
Chapter 1 - New beginnings


Chapter 1

How would I start this story?
Well, there isn’t much of a ‘start’ to this story, its practically your ‘cliché’ American high school story….expect mines slightly different…and I thought I would write it down.
Where should I start? Hmm….
OK, let’s go back 1 or 2 years…when I first moved I guess…
Here’s my story…

Chapter 1
“Have you finished packing everything in your room?” My older sister asked as she came into my room. I looked up from rolling my posters off my wall to her.
“Most of it,” I answered sullenly. I wasn't exactly amazed at the idea of moving, more of hating it and my sister and mum knew that…but they still went with it and didn't listen to my pleads and protests. I was fine where I was, I had good friends, surprisingly alright school and almost perfect grades…I say almost because who has perfect grades? And it was all being thrown away for this new job my mum was getting. Sure we were slightly short on money…and the job offered a home to live in but did we really have to do all that for one job?
“hurry up then, mums getting stressed, don’t annoy her,” my annoyingly older sister, Maggie, replied as she got up and left my room.
Maggie was 19, she had just left school and was taking a gap year while we moved, she had applied for a college close to where our new home was and was still waiting for a reply from them yet. Maggie was pretty and beautiful and gorgeous…just like any big sister should be, except Maggie was bossy…and I hated it, it ruined the perfect big sister act and completely ruined her personality. She was always the one to be a head of a big group of friends at school….childhood memories were the worst….she would repeat everything my mum would tell me to do, or make me play ‘families’ with her, she would always be the mother and I would always be the child. I thought she would grow out of it when she would go into high school but it got worse and instead helped her popularity, she grew prettier, she was a natural artist at makeup and people liked being bossed around by her which completely confused me. People would be shy of me then and think that I acted like her when I was the complete opposite of her. I was shy and timid, I let people push me around in crowds, I was always bullied in middle school until in upper school when they finally left me alone due to the endless bullying assembly’s, they realised what they had been doing to me and instead just left me alone. My sister was too busy and popular to notice surrounded by numbers of boys and girls all wanting to be like her. It annoyed me but I had to live with it.
I did have an advantage though, I was ‘mummy’s favorite’ which meant that when I was younger, Maggie always got told off and I got let off with things easily, when I became older and the bullying started in middle school, my mum was always there to hold me at night while I cried, Maggie never understood and teased me that I was only doing it for attention. Of course, some of it was because of that, I wasn't going to lie, being the younger child did give you advantages but it didn't stop the bullying in school. Luck came by though and high school actually turned out alright, the bully’s in my old school formed their own groups and left me alone, I found friends from other schools and I was happy again…until the move was announced. That’s when its all went pear shaped.

Friday Morning – Moving Day
Moving day. I hated those two words. It meant I was leaving, all my friends, all my hard work at school, all those memories…
My mum woke me up at 6 am exactly and I woke up in a bad mood. It didn't lift either. I grudgingly got up, got washed and dressed, had a cereal bar as I was too tired to eat. I hadn't dressed very well either, in my black leggings and dark baggy grey top I only wore in bed, it looked as if I had just climbed out of bed and found the first things to put on…which it was. I didn't care though, what was the point, it wasn't like I was trying to impress anyone. When I walked downstairs, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. There was my sister standing by the cabinets using the few cups we had left out to make coffee. Her hair was looking shiny and long, her make up looked perfect and her clothes looked as if they had been planned out a week before – which they probably had. She did look as if she had just got out of bed at 5 am just to look nice and make a nice impression which seemed completely and utterly stupid to me.
As I walked in, she looked up and sighed lightly before turning back to stir her coffee, I didn't have to ask to know what she was thinking. It was pretty obvious by her face expression that she didn't approve of my appearance.
“wheres mum?” I asked looking around at the empty places furniture used to be. It felt so empty and desolate.
“still getting ready, you need to brush your teeth, the toothbrush and that is still all in the bathroom,” Maggie told me taking the spoon out of her coffee and sipping it delicately.
“OK,” I replied and scuttled off upstairs in hope mum wasn't still using the bathroom. The door was open which meant it was empty. You could tell she had had a shower as they was steam all on the mirrors still and it was all hot. The tiled walls were all damp and wet so I opened the windows to get rid of all the steam. I wiped the mirrors down with a towel and then grabbed my toothbrush and started the endlessly boring task of brushing my teeth. When that was done, I went in search for my mum. I ended up in the kitchen and found both of them talking about the move.
“hi mum,” I greeted leaning up to kiss her cheek before grabbing another cereal bar as I searched the cupboards.
“hey sweetie, you all packed fully now for the car trip?” she asked taking a sip out of her coffee.
I nodded, mouth still full of food.
She smiled slightly and looked back down to her cup of coffee, it was quiet for a few minutes. I was thinking through all the happy child memories I would cherish.
“Right,” my mum finally said loudly so much that I jumped. “I think we should start packing the car.”
I blinked suddenly, realizing that this is going to be the last time in this house so instead of helping, I wandered off to say good bye.
By the time we had finished and were in the car hallway to our place, it was around 8 am. Saying good bye to the house was hard and I would be lying if I said I hadn’t shed a few tears.
It was finally time to try and convince myself that this was a fresh start, I could be anyone I wanted at this new school, I could dress different, act different, start a new leaf as they say…but I didn't want to, I liked how I was. Sure I got annoyed how shy I could get in school but it was the way I was, I wasn't going to change that no matter what, I was who I was. Maggie on the other hand was a different story, she said she wanted to be a ‘better person’ at college and try new things, meet new people and get some new hobbies. I knew she was excited for this move and maybe she wasn't as happy as I thought she was at school although she was the role model to everyone but even that would get a bit tiring.
Now she glanced out the window with an excited look on her face as we drove down the motorway, she had a clean, refreshed look that showed her natural face expression.
I was not as pleased as her as I said earlier. But I wouldn't start complaining since I knew it wasn't going to get anywhere.
The car journey would take 4 hours and It was going to be long and tiring but mum was determined to give us positive by making us play the annoying car games during the queues, some of these would include eye spy, the repeating food game – where you say, ‘one day I brought….’ You say what you brought then the next player has to say what you brought and what they brought, i.e I started by saying, ‘one day I brought an apple.’ Maggie said, ‘one day I brought an apple and an banana,’ then mum said, ‘one day I brought a apple, a banana and some cereal,” it’s the most boring game but it takes your mind off from where you are.
We had lots of games that was stupid and pointless but it took our minds of things.
When we eventually arrived at the place, I started to get excited. What was the place going to be like? Was it close to the school? Was I in walking difference to the shops? All was soon to be revealed…

Chapter 2 - Arrival at the house

The questions continued to swirl around in my mind and I couldn’t wait to get out. My legs and bum was aching from sitting so long and anticipation wasn’t helping.

When we drove up the street to our house, I wasn’t sure we were in the right place; the houses were all huge and expensive looking and when we found where the removal truck was, I couldn’t hold in my surprise. I gasped loudly along with my mum and sister. The house looked big enough for a family of 5 or 6, not 3. When we got out, my mum went to talk to the delivery men, and I and Maggie stood still staring at the house. Suddenly shouting overtook our awe, to our left, a boy came striding up the drive looking angry and annoyed, he looked my age, maybe older and had dark auburn hair. I couldn’t see his face shape as he was glancing behind himself. Another figure came out and it looked like his mum, she looked young and pretty with tired features and the soft brown coloured hair tied back into a low ponytail. She called after the boy and he stopped turning to yell at her when suddenly the mother’s eyes switched to us and they widened.

The boy turned to and I glanced at Maggie, she stood in a stance with her eyebrows raised looking annoyed. I turned back to my mum and she stood with the delivery man signing off a bit of paper oblivious to what had happened.

When I looked back at the duo, I was startled at how the boy looked, he was probably the hottest boy I had seen ever (a lot of the boys back home weren’t exactly models) and he looked like he could be on the cover of some magazine. His skin was tan, his face had almost perfect features and his body looked defined. Basically, he was hot.

The women threw a tea towel which I hadn’t known she had been holding to the boy and he reached for it out of instinct throwing a dirty look at his, what I presumed, mother.

She strided up the drive and over to a shocked me and an annoyed Maggie and smiled lightly, it changed her face completely and she really did look naturally pretty. She swiped some hair out of her face as she walked over to and greeted us.

“Hi!” she grinned when she reached us and I accepted the hand she was holding out to us. She had a firm whereas mine was limp and shocked.

Maggie accepted her hand as my mum came over. She looked surprised and greeted the lady with a kind smile accepting her hand next.

“Hi,” she repeated seeming sure and not embarrassed about the earlier behaviour between her son and her. “I'm Honey; you must be the new people moving in next to us,”

My mother took over and started introducing us, I noticed out the corner of my eye maggies eyes switched  back to the boys one before looking back over at Honey, she was probably assessing him and seeing how long it would take her to date him. it wouldn’t be hard, I knew now not to try and like any good looking boys because my sister always had them in days.

My mum handed me the keys and told me to unlock the door for the delivery men so I walked up the drive taking in the look of the house, it was pretty simple with white over paint on it and light brown window frames with contemporary looking windows. The house looked quite new and I couldn’t wait to see the inside.

I unlocked it and opened it wide for the men behind me with heavy looking boxes in their arms, they followed asking where to put the boxes so I told them just in the rooms where there was space, they placed them and went back out for more. I stepped inside and went to explore. The rooms were all the same, wood flooring and white walls. It was pretty scarce without curtains or furniture so the rooms looked quite big. I climbed the stairs and found the upstairs rooms had soft carpet that looked new; the house must have been newly renovated. While looking around, my sister joined me and we picked our rooms, they were fairly the same size and both had en suite bathrooms which made me super excited for some unknown reason. Maybe because we only had one main bathroom back home.

Maggie stopped me on the way of exploring and held my arm to keep me from walking away. I looked up at her face confused as to what she was doing. She smiled softly. “you know that guy next door? The really hot one?”

I only nodded, I knew what she was going to say, that he was hers so don’t start getting any ideas.

“He was totally checking you out!” she squealed loudly. I blinked shocked at the loudness of what she had said. She squeezed my arm and grinned at me. “Oh my god! This could be your big shot in high school! You could totally try going out with him!”

I blinked again. He was looking at me? why?

“what-why-what...what are you talking about?” I asked stuttering slightly, still a little surprised as to what she had said.

“He was checking you out! He likes you!” she let out another little squeal and I almost thought my eye balls were going to drop out of their sockets, I had never seen her so excited for something other than herself, and she was excited for me, it was the weirdest experience ever, maybe her changing was a good thing.

Trying to get my act together instead of having me mouth gaping open like a goldfish I replied, “I don’t know what you’re on but he doesn’t like me.”

Her smile dropped from her face and the light inside her seemed to have dispeared. She gave me a flat annoyed look and sighed, “stop it alright, stop trying to hide from what you’ve got, your pretty, you deserve to have guy’s attention, are you like lesbian or something? Because you’re acting as if he isn’t hot and your not interested in him when every girl I bet has a crush on him.”

I blinked again, ‘was I lesbian?’ I couldn’t believe she had asked that! She knew my crush back in high school! The crush had lasted 3 or 4 years and almost everyone knew in the school even her, he was the only good looking and fairly nice guy in the school that wasn’t a jerk or conceited. My sister even went out with him and she knew about the crush on him I had, and she thought I was lesbian?

“ok, halt right there,” I growled standing straighter, “I’m not a lesbian alright? You know I had that crush on that guy in our last school! And no I don’t have a crush on this new boy because I know that it will never happen! So stop thinking you know me when you don’t!” I ended up shouting and stormed off into my new bedroom slamming the door loudly behind me.

“Alright little miss snarky pants, no need to get all upset over it!” I heard her yell at me just before I slammed the door.

I groaned loudly in frustration and ended up randomly sitting on the floor because I had no furniture in the room.

Slowly I felt the anger fade out of me, I wasn’t usually angry and it took a lot to get me like this but my sister knew me inside out and she knew how to push my buttons just like how she knew all my fears like spiders or snakes.

Eventually I grew bored of sitting around in my room doing nothing but stare at the walls so I came out hesitantly glancing around to see if Maggie was anywhere but I couldn’t see anything so I went downstairs hesitantly only to hear voices in the kitchen.

When I entered I saw mum talking with the delivery man and Maggie talking with Honey, no sign of the boy from outside.

“Hey sweetie, where did you go?” My mum asked as the delivery man finished talking with mum to go out the door. Maggie followed and shut the door after him. I turned to glare at her as she passed me with a small smile on her face.

I decided to be mean and use the mummy’s favourite to my advantage. “Maggie was being mean and I got really angry with her,” I tattletaled.

Maggie turned to glare at me with hate and annoyance. “Ugh! Your so annoying!” she groaned and stalked out of the kitchen.

I smiled in triumph while my mum gave me a disapproving look but let it go. She started a conversation with Honey asking questions about the area and school. I wasn’t really listening so I excused myself to go and find my stuff.

I found lots of boxes with my name on it in the new living room so I started heaving it up the stairs, it was heavy and I only just managed to get it up to my bedroom breathing heavily.

When I reached my room I started  getting out all my small knickknacks which would go on my chest of drawers which brought me to the question of where were all my big furniture like my bed, wardrobe or chest drawers?

I went back downstairs and asked and got the answer of it being in the back garden. I hadn’t seen that yet so I went around the front door and through the gate since we couldn’t find the keys for the back door just yet.

I gasped as soon as I got through because a reasonable sized swimming pool sat in the middle of the garden. Maybe this job promotion was better than I thought. There was some decking of which I stood on with steps leading down to the grassy bit, the pools had stone tiles around It and a room of small trees sat at the end luckily not tall enough to block the high sun in the sky. I glanced around saw fences both sides of the house were low enough to see the next door neighbours garden, both of theirs either side had about the same amount.

What if the boy next door could see me from a window while I was in the pool? On thought, I turned around and looked over at their house at the windows but found no one. What if, like in the books, the boy would have friends, which would almost certainly be hot too playing football without tops? How cliché did that sound but it could happen?!

I distracted myself by finding the furniture in a group on the deck. It covered from my wardrobe pieces unmade yet to the sofa with a sheet covering it. I went to grab some pieces of my wardrobe since it still needed to be nailed together yet and set back upstairs for the tiring task of putting it in my bedroom.

3 and half hours later, back and forth up the stairs numerous of times so much that I had leg ache was when I finished. I was pretty impressed with myself I had managed to fit everything inside. The only problem now was that all the furniture that needed being put together was now thrown around the ground meaning that I had no space to walk. I went downstairs to find Honey from next door gone and mum just finishing putting the cutlery away, the lights were on dim and it started to look like home with all our furniture.

“Hey sweetie, you look like you’ve been busy, have you put everything away?” she asked putting some knives and forks into the draws. She looked tired and worn out but her eyes were still bright with excitement.

I nodded, “yeah, only now I need to put together all of it, like my bed needs doing, and my wardrobe and chest of draws,” I told her sighing lightly and leaning against the bare counters.

She gave me a sympathetic smile and closed the draw she was working on, “ok, well how about I order a takeaway, since Honey from next door gave me a couple of leaflets with Chinese and Pizza, you want to look at those while I check what Maggie’s doing?”

I nodded and found them on the counter near some plates still needing to be put away.

My mum walked out the kitchen and up the stairs while I took the plates out of the protective packaging. I put them away in a cupboard and went to look at the leaflets.

Deciding for a pizza, I looked through the different types, cheese, Hawaiian, Barbecue and so many more. I chose plain boring margarita cheese and saw Maggie and mum coming down the hall. They came into the kitchen and mum took the leaflet from me and handed it to Maggie. She got her mobile out the bag to phone them since our home phone wasn’t still set up.  She asked me what I wanted then asked Maggie, she wanted barbecue while my mum ordered cheese as well.

While they were being ordered, I waited for mum to finish on the phone to help me fix my furniture. Maggie looked a little lost on what to do. When mum finished, she gave us a small smile. “ok girls, we need to stick together to get fixing the furniture. We’re going to start on your room,” she said putting her gaze onto me before going back to Maggie, “and then yours, and then my room, in between we need to eat the pizza which should be on its way soon, and also fix the living room. We’ll work on the kitchen and dining room tomorrow,”

After that we got to work and set about doing the instructions she told us. 4 hours later and it was around 8:00pm. We were all worn out and tired, we had even got to putting the bed covers on the beds so they were ready to crash in.

When we finally had had enough we all ventured to our rooms and the house became silent. I had the room by the back garden and I could gently hear the outside birds. I slipped into a long wanted sleep. 

Chapter 3 – New things

Chapter 3 – New things..

When I eventually woke, it felt as though I had slept for days instead  of hours. When I got up, it was about 9:00 am, surprisingly early for since my family all slept in super late, even my mum who in her new job would be getting up at 6:00 am in the morning. Sucks to be her.

It seemed I was the only one up so I set about finding my clothes still in boxes. I had decided I hated boxes. There was too many of them with too many things inside them.

I entered my en suit and found a box still unopened with all my bathroom bits, it was a small box with only my essentials; toothbrush, tooth paste, shampoo & conditioner, make up and all the lady stuff.

I set it all out along the bath side which was included in my bathroom along with a shower, sink and toilet and a heated radiator/towel rack on the wall. The bathroom seemed so expensive and luxurious that you could only find in five star hotels. I loved it and really couldn’t see myself getting used to it.

After yesterday’s look I decided today I could actually get ready properly by having a well needed shower, I made an effort in my hair by straightening it and putting my make-up on. This usually consisted of my concealer and foundation along with my power since my skin could get a little oily sometimes. I also put some mascara and blush on. I had learnt some tricks from Maggie since she was a makeup artist pro. She was taking a course on it in college to become a beauty artist in shops. She was even aspiring to own her own shop one day with her own range of products.

I was proud of how far she had come, she worked hard in school and I knew she would have a good chance of getting into the college she had picked. With her skills, she had taught me things when I had first started putting make up on so I did have some advantage to that.

When I finished pampering myself I went downstairs only to find my mum up sipping a cup of tea, we had amazingly been able to set up our kitchen table so we had something to sit in now instead f standing about randomly. The kitchen was almost done, we had a few bits to put away but most of it finished and it made it more homely.

“hey sweetie, how was your sleep?” my mum greeted looking up fronm some magazine she had. How she got that I had no idea.

“good, although I woke up earlier than usual,” I told her opening the cupboards only to find them empty. My belly rumbled in response and my mum chuckled lightly.

“we’ll go shopping now if you want, I doubt Maggies going to be up for another few hours yet.” She murmured sipping her tea.

 I nodded in response and went to go find some shoes eagerly. I checked my outfit in the mirror to see if it matched. I wasn’t very co-ordinated sometimes which sucked.

Today I had put on some skinny jeans, I had luckily been blessed with skinny thighs which I treasured, although not so much on the chest which wasn’t as full as I had hoped. I had a simple dark grey v-neck short sleeved top over my blue skinny jeans and black converses which were my favourite shoes of all. I was definetly a ‘flats’ kind of girl unlike my sister who had hundreds of pairs of expensive heels that she would only wear once. Which I really didn’t understand, she said they looked too nice to wear twice which confused me even further but she was my sister and she didn’t make sense half the time anyway.

My dark blonde hair reached just below my chest of which I had been trying to grow for years, my hair had the annoying thing of not growing at all and I had to keep getting my hair trimmed over and over to encourage it to grow. It sucked big time.

“you ready?” my mum called up and I yelled a ‘yeah’ before practically running down the stairs making a loud noise to which Maggie yelled shut up from her closed door bedroom.

When we got to the super market, which we spent ages trying to find, amazingly, for such a known shop, it was pretty hard to find and I had still yet to wonder how we would get back home.

We managed to get pretty much the whole shop since the shopping trolley was filled to the brim when we reached the cashier and the bill was pretty hefty but we paid and drove home, luckily not having as much trouble getting back. When we got home, Honey was also out in the front drive picking up a small toddler from the backseat of her land rover. She balanced him on her hip and waved at us. The good looking boy was also outside looking bored but dressed amazingly. He was reaching to close the boot of the car and it showed some his skin under his t shirt, I couldn’t help but stare from the front seat of the car. Mum giggled at me and nudged me. I snapped out of it and got out trying to avoid looking at anyone. My cheeks were already starting to get hot which never happened. Mum gave me the keys for the door to open but Maggie opened the door before I could reach it. She was dressed as perfect as she could be as always, as she passed me she bumped me on the shoulder, grinning evilly – or what I thought was evil – and whispered, “he’s looking at you again, I think he likes you,” before walking off to help mum with the bags.

I turned around to see but only to be let down when he carrying the stuff in cardboard trays full of things inside the house. I went to walk down to also help with the bags and when I went to go to the door, the boy was also coming out for more stuff from his car.

Out of nowhere he over to me as I looked over at him and we locked eyes. I counted 2 seconds before I couldn’t take it anymore and break the gaze and hurry inside with the heavy bag, I must have looked so stupid struggling with the bag my face bright tomato red.

When I got inside I put the bag on the counter and leant against the counter waving my hand in my face trying to cool it down. Why was I acting like this over him? I didn’t even know him and the first time I accidently lock eyes with him I’m blushing lie crazy? What would happen if we talked? Would I go ‘weak kneed’ and faint?

“why do you look really flustered and bright red in the face?” Maggie asked coming in with another bag of shopping.

I gulp and look up at her. She gasps and beams at me clapping her hands after she put the bag down. “What happened?!”

I shook my head not ready to say anything.

“Did you catch him looking at you? Did he say something to you? Did he whistle at you or something?” she looked excited as she waited for me to reply.

“I don’t even know why I'm acting like this!” I wailed to her.

She giggles at my reaction and starts to put away some shopping.

“what happened then?”

“we locked eyes! That’s it! Why am I being like this!” I exclaimed throwing my hands up and dragging them down my face groaning.

“Because you have a crush on him maybe?” she sung grinning slyly.

“no!” I almost shouted.

She looked to me startled and shook her head. “Seriously, what is wrong with you? So what you have a crush on him! I would if he wasn’t so young,” she shrugged combing a hand through her curled hair before opening cupboards wondering where to put things.

I shake my head at her over and over. “no, no, no! he probably already has a girlfriend or something!” I literally feel like banging my head against a wall to try and forget about what had happened.

“so what? And if he does have a girlfriend, then he doesn’t seem to like her much if he’s too busy checking you out.” Maggie muttered reaching for more things in the bags, “and will you help me out? I know your all ‘shocked’ and whatever but it would be helpful thanks.”

I sighed and went to reach for things before having my hand slapped away.

I winced and yelled her name, “what was that for?!”

“that’s my bag, go get some more from the car.” She ordered. Bossy Maggie wasn’t too far away after all.

“whatever,” I growled stalking out the kitchen to the front door.

Walking down the drive, I noticed Honey and mum cooing over the baby Honey had in her arms. To be fair, the baby was pretty adorable but I just wanted her to come inside so I wouldn’t be so on edge about the boy standing next to them looking annoyed and a dull expression on his face which still didn’t seem to ruin his gorgeous looks. Eugh! What was I thinking! Mentally slapping myself, I walked down the car where the boot was still open, I was too short to close it and I was also aware someones eyes were watching me closely, which made my skin stand on edge so much that I prayed I would trip or do something stupid.

I took the last bag and jumped up luckily catching the ledge of the boot door, I heaved and slammed it shut. Mum called me and threw me the keys which I amazingly caught and locked the car, all the time avoiding their gazes and a certain ‘someone’s’. Of course, this entire act had to be ruined by me tripping on the edge of my door frame and almost falling through the door. Cursing I hopped to the kitchen and almost dropped the bag to the floor. Maggie took my bag and help me to the kitchen table chair. I sat down clutching my big toe painfully, I had stumped it pretty badly and it hurt like crazy.

“Ok, your even redder than before, what happened?” she smirked not at all concerned for my painful toe.

Glaring, I grudgingly answered, “I just went to get the bags and I felt his gaze on me, I don’t know if he was actually looking at me or if I was just thinking he was but it felt like it and I was so caught up on the fact that he was noticing me that I tripped on the door frame and stubbed my toe which really, really hurts,” I whimpered.

 She waved a hand around, “ehh, moan to mum about that, she’ll give you your sympathy, on the other hand, you felt him staring at you? So like openly always staring at you? He likes you,”

“do you think my toe could drop off? Is that possible?” I felt like I might start crying, what would it be like without a toe? Would I still be able to walk the same? Would it affect me mentally? Would I have to wear big shoes?

Maggie slapped her hand over her face groaning. “oh my god, your such a baby,”

She disappeared and I started worrying, where was she going? What if my toes got worse? What if I needed to go to hospital?!

“Mum! She’s hurt herself and she’s about to cry, come here and reassures her that her toes not going to fall off please!”

“Maggie!” I yelled.

“what?!” she yelled/asked from the front door.

I banged my head against the table; he probably heard that and was probably thinking what a complete baby I was – which I was…

5 minutes later, my mum came through the door with a happy smile plastered to her face.

“Finally! She wouldn’t shut up about her toe falling off and then I thought she was about to cry about it, she kept thinking we should take her to hospital,” Maggie said as soon mum came through the door.

“shut up Maggie! I did not!” I exclaimed even though I had.

“Guys! Chill! Maggie, finish the shopping, and you, my little baby, your toes not going to fall off and you don’t need to go to hospital, you only stumped it, stop worrying that cute little head of yours,” she said coming over to me and wrapping me in a big bear hug.

“Mummy’s girl is she?” a manly voice asked. I instantly froze in my mums arms wishing over and over it couldn’t be.

“mummy’s girl and a big baby,” Maggie answered, I could picture her rolling her eyes.

Mum let me go and I blushed bright pink.

“I'm Maggie by the way, that’s my little sister Ivory and my mum,” Bossy grown up Maggie mode.

“I’m Riley,” the boys voice said. In other words ‘Riley’.

I didn’t look up from staring at my bright red toe, I was too afraid.

“here you go sweetie, something to cool it down.” My mum gave me a packet of the un opened frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel. I glanced up and didn’t miss the smirk on Rileys face. We locked eyes and I instantly saw right through his façade.

He was the start of this story. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.03.2013

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