
Chapter One

Mariah woke with a start at the end of class as the bell rang. She hated school. The stupid bell always woke her at the best part of her dream. She had just seen the horse, the gorgeous black horse. He was tall and dark, with a long, feathery mane. A proud Fresian stallion. Then the stupid bell rang, of course. Something always woke her before she could touch the stallion. Once it had been the alarm clock. Another was a storm alarm.
She stood up and gathered her things. “Hurry up!” said Harley, one of her friends.
“Coming!” she said, walking out the door toward her friend. They joined the throng of people running toward the busses and cars. “Mom texted me earlier. I have a surprise later.” Mariah said.
"Hope its a good one. See you sometime over the summer, Mariah." called Harley as she dashed off to her bus. Mariah turned the other way and ran forthe cars. Her mom was waiting in her blue-gray Nisan Sentra, window rolled down.
"Hurry up." her mom called as Mariah ran to the car. She wondered where her mom was takeing her. She hopped in the car's front passanger seat.
They drove for about 15 minutes before pulling into a long driveway. "Where are we?" Mariah asked.
"You'll see." her mom replied.
Then she did. As they drove up the drive-way, Mariah saw a streak of black. "Mom!!! Is it really a horse barn?" she cried.
Her mother knodded. "Kind of. Mariah, this was your aunt's farm. She recently died, and in her will, she left the stable and everything on it to you." she said.
Mariah gasped. "Really? Even the horses?"
"Well, there is only one horse on the property. Not the best kind for riding, either. He's a compleatly wild Fresian stallion. His name is Dervisa." Mariah's mom said.
Mariah's eyes widened. "Really? Like, big, black, feathery mane type Freisan?" She asked. Her mom shrugged and stopped the car at the top of the hill.

"I don't know. I have no idea what a 'Fresian' is. That's just what the man at the court house said. Go find him. I'm sure you're dieing to. But be careful! He's not trained at all. Don't try to ride him." her mother said warningly.
Mariah didn't need to be told twice to go find the stallion. HER stallion.

It didnt take her long to find the horse. Dervisa was gorgeous. As soon as Mariah saw him, she knew that he was the same stallion from her dream. "Dervisa." she said, letting the name roll of her tounge. The name was perfect. This barn was perfect. Her wild, crazy, untrained horse was perfect.
Before she could comprehend what she was doing, she hopped over the fence and walked slowly over to Dervisa. This was exactly how it had been in her dream, exept nothing could wake her now. She stroked the stallions clean black fur and felt his soft, feathery mane.
She had riden before, but not in a long time, and never an untrained Freisan stallion; but Dervisa stood perfectly still as she swung up onto his back.
"Easy, boy. It's been a while. Steady." she whispered quietly to him. He tossed his head and tryed to look at her. "Come on. Lets go." Mariah said. Dervisa began to walk slowly. Mariah squeezed him softly and clucked to make him pick up some speed. His hooves sped over the ground, then left it all together. Mariah screamed, but they were too high for anyone to hear. He thundered threw the sky, passing over the tree-tops and into the clouds. Mariah screamed again, but she was already so far up that no one would hear her.
Calm down. I won't let you fall. said a voice. It took Mariah a minute to relize who had spoken. Dervisa.

Chapter Two

     The strong, male voice that had spoken to Mariah couldn't have come from the big stallion. But there was no one else that it could be. "Dervisa?" she asked nervousely.
I'm here. Don't worry. I've got you. the Fresian replied. That was when Mariah realized that the horse spoke into her head, like earphones.
     "No one else can hear you, can they?" she asked him, less scared knowing that the horse wouldn't let her fall. She wasn't sure why she trusted him already. He was a talking horse that she had met five minutes ago. But I've dreamed of him for as long as I can remember. She thought.
The horse almost seemed to shake his head. Maybe it was just his pretty, long, soft mane twisting in the wind. Only those I choose can hear my thoughts. Try thinking to me. Its hard to hear over this wind, though it feels good to rule it again. 
"You say that as if it's been a long time since you last...flew." Mariah said.
Dervisa seemed to mentally sigh. You have a lot to learn. The first is this. I am not a normal horse. I am one of four magical horses, granted the powers of Earth. Fire, Water, Earth, Air. We can only use our true powers if we are accompanied by a human. Only the smartest, most creative of people make the cut. You seem to have potential. the stallion thought. The riders of the four great horses are granted powers as well. You will soon meet the other three. I was the last to find a rider who seemed worthy. he added.
Mariah was scared all over again, but she tried to block the thought. Will the others be mad that you took so long? she asked.
     No. Dervisa said. Actully, they will most likely be pleased that I was patiant and took my time. I might represent wind, but I have a firey temper and very little patiance. Though they won't like that you're a female. Now, next time you have something to say, THINK it to me.

 Mariah shuddered, and tried very hard not to think at all.
     The journey only took a few minutes, but for Mariah, it seemed hours passed. She was terribly afraid of highths, And this was beyond terrifieing to her. Finally, Dervisa stopped on what seemed to be a flameing cloud. It took a minute for Mariah to take in the rest of the sceanery after that. the cloud seemed to be floting right above the spot where land and sea met.
     Standing on the cloud were three teenagers, all of differant ages and ethnisities. Also, there were three magnificant horses. A slim middle-eastern girl stood next to a dappled grey Arabian mare on the side of the cloud nearest to the land, a Lipizaner stallion with a tall hispanic boy stood in the brightest part of the fire, and a shapely blonde with a Tennessee Walker mare stood over the water. And then there was Mariah and Dervisa.
    I'm sorry for the delay, but I needed to wait for the proper human to come along. Dervisa anounced mentally to all of the assembled people and horses.
The Arabian stepped forward and answered with, Welcome, Dervisa. There is no need to appoligize for caution, especilly in such an important matter.
Thank you, Nivia. he knodded.
Okay. Welcome all. Now for the formalities. said the Lipizaner. I am Kravan, Lord of Fire. My currant partner is Jaun Espanoso.
     The Tennessee Walker spoke next. I am Respina, Queen of Water. My currant partner is Jade Reece.
Then Dervisa spoke. I am Dervisa, King of the Skies. he started, glacneing at Mariah. And my currant partner is Mariah Wilcox. At her introduction, Kravan tossed his head and snorted angrilly. Then, to Mariah's horror, he charged. She shut her eyes and braced herself.
      Dervisa reared, then ran to block Kravan. The white stallion was forced to skidd to a halt. As soon as he stoped, Respina and Nivia dashed forward to repremand him. He backed away, still snorting and glaring at Mariah. She stood up tall, trying to look brave while hiding behind Dervisa at the same time.
     Don't worry. Im bigger and stronger than Kravan, though he hates to admit it. He knows. I will fight him if I need to in order to keep you here. I think your perfect. Dervisa thought to her.
Mariah would begg to differ. She personally thought that she was a fat ugly emo girl with only two friends. Three if she counted Dervisa. He was the perfect one. Then she cursed herself for not blocking her thoughts from the stallion. I mean it, Mariah. You are perfect. he said.
     Then the grey Arabian stepped forward. I am Nivia, and my currant partner is Solay Kantar. she said.
     As soon as the last words left her mind, Kravan spoke up. She is not a good choice. She is too week. he snorted.
    It is my choice, Kravan. I think she is a prefect, beautiful, mature girl. She can handle it. Dervisa snorted. Mariah couldn't help but smile. He really thinks I'm perfect? She wondered, remembering to block her thoughts. She simply had to know if Dervisa was telling the truth. Diving into the stallions mind, she found that he did. There was another thought, an emotion, that she didn't recognize. What could it be?


Chapter Three

   Go. Meet the other children. The four of us have things to talk about. Dervisa told Mariah, Bringing her back to the real world, or what resembled it. She knodded and slowly walked over to the other kids. Solay was the first to aproch her.
    "American?" she asked. Mariah knodded. "Ehh, little English. Learning... Ehh, school." she added.
    "Hola, chicas. Como estas." said a boys voice.
Mariah replied promptly. "Moy bein, grasias. English, por favor?" she said. The boy, Jaun, smiled.
    "Okay. Nice Spanish." he said.
    Mariah shrugged. "Not really. Learned a little at school. Just enough to explain that I can't speak Spanish." she replied. Jaun laughed.
    And you, mam'?" he asked, looking at Solay.
    Her eyes looked nervously and blankly at him. "I tell Mariah, little English. Israeli." she mumbled. Jaun glanced back at me.
    "I got a similar responce. I'm not sure if she can even understand what we're saying now. You know, talking fast." Mariah explained. Jaun knodded.
    Then another, very country voice spoke. "Well hi, ya'll! I'm Jade. How ya'll doin' today?" the voice said. A pretty blonde, Jade, the last, had come to join them. "Oh, you're pretty. You Muslim?" she asked, looking at Solay.
   Solay looked pleadingly at Mariah. "You're pretty." she said, gesturing to let Solay know that Jade had said it.

Then Mariah turned to the blonde. "She's Israeli. So Jewish. She only knows a little English, so talk slow and clear. Simple sentances and small words." she explained. Jade knodded.
    "Okay. You're pretty, too. You from up north?" she asked. Mariah shook her head.
    "No, I'm actully from Georgia, but I'm from New York. So I'm a yankee at heart." she explained.
    Jade knodded. God, she's hot. Mariah heard Jaun say. She was about to turn and scold him like she would her brother when she relized that she had heard this in her head, not her ears. She then focused her mind on Solay.
    Crazy Americans. The boy is nice looking, and Mariah is nice, but the blonde seems... odd. Mariah gasped. She could read the others thoughts, just like she could the horses. She decided to pry into Jade's mind next. But when she tryed, she met a wall of resistance. Instinctivly she knew this wasn't normal. She resloved to tell Dervisa later.
    Thats when it hit her. There was a urning in her heart for Dervisa. She had only just met him an hour ago, but she already felt a crushing feeling of loss in her heart. How much longer? I need you. she thought to Dervisa.
     I know. I feel the same. Thats how it is now that we are bonded together, and it's a fresh bond. This will be done soon. Then you can tell me what it is that you are so despratly holding back from me. The stallion replied, a note of urning in his own voice.
Hurry. She concluded. Then she turned back to Solay, Jaun, and Jade.

Chapter Four

    Dervisa was right in his assumption that it would only take a little while longer. As soon as she could, Mariah ran to the stallion. As soon as she reached him, he thought, No matter what, I will NOT let the others hurt you. I promise you that right now.
    Mariah was scared that he would even need to make such a promise, but she put on a brave face and knodded. Dervisa... I got into the other's minds, even what they were blocking. All of them... Exept Jade... Is that normal? Any of it? She thought.
    Dervisa let her mount before replying. No. Don't let on at what you can do, If possible. That is probobly why Respina fought so strongly to let you live...
    Mariah couldn't keep the question out of her mind. The others want to kill me?  she thought.
    The stallion snorted. Well, Kravan certainly does, But Nivia, Respina, and of course, I, all dissagread. But if... Anything... Happens, the others will not hesitate. But I will protect you. You don't need to worry. he replied. But Mariah saw threw his mental sheilds to find what he was clearly hiding. 
    The four of you are really human, made this way by magical crystals you found one summer about fifty years ago. If you fall in love with a human, you loose your powers and throw the world into chaos. she thought.
    Dervisa angrily tossed his head. So you can see hiden thoughts. It's not nice to spy.  Yes... and Nivia and Respina both think it's too late for me.
It took a minute for Mariah to understand the words, there sheer idea, that Dervisa was trying to convay. Then her eyes widened. 
    Don't worry about it. They are wrong, anyway. I've gone 50 years without anything happening. I can manage. They're just worried because I haven't taken a mare, yet I have a female as a human partner. They are horses on the inside now. I'm still human. Dervisa said calmingly.
    Mariah knodded. I can see that. she said, smiling. He tossed his head happily, then took off.

   That night as Mariah lay in bed, she thought. Dervisa was human. He had explained that not only were the four horses breeds affected by there place of birth, but also there apperance. She had sliped deeper into his head and found an image of him before. The boy she had seen was about sixteen, with shoulder length black hair and pale skin. His eyes were blue as the sky that he now ruled, and he was tall and handsome.
    She didn't know if it was because she couldn't have him, or something else, but as soon as she had discovered that he was really human... She wanted to know him.

Mariah was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Dervisa's mind in the more public part of her head for a few minutes. Come on! Get up, get out here! Kravan and Juan need our help! he thought to her.
    She climbed out the window of her new bedroom and ran to Dervisa's pasture. He was right by the rail, and Mariah practicaly jumped from the rail onto his back. He took off immediatly, hooves dashing through the air.
    Ten minutes later, they reached the scene of a terrible fire. Dervisa started to slip into some kind of panic mode, but she soothed him, and he came back to her. They looked to Juan for orders, then ran into the fire looking for Kravan and another horse called Nebraska. Respina and Jade appered, cunjering up mud and dirt to put out small sections of fire. 
    Try to get into Kravan's mind. The hiden part! Dervisa thought to Mariah.
     She obeyed, reaching out to the stallion, then invading his thoughts. Let Juan... or anyone in! You need help! 
     Mariah waited, then got a reply from the stallion. Thank you.

Dervisa raced through the fire, clearing the way with huge gusts of wind that parted the flames. Fire was reaching nearly 20 feet high, over-comeing everything in sight. Then Mariah heard a triumpant whinny. 
Juan found Kravan!  Dervisa thought to her. The king of the fire could control the flames now.
Mariah through her arms around her stallion's neck, so glad to just be there with him. Almost as if it was ment to be.

Chapter Five

    Dervisa cantered out of the disapearing flames, Mariah seated confidentaly on his back. When they aproched the others, Juan took her hand and pulled her down from Dervisa's back to stand beside himself and Jade. "How did you do that? You calmed Kravan and even when I couldn'! Thats wild. So, how did you do it?" Juan asked her, smilinng.

Jade, on the other hand, looked almost angry. "I'll tell ya how she does it! She can look into secret thoughs! It's witchcraft!"

Juan blinked. "This is all witchcraft. Besides, that's not possible. Kravan told me so. And how would you know anyway?" he said, stepping a little closer to Mariah.

Keeping her voice at a low whisper, Jade said, "I... I can see it. Respina says its not normal. But I can see people sending eachother messages. Her's look differant. She's spying. She invades the private part of peoples minds. Hiding my thoughts isn't enough, I have to actively defend them against her."

Juan looked at the two girls, trying to decide which of them to trust. "Fine." Mariah admited. "She's right, but I haven't used the power to hurt anyone. I just saved Kravan and the mare. I won't hurt anybody. Look, we can learn things; we don't have to be left out. Watch."

Then, under the watch of Jade, Mariah cast her mind towards the horses, then into Dervisa's blocked thoughts.  "She's listening to them." Jade reported to Juan.

"What are they saying?" Juan asked, looking at Mariah in awe.

For a moment, Mariah listened to the three horses talk. Then, she turned to Jaun. Her face as pale as a ghost, she said, "They want to kill me. Kravan and Respina. They think Dervisa... loves me..."

There were several seconds of silance between the three teens. "Well, does he?" whispered Jade, not sounding nearly as hostile anymore.

Mariah shook her head. "I don't know. I can't pinpoint what love feels like. So I don't know," she added.

As soon as Mariah finished her sentance, Dervisa spun around to Mariah and the others.
     Up. he thought to her, and she instantly obeyed. Before taking off, Dervisa turned back to all the others and angrily snorted, You better not touch her. You do, I'll rip you apart. Then his hooves left the ground and the pair sored away.
    Mariah considered asking the question that burned in her mind, but she decided that he wouldn't answer, so she simply left her thoughts ungaurded.
    Yes, I do. he thought to her.

"Oh, Dervisa... No." she whispered, then remembered and thought it to him. Without responding, he simply knodded.

It's okay... But... The others will kill me before they let the world end. Mariah added. Again, Dervisa mutely knodded. Mariah ran her fingers threw his feathery mane. To her horror, it felt almost like human hair.
 I need to land. It's to late. He finally thought to her. Then , he plunged into a steep dive. We're over the Azores, so we won't drown. he added. Before Mariah could even reply, they hit the ground hard. Mariah rolled, trying to lessen the impact a little. When she staggered to her feet, she looked around for Dervisa. But all she saw was an teenage boy, with dark hair and dark clothes from a midevil period.
    "Dervisa!" she cried. Even as she ran toward him, wind started wipping the trees around wildly. The boy looked up at her, then at himself. Mariah reached out to help him up, and he grasped her hand.
    Dervisa opened and closed his mouth a few times before he was able to speak. "Mariah. I'm so sorry. And now the others will be looking for us. This is all my fault." he said, with a distinct German accent. In responce, Mariah threw her arms around him. He stood there stiffly for a second, then put his arms around her, as well. "I'm sorry." he said again.
    Despite the fact that he had been a horse until just a few seconds ago, Mariah couldn't help but notice how good Dervisa smelled. Some kind of cologhn or something. She burried her face in his chest. They both closed their eyes as the others landed around them. Kravan reared and pawed the sky. Fire rained down around Juan and him. Respina stood, scraping her hooves across the ground angrily with Jade sitting on her back, looking scared.
    "I won't let them hurt you" Dervisa whispered. Rain poured, lightning struck, fires burned, and sand and dust blew. The horses tails and mains blew around them, as did Mariah's hair. Dervisa pulled her up closer, sheltering her from the elements.
    Kravan shouted a comand to Juan. The boy ran over, trying to pull Mariah away from Dervisa. Kravan wants me dead. Mariah thought. It was true. She dove into the stallion's mind, and it was the first thought to surface.
The next thing she knew, Devisa had thrown her to the ground and covered her body with his own. Fire rained down. Even Respina was begging Kravan to stop the fire fall. Nivia and Solay had arrived at some point, and Mariah could hear the Isreali girl crying and begging in Farsea. "Leave her alone! It's my fault, not hers! Don't hurt her!" Dervisa begged as Juan tried to pull him away. But Juan was stronger than him. That was the last thing Mariah remembered.

Chapter Six

    Mariah woke up alone in a cave. "Dervisa?' she thought, casting her mind out. He was alive and close by. But somthing was wrong. She cast her mind out again, searching for the others. Solay and Nivia were close, within a humdred feet. Guards.
    "You can get out. Think. Don't let yourself be caught. Run. Don't look for me. I'll be okay. Run!" She heard Dervisa think.
    She replied, "But, I can't leave you! I may have only known you a few days, but, you're my best friend, Dervisa. I can't leave you. They are going to kill you."
    He responded, "I don't need your mind reading abilities to know that. I'll be dead before you get to me. Please, save yourself, Mariah."
    "I can't leave you. I... Can't. Please don't tell me to leave. I can't. Not without you." She thought.
    There was a moment of silence. Mariah was scared that he was gone. Then he said, "I love you, Mariah. And I want you to live and get out. Please, love." he said. "Don't stay here and die with me."
    Then there was nothing. She thought she would feel him die, feel the pain shooting through him, experiance the oblivion with him. But she didn't. She started to cry, tears rolling down her cheeks. Solay came over and put her arms around her. The Isreali girl whispered, "Push.. me.. run.. Dervisa, still alive. Push me." Mariah knodded ever so slightly, then pretended to pushed her to the ground, then sprang to her feet. She ran past Nivia to the cavern where Dervisa had been. He was still there, alone. Barely breathing. She knelt beside him and pulled his head into her lap. He was so cold.
    "Hold my hand?" he asked. She took his cold hand in her warm one and held it. She brushed the hair out of his pretty blue eyes. "You have to go." he said, his accented voice barely a whisper.
    "I'm not going to leave you. Not now, not ever." Mariah replied. She kissed him softly and swiftly on the forhead, then brushed the hair out of his eyes again.
    He didn't look away. "Please go. I don't want you hurt. Go, please." he whispered. Mariah used her other hand and put a finger to his lips. Dervisa took her hand and moved it from his lips to his cheek and held it there.
    "No." Mariah whispered. She could hear the others coming now. Almost at the cavern. "No. Not ever. " she added. They were right outside the cavern.
    Dervisa Looked at her pleadingly, then shook his head weakly. "Fine. If you must stay... One more time?" He asked.
    It took Mariah a moment to realized what he wanted. Once she did, she nodded, then leaned in and kissed his head again, then his hand. This time, she let her lips linger there a little while. She could hear the others enter the room. But she stayed how she was. She held her hand to his chest, feeling his weak heartbeat. It was slowing down, fading. She pulled away from him and turned on the others. They killed him. It's my fault, not his.

She felt the power of the wind fill her. And the power of a beautiful paint Mustang mare. She didn't understand what was happening, but she reared up and pawed at the closed off sky. Lightning struck right above their heads, outside the cavern. Kravan raced at her, but she used the powers on the wind to push him away. Nivia and Respina danced nervously.
    "We are leaving now. Get him onto my back, and we will go." she commanded. The nodded, and Solay ran to follow the order.

"Save him." Solay whispered. "Hospital."  Mariah knodded, then she ran away down the cavern, to where she instinctivly knew the exit was.
    "Hold on love." she thought to Dervisa. He was uncontious, but she knew he felt her strength protecting him, the way he had protected her.

Chapter Seven

They were outside again. Finally. Mariah was so relived to breathe in fresh air, feel the wind in her mane, that she took off into the air, flying up about thirty feet without ever realizing. When she did, she was scared. But she had to get Dervisa home. Or at least away from here. She decided that it would be faster to get to the UK than any where else. Fast. She thought. As fast as I can.

It didn't take long to get there. At least it didn't feel long. Dervisa was still breathing when they landed outside a hospital. Mariah stood there, not knowing how to get him inside. Suddonly, he became heavier on her back. She fell to her knees. A person again! She gentally pushed his limp and cold, but still living body off of her. Then, she put her arms around him and pulled his arm over her shoulder.She pulled him threw the door.
Despite the late hour, there was a young woman sitting at the front desk. When she saw Mariah half carrying Dervisa and ran over to them and Helped her. "What happened? What's his name? How old is he? How do you know him?" the nurse asked.

Mariah answered every question that she could, with the exeption of the last. she didnt think, "He was my horse, then we flew to some island, and I became a horse." would be an acceptable answer. Instead, she told the nurse, "I dont know.. We were walking, and I looked away, went down the street to get... um... coffee. When I got back, I found him like this."

The nurse knodded, seeming to belive the vauge story. By that time, several doctors had lifted Dervisa onto a gurny. "Can I stay with him?" Mariah asked. One of the doctors knodded at her. As Dervisa was pushed out of the room on a rolling strecher, Mariah trotted along behind him. As she walked behind the gurny and the doctor, she thought abouth her situation. She was in a british hospital with a boy who was a horse who was a boy, whom she had only known a few days and was in love with. She was in her Pajamas, a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, which were covered in mud and dust and rain water. She was way too far away from home, farther than shed ever been before. She wanted to cry.

The doctor wheeled Dervisa into a window-less room and told Mariah to wait outside. "Whats wrong with him?" she begged. The doctor simply shook his head.

Mariah sat in an uncomfortable metal folding chair and held her head in her hands and cried. she wasnt sure how long she sat there for before there was a hand on her shoulder. Expecting the doctor, Mariah looked up to see a very out of breath Solay. "Others.. here. Juan me.. eh.. help you. Lead dem.. away. How long? she said, gesturing into the room. Mariah shook her head, confused. Solay tapped her on the forehead. Mariah knodded, the reached into Solay's mind. The others are outside. They sent me in to look for you. Juan and I will help you. I'll steer them away from here, but it may not be long. Do you know how long it will be before he's out?

No idea. Mariah replied mentaly.

"Hurry." replied Solay outloud. Then she ran down the hall away from Dervisa and Mariah.

Chapter Eight

Mariah banged on the door to the room where she knew Dervisa was. "Please! Let me in! I need to see him! Someone!!!" she begged. A doctor opened the door.

"Miss, please stop this at once. He is concious. Can you answer some questions for us?" the docter said, starting rather condesendingly, then calming his voice.

Mariah knodded. "Yes.. Yes, i'm sorry." she said, tryig to calm herself.

"What is his name?" the doctor asked, kneeling infront of her.

"Devisa. Dervisa..." she tried to think of a german sounding name. "Hamburg..." she finally said. she instantly regretted her choice, but she decided to go with it.

The doctor looked at her with a sceptical expression. "So his name is... Dervisa Hamburg?" he said. 

"Yes. He's 19. hes an exchange student. From Germany." Mariah said confidently.

The doctor nodded, looking as if he belived her, but thought she may be streching the truth. "Okay. And what's your name? how do you know Mr.... Hamburg?" 

"Oh, I'm Mariah Wilcox. Im 17. I'm also an exchange student. From America." 

"Right, right. And, where do you go to school?" the doctor asked, writing on his clipboard as he spoke, not looking at Mariah anymore.

Mariah hesitated. "Why is that nesciecery? I don't see why that's really important." she said. 

Slowly, the doctor looked up from the clip board. "It matters because I don't belive you. That's not a normal boy in that room, Mrs. Wilcox, I want to help him, and you, too. But there's nothing I can do untill you tell me the truth." 

Mariah hung her head. "You wouldn't believe me. Its crazy. We have to leave. If he's concious, whe have to leave now. There are people after us. Powerful people. Plaese... I can get him out if he's not hurt." 

"Mrs. Angels... the boy is not in that room. He's conscious... but... he's a horse..."

After the doctor said that, Mariah heard a loud whinny. Mariah leapt up and threw open the door to see the huge back stallion rearing up, whinnying. She reached out to him with her mind, calling, Dervisa, I'm here! it's okay, but we have to run! 

Dervisa stopped. Mariah! what happened? he thought to her. 

Theres no time, we have to go. The others are close! Solay and Juan are trying to lead them away. But we have to leave right now. she replied.

Dervisa stood steady as Mariah swung up onto his back. "Go!" Mariah cried. Dervisa reared, then forced the door open. He charged out into the hall and bolted towards the door of the hospital. outside, Dervias took off into the sky. Now, tell me what happened. said Dervia.

Well, you were a human, you said you love me, I became a horse and flew to London, then I became a person again, then you became a horse again, and now, here we are. Now, where to? she replied, quickly summerizing, trying to play down the whole thing. 

Mariah, said Dervisa, Are all of those things really equal to you?

Well, no. but right now, the Gods of the elements are trying to kill us, while their human bonds do all they can to stop them from finding us. so at the moment, im focusing on geting us out of here. So, what do you think, trip to germany? she replied.

"Okay. Zugspitze. The highest mountain in Germany. he thought to her.

Though she questioned the inteligance of going to the highest place around when trying to hid, but she gaurded her thoughs and settled in for the ride.

Chapter Nine

The ride didn't feel too long, but Mariah couldn't really tell. most of the time, she was laying on Dervisa's neck, feeling his mane, which was now its normal, feathery feeling. the two didnt comunicat, but MAriah knew that both she and Dervisa felt better in eachother's company. His presence was comforting. 

Slowly, a mountain arose before them. finally, she broke the mental silance. Hey, are you doing okay?

Not really. I'm Becoming weak. Mariah, I'm so sorry. I promised that I would protect you. But now... I'm so sorry. I didnt mean for this to happen. Kravan was right. He was right all along. replied Dervisa. Mariah could feel his pain, both phusical and emotional, very clearly throught their mental link. 

No, Dervisa, you can't blame yourself. she thoght. she wanted do badly to console him, but she was afraid it would only make things worse.

Mariah, who's to blame if not me? I was warned. And really, I should have known. Something... What drew me to you was something powerful, something stronger than the bond that should have connected us. I didn't know what that meant at first. But seeing you for the first time, I felt alive in a way that I haven't in a very long time. I should have known right then that there was something wrong... but I could see someting in your eyes, a love, not that of a pet, but that of something to be feared. You loved me, not as I do you, before you ever laid eyes on me. You wanted so badly to make me yours... As a horse. You didn't want me for power. You didnt want me as a lover, for obvious reasons. You wanted me as a horse, a stallion, a friend, a companion. You asked for my trust, not knowing I would want so much from you. You were so lovely. I couldn't bear to turn you away. And now, look. I've made such a mess of things, all because... Because I was just too human. Mariah, I'm so sorry. 

 By this time, they had reached the peak. Mariah hadn't even noticed how near they had drawn until she was thrown off of Dervisa's back as he made a rather rough landing. She hit the ground on her back, facing up. she watched as Dervisa took off again to try to come in for a better landing, like an airplane making a second pass upon making a bad landing attempt. Are you okay? he thought to her. She knodded, and was about to say something when Dervisa suddonly arched in pain, mid air. he fell from about 10 feet up, not high enough to hurt him badly, but he was clearly in pain. Mariah stood and ran to him, about 30 feet from her. To he horror, by the time she was by his side, only a few seconds after the initial fall, he was a human again. She pulled his head into her lap and took his hand. She could feel his pain threw their link, and it was almost unbearable. But she blocked him off from her so he could not tell that she was feeling the pain he was. 

"Dervia... Please..." she said. She couldn't bring herself to say more, the pain was so great. 

Dervisa blinked his stunningly bright eyes, and for a second, his hair felt like that of a horse. But Mariah could feel him giving up. "Its useless. I'm human... I have been since I met you." he whispered. His german accent made him hard to understand, but Mariah hung on his every word. She was about to respond when he cried out in pain again. "They know where we are. I can feel them coming. Mariah, run." he said, before groaning in pain again. 

"No, I'm not leaving you. Get up, you have to come with me. I can hold you up, but I can't carry you. just stand and I can help you. Please." she begged. She could feel the others, too. She wanted to cry out in pain as well, but she couldn't let herself show Dervisa her pain. 

Dervisa opened his eyes a little wider, looking deeply into her eyes. There was a long pause. Then, Dervisa finally said, "Okay. Let me stand." 

Carefully and slowly, he stood. Mariah stood with him, helping him despite the fact that she was just as weak as he was. Once they were both on their feet again, the pair began to stumble down the mountain towards the tree line. now, as she lookedout across the landscape, she could see the others, at the bottem of the mountain, cantering up. Despite this, going down the mountain, to the tree line, was her only hope. Dervisa's only hope.

Not too far into the forest, Mariah found a large tree with a hole near the base where she could easily fit Dervisa. "Sit in there. I'll be right here, I swear." she ordered. 

Dervisa did as she asked, kneeling, then crawling into the tree. "Mariah, I know you don't feel how I do. You can't, and I understand. But please, just let me hear you say it. One time. Please." he whispered. Mariah knelt by the tree and took his hands in her own.

"Dervisa. Something happend when you became human. I became a horse.... but I felt human. I was still human. if thats how you and the others are... You aren't horses at all. youre fooling yourselves. To love a hose would be... so unfulfulling, knoing that humans love on a higher order. I know now that you're no horse. So there's no reason I can't love you. Except that, if I say those words, this mountian will fall. This world will fall. I can't let that be my fault." she said. She didn't know where the wise words came from. 

"If you don't say it, i will die knowing that I destroyed the world for a love that was never returned. Please, Mariah." Dervisa begged.

Mariah could see blood again from his wonds which had only partially healed. "No, you can't die. I won't let you. Dervisa, you can't die." she said, clutching his hands.

"Okay, okay. Please, just stay close.." Dervisa replied, gazing into her eyes.

Mariah kissed his forhead, then let go of his hands and stood. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that either. The others are here. Stay safe, love." Then, she squared her shoulders, then walked out from behind the tree to stand in the clearing where the others could see her.

Chapter Ten

 As Mariah stood in th clearing, she tried her best to block her own thoughts while panning te area to see those of others. It only took a few moments to find them. Kravan was broadcasting pure hate and rage. Mariah also found Solay. The girl was terrified. She sent her thoughts out to the girl, thinking, I'm here. I'm okay, but Dervis isn't. i need to know now, who do you stand with? Me or Kravan?

After a moment, Solay though, "Nivia sides with Kravan. But she says she will not let harm befall me if I choose you. So, I do. Juan does, too, though at greater risk. However, I feel like Jade cannot be counted on to side with us.

Okay. replied Mariah. When you arrive, you'll see a large tree. Have Juan go there. Then, she thought the same imformation to Juan.

Okay, is that where Dervisa is?  thought Juan.

Yes, he's hurt. He needs some kind of care. At least someone to stay with him. That way, you're away from Kravan and not in the thick of things. Mariah thought to Juan.

Before they could say anything else, Kravan, Nivia, and Respina, along with their respective mounts, came barreling in. Mariah stood on her own before them, yet, she wasn't afraid. "Im not afraid!" she shouted.

Juan and Solay seemed to take this as a signal. Solay ran to Mariah's side, then took her hand, standing beside the other girl, though slightly less proudly. Juan, on the other hand, Leapt from Kravan's back and ran towards the tree, and dove on the ground beside the hole that hid Dervisa. Trust him, he is going to do what he can for you. she thought to Dervisa.

"You are all very mad, I know. What Dervisa felt is wrong. He is a horse and a god. But really, he is a human, a peson. A good person. And he loved like a person. He's not a horse. And neither are any of you. Tell me honestly, have you ever loved a horse as Dervisa loves me? No, I'm sure not. You can only expect that one day, you'll want love. And when you do, you won't want a horse!" Mariah shouted.

Stupid girl. Thats no man you hide. That's a god! A god who has to pay for what he's done. though Kravan.

Nivia added, Mariah, we all know how the bond worksand feels, but you must know, he is a god, and not what he seems. he is truely more horse than man.

"No. He is man. He love like man. Real and good. I know love.. He does... Dervisa is... man, love... like man..." said Solay. Then, she repeated herself in Farsea, less haultingly.

You are foolish, both of you!!! said Kravan angrilly. He reared up and charged at to the two young girls. But to his shock, he was met by a paint mare rather than a young american girl. Solay fell back and screamed. Kravan and Mariah both reared, hooves clashing together. Mariah could hear Jade yelling in the background. But it was all background noise to her as she reared again to meet Kravan.

The lipizanar she faced was bigger than she was, but her mustang body was built tougher. One of Kravan's hooves struck her chest, and she stummbled back. But she reared again, and his timeh one of her hooves hit him, leaving a gash of readon his white coat. Kravan stumbled back, then stood his ground, rather than rearing to attack again. Rather than taking the opertunity to attack again, Mariah turned to Solay.

Come on, its okay. i can't fight them all, we have to run. she thought, sending her words out to Solay, Juan, and Dervisa.

I'm going to need a lift. But... iIthink we have a bigger problem. Juan responded.

What? thought Solay and Mariah at the same time.

It was Dervisa who replied, Well. I'm stuck in the tree. As a horse.

Chapter Eleven

Mariah ran to the tree where she had hidden Dervisa, then kicke at it. Once, twice, three times, she kicked the tree. It began to crack, and as she kicked it a fourth, and then a fifth time. and it collapsed, leaving just enough room for Dervisa to struggle to his feet.

We have to go. Can you carry Solay? Mariah thought to Dervisa.

Dervisa took a heavy breath. Yes, I think so. Not running. I need the wind. Solay, up.  He thought in responce. Solay obeyed, and Juan pulled himself onto Mariah's back. Then, both horses took off. They all knew that they couldn't make it very far, but they had to get away


Texte: Kateri
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Kateri
Übersetzung: Google Translate
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2012

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