
My name is Rose Mark. I'm a white,black haired, and red-eyed girl. I have never been a staight A student. School was just a way to pass the time. Also I think all teachers are high around me. Since my first day at school, I have had two types of teachers. The scaried ones who are silent around me. When I see these teachers in the halls, they run the other way. Then they give me whatever I want and let me do anything without getting in trouble in the classroom. Then they're the suspious ones who are always looking at me when they don't think I notice. Well,I do! It's like they're just waiting for me to get in trouble. Believe me, I'm no goodie two shoes ,but I'm not evil. I yell and talk back sometimes ,but every teenager does that at least once. Anyway I can fight on I'm getting ahead of myself. Here’s my story. It begins on a normal Friday by Monday normal will be no more.

Chapter 1: Friday
It’s only first period and the clock is already too damn slow. We’re in math class with a suspious teacher named Mr. Clark. Merwaista, who is the rich girl, is smiling at him with her brown eyes. He just happens to be grading our last quiz. “OH Mr. Clark! Are you almost done? I can't wait to see my grade. I bet it's great. You're so great at teaching us, “Merwaista says with a polite smile. “What are you talking about? You have never been worried about your grade. You're just going to get an A and teach is going to get a $100,"I say with an evil smile. This is so much fun. “Mark that's enough if you don't stop I'm going to send you to Headmasters' office," Mr. Clark says glaring at me. Being called by my last name makes me mad. Why do all my teachers do it to me? “Oh how I love spending quality time with Headmaster. She must love me so much to see me every day." That is the exact moment I notice everybody looking at the black opened door that leads outside the classroom. "Hi Headmaster”, I say waving my hand at her. She slaps her hand hard with her black ruler and says, “Rose can you go one day without causing fuzz?" Headmaster must not have been there that long or she would have known I was just telling the truth. "Can you go one day without hitting yourself with that ruler? One day you're going to get a bloody hand." That would be bad for her. "What trouble are you causing today?" I smile while everyone looks scared. “Oh no trouble, “I stand up in my chair, “just standing up for all of us where who are tired of Merwaista getting whatever she wants.” Everyone would be laughing at that, but they're too scared of the old Headmaster even Merwaista. Well I'm thinking of her, she is so unlucky that looks can't kill or I would be dead right now. “In my office now,” Headmaster screams as she leads me out. I can't help, but poke my head back in and say, “Well I thought it was a great speech." Now everybody laughs. Well it was the truth. I laugh as we both walk down to her office. I wonder about her I think as we walk down the blue hallway with red lockers. Headmaster is a skinny, old, white, blonde-haired woman. She is much nicer then the teachers and is the only one who calls me just Rose. That's all we know even her last name is a mystery. Let's get this over with I think as we enter her yellow office. Luckily I have never been kicked out of school. We just go into her office and talk. “Rose, are you mad?" Headmaster starts with the same question every time. “No, I'm just having fun." The same answer from me as normal. This is boring. “Just asking, I have noticed you don't have any friends and that worries me," she says sitting down in her yellow rolling chair. While I'm thinking, she has a lot of yellow in here. There is her yellow desk, yellow chairs, yellow floor, yellow shelf, and even yellow walls. The only thing that isn't yellow is the brown strange symbol books on the shelf. “Friends will help you through the bad and the good. You need them!” she says with dark eyes. Great it's the friend’s speech this time. I sigh, “Friends will get in the way of my practice." Headmaster looks at me with her dark green eyes. “About that, it's dangerous to fight. Swords shouldn't been your only friends in life." Why does it always get to that? “Don’t insult Bob, Sue, and Nick! They love me!” I say laughing as if I would ever name my swords. “Rose this is no laughing matter! Friends are an essential part of life! You need them!" It's so great she doesn't have kids. She might. "Rose stop daydreaming!” she says as her black ruler hits her desk. Poor desk, what it do? “So you want me to get friends, got it. Now I wouldn't want to miss Mr. Roberts’ science class." You may go." She points at the door. As I enter the hall, a man with a black robe on looks at me and says, “Control the darkness." What a freak! I like his robe through.

Chapter 2: Amy
I have no time for friends between home, school, practice, and fighting. I scan the halls anyway. A friend that's all I need or at least someone to look like my friend. Poplars would be out of the question. They're always around Merwaista. Think of her and she appears. "Can you hurry up? I don't want to be late," Merwaista says looking down at Amy, the black nerd of the school, picking her latest project off the hallway floor. She will do even if science and math puts me to sleep. What I do to stop people talking about my swords. “Hey since when do you care? You can just pay them to let you off the hook," I say right to Merwaistas' white face. “Oh look nerd has a bodyguard." Merwaista says moving her blue dress around as she leaves with the crowd laughing. I help Amy with her stuff. “What do you want? It's a proven fact that people like you always want something if they help others," Amy says standing up. What's her problem? "What do you mean people like me?" I thought people liked the ones who help them. "People who are reckless, fearless, never listens to anybody...” I have to cut her off. "I get it. I’m no goodie-two shoes, but I do listen to some people. Will you be my friend? Headmaster thinks I need one." Amy shies away. "I'm too busy for a friend." As she runs down the hall, I yell, “You’re too smart for friends! Their minds would explode!" This is going to be hard. I think as I enter Mr. Roberts' science class. Lucky for me, she is a scared one so this is going to be fun. Twenty minutes into class, Merwaista enters and dark looks me. God knows what she wants with Mr. Robert. Maybe a money deal didn't go as planned? "Mark you have a dismissal." Okay that is totally not what I was thinking. John never checks me out. As I enter the office with Merwaista, an old lady says to me," Rose, Merwaista can you wait? One is missing." This can't get any stranger. I'm here with an old lady I don't know and Merwaista about to be checked out. "One what, what's going on? Who are you? I'm not going anywhere with some old person!" She slaps me. That's not the weirdest thing. It actually hurt a lot. "That is no way to talk to your elders or anyone! Amy there you are." I turn and see Amy standing there in blue jeans and a white lab coat. "Let's go, “the old lady says as she starts to leave. I dislike people telling me what to do. Being mean to old people is not me yet something about this one makes my blood boil. "I ain’t going anywhere with you, old lady." She glares, “I’m Merwaista' grandma not old lady and ain’t is not correct speech." Merwaista hasn't even ever made me this mad. "Alright Merwaista' grandma English teacher much,” I say to her. Then she takes me by the ear and leads us outside and I thought the slap really hurt. "Rose Mark, Merwaista, and Amy I need to talk to all of you. Let's go to my house." We all go up to a red Mustang where she lets go of my ear. Then I notice Emily, the outcast, in the backseat of the car. She has no friends or group, unlike me, Emily is loved by her teachers. They think she has perfect behavior yet she's not a nerd. "Okay what's she doing her?" I say to grandma. This is not my day. “She is one of us, one of your group, “Merwaista' grandma answers. “One of my group! Grandma, like she would even be worthy enough to breathe near me let alone be part of my group." That was totally mean even for Merwaista. "I have practice today. I don't have time for this. Miss. Princess over here is not part of my group, “I say pointing at Merwaista. “What group, Miss. Outcast?" Merwaista says. Is killing still illegal? Got to look it up later. "We should be in school. In the handbook, it states that only your guardian is allowed to check you out," Amy says. She probably knows the whole handbook by heart. All of us start yelling at each other. Then all of a sudden something happened. Everybody get silent. When we tried to speak, nothing comes out. My throat isn't hurting. It can get stranger. "That, girls, is your first experience. Many more will follow. Now let's get into my car, “the grandma says smiling. When someone makes you quiet like that you can't help but follow. We all drive without a sound until we get to a mansion. "No way are they going to my house," Merwaista says. We approach the Gates of Hell.
Chapter 6: Angry
Okay it doesn't look like hell, heaven is more like it. It is huge with a working fountain, a lake, and roses everywhere. Every color of a rose with yellow, blue, purple, brown, white, and black roses all in different corners around it made it a fairytale castle. I bet it would even look like one in the night. I wish I could see it then. What a sight it would be! "Grandma, why did you bring us to your part of the house," Merwaista says. Part! This is only part! This is all hers'. How much does a grandma need? I heard they need a lot, but god I didn't think this much. "Godchild, why do you have to be so much like your mother?" she replies. Merwaista is bad enough I would hate to meet her mother. "Sorry to correct you," Amy starts as we climb the stairs and enter the house filled with darkness and hanging candles, “but the correct term is granddaughter." Who is she joking? Amy is never sorry to correct anybody. "No, my godchild is correct. Godchild means child of god and that most defiantly you girls," Merwaistas' grandma says. Oh great now I'm a godchild. We enter a black wall room with a big, brown, round table in the middle. Theirs the round table right in the middle of the room. Where are the knights? "Choose a seat," the grandma says as she closes the door. We all sit. I thought we were out of school so why does she sound like a teacher. "Great, godchild, you already know of your powers. Look at the back of your seat." I look and mine is the only one without a brick just darkness. Emily has half a tear and half a brick. Everybody else just has a brown brick. "Rose, you are so powerful. You have already noticed your powers with your sword fighting," the old person says overjoyed. When will people stop taking about my swords? "Powerful, what do you mean?" I say. Will someone start making sense soon? "Oh come on your swords turn black with your touch," she says smiling. That is crazy. "My swords are already black you old nut!" She really needs to stop smiling so much. Then the door opens and John walks in. "Grandpa, what are you doing," I stop. In his hands is the most beautiful, greatest, sharpest gold sword with symbols everywhere I have ever seen. "Right a minute; I have seen that sword in my dreams!" It is so much grander in real life. "Yes, it was your mothers’ sword before she ruled," John says. "My moms' sword?” I say as I stare at it. John has never told me about my parents. I just don't care to search or met them. "Before my mom ruled what?" "This island that's why it's called Mary Escape," John answers. This island! I have a mega headache now. Man, I really shouldn't have slept in history class. Enough with the madness! "Okay, grandma you're insane. Please take your pills. John, you need a rest and I'm out of here." I start to leave and realize the door is locked. "You will stay and do what I say," the old women says with evil eyes and angry in her voice. Now I don't like being told what to do expertly by people I don't even know. I turn around and everyone looks scared expect for grandma as my hands make a fist. "Go ahead! Hit me! ," Grandma screams. Letting my anger build up I stand there. These people are insane for making me mad. I hit her as a ball of darkness comes of my fist hitting the wall then disappears. A full length mirror appears out of nowhere in front of me and I realize why everyone was scared. I would be scared of a girl with a black cloud all around her too.
Chapter 7: Talent
"What the hell," I scream. "Hell is right that is where your power comes from. The power of darkness is yours. You are the Angel of Darkness," Grandma says smiling. That sounds a little cool. "Angel of Darkness that's me. I'm doing this." This cannot be happening. "Yes, my godchild, what do you think?" Power of darkness means to control darkness. Darkness means the blackness of night. That's so cool. "So fucking cool!" I raise both hands now for some fun. "Darkness come to me fill this room with room with your power!" He he, fun with words. We all laugh except for Grandma. To my surprise, the room turns black. Okay, who turned out the lights? Wait, there wasn't even a light switch anywhere when we entered and no one clapped so it's not a clap system. Two girls scream. I have night vision. This just keeps getting weirder and cooler. "Light, please a light somewhere," Emily screams. Not working lamps appear on the walls. Then a water hand comes out of Emily and turns them on. When the lights come on both the hand and lamps disappear. "What was that?" Just when it was making a little sense. Everyone but Grandma looks strange at me. They must have not seen them. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to do anything. It's all my vault," Emily says crying as Grandma hugs her. "Emily it's not your vault. You're the Angel of Water," Grandma says. I was named an angel and now Emily is too. I look around. Grandma is going to make us all angels. That is why all of us from different everything are gathered in the same place. What type of angel are the other girls? Why and how are we angels? "But everywhere I go something goes wrong. I don't want this!" I think it's cool to have this power. "It's okay to be scared of your power. I think it's time to go." She leads everyone but Emily and John out of the castle. What's with grandpa? I sneak a peek through an open window to see what's happening now. "Emily, you’re scared. You can't control it. One day you will be brave enough to," Grandma says. Emily looks at the clock that just appears on the wall. School is out in five minutes. Time flees by quickly here with instantly. "I have to go, “she says as she rushes out. "Rose was min and Emily’s' talk that interesting," Grandma says as she walks to me and looks down at me. God does she have ESP or something? I thought your hearing got worst when you get older. Grandma must be a freak of nature. "Freak of nature I most certainly am not. Get in here now." I climb into the room. "Did you read my mind?" Nothing would surprise me today. Not even if Grandma grew ten arms and two heads. "Yes, I did and I promise never to again. I needed to know your true feelings of your powers." Not that I'm caught I have to say I'm sorry cause I'm not evil just a little naughty. "I." She stops me. "I understand you have been raised that way but your behavior will be changed later. Right now I need your normal behavior. Emily controls water, a calming element, but she is not afraid of her power. She is scared of what it does. Something is saddening her heart. I want you to investigate what that is." I blink taken back. "Are you asking me to spy on Emily?" That does surprise me. "Yes, I am for her good and the teams' good." Finally someone who needs me for my talent not to give me punishment. "Okay I will, but how do I do that?" "You will follow her in a car by one of my drivers." What! Oh she's rich I forgot. She's kind of cool. Emily here I come! Not before noticing that John is still there. Wonder why?
Chapter 8: Ouch
I follow her until we stop at a fancy hotel. If she lives her why isn't she popular? She waves goodbye to the driver then walks into an alley way. I get out following from behind. What's she doing? No way is she in a gang. You never know with those silent types. She enters into a crummy hotel. I climb the stairs next to the building for a closer look. This building is every old so of course I fell, but I just have to when I'm really high up.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.08.2011

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