
The Beginning


I’m sitting in a room, it's familiar but I can’t place where I have seen this room. The walls are blackish blue with band posters on ever inch of the walls. There is a flat screen in the center of one wall and I’m sitting on a bed staring at it but not seeing what is on the screen. There is the band Faber Drive blasting through the stereo, I close my eyes listening to my favorite band pulse a steady beat through my veins. Then I feel a cold strong hand run up my back, which when I realize I’m only wearing my sports bra and my baggy guy skateboarding shorts. The cold hand makes a shiver run up my spines then all through my body as I lean back into the person’s bare chest.
Whoever this person is kisses my neck, whispers in my ear
“turn and look at me”
I hesitate for a second thinking about if I really want to see this persons face.
“I love u, look me in the eyes and say it back to me” then I finally turn and stare into the eyes of-

I wake up in my bed sweating and in total shock over the dream I just had. ‘No I did not just have a love dream about Chad! That’s impossible he hates me and is Mr. “I can do what I want pretty boy”. Ugh I have a headache now.’ I kick off the covers off running my hands through my blue black hair just barely touches bellow my chest level, with a billion layers in it and sweeping bangs. I walk over to the mirror and look down at my PJ’s, baggy pants and the sports bra. I stare at my gray eyes with a little hint of violate in them, then down my pale face moving down to my tight tone stomach. I have to admit I have a rocking body.
I dance my way down the hall banging on my big bothers door and my little brothers door screaming
“get up you losers!!!” Then slam the bathroom door.
I take a shower using my green apple shampoo and body wash. When I get out of the shower I look at the steamy mirror drawing a smiley face in the steam, as I brush my teeth. I blow-dry my hair that’s naturally straight as a board. I dance my way back down the hall holding the towel tight to my body kicking my brother’s doors which was replied with a scream of curse words from the older brother and I high girly pitched scream from the little brother. I bounce back into my room slamming the door. I grab a clean white tank with I neon pink strip of spray paint going from my chest down to my hip thanks to my best friend James, put on my black super tight skinny jeans, then finish off the look with my new black/neon pink DC shoes. I grab my iPod on the way out popping the headphones in my ears cranking it up to my theme song “Killin’ me” by Faber Drive. I run down the stairs into the kitchen and in one fluid motion hopping on the counter where my older brother, Devan and his best friend Chad sit. I freeze mid word that I was singing because they are both staring at me like I have two heads.

“What? Is there something on my face?” I look at the toster checking my dark black eyeliner, ‘nope nothing wrong there’.

“You were singing…and it sounded amazing” that comes from Devan I give him a bright smile and kiss him on the cheek.

“Thanks bro but we both know I cant sing” I look over at Chad who is still staring at me with muffin crums stuck to his face. I swallow hard thinking about the dream but then shake it off. I point at his face and start laughing
“Yo! Ugly u get shit on your face” then I reach for a poptart and stuff it into my backpack shrugging it on as I do.

“Later bro I’m out of here make sure Rick get to Robert Middle School on time today. Bye loser” I remember the time Devan completely forgot about Rick, our little bro, and Rick got to skip an entire day of school. I grab my beat up skateboard from the side of the kitchen counter.

“Wait! Don’t you want a ride?” my brother screams as I run out the door already riding down the street.

“hellz no!! PEACE BRO”


Wow, that girl is the girl of my dream. I sit there staring at the door Stace just ran out of in those tight jeans and my favorite tank top of hers. I sigh leaning against the back of the chair. Her brother who is also my best friend since birth is glaring at me. ‘Oh shit he saw’, I look down at my half eaten muffin
“What?” 'please let me play innocent.'
“What do you mean what?! Dude you were looking at Stace’s ass!” Devan yells glaring at me like I had done something terribly wrong, I don’t think I have. Stace is one of the hottest girls alive on the earth I’m sure of it. But damn her attitude is such a pain in the butt, she’s sarcastic, funny, over the top but at the same time calm, chill, and up for anything you might throw at her. She so different the most girls. She wears make up and I have seen her in skirts that most girls would look cute in but on her they are so hot. But at the same time I have seen her in one of her guy friends baggy shorts and a ratty T-shirt that still made her look like a greek god.
“I was NOT your crazy, drink your coffee and eat your muffin” I shake my head and look down at my black t-shirt, ripped old faded jeans and my bright red leather jacket. Ugh why can’t I get her to notice me?

“Alright lets bounce Chad” Devan jumps off the stool grabbing his backpack and strutting his way out to the car. I grab my bag and jog to catch up with him. We climb into the truck and take off to Andrew Jackson high school.

When we get to school and hop out of the truck we are met by stares. Ok, I’m one of the most popular guys in the school. I’m captain of the football team and a straight A students, so all teacher like me as well. The girls seem to think I’m hot as hell, I’m 6’3 very well built with weird eyes that are pure green, and with crow black hair that is shaggy but neat at the same time.

Devan and I walk over to our friends still arguing over if I was or wasn’t checking out his baby sister’s ass. Right in the middle of me saying I wasn’t, I was almost tackled to the ground by a screechy high-pitched voice squeal in my ear.

“There you are baby!! I been waiting here forever for you to arrive! I missed you!!” I knew that voice anywhere, it was Amber the schools slut and at the moment she was clinging to my arm. I prey her clingy arms off me as I glance down at her, she’s wearing a way to tight neon pink pencil skirt, a black V-neck that looked like the same size that my 3 year old sister wears, with some super high neon pink high heels that match her skirt and way to much make up with her bleach blonde hair falling down her back in ringlets. I suppress the urge to wrinkle my nose at her because she definitely doesn’t have the body for that outfit but Stace…'stop it!! I can’t think about her like that.'

“Hi Amber how are you?” I ask not really paying attention to her.
“Oh me? I’m lonely maybe you can come over and take care of that for me, lover boy” Amber whispers seductively in my ear flicking my earlobe with her tongue, I jerk my head away from her.

“Amber I cant I have…stuff to do after school now excuse me I have to get going, bye” I quickly leave her side patting Devan on the back. As I walk away my mind drifts back to Stace. I have known her since she was 5 and we were 7 years old. Now I’m 18 year old and she’s 16, we don’t even hang with the same type of people, her type is the punks/druggies/skaters/rockers. I shake my head sighing softly just as I turn the corn of the school I see Stace being picked up by a very tall (even taller then me tall) guy in black skinny jeans with a couple chains hanging off them, a tight baby blue DC skater T-shirt on, with lime green hair, spinning Stace around as she laughs at him smacking his well built chest with her hand. I feel anger and jealousy welled up in me. The person holding her is non-other then James, Stace’s best friend who also is known to have a crush on her.


I fly out of the house jumping on my board as I go. I hum to the song I’m listening to as I glide down the street on my board; it’s a great California day out. I was so caught up in my own thoughts I didn’t see someone come flying out of no where and nearly hitting me. They miss me just by an inch.
“What the hell dude! You almost killed me” I scream as I look into the eyes of Shane who is one of my crazy guy friends, he is 5’11, tan, with bleach blond hair with silly pink highlights in it that I put in last weekend after bugging him to let me put the highlights in for three hours straight.
“Well I screamed your name 4 times before almost killing you so shut up” he replies calmly. I glare at him ready to start a fight when I was picked up off my board and swung around.
“Ahhhhhh!” I scream but then I see out of the corner of my eye lime green hair and know it was James my best friend. I rap my hands around his neck so I don’t fall on my butt. He slowly comes to a stop setting me down softly. I turn around and look out at the 4 guys standing in front of me laughing. First there was Raven he’s 6’2 with blonde hair with crystal blue eyes and lean muscles, next was Finn a sweet looking Asian boy with snake bites and some gauges in his ear with very long black hair that he has to flick out of his dark brown almost black eyes, next to him is Gavin his twin brother that looks the exact same except his snake bites are bright yellow while Finns are black, and next to them was Shane. I smile brightly at the then race to catch my board that was down the stream since no one stopped in when James attacked me.

“Come on boys! Get your asses in gear!” I don’t wait for a reply as I glide around the corner coming into the school parking lot and kept gliding until I’m right in front of the ugly gray colored building also known as “Andrew Jackson high school”. I jog into the school to my locker shoving my board into while grabbing my camera bag also shoving my book bag into my lock slamming it shut then turns almost running into a well-built chest. I jump back accidently smacking my head into my locker.
“Owe James! That wasn’t nice you shouldn’t sneak up on a girl like that” having to tilt my head back as far as I can since I’m only 5’5 and James is a towering 6’6. He just laughs and leans down to kiss my head, I smack him away laughing.
“Oh Stacey you are always hurting yourself don’t blame me, anyways we” points to him and the guys next to him “have something to ask you”.
“Um ok what’s up?” I ask calmly raising my eyebrow at them knowing something is up.
“Will you be our date to the masquerade ball?” they all say at the same time looking sheepishly at me.
“Awe guys, you guys are to sweet to me! But no I will not. You guys have to ask out atleast one girl and if they turn you down then I will be your dates” I state in my “don’t argue with me tone”. They all groan at me with playful glares are there faces.
“But Stace! Non of them are even close to your hotness!” Shane yells making people turn and stare.

“Shhhh! Shut up Shane, god. Do we have a deal or what?” I ask crossing my arms over my chest tapping my foot wait for an answer.
“Deal!!” James screams grabbing me up in his arm for the second time today and spins me around laughing a deep soothing laugh. When he finally puts me back down I rap my arms around his waist giggling because I’m so dizzy, thanks to him. In the corner of my eye I see something, I turn to see Chad glaring at James in way that if looks could kill James would 6 feet under. ‘I wonder what that’s about’ I think to my self before letting go of James turning to Finn and Gavin.
“Ok you two we cant be late for AP photography 3 again you know how Mr. Jo is” I say as I grab their hands pulling them away from the group tours the art wing. We run inside just as the bell goes off, we take our seats waiting for Mr. Jo to tell us our next project.
“Good morning students isn’t it a peaceful day today? Well today we have a new project that is something a little different-“ before he could finish what he was saying the door opens and a bunch of kids file in. I recognize them from the art 4 class and as I roam over the faces of the people in front of me I spot Chad in the group. “As I was saying, this project is a little different because we are combining this photography class and this art class together. You will be assigned a partner, the photo kids will be taking pictures of their chosen art partner now they can be drawing or posing but it has to be them and the art students will be drawing their partner in any way they want. So without further interruptions lets get you guys paired up!” he claps his hands then grabs the clipboard and starts to call out names. I hear Finn get paired of with a very cute shy guy named Kevin, I see both guys blush then quickly looking down at the floor. ‘Hmm I wonder what that was about’ I thought to myself. I see Gavin get pair with Aradia also known as his fuck buddy to his close friends and me. I tune out the rest of the world humming softly to myself.
“Stace Willow and Chad Tyler” well that jerks me out of my trance as I look over at Chad and smile. I skip over to him then jumping up on the workbench.
“Hey Chady how are you this lovely day” I ask as I pull out my supplies and start to think of what pictures ill want to take as I jot down some quick notes in my work pad.
“Well its better now that you’re next to me” Chad mumbles softly making me jerk my head up and stare at him wide eyed.
What did he just say?


‘Shit! Did I really did say that out loud?’ I peak out of the corner of my eye and seeing her eyes widen in surprise, ‘ok, ok I can do this! Just act like nothing happened’ I thought to my self after mentally slapping myself.
“So do you mind if I start doing some quick sketches?” I ask calmly not looking up my art pad.
“Uh…oh! No, sure go for it” she stares blankly at me making me laugh. I reach out my hand then pause.
“Do you mind if I move u around so I can draw you better?” I ask softly looking into her beautiful eyes. She shacks her head no staring into my eyes. I already feel my body reacting to just that as my eyes move down her face to the soft lushes pouty lips of hers. I slowly place my hand on her chin turning her face to the right letting my hand stay there for a little longer then necessary. Then begins to draw. That period went by way to fast I want to keep staring into those eyes and staring at those beautiful lips, ‘ugh why can’t she just love me!’ I think angrily as she slides off the workbench she had been perched on.
“You know Chand your kind of fun to talk to, we should do it more often” she laughs softly as she bends over to put her photo journal away. I can’t help but stare at her ass as she bends. I mentally smack myself turning around putting my stuff in my bag trying to get my heart to stop pounding so hard into my rib cage that it hurts.
“Ha-ha ill have you know I have always been fun to talk to your just to busy to even notice me” I say with a little bitterness leaking into my words.
“I guess your right so when should we-“ before she could even finish her sentence her friends Finn and Gavin come over bickering like two old ladies. Stace turns to then poking them both in the rips making the both squeal at the same time.
“Owe ok not cool Stace what did my poor rib ever do to you?!” Finn glares at Stace I immediately feel the need to protect her and tell him to back the fuck off but I resist the urge. Stace just laughed waving off his glare by giving them both a hug at the same time then make there way to the door, Stace pauses by the door turning around to give me the most amazing smile I have ever seen then waves before disappearing out the door. I shake my head then glide out the door to my math class.
When I get there, I go to the back of the classroom to my normal seat that next to all the other jocks, I sit in the middle right next to Devan. I was talking to Devan and Frank when someone had wiggled there way onto my desk exposing way to much to me than I would have liked. I look from the skirt that was barely contain the boney ass that it was rapped around to the black Vneck that had boobs almost all the way out of the shirt up to the make up covered face of non other then Amber.
“Hey sexy I missed you all morning!” Amber whines stretching out ‘all’, her voice was like nails against a chalk board to my poor ear drums.
“Sorry Ambs I was in my art class you know that” smiles my sexy smile watching her eye glaze over slightly then blinks at me leaning forward pushing her boobs into my face even more then they already were. Out of the corner of my eye I can partially see my friends drooling. ‘Well I haven’t gotten much action recently might as well have some fun’ I think smirking to myself. I lean forward almost kissing her making her gasp softly.
“Excuse me its time for your butt to get off my homework Amber” just as I whisper those words the bell rings and our football couch/math teacher come running in.
“Amber! You have 5 minutes to get off Chads desk before you find yourself with a detention for the third time this quarter.” He barks glaring at amber that is faking a pouting, as she sashay’s her way to her desk.

The day passes slowly and finally the final bell goes off. I slowly make my way to the truck to get my football bag, stopping to talk to people as I go. When I finally make it out to the truck I see that almost no one is left in the parking lot. As I get closer to the truck I see Stace leaning against the truck her hips swaying to a song coming from her iPod, I slow down watching her. An image popped into my head of me dancing with her swaying my hips with hers as we feel the bass pumping through us. Just as I was about the make a move to go say hi, James comes running over to her. He grabs her by the waist pulling her to him and starts dancing with her. Anger boils in me, ‘I want to be dancing with her! He shouldn’t be touching her like that.’ I hear her laughing as she shoves him away shaking her head at him. I slowly start walking again feeling sad that she will never be mine. As I get closer I hear the end of the conversation.
“So ill be picking you up for the mascaraed ball?” James ask leaning against the truck staring into her eyes then slowly moving his eyes down her body while she was changing the song on her IPod.
“No James I told you I’m coming but I’m riding solo and you know it” Stace replies glaring at him playfully, that’s when she saw me coming and smiled brightly at me like she was about to die if I didn’t show up. I smiles happily back at her then stare coldly at James who was glaring right back at me.
“Chad! That god you’re here do you have the keys?” she asked me sweetly giving my puppy dog eyes that no one and I mean no one could resist.
“Uh…yes I do why?” I say casually as I lift my eyebrow at her.
“I left my wallet in the truck last weekend and I need to go dress shopping for the dance thing that’s Friday” I can see she’s about ready to jumping up and down with excitement. She might be “one of the guys” but this girl loves to shop. I unlock the door for her and she nearly knocked me on my ass when she jumped into the truck searching for her wallet. James left about five minutes after I showed up not looking happy at all. She gives a happy yell as she hops out of the car hold her wallet while she throwing her backpack on and grabs her board. She turns to me smiling.
“Chad you are my life savor its already Thursday and I haven’t gone dress shopping” she says sweetly already pushing off on her board.
“No problem girl!” I yell after her watching as her turns her board out of the school parking lot. That’s when it hits me. UGH! How could I be so stupid and not think of this sooner! I think angrily to myself.

I’m going to make my move on Stace at the dance.


I glide away on my board lost deep in thought. What was James problem, I was sure I made it clear to him at that party in 9th grade that I would never think of him more then a brother just like the rest of the guys. Then there was Chad, how could I have not noticed how much fun he was? I have known him all my life but thinking about it now I never really hung out with him, I was my own person. I never had the need to hang with my brother and his friends although I knew most of them really well. I remember in photography class how deep Chads forest green eyes looked I wanted to lean in closer to get a closer look, then there was the way my skin tingled when he touched me and those lips of his!
I sigh as I hope off board walking up to the front door of my house and unlock the door. I hop up to my bedroom checking my make up and combing my hair out. I dial my dad’s number on the phone waiting for him to pick up.
“Hello Stace, what’s up kiddo? I’m very busy” I hear papers being shifted around in the back round.
“Hey daddy, yes it will be quick I just wanted to know if I can go to the mall,” I say
“Uh sure sweetie do you have money? Ill put some in your bank account for you” I hear a smile in his voice.
“Really?! Dad you rock my socks off!!” I yell into the phone happily.
I hear him chuckle on the other end of the phone “Bye girl love you”
“Bye dad love you too” I hang up and skip down the stairs grabbing my purse as I head to the garage to my beautiful baby. A mustang GT 2005 model with sleek black paint job with two blood red racing stripes. I walk by the hood running my fingers over the clean hood smiling. I slip into my black/blood red leather seat and start it up listening to it purr. I hit the garage door opener and slowly pull out, once I hit the street I peel out. As I drive I listen to “Yeah 3x by Chris Brown”. I pull up in front of my cousin’s house just as she was stepping out of her house. Aria is dressed in a brown and peach mid thigh-pleated skirt, a plain white tight V-neck with some brown high heels on and her red hair falling loosely down her back. Aria is a professional model which is why I texted her saying I need to go dress and shoe shopping.
“Hey sweetie how’s life treating you?” Aria asks after turning down my music, which I protested.
“Well hey hot stuff and great you?” I ask as we get near the mall.
“Oh great! Brad is amazing like yesterday…” I kind of tune her out as she talks about her 2 year old son and her husband Zach. As I drive into the parking lot I can’t help but notice the people looking at my car. As Aria and I get out of the car I cant help but laugh softly at the shocked look on guys faces when they see us two girls slide out from my baby.

We have been looking in every store that sells dresses but not finding the perfect dress for me. As I am about to give up I go into Hottopic store when I see the perfect dress for me in the window of Hottopic. The dress is all black with thin straps, that dips down a little to show cleavage but not enough to look slutty, that has a couple of cute ruffles at the bottom of it and the dress hits mid thigh. I try it on and it fits me like a clove, it also makes me look even curvier then normal. I step out of the dressing room to show Aria.
“Oh my god! You look amazing Stace! It’s not to girly but not to tomboyish and it’s also sexy! Every guy will be checking you out in that” Aria is practically jumping with joy at my dress. Aria pause for a minute putting on her thinking face, then all of a sudden brightens.
“Ah! I got the perfect high heels and a mask that I got at a party in Italy that would be perfect for this dress!”
We shop a little while longer laugh, gossiping and doing everything including checking out guys. We get so caught up in having our fun I didn’t notice it was already 9pm.
“Shit! Aria we have to go I was supposed to be home an hour ago!” I practically have to drag her out of the shoe store. I cram all of our bags into the trunk and get inside. We crank up the music and sing along all the way to Aria’s house. I hop out of the car helping her grab all eleven bags of clothes she bought, just as I was about to walk up with her Zach comes jogging out of the house kissing Aria passionately then gives me a huge bear hug while taking the bags from my hands. I hear Aria shout that she will be back in five minutes so I lean against the side of my car humming till I see Aria reappear. She shows me these sexy red leather pumps that aren’t to high for me, a velvet red mask with black lace around the eyes and edges of the mask and a wristlet black purse that has black lace so it would match the dress perfectly.
We hug goodbye saying we will go shopping again soon and I leave looking back to see her hugging and kissing Zach on the front step. I sigh thinking to myself ‘I want that.’

Friday comes quickly and the school day passes just as quickly. I start hanging out with Chad more and really starting to get to know him even better. Today I’m wearing some cropped jean shorts and a tight V-neck that is blue and says ‘Git-R-done’ it bright red letter going across the chest and my totally blacked all-star convers. I ride my skateboard home after talking to my friends and telling my brother that I wasn’t going to be home once he was done with practice because I was getting ready for the party at Aria’s house.

I pull up to Aria’s house and walking up to the door letting myself in. the first thing I see is Brad in his highchair speaking in baby language till he sees me and lets out a high pitched squeal clenching and unclenching is tiny little fist at me. I smile walking over to him and picking him up resting his little body on my hip as I kiss his forehead.
“Hey Aria how are you today?” I ask rocking Brad who has fallen asleep on me looking at Aria in her baggy sweat pants and he tank that says “don’t mess with this a prego women”.
“Oh! Hey Stace how was school and holy shit you finally got him to sleep!” Aria whispers happily lightly taking Brad from me talking him up stairs for a nap.
“it was fine boring but fine…I have been talking to Chad more” I say when she gets back eating an apple.
“I always thought you and Chad would be so cute and perfect together” Aria says softly, I gape at her looking confused.
“why would you think that?” I ask out of complete shock.
“I don’t know just when every I saw you guys together it was like seeing two puzzle pieces fit together.” Before I could reply, Aria is dragging me up stairs pushing my into the bathroom showing me the shampoo and conditioner she wants me to wash my hair with. After a long warm shower I got out and put on the robe Aria gave me calling down to her in the kitchen tell her I’m ready for my hair to be done.

I close my eyes letting her do my make up and hair. When I open my eyes I gasp out loud. My hair is manly straight but with more of a messy sexy look going on. My make up is a different story she barely put any on since I’m one of the lucky few teens that doesn’t get very much acne, she has put on thick black eyeliner smudging it a little, with gray/black eye shadow on that really makes my grey eyes look greyer and the flecks of violet pop, then she just put some pale red lips stick on.

With Arias help I was able to get my dress on with out messing up anything up then I slide on my high heels and sticking my mask in my purse till I get to the school. I stare at myself in the mirror looking over myself I look totally different. I look sexy. My body looks curvier then it usually does, my tan tone legs look a mile long in the heels and my face looks so mature. I look at the clock it said 6:45pm. ‘Crap! I planned to be at the dance by seven!’ I quickly said good-bye to Brad and Aria then ran to my car hopping in to my car. Driving as fast as I can to the school without getting a ticket.
I had all the windows down in my car blaring “Fire Burning by Sean Kingston” as my car gliding into the parking lot making heads turn. I take a deep breath pulling my mask out of my purse pulling it on my face cover my eyes and cheeks. I open the car door and smoothly slide out of my car. All eyes are on me; the only sound is Fire Burning coming from my radio.


I pull up to the high school and step off my lime green The Kawasaki Ninja 250 motorcycle. I pull off my helmet shacking my hair trying to get rid of my helmet hair. I pop my head phones out that were blaring ‘The Truth Is A Terrible Thing by: You Me At Six’ and shove my iPod into my backpack then look down at my black convers all stars, black skinny jeans with the knee blown out of the right knee, my dark blood red button up shirt to my black vest and the skinny black tie that hangs loose around my neck.

‘God I hope Stace likes what I’m wearing’ I think nervously to myself as I stroll up to the front of the school where I see Devan and the rest of our group laughing. I lean against the wall facing the parking lot, as I talk to Devan and Richard about the football game that we have coming up. Amber arrives making her way towards me swaying her hips a little too much; I look over her outfit nearly choking when I get a good look at it. It’s a deep midnight blue strappy dress with a deep plunging neck line that almost reaches her belly button, its also tight and clings to her chest and hips, there is a small chain the raps around her belly which goes to her bare back and she has on silver strappy high heels. She raps herself around me pressing her chest against my chest.

“Wow I never thought you would ever look hotter Chad but you are looking H.O.T. tonight, I can’t stop myself from touching you.” Amber purrs into my ear while running her finger up and down my chest. I couldn’t help but laugh softly kissing her cheek friendly before wiggling out of her clinging arms.

“Well thanks Amber and I must say you look…sexy” I laugh mentally because I wanted to say easy but my mother taught me not to be rude. Just as I was about to walk into the gym to go to the dance I hear someone blaring ‘Fire Burning by Sean Kingston’. I turn to see Stace’s beautiful car come zooming into the parking lot. I feel my heart pick up speed as I watch her get out of her car and I let out a soft gasp.
‘Oh god she’s beautiful’ I think looking over every inch of her body. This is the night I’m going to finally make my move on Stace, oh how I want to make her mine. I look around and notice everyone is staring at her; most of the guys are almost drooling over her. I watch her walk over to her friends hugging and smiling at all of them. I shake my head and walk into the gym letting the loud music and the bass rock my boy as I make my way over to some other friends.

As I’m dancing with a girl name Kim. I’m pressed into her back swaying with her to the music whispering cute things into her ear making her laugh. Every couple of seconds ill look over to Stace who is dancing by herself swaying her hips so easily to the music her hands in the air and if you look closely you can see she’s lipping the lyrics which makes me smile. My smile leaves my face as I watch James coming up behind her and start grinding into her giving her a kiss on the neck that lingered a little longer then it should have. My blood boils and I grip Kim’s a little tighter trying to stop myself from going over there and killing James from touching MY Stace, well she’s not mine but still.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” Kim turns around in my arms staring at my with her brown almost black eyes smiling softly at me.
“Kimmy I cant stop myself from what I’m feeling for her! James is over there now feeling up the girl of my dreams and I just want to go punch the living hell outta him.” I whine like a little kid laying my head on her small slender shoulder closing my eyes.

“Ah I remember when I first saw my girlfriend with another girl all over her and I wanted to claw out that bitches eyes and grab Cathey saying mine all mine” Kim whispers in my ear so no one else could hear us. Kim is secretly a lesbian and I’m one of the few who know about her and her girlfriend.

Kim and I talk for a little bit longer then split when I went to go get something to drink then talk to some other guys on the football and soccer team. An hour goes by fast and then another. I still haven’t found the perfect time to talk to Stace and I’m starting to get depressed. Friends or people from our grade always surrounding her, I want to go over to her and tell her how much I want her. Oh to be able to kiss her on those perfect plush lips of hers. Soon there was only a half an hour left and I was about to leave the dance when I felt my cell vibrate in my pocket. I sigh, pulling it out of my pocket.

To: Chad
HEY! Dnt be leaven look! Stace alone in the dark right corner of the dance floor!! Go little boy go! ^-^
Love ya

From: Kimmy

I look up to the dark right corner and there she is, eyes closed arms rapped around herself as she sways in rhythm to “She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5”.

To: Kimmy
OMFG! Thx u!!!!!!! I owe u!! if u ddnt have a gf I would kiss u but….ew lolz
Love ya 2

From: Chad

I slowly make my way over to her pulling on my plain black mask as I go. I don’t take my eyes off her as I watch her move her body with a natural easy that only someone with a natural dancing talent can move. I slip behind her pressing my chest again her back rapping my arms tight around her waist and resting my chin on top of her head as I sway with her to the music.
I hear her gasp and try to turn around but I hold her tight so she can’t.
“Stace please don’t try to turn around, I know this must be crazy to you but I promise you that you know who I am. You have known me almost your entire life and I have liked you for almost as long. Please just dance with me this once.” I whisper praying she won’t freak out. I feel her relax in my arms and start dancing again but I still feel her tension.

“Ok I will dance with you…IF you give me two hints as to who you are” she say to me keeping her eyes trained on the dance floor watching the other couples slow dance to the song.

“Fine um…” I pause thinking “my name starts with a C and on the football team” I whisper and shiver when she lays her hand on top of mine. We stay quiet the rest of the song, I squeeze her close to me snuggling my face into her shoulder. I have goose bumps on my arms where she keeps running her fingers up and down my arm. Then sadly the song ends.

“Will you please close your eyes?” I hope she will say yes I think to myself as I slowly release her from my arms.
She pauses “sure but only for 10 seconds then they will open my eyes and I will turn around” she declare making me laugh softly.
“10…9…8…7-“ I stop her from counting down by kissing her with all the passion I can put into one kiss. Tingles run up and down my spine to the tips of my fingers as I cling to her hips. My body reacts to her and I press into her holding back a moan. I slowly let go of her hips, stepping back into to the crowed. When I look into her eyes I see her staring at me hand on her lips in shock before the crowed swallows me up.


I stand there stunned with my hand placed lightly on my tingling lips as I watch my mystery man disappear into the swell of grinding people. ‘Those eyes I know I have seen them before” I think distantly as I see my friend Finn come running up to me looking like he was about to pop with happiness.

“Stace!!! Stace! Oh my god I got two important things to say!” Finn shakes my by the shoulders making burst out laughing as I try to get out of his death grip.

“Ok! What is it ?!” I reply back while swatting at his out reached hands giggling at his silliness.

“Well one I’m gay and damn proud” he practically screamed but I just smile as him.

“Cool, what was the other thing you wanted to say?” I ask sweetly swaying my hips to the song that is now playing. Finn gapes at my but automatically reaches out pulling me close to dance like he does every time he sees me dancing alone and he’s not dancing with someone.

“You must tell me how you know so many things before anyone else does. The second thing is that I have a boyfriend, Kevin!” Finn sings in a singsong voice. I just laugh softly spinning around in his arms as the song “The Playoff by Faber Drive” picks up beat.

“Oh my god! That’s so cute, you guys will be so great together I should start planning your wedding with cute little-“ before I could finish what I was saying I see a very pissed off Kevin coming stomping over to us.

“Oh shit” was all Finn got out before I was pulled roughly from his arms and spun around so I’m facing Kevin. I don’t like being touched like that so I violently shake his hold off of me spreading my legs a little into a fighting stance.

“What the hell do you think you doing Stace?! How dare you flirt with MY boyfriend? Who do you think you are?! What you can’t get your own man so you have to steal mine!” Kevin shoves me hard making me take a step back. That was it; he went to far that time. I lash out swinging my fist towards his face but before it could break Kevin’s pretty little nose someone reached their hand out catching my fist. I look up into the eyes of the person who stopped me from hitting Kevin. It was one of my brothers friends I think his name was Travis.

“No, Stace” was all Travis said as I struggle trying to get out of his grip but it was useless. I start cursing up a storm at him forgetting all about Kevin. Travis smirks at my upset face. I swing my free fist at his face but he catches it with ease. Travis sighs before picking me and setting me on his shoulder, gliding across the dance floor.

“Travis you piece of shit let me go!!! This is so not cool! People better not be able to see my ass or you’re so dead!” I keep making rude comment to him but he just laughs. Eventually he finds the table where my brother and his group are sitting having a good time. He plops me in a chair but I quickly move over to my brother side hugging his neck in a death grip.
Devan coughs pulling my hands away from his neck, before standing up towering over me when he did so.
“That THING over there picked me up when I was about to beat the hell out of Finn’s little boyfriend. I was about to kick some ass and he messed that up for me!” I glare over at Travis who just winks back at me before sitting down next to his play toy Ashley. Ashley is only 5” tall with some big boobs, tiny little ass, a body that looks as if she only eats a carrot per day. Tonight she was wearing a silver strapless dress that is a couple sizes to small for her she is also wearing neon pink pumps.
As Travis sits down she wiggles her way into his lap pressing her self into him.

“Devan call off your sister, damn man. I was helping her out by making sure she didn’t get herself it a ton of trouble for starting a fight at a dance.” He looks at me, who was glaring at him, smirking even wider at me “you are welcome”

“You piece of sh-” I was about to scream at him but my brother puts his giant hand over my mouth laughing at me.
“Stace enough! Ha-ha you crazy girl but I think your boy Shane is wanting you to dance with him” Devan points over my shoulder, I look behind me and sure enough there was Shane jumping around waving his arms around looking more insane then normal.
“Oh!!! And they’re playing American rejects!!!” my mood changing immediately. I give my brother a hug before skipping off to Shane, who spins me around before pulling me close to his chest making me laugh.

I danced with my friends except for Finn and his boyfriend who had left the dance arguing. The dance comes to an end and I head off to find my brother who was holding my heels and purse for me so I could dance. I grab my shoes and purse from him saying ill meet him at the house but he wasn’t really paying any attention to me since he was flirting it up with three different girls. Shaking my head I go out side to get to my car, there was very few people left by this point but there were still a few guys pointing at my car. I strut to my car with my purse and heels thrown over my shoulder, slipping into my car I throw them in the back where ill probably forget I put them back there. I turn on my radio and the song “The Lazy Song by: Bruno Mars” comes blasting on. I sang along all the way home still thinking about the kiss and who could it be.


I watch Stace from across the room as I dance with some random girl on the dance floor. I had seen the fight almost happen and how Travis has intervened by picking her up over his shoulder, carrying her away to where her brother and all our friends were hanging out. Oh how badly I wish I could pull her close to me to the beat of the song “Just Can’t Get Enough by: Black Eyed Peas”. I wanted to be able to grind against her letting her feel me and me feel her. I needed to have her as mine, to be able to claim her as mine.

I laid my chin on the girl’s head swaying with her as she tried to sexy dance. I danced with her for a while before telling her ill see her later and went over to my place next to her brother who flashed me a stern look.

“Hey man…” I say slowly looking at Devan feeling a little confused and worried about why he’s giving me that look, like I murdered a puppy.

“What the hell man? I saw u go over to my sister and YOU.KISSED.HER!” he says fiercely but low enough that only I could hear him “My baby sister and u were over the feeling her up! You got 10 seconds to explain what the fuck you where doing or ill kick your ass just like Stace was about to kick Kevin’s ass” Devan leans back into his chair letting some slutty girl sit on his lap as she moved her ass against his pants.

“Ok, ok fine I admit it dude…I’m totally into your sister ever since we were 16 bro. She is so beautiful it hurts to look at her and know she’s not mine. She’s a pain in the butt like no other but she’s also so much fun to be around. I love her fiery temper but also her caring heart. I love her Devan and I won’t stop loving her if you ask me to.” I say in a rush looking him straight in the eye letting him know that he didn’t scare me.

Devan sighs swatting the girl on the ass making her get up before he leans forward glaring at me “Fine. But! You don’t trick her into liking you she must fall for you on her own accorded or I will hurt you even if we are like brothers man. And don’t you fucking dare push her past what she’s ready for, I don’t give a shit about your needs you wait till she ready or I will kill you. We both know you no angel when it comes to girls so don’t u dare think on cheating on her man or they wont find yo body got it?” Devan gets up and I fallow soot. He reaches out his hand, which I grab it pulling him into a man hug laughing.

“You go for it man but ha-ha you kind of have some competition it looks like” he says while looking around me smirking like a mad man. ‘Oh shit’ I think to myself before turning slowly around to see what he was talking about.

There in the middle of the dance floor was Stace and her friend Shane getting real into the song “I’m Into You by Jennifer Lopez ft. Lil Wayne”. Stace was spinning, swaying, dropping down then coming back up on him grinding into him in perfect beat with the song. As the tempo really picks up beat around the song they get even more into the song. When the song is they don’t even notice they stares they were getting the just laugh and head over to the table where all her friends were goofing off.

My temper flares as I watched them move to that song. I clench me fist ready to go over there and scream or punch someone for touching my women like that. As I was about to move a hand grabs my shoulder giving it a squeeze.
“Come on man they were just dancing let it go. You know how into songs she gets, she’s been that way even since she learned how to dance.” Devan laughs patting my back.

“I guess you right, listen I’m going to head to my house grab my things then go to your house. I’ll see you there dude.” I say flatly before heading out of the room filled with sweaty grinding bodies.

I head over to my bike throwing the backpack over my shoulder after gabbing my iPod out of it. I shove the headphones into my ears cranking in up before slipping my helmet on. I ride off to my house till brooding over the scene I just watched of Stace and Shane. ‘God I need to make her mine and fast’ I grumble to myself mentally.

I make it to my house and its pitch black except for one room, my mothers. I sigh softly to myself getting off my bike and going in the front door.
“I’m home,” I say bitterly to myself as I walk as quietly as I can to my bedroom. When I’m in there I grab my toothbrush, a t-shirt and boxers to sleep in, plus some back baggy jeans and a DC skater shirt that shows off my muscular arms nicely. After I slipped off my fancy outfit so I was just standing in my boxers as I look on the full-length mirror on the back of my door. From my armpit to hipbone I have a long jagged scar that had faded to a pale pink color. I shiver as I feel the memory behind the scar come creeping out of my mind where I had put it long ago. I shake my head roughly turning sharply away from the mirror pulling a plain green shirt over my head and some old beat up jeans on. I head out of my bedroom door grabbing my black leather jacket as I go.
As I was walking down the stairs I heard something shatter and a scream “Why! Why!! Why did you leave me!” my moms were cut short by a broken sob that was heart wrenching. I wanted so bad to go in there and scoop her into my arms, but she doesn’t want me I look to much like him. I let out a shaky sigh and walked to my bike letting the motor roar to life, then road off to my best friends house and secret loves house.


I knew I was dreaming because I was sitting on my bed with Chad and he was confessing his love to me. My heart was pounding as I wiggled closer to him on the bed telling him that I felt the same way resting my hand on his chest fingers spread wide, feeling his heart beat. He was looking deep into my eyes piercing my soul with those beautiful green eyes. He slowly leans forward brushing his lips gently against mine making my sigh in pleasure. I found myself sitting in his lap rapping my arms tightly around his neck and-

I gasp waking up to find myself staring into dark forest green eyes that I had dreamed about. Chad jerked back in surprise falling off the bed while doing that.

“I thought you were asleep! I didn’t- I didn’t think u would wake up! I-“ chad was blabbering on and I just stared at him in shock then glared at him.

“It was you at the dance! Chad what the hell!! You can’t go around lying about being in love with someone! What was it, some kind of joke to you? To mess with her best friends little sisters feelings?! Damn you!” I jump off the bed glaring down at him from where he sat on the floor looking up at me in shock. At this point I was so mad I forgot I was wear nothing but the boxer I stole from Finn that had little rubber ducky’s all over them and just a black sports bra on top.
“you…you think it was a joke? A joke? Yes Stace, because I would totally do that to you” chad says sarcastically getting up slowly and making his way closer to me “ It has nothing to do with the fact that I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember. Has NOTHING to do with the fact that I dream about you every night, that I want to kill every man that touches you, that every time I see you I cant help how my body react to you and it definitely has nothing to do with how I want to claim you as mine so no other man can have you. Yes Stace your right it has nothing to do with that.” He pressed his hands against the wall on either side of me trapping me to the wall as he pressed his body into me. ‘how did I get against the wall’ think in shock.

“I…I wait what?” I tilt my head to the side looking confused letting my long silky black hair fall slightly into my face. He just smiles brushing the hair out of my face and leans in pressing his lips against mine in a way that made my head spin. The kiss was hard, demanding and wanting but at the same time it was gently, caring and passionate. I let myself fall into the kiss clinging to his shirt pulling him closer to me want the kiss to last forever. But he pulls way slowly looking deep into my eyes breathing heavy.

“Stace I want you, I need you to be mine” he runs then tips of his fingers down my cheek slowly while I nuzzle my face into his palm kissing it softly making him take a quick intake of breath. His other hand is holding side tightly pressing me even close to him like he never wanted to let me go. I continue kissing his wrist making him moan softly under his breath.

“Ok” was all I said as I look back up into his eyes smiling against his skin. He smiles brightly down gently grabbing my chin then kissing me hard on the lips with nothing but burning passion scotching my lips, as I kiss him back with the same type of passion if not more. Then I remember Devon.

“Oh! Where is my brother?” I ask him looking around his side looking into the dark hallway.

“He’s hooking up with that girl um, blonde, skinny tall, blue eyed, cheerleader…whats her name?” He replied looking off to the side smiling sheepishly at me.

“Huh…definitely sounds like my big brother to me, Ricks off with his friend Jimmy for the night too” I think out loud to myself softly looking into his beautiful forest green eyes. I lean heavily into him snuggling close.

I feel him rock us softly back and forth slowly edging us backwards till we both softly land on the bed. I reach around him onto my bed stand pressing play on my IPod letting the music softly fall from my surround sound. The first song that comes out is one makes my heartache with a rhythm of its own (Bless the Broken Road by: Rascal Flatts). I feel him run his finger glide softly through my hair down my hip, then repeat the motion.

“Go to sleep love, I’m right here I wont leave you…” I hear him whisper softly into my ear, feeling him kiss my temple as I slowly fall into the cushion of darkness.

Are We a Couple Of Fools? Or A Match Made For Heaven


I stare down at Stace feeling her soft feather light breath run across my chest, leaving behind a soft tingle making goose bumps appear when I was anything but cold. I can feel its early morning by the way my body is rebelling against the fact that I still haven’t gone to sleep but, I couldn't stand the idea of falling asleep only to wake up and realize this is all a painfully real dream.

“Oh Stace if only you knew how much u have me rapping tight around your delicate little fingers…” I mumble against her hair taking in the sent of her sour apple shampoo she’s been using ever since I got her the first bottle of it on her seventh birthday. Reaching over to her nightstand I grab her iPod and turn it on, the song that came up as the last song she’d been listening to before she had put it down. There on the screen is “Kiss Me Slowly By: Parachute”, popping the headphones into my ears I turn the song on and almost in a split second I was surrounded by the lyrics and the rhythm that made my body hum. It was almost unnerving how much this song related to me as I continued to listen to it. Subconsciously I began to sing the song out loud in a soft whisper as my grip on Stace tightened.
Well, I'm not sure what this is gonna be,
But with my eyes clenched all I see
Is the skyline, through the window,
The moon above you and the streets below.
Hold my breath as you're moving in,
Taste your lips and feel your skin.
When the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly.

Stay with me, baby stay with me,
Tonight don't leave me alone.
She shows me everything she used to know,
Picture frames and country roads,
When the days were long and the world was small.

She stood by as it fell apart,
Separate rooms and broken hearts,
But I won't be the one to let you go.

Oh, I'm not sure what this is gonna be,
But with my eyes clenched all I see
Is the skyline, through the window,
The moon above you and the streets below.

Hold my breath as you're moving in,
Taste your lips and feel your skin.
When the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly.

Don't run away...
And it's hard to love again,
When the only way it's been,
When the only love you knew,
Just walked away...
If it's something that you want,
Darling you don't have to run,
You don't have to go ...

Before I continue to sing I feel as if I’m being stared at. Looking down I had to hold in a gasp of surprise when my eyes meet Stace’s silver eyes with the sparks of violet in them. A sleepy smile played on her lips as she just looked up at me from her resting spot on my chest.

“hi…” I say softly almost as if I’m afraid to scare her off when my voice wakes her from her dreamy sleepy state of mine and she realizes whose chest her head is rest on. Stace yawns a cute baby like yawn then stretches like a cat, hands overhead back arched and ass in the air. Biting my lip hard I suppress then deep throaty moan that was now scratching the back of my throat and at the same time telling a part of my body to go back to sleep, sadly I think I failed at both when I saw Stace’s eyes jerk up to mine. I think she was trying to be subtle but since every nerve of my body was on fire with her being so close I felt her inch away from my waking member who had decided to wake up.

“Hi… I didn't know you could sing, why aren’t u in chorus?” Stace arches one of her eyebrows. She moved to sit by my hipbone Indian style. I could almost laugh at how she looked still asleep but at the same time so wide away and alert. Instead of answer I swung my legs over the side of the bed grabbing Stace and pulling her against my back, rapping her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. Standing I pull her into a piggyback ride, feeling her tighten her hold around my neck and hips I make my way toward her door.

“Ok Stace we might be together…kind of…but that doesn't mean you have to lie to me about what you think of me.” I say smiling at her but knowing she can’t see. Jerking her head up from its rest spot on my shoulder I hear her throat chuckle.

“Well then, on word!!!!! To the kitchen where the coffee will come in plenty! Mush I say, MUSH!” I feel her start to bounce around on my back smacking my chest playful. Laughing I run down the stair around the corner towards the kitchen, jerking my body around every turn making screeching noises then laughing right along with her. When we finally get to the kitchen I set her down on top of the counter turning around to face her. I make a gurgling noises when she surprises me by pulling me between her legs pressing me closely against her and letting her chin rest on my chest as she looks up at me.

“Oh god your sexy Stace, I don't know how I kept myself away from you for as long as I did.” I mumble never looking away from her hypnotizing eyes, then ever so slowly I allow myself to take hold of her face and capture her lips with my own, finally letting that almost animalistic moan escape my throat. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.05.2011

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