
Chapter 1: How it began

Chapter 1: How it began


I’m Skyler Mc Call, but my friends call me Sky. I’m a normal girl just living my life at the fullest….. So I thought…..


It’s my 17th birthday today; dad said he has a big surprise…. But it’s been 3 years now that mom past away she would have made my birthday the best day ever…


Well I should get my but out of bed and put on a big smile, to hide my birthday blues.

As I got dressed I saw something shining on my bed…. It’s a pendent with a note “for the special girl on her birthday” I read out loud.


I wonder if this for dad….. He must have putted it on my bed wail I was in the bathroom….. Anyway I made my way down stars to make myself some breakfast….. And guess what…. There was nothing in the fridge!!!


“Dad?!” I called out with a slit yell in my voice. There was nothing but silence in the house….

“Dad? Where are you?” I called again.


Soddenly the phone rings….


“Hello, Sky speaking” I answered


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!” Stacy and Amber yells.


“Thank you, girls!!!!” I replay


“Meet us at the mall in 5, okay?” Stacy asked.


“okay, see you in 5” I reply


As I rash out of the door I bump in to some boy. And before I can say a word he’s gone… and then…… my brand new pendent gone that no good freakin boy stole my pendent.


“oh no…. Dads gonna flip if he sees its gone” I say loud

I decided to walk around the block to see if I can see my pendent in a boy’s hand. And then out of the blue a boy pumps in to me again. He’s so dreamy with the most gorgeous ice blue eyes and dark brown hair…. And he was so tall… I couldn’t help but smile. It felt like I was in heaven I even forgot for a moment where I was and what I was doing.. And as I looked down I saw he was holding my pendent. I snap so fast back to reality and said “hey, that’s my pendent give it back”


He started running… and I was just behind him. Chasing him like cat and mouse down the street. “Stop…. Stop!!!!” I yell with a short of breath. I stop gasping for air… I couldn’t go any fader. I sat down on a bench by the bus stop to catch my breath.

Chapter 2: Milky Lane Sketching

Chapter 2: Milky Lane Sketching


When I had my breath back I saw Stacy and Amber running towards me. I must have paste by the mall when I was chasing that boy….


“Are you okay?” Stacy asked with a shocked face.


“I have never seen you run that fast in my life” Amber added.


“Yes… I’m fine… I was chasing a boy that stole my pendent that my dad got me… he’s going to kill me if he knows it got stolen” I said in misery.


“Did you see how he looks like I can sketch him and then we can report him to the police” said amber

“That’s a good idea amber... Just think Sky well have your pendent back in no time” Stacy says with a big smile on her face trying to cheer me up.


“I need water and a cool breeze for that” I replayed


“ MILKY LANE” Stacy and Amber said at the same time


As we when in and got a seat at milky lane.  Wail Amber is taking out het sketch pad and pencils and Stacy went to get us something to drink. Amber started sketching as I described that pendent steeling boy.  I can’t help but think about how dreamy he is…. As we left for the police station I heard someone calling me “Skyler” but I can’t see who it is and then..


“Skyler” it’s my dad….


“Hi dad” I greet him with a hug


“Happy birthday my sweetheart” he wished me a happy birthday


“Did you get the pendent on your bed this morning?” he asked


“Y… ye…s daddy I did…” I couldn’t get my words out


“Why aren’t you wearing it? Don’t you like it? It was your mom’s she wanted me to give it to you on you 16th birthday but I couldn’t find it hats why it’s a year late….” he said wail smiling and scratching his head

“Oh….” I had no words…. My mom’s pendent got stolen on the first day I got it now that’s bad luck..

“it’s been in her family for years and years now grandma gave it to her when she was 16 and before that grandmas mother gave it to her when she was 16 and so on it go’s… mom always said it hold a magical power…” dad explained


“Wow…. That’s amazing dad” I replay with a big smile


“I’ll see you at home?” he asked


“Yes dad” I said and gave him a hug


“We need to find that pendent…. And soon!!!” I said as I walk to the door


‘Hey wait up” Stacy yells


We get to the police station and give them the sketch and told them what happened


 Ambers mom picked us up from the police station and dropt us at my home


“Have fun girls” ambers mom yells out of the car before driving off. As I open the door Stacy and ambers faces lid up with one big smile if their ears went in the way it would go right around.

Chapter 3: Happy Birthday

Chapter 3: Happy Birthday


As soon as I went in the lights went on and everyone jumped out yelling “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!”


As the party went on and people went home and I just went up to get a jacket in my room… and m pendent was on my bed…. I grabbed m jacket and pendent and ruched down, when my dad called me


“Sweetheart, I want you to meet James Duvenage…” he said wail he showed me to the balcony


“James…. Please meet my doter Skyler… I still remember when you 2 made mud pies in the backyard


James? Mud pies? Backyard? I’m confused do I know this James guy??? And why don’t I remember him?

As James was truing around and I was waiting to see his face he said “Thank you Mr Mc Call”


And I can’t believe it….. The guy stole my pendent is at my party. As soon as my dad left I asked “Why did you steal my pendent? Why are you here? Why are you at my party? Why did you bring back my pendent?”


 he grab my shoulders and told me to have a seat and he sat right next to me and said “I stole your pendent to get your attention, I’m here to visit my grandpa, I’m at you party because I couldn’t stop thing about you big green eyes and I broth your pendent back to see you before I leave tomorrow to go back home…..”


I can’t help but feel sad we stated talking about all the things we did went we were still kids. It got really late and James said “I need to go home before grandpa gets worried… enjoy the 5 minutes of you birthday that’s remaining and I go you this but only open it by your window at midnight not before that”


“Okay…. Good night” I said sad


“Good night Sky” he replied wail walking out


I went to my room and sat by m window and at midnight I open the small box he have me and it was stars that was in the box with a note “here is some stare to light the way to my heart. And now the SKY won’t be so empty… as it seems you are only half complete… maybe when we meet again… our hearts will beat as one and we both will complete… stars and sky united” I can’t help but fall for him but he’s going home tomorrow and who knows when ill see him again.

Chapter 5: Spring Break

Chapter 5: Spring Break


3 Months has passed sins I last saw James and spring break is here. Stacy and amber is on vacation with their families and I spend my day washing movies in bed….


I was watching a movie in the livingroom and I was crying about this movie I was watching the guy died!!!! It’s so sad…. And then a knock on the door and I have puffy red eyes of crying and sill in my peejays…. OMG!! what if its him???? He can’t see me like this and the door opens and in comes my dad….. THANK GOD… it’s just my dad….


“Hi sweetheart… still in your peejays I see” he said wail holding the big brown bag of groceries


“Jip…” I replayed


“Let me help you Mr Mc Call”


What???? Its James….. No… no… no…. no…


“Hello Sky..” he greats me


“H……..h……hi…..” I’m so embers I’m in my peejays and my eyes look like they just lost a battle….


“I’m going to my study sweetheart…. I have a lot of work please pack the groceries away for me?” he asked


“Okay dad I will” wail I snuggle under the blanket to hide my peejays. He takes a seat next to me and just looks at me… I look at the TV the hole time so he can’t see my eyes and then he’s in front of me on his knees staring at my eyes…..


“What was the fight about and how does the other person look??”He asked with a serious face trying to hide his smile


“The other one died” I replayed


“That’s bad…. I’m sorry to inform you miss Mc Call you are going to jail for murder” He said with a straight face as if he was a cop.


I just smiled “no… you can’t arrest the girl that loves you….” OMG… did I just say that out loud?? What was I thinking??


He smiled at me and leaned in and closed his I and be for I can react his lips was locked on mine. His lips are so soft. My whole body went num. he looked at me and all I could do was smile wail my cheeks went bright red. He smiled back and asked “You want to go get an ice cream to cool down??”


I just smile and nodded yes. I got up with my blanket around me and went to my room to get dressed. I went to my dad after I got dressed and told him were going to get some ice cream and asked if he needs anything else? He just gave me a thumbs up. So we were off not saying a word….


For the rest of spring break we went to the movies, got milkshakes and hade picnics in the park everything was great until…..


“Hey Sky?….” James asked


“Yes James??” I replied


“Come with me…” he whispered and grabbed my hand and started walking


“Where are we going??” I asked confessed but he didn’t say a word... We stopped at a tall hill top that looks out at the city its coat a view. And the fresh air was amazing.

Chapter 6: Sunset Yes!!!!

Chapter 6: Sunset Yes!!!!


He grabbed both of my hands and kneeled down and looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes….


“I know were young and we have our whole life ahead of us but…. II LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART… and will you marry me??? Not now but when were ready…. I’m going back home tomorrow and I don’t want to leave without you… I can stay with gramps and go to your school but I need to know if you feel the same and ant to be with me till the end of time??”


“Sky??? Please say something…”he started panicking


“How can you ask me something like that?? You should know by now how I feel….” I said emotionless

“Sky… I really do love you and want to merry you and never look back!!”


Before he could say anything else I grabbed his face with my hands and kiss him with al the passion I have… and whispered “Of course ill merry you…. I love you with everything I am… so how can you ask me something like that when you know what my answer is??”


He was so socked he didn’t move for about a minute and then started smiling and gave me one big hug and picked me up and swings me around as if that’s the best thing that ever happened to him…


We sat down on the grass and just looked at the sunset. Now that was a magical day… and none of this would have happened if it wasn’t for my mom’s pendent…


Dad was right it has magical powers… powers of love… thanks mom


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.09.2016

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