

Hey! Hey. It’s Me Smith here to tell you a lil bit bout myself. I’m a caramel 5’6 medium sized girl, who loves chillin with my friends and my boyfriend whose name is Derrick Brown. He is a brown-skinned 5’7 sexxy hunk of guy who is all mine. Ohhh right. I almost forgot to tell about that bitch Jasmine. Well she is personality of mine that is somewhat like my twin that I created from anger and bitterness to protect me when I couldn’t protect myself. She soon turned evil on me though and started haunting and torturing me in my dreams turning them into very sexual nightmares. I eventually got sick of it and destroyed her. She was highly pissed at me and told me she would come back and this time she would break me so bad that I could never destroy her again. I never figured she was serious or would be able to come back so I erased all memories of her and the horrible things she did to me. Well that’s all you need kno bout me so have fun and enjoy. See ya!

Welcome Back!

It’s been 2 ½ years since that time and unfortunately she did come back.
(In the Dream)
Me: Where am I? I had found myself inside this world where everyone in it was girls who looked just like….me. But why? I didn’t know. They were all dressed in black robes standing in some kind of circle chanting. I saw one of the girls stop and turn around, but before she could see me I hid behind a building. Since she didn’t see she went back to chanting. By accident I stepped on a tiny piece of glass, but I pulled it out. I really wasn’t bleeding to bad so I went back to seeing what those girls were doing, when they all stopped chanting and they all turned around, they couldn’t see me but they could smell my blood.
Girl #1: I smell virgin blood.
I tried to run the opposite direction but there was a fence too high to jump over so I was trapped.
Girl #2: It’s her. The girl we need to finish the awakening ceremony.
They grabbed me and took me to the middle of the circle and there lied another girl who looked exactly like me but she had longer black hair with red highlights and fangs. One of the girls picked up leg and squeezed my foot so some of my blood would drop out into this portion they’re making. After the portion was mixed they poured it into her mouth. Then a black light started shining from her and after it disappeared she was alive. She looked at me with so much hatred and anger in her eyes.
Jasmine: I’m surprised to see you back here. Did you miss me?
Me: Surprised to see me? Back here? Where is here?
Jasmine: Awww. Don’t tell me you don’t remember this place.
Me: I don’t even know who you are, so why would know what this place is?
Jasmine: Well why don’t I help you remember. Take her to the house and make sure she’s….very…very comfortable.

They took me back to this big house, and they took me down to the basement of the house, but the basement looked like a torture room of some kind.

Me: What is this?
Jasmine: So you don’t remember this room either? Not even all the horrible things that happen to you down here. Hn. Let me guess you must’ve of thought I wasn’t going to come back and get my revenge on you, so you did a forgetting spell.
Me: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Jasmine: Maybe a friend of mine will help you remember. Come here D.
(I thought to myself who the hell is D, who is this chick and what does she want from me and suddenly my thoughts stopped. DC was actually Derrick.
Me: Derrick! What- what are doing here? How the hell do know him? Who are you?
Jasmine: Hahahahahaha. Huh. You see every memory you’ve had for the past 2 ½ years I’ve also had including ones about him, but don’t worry about who I am because after he’s thru with you you’ll remember everything including all the things I did to you.
Me: How there’s no way in hell you could do that?
Jasmine: You haven’t figured it out yet. I’m you. Well the evil, dark, angry, hateful, and torturous you.
Me: What the-.. Are you crazy…look I have no idea who are or are supposed to be so can you just let me and my boyfriend go please.
Jasmine: No!! Never!!! I will make you suffer and I will get my revenge on you. Oh and don’t worry about your boyfriend I’ll let him go alright. Go ahead DC have you some fun. I’m sure you’ve waited long enough.

He walks over to me and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and chains my arms to the wall.

Me: Derrick what are you doing? We should be trying to get out of here and away from her.

He starts taking off my clothes.
Me: Derrick stop!!!!
Jasmine: Hahahahaha. Did I forget to tell you he only listens to me? Which might because I bit him. Hahahaha. Ooops. Sorry. Not.
Me: What!!!! Why would you do that?
Jasmine: Oh don’t worry your about to found out. Hahahahahaha.

(Derrick starts to kissing, touching, licking all over me.

Me: Nghhah. Derrick please stop.
Jasmine: Hahahaha. Have fun you two.
(Jasmine closes the basement door.)
Me: Haah…hah..Derrick please stop. I’m not ready.
(leans up and whispers in my ear)
DC: My names not Derrick it’s DC. And don’t worry I’ll be…reall… gentle.

(He forces his penis inside of my clit breaking my hymen. It hurts so badly but some of my memories of Jasmine come back. Then I come and he pulls out and gets ready to stick it in my butt but Jasmine stops him.

Jasmine: Do you remember me now?
Me: No (technically I didn’t lie but I didn’t tell the whole truth)
Jasmine: You’re lying. I know you are and since you feel like lying maybe you’d feel like being a virgin over and over again. DC… go ahead.

(She leaves the room and he rces his penis inside my butt and it hurts so bad that I scream and wake up)

(Dream Ends)


It’s been nearly 6 months since then and my friends and I have gotten powers and my nightmares or dreams have gotten much worse.
While I’m out hanging with Derrick I get dizzy and woozy.

Me: Hah..hah…nnnh
Derrick: You aight boo
Me: Uhh..yeh…I’m-

(I faint and Derrick calls Arin and she picks us up, on the way to the Café I can hear my friends Alia, Sam, Kirra, and my little sister Arianna talking but I soon lose my consciousness, but unfortunately I’m still talking while I’m unconscious)

Me: Huh..huh..huh…huh.
Arianna: Is she gonna be ok Arin?
Arin: I don’t really know.
Me: Make them stop. Make them go away.
Derrick : Who is she talking about?

(We arrive at the Café and take me to the science lab and hook me up to this machine.)

Me: Huuuhh…huuh.
Arin: Now let’s see what’s goin on with you.

(They perform different types of test on me, but none of them work until she does one involving my head, so she hooks some things to my head)

Arin: I hope this one works.
Me: Wait…before you turn it on….I don’t want anyone but you ... to see this.
Derrick: What! Are you crazy?
Arianna: But Onii-chan.
Me: Guys…please….I don’t want……. I don’t need any…of you seeing this…especially you Ar-nnnnngggghhh- you Arianna and you too Derrick. So please….huuh…just go….I’ll be fine.
(They leave and Arin cuts on the machine and sees exactly what’s wrong with me, but doesn’t see how or why it’s effecting so badly)

Me: Do you see…..why I didn’t….want them to see….this. It’s horrible.
Arin: Yes I see, but I don’t understand why this little dream is affecting you so much. I mean look at you. You can’t barely speak or move.
Me: For almost 6 months now….huuuh…I’ve bbeen having the same dream…..huh…and very time I have the dream….huuh….It’s gets worse and worse.
Arin: But how? Why?
Me: Well two….and a half…..years ago….I destroyed my…… evil twin Jasmine who haunted….all my dreams….turning them into sexual nightmares…..but she came back……and in the dream….. they give her some of my blood……. every time I go back there….so the more of my blood she get-aaahhhhahh….huh….huh……makes her more intertwined with me… she can control just how real my dreams…..actually feel….. huuuuuuh.
Arin: Is there a way to stop her from doing this to you?
Me: I don’t know.
Arin: Huh. You know I’m going to have to tell them eventually.
Me: Don’t worry…..I won’t be able….to fight her….for long….so you won’t….have to tell them……until then..
Arin: Huh. That’s where your wrong....You can fight this…but you have to figure out how to stop her and you’re gonna need some help. If know what mean?
Me: Huuuh…..ok….fine….you can tell….them, but make sure I’m…….at least sleep or…….unconscious….please.
Arin: Ok. If that’s what you want.

(Soon after that I go unconscious and she lets my boyfriend, friends and little sister back in and they see what is going with me and Arin explains to them everything I told her before.)

Me: Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!
Derrick: Andy! Andy! Wake up!
Me: Huuh….huh..huh.
Derrick: It’s ok. It’s just dream. Calm down.
Me: Nghuuh…Stop….huh…touching me… Let me….huuh…go….please.
Derrick: Who is she talking about Arin?
Arin: She must be talking about DC.
Me: Noooo……Derrick…..let me…..go…please.
Derrick: Something must be wrong.
Me: Can’t handle…..hurts more….when….he touches….me. DC…..gets…..stronger.
Arin: I think what she’s saying is when you touch her Derrick, DC which is technically you, becomes stronger and it makes her feel him more in the real world.

(In the dream)

Me: What….do…you….want….from….me?
Jasmine: I want you to feel just how I felt being destroyed
Me: How…..can you….make me…feel that if….this…is only a…..dream?
Jasmine: Easy by making you give up the one thing you hold dear. And I don’t mean in your dreams…..oh no I mean for real…in real life.
Me: There’s no…..way….you could….make me….do that.
Jasmine: That’s what you think. Hahahahaha. Just wait and see what I have in store for you. Hahahahaha.
Me: Hah..hah..hah….hah…..hah. Aaaaaahhhhh.

(End of dream)

Arin: Come on we have to get her into the meditation room.
Me:…I can’t do it.
Arianna: Oniii-chan what’s wrong?
Arin: Hurry lay her down.
Me: I can’t….I refuse to.
Kirra: What can’t you do?
Sam: Hey Arin. How the hell can we help if we don’t know fully how to stop whatever this is happening to her?
Arin: That’s the part I have to figure out, but as far as I can understand she is the only one who knows what’s really happening and can find a way to stop it but by the looks of it she’s getting worse so I don’t know how much longer she can hold on by herself so she gonna need yawls help.

(They decide to take shifts, of course they tried to give Derrick the first shift, but I forced them to give him the very last shift. He was mad at me but I couldn’t take any risks. My friends kept me awake so Jasmine didn’t do anything, at least not until Derrick’s shift got there)

(In the dream)

Jasmine: You know all you have to do is just tell him. I mean he did say when you were ready….. right?
Me: No…I won’t….because I know that….. I’m not ready yet.
Jasmine: Poor. Poor little Andy she keeps trying to fight what she knows is going to happen. Just give up Andy. You know you want to.
Me: Huuuh….no…I can’t….I will stop you…..I rufuse….to be forced to give up…..what I….what I…what I…..haaaahhhhhhh…..huuh…what I want to keeeep.
Jasmine: If you say so. DC go faster and deeper.

He starts going faster and deeper inside of me. It hurts but at the same time it feels so good, that I almost lose myself in the real world.

(End of Dream)

Me: So….tired….need to….sleep…for just…a little…while…please.
Derrick: Aw hell naw you aint goin no sleep. I’m not fanna let your crazy ass go that easily.

(He tongue kisses me, which he shouldn’t have done, because it starts turnin me on. So I push Derrick off of me.)

Derrick: What’s up?
Me: Don’t ever do that shit again! Got it?
Derrick: Why?
Me: Cuz I-I-I…haaaahhh…nngggh. Cuz I fuckin said so.
Derrick: Don’t give me that shit. Normally you wouldn’t care if kiss your lil ass. So give me a reason why the fuck you stopped me?
Me: Fine….you want a good ass reason…of why I stopped you…well here it is. I stopped you cuz……what you did……is exactly what Jasmine wants…huuuh.
Derrick: And what is that she wants from you?
Me: I cant…..tell you.
Derrick: And why hell not?
Me: Because… dumbasss…’s too…..embarrassing to say…..with you here.
Derrick: Man damn. Just tell me.
Me: No. Now stop….fuckin askin me.
Derrick: Huuuh..Aight.

(I knew he was pissed cuz I wouldn’t tell what Jasmine wanted, but you tell me would you be able to tell your boyfriend that the one thing she wants is the one thing you’re not ready to give up yet….your virginity.)

(In the dream)

Jasmine: Goddammit. Just tell him and stop fuckin with me. You know you want him to kiss your. You know you want his hands all over you and You damn showl know you want his dick so deep inside of you taking away the one thing you just keep holdin on too.
Andrea: No…..that’s not…true.
Jasmine: Man you are a bad ass liar. I can tell your lying. Even when he kissed you. You wanted him right then, so stop fightin and stop lyin to ya damn self just give it to him. Or I’ll make DC take your virginity for real. Hahahahahaha.
Me: Whaaat!! cant… that.
Jasmine: You wanna bet….. don’t tell him and see what happens then.

(I thought to myself what the hell do I do I can’t give up my virginity yet. I mean I’m not even ready. Damn I hate this bitch.)

(End of Dream)

(Derrick leaves and my sister comes in for her shift.)

Me: Ari….what…is it your…shift already?
Arianna: Yeh. I’m so sorry Oni-chan. I wish there was something I could do to help.
Me: It’s ok….Ari…There’s nothing anyone can do.
(In my head- Jasmine: I told you wat would happen so. DC do it. Break…her…
Me: I gasp. Aaaaaahhhhh.

( My friends and my boyfriend run in the room)

Derrick: What hell is goin on?
Arianna: Crying. I don’t know she just screamed out of nowhere.
Me: Crying. Ok….ok…I’ll do it…I promise I’ll do it…..please just make him stop….please.
(In my head: Jasmine:Hahahahah I figure she see it my way. Stop DC.)
Me: Huuuh….huuh…huuh…huuh..huuh. Look there’s….something I need… say….I know…how to stop this …but it comes….with a price.
Arin: What is it?
Me: I-I-I..
Sam: Yea what is it.
Tanesha: Come on out with it.
Ieyana: Say something.
Derrick: Dammit Just say it.
(they all kept yelling at me so I said it…kinda loud.)
Me: I have to lose my virginity to Derrick!!!!

(It got so quiet I think you could have heard pen drop. Everyone was in shock.)

Arianna: What?
Me: I’m sorry…I didn’t me to be so blunt.
Derrick: Wait..Did you just say-
Me: Yes…In order to stop the dream…I have to give up my virginity….to you.
Arin: Are you sure? I mean why would she want you to give that up?
Me: Because I took everything from her when I destroyed her, so in order to get revenge she is taking away the one thing I have been holdin on to for so long.
( In my head: Jasmine: Oh my fucking god…what the fuck. DC push in some more. Now let’s see if this will get things movin faster.)
Derrick: What wrong now?
Me: She made……DC stronger and powerful……..enough to forcefully……. take my virginity……for real.
Arin: What! That’s not possible.
Me: Trust me……it’s possible…… I can feel it…stoopp….please.
Derrick: Cover your ears Ari and excuse me Arin but the rest of ya’ll gone need to get the fuck up outta here so I can fuck my girl.
Sam: It’s cool go ahead and do what you gotta do. Come Arianna.
Arianna: Crying. Just be careful. Aight.
Me: Excuse me…..but can you guys…hurry up please….I don’t know how much…….longer I can…..I can hold on ….

(My friends leave and close the door.)
Derrick: Don’t worry I’ll be gentle.
Me: Huuuh….okay…just do it.

( He starts takin off my clothes and touchin on me)

Me: Haaah….haahh.
Derrick: Come here.
He tongue kisses me again and leads kisses down to breast and starts sucking on them.)

Me: Haaahhh…mmmm…..haahhh.
Derrick: Your breasts have always been so sensitive.

He starts moving his tongue around my nipples.

Me: Haaah… haaah…….nnnnnnggggh.
Derrick: Just wait till I get lower.

He trails kisses down my stomach to my underwear.

Derrick: Let’s get these off.
Me: Derrick wait.
Derrick: Why?
Me: Blushing.
Derrick: Aight then.

He tries to take off my underwear, and we fight over it a little, but he wins and pulls them off and opens my legs.

Derrick: Damn.
Me: Wat(still blushing)
Derrick: Look at how wet u are. That dream must be makin u really horny.
(He touches my clit and shows me)
Me: Don’t say that and no….ofcourse not. (still blushing)
Derrick: You’re a bad liar Andy.
(He starts licking on and playing with my clit.)

Me: Haaahh….ngggghhh…you really shouldn’t…..ngghh….be licking down there. It’s not…..ngghhhh……right…..haaah.
(He stops, raises up and looks at me and brings his body up close to mine and he whispers in my ear.)

Derrick: Your mouth is telling me no and to stop, but your body (starts rubbing his fingers up against my clit and I moan) is telling me yes.
Me: Derrick…hahhh…..nghhh
Derrick: So tell me again that you want me to stop.
Me: I-haaah, I-haaah,…
Derrick: That’s what I thought.
(He goes back down and starts licking on and playing with my clit again.)


Texte: Killerdragon4293
Bildmaterialien: Hell Girl Anime Writers, and Company
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.09.2012

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