I had joined the enforcers at all. He said that he would be seen as being so weak that he had females fighting for him. Apparently, it would lead to a whole lot of attacks and challenges for the territory. I didn’t question it. All I had wanted was equality anyway, and I was slowly gaining it. Very slowly, but I could be patient when I needed to be.

“And?” Kiera squirmed, uncomfortable.

“So, you’ve been training for a while right?”

“Yes,” I answered slowly.

“Could you get us some training?” she asked quickly, as though afraid that if she didn’t say it quickly she wouldn’t say it at all. I let out a long breath.

“I got lucky that I was even allowed any training, and I wasn’t even supposed to have as much as I had gotten. My position was gained purely by the right circumstances.” Okay, so I was pulling it out of my ass. But my spot was precarious at best. If I were to ask Drake to open up the compound to all females he’d have my head. They exchanged a look.

“We know. We were actually wondering if you would train us.” I eyed them both. There was something they weren’t telling me.

“How many?” I asked, they both looked anywhere but at me.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t bullshit me.” This whole beating around the bush thing was really starting to get on my nerves. They both sighed.

“Okay, so us and about ten other females have been talking. And we thought that if you could train us, then we could train them,” Chris answered.

“You do realize that me training other females would be considered a kin to mutiny right?”

“Yeah,” they both mumbled.

“If Drake catches me he’ll see no other choice but to exile me. He’s let me get away with too much already. This will be nothing more than a slap in the face.” They both looked down at their hands.

“We know.” I took a deep breath.

“So you know that we have to keep it tight, and very, very quiet. Especially since you’re not even in this pack,” I said to Keira. It took them a moment to realize what I said. Then both of them stared at me wide eyed.

“Wait, what?” Chris asked, looking at me like she didn’t dare believe me.

“I can’t very well say no when I’ve done the very thing you want to do. Besides, everyone should have the right to defend themselves.” They started to squeal, bouncing up and down. “But,” I continued and they immediately settled down to listen. “I will be the only one training. It’ll be quicker, and safer. If you want to practice that’s fine, but no one teaches but me.”

“Deal,” Chris said immediately, her eyes wide.

“Agreed,” Keira replied, looking more somber than Chris. Keira had experience being the victim. I’d be willing to bet that she was going to take it way more seriously than some of the others.

Before I dropped them off at their cars I told them to grab every female that could keep her mouth shut, and meet me in the clearing that Asher had taken me on our first date. Chris knew it well, apparently that’s where Asher always took girls on the first date. Somehow I wasn’t surprised.

But the clearing was far from civilization and therefore private. And that’s all we really needed.

Chapter 31

For the first week it was just twelve of us. Only a few were from Drake’s pack, the rest were all girls that Tom had victimized. The second week we had nearly doubled in number, this time most of them were from Drake’s pack. In the third week we had tripled. When Jen and Camilla showed up with this group I nearly had a heart attack.

“You know what’ll happen if we get caught right?” I asked before they could join the girls that were warming up for their first lesson. Both of them nodded, serious.

“We’re tired of being second class just because they won’t let us learn how not to be,” Jen replied with Camilla nodding in agreement.

I couldn’t just turn them away, so I stepped out of their path. The numbers slowed a little after that, and shockingly no one had a clue what we were doing. But I never took anyone under the age of fifteen.

After a while Drake started to complain that the young females of the pack were starting to get more aggressive, less malleable. He had reports of five females that came of age and refused their marriage partners. It just so happened that I knew all of those females, and every last one of them simply wanted a chance to find their mates. Rather than settling for an arranged marriage. Females throughout the two packs were starting to gain a backbone, now that they were starting to feel physically equal to the males.

I was proud of them, especially after Kiera managed to knock me to the ground. She won the match, fair and square, and I couldn’t stop smiling. Several of the girls were from the border lines, they fought the most vigorously. I think they felt like they were the first line of defense. Not to mention the ones most likely to get attacked by males who snatched females for breeding purposes.

Turned out that the males that Sadler and I had taken care of were among that group. Though they were working more towards the middle of the pack, where the higher ranked females were more likely to be. The higher the rank the more money they could get for them. They thought they had landed the jackpot with me. Though they had tried for Sarah because they thought she was one of the rare humans that could breed wolf pups. Sadler told me later that that was how a lot of lone wolves survived.

Almost a month and a half after we started the training we started having older females showing up. It was usually mothers but a few were single, not high enough in rank to be married off. Either way, they promised not to say anything if they were allowed to join us, so I was good with it.

Some of them weren’t cut out for the long hall. They could fight, they could defend themselves and others if needed. But they weren’t invested in it enough to go beyond the necessary training. Those quit coming when they reached their limit, after promising never to speak a word of what we were doing.

After a while I started to notice a pattern. Those that had substantial rank, such as Kiera, Jen, and Camilla were some of the best, though any that had any young ones to care for fought the hardest and most vigorously. If we were to set up ranks like the males did I would be the commander, Kiera would be my second, Chris would be my third, followed by Camilla and then Jen. While the mothers would be the elite squad under us.

They were all an impressive bunch, I only wished that we could test our metal against the males. They would be the true test of our skill as a force. As school got closer things started to get tense, though not because of the training.

I walked into the kitchen one afternoon after a hard training. I had gone to the compound to train with the males and then immediately followed that up with the females. I was starting to run on empty and the summer heat wasn’t helping.

Bastion was starting to notice a difference in me. Commenting on how I would watch the way the males trained as a group as well as individually. He made the joke that I might have what it took to replace him as head trainer once he retired. I just laughed it off.

I had no interest in replacing him when he was ready. I simply wanted to do right by the females. Though I had to watch my behavior around him. I had no doubt that he would support me, but I didn’t want any of them involved. If I went down I wasn’t going to take them with me.

But that day things were different. Drake was pacing around the kitchen, pulling at his hair so hard I expected him to come away with clumps of it. Becca sat at the table with her head in her hands, while their main enforcers stood around the walls looking tense. Asher sat next to his Mom, his lips set in a tight line, his anger was barely contained.

Sadler stood leaning against the wall next to Bastion, both of them with a scowl set firmly in place. When they noticed I had walked in Drake turned on me.

“Where have you been!? We’ve been trying to reach you for over an hour!” I felt my shoulders raise in defense, and my eyes widen in surprise. I had been turning my phone off while I was with the females.

“I went out for a run. What’s going on?” I asked hesitantly, moving to lean against the island.

“Van has issued a challenge,” Bastion answered, I stood straighter.

“What?!” Drake handed me a piece of thick paper. It was creased like it had been delivered by the postal service.

It was actually a letter, first explaining that Van was getting married in exactly one month from that day. After that it said that on that day he would gain control of the crudelus pack. And as such had the right to issue a challenge for Drake’s control, via a pack battle. Which would be held the next day. As the challenged Drake had the right to pick where the battle would take place.

My mind whirled while I stared at the paper. When we foiled his plan to take over before he must have found a female willing to marry him. So he could do it a different way. I should have known that he wouldn’t give up so easily. After a short freak out I took a deep breath and sat down directly across from Becca.

“How do these battles work?” I asked, everyone paused in their own speculation to look at me like I was nuts. “Don’t look at me like I’m an idiot, someone answer my question. What is the protocol here? There has to be some kind of custom to go along with this.” Drake sighed and sat down.

“Each pack is allowed six warriors of their choosing to take the field. We’re allowed one pack to stand witness to the battle and it’s outcome. If the challenger comes out on top he gets the other’s territory and every wolf on it.”

“Does the ruling alpha have to be on the field?” I asked, he shook his head.

“No, it can be any wolves of their choosing. Traditionally we each send in our best fighters, and cross our fingers.” A though struck me.

“What happens if he loses?” He got a confused expression.

“What do you mean?”

“If the challenger wins he gets the pack and the territory, but what if he loses? What happens then?”

“He’s disgraced and risks getting challenged by every bordering pack, allied or not.” I leaned back, lost in thought.

It was quiet for several minutes while I toyed with the paper I still held. I vaguely felt everyone slowly moving in, though I wasn’t paying much attention. The next thing I knew Bastion and Sadler were standing right next to me.

“What are you thinking?” Sadler asked, I looked up at him.

“Van isn’t this reckless. He wouldn’t risk his own pack. He has something else going on.”

“This isn’t the time for one of your conspiracy theories,” Drake said, exasperated. I leveled my gaze on him.

“One day, you’ll learn to listen to me.” He dropped his eyes for a minute before finally looking back up at me.

“Then talk,” at his word I stood and started to pace around the kitchen.

“Van is a tyrant, he won’t risk his control unless he plans on coming out on top. Why do think he bought young girls to lord over instead of his own wolves. If I had been fully human he would have had us under a very tight hold.

“But he’s not arrogant, he’s precise. He’ll follow the letter of the law, but not necessarily the same law that everyone else is reading. He does his homework, gets to know his supporters and his enemies, learns everything he needs to know to stay on top. I’d bet my stay on this territory that he knows you, Drake,” I said, turning to look at him. “He knows how you’ll react, he knows how you’ll prepare. I read somewhere that after a challenge is issued the challenged has the right to demand a peace meeting. Basically asking to settle on terms to avoid the fight.” Drake nodded.

“Yes, I’ve already scheduled it for tomorrow afternoon.” I nodded.

“He wasn’t surprised was he?” He shook his head. “He’ll say no, but he’ll come himself purely to see how you’re handling your men. He’s not arrogant, but his men are, and I’m willing to bet that he has something to rub in your face. An ace that you don’t know about.”

“So what would you suggest?” he asked. I met his gaze, knowing that he wasn’t going to like what I had to say next.

“Let me be there.” He opened his mouth, but I held up a hand to cut him off. “Not at the meeting, outside of it. Let me close to his men.”

“Out of the question,” Bastion answered, okay, I hadn’t expected it to come from him. “If his men get a whiff of you they’ll realize you weren’t actually human like they thought. You’ll become a target.”

“And if they win the challenge? Where will I be then?” I asked. No one seemed to know the answer, or at least not willing to voice it. “They’ll realize that I’m not human, but they’ll still see me as nothing more than a female. A female they used to have control over. A female they’ve already made bleed. They won’t say a damn word to you or any other male on this territory. But they’ll gloat to me, try to intimidate me.”

“What good will that do us?” Sadler asked, giving me a sidelong glance. I grinned.

“Arrogance is the easiest attribute to manipulate. You’ll reveal things to someone who you don’t see as a threat that you wouldn’t to a true opponent. All it takes is pushing the right buttons to piss them off. All of you can argue with me all you want, but I‘m the only one that can get close enough to get them talking and still handle it.”

“She’s not wrong,” Dalton added, several accusing male eyes landed on him and he raised his hands in surrender.

“This isn’t a good idea,” Sadler replied, looking at me. I couldn’t help the small feeling of betrayal his words brought. “If you go out there specifically to rile them up, they might not be able to control themselves. There’s no guarantee that you’ll walk out of it without a mark.”

“You can’t fight them, Ailith,” Drake muttered, at my glare he held up a hand to show that he had more to say. “What I mean is, at this point, you’re our ace. If you go out there and they lay a hand on you, and you beat the hell out of them, there goes any real advantage we have.”

“Then back me up,” I answered, leaning forward to emphasize my words. “Watch my back, if they start to get physically violent someone can step forward. I’ll back away.”

“Can you?” Sadler asked, I turned on him.

“I didn’t get training to prove a point. I didn’t work as hard as I have been just to have an excuse to fight. I got the training so I could fight if I had too. And if someone is there then I won’t have too. This isn‘t about pride for me, it‘s about survival.” He locked gazes with me for a few moments, before finally nodding.

“Okay, Dalton, Alex, and I can have her back while she’s getting information, Asher, Bastion, and Macon can sit in on the meeting.” And that was that. After they were done going over the details I went upstairs to Jen’s room.

She had gotten home while they were ironing out the details. I knocked and she answered almost immediately. Then I did something I had never done before. I asked to borrow an outfit. Not just any outfit, but one that was so far from my own personal taste it was ridiculous.

The next day, after some serious struggling I managed to get my hair into a French braid. I put on one of my black spaghetti strapped shirts and then the white girly miniskirt I had borrowed from Jen. After that came the black loose fitting knitted over shirt that covered the waistband of the skirt, and to finish the look a pair of knee high flat boots.

It wasn’t necessarily my style but it had an innocent look that I was going for. I figured if I was going to look as non threatening as possible this would be the way to do it. When I added the leather choker and a pair of silver hoop earrings that matched my ring I was ready to face my former captors.

I was halfway down the stairs when I realized how far I had come. When I first got to Drake’s house I was terrified of being sent back to the Others. Now I was about to face my worst torturers and I just wanted to get it over with. No fear, no worries, I knew that the guys would have my back. So when I walked into the kitchen it was with a smile.

“Morning,” I said when I walked through. Everyone was already there. I grabbed a cup of coffee and when I turned around everyone was staring. Aaron had his mouth open with food falling out of it. Asher’s eyes looked like they were ready to pop out. Dalton let out a low whistle, Bastion was nodding at his own thoughts, and Sadler was just staring. His eyes traveling from my feet to the top of my head over and over again with his eyebrow raised. “What?” I asked, feeling paranoid.

Jen got up and made her way around the table. It took a minute for me to figure out what she was doing. By the time I realized it was too late to stop it, and I heard the click of her camera go off.

“I just had to get to proof,” she mumbled, sounding dumbfounded.

“Oh ha ha,” was my response.

“Damn Babe, you do look good,” Dalton muttered.

“You sure as hell don’t look like the chick that kicked my ass yesterday,” Macon followed. I just rolled my eyes and took a drink of my coffee.

“You’ll dress for your enemies but not your boyfriend,” Asher grumbled. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“My enemies won’t give a damn if I’m not comfortable in what I’m wearing. Much like my ex-boyfriend,” I replied, putting an extra emphasis on ex. Several of the less mature guys gave a round of ‘oohs’ and Asher just rolled his eyes. We still didn’t get along very well. It was a shame, I had counted him as a good friend before our dating disaster.

About an hour later they arrived. Me, Sadler, and Dalton moved to the garage to wait. The plan was that we would sit, hidden, until we knew the meeting was well underway. We all knew that there was nothing Drake could offer that would stop the challenge, so instead he was going to try to buy us a half hour.

When Sadler was sure we could move I stepped out of the garage. Just like I had anticipated, Luscious was leaning against one of the cars. His head was on a swivel as he watched his surroundings. He hadn’t changed a damn bit, the same posture, the same hair cut, even the same sneer. I couldn’t count the number of ways that I hated him.

But standing next to him was a man that, when I thought about it, made perfect sense. The one person that would know how run down the school was. That would know all of Drake’s tactics, and even some secrets that had been kept by his father. Van’s ace in the hole. Doctor Thomas Ryther, the traitorous bastard himself.

He wasn’t looking so hot. His arrogance had vanished, his clothes were worn, and his hair was disheveled. It looked like being a lone wolf wasn’t suiting him very well. He was pacing behind the car, obviously uncomfortable with being on his past territory. He walked with a limp, and probably would for the rest of his life, however long that may be.

I felt Sadler, Dalton, and Alex pause when I did. The two men still hadn’t seen me, as I was scrutinizing them. But then the wind changed and Luke spun, his eyes narrowing until he finally recognized me. Then his scowl turned to a look of pure delight. I wanted to vomit, as he and the good doctor made their way closer to me.

“Well, I’d heard, but I didn’t believe it,” Luke said with a fake drawl.

“Believe it now?” I asked, taking the last few steps while the guys hung back. The point was for me to goad them, not provide a united front. I felt my lip curl in disgust when he did a once over and licked his lips.

“Oh, I believe it. If I had known you were an alpha I would have used you for more than a whipping post.” At his words my back started to tingle and I felt my wolf start to rise. It took a lot but I didn’t let any of it show. Instead I gestured back to the house.

“I was wondering, why are you out here? Isn’t Mark inside?” I leaned in slightly allowing myself a small smirk as his smile started to fade. “Are you just not a high enough rank to be allowed into the meeting?”

“Watch it little girl,” he growled, I stood up straighter allowing a bigger smile.

“I should have known, I mean, he had no problem selling your property. Without so much as a glance in your direction.” The thing about Luke is that he’s always had a short fuse. Which was demonstrated by the half step he took towards me and the snarl that ripped from his throat.

“You’ll be mine again.” I glanced around, as though the conversation was boring me.

“Only if you win the challenge,” I never thought I’d be happy to see that smirk return to his face. But with it I knew I had him. He thought he had the upper hand.

“Oh, we’ll win, what happens on the battle field won’t matter, this pack will be ours. And then your pretty little face will be mine to do with as I please,” his voice softened as he lifted a hand as though he would caress my face.

“Touch me, and one of my good friends over there will rip your arm off.” He paused long enough to look over my shoulder. I didn’t need to look to know that all three of the guys were posturing, adding credence to my words.

“Luke!” Tom snapped, suddenly at our side. “Back off you heard what Van said.” Luke snarled at him, but backed away. I heard all I needed too from him anyway, now it was time to have a little fun at the doctor’s expense.

“Hey Doc, how’s the rogue life treating you?” I asked, his face turned an odd shade of red as his lip curled in disgust.

“Mock me if you want, but Van promised that as soon as he has this pack he’ll reinstate me into his pack, and I’ll have the run of the place again. With all the little girls I could want.” I felt my eyebrows raise. For the life of me I could not believe he just said that out loud.

“How’s the leg? I noticed your limp.” Okay now I was just rubbing it in. But it looked like the right button to push. He lunged at me, stopping just in time to keep from doing something stupid. His snarl was impressive, but I smiled when I saw the silver in his eyes. “Oh, look at that silver. It must be real depressing for you to look in the mirror when you’re angry. Assuming you can look at yourself in the mirror at all.”

“You can have your fun, but you making me a rogue is going to backfire. You know the lone wolves don’t much like their lifestyle, anymore than I do. You’d be surprised how little it takes to get them to take sides. I think I might just offer them you,” his voice was so low only I could hear him. And god how I wanted to laugh. Luke came back to stand at his side. As though seeing them side by side would be anymore intimidating than seeing them one at a time.

“Luke! Tom! We’re leaving!” Van barked from the front door. Tom spun on his heel to go to the car. Luke however, waited a second longer, leaning in to so I could hear his next words.

“One day, it’s just going to be you and me, no one to protect you.” Then he walked away.

“I’m counting on it,” I mumbled as he climbed into the car. Van gave me a respectful bow as he passed, his smirk more ironic than angry.

“Ailith,” he mumbled as both a greeting and farewell. I returned his bow, and walked back into the house.

I plopped into a kitchen chair, and crossed my legs when I remembered what I was wearing. Everyone followed me in, looking at me like I was supposed to just start spouting out everything that I had learned. I planned on it, but first I needed to think, think and get my school bag.

So after telling them I’d be right back I ran up the stairs. By the time I got back everyone already looked exhausted. It had been a trying hour, too bad I was about to put them through another trial, and it wasn’t even lunch time yet.

“So,” I started, digging a book out of my bag. “How many of you know about the old territory wars?” Drake gave me a look like I had just completely derailed him.

“Everyone knows about them,” he answered with a sigh. “They were terrible, pack tearing apart pack, territories were drowned in blood until the humans started to notice. Then the alphas all got together and came up with battles we have now. What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well, that’s a good summary I suppose. But what I’ve noticed is that even though all of these new rules were developed all of the old alphas forgot to null and void the old ones. That’s how Van’s been playing this this whole time. Following a different set of rules than everyone else has been following. And getting away with it because of those alpha’s oversight,” I started, only for Asher to interrupt me.

“We’re not here for a history lesson, Ailith,” he snapped, I raised a brow at him.

“Too bad, because if you knew your history, you’d know what he was up too. Instead of having to have a half breed, lone female tell you,” I replied, his face turned red, but Bastion stepped in.

“Asher, shut up, Ailith, get to the point.” I nodded.

“My point is, back in the day those who held the females held the pack. The females, as inconsequential and weak as they are portrayed, are the future. The only means of reproducing, maintaining the alpha lines and all that. And that’s what Van plans on doing. While everyone has their eyes on the battle field, he’s going to send some males to take the females.”

“How did you get that?” Sadler asked. I looked over at him.

“Something that Luscious said, ‘It doesn’t matter what happens on the battle field,’ the battle is just a distraction. A way to get all of your best males and closest allies away from the prize.”

“He doesn’t have that kind of manpower,” Drake answered with a wave of his hand. I shook my head.

“Sadler, what would it take to get the rogues to back up a pack?” I asked. He looked a little shocked, but did his best to answer.

“Um…not a lot really. A place to settle, some females, freedom to come and go as they please.”

“All of which Van can promise. Whether he plans on following through or not doesn’t matter. Fact is, is that he has a lot more man power than we give him credit for,” I said standing, and starting to pace again. “My best guess is that he plans on having the rogues at the battle, as their ‘witness’. When the battle is over, they’ll attack whoever’s left standing, which means the best males and your allies males. While the rest of his pack goes after the homes. He wouldn’t trust a bunch of rogues with something quite so delicate,” I finished, and was met with silence.

“We can’t defend against that,” Dalton muttered. Even Bastion looked crestfallen.

“We’d have to double our forces at least, as well as every able bodied male in both packs. There’s no way we could train that many in enough time,” he groaned.

At this point I started to tremble. I knew that we had enough forces, or at least a good chunk of what we needed. But I couldn’t decide whether or not to offer up their services.

“We could appeal to a couple more packs, just to have them watch the territory while we’re away.”

“That still leaves us outnumbered by at least a third,” Asher breathed. Everyone looked so crestfallen. So defeated and I could feel myself start to grimace as I opened my mouth.

“Not necessarily,” I replied, everyone turned to stare at me. Bastion’s eyes narrowed.

“What did you do?” he asked, suspicion dropping from every word.

“Well…,” I said slowly, looking at the ceiling.

“Ailith, what did you do?” Drake reiterated, his tone so low I could feel it vibrating in my chest.

“Well…you see…funny story…you‘re going to laugh really…but…uh…,” I started breaking for a nervous laugh. “we, I mean I…maybe…sort of…trained some females.” I flinched back as soon as the words left my mouth, and it’s a good thing I did.

“What!?” Drake yelled at the top of his lungs.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Asher mumbled before dropping his head onto his arms. Bastion on the other hand started to laugh silently.

“Before you kill me just hear me out?!” I yelled before Drake could get a full breath to start screaming with. Drake paused letting that large breath out all at once. His face was still a deep shade of red, but he did his best to calm down, though he did sit kind of heavily. I think I was starting to do a number on the poor guy’s blood pressure.

“Fine,” he replied quietly. The type of quiet that was just downright scary.

“Okay,” I started pulling every journal I had found in the attic out of my bag and stacking them on the table. “So I’ve been doing a lot of research on the old pack customs. It started when I was trying to figure out why Van would want to buy the school, but then it kind of became a hobby. Anyway, your great grandfather was a twin.”

“Yes, everyone knows that, he was a twin and they were both alphas and he got the pack.”

“Actually, he didn’t want the pack,” I answered, and he stared at me so hard I thought I was going to burst into flames. “Well, he wanted his brother to have it. I mean, his brother wanted it, he was a good leader, really cared about the pack and all that. He felt that that’s what was best for the pack as a whole. Anyway, he only got the pack after his brother was killed in battle, he actually wanted to be a historian. These are his journals.” Drake started to pick one of them up, but seemed to settle on just touching them.

“He used to travel, all over the world, studying the different packs and customs that they had created for themselves. His goal was to find the pack that was closest to the oldest customs, the beginning, as he calls it.

“Anyway, about the time he turned thirty he heard a rumor about a pack that still practiced the original ways. He said that they were called the True Pack, because they still did things the way the ancient wolves used too. So he went looking for them, and about five years later he found them. They were secluded in parts of a rainforest that was said to be unexplored.” I leaned forward, partly to make my next point, but mostly because I was getting kind of excited.

“They were matriarchal.”

“What?” several different voices said in several different tones. Asher’s was disbelief, Bastion’s was surprise, Dalton’s was lighthearted as though he thought it were a joke, and Sadler’s was pure curiosity. Drake didn’t say anything. But I was already on a roll so I didn’t stop.

“Yeah, they believed in balance, yin and yang, male to female, complete equality, but the females got the last say.”

“Why?” Asher asked, I chose to ignore the incredulity in his tone.

“Because, they were the future of the pack. The males were expected to show the same respect to any female, no matter the rank, as the females showed the males for their share of taking care of things. Every female was trained in combat from a young age. Trained to fight along side any male or female for the sake of protecting the pack members and the territory. The males protected the pack, the females protected the individual. It was the perfect set up where no one person was less than another.

“They had this elite team or squad. Made up of entirely females, they called them The Mothers. When a female conceived she was relieved of duty but continued with training after the baby was born. They found that females who had young fought three times as hard and were ten times as ferocious in battle. But they were only called on to protect the young, when every other resource was exhausted. They were for absolute emergencies only.”

“Who commanded them?” Becca asked from the doorway. Jen and Camilla stood with her. I met her eyes.

“The alpha female, the mother of the entire pack. At all times, before and after having children, the alpha female was trained by the best, to be the best. Just as the alpha male is supposed to be the best. They believed that the alpha female and alpha male were equals in every way, and were meant to rule side by side. Different but equal. Complete and total balance.”

“So what happened? Why did it change?” Jen asked, coming to sit next to her brother.

“Humans,” I answered simply. When it became apparent that I needed to explain further I took a deep breath. “When wolves started having to mix with humans they had to adopt some of their customs in order to stay hidden. And about four hundred years ago women were seen as less than men. Needing to be protected and told what to do for their own good. But inside the pack they maintained their balance.

“The pack names weren’t always dictated by the male lines. The name was passed down through the female line. But then about that time a male got greedy. Inheriting the pack had the same guidelines as it does now. The female had to marry to inherit the pack. And one female was desperate. Back then they didn’t just marry whoever they had too they waited to find their mate. Sometimes they would fall in love with another male and marry if hope of finding their mate was diminishing. But actually mating was a lot more common then.

“This one female’s mother was dying. Her father had already been taken by disease. And if she didn’t marry her pack would pass to a distant cousin whom she had never even met. So in order to keep the pack in her family line she set out to gain a husband. But the only male that was willing said that he would only do so if she gave him the pack name. It was either that or lose the pack so she made the sacrifice.

“But once he had the name, he got greedy. He wanted final say on everything. At the time there wasn’t anything she could do about it. Not and keep any sort of peace within the pack. He was an alpha male, so when they married the pack doubled in size. His pack obeyed him without question because they had always been his pack. She feared her pack being split in two, so for the sake of peace she relinquished most of the control.

“It wasn’t long after that, that other alpha males started to do the same thing. Refusing to marry any female unless she and the pack took his name. Then it all kind of spiraled out of control, and suddenly they weren’t pretending to act like humans. They were acting like humans. But the packs didn’t evolve socially as quickly as humans, and your great grandfather knew that,” I directed at Drake again.

“He lived with that pack for a year, before he got news of his brother’s death and had to come back and take over the pack. He wrote that he only wished he had found his mate among their females. He kept these journals so that he could pass them on to his son. So that they could slowly restore the balance that was lost. But I guess in the process they were put away and forgotten about.”

“Well, that was a nice meaningless story,” Asher snapped, standing.

Okay, I understand how difficult it is to realize that everything you thought to be fact turned out to be wrong. And I knew how it could change your entire way of life, and how unsettling that could be, but he was really starting to piss me off.

“Pull your head out of your ass, sit the fuck down, and listen, I’m not done,” I snapped. The entire room looked at like me I had grown a second head. He glared at me, but slowly sat back down in his chair. “Your great grandfather had a best friend. A man that traveled with him and they shared the same interests.

“He went with him to that pack and wrote as many journals as he did. But he took a different take on the information he gained. Instead of righting the balance he wanted to tip it further in his favor. Using it to gain a tighter hold on the females so that they could never rise up again. I’m willing to bet that those journals were passed on. His name was Vanderbilt Crudelus the first.” I was breathing heavily by the time I was done speaking. The room was completely silent, until finally Drake spoke.

“I don’t want those females on the front lines.” I shook my head.

“Neither do I.” He met my gaze. And then nodded at our understanding. “But,” I started, his look was guarded, prepared for the worst of my demands. “I want to be on that battlefield.” He immediately shook his head, standing as though to leave the room.

“No, out of the question, you’ll be here defending the pack with the others.”

“I need to be on that battle field, and as much as you hate it you need me there,” my voice rose, mostly to keep him from leaving the room. Everyone else had stepped back out of the line of fire.

“Why! We have plenty of males, or at least we will.”

“Maybe, but it’d be a tactical advantage and you know it. They will not be expecting a female on the field and you know they will underestimate me.” He spun on me.

“It’s not worth the risk!” he yelled.

“It’s not anymore risk than you, or Asher, or Bastion! Bastion is the best trainer this pack has seen in generations, Asher is the future alpha, you are the Alpha! I’m the most expendable person here.”

“And me?” Sadler said stepping forward. “Am I expendable?” I groaned, this was definitely being taken out of context. “Because the way I see it we’re in the same position.” I shook my head.

“No, we’re not. On paper, sure, but not in actuality. We hold the same position, but you have been here far longer. You actually have men under your command that need you. There is no one that depends on me. If something happens to me, some people may be sad, but they’d get over it. If anyone else dies it will hit way harder.

“Besides they are the future of this pack, they have all of the potential in the world. If I have to die to protect that then so be it. Better a wayward wolf with no future than the future of an entire pack. And anyway,” I continued turning to Drake. “You said you’d have six of your best fighters on that field. I’m one of them, and I think I know two more that aren’t male. Don’t make us useless just because we’re female. Don’t waste the resources, if you do you might as well throw in the towel now. Because the females being protected won’t mean a damn thing if that battle is lost.”

“The males can handle it,” he growled.

“Sure, with casualties. Come on, Drake!” I yelled, running hand over my hair, my frustration mounting. “Stop thinking of this as sending females to fight, and start thinking of us as an advantage. Because that’s what we are! Every single damn male that sees us will underestimate us. They always have. And in the moment that they decide that we can wipe the floor with them. It’s the best strategy possible and you know it!” He pointed a finger at me.

“Can you guarantee that not a single female will die? That I won‘t have to go to any mother and father and tell them that I sent their daughter off to slaughter?” he asked, I scoffed.

“Can you guarantee that not a single male will die? That you won‘t have to go to any mother and father and tell them that you sent their son off to slaughter?” I asked in return. He took several deep breaths, unable to answer. “Of course I can’t guarantee that, no one can. But I can guarantee that you will have less casualties if you do send them. Because, believe it or not, when it comes to a fight between a male and female, strength doesn’t mean shit.

“Men are built to be stronger, women are built to be quick. None of us can probably out match a male in strength, but we’re quicker, and we think faster. Females spend their lives figuring out how to do what men do by sheer strength, and we still manage it, with the same quality of work. We are trained throughout our entire lives to overcome our own limitations. We fight twice as hard because we have twice as much to lose.”

“You don’t know that,” he muttered, and I snapped.

“I killed a man! A rogue at least twice my size and twice my strength while I was pinned under him! If I haven’t proven myself by now then you can go to hell!” I walked out. I just couldn’t keep going. It was to much.







Silence filled the room after she left. Too many emotions were running high. The tension was so thick it was hard to breath. But I knew one thing. I didn’t want her on that battle field. Too many of the wolves that will be there will target her specifically. She’s made to many enemies.

“Drake,” Becca said softly. He held up a hand to stop whatever it was that she was going to say.

“No, it’s not happening. I’m not putting her in the line of fire like that.” She nodded.

“Okay, but that doesn’t mean you can’t see what she and the others can do.” He looked over at her. She shrugged. “It’s obvious that they’ve been working hard.” She gave a light chuckle. “Ailith doesn’t do anything half assed. If she decides to do something she goes all the way. And I love you, but you can’t afford to be narrow minded about this. If the fate of the pack relies on the females, then its time they got to have a hand in its future. If you want to win you have to use every tool at your disposal. She’s done too much for us for you to just write her off.” She stood to leave, but turned at the last second. “And before you deny her this, maybe you should find out why it’s so important to her.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” he asked, his frustration evident. She raised a brow at him.

“Just ask.” Then she walked out. She had a point. I’d never known Ailith to just not answer a question. She was too polite.

Drake sighed and the rest of us sagged a little. Then he turned to the rest of us. But we didn’t know what to say. Even Bastion seemed torn. And he had advocated for Ailith more than once.

“What should I do?” he asked, helpless. It was amazing how much turmoil one female could cause.

“She’ll get in the way,” Asher replied, though he didn’t have any heat in his words. He looked helpless, like things weren’t as cut and dry as he would have liked them to be.

“Only if we put her there,” Bastion replied.

“How’s that?” Drake asked, though he was staring at his hands. Bastion gave a one armed shrug, before moving to sit next to him.

“Ailith doesn’t act, she reacts. A purely defensive fighter. If we give her some space, let her do her own thing, nine times out of ten she’ll come out on top. We just have to trust her to take care of herself.”

“But she never has,” Drake breathed. “You had to have six males gang up on her to break her from just taking a beating.”

“Yes, and she got up. She came back fighting and since then she’s managed to become the youngest commander in generations. I hate to say it, because I don’t want to see her hurt, but I think she’s earned the chance to stand with us.”

“And what if this is the one time she doesn’t come out on top? What if she’s hurt too badly to get back up?” Bastion shrugged.

“Then its no more of a risk than you would ask your own son to take. Admit it, Drake. You‘re proud of her. We all are. For a lone female, and a half breed at that, she‘s one of the strongest wolves I‘ve ever seen, and I knew your father.”

“I know she’s strong, and I am proud of her.”

“Then why don’t you trust her?”

“I do. I trust her to look out for my girls, for the kids, for any lower ranked wolf in the pack, and that’s what scares me. If she dies, it won’t be because someone attacked her, it’ll be because she got in the way of someone else being attacked.”

“Which could happen any day of the week,” Bastion replied.

“She’s too important to risk like that.”

“What do you mean?” Drake looked at me. I hadn’t even realized that I was the one that asked.

“She’s managed to save this pack twice since she’s been here. Both times in ways that no one even suspected it was in danger. I need her here to keep an eye on things. She thinks so far outside of the box that she’s even the tiniest things. With her here, watching the outside like she does, we finally have a chance to make everything right. To make every wolf that lives here happy and comfortable. And she never even hesitates to do so.”

“Have you told her that?” I asked. Remembering how she had referred to herself as a wayward wolf with no future.

“I didn’t think I had too,” he replied, looking pained. I shook my head.

“She’s still working on her self worth, Drake.” He sighed and stood.

“I guess I’ll go talk to her. If I’m lucky she won’t bite my head off.” He stepped into the doorway, then paused looking confused. “Anyone happen to know where she went?” Several chuckles went around the room.

“Try the garden. That’s where she goes when she needs to think,” Jen answered shrugging, “Plenty of room to move around.” Everyone stared at her for a moment, having forgotten she was there. Then Drake nodded and left.








Sure enough there she was, walking along the flowered paths. She barely even looked at them as she made her way over to the apple tree. Her hand lifted and plucked one from a branch. She didn’t eat it, just tossed it from hand to hand.

I had no idea where to begin. Then Becca’s words came to mind. ‘Just ask,’ it seemed like it was worth a shot, so I stepped off the porch and made my way over to her. She tensed when she saw me, but didn’t stop walking. It didn’t take long before I was walking at her side.

“Why do you want to do this so badly?” I asked, she didn’t pause but she did glance up at me.

“My entire life I was the victim. Never in the position to fight back, or call them on what they were doing. When I was living with Luke, it was the same. Always pain, never restitution.

“The girls that Tom brutalized got theirs. It didn’t take away what they went through. It didn’t change what he had done to them. But they were heard. They got their chance to stop being the victim.

“That’s what I want. I’m tired of being the victim. If I’m going to be able to look at my scars and not relive every last one of them, then I need to do this. I’m so tired of everyone looking at me like I’m damaged.” She looked up at me, searching my face to see if I understood, but I didn’t think she was done. “I’m tired of seeing myself as being damaged. Never fully whole because there are pieces of me missing. Pieces that I let someone else take from me.

“I need to face them, to face my nightmares. It’s time I took them back. It’s time I…maybe not stopped feeling scared…that’s impossible, but faced those fears, so that they can’t haunt me when I look in the mirror. So that when I see myself, I don’t see the damage anymore.” I didn’t know what to say. To be honest I didn’t even realize that her scars bothered her, though I should have.

“When you told me about the school, I didn’t want to believe you. Not because you were female, but because I didn’t want to believe that I had been conned like that. When you brought all of those girls down to face Tom, I was mortified. He had been abusing all of those girls right under my nose for years, and I never even suspected.

“When I had gotten angry with you, it wasn’t because of anything you did, it was a matter of my own hurt pride. But I need you around, Ailith.” She looked up at me like I was blatantly lying to her. “You have this way about you, where everyone trusts you. Everyone knows that they can come to you if they’re having a problem, and I always used to think that I was like that. That they never hesitated to come to me. And I was so wrong.

“It took some time to get used to that. But you…you see everything. You have this natural ability to feel when something is wrong. And when you do you never stop until you figure out what it is. And then you take care of it. By whatever means necessary, even if it takes banding an entire student body together to get the job done.” I smirked down at her and nudged her shoulder. She looked at the ground but I could see her smile.

“It wasn’t the entire student body, more like a quarter of it,” she mumbled. I chuckled and then got serious.

“In the same mission you managed to bring a very valuable ally to this pack. You have done so much for us already, and I just can’t help but feel like there’s so much more to come. You have unlimited potential and I want to see you reach as far as you can.” She didn’t say anything and I took the opportunity to think my next words through carefully. She was also incredibly good at seeing loop holes. “I can’t guarantee that you’ll be on the battlefield.” I expected her to interrupt me, but she just watched, waiting for me to continue.

“But I will see what your females can do. Those who are willing will start training with the males, and I will be getting regular progress reports on them. Until then you and a few that you select will help us prepare. We’ll be doubling our border runs, as well as internal patrols.

“I’ll need you to obey my command, and in return I will keep an open mind when it comes to gauging their capabilities. If you see anything that you feel I need to know about, you bring it to me, and I will listen, intently, to everything you have to say. No more underestimating, no more trying to protect you. For right now, that’s the best I can do.” By the time I finished we had stopped walking, and she was fully facing me.

I didn’t know what to expect from her, but I certainly wasn’t expecting a hug. I wrapped my arms around her after a stunned moment, then she pulled back with a small smile.

“I’ll take it.” Then she walked away, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

I shook my head, making my way into the house. There was never a moments hesitation with that girl. For the first time I felt true regret that she and Asher hadn’t worked out. She would have been a wonderful alpha female for this pack.

Chapter 32





I looked around the room. A surprising amount of females took me up on the offer for them to train with the males. Of course, I had explained what all it would entail. Them having to defend the pack houses and such. And they were all for it.

What surprised me the most though, was that they turned out to be an even match for the males. Actually it was a surprise for everyone given the rough training they had had. As a matter of fact some of the males had outright laughed when Bastion explained that they were going to be paired up, male to female, to see how good they were. Three quarters of the females won their matches.

Including Kiera who had been facing off with Asher. I’d never been so proud. Asher even handled it well. Giving her a nod of respect instead of stomping off like when I had faced off with him. Though I thought that was more because I was his ex than the fact that I had ovaries.

I spent most of my time at the compound lately. Not because of the females, but because the house was getting really crowded. Drake hadn’t wasted any time getting his ally on the territory. I had actually had to beat Jaeger in a one on one match to get him to stop laughing when he saw all of the females in the compound. He was a nice guy, but he was only good in small doses. And I was sharing a house with him.

After the first day Bastion reported to Drake and then he decided to pair up a male with a female for every border run and internal patrol. Kiera was paired with Asher, Chris with Dalton, and I was with Sadler. It seemed like they were all good matches since he chose males we were actually able to get along with. Though Kiera constantly complained that all Asher did was complain. Which I found ironic.

But then about a week after everyone showed up, things sort of got a little messy. I had just walked into the kitchen, in a not so great mood. I was sharing my room with five other females, which wasn’t a problem except that with so many bodies together I couldn’t sleep very well. Every male in the house that I hadn’t already been living with, decided that they liked to touch.

It became apparent quickly that they had made it into some kind of game. Depending on which body part they ‘accidentally’ touched, they got a certain number of points. Since Drake and Bastion had decided that every female was going to be assigned to me, it made Chris, Kiera, and I the main targets. Seeing as how Kiera was my second and Chris was my third it made sense in a weird way. But what confused me was that those two didn’t seem to care.

Kiera had explained that it was a pack thing. That socializing and touching was a natural thing. I just wanted to bite them. That special morning I walked through the crowded halls to find the guys already there. Drake, Sadler, and Bastion were standing at the end of the dining table. It had become our war board of sorts.

I walked through, ignoring the several ‘good mornings’ I got and went straight for the coffee pot. A week of little sleep and every waking moment filled with idle hands had me on edge. Kiera walked in with Asher right behind her, back from their night border run.

“For god’s sake will you shut the hell up! I don’t care!” she snapped, spinning to glare at him. He rolled his eyes, closing the door behind them. It would have made me smile if I didn’t catch a male walking behind me in my periphery.

“Do it and I’ll rip your arm off,” I growled. That was how they played their little game. Walking passed and letting their hands graze my body. The room froze, everyone staring at me. I didn’t care, I just took a drink from my cup, glaring at the counter top. Though I noticed that the male hadn’t touched me.

After a moment I made my way over to the table, Kiera shooting me a sympathetic smile as she left the room. I was looking down at the map they had spread out. Drake had chosen a clearing about ten miles from the house, so we could get back quickly after the initial battle. They were discussing where to put the reinforcements where they wouldn’t be noticed.

Then a male walked behind me again, this time his hand grazed my ass. I reached back squeezing his wrist so hard I could feel the bones rub together. I pulled him over and down, his head smacking the corner of the table. He went down, and stayed down.

“Anyone else lays a hand on me and you’ll bleed!” I snarled at the room. Everyone went instantly silent, and several took a step back. Some of them who were leaning against the wall tried but were already as far back as they could get.

“Ailith!” Drake snapped, horrified. The male wasn’t one of his, he was an ally. I didn’t give a damn.

“I can’t live like this anymore, Drake!” my voice more of a growl as I set my coffee cup down on the table sharply. “The crowding and the touching, I just can’t do it anymore!”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked, I was ready to snap, but Sadler put a hand on his shoulder.

“Drake, this one is actually perfectly normal.” Drake spun to face him.

“Did you see what she just did to him?” I was too busy by the male groaning and struggling to move to pay attention to them. I growled as he moved, he looked up at me, blood running down the side of his face, terror filling his eyes. He backed away on all fours, and I continued to give a warning growl until he was out of sight.

“Yes, I did. She’s a lone wolf, Drake, not pack. She‘s living in a cramped space surrounded by male wolves. She’s bound to snap sometime.” Drake let out a long breath, running a hand over his hair.

“There’s nothing I can do about it until all of this is over. The pack houses are stuffed tighter than this one.” I didn’t bother looking at them, instead I opted for crossing my arms over my chest and scowling at the table top.

“Well then, she can stay at my place until then.” My head snapped up. He wasn’t looking at me, neither was Drake, and I didn’t know if I wanted him to say yes or not.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Sadler shook his head.

“What choice do we have? If she stays here she might seriously hurt someone.” I gave a sideways nod at his words. It was certainly possible. Drake sighed again then gave me a good hard look.

“Go pack a bag, take the day off, get some sleep, and come back tomorrow with a better attitude!” he had to yell the last three words as I was already making my way up the stairs.

When I walked into Sadler’s loft part of me felt a little awkward being there without him. The majority of me said I’d get over it. That same part was what compelled me to collapse onto his bed. I fully planned on moving to the couch when he came home, but I woke up the next morning still in the bed.

I walked into the living room to see him passed out on the couch. Feeling a little guilty I rummaged through his kitchen, looking for something to make him for breakfast. He didn’t have much food that wasn’t microwaveable, and there was a fine layer of dust on his stovetop. It took the entirety of my self control not to grumble about it.

Eventually I found some eggs, sausage, and bread. It wasn’t great, but I managed to make him fried eggs, sausage patties, and French toast. It was almost done when I heard him start to move. I looked over to see him sitting up sniffing around. I put the plate down in front of him without a word, and started making my own.

It only took a few minutes and when I went to sit down he was just staring at the plate. I started to worry that I had upset him, or if he couldn’t eat it.

“You okay?” I asked after taking my first bite. He looked over at me, looking lost.

“Why did you…?” he gestured to the plate. I shrugged.

“Well I invaded your space and took over your bed, I figured I could at least make you breakfast,” I replied. He nodded, stared at the food for a moment and then picked it up.

After that there was just a comfortable silence as we ate. I was about halfway through mine when he walked passed me to put his plate in the sink. It was my turn to stare. He caught me staring, and looked down at himself as though he thought he had something on his shirt.


“Did you even taste it?” I asked. He shrugged.

“Of course I did, it was really good.”

“You inhaled it.”

“I was hungry,” he mumbled, then gestured towards he bedroom and the bathroom inside it.

“I’m going to go take a shower. We need to leave soon.” When I nodded he walked out.

About ten minutes later he came back out. His hair was damp and his shirt was in his hand. It took an awful lot not to stare. Though it wasn’t necessary. The sight was burned into my memory for life.

I had always known that his shoulders were wide. I also knew that he had some muscle. But I didn’t know that he was chiseled. Every muscle was defined and very impressive. His tanned skin did little to hide the occasional scar and I wanted to ask how he had gotten them.

It took a lot of effort not to blush as I walked passed him to go change my clothes. I turned to close the door and paused. On the top of his right shoulder was a tattoo of a black wolf howling at a full moon that was slightly covered with clouds. It was a beautiful depiction, and I closed the door before I said so.

When we got to the house it was as crowded as usual, but Drake was talking on the phone. By his tone I could see that the conversation wasn’t going well. After he hung up he told us to leave. Well, he told us to go on a border run. I think he just wanted as many people out of the house as possible.

The next week went the same way. He was constantly on the phone with this alpha or that one. Or an alphas underling if they didn’t want to talk to him themselves. He was trying to find another pack to watch over the battle. Witnesses to the Crudelus pack’s trickery. But they were all either refusing to be there or refusing to listen. Claiming that his challenge had nothing to do with them.

When it came down to the last pack he kicked everyone out of the room except for the commanders and Stephan’s top men. As soon as all of us were closed in around the table he gave a frustrated grunt.

“Right now we’re screwed. We have the man power to defend against their threefold attack, but we have no one there to say that it’s strictly self defense. Without it we could end up with every pack standing against us. Believing that it was us who instigated the whole thing.”

“What’s left then?” Asher asked.

“We’re down to the last pack. I’m not holding my breath. So far they’ve refused to let me speak to him.”

“What’s his story?” I asked, wanting to know what kind of person we were dealing with.

“He’s a spoiled brat. His territory sits on our south border. He got the territory by default when his father died.”

“What do you mean, he got it by default?” I was slightly confused.

“He didn’t have to get married to take it over. The majority of his territory is overpopulated by humans. It’s more like a city than a town, the type of place meant for industry. No one wanted to challenge him for it, so it became his. But if we can’t talk to him, we can’t get a yes or no.”

“You want us to go find him and push him into it?” Sadler asked, but Drake shook his head.

“No, his territory might be overpopulated by humans but he’s a genius when it comes to internal defense. No male will get close to him.”

“What about females?” I asked, he looked at me and I could practically see the light bulb above his head click on.

“He owns a single’s club. Rumor has it that he spends most of his time there. He only allows wolves to go in same sex groups, and no more than three at a time. The males and females meet and generally leave together. It’s really high class, that’s how he keeps his pack funded.”

“So, what your saying is that pack males there for a meeting would get turned away at the door. But females wouldn’t be suspected?” I asked, making sure that I understood him correctly. He nodded.

“So we use a few females as cover to sneak in and then we corner him,” Asher supplied.

“We can…,” Bastion started but Drake cut him off, eyeing me with a thoughtful expression.

“No,” everyone stopped and looked at him. “Ailith is heading this one.” I was just as shocked as the rest of them.

“What?” Jaeger asked.

“Ailith will be planning this one. What she says goes.” And then he stepped back, giving me the room. I stood there, thinking for a moment, then went to the door.

As I suspected my two top fighters were standing in the hallway, Jen stood with them. I did a little finger wag telling them to come back into the kitchen. Several males that stood around them looked extremely insulted. Keira and Chris stood on either side of me and Jen took a spot next to Asher across the table.

“This night club is supposed to be impenetrable for someone wanting to talk to the alpha. Our job is to get in, get his attention and then talk him into helping us out. I want you two with me. Asher, Sadler, and Dalton will get there ahead of us, in case they decide not to let us leave. That way Asher can represent Drake as negotiator.” I looked up at him and he looked stunned but nodded.

“Are you sure that’s going to work? Sadler’s a rogue and Asher is a pack alpha,” Bastion asked, I shook my head.

“Sadler is a rogue, but they’re bound to get them on occasion. How else are they supposed to join a pack unless they mate a pack female. Asher is a future pack alpha, and everyone knows that he’s still single. They’ll assume he’s only there to find a female so he can inherit the pack. Especially since this challenge will be common knowledge by now.” I got several understanding nods, and a smile from Bastion.

“I want Bastion, Alex, Macon, and Nevin to scattered around the room. No more than two together and all of you show up at different times. We’ll walk in after everyone is in place. When we get in to see the alpha I’ll wait until he’s ready to talk and then signal you guys to come in,” I said looking at Sadler. “And then it’s all you.” I followed looking directly at Asher. He looked a little overwhelmed, but nodded anyway. “This place is supposed to be really high class. Jen?” I asked, looking up at her. She was practically squirming with excitement.

“Way ahead of you,” she said, running out of the room. She was back in less than a minute with three garment bags, and breathing heavily. “I made these as extras for the benefit, just in case. I’ve just been waiting for the right time to show you guys.” Then she passed them out.

Our names were printed on tags, telling us which belonged to whom. I was vaguely aware of Becca entering the room, but I hung the bag on the refrigerator and unzipped it. Keira and Chris did the same. When I saw the dress I wanted to throw something.

There was a lot of fabric, but very little would be covered. It had a left sleeve that would cover my entire arm down to the tops of my knuckles, but there was no right sleeve. There was no right shoulder. It looked like it would start just under my arm and then stop about four inches beneath my breasts. Leaving my stomach completely exposed until it hit my waist. Then it trailed down to the floor, except for the very long slit on the right side. It looked like the slit started only about six inches beneath my hip. Though the two pieces were held together by a wide bit of clothe on the back, that would completely cover my scars.

“No,” I said my eyes as wide as they could get. “No,” I turned to look at Jen, she had a sheepish look on her face. “No! No! I’m not wearing this!”

“Oh come on, you’ll look fantastic.”

“I’ll look easy!” Even I could hear the incredulity in my tone. She gave me a stern look.

“Hey, it will cover all of the necessities. Besides, if it’s the club I think you’re talking about, it’s a twenty one and older club. You’ll need to look older and this will definitely make you look older.” The other females in the room came over to look at the garment. Each one giving off their own squeal of approval, including Becca.

“I thought you said it was originally for the benefit.” She blushed slightly.

“Well, I might have made some adjustments to it since then.” I groaned and reached between the girls to zip it back up.

“We go tonight, the sooner we get this done the better,” I growled.

“Okay, now that that’s settled we have one more matter to discuss,” Drake stepped in, looking like he would rather be somewhere else, thanks to our female conversation. I approached the table again. I wasn’t too proud to admit that I was pouting, but everyone wisely decided to ignore it. “Ailith, what do you think Van’s strategy for the battle will be?” he asked. Again I was stunned that he was asking me, but I didn’t hesitate to answer.

“He’ll want his strongest, most loyal wolves on the field. He needs to win the battle before all else, just in case the rogues don’t hold up their end. So it’ll probably be him, Mark, Luke and then three more of his strongest fighters.” He nodded after I was done talking.

“How would you counter it?” he asked again. I shot him a confused look, not completely sure why he wanted my opinion on this one.

“I’d probably put Asher, Sadler, and Bastion on the field, and then Kiera, Chris and I. We’re the strongest females, and they’ll underestimate us based on our gender and size. Van would most likely go for Asher, he’s see him as the biggest threat since he’s set to inherit a pack. Mark would target Sadler. He’s an alpha rogue. He’d order Luke to go for Bastion, but knowing Luke he’ll deviate.”

“I can handle that little bastard,” Bastion mumbled, but I shook my head.

“No, if I’m on the field, Luke’s mine.” Bastion opened his mouth to argue, but at my look he closed it. “If I’m there, Luke will come after me, no matter his orders. He sees me as his property and nothing would make him happier than to force me into submission. He wouldn’t try to kill me though. He’s a sadist who lost his favorite toy, he’d try to cause pain, not death.”

“What makes you so sure?” Sadler asked, I met his gaze as I answered.

“I’m the toy that never gave him satisfaction. He did his best to make me scream, he never succeeded. So he’ll do his best to get it from me now, especially since he feels like I was stolen from him. It’ll make him that much more determined. Determined enough to go against orders. If you want the weak link, it’s Luke,” I replied, turning to Drake at the last statement. He nodded.

“I’ll think on what you said. But for right now it’s a two hour drive to the club, you all need to get ready and head out in the right order so that the timing is right.” We all nodded, the males grabbing keys and phones to leave. I turned only to come face to face with Jen, holding that garment bag out to me. I snatched it out of her hand.

“I hate you,” I muttered, moving passed her.

“I love you too.”

“Do you need any help?” Becca asked from behind the counter. I didn’t even bother to turn and look at her when I answered.

“You know damn well that I do.” I heard them both giggling as they followed me out.

Chapter 33

It took nearly two hours for them to finish getting me ready. They had straightened my hair and pinned up one side leaving the rest to hang on the left side of my face. They did my makeup, but only putting on thick eyeliner and mascara to outline my eyes.

The dress itself was a pain. The gap in the material made it to where I had to be careful when I stepped into it. The fabric hugged my body across my strapless bra and down to the slit in the side. Just as I suspected a lot of my right leg was exposed. Thank goodness I had shaved. The skirt itself trailed loosely down to the floor, with a couple of extra inches so I could wear heels.

The heels that they had picked out for me were about four inches high with straps decorating the top of my feet. At least all of it was black. There was a loose bit of material that connected to the back and hooked onto my left ring finger. I found out that she had actually added that so that she could hide a pocket specifically meant to hold a knife sheath still. She had started to make the adjustments when we all started training. She had modified all three dresses so that we could hide all sorts of weapons on us. I may not have liked getting pushed into the dress, but I had to admit that it was cool.

My stomach was completely bare, leaving me to feel the temperature, but the overall effect was stunning. I loosened one of my leather bracelets so it fit on my right ankle. So it wouldn’t look so naked. I put on the choker for the hell of it, since it was made to go with the bracelet.

When I thought I was done Jen handed me a loose piece of fabric. It was a sleeve to go over my left arm. It hooked over my thumb to cover the top of my hand, but left my fingers free. It barely reached my elbow, but was made to hide throwing knives.

“It took me a while to figure out how to make the knives easily accessible, but I managed it,” she said and I hugged her.

“It’s awesome.” She blushed and both of them backed up to see their handiwork. Both of them nodding with approval.

The dress fit me perfectly, accentuating everything it was supposed too, and I was fit with exactly four weapons. A dagger was strapped to the outside of my right thigh, hidden by the loose fabric, but still reachable if needed. A matching dagger was hidden on my lower back, and the sleeve of throwing knives on my right arm. It was amazing. The look and the weapons made me feel like a badass assassin. Especially with just the very top of my tattoo visible. I loved it, and mentally took back everything I said about the dress. But I didn’t say it out loud.

Regardless, I was happy that I had had more practice in heels since the last time I had tried to wear them. The four inch heels took a few steps before I felt right wearing them, but after that I was actually able to navigate the stairs with ease.

By the time I made it to the bottom every male within sight was staring. Ordinarily I would have felt awkward and uncomfortable with all of the attention. But this time I stood straighter and walked with more confidence than I had ever felt in my life.

I made it into the kitchen to see Keira and Chris already there. Keira’s dress was almost as revealing as mine. It was strapless with a heart shaped neckline that parted down the middle and met about six inches above her belly button. The dark blue fabric went down to a few inches above her knees and then stopped, but the back went all the way down to the floor. The knee high heeled boots helped to add some mystery to compensate for the exposed skin on her shoulders and cleavage. Her hair was piled up on her head in an elegant style with curls framing her face. She looked beautiful.

Chris on the other hand had two sleeves that covered her arms all the way down to the tops of her hands. The neckline was square and went down far enough to show about an inch of cleavage. The skirt stopped at mid thigh, the torso hugged her frame while the skirt flared out. Her hair draped over her shoulders in soft curls, the midnight purple of the fabric sparkled slightly as she moved. Her ankle boots only managed to draw more attention to her legs.

I met them in front of the island to make sure we were prepared. But was interrupted.

“Holy…” We turned to see Jaeger standing in the doorway. It looked like he couldn’t decide which one of us he wanted to stare at. He was pushed forward when Stephan and Drake stepped in behind him. Both of them pausing to stare in stunned silence.

“No offense ladies,” Stephan said stepping closer. “But you’re not looking all that threatening.” I shared a glance with the girls and stepped up really close. He looked surprised, but didn’t back away. I gave him a slow smile and he started to relax, right before the dagger from my back lightly tapped his throat. Then he took a very quick, very long step back.

“Looks can be deceiving.” He rubbed his throat and nodded.

“Point taken,” he mumbled, moving to sit at the table. I slid the dagger back into its home and made my way back to the girls, only to be interrupted again.

“Are you sure there isn’t something more modest for you to wear?” Drake asked, his eyes lingering on my exposed stomach and leg. A look of disapproval taking over his face.

“I’m not exactly the dress shopping type, Drake. It’s the only thing I have,” I answered.

“Yeah but…your goal is to get the alpha’s attention, not every male in a ten mile radius.”

“Come on, Drake. She looks beautiful,” Becca replied, walking into the room. He turned to her.

“It’s so revealing though.”

“No more revealing than the clothes she trains in.” She was right. I usually only wore a sports bra and shorts.

“Yeah, but that’s for training, not for a night out. She‘s only eighteen for crying out loud.”

“This isn’t a night out, she’s going to go negotiate for the pack. She needs to look older, confident, and eye catching.” I just stood there watching them argue back and forth. To be honest I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on. Drake had never had a problem with my clothes before. Finally, his frustration got the better of him.

“I don’t want my daughter walking around like she’s looking for a one night stand,” he snapped, and then realized what he said. His face turned a bright red. The entire room went quiet and I felt my eyes widen.

“Um…,” I muttered, looking for a way out. I looked to the girls and they both just shrugged. “Okay, we need to get going, or we’ll be late.” I stepped up next to Drake and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be careful, and we’ll check in, I promise.” I turned to leave, hoping that I had handled that right. Becca gave me an approving smile just as Drake muttered his reply.

“You better.” I left as quickly as I could without looking like I was running away. But I couldn’t stop the small smile that spread across my lips.

The drive was long and boring. We even tried to play I spy, but it got dark and we were sick of the game anyway. When we finally reached our destination all of us put our heels back on before climbing out.

We were warned ahead of time that there was a fifty dollar cover charge at the door. When we walked in a young man turned to look at us. He stopped abruptly upon seeing us and stuttered really bad when he asked for our money. It looked like we had gotten lucky. It was ladies’ night, we got a fifty percent discount. I smiled my thanks and we moved to the bar that sat on the left wall.

Keira and Chris sat on either side of me, so we could talk without being heard, while I faced the room. I glanced around, spotting my men scattered around. A few of them had women who had joined them, they didn’t look too happy about it. I spotted Sadler, Asher, and Dalton seated at a table caddy corner to us on the opposite wall, staring at us. I switched on my earpiece. I swear those things were the best investment I’d ever made.

“How’s everything going?” I mumbled looking into the drink that Keira handed me, knowing they would pick it up.

“We’re ready when you are,” Bastion answered, from the corner at the opposite end of the room. I didn’t bother turning it off when I turned to talk to the girls.

“Where do we go from here?” Chris asked, glancing around the room.

“We find our target.”

“How exactly are we supposed to do that? This place is packed and most of them are human,” Keira asked.

“We’re looking for the owner, he’d be in the VIP section,” I answered. That particular part of the club was on the floor above us. A railing prevented anyone from falling to the ground floor, but it left plenty to see.

Keira took the first watch, looking up to see what was visible. After a few seconds she glanced away and Chris took up the visual. After the count of ten it was my turn. We could see damn near everything that was going on.

Everyone up there was male, not a single female in sight. If I had to guess I’d say he was up there with his most loyal protectors. All of them were huge, even by wolf standards. Their shirts were stretched over bulging muscles, their demeanor that of a man who just wasn’t messed with.

The alpha was easy to pick out. He was the largest. His blonde hair curled over his ears, his pale skin was covered with a small trimmed beard. It looked like he was trying to pull off a goatee, but his facial hair was just a little too light to look like it was supposed to. He was dressed in what looked like a dark blue suit.

The couch he sat on was shared by a man only slightly smaller than him with a buzz cut. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he had a military background. From the information I had it looked like the alpha ran his pack as a military force. All of the men sitting or standing around him sported regular t-shirts and jeans, leaving the alpha’s attire more noticeable. A ploy to make himself look more important.

Another man stood leaning against the railing, his stance was relaxed and he smiled easily. Though the lower ranked wolves deferred to him when the two bigger men were distracted. His light brown hair reached his shoulders in soft waves, and he just looked like a ladies man.

I counted six men in all. Not great odds for us, but if things went as smoothly as I hoped they would we wouldn’t have to use too much force. All we were looking for was a conversation. And we had to keep that in mind. Even I was feeling the effects of being on enemy territory. I could feel my metaphorical hackles raising.

“I want the pretty boy,” Chris muttered, Keira groaned like she had beat her to it.

“Fine then I want the buzz cut.” This time I sighed.

“I guess that leaves the big, bad wolf for me,” I muttered. I could hear several male chuckles in my ear.

“So how do we get their attention?”

“It’s not like we’ll be able to bat our eyelashes, they’ll be able to smell the pack on us,” Keira replied. I scoffed.

“Guys, it’s not rocket science, they’re males.” They nodded in agreement. This time I heard disgruntled mutterings.

“So what do we do?” Keira asked.

“Looks like its open mic night,” I said nodding towards a woman who had obviously had too much to drink, standing on a small stage to our left. She was completely butchering the song and the three of us winced as one.

We shared a glance and then stood, making our way over. There was a wide selection of songs to choose from, but most of them were sappy love songs. We groaned in frustration before finally settling on one we all knew. It was one of the few upbeat songs that wasn’t about a lost love or a potential relationship.

The woman stepped down with the help of the operator and we gave him our choice. He nodded after taking a good hard look at us. He was a lower wolf, so it was likely that he’d report my presence. A lone alpha female was not something to just walk away from.

When the song started to play, and we started to sing the entire room turned to watch. About halfway through I glanced up and met the eyes of the alpha. He was leaning against the railing, watching our performance with a smirk. When we were close to the end he leaned over to Pretty Boy who nodded with a smile and headed in the direction of the stairs. We were in.

By the time we were done he was standing at the side of the stage. He offered a hand to help us down the three steps. Once we were on level footing he leaned down to whisper in my ear. Luckily he was to my right.

“My boss would very much like to speak with you.” I smiled up at him.

“I’d be delighted, lead the way.” he looked slightly stunned but quickly covered it with a smile.

It was a short walk, though our guide was nothing but a gentleman. As soon as I reached the top two males left. I looked around as if I were interested in the décor. The top floor was wider than it had appeared from below. Several couches and chairs were situated closer to the back wall so that they could speak without being witnessed.

And guess where the big bad wolf was sitting. It wasn’t the ideal situation, but it would do. Pretty Boy left to go sit in an armchair, while Buzz Cut took up a spot on one of the three couches. The Alpha gave me a very charming smile while he gestured for me to sit on the couch opposite him.

I returned his smile, sat in the middle of the couch and crossed my legs. His eyes followed my every move. From the corner of my eye I saw Chris sidle up to Pretty Boy. He looked up at her in surprise but smiled and started to strike up a conversation. I have no idea how she did it, but while I was focused on Chris, Keira managed to wind up in Buzz Cut’s lap. My smile suddenly became genuine.

“Welcome to my club, my name is Jackson,” the alpha said, bringing my attention back to him.

“Ailith,” I responded, his smile widened.

“It was rather brave of you come here.”

“Not really.”

“Tell me, what do I owe the honor of your visit.”

“I work for an alpha that’s been trying very hard to reach you.” He tilted his head back with a silent laugh.

“Yes, I believe I remember receiving some messages. I told my secretary to tell him I wasn’t interested.”

“You should be.”

“Actually, I’m more interested in you.” I raised a brow.


“Indeed, you see I’ve been in the market for a female to help me run the more domestic aspects of my pack.” I chuckled.

“I’m flattered, really, but you’re not my type.” His smile turned to something less than nice.

“The thing is, Ailith, I love that name by the way, but you see you don’t have much choice. Did you really think I’d let you just walk out of here?” At his words I heard several of the males I had brought with me start to argue about whether or not to move in.

“You see, Jackson, not one of my favorite names by the way,” I said, mocking him. “But you don’t have much of a choice, did you really think you could keep two pack females from leaving?” I asked.

“Oh, they are free to leave anytime they want. But even the alpha you work for can do nothing about me keeping you. You’re a rogue, not pack.” I laughed, his smile got smaller.

“I highly doubt my girls will walk away and leave me with you.”

“They are just females, there’s nothing they can do about it if I choose to have them escorted off my territory.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, a smirk crossing my lips.

“Um, Alpha?” Pretty Boy mumbled.

“Sir?” Buzz Cut said immediately after his friend. Jackson turned to look at his men.

Pretty Boy had a knife to his throat, Chris was standing behind him, it looked like she had been rubbing his shoulders. Buzz Cut had an almost identical knife held against his. If he so much as swallowed he’d bleed. Keira had a most pleasant smile as she looked back at the alpha.

Jackson looked back at me, anger evident in his gaze. I leaned back, spreading my arms out on the back of the couch. My smile growing bigger by the second, though I was sure I was looking self satisfied.

“Now, Jackson, I have roughly six males scattered throughout your club. Just in case you decided to be obstinate. By the way, the alpha I work for could have your head on a platter for attempting to kidnap one of his commanders.” His brows rose in surprise. “It’s in your best interest to hear us out. In fact, my men should be up here in just a few seconds.” He took a deep breath, leaning back and stretching his legs out.

He relaxed just as Asher, Sadler, and Bastion walked in. The others were probably sitting close to the stairs to make sure we weren’t interrupted.








They walked into the club like they owned the place. Looking absolutely delectable. I’d never seen Ailith look so damn good. Her smooth tanned skin pulled tight over solid muscle. Her tattoo peaking out of the top of her skirt. Her soft hair veiling half of her face, while leaving the other side completely exposed. Speaking of exposed, her lean torso and toned leg. The soft smile that she gave the door man. She was absolutely fantastic.

“Head in the game guys, breath,” Bastion’s voice came over the ear piece. I let out the breath I didn’t know I had been holding. I heard two more breaths echo mine and looked to my right.

Asher had managed to look cool while he ogled the girls. Though following his line of sight he wasn’t looking at Ailith, but Keira. Dalton on the other hand looked like he had started to turn blue while he stared at Christine’s legs.

Almost immediately I saw Ailith reach up like she was messing with her hair, then we could hear them as though we were standing right next to them.

“How’s everything going?” Ailith asked.

“We’re ready when you are,” Bastion replied, shooing the female from his table.

“Where do we go from here?” Chris asked, glancing around the room.

“We find our target.”

“How exactly are we supposed to do that? This place is packed and most of them are human,” Keira asked.

“We’re looking for the owner, he’d be in the VIP section.” They went silent after that. I tried to watch them, but I couldn’t see them doing any kind of visual. I thought they were floundering until they started to talk again.

“I want the pretty boy,” Chris muttered, Keira groaned but answered.

“Fine then I want the buzz cut.” I heard Ailith‘s sigh.

“I guess that leaves the big, bad wolf for me.” I couldn’t help but laugh at her choice of words.

“So how do we get their attention?”

“It’s not like we’ll be able to bat our eyelashes, they’ll be able to smell the pack on us,” Keira replied. Ailith looked at them like they were making a big deal out of nothing.

“Guys, it’s not rocket science, they’re males.” They nodded in agreement. I could hear several men grunt in offense.

“So what do we do?” Keira asked.

“Looks like its open mic night.” As one they stood and made their way over to the stage. They sang well, though I had seen them do better on several occasions.

When Jackson’s third appeared next to the stage I knew they were in. I just hoped nothing went wrong. Ailith represented a challenge just by breathing. Most males couldn’t refuse a challenge.

I heard them introduce themselves, and then I heard the patronizing tone he was using. It made my hackles rise just listening to them talk. But then he said he was going to keep her, trap her there to mate him against her will. The ear piece erupted.

“We have to go get them.”

“They’re trapped.”

“The mission has failed.”

“Easy guys, give them a minute, they got this,” I spoke as calmly as I could. My chest tightened, and I wanted nothing more than to run up there, snap Ailith and take off. But I had to trust her to take care of the situation. To take care of herself. And within seconds she did.

“Are you sure?” she asked, her voice holding a good deal of amusement.

We heard the men call out to their alpha, and I wanted to know what the hell they were doing up there. I knew Ailith would do anything to keep her freedom, but I didn’t see her ruining the packs chances for it.

“It would be in your best interests to hear us out. In fact, I believe my men will be up here in just a few seconds.” That was our cue.

Asher made it to the stairs first, Bastion followed behind me. I didn’t know what to expect when we made it up there, but it certainly wasn’t what we found.

Ailith sat leaned back and comfortable with her arms stretched out to the sides. Her exposed leg was crossed over the other one and a small smile played on her lips. She looked like the sexiest female villain that ever existed. Chris stood leaned down behind one of the males, a dagger to his throat, Keira was seated firmly in the other males lap. Her dagger pressed so tightly to his neck I could see it making an indention. All three of them looked like they were enjoying themselves immensely.

Jackson sat, leaned back with his legs stretched out. He seemed to be taking the blow to his ego very well. When he spotted Asher he smirked.

“Asher, so nice to see you again.” The two used to be fast friends until Jackson inherited his pack. After that they drifted apart. Though to hear Asher talk about him it seemed like they had always been enemies rather than friends. One always out to outdo the other.

“Jackson, wish I could say the same about you,” he replied, moving to sit to Ailith’s left. I stood behind her while Bastion took the same spot behind Asher.

“I would very much like to know what brings you to my door.”

“I’m sure you’ve heard…,” Asher started, but Jackson cut him off.

“I will listen…to her,” Jackson stated, leveling his gaze at Ailith.

I had just the right view of her face to see her raise a brow. I could see her mentally weighting her options. She could refuse, giving Asher the rightful respect for a future alpha. But it would be quicker to go ahead and speak to him. She glanced over at Asher, rather than looking upset, his expression was one of relief. Then she shrugged her bare shoulder and started to talk.

“I’m told news of the packs spread like wildfire, so I assume you know about the Crudelus pack’s challenge?” Jackson gave a slow nod.

“I have, though it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me.”

“It’s no secret that the Crudelus are underhanded.”


“Van’s planning something, something very unpleasant to ensure that he gets the territory whether or not he wins the battle.”

“Still, what’s that do to with me?” Jackson asked, spreading his hands.

He looked like he was trying to toy with her, upset her to get her to loose the cool exterior. Instead she lifted a hand straight back over her shoulder. I knew what she was asking for, so I handed her the pack of cigarettes I kept on hand. She didn’t smoke very often, simply when she needed a moment to think. I handed it over without a second thought.

She pulled her skirt up a couple of inches and reached under it, pulling her trusty Zippo out to light it. Then slipping it back in place. I’d have to ask later how she kept it from falling out. His eyes followed her every movement, lighting up when she had pulled her skirt up. It took an awful lot of willpower not to snarl at him.

“You share our southern border do you not?”

“Indeed I do, and?” he asked, slightly flustered.

“What do you think is going to happen if Van succeeds? Do you really think that he’ll be satisfied with just our territory?” His eyes narrowed.

“No one wants this territory. That’s how I’ve managed to hold it.”

“This area has a lot of businesses. Plenty to make his pack richer beyond his wildest dreams. You may be the last territory he seeks out, but I guarantee you will eventually be a target. And by the time he reaches you, you’ll be alone, no allies to come to your aid.” He leaned forward.

“And if I send my males to fight with you and you lose? I’ll have none to fight my own battles with.”

“We don’t want your males.”

“Then what is it that you want?”

“Your eyes.” His own eyes widened slightly.

“I beg your pardon?” She smiled and put her half smoked cigarette out in the convenient ash tray.

“We simply want you to witness the battle. From a safe distance of course. So that when the time comes you can testify that it was the Crudelus who overstepped their bounds, not us. Given that you have no interest in either packs and are allied with neither, your word will have enough weight to keep the other packs from issuing their own challenges.” He sat back, looking intently into her eyes. After several moments of silence he finally answered.

“I’ll do it, but I want something in return.”

“Tell me, Jackson, what is your price?” she asked, her head tilted slightly to the side as she narrowed her eyes, simultaneously giving a small ironic smile. He returned that smile.

Chapter 34





Two hours after our deal was struck Sadler pulled into his driveway. I had ridden back with him since it was so late. On the drive back I had texted Drake, telling him we were all fine, there weren’t too many complications, and we got his yes. He asked what the alpha had wanted in return and I told him he would get a full report the next morning. He seemed frustrated by it, but let it go, wishing me a good night instead.

Sadler had been silent throughout the drive, though I didn’t think it was because of the deal I had made. He just seemed to have something on his mind, so I left him alone. When we walked in I immediately kicked my heels off. I was certain I would have at least three blisters when I woke up the next morning. I was going to go change but Sadler started to talk.

“Why are you so intent on being on that field?” he asked, I spun and looked at him, stunned. This was a topic we had never discussed. I didn’t even think that it mattered to him that much.

“It’s just something I need to do.” He leaned against the back of his couch, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at me.

“You realize you could get killed right?” I nodded.


“Then why risk it?”

“I told you, it’s something I need to do.”

“What, die?” he asked, his attitude was starting to hit me the wrong way and I started to feel my temperature rise.

“No, fight.”

“Even at the expense of your life?”

“Every time I drive a car it’s at the possible expense of my life.” He brought his fist down on the back of the couch.

“That’s not the same and you know it!” My temperature spiked again. I was starting to really feel the heat in the room.

“It’s my choice,” I snapped.

“It shouldn’t be!” I flinched like he had slapped me. It felt like he had slapped me. He took a deep breath. “Not if you’re just going to throw your life away.”

“You may not like it, but it’s my decision to make!” It was so hot that I started to pull at my dress. “Why is it so damn hot in here?!” I yelled, my frustration building. He gave me a weird look.

“It’s not, I keep the thermostat at sixty five degrees in the summer.” I stared at him.

It didn’t make any sense. It couldn’t only be sixty five degrees, I was starting to sweat and it wasn’t like I was wearing heavy clothes. Then realization hit me, probably about the same time it hit him.

“You have to take me home.” His eyes had gotten as wide as saucers.

“I can’t, the house if full of males.” Then the full pain of the heat hit me, forcing me to double over.

He caught me before I hit the floor and picked me up, carrying me into the bedroom. After I was gently laid on the bed I rolled over, curling in on myself. Last time when I hit this point I had blacked out. It didn’t look like that was going to happen this time.

He was trying to cover me with a blanket, but his hand brushed against my arm. He was cool to the touch and I grabbed his arm, curling around it like a life line. I could hear his heavy breathing, but I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes.

“Ailith,” his voice wasn’t any higher than a whisper, but even that low I could hear the pain. I looked up at him.

His eyes were flashing silver, his wolf trying to take over. I didn’t want to let go of him, he made the pain less intense. But I released him, hoping he would leave before I couldn’t stop myself from pulling him down onto the bed with me. I looked away from him, wishing he would just run away. Instead he said my name again.

When I looked back, he was right there. I hadn’t felt him sit down on the bed, but his face was only few inches from mine. I tilted my head up without thinking, his lips came closer, both of us breathing quickly. I thought he’d never actually do anything, my frustration mounting until I was ready to cry out. Then his hand touched my face, and his lips met mine.

I’d never felt lightening shoot through my body before. Not even when I had slept with Cory. But this kiss had my body tingling. His lips were soft and moved against mine with so much intensity my pain faded to the background.

I was so lost in the moment that I didn’t notice when he moved to lay next to me. His hand found my bare thigh, moving slowly up to my hip as I pulled him tighter to me. Then his shirt suddenly wasn’t there, leaving nothing but skin for my hands to wander over.

He groaned as my hands roamed over his stomach. And though I don’t remember how it happened, my dress was gone, and I laid under him in nothing but my bra and panties. His scent overwhelmed me. I couldn’t see, smell, or feel anything but him.







I woke up with her sleeping soundly next to me. It would be easy to lie. To say that I had lost control. But I could have left, she gave me the opportunity. I could have run from the apartment and called some of her friends to go take care of her. But the truth was that I hadn’t wanted too.

I wanted to touch her, kiss her, take her as mine. It was the first heat that I had ever sated, and it was everything the older mated males had said it was. Intense, overwhelming, it was complete and total bliss. And to wake up to her at my side, her skin against mine. I never wanted it any other way again.

When I leaned up to get a closer look at her she rolled to face me. The blanket slipped off of her hip, exposing the tattoo that I had wanted to see for so long. It was the same moon and star that was engraved on her lighter. The thing that she said reminded her of who she was. But in the center of the crescent moon sat a pewter colored lily. It was beautiful.

She let out a heavy sigh, reaching out to me. I caught her hand, bringing it to my lips as she opened her eyes. She met my gaze and I couldn’t help myself. I leaned down, capturing her lips with my own. She lifted the same hand I had kissed, smoothing it up my chest to my neck.

I reached down, placing my hand over that tattoo. She moaned when I slid it up her side. Then rolled over, bringing me with her so that I was looking down on her.

Neither one of us was sure how much time had passed, though it was with a smile that she crawled out of bed. I let her take a shower first, taking the time to lay there and relax. I hadn’t realized that I had dozed off when a damp towel landed on my face. She laughed when I sat up to snatch it off.

She was already dressed in jeans, a loose shirt that hung off her shoulder, exposing her tank top underneath. I laughed with her before going to take my own shower. It took us a while to finally leave, as we took our time eating breakfast.

But regardless we made it to Drake’s just in time to catch them looking over the map again. We walked in together, like we usually did, and no one really paid us much attention. For a few minutes at least. Then Drake looked up at us.

“There you are, you’re late.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, not meaning it in the least.

“It was my fault,” Ailith replied. “I was really tired last night and was slow getting around this morning.” It flowed so easily from her lips that Drake just nodded.

“So how did it go last night?” he asked. She shrugged.

“It was a success.”

“Are you kidding me!?” Dalton exclaimed from the other side of the island. “They were amazing!” Ailith blinked at him in surprise, though the other two girls just smiled.

“He agreed to watch the battle and then follow us back to the house. So he could witness both stages of the attack.”

“What did he want in return?” he asked, and Bastion started to chuckle earning a look of concern from his alpha. Ailith smiled up at him.

“He wanted me to train his females and the right to call on me anytime he has a stealth mission.” Drake stared at her, stunned. And then threw his head back laughing. It took him a few minutes to sober up but when he did he gestured her and the girls forward.

The other stood on either side of Ailith, but then started to give her a weird look. Then they were glancing at me regularly, before exchanging glances with each other. Drake leaned forward to talk to her but tensed for a moment, before continuing with what he was doing.

“A female from the Crudelus pack showed up last night.”

“What did she want?” Ailith asked, never noticing how everyone was starting to look at her.

“To talk to the female that used to be held captive by the alpha and his closest men. She refused to speak with anyone but you.”

“Where is she?”

“In the holding room, down in the basement.” She nodded.

“I guess I’ll go entertain our guest then.” After she left the room Drake nodded at the door, telling me that he wanted to talk to me.

When we made it into his office, him closing the door behind us for privacy, he moved behind his desk. I expected him to sit, like he always did, but instead he leaned his hands on the surface and looked up at me. The anger was more than evident in his expression.

“Why the hell is your scent all over her?” His voice came out as a growl. I guess the shower didn’t do much good after all. I sighed, leaning back against the wall. “Damn it, Sadler! I though I could trust you with her!”

“You can.”

“The hell I can! You took advantage of her!”

“No I didn’t.”

“Then tell me what happened, because this is not looking good for you.” I took a deep breath, and then another. I was stalling for time, trying to choose my words carefully.

“She went into heat last night after we got home.”

“Then you should have left!”

“I couldn’t. It hit too suddenly, I lost control.”

“And you’re sure that’s all it was? Just her heat?” I swallowed hard, the lie sticking in my throat. Then nodded.

“Yes, that’s all it was, I swear it meant nothing, it won’t happen again.”

“It better not.”









‘That’s all it was, I swear it meant nothing, it won’t happen again,’ Sadler’s words hit me hard. I could feel my breathing quicken, and it felt like a lead weight had taken up residence in the middle of my chest.

They had left the door cracked open, just enough to hear what they were saying just on the other side. As soon as I walked down into the basement the redheaded woman made it perfectly clear that she wouldn’t say a word unless we gave her what she wanted first. Her request wasn’t that major so I came upstairs to tell Drake her demands. That’s when I heard them talking.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I glanced away…right into Jaeger’s eyes. He looked at me with so much sympathy that I stood up straighter, not realizing how far I had curled into myself. I walked by, not bothering to look at him again.

“Tell them I talked to her,” I said as I passed. I didn’t bother to see if he would actually do it.

I was getting a drink of water when they walked into the kitchen. Both of them looking weary. Sadler didn’t look at me until I started to talk. Drake paid more attention than usual.

“I talked to her, she made two demands,” I started, Drake signaled for me to continue. I sat down at the table, next to him. “She wants her marriage annulled.” He blinked at me a few times.

“What?” I shook my head, it wasn’t that far of a reach really.

“She came of age right after she found her mate. Her father didn’t care and forced her to marry anyway. She hates her husband, says he’s abusive. She won’t say another word until we have her mate safely in our hands.”

“What good will that do us?” Drake muttered. I raised a brow.

“She’s married to one of Van’s commanders. Says that she made copies of all of the written commands, and can tell us the rest. I say it’s worth it.” He sighed.

“Whose her mate?” I gave him the name she spoke with so much reverence.

“He’s not from their pack,” Drake muttered.

“No she said he’s from an allied pack.”

“That’ll make it easier,” he answered, picking up his phone. I just sat there and let him do his thing.

Two hours later Dalton and Alex walked in with a young man with light brown hair and wide confused eyes. Those eyes were darting all over the place, from one wolf to another. They were the eyes of a male wolf on enemy territory. I stood and he looked at me. When I approached slowly, smiling softly he relaxed slightly.

“You’re the rogue. The one Katherine told me about?” I nodded.

“I am. Come, there’s someone who wants to see you,” I said, lightly touching his arm, directing him into the hallway. And then down into the basement.

Their reunion was part crying, part laughing, and a whole lot of touching. After a minute when they still hadn’t stopped I went back up to the kitchen. Drake gave me an odd look and I told him I was giving them a minute. After collecting a few bottles of water and taking my time with it, I went back down. They had finally settled for holding each other on the military like cot that she had been given. After passing the water around we got down to business.

An hour later I was back in the kitchen with a handful of papers and a heavy heart. After sitting down I zoned out into thoughts unknown. They gave me a few minutes then asked me what the papers were.

“The placement of all of the men. Her husband is leading the attack on the females. They’re expecting you to scatter your females and children throughout the pack houses. Van is only going to have the five males that’ll be on the field with him at the actual battle. The rest are split up to take all five houses, including this one. If one of them is empty their orders are to move on to the next one. So that there will be wave after wave of attacks. He’s going to only show a quarter of the rogues he’ll have with him. The rest are to hide until the battle is over, then move on us.”

“What do you suggest?” he asked immediately following the lead. It made me wonder why he was deferring to me so much.

“I’d follow the rules.” He blinked at me a couple times before I decided to elaborate. “At least look like I am. We go to the battle with the standard number of wolves. Stephan will be there to witness with his small group. And then station the rest of the men behind his. As his will be behind ours.

“Pull every female and child into this house, putting the children in the cooler in the basement, after turning it off of course. Put a couple of the youngest trained females in there with them as a last line of defense. Then add on layers of older and older females. Several of them have gotten good with the bows. Put them on the balconies at the back, and then stationed around the windows.

“The first wave will hit the bows. Keep them at their positions to cut down oncoming wolves, any that get past will be initiated by the rest of them in hand to hand. It’ll give the females a better chance of defending themselves, a little more breathing room, Our fight will be more straight forward, probably over in time for us to show up as reinforcement just as the fourth wave reaches them.” He nodded.

“Agreed.” I gave him a curt nod and then stood to leave. He stopped me just as I reached the door. “You have your spot on the field.” I met his eyes. His were serious, determined even. I nodded again and then went to the compound.

Four days later I finally snapped out of my tunnel vision. Ironically it was Sadler who managed it. I had spent those days doing nothing but training. I’d get up, go to the compound, and come back after I was too exhausted to speak. Then I’d collapse, get up and do it all again.

I quickly found that Sadler was the only one that could get me in a stale mate anymore. The only one that matched me. So I would face off with him, over and over again. I needed to be as ready as possible when I walked onto that battle field. But Sadler got sick of it. Snapping at me occasionally, though I ignored it.

“Enough,” he muttered, walking off the mat.

“No, again.” He shook his head, using a towel to dry the sweat from his face.


“Again,” I forced through clenched teeth. He spun on me.


“Again,” I said and he threw the towel across the room.

“I’m not him, Ailith!” My eyes dropped to the floor as he walked away.

I didn’t have a choice but to leave. He was my ride, so I walked out to the car to wait for him. When he came out his jaw was still set and I found looking at him was difficult.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, acknowledging that I had been using him as a surrogate for Luke. He didn’t say anything, just nodded as an answer. Though his expression relaxed.

After that I didn’t stop training, but I pulled back. Trying not to become obsessive about it again. Instead I pushed my females…hard. Testing them in every possible way. Forcing them to fight until they collapsed. None of them complained, or even resisted. They knew what was at stake if they weren’t at their best.

We only had a week until the battle. Everyone even forgot that school was supposed to start a week after it was over. We were all more worried about making it to the first day.

We ended up with a hiccup in our plans though. I wanted Keira at my side on the field. But she wasn’t in our pack, so technically she couldn’t be there. The best fighter after her was Camilla and I wanted her at the house to help defend her mother, sister, and youngest brother. But then we found out that her mother was originally from our pack. So technically she could fight with us. I’d never been so relieved.

Sadler and I didn’t talk. Not really, not unless it was strictly business. But then again, I never gave us the chance, making sure that if we were alone I was sleeping. And then three days before the battle Jaeger cornered me.

“Ailith.” I was doing the dishes, just for something to do.


“Don’t be so hard on him.” I glanced over to look at him. He looked pained, and understanding.

“I’m not.”

“You’ll barely even look at him.”


“It’s killing him.”

“No it’s not.”

“He cares about you, Ailith.” I scoffed.

“Sure he does, he always has.”

“That’s not what I mean. You can’t hold this against him forever.” I turned to fully face him.

“I’m not.” He looked at me like I was telling an outright lie. He was right.

“At least try to be understanding.”

“I don’t see how this is any of your business.”

“You’re right, it’s not. But I’ve known Sadler for a very long time, I can tell when he’s unhappy. You have to understand what a female in heat can do to a male.” I shook my head.

“I wasn’t.” I tossed the towel I’d been using to dry my hands onto the counter.

“What?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“The first time I was, the second I wasn’t.”

“Oh,” he muttered, looking deep in thought. “Well then, forget I said anything. Hold it against him for as long as you want.” I nodded and he left.

And I fully planned on doing so, until Sadler walked in. I didn’t have anything left to clean so I just turned to look out the window. Hoping he would just grab something and leave. But instead he just stood there, leaning against the counter.

Chapter 35





She stood there, staring out the window, like I didn’t exist. Like she had been doing for a while now. She was still staying at my loft, but she might as well have been absent. I missed her.

Then Jaeger told me that she had heard what I said to Drake. About that night not meaning anything to me. That explained a lot. Like that it meant something to her, and that’s why she’s acting like I was an object that took up space. I didn’t want her to hate me. I didn’t want her to think that it meant nothing to me. Because it meant everything.

“About that night…,” I started, hoping that I could actually get it out this time. I had already gotten further than my other attempts to discuss it. I had barely been able to open my mouth. Only to shut it without uttering a sound.

“It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Look, I get it. The heat had a strong effect, you couldn’t control yourself. It won’t happen again. I’ll just have to keep a closer watch on the calendar.” That wasn’t what I wanted. That wasn’t even what I was going to say. Though the fact that she was giving me an out made me flinch. I was trying to organize my thoughts, but she started to walk away and I opened my mouth.

“Why the lily?” I asked, grabbing her arm to turn her back around.


“Your tattoo. I get the moon, and the stars, but why the lily?” I stepped closer to her.

“It doesn’t matter,” she mumbled, moving to take a step back. I put a hand on her hip, stopping her, and bringing her a little closer.

“It does, tell me.” I hadn’t meant to speak so softly, but when she looked away I could see the tears in her eyes. One fell, gliding down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away.

“Because…,” she paused to take a breath, looking at the floor, before meeting my gaze again. “because the only other person that ever called me that was the last person that truly cared about me. And when you call me Lily, I don‘t feel broken.” I took a half step closer, so close that we were almost touching, and gently placed a hand on her cheek, forcing her to look up at me.

“You have been many things. Hurt, brutalized, even close to death, but you have never been broken.” She looked so miserable, in so much pain I couldn‘t stop from leaning down and gently placing my lips against hers. It was like I could finally breath again. “That night, wasn’t about your heat. I wanted it, because I want you. I was just afraid. Afraid that Drake would try to force me to stay away from you. Truth be told now that I‘ve had you, I don‘t want to let you go,” I said, pulling back to look at her. She searched my face, looking for my lie. When she didn’t find one she leaned up, crushing her lips to mine, as my arms completely circled her waist.







“Let’s go home,” he mumbled to her. Then they left. I stood just on the other side of the doorway, listening to them.

I had known that she was in the kitchen alone, that’s why I had followed Sadler when he headed that way. At first I was going to interrupt them. I knew that Sadler had slept with her. I also knew that Dad had warned him away.

When I had first caught his scent on her I was angry. Believing that he had stolen something from me. But now I realize it had never been mine to begin with. It wasn’t that he had managed to do something I hadn’t. It was that he had cared enough to let it happen on its own. It didn’t take a genius to see how much he cared for her. And I only wished I had been able to feel as strongly. I truly wished them the best.

I hadn’t done right by her. She just wasn’t meant for me. And I was fine with that now. As I stepped out onto the back porch I noticed Keira sitting under the apple tree. The moonlight hit her in just the right way for me to see her face.

That girl was wonderful. She was fun, sexy, smart, strong, classy, but every once in a while, like now, she would sit by herself and get this serious expression. Like she was in deep thought. It always made me wonder what she was thinking about. As I watched her, watching the tree line, I realized I was smiling.








I followed Ailith into Drake’s kitchen the next morning. We both knew that he would smell me on her. We hadn’t had sex the night before. Instead we laid in bed together, enjoying only idle touches, and occasional kisses. But my scent would be all over her for the rest of our lives, and that made it worth Drake‘s wrath.

As soon as we were inside she went out to the back to assign the females their positions. And Drake could barely keep himself from physically dragging me into his office. Becca was sitting in her usual chair, reading when Drake slammed the door shut. She sat up, concern taking over her features. While Drake spun on me, I started to speak before he could start yelling.

“I didn’t sleep with her,” it derailed him enough that I had the chance to finish my sentence. “I marked her,” Becca looked at me, stunned, while Drake’s face turned an uncomfortable shade of red. I’d never seen so much anger from him, at least not aimed at me.

“No! I forbid it!” he growled, I slammed a hand down on the top of his desk. He reeled back as though it had been his face.

“It’s already done,” my own growl vibrating deep in my chest. “The battle’s tomorrow, if you want to kick me off your territory after it’s done, so be it. But you can’t take her from me, she’s mine!” He stared at me, trying to stare me down. When it didn’t work, he took a deep breath, getting ready to start yelling. But then Becca was there, placing her hand on his arm.

“Look at him, Drake. His wolf is just under the surface.” I was breathing heavily as she spoke. “They’re mates, there’s nothing that can be done. Hell couldn’t keep them apart.” He looked down at her, she showed no anger, simply earnest belief. Then he met my eyes again.

“Is that true? Is she your mate?” I stood straight, then nodded. “How long have you known?”

“Since she was dating Asher.” He shook his head.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked, dropping back into his chair, looking exhausted. I shrugged.

“I thought she would be better off with him. He has more to offer her than I do. But I can’t anymore. I can’t keep denying it. I can’t keep living my life without her in it.”

“Fine, we’ll talk about this after tomorrow,” he finally answered, I nodded then turned and left.

I made it to the back yard just in time to see Asher giving Ailith a hug. She pulled back and softly smiled up at him. Jealousy filled my chest until she saw me looking at her. Asher was already walking away. The smile she gave me was so filled with joy, just at seeing me, that the jealousy vanished as though it had never existed.








It was the day of the battle and no one seemed to be able to take a deep breath. The females that would be staying in human form were getting ready. We had decided to keep it light, using the same type of leather outfits that I had used to infiltrate Van’s house. It allowed more maneuverability. I couldn’t thank Jen enough for the leather armor she had made me for the benefit. Finally telling me that she had made it specifically to be real armor.

Jen would be in wolf form, as well as Becca, but Camilla would be in human form and she cornered me. Well, she had wanted to talk with me privately.

“Why can’t I be at the battle? I don’t want to be on the field, I just want to be there to help.” I shook my head.

“I need you here”

“But…” I locked her gaze with mine.

“There will be children in that basement. I need you here to protect them. Them and your sister, and your mom, and your brother. We’ll be fine, but they need you.” After a moment she finally nodded and I went to check on the rest of them after buckling the last strap on my boots.

I found Becca in her room. She was in loose clothing, sitting on her bed. It looked like she was having a hard time breathing. When I walked in she stood, meeting me in the middle of the room.

“Is everyone prepared?” she asked. I nodded, eyeing her closely. When she ran a hand through her hair.

“Hey, are you okay?” She gave an almost hysterical laugh.

“Of course I’m not okay. Half of us don’t know what we’re doing.”

“That’s why you’ll be in wolf form. You may not know but your wolf does.” She sighed, sitting and letting out a small chuckle.

“You sound so sure.” I felt my expression shift to one of confusion, before sitting next to her.

“Of course I’m sure.” She looked over at me. And I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. “You are the alpha female. This is your pack, these are all your children. You are the ultimate mother. And a mother protects her own, at all costs. I’m sure because I know you’ll succeed. When the chips fall, they‘ll be looking to you. And you‘ll lead them to victory.” She stared into my eyes, as though she desperately wanted to believe me. When I didn’t deviate she nodded, taking a deep breath.

“Okay, then lets go lead the troops into battle.” I smiled and left the room to make sure the children were all secure.

Before I could get to them Sadler pulled me into an empty room. I turned to look at him. He was dressed similarly to me. Though he really pulled it off. I looked up at him as his eyes stared into mine.

“Don’t do this. Don’t get on that field,” he leaned down, speaking with so much earnest I had to blink for a moment, before I sighed.

“Please, Sadler…,” I paused when I saw the tears in his eyes.

“I’ll beg,” he whispered, and I jerked back like I had been shocked. “Please, I’ll beg if you want me too, just don’t go, stay here, help protect the females.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not? He could kill you.”

“I can die just as easily here.” He took a shaky breath.

“Please…” I reached up to put my hand on his cheek. He grabbed it, turning his face into my palm.

“Do you trust me?” I asked, he looked back at me.

“Of course,” his voice was hoarse as though he had been screaming for hours.

“Then trust me to walk away from that field.” He stared at me for a solid minute before taking a deep breath and nodding.

“Okay, okay, just, be careful.” I smiled up at him.

“You know I will.” An hour later we were walking through the woods. Stephan’s men were already on their way to their positions, making sure not to run into Van’s group before they reached the clearing.

When we got there, his group was already there. I was at the back of our group. So by the time I reached the right spot, there was a large ring of wolves circling the spot where we would be. I took a deep breath before moving to stand three paces behind and to the left of Sadler.

Keira and Chris looked at me when Van and his males mimicked our triangular positions. They had never actually seen the enemy, and upon first sight, they could be extremely intimidating. I gave them a firm nod, and after a moment they returned it. I didn’t just trust myself to survive. I trusted those two to guard my back with every ounce of their strength.

“Female’s, Drake? Are your males so inadequately trained, that you had to bring in females?” Van taunted. Drake barely even looked at him. I let my eyes wander over the six men.

Mark was looking as menacing as ever, though the other three males looked nervous. As though they weren’t entirely sure they should be there. Then Luke caught my eye. His smirk sent a chill up my spine. But after a moment, I felt a renewed strength. Almost a glee at being on the battle field.

All I wanted was to see his blood drown the ground. I knew it was my wolf. She was giving me all of her strength, her senses, and her instincts. I was able to return his smirk, and mean it.

“Let’s just get this done,” Drake’s baritone crossed the field with ease.

He had balked a little when it came down to putting Asher in his place. But after actually listening to my reasoning, he finally caved. Asher was just underhanded enough to survive a confrontation with Van. At least that was what I was counting on.

If Asher didn’t survive this day, I would never forgive myself. Especially after he had come to me, to tell me that he was glad I had found Sadler. He gave us his blessing even if I didn’t want or need it. He wished us the best of luck in our lives together.

“Very well,” Van muttered, his voice carrying across the field regardless of his low tone.

Guidelines indicated that the challenger would be the first to attack. The general idea of the battles was a head to head fight with the pack’s best warriors. No weapons, just hand to hand, and the side with the most left standing won. I took a deep breath, and then they were on us.

As suspected the three lesser wolves came for me and the girls. I was locked in combat with one of them when he was thrown from me. I straightened my stance as Luke smiled down at me.

“No one can have you but me.” I smiled back, just as he took in my scent, growling at the result he found.

“Looks like someone beat you to it.”

“It’s fine, after I collar you, I’ll kill him for touching what’s mine.” I bared my teeth.

“You have to win first.” He snarled at me, and took a swing.

Once upon a time, not too long ago, I would have taken that blow without a second thought. But this time I ducked. He swung again and again, never managing to lay a hand on me. I was trying to find a way under his guard when I miss judged his next swing.

His fist connected with my stomach and I went down to one knee. I heard his laugh despite the ringing in my ears. My vision blurred for a moment before clearing to show his legs right in front of me. He thought he had won. So I spun on my knees, knocking his feet out from under him.

He jumped up, just as I got to my feet. But this time I was faster, never giving him the chance to start his barrage of fists again. I kicked him in the chest sending him back several feet. Unfortunately, he didn’t hit the ground. After taking a deep breath he circled me.

“Don’t piss me off, girl. I don’t want you dead yet,” he snarled, his eyes flashing a brilliant blue.

“That’s a shame, because I want nothing more than to slit your throat,” I growled.

He smiled and came at me again. I was ready for him this time. When he swung I dodged to the right, catching his arm with my left and pinning it to my body before bringing my elbow down, snapping his arm in two. He screamed out in pain as I released him only to deliver a round house kick to the side of his head with all of my strength.

He hit the ground flat on his back, his arm still cradled to his chest. I took the moment to let the pain in my midriff fade a little as he got back to his feet. His balance was off and his dominant arm was useless, but he bared his teeth at me.

Looking at him I saw all the times he had brought that whip down on me. Every time he took pieces of my flesh. Every time he left me tied to a table for hours unable to move. I looked at him, and all I could see was red. For the first time in my life I pressed the attack.

He met me in the middle and I dropped to my knees, bringing my fist to the inside of the his knee. I heard the bone snap and he fell to the ground. Instead of laying there he grabbed my arm, rolling us so that I was beneath him.

His dead weight nearly crushed my chest as I tried to dislodge him, but he wouldn’t budge. He dug his teeth into my shoulder as his good hand circled my neck, cutting off my air supply.

The pain was excruciating as he tore at my flesh, and I scratched at his arm desperate for a breath. Until finally I found some momentum and circled my leg around his broken one. When I yanked he pulled back to scream in pain, my blood covering his mouth and jaw.

I rolled us until I was straddling him and he tried to swing at me with his good arm. But I caught it at the last second, bringing it down on my knee and snapping it at the elbow. He bellowed in pain as I stood, my breath coming quickly as I wiped the sweat from my eyes.

I put the heel of my boot on his neck, pressing down until he started to squirm, trying to get out from under me. He looked up into my eyes and I stared directly into his. Watching as his gaze turned to one of fear, and then straight terror. He knew he was going to die, and he knew that I would be the one to hand him his death. I reveled in his fear as I watched the light slowly fade from his eyes.

After he stopped moving I pressed harder, crushing his wind pipe, then backed up, turning to survey the rest of the fight. It was over, Sadler stood standing over Mark, blood dripping from a cut over his right eye. Though he looked in tact. Bastion had dispatched his own challenger, who was actually the man that Luke had thrown off of me. He was barely even short of breath.

The girls stood next to their own bodies, panting, though whether their opponents were dead or not, I wasn’t sure. Asher was the last with a conscious enemy. Van was kneeling on the ground, blood coating his teeth as he groaned in pain.

“It’s over, we’ve won the challenge,” Asher stated, but Van looked up, smiling at him.

“You may have won this challenge, but your pack should be mine by now. And now you and your allies with die.” As soon as he finished speaking at least fifty wolves came charging out of the trees behind us.

As planned as soon as they showed themselves, Stephan’s and the rest of our men came from behind Van’s. His head snapped around, eyes wide as he realized that we were prepared for them. He looked back around, until his eyes found mine. He snarled at me.

“You bitch.” And then slumped over on the ground, as Asher kicked him in the head.

Keira and Chris flanked me as we braced ourselves against the onslaught of attacking rogues. I had warned them ahead of time not to let any of them bite them, for risk of being marked. Several males on both side shifted, trying for the advantage.

Once they reached us it was all a blur. Our allies reached us just as the rogues so that we ended up in the middle of a hundred man collide. Neither side seemed to have an advantage both simply fighting to survive.

I was single minded, facing one opponent and then another, one never more significant than the one before him. Blood covered me as I broke this male’s nose. Used my ring to take out another male’s eye, just as I had the very first rogue I had ever squared off with. Half way through I was forced to use my knives instead of my fists. That’s when the blood really started to pour.

After slicing one, and then spinning to bury my dagger to the hilt into another man’s stomach, I pulled a male that had dragged Chris to the ground off of her. I didn’t bother with subtly, instead pulled his head back from her neck and slicing his throat. She stopped screaming as soon as I appeared above her, even with the blood that splashed down onto her stomach.

The brutality was like nothing I had ever seen. Everywhere I looked death had taken up residence. The land would never been the same again. I offered her a hand just as Keira grabbed her other one. We hauled her to her feet and then returned to the fight, our backs to each other.

Two more minutes passed when the sound of the battle started to fade. After my last opponent dropped I looked for another, but our area was clear. I turned looking for the remainder of the fight. The guys had managed to corral the remaining rogues into the center, completely surrounding them.

There would be no mercy, no chance to surrender. They came out here to kill us, enslave the females, steal the children, and take our homes. They were already dead, they just didn’t know it. I paused to take a breath when a pain exploded in the pit of my stomach. This wasn’t an injury, something was wrong.

“Are you okay?” Chris asked, grabbing my shoulder to keep me from falling. I shook my head.

“The girls,” I breathed, something went wrong at the house, they were in some serious trouble. The pain eased just enough for me to stand straight and take a deep breath. “Drake!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. He turned to look at me, blood covered his face and his arms. He met my eyes and I could see the panic starting to form.

“Go, take your men, we’ll finish up here and join you!” Stephan yelled, we didn’t waste any time. Drake’s men split from the group and took off towards the house. I was already running.

Panic started to build in my chest, my breathing was ragged and I just kept pushing my legs to go faster. When I felt like I was ready to explode I launched forward, pushing to shift in mid air, and I hit the ground on all fours. I put on another burst of speed closing the distance as fast as my body could carry me.

I heard the screaming before I saw the bodies. The back yard was littered with them with barely a foot of space to separate them. Arrows stuck out of most of them, though there were several with blade wounds joining them. There was a small group of females fighting right in front of the back porch.

The fourth wave must have gotten here before we were done with our end of the fighting. A young female, no older than twenty was screaming, caught in the grasp of a large rogue. Her feet dangled a few inches off the ground as he lifted her by the throat. He lifted a knife, intent on stabbing her in the face.

I watched in slow motion as his hand came down, and I hit him in the side. She hit the ground just as we did, his throat caught in jaws. It took a surprisingly little amount of pressure to snap it. When he was motionless I looked back at the female. She sat just a couple of feet away, then reached over and grabbed the machete she had been using, he must have snuck up on her. When she was on her feet, she nodded at me.

“Okay, I’m okay, some of them made it inside.” I didn’t wait for her. Spinning and rushing up the stairs I knocked into any male I came within reach of, knocking them off balance so the females would have the advantage.

When I made it inside chaos enveloped me. I didn’t hesitate as I witnessed several females fighting to defend their own and their comrades lives. I took it one male at a time. Ripping into their legs or sides, until I was sure the females could finish them off.

I could hear fighting all the way through the house, and when I made it to the hallway I looked up to see three females using the stairway to funnel the males in close together. But then my blood froze.

Tom stood just before the basement door, Kadi was behind that door, huddled in the cooler with the rest of the small children. Sandra, Alex’s mate, and Lori sat huddled on the ground in front of him. Sandra was injured, her leg bleeding badly, keeping her from standing. Lori crouched over her doing her best to shield the bulk of the injured woman. She held a sword in her right hand, glaring up at him. Glaring at him while he held a gun aimed at her head.

Time slowed as I rushed forward. Guns were seen as the most cowardly weapon a wolf could use, which was why none of us had one. It shouldn’t have surprised me that he would have brought a gun to a knife fight.

But I saw his eyes narrow as he squeezed the trigger. My shoulder hit Sandra, shoving both of them out of the way with my momentum. I felt the bullet lodge in my chest and hit the door as the force of the shot pushed me back. I lay there, barely able to breath when he walked up to me.

His eyes looked feverish, insane as he stared down at me. I felt my body shift back to my human form, unable to maintain the energy it took to stay on all fours. I locked his eyes with mine, and he smiled as he pulled the trigger again. Once, twice, before a deep ember colored wolf latched her jaws around his wrist.

He dropped the gun as he was dragged off his feet. I watched with a strange detachment as she ripped into his stomach with her claws, and then tore his throat out with her teeth. I turned my head, trying to see what else was happening. Though my hearing cut out, I watched all of it in silence.

The first girl I had met on the porch was laying barely ten feet inside the back door. A pool of blood laid under her and she stared back at me, motionless. One of the girls on the stairs had fallen, a knife hilt sticking out of her stomach, her eyes closed as she cried.

All around me females were falling, not all of them able to get back up. I felt tears start to trace my cheeks as I lay there, unable to help them. Their pain and desperation as they fought to save their home cut me deeper than any blade, made me hurt more than any bullet.

At once my hearing returned, just in time to catch male voices. Voices that I knew. The cavalry had come. Drake, Dalton, Bastion, Asher, Alex, all of them came running inside. I smiled, they were here, they would save the rest. Then Sandra blocked my view. Lori crouched next to her, tears dripping onto my exposed flesh.

She was using some kind of material to try to stop my bleeding. I wanted to tell her to stop crying, that it was okay. She was so brave, willing to give her life to keep Tom from reaching the children. And kind, the number of times that she had stitched me up, never once complaining. She was worth saving, and I regretted none of my actions.

“Sandra!” I heard Alex’s voice coming closer.

“Alex! I’m here, we’re here, you have to help, we can’t stop the bleeding!” she yelled back, he reached us seconds later, staring down at me, horror filling his eyes. “She saved us, knocked us out of the way of the bullet, but he kept shooting her,” she was sobbing now.

“No!” Sadler slid to a stop next to me. Pain twisting his face as he looked down at me, his hands hovering over my body as though he didn’t know what to do. “You should have waited for me! Why didn’t you wait for me?” he sobbed, finally grabbing my hand as Alex took up Sandra’s old spot. A soft glow started to surround him as I stared. I wanted to tell him that he was beautiful, but my voice wouldn’t work.








I stood and stared as Ailith laid there, slowly bleeding out. Every moment I had ever spent in her presence played through my head.

Seeing her for the first time in Van’s kitchen. Her hidden emotions leaving nothing but mystery. The quiet resignation as she handed me their coveted paperwork. Her bleeding all over the kitchen floor. The betrayal in her eyes as she left to go up to her room, knowing that she would be locked inside.

Her calm demeanor as she sentenced a pedophile to the same fate that he had visited on others. Her stubbornness to keep working even though we would have gladly bought her anything she wanted. Laughing with her friends on my living room floor. Dancing on stage in her effort to save my pack, again.

The quiet guilt that lingered in her eyes after killing that first rogue. The sadness that radiated from her after sending her closest friends away. The anger that lit her eyes while she fought for her chance to right her own wrongs. Seeing her among the flowers when she finally opened up to me.

Kissing my cheek after I had accidentally called her my daughter. The pride she had when she managed to negotiate with an opposing alpha. The glances I had gotten while she was slicing through her enemies, so graceful she might have been dancing again.

Her tenacity, skill, strength, passion, grace, kindness, all of it was bleeding out onto my hallway floor.

“No, no, no, don’t go, you have to stay,” Sadler moaned, her hand cradled against his chest as he leaned over her. Tears flowed freely down his face, washing the blood away. He touched her hair, smoothing it from her face.

Becca appeared next to me and shifted. Blood coated her torso, blocking any nudity from view. She looked down at Ailith and grief took over her features. After a moment, she turned into me, sobbing into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders allowing my own silent tears to flow freely.

Keira, Christine, Jen, Camilla, Dalton, Macon, Nevin, Bastion, all of them were crying for this one girl. One girl that had managed to mean so much to all of us in just barely over a year’s time.

Ailith reached up wiping at the tears that only flowed faster down Sadler’s face. Blood smeared across his cheek from her touch. He turned his face into her hand, holding it to his cheek.

“You promised! You have to stay with me. I love you.” She gave him a sad smile, then her eyes started to drift closed. Her hand fell from his cheek and he started to openly sob.

Then Jackson appeared out of nowhere. A large defibrillator landed next to him as he moved Sadler out of the way. Two more men pushed Alex, Sandra, and Lori to the side, evening her body out on the floor so she wasn’t against the door anymore. The three men started to clean her wounds and check her vitals.

“Not yet, Princess, you still have an obligation to fulfill,” Jackson muttered, pulling the paddles free of the machine.

He shocked her once and her body jumped. Her back arching for a long painful second before she hit the floor again. The second man checked her pulse, and shook his head. They shocked her again, he checked her pulse, shook his head. Her back arched up off the floor a third time. He checked her pulse…


Everyone was smiling, enjoying the celebration. Sadler stood on the other side of our back yard, speaking with Drake, Asher, and Bastion. Keira sidled up to Asher and I smiled as he leaned down to give her a lingering kiss. I caught sight of Chris as she sat on Dalton’s lap. He hugged her tight as their little girl ran up to show them a flower she had picked.

I looked back at Sadler to see him smiling in my direction. He raised his glass to me and I raised mine in return. The ring on my left hand caught my attention. A small silver ring with lilies decorating the band and a small onyx taking up the center. I smiled, thinking back to that time of our lives.

The battle would forever be ingrained in my memory. The blood, the death, the screams. Of course, how could someone forget their own death. It had turned out that what made Jackson’s pack so valuable was that every single wolf in his pack got mandatory medical training. Every last one of them was a fully trained medic.

He had sent half of his men down to the battle field to take care of the injured men after witnessing the battle. Then he and his best raced to the house. Only to find the fighting was almost over and I was laying there bleeding to death.

I had woken up in the hospital a week later. Sadler sat in the chair next to my bed, his head in his hands. He looked fully healed except for a fresh scar that sliced his right eyebrow down the middle. I remember running my thumb across that scar before he snatched it away only to bring it to his lips.

He told me that we had had only twelve casualties, three of them female, nine males. I wept for every one of them.

A few days later I had gotten cleared to go home, and Drake immediately called us both into his office. He said that he wouldn’t try to stand in our way. That he was happy that we had found each other. But he asked that we wait to live together until after I graduated high school. We readily agreed.

In the same day Asher wanted to speak with all three of us at the same time. Drake was just as confused as we were. Then he broke the news. The news that turned our lives upside down.

“I’m in love with Keira. She’s my mate and I want to marry her. But she’s unable to have children. So I want to pass the pack to Sadler.” Drake had was so shocked that he sat down.

“Are you sure?” he asked, and Asher nodded.

“I don’t want the pack, Dad. I’m sorry, I don’t want to disappoint you. But I’m just not cut out for this. Sadler is more than capable. Especially with Ailith at his side.” It had taken a few minutes before Drake could answer.

“Alright, Son. If that’s what you want, if that’s what you’ll be happy with. Then it’s up to Sadler.” And then he turned to the male that was still staring at them wide eyed. “What do you say? You want to become the alpha of this pack?” Sadler looked over at me and all I could do was smile.

“Yes, when the time comes I’ll take over the pack,” he smiled down at me, before leaning in to kiss me.

With Jackson’s witness we didn’t have any more troubles with the other packs. Van had survived the battle, and had limped home with his injured pride. We heard about a week after I had gotten out of the hospital that his wife had poisoned him. She didn’t like him anymore than I had. In fact worse, since she was actually his date rape victim.

His territory, and former pack was split and swallowed by the surrounding packs. Some of the females actually broke away, coming to us for asylum because they had heard that we now had true equality.

Four years after that I had graduated with a degree in anthropology, and Sadler got down on one knee. A year after that we were married and Drake handed over the pack. We ran our pack the same way the old packs had. We had the female warriors, and ruled with complete equality. In fact, I was still training the females.

Jen managed to become quite famous with her clothing designs. She mostly sold to packs, but humans were starting to take interest. She had actually managed to come up with a way for our clothes to shift with us, instead of us ruining them every time we had to shift in an emergency.

Camilla was succeeding with her art work as well. Though most of her paintings consisted of wolves, they were selling for an exorbitant amount of money. Lori opened her own salon, and Kadi was just about to start her first year of high school and couldn’t be more excited. What was better was that Asher and Keira were starting to look into adoption. She may not be able to conceive but that wouldn’t stop them from having their family.

Sadler and I were actually just starting to consider building a family. Agreeing that it was time to start our own legacy. But today was my twenty fifth birthday. And all of the people I had loved for so long were there, celebrating with me.

Sadler came over to me, leaning down to steal a kiss I would have given freely. The love in his eyes took my breath away, just like it always had. He started to say something, but someone decided to crash our party.

“Ladies and gentleman,” a tall, lean wolf yelled from just outside the tree line. From the corner of my eye I saw the younger freshly trained females grab the children, taking them inside. “If I can have your attention please. We’ve decided that we like this land, and we’ll be making it our home.”

“Think you can take it?” I asked, stepping forward. Chris and Keira flanked me, prepared to watch my back. Sadler stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. The rogue gave me a toothy smile. A smile he really should have kept hidden, his teeth were just awful.

“Oh, I’m pretty confident that we can.” at his words several more males stepped out of the trees. It looked like he had about fifteen of them with him. Which was an impressive number really. And it might have been intimidating as we only had about seven males with us.

“Males,” Jen muttered a couple of feet away. “They never learn.”

“Always biting off more than they can chew,” Camilla replied standing next to her. I smiled at the rogue, his own smile withered slightly. I looked up at Sadler and he bent down to kiss me.

“Have fun, Babe,” he muttered, then backed off to join the males lining the house.

This fight was ours. The elite, The Mothers, the females that protected our homes. I shared a grin with Keira and Chris. We rarely saw any action these days. Leaving the protection of the territory to the males.

But this time they were attacking our family. This was our territory. These were our people. They were ours to protect.

As one we moved forward, the rest of the females following. Our pace quickened as half of our number shifted, the other half pulling out the weapons they carried.


Bildmaterialien: This beautiful cover was created by NIna Kari.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.10.2013

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