

I never loved anything more than I loved Quinn. I didn’t think I could ever fall in love like this. I read it in stories but I never had felt it. And I don’t think anybody ever will. Their will never be another like Quinn. Their will never be anyone that I love more. Nobody ever loved me the way Quinn before.



Ugh….some days I wonder why I got an alarm so loud. It gets real annoying and it’s so irritating.

My name is Elisha Gordon and I live in a small town called Daleville. I moved here with my aunt Cheryl two months after I was born because my mother’s friend couldn’t take care of me anymore. My mom dead. She died when I was born and nobody knows who or where my father is. People say him and my mom was madly in love. Yea right. Because if they were so madly in love he would have been there for my birth or at least her funeral.

Damn. I can’t find anything to wear today. Probably because I didn’t wash any of my cloths on washing day. I didn’t feel like it I guess. All I can find is my black shirt that says “bite me” on it and some skinny jeans. If I wear my black pumps with it and it will look a little cute. I got dress into the outfit I decided to wear today grab my book bag and went down stairs and into the kitchen for some breakfast. Then I started to pull me a bowl of cereal.

My aunt says that I should wear purses sometimes and be more lady like. Ugh just because I wear heels she expects me to wear purses too. I mean come on, don’t every girl wear heels. She’s barely even here because she has to work all the time she don’t need to bug me about it. She already gave me chores to do, food to buy, and things to get for the house. Sometimes I really feel like the house keeper around here.

I looked down at my hands. I really need to repolish my nails. I’m always working on cars and things like that so my hands get rough. I don’t wear any pink or things like that. Its way too girly for me. All I wear is red nail polish because it goes beautiful with my chocolate skin and my long but not too long black hair. My Aunt Cheryl skin is more of a caramel type complexion. On the days that she is here she tells me that I look a lot like my mom. Im done with my cereal so I put my bowl in the sink and headed out the door. When I got outside I saw a man on a black motorcycle and was wearing a black leather jacket. He was sitting right across my house. I couldn’t see his face because he had on a helmet. He doesn’t look familiar so who could that be. I start to walk over to see who it is but he starts to drive off. Who does that? That’s real weird. Ohh well. I probably never see that creep again anyway. I turn around get into my car and start to drive to Katie house. Katie has been my best friend since kindergarten even though she is the total opposite of me. She has strawberry blond hair and is as skinny as a twig. I have curves of course. She is also as white as snow. When we was little her nickname use to be snow white. By the time she was old enough to get a tan she didn’t want one. She said she loves her complexion as much as I love mines and I can’t argue with her on that. Katie starts to run out the door when her mom calls after her yelling.

“Goodbye Katherine”

“Mom I told you to call me Katie” she says

“But that’s what I named you when you were born so ill call you by your birth name until the day you change it. Oh hello Elisha how’s your aunt?” Katie mom says with a big smile on her face as she flips her perfectly blond hair.

“She’s fine Mrs. Andes and I told you that you can call me Elli.”

“But that’s not your name you was born with” she yells back

She then turns around and shut the door. Katie rolls her eyes then jumps in the car and gave me a big hug.

“What was that for?” I asked her as I pushed her away.

“Because my birthday is tomorrow and im going to keep hugging you until I get what I want from you and that’s for you to wear a pink dress to my birthday party so we can match.”

“But I don’t wear pink. I really don’t do pink Katie and you know that. Why couldn’t you do a different color like purple?”

“Because purple is your favorite color and pink is mines. Come on please…ill wear purple to your 18th birthday party next year.”

“Fine. But im not going to like it.”

“I know” she said smiling

“You know sometimes I wonder why we became best friends.”

We start to laugh as I pull off and im not the only one who thinks that. Even though I was playing everybody else talks about how the high school cheerleader end up best friends with the town bad girl. Well we have a lot in common is what Katie tells people when they ask her. Nobody ask me that question anymore because the last boy who asked me was a football jock and I broke his leg by pushing him out the car. I pull up to the school parking lot and I barley parked my car when Katie jumps out and hugs her boyfriend matt. That irritates me sometimes. She could at least wait. She’s lucky I like matt because other wise I would have ran him over with my car. Matt starts to wave at me when I get out the car and I wave back as I catch up with him and Katie.

“How’s it going Elli” matt says with one arm around Katie

“Im fine matt and can you please tell your girlfriend that next time she jumps out my car like that she won’t be so lucky”

“Awe give her a break. I would have done the same thing because I missed her that much.” He says while looking at Katie with a big smile on his face.

We all start to laugh when I notice I left my bag in the car.

“I left my bag”

I turn around and that’s when I see him again. The man that was outside my house. What was he doing here? Did he follow me? Was he following me? How long was he sitting there? While all these questions were going threw my head Katie runs up to me with a worried look on her face.

“Elli what’s wrong?”

“That man across my street-----he was outside my house this morning.”

“Do you want me to call the police?” matt says as he pulls out his phone

“No that’s ok he never got close and he wont be so lucky if he does” I said still looking at him as I said it.

“Don’t try to do this on your own Elisha if that creep is following you let me handle it.” Matt says with a strait face.

Sometimes he acts like he’s my big brother more than my friend. That’s probably why I like him so much more than all of Katie other boyfriends. So we just turn around and walk off. When I look back the man on the motorcycle was gone and once again I say to myself “creepy”



“Excuse me sir”

The big man with the beard finally turns around.

“Yes how can I help you young man?” he said not looking at me again.

“Yea well I have ordered 50 raw stakes that’s uncooked do you have them?” I asked

“Well yea I have them right here and do you mind me asking what you are doing with all these uncooked stakes?”

“Yea I do” I said

The big man gave me a grim look and I can tell by his face that he was wondering what my expression was under my helmet. Truthally he shouldn’t want to know. I really want to pull his head off his shoulders right now. I know my eyes are black like they usually are when I get angry. Instead of saying anything he hands me the box of stakes. Even though deep down I wish he did say something so I can punch him in his face and knock his head off his shoulders I grab the box and walked out the door.


I yell im home as I throw the box of stakes and my helmet on the table and of course Ashton is the first on to come down the steps. But not for me but for the box of steaks I bring home all the time. I just bring enough stakes for me but Ashton takes some of them when he can. He always asking me why I don’t bring any for the school. And I always tell him that’s not my job. Im not the fucking food guy. I just get them because I don’t like the vegetarian food the chef here makes.

“Hey bro. how’s it going” Ashton says not even looking at me but eyeballing the box.

“How could you be so rude and stupid Ashton” a girl voice says with a hiss.

I know that she is mad because I can feel her anger coming threw the walls. What have he done this time.

“Brittany I told you I was sorry” Ashton says with a wimping sound.

“Yea whatever” cry’s Brittany.

“What did you do this time” I say with a smile on my face.

“I bit her while we were having sex.”

I start to laugh and roll on the floor. While I was having the laugh of my life Brittany comes down the stairs. I pick myself up and straighten my cloths.

Brittany is a beautiful girl. She has ruby red hair and a rocking body. The only thing I don’t like about her is that she is too colorful and always being nice to everybody. Even if their not being the same way with her. She can’t protect herself with that type of personality. It never changed since she has been turned. She also always happy all the time. What is there to be happy about every single day? I asked her that once and she said it’s because she has all of us in her life. She can be a annoying bitch sometimes but I will never tell Ashton that because even though im the best fighter here Ashton is one of the strongest and one of the biggest vampires I ever met. Ashton is built with mussels and has shaggy brown hair in a short cut. I work out but I don’t even have half of the mussels Ashton has.

“Hey Quinn. What you laughing at” she said with a small smile on her face.

“Ohh Nuffin”

“Yea whatever” she said while walking off trying to look cute.

“Don’t get mad. You don’t want me to bite you do you? Oh wait Ashton already did that. I guess that’s your lost.”

I start to laugh again and she goes to the table and cross her arms and legs with a shocked look on her face.

“I can’t believe you! How could you tell him Ashton!?” Brittany screams

“He asked” Ashton says with a frown.

I guess he is as mad about this as much as Brittany is. Male vampires have a strong hunger for their mate blood and it’s more likely that they will bite you if you’re having intercourse. It’s not his fault. But being the drama queen that Brittany is she doesn’t like being bit. I don’t know why, nobody really does. Except for Ashton but I don’t really care enough to ask. While I sit down Ashton and Brittany starts to argue again and I start to laugh.

“Shut up Quinn” Brittany screams from across the table.

“If I don’t what you going to do about it” I spit back

“Come over here and see what ill do”

“Don’t talk to him like that and don’t bring him into this” yells Ashton

All of us start arguing when father walks in with Mr. know it all Damon. We fell into silence. Father isn’t our real father He’s actually is our leader. We just call him father because he actually seems like it. After a while Brittany starts to talk. Again.

“Im sorry for the things I said Quinn. I didn’t mean it. I shouldn’t have brought you in the argument. You know how I get when I am mad. Sorry.”

“Give me a break Brittany.” I said

Before Brittany could apologize again father interrupts.

“What did you find out about the girl Quinn?” He says

“Well her name is Elisha Gordon. She goes to the high school about fifteen minutes away from where you told me she lives. Her aunt is never home a lot so there is a high possibility that the sinbres will try to attack her there. But not tonight because she has to work. She works at the town diner. ill go there tonight to watch over her and find out more info.”

“You have done good Quinn” says father

“Thank you father” I reply back.

“Well now that we know so much about the girl let’s eat” Ashton says with a big ass grin on his face rubbing his hands together.

Father leaves and we bow to him. I grab my pieces of stakes that last me for the week and head up the stairs.

“Won’t you eat with us Quinn?” Brittany says with a smile on her face.

I look over at Ashton and he has a let her down easy look on his face. Even though they are not talking right now he still cares about her feelings. Ashton knew that I was going to say something smart because he knows me too well. I knew him ever since he first changed. I found him feeding on a deer when I told him about father and how he can learn how to control his hunger. I told him that he doesn’t have t feed on humans and father could teach him. He agreed right away that he would come to me. Ever since than he had called me his brother. I hate it when he does this because instead of a smart remark I look at Brittany made a fake smile and tried to sound nice.

“You know I like my privacy. Ill just eat upstairs in my room. You understand right?” I say

“Yea I understand” she says with a sweet smile.

I smiled back turned around and walk upstairs. With the reminder that goes threw might head every day and night. It’s that I can’t sit with them because I don’t want to get even more close to them than I already am. Even though Ashton calls me his brother and knows everything about me I still don’t want him to get even more close to me. Im dangerous. The leader of the sinbres is my father. I don’t want anything or anybody to get close to me. Im not what they expect me to be. Every time somebody does they die. Everybody dies around me. Im more than dangerous. Im a blood thirsty vampire.


"Hey darling how are you?” brandy ask as I walk threw the diner door.

I love her country ascent and her big fluffy hair styles that she have.

“Im fine brandy” I say

I start to put on my apron and put my hair in a pony tail when the chef big bob tells me to grab some plates and do some work. Big bob and brandy is like my family. They have been taking care of me ever since I was little. By the time I was thirteen I was able to get a job here and even though I swept floors I still just like being here with them. By the time I was fifteen I was old enough to be a waitress and I loved it more than cleaning some kids puke up by drinking too many shakes.

Hours had passed so now its time for me to be heading home. I stay here as long as I can to avoid sleeping. I have been having these terrible nightmares about this man and how he and my father are vampires. That he will find me one day just to kill me and hear me scream. Scary huh. I haven’t told anyone about my dreams. Not even Katie.

“Elisha can you take this plate to the table by the window in the back. I know your shift is over but the guy just ordered and he is our last costumer.” Big bob yells from the kitchen.

“Yea sure bob. Ill lock up tonight if you want me to.”

“Oh Elisha you don’t have to do that we can wait.” Brandy says

“No its ok there’s some tables I still have to clean up anyway and don’t worry I won’t do anything like last time. Im seventeen now and I can take care of things by myself.”

“Elli you’re getting so old. I forgot how much you have grown. I remember like it was yesterday when you were a little girl drinking your favorite strawberry shake from the counter.” Says brandy

“She still does” big bob says coming from the kitchen and giving me a big smile.

They always tell a story about how I was young and adorable. They basically saying that they loved it when I use to not get in trouble and they didn’t have to bust me out of jail all the time.

“Yea don’t get use to it” I say as I turn around

After they put their stuff away Brandy and big bob gets in their car and pull off as I grab the plate and starts to walk to the corner in the back. No one ever sit here because it’s so dark. The light bulb always goes out there. I don’t know what weirdo will be back here. I stand In front of the table when I can’t believe my eyes. It can’t be! Am I really seeing this? It’s the guy on the motorcycle and he’s still wearing his helmet! Of course he would be the weirdo to be back here!

“What are you doing here?” I yell

“Apparently getting something to eat” he says with an attitude

“Don’t get smart with me you freak. Im talking about how come you’re following me. What you don’t have a life so you follow teenage girls around?” I snap

He didn’t say anything. By the movement he made I could tell he was shocked by the things I just said. I guess he’s new in town. Ugh I hate it when guys think that girls will just sit back and not say anything while they just talk to them any kind of way.

“look I don’t know who you are but you better stop following me because next time you wont be so lucky when I come up to you.”

I throw his plate on the table and start to walk away.

“Wait” he says softly.

Wow his voice is so soft and sexy. I melted right their at the sound of it. Wait what am I doing? I have to get that thought out my head he’s a sico stalker for goodness sake!

He then takes his helmet off. He’s the most beautiful thing I ever seen in my life. His hair is a dark black shade I never seen before, it stops right before his shoulders and some of it is in his face to cover his eyes. His eyes are a dark blue and a brown color hat you can probably swim in. he’s just so beautiful. Im just know noticing that his mussels pop out the white v neck shirt that he’s wearing and the only thing that you can see is the scar on his neck that looks like it came from a knife in a fight. If I knew that he looked like this he could have follow me anytime. He interrupts my thoughts by speaking again in the mot soft beautiful voice I ever herd.

“Im sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scared you but we need to talk about something important. Please sit down with me.”

I couldn’t help myself. I don’t know why but I sit down. I couldn’t stop staring at how beautiful his face was. It looked so inhuman. So unreal. And He’s not a 30 year old guy that I thought he was. He’s just a little bit older than me. He looks like he’s maybe in his early 20’s.

“Look what im about to tell you is going to seem stupid and ridiculous to you but your just going to have to believe me.” He says looking around and whispering like he’s telling me a secret.

“I don’t know who you are or where you came from, you were following me for I don’t know how long and you want me to trust you.”

“Yea pretty much” he says getting smart again.

“Well in that case im gone” I said getting up.

“I knew your father and mother. I can tell you about them.” He says quickly

I stop in place.

“What did you just say?”

“Look there’s things you should know about your blood. About your family Elisha.” He says

Im shocked. Im not shocked that he knows my name. Everybody in this town does. I’ve been in trouble so many times that people learned my name just to stay away from me. Im shocked because he said that he knew my parents and he don’t even look 25 years old. If im 17 he should have been at least 3 years old when my parents died. How could he have remembered that? Unless he is what the man in my dreams says him and my father is. That’s the only explanation. And if he did know my father and they was friends there’s a high possibility that he could be one too. A vampire.

“Who are you?” I say

“My name is Quinn. Please sit down with me.”

I sit down just itching to know what he has to say.

“Ok so what do you have to say?”

He looked at me like he didn’t expect me to sit down. I don’t blame him. I didn’t expect me to sit down either. Then something weird happen when he looked me in the eyes. I couldn’t look away and then what felt like an electric shock went between us. I know he felt it too because he jerked away then had looked out the window. After a few minutes of awkward silence he let out a big sign.

“Your birth name is Elizabeth Gillian. When you were born you weren’t expected because it had only been six months. You were three months early. When you were born your mother did die giving birth to you but your father was there and you were a very healthy baby. Which was a shock. He then brings you to us for our help. We did end up helping you. With everything really. We also became great friends with your father. Months after your father finally told us that your mother was human.”

“Sorry to interrupt your little story but isn’t everbody human? I mean wasn’t he?”

I know now that Quinn was a vampire too. But why didn’t he just kill me now like the man in my dreams wanted to? Why didn’t he kill me now while we were alone? He gave me a scary smile and then starts speeking again.

“No he wasn’t. None of us is. I wouldn’t have known your father if I was human now would I.”

My eyes got wide and my mouth drop open I quickly closed it. He’s telling the truth. Just like I thought he is a vampire. I can just feel it.

“Now back to the story. Well now that we know you mother was human we knew that you wasn’t one of us---but you wasn’t human either. You are a different species. The first of your kind in over a thousand of years. You’re what we called a half breed. You species were whipped out and to never to be created again and that ment you were in danger so we had to give you away. Your father didn’t agree with it at first because he already lost your mother and he didn’t want to loose you too. But after a while he figured that it will be safe for you to stay away from our kind and live with your mothers. He knew as much as we did that the sinbres would come looking for you one day.”

As he told the story chills went up my spine and I shivered even though it wasn’t cold here. Who are the sinbres? Did they find me already just like Quinn did? Was the man in my dreams one of them? Is my father still alive? Why was Quinn helping me? He let out a big breath and started to talk again.

“And that day has come. They found out about you. We don’t know how but they did. We protected you for the last 17 years but now its time for us to train you. They will not stop until they find you. He will not stop….”

I stop him by talking. Not because I wanted all my questions answered but because I couldn’t hear anymore. So I decided to lie. Maybe he will leave me alone if I don’t believe him.

“Look not that I don’t believe you but----I don’t believe you. Do you really think that I will stout that low that I will believe anything about my father even if it’s a fantasy? Well there’s no such thing as vampires.”

I said it with a little laugh to make it sound convincing. It’s scary really because most of the things he said the man in my dreams told me.

“I didn’t mention anything about vampires.” He said.

I froze. Oh shit he didn’t mention anything about vampires did he. Crap!

“Elli where are you?” a girl voice say.

Save by the little girl once again. She’s gotten me out more things than this but it mostly had been with the law not with a boy who is a vampire.

“Melisa what are you doing here this late” I asked

Not that I wasn’t happy about her saving my life but she shouldn’t be out here this late. I still cared about her. She sat down beside me at the table.

“Looking for you of course. But it looks like you’re busy.” She said while leaning into the table looking at Quinn.

“No im not and we should leave. Where’s your mom?”

“Where she always is. Drunk at her boyfriends house not caring about where im at and who im with. I was hoping that I could stay over your house but I think you already got someone going over there.” She said giggling.

“Stop playing around Melisa and you are coming home with me.” I said while grabbing her arm and her book bag.

“Well what about your friend. Where’s he staying tonight?”

I frowned

“He’s not my friend and I don’t care where he stays tonight. He can be in the dumpster for all I care. Now come on we are gong home now” I said looking at him.

“Where not done talking.” He says frowning back at me.

Melisa gave me a puzzled look. I don’t want her in this or even knowing about it. So I gave Quinn a look before I spoke again.

“We will talk about it. Not now. Later.”

He look at Melisa and than look at me.

“I understand. We will talk about this later Elisha.” He said in a hard tone.

He gets up and grabs his helmet. Melisa and I watch him as he got on his motorcycle and drove off.

“Who was the cutie?” Melisa says as we walk over to the door.

“Nobody and you sure do have a mouth for a little girl.” I said smiling

“Im thirteen years old! And I had have boyfriends before you know.”

“Yea but not someone way over your age.” I said rolling my eyes.

I turned off the light and push Melisa out the door. We got in the car and started drive home.


I hoped out the shower and looked in my guest room for Melisa. She was sound asleep. Before I got in the shower I brushed her hair and she got changed into her pajamas. Melisa hair is blonde like Katie but its more of a dirty blonde. She put some highlights in it too. Some pink and green strips of highlights. He mother went crazy on her because they were permitly there and not the wash out kind. I laugh at the thought and closed the door then tiptoed down the stairs. I went into the kitchen made a strawberry shake and went into the living room to watch some TV. I always do this on my “me time” days.

And I put on my favorite pajamas outfit. I have on some short black shorts and my pink shirt that falls over my shoulder and shows my belly. I turn on the TV and there’s a movie on called “my vampire love”. As I watch it I start to think about Quinn.

“These movies are horrible. I hate them. I don’t know how you can watch these there so fake.” A voice says from behind me.

I jumped up and turned around which made me almost spill my shake. I run over to the light switch and turned it on. I see Quinn standing in the middle of my living room.

“What are you doing here?”

He didn’t speak instead he looked me up and down.

“Nice outfit.” He says smiling and then jumping on the couch.

He almost made me blush. Almost.

“What are you doing here? How did you get in?” I asked

“I think you already know that I mean you already know what I am right”

“You must leave now.” I said

“Well you said we can talk later. Its later and now we are talking.”

“Look I don’t have time for this.” I said hoping my voice didn’t shake.

Even though he’s the most beautiful creature on this earth I still didn’t trust him. I turned around and then in a second he was standing right in front of me.

“How did you do that?”

“Im a vampire remember” he said

“Get away from me.”

I try to run up the steps to get to Gillian but he grabs me and throws me on the couch. I look up at him and his eyes are pitch black. As black as night. They look like they could see deep into my soul. I guess I made him mad by doing that but right now I scared for my life!

“Don’t run!” he yells

Tears start to run down my face. I wasn’t sobbing but I was crying. He looked like that man in my dreams and now I think im going to die. I shouldn’t have trusted Quinn. Of course he was lying. How could I’ve been so stupid?! He looks almost just like him. That man is the only person im scared of. He had them pitch black eyes that he had. The eyes I see every night before I go to sleep.

As soon as he notices the tears coming down my face his face got soft and sweet again. Then it turned into an expression like he was ashamed of himself. His eyes turned back into that beautiful brown and then he sat in the chair across from me. We sat there for a while until he started speaking again.

“Im sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you like that it’s just that I have a short temper.”

I didn’t speak. He got up grabbed a tissue from the glass table and handed it to me. I took it and wiped my face while he took a seat next to me. He paused like he was about to say something that he shouldn’t and then he said something else instead.

“Im sorry Elisha I didn’t mean to make you cry and now……and now you’re scared of me. Im so stupid. I don know how to control my anger. They should have sent somebody else to watch over you.”

He put his head back on the couch and closes his eyes. I don’t know why but I felt sorry for him. It’s like I know him. I know he knew me my whole life but I just met this guy and it feels like I know so much about him. I wanted for him to hold me. I wanted for him to lean into me. But instead of that I just grab his hand and the electric shock went between us again. But this time it felt so good that I didn’t want to let go. I wanted more of him but I didn’t want to take it that far. Especially with somebody I just met. I could tell that he felt the same way and was thinking the same thing because he lift his head up slowly and open his eyes to look into mines. We stayed like that for what felt like forever but then I could here Gillian come down the steps. I broke our gaze and let go of his hand and it hurt my heart by doing it. I didn’t want to let go of him. I met Gillian at the bottom of the steps before she could see him.

“I thought I herd something. What are you doing?” she said while rubbing her eyes.

“Nothing just watching some TV. What you doing up?”

“I had to go to the bathroom when I herd the TV so I camed down here. What are you doing watching TV 4:00 in the morning?”

I have been sitting here for two hours with him! It’s going to be a long day with Katie when we go shopping for my dress tomorrow morning. I turned around and he’s still sitting there. I wonder what he’s thinking about. I turned back to Gillian and she had a wtf look on her face.

“What are you thinking about?” says Gillian

“Things I never thought about before.” I whisper to her.

She starts to smile and head back up the stairs. She falls going up the steps. She must be half asleep. A laugh at her and turn around. Quinn was gone! I stand there for a while. Hoping that he will pop out of the dark again. When he didn’t I turned around turned off the light and headed up to my room. Now that I know that the man in my dreams is real I know that the things he said were true. He will be coming after me and the people that I loved. I didn’t want Gillian sleeping by herself tonight so I close my door and went into the room she was sleeping in. I pull the sheets off of her and climbed into bed then put the sheets over both of us. I pulled her close to me. I never want to let her go but I know im dangerous just like Quinn said. I know that im going to have to make the same choice my father did and that’s to let something you love go and not being able to do anything about it. I fell asleep with tears coming down my face and a broken heart


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.04.2010

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