
Night of Fate

Chapter one: Foundations

“This is it…this time fate will be put in place. When I wake up I’ll find the man…I’ll find the man that will help me protect the Galaxy…,” I said closing my eyes.
My silver hair was spread out underneath me; it was so long it started to fall off of the bed.
“This is good night for now…,” I said taking a deep breath. This breath would be my last for two-hundred years.

“Hinode, the time is coming near. As Spirit of the Forest, shouldn’t you be preparing for her awakening?” Mayo asked moving her orange hair out of her face.
Hinode sat up. “Even if she’s the Spirit of the Galaxy…why should I have to prepare the forest?”
“Until she finds…uh…well, you know…until she finds him she has to protect the Earth along with all the other stars and planets by herself. That’s a lot of weight on her shoulders…we should be pleased to do whatever we can! I, as the Spirit of the People, have to gather the other elves.”
“Ugh…I guess since you put it that way…,” Hinode said standing up.
“Thank you, Hinode! I’ll go gather the other Spirits!” Mayo said as her hazel eyes lit with joy.
Hinode sighed. “Don’t forget Adoel this time. You know how mad he got last time…,” Hinode reminded Mayo.
“Heh…thanks, I’ll get him first!” she said walking out of Hinode’s stone house.
Hinode went to her window. ‘Every two thousand years Lady Mikazuki will go to fight for our Galaxy. But after recovering, she falls into a two-hundred year slumber. Only after two-hundred years will she awaken to take pride in protecting the Galaxy until she fights again.’ Hinode thought.
She went outside to the forest getting ready to prepare everything for her. Her father and mother left their powers to her they died. They gave her the only thing they could for her health…even though they knew it would put the weight of protecting the entire Galaxy and everything in it until she finds the one man that she falls in love with….
She lifted both hands and the trees seemed to perk up, the flowers seemed to grow livelier, and the forest in all seemed to wake up. “My forest, awaken for my lady, Mikazuki.”

Mayo was still going around getting the people. She knocked on one of the doors. “Kein, may I come in?” she asked.
A boy with short silver hair opened the door with a smile. “Good morning, Mayo! It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” he said.
“Yeah…I’ve been so busy trying to gather everyone. Sometimes I think I have the hardest job!” she said with a sigh.
Kein ruffled her hair. “You’re doing a good job though!”
“Thanks! Well…I’ve still got to go get Yoko, Hatsumomo and the villagers. Busy, busy, busy! You’ve gotta get to work too!” she said before running off to gather the others.
Kein smiled. His blue eyes lit up as he thought of the awakening.
When everyone was gathered, they waited outside my house.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath, my first breath in two-hundred years. I sat up and looked at the light that was coming in through my window.
I knew they would be waiting for me, so I went to the window and closed it. I didn’t want to disappoint them since they had been working so hard. I opened the door. “Good morning, I’m glad to see your faces when I wake up. Let us celebrate!” I said in the most cheerful voice I could.
Everyone cheered.
I brought my hand up and made a rainbow to distract them.
Everyone cheered again. This time they were looking at the rainbow and not me.
I sneaked into the forest before anyone could see me. I wanted to be alone, but in a place that was open, so I went to the valley in which my mother and father met.
“Mother…Father…,” that was all I could think about each time I had awakened.
I’ve fought for the Galaxy ten times since my mother and father gave me their powers. All in all…it’s been ten thousand and twenty years.
I can’t die, otherwise I would have accidentally had myself killed by now, or my health would’ve killed me. I can’t pass this power to anyone, but my mother and father were the first, so they had the choice of giving it to someone.
Before they gave me their powers, I was always sick; I could almost never go outside because of my condition. I was ready to die when they made the decision to give me their powers.
Since then, only the Great Spirits have lived. The elves themselves cannot live as long as a Great Spirit. Each one of my friends died in what seemed like a year, but in reality, it was two thousand years.
Why must I hold this weight? I thought sitting down and burying my head in my knees.
After about thirty minutes, I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned around to see Kein’s worried eyes.
“What’s wrong, Mikazuki? What happened to the you that used to tell me everything?” he asked sitting down beside me.
I leaned on him. Kein was the one that I ran to when I needed help. I trusted no on as much as I did him. He was like a bigger brother…though I was the one who saved him and made him a Spirit.
“Kein…I don’t know what to do…,” I said trying to figure out why I was so flustered.
Kein smiled. “You’ll make the right choices. Your people will follow you no matter what, you know that.”
I didn’t say anything. I know they will…but how am I supposed to protect everything by myself for another two thousand years? When I sleep, who watched over everything? I don’t want my people to be dead when I wake up!
Kein saw my worried face. “You’ll find whoever it is that needs to help you.”
“I’ve searched through the next 900 years, I haven’t seen anything but pain…,” I forgot to tell you that I can hear thoughts, watch the future and past, and control time.
Kein sighed. “What about the other one hundred years? Can’t you see them too?”
“I don’t want to look that far…I don’t want to see any more pain!” I said.
“Why not just skip time until then? You’ll live your normal life, but it will only feel like living a day. You’ll remember everything that happens too,” he suggested.
“Not helping…,” I said pinching his arm.
“Ouch!” he said.
I stood up. “I feel like something is gonna happen here, in the valley, though…I just don’t know what…,” I said looking at the valley.
“Then why not just look?” Kein asked.
“I’m scared Kein! I don’t know what’s going to happen! If I look, I’m afraid I’ll see something I don’t want to!” I yelled standing up. It’s not normal for me to let other people know how I’m feeling, but it’s different with Kein.
Kein looked away. There’s got to be a way that I can-
“There’s not. Trust me.”
Kein sighed. “Can I have my thoughts for myself?”
“I can do as I wish, so you’ll have to put up with it until I sleep again,” I said being stubborn.
“Ugh,” he said clearly irritated.
I smiled.
“Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about the first time you figured out I could hear your thoughts. The look on your face was hilarious!”
“You caught me off guard!”
“For awhile after that you couldn’t talk to me for the fact that you knew I found out that you liked me. To think, you want my first kiss. I’m not giving it to you!” I teased.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah; I hear you. ‘I think of you as a brother and nothing more’. That’s what you used to say.”
“Still do!” I chuckled.
He looked away again.
“I know that you won’t get my first kiss. My first kiss will be in the one hundred years I didn’t search; I know that much.”
“Well,” he started as he stood up. “I think it’s time we head back. Everyone will be worried.”
“What you mean to say is that you don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
He sighed. “C’mon, let’s go.”
I smiled again. “Sure thing!” I said grabbing onto his arm.
He led the way back to the village.
“Lady Mikazuki! Where have you been? The whole village has been looking for you!” Hinode asked.
“Nowhere in particular. Kein found me and brought me back, though I really wish he hadn’t…,” I admitted.
A little girl came running up to me. “Hewo! I been being good so I cuwud cum see you! Mommy and daddy says you ah da best peson in da ho wide…uh…Glazy!”
I couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you. Here, a little present. May it be of use to you and your family,” I said softly. I gave her an amethyst necklace that healed wounds.
“Fank you berry much!” she said with a little laugh.
Kein smiled.
“Hinode, where are the other Spirits? I need to meet with them,” I asked.
“I’ll get them right away,” she said bowing. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders before she turned into leaves, then vanished to get the others.
I walked to the garden, where we would be meeting, with Kein.
“What’s wrong, please tell me. I can’t stand to see such beautiful green eyes so worried.”
I ignored him. I don’t feel like talking to him right now…there’s other things that need to be handled.
His eyes grew worried. This is unusual…she doesn’t usually ignore me….
I glared at him.
“Sorry…,” he said trying not to get himself in trouble.
“I don’t feel like talking that’s all. So would you please leave me to be by myself for a while?” I asked.
He bowed. “Yes.”
“Thank you…,” I said.
I walked to the place where I would be meeting the other Spirits. I didn’t know what orders I should give them. Every time I looked into the future, I had made a mistake and something bad happened. So I simply went through all my choices until I found the right one.
When all the other Spirits were there, I sat down on a smooth rock and thought for a minute more.
“In your opinion, how were the last twenty years? What could be changed for the best?” I asked after awhile.
They were stunned. I had never before asked this question, so of course it would be a surprise.
Adoel finally spoke up. “The children….”
I waited. “Yes, what about them?” I asked waiting for him to finish.
He hesitated then shook his head. I don’t know how to say it…hmm…
“It’s okay, take your time, I’ll let you tell me when you want to,” I said smiling.
Yoko smiled. “I know! I’ve a great idea!”
Brilliant! She’s a genius! Why didn’t I think of that! I thought when I heard what she was thinking. “Great idea! Oops, you might want to tell the others!” I said chuckling.
They all stared at me.
Their thoughts rushed into my mind. ‘I’ve never seen her this happy.’ ‘What happened? Did something happen and I didn’t hear about it?’ were some of the thoughts.
I laughed again. “Loosen up! I’m just in a good mood!” I said unbelievably happy.
Through my laughter, I tried to talk. “G-go on Yoko!” I said laughing at their expressions.
Yoko smiled. “It’s a good thing you’re in a good mood!”
The others were still stunned.
I nodded.
“Well,” she started. “I thought that maybe we could create a place where the children can learn how to do medicinal stuff. I don’t think that’s the right terms, but along those lines,” she said with a big smile.
Kein smiled at me.
I stopped laughing and glared at him.
The others looked at him.
I listened to his thoughts and immediately grew angry. “NO.”
He smiled. “Thought so.”
The others were confused.
Kein stood up and started walking away. It’s ashamed I can’t suggest having her first kiss without her wanting to hurt me. Even if it’s just a joke…
“I’m not done,” I said standing up.
The others stepped back.
He sighed. “I’m not scared. You couldn’t hurt me if you tried.”
My anger flew. I couldn’t control myself. I made vines twist around him.
“Lady Mikazuki! Calm down!”
Everyone was mad at Kein now.
I made myself calm down when Yoko took my hand.
“Kein! What was that about!?” Hatsumomo yelled.
Yoko and Tobashi glared at him, as did I.
“Why did you make her so mad! The first time she’s every been so happy when she wakes up and you have to ruin it by making her mad!” Trinity, another Spirit, yelled at him.
Kein smiled. “Oh, I don’t know. She seems to have the worst temper I’ve ever seen. It’s so fun to get her mad,” he said agitating me.
I put my hair up in its regular pony-tail. “I’m done. Do as you wish,” I said leaving them all.
“What does that mean?” Hatsumomo asked Hayashi.
“I don’t know…,” Hayashi said.
Kein sneered. “Tsk!” he walked off mad.
When I was out of sight I started running. I ran to the deepest part of the forest.
Stupid Kein! I wish he wouldn’t taunt me! Sometimes he makes me want to strangle him! But what does he get from it? I thought when I stopped running.
I looked up at the sun. Why is it that he gets so mad when I tell him that he won’t be the Spirit that will help me control the galaxy? When someone makes a choice, I can see it. I can see what their future choices will be too… I thought.
I went to the valley and made a barrier so that no one could get to me, other than the other Spirits. I want to go and live in those one hundred years that I haven’t searched…
In an instant, I was saw what happened in those 950 years and when I opened my eyes, I was still sitting in the valley.
Hatsumomo and Yoko were sitting beside me. I knew why they were there, I knew everything that had happened. I simply leaned on Hatsumomo.
“Lady Mikazuki? Are you okay?” she asked. Her brown eyes looked worried, her black hair was up in its usual pony-tail.
“Where is Kein?” I asked.
They both looked at one another in disbelief.
Yoko looked at me with her soft blue eyes. “You were the last one to see him…shouldn’t you know?” she asked.
I stood up. “You’re right. I know exactly where he is,” I said.
Yoko and Hatsumomo looked at one another and thought the very same thing. She’s still mad at him?
My eye twitched. “I heard that!”
“S-sorry!” they both said.
I started walking. When I find him…!
I finally got out of sight of Yoko and Hatsumomo, when I did I started running. “Kein, you idiot!” I said out loud with a grin on my face.
“Naturally, I’m gonna ask why you think I’m an idiot. Every since your awakening, you’ve been mad at me for no reason,” Kein said jumping down from a tree.
I laughed. “Does this look like the face of an angry person?”
He was shocked.
I couldn’t stop laughing. “Y-you thought I-I was mad?!” I giggled.
“What else was I supposed to think when you kept ignoring me?”
I laughed again. “Idiot, you would only talk to me when I was deep in thought, therefore I didn’t hear you! I’ve been trying to find you!”
He smiled. “Oh, well I guess that means I’ve been forgiven?”
“By far!” I said calming down. I put my hands behind my head and smiled. “I’ve seen you in your future, I know who you end up falling in love with!” I teased.
“Hey, cut it out!”
“It’s not one of the Spirits…,” I said trying to make him guess.
“I don’t want to know! My future is supposed to be a surprise!” he said. “Wait, it’s not a Spirit? How is that possible?”
“Awe, too bad. You already said you wanted your future to be a surprise!” Strange though…I feel like I’m gonna be connected to someone near the human he falls in love with…
“Mikazuki! That’s just cruel! At least tell me when I meet her!” he begged.
I thought for a moment. “Nope! You’ll fall in love when I do!”
He paused. If I fall in love when she does it might mean I fall in love with her…but she said it wasn’t one of the Spirits…
“At least I’ve got you thinking! You’re right, it’s not me!” I teased.
This is the most horrible things about me being able to see the past and future…I can’t see my own. I can watch the people that are around me to see what happens to me, but I can’t trace myself.
“How do you know you’re going to fall in love?” Kein asked.
“When I looked into your future, you were sulking about me falling in love. I didn’t look on after that, it was right before I went into my slumber. That’s why when I woke up I went to the meadow.”
Kein tried to keep up. “Okay…?”
“Never mind,” I said smiling. “So, is there anything you would like to know today?” I asked.
He thought for a moment. “Actually, there is,” he started. “How is it that the woman I fall in love with isn’t a Spirit? Wouldn’t it be pointless since she would die and I would live on?”
“Oh, but she doesn’t die. After your wedding day-”
“I GET MARRIED?!” he exclaimed.
I sighed. “Yep, after your wedding day, I eventually have to give her the power of a Spirit…I can’t go into details, you would hate me,” I said.
“When do I meet her?” he asked.
“Awe, don’t you want love to be a surprise?”
“Ugh, you can be so mean sometimes!”
“I know.”
We were silent for a moment.
“Lady Mikazuki! Where are you?! Lady Mikazuki! It’s urgent!” Hinode called.
“I’m here, Hinode! What is it?” I asked running over to her.
She tried to talk while catching her breath. “The humans…they-”
I put my hand on her shoulder. “Calm down, catch your breath,” I said being patient. I couldn’t understand what she was trying to say or make out what she was thinking, her thoughts were scattered.
When she caught her breath she looked at me with a panicked expression. “The humans have found us!”
“WHAT?! How is that possible? Why didn’t I see it?!” I exclaimed.
“Tobashi and Yoko were in their human form, but then a fire broke out and Yoko panicked. She immediately took her Elfin Spirit form and froze the place.”
“What about Tobashi?”
“Tobashi, out of fear for Yoko, went to his Elfin Spirit form and used liquid fire to melt the ice. When the humans saw this, they panicked. Now their king and queen want to talk with our leader, you. What do we do Lady Mikazuki?”
I sighed. “It can’t be helped. I’ll meet with them…”

Before I entered the human village, I changed to my human form. I brought Kein, Yoko, and Tobashi with me, they too were in their human form.
When we entered the throne room, I looked at both the king and the queen.
The king looked to be about twenty years old, though I didn’t know how someone so young could be king. He had hazel eyes and short, black hair.
The queen seemed to be about the same age as the king, if not younger. She had violet eyes and long, curly, blonde hair.
“I am King Aaron, this is my wife Zelia. Are you the leader of the elves? If so, where are the elves that have destroyed the commoner’s shop?” Aaron asked with a voice that made him sound as if he were thirty.
“Yes, I am their leader. They stand before you right now,” I said.
He didn’t look convinced. “You are not an elf, nor are they. So how can you possibly be the ones who destroyed the commoner’s shop?”
“I simply do not wish to show you my true form.”
He was getting angry now. “Then show me your true form!”
“How dare you speak to my lady as though she were a commoner!” Kein said being protective.
I raised my hand.
Kein sneered, but he yielded.
“Ha! What did you bring the scum of a guard dog here for? When did these pests get in my castle?”
My anger flew. “You can call me anything you want,” I started. I didn’t realize it, but I had already changed back to my Great Spirit form. “But never talk about my people!”
Kein, Yoko, and Tobashi changed into their elfin form.
“Lady Mikazuki! Calm down!” they said trying to hold me down with their powers.
One of the sculptures at the side of the room had burst from my powers.
Aaron didn’t seem fazed. “So now you show your true form,” he said.
Zelia was frightened, and for her sake, I tried to calm down.
Ice started crawling up my arm, pieces of the shattered sculpture circled my body, and fire was circling around my feet….all from my anger, that couldn’t be controlled.
Yoko and Tobashi stood back knowing there was absolutely nothing they could do.
Kein, however, stayed by me and tried to calm me down. He thought of everything he used to do to calm me down. Then it finally came to him. “Mikazuki…,” he said.
I could hear him, but I still wasn’t able calm down.
He did something that I didn’t think he would ever risk doing. I didn’t think that anyone would ever risk doing what he did…
He slowly put his arms around me. While he did, the fire burned him, the scraps cut him and the ice froze him.
His power was far more powerful than I had given him credit for.
When he couldn’t stand anymore, he fell to his knees.
When I had finally noticed what had happened I stopped everything. The fire vanish, as did the scraps and ice.
“Kein! You idiot! Why did you do that?!” I exclaimed bending down.
He groaned. “It’s not like I had a choice…,” he said healing himself. That’s his power, healing and anything with herbs.
I soaked in how much he really cared for me. “Thank you, Kein…,” I said kissing his forehead.
Aaron was watching. “So the guard dog isn’t worthless. I’ve also seemed to have found my criminals. Well now, what should I do?”
I stood up. “I feel sorry for your child! I hope he doesn’t get as arrogant as you!” I said.
Aaron laughed. “We don’t have any children, yet,” he said.
“And you won’t for the next ten years.”
He sneered. “Besides that, I want to know more about this power of your people.”
“Why should I tell you?”
“Because I am your king,” Aaron said.
“I serve no one,” I said helping Kein up.
“Even so, tell me more. Are all your people like these ones? Or are these the nobles?”
I thought for a moment, deciding if I should tell him or not. I searched both choices. If I told him, he would be my ally; if not he would try to hurt my people.
“These are some of the few of my nobles. I have given only a few the power to use these powers. We call them the Great Spirits. I am their Master Spirit, the Spirit of the Galaxy. Everything in this Galaxy rules under me. My other people do not have these powers.”
Yoko looked worried. “Lady Mikazuki-”
“Not to worry, Yoko. I’ve seen the outcome, everything will be all right. I’ll make sure of it.”
Tobashi reached for her hand and gently whispered something that no one but Yoko and I could hear. “She’s right; she won’t let anything happen to her people. She’ll make the best decisions.”
“I’d like to see some more of these powers,” Aaron said.
“I’ll show you on two conditions. If you do not follow, I will not cooperate.”
“Might I ask these conditions of yours?” he asked.
“My first, don’t let your people enter my village. If they do, they will be punished, regardless. My second, do not tell your people about the elves. I will erase their memories of this previous incident.”
He seemed to ponder. “I will agree to both. It shouldn’t be that hard. But if I can’t tell them about you, how will a warn them not to enter your village?”
“Tell them not to cross the river. If they do, they’re on our territory; therefore they will be punished, or in the worst case, killed.”
“I understand,” he said standing up. “Now that we have come to an agreement, may I see their powers?”
I smiled for the first time in front of him. “Yes, you may. But let me warn you, they are ruthless when they’re emotional. They each have a different power; I can control them and their powers. I control everything in the Galaxy, as I have said.”
“May I ask how many nobles you have?”
“I have twelve. I only have three with me.”
“Okay, at some point, I would like to see each one of them demonstrate their powers. Oh, one more question.”
“That is fine, what is your question?”
“May my family, meaning my wife and me, enter your village?”
“Yes, but only after dressing as one of us. Your children may, too.”
Kein looked at me in astonishment. “You’re letting them into our village?! Mikazuki, are you crazy?!” he exclaimed.
“Kein!” I yelled back.
Kein instantly fell to one knee. “I am truly sorry…,” he said.
Aaron smiled. “I see you get along well.”
I ignored his comment and brought my hand up, motioning for Kein to rise. “Now then, they will each demonstrate their powers for you.”
“When they do, I’d also like to know their name.”
I nodded. Looking at Yoko I motioned for her to demonstrate first.
Yoko bowed. “I am Yoko, I am the Spirit of weather and ice,” she said rising.
Aaron nodded.
Yoko brought both her hands up, and without effort, she created an ice sculpture of Aaron and Zelia.
Aaron was amused. “Brilliant!”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t show more,” Yoko said.
Tobashi was next. He bowed. “I am Tobashi, I am the Spirit of animals, and also liquid. If we come back, I will show you my power over animals, but for now just liquid,” he put one hand to the left and the other hand to the right.
Two different liquids formed. Tobashi brought them together making a loud crash.
Aaron was now fascinated. “Fantastic!” If they worked together…
Kein was next. He looked at me. “No one is wounded. How shall I show my powers?” he asked.
I brought out my knife that was in my skinned boots. “You can demonstrate on me,” I said about to cut myself.
“NO!” Yoko, Tobashi, and Kein said at the same time.
I smiled and looked at Aaron. “Oh, whatever shall we do?”
Aaron frowned. “Give me the knife,” he said.
I threw the knife making it cut his cheek. “Oops, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I said sarcastically.
Aaron put his hand to his cheek which was now bleeding. “Fantastic throw!”
Kein rolled his eyes and went up to Aaron. “Turn your head.”
“Ah, ah, ah! You haven’t told me your name or power.”
Kein glared. “I’m Philip; I’m the Spirit of fire.”
“KEIN!” I yelled at him. “One more smart remark and you’ll be healing yourself for a week!” I threatened.
Kein shuttered thinking about the last time I had hurt him that bad. He bowed lightly. “I’m Kein…I am the Spirit of healing and poison.”
Aaron turned his head.
Kein simply looked at it and it was healed.
Aaron felt his cheek again. “Amazing!”
Kein walked away with his back turned to Aaron.
I rolled my eyes. “They have three different forms: Human; Elfin Spirit, meaning they look like elves; and Great Spirits. Other than the Master Spirits, we have four: human, Elfin Spirit, Great Spirit, and Master Spirit. I’m truly sorry, Aaron. Tomorrow I will bring the rest of them to show you their powers.”
Aaron smiled. “May I call you by your first name? You have called me by mine.”
I looked at Kein who was listening carefully. “I let no one call me by my first name. They seem to just ask for trouble.”
Kein looked away angrily.
“Well then, shall you be on your way?” He asked.
“I shall,” I said tilting my head for respect. “Good day, Aaron, Zelia.”
Zelia’s violet eyes lit up when I called her by her first name. She stood up and bowed. “Good day, Lady Mikazuki!” she said smiling.
“Good day, Lady Mikazuki,” Aaron said bowing.
When we left and were in the forest, I told Yoko and Tobashi to go back. I was going to scold Kein, again.
Kein waited.
“If we are to make allies with them, I can’t have you being rude!”
Kein wasn’t paying attention. He was thinking about something his mother told him before she died. A voice calls to me mother…it is telling me to search for paradise…but what is it supposed to-
“KEIN!” I yelled.
He looked at me as if to ask what I wanted.
I sighed.
“Yeah, yeah. I know, I’ve gotta behave so we can become allies. I just don’t know why it’s important to make allies with them…I mean, what are they to us anyway?”
“Fine with me if you want to be single forever. I was doing it for you.”
Kein looked at me in shock. “The woman I fall in love with is human?! I’ve heard of elves falling in love with the Great Spirits, but never have I heard of a human and a Spirit!”
“I never said it was impossible. I never made it a rule that you couldn’t. That was only because I knew you would hate me for not letting you marry her. That would lead me to having to kill you for treason.”
Kein was still confused.
“You would try to run away with her, she would die, and you would attack the village, me, for not letting you be with her. I watch my choices carefully.”
He soaked it in. All for me? He thought. He bowed his head then kneeled to one knee. “I am truly sorry…truly…,” he said.
I wasn’t happy but I knew he meant what he was saying. “Stand up.”
He looked up. Slowly, he stood up.
“You should be happy I haven’t hit you yet,” I said sorely. I put my hair up and took my cloak off.
He looked happy. “I really do deserve it. All hands-on?” he asked.
I smiled with delight. “With pleasure,” I said changing to a human.
He took a fighting stance and changed to human. “Ready?”
“You can’t heal yourself,” I said not going easy on him.
“Okay, let’s go!” he said.

When we walked into the village I was laughing. “You got beat bad!” I said still laughing.
He wiped his lip which was now bleeding. “Am a permitted to heal myself now?
“Not until Yoko and Tobashi see you. They need to know you were punished for being so rude,” I said.
We had both changed back to our elf forms.
One of the village kids looked at Kein. “Kein, sir, may I ask what happened to you? You’re hurt! I thought you could heal.”
Kein looked at me but talked to the little boy. “I got myself into something I shouldn’t have,” he started. He looked at the kid. “Now I’m paying for it.”
The kid smiled. “So you’re okay?”
“I’m a Great Spirit, I’m sure I’m fine,” he said smiling. He ruffled the kid’s hair then picked him up.
The little boy laughed as Kein threw him up.
Kein caught him then gently let him down. “You stay out of trouble. You can learn from my mistake, okay?”
“Okay, Kein, sir!” the little boy ran off to his mother who was surprised that Kein was so kind and gentle.
Kein smiled at the mother. “Keep him close.”
Since I was close to Kein I tapped his hand to warn him not to go any farther with that matter.
He caught on.
“What do you mean? Has something happened?” the mother asked.
Kein looked at me and thought as if he were asking me a question. What should I say? They know there are humans; they just don’t know how close…should we warn the men? He thought.
I looked at the mother with a slight smile. “Everything is fine, Elvira. There is nothing to worry about. For your kindness and obedience, I would like to meet with your husband. I will give him your reward,” I said.
The woman smiled. “Thank you, Lady Mikazuki. You are always so kind to us,” she said.
Kein looked at me in amazement. She pulled it off so fast…hmm…she really knows her people. He thought.
“Come now, Kein, I need to finish that meeting with the other Spirits,” I said.
We walked to my stone house and waited for the other Spirits.
When they had all gotten there I made the announcement.
“Spirits, I need to warn you of something,” I started off.
They listened to every word I had to say.
“The humans have found us. Yoko and Tobashi will tell the story later, but they are not to blame. I have made an alliance with their king, Aaron. You will all come with me to their castle tomorrow.”
Hatsumomo, who had a short temper, flared. “Why should we make an alliance with them?! They are but weak beings! If our people are found by them, they could be in danger!”
“Calm yourself, Hatsumomo. I have told Aaron that if his people trespass on our land, they will be punished on the spot. He has agreed to keep them away; we will have no trouble with the humans, unless Aaron acts up. In the worst case, I will wipe the humans out,” I said informing her of what we would be doing.
Hatsumomo seemed to understand. She calmed herself and listened.
“I have erased the memories of the humans that saw Yoko and Tobashi; they are not allowed to see us in our elf form. They are not to find out about us.”
They looked pleased.
“We may enter their town, but they are not to enter ours. If they have crossed the river, you are given permission to punish them. Aaron has agreed to that as well.”
I looked at each of them. “If even one of you causes a problem with the humans, you will be punished by me. Kein is our example,” I said looking at Kein.
Kein still hadn’t healed himself.
Yoko and Tobashi tried not to laugh.
I smiled at them. “Yoko, Tobashi, would you like to tell them what happened?” I asked.
Yoko took the lead and started talking.
I got closer to Kein and whispered. “You may heal yourself now.”
“At long last!” he said quietly. His wounds started healing up and he seemed to feel better.
I walked into the forest and to the valley alone. Mother…father…have I made the right choice?
I sat there for about twenty minutes before it started raining.
I stood up and smiled. I put my arms out letting the rain soak me.
The rain seemed to be singing a song. Follow me here, but lead me there. Take my hand and dance. I’ll hold you tight, you shall not fall. I’ll lift you up, you’ll never doubt.
I danced in the rain as I listened to its song. It reminded me of the first time I was allowed outside. It was raining, but I dance with my father and mother. I too started singing a song.
“Listen my child, you say to me. I am the voice of you history. Be not afraid, come follow me. Answer my call and I’ll set you free. I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain, I am the voice of your hunger and pain,” I sang dancing to the rhythm of the rain. “I am the voice that always is calling you, I am the voice...I will remain.”
I smiled. That’s the song you taught me to sing, father, mother. That’s the song that comforts the rain… I thought feeling the gentle rain on my skin.
Little flashes of my memory went through my head as I danced. The first time I dance with father, the first time I cooked with mother…and my older brother who had died giving me his power, along with my mother and father.
I smiled. “You’re watching…aren’t you Kein?” I said looking up. The rain pattered on my face.
Kein stepped out of the forest, but not quiet into the rain.
“Let me enjoy myself this time. I don’t want to get angry with you before we go to Aaron’s town tomorrow,” I said looking at him.
Kein smiled and stepped into the rain. “May I have this dance?” he asked politely.
I smiled as well. “You may,” I said taking his hand we danced to the beat of the rain, but in a soft gentler way.
Kein held me tight and kept his thoughts on me.
I couldn’t believe how gentle he could be. “What are you scheming?” I asked.
He smiled. “Do I need a reason to dance?” he asked.
I smiled back. “No, you just seemed to be in an odd mood. Is there something you would like to tell me?” I asked.
He looked away. “Even without reading my mind, you always knew me…,” he said with a smile.
“So there is something?” I asked. I didn’t know what he wanted because he wasn’t thinking very much.
“Yes…there is something,” he said with a smile. “You’ve always known.”
“I…,” …don’t clearly know what you’re saying…. I stopped what I was saying. “What do you want? You’re acting strange,” I said backing away from him.
Kein looked away. “I don’t know…I’m just trying to be a better person. You seem to always be mad at me…so I’m trying to see how I can get you to not be mad at me,” he explained.
I wasn’t convinced. “You’re frustrating me now, go away,” I said rudely.
He bowed. “Sure thing.”
He left just as I had told him to.
I stood in awe. He usually asked why I was so impatient. I decided to keep my eyes on him throughout the next week or so.
In the morning I waited for all the other Spirits.
When they were all there, I made them change to their human forms.
“Where’s Kein?” Trinity asked.
I sighed and closed my eyes. “He’s coming,” I said after searching.
Kein came into sight.
Yoko stood back making sure not to get in the cross fire if I were to get mad.
“Where have you been?” I asked as calm as I could.
“I forgot about this morning, sorry,” he said.
“How could you forget?” I asked.
“I said sorry. Sheesh!” he said.
The rest of the Spirits took two steps back.
My calmness was reaching its limit. “What has gotten into you?!” I yelled at him.
“Nothing, what’s gotten into you?” he said plainly.
I stopped in my tracks. His thoughts…I can’t hear them…
He looked at me. “Something wrong?”
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re the only one whose thoughts I can’t hear right now. I’d like to know the reason!” I said getting frustrated.
“Nothing,” he said smiling.
I changed to my elf form. Ice started creeping up around me. “What are you planning?”
He stayed where he was. “Can’t you take a joke!” he said stepping back from the ice.
His thoughts came rushing into my head.
“Do you know how hard I was trying to not let you hear my thoughts? I was testing something! I’m sorry!” he said.
Yoko broke the ice when I had calmed down...
“Don’t do that again. If you do you’ll regret it,” I said so serious it made him step back.
He bowed. “I’m sorry!”
“Change to your human form, we’re going to Aaron’s castle,” I said changing to my human form.

We finally got to Aaron’s castle, so I made each one of the Spirits stay behind me.
We stepped into the throne room.
“Good morning, Aaron, Zelia,” I said with a soft smile.
Aaron stood up. “Good morning, Lady Mikazuki!” he said with a slight bow.
Zelia stood up as well. “Good morning, my lady!” she said bowing.
“As I said I would, I brought all my nobles,” I said walking a little closer to Aaron’s throne.
I stepped up beside him. “They will do as they did yesterday. After they have each shown you their power, they will team up and show you what they do together,” I explained.
They already knew who was going when, so they started showing their powers. They each changed to their elf forms.
“I am Hatsumomo; I am the Spirit of the rose. I am also the Spirit of fighting,” she said.
Hatsumomo demonstrated her rose first. She closed her eyes and made roses appear around her, making her look like a beautiful maiden.
Aaron smiled. “How shall you show me you’re fighting skill?” he asked.
Hatsumomo was just as clueless as Aaron. “I don’t know,” she said looking at me for an answer.
“Will you ask one of your best guards to come forth?” I asked Aaron.
Aaron signaled one of his guards.
Hatsumomo laughed. “This’ll be too easy!” she said taking stance. “I’ll make this quick. As a handy-cap, I’ll let you use your weapon!” she said to the guard.
Aaron looked at me. “Will she be alright?”
“I should be asking you if you’re willing to let your guard get hurt.”
“Kein can heal, can’t he?” Aaron asked.
“Sure, sure,” I said.
Hatsumomo and the guard started fighting. Before long, Hatsumomo had the guard pined to the ground in pain.
“I give!” the guard said.
Aaron laughed. “That was fast!”
Hatsumomo bowed.
“I am Hinode, I am the Spirit of the forest,” Hinode said shyly.
Hinode lifted her arms and plants of every kind swarmed the throne room. She bit her lip. “I think I over did it…,” she said when Aaron tried getting the roses out of his face.
Zelia smiled. “Beautifully done, though,” she said taking one of the roses of its branch.
Hinode smiled. “Thank you!” she said bowing. She made all the plants disappear except for the rose that Zelia was holding. She then walked over to where Hatsumomo was.
“I am Mayo, my power lies within my people…I’ve never tried it on humans…,” she said trying to think of how to show him her power.
Aaron looked at me impressed.
I smiled back.
Mayo sighed. “I can’t show you my power on my people, and I’ve never tried on humans, so it might not work,” she said closing her eyes.
The guards in the room looked at her with one hundred% attention to her.
“Dance!” she said bringing her arms up.
The people took their weapons out and began a sword dance.
She seemed pleased with herself. “Halt,” she said softly.
Each one of them stopped the returned to their positions
Aaron was intrigued. “Astonishing! Well done!” he praised.
Mayo walked over to where the others were.
“I am Adoel,” he said stepping forward. “I am the Spirit of metal and ore,” he said opening his brown eyes. “I will show you, but I will need one sword,” he said calmly.
Aaron signaled for a guard to give him a sword.
Adoel took the sword and threw it in the air. When it had landed in his hand again, it was a completely different, much bigger, sword.
“I can also make it vanish then form it into something else,” he said showing him how he did that.
He bowed, making his short black hair wave, and walked over to the others.
“I am Hayashi,” he said with a smile. “I am the Spirit that plays with fire,” he laughed. He raised his hand up and fire twisted around his body. One final touch made the sparks fly like a firework.
“Beautiful!” Zelia commented.
“Why thank you, Zelia,” he said bowing. His short brown hair hadn’t yet covered his jade eyes.
“I am Trinity,” a younger girl said. “I am the Spirit of illusions,” she said with a smile. Her indigo eyes went well with her violet hair. She raised her arms up then they all seemed to be in a forest.
It wasn’t raining, yet it was damp. It wasn’t dark, but it was hard to see for all the tree’s leaves. And it wasn’t like the one at the village; this was the forest I had found her in.
I smiled. “Looks familiar,” I said when she stopped the illusion.
“Yep!” she said bowing. She too walked over to the others.
“You know me, already, I am Tobashi,” he said. “I will show you what I can do with animals,” he said. He let out a small whistle.
A panther with black fur and blue eyes came running in.
“KYAAA!!” I yelled clinging to Aaron. Of all the things in the galaxy, I’m afraid of panthers; not tigers or bears, just panthers.
Tobashi saw his mistake and made the panther leave before I did anything wrong. “Sorry, lady Mikazuki. I forgot,” he said shyly.
I let go of Aaron when I realized I was crushing his arm. “Sorry,” I said healing him.
Aaron twitched. “I’ll never get on your bad side!” he said rubbing his arm.
“G-go on Tobashi,” I said looking away.
Tobashi put up a target then walked away from it. He called three wolves instead. “Dance of blades,” he said crouching down.
The wolves circled him with snarling teeth.
“Remember your target,” he said too low for humans to hear.
The wolves turned and jumped at the target.
“Dance of leaves,” he said changing the formation.
The wolves switched their formation from anxiously angry to a gently deceiving one.
“Strike!” Tobashi called.
In a split second, the target was in shreds.
“I’d hate to get on his bad side,” Aaron whispered to me.
Tobashi smiled when he heard that. He bowed then walked to the others.
“I am Namida!” a girl with blue eyes said. “I am the Spirit of cooking!” she said as she put her long blue hair into a pony tail.
“That’s kinda useless isn’t it…,” Aaron said under his breath.
“It is not!” Namida said. “I’ll let you eat some of the best food you’ve ever eaten! And I’ll be done in one minute! It’ll heal you, and fill you up!” she said making a pot appear. She scratched her head. “Hayashi…can you help?”
He shook his head. “Not yet,” he said.
Namida pouted. “All well, I’ll do something different,” she said making ingredients pop out of nowhere.
Within a minute she was done. “Here you go!” she said handing Aaron, Zelia, and me a plate of elfin food.
I took a bite. “This is the best yet, Namida! What did you do different?” I asked.
Aaron and Zelia both took a bite.
“I added more rosemary,” she said happily.
“It’s so delicious!” Zelia said.
Aaron rolled his eyes. “I’ve had better,” he said. This is the best I’ve ever had!
I looked at Namida with a smiled.
She smiled back knowing what I meant. She bowed and walked to the others.
“I’m Cocoa!” a girl with golden eyes and copper hair said. “I am the Spirit of teleportation!” she disappeared.
“Wanna see?” she said from behind Aaron.
Zelia and Aaron nodded.
All three of the vanished for about ten seconds.
“That was amazing!” Aaron and Zelia said.
Cocoa smiled. “Thanks!” she said bowing. She walked over to the others.
“It looks like I’m the last one! I’m Alexander,” he said moving his black hair out of his blue eyes. “I am the Spirit of earth….well, you know, soil and rocks…? That kind of stuff!” he said with a gentle smile.
A bolder formed in front of him. He threw it up and smashed it into a million little pieces. Before it hit the ground he made it disappear.
Alexander bowed. And waited for me to say something.
“They will now work together. They have already chosen their partner, therefore, they will just state what they are doing,” I explained.
Hinode skipped over to Alexander with a smile.
Alexander smiled back. “We will be doing a combination of earth and plants,” he explained as he looked at Aaron.
Hinode took Alexander’s hand and closed her eyes. “Dance of spring,” she said softly.
“Song of the gentle earth,” Alexander said.
Darkness filled the room.
I could feel a vine creeping up my arm, so I used my power to deflect it.
I heard Aaron grunt.
“Alex, Hinode, this isn’t a real battle, back down,” I said.
Hinode reluctantly let go of Alexander. “Sorry, my lady.”
Alexander and Hinode walked to a different spot so the others could perform.
Yoko and Tobashi went next.
Yoko took Tobashi’s hand without a second thought.
“We will be doing a combination of liquid and ice,” Tobashi explained.
Yoko closed her eyes and smiled. I’m holding his hand! She thought blushing.
“Concentrate, Yoko,” I corrected to where only the Spirits could hear me.
She smiled. Can’t I have some fun doing it?
I sighed. “Go on,” I said closing my eyes.
Yoko and Tobashi were silent for a moment.
“Storm cast!” Yoko said making ice shards and wind circle her and Tobashi.
“Liquid grave!” Tobashi yelled making liquid fire mix with the ice.
Yoko positioned herself where she was standing in front of Tobashi. She took his other hand and closed her eyes.
The ice and liquid fire mixed together then made a cyclone around them. The cyclone split into four then vanished before doing any damage.
Tobashi smiled at Yoko. “Best one yet!” he said.
“Really? Yippie!” she said kissing his cheek then running over to the others blushing.
Tobashi smiled. “You’re hilarious,” he said walking over to her to wait for the others to perform.
Zelia smiled at them. “Cute,” she said still holding the rose from Hinode’s demonstration.
Next were Hatsumomo and Hayashi.
They walked to the center of the room in silence.
Hatsumomo slightly looked up to Hayashi. She whispered something to Hayashi that only he could hear. “I’ll try not to mess up this time…,” she whispered.
Hayashi smiled. “You won’t,” he whispered back.
They looked at Zelia and Aaron. “We will be showing you a combination of fire and fighting.”
They both bowed.
Hayashi kneeled in front of Hatsumomo then put his hands low to the ground. “You can do it Hatsumomo,” He assured her quietly.
Hatsumomo nodded then put one foot in his hands.
“Fire rose!” Hayashi chanted.
“Midnight assassin!” Hatsumomo chanted.
Hayashi threw Hatsumomo up making fire surround his feet. He sent balls of fire up with Hatsumomo.
Hatsumomo created roses then sent them into the fire, making roses of fire. She made a spear form then sliced each one of the roses quickly.
Hayashi caught her in his arms when she was coming down. “See, I told you,” he said smiling.
Hatsumomo blushed. “Thanks, Hayashi,” she said when he let her down. She ran over to the others.
Hayashi followed.
“That was beautiful! And very graceful!” Zelia commented.
“Thanks!” Hayashi said.
Namida, Mayo, and Adoel were next.
Aaron looked confused. How do cooking, people, and ore go together? He thought.
I smiled.
Namida, Mayo, and Adoel bowed.
“We will be showing you what we can do with food, people, and ore!” Namida said happily.
Adoel smiled. “Ready guys?”
Mayo and Namida nodded.
“Twenty spears!” Adoel said forming twenty spears. He kept them in front of him.
“Food for fifty!” Namida said moving her hands to make the food.
“Eat your fill, then fight to your death!” Mayo commanded.
The guards in the room went to Namida to eat, then they grabbed a spear and started fighting.
Mayo smiled. “That’s enough for now, resume your positions!” she said happily.
“Wow…,” Aaron gawked.
“Amazing…!” Zelia said.
The three bowed. “Thank you!” they said before walking to the others.
“It’s our turn!” Cocoa said dragging Trinity to the middle with her.
“Okay, okay! Give me a second!” Trinity said regaining her balance.
They both bowed. “We will be demonstrating what we can do with illusions and teleportation!” they said cheerfully.
“We will need one guard though,” Cocoa said biting her lip.
Aaron snapped his finger and a guard hesitantly went to the two girls.
“Don’t worry, sir. We won’t hurt you…,” Trinity started.
The guard sighed.
“Not too bad, anyway,” Cocoa finished.
“Battlefield of the Galaxy!” Trinity yelled.
Suddenly we were all standing on air, with the surrounding of the Galaxy.
Cocoa kept teleporting around the guard.
“Silent noise!” Cocoa said.
Suddenly you couldn’t hear anything. You could just see Cocoa appearing then disappearing.
The guard would move every now and then as if he were getting hit.
“That’s enough,” I said.
In an instant, we were back in the throne room.
The guard fell to his knees.
I sent a wave of magic to heal him.
“Sorry, I got a bit carried away!” Cocoa said.
I smiled.
Aaron looked at me. “How will Kein work with someone? He is the only one left,” he asked.
“He’s working with me,” I said walking to the middle of the throne room.
Kein looked worried. “You’re not going to embarrass me are you?” he asked.
I smiled. “Not too bad. I promise…just don’t let me get carried away,” I said putting my hair up.
He sighed. “It can’t be helped can it?” he asked.
“Not a chance,” I said making a spear form in my hand. I looked at Aaron. “I will now fight him to show you his true abilities,” I said.
Aaron was still confused. “He heals, I know that. What’s the big deal?” he asked.
“You haven’t seen him fight yet,” I said taking fighting stance.
I looked at him. “Come at me with all you’ve got, Kein. Do not hold back. If you do, you’ll really regret it,” I said.
He took fighting stance as well.
“I don’t see the fairness in this, you have a weapon, yet he does not,” Aaron said.
“You really want to see him fight with a weapon?” I asked.
Kein smiled. “I agree, you told me not to hold back,” Kein said.
I threw my spear to Kein. “Here,” I said. “All the more fun.”
Kein stopped. “Are you sure we should fight here? Why not outside, in the forest? That’s where we usually fight, that way we don’t destroy anything…,” Kein reasoned.
“Good point,” I said. “Cocoa, do you mind?” I asked.
“Sure thing!” Cocoa replied teleporting us all to the forest.
I looked at Kein. “Let’s clear the trees, I’ll make them grow back,” I said.
We were far away from the village, so I transformed to my Great Spirit form then cleared the trees.
“Kein, your Great Spirit form?” I reminded him.
“Sure,” he said going to his Great Spirit form.
I put up a barrier around the others. “Come to think of it, I don’t think anyone has ever seen us fight,” I said quietly.
Kein smiled and took a fighting stance. I’m glad I don’t have to hold back…I would look like a total fool! He thought.
I formed two swords then took fighting stance.
It was quiet for about five seconds…those five seconds felt like a year.
Kein finally started the fight. He vanished.
I quickly took my swords then thrust them towards my back.
I felt them cut Kein. But as quickly as I had done that, he was gone again.
I stood still and closed my eyes. I felt a slight gust of wind towards my right, so I swung my swords to my left.
Again, I hit Kein.
“You’re not trying!” he said when he stopped in front of me.
I laughed. “I told you I wasn’t going to embarrass you, but if that’s what you want!”
Kein smiled. “Great!” he said vanishing again. This time I watched him as he sped from place to place.
“Be prepared!” I shouted with a smile.
“Why aren’t you attacking?” I heard him say.
Aaron and Zelia were trying to keep up with our moves.
It was time for some fun. I let myself go.
Suddenly Kein was at his knees. “Ack!” he coughed. He healed himself then sped to a different place.
I drove both my swords into the ground.
“Not fair!” Kein’s voice called.
I put my hand on the swords and tracked Kein’s movements. I formed a bow and a quiver of arrows.
I drew back an arrow and waited for the right moment. I let it go.
“Ouch! Ruthless!” Kein said healing himself after taking the arrow out of his arm.
“You haven’t used your spear yet,” I pointed out.
Suddenly a spear came from behind.
It cut about three inches of my knee long hair off.
“You could afford to lose another twelve inches!” he laughed. He quickly got the spear then vanished.
“Kein! You’re gonna pay for that one!” I yelled.
I put up a barrier around me as I started to chant. “The final judgment shall be delivered, no one can escape the sin that flows in their veins. The dark clouds gather to the tune of the rumbling sea. The winds of the tempest begin to ring. The enigmatic words make the birds chuckle while the banquet of this irregular night repeats.”
Kein tried to put up a barrier, but I had already started attacking.
I was holding two scythes.
A black scythe and a red one. The black one was sparkling with lightning, the red one was flaming with fire.
Kein chanted something quickly. “As the pure white snow covers the ground, so shall I; countdown five!” he said. This was the first part of his attack. Over all there are five parts to his attack.
He usually never gets past his second one when he’s fighting me.
I attached both scythes to me by forming a tail on both of them, then making it wrap around my arm.
I threw the black one as I gave it the slack from its tail.
It hit Kein’s barrier.
Kein couldn’t be seen yet. “As the snow melts, it brings forth spring, so shall I; countdown four!” He yelled.
A pure white sword formed in his hand.
I pulled the black scythe back then threw the red one.
The barrier broke. Kein disappeared.
His sword was at my throat.
“You finally decided to get serious?” I said provoking him.
“The flowers of spring—”
I jabbed my scythe back making it hit him in his stomach.
“Ack!” he coughed. I teleported behind him.
“So close, you almost got to the third one today,” I said putting my black scythe to his throat. I waited for him to chant the third count down.
“The flowers of spring bloom until summer, so shall I! Count down three!” he yelled elbowing me in the stomach.
I smiled. “Good job!” I said. I made my scythes vanish. I then formed the sword which my father used.
Kein was now as clear as water. “The water’s great power flows until winter, so shall I; countdown two!” he said. By this time he knew I was letting him count down.
I positioned myself as if something were going to hit me.
Kein’s sword clashed into mine with great force.
I slid back about an inch then formed a dagger in my left hand.
He noticed the dagger and tried to pull away.
“Too slow!” I laughed as I put it to his throat. I waited for him to move.
He vanished. It’s just like practice. Thank you Mikazuki for teaching me. We should do this more often.
I smiled. “Go on, last count down,” I whispered to where only he could hear.
He stopped in his place.
“I told you I wouldn’t embarrass you,” I whispered.
He smiled. Thanks. “As the sun and the stars are set in the sky, I will make this final vow to win; final countdown, one!” he chanted.
Out of his shadow, three figures formed. Each one of them looked exactly like him.
I smiled. “You’re going to have to learn to chant these in your mind so your enemy doesn’t know what’s coming,” I whispered to him. I could tell which one was the real Kein.
I threw three daggers. Each one of them hit one of the clones.
I put my hand out and let down the barrier around Aaron and the others. “Good job, Kein,” I said.
He smiled at me. “Thanks, milady,” he said.
“So you’re finally choosing to call me by that?” I asked.
“Just for now,” he said shaking my hand.
“I never knew you could fight so well!” Aaron said.
Kein and I walk over to him.
“He’s pretty good,” I said smiling.
Kein smiled. “She thought it wouldn’t be good if all I knew how to do was heal, so she taught me how to fight. I’m surprised I got to my final countdown. She usually doesn’t let me get that far,” he said.
“You have a kind leader,” Zelia said.
I raised my hands up and made the trees grow back. I teleported us back to the castle.
We had all changed to our human forms.
I made the other stand behind me.
“I look forward to seeing you soon,” Aaron said.
“It might be awhile. Time flies for us, you never know when we’ll be back. I’ll send a messenger every now and then,” I said.
Aaron and Zelia bowed. “Thank you for your kindness,” they said.
I smiled. “I’ll be back, I just can’t promise when.”

Chapter two: Endless emotions

When we were all on our territory, I let them take their elf forms.
“You may do as you wish for one day, afterwards, please return to your duties,” I said.
They all bowed. “Thank you!” they said.
When they had all left I went to the valley.
When I got there I looked at the sky and smiled. “Ah, almost dusk,” I said out loud.
I was standing near the edge of the valley before I sat down. I laid back into the short grass and looked at the sky.
The stars should start to show in a few minutes… I thought. I rolled over and watched the wind blow the grass. I guess I could take a little nap…I deserve it…. I thought closing my eyes.
A chill went down my spine. When I opened my eyes it was dark.
The full moon was high in the sky; I knew it was around midnight.
I stood up and looked out at the valley. It’s getting cold…but it’s the middle of summer… Hmn…. I thought rubbing my hands together.
I brought my hands up and a warm breeze came through the valley. “Much better,” I said out loud.
“Don’t you think its warm enough? You’re going to burn everything up,” a man’s voice said.
I looked around. “Where are you?” I asked.
The man jumped from one of the trees. “I’m sorry if I startled you,” he said bowing.
“May I ask your name?” I questioned feeling that he was a powerful Spirit, like me.
He smiled. “I’m Shing, just Shing,” he said putting his hand out.
I looked at him then shook his hand. “I suppose you have good reason for coming here?” I asked.
He looked at the sky. “Not really, I just find this Galaxy’s moon fascinating. I decided to drop in for awhile,” he said truthfully.
I smiled back. “Welcome, Shing,” I said bowing.
He smiled again. “Thank you, my lady.”
I studied him unknowingly.
He had long, straight, black hair that was in a tie like mine; he had soft, green eyes; and a gentle face. His clothing was as if he had come from a really hot and humid Galaxy: he had a black leather vest; the rest of his clothes were those of a warrior—pants equipped with a chain and black, leather, stealth boots. He had a black tattoo on his left arm that looked like four nines put together.
He laughed. “You don’t talk that much!” he said moving his long bangs out of his eyes.
I looked away. “Say, were you the one that was making it cold?” I asked.
“Probably, I live in the Galaxy of Ice—the ‘Fuyu no Tsuki Galaxy’—…it so hot here,” he commented. “But it’s very beautiful. I wouldn’t mind staying longer,” he said looking at the sky. “Unfortunately, I have to go back to my Galaxy. I still haven’t gotten anyone to help me protect it…,” he said.
Looking at him now, I thought he looked like he was about eighteen.
I smiled at him. “Nor have I. I really wish you could stay longer,” I said without being able to stop myself.
He laughed. “I’ll visit sometime! Is that okay?”
I smiled. “Please do,” I started. “But only at night…I have a noble that would have a fit if he were to see you. I’m really surprised he hasn’t already come here to check on me,” I said.
Shing looked around. “This is a very nice place. I don’t want to interfere with your work, and I have my own duties, so how often?” he asked.
“Well…maybe once a month, but you could stay for a night or two,” I suggested.
“That sounds wonderful!” he said smiling.
We stood in silence.
I tried to find words to say.
“Um…,” we both said at the same time.
“You go first,” Shing said.
I nodded. “Um…well, I was thinking, maybe you could stay just awhile longer tonight?”
“You stole my question,” he said with a softer smile than before.
I sat down. “So what kinds of things are you best at?” I asked.
He sat down about a foot or so away from me, just to be polite. “Well, the first thing I ever learned was ice,” he said.
“Who taught you?” I asked.
He looked at the sky. “No one. I figured it out on my own.”
I looked at him. “That’s horrible. Why wouldn’t anyone teach you?”
“Hmn…well, you see, my parents hated me. So when I was old enough to take care of myself, they gave me this mark,” he started as he put his hand over his tattoo. “Then they sent me to a deserted Galaxy.”
“So that’s the Mark of Solitude? Which means they won’t allow you to come back?” I asked.
He nodded. “Pretty much, I guess it could have been worse,” he said smiling.
So lonely…. I thought bringing my knees to my chest.
“I agree…,” he said. So what about you? He thought.
I looked at him. It stunned me that he could hear my thoughts. “Sorry, scatter brained tonight,” I said remembering that other Master Spirits had the same powers that I did.
He smiled. “I don’t mind.”
I thought about what I was good at. “I don’t really know. I pretty good at most all of it. I guess you could say that my mother, father, and brother are who taught me. I became as strong, if not stronger, than them,” I started. “Now I’m pretty much indestructible by all. So I took some of the powers I had learned and taught them to my nobles.”
I’m glad that they loved you…. I’ve never experienced love for anything. He thought as he laid back.
I tried to think of ways to change the subject. I shivered again.
He looked at me. “Sorry, did I do it again?” he asked.
“No, no. I’m fine,” I lied.
It got a little warmer within seconds. “I did…didn’t I,” he said.
I smiled. “Just a little.”
We kept talking until dawn; then we watched the sun rise.
Shing stood up. “Is this goodbye for now?” he asked.
I stood up as well. “I guess so.”
He put his hand out. “Until next time,” he said smiling.
“Until then,” I said shaking his hand.
His hand vanished from mine, as did he from my sight.
I put my hand over my heart. “Why am I so excited?” I asked myself. My heart was racing what seemed to be a million miles an hour. I looked at the sunrise once more before I walked into the forest and to town.
Until then… I thought.

At noon, I went to the fountain in the middle of the village. I looked at the water as I pondered.
I gently put my hand in the water and watched it ripple. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Shing…he must be a new leader… I thought.
“Mikazuki?” Kein asked.
I took my hand out of the water and looked at him. “What is it?”
“Are you okay? You look like you have something on your mind,” he said sitting down beside me.
I paused. “Hmn…it’s nothing,” I said smiling.
He wasn’t convinced. Does she really expect me to believe that? He thought.
I smiled again. “It’s nothing, really.”
Kein smiled. “I guess, if you say so,” he said.
“There’s something else you want to say, isn’t there?” I asked.
He nodded.
“Well, spit it out,” I said.
He tried to find the words. “Where were you last night? I couldn’t find you—I even checked the valley,” he explained.
I looked at him confused. “I was in the valley with—” I stopped myself. Did Shing put up a barrier so the other Spirits couldn’t find us? Or did I? I thought.
“With who?” Kein asked after I cut myself off.
I smiled. “No one, I just felt like some other Spirit was there. I might have unknowingly put up a barrier. Sorry about that,” I said trying to hide what had happened.
“That’s not all is it?” he said knowing I wasn’t telling him everything.
I sighed. “Nope, it isn’t. But I’m not telling you. So you can just forget about it.”
“Touchy today, are we?” he said looking away from me.
I felt guilty, but I wasn’t about to tell him about Shing.
I stood up and turned away from Kein. “Don’t you have something you’re supposed to be doing?” I asked.
Kein replied with a sigh. “Sure. I guess I do,” he said obviously irritated.
I walked away and towards my house. When I got there, I went inside.
I sat on my bed and looked at the shadows that were being cast throughout the room. I thought about what had happened last night.
I looked at my hands for no reason. Why do I feel like this? Hmn…I should just sleep it off…. I thought lying down.
I closed my eyes to find myself dreaming.

In my dream I was in the valley with my mother, father, and older brother.
“Careful now, Mikazuki. Do over do it,” my father said kindly.
I smiled at him. “Yes, father.”
My brother picked me up—I was only about ten in the dream. “How does it feel to get to come out side after such a long time?” he asked me. He kissed my forehead.
I giggled. “Big brother, I’m feeling great. Now that I can breathe the fresh air, I feel like nothing can stop me!” I said hugging his neck.
My mother laughed. “Such great kids…wouldn’t you say so, Chiharu?” she asked father.
My father smiled at her. “I couldn’t agree more, Tsuki,” he said taking her hand then looking at my brother and me.
“Be gentle, Kohaku,” mother said to brother when he threw me up.
Brother caught me then looked at mom. “Yes, ma’am!” he said smiling.
I couldn’t believe how much I loved them…it was far beyond how much I thought they cared.
Time skipped to the day I turned sixteen. My mother, father, and brother all quit growing at this age.
I was well enough to go outside and have fun. But then something happened that none of us expected at this time…I collapsed.
Mother and father both made the decision. Brother was going to have to stay with me after they had given me their powers, but he too gave me his.
“Mikazuki, don’t worry. Your suffering will soon be over,” My mother said moving my hair out of my eyes. She was crying.
“Don’t worry little sis. I’ll always be with you…,” my brother said trying not to cry.
My father took his sword off his belt. “I won’t be able to use this anymore. You may use it. When you touch it, it will show you whatever it is that you need. It will contain part of my Spirit…,” he said putting it by my bed.
I started crying weakly. “What are you saying? You’re gonna stay here…right? Why are you giving it to me? Don’t you need it to fight?” I asked.
He smiled. “I’m sorry, but it will be yours from now on…,” he said taking his Master Spirit form.
My mother took her Master Spirit, and my brother took his Great Spirit form.
“What are you doing?!” I panicked when they put their hands on my head.
“Don’t worry, Mikazuki. If we do this, you’ll never be sick, and we’ll always be with you!” my brother said weakly.
“Know this, my daughter,” Mother started. “I’ll always love you. No matter what you do or say. Nothing can change the way I love you.”
Father smiled. “Goodbye, Mikazuki.”

“NO!” I screamed waking myself up as I sat up. I had tears streaming down my cheeks.
I still had tears in my eyes when I looked at the window to see no light. It must be night now… I thought.
I stood up and wiped my face when I realized my father’s sword by my bed.
I went over to it and slowly picked it up. “Father…,” I said closing my eyes.
I saw a glimpse of his smile. You don’t have to worry, Mikazuki…I’ll always be here. His voice said.
I took it out of its sheath to look at it.
Its hilt was worn from using it so much, its black blade was just as sharp as when it was made, and the words engraved in it held great meaning to my heart.
I put it down but kept my hand on it for a few seconds longer. “I guess it can’t be helped…can it?” I asked myself.
I walked over to the door and started opening it.
Kein was waiting outside. He looked worried.
I looked away. “Don’t worry, I’m fine,” I said about to walk past him.
He grabbed my hand. “Mikazuki, please listen to me!” he said.
I stopped, but didn’t look at him. “What is it…?” I asked.
“What happened…you never tell me anything, not anymore at least,” he said.
I gently pulled my hand away from him. “Nothing, really,” I said trying to smile as I looked at him.
“Please, Mikazuki, don’t lie,” he plead.
I looked away, then ran off. I’m a coward, I know…. I thought as I ran towards the valley.
I put up a barrier when I got to the valley. I went to the middle of the valley and looked up.
“Why?” I asked. “Why would you give you life for me?!” I cried. Father…mother…big brother…why? Just for me…. Why did you all die…just for me? I thought letting my hair down.
The grass was blown slightly by the wind, as was my hair.
I felt I hand on my shoulder. It wasn’t like Kein’s hand.
I threw my hand back quickly, only for it to be caught.
Shing looked at me sadly. “I’m sorry…,” he said taking his hand off my shoulder, then letting go of my hand.
I looked away and hid my tear-stained face from him.
Shing waited for me to say something. “I’m sorry for coming back at the wrong time…I just wanted to escape for awhile…,” he said quietly.
I put my hand to my face then wiped my eyes. “I don’t mind. Not at all!” I said turning around I tried smiling.
Shing looked sad. “I’m really sorry. I came at the wrong time…if you want me to, I’ll leave,” he said turning around about to walk off.
I quickly wrapped my arms around him. “No! Please, stay!” I said. Without knowing, I let my barrier down.
Shing was stunned by my sudden action. He stood still. So your family died…I’m sorry. He thought. He put his hands on mine. “Cry all you want…I’ll stay as long as you want,” he said.
I tightened my grip a little then cried.
Shing’s leather vest was colder that what I thought it would be, but I guess it makes since.
I stopped crying so much, but still didn’t let go. Thank you, Shing….
I don’t know why, but I felt like he smiled when I said that.
No problem. He thought keeping his hands over mine. Are you cold? He asked making sure he wasn’t cooling the place down.
No…I feel perfect…. I thought closing my eyes and trying to stop crying.
“Milady…?” I heard a voice ask.
I let go of Shing. “Kein?” I asked.
Shing turned towards Kein.
Kein looked at Shing. Who is he?! He thought hiding his anger. He looked back to me.
I looked down, wiped my eyes then tried to find words.
Shing looked at me. I don’t understand what’s wrong? He thought.
I looked up to him. “This is…Kein. He’s the noble I told you about…,” I answered.
Shing looked at Kein.
He’s jealous…I know. It would probably be best that you leave for now. You can come back later. Just make sure you know he isn’t near. My barrier must have come down…I’m sorry. I thought.
Shing nodded then bowed. “Yes, Milady,” he said before vanishing.
I put my hand on my right arm then looked down again.
Kein couldn’t speak and his thoughts were scattered.
I didn’t say anything.
Kein finally said something. “Who was he?!” he exclaimed.
I took my human form. “A friend…,” I said.
“He looked to be more than a friend to me!”
I finally looked up. “If so, what would it mean to you?” I asked weakly.
Kein hesitated. “It doesn’t matter. I just don’t see why you would run to him instead of me! You said it yourself that I reminded you of your older brother!” he said taking his Great Spirit form.
I felt Shing’s presence become more noticeable.
Kein withdrew his sword.
Just before he lunged for me, Shing appeared in front of me.
He was in his Master Spirit form, holding a sword.
The Master Spirit form is the most powerful form there is, and it takes a long time to transform. Each Master Spirit’s form is different. Shing’s was more different than any I had ever seen.
His hair was a crimson-red. He had black armor stronger than the hardest metal, yet lighter than feathers. His hair was up in a tie like mine usually was. He had a black metal mask that covered the bottom half of his face. His eyes were green like new spring leaves, full of courage. His sword blood red, a one sided katana.
Shing kept facing Kein, but glanced at me.
I didn’t want Kein to get hurt so I got closer to Shing and slowly put my arms around him. “Please stop…Shing…please,” I plead.
Shing put his sword away and took his Elfin Spirit form. “I’m sorry,” he said putting his hands on mine once again.
Kein was frozen. He slowly went to his human form. “You don’t mind if I visit Aaron for awhile, do you…,” he somewhat asked. He started walking out of the valley.
I let go of Shing and looked down. He’s going to hate me…I know it…. I thought to myself.
Shing couldn’t hear my thoughts, I was blocking him. So he simply bowed. “I’m sorry…I’ll leave and not come back. Not until I have gotten permission from you…,” he said.
I looked away half way angry.
He took one last glance then vanished.

I took my Great Spirit form then started letting my feelings out. I had teleported to a different place in the galaxy so that I wouldn’t get carried away and end up hurting my people.
I used my powers until I had to take a break. I finally fell to one knee to catch my breath.
I finally get to let everything out…. I thought standing up again.
I wouldn’t allow myself to transform to my Master Spirit form. So what I would do it let all my anger and pain out on one thing, then use more energy fixing it.
I kept on letting everything out until I could barely stand. Then I teleported back.
When I got back I took my Elfin Spirit form, which didn’t take as much energy.
I sat alone in the valley, wondering how long I was gone. When I did that I was usually gone for a week or so since I wasn’t easily worn out.
Two of the Spirits walked into the valley.
“Oh! Milady, you’re back!” Yoko said running over to me.
Tobashi followed behind her. “Good evening, my lady,” he said.
“I’m back, yes, indeed. How long was I gone this time?” I asked.
Yoko looked at Tobashi. “Hmn…when did we figure out she had left?” she asked him
“A little over three weeks ago. I was surprised you stayed out that long.”
I put my hand on my head. “Almost a month…,” I said. “What about Kein? Where is he?” I asked.
Yoko and Tobashi looked at each other.
“He said he was going to visit Aaron until you got back. Then he mumbled something about a sting or something,” Yoko replied.
I sighed. “I’m in no mood to go get him now. I want you two to go get him. Is that clear, or do you have other duties?” I asked.
Tobashi bowed. “Yes, ma’am,” he said.
Yoko bowed. I was hoping to spend some time with Tobashi…but I guess if it’s for Milady, I will do it. She thought.
I felt sorry. “Never mind, I’ll go get him. You two can spend some time together,” I said patting Yoko on the shoulder.
She smiled. “Thank you, milady,” she said bowing.
I looked up at the sky before I changed to my human form; it had just turned dusk.
I walked to Aaron’s castle.
I walked into the throne room to see Kein laughing with Aaron and Zelia.
Zelia saw me and stood up to bow.
I smiled.
Aaron and Kein didn’t notice me.
Zelia looked at them then walked over to me. “I’m sorry Milady. They’ve been like this since Kein got here,” she said bowing. “They get along well,” she said looking at them.
I smiled. “They do…,” I started. “Hey, Zelia?”
“Yes, milady?”
I sighed. “Ugh, I’m tired…,” I muttered. “Oh, sorry!” I said snapping back into it.
Zelia chuckled. “I don’t mind,” she said smiling.
“I can tell we’ll be getting along,” I said smiling back.
“You were saying something?” she asked.
“Oh, yes. I want to explain more to you, you may explain it to Aaron later.”
She nodded and listened.
“As you know, I am a Master Spirit, the leader of this Galaxy…but there are others. Every two thousand years, I go to fight and protect this Galaxy from other Master Spirits. Here recently, one of them have come to the Galaxy,” I started explain.
Zelia looked worried.
“Don’t worry; he’s a friend…so far. He just came to visit, or so he says. I still can’t trust him, just for the fact that other Master Spirits can put a barrier around their thoughts and make me hear different thoughts. So if you are in any danger, I will warn you beforehand.”
Zelia was trying to figure out whether to be worried or to be happy. “Does he have a name?” she asked.
I nodded. “His name is Shing.”
Kein’s laughter faded.
I looked at him to get a disappointed look back.
Zelia walked back to Aaron as Kein walked to me.
Kein was about to start talking, but before he did I raised my hand for him to be silent. “Not until we get back on our territory,” I said under my breath.
He nodded irritably.
“We will be leaving now,” I said to Aaron and Zelia.
They smiled. “Thank you for the visit.”
Kein and I walked to our territory.
Kein watched his feet as he walked. He had a thoughtful look on his face. So many things have been going on… he thought looking up. I don’t know whether to be happy or irritated.
I sighed then leaned up against a tree. “I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. It was my fault that this happened,” I said admitting my fault.
Kein didn’t look me in the eyes; instead, he leaned against a tree with his head facing to his left. Now I really don’t know what to say…she said sorry, but I still feel-
“Jealous?” I asked casually.
He didn’t say anything. He finally looked at me. “In a way.”
As I got closer to him, I looked and saw that he was about four or five inches taller than me, the height of a sixteen-year-old boy. His blue human eyes and blonde hair were more than normal. He looked like an idol…no, a god.
He looked confused. “What?” he asked.
“Sit down…please,” I said sitting down on the damp ground. I was still in my human form, as was he.
He sat down beside me not saying anything.
I put my head on his leg. “I’m tired, be my pillow,” I said closing my eyes.
He smiled.
“Remember, you’re the only one I’ll use as my pillow,” I reminded him.
“Yeah…I know,” he said calmly. His smile remained as he put his hand on my blonde—human—hair.
“Sleep well, Mikazuki.”
I let myself fall asleep with my head in his lap.
When I woke up, it was morning.
Kein had fallen asleep leaned up against the tree.
I sat up and took a quick look around. I then looked back to Kein who was still sleeping. I moved his hair out of his eyes then watched him.
If only…if only I knew my first kiss wouldn’t grant him the power. I think more of him than just a brother…. If he knew the truth… I started. I leaned on his shoulder. I don’t know what would happen…I guess I could look…. I thought looking through time.
If I gave him my first kiss, it would turn out like my mother and father did. Our child would have the same sickness I did, but we wouldn’t be able to give them our powers to save her. She would die suffering.
But I wanted so badly for my first kiss to go to him. I loved him so much. I didn’t know why though…it may have been because he was my first friend. The first Great Spirit that came to my side.
By now I was holding back tears from what I saw if I did give him my first kiss. I had already seen that it would be fine if I didn’t give him my first kiss.
I tear strolled down my cheek, then pattered on Kein’s off white shirt.
Kein’s eyes opened. Rain? He thought. He looked at me. No, far worse…. “What’s wrong?”
I clenched a little of his long sleeved shirt. “N-nothing,” I said burying my face in his arm.
He put his hand on my head. “How can you try to lie when something is clearly bothering you?” he asked worried. Is this something that I’ve done? He thought.
I tried to stop crying. “I-it’s –hic—nothing you’ve done—hic, hic—” I said.
“Then what?” he asked.
“It’s something I want—hic—but can’t have,” I said looking into his eyes.
He was stunned. “I don’t understand,” he said clueless of what I was telling him.
I wiped my eyes and got closer to him. I put my face level with his.
He still didn’t get it. What’s she doing? He asked.
“You idiot! Why can’t you understand?!” I exclaimed dropping my head to his chest.
By now I was in his lap like a child on a parent’s lap, sobbing.
It finally clicked. He didn’t know what to say. Me? She wants me, but can have me? Why? I don’t understand!
“Since when?” he finally asked.
“Always,” I said stopping myself from crying anymore. I stayed where I had been and thought about what I was saying, and if I really should have said it.
“Why?” he asked after a long time. “Just why can’t you have me?”
I didn’t want him to hear the strain in my voice, so I spoke softly. “Because…the child would inherit my illness, we wouldn’t be able to heal her—and we wouldn’t be able to pass our powers to her—she would die suffering…,” I explained. “I don’t want to bare that kind of pain…not again.”
I looked up at him. “I’m sorry. I’ll leave. Please don’t follow,” I said standing up and turning away.
I quickly took my Great Spirit form.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
I looked back at him. “It doesn’t matter, you won’t be able to follow,” I said.
He looked down. “To Shing?” he asked.
I didn’t answer for awhile.
“It’s fine. You don’t have to tell me. I may not know where you’re going, or why you have chosen to go…but know that I’ll wait for your return,” he said looking up.
I turned away. “You’re in charge while I’m gone,” I said before teleporting to a different part of the Solar System.

I put my foot down on the softness of Pluto’s surface. Soon after, I sat down.
I pulled my knees to my chest and looked at the ground beneath me. I put my finger on it then put Kein’s name in it, like putting a name in the sand.
“I’ll leave you here, so my heart doesn’t break every time I see you,” I said putting a circle around it. The closer I get to feeling like he’s a sibling instead of a lover, the circle will slowly start disappearing…then the day I completely think of him as a sibling, it will disappear and his name will vanish…. I thought putting magic into the circle.
I stood up and looked to Earth. “I’ll come back…later,” I said.
I tried to remember the name of Shing’s Galaxy. When I had thought of it, I thought its name in my head then teleported outside its borders.
I looked at the Galaxy. “The ‘Fuyu no Tsuki Galaxy’…so beautiful…,” I said looking at the blue shades it had.
I jumped to the nearest solid, an asteroid. I stopped it for the moment I was on it so that it wouldn’t go out of the borders. Geez…so big. I wonder where Shing is…I don’t really want to search the entire Galaxy…. I thought putting my hair up.
“I’m right here,” I heard Shing’s voice say from behind me.
I turned around.
“Welcome,” he said.
“Heh, you found me before I could even search for you,” I said with a little laugh.
He smiled. “It’s a big Galaxy, I wouldn’t be surprised. Here, follow me, I’ll show you my world,” he said putting his hand out.
I took his hand without a second thought.
We appeared in a snow bound land.
I shivered. “It’s so cold,” I said when I realized I didn’t have anything but a light shirt and cotton pants on.
He smiled. “Just right for me. Here,” he said leading me to a building.
He was still holding my hand when we entered the building. “Almost warm enough for you?” he asked.
I nodded weakly.
“Tell the truth. It won’t kill me to be warmer than usual,” he said making the place warmer.
I noticed something that I didn’t before.
“What is it?” he asked when I didn’t say anything.
“Let’s go to a different part of the Galaxy, I want to see something,” I said.
“Sure thing,” he said teleporting us to a different place. This place was a little bit warmer, but not by much.
“I need you to use fire,” I said.
He let go of my hand and thought about using fire. “Eh…fire…hmm…don’t think I’ve really used it that much…,” he admitted.
“Go to your Master Spirit form,” I said starting to take my Master Spirit form.
He started taking is Master Spirit form.
When we were both in our Master Spirit form I stretched my arms.
“Phew! It’s been a long time since I’ve been in this form!” I said.
He studied my Master Spirit form.
My hair was a jet black, and my eyes were ocean blue.
My clothing was like a warrior preparing for battle—strong armor that was as light as feathers; golden bands around my wrists; a black, metal mask that covered the bottom half of my face; black, fighting boots that came to my knees; light, golden chains that attached a knife to my boots; black fighting pants; a golden band around my neck; golden earrings; a golden silk hair-tie; and a black, long-sleeved shirt.
I had two swords attached to my golden silk belt, and a quiver of golden arrows, and a bow. My arrows were ones that I had made myself—they would dissolve three seconds after they hit the target then enter their bloodstream making them die. My swords were made so strong and steady—yet light—that they could withstand almost anything.
I was an invincible weapon of death.
Shing looked at me trying not to let his thoughts enter my head.
I moved my hair out of my eyes and looked at him.
He couldn’t keep his mind on keeping his thoughts out of my head. S-she’s more beautiful than I thought she was. Gorgeous…I can’t believe my eyes! He thought.
I waited for him to stop gawking.
He let out a little laugh then put his hand behind his head smiling. “You look nice.”
I smiled at him then bowed. “As do you!” I said smiling.
He put his hand over his face. “Heh…,” he managed to laugh. “May I ask why was it that you wanted me to take this form?” he asked letting his hands down.
“I want to test your skills,” I said calmly.
He looked somewhat confused. “Eh…what do you mean?” he asked.
“I don’t want to hurt anything in your Galaxy by accident…,” I said looking around. “Let’s go to the battle Galaxy—the Galaxy which is meant for the Master Spirits to practice fighting,” I said looking at him.
He nodded and we teleported to the Battle Galaxy.
We made sure that there was no one around before we started anything.
“So you want to battle?” he asked.
“No, I want to teach you how to fight,” I explained.
“You want to teach me how to fight?” he asked.
I nodded. “You said your main power is ice?” I asked.
“Yep, that’s the only thing I’m really good at,” he said. “I’m no good at healing or any of the other elements…,” he admitted.
“Exactly my point. I’ll teach you how to use your other powers.”
He seemed to be following along.
“I am able to sense the stronger powers of other Spirits. Even if they do not acknowledge them themselves.”
He nodded letting me know he understood what I was saying.
“I sense fire in you. A fire that will be undefeatable by others if you use it right,” I said.
“Fire? How could that be?” he asked.
“Have you ever once thought about why you’re always warm?”
He thought about it. “Now that you put it that way.... I’ve never really practiced fire…,” he said.
I smiled. “That’s why I’m going to teach you,” I said.
He bowed as if he were ready to start training. “It would be weird since me physical age is three years older than you… but shall I address you by ‘sensei’?” he asked.
“No, just call me…,” I thought about what I had told Aaron.
“I let no one call me by my first name.”
“Call me Mikazuki,” I said.
He smiled. “So that’s your name? I think it’s the first time I’ve heard it—if I’m not mistaken,” he said kindly.
I smiled back. “Sorry for not introducing myself sooner.”
“It’s fine,” he said.
“Okay, now to start training,” I said.
He smiled. “I’m ready!”
“So I’ll start off teaching you fire,” I said. “Close your eyes.”
He closed his eyes and listened to me.
“Feel your blood pulsing into your veins…?” I asked.
He concentrated. “Yes,” he said when he knew he could feel every beat.
“From your mind, send fire through your veins,” I said doing this myself.
I let only a little fire come to my hand. “Feel the raging fire,” I said.
Little by little, flames circled him.
I created a fire ball. “Open your eyes,” I said.
He opened his eyes without hesitation.
I threw the fire ball at him.
The flames around him grew and absorbed the fire.
I shot more at him, this time they were much bigger. “Keep it up, you’re doing well!” I said.
His fire absorbed each one of my fireballs.
“Send them back!” I commanded.
All the fire he had created formed into one ball then went to a ball no bigger than my fist.
I made an ice barrier. I knew it would fall, so I put up another barrier made of water.
He pushed the fire ball to me as fast as he could.
The fire ball didn’t melt, but shattered the ice, then disintegrated into the water.
He put his hands on his knees and panted. “I’ve…never felt that much…power…!” he said trying to catch his breath.
“Great job! If you keep it up, then you’ll have it mastered. You look like you could probably only do these three times at this rate. Even then, I think you’ll end up collapsing…I’ll teach you something else. Keep practicing that, but always do it here.”
He nodded. “How powerful…on a scale of one to ten would you say mine was?” he asked after catching his breath.
“Hmm…probably just a one,” I said honestly.
“Only one!?” he exclaimed. “You want me to learn that powerful of a move?!”
“I believe you can do it. If you would like to see its full extent, I could show you. And to be truthful, I didn’t think you would even be able to get completely through my ice barrier,” I said preparing myself.
“I’m not lying. Here, watch,” I said closing my eyes.
Fire circled my body like chains. I made a huge firewall before making it all form into one small orb—the size of a small pebble.
Shing watched as I put two fingers in front of my face, and the other hand out in front of me.
I sent the least amount of force as I possibly could into it then sent it off.
It landed on a huge asteroid, making the entire thing explode with a loud crash!
I quickly teleported to Shing, stepped in front of him, then put a barrier around us.
The fire sucked into one spot quickly, then exploded once again, but this time its wave of fire extended all the way past where we were and past the next three battle platforms.
When the blast went away, I let my barrier down.
Shing was gawking. “Wow! Look at the damage you did!” he said.
The Battle Galaxy was a Galaxy made for fighting, so it would immediately start to regenerate after being destroyed.
I kept my back to him. I stood up straight keeping my breathing normal.
When I was sure that my breathing was steady and I wouldn’t lose my breath, I turned to him. “That’s how it’s done! I still didn’t do the entire thing…that was probably only a five though…I didn’t really want to fully use it.”
“Amazing! You’re not even breathing hard!” he said.
“It’s sure does take a lot of energy though…,” I moaned. “I can only do about five of those before I run out of energy. I use it very rarely. I usually stick with the powerful, yet less energy consuming techniques,” I started. “To tell you the truth, if I had gone all out and put my full force into it, this Galaxy would have been destroyed—I’m not saying it wouldn’t regenerate though…,” I finished.
He waited for what I was going to say next.
“Practice that every time you can, no more than once a day. When I come back next, I will show you how to make it an orb instead of a fire ball. My noble, Kein is watching Earth…I really don’t think he can handle it for too long. I’d better be getting back,” I said taking my Great Spirit form in place of my Master Spirit form.
Shing took his Great Spirit form as well. “Okay, I’ll be waiting your return…Mikazuki,” he said bowing.
I bowed to him then teleported to my Galaxy. I wonder if that helps any with the Kein problem…I didn’t think of him once until the end…when I started thinking of Earth. I thought going to Pluto.
I stepped onto its surface then looked at Kein’s name.
The circle was no longer complete, but had a little gap.
I smiled. “So Shing is my cure,” I said letting my hair down. I tied the golden-silk ribbon to my wrist as a memo of today.
I teleported back to the valley then took my human form.
I laughed. “I haven’t had that much fun in so long!” I said to myself.
I danced around the meadow as if I were in a ballroom.
I looked at the sun, which was high in the sky. I must have been gone for a couple days…. I thought.
I looked at the rimming of the valley, which was covered in roses, then walked over to one of the rose bushes.
I picked on of the roses, being careful not to stick myself with one or the thorns. I smiled as I ran my finger, gently, over one of the pedals.
“So you did go to see Shing?” I heard Kein’s voice ask.
I didn’t face him at first. I’ve got to act normal…I wonder what he’ll do…. I thought turning around.
“Um…well…,” I said still holding the rose.
“So it’s true…I was wondering why you were gone for so long,” he said. “Four days…I really didn’t think you would be gone for so long,” he said looking me in the eyes.
“Eh…well,” I started. I squeezed the rose’s stem. “Ouch!” I said dropping it.
A drop of blood trickled down my finger.
Roses…so beautiful…yet they can be so deceiving…. I thought watching it drip. I didn’t heal myself, but instead I held my hand in front of me.
Kein walk over to me seeing I wasn’t going to heal myself. He started to take my hand before I pulled away from him.
I turned my back to him. It hurts…he hurts me much more…. I thought.
He put his hand on my shoulder.
I watched as my finger healed. “Why?” I asked.
“Why would you heal me?” I asked keeping my back to him.
He didn’t answer.
“Please leave me be,” I said walking out of the valley.
Kein picked the rose up and looked at it before taking it out of the valley with him.

Almost a year passed; I rarely talked to Kein.
I had been visiting Shing about twice a month, as well as visiting Aaron about once a month.
I was in the valley again with Kein; we just had another argument about Shing…. Kein’s circle has about one third left until it’s completely gone.

I let out a sharp whistle.
A black horse with a white main and tail came running into the valley. It gracefully galloped towards me.
I walked to meet her. “Good day, Avilion,” I said petting her neck.
She whinnied then put her nose in my hands. Have you brought any goodies? She thought.
I laughed. “I’m sorry girl, I don’t have any right now,” I said rubbing her forehead.
She seemed to look at Kein then back to me. You seem saddened…is it something he has done? She asked.
I put my head to hers and smiled. Not really…well….
So yes…it was him?
I let go of her head and went to her side.
She watched me still wanting me to answer her question.
“I guess,” I said.
She snorted at Kein then stomped her foot.
“Calm down, Avilion,” I said patting her neck.
She was still angry. How dare he make you sad! She exclaimed.
Kein stood still but looked at me.
I looked away. Let’s go, Avilion. “I’ll be back by sundown,”
She turned her head to the side to look at me. Where to? She asked.
“Anywhere is fine,” I said leaning down to her withers. Anywhere but near Kein…. I said.
She snorted at Kein once more then lifted her head high to gracefully gallop out of the valley.
I kept my head close to her neck. “Gentle girl, we don’t want to be heard,” I told her as I patted her neck.
Her ears fell back as if she were listening to me. Would you like to go into the human village? She asked.
I thought about it, still calm. “If that is where you would like to go,” I said closing my eyes.
Her gallop slowed to a walk. Okay….
I made a cloak appear on me, then I pulled the hood up over my head.
Avilion took a step into the human’s village. We’re here.
I stopped her then slowly got off. Follow me, Avilion.
She followed me without hesitation. I’d follow you to the ends of the Earth, master.
I smiled. “That’s nice to know,” I said softly. I hid my face in my hood, making it impossible to see my face.
Avilion nudged me with her nose. Your hair? She asked.
In my human form, it wasn’t near as hard to hide my hair, it came to the middle of my back and wasn’t sterling silver, but gold. I smiled at her. Thank you. I thought as I put my hair in my hood.
We walked through town watching the people.
A little kid looked at me; he couldn’t tell whether I was a man or woman.
“Um…sir…?” he asked giving it a guess.
Avilion whinnied.
I lifted my hood so he could see my face, then bent to get to his level. “Incorrect, I’m ‘ma’am’. But what nice manners you have!” I said quietly.
The boy smiled. “You’re pretty!” he said. He looked to be about seven years old, now that I really looked at him.
I ruffled his black hair. “Thank you!” I said.
“Is that your horse?” he asked looking at Avilion.
I looked back to see her getting anxious.
I stood up. “What is it girl?” I asked. I knew to trust her, especially when I was in my human form—I had almost no powers when I was like this.
She started to rear up. That’s no ordinary child! She thought whinnying.
I looked at the little boy who was getting scared.
“Calm down, Avilion!” I commanded.
Avilion stomped at the boy. Look at him, my lady! Look into his eyes! You can’t tell me he’s a normal human child! She exclaimed keeping her eyes on the boy.
My hood fell completely off. “Tsk!” I grunted trying to protect the boy, yet calm Avilion down.
The boy fell back when Avilion completely reared up.
“Avilion!” I shouted at her.
By now, a few people were watching.
I will not stand by to let you get hurt! She thought bringing her feet down as hard as she could.
“Precust valion tabi shikou!” I shouted. Simple spells were the only thing I could do in my human form.
Avilion knew it was time to back down, but she didn’t feel like I was safe.
I kept chanting under my breath.
The boy stood. “Mikazuki, I’m fine,” he said softly.
I stopped chanting and looked at him.
Avilion was raging. I told you this is no normal human child!
“How do you know my name?” I asked.
“You don’t remember me? What a shame,” he said moving his hair out of his golden eyes.
The by standers were no longer interested in him, nor anything to do with me.
“Toshiro…?” I asked.
He smiled. “So you do remember,” he said walking over to me.
Avilion looked at me. What’s going on?
I looked at her. “Avilion…this is Toshiro, my mother and father’s former lieutenant…. Toshiro, this is Avilion,” I said.
Avilion stomped her foot at Toshiro and snorted.
Toshiro laughed. “Feisty are we?” he asked walking closer to me.
Avilion intercepted him and stood in front of me with her head held high.
“Very protective as well…. Don’t worry, Avilion, I won’t hurt your master. In fact, her mother and father gave me strict orders to watch over her,” he said assuring Avilion.
Mikazuki…is what he says true? Can I trust him? She asked still standing in front of me.
“It is true,” the boy said.
“Like your words are really going to assure her, Toshiro,” I said after him.
He can hear my thoughts?! Avilion exclaimed.
Toshiro smiled. “Of course,” he said rubbing Avilion’s nose.
Avilion calmed down. You’re a Spirit that can control animals and feelings…! She thought.
Close. I can do that and many other things…including hearing thoughts. He thought sadly. I expected an animal to know that.
I looked away. “Let’s go somewhere else to talk about this,” I said softly as I put my hair behind my ear.
He nodded.
I got on Avilion, then offered my hand to help Toshiro on.
He took my hand and jumped on. “Thanks,” he said putting his hands around my waist for support.
I rolled my eyes. Fast, Avilion. Fast. I thought, already mad at Toshiro.
“What’s the point?” Toshiro asked when Avilion started running. “I’m not letting go until she gets off. I’d follow her to the ends of the earth!” Toshiro said in a childish voice.
My eye twitched. “Now I remember why I banded you from my territory,” I said under my breath.
“You missed me though! Didn’t you!”
Not one bit! I thought keeping my thoughts to myself.
Toshiro laughed. “Don’t you remember…?” he started.
I closed my eyes. Please…stay a child Toshiro! You’re so much easier to deal with! I thought to myself. “All too much.”
I tightened my grip on Avilion’s mane as I felt Toshiro’s hands getting bigger.
I could now feel his breath on my ear.
“Feel familiar?” he asked. Like when you were a little kid; I would carry you around all the time.
I wanted to kick him off the horse. “I’d throw you off if only you wouldn’t get right back on.”
He took his left hand and moved my hair so he could put his head on my shoulder. “You haven’t changed one bit.”
“Neither has my temper!” I said elbowing him in the ribs.
“Ah,” he said moving his head and taking his right hand away. “That hurt you know,” he said. “To think you could hurt me in your human form.”
I snapped. “Get off!” I yelled bringing Avilion to a stop and pushing him off.
He landed on his feet, smiling. “Sure thing,” he said dusting his legs off.
I clenched my teeth. What can I do in my Galaxy that doesn’t annoy me?! I thought.
Toshiro looked at me. “I don’t know. You tell me, maybe I can help,” he teased.
“Stay off my territory,” I demanded.
He bowed. “Yes, my lady.”
I looked into his golden eyes. Maybe he can help me forget about Kein…. I thought to myself.
“You haven’t moved and you haven’t said anything…what are you thinking?” he asked knowing I was blocking him from hearing my thoughts.
“Get on up here,” I said putting my hand down to help.
He took my hand and got up on Avilion. “What’s with the change of attitude?” he asked.
“Something I don’t want to think about. Amuse me,” I said wanting him to get my mind off Kein.
He put his hands around my waist again. “How so?” he asked smiling.
I closed my eyes. Grin and bear it…. I thought to myself. “Definitely not like that,” I said moving his hands gently.
He sighed. “You can’t take jokes, can you?” he thought.
I sighed as well.
He made a rose appear in his hand. “Care for a rose?” he asked putting it in my hair.
I smiled. “Thank you. How’d you know my favorite?” I asked.
“It was your mother and father’s favorite as well. I guess you could say I thought you’d like it because they are in you,” he said smiling.
“Tell me, Toshiro. What is it you really want?” I asked making Avilion move forward.
He smiled. “Only to serve my master,” he said.
“You’re not amusing me with that,” I said.
He sighed. “Kein right?” he asked.
I elbowed him. “Shut-up.”
He let out a little grunt. “So it’s true…?”
I didn’t say anything. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
He smiled. “Even though your parents specifically picked him for you?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” I asked looking over my shoulder.
“They found him abandoned and brought him to this village so he could get close to you, and become the next Master Spirit. They thought he would be useful since he has healing powers,” he said.
“You lie!” I exclaimed.
Avilion stumbled and fell to her knees, knocking both Toshiro and I off of her.
I landed on my back with Toshiro keeping his self off me.
“It was either him or me. I know you don’t want me, yet you seem to be struggling with him,” he said.
I turned my head away. “And if I don’t choose either of you…?”
“Misfortune will befall you,” he said sitting up.
Avilion stood up and went over to me. I’m sorry! She thought worrying about me.
“I have no feelings for you, and my feelings for Kein are growing short,” I said standing up. I started walking away when Toshiro said something…something mind blowing.
“If it’s another Galaxy leader, great pain will befall you,” he said still sitting.
I was frozen in shock. I got a hold of myself and held my head high. “Give me one reason I should believe you,” I said walking towards the valley.
When I arrived Kein was there…I didn’t want to be seen by him, so I stayed out of sight and hid my presence.
When the sun started to set, I walked into the valley with Avilion. “I’m back,” I whispered.
Kein looked over to me. She kept her word. He thought. He was holding a rose in his hand.
I still couldn’t get Toshiro’s words out of my head. ‘If it’s another Galaxy leader, great pain will befall you.’
Kein looked at the rose in my hair. He seemed to hide his anger when he did. “Did you go see Shing again?” he asked looking away.
“No…I ran into the little brat,” I said taking my cloak off and putting it on Avilion’s back.
Kein smiled. “Ah, I see. He’s better than—” he cut himself off before finishing. “Him being there is better than being alone,” he said making up for what he started.
I took the rose out of my hair and looked at it. Great pain will befall you…. I thought with a troubled look.
A stabbing pain hit my chest. “What’s…happening…?” I grunted falling to my knees.
Kein rushed over to me. “Mikazuki, what’s wrong?!”
Avilion lifted her head up. Is it your old illness?
I slowly looked at her through my pain. “Get…Toshiro.”
Avilion took off as fast as she could to get Toshiro.
Kein looked confused and worried. “Why aren’t you healing yourself? What’s wrong Mikazuki?” he asked kneeling beside me.
“I can’t,” I said clutching my chest. Why is this happening…? Is it because of what Toshiro was talking about? I thought. “It can’t be true…,” I whispered.
Kein looked even more confused. “What can’t be true?”
“Mikazuki?!” I heard Toshiro exclaim.
I looked over to see him on Avilion, rushing towards me. I looked down in shame. You made a bull’s eye…. I thought letting my hair fall over my shoulders.
Avilion had come to a stop near me.
Toshiro was staring at me as if he had seen a ghost. “You…you’ve got to be kidding me,” he said slowly getting off Avilion.
Kein looked at Toshiro. “What’s going on?”
Toshiro dropped to his knees by me. “Please tell me you’re kidding!” he said.
I didn’t look up. “I’m telling the truth…I can prove it too,” I said.
Kein just listened so he could try to keep up.
“Transform…now,” he demanded.
I knew he was doing this because he cared for me. Which form?
“Whatever it takes!” he said growing angry.
I closed my eyes, slowly taking my Master form.
Toshiro closed his eyes, as if in agony. He stood up.
I stood up, feeling a little better than I had before.
“Don’t make me wait all day. You said you could prove it,” he said opening his eyes.
I nodded.
“Prove what?” Kein asked standing up.
“You’ll see,” I said still looking Toshiro in the eyes.
“The night…it’s coming fast…be back by sunrise,” Toshiro said.
I closed my eyes then vanished, teleporting to the outside border of Shing’s Galaxy. When I got there the pain almost vanished.
I took a step into the Galaxy, knowing Shing would come when I did.
Just as I had expected, Shing arrived like lightning.
He had a worried look on his face. “You just came three days ago, back so soon?” he asked.
I leaned over, putting my hands on my knees in exhaustion from the pain.
“Mikazuki?” he asked.
“Please come with me,” I said taking his hand.
He nodded, waiting for me to do something.
I teleported us back to the valley.
When we got there, I immediately changed to my elfin form, landing on my knees.
Toshiro looked at me. “Faster than I thought…,” he said looking at me.
Shing looked confused. What’s going on Mikazuki? He looked at me to notice I was on my knees. “Mikazuki!” he exclaimed bending down towards me.
I tried to smile. Don’t worry, just ask Toshiro, he’ll explain. I thought looking at him.
Kein looked away from Shing and me. She’s letting him call her by her first name….
Toshiro took a step near us; Shing instinctively got in front of me.
Toshiro seemed saddened. “Is it really true Mikazuki? You’re not playing games are you?” he asked.
“I’m not lying, Toshiro! What can’t you understand?!” I exclaimed.
Shing caught onto what we were saying by listening to Toshiro’s thoughts. He looked at me. Are you really in pain because of me?
“I don’t know! If I am, I don’t care!” I yelled. You’re the only one I’ll accept.
“Exactly my point…,” Toshiro said looking away. “What would your family say?”
“Leave my family out of this, Toshiro!”
“How can I, I’m only obeying their orders!” he said.
I closed my eyes. You can stand up Shing…. I thought standing up. Stay behind me…I don’t know what I might end up doing. I thought.
Toshiro laughed. “Do you really think you can actually hurt me?” he asked.
Shing stood up and took his place behind me.
I took my Great Spirit form. “Are you testing your luck?” I asked.
He smiled taking his Great Spirit form. Must I? He thought.
“You don’t know me!” I shouted. “Leave, and don’t come back!”
“Heh, where to go?” he asked.
“Anywhere except my Galaxy!”
“How can I? Your parents left me here to care for you if something like this happened,” he said.
“They’re not here now…I’m the one giving the orders now! Leave!”
Toshiro slowly took the form of my father. “How could you kick your own father out of your Galaxy?”
“You’re not my father!” I said sending a spell that would bind him. Even thought tears were welling up in my eyes.
Toshiro was caught in the bind, then transformed back into his normal form, coughing.
“You know better than all, I hate repeating myself!” I said. “Don’t come back!” I said teleporting him to a different Galaxy, an abandoned one. I put the mark of Solitude on him so he couldn’t come back.
Shing looked at me. Is it true that you being with me is what is causing you pain? He thought.
“No, it was him. He cast a spell on me that made me think I was in pain. I’m not, now that he’s gone,” I said, knowing that even though he was doing that, it was for me.
I kept my thoughts to myself as I thought of what could really happen. Is it true that something like that could happen? Is it true that something horrific will happen if I stay with him? I asked myself looking down.
Shing looked at me, then at Kein. “Is something wrong, Kein?” he asked gently.
Kein looked at him surprised. “You’re asking me?” he asked rudely as he looked away.
Shing smiled. “Of course; you’re of great importance to Mikazuki, why wouldn’t I be worried?” he asked turning his body towards Kein, giving him his attention.
I looked at Shing then at Kein, knowing that something was about to happen.
Kein looked at me, knowing I was worrying about him and Shing. He looked back to Shing with a straight face.
There was a long silence before any of us did anything.
Kein bowed to Shing as if he were a king—let me rephrase that; like he was respecting a king.
Shing and I both were amazed.
“I’ll give up,” he said still bowing.
Shing looked at me confused, then back to Kein.
Kein looked up. “I’ll give up on Mikazuki.”
“What do you mean, Kein?” I asked.
“I keep arguing about Shing, only because I’m jealous. I’ll stop. I’ll let you choose who you want,” he said. “Only on one condition,” he said looking at Shing.
“What might that be?” Shing asked.
“Take care of her. If you make her cry…,” he stopped in the middle of his sentence, knowing there was nothing he would be able to do to a Master Spirit. He looked away.
Shing put his hand on Kein’s shoulder. “You’ve got my word,” he said.
Kein looked Shing in the eyes; he put his hand out as if to seal the promise.
Shing shook his hand. “Thank you.”
“You must mean a lot to her…after all, she leaves her Galaxy a lot just to see you. She’s never done that before, other than to fight,” he said letting go of Shing’s hand.
I watched, knowing there was a bond beginning to form.
Shing looked at me as if to ask what he said was true.
“It’s true,” I said biting my lip. “I use to never leave the galaxy other than to fight.”
Shing looked at me astonished, and Kein looked at me heartbroken that I would admit.
Kein looked away. “I’ll leave,” he said walking away.
Shing and I waited until he left.
She walked over to me. “You really do that just for me?” he asked.
I smiled. “Of course,” I said taking his hands. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, I just entered your Galaxy one day out of the wild Universe. I’m just surprised that you would do that for me…,” he said putting his hand behind his head.
I smiled. “Can I try something…?” I asked half afraid.
He saw my thoughts and took a step back in half confusion and half astonishment. “Are you really going to?” he asked.
“I…I really want to see if it works…if not, I’ll still be happy being with you,” I said smiling.
He took a step forward while taking his human form, which had short black hair and leaf green eyes.
I too took my human form, wanting to be different than normal, I made my hair turn black as well.
He put his right hand around me, pulling me to him. Then took my wrist and held it ever so gently with his left hand. Our faces were just inches away from each other.
I could hear his heart racing with anxiety and uncertainty.
My breath was already uneven, trying to figure out what to do as my heart pounded frantically in my chest.
His eyes were half way closed, still looking into mine as he moved his face closer.
My eyes were half way open as well, gazing into his ever so green eyes like I was lost in a forest and he was the way out.
He pulled me even closer, to where I could feel his breath tickling my face. Are you sure…? He thought when our lips were only centimeters away.
I’m just as sure as the ground beneath my feet. I thought, making up my mind.
He slowly pressed his lips to mine, still looking into my eyes.
I felt like my heart stopped.
It seemed like a shock wave just burst from us and to every edge of the valley.
I could feel as our hearts started beating to the same rhythm.
I finally closed my eyes to feel the wind circling around us. I felt Shing’s grip tighten ever so slowly as he let go of my wrist and put his hand on my cheek.
I could feel us moving, when I opened my eyes, we were in Shing’s Galaxy. Snow was falling ever so softly.
In the same moment we were back in the valley.
The wind died down and I pulled my head away to hug him. I could fee tears of joy dripping off my cheeks.
Did it work? I thought.
Though it was night, a bright light appeared to the side of us.
Shing and I both looked, it was my father and mother’s Spirits.
They reached down smiling.
“You’ve made your choice…Mikazuki. Be happy, we’ll always be with you,” they said as they both embraced me.
“Mother…father…,” I whispered as I felt a slight presence appear.
“He is now your guardian…as you are his, sister,” my brother said coming into view.
Shing looked at me. This is her family. He thought taking in every detail.
My mother looked at Shing and embraced him.
She started to fade as she whispered in his ear.
My father was next, he did the same and started fading.
“No! Don’t leave!” I said trying to grab them.
My brother went to me and hugged me. “Live happily and don’t worry about what anyone else says,” he said letting go and going to Shing.
Kohaku was almost as tall as Shing, but not quite.
He too embraced him and whispered something.
He stopped talking right before he completely faded away.
I closed my eyes, knowing that they weren’t going to come back. I collected myself and wiped my tears away.
“What did they say to you?” I asked him
He smiled. “They’re kind. They told me I couldn’t tell you until a certain time—that, I can’t tell you about, either,” he said.
I heard no thoughts in his mind other than things about me.
I smiled. “Then I won’t ask,” I asked hugging him.
Shing took my hand as we looking at the sunrise.
“Let’s speak of this to no one, yet,” I said biting my lip.
Shing smiled and kissed my hand like a prince would to a princess. “Yes, my lady,” he said smiling.
“I’ll return tomorrow to talk to you again,” he said.
“I’ll be waiting,” I whispered smiling.
He vanished into thin air.
I stood there a while before walking into the village.
I was in a daze before I heard Kein trying to get my attention when I was sitting down by the fountain.
“Mikazuki!” he finally exclaimed.
I snapped into it. “Oh, Kein; what is it?”
“You’ve been out of it all day, did something happen last night?” He asked.
“No…not really,” I said with a smile on my face as I thought of last night.
Kein wasn’t buying it. “What happened when I left?” he asked. “You didn’t—”
“Kein; no way, pervert!” I exclaimed after reading his thoughts.
“Okay, just making sure,” he said sighing.
“I’m going to get some rest though…,” I said standing up and walking away.
When I got to my house there was a rose on the step that I had never seen before.
An ice blue rose…? I thought picking it up.
The rose felt ice cold, there was a small note attached.

You deserve the finest of roses, so I brought you a rose from my galaxy, though they are nothing like the beautiful roses in your galaxy.
My love belongs to you,

I smiled and looked at the rose again before taking it in with me.
I made a jar that had small holes in it then filled the bottom with snow. I got rid of the top half of the jar so I could put the flower in it.
As soon as I put the flower in the snow, it crystallized into a beautiful rose.
I lie in my bed while holding the note and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was sunrise.
I stood up and looked at the rose, still beautiful.
I went to the valley to wait for Shing.
When I got there, he was already waiting for me.
He stood up and smiled. “Good morning, Mikazuki,” he said bowing.
I smiled and went over to him to hug him. “Good morning!” I said laughing.
“You slept well?”
“Oh, indeed! I loved the rose!” I said smiling.
“Thank you,” he said. He let go of me and fumbled around in his pockets as if looking for something.
“Mikazuki,” he started as he kept looking. “I have…a question,” he said checking his back pockets.
I smiled. “Sure, what is it?”
He stopped fumbling around as if he had found it and smiled. “Do you like diamond rings?”
I was confused until he took my hand and slipped it on my ring finger.
“Take it or leave it?” he asked smiling.
I stared at my finger, then it clicked and tears flowed. “I’m gonna keep it!” I said hugging him again.
His lips hit mine like a feather. “Great,” he said. “Are you going to tell Kein?” he asked.
I smiled. “Are we gonna tell Kein?” I corrected.
He smiled. “Yes,” he said picking me up to where my feet were just barely off the ground and gently spun me around once.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” I asked after he put me down. “Wait…I’ll go get him and bring him to the valley, along with my other Great Spirits.”
Shing nodded. “I’ll be waiting.”
I left the valley and got all of my Great Spirits and brought them to the valley.
When we were all there, I stood by Shing.
“I have news,” I started.
Kein looked down. He asked her already?
“Shing is now our guardian,” I said waiting for a response.
They were silent for all of three seconds then they cheered.
“Prepare, our celebration’s tomorrow,” I said smiling. The beginning of eternity starts here.
“Yes, my lady!” they all said bowing.
“Tell the villagers as well,” I said before they all left to prepare.
When everyone had left, it was just me, Shing, and Kein.
Kein smiled before turning around. “May you both live forever in happiness,” he said leaving.
I looked at Shing and smiled. “A celebration that was worth waiting for,” I said smiling.
Shing nodded. “I can’t wait.”

Chapter three: New life

“Ryuu, Hana, come on in and wash up for lunch!” I called.
“Yes mama!” Ryuu said taking his sister’s hand leading her to me.
Hana laughed as she tried to keep up.
Shing came up behind me and put his arms around me. “Can you believe it’s already been twenty-five years?” he asked as he put his head on my shoulder.
I smiled. “I don’t regret that day even for a second,” I said putting my hands on his.
Ryuu and Hana came up to the porch and hugged my legs.
“When will Uncle Kein be coming by next?” Hana asked looking up to me.
I picked her up. “He’s on his way now,” I said kissing her forehead.
Shing picked up five-year-old Ryuu up. “How’s my little man?” he asked ruffling Ryuu’s short crimson-red hair.
Ryuu laughed. “Dad,” he started. “I wanna be big like you when I grow up!” he said hugging Shing’s neck.
Shing smiled then looked at me.
I looked at him smiling. I couldn’t ask for anything better. I thought looking back to Hana.
“Mama, look at this,” Hana said gently urging me to put her down.
I put her down and watched her.
“Brother, come here, let’s show them!” Hana said looking at Ryuu.
Ryuu nodded and had Shing let him down.
Ryuu ran over to his sister then smiled. “Ready Hana?” he asked.
Hana nodded. “I am just as soon as you are!”
I watched my twin children took each other’s hands.
Shing took my hand and smiled. Don’t tell me they already figured something out. He thought looking at me.
A soft wind picked up as they looked at each other with a smile.
“Split!” Ryuu said letting go and vanishing.
Hana vanished as well after a brief pause.
They both appeared to where they were holding hands again.
Hana pointed up and little flower peddles fluttered down as Ryuu made dragonflies flutter around with the flower peddles.
I smiled. “That was beautiful!”
“Fantastic job, kids!” Shing complemented as he went over to pick them up.
I watched and thought to myself. He looks…young enough to be their brother. I thought watching Shing’s every move. Yet he’s over five thousand years old….
Shing looked at my thoughtful face.
Before anything could be said I threw a knife to the side after hearing a shuffle.
Shing instantly went to his protective mode.
“Ow!” I heard Kein’s voice. “I try to surprise the kids and instead I get a knife thrown at me! I thought you knew I was here!” He said coming out of the bushes. He pulled the knife out of his arm then quickly healed his self. “Look! You made a hole!” he complained.
I sighed. I really am getting lax. I need to do what I used to do and be on alert at all times. I thought scolding myself.
Shing looked at me. “No, it’s both of us, Mika. You shouldn’t blame yourself,” he said letting the kids down so they could visit Kein.
Shing had started to call me Mika after we got married.
I put my hand on my stomach which had started hurting this morning. I looked at Kein. “Can you watch them for a while? The food is inside on the table when you’re hungry,” I said.
Kein nodded. “Sure,” he smiled.
“Let’s go somewhere else and talk,” I said taking Shing’s hand.
We went to the valley where we had first met; it had become a place that we went when we wanted to get away.
Shing sat down after me. “What is it? You seem kinda pale,” he said.
“It’s nothing,” I reassured him as I leaned on his shoulder.
He put his arm around me. “You know, I could be really mean right now,” he said smiling.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
He put his hand on my stomach. “You’re starting to get a stomach again,” he said.
“Oh for the love of stars, please tell me this isn’t happening again!” I exclaimed thinking about it.
Shing smiled. “Poor you,” he said with a face of fake sympathy.
“Shing!” I growled.
“Yep, it’s definitely true! You’re getting moody again!” he laughed.
I looked at the sky with a sarcastically pained look. “Oh, why another?!” I groaned standing up.
Shing stood up and put his arms around me. “I hope it’s a boy, so Ryuu will have someone to wrestle with…or maybe a girl so that Hana can dress up,” he said smiling. “I don’t mind either way.”
“Sure, you’re not the one that has to go through all the cravings and morning sickness,” I complained.
Shing smiled. “It’s worth it though, isn’t it?” he asked putting his forehead to mine.
I let a smile come to my face. “I guess. How long did you know?”
“You mean how long you have not been paying attention?” he asked. “About two weeks,” he said.
I rolled my eyes. “Oh, joy. Something to look forward to other than cleaning up more messes than I already am,” I said smiling.
“You’re a great mother though,” he said. He had a face that wanted to tease me. “Eight and a half more excruciating months,” he said.
I slapped the back of his head. “Shut-up,” I said.
He laughed. “No doubt about it,” he said picking me up, making me taller than him.
I kissed his forehead. “We’d better head back, I don’t want Kein to have to deal with the kids too awfully long,” I said smiling.
Shing let me down and we walked back to our house.
Kein and the kids were sitting at the table eating when we walked in.
“Welcome back,” Kein said smiling.
“Glad to be back,” Shing said stretching his arms.
Kein looked at me. “Shing looks like he could run around the world and still be ready to do something…you look like the target after target practice,” Kein stated.
I glared at him.
Shing laughed. “Go get some rest, you’ll feel better,” Shing whispered into my ear.
I mumbled under my breath and reluctantly went to the other room to lie down.
Kein looked at Shing. “What’s got her in such a bad mood?” I heard him say.
In my mind I saw Shing acting like he was cradling a baby.
“You mean to say—again?” Kein asked.
“Shut-up!” I yelled. “I can’t sleep with Kein’s blabbering thoughts!” I yelled at Shing.
I heard Shing laugh.
“Yes mother,” he said bursting out in laughter.
I grumbled then lay down on the bed. I looked at the diamond ring on my finger and smiled. I don’t regret it though.
Neither do I. Shing thought. “Could you watch them a little longer? She’s not feeling well, I’ll care for her.”
“Sure,” Kein replied half laughing.
I heard Shing’s footsteps stop outside our bedroom door. “May I come in?” he asked politely.
I smiled and sat up. “Sure.”
Shing came in and sat on the bed beside me. “Are you okay with it?” he asked.
I looked away. “I don’t really want to have another child yet, but I guess the results are worth it,” I said looking back with a smile.
He smiled then put his legs behind me and lay down. “To have a mother that’s eternally sixteen,” he said smiling. “A father that’s eternally nineteen…those kids are lucky, but I can’t imagine if you went up to a human and said, ‘I’m a grandparent’ in forty years,” he said looking up.
I chuckled. “Yeah,” I said turning to where one leg was on the bed and the other was off.
I moved to the very end of the bed and sat at Shing’s feet. I looked at his simple leather shoes as I ran my hand over the side of it.
We were silent for a long time, both lost in thought.
I silently crawled up beside him to lie down on my side.
He looked at me and turned onto his side. His gently put his hand on my head and took some of my silver hair in his hand. “Thank you,” he said putting it closer to his face and closing his eyes.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
He smiled. “For everything…,” he said opening his eyes and sitting up.
I watched him as he walked to the door. “Get some rest, Mika.”
I smiled. “Okay,” I said after he left.
Later that evening I got up to fix dinner.
When dinner was done and the family was sitting around the table all went quiet.
I looked at the kids who were eating with very proper posture and great manners.
Shing was doing the same, sitting proper and eating with great manners.
I laughed.
They all looked at me.
“What is it mama?” Hana asked.
Shing just waited, trying not to laugh with me.
“We’ve gotten so tight. Let’s have fun tomorrow!” I suggested. “No chores, no lessons, just fun!” I said looking at the kids.
Shing smiled. “We could put their skills to test and take them to the human village,” he recommended.
I nodded. “You still haven’t met their king and queen, have you, Shing?” I asked.
He shook his head. “No, I don’t believe I have.”
“Their son should’ve been born by now, I’d say he’s about fifteen…hmn, I wonder how Zelia is doing,” I said aloud.
The kids laughed.
“What?” I asked.
“Were you like this before you had us?” Hana asked.
“You’re really talkative all the sudden,” Ryuu managed to say through his laughing.
I looked at Shing. “I dunno, was I?” I asked him.
Shing hid a smile. “Just a little,” he said truthfully.
I laughed. “Well, I guess so. I’ll wake everyone up bright and early. We’ll leave and spend the day there,” I said.
Ryuu and Hana cheered while Shing and I smiled.

The next morning we were at the gates of the castle all of us in our human forms.
“Sir, I’m a friend of Aaron, let me by,” I said when the guard didn’t let me in.
“I’m sorry ma’am, the king isn’t seeing anyone today,” he said.
I looked at him closely. “Have you been guarding these gates for over twenty-five years?” I asked when I barely recognized him.
“Yes, is something wrong?” he asked.
“You should remember me if I do this then,” I said with a mischievous smile.
I took my Elfin Spirit form and smiled at him.
He immediately bowed to one knee with his head down. “I’m sorry, Lady Mikazuki! I didn’t recognize you!” he apologized.
I smiled at Shing, who was trying not to laugh.
You’ve got them in the palm of your hand! Shing thought, picking Ryuu up.
“It’s nothing,” I said. “I’ll be going now,” I said walking past him.
He stayed on one knee as we passed by.
Hana touched some of the flowers as we passed through the garden. “They’re so pretty!” she said.
Ryuu sighed. “Sister, hurry up! We’ll meet a human king and queen if we do!” he reminded her.
Hana took his hand and started speeding up. “I’m coming!”
We were finally outside the throne room.
“Let me go in alone, I’ll tell you when you can come in,” I told them.
Shing nodded in understanding.
I took my human for again then walked in.
There was a young boy in the throne. He looked up when I walked in.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“The real question is, who are you?” I questioned.
“I’m Shihan, the prince. Tell me your name, woman,” he demanded.
I hated it when people told me what to do.
“Lady Mikazuki!” I heard Aaron’s voice call.
He walked over to me. “It’s been a long time!”
“If I’m not mistaken, twenty-six years?” I asked.
“What do you mean twenty-six years?!” I heard the young boy exclaim. “She looks almost as young if not younger than me!” he said standing up.
“Shihan, calm yourself!” Aaron demanded. He looked at me. “Sorry, he’s got the temper of a wolf.”
“Just as I said, right?” I smiled.
Aaron nodded. “You hit it spot on…you haven’t changed one bit!” he said.
“Should I have?” I asked. “I mean, I could now if you wanted.”
I could see Shing getting angry at my joke.
I laughed.
“What is it?” Aaron asked.
“My husband and kids are outside, he wasn’t too happy about my joke,” I said.
“So you’re married now?”
“Yes, I’ve been married for twenty-five years now,” I explained.
“Kein is your husband, right?”
I shook my head and tried not to laugh is I saw Shing’s jealous face. “No. Speaking of marriage and husbands, where is Zelia?”
Aaron looked away. “She died giving birth to Shihan’s younger sister…the baby died with an hour after being born,” he said saddened.
I felt for him. “I’m sorry,” I said. I too was close to Zelia, so it felt like something was trying to stab me in the heart.
We were silent until Shihan interrupted.
“How can you be older than me?” he asked looking at me.
“I’m only about ten thousand years old…that’s not too bad! My parents were way older than me!”
“You can’t be telling the truth! Show me!” he demanded.
I looked at Aaron. “This looks familiar. Should I show him?”
Aaron smiled. “Have fun scaring the daylights out of my son. He really needs it,” Aaron laughed.
I took my Great Spirit form and looked at Shihan to see him trembling.
“Believe me now?” I asked making myself look like water.
He nodded then sat down so he wouldn’t fall.
I took my human form then smiled at Aaron. “Would you like to meet my family?”
Aaron smiled. “I’d love to,” he said.
I could see the door starting to open.
“Mama, mama!” Ryuu and Hana both said as they ran to me.
Shing walked a little slower as he smiled.
I bent down to hug them then picked them both up and looked at Aaron. “They’re both five.”
Aaron smiled then made a face. “Twins; I can’t imagine. One was bad enough!” Aaron said smiling.
Shing smiled as well but stayed quiet.
Hana tried to get down. “Can brother and I show him what we can do?” she asked. “The fire technique that daddy showed us!”
I glanced as Shing. You taught them fire? I asked kind of uncertain.
He looked away smiling. Why not?
I put Ryuu down. “Be careful, I don’t want to destroy Aaron’s things,” I said even though I would fix it.
Ryuu and Hana nodded.
Aaron went to his throne and sat down.
Shing and I followed, standing.
Hana smiled at Ryuu. “You start off!”
Ryuu was being bashful, so he just shook his head.
Hana sighed. “Okay,” she put her hands up above her and created a fire ball.
I mumbled under my breath to Shing so only he could hear. “Is this what I think it is?”
I glanced over to see Shing smiling.
“Maybe…maybe not,” he said.
“Oh boy….”
Ryuu was lighting quick as he flashed around her making smaller fire balls that stayed at four points around her.
After the fire balls that Ryuu created were half the size of the one Hana made, he leaped back the sent a gush of wind towards Hana.
Hana sent a surge of power to the fire then quickly moved before the wind got to her.
I looked at Shing and smiled. “To think Ryuu can already do so much…,” I whispered.
He nodded. “He’s excelling much faster than I thought he would. Hana struggles to keep up,” he said watching Hana as she panted and wiped her forehead of sweat.
Ryuu was barely even breaking a sweat even though he had done more than Hana. He smiled at Hana then watched the wind make the fire grow fiercer.
Ryuu shot another burst of wind making it circle the fire.
Soon, the fire and wind had made a small fire cyclone.
Ryuu made a cute face and laughed as he created a water sphere and sent it to the fiery cyclone. Then, just to tease his sister, he sprinkled rain over Hana.
Ryuu turned towards Aaron, Shing, and I then bowed.
Hana shook her head while looking at Ryuu then kindly bowed to Aaron, Shing and I.
I was concerned. To myself I pondered. How is Ryuu stronger and more durable than Hana? Hana was First born…maybe it’s like Shing and I…. I just hope she can withstand more than that later on. I thought trying to keep my thoughts to myself.
Shing looked over smiling to see my worried face. He sighed then put his hand on my back, whispering in my ear. “Don’t worry,” he started. “She’ll catch up with him.”
I still wasn’t convinced.
Shing sighed then looked at Ryuu with a smile. “Good job, Ryuu.”
When he looked at Hana, her eyes were filling with tears.
“Hana, what’s wrong?” he asked. “Did you get hurt?” he asked.
I closed my eyes concentrating on her. I knew that somehow she had learned, as well as Ryuu, how to block her thoughts from others. I knew how to get through it easily though.
“I-I just got burnt a little. I’ll be fine Daddy,” she said smiling.
I listened to her thoughts with ease.
They always look at Ryuu first…praise him more. No matter how much I try…I can’t be as good as him. Never; not if I was given all eternity to train, he’d have just as much time to get better than me. She thought looking at the ground.
I looked at Shing. “I’ve got to step out for a minute, get to know Aaron and show him some things with Ryuu,” I said staring to walk down the three steps that lead to the floor from the throne.
He nodded then gestured for Ryuu to come up.
I went over to Hana and bent down with a smile. “I need you to come with me, Hana. There’s something I want to show you,” I whispered.
She nodded wiping the tears from her eyes. “Yes ma’am.”
I sighed. “Also, please don’t lie to your father when you’re not hurt. He can get really worried about you,” I whispered to her as if it were a secret.
She nodded. “Yes ma’am…I’m sorry.”
I smiled and picked her up. “Well, come on, let’s go,” I said teleporting us to the moon.
I put her down. “Look, there’s where we live,” I said pointing to a green slab of land.
She was smiling from ear to ear. “Wow!” she exclaimed. “I thought you said we had to wait until we were ten until we could go anywhere other than Earth!” she said still smiling.
I nodded. “This time is an exception. There’s some place I really want to show you,” I said picking her up. Before I teleported us, I let Shing know where we were going.
We’re going to your Galaxy, don’t tell anyone. We’ll be back before morning. I thought.
Be careful, Mika. I heard Shing reply.
I teleported us to his Galaxy, and to the place where I found out what Shing’s true strong point was.
I let Hana down. “This is your father’s real home; where he used to live,” I explained.
She nodded then asked, “So this is where he goes when he leaves?”
I nodded. “Yes; sometimes he goes to the valley as well,” I said looking around. “It’s been a while since I’ve been here,” I said sighing. I put my hand over my mouth, feeling sick.
“Hana, stay right here, do not move,” I choked out before I left the room.
I went outside, leaning over. I started coughing.
What’s going on?! I thought as I looked at my hand to see blood.
I kept coughing; nonstop. I started getting dizzy. Shing…help…. I thought before collapsing.
“Mom!” I heard Hana’s voice exclaimed as everything went black.

When I woke up, I sat up quickly, coughing again. I looked around, I was in my bed.
My coughing came to a halt and Shing walked in with a worried glance. “Mika; how are you feeling?” he asked sitting on the bed beside me.
“Like something someone shot at and missed…threw a knife at and hit,” I said watching my language.
He smiled. “I don’t know what could have caused this. Kein has looked over and over to see what was wrong. He said there was nothing wrong with you,” he said looking away.
Then it hit us both at the same time.
I almost cried. “The baby…,” I said. I knew already that it hadn’t died, because I could feel its presence within me.
Shing closed his eyes. What wrong with it? He asked my through his thoughts. Probably not wanting to speak for fear that his voice would crack.
I put my hand on my stomach. “She’s growing too fast,” I croaked looking at my already bloated stomach.
Shing looked confused. “Why is that so bad?”
“My body can’t change that fast. At the rate she’s growing—“
“It’s a girl?” he asked.
“Yes—but at this rate, I’ll deliver her next month,” I said knowing there was nothing I could do.
Shing looked like he had just seen a ghost. “I know that’s not good.”
“Let’s just hope she’s okay,” I said leaning on Shing.
He nodded. “There’s nothing you can do?”
I shook my head.
He sighed.

One month later

“AGH!” I screamed sitting up in our bed. “Shing…get Kein!” I choked as I felt sudden pains.
Shing sat up as fast as he could and shuffled to get out the door. “Be back in a minute,” he said putting a shirt on.
“Hurry up!” I yelled.
Kein rushed in within a matter of minutes. “Already?” he asked confused.
“Hurry up, Kein!” I demanded.
Kein was already getting ready.
Shing was about to offer his hand, but he remembered what happened when I was giving birth to Ryuu and Hana. He looked around.
“Here,” he said handing me a smooth round rock to hold onto.
I squeezed it as hard as I could.
The stone cracked in half, but I kept squeezing.
Kein looked up at me. “Push…!”
Shing looked away looking very pale.
“Shing, go away!” I said knowing he wasn’t enjoying this one bit…but neither was I.
Shing took that as a hint and left the room.
When he closed the door he started pacing.
Hana and Ryuu watched him not knowing what was going on.
“Daddy, why is mama screaming?” Ryuu finally asked.
Shing started to answer, but put his hand over his mouth and kept pacing.
“AGH!” I screamed again.
Shing shivered. “Birth…I hate it,” he said stopping to rub his temples.
The kids both cocked their heads. “Huh?”
“Deafening screams…crying…ugh,” he said going back to pacing.
I screamed once again relieved that it was almost over.
Shing stopped to listen.
He heard crying then smiled. He opened the door to see Kein drying the baby girl off.
I was panting, about to pass out.
I tried to keep my eyes open, alas, they were too heavy.
Before I completely closed my eyes I saw Shing holding the baby.

When I woke up Shing was beside me on the bed looking straight at the floor. Looking like he had just witnessed murder.
I looked at him. “Shing…what’s wrong?” I asked. I looked around to see Kein doing the same thing Shing was: sitting on the bed looking at the floor horrified.
“Kein…Shing…what happened? Where’s my baby?” I asked.
Shing didn’t move, other than to close his eyes and turn his head away.
Kein looked at me saddened.
I gasped as I started to cry. “She’s alright, right?” I asked, lying to myself. “My baby girl is safe, right?”
Kein shook his head slowly then stood up. “She…,” he looked away. “She died ten minutes after being born…,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
Time seemed to slow down after Kein spoke.
As if I didn’t hear it correctly I looked at Shing.
He was nearing tears. “It’s true…,” he whispered looking up.
“No…y-you’re both lying!” I said denying the truth. “Not my baby!”
Shing put his hand on mine to try to comfort not only me but him as well.
My sobs softened. “Not my baby…,” I whispered. The baby I never even saw…. I thought crying.
Before anyone could stop me, I stood up and went into the other room.
“Mikazuki; you shouldn’t be moving around yet!” Shing said trying to coax me back into the room. “Please lie down.”
I looked away. “No…I’m fine,” I said healing myself of anything that would have killed a regular human.
“Mama, are you ok? What’s going on?” Hana asked.
“Why were you in there for so long? Your belly is flat again, did something happen?” Ryuu asked.
I looked away. They didn’t even know…. I thought walking towards the front door. “Everything is fine kids, daddy and I are just…a little sad about something,” I said looking away.
“Stay here and comfort your father…I’ll be back later,” I said walking out the door.
Quickly, I ran to the valley. I put up the strongest barrier I could in my weak form. Even Shing would have a hard time getting it down; by the time he would have started taking it down I would have known then put up another. I made the barrier make it seem like the valley wasn’t even there, nothing could be heard from it.
I let out a scream in agony. Falling to my knees, I cried to my heart’s content.
Mother…father…. Why must I go through this kind of pain? It is the worst kind of pain there is…losing a loved one. I thought burying my head in my knees. “Mom…dad…I’m lost without you…,” I cried.
I remembered father’s sword. Looking to my side, I saw my sword was attached.
I took my sword—sheath and all—and took it off my belt. “Never will I fight with this sword again. No good has come of it…,” I said looking at it. It was the one that I had made after mother and father had died.
I swear from this day only to use father’s…for guidance. I will always wear mother’s necklace…and brother’s wrist band. I thought. Since none of these items were with me, I simply teleported them to me.
Each one of the items that my family had left meant something different, and each one of them held some of their Spirit, a way that I could always be in touch with them.
My mother’s silver chain necklace started to form around my neck, as well as my brother’s leather wrist band around my wrist.
My father’s sword appeared at my side.
Father, mother, brother…. Please, give me guidance. I thought closing my eyes.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.06.2010

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