

The wolf and husky have made this land their home
AS they prowl for prey in their domain they roam
They have adapted their selves to the frigid cold
They command respect for their bravery so bold

For man and animal this desolate land
For survival it offers no helping hand
Its beauty can be deceiving to man at times
Getting lost in its surroundings in your mind

The Alaskan wild with its snow covered white plains
In a enchanted state I gaze at its great domain
From atop its mountains to a trickling stream below
Such beauty overwhelms me that my eyes behold

A picturesque landscape truly a painter's dream
A pure white virgin setting in a natural scene
This chance to explore such wonder arouses my senses
My mind will remain fascinated from this experience

Time has come I must leave the Alaskan wild
Natures own wonderland I've seen for awhile
Breath taking and beautiful is this winters scene
Its snow covered mountain peaks I'll see in my dreams


Angel do you remember when we first shared love?
I was the first for you, and you were the first for me.
God, blessed our love and happiness for eternity.
He sent you to become my guiding Angel, in life.

Someone I could confide in for you're my best friend.
Through God, you showed me the path I must walk.
You helped me to understand the inner fears I had.
And feelings of doubt, and my inferiority complex.

I don't know why God felt I was worthy of your love.
It was surely a blessing for me that he felt that way.
From my first memories as a child I knew God's love,
I would talk to myself out loud as though it was Him,

I was talking to, now that I think back, it was Him.
When I reached my teens, I began thinking of girl's.
I still confided in Him out loud many times in private.
I would find a secluded spot then we would talk a lot.

Because of my inner fear I ask God to send an angel.
Someone who would love me and show me the way.
And be my best friend to confide in at the same time.
God, did send that guiding angel to me, He sent you.

I was 22 before I met you, I fell in love at first glance.
I can remember you telling me you had a crush on me,
For the past 2 years, when you seen me playing ball.
You said you came to ball games to watch me play.

Even though I had not seen you anywhere else before.
Our mutual friend introduced us to one another there.
I believe God destined our meeting to being together.
We have had no children in our 43 years of marriage.

And it is certainly to late now! to have a child of ours.
I guess God felt you would have your hands full of me.
You've done all these things loved me at same time too.
I can think of no one else who is more giving than you.

Your kind, and gentle guidance helped all these years.
You through God, helped me to be the man I'm today.
Yes! our love, and marriage were truly made in Heaven.
Our young, and innocent love was truly blessed by God.

Today's modern permissive world our love is old fashion.
I believe love and marriage are Holy blessings from God.
Because a truly good love and marriage are hard to find.
Precious angel I have been blessed with your pure love.

"There, I have been talking to myself again".


We've hunted in the Kentucky hills
Wore blisters on back of our heels.
Fished in the muddy river overnight
Sometimes getting a mosquito bite.

Played softball in hot summer's sun.
Lost most games, by plenty of runs.
Stood by each other in deep sorrow
hoped better things for our tomorrow.

Served in the Army the same time
You in Vietnam, I served stateside.
Now we stand at a mountain's base
We'll climb it with God's Holy grace.

You are diagnosed with lung cancer
I hope that radiation is the answer.
If you are to weak and want to stop
I'll carry you brother to mountain's top.

I know you fear this dreaded disease
Will the outcome leave you in peace?.
God almighty, will light the dark way
Brother, we must have faith and pray.


The Sun rises and warms the day.
Moon light takes the darkness away.
Both serve a purpose for mankind.
They tell us when it is day and night.

The world surely turns East to West.
Every day and night they do the test.
Cold days and dark nights would be.
They didn't warm us and help us see.

Sun warms day, Moon lights the night.
Without them be cold, and dark alright.
So hot or dark which is your preference?
Have a light at night or heat in the day?

Okay! you don't have a choice any way.
If God never gave us the Sun and Moon.
To use as light and heat, then who did?
I think they are two of God's creations.


God knew mean boys,
would need their toys.
To occupy their minds,
To keep them in line.

So sweet precious girls,
Were put in their world.
Mean boys can become,
A saint with a sweet one.

Girls are nice and smart.
Gentle persuasion they'll,
steal a boyfriends heart.
Boys enjoy loud music.

All sports and fast cars,
Their girls are behind them.
Treat them as movie stars.

Some boys reward their,
girl friends with a big kiss.
Only on special occasions,
Do they give them a gifts.

Most boys are mechanical,
Sometimes they are rebels.
Girls are loving and sweet.
They're behind their fellows.

This proves a simple fact.
It's true opposites attract.


Sweet flows the poetry from your pen
Masterfully written from feelings within
Like a mountain stream flows one way
Each word in a line has its special say

The words explain the lines meanings
Written stanzas that express feelings
Whether they declare or maybe inquire
They'll state the words of your desires

Each line is a part of feelings in heart
That write the poetry from talented art
Write and describe words you know
Rhyme them to have a rhythmic flow


Sweet poetry so soothing flows like a stream.
Down from a fountain forming a natural spring.
Warming my heart with the feelings conveyed.
True poetic expressions brilliantly displayed.

A picture of your thoughts is seen and heard.
you paint with your poetry true rhythmic words.
Masterfully written words flowing on their own.
With their expressions beckoning to be known.

Soft music of violin plays sweet, gentle, and low.
Your harmonious impressions sings as it flows.
Poetic stanzas convey a true artistic painting.
Your pen does not leave any doubts remaining.

Masterfully written with words you've presented.
I read and feel your thoughts poetic intentions.
You describe all words with their poetic intent.
Conveyed feelings to the reader are heart sent.


I'm missing the old home where I was raised.
Where many times my Dad gave God praise.
In the Kentucky hills mother Nature flourished.
A setting of plain beauty I will always cherish.

Never again can I go back to the old home.
It is no longer there all the land is over grown.
A house that was home to my whole family.
Time and elements have destroyed it finally.

I sit by the big maple tree in the back yard.
Ponder my days there some easy some hard.
It was just an old house I lived in at the time.
What would I give for one day there as mine.

But I know the old home is gone like the wind.
I will never have a chance to see it, my friend.
What once was, can not be the same again.
I'll ponder my memories until my journeys end.


After the stillness of the moonless night.
Will soon give way to nature's first light.
The birds chirp and sing all their sounds.
Nature is alive in trees and on the ground.

Wild animals feel the awakening of dawn.
Gesture their gratitude run across lawn.
Flowers open and reach for the sunlight.
Nature life is seen until it is again night.

Let Mother nature be alive in the daylight.
Show its beauty when it comes into sight.
It's to be enjoyed by living things in life.
For it can bring the darkness into the light.


This morning I awakened just before dawn.
Vivid lightning and thunder was going on.
The dark sky was lit with a beautiful scene.
Natural fireworks for the 4th of July I seen.

I stood on my porch and thought how great.
Flashing lightning and the thunder it creates
A natural show of shows for our free country.
Can't be duplicated by man with his money.

No better way could our country be blessed.
God gave our nation birthday His very best.
I am glad I was wide awake to see and hear.
These natural fireworks that God sent here.

What a wonderful sight loud and very bright.
It would wake the dead the noise and light.
It's our nation's birthday so let us celebrate.
Tell to the world we will remember this date.


Come let me hold you, love and console you.
And take all your troubles of this world away.
I don't want to live without you another day.
I'm lonely thinking of your sweet love today.

I need your love to help me through my life.
Become my best friend and my sweet wife.
You are like a big piece of chocolate so pure.
Tempting my taste and my senses to endure.

No sugar could be as sweet as you darling.
You can melt sugar with your loving touch.
A caring love that is sweeter than chocolate.
A loving touch pulls the strings of my heart.


Sparkle bright in the night lucky star.
Light up the sky from where you are.
Shine from a distance high and afar.
Be proud you are a bright shiny star.

The dark sky at night needs your light.
To show the way for lovers in the night.
As a beacon you cast a sparkling sight.
You bring a thrill to many hearts alright.

You remind me when I was just a boy.
When I would wish for some play toys.
You've been my lucky star a long time.
Keep shining bright Lucky Star of mine.


Little Milly is a red headed freckled face girl of 9 years old.
Who lives in a large city but she often visits her Grandpa
who lives in the country close to a big lake full of fish..
Little Milly's big wish is to go fishing with her Grandpa.
She has never ask him if she could should she ask him?
Maybe Grandpa has never ask her because she is a girl.

Perhaps he is afraid to take her because she may get hurt..
Milly knows she is as strong and brave as any boy her age,
She swims good much better than her friend Roy can.
Roy goes fishing with his Grandpa all the time in the lake.
They catch, Crappie, Bluegill, and fish the color of Sunshine.

Milly's Grandpa has a boat he takes when he goes fishing.
Milly wants to ride in it she knows to wear a life preserver too.
Grandpa usually goes fishing to a big lake down the road.
He always takes the boat with him when he goes to the lake.
Little Milly's big wish is that someday she'll go with him.

Maybe use one of his fishing poles to catch her own fish.
Milly is a sweet little girl but she is a Tom Boy at heart.
She likes to do boy things like play ball, and go fishing.
She ask Grandpa if she could go fishing the next time..
Of course Milly, but you'll have to wear a life preserver.

While you are at the lake around the water at all times
Grandpa told her she would have to be careful around water.
He said he'd take her along the next time he goes fishing.
Little Milly is so happy now she can't wait to go fishing.
It looks like little Milly is surly going to get her big wish.


Taken from my mind in a split second of time.
My feelings of joy for Daddy's little baby boy.
From my eyes he's gone. Your hate is strong.
No love left in your heart has driven us apart.

Don't take my boy away from my love to stay.
Don't use the hate you've allowed to escalate.
I still love you even with all we've been through.
I've let you down going to bars all over the town.

Let's reconcile, change your frown to a smile.
Take a second chance for love to be romanced,
I will never forsake you again my precious love.
I'll swear to you on the Bible under God above.

If you feel you want to give our love another go.
I am ready and willing to give it a try you know.
Come back to me with the love you once had.
Take away this frown on my face that is sad.


Oh divine Creator my faithful master.
Unconditional father now and hereafter.
Guide me on the path to walk today.
Should I be tempted to walk astray.

Help me set an example for all to see.
Respectful love you have instilled in me.
You light up my way through the night.
Show me the way with Your bright light.

As a sinner I have walked without You.
I've stumbled and fell many times it's true.
I was a lost soul without You by my side.
As a reborn Christian I'm at peace inside.

Give me the strength today and tomorrow.
To face what I must the grief and sorrow.
My love and joy from deep within my heart.
I pray that I can share with others in part.


Into my past unclear images appear.
I search depths of my soul with fear.
I have a secret from my distant past.
Will my search for the unknown last?

Will it ever come forth revealing itself?
Or stay hidden in my minds inner self.
Secret has haunted my mind for years
Increasing Paranoia aggravated by fear.

The hold of this haunting will I be freed?
To stay buried like an unyielding seed.
All my mind wants freed from its hold.
Expel this haunting out from my soul.

Hope someday it will reveal itself to me.
Not hidden haunting my soul for eternity.
It's there hidden in all I do, lurking inside.
Hidden out of sight ready to instill doubt.


The nights dark seclusion.
Get lost with a real illusion.

May seem to see imagines.
you're surrounded by ghosts.
The wilder your imagination.
The more burned is the toast

The longer you wait to run
more scared you become
Which way should you run
In front of you stands one

So you are bold and brave
No ghost will run you away
They dance all around you
watching your every move

They're not letting you go
You they want to control
They whisper your name
Want you feel the insane

Suddenly you are paralized
you can't even move an eye
What can you possibly do
To get them away from you

You're startled by the sound
of your alarm clocks ring
You jump awake to find out
You had a dream no doubt


My darling do you ever think of 1963?
when we pledged our love for eternity.
You were my first, I was the first for you.
It made our marriage a dream come true.

I was a young man serving in the Army.
You cleaned all my gear and all laundry.
We grew up fast away from our home.
The Texas days 100 degrees was known.

You were a rock and carried my weight..
I would have fallen without you, my mate.
You gave me courage to be my own man.
Gentle love as my wife, and my best friend.

Our love grows stronger each passing day.
Our precious love is in our hearts to stay.
No man or woman could come between us.
Loves an eternal fire that burns without lust.

43 years I've been blessed with your love.
My angel you have grace of a white dove.
You are my best friend and my mentor.
I'm cool in summer you warm my winter.


Don't close the door and walk away.
Wait a minute I've something to say,
Don't leave me here alone and blue.
If you must leave take me along too.

I've always loved you deep in my heart.
Leaving me here would not be smart.
Don't you care how much I hurt inside?
From my eyes all these tears I've cried.

Hope you remember these words I say.
Just hold the door and don't walk away.
I want and need you in my life everyday.
As a lover and friend tell me you'll stay.

Make a new start and renew our vows.
Our love is to strong to discard about.
Come here let's talk about tomorrow.
Rekindle the fire that's still my desire.


My precious love and beautiful best friend.
God has made me the worlds happiest man.
Having your sweet love and all you have given,
Has made life for me precious and worth liven.

You are a blessed angel pure as snow white.
God has bestowed on you His precious light.
Only He could have given you beauty so fair.
Your innocent smile and gorgeous red hair.

You live with the sun's glow upon your face,
Enhancing your freckles part of God's taste.
Angel spots from heaven that's been placed,
Upon your face signifying God's Holy grace.

I can only say what your love has given me.
Happiness I've found and your love heavenly.
At night I write the best of my love poems.
I write about you and all the love I've known.


I watch her health decline each day.
as her strength slowly slips away.
A healthy women just a year ago.
Now her body is just skin and bones.

A terrible disease is killing my love..
And all I can do is watch as it does.
The doctors say it's a matter of time.
Before she goes to Heaven on high.

Cancer has eaten and got all its fill.
Taken everything including her will.
Heart breaks to see her in this state.
My lady who has been dealt this fate.

I visit and stand near her bed side.
Holding her hand wanting to cry.
Gone from me my best friend in life.
This precious Angel my loving wife.

God's taken her for Angel's to care.
She's always guided me in my life.
She can watch me from up there.
Has left this life but not my heart.

My love for her will keep me going
until the day he calls me to come..
She may be gone out of my sight..
I'll see her in my dreams every night.

In visions so real, her touch I will feel.
Her gentle caress is mine to possess.
When I am lonely I'll think of our love.
Great memories, how strong it was.

Years together turned us into one.
A love and friendship next to none.
My Angel I will see you every night.
You will be there to lighten my life.

When it comes time for me to come.
We'll meet in Heaven my race is run.
I want to be with you soon as I can.
Reunite in Heaven that beautiful land.
To be there just holding your hand.


My precious little girl you are my world.
All was you alone. When you were home.
As Daddy's little Lassie you were classy.
Full of love and joy my girl, not a bad boy.

Years have passed, living alone is a task.
I wish you were here, laughing much dear.
If I seen you I'd rejoice, cast out the blue.
If I don't see you again. Thanks my friend.

Little shadow don't disappear from my life.
Need you now since I've lost Mom my wife.
Did you know you were daddy's shadow?
Now that you're older I still need you baby.

I will give you away if that time comes by.
I am just lonely and need your love baby.
You won't have to worry about me for long.
Before I die I would love to have you back.


Remember when you were a barefoot girl?
In the hills of Kentucky in your hillbilly world.
You may have moved to the big city far away.
Have you came back for visit or maybe stay?

Country girl where have your memories gone?
Have you forgotten me and your country home?
You now wear fine clothes and jewelry of gold.
I remember your rags and no shoes in the cold.

No matter how hard you try to forget your past.
You can't forget the memories they'll always last.
Be proud of who you are and where you've been.
For you are one of a kind my country girlfriend.


My precious love and beautiful best friend.
God has made me the worlds happiest man.
Having your sweet love and all you have given,
Has made life for me precious and worth liven.

You are a blessed angel pure as snow white.
God has bestowed on you His precious light.
Only He could have given you beauty so fair.
Your innocent smile and gorgeous red hair.

You live with the sun's glow upon your face,
Enhancing your freckles part of God's taste.
Angel spots from heaven that's been placed,
Upon your face signifying God's Holy grace.

I can only say what your love has given me.
Happiness I've found and your love heavenly.
At night I write the best of my love poems.
I write about you and all the love I've known.


Jesus, on this the holiest day of the year.
I pray for peace and much love everywhere.
The poor and needy who need to be fed.
All the ill who lay weak in hospital beds.

Bless whoever gives love in Your name.
From their hearts on this Your birthday.
Jesus bless our troops serving mankind.
They miss loved ones at Christmas time.

Bless the members on the
For love in the stories and poems so on.
Happy birthday Jesus, all my love to You.
I pray Christmas is honored, Jesus for you.

By: Kings


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.01.2010

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