
How It All Went Down

Jack wanted what every teen boy wants from his high school years. That was to get girls, party, drink, and possibly go to college and make something of themselves. Jack was no different other then he was slightly more attractive then the next guy. Jack stood at 6’4, bright gray eyes, strong muscular body that girls seemed to swoon over, and tan skin that never faded along with strong features, thanks to his mothers side being Native American. His home life wasn't anything to brag about. His parents were never home and when they were his was constantly left with marks made by there hands against his bronze skin.

His life was going pretty damn good, he was with one of the hottest girls in his school, Katy, and was invited to all the right parties. He was popular and the star on his schools soccer team. Everything was looking good till that fateful day when Jack went over to Katy house expecting to have some fun since her parents were on some cruise trip for a week. What he wasn't expecting was Katy to be waiting just inside the door tapping her expensive heels against the marble floor looking very much like a pissed off teacup Chihuahua. When he was with arms reach Katy slapped the used pregnancy test against its muscular chest cover by only a white wife beater. Looks down in shock Jack realized what had assaulted his chest. Katy blink once before barreling into a rant about him having to pay up for the abortion right this minute.

“NO!!” was the first word Jack uttered since looking down at the little pink plus
sign that was looking up at him mockingly. For the next hour he begged and pleaded with her to let him keep the baby. He would do everything for the baby without her. She finally agreed to this since there was a month before graduation then she planned to take a year off of school before heading to college.

Telling his parents was another story and they promptly kicked his out the house with everything he could grab in 20 minutes and put into his beautiful classic 76 mustang that he had been working of for the past three years. Jack stood looking up at the stares knowing that life would never be easy from here on out but, at the same time he knew that his child would also be the best thing to ever happen to him.

My Life Has Changed

Waking me from an uneventful three hours of sleep was the angelic like giggles coming from the crib beside me. In a attempt to get a couple more seconds of sleep I keep my eyes shut tight as I kick the covers off. Sighing in defeat I swing my body around to sit up on the edge of the bed only to realize is was already on the bed before I came crashing down hard as my ass, then on my hands and knees I crawl over to the crib moaning dramatically. Jillie’s giggles kicked up ten fold as she watched me dramatically fake my death. Eventually I crawled up the side of the crib smiling down at my little girl. She was a spitting image of me; the only thing she got from her mother was forest green eyes. Scooping her up into my arms I hold her at my side resting her diaper bum against my hip.

Only clad in my boxers and her in her diaper, we walk out into the rest of are tiny cramped apartment playing the random noises games with each other. I bounce my hip with Jill on it as I reach into the fridge to grab her bottle from the fridge. Just as I was resurfacing from the fridge Jilly made a cry of joy and was lift from my arms. Whipping around turning into protect father mode I look for the person who dared to touch my baby girl. Finding the “criminal” who stole my baby, I immediately relax and shake my head at Andrew, also one of many roommate in our small two-bedroom apartment. We had two other male roommates and Nikki who is a on/off again roommate since she need to help out her mom and her baby sister every once is a while.

“Heyyyy what’s going on dude?” I smile over my shoulder at him while putting the bottle in the microwave wave because I know that if I don't get this bottle in Jills mouth soon she will have a complete baby melt down.
“Well you see I was having this hot dream about that girl I told you about, well anyways I was just about to get it on when all of a sudden she started giggle like this familiar baby girl that I share a apartment with.” He playfully punching my back with his signature smirk on his face “So now I’m hear stealing your lady away!” he playfully yells then starts to make sloppy wet kissy noises on her little cheek.

“What the H E L L is going on out here!!!” Tom yelled slamming the door of the second bedroom door grumbling his way into the kitchen/living room/dinning room area making a bee line for the coffee maker. Andrew sitting a now frowning sniffling Jill in her play pen softly laying on her back just as I came around the small island that separates the kitchen from everything else. Scooping the now sobbing and squirming Jill into my arms I put the bottle to her mouth, humming and swaying I rock back and forth as she greedily sucks down her formula.

As Jill sucks on her bottle with her gorgeous forest green eyes boring into my gray eyes I can’t help but smile a happy smile that is filled with pure joy. Realizing that the rest of our “family” is gathered into the crowded room shouting their complaints and spelling out curse words instead of actually saying them in a way of protecting my little girl’s ears from their inappropriate terms, I look up from the baby in my arms to join in on the conversations going on.

“Alright so which one of Jill’s Uncles” I stop looking around the room spotting Nikki stretching for her morning run “Or aunt is going to watch her for me while I go to class today? I’ll be gone for three hours or so that’s how long one of you is going to need to take a shift babysitting.” I say walking back out to the kitchen to drop off the bottle and grab the burping rag that has elephants all over it. I gently rest my little baby over my shoulder patting her back bouncing a little bit trying to get her to burp.

“I’m out of reach this time man; I got work from 7am to 5pm I think, sorry I can’t help today.” Andrew says as he heads back to the bedroom for his work clothes. Ok so he’s out so that leaves three more people to count on.

“Bro don’t look at me I was working the dead man shift at my job and my girl is P I S S E D at me for not coming over last night, so now I got to drag my sorry butt over there to make her happy.” Tom shrugs while yanking on some sweats while heading to the door. Shit now I’m down to Nikki and Chase to help me out.

“Oh come on guys help me out! This is my first day of college! And Chase stop drooling.” I smirk as I see chase drooling over Nikki’s ass, which was high in the air as she bends forward to stretch her long toned legs.

“Oh shut your trap! You know me and Jilly Billy are going to do the bonding today” Nikki smiles at me from between her legs and then gives a slow wink to Chase. I swear I could hear Chase gulp all the way from where he stood to where I was in the kitchen. “BUT! You better be back A.S.A.P because my class starts 30minutes after yours finishes AND I get to take you bike to the club this Friday.” Nikki gives me her wicked smile as she stands up with hands on her hips.

I look as if I’m contemplating the idea but we all know what I’m about to say. I mean what choice do I have the girls using the fact that I need a babysitting against me!

“Fine, Fine you got it but you can be a evil little B I T C H when u wanna be chika.” I smirk over at her, playfully racking my eyes up her Latin body and out the corner over my eye is see Chase giving me a death stare.

“What you doing today Chase?” I ask as me and Jill who is now making cooing noises while sucking on my bare shoulder.

“I got class today too…Crap! I’m running late!! Oh shit, oh shit!!!” he runs past us into the room all the guys stay in while me, Jill and Nikki share another room.

“Hey! Watch your language around my child!” I glare at his back as he slams to door to other bedroom but as I make my way to our room I hear a muffled “she’s nine months old how would she be able to understand anything I’m saying jack.”

Ignoring him I lay Jill down and began our morning routine which involved stripping of the dipper, walking over to the only bathroom in the apartment washing her carefully in the tub, going back to the bed room to dress he into her monkey cover outfit, brushing softly at the small amount of hair she has, and then taking her into the living room setting her in her play pen with the baby monitor. After getting her comfortable I go back to our room with the other baby monitor in my other hand. During my shower im able to hear my little girl making cute baby gurgles. While drying off my mind wonders to how much my life has changed in six months which to leaves me to think about if ill ever have more then one night stands with girls I pick up from the club that we all go to when we can afford a real baby sitter for Jill.

Sighing I shake the thought from my head making my way back into our room. Heading to the closet I look at the very little amount of clothes I have to choose from. Suppressing the depressing thoughts in my head about wanting more for my child and myself I choose a plan black T-shirt and some baggy jeans that have both knees ripped. Combing my hair with fingers I look at the mirror and looking back at me are piercing gray eyes that seem to have aged dramatically from before I found out that my now Ex ,who shall be nameless from here on out, was pregnant. Other than my eyes looking wiser my facial features just look stronger.

Making my way out of the bedroom humming the tune of one of my favorite band “Red Jumpsuit Apparatus” i feels a sense of calm that i gets whenever the house is actually quite. In the kitchen I rush around making a quick bagel for myself while searching around the apartment from my beat up ragged backpack. Just as i was yanking my back pack from where it was hidden behind the couch Nikki comes strolling in sweating with heavy breathing but a smile on her face.

“Hey chika how was the run?” I say as I wedge my textbook and notebook in my backpack.
“Fantastic I love running! Ok you’re going to be late if u don’t move, so hand over the baby monitor and get the F U C K out” she says as her hip bumps my thigh when she walks by making me laugh. Nikki only stands at about 5’3 where all of us, the men in this crazy family, start at 6” and taller.

“Ok ok let me at least say bye to my own child!” I yell at her retreating figure before making my way over to my now sleeping angel. I stand there for a few seconds before leaning over to kiss her soft baby forehead whispering softly. “I’m working to make our lives better and I will make you proud of me.”

A pang hits me in my chest as I realize that I want to give my baby the world and I’ll do whatever it takes to give her that. Grabbing my keys I look back from the doorway at my little girl sleeping peacefully without a care in the world, with a smile I close the door softly making my way down the stairs heading off to my first day of college. Hope it goes well, probably won’t but what the hell would life be like if there wasn’t any drama?


Walking out the front door of our crappy apartment I stroll a little faster then my usual stroll since I’m nervous about my first day in a college class. Running my hands through my shaggy hair, that has a tendency to fall into my eyes no matter what I try, I make my way over to my third pride and joy my 2005 Yamaha R6 which is one out of two rides I now have. Everything runs perfectly not even a scratch on it; working in a body kit shop has its advantages. Just as I was straddling my bike getting my helmet unlocked from my bike a girl comes running out of my apartment building. She has her middle finger up in the air and 3 bags slung over her shoulder screaming at the top of her lungs.

“WELL FUCK YOU!!! YOU ARE LOWER THEN DIRT!!! EAT SHIT YOU ABUSIVE FUCKER!!!” she marches right by me as if I’m not even there! A man who looks like her father comes storming out after her…well not truly storming more like angrily stumbling. I know the signs of a drunk when I see one.

“You get yourrr slllutty asses back her or so phelp me goz ill beats youz till youz cant walks for a month!” he slurs out storming closer to where she’s walking without looking back and where I sit on my bike. Thinking without consequences has always gotten me in trouble, which is why I now find my hands pressed firmly against a drunken mans sweaty chest and a look in my eyes that if looks could kill this drunken bastard would be six feet under.

“Back off her old man I really don't want to get involved in this but I will if you take a step closer to her.” I see him size me up and take a involuntary step back, I’m at least six inches taller then him and he is a very skinny man, aside from his beer belly that is, compared to my body which gets a good work out every day at my two jobs and I go to the gym at least twice a week if Jilly Billy has someone to watch her that is.

The man decided better then to start something with me and turns away starting his stumble back to the apartments. I slowly relax my tensed muscles and look at the girl over my shoulder. And when I see what car she’s throwing her bags into, my car lust kicks in on over time. This is a girl with midnight black hair with the underside bleached blonde, with a skin color that's close to Nikki’s skin tone but a little lighter, mile long legs that would make a blind man drool in the cropped shorts she’s wearing, plus even from afar you can tell she’s ripped but not in a ‘I work out everyday of the week’ way. Running my eyes up her mile long legs I see a unbelievable flat stomach and beautifully round boobs would turn any mans head since they are neither small or big…they are perfection, but what makes me completely stop breathing is her icy gray/blue eyes that from this distance look almost white. Finally almost forcibly I turn my attention to the car she’s leaning against while looking threw a beat up ripped backpack was a 1973 Plymouth Barracuda Hemi Cuda Tribute, cobalt blue.

“Holy shit….” I whisper as my eyes take in what is in front of me. When I start to think she’s just going to ignore me she turns to me and the first words out her mouth that aren’t screams of pure loathing.
“Thanks for the help but I can handle my own.”

Is she kidding me? I was just helped her out! I must have stood there for a couple minutes looking completely dumbfounded because she just shook her head making her choppy hair shake into her face.

“Listen I got to go I have class and all so I probably wont see u again…unless you see me sleeping on the bench later tonight…” she mumbled the last part getting into her car then making her car roar to life before peel out of the parking lot. And out of my life as well, or so I thought.

Shaking my head I climb on to my bike looking down at the watch strapped to my wrist, see the time made my heart squeeze. I had two minutes to get to class that was a ten-minute drive.

Running Late

Whipping into the school parking lot chanting curse words over and over in my head as I jump off my bike barely taking the time to pull the keys out of the ignition before beginning my sprint towards the lecture hall for Calculus II with professor Brite. Looking down for a moment to attempt to shove my helmet I forgot to leave with my bike into my ratting backpack, I Turning a corner still fighting with my helmet when all of a sudden I felt something slam into my left side just below my chest level. Stumbling in surprise I look over only to see a girl on her butt holding her left knee and her backpack and books thrown all over the common yard.

“Oh shit!!! I’m so sorry see it’s my first day and I’m so late…” I ramble on, scooping up her books and pencils.

Kneeling down next to her to get a little closer to her level I gingerly peel her hands away from her knee, suppressing a cringing at the sight blood. Turning to my backpack I unzip the small pocket on the front of my bag pulling out my work shirt and some of the Band-Aids I keep in case Jill decided to fall and bump herself.

“Hold still this might hurt just a little” I take out my water bottle as well and pour some water over the cut using my shirt to clean up the blood before putting on two Scooby Doo Band-Aids. Smiling I finally look up to meet to girls face just as she was shaking her hair from her face.

“Hey! You're the girl that I helped this morning” leans back on my heels offering my hand to her smiling softly “I’m Jack Killer”

She hesitates for a minute before grabbing my much bigger hand, as I pull us bother up I notice how her hands are soft but had callouses like mine do from working with cars. She lets go of my hand as soon as were both standing and mumbles “Ava Miller” to me.

She reaches for her bag only to find when she picks it up that the bottom has a huge hole in it. Throwing her bag to the ground letting out a string of curse words as tears pool in her eyes that are just a little too stubborn to fall. For some reason I feel the need to comfort her in anyways I can, so without a thought I take all my stuff out of my back and start placing her stuff in my page.

“Hey, hey don't sweat it ok? Here my bag I know its not much but…well as I teach my daughter “sharing is caring” so I might as well set an example and be caring” I say softly as I finish putting her stuff into my bag. Handing it over I look up only to find her looking like a deer caught in headlights.

“Um I cant take this, you have a daughter? you need your bag um here” she tries taking her stuff out only to have me stop her from doing so. Picking my books up into my arms along with my work shorts and now bloody work shirt and her ripped backpack, I wave off her words.

“Don’t worry about it Ava, I am a gentlemen and gentlemen help out a women in need.” I let out a deep rumbling chuckle before waving at her “Bye Ava I’m sorry I have to run but I’m now…30 minutes late to Calc class sorry!! Oh wait!!” jogging back to her, grabbing her hand I pull the pen she now had tucked behind her ear out and on the top of her hand quickly jot down my disposable cell phone number before looking straight into her eyes.

“Call me any time you want it could be 10 seconds from now or maybe 3am in the morning on a Sunday but if you need someone call me…I been where you are right now ok? And by the way there’s no need to sleep in the park on a bench I have room for you at my place, I’m sure my roommates wont mind and I’m SURE my baby girl Jill will love you.” She jerks her head away from me making her blond and black hair cover her face. Still giving her hand one more squeeze I say softly “Call me.” before taking off to try and get to my Calculus class under an hour late.
I never felt more embarrassed in my life as I walked into my two-hour calculus class an hour later. I attempted to sneak into the lecture hall unnoticed but just as I had released the door it swung closed with such force that it sounded as if a gun shot had gone off. Suppressing the blush that wanted to crawl its way up my neck I slowly turn around to face my class with a sheepish smile in place. Everyone was looking at me, some snickering behind their hands while some girls gave my flirty smiles. The teacher however was doing neither of those two things. Instead she had her hands on her boney hips and a glare in place, that if looks could kill I would be six feet under.

“Can I help you?” She snaps out in a voice that sounded like she had been smoking since birth. I suppress a cringe as I nervously readjust the books and papers in my hands.

“Hello Professor Brite? I have Calculus II in this lecture hall, I’m Jack Killer…” I slowly let my words die off as I give her what I hope was a charming smile. It seems to work because she stutters and I could see a pale pink forming on her cheeks before she regains her composure.

“Mr. Killer if you are going to take my class I expect my students TO BE ON TIME! Not an hour late!!!! Next time you are going to be this later don’t show up!” she bellows before turning away from me to continue writing the formula on the board that I had interrupted.

“Now find a seat I don't have time for you to stand that awkwardly in the back of my class.” She snaps out not even looking at me.

I quickly look around the room only to find on open seat next to a fake blond who was batting her eyelashes like something was in her eyes. Swallowing down an annoyed growl, I make my over to the seat setting my stuff down as quietly as possible before sinking into the seat myself. Ignoring the girl next to me as best I can I pull out my notebook from the pill of crap that came from my backpack before I had given it to Ava. I heard the girl fake cough but again I pretended not to hear her as I started to take notes on what Professor Brite was talking about.

It was going ok until I felt a small hand slide up the middle of my thigh to close to little Jack, if you know what I mean. I grab the invading hand and move it off my thigh before turning to the girl next to me trying my best not to glare at her.

“Can I help you?” I ask in a hushed whisper trying to avoid Professor Brite from hearing us. I took a minute to look her up and down, she was wearing bright pink heels, a tiny little jean skirt that barely covered her ass and a very see through white Vneck that I could see a leopard print bra under. A year ago I would have found this stuff a turn on and just by the look of her I could tell she would have definitely been up to be my fuck buddy. But now? Psh I don't think so, this stuff just disgust me and reminds me way too much of Jill’s mother.

“Hi there handsome, I’m Kim and I was wondering if you wanted to meet me later tonight for a little…study session” Kim winks at me and trying to give me a sexy smile but failing terribly. I bite the inside of my cheek trying to stop myself from busting out laughing so instead I give a small smile and shake my head.

“I don't think so and if you don't mind I’m trying to listen to the lecture ok?” before she could respond I turn in my chair so that my back is facing her more then my front.

For the rest of the class Kim wouldn't stop trying to make passes at me, even though I kept shooting her down cold. By the time class was let out I was so annoyed and I basically sprinted out of class making my way to my bike as fast as I could.

“Hey dude!!! Guy with that face!!!! Wait!!!” I hear someone yelling in a deep throaty voice coming from right behind me. I slowly turn to see a guy running to catch up with me. He finally makes to me panting a little but has a very laid back smile on his face.

“Hey man um you left this in the lecture hall and I thought u might need it.” I can hear silent laughter in his tone plus I could see humor dancing in his eyes. I look down at his hand confused only to see him hold a bright pink binky that said princess in rim stones. This makes me laugh which causes him to chuckle along with me.

“Haha oh man I would have been in so much trouble if I had lost that! My daughter would throw a fit if I had! Thanks man” I give him a easy going smile which he matches me with one of his own. Looking him over I see he is a few inches shorter then me but not by to many like most people are. He has pale skin but it had a glow to it and you can see that he was made like a swimmer from what I can see in his skinny jeans and band t-shirt. He had crow black hair with chocolate high lights in it, these weird colored eyes that were almost a gold color, and he had gages along with an eyebrow piercing and snake bites.

“The names Ashton but everyone calls me Ash” he stick out his had for me to shake and I was about to introduce myself but Ash waves me off laughing
“I know who you are haha you're the one that got bitch at by Professor Brite! Oh man I felt so bad for you!! And you made her blush and stutter! Just with a smile!” he laughs shaking his head at me with a smirk on his face.

I let out a playful moan of embarrassment “That sucked so much ass! Man I was so embarrassed! I can’t believe I was late on the first day!” my phone beeps in my pocket and I pull it out to see my alarm going off “Oh shit!!! My friends going to kill me!! oh man she’s going to castrate me! I got to go but hey man I’ll see you around right?” I ask him already walking away from his talking to him over my shoulder.

“You’ll be seeing me sooner then you think!” he yells after me with a smirk on his face and then turns to walk in the other direction. I stare at his back confused before shaking my head I sprint the rest of the way to my bike opening the side compartment I find the roll of duck tap I had put there last week when I needed it for some odd job. Dropping my crap to the ground I tear off three long strips of tape and start to place them over the rip on the bottom of the bag. Once I’m sure it won’t rip open as I speed down the road I throw all my junk into the bag before getting my bike. Straddling my bike I put on my helmet and just as I’m leaning over to drive away I see Kim strutting her way over to me. Slamming my visor down so she cant see my eyes behind my dark visor I whip out the parking lot heading home to go see my baby girl.


As I make it up to my apartment I can hear music from inside and Nikki sing her heart out causing me to chuckled as I swing the door open. What I found on the inside had my heart swelling out of happiness. In the middle of the tiny living room was Nikki as she swayed her hips with little Jill on her hip laughing loudly as Nikki sings to her the song “Some nights by: Fun”. Sneaking up on Nikki I rap my arms loosely around both of them singing the lyrics in my low singing voice causing Nikki it jump and squeak in surprise.

“Are you crazy or just stupid! You gave me a heart attack Jack and I nearly dropped Jill!” she tries to look serious but I can see her eyes shine brightly with laughter.

“Awww I’m sorry I was just having some fun” I give her puppy dog eyes and big old pouty lip which only causes her to crack up shaking her head mumbling something in Spanish. She walks over to the couch grabbing her heels that go perfectly with her outfit that was tight acid washed skinny jeans and a see through white button up on and a black tank top under it.

“Jack your ok for work night right? No one will be home till 10pm I think…” she bites her lip nervously looking at me before handing over Jill to me. I look down at my angel with a smile on my face as I lay a soft kiss to the top of her head. Lifting my head I give her a reassuring smile.

“Yes we will be ok Joe says I can bring my baby in with me to work tonight and his wife will keep her company till my shift is over so don't worry ok?”

“Ok, ok but call me if you need me I’m sure I can get out of helping my mom tonight if you really need me too.” Before she even finished I’m shaking me head and I tossing her the keys to my bike giving her a big grin.

“WE WILL BE OK! Now go your going to be late for you class if you don't get a move on it! Oh and you might want to grab some actually shoes if you plan to drive my bike.” She lets out a scream of joy jumping over to me giving me a kiss on my cheek before running to the bedroom we share.

Laughing I shake my head as I slowly start to rock my body back and forth humming softly as I start to pack up a bag for Jill for the night. Nikki comes running by us yelling her good byes before closing the door softly behind her. Once I’m sure I have everything Jill might need I look down on my shoulder so see that Jill is finally asleep. Slowly walking through the quite apartment I softly lay her down in her crib, pulling a blanket over her. Turning on the baby monitor and grabbing the other one I head into the bathroom.

Leaving the baby monitor by the shower I slowly peel off my close form the day. Looking in the mirror I cant help but see the tired bags under my eyes from late nights with Jill and the stress of fighting to provide for her. Looking down my muscled chest a cold shiver runs down my spin as I look at the deep bumpy pale scar that runs down from my right should to the bottom right chest muscle. Shaking off the terrible memory I step into the steamy shower letting the water caress down my body slowly but surely washing away all the pain and worries, just for the time being that is. You can’t hide for you past forever.


Texte: Abby Cochran
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.03.2012

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what is it like to be a single father all on his own? Not to mention the fact that he's only eighteen going on nineteen.

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