
Ch 1 new school and experiences : O
My names Allinda Mayfield. I live in a pretty small town. My school is probably bigger than half the town. I'm probably one of the most hated people at my school even though I've never really done anything.Let me back up a bit and give you all the details.
"Allinda, get up its time for school." my mom has this little routine, she'll wake me up every morning and I'll barely have enough time to eat breakfast. My little sister on the other hand gets to eat breakfast and look at TV before school because her school starts two hours after mine My sister and i get along every now and then but it's just a matter of time. We go to these so called prep schools, mommy and daddy pay for my perfect little sister to go to hers but me that's a different story for me, I have to get a scholarship or go to public school. I wouldn't really mind going to a public school but just looking at the poor graffiti-ed building makes me sick.
"Welcome to Richmond's Academy, where only the best will succeed."this old woman kept yammering that to every student she could catch up with. Everywhere I looked the biggest and most expensive looking awards cases full of pictures and metals. The most impressive one was the art case it had an article about some boy doing a 3D clay model of starry night it even had the art in the display case with a second place ribbon.i still wonder why he only got second place.
"Allinda, Allinda, is Allinda here.
"I'm Allinda."
"Hi my name is Susin i will be your tour guide for today since i don't have any classes today."
"I have your schedule,you have art as an elective, that's your first class.
The art room was just amazing, it was so big, there was artwork on every wall.
" Welcome to art class.Many of you think this is an easy course,well your wrong I'll make you suffer if you even try to goof of of disrespect anyone, did I make myself clear."
That had to be the meanest old lady I've ever seen. She looked about six feet tall and she was so skinny except for her head it looked like it belonged on a billboard or a giant float. She has the ugliest and hairiest mold on her face that could have been a second head.
I heard some whispering about me and I really didn't like it. They were making fun of me because I was on scholarship instead of paying to be here but i didn't see why it mattered . i turned around to see who it was but instead I saw the cutest boy, he had short blonde hair with the front spiked up and he wore glasses. All I wanted to do was talk to him for the rest of the day then I finally got the chance to. I walked up to him and my heart started to race, what was I going to say, hi or have a conversation, will he like me or not, PANIC!!!!!!
"Hi I'm Allinda , Allinda Mayfield."
" I'm Mike Merck I haven't seen you around lately, you new or something"
"Yeah, i hear for the rest of the semester if things go well."
"You want to hang out after school there's a pizza place right off campus."
"Is it OK to go off campus,"
"Yeah, as long as your with someone 15 or older."
" Your 15!?!"
"Yeah, how old are you ?"
Ch 2 my first date : )
I'm so nervous my first date what should I wear, my hair needs to be done, what about my breath.
"What am I talking about we're going to the movies I don't need to dress up."
Knock knock. Oh my gosh he's here.
"Hey Allinda, are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, by the way what movie are we looking at?"
" Well if I tell you you'd think I was a wimp or something."
"please tell me."
"princess and the frog." He looked down and started to blush.
" Awww, I love that movie lets go before we miss it." I grabbed his arm, I guess he felt better after that because he smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek.
I've always loved the princess and the frog it was just the fact that you can find love where you least expect it seems like a beautiful story . The movie was like my little fantasy, I'm minding my own business and this handsome guy falls in love with me and after a while of spending time with him I fall in love with him, but that would never happen. Every time I fall for the person first it never goes well so I really don't know what to expect about this relationship. I really liked mike but was it real or did he lose a bet.
I'm not exactly a confident person. I don't think I'm that pretty, I don't think I'm that skinny, and I don't think there would be anyone in their right mind that would ever like me. I've never known why I think the way I do I just always have thought like that, but when I'm with mike it's completely different. I actually believe he likes me and I just don't want this night to end.
Ch 3 I'm gonna kill him >:(
I wonder if I'll see him today. I had so much fun with him, the movie was hilarious and I think I fell in love with Mike.
" Hi Mike."
" What do you want."
" what's wrong are you OK? "
" Why the heck are you talking to me."
" Why are you talking to me like that." I'm really about to kill him what bit him in the but. I don't care if he's having a bad day but he better realize who he's talking to.
" Oh by the way if you want to talk to this remember I'm too good for you." He smiling and his friends are laughing at me.
" You just shut up, here's something, you go on with this pathetic way of life while I meet someone who's a real man, more of a man than you'll ever be."
In all my life people have told me that I'll find someone who will love me. So far all I've found where a bunch of jerks that could really have some since knocked into them.
CH 4 How stupid does he think I am > : (
"Hey Allinda wait up I need to talk to you."
"What do you want."
"The way you talked to me was just awful why'd you have to do that in front of my friends?"
"Oh that maybe it has something to do with the load of crap you said to me."
"What crap I just said what I would say to anyone you just have to get over it."
I'm so mad I can't take it anymore. Then it happened. I, i, I slapped him. I didn't even want to I just got so mad what am I suppose to do.
I hope he doesn't hate me if he does please don't let him yell at me.
"Hey what's wrong with you?"
"Hey can you here me why you crying?"
"What's your name?"
"Good we got you to talk by the way my name is Kathy Garrison."
" So you want to talk about it."
" It's nothing really."
"It can't be nothing it made you cry. Please tell me maybe I can help."
"No,i don't want to bother anyone, really I'm fine thank you though."
I wonder if anyone else would ever worry about someone the way she did. She didn't even know me and yet she cared, maybe life here won't be so bad after all.
"Hey, Allinda right, are you feeling any better."
" Yeah, I feel a lot better than yesterday."
"What was wrong with you yesterday?"
"It was nothing to bad, don't worry about it."
"Fine you know Mike right."
"Well he asked me out the other day."
"Are you serious, he's like the meanest person at this school how did, what happened, what did you do."
"Well i said yes, he took me to se princess and the frog. It was great until he..."
"He what? Spit it out all ready."
"Yesterday he acted like a jerk, he even said the most stupid line you should have heard him it was so awful."
"What did he say?"
"The next time you want to talk to this remember I'm too good for you."
"Wow never tell me any of his lines again that was just awful, I mean who talks like that."
It was great I finally made a friend we were laughing talking and bonding. Maybe coming to this school wasn't a bad thing after all.
"Allinda you can come and sit with me at lunch."
"OK, see you at lunch ."
Today at lunch it was awful,the lunch i mean everything else seemed to work out just fine. I met new people. One of the funniest was Cierra she was throwing out jokes like there was no tomorrow. There were other girls Tiffany,Brandi, and Caityln. they were so funny.I couldn't stop laughing.
Then the weirdest thing happened Mike asked if he could talk to me. I guess I could give him one more chance.
"Hey,listen I know I was harsh the other day but your not white so my friends are gonna act like that an well i'm not gonna loose my friends and family just because of you. Your not worth it."
"Well if I'm not worth it then what the hell are you over here talking to me for?"
"I really don't care anymore but if, IF you ever change I'm not gonna hold anything against you but until then leave me the hell alone."
After that I really felt better but guilty at the same time.I don't know I guess it just the way I said it I guess I could have said it without cursing, but whats done is done.
After everything was done and lunch was over I went back to class and Mike was right behind me laughing and pointing away.
What just happened to me? : o
During class I started to feel really bad. My head was hurting, it was getting hot, the room started spinning the teacher sounded so far away, and my vision was getting blurry. I stood up and .......................................everything was black I herd mumbling and it was getting hard to breathe was was going on.
"Allinda...... Allinda.......hey are you OK.......Allinda please wake up...."
Who was that i couldn't understand what was going on.For some strange reason I felt like I was being lifted up but I didn't get what was going on.I woke up in a hospital, school was probably after school. After everything that's happened I would never expect to see mike asleep by my bed his parents where here too but mine where no shows. What am I gonna do though I was so mean to him earlier today. What would I say............
''Allinda your awake ! Are you OK. what happened."
"Mike what are you doing here after all I said to you why are you here, What was so good about me that you decided to stay?"
"I don't know why I.........I just don't know"
"Allinda you shouldn't be talking so much just go back to sleep and we'll talk in the morning."
THE TALK..........:c
"Mike just say it, I can handle it."
" I....I.............."
I put my hand on his. His hands where tumbling what was wrong. He kept looking down from what i could see he was sweating and crying.
"What is it just tell me please."
" OK.........when you passed out i caught you and right before we had a huge fight and I, Allinda I thought i might have lost you, I'm sorry I just can't..."
"Mike, don't beat yourself up over that really it wasn't your fault."
" but it is."
"The doctor said it was caused by stress.I'm your stress."
"No you're not your just overreacting."
"but...................Allinda at that moment I realized I love you. I really really love you.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2010

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