
Chapter 1: Why I’m Here

My name is Fire Brown and I’m sitting in my room at my aunt’s house. She’s not my real aunt, she my moms best friend or was anyway. I’ve been here for a mouth and I’ll start school tomorrow with my aunt’s son. His name is Poco Martinez. He’s not my real cousin ether. My aunt’s real name is Sophie Derose. My mother had the same last name and that’s one of the reasons they became friends. I have my fathers last name but I never new him so most people called me a bastard and I would give them the definition of a bustard and they would say I’m one ether way.
Now my aunt’s another story. She goes to Spain for a year and come back pregnant and doesn’t tell us who’s the baby daddy. Poco doesn’t even no how he is, but anyway I’m staying here because my mom died a mouth ago. When I first hot here I wouldn’t eat, sleep, or come out of my room. It was weird for me to be in a new place and I know they thought I was weird and being selfish but I didn’t care. I was mad. I was mad at her for leaving me here with these people even though I didn’t have a problem with them except I didn’t really know Poco but that was it.
But as time past I started to eat and come out of my room but I was still giving trouble sleeping. But I was still a little quit. I never said much. I only speak when spoken to. Well I’m sitting on my bed when I hear Poco come home from work. He passed my door with a “hey” and I still didn’t say anything. I never said anything back but he still greets me when I come in or if he comes in. I heard his door open and shut.
My so-called cousin is the type of boy to get any girl he wonted. But he was more the type who flirts with the girls but never makes it official. I mean he’s good looking and has a nice body. He even place all the sports at school and he gets all A’s. Poco has the energy of a four year old. We went to church and got out at one. Then we had to come here so he could go to work and he had to be there at two and its seven now, but he was up all night doing homework.
I hear the shower start and I no Poco getting in. I try to decide if I wont to go eat or wait till dinner. I hear the shower shut off and I decide to go eat. I headed down stairs to the kitchen to find what I wonted to eat. I picked a pizza and had it in the oven in a sec. when my pizza was a little almost dun Poco came down stairs. He got a grape juice (that was popular) in this house out the fridge and sat at the kitchen table.
I turned to look at him out the corner of my eye. His hair, which was to his shoulder, was still wet. He was staring at me. I felt self-conches. I guess it was because all I had on was a tank top and swetpance. I really didn’t have a figure but my boobs were a 40 B-cup and my but was huge. But I wear my clothes to big so people wont notes.
My pizza was done so I cut it in half, got me a grape juice from the fridge and set it on the table. I pulled out two paper plates and put a peace of pizza on each plate. I put one plate in front of Poco, and then I set in my seat. I didn’t look at him but I seen him put his bottle on the table.
“ You know this wont fill me up,” he replied as he picked up the pizza and took a bite.
I just shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t care half of it was going to fill me up or I’ll at lest have something in my stomach.
“ Way are you so quit?” he asked me.
I finally looked at him. He sighed. He new I wasn’t going to answer.
“ Well are you ready for school tomorrow?” he asked after a minute.
I shrugged my shoulders again. I thought it was to soon to go back to school.
“ Well mom made shore you had lunch with me,” Poco said.
I put a smirk on my face. Poco laughed. I stared at him.
“ It’s the first time I seen you smile besides in you sleep,” he said.
I hung my head. I didn’t wont to smile. I thought if I smiled then I was betraying my mother from all the time we laughed and since she wasn’t here it felt like I was betraying her. Then something cot in what Poco had said.
“What do you mean by in my sleep?” I asked.
“Well you were asleep on the couch so I put you in your bed and you were smiling about something in your dream,” Poco replied.
“That was you that put me in my bed?” I said.
Poco stopped laughing and looked at me. I didn’t give him a chance to say anything. I hurried to my room and locked my door.
“Fire I’m sorry,” Poco said though the door.
“Go away,” I yelled at him.
“I’m sorry,” he said before walking away.
He saw me smile in my sleep. He took me to my bed. That’s not why I’m upset. I’m upset cause he saw me smile in my sleep not knowing what the dream was about. That dream had me worried for a couple of days because it was about me and Poco hooking up. I guess I was in to Poco but he’s like part of the family but he’s not my family. I was in my room until aunt Sophie came home.
She said “Hey”, went to her room, and hopped in the shower. After she got out the shower she started diner. Around nine o’clock aunt Sophie told me to come eat. I decided it was time to come out of my room. I went down stairs and into the kitchen. Poco was already sitting at the table. I sit down and I stair at my plate.
Aunt Sophie made chicken with green beans, rice and corn. They started to eat but I didn’t. Then Poco put down his fork. He was half way done.
“Sorry,” I said.
Aunt Sophie stopped eating then.
“I shouldn’t have overreacted it’s just…. My mom never let me sleep on the couch so I never slept there and you carried me to my bed so…. Thank you,” I could feel their eyes on me.
I finally looked up and Poco was smiling at me. I gave him my smirk. Then we finished are diner.

When I was done I went to my room so I could read “Perfect Chemistry.” I heard a knock at my door.
“Come in,” I said with out looking away from my book.
“Hey,” Poco said as he sat at the foot of my bed.
I froze when I heard Poco’s voice. I looked up to meet his eye. I shut my book with out putting the bookmark in. I sat it on my nightstand were my lamp is. I looked at him.
“I wonted to no if you wonted to ride on my motorcycle instead of the bus,” Poco asked me.
“I don’t like the bus,” I whispered. But that was just an excuse.
“Okay, this has been bugging me since you got here but we’re not real cousins are we, I mean are mom’s were just friends?” Poco said.
I nodded my head. I started to blush because that did put a picture in my mind that Poco and me was not really related.
“Well good,” he said.
We looked at each other for a minute.
“Oh I have something for you.”
Poco ran to his room and brought a Burlington bag with him. He held it out to me. I just looked at it.
“Go on take it,” Poco said as he shook it in front of my face. I took it in my hands but I still didn’t open it.
“Open it,” Poco replied with a look on his face that said he was trying not to laugh.
I open it and pulled out a pare of pans and a shirt. I didn’t look at it long enough to really see it.
I looked at Poco, “You spent your money on me?”
“Well I thought it would be good for you too have a new outfit for school. We haven’t bought you anything since you been here so…” Poco was looking at me back.
I didn’t wont the clothes. I didn’t wont them spending their money on me. It made me feel like…
“I don’t need you charity,” I snapped as I threw the clothes across the room.
Poco stared at me. Then he sighed and walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him. I new I was harsh but I really didn’t care. I went into the bathroom, took me a nice shower and climbed in bed. I tried to sleep but once again I couldn’t, so I though about my mother, which then made me cry so I ended up crying myself to sleep.

Chapter 2: The Nightmare

Inside the house I here my mother scream. I run up the flight of stairs to her bedroom. I swing the door open to find my mother in the arms of a man. I try to shut the door but I hear a faint sound.
“Help” I look at my mother and she’s reaching out to me.
“Help,” she says again.
My eye’s get big and I wont to help her but her body goes limp and I feel like screaming but what good will that do. My mother try’s to reach me one more time but she can’t. I saw my mother die in front of me. I watched as the life was being sucked out of her. I took a step back and the thing turn to look at me but I was already gone. I’m running and I can’t stop. I don’t understand.
Then I feel something grab my shoulder. I scream. I thought I was fast but that thing is fast. It turns me to face it. When I see its face I scream again. It had the face of my mother. But I new it was not my mother.
This thing had fangs going down to its chin. I stared into its eye’s and my mother’s face smiled back down at me. Then it wasn’t her face it was its face. The face that I seen before I ran out of the house. This was the mans face. It was really good looking. But I saw what it did to my mother.
It was still smiling at me. He put my chin in-between two of his fingers and turned my chin to the left so my neck was exposed. He licked his lips and smiled even bigger so I could really see the length of his fangs. All I thought was, I’m going to die and though fangs are really going to hurt going in. I felt the tears come to my eyes, as he got closer to my neck. Then he bit into my neck and I screamed.

I sit upright in bed drench in sweat. My hand flies to my neck were I could still feel his fangs in my neck. A sigh of release escape my lips as I realized it was only a dream. That’s when I realized someone was calling my name. I looked to my right and scream. A hand covered my mouth.
“It’s me,” Poco said.
I stopped screaming, “Why are you in my room?”
“I could hear you screaming and moaning in your sleep,” Poco replied, “Are you okay?” I threw my arms around Poco’s shoulders and cried.
“I couldn’t wake up, he wouldn’t let me wake up,” I cried.
“Its okay, it was only a dream,” Poco comforted me.
“Your right it was only a dream.” I smirked at Poco.
He stood up and was about to go back to his room when I grabbed is his arm.
“Sleep with me?” I asked.
Poco gave me a wired look. Then I realized what I had said to him and what it sounded like to him.
“I mean lie with me at lest till I fall asleep?” I asked.
He considered that and climbs in beside me. We didn’t touch but having him in the bed with me was enough. I drifted off to sleep with no problem for the rest of the night.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock going off. I turned it off and climb out of bed. I was just getting out of the shower when I realized Poco should have been in my bed this mourning. Well I guess he didn’t wont to get cot like that. I put on some baggy jeans and a t-shirt. I put my cell phone and my money in my pocket. I grabbed my bag and went down stairs to breakfast. Poco was already there with his hair still wet from his mourning shower.
“Good mourning,” aunt Sophie said as she put the last plate of bacon on the table.
I fixed my plate with out looking at Poco. I could feel his eyes on my back. I finished my food and got a grape juice for the road.
“You ready?” Poco asked me.
“Are you?” I shout back.
He scowled at me. I smirked to myself. I was back to my old charming self and I new that what Poco was thinking. We went out side and Poco gave me the extra helmet to his bike. I put it on and climbed on the back of his bike behind him.
“Hold on tight,” Poco warned me.
I grabbed him around the waist and I could feel his abbes. We were at the school way to fast. I hopped off and handed the helmet back to Poco. Poco put his arm around my shoulders and walked with me up to the school. I could feel the students staring at us and I looked to the floor. We were inside the school when two boys I recognized come up to greet us. There two of Poco’s friends that came to the house sometimes.
Their names are Kennedy Her, who was Moung and Devyn Gonzalez, now he was half Mexican and half black like Poco. Oh and I’m black but I look like I’m half white, half black.
“Hey,” Devyn greeted us.
“Hey,” Poco greeted back.
“Hey I thought you guys were cousins?” Kennedy asked.
“We’ re suppose to act like we are but we’re not,” Poco replied.
“Oh!” Kennedy said.
I think we all new that I might become Poco’s next plaything. I wasn’t going to count on it. I looked to my left and I seen the office so I shrugged Poco’s arm off and walked in. The office was a smell room, smaller then a classroom. There were three desks, one had principal, the seconded had vice principal, and the third had secretary.
“Hi,” I said as walked to the secretary’s desk.
She looked at me and smiled, “Hi! Your fire brown, right?” I nodded my head. “Well dear, I’m Miss. Franco and I’m your secretary. Here your schedule and your guide just walked in the door.”
I turned to see a sexy Mexican standing in front of me with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail. His eyes were the brightest green I had ever seen and I hurried to look at the floor. I didn’t hear his name but I cot something else that Miss. Franco was saying.
“You know her mom just died so try to be nice to her.”
That’s when I snapped.
“Don’t talk about me like I’m not here and don’t ever let me here you speak about my mother again.” I ran out of the office before they could stop me.
I new they were staring at me like I was crazy but I didn’t care. I saw Poco and I just ran faster as the tears came down my face.

Chapter: 3 Worse Then Me
I’ve stopped crying and I’ve been up on the roof all morning. It was almost time for first lunch. I’m staring off I’m space when I heard the roof door open. I stand to see my guide coming tours me. It looked like he hadn’t seen me yet.
“What are you doing up here?” I asked.
He looked at me like he thought he was alone.
Then he shook his head, “I should have known,” he said, “I should have known you’d was up here.”
“Well why are you here? Please tell me ya’ll ain’t still looking for me?” I said.
“No! We stopped looking for you after eight. We thought you went on home. I’m up here so I can skip world history,” he replied.
“But don’t you need that class to pass?” I asked as I sat down.
He sat down beside me. “Yeah but I could get the notes from someone else,” he said. “You can’t learn anything by notes,” I said.
“Well I can, I’m smart like that,” he replied.
We sat there for a second in silence.
“Sorry,” he finally said.
“Why are you saying sorry?” I asked.
“I’m sorry about your mother,” he replied.
“Please don’t talk about,” I said.
“I know what it’s like to loose a parent. Actually I know what it’s like to loose both my parent,” he said.
I looked at the ground. “I’m sorry,” I said with out looking up from the ground.
“They died while I was six. It was a car rack. We were on are way to the park and a school bus hit us. I was in the hospital with four broken ribs, my left arm and my left leg was broke and I had cuts all on my face. They told me there was know kids on the bus but my parents died instantly. I felt bad after words. I thought it was my fault.”
I’ve thought it was my fault ever since that day. I didn’t have one relative I new about so I was put in foster care. I thought they should have lived and I should have been the one who died. I was so mad at them I started to act up in school. I cut class, but I went to enough classes to get a c in all my classes so I could pass. I smoked and I’ve dun drugs. I’ve been to camp for bad teens, to rehab, and to jail.”
I’ve even been to the military when I was fourteen and they sent me back a week later saying I was too bad. I’ve done every thing I could to make my parents mad if they were alive. But I forgave myself and said it wasn’t my fault so now I play every sport, get all A’s and I have my own little apartment not to fare from here-” after that I tuned him out. His life was so much worse then mine. He lost both his parents but I’ve only known one all my life. He’s an orphan; he blames himself even though he said he forgave himself. And I was so mean to him. I shook my head.
“I never cot your name,” I said.
“Oh! I’m Tomas Fransco and I am not related to the secretary.” He replied.
I laughed, then I paused.
“What?” Tomas asked.
“You’re the first person to make me laugh since my mother died,” I said.
That’s when the bell rang for second lunch.
“That’s me,” I stood up and so did Tomas.
“Me to.”
“Can you walk me to lunch? I don’t know were it is,” I asked.
“Sure.” we walked to the cafeteria were we ran into Poco.
He gave Tomas a dirty look.
“Hey,” I said.
“Hey were have you been?” he asked me.
“Here and there,” I replied.
“Well you better call mom,” he told me. My face fell.
“You told her?” Poco just looked at me like duh.
“Oh my god. She probably, like, freaking out right now,” I said as I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket.
Poco just shrugged his shoulder. Then my stomach growled and I put my phone back in my pocket and got into the lunch line. Tomas was behind me and Poco was in front of me. I got my food and waited on Poco so I could sit with him.
“Um, I’m going to sit over there with my friend, okay,” Tomas said.
I just shrugged my shoulders, like I didn’t care but I new I did. I walked to the table with Poco and sat next o him.
“Hey, guys. This is my so- called cousin,” Poco said, “Her name is Fire Brown so be nice to her,” he warned them.
They were all hot. I mean hot, hot, like modal hot. I blushed at how they looked at me. Kennedy and Devyn were at the table too. I ate my food in silence only answering when I heard my name.
“So Fire why your mother name you that?” one boy asked me.
“Cause I nearly killed her giving birth,” I said.
He looked at me and laughed like it was a joke. I wasn’t laughing. I was done before everyone else, so I dumb my tray and went back to the roof. Not to long after Tomas joined me.
“Hey,” he greeted me. I didn’t say anything.
“What’s wrong?” he asked me.
I shook my head like I didn’t wont to talk about it. He still looked at me.
“You know if you talk about it, you might feel better,” Tomas told to me.
“I can’t talk about it,” I said as I stood up, “I have to go.”
“Well at least let me take you home,” Tomas stood up to.
I considered that for a minute, “okay.”
I fallowed Tomas to his car, which was a green BMW that matched his eyes. I smiled at it. I liked it. I climb in the front seat and through my bag in the back seat. Tomas started the engine. We pulled off and I could picture my aunt yelling at me.
“Can we go some were besides my house?” I asked.
“Sure. Were you wont to go?” Tomas asked me.
“Anywhere but my house,” I replied.
“Trouble at home?”
“Know just don’t wont to hear her mouth about today,” I said.
“Oh!” Tomas said.
We rode in silence for a while, as Tomas tried to figure out were to go. Then he stopped in a parking lot. I looked up to find out we were at a pizza joint.
I looked at Tomas, “A pizza joint? Are you serious?” I asked as I got out the car.
“Well it was the first thing that came into my head,” Tomas said.
“But don’t you realized that we just ate about ten minutes ago,” I laughed.
“Oh! Right,” he said. I smiled.
“Well we can play some pool,” he said.
I nodded my head. We went in and strait to the pool table.
“I hope you know I suck at this game,” I told him.
“Well that’s a easy game for me,” he replied.
The truth is I was really good at pool. My mom tout me how to suck at the beginning and win in the end. I missed a couple shout to make it look like I really did suck, but it was fun. Tomas was laughing at me.
“You wont me to help?” he asked.
“Yes, please,” I said as I smiled at him.
He came and stood behind me. He put one hand on my hip and the other on the stick. “Okay now keep your eye on the ball,” he brought my stick back and I shout it forward so it hit four balls into two holes.
I smiled to myself. I just won when he thought he was gone win. Ha, fat chance. He just looked at me. My face was burning because of how close Tomas was to me. Then my eye cot the clock and it was past four.
“We have to go. I’m going to be in big trouble,” I said as I ran to the car.
Tomas drove as fast as he could but it wasn’t fast enough. When we parked I could see Poco’s bike. I was about to get out when Tomas grabbed my arm. I turned to face him. “Um, there’s this party Friday night and I wonted to know if you wonted to come?” Tomas asked me.
I could feel my check get hot again.
“Yeah, if I live through this,” I said then I hopped out the car and ran to the house.
I waved to Tomas before he pulled off. Then I went in the house. She was waiting on me.
“Were have you been?” aunt Sophie asked me.
“Here and there,” I replied as I walked past her.
“Damn it, Fire, I’m getting real tired of your bull, so you tell me were you’ve been or your grounded,” aunt Sophie yelled.
I sighed, “ I hung out with a friend.”
“What kind of friend?” I wonted to tell her to get of my jock, but new I couldn’t say that so I said this, still being smart with it, “A new friend, okay.”
I started to go up the stair when I heard a door close. I ran up stairs and Poco was walking in his room.
“Wired you just come from?” I asked.
“A guy can’t take a piss in this house with out you accusing them of something,” Poco relied.
“I never said I was accusing you,” I said before going in my room. That night I went to sleep and had no nightmares.

Chapter 4: I Know What I Wont
It’s been a week and I have some new friends and some enemies but no biggie. It seems like every day I’m more and more attracted to Poco. But its Friday the night of the party and aunts Sophie’s not home so I can’t leave. I go down stairs into the kitchen to find Poco in there with his still wet hair. I just won’t to play with it. But then I found a way to play with it.
“If you don’t dry your hair you’ll catch a cold,” I said as I grabbed a towel and started to dry out Poco’s hair.
He looked down at me from the towel and we locked eyes. He didn’t know how bad I wonted to kiss him at that moment or maybe he did. He started to bend down tours me. I reached up on my tippie toes and are lips met. The kiss was like I imagined but better. Poco depend the kiss, are toughs entwining. We both were breathing hared.
I wonted more, but I wasn’t going to let him turn me into his sex slave unless I turned him into mine. Poco picked me up so I was sitting on the table. He pulled my shirt over my head and started kissing his way down. He pulled up my skirt and my thong down. He left my pumps and my braw on. Guess you don’t worry bout the shoes in this kind of thing. Next Poco pulled down his pants.
I could tell he was already hard and didn’t need four play. Poco entered me and I sucked in a deep breath. Poco was bigger than my last boyfriend. After it stopped hurting it felt so good. Poco knew how to make a girl moan.

It felt so good while we were doing it but now I feel so guilty.
“You okay?” Poco asked me.
We were dressed and I was waiting on Tomas.
“Yeah, I’m be fine,” I told him but I don’t think I’ll be fine.
“Try not to think about it until you come home tonight,” Poco told me I didn’t get what he said until I was in the car with Tomas ten minutes later.
How do he not expected me to not think about it. We arrived at the party and I seen that Poco was already here.
I got out the car and Tomas was looking at me, “What?”
“Nun, it just I like the outfit,” Tomas complemented me.
I had on a tight shirt that showed the little curves I got and the breast I’ve got. Then I gad on a mini skirt that showed off my legs. I smiled at Tomas. I haven’t worn anything like this since my mother died. We walked hand in hand into the party. I could feel the boys eye’s on me and the girls staring at their boyfriends while they stared at me. I didn’t pay them any mind. When Tomas went to go get us some drinks, my friends ambushed me. “So I see you came with Tomas instead of Poco,” Brandi said.
Theirs three of them, Brandi, Damian, who’s a boy, and kierra.
“Well me and Tomas are kind of dating now,” I said.
“But you like Poco even though you live together and you see each other every day,” Damian said.
I shook my head. I was over the thing with my mother so I was able to smile once in a while. Thanks to Tomas.
“Here,” Tomas said as he handed a drink to me.
I smiled at him. I took a swig and it was beer. I didn’t really drink but this is a party so what the hell. I chugged my drink and every one looked at me I seen Poco out the corner of my eye. I smiled again.
“Tonight, we’re getting FUCKED UP,” I said as I went to get another drink.
Poco fallowed. “What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked me.
“I’m being me,” I replied.
He gave me a look, then grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd. I tried to snatch my hand back but Poco was too strong.
“Let me go,” I said.
We were going up a flight of stars now. I was still trying to get my hand back when Poco pushed me into a room, shut the door and locked it.
“What are you doing?” I asked him.
He looked at me as he walked to me. That’s when I realized that we were in a room together by are selves. Poco’s right in front of me and I can smell his cologne. I breathe in his sent and thought it was the best smell I had ever smelled. I threw my arms around his neck and crush my lips to his. I wonted him right now. His arms locked around my waist to hold me closer to his body.
He let me to the bed and sat me down. I looked up at him as he took of his shirt. I scooted back farther on the bed as Poco came aboard. I smiled at him. I kissed him as he took my shirt off. I haven’t known Poco long but I new he wonted to undress me. I kicked my shoes off as he pulled my skirt off.
He felt me up and it felt so good. This time he did need four-play. I unbuttoned and unzipped his panes. I reached into his boxers and pulled out his dick. He was almost hard so I thought I’d help him out. I started to jack him off. He moved so I was on top of him. He was almost at his full hard when he let a moan escape his lips. I smiled and climbed on top of him. He didn’t hold back his moans as I road him. Then he flipped me over and did me doggy stile. I tried to hold back the moans but it was so hard. I could tell he like it when I moaned. He flipped me so I was on my back but he had my right leg in the crease of his arm.
I had never been in this position. After a minute we were in the same position but standing up. Man it felt so good I couldn’t help but moan. Then he had both my legs up and I swear I was about to come. My body felt like it was liquid, like I was about to fall apart. But in a good way. At this point I couldn’t keep my mouth shut from all the moaning I was doing.
Then it came. At this point we was on the floor. Poco looked down at me. I was breathing so hard.
“Did you just have an… orgasm?” He asked me.
I nodded my head. I was still out of breath. I realized he was still in me.
“Well… pull it… out already,” I told him.
“Oh! Right,” I looked at him as he pulled it out.
I had never had an orgasm before so I was surprised it was white.
“Wait! Poco did you nut?” I asked him.
Poco looked at me like I was a crazy person.
“No! Why you ask that?” he asked me.
“Cause it’s white,” I answered.
“Just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean your nut ain’t white,” He told me.
“Oh! Well we better clean this up,” I said.
Poco stood up, who was still hard, and walked to the bathroom. He started the shower and came back with a towel.
“Go hop in the shower. I’m pretty shore Tomas is looking for you,” Poco said.
I forgot all about Tomas. I ran to the shower. I washed real fast and put my cloths back on. Poco handed me some lotion to put on. Then I was out the door. I went down stairs to try to find him and almost ran into him on the stairs.
“Were have you been we’ve been looking all over for you?” he asked me.
“Well I got lost trying to find the bathroom,” I replied.
Poco walked by then with a big fat grin on his face. He was aiming it at Tomas. Tomas looked at Poco’s back as he walked and disappeared into the crowd. Then his eye’s was locked on me. I shut down and went back to my, first came here attitude.
“What?” I asked him in a sourer town.
“Was you with him?” he asked me.
“What are you for real? He’s my cousin,” I snapped, “I’m not that kind of girl.”
I pushed past him to go find Poco. I found him in the kitchen. I chugged down a couple of more bears, then told Poco to take me home. I road on the back of Poco’s motorcycle when I felt my mouth water.
“Pull over Poco,” I said.
Poco pulled over and I climbed off the bike to throw up in the grass.
“Are you okay?” Poco asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied, “Just couldn’t hold down my liquor.”
I fell asleep against Poco’s back so he carried me into the house and laid me in my bed.

Chapter 5: So Unexpected
I woke up the next mourning with a hangover. I felt terrible. Good thing it was Saturday. I heard a knock on my door.
“Are you up yet?” Poco asked.
“Yeah! Come in” I replied.
Poco opened my door and every thing from last night came back to me. He sat next to me on my bed and gave me a good mourning kiss. I kissed him hard but then my head started to hurt so I pulled away.
“Moms already left to go to lunch with a friend so we have the house to are selves,” Poco told me.
I smiled, “First I need to eat.”
Poco laughed and that even hurt my head. He helped me out of bed and took me down stairs. He fixed me eggs and beckon with rice. I mixed my eggs and rice together and ate it like that with a bight of my beckon now and then.
“You know I didn’t wont you here when you first got here,” Poco said.
“I didn’t wont to be hear ether,” I said but I was a little hurt.
“Yeah, well I thought you were a little wired and I thought you were going to get into my stuff. I mean, you had just lost your mom and I didn’t no what that felt like so I thought about loosing my mom and it brought me to tears and that’s when I new what you were going through so I wonted to get to know you better,” I looked into Poco’s eye’s.
I wonted to know all about you. Not just that part of my so-called cousin. But the part of this beautiful, sexy girl that just came into my life with no warning and no announcement.”
I smiled at him nobody has ever called me sexy except my ex-boyfriend.
“Well I can’t say anything cause I thought you were a player. This boy who flirts with the girls and have sex with them but never gets with any of them. But I wonted to know you too or to be as close to you as I could,” I said.
Poco smiled and leaned in to kiss me.
“I wont to go to the mall today,” I said as I put my plate in the sink.
“Sure,” Poco said.
I went up stairs and hopped in the shower. Poco joined me a little after.
“To save water,” was his excuse. He seemed nervous about something.
“Oh really?” I asked, “Or did you wont me to do this.”
I lifted up my left leg up on Poco’s shoulder and licked his neck. He shuddered, I smiled. I started to kiss his neck. I felt Poco inter me. First he started to go slow, then fast. I was moaning before five minutes went by. After we were done we washed up and got out. I put on the out fit Poco had first given me that I threw across the room. It fit my every curve. It made me look like I had hips.
A lot of hips. I put on a pear of black chucks, grabbed my black purse with my ID and money and walked down stairs. There I found Poco looking as sexy as can be. He looked at me for a minute like he wonted to through me on the couch and do me there right here and right now.
Then he just shook his head and asked, “You ready?”
I smiled; “Are you?” he smiled at me and held the door open for me.
I climbed on the back of Poco’s bike behind him and we road to the mall. He put his arm around my shoulder as a cousin jester cause people couldn’t know what we had. We had been to five stores and I had bout two to three things from each store. Poco looked at me like I was crazy to get all this stuff. We stopped to get something to eat before we went back to shopping. We already ordered and was sitting at a table when I seen Tomas with a couple of his friends. I looked away cause I didn’t wont him to see me here.
“So why do you flirt with so many girls?” I asked.
“Well first I don’t feel what I feel with them like I do when I’m with you, so I didn’t wont to date any of them so I just slept with them I mean they were pretty willing to so why not,” Poco said.
“So who was your first time with?” Poco asked.
Well I didn’t wont to tell him but that person was in another state.
I shrugged my shoulder, “It was with my ex-boyfriend.” Poco looked at me.
“So who was yours?” I asked.
“Well it was my next door neighbor-”
“No?” I said.
“- Yeah. I went up to her when I was fourteen and asked her to take my virginity away. At that time she wasn’t the school hoe,” Poco said.
I laughed. “That’s so funny,” I told him.
“It is not,” Poco said but I could tell he was trying not to laugh.
Then he wasn’t trying at all. He was looking over my head. I looked down at the table and the was someone behind me cause the was a shadow over mine. I turned to see Tomas behind me.
“Can we talk?” he asked me. I looked at Poco and he was giving Tomas the evil eye.
“Sure, I’ll be back,” I told Poco.
He nodded his head. Tomas and me went to a table in the corner far away from Poco. “What?” I snapped.
Tomas just looked at me. I sighed, “Okay look, I got lost last night trying to find the bathroom and I ran into Poco so I told him to show me were it was. When he did I told him to stay with me so nobody will barge in so he did. Nothing happened between me and Poco, okay,” I explained.
Why am I explaining myself to him?
“Well you two looked like something’s going on with you over there,” Tomas snapped. I looked at him.
“Okay, I’m sorry its just I like you so much and I don’t wont to loose you to him,” Tomas said.
His voice was kinder now. I put his face in-between my hands.
“You wont loose me to him I promise,” even though you already have.
Tomas smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I didn’t have time to think about it before his lips was on mine. I didn’t wont to hurt his feelings so I kissed him back but it was just a quick kiss. Tomas smiled at me. I smiled back. I stood up and Tomas gave me a funny look. “Were are you going?” he asked me. “I happen to be here with Poco and I have to go home with Poco,” I said.
“Or you could ditch Poco and ride home with me,” Tomas sa-justed.
I gave him the evil eye. He cringed away from me.
“I don’t ditch people. That’s mean,” I snapped.
“But you ditched me at the party,” Tomas shout back.
“Well you were mean to me so it doesn’t count,” I replied.
“Okay I got you,” he said as he put his arm around my waist. I just looked at him.
“See you at school,” he said with a quick kiss then he walked away from me.
I watched him walk then I turned to Poco. His back was to me but I new he watch it all. I sat down across from him and he just looked at me. I looked back. He looked away first. “You didn’t have to kiss him,” he said.
I hung my head cause I new that really hurt him.
“I’m sorry. He kissed me before I could think about it and I didn’t wont to hurt his feeling,” I replied.
“Come on. We’re going home,” Poco stood up.
“But…” I didn’t finish and fallowed Poco out the mall.
When I got home I tried them on and put them up. I checked my phone to see if anybody called. I had so many calls from Tomas I stopped counting them. They were all from last night and this mourning. I deleted them. I hopped in the shower, hopping Poco would join me but he didn’t. I put on some sweats and a tank top and went down stairs to smell someone cooking. I hope its Poco. It wasn’t. It was aunt Sophie. I sat at the kitchen table. The food was done so aunt Sophie sat with me.
“Aunt Sophie, me and Poco aren’t real cousins right?” I asked.
“Know. Why?” she asked me.
“Well would you have a problem if we started sleeping together?” I asked.
She gave me a weird look.
Then she smiled, “ know I wouldn’t be mad but I’d be shock. Real shock,” she replied. I smiled. She wouldn’t be a problem.
“Why? Are you two sleeping to gather or are you thinking about it?” she asked me. “Know it’s nothing like that I was just asking,” I quickly said.
“Awww,” she replied.
I ate while I talked to aunt Sophie. I found out Poco left a little after we came home. When aunt Sophie went to bed I tried to wait up for Poco but I fell asleep on the couch.

Chapter 6: Mad At Nothing
I’m sitting in English class trying to figure out if it was Poco who put me in my bed when I fell asleep on the couch Saturday night. Poco’s also been avoiding me all weekend. He’d be gone when I get up in the mourning and he’d come back when I’m asleep. I didn’t even ride to school with him this mourning. Tomas picked me up. He was already gone. I look at Damian to find him staring at me. Damian and me share the same table.
“What?” I said.
“Something’s bothering you. It’s Poco ain’t it?” he asked me.
I sighed. It was Poco.
“Yeah,” I replied.
“Tell me what happened,” Damian said.
“Well, um, me and Poco slept together,” I whispered.
“You what?” Damian yelled.
Every one was staring at us.
“Is there a problem Mr. Hunter?” Miss. Grissom asked.
Damian blushed. With his light skin you could see it so well.
“No, Miss. Grissom there’s know problem at all,” Damian said as he slumped in his chair.
I tried to hide my laugh but I couldn’t. I let it rip and the whole class started to laugh. Damian scowled at me. I smiled back at him. Then I saw Poco in the doorway. Damian saw him too. Poco waved for me to meat him.
“Go,” Damian told me.
I raised my hand. “Yes. Miss. Brown?” Miss. Grissom asked me.
“Can I go to the bathroom? I really got to go,” I acted like I was dancing in my seat. “Yes. Go ahead,” she told me.
I ran out the classroom. I met Poco at the end of the hallway. He was waiting on me. “Poco,” I said.
He looked at me.
“My moms going out of town and she wonted me to tell you,” he finally said.
Then he was about to walk away.
“Is that all your going to say?” I asked him.
He stopped. “What more is there?” he asked me.
“Well you been avoiding me,” I said.
He stiffened. Guess I cot him off guard.
“Poco please. I can’t take this silence between us,” I said, “please.”
He looked at me with a weird look. I wonted to run into his arms and crush my lips to his. But I new he was still angry with me. I sighed and looked at the ground.
“I don’t understand what has you so upset,” I told him.
This made him snap, “What made me mad is that you kissed him in front of me. You kissed him while you was with me.”
“People think were cousins so I have to cover up,” I replied.
He just looked at me like he didn’t understand.
“I have to make people think I’m with Tomas so they wont get the wrong impression of us,” I explained.
“So you’re going to go out with Tomas while we’re having this thing we got going on?” he asked.
I nodded my head. “Will you sleep with him?” he asked.
I shrugged my shoulders cause I didn’t know. But I didn’t wont to tell him know. We could be at a party and I get to drunk or something. I don’t wont to hurt Poco or Tomas. Tomas gets what I’m feeling about my mother and Poco gets me. Poco looked at me then turned to go back to his class. I didn’t try to stop him this time. I walked back to my classroom and sat next to Damian. He could tell something was wrong.
“You okay?” he asked.
I nodded my head. Really in truly I wont to cry. But I know I couldn’t in front of all these people. At the end of the day I had Damian take me home. I didn’t wont to see nether one of them but it’s kind of hard since I live with one.
“You and Tomas had a fight?” Damian asked.
“Know I just didn’t wont him to take me home, that’s all,” I replied.
Damian was quiet after that. He dropped me off in front of my house and drove off. Poco’s bike was already here so he must be home. I opened the door with my key and tried to be as quiet as possible. I snuck up to my room with out Poco coming out of his. I sighed a relief when I was in my room. But that was quickly gone as I found Poco sitting on my bed. We stared at each other.
“What are you doing in my room?” I asked him.
He stood up from the bed and walked tours me. When he was right in front of me, he looked down at me. I looked back into his eyes and held my breath. He put his hand on my check and leaned down to put his lips to mine. I sighed against his lips. When we broke apart I looked at him. He was supposed to be mad at me. What happened?
“I thought you were mad at me,” I said.
“Well as long as you don’t do anything with him in front of me,” he replied.
I smiled at him. I don’t think that I can do that but if I get him for the week then I’m good. I kissed him and he tasted like peppermint. Peppermint was my favorite candy. All that week we went to school and when we came home I never left the bed. I was in the kitchen after school one day when Poco came up behind me.
“What you making me?” he asked.
“What would you like for me to cook?” I asked back.
“You,” was all he said.
I smiled to myself before turning to face him. He was grinning from ear to ear.
“I wont you,” then he kissed me.
Are toughs tangling with each other. He picked me up and sat me on the counter. His hands shot up my shirt and mine to his belt buckle. I could tell he was getting hard just from me touching him. We got are cloth off and Poco was leading me to the kitchen table. Mt first thought was we would have to scrub this table to get it clean. It felt like my body was about to turn into water when the doorbell rang. Poco paused.
“Just ignore it,” I said as I kissed him.
They rang the doorbell again and I felt Poco’s body tensed. I sighed and climbed off him. He handed me a towel from the kitchen closet (I don’t know why they kept towel in the kitchen closet). I rapt it around myself and he sprayed me with water from the fussed so it looked like I just got out the shower. I scowled at him and went to answer the door. When I opened the door I wonted to shut it back. Tomas was standing in the door way and it was raining. I felt Poco sneak up stairs.
“Tomas what are you doing here?” I asked.

Chapter 7: First Job
I let Tomas into the house so he could dry off.
“I came to see if you wonted t go out or something?” Tomas asked.
“Um, I have to go to work in like an hour so…” I said.
I wasn’t lying. I did get a job at the legends or so called legends. Tomas was looking at me funny when Poco came down stairs. We all looked at each other for a minute before anyone spoke.
“Well I’m off to pick up Evie,” Poco said.
I looked at him cause I didn’t know a girl named Evie. Poco was out the door before I could ask him who this girl was.
“Were finally alone,” Tomas said, “I haven’t been alone with you all week.”
He put his arms around my waist but for some reason I didn’t wont him touching me. He looked at me and he was bending down to kiss me and I didn’t wont to push him away so I let him kiss me. I totally forgot I had on a towel until Tomas tried to pull it off. This time I did pushed him away from me as I pulled the towel back around me.
“What the hell do you think your doing?” I asked and yelled at the same time.
“I’m sorry I just got cot up in the moment,” Tomas replied.
I stared at him and he stared back. I wonted to kick him out but I didn’t wont to be rude to the guy I was suppose to be dating.
“Just don’t try anything else,” I said, “I’m going to put on my work out fit and I’ll be back.”

When I came back down stairs I was dressed in all black. Tomas looked at me weird. I just shrugged his look away. Then the door opened and Poco was coming in.
“I thought you were picking up some girl,” I said in a mean town.
They both looked at me and I looked at the clock. I had to be at work in 30 minutes. I told Tomas that I’d see him later and Poco would take me to work. We were about to leave the house when I heard a car hunk its horn. I opened the door and there stood Alex. He was dressed in all black too. He was my trainer and he’s been my trainer for the last month.
You’ll learn why in a little bit. As I watch Poco give him a hard stare I realized that Alex was hot. I mean I never really looked at him until today. I smiled to myself. I was surrounded by sexy boys. But Alex was standing next to a black car and it looked like he came to pick me up for my first job. I turned to Poco who was still giving Alex the evil eye.
I smiled, “Um, guess I don’t need a ride, Kay. See you latter.”
I ran and hopped in the car with Alex and we rode off. We were silent for a while, and then he finally spoke.
“You know it’s only been a month. Do you think your ready to take on this?” he asked. “They kill people and I don’t really care as long as I get to kill the one who took my mother away from me,” I said.
He looked at me, then shook his head like it would be my fault if I got myself killed.
Okay this is how it all started, when I first got here I looked on the Internet to find out if people new how to kill vampires. Some of it was total BS, but you know. I then found group that sounded like they knew what they were doing so I joined their group after telling them what happened to my mom. So in my spare time I’ve been learning how to kill a vampire. Alex stopped at the hide out and I climbed out. I remembered I brought my bag so I could hide my weapons away from Poco and aunt Sophie.
I pulled out my belt and hooked it around my waist. My belt contained several wooden stakes. Stakes don’t kill them but they injurer them pretty good. I had two big long knifes in the back of my belt. A gun with silver bullets on each side of my leg and I had a few bombs in some of the free space. I pulled out the leather black jacket so it could cover up all my weapons. I still didn’t like the jeans cause they are to low on my hips and my shirt is too high so my stomach is showing.
And every time I walk I can feel the belt rocking against my hips. Even with the jacket on people or vampires would think I’m gothic and sexy with the all black on. We were about to go in the building when the door opened and out stepped two vampires. If I wasn’t already or alert I might not have cot they were vampires because some times there is no different between the two. Vampires are not like in the movies and book. They don’t have pail skin and they can come out in the sun. You can tell it’s a vampire cause they don’t have hearts, they have supper speed, and they are strong.
There was a woman, a man, and a little girl. The girl was human. I could tell by her beating heart. I reached out and snatched her. This could have been their daughter when they were human but they’re not anymore. I held the girl to my chest as she screamed for me to let her go. Alex then killed the two vampires with know effort at all.
The girl screamed for her parents but there was nothing she could do. I picked her up and put her in my arms and Alex and me hurried to get in the building. There we stopped in are tracks. There was body’s every were. Human and vampire. There was a war in here. I felt like I was about to through up.
Alex went to go see if there were any survivors. I looked down at the girl and she stopped crying. Then I realized something. Her heartbeat was slowing down. I bent down on my knees and turned her to face me. She stared me right in the face. Then her heart stopped but she was still standing, staring me in the face.
Then she smiled and ripped from my arms. She bared her fangs and sprung at me. I ducked so she flew over my head. I pulled out the knifes and faced her in a crouch. She was on her hands and knees. I smiled at her, she bared her fangs.
“Come on kitty. Lets play,” I said then she ran at me.
I brought one of my knifes down but she blocked it with her hand. She might be a newborn but it looks like they were teaching her this whole time. She smiled as I slid back on the heal of my foot. She came at me again and I punched her in the face. She flew back and landed on her back. She was up in the same second and she snarled at me. I twirled the knifes in my hand so they made a swish, swish sound. She longed and I flew against the wall.
The wind was knocked out of me and I slid down the wall. I cot my breath and was back on my feet. Out the corner of my eye I saw Alex come back into the room. Me and the girl started to circle each other.
“Fire?” Alex said.
“I got this Alex. Don’t even think about jumping in,” I snapped.
I realized I was breathing hard and I was sweating. Then she longed at me again, but I knew what she was about to do so it looked like I was in slow motion mode. I turned in a circle and dug the knife deep into the girl’s heart. She screamed, twitched, and then fell to the floor. I pulled out the knife and turned to Alex. He was looking at me with pride. I walked over to him and gave him a smile.
“See, I told you I could handle it.”
He shook his head but not in a bad way, “How did you do it? She was a newborn and really strong.”
“Well if you have been through what I have been through then you would do anything to stop or kill a vampire,” I replied.
He gave me a smile and I realized he was only a couple of years older then me.
“There was know body left alive but I think some of the other vampire hunters escaped,” he told me.
I nodded my head and he looked at me.
“Your back to the head nodding?” he asked.
“What?” I asked.
“Well when you first got here you always nodded you head instead of answering a question,” Alex said.
I stared at him in shock.
“Oh, I just didn’t feel like talking,” I said.
Then my cell rang. I forgot to turn it off. Good thing it didn’t go off while I was fighting. I pulled it out and it stopped ringing. But then I saw the time.
“OH, SHIT! I have to get home now,” Alex looked at me then nodded his head. He drove me home as fast as he could.

Chapter 8: Face-to-Face
I walked in the house and I could tell Poco was in the living room. I was so hungry but I didn’t wont to run into Poco. I was about to go up stars when Poco came out of the living room and stood in the door way. We stared at each other for a minute. I was still in my jacket, belt, and black clothing. I walked to the kitchen and turned on the lights when I realized I had her blood on my. I turned off the light real fast and ran up stars.
I hopped in the shower so I could get all of the blood off. I hopped out, put on a nightgown and went down stars to eat something. I was raiding the fridge when I felt him behind me. He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around. Next thing I know there’s a fist coming at my face. I ducked and in the same second I grabbed his wrist and pined him to the ground. I straddled him.
I held his hands over his head with my left hand and in my right I held a knife to his throat that I keep in a little patch on my thigh. He didn’t even struggled. Then I seen his face and I through the knife across the room were it stuck in the cabinet. I let go of his hands and looked down into Poco’s eye’s.
I started to cry. “Why did you do that?” I asked, “I could have killed you.”
He wiped away my tears and flipped me so he was on top of me. He didn’t answer my question but instead he kissed me. I couldn’t help but kiss him back. He tugged at my nightgown and was happy to know I didn’t have on any underwear. He unzipped his pants. I didn’t think he could get that hard that fast. He took me on a joy ride the entire night.

I woke up the next morning in my own bed not remembering how I got there. I was bout to go down stars when I ran right into aunt Sophie.
“Hay didn’t know you were up,” she said.
“Um, yeah. You know were Poco went?” I asked.
“Oh, he went in to work early. He said they had a new recruit but she did her job last night,” aunt Sophie said.
“Oh, kay,” I walked down stars and fixed me a bowl of cereal.
I ate, got dress and was about to leave in aunt Sophie’s car when I saw Tomas. He smiled at me and I said what the hell. I gave aunt Sophie back her keys and hopped in the car with Tomas.
“Nice to see you for once,” he said.
“Sorry, I’ve been doing a lot,” I said.
He looked at me before pulling off.
“You know I wont to go to the park. Can we go to the park?”
he looked at me and almost ran off the road. Then he shook his head and turned a corner. We got out and Tomas pulled out a blanket out the trunk of his car. We walked to a spot in the woods, that nobody would see us. He laid the blanket down and we sat on it.
“Why did you wont to come out here?” he asked me.
I shrugged my shoulders, “I had a ruff night. I just need to think about it.”
“Oh you did get a new job. So what do you do?”
“ I don’t know to tell you the truth. I mean, it not hard but its not easy ether. You get messy and you always have to wear black. I hate black,” Tomas was staring at me again. “What?” He shook his head.
Then he was kissing me and my mood about him changed. I wonted him. All of him. I was the first to start tugging at clothes. I had never wonted anyone like this besides Poco. I was already breathing hard. Tomas fell on top of me and he started to grind against me. When all are clothes were off we started to go at it and he was almost as good as Poco.

When Tomas and me were threw he took me home. I walked in the door and it seemed like aunt Sophie was gone but Poco wasn’t. I followed his muddy shoes all the way to his room. He had just got out the shower.
“You know I’m not cleaning that up right?” I told him.
He looked back at me like what was I talking bout. He came to the door and seen what I was talking about.
“Shit! It’s going to take forever to get that out,” he snapped.
“Shouldn’t play in mud then,” I said as I walked in my room.
For some reason Poco followed me. I knottiest he was still in his towel.
“Where were you?” he asked me.
“It’s nun of you business,” I shot back.
I felt bad snapping at him like that. But he looked so good in that towel and I feel so guilty for sleeping with Tomas. Poco pulled me to him and kissed me. I wonted to kiss him back but all I could do was cry. Poco looked at me.
“What is it?” he asked me.
“I had sex with Tomas,” I cried.
He looked at me. Then took a step back. He just looked at me and that made me feel worse. Then he just walked out of my room, closing the door behind him. I cried into my pillow. I heard aunt Sophie came home but she didn’t bother me. I was sitting in my bed with my knees to my chest when my cell rang. It was a text.
I had another job to do. I had washed my outfit last night before I went to sleep. I pulled on my black shirt, black pans, and my black high heals boots. I put my belt on not caring if they saw my weapons anymore. I pulled on my jacket and went down stars. I walked right into Poco. He looked me up and down.
His eyes getting bigger as his eyes started from the bottom and stopped at the top. I just walked right past him. When I was in the kitchen I got me an apple and a grape juice for the road. I told aunt Sophie I had to go to work. Poco followed me to the door just in case I need a ride. I didn’t. Alex was leaning against the passenger door to his black car.
I waved to Poco and told them not to wait up. Alex opened the door for me. I climbed in and we drove off.
“Where’s the problem now?” I asked.
“Down in the park,” he told me.
“Oh really? Me and my boyfriend was there to day.”
“Really?” Alex chuckled.
“What?” I asked.
“Oh, some people said they saw some teens having sex today in the woods around 12:30,” I stared at him.
I realized my mouth was on the floor so I shut it quick. Alex laughed at me.
“Shut up,” I told him.
He laughed harder. I turned to look out the window to hide my embarrassment. We got to the park and I seen that we were not alone. There were other hunters here.
“How many vampires are there?” I asked.
“Oh I don’t know. About 20.” Alex said.
“In the park? Right now?” I was shocked.
If it was that many vampires here then why didn’t they kill Tomas and me? I shrugged my shoulder. Vampires will be vampires. There were only 10 hunters including Alex and me. I didn’t know all the hunters but I recognized some of them. I felt kind of bad cause some of them wont make it out alive. As we got closer I realized that most of the female hunters had on a black shirt that didn’t reveal anything, baggy pans and flat army black boots. I turned to Alex and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.
“You make me wear this and they get to wear that,” I snapped.
People turned to look at me. Some of the guys eyed me and I remembered I took off my jacket in the car. The women didn’t seem to care what I was in. I sighed and we started walking again. Then vampire surrounded us. We all pulled out what was comfortable to use. Like Alex likes the stakes. As for me I pulled out my knifes.
“Wait!” someone said, “I only wont my daughter.”
He came out from behind his bodyguards and I gasped. He was the vampire to kill my mother. I got to really look at him now. He had the same blue eyes like me. My mother always told me I had my father’s eye but that was all I had from him. He had high check bone and he was hot. If he weren’t the enemy I would totally hop on that.
I walked and stood right in front of him. God he was tall.
“You killed my mother? Why?” I asked.
He looked down at me. “Two reasons,” was all he said.

Chapter 9: Who to Choose
“First she was dying anyway so she told me to take away the pain. Second reason is that she wouldn’t let me see my child,” we stared at each other.
“But my mother only had one kid,” I said but what I was thinking was, OH MY GOD.
He tried to reach for me but I moved out the way.
“It can’t be? You can’t be my father? I hate vampires.” I said.
He just smiled. I wonted to cry. Then I felt Alex behind me. I also heard some of the hunters saying they should kill me since my father is a vampire.
“Nobody’s killing Fire,” Alex snapped.
Everyone shut up. I looked at him then back to the head vampire.
“We don’t wont to fight you. I just wont my daughter,” he said.
“What’s you name?” I asked.
He looked at me like he wonted to laugh in my face.
“My name is Blaze. I told your mother to name you fire and I see she did,” I got this feeling like I wonted to run away from him.
I took a step back. He cot my movement and I froze. Then I felt one of his vampire buddies come up behind me. I kicked him before he even seen me move. He flew back and the rest of the hunters got ready. I held up my hand for them to stay out of it. They stepped back but didn’t relax. I turned to face Blaze.
“You think I was just sitting at home waiting on you to come for me,” I smirked.
“I did better thing with my time.” I pulled out my knifes and swung them in my hand. “I’m ready now,” I ran at him but his bodyguards blocked my way.
I stabbed the one to my right and kicked the one right in the chest to my left. But there were more coming. I just smiled. I had been waiting on this. As I killed the vampires I could feel the rest of the hunters wonting to join in. I could also feel how Alex wonted to help me but most of all; all he wonted to do was keep me safe. I had killed at lest ten of his bodyguards when he told them to lie off.
They backed up to give me room. I kept my knifes out just in case they tried to catch me off guard.
“You wont come with me will you?” he asked me.
I shook my head, “I rather die first,” I replied.
“Why do you have to be so difficult?” I looked at him like he didn’t just ask that question.
“You killed my mother. Of cores I’m not coming with you and plus you a vampire. I don’t trust vampires,” he scowled at me.
I smirked back. Then I turned my back.
“Lets go Alex. I’m done here,” I put the knifes back in my belt and started walking.
Alex looked at me as I walked past him, then followed. I new they wouldn’t kill me but I couldn’t say that to hunters that was left there. I’m pretty shore Blaze was going to be mad and go on a rampage or killing spry.

I got in the house late and I had to go to school tomorrow. I went strait to my room, took a shower and was about to climb in bed but when I got their Poco was sitting on my bed. I stopped and hugged the towel closer to my body. We just stared at each other………………..
“What are you doing in here?” I finally asked him.
“I don’t know what to say about you and Tomas but I had you first so your going to have to chose,” Poco said.
I looked at him like he was crazy. “What? I’m not choosing between the two of you,” I snapped.
Poco sighed. “Well if you don’t then what’s between us is threw,” I stared at him.
How can he say that? Then I just shook my head, “Get out.”
Poco looked at me, “What?”
“Out! Now!” I almost pushed him out the door.
He turned around to tell me something but I slammed the door in his face. I leaned against the door and slid down it. I can’t believe he wants to make me choose. I shook my head; I put on my PJ’s and climbed into bed. Then as soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning thinking about what Poco said last night. I put on baggy pans and a tight fitting shirt. I grabbed my bag and headed down stars. Poco was sitting in his chair with his wet hair that I wonted so badly to touch. But I held my control and sat at the table. Aunt Sophie didn’t get up to fix us breakfast so I fixed me a bowl of cereal. Poco and me ate in peace.
Then I heard a hunk and new it was Tomas. I grabbed a grape juice and headed out the door. I could feel Poco’s eyes on my back as I hopped in the car and gave Tomas a kiss. He smiled at me. Then we road to school. When we got there my friends ambushed me again.
“We heard you and Poco got into a fight?” Brandi asked.
“Um, I’m have to go to class and I know all three of you have the same class so bye,” Tomas was mad that my friends stole me away.
“So what happened between you and Poco?” Damian asked.
“Well I kind of slept with Tomas and now he’s mad and he said I have to choose, Him or Tomas,” I replied.
We had just interred 1st hour, which was reading, and we sat down. Mrs. Brown told us we could do what ever we wonted today so we just talked.
“So he really told you to choose?” Kierra asked me.
“Yeah. I can’t believe he’s making me choose,” I said.
Then I turned to look at Poco and so did they. He looked like he was mad about something. I hung my head cause I new my choice was going to hurt him. I stood up and walked over to him. I could feel my friend’s eyes on me to see what I was going to do. I sat at the desk in front of him. I turned around to face him and the look he gave me told me he already new.
I sighed, “Okay, Poco look. Before if you would have asked me this, I would have said ‘I couldn’t choose between the two of you because it would always be you’ but now that’s changed. I can’t choose you and I think you already new that,” he stared at me.
Then he shook his head. “I kind of thought maybe you wouldn’t choose at all,” he told me.
“You mean I had that option?” I asked.
He just stared at me again. For some reason I got pissed off. I was right to pick Tomas. I shook my head, stood up and went back over to my friends. I could tell Poco was surprised I didn’t tell him never mind or something. My friends took one look at me and didn’t say a word. They new how I felt.
I felt angry, pissed off, hurt, betrayed, and I also felt like I had been stabbed in the back. That whole day I didn’t say a word. Not to Tomas, not to my friends or teachers when they called on me and I definitely didn’t talk to Poco. Not even when we got home. It was just like when I first got here, but he didn’t even say “hey” anymore. I felt so empty.

Chapter 10: Who Has A Brother They Never New About?
When aunt Sophie got home she could feel that Poco and me had had an argument. I sat in the living room, on the couch when she walked in the door.
“Hey,” she popped her head in the doorway.
I didn’t say anything back. That stopped her in her tracks. She came to sit next to me. She was about to ask me what was wrong when Poco walked in. I gave him the most evilest stair I could manage. She saw this face and was about to say something when my cell rang. It was Alex so I picked it up fast and they looked at me funny.
“Alex hey… yeah I’m free… okay… meet you in a lil.” I hung up.
I stood up to go to my room when I turned around to tell them were I was going.
“Be back latter. Don’t wait up. Going out with Alex,” then I walked out the living room. I got dressed in the normal black and left. Alex was waiting on me as usual but he wasn’t alone. Poco was standing with him. I walked up to Alex and pointed at Poco.
“Is he bothering you?” I asked him.
“No. I know him, he’s cool,” I stared at him.
“Um, Fire were are you going dressed like that?” Poco asked me.
I ignored him and climbed in the car. Alex and Poco talked a little longer then Alex climbed in the car next to me.
“Finally! What were you guys talking bout anyway?” I asked.
“Um, can’t tell you. Sorry.” I slumped back in my seat and was quiet for the rest of the ride.
He drove for about an hour when we finally stopped. We were some place I didn’t know or maybe it’s just because of the night. Alex started to walk and I followed him. We ended up in front off a really hip club.
“Um, I can’t go in there. I’m to young,” I said as I stared at it.
“Not if your with me, come on,” he grabbed my arm and we went up to the big black dude that looked like he could have been my uncle if he was a little bit lighter.
He saw me and Alex come up but he still blocked are path. He looked at Alex first. He stepped aside for Alex and when I tried he stopped me. I looked up at him. He looked down at my out fit and smiled. Then he let me pass. The people in line groaned and cursed but they didn’t leave to go to a different club.
I felt like this club was leading them here but I wasn’t shore so I walked past the big guy. I met Alex in side and he also smiled at me. But then I realized we were in a vampire club. There were vampires feeding on people everywhere.
I gagged. “Why did you bring me here?” I asked.
“Because you need to know what its like for them before you jug them,” he said.
“But I’ve killed so many, why now?”
“Because I have to show you something that only the council knows about me.” He began to walk.
I followed of cores. I didn’t wont to be left alone in this club if they feed on any human who dares to inter. Alex led me to a door and stepped in. I looked inside but it was kind of dark. Alex turned on a light and there was a coffin in the middle of the room. I reached for my knifes.
“Wait?” Alex told me.
I looked at him but I didn’t bring them out. He slides the lid off and cut his wrist. I didn’t even see the knife in his hand. He put his hand in the coffin for only a minute then brought it out. His cut was gone and he was backing away front the coffin. I looked at him but then I seen something move in the coffin. I focused on it and a beautiful women rose from the coffin.
Her beauty is not what stopped me in my tracks. What stopped me was that she looked just like Alex.
“Alex what’s going on?” I asked him, “Who is she?”
“She’s my mother,” he replied.
I stared at him. “It can’t be,” I said.
“That’s not the bad part about it. The bad news is who my father is.” He passed for a minute.
Then he continued, “My father is the man you met in the field the other night. Your father is my father.”
I couldn’t take this. I walked out - or in my way – I ran out. I ran until I got to the car. At first there was nothing there but then I wished I’d staid with Alex. My father was standing in front of me.
“Dad,” Alex said.
“I see you have woken your mother. She’s going to be very mad at you,” Blaze said.
“I had to and if you would have never turned her this would have never happened,” Alex yelled.
“Boy learn your place. I loved your mother and I wonted her with me but now she despises me and so do you.” Blaze shout back.
It was nice to have a family moment but I wonted answers.
“What do you wont with me?” I asked.
They both turned to look at me like they forgot I was even here.
“Oh, well you would be my first daughter and I wonted you with me at all times,” he told me.
“Don’t listen to him Fire. He only won’t you on his side so he can kill you latter. There’s a prophecy that says his first-born daughter will kill him unless he kills her first. That’s why your mother never let you know about him. She saw it happened and stole you from your crib and ran,” I looked at him.
“How do you know this,” I had tears in my eyes.
“Because she tried to take me with her but I wouldn’t go. I thought if I got close enough to him then I could kill him myself but I got to close and I couldn’t do it. So now it’s all up to you.”
I stared at Alex, he was my brother and we shared the same father. I can’t believe this. He never told me.
“Shut the fuck up you little brat. I gave you every thing and you choose to betray me by killing mine and your kind.” Snapped Blaze.
“There not my kind. Even if I’m half I don’t have to kill all the time like you. I don’t have to kill at all.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
This killing talk was making me uncomfortable.
“Oh, so you don’t know bout the blood lust?” Blaze looked at me but I didn’t answer. I still didn’t know what he was talking about.
“The blood lust of a half vampire,” this got my attention.
“What? I’ve never had the taste for blood.” I replied.
“Fire how old are you?” asked Blaze.
“16. Why?”
“Well in about a mouth it will hit you hard, really hard and you will kill anything that has blood running threw it’s veins.”
I couldn’t take this, I snapped, “I’m not going to have a blood lust.”
“Oh really? Well Alex tell Fire how many people you killed on you first blood lust.” I looked at Alex and he looked uncomfortable.
Then he met Blaze’s eye with so much fire I swear if he wasn’t a vampire he would have melted.
“On my first blood lust I killed over fifty people,” Alex replied.
I stared at him. I can’t believe this. He was one of the strongest vampire hunters I know.
I shook my head, “I’m not going to be like that. I wont give into it.”
There was silence then Blaze laughed out loud.
“You can try,” he said.
I glared at him. For a father he was so annoying. I was about to say something when I heard my name. I turned to see aunt Sophie coming at us.
“Fire what are you doing -” she stopped when she saw Alex and Blaze.
Blaze was in front of her before my eyes saw him move. Aunt Sophie stepped back. “Mum, it’s nice to see you Sophie. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
I stared at them. Apparently they new each other. He had her by the chin to make her look at him. Then she knocked his hand away with grate speed.
“Don’t touch my you asshole. You killed my sister,” she yelled but there was know one around to hear her.
“Aww, Sophie baby don’t be like that.”
“Don’t you ever call me that? You have know right.” I guess she made him mad because before you know it he had her against the wall and a look of pure rage.
“Aunt Sophie,” I called.
She looked at me and I could see the hurt in her eye’s to see me here. I got mad. I moved so fast but I could still see every little thing around me. I could see the shock on Alex’s face as I kicked Blaze as hard as I could and he went flying into the next wall. He went threw the wall making a big hole or another door in my case. I looked at my aunt and she looked relived. Then we left him there for some homeless guy to find him but after I thought about it a little bit I kind of felt bad for that homeless guy cause he might die tonight.

Chapter 11: the truth come out
We got home and aunt Sophie told me Poco new nothing about this and I still didn’t get a chances to ask her how she new Blaze. Alex staid with us in the guest bedroom. I walked in my room and laid on my bed. Then I couldn’t go to sleep so I went down stars to the kitchen. Aunt Sophie was already there with an extra cup of fresh coco. I sat across from her and we didn’t speak at first but I wonted to know.
“How did you and my mother know Blaze?” I asked.
“Well when we were sixteen, he was the hot new kid at school. Apparently he got kicked out of his rich privet school. Your mother and me wasn’t in the popular crowd and we weren’t at the bottom ether but for some reason he always had his eyes on you mother. Even the most popular girl in school couldn’t catch his eye but your mother could. So they started dating and all the girls hated her for it. He became a jock. He was on the football team and the basketball team. You know your mom had you at seventeen,” I nodded my head so she continued.
“Well when every body heard that she was pregnant they were so cruel to her. She was so small with a swollen belly but that didn’t stop her from going to school and finishing. She even went to college and took care of you. You were the sinter of her world and Blaze was right beside her. When she finished college he took her to live with him. That’s when we found out he had another kid, Alex. Your mom wasn’t even mad she treated him just like he was her own.”
Alex loved to play with you. You two could not stay away from each other. You two loved each other. But then your mother found out that he changed Alex’s mom and she wonted to leave before he changed her. But he didn’t let her.”
So one day you and your mother were playing with Alex when she had a vision that you would kill your father or be killed by him. She new she had to get you away from him. So she pact your thing. She tried to get Alex to come but he didn’t won’t to leave his mother so your mother had know choice but to leave him behind. That’s when she came to me. You staid with me for a while then she got a good job and left. We saw each other a lot.” Then Blaze came looking for her. Good thing Poco was here or he would have killed me with out a second thought when I wouldn’t tell him were you two were but he found out any way. He read my mind. So it’s my fault he cot ya’ll even thought it was years ago when he came after me.”
“Wait so he was watching us this hole time?” she nodded her head.
“I need to think,” I walked out the kitchen but not before I finished my coco.
She didn’t even try to stop me. I’m sitting on the porch when Alex came to join me. “Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” I said back.
“Sorry.” I looked at him.
“For your mother I mean. She was like a mother to me too. I guess she was my mother in a way. When I think of my mothers face your mother face pops in my head instead of my own.” Alex told me.
“She was a great mom. Even though I’ve gotten away with a lot more then I would have in she was still here,” I said.
“You know one day I wonted a cookie and I wasn’t suppose to get one so I snuck one and she beat me so hard my but hurts just thinking about it.” We laughed so hard there were tears coming out of my eyes.
“Thanks,” I said.
He looked at me sideways but I think he new.
“You know if you love Poco so much you should forgive him and go to him. You know he loves you too.” I looked at Alex.
How did he know all this?
“Oh I know how you two look at each other. In a little bit Sophie’s going to catch on.”
“I can’t believe you,” I laughed.
“Well what are brothers for,” he replied.
“If they don’t protect their sisters what are they good for?” I smiled at him.
I’ve never had a brother and I’ve always wonted an older brother.
“Thanks,” I said as I stood up.
“You coming in?” I asked.
“Naw I’m stay out here for a minute.”
“Okay, see you in a few,” I went in the house and up the stairs.
As I was about to go in my room I seen Poco’s light on. I knocked on his door and he told me to come in.
“Hey,” I said.
He didn’t say anything.
“Oh come on Poco. You can’t get mad at me for sleeping with Tomas as many girls you’ve slept with,” I snapped.
He stared at me.
“Do you believe in vampires?” he asked me out of the blue.
“I don’t know I guess.”
“Um,” was all he said.
He stood up and walked over to me. I didn’t see it coming so when he kissed me my first reaction was to kiss him back. It felt so good to have his lip back on mine. My hands had a mined of there own. They roamed up his shirt. I pulled away and Poco and me looked each other in the eye.
“Please Poco,” I said.
He kissed me again and I could feel were this was going and I was so happy to have him back in my arms.

I woke up to a vibrating noise. I looked and Poco was getting a text. I grabbed it and opened it. I was surprised by what I read. I was so shocked I almost dropped the phone.

‘If you up there’s a couple of vampire’s in the park if you wont to join in the fun.’

Poco was a vampire hunter like me. I kind of felt happy but he must know about me being a vampire hunter if he new what the women have to ware. That’s what he was talking with Alex about that night. That’s why he asked me did I believe in vampires. He wonted me to tell him about me before he tells me about him. His mom’s going to be mad when she hears this. I texted back:

‘Can’t I have my girl in my arms’

how you like them apples.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.10.2010

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