
table of contents

1. Proluge 

2.  Chapter 1

3. Chapter 2

4. Chapter 3

5. Chapter 4

6. Chapter 5

7. Chapter 6

8. Chapter 7

9. Chapter 8

10. Chapter 9

11. Chapter 10

authors note

this is about how kiki and jade met and lived they're lives. this goes from kiki's point of view to jades point of view.

Jade (wolf):

Jades bicep Tattoo:




~Jade's POV~

I am 18 and I am an alpha werewolf. I just came out to my family. My mother is okay with it and so is my sister, I just wish I knew what my father would think of me being gay, but he is dead. At my school guys hit on me and girls glare at me. Its my senior year and I am looking for my mate. I am just out in the woods skiping school when .....

~Kiki's POV~

I am 17 and I just moved to this new town with my daughter. See a few months ago my parents kicked me out for being gay and now I am in this small country town. I will be starting school on Monday, today is Friday. My house is average size 3 bedroom 1 bath home. Tonight I am going out to find a babysitter for my 1 yearold daughter. Thats when I notice a black black van following me and I ditch my car in the woods..............

chapter 1

~Kiki’s P.O.V~

It was dark and the rain was cold when I heard a growl. I could not move because of the excruciating pain coursing threw my body. I had been running when these men attacked me. They tried everything to hurt me and now I was bleeding profusely. As I was leaning on a tree trying to stop the bleeding the growling got closer. That’s when a terrifyingly beautiful midnight black wolf came out of the underbrush. The white star on her chest, glowing blue eyes held my gaze. I really thought I was going crazy when I heard a voice in my head. The voice said

“ do not be afraid, ` Mon amour ` help is here”, I shrank back against the tree. When I looked up there stood a beautiful Native American woman. Her eyes were a beautiful brown and she had pitch-black hair. She was also very fit and tan. She came over to me and looked my injuries over before she went to pick me up. I cringed farther into the tree, which made her apologize. Then I heard the voice from my head come from her mouth. She said

“I promise me and my pack shall not harm you ‘Mon amour’.” I slowly drifted off to sleep in her arms as she murmured and kissed my forehead.


~ Jade’s P.O.V ~ 

 I saw a beautiful women running threw the woods. Then I saw these large men chasing her. I smelt blood and knew they had hurt her. I followed the smell of blood and caught the men and killed them. I kept following the smell and found her in a clearing leaning against a tree. She looked scared when she heard me growling. I couldn’t take sitting in the underbrush anymore I had to help ‘Mon amour’. I stepped out into the clearing and saw her eyes locked onto me. I felt an instant connection with her I started talking to her telepathically. That’s when she cringed into the tree I shifted. I started to walk towards her and she looked absolutely shocked. She cringed and I started talking to her again, this calmed her down. I picked her up and carried her to my pack. While I walked I talked and kissed her forehead. Then she passed out and her pulse was weak. I started running to my pack and my home. When I got there my pack stared at the women in my arms with a questioning look, so I growled at them. My pack backs off and cringes as I pass. I knock on my front door and my sister answers. Alice sees the woman in my arms and runs to get our mother while I lay her on the couch. My mother walks in and sees me covered in blood and gasps. I look at my mother with pleading eyes and ask

“ c-can you help her?” she looks at the woman for the first time and gasps louder. Then she nods and gets to work and getting supplies to help her. While my mother was helping her I went upstairs to take a shower. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my bloody reflection in the mirror. Then I hoped in the shower and cleaned myself, got out and dried off. I got dressed in a white wife beater and cut off blue jean shorts and my pure white snap back, and socks. I went down stairs and saw my mom had cleaned her and bandaged her up pretty good. When I got to her face I saw she was awake, she scooted away from me a little bit. I walked to the door and grabbed my shoes and went to sit on the ottoman. She watched me put my black converse on. After I put my shoes on I smiled at her and told my mother

“ I am going into town to get some groceries” that’s when I walked out the front door and got into my old beat up truck. I roll down the windows and try to start the truck but it doesn’t start so I get out and tinker with the engine and get back in. 


~ Kiki’s P.O.V. ~

I feel pain coursing through my body. Then I feel a feather light touch. I open my eyes and a lovely lady is bandaging me up. She gets to the gash on my leg and starts to stich it up and I groan. She tells me

“sorry honey, but this has to be done”. I look up at her and say

“its fine” in my Spanish accent. Then she tells me her name is fawn, how are you feeling? I open my mouth and answer with

"I feel like I got hit by a truck and I am hungry.” I hear water running and fawn says,

“ Here lets get you sitting and get you some food”. I sit up and fawn goes and gets me a meal of deer sandwich and chips. I eat my sandwich and chips, then the water stops running. Fawn checks my legs and other injuries before she sits next to me. I see the girl that saved me in a white hat, wife beater and jean shorts and white socks. She finally looks at my face and starts coming near me and I scooted away from her. She seems to be saddened by my actions and walks to the door and gets her shoes and sits on the ottoman. I watch intently as she puts black converse on and that’s when I notice the beautiful tribal tattoo she has around her left bicep. Then she smiles sadly at me before she goes to the door and says

“mother I am going into town to get some groceries.” I see as she goes to this very beat up truck, gets in, and try’s to start it but it wont start. So she gets out and messes with the engine before she gets back in the car. I then notice I am crying and fawn sees this so she goes and talks to her daughter who gets out and comes back in and sits by me. She says

“shhh… its ok I am not going to hurt you and nobody else will be able to ever again.” I pull her into a hug and cry all over her shirt; she just wraps her arms around me and hums a sweet sounding lullaby. Her humming helps me calm down but I am still hugging her so hard that she just rubs my back in calming circles. My grip doesn’t loosen but she lies down with me on top of her and I fall asleep in her embrace.

~ Jade’s P.O.V ~

My mother comes outside and says “ I will go to town and get some groceries, you watch the girl you brought home and I would go in there if I was you because she is crying her eyes out.” I get out of the car and basically run into the house to comfort her. I see her tear stained face looking at me. I go sit right next to her and say

“shhh… its ok I am not going to hurt you and nobody else will be able to ever again.” she pulled me into a tight hug and she presses her face into my chest and cries I wrap my arms around her and hum a lullaby my mother used to sing to me. She holds me tighter but her crying had stopped. Her grip had not loosened at all so I started rubbing circles on her back and I lay down with her lying on top of me. Her breathing starts to even out and she is asleep on top of me. Just then my sister and her friends came in yelling. I started glaring at them and they shut up till they came over and saw the woman laying on me, then they giggle and run off to the kitchen. I hold her to me for hours enjoying every minute of it. Just then my mother walks in and a grin stretches across her face after seeing our comprising position, just then the girl in my arms starts to stir. I grab a blanket and throw it over us and she starts to go back to sleep when my beta comes running in and hits the coach with his big wolf head. I yell at him to leave through our mind link and he whimpered, left, and that is when she woke up completely.

She was so startled that she head butted me in the nose, I gasp loudly.


~Kiki’s P.O.V~

I know I was tired and so upset for making the dark haired girl leave. Next thing I know the beautiful dark haired  girl is sitting next to me and talking. Thats when I pull the girl into my arms. I know she saw my tear streaked face because we locked eyes before she tried to comfort me. As I cry I press my tear-streaked face into her chest and hug her tightly. I fell her squeeze me and start rubbing my back as she hums this beautiful song. Soon I fell my eyes getting heavy and just fall asleep on her. I don’t know how long I was asleep but I was startled awake by a thud and growling. I jump up and my forehead collides with the woman’s face and nose. I hear her cry out in either shock or pain; I really don’t know which one it was. Next thing I know I here running footsteps and that’s when fawn comes running in the room. I try to get off of the dark haired woman but it just causes her to fall off the couch and grunt. I gasp when she turns around and there is a large bleeding gash on her arm spanning from just bellow her tattoo to right above her elbow, it doesn’t help that her nose was bleeding because I accidently head butted her. Fawn sighs and goes to the other room, when she comes back she has a first aid kit in her hand. After Fawn stiches up her arm and cleans up her face she says

“my name is Jade, and don’t worry about me, its no big deal.” I know what she said and I decide to mess with her a bit and say

“ hola soy Kiki y cómo puedo no me preocupo le conseguí dañar debido a mí ” she looks at me with her head cocked to the side like a dog. I just smile and repeat what I said. That’s when she says,

“I don’t understand what you are saying can you speak English please”. I chuckle and says

“hi I am Kiki and how can I not worry you got hurt because of me” she looks at me kind of relieved and says

" thanks, seriously I will be fine, your hurt worse than me, and I am worried about you.” I just chuckle at the look on Jade’s face. That’s when I see another person watching us standing by Fawn. That’s when Jade remembers to say thanks to Fawn but what really surprises me is Jade calls Fawn mommy. That’s when the person next to fawn catches her eye and I see her get up and walk over to the younger girl with anger in her eyes. Instinctively I reach out and pull on Jade’s arm. Jade turns and looks at me and her eyes had changed color again. I noticed that Jade’s eye change to a bright gold color when she’s mad and a lighter gold when she looks at me. Next thing I know is that the little girl pulls me to the kitchen when someone knocks at the door.



~ Jade’s P.O.V ~

As the pain in my nose started to recede I hear a set of running footsteps. When my mother comes through the door. All the sudden the beautiful woman on me is wiggling and I end up on the floor. I couldn’t believe the gash on my arm split back open I did so good trying to hide it from my mother and the beautiful woman. I turn around and hear the woman gasp as I see my mother walk off toward the down stairs bathroom. i turn the rest of the way and the woman is looking at me I tell her my name and not to worry about me. thats when i hear a beatiful voice say 

“ hola soy Kiki y cómo puedo no me preocupo le conseguí dañar debido a mí ” i couldnt understand her so i asked her to say it english and what i hear makes my heart beat faster. She said

" hello I'm Kiki and how i not worry about you got hurt because of me" I look at her kind of relieve and say 

"Thanks, seriously i will be fine, your hurt worse than me, and i am worried about you" she just chuckles at me. Thats when i relize my sister is standing next to my mother, i tell my mother thank you. i get up and start walking towards my sister adn i really want to hit her but kiki grabed my arm and stops me. I didnt notice that my eyes went Bright Blue becuase of my wolf, and i didnt notice that they went a deep Blue when i look at kiki. Kiki is looking at me with big pleading eyes. Thats when my sister grabs Kiki and drags her to the kitchen, Right as someone knocked on the door. I walk to the front door with my mother and open the door.

Chapter 2

~Jade's P.O.V~

When i open the door I am suprised to see my Aunt Sonya and she looks pankied, and scared. My mother grabs Sonya's arm and drags her inside to sit on the couch. Thats when my mother ask

" Honey, whats wrong? Are you ok?"

My aunt doesnt answer right away but when she did I am growling and snapping at the air. What she said is what got to me. Sonya told us that the Kans were back in town. I didnt notice that the pack had heard my thoughts and felt my hatred and dislike and came running. My mother and Sonya tried to get me to calm down, but i only got angrier. Thats when my pack bursts through our front door as Kiki and my screaming sister run into the living room. Kiki looks around the room till she spots my bright blue eyes, then she launches herself at me and wraps her arms around my neck and tangleing her fingers in my fur. As she hugs me i can feel her sobbing breaths on my fur covered chest and start to calm down. Once my wolf has calmed down enough I change back and I am completely naked with my wolf still in control. To stop Kiki's sobbbing i wrap my arms around her and pull her into me and shift her head to look me in the eyes. Kiki's crying all but stops as i hold her close and as she looks at me we get lost in each others eyes. When we hear laughing and Coughing we blush and look away from each other. Thats when i notice i am completely naked, pressed up against kiki. I instantly let her go and turn around to go put some clothes on. As I am turning around i hear a gasp from behind me thats makes me stop and turn my head. I am not expecting what i see when i turn around. Kiki's eyes are a deep purple and glazed over with what looks like lust. I am so distracted with why her eyes changed colors that i didnt notice her running at me and dragging me up the stairs till we fell on the top step. I am on my back with her straddling my stomach and her head on my chest. As i close my eyes to trying and regain myself control i hear a muffled purring sound coming from on top of me. All i can hear from downstairs is snikering and laughter.

~ Kiki's P.O.V ~

 I hear a knock as the young strawberry blonde next to Fawn drags me aaway from My beautiful Jade. Wait when did jade become mine? Anyway back to reality. As I look around I relise the girl brought me to the kitchen and she trys to distract me by talking.

" Hi, I am Aruora, and Jade's younger sister. Who are you? " She introduces herself. I answer with " Hi, I am Kiki.." before I get cut off by growling and what sounds like the breaking of a door and I take off running to jade. When I get to the room I left jade in with her Aruora yelling my name as she chases me into the livingroom. When I enter the room all I see are people I don't regconise. When I look toward the right side of the room I see the gaint black wolf with blue eyes and I wrap my arms around the wolfs neck and tangle my fingers in its soft fur so it cant remove me and sob quietly. I feel something change up against me and no longer feel the soft fur of the wolf. I relise that who ever is holding me is a woman and that they are oldy soft to my touch. I feel them pull me tighter to them as they move my head to look in their eyes. When I see their eyes my crying stops because I feel safe when I look in those big bright blue eyes that belong to my savoir. I dont know how long I was just looking into her eyes until I hear laughing and coughing from the others in the room. As the people in the room laugh I turn my head away with a tomato red blush on my face. When jade lets go of I feel cold and alone so I turn around and what I see makes my eyes change to the deep purple of my tiger. My tiger and I both want claim the women in front of me as mine. When jade turns around I run and start dragging her up the stairs as we reach the top of the stairs we fall and I end up stradling her waist while she is lieing on her back beanth me and I lay my head on her chest and my tiger starts to purr. I dont care about the laughter I hear from downstairs because I am content to just lay here on this beautiful woman.


Texte: mine only do not copy
Bildmaterialien: mine and google images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.05.2013

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to my brother for supporting me and my stories

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