
Chapter One: A new home

The Sky can turn a great many colors, but I personally enjoy a stormy sky with crackling bolts of lightning and thunder that echo and roar like a proud lion, shaking it's long mane and showering water droplets from the sky.

I watched the breath-taking display of Nature's pure power from my upstairs window that was partially covered by light pink rose colored curtains. Some people just could not understand or appreciate the true beauty of it. It was a warm welcome to my new home, that resided in the backwoods, “Town-you've-never-heard-of” of Wisconsin. Everyone here seemed kind enough in their own way, and would give the shirt of their backs for a person in need.

I, for one, was used to living in an overly crowded area of a city. With a population of roughly 1,000 – 2,000 citizens, Colfax Wisconsin was just a mere dot on a road map. Not exactly “Wonderland”, but I'll work with it.

As much as I protested and begged, my aunt Cindy was forcing me to attend school in the Fall. Thankfully, it was in the middle of summer break,so I had plenty of time to prepare myself. It's not like I hate school, unlike most of the ungrateful souls of my generation. I just hate people. I think the only person who I can partially stand since arriving is Samantha. She's strange, sure, but still a person I can tolerate to be around.

Now, about my Aunt... She's one of those “Cup is always half full” kind of people; Always smiling, happy, and likes baking. A complete personality clash with me, but beggars can't be choosers. The rain had started to slow it's rhythm, and made a light Tap Tap Tap in the background of my Aunt calling me down to the kitchen. I grumbled lost complaints as I skulked down to the warm-colored kitchen to see what irritating chore was in store for me.
“Oh! There you are... I was wondering if..” Her request drifted off and droned like a low hum in my ear, only hearing some of it as I zoned out.
“Yes Auntie, I'll get right on that.” I guess now would be a good time to describe Cindy...

She is a plump round woman, who had a waddling gait. Crinkles from smiling, bright rosy cheeks, and bright blue eyes that always looked like they were laughing.
“Oh! I almost forgot dear. Samantha stopped by when you were at the store, might want to give her a call.” I digested the information for a moment, before nodding and doing the chore she asked, which was tending to the horses she kept in a green pasture behind the farm house. I learned how to ride when I was a little girl, but hadn't since, and had no plans to. One of the horses was pitch black, and was blind in one eye, the other was a golden palomino, both were absolutely massive for their species. Despite my uncomfortableness with the animals, both of them seemed to love my attention and would whinny in as a greeting when I walked out with the grain bucket.

After that, 'Encounter' I walked up the creaky wooden stairs to my room, and sending a message from my computer that always seemed to be on.
I walked over to my rose hued bed, equal to the curtains, and sat cross -legged on the queen mattress and pulled out my journal from under my white rose-printed pillow.

July 12,
I'm not ready to go to school with complete strangers, but I don't have a choice, at least Sam's there... Speaking of which, I didn't think it was possible for a girl to talk about boys and shopping so much in one conversation. I'll guess we'll have to see whats in store.
I snapped my leather-bound journal closed and buried it back under my pillow. Looking out the window once more and surprised to see it was already night, I walked down the hallway to the white and black tiled bathroom. My bare feet padded against the cold tile almost noiselessly.

“Good night Dear!” Cindy called from her bedroom.
“Night..” I murmured quietly and walked back to my own room.
Before I sleep, I hope you notice that I just moved here. I lived with my mother since I was born, until one day she disappeared and never came back So I was left with the only family I knew, since my fathers entire side was a mystery to me, My Aunt Cindy took me in and brought me from New York City all of way here, to Wisconsin. Now, realize how odd it is to see a little jolly woman living in an 1800 Century Victorian Style farmhouse...
It's quite odd.
But anyway, After I managed to fall asleep I had my usual disturbing dream, which caused me to wake up sweating and panting, I never told anyone about them, or anything in that manner that I experience.

The golden rays of morning darted through the tiny gaps in the drawn curtains, lighting streaks in my room up with it. I rubbed my messy tangle of auburn waves that tumbled down my back and managed to open my stubborn blue eyes. I routinely set my feet on the cold oak floor and walked to the bathroom. Picking up my apple green tooth brush and examining my appearance for a good ten minutes in the slightly foggy mirror, which only grew more so as I started the shower.

I generally like to take long showers, just because I was in no great rush... Until on course the smell of a delicious breakfast lured me out of my watery retreat and forced me to make my way down stairs. As I guessed, a large breakfast consisting of maple syrup-covered ham, eggs, toast, waffles, and of course, bacon. She always made so much, I had no idea where all the left overs went, when I asked she said she fed the poor, so I went with it and asked no questions.

After devouring my share of the buffet I grabbed my journal and slipped my dark blue converse on and walked out the door, waving at my Aunt behind me. After messaging Sam the other night, we agreed to meet at the meadow, or more known as the town park. I was usually found there on most sunny days, writing in my journal or talking under the large willow tree with Sam.

“Hey Vic!” I looked up to see a tall tan teenage girl in plaid and jeans running at me and waving. She was the definition of a southern farm girl, except without the accent. Her semi-long wavy straw blonde hair bounced around as she moved, and had green eyes that were identical to the sun-covered clover-filled field she was currently crossing over to the willow tree I resided under. She was extremely pretty even for a seven-teen year old who hadn't developed into a full woman yet, but she was farther than me that's for sure. Her curved form over-shadowed my slimmer one.

I shut my journal once more and looked up at her as she sat down cross-legged in front of me. “So, anything new lately with you?” Sam picked up a flower while asking the question, and twirling it between her fingers.

“Nothing beside the usual, anyway how are you and Ryan doing?”
She suddenly smiled and her eyes lit up like they always did whenever we talk about her boyfriend.
“Wonderful, he gave me a bouquet yesterday of wildflowers, because he said I remind him of them, and that their a hundred times prettier than any rose.”

I smiled slightly at that, Ryan always spoiled and treated her like a princess, and they were known as the cutest couple. She looked up at me from looking at the flower and suddenly grinned, “You should totally date Simon!!”

My eyebrow shot up instantly and my face frowned in confusion slightly, “Who...” I questioned, never hearing the name before,
Sam giggled and twirled the flower more excitedly, “Simon Deferon!! You two would be so cute, but I heard a couple of the girls in our class have their eye on him, their mostly sluts though, you know how that works.”

“I guess so, but I've never heard of him or met him for that matter...”

Sam once again gave a 'sunny' smile and waved her hand, “Oh relax, I'm sure you'll like him!” I shrugged, and looked over at the annoyingly loud group of people walking over to a flattened area where they always sat.
Sam's “Friends”.

“Oh there he is now! Come on, go meet him, I'll go with you.” She excitedly whispered and scrambled to her feet and grabbed my hand, pulling me up to a standing position as well. Being the nervous loner type that I am, I immediately resisted the invitation.
“No.” I pouted and struggled, but after some forcing, she managed to get me over to the group who looked up at us when we stood in front of them, mostly looking at me, because I have never met any of them.
“Hey guys, this the new girl I was telling you about, Victoria.”
“Hey...” I meekly greeted, giving a slight wave.
The circle of five looked at me, before either nodding or greeting me verbally.
“Hey, I'm Alicia.” Greeted one of them, with shoulder length black hair and a winning smile and dark copper skin.
“The names Rob.” A guy with blonde hair and tan skin, with blue eyes brighter than mine and a cocky grin.
“Well hello there cutie, I'm Zach.” A guy with black hair and deep chocolate brown eyes, and looked shockingly like Alicia, so I assumed they were siblings.
“Oh enough Zach.” Sam muttered rolling her eyes then turned to me, “Don't pay attention to him, he's just a flirt.”
Zach winked at me from behind her back, and kept a smirk on his face.
I looked over and locked eyes with who I assumed to be Simon, he had bronze hair, green eyes, and a curious look on his face, next to him was Amanda, who I had met previously, holding hands with Rob.

Hey, long time no see.” Amanda smiled at me and flicked her red hair over her shoulder, revealing most of her attractive freckled face.
Sam waved a hand towards Simon, “And lastly, this is Simon.”
He said nothing, but watched me curiously, but nodded in acknowledgment.

I sat in a free spot. In between Alicia and Sam, and listening to their gossip until we heard a loud crack of thunder and flashes of lightening.
“Really another one?!” Rob groaned, getting up and shielding his head with his hand.
The clouds grew to a swelled, menacing gray and black quickly, releasing it's watery contents.
“Aw man this sucks.” Zach muttered.
“Guess we'll try to hang out tomorrow.” Rob muttered saying goodbye and running off with the others, as they trying to shield themselves from the rain.
“I guess I'll see you tomorrow.” I shouted over the cracks and booms, and pounding of heavy rain. Sam nodded and ran after the group.
I ran down the path, the rain steadily getting worse and worse until I could barely see, and I tripped and slid down the slope on the side of the path. I rolled and stopped when my back painfully hit a tree. “Ow!” I yelped, rubbing my now aching back.
Wobbling to my feet I stumbled down the hill blindly, until I was in the bottom of some kind of gulley, and near a cave. I felt my feet kicking random garbage it felt like, wondering where I was, I looked down to inspect it...
My aunt's old leftovers?
Was I at some kind of homeless persons hide out, maybe they would be inside the cave. I slipped into the shelter and looked around seeing nothing I waited for a couple minutes.
When the rain settled down to a point I could stand I stood to leave the cave, but someone had seen me. A man, with shoulder length wavy black hair and a scruffy unshaven jawline and a mustache stood near the end of the gulley. He was easily over six feet tall, and had a muscular frame of make it look even bigger. He suddenly walked over to me quite quickly and I froze my eyes widening until he reached me, and grabbed my shoulder. He frowned, and sniffed me, “You smell like... Cindy?”
His ragged clothes looked like they had been coated in dirt and torn up by some wild animal... He looked like a normal, kinda creepy-yet-attractive hobo, that is... Until I looked at his eyes.

They were a glowing yellow and he looked like he had fangs when he talked, wait.. Those were fangs!!
I screamed, ripping away from him and running as fast as I could. “Wait! Wait!! Please!” He called from behind me, but I didn't listen I ran, and ran, and ran, until I was sure my lungs were going to burst. I saw my Aunt's house and I pushed it until I was at the door, and I burst through, and ran into the kitchen and collapsed against the table. Cindy, who was making dinner spun around and immediately put an arm around me, “Oh are you alright dear?!”

My chest was heaving, and I looked up at her with terrified eyes, “Oh my, you look like you've seen a ghost.”

“I saw... a man in a cave.. he had yellow and eyes... and pointy teeth...” I murmured in between pants, and suddenly, my Aunt's face grew very serious.
“I think it's about time I tell you some things Victoria.”

Chapter Two: Family Business

Outside the light patter of rain echoed on the house, while inside Cindy sat across from me, her hands intertwined together and her eyes locked onto mine.
“There are somethings.. I didn't want to tell you... and your mother didn't want to tell you.”

I confused filled my face at the mention of my mother, “What does my mother have to do with any of this?”
My aunt sighed, taking off her glasses and rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Anna never told you about our family history, in hopes you would be spared from it, but it seems fate has other plans..”
Irritation filled confusion, “What do you mean? What are you trying to get at?”

“Our family are known as 'Hunters'. We each are connected to another being, a werewolf and hunt for the absolute rulers in the spirit world, the Sun king and Moon Queen.” She waved her hand from letting me continue further, “The Sun King and Moon Queen are rulers in the spiritual realm, and as hunters of the spiritual realm it is our duty to hunt down unholy creatures, such as vampires, ghouls, and other unpleasant creatures.”

I tilted my head to the side slightly, my question still not answered, “But how does that explain the strange man... or is he your werewolf?”

At this, Cindy started laughing like I had just told a hilarious inside joke. “No, no child, he's your werewolf, Anna asked me to keep him away from you, in hopes of keeping you normal. But, I guess there's no point now. In fact I'm pretty sure I heard you scream from here, poor thing, you probably hurt his feelings.”
“wait.. that's my werewolf?!... how long has he been there?”
At this Cindy tapped her chin with a finger, “Oh, well, around... two or three years I would guess, give or take a few. In fact would you mind setting dinner out, I should go get him, since the attempt of keeping you away from your heritage failed.”
I suddenly stood up, “Wait... you're going to keep him, in the house?!”

“Well of course! It's best now to keep you two together, to get used to one another.”

“What if goes all werewolf on me?”
I realized how childish I just sounded, but it needed to be said. “Oh don't worry about that, he's actually quite in control of it.”
As My aunt grabbed her coat and mud boots, I muttered, “Whats his name anyway....”

“His real name? Don't know. Everyone I know on either spiritual or physical plane just calls him Grim.”
My eye twitched and I almost dropped the 10 pound turkey I had to heave out of the oven without burning myself. “That's real positive.” I commented.

“Oh hush, you better be polite to him now, be back in a bit!”And with that, I was left alone. And as if on queue, my nervous personality kicked in and found myself nervous and worried about meeting him. I busied myself with arranging the food on the table at least 5 times, pouring milk in all the glasses and organizing it all and then pacing around, what was taking her so long. Maybe she fell? Maybe the werewolf thing ate her? I shook my head violently, shaking the uncomfortable thoughts out of my head.

Just as I sat down and began clacking my fingernails on the wooden table, the door opened and I looked over to see the man following my aunt inside, his eyes locking on mine in an instant and cocking his head to the side, before speaking, “Well, seems we should have a proper introduction then..”

Until of course my aunt cut him off, shoving his confused form up the stairs, “Oh no no no, you're getting cleaned up first, go on. Bathroom's the first door on the left.” The weird intruder did as he was told, walking up the stairs and flicking on the light, closing the door behind him.

My eyes then wandered to my aunt, who was hanging up her now soaked coat and wet boots over the mat near the door. “Well doesn't this look inviting!” She said, gesturing to the food and sitting at the round table, placing her napkin on her lap.

The werewolf, Grim, joined us at the table a moment later, still eying me oddly. I glanced up and met eyes again, raising an eyebrow, “Is.. Something wrong?” At this, he leaned back in his chair slightly and looked me over, making my eyes narrow.

“Nothing, but how about we start with 'Hello, my names Grim. And you are...?'”
I huffed at his ice breaker game, “Victoria.”
He gave me a grin, highlighted by pointed fangs, and each of his teeth having sharp ends. Catching my look at the said fangs, he tilted his head, almost like a dog would if it didn't understand something.

“What? Did she not tell you what I was?”
“No she did, it's just... I didn't think you would have fangs sprouting out of your gums.”
Meanwhile, Cindy watched the 'conversation' Watching us go back and forth at each other.

“Well aren't you just a sharp tongue.”He muttered, stabbing a massive slab of turkey and easily swallowing it all without even flinching, Before glancing over at my shocked expression. “It's a werewolf thing.” He answered the unspoken question, winked, and swallowed down another massive chunk with ease.

After we had finished eating and Grim devoured most of the meat portion eating little vegetables and chugging milk, Cindy shooed us off to our rooms and of course, Grim had the guest bedroom next to mine.

Slipping into black pajama pants with little reindeer on them and a loose long sleeve pink shirt with a penguin, I brushed my teeth and was brushing my hair in my mirror when someone knocked on my door, I sighed, expecting Cindy. “Come in.”

“Sorry to disturb, I just wanted to say goodnight and sorry for scaring you earlier.” A masculine definitely not Cindy voice came from behind me, causing me to turn to see Grim watching what I was doing curiously. Although taken off guard, I still responded and hid my reaction well. “Oh, it's alright, and goodnight to you as well.” His glowing eyes watching for a moment more, nodded and silently closed the door.
Shaking my head I mumbled, “What an odd Werewolf.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.11.2012

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