
Chapter One: New Beginnings


"We just moved into the new house Jacob bought for us and might I say that it’s amazing, and the inside is purple. To be exact, lavender purple walls. All around the house, the living room, the kitchen and upstairs. I’m having a hard time getting used being in a bigger space. But I love it and Jacob can’t wait to start over, a new future with him. I miss being within a close distnace to all of my friends in New York and my mom is still back in Mumbai. I hope that later on this year, my mom and dad will visit. Getting things in and out of the truck is so tiring, but like no other, me and Jacob work together and I think I can get used to having a bigger place to live, we finally have a neighborhood with neighbors that don't bother you. This area is quiet, and it's where me and Jacob will start our family. This is a perfect beginning for us. But, ayways, i've gotta go and see ya next time!"- @SummerElleW_86




"Hey, Jacob. Anything else U need to put in the house?"


He replies, after sticking his head out of the truck’s back opening.


"Nope all done, and you know what this means."


"We can finally start setting up things in the house." I say.



I jump excitedly.


He pauses, as his stomach growls.


"But first, I need to eat and take back the moving truck." he says.


I reply.


"Great, i’ll start going to the store and buy us something for the week."



We both kiss, before I hop in my new car that I bought before we moved.



I start up the car, as Jacob backed away from the sidewalk with the truck and drives off to return it.


I back out of the driveway, to roll down the street and make a left turn towards the nearby neighborhood stores.


I pass by the buildings.



I guess you could say, that living in the New York suburbs is better. Because it feels like home and it has that New York building view I love.



I stop by the nearest thrift store, it was big and small like an old urban store.


I walked inside, went up and down the aisle to find the products I needed that could last a week in our household.



When I paid for the groceries, I hopped back in my car and drove back home, to find Jacob had already set up our bed.


Except everything else in the house. I put the groceries in the fridge.



I ran upstairs to see our room, it was bigger than the others.


We had 4 rooms in the house, 3 upstairs and 1 downstairs.



I haven’t thought about how many kids I wanted, but it came to mind and i’ll think about it later.


Jacob comes down after a while, to find me making sandwiches. He takes and eats it. I eat mine and we set up things in the kitchen and living room.



By the end of the night, we already had the living room and kitchen set up nicely. The way I wanted it.


"Now for the bedroom," I mention


"Later." Jacob says coming over to me.



He had two sodas in his hand, and one waved a can to me.


We both open them and sit down on the new couch we bought weeks ago.



"You and me make a great team, don’t we Jacob?" I say.


"Yep, just like always." he replies.



That night, we fixed up a little more of our room.


Luckily, all was left was the tables, mirrors, the rest of the furniture and the bathroom.



I couldn't just sleep and know that there were a million things to do.


Trust me, i’ve been thinking about this moment since forever and it’s finally here.


Jacob could have strapped me down to the bed and I would still find a way out to clean or do something.



But I had to rest, tomorrow was work for half the day.


I still need to keep up my energy for when I come back home.



I close the lamp on the small table, close by our bed. And I drift off to sleep.




That next morning, I woke up extra early to make breakfast.


Toast, cereal and fruits in a cup.


It wasn't the best breakfast for a start, but i've made better.



I made coffee too, to freshen up the smell of the house.



Jacob suddenly woke up and I could here him coming down the stairs, as I warm up my toast.



"Mmmm…what's smells good. I can't believe  it."


"A decent breakfast. Sorry I can't whip out the pans a make a souffle." I say.



They're still in the garage.



He smiles, as I pass him his plate of toast and orange juice.


He sits down and eats as I turn on the small the tv in our kitchen.



Things were going great so far, until I remembered that i'd be late if I didn't go to work now. 


I hurried up to our room, and headed into the restroom.


And suddenly I remembered, I had set up my clothes for today.


Thank god.


I quickly brushed my teeth and put on my clothes, then took a quick look in the mirror.


I ran downstairs to pour my coffee into my accessible drink holder, and I kissed Jacob on the cheek before I left out the door.



"Okay, Jacob are you sure you're gonna be fine being home from work for 2 weeks. Cause I can stay today, if you want me too?" I asked.



He smiles and stops me before i'm on the lawn.


"It’s alright, i’ll be fine being home alone and plus i’ll get to fix up the house throughout the day."


"Save some for me, you know I wanna do it to." I remind him.



He kisses me on the head and looks at me.


"Now go, you're gonna be late for work if you don’t get there on time."



I run the door to my car.


Because of the change in distance, going to work, I have to get to work 20 minutes earlier than before.



And plus, taking the long ride to work gives me relief, instead of stress.


Now I have plenty time to stop at a open store to grab something to buy or eat on the way.



It’s one of the things I love about living here now.



I’m already in Manhattan, waiting for the red light to turn green. Only 2 minutes till work starts.


The light turns green and I turn left into the FARELLE parking lot.



I found a spot really quick.


I’ve been practicing with Rikki ever since I got my car to floor it from where I live to the parking lot in time.


And on the exact time, when i’ll arrive to FARELLE, Rikki will make sure i’m on time alongside her.



On the way, out of my car, I meet up with Rikki before I enter into the department.


We walk and talk as we went up the alley way towards FARELLE.



"So tell me Elle, how was your first night in the new house?"


"It was amazing and I have new plans on how I want to decorate the house and you're helping me when I come up with it." I reply.



We go into the elevator, as I search through my phone to find my story on the hottest fashion fails of september.


The elevator doors ding and the doors open.


I put my phone up and walk with Rikki to the hallway, leading to a few offices and people who worked minimum paid jobs here.



We walk past the front desk and offices and pushed on 2 glass doors, leading to the one place i've become accustomed to.


FARELLE,...the writers and design building.



I walk over the receptionist desk.


Unfortunately, the people who worked here last year have to keep their second jobs, and the includes me.


Until can get others to come in to take the position. Even though I still get to keep mine as a writer, which makes me happy no one can do a better receptionist job than me.



Lauren comes from the entrance to find me.


"Oh my god! Elle how are you this morning?!"


She yells and attempts to hug me and I let her.



She shares her adventures and about the trip she took back from Africa.


She claimed she needed to find her peace in her, so called 'soul'.



I bet she did because, she came back to FARELLE a new person.



She interrupts me before she leaves to her office.


"Elle, I want you to talk with Jeff about the photograph shots and then Marus and I will introduce you to a new special someone who will take up the internship on becoming the next writer of FARELLE magazine. And don’t worry, she won’t take your job, you already have it."



She left to her office in a cheery mood. She high-fived a couple people as she skipped.


The dreaed Marcus being here was no biggie, but a new intern stirred the crate.



I knew this new intern wouldn’t take my job, because it’s been mine since before I left back to Paris with Jacob.



I was an intern here at FARELLE, until I mastered the interview for a higer position. I got my shot with Marybella, who now works here.


I turned down Lauren's offer months before for a different job, so that I can get one that involved writing.



I remember the little memory we had together and that time she taught me how to ice skate, before Jacob came home for new year's. 


Marybella helped me through my rough times without him and I expected to see her here every single day.



Rikki headed to her office, a rather small office outside the glass doors. 


A little office and front desk outside of the writer's and design doors.



I walk over to where Jeff was working, on taking shots of our new Model, who recently came in a week ago.


I really like the new model, she has potential and character.



Lauren and Marcus walk towards me, ready to announce something to all of us. Lauren speaks first.


"The new intern for the writers and design department, at FARELLE is about to walk in through those doors in 3..2..1."



A few seconds go by and no one walked through the doors.


Then finally a girl, who was somewhat not short but tall enough for me to tower over, came in.



She seemed clumsy and didn’t know where to go.


I helped her bring a small box onto the receptionist desk as she entered.



"Hi, my name’s Elle, are you new here?"



She looked at me, like I was a prize or something and she didn’t talk for a second.


Lauren came up behind us, she greeted the young girl who was taking up the internship for the writers department this year.



Lauren talked up a storm with the new girl, she told her about the writers and design awards that we're having for the first time this year.


Lauren made eyes with a gestured to my presence.



"And here is your boss a.k.a mentor for your internship here, make yourself at home and explore New York while you have the chance." Lauren said.


She smiled eagerly at the girl, then Lauren had a call from her phone. "Excuse me I have to take this, see you later."



Lauren left to her office, while the girl stood a fair distance from me.


She walks up towards me.


"Hi, my name is Sara. Nice to meet you. I hope writing for FARELLE is an amazing job. Lauren told me you're the new writer and editor for FARELLE since last year right?"



I was nervous to say anything back, but I had to. Sara was the new intern and I had to suck it up and be a boss to her.


"Yes, I am the writer and editor of FARELLE magazine company, since last year. Now it’s official."



She smiled in return, I could tell she was as young.


As young as I was when I first came back to New York again.



I showed Sara around, like how Rikki and Marcus did when I first started here.


I could tell, either she was gonna be friends with Marcus or Jeff. Depending on how well she socialized with everyone.



"And here is your office and desk. Hope you like it here, that’s the best I can do since i’m the receptionist here."



Sara looked down at the small but big desk i’ve given her.


It had a small flower was on it, with 2 yellow roses, a few pencils, paper and a sketch board for written work.



She didn’t smile back in return, but rather a thank you again and it’s nice to be here expression.


She sat down and got comfortable.



"Alright, since it’s your first day here, i’m gonna give you something small to do. Go around the block and write interesting stories about the people and things you see."



She looked at me confused.


"Don’t worry, it was one of the first things I did when I started working as an intern here." I said



I smiled at her, then reported to a worker entering at the glass doors.


I ran over to my receptionist desk.



I took a few phone calls and signed for packages and deliveries.


As for Sara, she returned back from the block a mess after sending her off 20 minutes ago.


Before I could ask she spoke.



"Tell me that New York is one of...the worst cities i’ve ever...moved to because," she swallowed and answered again breathing heavily.



"Someone tried to rob me for my coffee and they took my journal....but luckily, I fought back and I gathered up a good story."


Where did you go?


Before she finished she yelled out loudly to herself. "Cramp, Cramp!"



Marcus suddenly came up behind me.


"Okay, I think she’s trying to tell us something."


"Shut up," I say to him.


"That's bold of you." he replies.



Before, I couldn't bat an eyelash for talk back. But now that I'm accustomed, it's easier.



Almost everyone’s attention was on Sara, but nobody minded to say anything.


Sara gave Marcus an annoyed to death stare, Marcus backed up and went into his office.



Sara was almost halfway down to the floor, I walked up to her and bent down so she could hear me.


"Honestly Sara, if you're gonna be an intern here at FARELLE , you need get your act together."



I then walked off.


I felt bad about saying it to her, but i’m her boss. I’m suppose to be hard, so she can improve, no matter what comes to mind.




Lunch time came around and everyone fled to the lunch room.


For the full time and part-time workers like me, Rikki, Jeff and Marcus, we don’t eat in the writer's and design building.


We eat across from the building.



We ate across from our building, because Me, Rikki and Jeff and Marcus work 2 jobs.


Jeff had to work a shift in the cafeteria, then run over to have lunch with us. While Marcus eats lunch in his office.


He made an excuse not to eat here with us, lucky him.



I hope he gets caught one day and has to slum it with us.



I didn't know what was going on, but the rumours I hear was that Marcus and his love for being in his office was weird and so is his boss.



She’s practically the worst boss you could ask for here, other than Lauren she’s the best boss.



Since the writers and design building was put into one building together, we have 2 big bosses in our business everyday.


Vanessa is the boss of the design department and Lauren is the boss of the writers department.


They go head to head everyday over who had the better department for FARELLE.



I see Jeff running over to the cafeteria.



The chef is crazy, I hope he doesn't pull his hair if one more person asks for a vegitarian meal.


I hope he doesn’t poison in our meals to exact his revenge.



Jeff enters through the doors, as I grab a cup filled with lemonade and sit at a table with Rikki and Marybella.


Jeff walks in to see me siting down with them.



He grabs his lunch from a nearby fridge filled with vegetarian food in brown bags or plastic packages.


He sits down with us.



"Hey guys, how’s your work today. Tough?" he asks unwrapping something.



Marybella swallows a bit of her salad, she had a vegetarian meal.



"Oh my god, today’s work was so hard. Can you believe all the dresses I had to pose in, one had studs."


I slightly chuckled at Marybella.


"So tell me about your day, Elle?" she asked.



I swallowed a piece of my chicken then answered.



"Great, got a new intern and guess who’s the boss?"


Everyone paused and looked at me.


Rikki asked. "Who?” 





Everyone clapped for me, Marybella joked around saying that i’m the best boss or whatever.


"Congratulations, you finally made it and you're the boss after all." Marybella said.


She got and neeling down on the floor, bowing her hands to me.



"Stop, i'm not a princess or something. Come on Marybella," I say, waving her to get up.



"Yeah, you can’t just say that she’s boss now, so that means we do her every plead." Rikki said.


She mimic's a robot noise and danced in her chair, eventually Marybella sat in her chair again.



At a sudden moment, Vanessa comes in with her sidekick. Her work partner, who is also head of design assistance, a fancy way of saying assistant: Marcus.



Marcus gives me a look that meant watch out, Vanessa’s here.



I really don’t see Vanessa as a mean person or anyone who’s evil.


I see her as the boss and manager of the design department, working in the writers and design building too.



She always has tips for writers like me and stories to tell, so that I can get a good idea on what I would want to write for the magazine.


We also get to see when we get the first look at it, before we send it out to the newspaper and magazine stands because of her.



Vanessa walks over to the lunch entree table and picks out a few things to put on her plate, while Marcus runs over to the vegetarian fridge and grabs a brown bag.



For some reason, it appeared that Vanessa had just walked in here like she was boss or something.


Or like she was meant to be head of FARELLE magazine.


Her presence is atonishing, even I quiver to be in the same room as her.



I don’t know why people say she has a mean look.


I have a mean look too, people think something’s wrong or that i’m really mad.


But for real, it’s just my face.



Vanessa sits down with the other magazine department bosses including Lauren, they all talk for a while which seemed pretty stable.


But, i think Vanessa and Lauren get along pretty good, when they're not fighting.



I whisper to my friends.


"I really don’t know if this is a rival or something people made up, but I think they get along pretty well."



Jeff swallows his food before answering.


"But get this, years ago when they both first started here at FARELLE, rumors said they were rivals. But they didn’t believe the other co-workers. I wonder what happened to that, if they finally started believing they were gonna be rivals."



The time on my clock read 12:34, it was almost time to leave and go back work.


The main office set up an alarming time, all of our phone’s or devices ring when it's up, that means we go back that means at the end of lunch.


And since we're a magazine company, we need to hurry to things out in time, which means no wasting to get back to the departments.



The time rang and everyone’s phones went crazy, with ringtones and vibrating tables.


Mine mainly vibrated, my friends had their ringtones set to loud.



We all left our tables and ran for the door, unlike the other interns.


They eat lunch in the design and writers building cafe.



Me, Rikki, Marybella and Jeff have whistle lanyards around our necks.


We really planned this out, and it's serious to us.


If one of us get’s left behind, we blow the whistle so we can save the other and keep moving.



When we get back to work, if anyone is late getting after lunch or at least has a reason being late that’s a $20 off your pay.



I remember last time when I was late, I almost lost a shoe.



We all run like a pack of wolves, almost ready to eat the last dead animal.


It’s like war, except with people you know.


Luckily, me and Rikki found another way to enter in quickly. A secret door on the right side of the building.




Unlike the others going through the elevator and the stairs entrance through the building.


We ran off to the side and enter in through a door, Marybella had the key.


She copied it, when she flirted with a janitor once.



She open’s the door and we run up.


Jeff is huffing and puffing behind us, but he keeps up with us.



We make it the the other side. Our location, behind the photoshoot theme wall.


We walk up behind the wall, hearing people rush in.



We all walk past a curtain, leading to the photo supply room. It was filled with decorations, cameras and fancy outfits.



It wasn't sort of a room, just 4 big and long curtains covering up the supplies beside the photoshoot area.



Jeff peaks through the curtains to see if anyone was looking.


The coast was clear and we run as quickly as we can out of there, making sure no one notices us.



And no one did.


Rikki, Marybella and Jeff have been doing this since before I moved to the suburbs.


That means i’m the only other person who knows about this entrance.



Lauren and Vanessa walk in, it's dead silent.


Lunch was over and we could tell by some employees stuffing sandwiches into their mouth, refusing to chew until Lauren and Vanessa had gone.


I quickly ran over to my reception desk, to make it seem like I was working.



Vanessa stares while looking around and sets her eyes dead on me. She looks away and walks to her office, with Marcus following beside her.


Lauren walks off to her office, opposite from Vanessa’s.


She looks over at me signaling to find Sara.


God, where was she?



Just as I was about to get up, Sara comes in. She hurries to her desk beside mine and sets down her books and papers.


Before Lauren enters her office, she stops to look at where Sara is.



"Little Sally Walker. She needs to be early on time, after she eats."



Lauren walks back into her room and everything goes back to normal.


Sara sits down in embarassment, I could tell she looked upset from behind.



I walk over to her desk, to comfort her. Realizing I didn't tell her earlier about hurrying back to work after lunch.


"It's okay. Hey, everyone’s first day is the worst. But working for Lauren won’t be easy. At all." I said.



She sits up and looks over to me.


"Well what do you do? When I first got interviewed by Lauren, she was talking about how much work you were doing for this company, and how good you were at your job. And how well you dress, for a matter of fact."



I walk over to my desk and grab an extra tissue box from one of my drawers, I set it on Sara’s desk.


"Here. Use these to wipe your tears. This is only the first day, you have so much more to learn and do. Just don't sit around and cry." I say.



I looked around to make sure no one was listening.


"If you came to New York to pursue your dream, do it and don’t stop, don’t stop!"



Sara grabs a few tissues, blows her nose and wipes her tears. 


"Okay, tell me what to do."



I walk over to a nearby desk filled with flowers. A vase filled with tulips, lilies and yellow roses.



I walk over to Sara and set the vase full of flowers on her desk.


"Make the flowers look more beautiful and write something about it." I said.



She gives me a look that could possibly say are you kidding ?


I walk over to check back on Jeff, as she get’s to work.


I haven’t really thought of what to do with Sara next. But if she’s gonna become a writer, she’s gotta do something different everyday.




Later that day, when my shift was over, I planned to go grab Starbucks then head home.


But Marybella and Rikki had plans to go out and drink.


I decided to join them for 20 minutes, then head home.



"So i'm thinking tonight we hit 90 Rockers. They have the best seats in their restaurant & bar." Marybella said.


I shut down my laptop after printing off a story for Lauren.



As Rikki and Marybella tell me more about 90 Rockers, I head over to the print room and get my story to turn into Lauren’s room.


"Top notch service, tv on play and the bartender has a cute butt." I hear Rikki exclaim.


I look over to her.



"Rikki!" I say.


"What? Can I not talk about other men around you guys. I mean things have gotten slow with Jason, he’s sort of not around much, but this weekend i’m surprising him when he comes back home. I’m so excited." she replies



As me, Rikki and Marybella head out the glass doors towards the elevators, I stopped, where Sara was still at her desk.


I told Marybella and Rikki that i’ll catch up. 



"Hey, Sara time’s up. Work already ended 12 minutes ago." I say.


She looks up at me, then the time on her watch.


"Oh my god, I can’t believe I didn’t notice that. Sorry."



She grabs her things and starts to head out as I open the glass doors and we head towards the elevator.


Sara joins me in the elevator as I press for the first floor.


It was an awkward silence for 50 seconds, then the doors open and we both walk out.



Before I open the exit doors she stops me.



"Um, Elle? I just want to say, thanks for believing in me today. It really helped me get more focused."


I smiled.


"You're welcome Sara, hope your internship here doesn’t suck like mine."



I head out the doors, to find Marybella and Rikki in the alley waiting for me.


Marybella hurries to me, to the parking lot.



I start up my car and the others do too.


We drove off to 90 Rockers, parking out cars and finally heading inside.



The look of 90 Rockers was not like how I imagined.


The restaurant side was fantastic and the bar side was amazing too.



We sit down on nearby bar stools, waiting for the bartender. Marybella had several vodka cranberries and Rikki with her 20 or so sangrias.


I don't know, I forget. But it seems like 20.


All I got was water.



I didn’t want to be drunk on the road, or to crash into things. Especially since I have work tomorrow.


I’m not gonna let myself have a single drink, it's not coming between me and my moving plans.



I start towards the exit door of 90 Rockers and head out to my car.


I knew Rikki and Marybella would be fine. Besides, drunk Marybella is a bit more fun then regular Marybella.



I turned on the radio, as I drove off. I thought about the new house.



I pull into the driveway, to find Jacob’s shadow in the living room.


I open the front door and spot Jacob setting up the tv.



I was slow to come in, not making a sound so that I could scare him.


As he reaches for the extension plug, I grab his arm quickly.



He jumps as if he was jumped by 12 men.


He smiles to find only me, I laugh at his reaction.





I put down my purse and head upstairs to see if the bathroom is set.


And it is, except I need to put my things in there before work tomorrow.



Instead of taking a shower, I took a bath.


I had warm water, finally.


The best bath I ever took in years.



Jacob was done setting up in the living room.


I came down to see how he was doing, then entered into the kitchen to make dinner.


"So how’s the table behind the couch coming along?" I say.



He answers from behind.


"Almost done, just a few things to spruce up and then it’s set for the flower vase."


"Great, do you want ravioli or something else?" I ask.



He get's up from behind to couch to see me in the kitchen by the stove, I take a quick glance at him before he answers


"You're making ravioli tonight?" he asks.


"Yes, because I can cook." I reply.



He smiles then answers again.


"You know what, I need to take a break and you too. I’ll go get McDonalds for tonight, there's no need for cooking."



He grabs his car keys.


As soon as he headed out the door, I got ice cream out from the freezer.


When he get's back, we'll share.



I turn on the tv and see my new favorite show is on Sierra Li Lo La La Vista.


The show is about a young girl named Sierra, who has a crazy family and a terrible lost, love life with her boyfriend after he gets in a car crash.


And loses half his memory about Sierra, and it’s up to her to help her boyfriend remember her or she’s forced to move on to an arranged marriage.



I love it and I just started watching before Jacob an I moved to the new house here in Vera Lance our neighborhood.


Just as Sierra finds out her parents might force her into a marriage, if she doesn’t help Milos get his memory back, i’m interrupted.



I paused my show and walk over to the door to see who’s knocking.


I open the door to see Jacob, holding 3 bags of food.


"Forgot my house keys."



I smile and let him in.


We sat down and watch my show, while we eat.



Me and Jacob head to bed, hours later after the long day.


By the end of the week, it’ll be the weekend and we’ll finally get to spend some time together in our new house.



Chapter Two: Let Me Explain


I woke up bright and early before Jacob did. I went over to the restroom to check how I looked this morning.


Let me say, that i’m a hot mess when it comes to waking up in the morning



"This is the rest of my life." I say, as I look at myself in the mirror.



I hopped in the shower, and rinsed out the extra products in my hair.


Then I got dressed.



Jacob woke up after I was done blow drying my hair.


He heads into the bathroom, as I head over to my makeup vanity across the room.



I start applying a few strokes of eye shadow then eyeliner.


Today I was going for the look of purple, since me and Lauren are announcing the notices about the upcoming writers and design awards.



As soon as Jacob is out of the bathroom, I head in to change for work and curl up my hair.


It had a great bounce to it and shined.



I spray my favorite perfume then head out so I can grab my purse and run downstairs to make a quick breakfast.


Jacob hurries downstairs, as I eat up some of yesterday’s McDonalds.


Unlike most people, I don't really eat a healthy breakfast.



Jacob grabs something from the pantry and heads towards his office to grab his book bag, filled with reports and paperwork.



We both head out the door and got into our separate cars. He has the SUV and I get the big black Hummer. 


Today was the last time I would see Jacob for the week, because he got called in to go to California for a big business meeting.



I said goodbye and we went our separate ways.


For now, I have the house to myself and that means I get to fix up the rest of our stuff throughout the week.


And it could mean girls night for me, Rikki and Marybella.



As I drive up on the road leading back to city from the suburbs, I arrive at the same time as Rikki.


And she waits for me, while I get out of the car.



I walk over to her.


"Hey Rikki. And Marybella is drunk, can I guess?"



Rikki gives me an eased look, which meant Marybella got drunk or she went back to her old ways again.


Marybella pulls up in her car into the parking lot. She struggles to get out of the car and shut’s the door with a slam.


"Good morning Rikki, Elle."


She stumbles as she walks towards me.


I scoff at her.


"Marybella are you still drunk? You can't be drunk and go into work."


She looks at me angrily.


"Who are you to judge with your pity looking self, I just had one too many drinks. And besides, it's a hangover." she says.



She then falls to the ground.


"Crap, okay Rikki get her a soy vanilla latte and i’ll meet you two back in the building. Marybella behave!"



She stumbles to get up, but stands still when she's on her feet.


Rikki holds her arm and walks beside her.



"Don’t worry about me Elle, i’m fine....fine as hell!" Marybella said.


She bursts in laughter.



I walk down the alley and looked back, making sure no one was following me. I safely walk out of the alley and into the writers and design building entrance. 



I went up the elevator into the main glass door entrance and there it was, the stage.


Everyone was preparing for the announcement. 


Workers turned the photoshoot area into a stage.



Lauren spotted me and her eyes widened in exitement.


Guess I won't be getting Marybella her latte.



"Elle, darling you're just in time. In 15 minutes we’ll announce the coming of the awards show, but or now keep Sara busy." she whispered to me.


"Now I don’t want Sara hearing the announcement, because the awards doesn’t include her." she said.



Lauren smiled and walked over to see how the workers were doing.


I open up my laptop and starting writing for my daily blogs.



"It’s been a while since I blogged or possibly a day, I missed you guys. I hope you have a fun weekend because by this weekend i’m writing a story about someone special who’s been presenting FARELLE magazine for over 12 years. Jacob’s across the states in California for a big company meeting. Marybella and Rikki and Marybella had started hanging out after work, by getting drinks together. After a few vodka crainberries, she starts to act like a grown woman for 2 hours straight. Today is the close-up announcement for the upcoming award show for FARELLE and its loyal workers. I’ve been working here since last year and took a lot of time off for family issues, but I got through and now i’m back and ready to work harder. As for now, i’ve officially turned into a boss for my one and only intern, Sara. I might actually love my job even more. Anyways gotta go and see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86



"What are you doing?" Sara asks from behind.


I turned at her mention, making me catch my breath.


She scared me.



"None of your business, now leave me alone. Go find something to write about." I respond.



I close my laptop after she looks over to the workers fixing up the stage.


I knew since it was so early in the morning, the only thing Sara could write about is the workers.



"And no, don’t write anything about the workers here, their job is boring."


She sighs and asks me a question. "Well then what am I suppose to write about?"


I give an angry sigh then answer.


"Write about something that doesn’t take place here, but rather outside. You know that becoming a writer includes stumped ideas, but you always keep thinking and make the best of the story like, writing a story on someone here or a random hobo outside." I say.



Sara scatters to her desk to grab her journal and she passes by me before she heads towards the glass door then stops.


"Thank you for giving me the greatest idea!"



She runs through the glass doors.


I guess she’s off.



I start preparing for my part of the speech that Lauren and I are giving to the writers and design department.


Rikki interrupts me during my memorization.


"Excuse me Elle, we’ve got a sort of issue. Marybella is completely stable for the announcement."


"She’s stable that’s good isn’t it?" I say.



Rikki shakes her head in disagreement.


"No, that means she’ll be herself during the announcement, isn’t something bad gonna happen? You know, when she usually gets like this."


Like this.


I knew, but we had to keep trucking on.


I give Rikki a look.


"Okay, listen Rikki, if she’s herself throughout the announcement that means we have to ignore her comments and still go on with it, okay?"



Rikki nods her head and goes back to her section.


Lauren reminds me we have 2 minutes before we announce, as everyone comes and sits in white chairs below the stage.



The intercom comes on and someone speaks.


Music plays on the intercom to get everyone's attention.


It's bubbly and souful. Everyone starts bobbing their heads along. 



A few seconds go by and the person behind the intercom announces.



"One minute before the big announcement for the award show."


The intercom goes off and everyone sits down in the white chairs, while me and Lauren go up on stage.



I never knew walking up those faithful little stairs to the stage would be a dream for me, not only that, but with my boss.


Everyone, especially the workers, sat down. Ready to hear our announcement.


Everyone get’s quiet as soon as Vanessa walks in. And of course she’s invited (front row seat).



It’s for the writers and designers, and Vanessa definitely had to be there.


A moment goes by before Lauren speaks and everyone, especially Vanessa is quiet.



"Workers and bosses of FARELLE, It has come upon my time to announce that the writers and design department will be getting an award party for part-taking in doing your job since you first started here. Or since you’ve done a good job representing FARELLE. Like the writer and editor of FARELLE magazine."


Everyone slides a look, knowing of course Lauren was talking about me.


She continues.


"Elle, who is outstanding, is a faithful and loyal FARELLE employee and might I say, the best writer and editor of FARELLE that we ever had. Ladies and Gentlemen, Ms. Elle Woods."



Everyone begins to clap, but Vanessa stands up.


"Hold on, let me just say, what is it that 'our' Elle Woods has done for our magazine company? Isn’t everyone wondering that?"



Everyone in the crowd mumbles to one another and Lauren slowly pushes me towards the side to talk in the microphone.


"Now hold on Miss Vanessa,  are you really thinking you can inbetween her speech and mine to ask specific questions like that. Elle has done enough to bring this company to greater heights, and that’s none of your business."


"I'm just asking," Vanessa begins.


"Oh no," I whisper.


The speech was over, before it began.



Vanessa smiles which makes her look even greater. Who can blame the designer for a killer look.


"Elle? What have you done to make FARELLE soar to greater heights, then what we’ve been before?"



Everyone’s stares at me, Vanessa’s eyes glued to mine. I almost stumbled on my words but I eventually spoke.


"As you said Vanessa, what have i done for FARELLE? I brought our one and only good source, Marybella, here. She’s working for FARELLE rather than some other magazine company, who almost stole her away from us. I brought a rival back into FARELLE and we didn’t make a fit over what happened years ago. Instead we settled things and made it work. I brought in the juiciest stories from around the globe, and finally. I know some of you may not know her, but she’s gonna bring back the impact we have on people’s lives again like last year. She’s my assistant and the newest intern for FARELLE, Sara Walker."


Everyone claps in agreement.


I felt proud to get up there and speak my mind.


But now, only Vanessa wasn't stumped. Maybe now the writers department will get their revenge on the design department for what they did last time.



"And I just have to ask Vanessa, since you are our designer department boss. What has Marcus or you brought to our company?" I asked.


Lauren shifts her weight towards me, raising her eyebrow to Vanessa.



Vanessa looks around at everyone, I could tell that she was stumped. And no answer came out, except the fact that she left in the middle of the announcement, and Marcus followed behind her.


Lauren buds in before everyone can get up to leave.


"Before you leave, a quick message, don’t forget to find something to wear for the award show in a few weeks.'' She hollered.



Everyone went back to work and Lauren turned to me.


"Thank you, honestly, Elle. I never knew you could make Vanessa get stumped in front of everyone here. Uou’ve got something and I guarantee that you’ll keep working for FARELLE. No one will replace you."


Lauren walks back to her office.


I return back to my receptionist desk.




Why is our lunch so serious, we only have 30 minutes and yet when it’s time to go back to work, it’s business.


Everyone running, struggling to get back to work. In less than 4 minutes.


Who made up this rule, because every single day, lunch is like a fight on school grounds.



There's hair being pulled, food all over the floor. In people’s shoes, makeup drawn all over the girls bathroom walls and writing I will kill you after lunch.


When everyone’s running out of the cafe it’s like the zombie apocalypse, chaos is left behind.



Freakin, after a big fight trying to get back to work, I see chips and snack bags being trampled over by humans.



The first time I ate lunch here I swear to god I saw a rhino come in crashing through the glass doors.


If you think you can work for FARELLE, you better get yourself a plan before your survive your first world war at lunch.



There's 1 minute remaining before the stupid lunch bell rings.


Lauren already got a head start to the doors. Because she’s boss, no one wants to mess with them.


Luckily, I know my boss and she’s awesome.



"Elle over here. I saved you a spot, luckily if I wasn’t here all these employees will be all over the doors. But thank god, because now their surrounding me and the doors."



The bell rang and everyone ran towards the doors, not matter who was behind it or in front of it.



It turns out it Sara was in front of it, and it was too late. She was crushed and trampled on.


I felt sorry for Sara, but I didn’t do anything about it.



Marybella marches over, some time after lunch to my desk.


"So get this, what Rikki said about me being drunk and acting like a mess for 2 hours was true. Right?" Marybella says.


Rikki shows up next to her and starts eating her appetizers from lunch. With her mouth full, she speaks.


"Well, technically Marybella you were Beyoncé for 2 hours, but you survived."



Rikki swallows her food, takes a sip of water then continues.


"And Elle never leave me alone with Marybella again. She’s trouble, and never ever agree to take her back to 90 Rockers again."


Marybella interrupts.



"Well let me just say, you did a good job handling myself for 2 hours. Even my boyfriend can’t get me to stay still."


Marybella angrily huffs out a breath.


She pulls something out of her purse, it was a breath mint. She pours a powder substance into her own water bottle and then pulls out something else, that really scares me.


It was a box set full of cigarettes.



I knew Marybella had a problem with smoking, since the first day I met her.


"Marybella are you gonna smoke again? We talked about this and you made a commitment." I whisper.



She places the box on my table near her water bottle.


"Relax Elle, I have it under control, plus if I drink this breath sweetener drink after I smoke, my breath won’t smell bad or cause anyone to get asthma."



She pulled out a cigarette and flashes her lighter to light up her cig.


I yell, whispering again.


"Marybella, I will buy you a green mint chocolate ice cream right now if you don’t light one up right now, I swear!"



She stops before she had a chance to let the lighter touch the tip of her cigarette.


"Really you’ll do that, so I don’t blow up the room?"


I reply honestly.


"Yes I will, now promise me you won’t light one up until after work or at least till I talk to you about it again."


She puts out her hand waiting for me to hand over my credit card, I give it to her and she rushes over, disappearing with it.


"I hope I have enough money leftover, I can’t believe this girl." I say, shaking my head nervously.


"Me and Rikki are gonna have to solve this problem again." Jeff said, finishing whatever he was eating.


"Didn't you eat lunch?" I ask.





He was probably standing there for a while, I didn’t notice him.


He leaves after his answer.


Marybella skips back over to my desk, holding not one but two mini cups of mint green chocolate ice cream.


"You're card went through. I know you’ll do anything for me and as for payback, here's one ice cream for you."



She hands the ice cream to me and I take it.


"You know, were not supposed to be eating during work right?" I say.


"Who says?" Marybella replies.



She had a mouthful of ice cream, and a sheepish smile.


When I set down the cup, ready to take a bit, I saw Sara walking in, coming towards me 



"Elle, just to let you know. I got ran over by 200 interns during lunch today, but I still ate this tasty lunch at a park. And I got a story, on an old lady who used to live in this apartment building. They called her Mrs. Wilson, anyways i’m ready to start typing the story."



Before she had the chance to go back to her desk, I stopped her.


"Hold on. Did you say, an old lady named Mrs. Wilson?" I ask.


She nods.



Sara rushes over to her desk and starts on her story.


I couldn't shake that fact that she said she had a story on Mrs. Wilson.



I used to know a person named Mrs. Wilson, she lived on the 3rd floor in the apartment building I previously lived in.


My heart beats at the thought, it couldn't be the same person.



Lauren stopped by my desk an hour later, telling me to get the guest list ready for important people to come for the award show. And Marybella’s name was the first one on the list.


Obviously, she's a mega star in america. As well as Russia.




Later, I was preparing to go back home as I wrote a quick message to Jacob.


I knew I had to say something about Sara’s story, I mean it’s great.


But it has me on edge, a little.



"Okay, guess that’s it! Sara, i’m gonna head out. You fine being here for a few minutes?" I finally say.



She looks up towards me. "Yeah i’m gonna be fine, don’t worry about me."


Before I got down from the receptionist desk, I asked Sara another question.



"Sara, do you know who Mrs. Wilson is? In the story you're writing?"


She shakes her head. "No. But I heard someone say, they knew her from long ago. Do you know anything about this person?"


I shake my head. "No, just asking. Oh and Sara?"



She looks back up at me.




"You ate lunch in a park today?"




I nodded my head then ask. "Do you not eat lunch here?"



"I did yesterday and on my first day. But I decided the park would be more roomy than a crowded cafe filled with interns."


"Alright, I'll see ya tomorrow." I reply.


"Bye, Ms. Elle."



I left through the doors and went down to my car.




Sara's P.O.V



Just a mintue later Vanessa showed up.


"Hey Sara, how are you? Okay? Just to ask, are you leaving now?"



Vanessa seemed concerned, but it didn’t bother me.


"Nope, just gonna print my story and drop it off in Lauren’s office before I leave."



Vanessa hums a tune while I click on my computer to print my story.



I walk towards the print machine and get my paper.


I go back to my desk to grab my things before heading to Lauren’s office, and then I see Vanessa.


Still standing by my desk.



"Hope your way home is safe, bye." she says.



I make my way to Lauren’s office, then Vanessa stops me.


"Sorry to bother but do you want me to take that for you?" Vanessa asks.


"Yep, and thanks. Just make sure it gets to Lauren’s office." I said smiling in relief.




Elle's P.O.V



"Come on Bella, let’s go before were late to Rikki’s."


Marybella comes up fast behind and start’s up her car, when I see a shadow of light from in front of the park building entrance stir my vision.



"Hey Marybella!"


She turns towards me. "What?"


"Come look at this, it’s strange."



We both move away from our cars and walk towards the shadow. 


We went across the street to get a better view.



It was strange to see something like this from the building. When we looked up to see where it came from, it turned out it was from the exit near Lauren’s office.


I see someone coming towards the lighted area inside, it was someone who wore a red blouse and a black skirt.


They had black hair.



I knew it was Vanessa. She was walking towards the big shredder used to cut and shred paper.


I’ve been in the room before, it does a great job of shredding paper.



Marybella spoke after seeing Vanessa walk through the room.


"Wait a minute, I see Vanessa. And she’s holding someone’s paper."


"Really, who’s?" I ask.



Marybella squints to see what the paper said.


How could she see from a mile away?


"I can’t see the name, I have to use my binoculars. But we’ll have to get to higher ground."



I look around for aaomething nearby.


"Behind us, right here." I say.



We busted open a door to a nearby building, it was still intact.


We both ran up some stairs to the top of the old building across the parking lot.



When we got to the end, we were lead to the roof. I opened the door and went to edge of where we were looking.



We could clearly see what Vanessa was about to do. Shred the paper she was holding.


Marybella quickly got out her binoculars from her pink purse, it happened to match the light pink outfit she wore today.



She spoke before I could say anything.


"Look, Vanessa is shredding."


I try to squint in her vision, I couldn't see it.


"The paper reads "Mrs. Wilson An Old Legend and Liver?"



I started to think, only one person wrote that story. And it was my intern.


"The only who person wrote that story was-" i start.



Marybella interrupted me before I could answer again.


"Wait, I think i know who it is, and it’s your new freaky girl assistant. What’s her name?"


"Sara!!" I say.



We both thought of something fast.


"Vanessa had to do something with her story and wants to shred it, so it won’t get to Lauren. Because tLauren will blame it on Sara for not getting the story on time, then come and blame it on me for not getting her assignment in."


We both think for a while.


We had to stop Vanessa before she ruin’s Sara’s internship. While I thought fast, Marybella whipped out her box of cigarettes and puts one in her mouth.



Before she lit one, I stopped her.


"Marybella not now, what did I say about smoking. Not until we talked about it."



She looks at me confused.


"Well it's a perfect time for thinking, espcially now. The air's cool. I like the air blowing in my face when I smoke. Relax, i'm not getting high or something."



I give Marybella a furious look.


"Marybella, we don’t have time for this, get rid of it before I get rid of your mind."


She looks at me like an upset child.



After a second she answers.


"Fine, i’ll throw it away."


She throws the cigarettes far across, towards the FARELLE building.


My eyes widen in shock, it hits the glass wall as Vanessa was looking at Sara’s story.



It hits hard and makes a loud noise, that bounces off the building walls.


It disrupts Vanessa from finally shredding Sara’s paper, she looks towards the glass to see through it.



We duck down fast as we could.


"Marybella, I said to get rid of it. Not throw a homerun towards the glass windows!" I say.



We wait 2 minutes before getting back up and seeing if Vanessa saw us or not.


When we peaked, Vanessa was walking towards the the door dropping the paper on the floor.



Marybella spoke as we stand.



"Damn, we have to get that paper turned in before Lauren notices it’s not there tomorrow."


"Yeah and I know exactly how. But we're gonna have to use the secret door entrance to get there faster than the front entrance."



We rush down the old building stairs and out the door.



"Marybella, got the keys?" I ask.


She pulls it out of her purse.





She opens the door and we run fast up the stairs, I almost trip but I keep going.


When we ran fast past supplies,we quickly look to see who was in the room.



I saw Vanessa walking down to her office, after signing a package from the mail man.



"Okay, listen on the count of three, i’ll go first to make sure Vanessa doesn’t see us coming in. She’ll be too distracted with speaking to me about today's event, she’ll have to go back to her room eventually since she has a package in her hands."


We both look out."On the count of 3....2....1, GO!!'


"Elle wait!" Marybella whispers .



I run over to where Sara’a desk was.



Vanessa stops to look around, her eyes searching the perimeter.


She starts walking back to her office again. Marybella comes up behind me when I least expect it.


Turns out she was right behind me when I left near Sara’s desk.



"Come on Marybella, really? Remind me to never go on a spy hunt with you ever!" I whispered loudly.



We run fast towards the big shredder and see Sara’s paper on the floor, outside Lauren't office.


I was so relieved to see it wasn't shredded.



The only thing wrong was most of the writing and punctuation.



I decided to mark the text, as I head in to Lauren’s office.


Marybella follows behind me, making sure no one takes the paper. Or at least to make sure Vanessa doesn’t come back.


I fixed up the wrong words and put it in her finished story box.



I sighed, i’ve never stressed this much about someone’s assignment and Lauren’s thought about me being a boss to the new intern.



If I hadn’t looked towards the shadow, i’m pretty sure Lauren would have ripped me off position and i'll be just the receptionist of FARELLE’S writer’s and designer’s building.


After the big mission, we went back to her place and we talked.



"Alright, i’ll see ya tomorrow! But before you go, what should our name be?" Marybella said.


I paused and turned around. "Wait, what do you mean but our name?"


She laughed.


"Our team name, because we're like the greatest mission experts for getting Sara’s paper turned in and your plan was awesome. And I helped. Me and you together, we would make a great team."



I give her a look, and she smiles back at me.


"Your name would be Parker, because you put the drive into our plans. Get it?"


I perked up the best smile I could.



"And my name would be Russian Hacker, because i’m great at getting into things huh. Isn’t it funny?" she says.


I interrupted her before she could talk again.


"You know, when I say you act like a kid, I actually meant it. You have the brain of a teenager. A very old 2000's teenager."



She laughs as I leave her room, I walk down the long hallway leading to the living room downstairs.



I spot Marybella’s boyfriend coming up the steps. His smile, going up when he saw me.



"Hey, Elle. Visiting Marybella again? Or talking because she's smoking again." he says.


"Nope, neither." I say.



Marybella, yells from her room. "Liar, we were taking about my smoking problem."



I laugh and started for the door. Mark closes it behind me.


I started up my car and went home.


After setting up a few things around the house, I get a call from Marybella.



It was one of her urgent calls that had a different ring tone.


I pick up, because I know Marybella would be patient to hear me pick up.



"Hello, what’s up."


She whispers as if she were caught in an act or something.


"Elle, I have to talk to you about something. And it has to do with Mark. And I mean, right now!”



I almost jump up at the sound of Mark’s name.


"Are you okay? Is there a problem? Are you taking control again?" I ask.



I could hear in the background, she as heading towards a quiet place in her house. Which obviously was the bathroom.


She sighs then speaks into the phone again.



"Okay, I don’t know if this ever happened to you, but I think Mark’s trying to pressure me in to doing it with him ya know, it."


I opened my eyes wide at the question.


I knew had the same situation with Jacob back in Paris, and we solved it.



"Okay listen, if he’s pressuring you, you need to tell him or at least talk it out." I say.


She gasped as I finished talking, she speaks back into the phone.


"You had that problem with Jacob, right? How come you never told me earlier, I would have smacked Jacob upside the head, give him something to know about."



"Honestly Bella, we don’t have time for this. I need to get things done. Anyways ,my advice for you is to spend some time with him, and let him know when you're going to be ready, at least yet right?"


She sighs then answers.


"I mean my first time was with my high school boyfriend and I almost got pregnant. Can you believe that my dad almost kicked me out of the house. But honestly, he wouldn’t have, because i’m his only loyal child out of 7 kids."


"I  want this to happen, but I never knew he meant now. He's playing around with me, like a lot. I’m like the last piece of tomato soup in the mahall." she finishes.



I sighed then answered again.



"Don’t worry Marybella, you’ll get through this and when he respects your answer and know’s you well enough, the time will come. Especially since you have a boyfriend who really loves you Marybella. Now bye. See ya tomorrow."



I hang up the phone before she could say anything else.


Talking on the phone with Marybella, was tiring.


If it’s something to do with her past and herself now, I deal with it.



There are many more days of work, but at least for the weekend, I have the house to myself.


And an official girls night with Rikki and Marybella, I can’t wait.


Plus my birthday's coming up and I can't wait to celebrate that.


Chapter Three: Steady At War


I fixed up a nice and healthy breakfast, before I got in the shower.


"I didn’t have to clean the pots or pans throughly, this stuff you sent me really works. And I expect more recipes or at least something I can cook easily, Jacob!" I say.



Jacob called this morning, he sent me new cooking ware for the house. He also sent me a different recipe, for french toast.


It was nice to hear from him.



"I really miss you and I wish you were back here, so I can hug you again."


"Well listen, after Sunday i'll be coming home. So wait for me," he says.



Before I could say goodbye, he hung up the phone.


I said silently. "Bye."



I got my things ready and headed for the door.



Instead of meeting up with Rikki this morning at the parking lot building, I met up with Marybella.


Rikki called in sick after getting a huge fever last night.



Whic reminded that I haven’t spent much time with her, since I moved to the suburbs.


I really need to plan a date for me and the girls to hang out. I kept thinking this weekend, but I don’t know if either of them will be busy.



Marybella came up from behind as we went through the alley. She was slow.



"Marybella, come up here with me or your gonna get snatched by someone, if were not walking together." I say in her direction.



She hurries up beside me, I see her sunglasses and matching brown trench coat over her white dress.


Marybella would never miss a day to coordinate her outfits. She really knows how to dress.


Or maybe it was her stylist. No.



I doubt she has one. Not with the obsessive pink that she wears.



Her attention to big or long boots proves that she’s working for a look.


Her hair is up in a ponytail, which is unusual for her. She usually has her hair up in a stylish updo, when's not on stage for shows.



"Hey, Bella? You’ve beenawfully quiet the whole time we walked from the parking lot through the alley." I abruptly say.


She sighs and enters in through the building entrance with me.



When we got past the glass doors, I stopped in front of the entrance and grabbed her shoulder, to get her attention.


"Marybella, you're not answering me. Tell what’s wrong or at least explain why you're so quiet." I stated.



She takes off her glasses and I see that she looked furiously calm and dreary, but she makes eye contact.


She sighs then answers.



"Okay, I’m sorry for not talking but I have so much going on right now. Like, what I should I do with Mark, and that my Dad is coming to visit me next month. I want him to see me doing good in New York." she finally says.



Lauren and Vanessa cut in on our conversation.


"Ladies." Vanessa said.


I closed my mouth that was hung open to answer Marybella.


"We have a special announcement for you two. You and Marybella will be handing out the awards to the nominees and participants in the award show. You’ll also get awards for an outstanding job, working here at FARELLE. That is all."



Lauren leaves, smiling with Vanessa's announcement. She catches up with Sara, who’s walking in her direction.


"Honestly, Elle I don’t think I can make it through today, at least until lunch. When I get my mint ice cream." Marybella says to me.


She walks off to her work station, near the models and famous celebrites who has represented FARELLE. 



"Marybella!!" i yelled after her.


She doesn't look back.



I huff in response. Another day to spending money on this girl.


I walked to my reception desk and decided to start working on my blogs, but I didn’t feel like it.


It has been a week of not new posts.



So I worked on a story instead.


Lauren passes by my desk and I knew that if I asked her, I could take a quick break and she would say yes


"Lauren!" I yell to her.



She turns around and smiles at me. "Elle, darling, how are things coming along?"


"Would it be okay if I took break? I need to refresh my mind, for a while."



She looks at me curiously. "Oh, are you sick or something?"



"No! I just need some extra time to lay my head to rest with some new ideas, and hit refresh." I respond.


" Oh, okay. Well, you have 40 minutes to do so. And don’t forget to come back in time, use all the time you need."



"Really?" I say.


She smiles back to me, then disappears somewhere in the bulilding.


"Arlight," I whisper to myself.



For a person working for FARELLE, it can be hard. And me being the writer and editor, you need time to think.


Clear the mind and soul, so yeah go on!"



I grab my things and quickly pushes the doors to the outside open, before I successfully leave, I stop.


"Wait! what about Sara, she’s not working right now." I say to myself.



"Don’t worry about Sara, i’ll get her to do something while your gone. Now have fun!" Sara says behind me.


I slightly smile, then offcially head out.




I walked to a park. And it reminded me of a time, when my mom would take me there to cool off after a disagreement.


Then, when I finally calmed down, my mom would buy me chocolate ice cream cone from an ice cream vender at the park.



I still do that sometimes, except, my mom’s not here. So it feels a bit lonely without her.



I sit down near a bench.


The fresh air and the children playing on the sidewalk, instantly calmed me.


I had it all. Now, it's time to harness it.



Think, think, think.


That’s the only thing i’ve been doing my whole life and it need’s to come to come into play now, but I don’t want to.



It’s like sometimes my brains calls me into thinking, and then it doesn't.


By the time I had blinked and opened my eyes, I had only 10 minutes to get back to FARELLE.



On my way out of the park, I spotted someone who i’ve seen before, when my mom took my to the park.


It was the ice cream vender, I stopped to look.


He still looks as old as he was when I was little.



I walk over, to get myself a chocolate ice cream cone.


He spoke. "Hello miss, ice cream for you today?"



"Yes, and could I ask, do you remember me?"



He looks up at the sky.


"Hmm, maybe check the pictures of children on my stand and see if your picture is here."


He points to a small glass window, holding what must be millions of kids in small quarter size pictures.



I spotted me, as a little kid and my mom in the background.


"That’s me, from when I was younger!" I point out.



He looks at me surprised, then responds.


"Well, hello. I think I remember your name. You used to come around ofte, your mother told me used to throw a lot of trantrums. Nice to see you again, and you grew up so fast." He reminisces.



He picks out my ice cream bar and hands it to me.


"Before I give it to you, it’s on the house. We knew each other. Bratolli, always does a favor for long time kids he's seen."


"Thank you Bratolli, hopefull I'll see you around." I say.



He yells back, as i’m walking to FARELLE.


"Goodbye Elle, and see you next time."



Now that I know his name, I can formally call him.


I always loved the way he treated me, when my mom would try to calm me down as we got ice cream.



Just I finished the ice cream bar and was throwing my popsicle stick in the trash, I spotted someone behind a tree.


I wondered who it was.


I walked over to the tree to see Marybella, lighting one up.



I didn’t think she would betray me, even after our talk yesterday.


But now that I know, she always did.


"Marybella! Who the hell, do you think you are, smoking again!!"



I startled her, as she almost dropped her cigarette.


"Elle!! why are you here?"



I gave her a disappointed look.


She sighs then answers.


"Now don't act innocent."


"Look Elle, i’m sorry. But I can't help it. I'm panicking, I smoke when i’m can’t think and when i'm scared of being noticed by paparazzi."



I walk over to Marybella, she explains why she began smoking again.


I can’t believe after all that, our talk still went to waste.


"Bella, you can stop. It’s not healthy and you could die from having black lungs or even lung cancer. You need to commit, to not smoking." I say.


"I didn’t think about that. Listen Elle, on our way back to FARELLE we’ll talk during lunch." she reponds.



I looked at my phone and checked the time, it was 12:01. And I knew people were rushing to get to the cafe.


"Nope, we're going out for lunch. My choice and i’m buying." I say.


"As if." Marybella squashes my response.



She smiled, she wasn’t upset or sad anymore. We both walk off to the parking building and Marybella insisted we take her car.



"Here you take the keys." She gestured towards me.


I stopped before I had a chance to get into the passenger seat in Maybella’s car.


"Wait, you're letting me drive your car for today? Or is this a joke?"


"Yes, i’m letting you drive my car. Mainly because, you were nice to me about the things that will happen if I continue smoking again." she says.



I hopped in the driver’s seat and we were off. As we were driving, Marybella turned up the radio when she heard our favorite song.


And when she started dancing, I couldn’t help it any longer.


I started to sing along and Marybella joined in before we arrived at the fast food restaurant.



"Wait, hold on. Is this what I think it is, McDonalds!?" Marybella says.


She yelled so loud, I couldn’t hear the lady asking what I wanted to order.



"Marybella calm down, it’s just McDonalds, not the skating rink." I respond.


"Well you know it’s McDonalds, but iInever eat here since i'm vegatarian."


She bickered till I could say something.



"Well tell me how long have you been a vegatarian?"


"Since my poor Yorkshire Terrier got hit by a car when I was 6, the worst 3 years of my life, all I ate was fast food. And then I gave up, to become a vegatarian for a while."



"And when did you offcially become a vegatarian?" I ask.


"When I turned 8, on my birthday. Can you believe I almost had love handles at the age of 9. Worst first year of being a vegatarian ever, but I eventually got used to it after a few girls at school taught me how to be the person I am today."



I blinked at her. "Okay and how many years has it been since you ate meat?"



"16 years since. Including the years I didn’t eat meat and including the first official year I became a vegatarian for second that time."


"So now, are ya gonna order something from McDonalds? And your gonna eat it, because I payed for it?"


"You're the worst friend," she said playfully.



She threw a fit with me, as I was ordering.


But eventually, she sat back in her seat and stayed quiet for a while when we got our order.


"Here ya go." I say.



Marybella doesn’t budge an inch to get her food.


"Come on Marybella take it, eat it and see if you like it." I say.


She turns towards me and looks through her bag to check her order.



She finally speaks. "Okay looks like a wrap, a fillet and a double cheeseburger."


She takes out the chicken wrap first.



"Okay, now take it in your hands take a bite." I said.


She forces the wrap into her mouth and eats a mouth full of it. 


She swallows and turns to me.



"This is a goddamn good wrap. I haven't had chicken...anything in 16 years!!" Marybella says, exicited in her seat.


"Wow, you're enthusiastic." I reply.


"It’s okay...I never knew that food had changed over time." she confessed.



"Alright, it’s a first day for antyhing. But i’m willing to make an effort, for you." I say.


I smiled at her.


"But, feel free if after this burger, to go back to your vegatarian meals." I respond.



Bella looks over to me.


"Thanks Elle, Even though I didn't ask for this. You know this isn’t the end me of being a vegatarian, but I might consider because i’m sick and tired of finding vegatarian restaurants to eat at."



She hugs me while she's eating.


During the rest of lunch, we went to Starbucks to go grab ourselves a cold drinks.


After eating burgers in the car, I had completely forgot to get us drinks.



"So, Marybella. What exactly gave you the thought of wanting to smoke for the first time?" I ask her.


She looks up at me.


"I started smoking at the age of 15. It all started when I wanted to fit in with the other girls from my ballet class. They all told me smoking was cool and it had nothing relevant to do with ballet."



She looked at the time on her phone, then back at me.


"I started right after my mom and dad had a fight. Which eventually broke into a separation. I took up smoking as an excuse to get away from my family and to just be by myself. I eventuall took charge of my ballet posse when I stood my ground. It’s been a long time since i’ve stopped, but i’m working on that now."



I looked off to the side, to find something else to talk about.


Marybella speaks.


"So that’s something to talk about. What about you Elle? Anything tragic that happened to you, or something that led to an addiction?"



I held my breath at the thought.


When she asked me, I had no answer.


But eventually, I had to tell someone what had been going on in my life.



From before I came back to New York.


My friends deserved to know what happened over the time.



"Over time, before I came back to New York this past year, I found out who my real dad was. And the whole fact that my step father, wasn't my real dad. And my biological father is in Mumbai, can you believe that? My mom held this secret from me."



Marybella took a big look at me.


"Wait, your dad lives in Mumbai?" she said aloud.


"Yes," I say.


"Wow, this explains so much about you." Marybella says.


She was loud enough for everyone beside us to hear.



"Okay Marybella, enough. Let’s get back to work. Tomorrow when we have girls night at my place, maybe we’ll talk more about it. Until now, don’t tell anyone. Even Rikki."


"I won’t. For now." She says, suspicious.


"But let’s just say that it might slip, when I can’t control myself."



We both took a taxi back to work and we made it just in time when everyone was rushing to get back to work after lunch.


We decided to let the taxi driver drop us off at the end of the parking lot


Marybella, paid the driver and then we got out.



We ran towards the secret doorway to the building.


She took out the keys and opened the door before anyone could see us go through.



We ran up fast on the stairs and sprinted through towards the inside of the workplace, we walked out unnoticed.


Luckily, we made it in.


I walked over to my reception desk, while Marybella decided to talk with her agent about her next performance.



It was before the award show.



Sara walked in, carrying a box filled with books.


"Why are you carrying a box filled with books Sara?" I asked her.


"Because your boss, Lauren told me too. She said that the best way of thinking up a great story, is through writing a book."



I looked at her funny.


"Okay, go ahead. But make sure that over the weekend, you come up with a good story as to why you should work here. And why you want to become a writer."



Sara walks over to her desk and starts immediately.


Meanwhile, i’m writing to my blog.



"I can’t contain and the shaking of the feeling that Marybella might be telling everyone a secret, the others don't know what happened when I left New York for europe last year. I still can’t I have an assistant, I haven't screwed this up yet. But lately, she’s been giving me eairly long stares, like she’s trying to find out an answer or something. She has a nice and bubbly personality. Anways, by next week i’ll get to see Jacob again and hopefully after girls night, he’ll plan something for my birthday and clean up the house properly. I've made a mess, and I can't survive for much longer. Okay maybe, I had my mom clean up the house in the previous years before. But it’s not my fault, I just need to manage my time to clean ever so often. After work, i’m going to visit somebody in secret, no one knows who they are. Gotta go and see ya next time!.” - @SummerElleW_86




After hours of working on a grateful speech, I couldn’t take it.


I had to get out of work.



Sara was in the copy room after I had packed all my thing.


I expected her to still be here before I leave. Because everytime with no that, she's still at her desk when there's only 3 people left in the building.



Marybella walks in, about ready to leave when.


She spots me.


"See you tomorro, bye!" she says in my direction.



I waved goodbye while she walked through the glass doors.


Sara comes stumbling out of the copy and print room with several essay papers.



She yells. "Oh! Elle i’ll see you tomorrow, bye!"



I waved goodbye to her. I walk out the glass doors, towards the elevators.


As i’m getting on to the elevator, I realized that I forgot to pack my laptop.


It's on the reception desk.



I stopped and went back to go get it.


I walked in silently, so no one could hear me.



As I grab my laptop and pick up and organize papers I dropped, I overheard someone coming towards my desk.


Or Sara’s perhaps. Nope!


That person stopped right in front of my desk.



I peaked up to see who it was. It was Vanessa.


She had on a navy blue dark dress and black stilettos.


She spotted Sara coming towards her and stopped.



"Hey Sara, how are you again, from last time. I was just wondering if you needed any help? Since our writers and designers share the same building. And I mean, what perfect way for the both us from different departments to help out one another."



Sara smiled back.


"No, I don’t need any help....but I might, I'm putting away all these essays in thaat box right there."


Her head pointed to the box on her desk.



"Here, let me help you."


I see Vanessa bend over to the box and help Sara put in the papers.


After they were done, Vanessa had a vicious look on her face.



"So tell me Sara, what is it about you being an intern here and working for our trusty writer and editor Elle?"


Sara looks up confused.


"Being an intern here means, that I get first hands on experience with work. And Elle is amazing, I love her."



Vanessa smiles sarcastically.


"Hmmm, seems like you love your boss a lot, huh? And, just a question. I see that you're interested in Elle, and when I mean interested I mean, you want to get to know Elle better, right? Because she’s in a relationship and you obviously knew that right?”



I’m still hunched over, underneath my desk listening carefully.


Sara looks over to Vanessa confused again.


"Um,…no i’m not interested in Elle, in that kind of way. She just, inspires me. That's all. Like a boss and assistant relationship."



Vanessa smiles back.


"Of course. You know, I thought you were some kind of spy or something. And honestly, even if I found out that you were a spy, U would have already gotten rid of you already."


"Well, i'm not. So, thank you Vanessa. I’ll see you tomorrow."



Sara grabs her belongings and heads out the door.


As Vanessa walks by my desk slowly, I hear her whisper under her breath.



"I may not know if you're undercover or not but I will find out who you are Sara. Game on."


Vanessa walks towards her office, which was a relief.


Ive never seen Vanessa anywhere other than the cafe and the photoshoot area.



I quickly made a run for it before anyone noticed I was eavesdropping.


I ran into the other elevator, so that Sara wouldn’t know that I stayed behind and listened to her very annoying conversation with Vanessa.



 I got in my car, started it up and drove off.


Before I pulled to a stop light and make a right turn, I saw Sara walking down street towards an old building.


It's probably where she lives.



It was hard to see someone like Sara, come to New York from lord knows where and live somewhere dangerous.


I drove off to my destination before I went home.


And it was at the AUX Hotel, where I was meeting a very special someone I knew a while back when I first lived in Paris.



She was always the adventurous type. She stood up for me when I was being bullied and she was always the friend I trusted.



As I walk past the lobby to the elevators, I thought more about the times we had together.



She always said she wanted to become an undercover investigator.


I wanted to travel the world, and she does she.



But now, I need her help.


Because I suspect somethings’s going on with Sara and i’m gonna find out before Vanessa does.



I walked down a long hall, till I come to the third door from the exit. 


Room 103 


I used the e-card she gave to me and entered in.



She was sitting on a chair looking towards me.



"I was hoping that you’d be here on time, but you're late."


"Sorry, I got caught up on a conversation. It had to do with the suspect."



She hummed to a song while I sit down on a chair across from her.


She looks over to me and smiles.


"You really changed over time Elle and for the record, I will help you, for a small price."



"What do I have to do?"



She laughs.


"Not what you have to do, it’s what you have to do for me." she smiles eagerly.


I swallow nevoursly. I hate when she gets like this.


"Find out some more facts about this Sara person, she does seem suspicious. Invite her to a party of yours and talk up a storm. Even get her drunk and iI guarantee this will help, from a friend, is of yours truly."



I smile at the thought. Doing something that required a need for an old friend, especially since we're reunited together again, it seemed perfect.


"We always make a great team, don’t we?" she asks


"Yes, we always do."



I hear her silent laugher from the door when I got up to leave, but before I do, I wanted to say something.


I turned to her, as she sat quietly.



"I’ll see you next time, be safe and don’t get into trouble. Alex."



I close the door behind me, knowing this is exactly what I wanted to do.



As I penter in the elevator, I whispered in the air to myself.


"If this the only chance I get, i’ll regret it if I find nothing."



Before the elevator doors could close, I spot someone coming towards them.


And it sort of looked like Sara.


The reflection of the mirror on the opposite wall gave a clear view of who was coming.



As soon as the elevator doors closed, I sighed in a nervous feeling.


The door opened to the lobby, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Sara was probably here.



No, it couldn’t be possible.


She’s probably home doing work or something.



As I exit the hotel doors, I went up to the sidewalk and started my car. 


I drove off going home. Shaking the feeling of Sara, looking over or spying on me. 



Chapter Four: Girl's Talk Spill...


Bright and early in the morning, I thought about what I should do for the girls night.


Rikki texted me saying she could make it. As long as I isolate her from me and Marybella.



As I got ready, I looked out the bedroom windiw and spotted someone parking inside my driveway.



I wondered who it was, it seemed like a stranger. But it turned out to be Marybella, with a new look.



She’s not wearing a dress like usual. She’s wearing a nice black blouse.


A dark blue seamless skirt, black leggings and heels.



Marybella looked amazing. She always kept up her classy look.


She knocked on the door until I answered. It took me 12 minutes before Ihad gone down to open the door.



"Come on, we're gonna be late for breakfast. We need to get in line quick at McDonald's,"


Those were the first words Marybella said when I opened the door. 



"Marybella it’s, 7 in the morning. Breakfast is available until 10, at McDonalds."


Her expression turns from excitement into guilt.


"Sorry but hurry up, i’m driving come on." she complains.



She pointed towards her car, parked in my driveway.


"Marybella, you know I have my own car right?" I say.



She smiles, feeling happy. I sigh and she starts up the car. 



I grab my purse and head out the door to where Marybella was standing.



For some reason, Marybella seemed to be rather happy than any other day i’ve seen her.


We grabbed breakfast, headed off to work.



When we got to parking, we saw someone coming from the alley.


It was Rikki. And she wore something I've never seen her wear before, a dress.


Most of the time at work, she dresses like a trendy newspaper reporter from 2012. The occasional graphic tee on casual days, and a pair of jeans to solidify the look.



She looked amazing, even I'm surprised to see that Rikki would look this beautiful.



Marybella spotted Rikki after we got out of the car. She went back to grab her purse.


"Well look at hot shot over there, taking it to seductive game level. How's the weather down there?" Marybella says towards Rikki.





I yell at her in my head, then take down my sunglasses with a nasty eye roll, that Marybella could see.


"What!? Rikki looks hot. She deserves to walk around Manhattan looking like this. Get all the guys."



Rikki looks at us confused when approaching us.


"Rikki, tell me are you okay? You're not super sick or better yet." I said, feeling her forehead.



She seemed out of place for a moment when I touched her, but she came back after a minute.


"Yeah, i’m fine. Just feel a little woozy after taking that cough medicine earlier. It’s funny. I don’t remember coming back to work or dressing like this."



I took one look at her.


"Are you even ready to come to work? You look pale. And you look like you'er ready to go to the club." I say



Marybella interrupted me before I could say anything else.


"I think she looks pretty hot, huh?"


"Not now," I hiss at her.



Marybella walks to towards the alley, waiting for me with a turn.


I signal for her to give me a moment. I turn back to Rikki.



"Rikki, listen to me. Go home today, i’ll come pick you up for girls night after work, okay."


Rikki nodded her head. Even in her sick state, she was cute.


I waved a taxi to take her home.



For once, I felt bad for Rikki. Which was unusual.


This is not like Rikki to come back to work still sick.


I’ll make sure when she arrives at my place to give her some home remedies.



Marybella, waits for me in the alley. Asking if I was coming.


I told her i’ll meet up with her at the reception desk, as soon as she settles into her office.



As for me, I went across the street to get coffee before I went to work.


This isn’t like me to drink coffee, but over the year, it's grown on me.



I got a latte, and as soon as I got, I spot Sara across the street walking towards the alley way.


I could see she was smiling into a camera.


I wondered what she was doing.



I went over the street as soon as her foot reached the pavement.



"Hey, Sara." I yelled across the street.



I ran over in quickness, grabbing her attention. It startled her, she almost vented towards walking away.


"Hey, Elle nice to see you here."



She forces a smile, it made her look like she was guilty.


"Are you gonna walk with me into work?" I say.


"Yeah, sure of course. I mean if you want to." she replies.



"Great, we'll just go through here since it's a short cut." I said pointing to the alley.



She leads the way through the alley and we walk for about a minute.


Awkward to say, the silence was something to be great about.


We never talked much outside of work.



All Sara did was hum and flip through pictures on her camera. While I typed up a quick story on my phone.


When we reach the front entrance to the writers and design department, I tried to break the silence by saying something,



"So how’s your story going on so far? Get much done?"


She replies quickly.


"Yeah, i’m almost finished. Just need to proofread it."



"Okay." I replied.


Marybella came quickly from the elevator yelling loudly.


"Elle, we need you upstairs quick. It’s urgent, Lauren said this could be the year of your writing days to come!"



Sara struggles to stand still at the uttered words.


Marybella, hurries me through the elevator before I had a chance to say anything.


I turned around before the doors closed, and yelled loud to Sara.



"This is the best thing to ever come, meet us upstairs. Quickly!!"



Marybella stands next to me anxious when we're in the department.


"Marybella, you could have warned me earlier instead of now. Because I was trying to make small talk with Sara." I say.



"Yeah and it didn’t work out. I watched you for two minutes from the elevator, not your best." she says.


I turn the other way.


"Come on Elle, you're our only hope!" she says pulling me towards Jeff.


"Elle thank god, you're here. Help me fix Lana’s dress."



I looked towards Lana, who was a recent new Model for the magazine cover. Her dress was torn apart and the sewing were messed up.


Vanessa walks in frustrated, yelling at Marcus. Then to us.



"Okay! Who the hell messed up Lana’s dress, cause I will get to the bottom of this."



Everyone silences when she finished. As people were questioned, and Vanessa and Lauren were solving the case, I was on my way to fixing the dress.


I write for a living, not take apart fabric with a seam ripper!


Jeff buds in. "How and where did you learn to sew so fast!?"



"Jeff, give me some space. If you want me to get this done and you need to take Lana’s picture, leave us."


Jeff backs up as I fix up the dress in time.



Vanessa comes over to me.


"What is going on here in this area?"



Just as she spoke, I was done. The dress was fixed and properly put back together again.


Vanessa looks at Lana shocked, then to me.



Everyone including Marybella, were chanting and thanking me.


Vanessa stops the cheering with a hand up.


"Stop, everyone just shut up!"



Everyone around me silences and Vanessa walks towards me.


A moment of silence goes by before she speaks again.


"Tell me Elle, where did you learn to sew and so fast?"



Jeff buds in again. "I asked her the same question,"


"Shut up" I mentally say towards Jeff.



Vanessa glares at Jeff before he could say anything else. 


He slowly backs into the crowd of workers surrounding us.



"Elle, I want to see you in my office." she says calmly.


Everyone slightly gasps  nder their breath and Lauren comes up towards Vanessa.



"Uh uh, no. You don’t have the specific right to call Elle into your office. She’s not part of the design department, she’s part of the writers department."


Vanessa shoots back at Lauren with a look, but Lauren stands still.



Just when I thought things could get more troubled, it did.


The writers department was standing right behind me with Lauren by my side.



The design department, behind Vanessa and Marcus.


Lauren and Vanessa stare at each other, giving mad looks like they were going to work out a fight.



Silence fills the air.


Just then, Sara walks in on the action and stands still at the door terrified that a war might break out.



I see her trembling in the corner of my eye.


She stands still after a minute.


Vanessa speaks again out loud.



"I said Elle, I want to see you in my office."


Lauren shoots Vanessa a look so vicious.


"And I said Vanessa, no way. She’s stays with the writers department."



Silence fills the air and everyone breaths deeply.


Vanessa looks at Lauren and she does the same. 


They both step forward to each other, step by step until both of them were face to face.



Vanessa makes the first move, as if she had something to smart to say.


And I think she did.


"FARELLE magazine company, clearly states that all departments are free to call back upon each other and since out of all the departments here, we all share one building for two. We're the most important departments in magazines, it is declared we should get along and pitch ideas to each other."



She glares at Lauren deviously, it practically scared me when I looked into her eyes.


"And I called Elle to my office, because I want to pitch her an idea about the dress she seemingly saved today. Before it went on cover, so I suggest you back off and let me handle what Elle has that the writers department doesn’t."



The crowd ooohh-ed and ahhh-ed.


Jeff yelled. "Roast"


At that moment, Lauren had a good comeback.


I was sure that it would scare the pants off Vanessa for sure.



She laughs, which makes the situation even more serious.


"Oh, Vanessa, Vanessa, Vanessa, VANESSA!! You have no chance of doing that, because honestly clearly in the introduction to FARELLE magazine company, it states that one should stay in one’s department for further reasons like physical, and mental situations."



She pauses and waits to see Vanessa’s reaction.


Lauren talks again this time more promptly.


"That means, if Elle fixes up the dress during a time of stress involving mental and physical uses, it claims that the work she’s done for either department can’t be used for one another. But in fact, used for the the company FARELLE it’s self."


She continues without hesitating.


"That means you can’t use Elle’s sewing powers for your own, because she belongs to the writers department. That means, she get’s all the credit. And she get’s twice the payment on her check for saving your model's butts today."



Everyone, including Marybella, behind me clap and cheer. They compliment Lauren on dissing Vanessa.


Vanessa walks off to her office with a frustrated face. I couldn't if tell she was mad or confused.


I stop searching, once I realize the feud is over.



Lauren pulls me from the crowd.


"Do you know what this means, you get more money in your paycheck!! Thanks for saving Lana’s dress today, Elle."


"Thanks," I say.



She rushes off with a dance to her office. And an actual smile on her face.



Lana, from the designer's department, came up from behind and hugged me.





I feel her arms leave me as she continues in the big party people celebrating the end of the fight, with the rest of the co-workers.



Marybella comes up to me and slaps me in the arm.


I cried. "Ow, that hurt."


"Well, it didn’t hurt that much when Vanessa got bombed during your fight!!"



We both join the celebration, which lasted 8 mintues.


Then we quickly went back to work.




Later, before lunch. I was put in charge of the photoshoot that goes with the most important story today. 


Jeff took all the photo’s and I joined in when I could.


Lauren walked by me before it was time for lunch.



"Good job Elle."


She walks out, through the glass doors to the elevator entrance.



Marybella comes up from behind and yells. "Boo!"


I almost fell over while she was laughing.


"Come on Marybella, I told you so many times not to scare me like that." I say.



She replied, still laughing at my reaction. "Sorry, it’s just so funny to see you react to everything I put over you."


I sigh with a laugh. 


"So how bout lunch at Central Park today, sound good?" she asks.



I nod my head in agreement, and just as soon as the bell rang for lunch, we were out the door.



We passed by the secret door entrance towards the parking lot building.


We ran across the street to where the coffee stand was and kept walking straight.


Marybella kills the silence after we were walking for 2 minutes.



"So I was thinking we head to 90 Rockers to grab takeout, because their a restaurant food is so good.. Then we head to Starbucks, grab a cool drink and then we go to park, huh."


I cringe at the thought of 90 Rockers again.



Marybella nudges me a few times to agree, I stay hooked to my phone, still typing my story.


Marybella yells in my ear. "Elle!!"



I look up at her scared, she laughs at my reaction.


"Marybella, what did I tell you about scaring me. You do that to me one more time, I will kill you!"



She struggles to stop laughing.


"Sorry, I just can’t help it."



After picking up takeout and drinks, we head to the park.



"I miss coming here, I'm barely at the part anymore. A;most every day, I miss it. I used to go here with my mom and she would take me to our secret place-"


I turn to Marybbella.





She was looking down at her phone screen, pulling out a cigarette from her purse.



I reach to stop her hand, but instantly think of the times she scared me today.




I punch her in the arm. Payback."


"Ow, that hurt’s!!!" she says loudly.



I continue talking again.


"Marybella, What did I say about smoking, did you forget? I told Mark to keep on eye on you, and has he?"



She looks off to the side. Which meant she was guilty of smoking again.


"Has he?!" I asked.


"Yes, he has been keeping an eye on me, a close eye. I haven’t smoked the rest of the this week and it’s been a killer, but lately i’ve been able to breath at night and I don’t have to use my pesky air humidifier."



I look at her closely, she replies again.


"I know, when you look at me like that I know you're killing me. I won’t attempt to smoke at the park again."



I give her a smile and she smiles back.


We eat while I open up my laptop to write. 




"t’s been a long week, but luckily the weekend is here and girl’s night is tonight. I can’t wait to turn it up with the girls and have fun for once. Has it been so long since I blogged properly? I think not, i’ve been up to date on my stories for FARELLE and today there was a showdown with the departments, or as my coworkers would say, a war. There were comebacks and remarks, all that I can't even remember now. I tell you, it was a serious battle. And guess who won? the writers department. It was absolutely the most mind blasting thing i’ve ever seen in a week, and Lauren tons to say towards Vanessa, the opposing team. But she only used two important ones to win the fight, and Vanessa went down. Honestly, I could not stop thinking about it, I could barely focus on my writing. But it was over and things went back to normal, except Vanessa might still have a vendetta against me. She’s still not in tact. But anyways, gotta go my ElleWooders and see ya next time.” - @SummerElleW_86




After lunch, me and Marybella went around the bend to buy ice cream bars since it was such a hot day.


Luckily I knew one person, who had an ice cream stand in Central Park. Bratolli.


In the distance, he sees me coming and calls out my name.



"Hey, how's Elle today?"


I yell back in the distance.



"Fine! Go any good ice cream today?"



I made a run for it to get dibs on the good ice cream, beforeother people do.


Marybella follows quick behind me. When I reached Bratolli’s stand, iIwas already huffing and trying to catch my breath.


"Hello Elle, nice to see you."



I reply catching me breath. "You…too...Bratoll— i. "



Marybella buds in to speak for me when I was slouching from getting a cramp.


"Elle says hello back, she’s sort of out of it right now."



Before Marybella could finish, Bratolli walks over to me and pushes on the side of my torso and the cramps suddenly stops.



I stop slouching and stood up.


"Thanks. Hey, Bartolli you fixed my side cramp. How did you do that?"


"I've seen many kids get cramps from running too fast to get to my stand, it's just a trick I know."



Bratolli smiles then walks back to his ice cream stand. "Ice cream for you Elle and Elle’s friend”


"Marybella." I point towards her.


"On the house."


"Again? Come on, let me pay." I complain.


Marybella stops me, with a hand towards my wrist.


"Elle, stop. He says it's on the house, and I want the vanilla bar." she says.



He hands me my favorite chocolate ice cream bar and points to Marybella to choose which ice cream she wanted.


Marybella picks out a small ice cream cup with the flavor, mint green ice cream.



"Okay, Elle let’s get back to work. We have a lot of shopping to do afterwards."



We run back to FARELLE, and when we reached the glass doors, there was a fight going on.


Chaos and bloodshed.


And it involved Vanessa and Lauren.




This time it took over the whole building rather then the center entrance from the glass doors.



Vanessa and Lauren were fighting back and forth in the photoshoot area, while Marcus was throwing around papers like it was the last white christmas.


Sara was over in my reception desk area, handing out snacks to the other workers and grabbing some for herself.



I could see Sara calling the main office in urgency.


"Hello Main office, we need back up and I mean back up, now!!!"



She slams to phone on my desk and crawls out the doorway from the desk to the ground.


Marybella saw Jeff on the ground rocking back and forth with his knees to his chest.



Everything went crazy.


Just as things got crazy, Marybella pointed behind me.



Apparently, the director was here and everyone still continued to fight. 


After all the stress and things i’ve been through, I had to stop it.


I took a deep breath and yelled as loud as my voice could shout.





Everyone looked towards me. Even Lauren and Vanessa looked at me crazy.


Jeff stopped rocking and stood up.


Marcus stopped throwing paper and hid behind the photoshoot camera.



Without hesitating, I spoke again, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.


"Okay, listen up today’s fight earlier had gone too far and this now is just childish. We need to stop. Lauren and Vanessa stop acting like children and get along for once!"



Everyone stopped moving and walked towards me slowly as I continued talking.



"This isn’t the time now to be fighting, we need to act like mature adults. Look, we all work here because we want a future in doing a job for a magazine and FARELLE was the last, only, better if you will, compared to others. You could find a job here and now you need to act like you know what you're doing."



"And we need to get things done before our September magazine releases in a few days, now please give each other a chance."



Everyone had their full attention on me.


"We're all here for one reason, because we love FARELLE and if we continue working like we're kids, then we'll never change and get things done. And the silly fight we had earlier over a person, me, it’s not gonna help any of us. I sewed back together a dress, a dress, that was ruined. Vanessa, Lauren you knew better. Why would you think that either of you could run this building by yourselves without the other. Let’s work together and get things done, no more fighting and no more excuses."



The director, who turned out to be behind me the whole time clapped. 


"Wonderful, just wonderful. Elle, you have a real need here and i’m glad to say you’ve put everyone in their places toda. Iive been waiting a long time for someone like you to come and work for FARELLE magazine and get control over everyone’s fits and bickers."





He points towards his work posse and walks towards the door. "Come on, let’s go boys."


He leaves the premises without another word.



As soon as things were cleared up with everyone, everyone's mouths had dropped at the though: the director of FARELLE just came to their department building.



Vanessa speaks.


"Did, the director…"


Lauren buds in. "Just come in…"


Marcus buds in. "The company hasn’t seen him…"


"For years, and now…" Jeff finishes.



Marybella starts. "Did that just…"


"Just happen." I say.



We all closed our mouth’s.


Just thinking that the director of FARELLE came into our building, was enough to silence us. 


"Wow." It was all Sara could say after he left. 



Suddenly everyone looked around at the mess and we all immediately started cleaning.



We helped each other and cleaned up by the time everyone had left.


Marybella came from her office to my desk, saying ''hi' to Sara first.




Sara replied back nervously. "Hey, Mary…bella."



I looked back to Sara, who was working again.


"Hey, we're going shopping for girls night, right?" Marybella asked.


"Yes, wait a minute." I say to her.



Sara’s head bopped at the word girls night.


She replied nervously, trying not to get anyone’s attention.


"Hey, did you say…girls n-night?"



Marybella turned to Sara.


"Yeah, why do you ask?"


"I just love...the thought…of girls night."



Marybella smiled at her, as I continued to close down my laptop and looked up from putting it in my bag.


Marybella continued asking.


"You love girls night, huh?" 


"Yeah, only the most important thing in a girls life! I...never..had…one before, just saying."



Marybella smiled, she whispered to me.


"We should totally invite her to our girls night!"


"No, Marybella. We only planned for 3 girls tonight. You, me and Rikki."


 I sighed heavily.


"We're not inviting Sara to our girls night."



Marybella looks over to Sara and smiles, Sara smiles back.


Marybella turned back to me with a serious face.



"Alright listen, we totally need another girl in our groupand other than Lauren. I mean, she’s fun and all, but this is our girl's night. Remember when we promised we’d have a forth girl in our group when Lauren quits on us?" 


"And she hasn’t yet."


"So we should invite Sara, so she could feel and joined in. She hasn't made much friends since she started, let's be real. Not with these attitdues, will anyone be friends with her at work. Besides, she’ll tell us what’s in and what’s out, because she’s younger than us."



I looked at Marybella crazy.






"We're 20, well except me until 2 weeks from now. I bet you she’s only 2 years younger than us." I say.



"Yeah, I know but were only 3 years older than her and we look like 36 year old women."


"Who said tha? We are not old!" I say.


"Yes, exactly. She can help us look and feel younger." Marybella exclaimed.


"We're no that old Marybella."


"Working here, makes us feel like it." she says.



"Really Marybella, are you kidding right now?"


"Oh come on, just this one time, please?" she pleads.



I sigh, angry for a moment.


"I’ll buy all the snacks for us." she said, giving the puppy dog face.



She does this when she wants something badly. 


"Oh fine, you know I can’t resist your puppy dog face. Invite her all you want."


"Yes." Marybella says louldy.



She walks over to Sara, saying she could join us tonight.


As Marybella and Sara talk, they meet up with me at the elevators.



"Come on, Sara you can ride me." I said taking out my keys from my purse.



Marybella walks with Sara all the way from the elevator to the parking lot.


Sara says something before she gets into my car.


"Uh, Elle is there someone else whose coming too?"



"Yes, Rikki’s joining us as well. But we need to get snacks." I say.


Sara rides in the front passenger seat.


Marybella follows me from behind in her car, as we exit the parking building.



We drive down a few roads down until we make it to the nearest grocery store.


Sara seemed to be amazed when we walked inside the store, like she’s never seen a one this big before.



Marybella rushes to the cookie aisle to find her favorite package biscuits, she told me she used to eat it all the time back when she lived in Russia.


Sara heads for the frozen food aisle to search for salad.


And I head over to the baking aisle, because I couldn't get enough of cake and brownie mix.



As I reached for the last cookie dough roll, someone grabbed it and handed it to me.


"Here, can’t believe it’s all the way on top."



I looked up, and it was Marybella's boyfriend, Mark.


I could tell by what he had in his shopping basket, that he was cooking dinner.



"Bet your cooking up something tonight huh? Your basket’s filled with Chinese food."


He looks down.


"Yeah, i’m cooking dinner tonight for when Marybella comes home, possibly drunk from your girls' night. And just to let you know, if she does get drunk off of anything, make some dinner for her in the morning. It’s the only thing she’ll eat for breakfast."



We both laugh, and just then Marybella walked down the aisle and yelled at Mark silently.


"Mark!! what are you doing here? Go home!"



Mark smiles and kisses Marybella on the cheek, before heading for the checkout line.


Marybella smiles then turns to me


"Why the hell did you talk to Mark? He would have left already if you hadn’t thought of talking!"



"Okay, Marybella for your info, he helped me when I couldn’t reach the cookie dough, so i’m obviously obligated to say something and talk to him."


"No, you're not." she says, clear as day.



Sara suddenly comes towards the aisle we were in and suggests we buy something healthy to eat for girls night. 


Marybella looks at Sara curiously.


"Why are you suggesting this now?"



Sara replies nervously. "Well, i’m a vegatarian and I usually don’t like to eat other things."



Marybella smiles.


"Sara, you don’t have to worry."


Marybella hugs Sara by the side. 


"I used to be a vegatarian, but then McDonalds came into my life, and now i’m still a vegetarian."


"Are you converting her right now?" I say to them.


"What you did it to me." Marybella exlclaims.


She shrugs her shoulders, then looks back to Sara.



"Sure I guess we could try something else. I never had non-work related relationships with anyone before, since my mom left long ago."


"We both know the feeling Sara, you're not alone." I say.


Me and Marybella nod.


"I had a broken relationship with my mom." i said.  



Sara shyly looks away.


Marybella replies too. "And I lost track of where my mom went after my parents divorced." 


"Wow, those are such.... nice stories. My mom left after she promised to take me to New York with her. I was only 9, but she left when we got to tour around New York. She left me at the statue of liberty."



Marybella hushed Sara. "Come on, let’s talk about this when we get to Elle’s house."


"Well this is gonna be depressing," I say under my breath.



We all got into the cars and left for my house.



I unlocked the door, and brought in the snacks we bought.


Rikki followed behind me when we entered in.



Marybella pushed in Rikki with a roughness.


"Come on, time for fun Rikki. No time to play around being play sick."


"Is she drunk?" Rikki asked.


"No," I respond, heaving to the kitchen.


Rikki sat down sniffing and blowing her nose.



Marybella went to the kitchen to help me, while Sara sat by Rikki and turned on the TV.


Marybella spoke to kill the silence. "So this is fun huh?"


Everyone nodded.



I decided to say something to kill the silence, again.


"So, I thought that we could whip out the camera and film our very first girl's night. Or at least, girls night in." 



Marybella interrupted talking into the camera screen. "Okay is it on, is it on?"


I yell in the background. "Marybella it’s on, just leave it!"



I come up behind Marybella and spoke into the camera.


"Okay, Hello little camera. This is Elle, and here we go. We're recording all of us having our girls night."



Rikki cough’s in the background, while Sara starts chowing down on her meal. 



"Let’s get started." I say.


We all got dressed into our pajamas. I let Sara borrow a pair of mine.



"Wow, cupcake sleep pants. That’s so mature Elle." Sara said while sitting down next to Rikki.


"Alright, since tonight’s girls night, we’ll watch reality shows." I say.



As Sara flips through channels, tmy show comes on. Marybella took out her makeup and spa treatment bags.


"Since tonight is girls night, I volunteered Marybella to bring her beauty supplies." I say.



Marybella looks towards Sara, like she was ready to start something huge and it involved Sara being in it.


When the show had finished it's halfway run, we had already had the avocado and cucumber face masks on.



After several minutes into the show, Rikki finally talks again.


"Hey can someone pass the chips?"


Everyone turned to Rikki.



Marybella spoke surprised.


"Oh my god, you can speak again! So tell me did you lure Jason into the bedroom after this morning? or is he gone."


"What conversation are you guys having?" I interuppt.



Marybella shrugs her shoulders.


"Marybella!" I yelled back to her.


"Rikki are you okay and can you talk to us?" I ask.



She nodded her head, trying not to cough.


She spoke again, before we had a chance to watch more of the show. 



"But, can I just say. I think Jason’s cheating on me with some other woman and she’s better looking than me."


Sara dropped her bowl of chips.


She sat next to Rikki confused and began chewing forcefully on the chips.



Marybella broke up the conversation. "Okay hold on, if you know Jason’s cheating on you, why are you here?"


"Marybella you can’t just say that, you don’t know if Jason’s cheating or not!" I say.



We all stood up frustrated, while Sara sits down eating chips and watching tv.


Before anyone talks, I had to think of say something.



"Okay Rikki, if you are certain that Jason’s cheating on you with some other girl, prove it."


She clears her throat as Marybella sits down next to her.



"Okay about a few weeks ago, I heard Jason talking over the phone with some other girl. They were talking about his bank account and how someone stole his card and charged things to it. But anyways, they were solving it out, but it seemed like they were laughing and talking. I was so jealous."


Marybella interrupts.


"Wow, you should divorce him. That's what i'd do."


I shushed Marybella again.


"Continue Rikki." i said.



She coughs then continues.


"I assumed it was nothing, but then it happened every few days for 2 weeks, I was getting tired of it."


Sara eats quietly as she flips through the channels again.



"I asked what Jason’s been doing when I had enough of eavesdropping on him, and he said nothing. I gave him another chance to come clean, and he said nothing. Now I think he’s going out with this other girl."



Sara buds in saying. "Okay, I think that honestly if he comes clean with you before or after you get suspicious about the fact, he’s a keeper."



Me, Marybella and Rikki look at Sara, as if she made good comment on all this.


"Just saying, you guys." she replies.


Marybella speaks again.


"Okay, I think that Rikki should get dressed up and show this husband of her's, who’s boss or at least who’s ready to get their man back."


"Yeah," Rikki agrees.


"No," I reply.



I ask Marybella. "Marybella how is Rikki gonna go out being sick and all, to set her husband straight?"


Marybella whipped out her makeup bag and 4 pretty dresses.



"If Rikki’s gonna go out, we might as well too."


"No," I say.


We all looked to Rikki, she shouted.


"I wanna go out."



I look at Rikki crazy.


"This is girls night in, girls night in!" I say.


"Okay, come on are you really gonna listen to Marybella and out of it, embarrass yourself in front of Jason and this bank girl?" I say to Rikki.


"Yes, i’m going to Elle and there’s nothing you can do about it."



She heads towards Marybella in kitchen, where she get’s her makeup done.


We all clear off our faces from the spa treatment mask, we turned on music till we were all dressed and prettied up.


We put on heels  the Marybella got out of her bags. 



"For going out, we've got to look fabulous." Marybella said taking pictures in the mirror


Sara struggles to keep her heels on, while Rikki blows her nose for the last time before we go.



She gathers all of us before we head out the door.


We all huddle like it was a game.


"Okay, girls remember, we find that girl, lock her up wherever’s the safest place then get Jason, fix my marriage then we leave our separate ways or go back to Elle’s. Okay?"


We answer. "Right."


"Okay, let's go!!"



As we're driving to the hotel where Jason was at, we had trouble on the way.



"Okay, get out of the car everyone, let Sara finish." I said holding my breath.


"Way to let a rip off Sara, you know i'm sick." Rikki said coughing.



Marybella struggled not to yell and complain.


"This is going way too far Elle, first Rikki’s husband problem, then Sara throws up in the car." she says.



"Honestly Marybella, calm down. We're here. Let’s be glad she threw up when we arrived." I replied.


Sara comes out of the car wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.


"Sorry guys, had too much chips to eat."



Rikki sighs. "Okay, now that Sara’s done, can we get back on track with the plan?"


We all follow Rikki into the hotel.



Not many people were in the lobby, so no one noticed us.


I whip out my phone to check the time.


"Right on time girls, now if we make it to the elevators we should be up…."



Rikki pushes my shoulder to look up.


We all stare in awe of the girl who was entering towards the lobby.


Marybella spilled out. "Wow she’s hot....I mean not."



Sara stood still and nervous to say anything.


Rikki stood next to mem with a surprised face and with her jaw dropped.



The mysterious girl goes to the main desk, we overhear that she was going up to white party, where likely she'll meet Jason.


Rikki whispered Jason’s name under her breath when the girl went up the elevator.


It's getting weird.


"Come on, girls it’s time." she says.



We all walk behind Rikki as we head for the elevator.



I was on Rikki’s left with Marybella and Sara on her right. We got in the elevator and finally let out some air.


There was a struggle to breath in the dresses. Mainly Sara and Rikki, but me and Marybella were fine.



Sara stuffed her mouth with lobby candy.


Rikki straightened up.


Marybella looked at her phone’s camera to see how she looked and I played a quick game on my phone.



When the doors opened, we got ourselves together and stood still.


When we walked into the white party, Marybella automatically spotted Jason sitting down at a table. 



"Rikki, Jason eleven o'clock, table 17. Go!!"


Sara headed to go dance with a crowd of people.


Marybella went to chat with friends undercover at the party and I went to the bar and looked out for what was happening.



Things were going as planned, the girl we all saw earlier at the lobby was sitting at Jason’s table.



Rikki stopped as she was walking towards Jason’s table.


She saw the girl and immediately went back to where she was first standing.


I went over to Rikki, telling her to go and confront Jason.



"Come on Rikki, the plan doesn’t start till you start talking. Go on."


I pushed her, making sure she went over to Jason’s table and she stood still with an angry expression.



"Rikki, think of the one of the most angriest moments you’ve ever had with Jason. Now, take that anger and put it on Jason right now, get the truth out of him and know for once and that's he’s all yours."



She puts on her maddest expression and starts walking over to the table again.


"Okay, good for you Rikki." I whisper after her.



Rikki starts walking faster to the table.


I whispered under my breath. "Slow down,"



She finally stops when she was close enough to the girl.


She smacks the girl on the face so hard she fell to the floor and turns to Jason, who was already confused.


"Rikki what are you doing here?" Jason says slowing standing up.




Rikki's P.O.V


"Honestly Jason, who do you think you are telling me you had a meeting, but instead you're having a little white party with some slut. Thinking everything’s okay with me, but really it’s not, and I gave you the chance to come clean and but then you decided to not say anything at all, I can’t believe you."



I looked over to the girl on the ground rubbing her red cheek.


I turned back to Jason. 


"So is she the side babe? Are you cheating on me because she’s more interesting than me?"



I almost sobbed and cried not knowing the girl on the floor, got up in time to punch me in the face.




Elle's P.O.V



I heard Rikki flinch when the girl punched her. Jason rushed over to help Rikki get up.


"That’s what you get for smacking me out of my chair." 


The girl had fight in her.



Jason looks over to the girl. "Britney, why would you hit my wife?"



Britney looks at Jason confused.


"Wait, I punched your wife?"


Jason nodded his head.


Rikki got up feeling nauseous, but stood up straight ready for her comeback.



"Okay, listen here Britney if that's your real name, you need to stop playing around with my husband you little whore."



Not, whore. Come on Rikki.


Britney gasped and shot back.


"Jason, how could you let your wife say that to me?"



He doesn't respond, pulling Rikki away from Britney.


The girl, Britney speaks again.


"Hold, on Jason. If you're married, why am I here with you on a date?"



I turned away in embarassment.


Things just got worse.


Rikki looked at Britney confused and mad.



"Wait, you thought we were here on a date?" Jason said.


"Yes, it says so in the text you sent me." Britney responded.



Rikki looked towards Jason sad and angrily.


"Oh, so you guys have been texting?!" Rikki yelled.



Jason pulled Rikki back before she had a chance to grab Britney.


"Wait, so this isn’t a date?" Britney said, looking upset.



Jason answered. "No, I thought we were here to talk business about my bank account?"


In public?


Britney sighed and left the table, then stopped to look at Jason.


"Sorry, I thought I found someone worth waiting for. I only lied about working for your bank because I wanted to see if you were a good person, unlike the other guys that just dated me for my body."



She left and never said another word. I saw her pass by the bar and go into the elevator.


Jason stood there confused, looking over to Rikki afterwards.



I guess now Rikki found out the so called girl making a move on her husband, turned out to be a lonely single girl.



Rikki finally knew what happened and turned around from Jason without hesitating.


Like she never saw what happened, rubbing the spot where the girl punched her on the cheek.


Jason kept looking at Rikki right in the face but she ignored him as if she wasn’t even here.




Rikki's P.O.V



"So tell me how was your night?"


Jason gave me a look, and I looked away.



I snapped my fingers signaling for us girls to come together.


I snapped by finger twice, then the girls huddled and made a barrier between me and Jason as we left the part.


Jason followed behind.



I got into the elevator by myself to get privacy, while Sara, Marybella and Elle stayed behind and went on another elevator.


I can only guess that Jason might have got in quick on another elevator to catch up with me.





Elle's P.O.V



"Well, what do we do now?" Sara asked.


Marybella looked towards me.


I answered. "We follow them."



As soon as an empty elevator came up, we got in quick and Marybella pushed the button so that we could go to the lobby.


When we reached the lobby, we saw Rikki go out the front doors and watched Jason follow her afterwards. 


We followed behind them and when we reached the doors, it was cold outside.



Sara went out the doors first, she shivered and ran back inside the lobby.


Sara complained. "Damn it’s cold outside!"



Marybella looked around, when she caught her eye on a coat rack, she called us over.


I yelled silently.


"Marybella we can’t just take other people’s coats, plus it’s cold outside. If we hurry now ,we can make it to my car before we freeze our heads off."



Marybella replied anxiously. "Oh, come on Elle, we need to stay warm and if you can’t handle this, then goodbye."



She handed Sara a suede black coat, and Marybella put on a white furry one.


She pointed to the last coat on the rack, which was a light brown color and had fur on it.



I whispered something under my breath, so no one could hear and I grabbed the last coat.


We rushed outside, trying not to get noticed that we took the coats.



We saw Rikki run towards the end of the street. Jason followed after her.


We walked up almost closely behind them, trying not to disrupt the conversation.


We hear Jason calling Rikki in the air.




Rikki's P.O.V



"Rikki! Rikki!! Wait!"


Jason stops me and I look back with tears in my eyes.


"Aw, Rikki you don’t have to cry." he said.


"I’m not crying, it’s the wind. It’s making my eye water, because i’m sick."



I sniff my nose and rub my arms up and down with my hands.


Jason takes off his coat and hands it to me. "Here, take my coat."


I shake my head.



"No, keep your silly coat if that’s what you were gonna do to other woman."


"Okay, listen up Rikki. I never meant to hurt your feelings when you came to this party, you weren’t even invited to it! So tell me right now why you're here?"



I take the coat Jason’s been holding out since I refused a minute ago.


I sit down on a bench across the street and Jason follows behind.



We both sit down and we both don’t talk for a few minutes.


Finally, I speak.


"Okay, I was here because, you were getting these calls from this random girl. You’ve been spending more time with her than me. And I got jealous, but I gave you the chance to come clean, and you didn’t. And I assumed you were cheating or something."



I blew my nose onto a tissuethat was inside Jason’s coat.


Jason answers.



"Can I blame you for thinking that, no, but you didn’t have to come down here and comment on all the things this girl who claims to be working for my bank said and call her a whore, that was so disrespectful."


I sigh and look off to the side.


Jason adds on.


"Rikki, you don’t have to be jealous over some girl who claimed to be working for my bank and then lied behind my back. I had to admit, she really got my attention about the bank stuff and apparently, making you jealous. I mean that’s a win win."


I hit Jason in the arm hard.


He yells. "Ow, that hurts."


"Yeah, and that’s exactly how I felt when you were talking to the whore all the damn time on the phone."



Jason gives me an innocent i’m sorry look.


I look away. Jason grabs me by the arm and pulls her closer to him, I don't budge to look at him.


"Rikki, come on, it’s over now. She explained who she was, she gave up and now you don’t have to worry about anything."



I still didn’t budge to answer.


"Come, on. I love you?"



I still didn’t look up to Jason.


He got up and left to his car, which was around the bend.


I got up as soon as I saw him walking away.


I yelled out.


"Jason! Jason wait!"



He stopped at the mention of his name, he turned around and came face to face with me.


"I’m sorry for thinking you would be interested in someone else other then me, and i’m sorry for barging into the party and started a fight right then and there."



Jason smiled back, satisfied.


I rolled my eyes. "You don’t have to feel so happy all of the sudden."


"Oh, i’m not happy you apologized, i’m happy you came clean about the problem."


I put a smile on my face, which came out as a grin.


Jason kissed me on the cheek and lead me back to his car. 




Elle's P.O.V



Sara interrupted the moment. "Aw, are they back together now?"


"Yes," I say angrily in response.


Marybella added. "Way to ruin the moment Sara, come on let’s go back to Elle’s."



As the 3 of us walk back to my car, I watched Rikki and Jason get into their car and drive off.


We got in the car and I started it up.



"Okay, before we head back to my house anyone wanna go home? Cause now’s your chance." I ask.


No one answered.


"Alright then, let’s go."


I step on the gas and we were off.



To think that Rikki would go through all the trouble, just to find out if Jason was cheating on her or not.


Marybella spoke after a while.



"Looks like Rikki got her man back and everything’s solved, good job Elle. I told you we make the best team."


"Yeah, not the best team but the best friends." I replied.



Marybella and I high five in the car as I drive, Sara smiled in the back looking out the window.



When we arrived to my house, the first thing we did was clean out the puke Sara left in my car since we arrived at the party.



Sara had to clean out most of it since she was the one who got sick.


"Bosses do rule huh, Elle?" Marybella said.



We both look at Sara struggling to clean up the floor of my car.


"Yep, it does pay off." I replied.



We both smiled clinking our glasses of lemonade.



That night we watched a late episode of my favorite show, made cupcakes and created made a music video.


Which, I ulitimately regret.


Chapter Five: What About Last Night


"It was crazy night last night, I don’t remember much of what happened after we watched tv, I mean we recorded things and  i’m guessing we had a party because when I fell asleep last night, I smelled like soda and alcohol. It was so bad, at least I think it was. Anyways, this is drunk Elle talking and sending this blog after girls night. I don’t know what’s i'm going to remember or what i'm going to forget, but I know that this was the best girls night ever. And hopefully after girls night, i’ll kill Marybella for lacing all of us except for Rikki. She went home with Jason, i’m guessing they fixed their problem and got rid of the bank girl. Jacob’s coming back on Sunday after tomorrow and maybe i’ll have the house cleaned by them, I never planned to have this much fun before in so long. Gotta go and see ya next time." - @SummerElleW _86



I woke up the next morning in my bed, wearing a weird costume. Like I was going to a party for the celebration of COPS the show.


And my bathroom, was trashed with snacks and red party cups.


I looked in the mirror.


"What happened last night?"



I rushed downstairs to find Sara, sleeping the kitchen table wearing an dress with a feathery scarf.


She was sleeping on a bed of cookies.


And Marybella, was sleeping on a lawn chair in my backyard. As if she were tanning.


She was wearing a one piece suit.



And the lawn chair wasn’t mine.



A few random people were sleeping on the ground and the tv was decorated and turned off.


When I turned it on, a video shot up and started playing.


It was me from last night.



I listened to myself talk about the huge party I guess I had.


"Hey, Elle. This is you from last night before everything got frantic and crazy. Just to let you know, Marybella laced you with something that made you go crazy and Sara. And herself."



I looked at myself in the camera and thought was I talking to the real me, when I was drunk and laced.


It was crazy to think that I would be able to find evidence of last night's events.



"Okay, you guys shush."


I watched myself quiet Marybella and Sara in the back.


"Okay, Listen Elle. You were having fun with the girls, then things got crazy with Marybella then the shots came out, it was so much fun. And at 12, you threw a big party and you invited random people over and a big gang of college fraternity boys, who knew you. Uou were so bad."



I saw myself laugh in the video and Marybella stood up to announce the party invite was sent through her phone.


The video cuts off at the end.



It was strange to see myself under the influence and by Marybella, that makes me even more mad.


Before I had time to think, I went over to the kitchen to wake up Sara, so she can see this.


Sara was soundly asleep on my kitchen table, with a piece of salad on her upper lip.


"Sara, wake up." I said.



Sara moved an inch and went back to sleep.


"Oh my god, don’t make me wake you Sara."



Sara was still soundly asleep, she snores at the last minute.


I yelled in Sara’s ear.


"Sara, wake up!!!"



Her eyes open wide when I said her name loudly, she blinks a couple times before getting off the kitchen table.


She looks over to me after rubbing her eyes and sitting properly on the table.



I was near the snack cabinet and saw it was raided and the only things that were left in it was my low calorie popcorn chips.


"Okay, who wouldn’t want low calorie popcorn chips." I say.



I closed the cabinet and searched through the fridge while Sara struggles to get up, trying to walk from the kitchen table to the sink counter.


I yelled out again. "Okay, who left only ketchup in my fridge."



Sara covered her ears as if I was so loud.


She finally spoke.


"Elle, can you be quiet, Marybella's sleeping on the lawn."



Sara started talking to a nearby mug on the counter by the coffee maker.


Marybella had gotten up from the lawn chair and walked towards the bar stools by the counter top near the kitchen.


She reached towards the stairs then wobbled over to the counter near the backyard entrance doors.



She sat down on one of the barstools, as I made a bowl of cereal for Sara and me.


I didn’t want to make cereal for Marybella, because I remembered she was the one who laced all of us and I have a special breakfast for her.


I nice bowl of regret and a threat.



As I grabbed one of my favorite cereal boxes, Sara started making conversation with Marybella.


"So, tell me Marybella what was last night like? Because I don’t remember and I think I threw up a million times after eating so much popcorn."



She paused then continued.


When I gave Sara her bowl of cereal, she was staring at Marybella very closely with her colored rainbow like braids in her face.


She continued talking to Marybella, who happened to be not paying attention.


"I don’t remember where I threw up." Sara said, laughing.



I ignored her and walked over to the closet.


It was filled with sweaters and random people's shoes.


I was disgusted to find someone threw up all over the closet floor.



I screamed out loudly and I bet everyone in my house heard me.


Sara shouted behind the counter. "Oh, yeah now I remember where I threw up!"



I turned to Sara giving her a fierce angry look.


She backed down and started eating her cereal.


Marybella lifted her head up after I yelled.



"Hey, do you mow your lawn? No, wait because I did this morning twice, so now your backyard and front yard are grass free for 2 weeks." Marybella says to me.



"When did you mow the lawn?" I ask angrily.


"I don't know, before sunrise I guess. Or sometime when the sun was up." she replies.


She snaps her fingers at me then falls back asleep on the kitchen counter.



Sara gets up and stumbles trying to place the bowl in the sink.


Sara looked like she came back from a safari trip in the amazon.



Marybella was dressed like a movie pop star. A furry green coat, and 3 inch high heels.


She held a t-shirt air gun in her hands, that was filled with money.



I looked like I came back from music video shoot that took place in a jail cell.


"Alright, everyone get out. The party's over, leave!!" I yelled to grab everyone's attention.



Many of the random people in my house started to wake up and leave through the front door.


Some left their belongings and went home, and some got into their cars outside and got caught by the police for drunk driving.



Sara and Marybella finally decided to wake up and help me clean up the house.


Luckily no one went upstairs, except for one person who slept in my bathtub.



Cleaning up the house was a struggle, depending on the people who came and trashed the place for me and Jacob’s coming home tomorrow.


I need to get everything clean and ready for when he returns.


When most of the house was clean, we only had the back yard and kitchen left to do.



Sara grabbed a trash bag and put leftover belongings from the party last night. If the drunk people came back, they can get their things at the door.


Marybella talked halfway through cleaning.


"Hey, are we gonna talk about what happened last night or are we too young to discuss things like that?"



Sara shook her head as she cleans the outside of the cabinets.


I dropped a trash bag on the living room table.


"Okay, listen. The both of you, Marybella, you got me into this mess now you're gonna get me out of it and as for now you're not invited to any more girls night, and I know it sounds childish, but let me tell ya that I suggest you give me some space for a week or so till I get over this party thing."



I turned around and went back to cleaing.


And so did Sara.


After cleaning up the whole morning, iIdeiced to get things arranged back to their original positions.



When we were done, Marybella promised she would watch the rest of the video she let me record when I was 'under the influence'.



We all sat down silently on the couch and no one spoke for 2 minutes when Marybella turned on the camera to play the video on the tv.


It showed what happened after we said 'bye' last night.



Sara invited a few friends over and Marybella invited a whole polar ice crew.


College boys and sorority girls showed up with t-shirts and beer.


Luckily, I still had the real me on guard. No matter if iIwas laced.



So I didn’t allow anyone to drink beer inside the house.


Someone came to the party with pool water and poured it into a small kids pool. Some swam in it and some drank from it.


The party totally trashed the house.



Most of the partying lasted about 20 minutes of footage and Sara fell asleep just watching the first 15 minutes of it all.


Marybella got tired but still paid attention.



Soon after the video was almost over I left myself a message early in the morning, probably before I went to sleep.


I watched the last segment of the video before it ended.


"Okay, seems like the party’s over and everyone is asleep and things. Bye."



The camera turned off and the tv screen went blank.


I sat there for a moment, thinking I said I hadn't had this much fun in years.


The words float around my head for a long time.



When Sara and Marybella left I decided to get dressed and meet Alex again at the AUX hotel for our meeting.




From the last time, when I met up with Alex, I thought I saw Sara.


That was still stirring in my mind, even at work when I see her.


I walked into the hotel lobby and checked under the name Christina.



Alex likes to keep her identity a secret, so her alias name is Christina.



I walked into the elevator and waited till I got to the 3rd floor.


When the doors opened, I slowly walked over to Alex’s room.



I know, I can trust on Alex to find out who’s following me and what their problem is.



I knocked on the door 3 times, Alex answered and let me in.


"Welcome home, come in Elle." Alex said at the door.



She led me to chairs that we last sat in.


"Please sit down and have a drink, it’s hot today, huh?"


"Yeah, it is hot outside." I reply.



Silence overwhelms the room as we try to have a conversation.


"So? Have you found any clues about the person who might be stalking me?" I finally say.





I yelled back. "Well then what are you here for,"


"Elle. Unlike most people, you don’t find them. You let them find you, or in this case you wait out the stalker."


I slumped in the chair with a huff.



"Elle, just for clarification. What do you know about this stalker or do you have an idea about the person."



I sighed then answered.


"I don’t know anything about this stalker. but I feel suspicious about my assistant at FARELLE. I sort of felt that the last time I came to see you, I thought I saw her by the elevators. I’m beginning to think she might be my stalker."


Alex nods her head.


"Yep, it might seem like your assistant might be a little bit obsessed with you. Or she might just want to spy on you, to see how you're doing."


"Funny," I reply.



"Just a question Woods, nothing serious. I'm onto to whoever wants to stalk you. Because, trust me, no one has a better anticipation on private investigating then me."



She looks off to the window across the room, from where we sitting.


"So, what am I suppose to do now, and when I get to work?"


"I’ll get right on it, sometimes waiting out the storm is a better choice. But I like to enjoy the fun and see what happens while I take the risk."



"Alex, sometimes I feel like since we were kids, you would always speak that way. With rhymes and clues. I never get you." 


"Listen Elle, I know this is something hard for you to do right now, but I guarantee you i’ll catch this person and this assistant of your's is harmless."



She gets up and turns to the balcony. I opened the door and walked out to stand beside her.


The view from all the way down was pretty high.



There are chairs and a small table out on the balcony, I sat down in one.


Alex follows with her sunglasses on.



"Why, are you wearing all that get up?" I ask.


"I keep my identity a secret."


"So what am I suppose to do about this stalker? I feel like it’s someone I sort of know."



"Rhythm of the music speaks to the heart and your pervert will follow, but if conceded of things before the better chance of being scooped out. You better pick the right choice before you seek out."



I look at Alex confused, Alex gives me a look.


"I know your secret Elle and it’s safe with me."



I want to jump in my seat, but I don't.


My heart rate kicks up and I try to appear calm.


I look to Alex and she looks towards me.



"Which secret? And how do I know it’s safe with you?"


Alex comes close to me and whispers in my ear. "I know you killed your step-father."



She backs up back to her seat and sits down looking at me.


"You knew he was my step-father?" I say.


"I'm not blind Elle, I knew before. Your skin tone is different from his, and it's not genetic from your mother's side."



I take a small breath of relief.


"Trust me. I see it all in your eyes, the way you look at a distance. I can sense it."



She sits up and scoots close to me, her hands on my right arm.


"I see it all in your eyes. Remember Elle, I may be a private investigator but I also see the past and feelings in people. Don’t be afraid, just think, your miles away from Rosewood and no one knows who did it."



Alex’s words echo in my ears as we continue to sit and watch the sun move across the sky every minute. 


"I have things to do, goodbye." I suddenly say.



Alex follows me into her hotel room and towards the front door. 


"Nice to see you again Elle, hope your next visit gets a little more exciting."



As she closes the door, I become more aware and scared then ever in my life.


Alex always scared me as a kid and even till now, but I know she means well.


But her past life and her family made her who she is today, especially her mother.



"Bye Alex, see ya next time." I say underneath my breath.



I head for the stairs instead of the elevator. I fear Sara will be there, and I just might become afraid of her.


She gave me a surprise that last time I saw her.



I went down the stairs quickly. I still remember the feeling of Alex talking to me and her words echoing in my head.


It gives me such a different perspective on life.



When I entered the lobby, there she was.





It scared me.


She was here.


But it wouldn't bother me for long if I leave now.



I spotted her checking in.


I grew more suspicious about what she was planning to do.



Just as I headed for the doors towards the exit and I heard and saw a flash from a distance.


I turned around to see Sara checking her camera, the same one she had 3 days ago, when I saw her on the streets before we headed into FARELLE.



I looked up and Sara spotted me, she waved her hand indicating she was waving to me.


I walked over to her, as if I was ready to become the next champion fighter.



She looks at me with nervous ceyes and a scared expression.


She was speechless and didn’t move one inch. She breathed heavily.



I backed off smiling.


Show her, you have a duality. She'll be scared.


"Hey, Sara how are you after last night and this morning?" I asked.





She nodded her head and looked at the lobby desk.



I looked over to see her name under a reserved room for the hotel, I looked back to her.


I asked suspiciously. "Are you signing into the AUX hotel?"



She looked back at her name on the list and then me.


"Oh, just staying a few nights here, just getting royal treatment and feeling myself."


"Why do you only have your purse and a big plastic bag?" I asked.



She looked down surprised, as the door man carries her stuff to the elevator.


"Just staying the weekend, plus I already have all my bags up in my room."



I nodded again, growing less suspicious.


"Anyways, I'll see you at work, okay?"



She laughed drily, as if what I said was a joke.


I walked out the exit and looked behind me to make sure Sara was still there.



She walked towards the elevator, where the door man was waiting for her. Carrying the rest of her bags.


I walked down to my car parked across the street.




I fixed up the yard in the back since last night's party was crazy.


I wanted to plant flowers and wanted bushes to cover up the marks on the backyard fence.



Jacob was persistent on keeping the yard picture perfect, even the fence.


After, I went to 90 Rockers for lunch. It's slowly become Rikki's and Marybella's favorite place.


And even though I didn't like it much, I want to appreciate it.



It’s worth driving a couple miles back up to Manhattan.



I walked into the entrance and looked around to see if Marybella was there today, she wasn’t.


I ordered what I wanted, then waited for my food.



When I was fiddling with my phone, Rikki walked in.


I knew it.


She loves this place.



She saw me and went over to my table.


I was the only person in the restaurant area without someone to sit next to.


She comes over with a smile and sits down across from me.



"So, Elle have you found out who your stalker is yet?" she asks


"Not yet. Oh and by the way, i’m totally fine after last night's events. In case you didn't know," I reply.



Rikki looks at me sadly. "Oh i’m sorry, I forgot to ask how you guys were doing."


"So how's your cold?" I asked.



I gave a small smile back to her.


She continues talking.


"So, enough about me. When’s Jacob gonna come back, I feel like he’s not part of the group anymore."


 I sighed and looked off to the side.


"Jacob’s coming back tomorrow, I talked to him earlier today."



When my order came in, I dove into my food.


I was so hungry for lunch, especially since I spent my lunch time cleaning up the rooms in the house and the backyard.


Rikki ordered something light to eat, while I fasted on my meal.



Suddenly I get a call from Marybella, but I ignored.


Then, I thought, I might as well pick up.



I heard Marybella crying and yelling into the phone.


My eyes grew with shock, I couldn't yell or talk while i'm eating.


I ran to the restroom, trying not to interuppt everyone in the restaurant.



Rikki followed behind me.


When we got into the ladies restroom, Rikki made sure no one was in the stalls while I talked to Marybella.



"Hold, on what’s wrong Marybella?!" I asked.



"Mark and I got into a big fight, and I need you to pick me up." she said over the phone.


I answered. "Why? What happened?"


She took a second before answering back.



"Mark and I fought over something and I need you here now. I just need you here, like always. Please."


"Okay, Bella calm down. I might as well just come and pick you up." I said back.



She sighed then replied.


"I didn’t mean to get you high on drugs, i’m sorry and I can’t figure out how to apologize. But can I stay with you, until Mark makes up his mind?"



I answered back confused.


"Yeah, sure. But Jacob’s coming back tomorrow, so you’re gonna stay in my Manhattan apartment. Okay?"


She answered. "Fine, come and pick me up quickly! Please."



"Rikki and I will be there soon, bye." I lastly said.


I hung up the phone.



Rikki asked. "So, what’s with Marybella?"


"Only the fact she doesn’t want to finish her fight with Mark or something happened."



Rikki and I storm out of the restroom, went back to our table.


Rikki paid the bill while I walked outside, waiting for her.



We took my car, Rikki had to leave her’s behind as we drove to Marybella’s house.



When we got there, we saw things being thrown outside by Mark from the window.


I could tell their fight was over and Marybella was waiting by the door.



Marybella came out and got into the car quickly.


She didn't say a word to me or Rikki, just sat in an angered silence.



She didn’t talk the whole time I took her to the Manhattan apartment.


All Marybella ever said throughout the whole ride was okay.



When we arrived, she stayed in the car for a few minutes. Then got out to see the apartment.


Marybella looked up at the apartment building.



We all went inside. When we got to the elevator, Marybella didn’t say a word again.


During the long pause, it was the worst 15 minutes of my life.



I unlocked the apartment door and we went in.


Marybella looked around, through the rooms and came back to the living room.



Me and Rikki looked at Marybella, as if she was a lost child discovering a new place for the first time.


A worried Marybella.



Marybella looked back to us after looking out the big window.


"I love it."



She started unpacking, whileIi checked the fridge to make sure there wasn’t food in it.


Rikki and I cleaned up a couple things while Marybella got settled in.



"Before we leave Marybella, anything you want to tell us or something about your fight with Mark?" Rikki asked.


"Yeah, anything?" I say.


She finally spoke after a while.



"No, I don’t want to talk about it yet." she answered.


Rikki left out the door to the hallway, to wait for me.


"Marybella, you want something?" I asked.



She sighed and looked off to the big window.


"You’ll need to buy food for the fridge and if anything’s wrong, just call me. Like always." I replied.



Those were the last words I said to Marybella that day.


I left after I said goodbye.



Rikki and I went over to my house.


We caught up, talked, cleaned and even had time to decorate the rest of the house.



"Just wish that Marybella were to help us thinki of some color to paint these wall. Because pink, is her favorite color." Rikki said.


"Yeah, I wish she would say something about what happened." I say.



We stayed in silence for a while, then went on to talk about what’s going on at FARELLE next week.


"Can’t wait for the award show in the next 2 weeks. Did you pick out your dress yet Rikki?" I asked.



Rikki smiled then turned back to examining the last room across my bedroom.


Me and Jacob are planning to have turn one of these rooms into a nursery.


After we get married. 




Rikki left that night, while I spent the rest of the night relaxing.


I couldn’t help but think about what’s holding up with Marybella.


And why did she habe a fight with Mark. They get along so well and rarely fight, ever.



I wonder if Marybella will ever talk to us or at least mend whatever happened.


Then, I worked up the urge and called up Mark about what happened.


And he spilled after a while of complaining.



"Marybella was diagnosed with something, she won’t tell me or explain what’s gonna happen to her."


"Thanks for telling me Mark, you really are a good boyfriend to Marybella. Just please don’t do anything to upset her, remember she’s my friend." I replied.


"I know, goodbye Elle." 



Mark hung up.




Marybella's P.O.V 



I couldn't risk to tell anyone about what I was diagnosed for.


It's too much, no one will understand. I look down at the big envelope and open it.


I read over it softly.



 MDS Hospital Center


Patient name: Marybella Machistan

Diagnosis: Unknown, Severe Side Effects 


Emergency Appointment: Very soon, 12/12/14



"This can't be happening, I can't. Not now." I said crying.


I palmed my hands into my face.


"Oh mom, please. It's not gonna happen to me."



I hugged the envelope in my hand and sat back up, to stop crying.


I wish I hadn't left Mark back at home, he's probably wondering if I left to Russia or something.


I was scared and didn't want anyone to know what was going on.



Not even Elle.


And I tell Elle everything, that makes me feel even more guilty.


Chapter Six: I Bet


"I woke up the next morning to see Jacob home, early in the morning. He surprised me and planned something for us to do for the rest of the day. I’m so glad he’s back, because I missed him so much. He made me breakfast and everything. We actually got to spend time with each other again, I still miss the days we had together, before everything changed. And to see us come a long way from when we first met in London to the ride back home to New York, it's pleasing. I can’t wait see where our future goes. Especially since my birthday’s coming up, we finally get to celebrate it, better than ever from what we had in London. My birthday will be the best, as long as I have Jacob. But, anyways I need to get back to finding out what’s going on with Marybella and stuff my ElleWooders. Bye see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86



Jacob made a big mess in the kitchen trying to make me breakfast this morning.


I had to admit, him surprising me this morning was something I never saw coming.



Me and Jacob sorted out some things throughout the house before we left out to a waffle house to eat a better breakfast.


He's good a trying to make breakfast, but not as good as me.



Other than burned pancakes and orange juice with pulp, we settled on waffle house.


When we got our order, I told him about the crazy week I had and the incident with Rikki.


I hinted at girls night, which then turned into a big party.



"So what happened up in Cali?" I asked.


"Ya know, just the regular. You relax, beach, stores and tourists sites." he replied.



I look back down at my waffles and take a bite before one of us speaks again.


"What did you do for the rest of the week, since I wasn’t home for the weekend?"



I took a sip of my cocoa before I answer him. 


"Spa night, just hung out with the girls and visited an old friend from Paris I met a long time ago. We caught up and we're working on a project."



I tried calling Marybella a few times after the ride home from waffle house.


But there was no answer.



I had plenty of time to do things since it was a Sunday.


I went shopping for garden tools and other decorative things for the house and guest room.



I dropped Jacob off to the house after waffle house.


I drove out to my Manhattan apartment to check up on Marybella. To see if she needed help or anything.


I stopped in front of the building and got out of the car.



I walked around to get to the sidewalk, unless I wanted to get hit by the metro bus.



I walked up the stairs and into the elevator, pressed the number 5 and went up.


A few seconds go by then the elevator doors open. I walked out and ran to the apartment door.



I knocked a few times, Marybella didn’t answer.


So I whipped out the keys I brought with me in case.



I put the key in the hole and unlocked it.


I walked in slowly, not to disturb her.



I saw Marybella in the corner of the small couch that me and Jacob bought a year ago.


Marybella was looking out the window, her eyes searching the streets.


I didn’t know why Marybella fought with Mark, they hardly ever get mad at each other or fight like this.



I slowly walked up to her.


"Hey, how are you doing?"



She looked up, she didn’t seemed scared by my voice. But instead forced a smile.


"I'm fine, just still thinking about the fight yesterday and what Mark will think after I tell him I have…" she starts.



She paused and looked away from me towards the window.


"You have what?"



She sighed and looked to me. "Nothing."


"No, tell me. I’m your best friend, you should always tell me right?"



She looked up at me, I could see the innocence in her eyes as they twinkle off the reflection of the sun in the distance.


"No, i’m sorry Elle. But it’s complicated. But I will tell you that it’s not that serious and eventually if I keep following the doctor orders it’ll go away."



I paused to think. "What will?"


I had a pit in my stomach, a feeling.


Did it had to do with Marybella and a fight with Mark?



I sat down next her, she moved so I would have space to sit properly.



I stared at her for a while, trying to figure out what was troubling her emotions since yesterday.


"What happened and what started the fight between you and Mark?" I asked.



She looked back to the window and started talking after a few seconds.


"I decided since, we had the big party during girls night that I would visit the doctor and get better."


I slowly nod my head.



"Anyways, I got a checked and i'm ready to go home. But just as I was about to leave, the doctors stopped me and said they saw something in my test results after the party from friday. They took me into a small room and they scanned my body."



I stopped Marybella from continuing.


"Hold, on if they scanned your body, that usually mean it’s something serious. Something in your body." I say.



Marybella interrupted.


"No, let me continue!"


I decided to stop and let her speak again.



"Okay, after the scan, they tested on me. They said they’ll send me my results in the mail by the end of the day. And then the results came back when Mark was home."



She sighed and it almost seemed to sound like she was crying.


She didn’t cry for a minute and went back to talking.



"When I arrived home, I saw him outside near the mailbox. I didn’t suspect the results would be there yet, but it was. He it pulled out and started asking me questions. So I grabbed the big envelope in response and ran inside without answering."



She looked to me worried before talking again.


"He came inside yelling loudly, i've never seen him that mad before. He was asking all these questions about why I got results in the mail. And when he started asking what was going on, I ran upstairs to the bathroom and locked myself in. I started to panic, and Mark was knocking on the door, asking why I locked myself inside the bathroom."



Marybella put her head in her hands before lifting it up again.


"After a few minutes, I got out and saw Mark sitting on the bed looking at me. I told him I got test results back from the doctors. I didn’t tell him what I was diagnosed with, because I didn’t want him to worry."



She sniffed her nose, bringing a tissue up to blow into.


"I felt he shouldn’t know what’s going on with my body and the results. When he started to console me and ask again what was going on, I started packing some of my things and called you while Mark was begging me not to go. I was crying, I was mad. I was sad and I couldn't handle it I had to leave and let myself figure this out."



Marybella turned her head towards the big window again.


"After a while, Mark started throwing our stuff out the balcony and I got mad. I was emotionally stressed and then you pulled up and I left."




I was surprised Marybella had something like this to say, and only to me.


I felt bad for what Marybella had to go through, especially yesterday. And the calls, it was because of the test results.


It seemed like it was nothing.



But it turned out to be something.


"So, what do the results say and are you gonna recover or get rid of it?"


She wiped her tears and spoke.



"Yeah, it’ll be easy and hopefully it won’t disrupt my life and daily schedule. But I don’t need anyone to help me on this journey, I just need time to think."


"Okay, i’ll leave you to it. But just to let you know, i’ll be visiting you to talk or something, not to check up on the progress. It's to see if you're holding up."



She nods her head and looks back to the window.


I got up from the couch and before I walked to the door, I looked back at Marybella.



"You know, you’ll have to talk to Mark again soon. Can’t stay away from him forever." I said.



She looks at me and gives a small smile.


I knew it wasn’t a smile to cover up the pain, but a smile from within her heart since yesterday.


I know Marybella will get through this and before I know it she’ll go back to normal.



I left out the front door, not looking back.


Marybella was okay, because I had a feeling that she’ll be okay for now.



I drove back to the house.


As soon as I opened the door I saw Jacob in the backyard towards the 2 door entrance.


He looked up from the plant he was putting in a small pot. He smiles as I come in.



Jacob puts the pot in a small shady spot in the backyard, near a big decorative area which was set up to look like a flower fountain.


Jacob had become obsessed with gardening and I think it’s cute.


He wants to start planting and getting the grass to look trimmed.



"Hey, Elle." he says as he head towards the mug cabinet.


When he opens it, then looks towards me confused.



"Elle, why is there a balled up bag of popcorn chips in a red plastic cup, in the mug cabinet?"



I laughed and smiled at him.


"Don't know how thar got there." I said eagerly.


I ran upstairs to escape answering anymore questions.



I put my jacket back in the closet.


I took a quick glance in the mirror then got out one of my favorite sunglasses and my big black purse.



I had planned to spend lunch with Alex today.


I went out after helping Jacob get a big bag of grass pad seeds into the storage room.



I met up with Alex at a nearby cupcake shop around the block from Vera Lace.


When I rounded the street I spotted Alex in front of the cupcake shop, still dressed in the outfit she wore before.



She stands by the shop waiting for me.



When she saw me, she gave a suspicious look and wave for me.


I quickly walk over to her, not to seem ambitious about meeting up.



She smiles as I walk closer to her.


We went over to a small neighborhood out of Vera Lace.


 I asked about why she was here in New York.



"I recently came to New York in hopes of finding a job at the CIA or something. When I came across someone who knew you.” Alex said, eating her frozen yogurt.


"Who?" I asked.


"I met this girl, Marybella. She seems nice, but a little harsh when we talked. That’s how I knew you were here and I had to see you again after the last time we saw each other."


Small world.



She smiles and takes a spoonful of frozen yogurt.


"Yeah, Marybella’s nice. Once you get to know her more." I replied.



We both smiled and enjoyed lunch that evening.


Alex told me she planned to stay at the AUX hotel until the investigation is over, then she’ll fly back to Paris.



"So what things are you gonna do to fit in and make-" I start.


I looked around then whispered the rest of the what I was gonna say to Alex, as we walk down the street.


"Christina, your identity, a person undercover or just a person?" I asked.



Alex takes a sip from her cherry lemonade.


She bought it when we passed by a cold drink shop.


"Christina is a secret and also my name, no one knows about me and your stalker Elle."


"Wait, what about my stalker?"



Alex shushed me not to make any noise. "She might be listening right now Elle."


I looked around, to make sure no one was looking at us.


"What about my…pervert admirer?" I said, making sentence sound better.



Alex looked left and right before we cross the street, then continued to talk afterwards.


"It’s a she and she had something planned for you at a big event coming up in the year or at least next year."



"Planned," I whisper.


Alex pulled me aside from the block and whispered to me.


"I think she’s trying to find out what you're hiding and make it sure it gets to the public to ruin our life. I believe she’s undercover as someone young and not suspicious at all."



She looked down the street then back to me.


"We’ll talk later."



She left from where we were standing, which was near a flower shop.


She texted me after, she was going back to the AUX.



I ignored her text and went back home.


I walked around the block and spotted Sara at my door. I hid behind some bushes, not to be seen.



I peaked through a small hole in the bush.


I saw Sara being handed a small brown box from Jacob, who was there. And it seemed to be delivered from the central shipping office in Vera Lace.



Sara left after getting the box and started down the sidewalk, where I was going towards.


I knew Sara didn’t have a car, so i’d eventually run into her.



As I hear her footsteps from a distance, I peaked out of the bushes and straighten up. Not to seem like I was eavesdropping.



I fixed up my shirt, which had leaves on it and the dirt on the hem of my jeans.


When Sara got close enough to the bushes, I could hear she was getting a call from someone.



I leaned in close from behind the bushes to hear.


She argued to talk back on the phone. I listened to overhear her conversation.




Sara's P.O.V



"Okay, I see. But I have the new camera and i’m gonna take new pictures soon. Yeah and i’ll have them by next Sunday."


I looked up to the sky as he continues talking. 



"Yeah, I know boss, okay. I’ll get it done and before you’ll know it, she’ll be in jail and get what she deserved after all the long investigation we did since last year."




Elle's P.O.V



She hung up the phone before the person who was calling had a chance to say goodbye.


I knew that if Sara was undercover or had beef with somebody, she wasn’t gonna mess with me even if she was my stalker.



I stood close enough to the end of the street before turning towards the sidewalk.


Sara began walking around, when she set eyes on me and was surprised.



"Oh, my god!!" she said, as she struggled to keep herself still.


She's clumsy.


Around me.



I put on a confused expression, to seem normal.


She took deep breaths, looking at me with a curious face. 



I pretended to seem upset and concerned. "Oh, i’m sorry I scared you Sara, didn’t see ya there."


I nearly laughed and picked up her phone from the ground, looking at the last call she made.



She leaned over to catch her breath from carrying the box she was holding.


As she was doing that, I wrote down the phone number and decided that when I get home, I figure out whether i’m gonna call the person or not.



"Here ya go." I said.


She smiled back, taking her phone and putting it back in her coat pocket.


"Guess i’ll see ya back at work tomorrow, huh?" she said.



"Yep, see ya tomorrow Sara." I said, walking off.



Sara looked back and walked down the street, turning the corner.


I stopped and turned around to see if she was gone, and she was.



When I unlocked the door, I found Jacob watching tv. 



I started on dinner, so that we could go to the park early and possibly go out for the rest of the day.



We had pasta for dinner and brownies for dessert.


 We barely spend time with each other, since we moved. But when you move, your life moves with you.



And I moved because it was better than living in an apartment. And besides, Jacob and I needed the move, because we need to start thinking about our future.



After we ate, we drove out to a park near us.



As we walk down pathway through the park, Jacob interrupts the silence.


"So, can you believe it. It’s halfway into September and guess who’s birthday it is?"



I laughed at the question.


"Mine. You gave me the hint Jacob, it’s mine."


He stopped us from walking and looked at me confused. "No, it’s one of best friend's birthday that’s coming up."


I looked at Jacob, confused.



"So i’m guessing you forgot that September is the month of my birthday too?" I asked.


"No, i’m just kidding. I know it’s your birthday."


"Oh," I reply.



I look away, as he chuckled to himself.


"God, Jacob. Didn’t I tell you that I don’t like it when you mess around with me."



He smiles at me, snickering under his breath.


We walked down the long path and came across a painter, who asked to paint a portrait of us. 


I smiled, as I remember getting a painting of ourselves in Paris.



"Can we get a painting of ourselves for once." Jacob looks at me.


"We already have one, But another wouldn't be bad." I said.



He smiles and dragged me down to where the painter was. He paid $3 to get a big canvas.


We had a wait for 12 minutes until our painting was dry enough to carry.


When we looked at ourselves, I was happy and Jacob was too.



This painted picture of us, was gonna be a new memory in our lives. And i’m gonna hang it up in the hallway across the guest room.


We took the painting back to the car when we left.



Just as we were gonna get into the car, Jacob stopped and asked to get an ice cream bar off the streets.


This will be my third one this week.


I reluctantly agree and the ice cream was amazing, even better than any other i’ve had.



Before entering into our neighborhood, we made a quick stop at the cupcake shop that me and Alex went to earlier.


We got a whole box of cupcakes and left.



The cupcakes were good.


This was the best night I've had in weeks.


Despite my interest in romance, I still think that hanging out with Jacob is a better than any other date that involved big amounts of spending at restaurant s and reservations.




The next morning, I rushed to get ready. Because I almost woke up late.


And surprising enough, Jacob got up before me. So that he could take a few minutes to relax and watch tv, while I hurry.



It was nice to know he would let me have more time in the morning.


I hog up enough of the bathroom as it is.


He can be such a sweet sometimes.



As I continue, Jacob was already out the door and talking to the neighbors.


Jacob yelled from the distance.



"Hey! Elle come and meet our neighbors!"


I ran to the door annoyed.


"Jacob come on, one morning! And you had to make it this? You know I have to go to work, so get in the car already and drive!" I yelled.



I turned politely to the neighbors.


"Good morning, nice to meet you. See you some time around." I said, in a sweet voice.


They smiled and waved back nervously.



I quickly turned my smile back to a straight face, as Jacob left the driveway.


I followed behind him and got in my car, making sure I had everything for today.



I took the shorter way to get to work, since I didn’t have the time to stop for coffee.


I saw Marybella, parked into the FARELLE parking lot. She wasn’t wearing anything pretty, but rather normal.


Like she lost her feeling to wear pink all the time.



She wore a black track suit and her hair was down for once.


I barely recognize her.



I went up to Marybella, hoping to make her feel better.


"Hey, Marybella. How are you, since the last time I saw you?"



She turned around and looked at me with no smile. She instead pulled out cigarette.



"Wait! Hold on Marybella, you can’t smoke now. After what we agreed on!" I started.



She yelled back. "I don’t care anymore. I'd rather die from smoking then suffer through it…"


My eyes turned weary as I replayed her response in my head.



She walked towards the alley, not saying a word. 


I felt sad for Marybella. Having to go through this and not tell anyone what’s happening.



I figured after work, I would follow Marybella back home and check to see what she was diagnosed with.


I've had it up to here with waiting for her to say it. And maybe I could help her get through this process.


I was beginning to think that Marybella’s closing off and not making much conversation, was going to be a long term thing.



She hasn’t even talked with Mark. I can tell.


I think that talking with Mark again, might start up a new trust between them.


I fear Marybella might go a long way to come out of what’s going on.



I entered through the glass doors and found a million people setting up and designing dresses for the writers and design award show.


I haven’t found a dress yet, but I'm hoping Rikki could help me get a dress I want for the show before next week.


And it’s only the middle of September.



Rikki rushes up to me, after I set down my purse and bag on my receptionist desk.


"Elle, you have to help me. Mark’s here and he wants to apologize to Marybella. I think it’s gonna be a disaster if Lauren or Vanessa finds out her boyfriend is here and they're probably gonna fight!"



I quickly thought of something, as Rikki rushes me to the restroom, where Marybella was.


"Okay, where is she now?" I asked.


"She’s in here and any minute he’s gonna run into her and…"



As Marybella got out of the restroom and walked to the photoshoot area, we stopped her in her tracks.


"Hold on Marybella, you need to stop!" I yelled, before she took another step.



She looked up confused.


"Why should I stop?"



I sniffed the smoky smell on her clothes, I can tell she’s been smoking a lot today.


"Really? Marybella, you have pick the perfect time to smoke again, come on we’ve been over this. No more smoking," I say.



She sighs and walks to my reception desk.


Rikki and I walk slowly behind her, while Rikki looks around making sure Lauren or Vanessa weren't coming our way.



Suddenly Mark walked in through the glass doors, it surprised us and Marybella.


Mark laid eyes on Marybella and walked towards her. While Rikki and I, watched from a distance.


Mark hesitated before he talked to Marybella.



"I can’t think of any way to see you again, I miss you at home and I need you back. Please Marybella, don’t do this to us."



Marybella looks off to the side, sighing.


Marks sniffs the air, looking straight at Marybella.


"Have you been smoking again? You know I hate it when you do that."



Marybella finally attempts to look at Mark, but instead she walks away.


Mark grabs her arm and swings her around, till she was close enough to him.


"Come on, Marybella. You can’t do this now, tell me what’s going on and then i’ll leave you alone."



Marybella finally answers.


"For real, you're gonna leave me alone?"


Mark nods his head, looking at Marybella. She sighs then answers.


"I got diagnosed with something, that might be fatal. But i’ll get through it myself, so please leave and no more questions."



She walks off, down the pathway leading to the design department.


Mark looks back at her.



He turns to me, "What is it that she has that's making her act this way?"


Rikki shrugged, I answered.


"I don’t know but i’m gonna find out."



Mark leaves before Lauren enters the photoshoot area.


She gave announcements.


I had prepared a speech and went during my break time with Rikki to go get my dress. It’ll be delivered to my house the day before the show on Saturday.



Despite the shopping I do with Rikki on a regular basis, I spent most of my time during lunch with Marybella.


At lunch, when Rikki and I came back to eat for the last 12 minutes, Marybella sat at our table but didn’t speak a word the whole time.


She barely even ate most of her food.



I even asked if she wanted her favorite ice cream, green mint chocolate chip.


But she refused and left lunch early.


I was feeling bad, all the people she had in her life tried to leave her alone.


And me, her only true best friend since she left Russia.



I knew Marybella was gonna eventually give the silent treatment. But I have no way of breaking it.


But she might understand if I do.


It’s nothing, but a diagnosis she can get rid of sounds to me like a challenge for her life.



I helped the set designers with things instead of going home. And even Sara helped, who came into work late to catch up on her experience story about FARELLE.


Rikki finally left after she was done getting the plans for the award show sorted out.


I left home, minutes after she left.



I drove my car out of the parking building. And instead of driving home quickly, I left a message for Jacob, saying I was doing late things after work.


I didn’t tell him about Marybella’s problem, because he had nothing to do with it or me being involved in it.



When I arrived at the apartment, I saw Marybella.


I went up the stairs and the elevator to the apartment.



I unlocked the door with patience this time.


I opened the door and saw Marybella sniffing her nose. I guess she was crying before.


I closed the door behind me slowly.



She looks back to me and wipes her cheeks.


She stands up and runs to me. She wraps her arms around me tight.


I’ve never seen Marybella hug me this tight.



She rarely ever hugged me, but today was something special and she finally did.


She held on to me tighter, as I wrapped my arms around her too, make her sob even more.



She eventually stops and we talk.



"Here take my cigarette pack, I don't need it." she said.


She hands me a tissue box, filled with boxes of cigarettes underneath the tissues.


"Marybella..." I said softly.


"I know, I just wish I wasn't diagnosed with this thing. But I am and now I have to stop smoking."



I hugged her back tightly as she tried to stop herself from crying again.


I’ve been worried about her since she told she got diagnosed with whatever it was.


I just hope she gets through this fast enough.



Later, I drove home and Jacob had fixed up dinner tonight.


It was delicious.



I remember the last he made something, it ended up smoking up the house.


But tonight, he made something easy. An almost snack like dinner, and I loved it.



I went the bed that night thinking that something’s gonna happen if Marybella doesn’t spill the beans about what she was diagnosed with.


And it’s annoying me every minute that I think about her. Will she survive this thing and if not, what will happen?



I know Marybella will fight if this is her way back to a normal life.


But for now, she’s going on a journey, so I have to give her space.




As soon as I woke up the next day, I thought to myself I guess since she is one of my best friends, I'm naturally supposed to be worried.


But Rikki isn’t and I think I should stop visiting Marybella or at least get my mind off of her.



I brushed my teeth thinking about something else, like the smell of fresh laundry or the smell of the writers and design building at FARELLE.



But eventually, I started thinking about Marybella again. And the way she always smells like cherry blossoms since she hasn’t had any performances in a while.



Jacob and I left our separate ways to work.


And the whole time I was driving, I thought about Marybella.


She seems to be on my mind no matter what, maybe it's because I care too much about her.



When I got to the parking lot building, I saw only Rikki’s car.


But I didn’t see Marybella’s car.



I think she's either home or she’s doing something.


I was worried sick about her all day yesterday and this morning.



"Guess Marybella’s not here today huh, Elle?" Rikki said, as she approached me at the window of my car.



I never really worried much all day, because the my New York apartment is just around the block and down the street.


But I spent most of time at working and writing up my speech. Bossing around Sara helped too, she happened to be sick for 2 days.


She coughed and sniffs her nose most of the time.



Lauren says Sara won’t be able to attend the award show if she’s sick.


Too many germs to be spread, and she'll interuppt the giving speech.



"Come on, Lauren i’m fine and I can attend the award show." Sara says, in a stuffy nose voice.


"Sorry, I can’t have you spreading germs around here if you're sick."



Lauren handed me her copy of her speech.


"But, I can Lauren!" Sara fought back.


"Nope, not another word. Walker." Lauren said turning towards me.



"Elle can you take Sara to the nearest store and get her some dayquil or something to help her get better faster."


I nod my head, hesitating at first.


Sara looks over to me,Lauren takes out her wallet and hands me $15.



"It's on me, spend the money wisely and i’ll see ya back here by lunch time."



Lauren smiles and walks off to the design department to talk with Vanessa.Who’s gonna announce the nominees or announce the awards.


I had to admit, between the possible fight Vanessa and Lauren might have over the award show.


I guarantee, Lauren might win at the award announcer.



I looked to Sara after Lauren walked away with Vanessa to her office.


Sara sinks in her chair when she looks up to me.


"Come on Sara, let's go." I say.



She gets up out of her chair and shuffles over to me.



We both walked out of the writers and design building.


We took my car, since Sara explained on the way to the parking lot that she rode the bus to work everyday. She currently lives at the AUX hotel, where Alex is too.


And she's keeping a close eye.



We drove by to the nearest store, which was four blocks away.


Sara doesn’t trust big named stores like. It scares her, because of the prices.



I pulled up to the drug store and Sara got out of the car nervously.


I pulled Sara behind me when we went inside. I asked the store cashier where the medicine aisle was, as Sara looked around.



"Come on Sara, follow me." I said.


I pointed to the baskets and Sara grabbed one.


I grabbed her hand and led her to the cough and cold medicine aisle.



After a minute of searching, I spotted Sara walking out of the aisle towards the cold drinks.


I watched and trailed behind her when I finally grabbed a cough medicine that might be good for her.



I watched carefully, as she grabbed a small bottle of ginger ale from the freezer.


Then, she went the cookie and cracker aisle and picked up saltines.



I didn’t think about why she was getting those things as I went to the tissue aisle and picked up some.


I was ready to check out with all the things, in the small basket.


I carried it to the cashier, as Sara trailed ahead me.



I saw the cashier give Sara a non-see through bag with something inside, it had a small box shape to it.


"Ready!" I said coming up behind Sara.



She steps to the side scared and breaths heavily.


"Did I scare you?" I asked.



She nods her head smiling and laughs nervously.


I handed the cashier the cough medicine and tissue box from the basket.


Sara looked at me hand the cashier the items.



I always assumed the Sara was one of those people who don’t play around when people scare her, especially since she laughs nervously afterwards.


I cashier gave me the change and Sara’s medicine in a small plastic bag.



Sara grabbed the bag nervously as I handed it to her.


She struggles to grab both plastic bags in her hand. One with her cough medicine and tissues, and one with whatever she had.



I suspected not many people go to the store and buy ginger ale and saltine crackers when their sick, but I think Sara isn’t sick at all.


As we walk back to my car, I figured now was the perfect time to ask before I unlock the doors.


"Hey Sara?" I asked.


"Yeah?" she reponded.


"Are you, pregnant?"



She looked atonished, furiously. But kept her sense of attitude under control.


"No, why would you ask me that Elle. I'm totally fine, why would you ask if i'm pregnant? I'm single." she said nervously.



"People who are single can still be pregnant, i'm just asking since you picked out saltine crackers and ginger ale. Which is a common thing for pregnant women to do." I said.



"No! I don’t know. Maybe?" she replied.


"You don’t know?" I say.


I put my hands in the air. 


"Come on Sara, this is no time to smile while you think you're pregnant."



Sara silently gets into the passenger seat.


We didn’t talk on the ride back to FARELLE, since I found out Sara might actually be pregnant.



Sara rushed towards the restroom, when we entered the writers and design building.


I followed after her, ignoring anyone who wanted to talk to me.


Sara ran to the restroom so fast,i had to trot along to keep up with her.



I panted while searching for Sara when i reached the girls restroom and went inside.


I looked under the toilet stalls to see if I could find the shoes Sara was wearing.



I found her, just when I was about to bang on the stall. She came out knocking the stall door in my face.


I fell back, to the ground.


I looked up at Sara and signaled her to help me,  but all she did was look at me then look back at her pregnancy test.



Sara swinged the door and I bumped my head on the stall and felt pain rush to my forehead.


A second later, I got up looking in the mirror and feeling a small bump on my forehead.


"Hey, Sara!" I yelled out to get her attention.



She turned from her pregnancy test, as if she was disrupted from good new.




I gave her a look.


"Thanks for hitting me on the forehead and making one of my flaws or I should say one of my pimples, noticeable."



Sara smiled, as if it would make me feel more sorry for her. But it didn’t.


Instead, I gave her the death stare.


She turned back to her results, she gave it to me and I held it with tissue paper from one of the stalls.



I read the results and saw the look on Sara's face, looking at me and the test.


I rolled my eyes and looked at the test.


"You're not pregnant." I said.


Sara replied. "What?"



She looked again at the test, and read the pregnancy test box.


"So, i’m not pregnant." she asked. 


"Yeah, you're not." I replied.



She smiled and jumped up for joy.


"Are you glad? Because now you have to get back to work, if you're feeling better."


I looked to see her still jumping for joy.


"Are you still even sick?" I asked softly.



Sara smiled and that quickly went away, when I pointed towards the exit door in the girls restroom.


I marched her back to her desk and she began working on her intern speech, last minute.


While we were getting ready for the award show after tomorrow.



Lauren asked how Sara was doing.


"Turns out she’s okay, she just felt a little sick in the stomach. But it’s all better now, she’s working on her speech, last minute."



Lauren smiled, then turned to Sara. Leaning over her desk.


"Well I hope you're feeling better, and get well soon." she said.



Lauren turns towards me with an apologetic expression, then turns back to Sara.


"Have a nice speech to say at the award show, i'm counting on you."


Lauren then walks away to her office.



I could feel the upset look Sara had on her face, as I turned from facing her back to my computer screen.


I spent the whole day at work running around and making suggestions for the award show.



I heard from the announcement, that Vanessa and Lauren gave earlier that they were gonna change up the scene for the photoshoot area into a big stage.


I couldn’t wait for tomorrow.


I get to see my dress for the award show with Rikki and Marybella.



I spent most of my time during lunch eating at my desk, receiving calls and talking with Marybella.


Turned out, i’m her new muse. And we’ve been talking so much, I literally can’t stop thinking about calling her up every single minute of the day.



It was nice to know that Marybella was talking again and coming clean about what she was feeling during this time.



I went over back to my apartment to hang out with Marybella and I decided to stay for more than an hour like usual.


Jacob agreed to the idea of me coming home late.


Marybella opened the door when I got off the elevator, before I even made it to the door.



Marybella smiled as I walked over to the apartment. I stopped by to get chinese for takeout.



" have you been since I last called you from work?"


She replied taking out a bowl of white rice from the takeout bag.


"Good, I wanted to call you back about what happened on that cake stake show when they designed a huge cake with fondant, but I realized after 2:30 you were already having a meet up with someone after work and decided to wait till you came by the apartment to tell you."


I smiled.


"Oh, come on. You could have waited till I got my food in my hands to tell me what happened on Cake Stake?"


Marybella laughed and turned on the tv, while she slurped on her vegetable noodle soup that I ordered.



"Oh my god, have you heard about Vanessa’s big secret yet." I said suddenly.


Marybella handed me a water bottle, she was already on the couch.


"No." she replied taking a sip from her soup.



"Well I heard that she was secretly meeting up with someone after work and it might seem like a love life going on or at least a secret relationship." I said.


I shook my head.


"Mmmm, not possible. Vanessa’s more dedicated to her work, than someone else in her interest."



Marybella just shook her head afterwards. We laughed and talked for the rest of the afternoon.


Before I headed home, Marybella offered me some cake she made earlier today that was an old Russian recipe.


"I wanted you and Jacob to try it because I want to introduce it to the judges tomorrow at FARELLE when I come back. I want to enter myself into the cake race for the award show on Saturday, because the best cake that the judges choose tomorrow will be served during the show and my secret baking chef life will be out."


 I smiled as she hands me the cake.


"Thanks Marybella, it’s nice to know you're getting into things. I never knew you would be involved."


I left the apartment.



I went to sleep that night thinking that everything’s gonna be okay, as long as me and Marybella keep talking.


But first, I have to get Mark to talk with Marybella again so their relationship isn’t in a box anymore.



A lot has happened these past few days and I can’t wait till the award show.



Chapter Seven: X's Make The Team


"This is it, tomorrow I'm officially noticed for all the hard work and things i’ve done for FARELLE. And other people too. I think Lauren is a big inspiration when it comes to writing for FARELLE. I couldn’t see myself in any other company than this one, I call it home. FARELLE has worked hard for the past years that have come since it was first introduced to the public. The past year that i’ve worked at FARELLE, have been the best and I would never think of leaving in a million years. I’ve been working on my speech and re-reading it every single minute of the day. I’m so happy that Marybella decided to come back to work since her diagnosis. I need to get back now, my ElleWooders. Gotta go and see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86



I finished up my post before I left the house.


Jacob made good breakfast today, so I stayed a bit longer before I head out.


Today, I get to pick up my dress with Rikki and Marybella.



This past week has been nothing but helplessness.


I met up with Rikki along the way to work and we picked up Marybella. She was only a block from FARELLE, but it would take forever for her to walk to there from the apartment.



We left early in the middle of work to make up our minds and choose which dress we wanted to wear for tomorrow night.


"I know you guys can’t handle it any longer, because every girl here want’s to leave to see what dress they picked too." Lauren said.



Rikki forced a puppy dog face to make it seem worthy of letting us go early.


"Come on Lauren." I said.


Convincing her that we should leave work early to pick out our dresses, could help us.



Lauren turned around to Marybella and Rikki.


She made a face, made up her mind and finally gave an answer.


I tried everything in my power to convince her mentally that we should leave.



"Come, on Lauren please…"


I struggled not to say anything embarrassing out of any of us, but it just slipped.


"Marybella doesn’t even have her dress picked out yet."



Lauren and Rikki turned their heads and Sara joins in, overhearing by her desk.


We all look towards Sara, who makes a guilty face, then turns back to work.



We all turn back to Lauren and she looks at me and Marybella furiously.


"What?" I said, trying to cover up the confession.



Marybella punched me in the back, making me stiff when I tried to move.


I mouthed an "ow" to her.



"Well in this case, you can go out early to go get Marybella her dress for tomorrow night, since she hasn’t attended work in 3 days."


Lauren looks at us seriously, then turns to me to speak again.


"And have fun."



She smiles widely then hugs all of us, before we head out the door.


As we were walking to the glass doors, Marybella taps my shoulder.


I turn around, curious.


"How in the world would you spill the beans and let Lauren know about it?" Marybella asked.


"Because i’m like that and you don’t have dress, for real." I said.



I went through the door and Marybella followed after me, while Rikki trailed along my right side.



We stopped by a store with dresses. They have wedding dresses, prom dresses and even one for special occasions.



Marybella picked out a hundred dresses that no one could possibly wear to a little award show.


Rikki barely picked anything out, since she’s a jeans type of girl. But she opted for a simple pretty dress.



And there was only me left. And I had to pick something out that felt like me and only me, on the inside and outside.


After searching rows and rows of colors, I found a dress.


It was wonderful and it suited me best, it was a teal dress with the hem that had see-through material. The length reached down to my toes and the one strap was an over the shoulder.



It was my dress. The one from my dreams and I wanted it.


We bought the dresses and went for lunch.



We talked and did a lot of shopping since the award show is tomorrow night, we at least spent a couple thousands dollars on makeup and shoes and on accessories for our outfits.



I’m pretty sure Jacob wouldn’t mind me seeing only half of what's left in my account.


But let’s be honest, bloggers make a decent amount of money. I could hide it up with that.


When we finished lunch, we took a taxi back to FARELLE.



Sara spent most of her day at work annoying people who got in her way and re-reading her speech over and over again.


I went over to her desk once Rikki and Marybella went to their separate deparments.


Sara sighed when I approached her.



"Not only have I been working hard all day here, but I haven’t worked hard enough to get a dress for the award show."


I overhear her, and felt understanding. I leaned over to her desk.


"Don’t worry, I got you." i replied.



Sara looks up confused, as I run to my desk and write down directions on a post it note.


I run back over to Sara quickly. I hand her it and she responds.


"What it this?"


I shush her.


"It's directions to the big closet. After work, go find the dress I picked out for you and make sure no one knows about it. Gotta be quick, in and out."



Sara nodded and went back to work.


She smiled happily as I walk over to the photoshoot area, which was turned into a stage setting with upgraded seats.


I knew I was doing Sara a favor, I rarely interacted with her, because she’s hard working.


For the first award show FARELLE has ever had, all the employees here get to experience it for the first time.



 FARELLE had been preparing for this award show since I started working here again and it’s amazing that I get to receive my first award for the first time in my life.


For the first time in my life, I get to feel special.


For all of my hard work like all famous people who star in movies or make a hit album.




Marybella and I struggled to get Rikki to agree about wearing the dress she bought.


Because of course, there’s that one friend we all have that doesn’t take chances.


And finally, when they get the confidence for it, they end up being greater than you.



Well that’s Rikki, and I have a feeling she might not dress for the award show or might even show up.


I’m scared and afraid and nervous all at the same time.



Later today, I met up with Alex at a coffee shop.


Alex always met up with me in the weirdest way, she acted as if she was an old mature woman.


After looking around, Alex finally sat down across from me at a table.



"Relax, Alex. After all, your disguises are simple and you choose this one?"


I asked as Alex ordered green tea from the waitress.



"Well come now Elle, how else am I suppose to reveal myself to the public."


"Well, maybe you could have dressed like a normal person and not like Mrs. Wilson" I exclaimed back. 


"Who’s Mrs. Wilson?"


I sighed. A Neighbor.


"Never mind, anyways back to the stalker. Have you found anything else about her?" I asked.


Alex looks around before answering, then turns to me, whispering.


"All I know about this person, is that it's someone who is closer to you than you think."



For once Alex had something interesting to say and she never questioned my mind like this. Ever.


I'm stumped.


"Someone closer to me?"



She looks around again then whispers in my ear.


"I’m sure this one person, who happens to be a girl younger than you, is somewhat a person closer to you than you think."



Alex, again, had me stumped and I had a hard time thinking of who it might be.


I brushed my hair back from my face and reached down for my glass of water.


Just as I was drinking water from the glass, I saw a flash in the distance that caught my eye.



I paused to look around, and see where the flash came from and then I saw her.



It was Sara, with her camera.


She was looking straight at me. As if, she were a wild animal and she was ready to pounce on me, her prey.



She eventually blinked a few times, before noticing I was looking straight at her.


Who is she taking a picture of?


She smiled nervously in the window, then tried to escape from the right side of the coffee shop.



Me and Alex were eating inside the shop, we could see Sara moving around people as she tried to leave.


I caught up to her outside, grabbing her attention just in time before she left down the main sidewalk towards us.


"Hey Sara!"



She turns around nervously then slowly walks over to me.


"Hey Sara, how are you? Ready for the big night tomorrow?" I said, in a friendly manner.



She smiles and only manages to make a sound.


Alex stares at her, as if she’s crazy.


And by she, I think she meant me.



"Oh! Sara. I’d like you to meet one of my good friends from Paris,…Chris…tina." I say.


Alex shakes hands with Sara.




"What are you doing here so late after work." I asked.



She struggles to speak, but manages to make small sounds again.


She stutters.


"I’m...just looking around for something to drink...ya know because…i’m-i’m thirsty. Need a drink."



She breaths heavily after trying to explain.


"Well do you need a drink? Because I can order you one if you want. Waiter..." I say.



She stops me before I call a nearby waitress.


" thanks……i’m fine. I have water at home." she says.


"Good," I nervously says back.


Sara claps her hands furiously together. And Alex finally speaks.


"Are you okay, you stuttered the whole time you spoke and your expression seems pretty scared."



Sara looks at both of us, nervous.


"I just need to get home now."



Before I could say anything else, she was off and down the sidewalk at a bus stop with other people who were waiting.


Alex grabs my attention.



"Elle, i think we found you stalker."


I turned around looking towards Sara who finally got on a bus.


I scoff. "No way. Who, Sara?" I said.


Alex nods.


"No it can’t be Sara." I say.


Alex interrupts.


"Elle, just think of it. This girl Sara, might not be the person who you think she is. I mean, she stays in a hotel room and she’s always nervous and speechless around everyone, especially you."



Alex looks around, then looks back at me again.


"She just might be a person undercover for someone or something. Or she just might be a regular stalker, and Sara is the answer."



I looked back at Sara, who was on the bus and went down the street.


"I don’t think that Sara would be an undercover spy or something for someone. And if she’s going undercover, she’s going after someone else, not me."



Me and Alex finished up our meeting and I went home to see Jacob again.


After parking my car in the driveway, I heard a ringing noise from the garage.


I walked closer towards the open garage door.



As I got closer, I lift up the door, I saw Jacob working under a car I've never seen before.


Jacob stopped working and swung out from under the it to look at me.


"Hey." he said.


Wiping oil grease off his hands with a blue rag.



He reached over to hug me, but I stopped him.


"Umm, first you need to get cleaned up and take a shower. Then you can hug me." I say.



He smiled and kissed my cheek. I felt the sweat coming off his body, seep into mine.


He chuckled as he went back to work.


"Gross," I say.


He laughed, at my response.


"What are you doing?" I asked him.



I watched him slide back under the car, on a padded skateboard.


He replies.


"Just working on a car, for your entrance for when you go to the award show tomorrow."



I smile at the thought.


"For me, really? It's just an award show," I brag.



He gets up and walks to me.


"Yep, you and your friends get to ride in this during the big night."



I overlooked the card. The black sleek look, did had an effect of looking expensive.


I hugged him, looking to the car. "For me and my girls? It’s so nice and luxurious."


My arms nestle around his neck, as I leaned in for a kiss. And he kissed me back.



After talking with Jacob, I went inside the house and whipped up dinner. A recipe Marybella gave me.


Jacob enjoyed the dinner and I had fun cooking it.


I should thank Marybella again.



Me and Jacob, spent the whole night talking rehearsing my speech for the award show.


I couldn’t help but think that for the first time, I get to be in an award show that’s gonna air on tv tomorrow.


I was so excited for it. I couldn't sleep the entire night.


I was too busy thinking about what I was gonna do when they give me my award, but eventually I got some sleep in.




I woke up extra early, so that I could drink herbal tea to calm my nerves.


And it made a huge difference. 


I got ready, and carried my dress to the car.



Jacob decided to stay in from work, to watch me on tv tonight.


I agreed. He worked a lot this week and he deserves to take a break, after working on the car for me and my friends to ride in tonight.



"Okay, are you sure you're gonna be fine being here by yourself Jacob?" I asked.


He nods his head, watching the tv.


"Are you even listening to me?" I ask, bothered.



He looks towards me with a smile, then back to the tv screen.


I took another sip of my herbal tea and I was set for the day.


"Okay, bye see you after the award show." I say.



I walked out the door, but Jacob only managed to see me head for the car.


Just as I put my belongings in the car, I spotted someone near the bushes down the street.


But I ignored it, because I thought it might be someone who’s heading around the corner.



I started my car up and drove out of the driveway.


I drove down the street. And turned out, that the person who I thought was turning the corner, is actually stalking behind the bushes.


I saw 2 eyes peak through a hole in the bushes.



I recognized who was behind the bushes and I had caught her way to many times before.


"Sara?!" I yelled, to see if she would answer.



She moved behind the bushes, then got out.


She saw me then paused for a moment.


"Are you spying on me?" I asked.


For a while it seemed like she was a wild animal that was crossing the street, and her eyes were so wide, like a hawk.



"Just visiting town or something?" I said.


She stood still, there. Like a confused bird.



"Need a ride?" I finally ask.


Still staring, I gave her a confused look. While she still looked at me, I turned on the radio to distract her attention. 


But she still stood still eyes narrow and locked on me.


"You malfunctioning?" I finally spoke after a while.



"Okay bye see you at work," she says.


I think for a moment she thought she was lamp, or trying to be one.


Like she's hiding from kids.



I drove off, turning the street, looking back at Sara for a while.


She didn’t even blink once when we talked.



I turned around fully in my seat, to see if she was still in the same position and she was.


I saw her finally taking off running, turning the corner like she was a speed racer.



The stoplight turned green and I drove towards the highway, finally going to work.


As soon as I got to the parking lot building, I saw Marybella running around drinking coffee and acting crazy.



Rikki looked bagged, like  she managed to stay awake.


I stopped both of them, to make sure they were still harmonizing with each other.


"Okay, both of you need to stay calm. It’s just an award show, nothing else, okay."



They both nodded looking tired.


"Drink this, it’ll both help you calm down." I say.



They each took a sip of my herbal tea and both of their attitudes changed suddenly.


They became more calm and a bright color rose reached Rikki’s cheek for once.


Marybella felt like she was on top of the world.



We all walked to the Writers and Design building entrance feeling confident. While everyone else, when we got inside, was rushing and having anxiety attacks.


Vanessa was practically on the walls like a wild animal, while Marcus acted like a someone who lost his bananas.



Lauren was calm, behind the reception desk.


I interrupted her listening to music.



"Lauren, how come you aren’t on the walls and crazy like everyone else?" I asked.


She replied, louldy to make everyone stop.


"Everyone shut up!!!"



Everyone stopped, as they looked. They were like frozen statues.


Marybella, Rikki and I were astonished by their marvelous attention.


"Okay, since I knew that the award show had everyone on edge. I would to offer you all, to listen to some nice music."



She looked back to everyone then me.


"How are you so calm this morning." she asked.



"Herbal tea, and thank god. I have extra, otherwise Marybella and Rikki would have joined everyone else here."


Lauren smiled then spoke softly. "Carry on."



Everyone went back more calmly, some were still climbing off the walls and rushing in the hallways.


I knew I had to do something to make everyone calm and it would have to do with the award show tonight.



Today was set and everything was in it’s place for tonight. Now all that’s left for all of us to do, is get ready for show.



Unlike everyone else, Lauren and Vanessa didn’t seem to be stressed about dressing up for the award show. Since they're not wearing fancy gowns or dresses.


They both agreed on wearing a pants suit and 3 inch stilettos. An do up for their hair, as the final piece.



A big meeting was called in before lunch. We had reminders of things we needed to do before the award show tonight and I totally forgot me and Marybella were hosting for the categories in tonight's awards.



But luckily, we're hosting after Lauren and Vanessa do the introduction.


Rikki is mainly in charge of making sure everyone notes or speech is written the way they want it. She’ll be behind the stage, watching from the clear see-through curtains as people take the stage.



Lauren throws her hand in the air.


"Alright guys, let’s make this award show the best it can be, since before nothing. But I want you all to get out there and make me proud!"



Everyone cheers and applauses, as people start to rush out.


Papers go flying everywhere, as Marybella hugs me from behind.


"Congratulations to the both of us, for hosting the show and categories." she says.



Tonight was the award show and I couldn’t wait to show off my beautiful dress.


Since i’ve been working for FARELLE magazine since last year, I get to be presented with a special award for my dedication to FARELLE.



Lauren pulls me aside ,before all of us head to lunch.


We stand beside the reception desk.



"Elle, I just wanted tell you that i’m really proud you. Here, working for FARELLE, ever since you first walked through those glass doors, I knew you would take up position I envisioned in this department or at least to bring FARELLE into greater heights. I juust want to say thanks for all your hard work and loyalty to FARELLE.”


She leaves quick, to a meeting with Vanessa in the conference room. While most people crowd around the doors.


Marybella comes up and scares me.


I screamed loudly.



Marybella just kept laughing, like it was nothing she did.



"Marybella I swear i’ll kill you, whether it’s sooner or later. Your choice."


Marybella stood still giving a whimsical look, she giggled on the inside.


"Oh come on Elle, it’s just fun and games. Nothing to be scared of."



"Well it’s not funny when you scare me Marybella and neither will it to you." I say.


Marybella stops laughing and looks at me.


"Wait do you mean that?"



I refused to answer after she spoke.


"Come on, i’m sorry Ellle. You know I love you."


I looked off to the side still angry at her.


"I’ll buy you lunch today?" she said it in a sweet voice.



But I still refused. I crossed my arms over my chest.


"I’ll come over to your house and clean up for a week."


I smiled at the thought, but I still refused to answer back.


Marybella continued talking.



"Okay I got nothing, I got nothing. I'm sorry, for my bad behavior."


I turned around looking at Marybella with a smile on my face. 


"Thanks for apologizing, it means a lot." I finally replied.



Marybella smiled back in return. "Now why don’t we have lunch back in the cafe like usual?"


I nodded and she squealed excitedly near my ear, then rushed me to the cafe with her.



Me and Marybella got seats and dibs on lunch first, before anyone could get there.


As usual, Marybella got her lunch from the cold fridge and I got something good to eat from the entree line, in the middle of the cafe.



Everyone else rushed around us.


Jeff hadn’t showed up yet. I haven't seen him at work for a while, but I know he’ll be back by tonight from his trip to the Hamptons.


Rikki joined us, as soon as she got her lunch.



"Hey guys, tonight’s gonna be wild, huh?"


Marybella and I nodded our heads at Rikki.


"Guess what you guys?" I asked both of them.


I put down my fork.


"Since I decided we shouldn’t take the limo, as planned, instead we're taking a new car Jacob’s been working on for 2 days."



Marybella interrupts her response, dropping her spoon in her yogurt.


"Wait, a stingy car? But I planned for us to cruise around in a limo."


"It's not stingy. Well yeah, but what if we all drive in a regular nice car like everyone else and not be noticed for how we represent ourselves with money."



"But, money." she complained.


She wanted to pop her head out of the top for once in a limo.


Marybella scoffed.


"Well then, I guess i’ll meet you guys at the award show solo in my limo."


There's no turning back.


"Sure. Fine." I say.


"Your choice." Rikki added.



Marybella sat there confused, then finally spoke.


"Okay you guys are killing me. I’ll call you Elle, when I make up my mind about how I want to arrive at the party."


"In style." I lingered.


Marybella laughs at my response.


Rikki smiled.



I knew Marybella would cave in on driving eventually, with us being friends.


With Marybella, being friends is like being friends with a dog, they're inseparable.



After lunch, we went back to getting things ready in the for the set across the FARELLE company campus.


A big auditorium, it was like a big gym.



"Alright everyone chop chop, let’s get things ready for tonight."



Lauren was yelling and directing people to move things around and giving signs on making the show a complete, perfect, ideal award show.


Vanessa walks past me as I start rehearsing my speech for tonight.



She gives me a look and I breifly look back.


Vanessa walks over to Lauren, who’s near Sara's desk.



Sara was out getting a spa treatment early, so she can look her best for the award show.


I could overhear the conversation Lauren and Vanessa were having, but I couldn’t hear very well.



I remembered, I got a direct call phone for Sara. Which is on her desk.



I called from my phone on my reception desk, I quickly went over and answered up her phone.


I went back to mine, hearing what was going on the other end.



I wasn’t picky about eavesdropping on people, but I did it a lot when I was younger.


I can’t help it, it’s a habit. 



On the phone, I heard a conversation from last week from the front desk outside from the department entrance.


I overheard that some people were planning to get fired or quit.


I thought, no possible way would any one quit their job because they're new interns working the front desk.



"I’m really concerned Lauren, I don’t trust her and i’m happy you're on board with me."


"Me too Vanessa, there’s something about her that I don’t trust and i’m thinking about firing her by next week, she’s just not working for me."



I couldn't help but think, if they were talking about me or someone else.


I bent down from my seat while looking at Lauren and Vanessa talk.


I hid between the hug block space near my trash can on the floor.



I stayed hidden till the conversation was over.



"I’m thinking about having someone come over to my house next Thursday, because I really want to find out who this person is and why sheor he is here for a reason. I don't trust Sara."



I widen my eyes. I was surprised and shocked, that I couldn’t help buy bite my fingers to keep myself from saying anything to disrupt the conversation.


I never expected Vanessa and Lauren to be on my side.



I continued to listen.



Lauren really caught my attention, saying she didn’t like Sara because she’s just as confused and suspicious about her too.


I really don't want to get into their plan to catch Sara because I have someone else who’s doing that for me already.


I didn’t want to make it weird between Lauren and Vanessa, if they knew I hated and Sara too.



But instead, I want to give hints from time to time, so they know i’m on their side. 



"Okay, i’ll meet you at your house next Thursday so we can talk with this person, you say she’s good she better be. Because i’m hoping we find out why Sara’s here and what she wants."



After a minute, they whisper something. I couldn’t hear because they were talking softly.


I only managed to get out a few words.


See you there…hope she’s good……From Paris…Spy…Sara’s the target..Bye.




I didn’t bother to figure out what were the last things they said to each other, before they split up and went their own ways to their offices.


I only managed to hear Sara’s the target.



I got up from under the table and looked around suspiciously.


The only thing I thought about was the award show the whole way home.



Jacob had to car set up and ready to go when it was time.


While I got ready, he was downstairs in the kitchen making mac & cheese.



"Alright, i’m coming down Jacob, I hope you like my dress." I said.



Jacob looks over to me, when I walked down the stairs.


All he did was smile in awe, dressed in a nice white shirt and regular dark blue jeans.


"Okay Jacob, why are you wearing that. Your're staying home remember?"



He smiles.


"Yeah, I know. But you know when I watch award shows, I dress up nice to make it seem like i’m there myself. Even though i’m not gonna be there when you receive the award."



"Yeah and I know, but i’ll see ya when I get home. And no surprises, you know I hate that."


He smiles and gives me a kiss.


"No surprises."



He opens the door for me while I unlock the black car he’s been working on for a week.


It smelled like a new car and had comfortable seats.



Now I have to pick up Marybella, finally, after she decided to ride with me and Rikiki.



I knew Marybella would say yes.


I stopped in front to Rikki's house first. It was not far from Manhattan.



Rikki came out of her house in the dress, I was surprised.


Sha actually wore it.



She ran towards the car and sat in the passenger seat.


"Hey Elle, looking good mate!"


She fastened her seatbelt and we drove off to get Marybella.


And of course like anyone else in the world, she was waiting for me before I even picked up Rikki.



She walked over to the car and opened the passenger door.


"Get out, sit in the back!" she said.



That was all I heard come out of her mouth.


Rikki reacted qucikly.


"No, i'm sitting here whether you like or not."


Marybella scoffed for a second then turned back to Rikki again.



"For the last time Rikki, either get out of the passenger seat or you're riding your way to the award show on the roof."


She banged the roof of the car on the outside, with her hand. 



"Okay, Marybella just get in the back seat it's fine, at least you'll feel like royalty back there." I say.


A moment went by, then Marybella got in the car.


Rikki was smiling the whole time we were driving to FARELLE.


She got the passenger seat.



I spoke after a while.


"Rikki it's not funny." I said almost laughing.


"Hey, it's not funny let's just be glad you're not back here otherwise, I would have killed you before we arrive." Marybella stunts.



Rikki shuts up, smirking while I continue driving.


A few mintues go by, then Rikki and Marybella start fighting while I try to get their attention.



"Well, at least i'm not raised like a queen for instant, little miss Beyoncé!!"


Marybella gasps, as Rikki continues talking.



"Well at least I wasn't raised in the sunshine palace of the cabbage patch kids and the teletubbies as your siblings, ya slut!!" Rikki yells to Marybella.


They start yelling, raising their hands in the car. While Rikki started yelling queen towards Marybella.


"You're the queen, you're the queeen. Everybody praise down to the queen."



Rikki faked bowing down, while Marybella kept yelling slut to Rikki.


It went back and forth for a long time.










I finally yelled getting their attention.


"Shut Up!!!!"



They both stopped yelling and looked towards me.


"Were here....and for goodness sake, Marybella you are a queen. Both of you." I say.


They're silent.


"And Rikki you are not a slut, but you are childish" I said.


Marybella started laughing at Rikki and she yells back to her.


"Shut up."


Marybella replies. "Whatever."



We all got out of the car went into the big auditorium.


Luckily they had valet parking.


Marybella led the way into the building.



They had fancy drinks being served and people chatting along the bar stools.



Someone grabbed a hold of me and took me to where they raised the curtains, for the show time.


I turned to see who dragged me and it was Lauren.


She then had her hand on my mouth, to keep me from shouting.


"Hey, sorry to bother you Elle. But I needed to talk to private," she says.



She took her hand off my mouth to hear me answer.


"By dragging me here behind the stage?" I asked.



She shrugged and eased her face.




I turned around and search for Marybella. We had one mintue to get behind the curtains, because the show was starting.


"Where are you Bella?" I whispered.



Lauren walks out on stage with Vanessa.



The crowd cheers, as Marybella comes up next to me.


"There you are, I was waiting for you." I whispered louldy.


"Sorry Elle, I got caught checking out the ladies."



She said it in a cocky voice, sipping on a light up party drink.


"Bella you're not even lesbian." I say.


She turns to me.


"Pssshh. I knew what's going on?" 


"First of all, you need to get rid of that drink." I replied.



I threw her fancy drink on the ground, then turned towards the now open curtains.


The clapping finally stopped, after the little conversation me and Bella had.


Lauren and Vanessa started talking for 2 mintues, as I started preparing to go on stage with Bella.



It was almost time for us to go on stage and I looked towards Marybella. 


"Bella why are you smoking now!" I whispered.


Not trying to make noise in the background.  


"Sorry, it's a habit and you now I can't control it when i'm nervous."



She started to light up her cigarette.


I threw it on the ground, stomping on the lit part, making sure it didn't smell back stage.


" ruined my one way to 'calm down' town Elle." Marybella looked upset.


"Sorry but we're going on stage NOW!!"



Lauren introduced us then, then ran back towards where Bella and I were standing.


"Good luck with the show!" Lauren whispered.


"Don't suck out there." Vanessa whispered, following Lauren.



Me and Marybella walked out on stage.


I held her arm in mine as we walked to the micrphone.


I spoke into the microphone.


"Welcome everyone to the first annual FARELLE Award show, sponsored by Coca-Cola. We are your announcers for all the categories tonight and we hope that everyone feels comfortable being here, aren't we Marybella?"


Bella stood there for a moment, then answered, leaning into the microphone.


"I'm very happy to be here and I hope everyone else is too. Am I right?!"



Her had voice changed from nervous to fun-loving in a spilt second.


"Thanks for the answer Marybella and now for our first category. Representing The Writers and Design department: Best Employee." I say.



Everyone clapped.


"And our nominees are..." I start.



Marybella excitedly opened the envelope as she signaled the drum roll.


We looked at the card.


"Our nominees are....Marcus Jones, Jeff Cantilla, Lana Underdorfette and Rikki Ambers!!"



Everyone cheered and clapped.


"Best of luck to our nominees!!" Marybella yelled in the microphone.


The claps ended and everyone sat down.


We went back stage and watched as each and every one of the nominees come up.



Chapter Eight: No Standing Ovations



Marcus was the first to come up and say his speech, which bored the crap out of me.



Marybella snuck behind the bar to grab us drinks, as Marcus made his long speech looking at the camera and making a presentable face.



"Ughh! I can't believe Marcus got nominated for Best Employee." I said, looking at his fancy suit.


He probably rented it.


Lauren pushed beside me, fitting into the tiny space that me and Marybella shared.


"I know right, I hate Marcus so much." Lauren said giving a face.



Vanessa came up beside me to the left, while Lauren was on my right.


"Heym at least I appreciate Marcus, okay. He's done a very good job for me since last year."


Lauren and I scoffed at Vanessa's answer.


"Oh trust me. I know I hate Marcus too, that boy can be annoying sometimes."



We turn to Vanessa with knowing looks.


Vanessa turned to us.


"What? I can't talk about my assitant behind his back? Hhhmm?"



We turned back to listening and looking to the right, hearing Lana make her speech.


Vanessa interuppted.


"Mmmm, Lauren we shoud go get more drinks and talk about Marcus' secrets! Shhhhhh. Don't tell Marcus."



I could tell she was talking to Lauren then directly to me, when she said don't tell Marcus.


Her breath consisted of alochol and vodka, when she said the last part in my face.


Lauren and Vanessa rushed off back to get drinks, while I actually wanted to listen to Lana's speech.



I listened carefully behind the curtains sticking my head out a little.



"I want to thank the Acadamy for making me smart, and that people can make their own clothes."


She raised up two thumbs in front of herself.



Lana was....something


"I also want to thank Elle Woods for being the best mentor to me. Even though we rarely talk, or that fact that she's my mentor. She fixed my dress in a ready fashion emergency and she's nice and caring to everyone."



She looks down at the podium, as everyone listens at her touching speech.


I felt touched too, because she cared about me.


She finally spoke after a second.



"I choose and nominate Elle Woods for Best Employee."  


"Huh?" I say silently.


I didn't know whether to go up there or not. But instead, Rikki came out and did her speech while Marybella returned up with only one drink in her hand.


"Here drink it."



I looked at Marybella, she seemed pretty much the same, but drunk.


I knew at least at one point she would get drunk.


"Come on Marybella, really you choose to be drunk now."



She nodded and waited for our call back as the nominees waited near the stairs, beside the stage.


Me and Marybella walked down the stage and announced the winner.



"Okay, and now for the official winner from the Writers and Design department: the Best Employee is......"



Everyone stayed silent and looked to me, ready to here the winner. 


Marybella interuppted as soon when I was about to announce the winner.


"Rick James."


She laughed looking down at everyone.


I pushed Marybella to the side.



"Bella I hope you know that we're talking to a bunch of famous and important people out here, so please calm yourself." I said, looking at Marybella the whole time.



"The winner is....." I start.


I opened the letter and saw it was the only name I thought i'd never say again the entire night, but today was my lucky lday.


Marybella announced the winner.


"Marcus Jones, yaayyy!"



She clapped her hands, as Marcus came up the stage. Fake being astonished at his wining.


I mainly gave a look at Marcus, as he gives his acceptance speech.



I felt bad for Jeff, Lana and Rikki. For not getting to say their acceptance speech while Marcus gloats about his winning.


After Marcus did his speech and took a few bows, I pushed him to get off stage.


A little revenge never hurts nobody.



"Thank you Marcus, that was unbelievable. And now for our next catergory, in the Design department."


Marybella interuppts. "She's our very own, one and only, Vanessa!!"



Everyone clapped as she came out.


Me and Marybella went backstage while Vanessa announced the next nominees.


Lauren came back completely drunk and unable to attend Vanessa on stage.


"Sorry Elle, but drunk me is not hosting today." 



It was all she could say, sipping on a glass of wine.


"Great, looks likes it's gonna be you and me for the rest of this night!" I said to Marybella.


Marybella turns towards me, sitting on the stage director's lap. "What do you mean?"



I hurried Marybella to my side, to look at what Vanessa was doing on stage.


"Thanks everyone please stop, I know i'm amazing."



I rolled my eyes.


Vanessa kept complimenting herself on stage.



Finally Vanessa left the stage, she quickly had alcohol in hands the moment she stepped foot backstage.


Lauren was passed out on the floor, while Marybella played with my hair.



"This is too good, everyone's drunk except me."


It was time for me and Marybella to go on stage again, but I knew if she came with me, the show will be a disaster.


"Okay Marybella, stay here while I announce the winner and other nominations."



She shook her head and sat down on the floor, next to Lauren and Vanessa who were both very drunk.


It took, what is seemed days, to announce nominations and present prizes and trophies.


But it was only 2 hours.


"We have officially come to the end of the award show, thank you everyone, even though I never got to be nominated or get my award for Best Writer. It's worth it, than having drunk Lauren and Vanessa come up here."



Just as I was about to leave the stage, a big light flashed down on me.


"Turn down the lights, it's too bright!" I said.


Somone shouted "turn around" and I did.



To find Lauren, Vanessa and Marybella presenting my trpohy and a big festive cake.


I could tell it was heavy to carry, because Vanessa and Lauren started wobbling when putting it down.


When they set it down I almost cried as Marybella handed me my trophy.



"Too you Elle. Thank you for your outstanding acheivement and for being the Best Writer.....and a best friend."


She then hugged me.


Everyone cheered as Lauren started throwing cake at me and Marybella.


I was shocked.


"My dress!!" I yelled.



It turned into a cake fight quickly, and of course it had to be Lauren who started it.



Everyone broke out of the party, while most stayed behind and partied.


As Rikki, Marybella and I got in the car, I wiped off some of the cake that stained my dress.



Marybella drove the new car to her house.


She stopped in front of her house entrance, looking up at the lighted room and balcony.


I left Rikki in the car to ponder while she was humming, then singing a song.



I got out of the car and stood next to Marybella silently, she seem to almost start crying, but she didn't.


Instead, she walked up to her front door and knocked on it.



Mark opened the door, surprised to see her.


"Marybella,...what are you doing here? At a time like this, are you drunk?"



Instead of saying anything, she broke into tears.


Mark took her inside, while I turn off the car and park.


Rikki came inside the house with me.



I put Rikki on the couch, in the spacious living room.


Mark and Marybella are very wealthy. Because their house is in fact, like a hotel.



Rikki layed sound asleep, while Mark talked with Marybella upstairs.


I didn't want to be downstairs for long, but I had to eavesdrop on their conversation.


It was the only way I knew they were finally gonna put the big fight they had long ago, behind them and reunite.



I could hear Marybella shouting at Mark, even though she was drunk.


I quietly snuck upstairs and cracked their bedroom door a bit.


I heard mark sigh. 



"I really don't know why you left me Bella and for something I don't even know about. Please tell me, i'm the only one who really knows you."


Marybella paces back in forth.


I could hear her footsteps. 



"Mark, I can't tell you because it's serious and you might cry over me for it. You'll find a way to stop me from leaving you, but there's nothing you can do except hope for the best, and hope that I can be around long enough."



Marybella tears form, she sits next to Mark. As he puts his arm around her shoulder.



"It's fine, just tell me what's going on with you, so I can be part of your life, your world. I need to be with you Marybella and without you here, i'm lost and broken forever."



He holds her face in his hands, pushing her chin up to face him. Marybella sighs.


"I won't tell you yet, but iIwant you to know that....I love you and never forget me, ever. In your life."


She sobs before continuing.


"Never forget me, because i'm not gonna be here for long and make sure that when i'm gone, you find someone else to love. Promise me that."



Mark leans down to make eye contact with Marybella.


"What do you mean Bella? I only love you and only you, but, tell me why you're saying this."



Marybella sighs then answers.


"My diagnosis is somehow now ,deadly if I don't treat it right. And I don't want to lose you. Forever."


Marybella shakes her head into Mark's chest, while he looks off into the distance.



I felt bad for Marybella.


She never told me anything about her diagnosis before.


She never said deadly.



I don't want to lose Marybella, ever.


What's gonna happen to me?



I qucikly run downstairs to check on Rikk, she's fine.


I walk back upstairs, and stop when I spotted Marybella at the top of staircase.


Mark is behind her, but he disappears into the bedroom on signal.



"Elle. I think i'm gonna have to leave your New York apartment. I'm moving back into my house."


She smiles, a quick weak one.


She runs down the stairs to me hug me tight.



I smile at the thought, Marybella was gonna be just fine.


Just fine.



I decided to let Rikki crash at me place for the night, since she's too drunk from the announcements and hours of fun she probably had that wasn't taking place backstage, where I was.



When I unlocked the door to the house, I saw Jacob on the couch.


Watching a show, he then spots me.



"Can I kick you out of our bedroom for the night? Rikki doesn't like to sleep alone, now."


"No greeting?" Jacob sarcastically complains.


"Hey, honey i'm home and I brought a friend over." I say.



He smiles and helps me bring Rikki up to our guest room.


We both look at Rikki asleep on the bed. She silently snores.


Jacob breaks the silence.


"Is it weird to watch Rikki go to sleep?"


I waited a while before answering that question.


"Yeah it is."



We both left to our room.


While I got undressed and watched the award show tonight on replay, I laughed at the funny parts. 



"Hello and goodnight, I had a great, and funny, surprising award show tonight. Marybella got high off of shots and so did Lauren and Vanessa. Tonight was amazing, except for the fact that Marcus won the 'Best Employee' award. But at least I won the 'Best Writer' award. I was probably the only person, during the award show, that wasn't drunk. Parties and all types of things happened especially with cake, which i'm not gonna mention anymore since tonight. Good news, Marybella and Mark finally talked after the big fight and Rikki is the first friend and person to sleep in our guest bedroom. It's werid, how I haven't heard from Sara at all tonight and she never got mentioned during the award show. I wonder where she is now. Anyways, the weekend is here and i'm finally gonna sleep in on sunday. I just hope things go well with Marybella and Mark, since they allegedlly got back together my ElleWooders. Gotta go and see ya next time!" - @SummerElleW_86




The next morning, I woke up to commotion coming from downstairs.


I quickly grabbed my robe and raced down.



Turns out, it was Rikki and Jacob fighting over the last pop-tart.


And I know how Jacob gets, when he doesn't have his pop-tarts.



It seemed like a cat fight. Rikki against Jacob.


It was marvelous, their first fight in front of me.


I had to stop it.


"Hold on, you too. What's with the fighting, you woke me up?!"



Rikki looked towards me.


"Sorry Elle, your boyfriend isn't sharing the last pop-tart you have and I want some."


Jacob sneers at her and she gives him the eyes.



"Okayyou two, stop. Enough!!" I said


They both looked up at me, upset.


"You know i'm gonna settle this once and for all." Rikki exclaimed.



They both look at each other, then me.


I move closer the kitchen staircase.


"I'm taking the last pop-tart!!" I heard Rikki yelled.



I leaped forward between them and grabbed it quickly, before any of them noticed, and ran upstairs.


"Nope, it's mine now." I yelled back to them.


"Hey!!" Jacob and Rikki both yell. 


"I can't hear you!" I say, from the bathroom.



Jacob and Rikki entered the bedroom and I quietly hid in the tub.


I quickly swing the shower curtain aside, hoping they won't hear me.



It was in a drafty hiding place, but it'd take some time before they find me.




I heard and saw Rikki rustle through the room, then the bathroom door, from outside.



Jacob busts open the door and looks around, then Rikki stares at directly at me.


I want to shriek.


She suddenly gives up then walks out, closing the door behind her. Jacob followed too.



I let out a breath in the tub.


That was close.


I take the pop-tart I was holding and begin to bite into it.



Rikki rings the curtain aside, scaring me in the process.


I jump and the pop-tart nearly falls out of my hands.


Rikki's eyes glare at me as I stand, shocked.



Rikki smiles, she had caught me.


I took a bite of the pop-tart.


Good thing I didn't drop it.


"Revenge is so good,"  I say to her.



Later, I got a call from Alex.


"I think I have some inforamation about Sara, and I think she might be your stalker."


I stared intensely at the floor. Fear began to rise.


I brush it off.



"No, you're kidding right, remember last time? She didn't prove anything to be my stalker."


"Well, check again. Come down to the AUX. I have evidence." Alex says.



She hung up the phone, and I drove out to the AUX hotel.



When I got there I casually went to Alex's room.


I wasn't in a hurry, but i'm sure she was.


And it pissed her off, when I was late.



I smile at the thought.


She pulled me inside her room, before I had a chance to knock properly.



"Well someone's eager to tell me about proving Sara's your stalker." Alex said.


She closed the door behind me.


I barely had time to think, and she just started talking.



She rushed me to the two chairs I know well now.


We sat and then she turned on the tv.


I, annoyingly look at her.



A blank screen showed up, before footage of a camera was set on a view.


Alex looked at me worried, and serious. Then back to the screen.


We both overhear Sara talking.



"Yeah, I know, I will and don't worry. She doesn't know that I work for one of the biggest companies in the world.....yes and I promise you i'll give it to her, so we can raid the rat house tonight, it'll be perfect and nobody can stop us."



I look over to Alex, who stares at the screen long enough to burn her eyes.


I look back.


Hearing the footage was better than seeing, I couldn't believe my eyes.



Just then, Sara spotted the camera and climbed up on a chair to reach for it.


She took it out from it's hiding place, and then we hear her last words were.


"If you're watching this and you heard everything, I'm teribbly sorry. Your life is in danger."



The video clip ended and the screnn flashed in big letters: DISCONNECTION


Alex looked to me. I finally spoke.



"No matter what, Sara's not getting to me. Alex I want you to kill her, no matter what it takes....this ends now."


"Elle, you have tears in your eyes. And you aske for this, you know this means blackmailing right, and i'll actually have to hurt Sara?"



I look hard, at Alex.


I try to dry my eyes by blinking away the tears.


"Then do it, because I want whatever Sara's doing to me, to end quickly....and now!"



I stormed out and closed the door behind me.


I knew there was something off about Sara and I intend to find out soon enough, with a little help.




Alex's P.O.V



After Elle left, I knew it was not her problem anymore.


But it's now my problem.


She gave me permission to end Sara and I will.



Just when I was about to disconnect the camera from the tv, another clip of the video showed up.


Was this extended, footage?


"I guess Miss Sara forgot to turn it off or something. At the least never knew she turned it on."



I overheard her talking in the background, it seemed like she was getting a call.


I scooted close to the tv screen and turned the volume up.




"Yeah, I know. I can't believe they could actually fall for the whole video thing about exposing Elle. She is so dumb and whoever is her secret ninja, keeping her safe, it's gonna end soon. She'll never know and I can't wait to see her thrown away for good."


A moment passed before Sara talked again.


"I know, and thank you, I'll make sure she get's it soon, alright.....9:00 by the FARELLE parking lot. Sounds good, meet you there bye.....and you know i'm good at keeping my undercover job a secret."



Her call ended, then she went to pick up a hammer near the desk.


She looked straight at and went over to the camera.


"Well, time to break ya buddy. Hope you had fun watching me, but it's the last."



She smashed the camera and the screen went blank again.


Instead of feeling lost and wanting to kill Sara for that, I felt happy.


Sara can play games.



She's smarter than Elle thinks.


A private investigator, always backs up their recorded video...and mine just came in.


As soon as the screen went blank, a small recording tape came out of the transfer.



If being a private investigator means getting evidence, then's it's only right.


I took the tape and played around with it in my hands, as I look up to the black screen again.



"Wanna play games? Well guess what, i'm coming for you and I playing rough."


I look down at the tape. 


"Game on," I whisper.


Chapter Nine: Sundown Fight


Alex's P.O.V



I quickly dressed in everything black.


It was a hideout, I might as well blend into the night.



I know my way around New York pretty well, like it's nothing.


I walked out of my hotel room and hid behind a plastic plant tree, on the other side of the wall.



And just like I knew, Sara would be getting out of her room in "3.....2.....1"


Her door opened and she walked. She was dressed up nicely and she headed for the elevator, when she got a call.


"There you are..." I said, quietly under my breath.



She picked up her phone and answered.


"Yes. I'll meet you in the alley way, by the FARELLE parking lot. Kay, see you there. Better bring the good stuff."



She hung up the phone and walked into the elevator.


I quickly waited a minutem before deciding to move.


I rushed down the hall to the hotel staircase.



I quiclkly ran down to the lobby, just in time to see Sara walk towards the entrance.


She walked out on the streets to her car and I followed behind.



I got as fast as I could to FARELLE, because Elle told me about it when we talked on the phone.



When I arrived in the alleyway, I hid behind some bins, and boxes of trash.


In the time I had before Sara arrived, I caught my breath and hid.


When my breath was calm, I heard footsteps coming towards the alley.



I looked carefully to see who it was and it was Sara.


This was my moment, my time to get back for Elle....and that's not gonna happen.


I walked out to the center of the alley and looked at Sara, who turned her head back and forth, to find this mysterious person she was meeting up with.



Just then, she laid her eyes on me and her eyes widened for a moment. Then went back to normal.


"Finally you're here, so where's the stuff?"



I quickly ran to her and grabbed her, holding Sara up by her neck.


She tries too break free.


Still holding her by her neck, I finally spoke.



"Listen here Sara. Tell me exactly why you're here and what you want with Elle!"


She stood there, hanging from my arms, trying to speak. But she only let's out a breath.


"Tell me or you face time for stalking her."



She looks at me deviously, but I hit her in the face before she can say anything.


I punched near the mouth several times till she trembled. She placed her fingers on her mouth and saw that she drew blood on the corner of her lips.


"Listen." I said, tightening my grip on her neck.



"Sara you better stay away from Elle, because I can do many bad things to you right now and you promise me that. This is blackmail and if you plead to anyone about our little fight, I will see to you never seeing daylight again. Undersood?"



She looked at me unphased and I punched her in the face again, leaving a big red bruise on her right cheek.


She looked up at me.


I slowly untightened my grip and pulled her up to me, making sure I was close enough to her ear.



"This is your last chance, leave Elle alone. Stop this nonsense you're doing to her....and if you don't, you'll die tonight."



I let go of her, making Sara drop to the ground consoling her face and before her neck.


"Who are you?" she said, getting up as I start walking away.



"Your worst nightmare and don't worry, iIwon't tell anyone you're a private investigator. So long as I keep this tape recording of you, from when you smashed the camera I put up in your hotel room."



She looked at me confused.


"How do you know that and when were you in my room?" Sara said.



She was getting up to fight me, but she only stands still once she's up.


"Trust me you're gonna, stop torturing Elle, because I have something you want. And you're never gonna know."



I turned around and left. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sara standing in the same position.


I knew if Sara wanted the tape recording, she's gonna have to keep her mouth closed and her hands off of Elle.




Elle's P.O.V



Marybella walked through the glass doors and she instantly waved at me.


"Hey Bella, how was your lunch break?" I asked.


"It was good, took the time to check out and get myself all cleared up at the docters."


"That's great, so how have you been since the award show?" I asked.


"Eh," she responded.



"Okay and guess what?" I say.




She looked around then contiuned.


"I saw Lana in the girls restroom, kissing some boy who works here. Can you believe it." 


"Oh my god, how could Lana do that!!" Marybella said jokingly.



"I don't know but something tells me, that she's gonna have to apologize for that time she told you to break the news to her last boyfriend." I said.


Marybella looked off to the side, then her watch on her wrist.


"Sorry, time to get back to work. I gotta go!"


"Hey," I start.


But it's too late.


She ran off her office. And I went back to starting a new blog post.



"Today's my offcial anniversary of blogging since high school. I wish everyone the best on this day. Anyways, now back to work. We only have some time left before getting off, then later on i'm going with Rikki downtown to take pictures of the Manhattan community for our new Fall Photo Fast. It's gonna be a new series in the magazines. And so far, i've come up with great stories that Lauren approves of, but sadly Sara hasn't came into work lately. I hope that she's okay, or at least is in the right hands if something's wrong. This fall, is gonna be spectacular because i'm flying back out to Rosewood with my parents in one week. Can you believe? I haven't seen my parents since the summer I went to Mumbai. I miss them alot and I hope when we go back to Rosewood, we'll get to go back to my old house and i'll get to see Renchenni again. This time of year, is gonna be perfect and I can't wait till next year. Because i'm gonna announce my successful blogging, and it's because of you guys. Thanks so much, anyways gotta go and see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86




After work me and Rikki hopped in her new convertible.


We drove all around Manhattan and took tons of pictures, then went shopping to get interesting ideas on what to include in the photo library.


After taking so many pics, we went out for coffee and sat outside, while we decide to pick which photos we want in the 'Fall Photo Fast' series.



"So what pics are we gonna put in?"


Rikki asked, drinking her ice coffee, while I sat across from her with my drink.



"I don't know, your the editor and chief of the photography for the writers department, not me!" I said.


Rikki laughed and deleted some pictures as we talked.



Just then everyone around us was staring at something, someone. Probaby walking down the streets.


Everyone's eyes were glued, even Rikki's were.


It wasn't until I set my eyes on....Sara.



She was wearing a bright pink dress, and heels. And her skin had a glow, the sun-kissed glow.


I didn't notice I was still staring, until she sat down nexr to Rikki.



Everyone else looked away, as if nothing happened and Rikki just stared at the Sara for a while.


Sara played around with the bracelet on her wrist.


"So..." Rikki said, trying to atempt conversation.



"How've you been lately Sara? We haven't seen at work for a while."


Rikki motions to me, to start the conversation.


" have you been Sara?" I said questionably.



She breaks her stare from her bracelet to us,


"Maitnence, mainly for me personally. I just got my check from this place I worked with the past, earlier today."



She boasts, and I don't mind. Because i'm not paying attention.


I'm looking at something else.


I just then noticed something, a little off about her right cheek.


"Ist that blush? I've never seen you wear blush before." I say, staring intensely at her.


Sara smiles, flipping her back slightly.


"It's a first time, for everything."



"Hey why is your right cheek more red then the other?" Rikki asked.


She motioned her hand towards her cheek and Sara looked at us more nervously now.


There she was.


"I kind of hurt myself this past week and the swelling just went down-"



Before she could finish, I interuppted.


"She must have put on too much blush, that's why it's uneven." 


"Yeah!! that's right." Rikki agreed with me.


"I put too much blush." Sara exclaimed.



She laughed afterwards and it made me feel uncomfortable.


"Sorry for bothering you two anyways. I need to get back." Sara gestured to leave.



Rikki spoke quick.


"Uh Sara, worked ended an hour ago. Are heading in soon or tomorrow?"


Sara's nervous smile perked up, then dropped.



"Oh, i knew that. Of course, I was just kidding. Ya know,...with people kidding these days.....bye!!"


She ran down the sidewalk almost crashing into someone.


Me and Rikki got up, cringing at the aftermath and went back to her place.



I called Jacob on the way there, telling him that I won't be home for another hour.


I'll plan a date for the both of us soon, by this week. Before I leave for Rosewood.




Sara's P.O.V



I didn't know what else to say, I ran as fast as I could in my heels.


I bumped into someone.


I almost fell, but someone caught me.



When I looked up, it wasn't some ordinary person.


It was someone in my interest, romantically.



He slowly pulled me back up, so that I could stand on my two feet again.


He stood impossibly tall over me. Even if I was wearing heels, he seemed taller.



I'd take the cute route.


Make myself seem smaller. I take off my heels unironically, maybe he'll react.


"Sorry, clumsy me." I say.


"I need to take off these shoes, before I hurt myself."



I smiled, and he smile back. I look away abruptly.


I rarely ever get nervous, I only act that way around Elle and her co-workers.



He smiled and looked down at me as I wait for the walk sign to light up.



And when I stood with my two bare feet on the ground, I suddenly regretted trying to seem cute.


He looked up and down at me, catching my attention.


Is there something on my face, or hair?



"I'm sorry for taking such a long time to respond. It's just that I couldn't stop staring, you're so pretty. I'm glad, that I caught you today." he said, smiling the whole time.


"Was that suppose to be a compliment? Finally?" I say, my smile ear to ear.



He reaches over to crosswalk, pressing the button.


He laughs and finally stands close to me, very close.



I felt him staring at me for a while, then I finally decided to talk back.


"What? Are ya checking me out?" I asked, looking up at him.


He grinned then looked towards the street.



"Oops, we missed out chance to cross. Guess, we'll have to wait again."


I look ahead, and half the people that were behind us, had left to the other side of the street.


I laugh, genuinely.



"It's just that I're really pretty. I don't know what to say. And someone would be lucky, to have you as a girlfriend."


I feel my heart jump out of my chest.


I get thrown back to a feeling I never wanted to feel.


Being someone's girlfriend.



I looked off to the side, then looked back at him. "Well, I don't have a boyfriend."


He smiled, then answered. "Yeah, well you deserve one. You're really cute."


"Really? You think i'm cute?" I say.



I wanted to push and see where it could go.


He leaned in closer next to me, staring down at my eyes.


"We missed out chance to cross again, and yeah."



That moment was crucial, we both looked into each other's eyes.


His, were like a magic show, looking me up and down.



I started feeling something again, but that went away when he put his hands on my arm.


I think he noticed that I was nervous, probably the way I was breathing.


And he wanted to make sure I was alright and I was.



The crosswalk light finally lit up and I snapped out of my trance.


I walked quickly across the street, leaving the random guy I met on the other side.



After looking back, he spotted me. When a few cars passed, he could still see me in his view.


He looked at me with those kind eyes again.


For a moment, it seemed like he was staring into my soul.


Seeing how lucky he would get to see it again, but I couldn't let that happen.



The last guy i've been with, broke my heart and left me with no money and no home on the streets of New York after my mom left me.


He was the only one I depended on to help me, after I grew up in New York with an older woman who lived in an apartment.



But this time, it felt different. As if I wouldn't get hurt or heart broken.


I wouldn't say I was afriad to love again, but more afriad to love again, even with a guy iImet on the streets of New York randomly.



I quickly ran down the street to the AUX hotel.



The AUX hotel is my only home from the last apartment I was in.


I couldn't help but think about that guy that I met again, he just couldn't leave my mind.



It was nice and kind and sweet to think of someone again, and he was cute.


I don't even know his name.



I had to, at some time see this guy again and get things striaght before he's taken.


I think there might be a spark between us.




Elle's P.OV



After driving up to Rikki's house, which is clearly a summer house, I helped her unload the things we bought and put it in her room.


She lead me upstairs from the kitchen, after she put the melting ice cream in the fridge.



When I entered her room, I thought, wow Jason and Rikki were glamorously are rich.


But Jason's rich and Rikki's just living in it. His world.



Just when I was done putting away things, the front door opened.


It was Jason. He was wearing a nice suit and holding a case.


Rikki came out of the bathroom and ran over to Jason, hugging him.



He kissed her back and waved to me.


"Hey Elle, how's it going?"


"Good." I said, opening Rikki's drawer filled with bikinis.



"Anyways, Rikki we need to hang out it's been.....15 minutes since we arrived, we only have 45 mintues left. Chop chop!" I said to her.


Rikki kissed Jason one more time, before following me downstairs.



We sat in the living room, reading books and talked.


It wasn't the same without Marybella. But we made it happen. 


"Jacob just texted me, wonder what he wants?" I say.



Rikki looked over to me, after painting her 2nd coat of nail polish on her toes.


"He says to come home quickly, wonder what happened." I replied.



Rikki sits up one the couch and faces me.


"Maybe he wants to suprise you."


I smile.


"Okay, I admit I haven't been properly home in a week. I stayed at the apartment, but i'm properly going home today. I just need you to drive me to the FARELLE parking lot, to take my car home."



Rikki grabs her keys and balances on her feet to the front door, picking up her yellow sandals that matched my yellow manicure.


We both hopped into the car and she drove me out to FARELLE.



"Okay here ya go, see you at work tomorrow Elle." she says.


"Bye and thanks." I say.


"Bye Elle!" Rikki yelled.



She drove up, just when I was about to start up my car and drive off.


Before getting the keys in the ignition, I noticed I left trash in my car.


I never learn.



I got up from the drivers seat and went over to the trash bin outside, to throw it away.


In a matter of a moment, Sara walked towards me. She was running, and she was panting.


"Elle!" she said in between breaths.



"Hide me. This guy I met on the streets found me again, when I was walking to central park. He spotted me-"


She looked to her left.


"And here he comes, hide me! Don't tell him where I am."


"What?" I finally respond.



She ran to my car and hid in the backseat. Then, a young man who was at least over 6ft walked up to me, catching his breath.


"Excuse me, have you seen a young woman with a very pretty face, she's wearing a pink dress. I'm sure she just passed by, i'm looking for her. She ran away from me, when I was chasing her back in Central Park."



I pushed my two lips together.


This was tricky.



I couldn't help but think, that Sara might be in coersion with someone, or at least someone who's trying to get her.


"Aww. Cute, looks like you really like her."


"Yeah." he said.


He ran his fingers through the back of his head, smiling.



Sara, who was in the back seat of my car, was giving me signals to stop talking and let him go already.


I really wanted to embarass her and learn a little bit about this new budding romance.


"I bet you really like her that much, huh? To chase her here."



The guy smiled, and blushed a little.


"Aw, you're in love." I say.


He nervously looked off to the side, making his smile go away.


"Yeah I do, I think that somewhere inside her, she likes me back too. I mean, one look in her eyes and instantly, I knew she was the one and I had to make it happen."



He looked up at me, realizing he was smiling the whole time.


"Who made the first move?" I asked.


I knew if I asked more questions, Sara would be mad. But I really liked the way this guy was talking about Sara.



It reminded me of the first time mentioning Jacob.



"Any idea what her name is?" I ask.


"Um, no. Barely had time to ask. I bumped into her earlier today." he says.



He smiled at his answer.


It new Sara was getting annoyed, because she wasn't popping her head into the back window anymore.



"Ya know where she is now?" I replied.


"No, I don't. But I think she ran this way, towards that 90 Rockers."


"Well, you should look there. You never know." I said.


"Aw thank you so much."



Before he ran off, I asked him one more question. 



"Hey loverboy, just in case I bump into her again, what's your name?"


He smiled then answered. "Kyle."


Then he ran off, crossing the streets.



Sara came out of the car calm, walking over to me.


"Thanks for buying me time, to ask him love questions!"


She crossed her arms over her stomach.



"Hey don't be mad, at least he said some things about you and his name is Kyle." I say.



Sara's eyes widened as I proceeded to remind myself to go home.


"Really? He said his name? Wait, what did he say about me?!" she asked.


She approached me as I got into the driver's seat.



"He said you were pretty and when he first laid eyes on you, he knew you were the one."


Sara's eyes looked to the side of her face, making a smirk. 


"He really said that about me?"


"Bye." i said, closing the door and starting the car. 



"Well thanks for the help Elle, i'll see you tomorrow." she blurts back.


I waved goodbye and drove off to the suburbs, leaving Sara back in the parking lot.




After getting home, Jacob told me to dress in something nice and that he was gonna take me out.


He took me to a fancy, five star resteraunt.



We ate and we finally got to spend sometime together.


Later, Jacob took me to Central Park.


"So how was tonight? Since it was a surprise for you, for the both of us!" he said smiling, nudging me in the side.


"It was a surprise and I had to admit, it was also romantic. Thanks for tonight." I say.



We sat down on a nearby bench and he opened up a box that had a cupcake in it, with 1 candle.


He motioned me to blow out the candle, once he had lit it.



"Oh my god, I forgot it was my birthday," I said surprised.


Jacob smiled at me. "Happy birthday,"


I blew out the candle and hugged him.



"How did I forget my own birthday, and you remembered." I say.


 "I just do, it's my job."


He smiles again.


"What can I say, I know my girlfriend very well."



He motions his fingers under my chin and pulls me in for a kiss.


I didn't want to ruin the perfect moment and perfect late birthday present, but I felt stinging tears drop down my cheeks and Jacob pulled back.


"Are you okay?" he asked softly.


"I'm just so...emtional right now and after what you did tonight was...something i've always wanted. In my entire life."



I shuffle to wipe my tears and he helps, by giving me a tissue.


I hugged him again and he held me tighter, making me feel comfortable in his arms. Even with the cold air blowing in my face.


I buried my face deeper in his coat and he still held me close.



I didn't realize I had somehow fallen asleep, until I woke up in bed.


I got out of bed and headed downstairs, still realizing I was in the dress I wore tonight. 



I saw Jacob in the kitchen, making something.


As I continued down the steps, he noticed me and looked over to where I was.


"Well hello sleepy head, how was your late night nap?" he asked.



"Good." I said nodding my head, with tiredness in my eyes.


"Is that my birthday cupcake?" I asked.


I pointed to the pretty design on a cupcake, on the kitchen counter.



"Yes and you didn't eat it, before you fell asleep one me. So now, you can eat it if you want." Jacob said.


He turned around and went to the fridge.


"Thanks, I will and good night." I said, kissing Jacob before heading upstairs.



I sat in bed eating my cupcake, before ultimately deciding to go back to sleep.


It was the best late birthday date night I've ever had.



Chapter Ten: Love At First Site



I woke up the next morning to a huge headache. It was the worst headache i've ever had in so long.


I think all the sweets and desserts that I had last night had an effect on me.



I took pills to make it go away.



Jacob had to go out of town this week, at least out of state and the country.


He had a job meetup in Tokyo and I had to let him go.


I couldn't force him to stay home.



I missed him enough the past week, but when Jacob has to do a job, he does it.


We both have good paying jobs, it's a sacrifice we have to make.


"I'm gonna miss you, again. It's too bad you can't go another or time or reschedule." I say.



He replied, after fixing his tie.


"I wish, but if I reschedule that means i'm gonna meetup with them next year. This is the only time to launch our new project for my company. And I have to be there and represent."



He grabs his bags and suitcase.


"I will hopefully see when you come back from Rosewood, next week. Depending on the time it takes to travel to Japan."


He kisses my forehead and walks out the door.



"Wait!" I said following him.


"What, Elle?"



I smiled then answered. "What if I drive you there, then it wouldn't be goodbye till you board the airplane."


He smiled and motioned towards the car.


Despite that I was wearing the same dress from yesterday, I grabbed sneakers from the closet and closed the door behind me.



I drove Jacob to the airport.


When we arrived at the airport, Jacob got out first. He rushed to get his things out.


He didn't answer when I asked him why he was rushing.



I ran inside, after him. Making sure he got in safe.


"Jacob!! wait!" i said running after him.



Instead of asking to slow down, he smiles.


 "Why would you run all the way to your departure entrance and not tell me why you were running in the first place?" I said finally standing up.


"To do this,"



I was confused until he pulled me into a kiss.


He had his hand on my waist and the other holding the back of my head.



After a second or two, he let go.


"You're so dramatic." I say, with a laugh.


An incoming announcement started, and we all heard througout the airport.


"All passengers please board the plane, for flight 2945340, please board the plane."



He smiles and looks from the other side of the entrance to me.


"Gotta go, i'll see you when I get back."



He kissed me one more time, in a hurry, then left to board the plane.


After walking back out of the airport to my car, I got a call from Sara.



"Oh my god, hey. How did Sara get my number?" I said when I answered her call.


There was silence on the other end.


"Hello, Sara why do you have my number?"



Before Sara could speak, I heard traffic noise in the background.


"Sara where are you?" I asked.


"Elle i'm in the park near the starbucks you go to with Rikki."


"Okay, why are you there?" I asked



"Because I need your help. I'm meeting up with Kyle today. He found me on social media and somehow he got my number and started texting me like crazy."



"Okay, i'm on my way. I'm at the aiport, so it'll take a while"


I hung up the phone and started my car.


I drove out to the starbucks and met up with Sara.





"Stop!!" she yelled back, before I could say her name.



I looked around and saw no one coming my way.


I look back at Sara, who was pulling me towards a table to sit at.



"Shhhhh!!" she said loudly.


I look back again.


"He might hear you." she whispered.



I looked across the street and saw Kyle talking to a lady.


"Oh, that's why you'fd all dressed up like your going to the beach in the hamptons." I said, sitting up straight.



She looked across the street, pulling down her sunglasses to see him. Then looking back at me.


"I can't make him stop stalking me, it's getting weird,....or am I following him?"



Sara questioned herself for a moment then focused back to me.


"I think you both are, him even more." I said.


"Anyways, I think he's crazy or something. He's always on my site and everywhere I go. Just yesterday, I caught him staring at me and getting my attention at the grocery store while I was buying eggs."


"Must be some great eggs. Wow, that's one interesing guy." I said.



"I don't think Kyle's gonna leave me alone until, he sees me upset. Or I beg him to date me," Sara said nodding her head.


That gave me an idea.


"Sara, how would you feel about being my best friend for the next 2 minutes. You know, to make Kyle feel bad and jealous that he's not with you right now?"


"What's your plan?" she asked.



I whispered the plan in Sara's ear and she agreed.


She took most of her beach get-up and we strut down the sidewalk, getting Kyle's attention, and it did work.



Boy he was jealous, super jealous.


He was looking striaght at us.



Sara and I acted as if we hadn't seen each other in forever, and it got Kyle's attention good.


But instead of making him more jealous, he kissed the girl he was talking to on the cheek.



Sara's expression dropped and she looked at me confused and sad at the same time.


Our plan somehow worked and backfired on us.


Sara walked back towards starbucks again and I followed behind.



"Sara that doesn't mean he's not into you. He probably did that on impluse, or she's really just a friend. If you guy's call what you have frolicking. That could be his sister or his mother or an ex-girlfriend..." I say.



"Doubt she's his mother, she's too young."


Sara had a devastated look on her face, she looked away.


I had to think about what to say, to make her feel better.



"Anyways, next time...text me!" I yelled back to her.


She looked back at me, then faked a smile.


I knew I pissed her off, but I had to make it stop. I had to distract her.


I sat across from her again.



"Listen you need to get yourself together." I said.


She looked back at me furious, then starting thinking.



"You're kinda right, I do need to get myself together."


She sounded frustrated, but she had the spirit. 


I decided to head home and get some rest, then go to work later. 




Sara's P.O.V



I looked over across the street and saw Kyle look at me, then kiss the girl again. This time, I didn't have a perfect view of Kyle kissing her on the cheek.


I was starting to feel jealous, I never get jealous. 



Why would he go out with a girl like her, than go out with me.


Maybe he thinks i'm a total wreck and i'm running away from him, because he thinks I don't like him.



I made a huge mistake that other day I met him, I wished I wasn't so weak around men and still afraid to love someone. 


Especially, a guy like Kyle.


Seeing Kyle do that to me and to the random girl, really annoyed me inside.



But it left a sad scar on the outside, like my bruise.



I didn't want to make eye contact, so I quickly ran from Starbucks back to the AUX hotel.


I think Kyle spotted me leaving. I picked up the pace.


I ran until he was right in front of me.



"Sara stop!"


"Well look who finally decided to talk to me, after all the stalking, and the looks. And the glares and the stares and everything! Can you please leave me alone, what do you want from me?!" I start.



When he caught his breath, he didn't say one word.


"Okay listen...Kyle, stop torturing me with all this attention from girls and stop following me, it's really annoying." I said.



I walked ahead and yelled for a taxi, so I wouldn't walk the rest of my way home, if that meant Kyle would be following me again.


Just then, a taxi came and I almost got in, when an arm got a hold of me.


"Sara wait.....I can explain."



I stepped off to the side, with his hand still on me.


"Okay spill," I say.



He stood there for a moment confused.


"Well?" I asked.


He still stood there speechless.



I went to the taxi that was waiting for me.


"Go ahead, i'll hitch a ride."


I gestured towards the taxi driver.



It left and I was with Kyle, out in downtown.


"Listen Sara, I didn't mean to hurt you because I was trying to make you jealous." he finally said.


"So wait, you only tested me to save you from all that girl, to see if I really like you?" I replied.



"Well, kinda, in a way. And because I didn't think you were interested in me, like howIi am in you." he said.


"Well you don't know that. I didn't say I wasn't interested, but we can try something else out instead of you trying to get my attention. It's annoying!" I say.



"Okay no problem, but let me just say, when you tried to single me out with the person who told me your name the other day, it made me feel jealous. Because, I wanted to come over there and see you and make sure you never left my sight." he said.



I looked over the side, my face turned hot.


"Well is that how you show love to me?" I yelled, in atempt to avoid what he said.


"Yeah and i'll try to get better at it....for you." 



"You better, otherwise, your evicted from my own two black eyes." I finally said.


He smiled as I relax from the interesting conversation.



I rub my cheek, which had still been hurting from days ago.


"Oh, did you get hurt?" he asked.


"Yeah I did this week, but now it got worse." I said, feeling the bruised spot on my face.



Kyle quickly helped me into a taxi and directed the driver to a location.


What was he doing?


I knew it was weird for him to stalk and now, it feels like he's trying to kidnap me.



For a minute, it seemed like it. But then, we stopped the car and took me inside a building.


"Kyle where are you taking me? And why are you doing this?" I asked.


I didn't fuss in the car ride, I didn't want to make noise.



He coverd my eyes, before I could say anything else. He cuffed my mouth with his hands.


I struggled to talk and move, he had a strong grip on me.


I couldn't break lose.



I feel my body sway, as he took me somewhere it drafty and cold inside.



My vision becomes clear, as I'm finally able to see. I turn around to a view of the most perfect apartment and New York.


It has red wall color and everything was still.



"Kyle why did you take me here?" I ask.



Before I could say anything else, he dragged me to a comfy couch and sat me down.


"Stay here, i'll be back." he said.



He disappeared into a room to the right, from the couch.


I had to find a way out or at least get out before he allegedly kidnaps me.



I looked to a window across the room from the couch I was sitting on, and saw fire escape stairs.


I heard footsteps come in from the hallway, Kyle diappeared to another room.



I quickly pretend to be in pain from earlier this week.


Although the pain was already gone before Kyle dragged me here.



"Here!" Kyle said, attempting to make me feel comfortable.


I smile, nervously.


"Just hold still and the pain will be over before you know it."



He rubbed a mositure like substance on my right cheek.


I could tell he was happy that he got to touch me, because I let him.



"See that's not to bad isn't it?"


"Yeah, if you recall me being kidnapped by you." I say.



Kyle looked upset after I said that aloud.


"Look, i'm sorry Kyle, but if this how your way of being nice to me, you've got it all wrong. At least don't take me somewhere unknown."



Kyle finally smiled, looking up at me, as he put the cap back on the moisturizer rub.


"Hey, why isn't the redness on you cheek going away?"



I didn't want to tell Kyle that I got hit by someone I didn't know, because I was looking over Elle.


And that mysterious girl really put my job on the rocks now.


"I ran into a pole." I said.



"Ran into a pole?" he replied.


"Yes and it really hurts."



I was being dramatic. I had to be.


"Well then, it looks like i'm gonna be touching your face more often."



He smiles, and looks at my face more curiously.


A moment of silence went by, before both of us said anything.



"Ya know you're really pretty," he said.



I inch away, in a reflex.


I couldn't help the fact that he smiles at me a lot and about everything.


I had to get out of here, before he notices.



"Uh, I actually don't feel better at all. Can you get me a different type of moisturizer for my face?" I say.




He quickly ran to the back and disappeared in the hallway.



I made a run for it.


I took went step by step on the rails of the fire escape outside, and tried to keep down the squeaking noise from my loudness.


By the time I neared the ground, I decided to make a jump for it since it wasn't too far down.



I went down and heard a small split crack that came from my leg.


I felt the muscles in my right ankle pull and twist.


I knew I had sprained or broke my ankle, but I had to get out of there.



Kyle was crazy to bring me here, but also crazy for me.


I called a cab and went back to the AUX hotel.



I struggled to go back up to my room. After sitting on the bed, I wrapped my legs around with a bandage wrap.


It hurt a lot and I thought maybe tomorrow I would go to the emergency room if it still hurt and have it checked out.



Today was a crazy day and i'm really starting to hate Kyle even more, but what can I say.


He does feel some type of way for me.



I laid down on my bed and drifted off to sleep.


I never want to see Kyle again if it's the last thing I do...forever.




Elle's P.O.V



"Come on Sara wake up?"


Sara still didn't move.


"Wakey wakey, time to get up!"



Sara yelled and rolled out of bed, onto the ground, making a loud thud on the ground of her hotel room.


"Elle how did you get here, and why are you waking me up?" Sara said, trying to stand up.



I could see she was struggling to get up, maybe she hurt herself.


"What happened to you yesterday?" I asked helping her up.


"Kyle has bad love luck, and I mean he doesn't know how to properly be kind to me without kidnapping me."



I stared off into the distance, thinking about Kyle for a moment.


"Wait, he kidnapped you?" I say.


"Yes, he did and might I say, he can't be in love with me already to start kidnapping me and taking me to a strange place?" she says.


"Probably his apartment," she whispered the last part.



"Actually yes, if he's that much in love with you, he'll take you anywhere. But you have to take charge and make sure he doesn't do that again." I said.



"Thanks for the help Elle."


Sara was sitting down her her bed side.


"You're welcome and since you sprained your ankle, i'm taking you the emergency room then you'll come back here, because you can't work oi that condition."



Sara sighed and wobbled over to the bathroom to dress.


After she went in, I called Alex to come over and search the room.


This isn't exactly the plan, but it worked perfectly since Sara's ankle was sprained.



"Okay come on Alex." I whispered.



Alex searched around for clues and things, while Sara was dressing.


I knew Sara was my stalker and it had to come to an end sooner or later. So I had it hit where it less likely her the most (her hotel room) or at least someone else.



Sara starting talking to me, as she was dressing.


"Hey Elle can I tell you something about Kyle?"



Alex stopped searching, but I told her to continue as I taked with Sara.


"Yeah what is it?" I replied.



"It's just that Kyle's been addicted to seeing me more and more. He wants me to be around him, and he's always atempting to touch me in some kind of way, now. But I don't want to be in a relationship with him."



I knew this was bad news.


I thought that since she was starting to get to know Kyle, that she might as well date him. So that she can be distracted by him and not think to come up with a way to toture me.


But we don't know that yet.


"No, I think you should give Kyle a chance, he's really sweet. And if he changes for you, you might actually start to like him."


I'm manipulating her.



"Really though?" Sara said in between brushing her teeth.


"Yeah, I can talk to him. So he won't treat you like a cash prize and more of a lady."



Sara was almost ready to come out and I had to let Alex leave, but Sara was already out of the room before I found Alex.


Sara came out dressed nicely.


"Why are you dressed to go to the hospital?" I asked looking at her.



"Well you never know, if Kyle doesn't back off, a docter or male nurse may be on my check list for dating."


"You are so weird." I said.


She smiled, applying lip gloss.



"Alright let's go," I interrupt her.


I helped her into the elevator, while I wait out in the hallway to look for Alex.


I waited till she picked up the phone.



"Alex, I need you to help Sara with her lovestruck relationship, so that she's distracted by him, see if you can lend a helping hand."



Alex agreed and met up with Kyle on the streets while I took Sara to the hospital.


It didn't take long before she was out of there.



"Thanks again, for taking me to the hospital this morning. Despite that i'm on crutches for the next 2 weeks, but it's worth it."


"Well, you're welcome and stay off your leg as much as you can, like the docter said."


"I will, thanks again Elle." she says.



"Oh and Sara, do you need a ride back to the AUX hotel or not?" I ask.


"No I like walking, plus if I crutch my way there i'll get good exercise." she says.


"Ok," I reply.



After she left to the AUX hotel, Alex called me.


"Hello Elle, I have my eyes on the target and i'm gonna make it happen."


"Don't call him, the target. Because we need that boy, if he's our way to distracting Sara and it's gonna be a while before she's back on my radar."



I hung up and drove back home.




Sara's P.O.V



I heard footsteps come from the outside, when I started towards the elevator.


The crutches are annoying and hard to balance on, but it's mainly Kyle's fault since he's in my head and for basically kidnapping me yesterday.



Just then at the mention of his name, I heard a voice call me out, it sounded like Kyle.


But I ignored it.


The voice got louder, till I turned around to see Kyle panting and looking for me in the lobby, his eyes searching everywhere.





I didn't think he would find his way here.


"Damn, Damn!" was all I could whisper under my breath loudly.



I quickly crutched my way to the elevator as fast as I can. He spotted me and yelled out my name.


I went into the elevator and pressed the up button forcefully, I almost cried thinking, I have to get away from him.



As soon as the doors closed, the last thing I saw was his face and he looked upset and tired.


"Don't feel sympathy," I told myself.


I didn't want to hurt Kyle, but he's too much for me right now.



I nearly broke down into tears from the stress.


When the elevator door dinged, I got out, using my crutches and slowly went back to my room.



I felt bad for leaving Kyle down there, he's probably still upset.


Nothing can compare to the way he made me feel when I bumped into him the first time.



His eyes searching mine and his laugh, it's still stuck in my head.


His smile get's me all the time, but if he keeps treating me like this, he might lose me.



Maybe that's it, i'm an innocent dog to him. And he just can't help but look out for me, even if I don't get hurt. 


He cares about me, apparently, and I just met him. It's crazy.



I sat on my bed for a while, thinking.



An hour later, I went back to the lobby to see if he was there and to eat lunch.


When the elevator door opens and I step out, checking around.


I saw Kyle sitting on a bench, looking out of the glass doors.



He was still here.


Maybe it's meant to be, if he's gonna be on the other side, waiting for me.


I could put my guard down, but I don't know if goodness is gonna come out of it.



I crutched over to the lobby's main desk.


"Excuse me, do you know what that guy is doing here?"



The main desk receptionist answered, looking up at me.


"He says he's here for you Ms. Walker."



Deep down in my heart, I really felt bad for upseting him.


I crutched over to him, sitting on the bench.



He looked up at me and walked over almost elated to see me.


"Woah, slow down buckaroo." I said.


Kyle put his arms around me hugging me tight. I flinched, in reaction.


"I'm so sorry Sara." he whispered in my ear.



He begans stroking my hair and my eyes widen.


Was this what it was like to be taken care of?



His body was warm against mine and his hug was tight and loving. 


I felt like I could fall into his arms and everything would be okay.



But I had to talk with him.


"Uh, Kyle." I finally said.



He pulled me from the hug and looked at me, searching my eyes.


"I feel pretty bad right now, you know with me avoiding you. I feel like you shouldn't treat me like a dog, but like a human. And I want to make this work between us, but I can't do it if you keep chasing after me, no matter if that's how you show you love for me." I say.


"Sara, i'm sorry for not knowing that. It's just that I spent my whole life around people who were loving and caring and I wanted to make someone one day feel that way. You and somehow I guess I drew you away."


"Well, I wasn't much I wanted to be. That's why. It shocked me." I reply.



I looked off to the side, thinking about my mom.


I felt like crying again, but instead I leaned into Kyle, wrapping my arms around him.


It didn't take long before he hugged me back, holding me in his arms.



"I'm sorry for being a such a clingy jerk to you lately." he said after I pulled away from the hug.


 "There's always room for improvement," I say.



He put his hands on my face, making me look up at him.


"Hey it's fine, let's just start over....and this time I promise i'll treat you right."



It felt like he was looking for my soul, seeing the good in me and actually reading my mind.


He stared at me for the longest time and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.



His green eyes staring at me.


It wasn't long before he put his hands around my face again, then picking up my chin and leaning in.


I pulled away, in embarassment.



I had to stop the moment, I was hungry and I didn't want a first kiss to happen in a hotel or even now.



I stepped back, forcing him to lean up.


"What?" he asked, still looking at me.



I thought and thought for a moment to say something.


"I'm hungry."




He smiled looking down at me.


"Where do you wanna eat?" he asked.


"Somewhere nice, and quiet." I suggested



He smiled again.


"I know the perfect place,"


He held out the door for me and I crutched my way out.


"So tell me Kyle, what did you first think about me?" I asked.



He thought for a moment helping me down the hotel steps.


"I thought you were, pretty and cute because you're short."


"Hey!" I said smacking him in the arm.


"I'm not that short,"


"You are." he replied.


"It's not fun being short, ya know." I said.



He smiled, laughing.


"I know, but it's cute." h


He wrapped an arm around me, helping me cross the street.



It turns out, he wasn't the person I was expecting. And a very romanitc one at heart, because he's always telling me i'm so pretty.



"Alright, I have your phone number and address." I said.


"And I have yours so, I guess this is goodbye....again." he said smiling.



I laughed and started to leave.


"Hey!!' he yelled behind me.



I turned aorund.


"See ya next time, pretty girl." he said.



He smiled and ran to his car, while I turned back to enter into the hotel.



I walked back into my room and called up my boss.


"Hey, yeah it looks like there's gonna be a delay to raiding the rat house, but i'll be back on my feet in 2 weeks. So call off your army and tell them to chill for a while."



He answered back furious but calmly.


"I know and when i'm back on my two feet, Elle's gonna suffer some more, but she won't actually. That is, until next year."



All I have to do is wait  till the day comes.


I turned on my computer and flipped in a flash drive.


Unlike the person I met in the alley, I have a flash drive with footage of a recording.



"You have your worry free time now Elle, but beware." I said, looking at the screen.


I wipe it clean from the history. 


Chapter Eleven: Ghostly Crime


Elle's P.O.V


I woke up to the scent of candy corn.


I had recently went to the store to buy candles and I came across one that had my favorite halloween candy.



Halloween is on it's way tomorrow and I can't wait, because it's my absolute favorite holiday out of the year. The time when nobody knows who I am and I can do whatever I want.



I got up from my bed and skipped to the bathroom. 


"What should I dress up as this year?"


Before I head to Rosewood this weekend.



I remembered from the girls night, 2 months ago, that I had woken up in a strange cool cop costume. And I figured that I would be Beyonce for halloween.



It would make me look cool, since I turned 20 this year.


I got dressed and headed out to work.



I came across Rikki, who was tailoring her costume for the Halloween Bash that's gonna happen at FARELLE tomorrow.


"Hey Rikki." I said.


She looked up and smiled, with pins in her teeth.


"Hey Elle, i'm just touching up my costume!" she mumbled.




She took the pins out of her mouth, waiting for my response.


"So what are you gonna be this halloween?" I asked.



She put her costume into a garment bag.


"I'm gonna be katy perry this year, and have cupcakes on my bra." she laughed.



Rikki micking the making of the scene where katy perry shot whipped cream from her chest in the California Girls music video.


"What are you gonna be?" she asked me.


"I'm gonna be beyoncé, wearing the cop outfit in her music video. Plus, I have the costume from girls night."



"Cool. Alright, let's head into work." she said.


Rikki and I walked in and heard commotion going on.


Lauren came up to me embracing a big hug.



Then she pulls me out of the hug, looking at me.


"We need a story for tomorrow's halloween bash, so we can get readers to comment on our company."


She smiled and rushed to her office.



Vanessa came up to me. Rikki disappeared, hiding behind me.


"Hello Elle, nice to have you back, see you at the bash." she said.


She walks to her office, snapping her fingers at Marcus to follow.


I see Jeff shooting photos for the magazine cover.



"Wow, Vanessa actually asked how you were doing." Rikki said, walking over to the reception desk.


I looked suprised as I saw Vanessa disappear around the corner to her office.


"Anyways, i'll see you later Elle." Rikki says.


She rushes off with her costume to her office.



I quickly start writing to my blog.



"Happy Halloween, I can't wait to dress up and purge on candy this year, because it's that time of the year. I hope everyone has a happy halloween. I'm looking forward to visiting Rosewood after tomorrow. I'll get to see my parents again and visit my hometown. And I can't wait to spend thanksgiving with Marybella this year, her father's arriving today for his visit. I'm siked for the halloween bash at FARELLLE. They're throwing it tomorrow, apparently it's a tradition they do every year and it's my first time. Although I wish Sara would come back to work, she needs to start on many different projects and stories. But i'm okay with the fact of writing my own and her's. For this year, We've Got Issues is a new magazine slogan. It's suppose to mean we've got issues of magazines to seel, like chapters and stories in today's time. I'm so proud to be a part of FARELLE, I hope the year get's better. But, i've gotta go my ElleWoodsers, and see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86



After writing and posting, I came across Marybella. She was just in time, for us to go out for lunch.


For some reason, Rikki liked eating lunch here. But I beg her to go and eat lunch with us elsewhere, this time.



Marybella rushed in, wearing a pretty black blouse and a white skirt with black see-through leggings.


"Hey, Marybella over here!" I shout.


She rushed to me. She pants and it seemed like she was running a block from here.



"Why are you breathing so hard?" I asked, stacking papers.


"I ran down the hall here." she said catching her breath.


She started to move as I think of my response.


"So why are you walking around in circles, you're very nervous, cat's got your tongue." I asked, looking at her running around in circles.



"What a cat's got my tongue? Give it back!!" she yelled, nervously checking and pulling her tongue out.


"No, Marybella. It's just a catch phrase, exaggeration." I replied.



She looked around worriedy.


"Oh, okay." she replied.



She took a water bottle out of her purse and started chugging it down.


"So why are you so nervous now all of a sudden?" I asked.


"Dad's coming to town. And you remember how I told you last year when we met up for the second time, that my dad's part of the russian country office and how he works with famous and important people, telling them about the goods and shipping from Russia?"


"Yeah." I nodded.


"Well guess who's coming to New dad."



"Oh that's great news. How long has it been since you've seen him?"


"Since I was 16, when I left to New York to pursue my dream of ballet." Marybella says, looking off into the distance.



I patted her on the cheek, I caught her attention.


"Marybella focus, you have to work today, snap out of it." I snapped my fingers on point and she instantly came back.


"Wow, for a moment there I thought it'd be the end. But now, I feel a bit better."



Marybella leapt her way to her office and she disappears.


"See you after work," I hear her words echo.



Vanessa and Lauren came by the receptionist desk, smiling towards me. Then finally putting on a serious face to talk to me.


"Elle?" Lauren said.


"Follow us to the conference room, you might want to hear about this now." Vanessa said.



Lauren came behind me as we walked, putting her arms around me.


"It's nothing that serious, all we need you to do is be honest."



They walked me to the conference room and sat me at the end of the table, across from the wall with the projector and tv.


"So Elle, i've recently been wondering that Sara might be a little problem lately?" Lauren said, as she lowered the lights.


"There's something off about Sara, that most people don't know. Have you seen anything off since she's been here?" Vanessa said.



She leaned in close to my face, I backed up a little.


"Not really, but I did later on." I said trying not to sound suspicisous. 


"And when did you start noticing that, she was not what you thought she was, or if something was off about her?" Lauren asks.


"I don't really remember, but I think it was around the time before the award show."



Vanessa flashed the screen on the tv and pictures of Sara showed up.


The mood and in the conference room, was set like a criminal minds show and I was a witness.


"All of these picture here, were taken by me. And most of these pictures include you."



I was furious and furrowed my eyebrows together, I wanted to be calm, but I couldn't.


"You mean you've been stalking me!" I said.



Lauren came up behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders.


"Calm down Elle, it's just something to show. And it's evidence about Sara's whereabouts."


Vanessa continued talking, as Lauren stood by me.



"I recently took pictures of you and Sara together. And most of the pictures are of Sara, looking through a camera and taking pictures of you."


Lauren budded in.


"And we suspect she's stalking, which leads to our concern to protect you."


"What?" I asked.



Vanessa talked again.


"We're basically worried about you and think Sara's stalking you."


Lauren nodded, looking at Vanessa then me.


"So what do you want me to do about it?" I asked.



Lauren turned to me. "Nothing"


"You want me to do nothing!" I said shifting in my chair.



"Calm down Elle!" Vanessa said raising her voice.


"We need you to do nothing, because were hiring someone." Lauren says.



Vanessa buds in. "A private investigator, to spy on Sara for us and for you"


I was really pissed at this point. I felt trapped in the middle of an arguement.


"I'm sorry, but I already have someone watching after me, in fact. An old cancel your private investigator, i'm covered." I replied.



I nearly cheered for my brave response, thinking that Lauren and Vanessa didn't know about Alex.


"We know about Christina aka Alex." Vanessa said, backfiring the look on my face.


"Yeah and we asked her to protect you more often. While she's not working with you, she's doing as we say." Lauren said, flipping through the pitctures on the tv screen.



"And we're the ones who told her to attack Sara in the alley, that night when she showed you the camera clip of Sara in her hotel room 3 doors down." Vanessa said.


"We know everything Elle and we have since last month." Lauren finally says.



I was confused and furious at Lauren and Vanessa, for paying or torturing Alex to do their bids.


"Alex is my friend and you're torturing her to do things that she could do herself, do you know what she can do?!" I said, standing up.



This time Lauren didn't calm me down, instead she spoke again.


"We know well what she can do and what she did to Sara that night."



I was really mad now.


"What did Alex do to Sara and why? Sara woudn't do anything to hurt anyone, sure she may be my stalker, but you can't hurt her!"


"Why are you protecting her?" Lauren asks.



Her voice echoed in my head.


Sure Sara may be werid, but she's kind and I can see her as a true friend.


"She's human, just like us. She may have a reason and might stop if she confronts someone about it." I say.


"Listen Elle, Sara is the bad one. She's after you and what happens if she's in perfect condition or if she's focused on her second job, stalking you. She's gonna get too close and then she'll expose you in some way." Lauren said.



I was beginning to think that they're was right.


"Elle, Sara's not gonna stop stalking you unless she's distracted and tortured by someone else to keep her busy. So we need you to calm down." Vanessa said, getting closer to me too.


I felt her hand over mine, and I instantly calmed.


"Where is she now?" Vanessa asked, looking to the tv screen.



I took a moment to think, before saying anything wrong to upset them.


"She at home, she sprained her ankle the other day. I took her to the hospital, so she's gonna be on crutches for 2 weeks."


"Great!" Vanessa said.


"That gives you some time to rest and not think so much about her since her small disability will be in the way." Lauren says.



Lauren came up to me putting her hand on my shoulder.


"We're only protecting you from her and whatever person or company she's working for. So until then, is there something we should know about Sara so we can make sure she doesn't get back to stalking you?"


Vanessa looked over to me, while Lauren gave an honest, innocent look.



I knew they were concerned about me and it was my time to thank them once. For having my back.


I knew this was the right thing to do and telling them about Sara's life it was worth it.


"Yeah. She has a little boyfriend now and I think that might distract her enough for us to figure out who she's working for."



Vanessa and Lauren smiled at me.


I'm officially on the team.



"Glad you decided to join Elle, we need you." Vanessa says.


"Yeah." Lauren said.


"Wouldn't be right if you didn't." I replied.



I stood there for a moment, thinking over the past month Sara had been distracting me and it's gone too far now.


I went back my desk, after the conference.


Vanessa and Lauren explained that we'll meet up at Vanessa's place for a meeting.


And Alex would be there.



I missed the first 5 mintues of lunch because of Lauren and Vanessa, but I caught up with Marybella and Rikki.


Rikki got her food and Marybella, a vegatarian meal.


We sat down and ate and talked and caught up. Rikki left to work early, while Marybella and I walked back to FARELLE after lunch.



"I've been so nervous about my dad coming home since yesterday, I couldn't sleep and the thought of him seeing how i'm living, makes me want to cry." Marybella said, sipping her cold drink.


"Aren't you the one who brags to everyone at FARELLE, about your father being the best and spoiled you, your whole life?" I said.


"Yeah and still, till now. He's been sending me gifts from different countries, as he takes flights here and there, it's always been our thing." she replied.



"Wow, I can't wait to meet your dad, how long is he staying?" I said.


Marybella sipped her drink again then answered.



"Until after christmas, because then he's gotta go back home to check on my brothers."


"Wow, that's like almost 2 months Marybella." I replied.



"I know and I get to spend most of it with him," she said, smiling as we walked down the alley to the entrance.



When we got back in, we talked for a while till it was time to get back to work.


"Well, i'll see you after work to go and meet my father later on, bye Elle!" she said, walking to her office.



I got to work again and starting thinking about how i'm gonna decorate the house for fall season and for halloween.


Last minute.


I've been working late, so I don't get the time to decorate. Mainly because I stay back at my old New York apartment 2 blocks from FARELLE.


It's closer and convienent.



After work. I drove home and started decorating, killing the purple colored walls with a splash of orange and black.


I laid my costume out ready for work tomorrow.


After decorating, I had leftover supplies.


I decided to give them to Marybella, since this is another year of celebrating halloween without her family.



I grabbed a big bag full of candy and put the decoration supplies in a box.


I drove out to Marybella's house and saw a limo parked in the driveway.



"Now who would ride in a limo, to Marybella's house?"


I parked on the long side of the driveway and walked to the house.


The door was open. I went in easily and sat the box down on the kitchen table.



Just then, I saw Marybella and what appeared to be a tall older looking man. Who had brown hair, just like her's.


He wore a navy blue coat uniform, with medals and patched sewed stickers on it.



"Oh, Elle's here!" Marybella said, hugging me.


"Hey Marybella." I said.


"Elle, i'd like you to meet my father. Dad this is Elle, the person I told you about that helped me stop smoking."



The man smiled and his eyes squinted, which made his face crinkle around the cheeks.


And his mustache and beard moved upwards, with his face.


"Nice to meet you Elle, Bella told me all about you."


His voice was strong and boomed an echo, as he stepped closer to me.



"Well nice to meet you too, Marybella's dad." I said firmly shaking his hand.


His hands were big and strong.



"Please Elle, call me, Selvester Montoya Machistan."


I looked at him nervously.


Marybella stood there, smiling up at him.



"Or you can call me Steve, which is my nickname." he said.



We both laughed. He had a funny voice and with big confidence.


"Well Elle, now that you met my dad, time to decorate. Where's the extra decor supplies?" she asked excitedly.


"Here." I pointed to the box behind her.



"And I hope you don't mind, I work better when I eat candy corn." I said.


Marybella laughed and gather the supplies.


Steve and Marybella put together the decorations and it made the house look absolutely ghostful.



Seeing Steve and Marybella together, made me think about my father. And the time we spent together, when he told me that I was his daughter.


Back in Mumbai.


I miss him here and there, and hope that when we go to Rosewood, that we could have the same bond like Marybella and Steve.



Just then, the door opened and Mark appeared in the living room.


"Hey Elle." Mark said, pulling me into a hug.


"Nice to see you too Mark!" I yelled getting up from the ground.



"So who's in the living room with Marybella?" he asked.


"Marybella's father," I said, eating more candy corn.



"Oh, well this is a surprise." Mark said, taking off his coat.


Marybella looked over to Mark and ran up to him.



I walked back to the kitchen, to check for a water bottle.


Marybella jumped into Mark's arm and he hugged her.


"Hey baby, how are you?" I heard Mark say.


"I'm good come and meet my dad." she said, pulling Mark behind her.



Steve came out from the hallway and appeared in front of Marybella.


"Hello, Bella, who is this?" Steve asked, looking at Mark.


"Dad this is my boyfriend, Mark. He's the one I told you about."



Mark cleared his throat and threw a sarcastic smile.


"Well, Mark if you are the man of my daughter's dreams, nice to meet you." Steve said.



He shook Mark's hands, and it seemed like Steve stood 2ft over Mark. But they were nearly a few inches separate in height.


Mark and Steve went outside, to get fresh air and talk. While Marybella popped some vodka in her punch.



Luckily, she didn't ask me if I wanted, because Marybella doesn't drink anything plain without some substance or syrup in it, even water. 




I waved goodbye to Marybella in the kitchen and ran into Mark and Steve at the door, when we finished decorating.


They all said bye and I left.


I decided, instead of going back home, i'll go visit my old apartment again.



When I got to the building, I saw a notice letter on the entrance door, I ignored it.



When I got up the steps, I saw another notice paper on the old apartment that Mrs. Wilson lived in.


The door was half open, so I decided to look inside.



There were police officers and people who worked and lived in the building there.


I saw a glimpse of someone else.


It looked like Sara was crying, and it was Sara.



I couldn't believe that Sara would get close enough to me, to find out where I used to live.


But what she doesn't know is, which apartment I live in.



I quickly walked over to the elevator, so no one could see me.


When the doors closed, I kept thinking about what Sara was doing in Mrs. Wilson's apartment.


I thought I was the only girl she knew, of course she told me years ago she lived with someone much younger.


But I never thought of Sara showing up here.


Did she know her?


Maybe, Mrs. Wilson's will was achieved and now someone has to take her last belongings.



When the elevator doors opened, I rushed to my old apartment door.


I unlocked it and stood by the door for a while.



I walked over to the big window that I used to look at, the sun was shining right in my face.


I heard mumbling coming from one of my vents, I looked around to hear exactlly where it came from.


And it was right under my feet when I was looking at the window.



I put my body to the floor and lean in close to listen. 



"Do you have anything, or something to rememeber by Mrs. Wilson?" an officer said.


"No, all I know it that I never really knew her and i'm sad, she's gone. She was the best care taker I knew." Sara said. 



Maybe Sara was the little girl that Mrs. Wilson told me about, she never mentioned being a care taker.


But it can't be Sara that she was taking care of before.


It can't be.



I heard the officer take notes and footsteps left the room.


I heard Sara sob for a while, which was really annoying.



A second later she stopped and dialed someone. I heard the noise of her phone she dialed, it made me mesmorised by the sound, like on an old flip phone.


When you dial the numbers, each number has it's own signature noise. 





Silence filled the room before she spoke again.


"Yeah I know, i'll get back to work as soon as I can. But for now, things are gonna be slow."



I heard Sara talking, but I didn't hear the other person on the line.



"Of course and I can't wait until next year, when she's locked up for good and the look on Elle's face will be priceless. She has no idea."


Sara finally hung up on the phone and exited the room.



I silently gasp at the thought, about what Sara had planned for me and what she plans to do until she's back on her feet.


I didn't think much about what Sara was doing, since she's injured.


But she has so many things behind her back.



I had to call up Vanessa and Lauren and tell them about this.


I called Lauren's number, her phone went to voicemail.


"Hello Lauren, I want to move up the meeting to next weekend. Because I think Sara maybe injured, but still hot on her feet."



I hung up and made sure to look around before, exiting the apartment.


When I got out of the building, I called up Alex.


Her phone went to voicemail.



"Alex, I think you should be aware and cautious of Sara. She's got something on her back and I know it."


I ended the call and drove home.





I woke up the next morning, to knocking on my door. I struggle, going down the stairs.


It's too early in the morning. Inf act, 5:40am to be exact.


I opened the front door and Marybella came in all cheery.



"Good morning Elle!" ahe said hopping around.


"Good morning Marybella." I said, tiredly.


I didn't open my eyes, till I layed down flat on the couch after closing the door.



"Why are you not dressed yet?!" she asked.


"What?" I said lifting my head up.


"Halloween is today, why are you not dressed yet!"



I opened my eyes finally and looked at Marybella, who was dress like a ballerina.


How cliche.


"Marybella, it's 5:41 in the morning. The sun hasn't even come up yet and you're ready for tonight?"



"Yes I am ready, it's my second time celebrating halloween here and this year i'm getting the big candy bars. Unlike last year, when one person took the last Hershey's and I had to fight them back for it."


I looked at Marybella for a second.


"Yeah I remember, because I wasn't there! And I wasn't that person who had the last Hershey's!" I complained.



Marybella looked off to the side, sighing.


"Yeah sorry for that. And since it's early in the morning, why don't you go back to sleep while I watch a movie and make pancakes."


"Twitches?" I say.


"I'll put it on loud for you." Marybella scurries to say.



She helped me up to my room and I instantly fell asleep when I hit the bed.


Later, my alarm clock rang and I hit it the snooze button.



I smelled something nice coming from downstairs and it smelled like chocolate chip pancakes.


I had to admit Marybella can bake and make breakfast.



I quickly got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and dressing up in my halloween costume for work.


The halloween bash is tonight.


I went downstairs, to find Marybella making freshly squeezed orange juice.



"Oh good morning Elle...again!!" she smiled, handing me a plate full of toast.


"Well, good morning to you too, and tell me what did you do for the past 3 and a half hours since you arrived here?"



She stopped blending juice and looked towards me.


"Well I would do what anyone else would do, watched 3 hours worth of scary halloween movies (my favorite), and I made breakfast."



She smiled eagerly, making me feel impressed.


"Okay, well that's quite the schedule and Marybella?" I said.




"Next time don't come by my house this early in the morning....especially on halloween too." I said.



I smiled and sat down on one of the barstools, digging into my pancakes.


"Mmmm, these pancakes look good." I said, inserting a mouthfull of chocolate chip pancakes.


"Thanks Elle, father taught me well."



"Mmmm, we better hurry up before we're late to the early halloween party they're having at the breakfast hall." I say.


"Okay!" Marybella said.



Marybella grabbed the last french toast and carried two bottles, filled with the orange juice that she blended.


"Here." she said, handing my one bottle.




We got in the car and drove off to FARELLE.



When we got there, the parking lot was almost filled. Luckily Marybella left her car at my place, because there was only one stop left.


I looked at myself in the reflection of my car, making sure my cop costume was alright.


We walked down the alley to the breakfast hall, which they renamed from the previous one 'breakfast club'.



We heard crutch sounds coming from the alley and we looked behind us to see Sara.


"Hey guys, wait up!" she said, struggling to balance on one crutch.


"Hey Sara, what are you doing here and where's your other crutch?" I asked.



She panted before she answered.


"Part of the costume. I heard about the big halloween bash FARELLE was throwing, so I had to get up and show up to work today. Plus, I needed to get my stories in. So, here I am and guess what i'm dressed as?"



Marybella took the first guess. "A monster!"


"No." Sara said smiling.


"A ghost?" I answered.


"I'm a zombie, who just got out of a hospital with all the crutch and stuff, because of an injury."



"Oh!" Me and Marybella said at the same time.


"I get it, well come on. We're gonna be late to get all the good cookies for breakfast." I said helping Sara walk with us. 



We sat down at our usual table and eat the provided cookies for a while, then went to work. 



Lauren and Vanessa stopped everyone in the middle of tasks, to announce something.


"Okay everyone, today's the official day and night for the halloween bash. Everyone remember we're not here to have fun, we're here to be on the look out." Lauren said.


Vanessa interuppted.


"Yes, as some of you know, every year all the magazine companies throw a halloween bash, so one of us can secretly go over to their company and steal their latest dresses for their covers and spreads. And as we all know, it's fun and games until something goes wrong."


Lauren interuppted.


"So I suggest, if you're part of the steal group, make it count and don't steal anything else other than the dress. Remember, it's fun and games until tomorrow, when we return the dresses back."


Lauren and Vanessa walked towards me and Rikki, as we were talking at my reception desk.



"Elle. I want you, Rikki, Marybella, Lana and...."


Lauren looked around, till she caught her eyes on Sara.


"And Sara to be our steal team for the bash tonight, now you can all still wear your costumes, but wear something black also."


Lauren walked away to her office.



Marybella came out from the photoshoot area and walked towards me and Rikki.


"What was all that about?"



"We're alll part of the steal team. Lauren assigned us all  to steal a dress at the bash tonight, and it includes you and Lana, and Sara." I said.


"What Sara? That's great and we'll get to have fun." Marybella exclaimed.



Just then Marybella got a text.


"Oh, it's from Vanessa, she said were stealing the Vigorus strip down dress from our rival, KARL magazine."



"What?" I said.


"KARL is our magazine company rival and we're gonna steal their latest dress....that's awesome!!"Rikki said.


Sara budded in.


"I got caught up with Lauren just now, she said I was part of the steal group. What's that?" Sara asked.


Marybella turned around to Sara.




"Awesome, i'm gonna go find some black clothing." Sara said.


Sara crutched her way to The Big Closet.



Rikki interuppted.


"Okay. I have a plan, but it does include one of our boyfriends...and when I mean boyfriends. I mean, you Marybella because you're not married or engaged like Elle."



"Hey, Jacob will propose to me soon." I said striking a look at Rikki.


Marybella sighed, throwing a fit.


"Or someone else who has a boyfriend." Marybella said, turning to face Sara who was carrying a black oufit.



"You mean Sara has a boyfriend?" Rikki asked.


Me and Marybella nodded. "Yeah, didn't you know?" I said.



"Wow, I am missing out on everything. Do you guys hang out without me?" Rikki asked.


"Yes," Marybella and I said.


"But guys, what about Lana?" Marybella asked turning back to me.



Rikki interuppted.


"We leave her behind with some cute guys at KARL, then we steal the dress."


"Awesome." I said.




When the party started, we were ready to go. Lana was by our side, Marybella and Rikki.....and Sara.


"Alright girls!" Lauren said, as she came up to us with Vanessa.


"Good luck and make sure not to get caught, unless someone has a yellow card. That's our color this year." Lauren said.


Vanessa handed us 3 yellow cards.


"And remember have fun and get in trouble, but not too much....and enjoy the party." Lauren finished.



A bell rang and Lauren pushed us towards the glass doors and we were off.


Sara was behind with Lana, because she's on crutches and Lana's a slow.


Marybella, Rikki and I were up ahead.



KARL magazine company was 1 block away from FARELLE.


We crept in through a door near an alley.


The building was built like a mall.


It was big.



"Do you have the de-coder Marybella?" Rikki asked, as I shuffled through our black bag.


"Always." she said taking it out.



The door unlocked and we went inside with Lana and Sara following behind.


Rikki, Marybella and I went up the flight of stairs in a breeze, while Lana and Sara took the accesible elevator.


When we got up we banged on the door till it shot down.



When we got inside we all tip-toed to the closet room. Where the dresses were hidden.


Marybella and Rikki looked around and kept a look out for Lana and Sara coming our way.



The elevator door dinged and Lana and Sara came out.


"Come on!" I whispered to them.



Luckily they found a wheelchair and Sara sat in it. It eliminated the crutches sound.


They made it before someone spotted us.


"Okay girls, we have most of the night to find it."


"Elle?" Marybella said across the aisle.



"I think it's gonna take us until tomorrow to find it." she said


"Why?" I said coming up behind her.



She pointed down a long aisle and a ton of more dresses were shown. Display lights flashed on every single one.


"Every single...." I said.


Marybella interuppted. "Every single dress."



We both looked at each other.



I searched through an aisle with old dresses from last month, that were probably still in style.


I found a size that would fit Lana and searched for her in the middle of the closet.


"Okay, since the middle of the closet is where the dressing room and lounge it,....wear this. "I said looking at Lana.



She got into a dress I picked out.


"How do I look?" she asked, showing off the dress.


"Mmm... too formal." Marybella said, searching for another dress.


"Change." I said.



She went back in after Marybella handed her another.


I walked over to Rikki.



"Okay Rikki i'm putting you in charge of our plan, even though I said I was boss. Be on the look out and tell us if there's a problem."


Suddenly the door opened and someone gasped at us.



I pulled up the yellow card. The person turned out to be a guy.


He smiled, closing the door and giving a thumbs up.


"Great we have someone that's gonna be on our side."


I rushed over to Sara.



"Okay Sara, call up your boyfriend Kyle and tell him to meet up at the entrance where we came in, he's gonna be our main distraction." I say.


"Why?" she asked.


"Because he's hot, girls like that." I replied.


"Okay," Sara said whipping out her phone.


"And make sure to look out too, when sneaking him in. And use the elevator, tell him to wear something black."



I walked back to the lounge area.


"Okay, let's see how Lana's doing." I say.



Marybella gives me the googly eyes, looking to the change room.


"She's perfect." she said, packing up her makeup set.


Lana came out and she looked wonderul.



A perfect green dress that matched her makeup and Lana's hair was down, instead of in a ponytail.


"Wow you're amazing, and you need to distract the people downstairs. Come on, let's do this people!" I said, rushing Lana to the door.



"Come back in 15 mintues, take the 2nd yellow card, and bring info on people who's with us and people who's not. Make sure nobody comes up here." I said.



She nods her head and goes downstairs.


The guy who we saw earlier, that was outside, came in the room.



"Execuse me, but what do you think you're doing?!" he said angrily.


"Uh, dressing up my friends." I said fixing Rikki's makeup.


"You can't mix yellow and black, without white." he said, grabbing another outfit.



"What?" I say.


"You obviously don't know much about fashion, do you Elle?" he said.


"How do you know my name?" I reply.



"I know Lauren and she told me all about you. I agreed to look out for you tonight." he said.


"Thanks." I said.


"Okay your friend is ready to go!" he said giving Rikki a yellow purse.


"Wow, you really know fashion." I said looking at Rikki's final outfit.



"Yep it's my job. Anyways, go down to the party and distract, like that model friend our yours. Go!" he said.



He rushed Rikki out the door and came back to me, closing the door.


"Okay what are you planning to do now?" he replied.


"Uh, now we dress up Marybella and wait for Lana to come back." I said.


"And what to do about your paralyzed friend?" he said, pointing to Sara.



"Leave her. Anyways, we need Marybella to go down there and get people's attention so peope have something to write about. While I find the dress with Sara, that'll buy us more time since MaryBella's famous."



The guy looked around then smiled.


"I know exactly how to fix her up." he said.


"Thanks you." I reply.


"Ryan, my name is Ryan"


"Well thanks Ryan." I say.



He got started on Marybella's makeup and outfit, while Sara and I searched for the dress.


"Ciao! she's perfect!" Ryan said.


"Oh great." I said, after grabbing a few old dresses.


"Okay Marybella this is your time, make it count, make it count!" Ryan said.



She walked out of the door, downstairs. While Ryan and Sara helped me search.



A minute later Lana came in.


"It's not use, it's not here!" I said.


Sara wheeled to the door and emerged with Kyle.


"He's here!" she said happily.


"Great, just what we needed and oh..." i start.



I looked up and down at Kyle, he was wearing a black sketchy outfit.


"Oh hey, Sara's boss!" he said waving at me.


"Hey, to you too Kyle." I replied.



"Okay everyone huddle! At least what's left of us." I yelled.


Everyone came in a circle.


"Alright Marybella and Rikki are still down there, so we need to plan faster and find that dress now, how are we gonna do is?"


"Hey!" Kyle yelled behind us.


"Kyle did you disappear from the huddle?" Sara asked him.


"Yeah, I know, but I found this dress that was sitting on top of that rack." he replied.



He pointed to the rack near the changing room.


"What?!" I said, outrageous.


"Yeah I found it here, it has the name vig-or-ous on it, who'd want this dress?" he says.



"Me!!" I yelled.


Sara rolled over to him, falling down from the wheelchair to the ground. She got the dress before it could be tossed by Kyle's doing.


"YES!!" we said to each other.


We all yelled high-fived and cheered.


"Uh guys help me up, remember i'm injured." Sara replied, under our huddle.



Kyle picked her up, as we cheered again.


"Sorry for that Sara." Kyle said smiling at Sara.


"Oh, it's fine." she said smiling back.



"Aww, what a cute couple!!" Ryan said, squeezing his hands together.


"Alright now back to work!" he said, picking out a new dress for Lana.


"Oh wait." I said.


"Rikki and Marybella aren't here?" I say.


"Alright, i'll go and find her and Marybella too." Kyle said putting Sara down as she grabbed her crutches.



Kyle left downstairs and I ran over to Sara, to keep the dress safe in Lana's changing room.


Lana went to hang up her dress in her changing room and changed back into a different one.


And just like that, we were back on plan.



Ryan looked at his watch and his eyes widened.


"We've been at this, for like what, an 1 hour!"


"What? It only seems like we were here for mintues." I said.



"Well it's been 1 hour, So I suggest you get this thing done before midnight, when the hunt is over." Ryan said.



We heard the door open and it was Marybella, Rikki and Kyle.


"Oh my god, i'm so glad you're here. Because we're almost ready to leave, we need to go. We have the dress." I said looking and pointing over.


Lana was holding the dress, still in it's garment cover.


"Alright." Marybellla said grabbing her sweater. Putting it over the dress she wore.



Rikki dressed up too, putting a black shirt over her outfit.


We all quickly, started to get out. When suddenly the door opened.


We all paused.



It wasn't someone with a yellow card and we all hid.


Lana hid in her changing room, with the dress in her hands.



Everyone else, hid and Sara had to use the wheelchair to be extra quiet.


We heard whispering and people searching.



"Where is it!!" some girl yelled.


"Find the dress named vigorous and bring it to me!" she yelled at someone else.



They searched throughout the closet, while me and my team snuck out silently.


Lana and Rikki went first, using the elevator.


Then Marybella, Ryan and I went.


Except, Ryan went back downstairs.



Marybella and I went in the elevator, met up with Lana and Rikki outside. Lana still had the dress in her hands.



Lastly, it was Sara and Kyle's turn. I stayed to make sure everyone didn't get left behind.


Sara made a noise and one person instantly jumped, going after them.



Kyle carried Sara up from the wheelchair and he ran with her out the door to the elevator.



The girl and her crew followed after us, but we made it in time when the elevator doors closed. 


I breathed in heavily, while Kyle smiled still looking at Sara.


When the doors opended, we snuck out and made a run for it.



This was the longest drag of time in my life.


A fashion heist for fun, huh Lauren?


We ran across the street, down the block. Till we reached a restaraunt.



We all suddenly heard police cars, running their sirens and they stopped in front of the resteraunt w were at.


One cop got out and came to us.


We all ran like it was the last zombie invasion.



Kyle carried Sara, as he ran.


Lana, Rikki, Marybella and I were left in the dust.


An officer came up, from behind us.



"Do you know what you did wrong Msiss?" he said in a low voice.


"Yes?" I said sarcastically.


"You stole private property of KARL's magazine company, and do you know what we do to people who steal?"



"What?" I asked nervously.


"We writet them up!" he said angrily.



At that point, I knew we were in trouble.


If we don't find a way out before midnight.



Chapter Twelve: Lips Are Zipped


After getting written up. we sat on the bend of the street.


I didn't know what else to do. Since we got caught.


That's Me, Rikki, Marybella and Lana.



We were the only ones that were wearing something from KARL's closet/ Except me, I was still wearing my halloween costume.



But they suspect i'm just saying that, to cover up from being arrested.



"Alright you 4 girls, you'll and into the station. My partner will be here to arrest you soon."


"Why can't you do it?" Marybella asked.


"Because i'm just a regular."



He stomped off inside the restaraunt behind us, while the others watched us.


"Hey officer number, 2 let me just say were innnocent!!" Rikki blurted out.



"Lana!" I whispered loudly.


I couldn't see her.


"And why are you 4 girls innocent?" one of the previous cops asked. Putting his hand up to silence us.


"Well, you see..." Lana said.



"I actually work for KARL and if you try to arrest us, you''l be under my many lawyers." she replied.


The cop ignored Lana.


"You can't possibly work for KARL magazine. Oooh look at me, i'm a model." he said, in front of the cop car.



"Hey, don't mock me. I'll call up my lawyers right now and get Ryan, yeah Ryan, my old best friend to come down here and bail me out right now!"



The cop looked at Lana confused.


"Please sit down Miss." he said.


"Nope!" Lana said, whipping out her phone and dialing the numbers.


But what she actually did was text me.



Her text wrote.


Elle make sure you and the others are ready to get bailed out, because I used to work at KARL and Ryan is one of my old friends.



She finally called Ryan and he showed up in a limo.


Which was unexpected.


"Hello Lana!" Ryan yelled tp her from the backseat.


Ryan then turned his attention to the cop.



"Officer it seems you have arrested the wrong girl and her friends. Because they all work for KARL, so i'm gonna have to ask you to apologize." Ryan said.


"Excuse me, but i'm not gonna apologize for these 4 criminals."


"And and i'm not gonna apologzie for your attitiude, because KARL magazine and company actually runs the New York fashion week and hosts the New Years party here, every year." Ryan said.


The cop stared confused. "Come again?"



"I will make sure you get unemployed for arresting these KARL company workers, so it's your choice ride or die?"


Ryan was smiling afterwards.



"Well, i'm sorry for mistaking these young ladies for stealing. We thought they stole clothing from KARL."


"Yeah!!" Me and the girls responded to the cop.


Me, Marybella, Rikki scoffed and got into the limo.


Lana got in shortly after.



We all drove off, leaving the cops behind.


"Oh thank god Ryan, how did you convince them to let us go?" I asked, looking at him.


"I used to know a guy." he said, looking back at us, then his phone.



"Thanks Ryan." I said.


"You're welcome girls, anytime." he replies.



We all sat rode in the limo, resting for a while until we got back to FARELLE.


When we finally arrived at FARELLE, the party was still going on and it was almost midnight.



We spotted Vanessa and Lauren enjoying the party and we all ran up to them, including Ryan.


We handed the dress to Lauren.



"Well done you guys, you did well for your first year." she said.



Suddenly the clock struck 12:00 and confetti was blown up the air, all colored black and orange.


Everyone cheered.



"Well done girls, you did your first steal hunt. I'm proud of all of you!!" she said, shouting over the partying.


Vanessa came back with medals in her hands, that were hung by lanyards.



"Since it's your first year, you guys get these medals." she said, putting each one on our necks.


I looked down at mine and saw it was different from everyone else's.



"Your's says leader because Ryan told me how much you did a fantastic job leading them." Vanessa said to me smiling.



I look back down at the medal, leader was incripted on it. 


And behind the incription, was a detailed purse and shoe engraved.



"Hey, where's Sara?" Vanessa asked, still holding the last medal.


"Oh, she's spending her last hours on halloween with her boyfriend." Lana said from behind us.



"Oh, I was wondering if one of you can give it to her...Elle?" Vanessa said.



I took the medal and ran to the parking lot. I figured, I better give it to her now, than tomorrow.


I drove out to the AUX hotel. I remembered now, that's where Sara lives.



I went up the elevator to her room.


Luckily, the door was unlocked and I walked in. Kyle was helping Sara with a new bandage wrap.



"Here's you medal, you did a great job tonight." I said throwing Sara's medal on the bed near her.



I closed the door behind me and drove back to FARELLE to pick up Marybella. 




After I packed up my things, I headed for the airport. Waiting for my mom and dad to come.


I saw them get off their mumbai flight. And my mom ran towards me.


"Elle!!" she said, hugging me tightly.



I sighed into her embrace.


"I'm so happy to see you again, after so long, I miss you." she said.


"And i'm very glad to see you again." I replied.


Bali hugged me too, finally.


"Aw, dad." I said, getting emotional.



The moment was too good and I couldn't help but smile, at the thought of them coming with me back to Rosewood.


"I'm so glad you guys are here." I said.



"And i'm happy too, the flight back from Mumbai was really long." Mom said.


"Yes, long." Bali said smiling.


"Alright, let's all get on the flight to Rosewood." I replied.



I rushed to the gate, as my mom and Bali walked behind me.


"Aw not again, another flight?" Bali jokingly said.



"You knew this would happen. But it's okay, I have you." I heard mom say to him.



The flight wasn't long, going from New York.


We took a quick flight to Rosewood.


And when we arrived, I took a deep breath from the air.



I coughed a few times, before saying anything.


I missed this smoky air.



"Smells like smoke, burning wood and spring....this is definitely Rosewood." I said.


Mom chuckled behind me.


I smiled happily.



I took a step forward in a hurry.


"Come on you guys hurry up!" I yelled to my parents.


"Sorry honey, we're not as young as we used to be before. It's been a year since we've seen you." My mom yelled, walking towards the car.



We all got in the rented car and drove off, down the streets.


I looked around at the view, it was perfect since it was the afternoon.



The leaves and trees looked amazing at this time of the year.


We stopped in the middle of the road, to go to Renchenni's bakery shop.



I remember the last time I was here.



Suddenly, the feelings from the flood gates came back.


Everything went down, and this was the last place that I went to.


I got out quickly and ran towards the door.



I saw Renchenni, working behind the counter.


My heart rate picked up.



He looked up at me smiling.


"Guess who's back?!!" I said.



"Elle!" he yelled, running for a hug.


"Oh Elle, I missed you so much and you've grown up." he said smiling.


"It's been 2 years." I replied.



"I miss having you here, working the summer. Our new intern, doesn't get the ropes yet."


He pointed to a short guy, mopping the floor.


"Yeah, I miss that too. Not. Especially since the last time I saw you." I said, puling him into another hug.


"I remember when you stopped by here to tell me you were leaving. You know I always hoped you'd come back some day and here you are!"


Renchenni hugged me again.


"So tell me all about Pari (Paris) and your adventures." he replied.



We sat down in a booth.


My mom gave an all knowing look to me, as she took off her coat.



"Well...Imade a stop in New York, after taking the metro bus up to the suburbs." I start.


"Wait, you went to New York? Then Paris?. Wow your adventure must be crazy," he replied.



"It was and like I was saying,...I wanted to take a flight to Paris and I got on the wrong one. Leading to my destination. I was all up in my head. But ayways, I ended up in London, trying to find a way back to Paris. When this guy helped me out, by taking me to a place during that time. I was 18." I finished.



"Wow." Renhenni said, interuppting


"So I spent my days there, until christmas in London. And then I finally got the money to go to Paris." I said.


"You finally went to Paris, after 4 months?" Renchenni asked anxious.



"Yes. I did and it was amazing, especially having Jacob there with me. He couldn't part with me, for the life of me." I replied.


"Oooh, who's this Jacob?" he asked smiling.


"Well he's my boyfriend and still is now, we met back in London. Actually, he's the reason why I made it to Paris. I actually invited him to come with me to Paris."



My mom and Bali interuppt, sitting behind the booth from us.


"Caleb, 3 black coffee's please and a cherry pie for Elle, go on i'm listening." Renchenni said.



I continued with the story, after they brought my coffee and cherry pie.


"Mom was coming to try and find me and I wanted to leave again. All this commotion of traveling back and forth, my stupid brain couldn't stay in one place. But, eventually it stoppe. When I decided to live in New York forever. I had the best time of my life in New York and I became the new writer for FARELLE magazine."



"FARELLE, I know. I get their monthly magazine subscriptions and I see your stories in the pages. I know your writing well. You were in New York during that time, when you got your fist announcement on the magazine spread."



Stuffing a piece of cherry pie into my mouth, I replied.


"So things happened while in Paris. There was an incident between me and Jacob, and eventually, I traveled on a mystery flight to Mumbai and met my dad, my real dad."



"Aww, I heard rumors going around saying you killed Henry, your father. I didn't believe the people, Elle would never kill anyone." Renchenni said, sipping from his coffee cup.



I looked over to my mom, almost nervous as if he found out.


She nodded her head.


"I found Bali and met all these other people who lived in a palace, it's a long story." I said.



I rolled my eyes after, taking a sip from my coffee.


Bali spoke up. "Elle was suppose to be the next heir to the throne in Mumbai, but she gave it up for a regular life like me."



Renchenni's eyes widened.


"You mean, you are royal?" he asked excitedly.


"Please don't, Renchenni. I's not like i'm the queen or anything." I replied.



"Of course sorry,...princess." he said.


"Stop, it's not a secret. But it's not something I like to talk about. Plus, I gave up the throne to live a normal life, and thank go." I said.



I sipped my coffee and looked up at Renchenni.


"Oh well in that case. Elle as a loyal customer here, you're welcome to come in anytime and get your order delivered without trouble." Renchenni said.



"Although, free cherry pie whenever I come in would be nice?" I suggested.


"Nope, you still have to pay like everyone else." he replied.


"Fine." I said.


"Anyways to continue with my story, blah, blah, blah living in New York, suburbs, FARELLE, new friends, boss, and home bound. The end." I finished.



"Wow, what a story, and i'm so glad that I get to see you again." Renchenni said.


"Thanks Renchenni, but now I need to see more of Rosewood again." I say.



"There are a lot of new things here in Rosewood, make yourself at home." he said.


He took my empty plate and coffee cup.



 "I am home." I said softly.


"Make sure to come by here, before you leave again!!" he yelled, as me, mom and Bali exited the bakery.



"I will!!" I yelled back, waving to him by the clear glass window.



My parents and I, got back into the car and drove down.


We stopped near where I lived. Where me and mom used to live.



We all got out and all I could think was, how on earth did I end up here.


I walked towards the house, looking at it, up and down.



Being home made me feel good inside, except the fact that my step dad isn't here anymore.


To continue to see me grow for the rest of my life.


But at least I have Bali, my real dad.



Mom came up behind me, placing a key in my hand.


"It's yours if you want it." she said softly, her eyes looking into mine.



I walked up the steps and unlocked the door.


I walked in the kitchen and saw everything set up nicely, like nothing ever changed.



I walked to the living room and saw everything else still in it's place. The pictures of me when I was younger, still on the walls.


I walked up the stairs and walked down the hallway to my room.



I saw that everything was the same from when I left. Some of my clothes, scattered on the floor from when I packed.


It brought back an itching memory.


My almost empty closet.



I laid on my old bed. Feeling comfortable about falling asleep in my own room again, was a dream.


I miss this room and I definitely miss home too.



And to think,  if I hadn't run away or killed dad, I might actually have turned out better.


I can't think of the life I could have had before, when I thought of running away and actually doing it.




Waking up the next morning in my bed, it felt like I was back to square.


Days of coming home after classes and doing homework.


Before I left home.



I felt happy for once, a looming silence of happiness since yesterday when we came back here.


I took off the coat I wore yesterday off, I must have slept in it.



I walked into my parents room and didn't see mom or Bali in there.


I quickly went downstairs, to see if Bali and mom were in the car. But they weren't there either.



I went up and got my coat and ran out the door.


I ran the whole way back to Renchenni's shop.


Maybe they were there.



I decided. I'd need a hot breakfast, if I wanted to start off my day right.


I saw Renchenni working behind the counter again.



I sat down in one of the booths and waited till someone took my order.


"Hello, and welcome to Renchenni's."



I looked up to the young guy that I saw yesterday, mopping the floors.


"What would you like to order?" he asked.



I fished through my pocket for change leftover.


I pulled out 1 dollar and 75 cents.



I heard Renchenni's big voice come in.


"Caleb, go work the other tables. I;ve got this." he said to the young boy.



He left, leaving me to look up at Renchenni.


"Morning Elle." Renchenni said, walking towards me.


"Good morning," I replied.



"May I take your order?" he asked.


"Yes. I would like the breakfast special, if that still exist's here?" I asked.



"Yeah we still have that, and coffee for the morning?" he implied.


"Yes." I said.



"Okay, your order is coming right up" he said, dinging a bell on the counter, where he worked.


I sat there waiting for my breakfast to come.


And when it finally did, I took the time to eat and look around.



Pretty soon I left.


I felt really sad about being back in Rosewood.


I didn't feel as happy as I did when I arrived here yesterday.



This place gives me bad memories.



It didn't feel right, and I needed to go back new home in New York.


It's where my friends are and where my dream life lives. 



I whipped out my phone. And called mom.


The call went straight to voicemail.



"Hello mom, i'm sorry that i'm leaving you guys here in Rosewood. But home is in New York. Remember when you told me a long time ago, to forget the past and move on. I want to forget now and Rosewood may be my home, but New York is where I belong."



I ended my message and ran back to the old house to grab my belongings and suitcases that mom and left for me in the living room.



I grabbed everything and left.


Before I called a cab, I looked at the house one last time.



"I'll come day when i'm ready."



I blew a kiss towards the house and hid the key that mom gave me.


I put it under the flower pot, near the bushes on the side of the house.


Then I ran, I ran with all my life and all my might.



I stopped by Renchenni's. I remembered, that I needed to say goodbye.


"Renchenni!!" I yelled, panting and catching my breath.



He came out from behind the counter.


"Yes, Elle?" he said.


"Goodbye,....again. For real this time," I say.



He smiled. "Goodbye Elle,....again"



We both smiled and I left.


I caught up to an empty cab and headed for the airport.


I took a quick flight out back to New York. 



And after hours of traveling, I got a text from my mom.



It read it out loud.


I know how you feel, and come back anytime you want, to Rosewood. Me and Bali will be staying for a few days, then we're going back to Mumbai soon, have fun in New York. Love, Mom



My mom was the only person who knew me, when I was at my roughest point in time.


And she does.


I'll miss Rosewood, but not this time.



After the long flight back to New York.


I drove my car back to the house.



I saw Jacob's car in the driveway, which means that means he's back.


I ran inside, only carrying my purse on my shoulder. 


I unlocked the door and saw Jacob sitting on the couch.



"Oh hey, you're home early." he said.


I sighed.


"And you;re home early." I replied.



He got up from the couch and walked to me, embracing me finally.


"I missed you." he mumbled, with his face in my coat.


"I came back home early, for you." he said looking up at me.



He kissed me then we hugged again.


Chapter Thriteen: The Truth Rolls Out


"I'm so tired from yesterday and today,I went back home to Rosewood and then I left the next day. Tell me if i'm stupid for doing that. But now, I'm back here in New York. Where I belong and don't get me started on what happened from halloween, but let's just say for a hint , it involved the police and stealing a dress. No, I did not get aressted, but me and my friends got out of it luckily before getting sent to jail. And I know you're thinking, what the hell is wrong with you Elle, you're crazy!! I know. I am crazy, but not as crazy for thanksgiving this year. I'm finally gonna watch the big thanksgiving parade, front row at FARELLE. I got a secret key to someone's old office in FARELLE on the fourth floor and i'm gonna watch with Jacob, Marybella an Rikki. But don't tell anyone. I hope that all of you have a great thankgiving this year and I hope that all my ElleWooders are good this year, because Christmas is just around the corner. Anyways, gotta go and see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86



It felt to be back in New York again. 


This is my home and my forever home in my life.


But mom understood why I left Rosewood.



So I shouldn't feel so bad.



After breakfast, Jacob helped me take down decorations fromf halloween and put up ones for thanksgiving.


I can't believe how fast thanksgiving is coming up, it seemed like just yesterday it was halloween.



In a matter of days, everyone will be all dolled up for thanksgiving.


I quickly got dressed afterwards taking down the decorations and went back downstairs.



"Okay Jacob, i'm gonna go and give the extra thanksgiving decorations to Marybella." I said, going down the stairs.


"Why are you giving them to her?" he asked.



"Because, she's my best friend and I give her everything. And also, i want her to be able to return my things so i can have an excuse to come to her house." i said.



"Whatever." Jacob said, biting into the sandwitch he made.


"I'm going now." I said.



I head to the fridge, smacking Jacob upside the head.


"And i'm taking these chocolate covered biscotti your mom shipped to our house this morning." I said.


I took the whole bucket and walked to the door.



"Hey!?" Jacob yelled, behind me.


"What?" I asked.


"Don't forget to save me some." he said smiling, and chewing his food.



"And close your mouth, it's rude to smile with food in your mouth." I said, opening the door and steping outside.



I put the box full of decor in the passenger seat. 


I got in and started up the car, driving from the suburbs into Manhattan.



When I arrived at Marybella's house, I put the car into park and took out the decorations.


"Hellooo! It's the world!" I yelled, after getting out.



I hummed, walking to Marybella's door.


I rang the doorbell and Steve answered it.



"Oh, hello Elle, nice to see you again."


"Yeah, nice to see you again Steve." I said coming in.



"So where's Marybella? I have the thanksgiving decorations here." I say.


"Why are you here again?" Steve asked, closing the front door behind me.


"Well a while back me and Marybella made a pact, in fact a dare. I give her my leftover decorations from every holiday, if I asked out a guy in a bar and didn't succeed. I lost, because I claimed that I was with Jacob. And now she has my decorations." I say.



Steve chuckels. "I taught Bella well, just like her old dad, when I used to win gambles."


We both laughed for a moment, before he said something else.



"Oh, Marybella is up in her room, go ahead." he replied.


"Thank you." I say.



I went up the stairs, to Bella's room.


I didn't want to barge in, so I listened closely at the door, to hear if she awake or not.



I overheard her talking with Mark. I listened carefully.


I peaked through the door crack. Watching Marybella laugh, then letting myself in.


"Uh, i'm sorry please continue your little cuddle party. But we've got decor to do." 


I barged in.



Marybella's face lit up when she saw me. And there was no response from Mark.


Clearly I interuppted something.


I stepped out of the room, closing the door behind me.



Pretty soon Mark got up and went into the bathroom.



I walked into the bedroom again and saw Marybella strechingm from getting up.


"So how's my cupcake?" I said looking at Marybella.


"I'm doing fine, Elle, and thanks for barging in on us. So rude!" she replied.


"Hey, you told me to come by your house with the decorations whenever, you didn't say I couldn't bother you anytime when giving you the decor." I say.



I smiled, as Marybella got dressed in her closet and came out looking nicer than before.


"Alright, let's head to the kitchen to unbox the decor." she said, following behind me.



When I sat down, her eyes widened on me.


"Hey are those chocolate covered biscotti snacks your holding?" she asked.


"Yeah." i said, smiling, eating one.


"Oh my god, I love those, I remember back in Russia my mom would have an old friend of her's drop of some biscotti for me every year, when November came around. Can I have some?" she said.



"Yeah go ahead." I said.


She took 2 and started eating away.


"Okay so, we need to take down the halloween decor, then put up the thankgiving ones." I said.



Before it reached noon, she had alread had all the decorations up.


"Great job Marybella, you did it by yourself." I said, stuffing a sugar cookie in my mouth.



"Yeah. Thanks for you help Elle, even though you watched me do it myself." Bella said smiling and laughing.


"You're welcome." I said back. 



I went back home and spent the weekend with Jacob.


The weeks passed and before I knew it, thanksgiving had arrived.




Sara's P.O.V



"Hello, again it's been a while since we talked." I said over the microphone.


"I know and you've been off work for too long, it's almost December. And we need to get back to work before spring comes." he says back.


"Yeah, I know. But i've been distracted lately, so give me a break." I said back.


"This is not the time, to give you a break. I would prefer you not be distracted and get back on Elle. We need to finish the job and investigation." he says loudly.


"Fine, whatever you say. But just so you know, this is my life. Toture all you want, but don't toture my fun."


"Sara. I suggest you keep your voice down. if you don't want to get in trouble or get fired. for not working on this case. So shut your mouth and do your job." he says.



"Alright, i'll get back to work. But at least stop interuppting me when i'm talking, remember i'm the one you're using for this case your investigation."



The chat ended and I look through a folder filled with info for the investigations.


I didn't want to do this. But I desperately need the money and I need the job.



I never wanted to hurt Kyle. But i'm gonna have to, sometime or later.


This case may be involved with my life, but i'll try to live it as normal as possible.



I sat back, finally resting my hands.


I couldn't calm down. So I got dressed and went out.



Luckily, I sprained my ankle last month. Now, especially this time for the investigation, I can run pretty well again.


I ran all the way to the FARELLE parking lot and saw Christina in the alley.



"Catching your breath huh? Well do that later, when you fight for your life." she said smiling.


She looked down at me deviously. "Well come on, do you wanna get over this or has your life been cut short."



"Alright, let's fight Christina!" I finally said.



She went striaght to punching in the face and I fell on my back.


I went up to punch her under her chin and I heard a crack.



I thought, I had finally had a chance to beat up her. I felt exicitement come over my face.


But it turned out, Christina was cracking her neck instead.



"You thought." she said smiling.


She held me from my neck and punched me uncontrollablly. Kicking and bruising me.



For a moment, I thought I groaned from being punched too much by Christina.


But I had to fight back. I aim to throw off her punch. Christina staggers.



I had kicked her in the stomach and began kicking her till I heard something crack from her.


She quickly got up and went to hit me, I blacked out.



I didn't know what happened after. When I opened my eyes, I looked up at the sky and saw the sun set.


I looked at my phone and saw the time. I had been blacked out for 2 hours.



Christina won and I was left in the dust. But i'm still gonna finish my investigation, even if I have to die for it.


I tried to get up but my body wouldn't budge.



I didn't want to call anyone, not even Elle. Because she would want to find out who did this to me.


So I called up Kyle.


He came quick, in 5 mintues. 



"Oh my god, Sara what happened?" he asked, looking upset.


I coughed and blood stained the corner of my mouth.


"I got mugged..." I lied.



I didn't want to tell Kyle I had started a fight. To protect my identity.


Kyle helped me up and took me back to his apartment. 




"Okay hold still." he said, applying rubbing alcohol on my face.


"Ow!!" I said louldy.


I urged Kyle, and pulled him away.


"Listen, Kyle it's not an injury that's gonna fix it'self over night, take me to the hospital" I said after.



"But I can help you, it's just a bruise." he said.


Holding my face again, putting alcohol on it.


"No, it hurts too much. Just take me now!" I implied.



"But I can fix it up right here, if you just-" he starts.


"No! for the last time Kyle. Take me to the hospital now, just take me to the hospital!" I yelled furiously.



Kyle stood there motionless, still calm.


"But I don't understand, I can help-"


"No Kyle, just take me to the hospital now!" I finished.




"Kyle," I said softly.



Kyle didn't look at me after. He put away the alcohol and came back to the couch.


"Okay let's go."


He said it calmly, like he had nothing else to say.



I felt a little bad for yelling at him, but he didn't need to help me.


I just got hit and it hurts a lot. I feel really crappy right now and I need a docter to help me.



When we got there, he didn't say a word to me. He only spoke to the nurse and sat in a chair, next to me.



"Okay Sara, looks like you're ready to go. Although you need to keep your right arm levitated, and make sure you ice your cheek every four hours it'll help with the bruise."


"Thanks." I said to the nurse.


I got up from the chair. And so did kyle.


"You can go." said the nurse.



Kyle came up behind me, trying to help.


"No, Kyle. I told you i'm fine... just follow me." I said.


"No." he replied.


I turned around at the tone.



"Kyle, I said i'm fine." I say.


"Yeah, you heard what I said. I said no." he implied.



I stood there confused, looking at Kyle in the eyes.


"So you're just gonna stand there and do nothing?" I said, reaching for the door handle.


"No, i'm gonna carry you outside."


I turned from him to slightly laugh.



"Hm, okay. Since you think you're the boss of me, do it then." I stated.


Kyle hesitated for a while, thinking of my tone before speaking.


After a second, I speak.



"Well bite me!!" I said.


"Alright." he says.



"No, I don't mean literally." I said.


I put my hands out in front of him, making Kyle stop.


"Anything I say, makes you stop." Kyle protested.



"You know, you are legit really weird and overbearing to me, leave me alone." I said.


"Not gonna." Kyle said.



I walked out of the hospital, with Kyle picking up the pace after.



I knew, I had to lose him. But walking away into the uknown, away from loverboy, would be me risking my life,


nything for my new over-loved heart.



I suddenly ran at the thought, not thinking straight.


I ran and ran until I lost sight of Kyle behind me.



When I looked up from where I was, after catching my breath, I knew I was lost.


I've never seen this part of New York or place behind the hospital.



I looked around, I was surrounded by trees, leaves and other stuff that was green.


"Damn it, I really need to start searching the area more....where am I?" I whispered.



I stood still, looking around. I didn't recognize anything.


"Ky...." I covered my mouth, before saying Kyle's name.



I knew that if I call him, he would come running for me.


Then, he's gonna want me to admit he was the hero and he's gonna win me over again.



I don't want to live with the idea of continuing to be with him or finish what we started.


And sadly, I don't want to finish anything.



I guess i'll have to find a place to stay, near Elle's neighborhood.


It'll be closer. To keep any eye on her.


And it's a chance for me to see Elle from a house distance, rather then a camera view.



Plus, it'll be easier to spy on Elle before next year.



I sneak around a few bushes and trees, when I heard Kyle's voice in the back.


I had almost ran towards his direction when I heard him. But then I remembered.



He's gonna suffer without me and if he loves me enough to leave me, I think he's gonna be fine.


Plus he deserves to be on his own, since he hasn't left me alone when he found out my ankle was hurt.



I hear Kyle's voice echo behind me.


I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I heard his voice in the distance calling my name.


I know Kyle loves me too much, but I think it's time that I break up with him, if he doesn't leave me alone soon.



And i'm surprised.


I haven't broken it off before. I like him and all, but it's too much.


He coming inbetween me and my work. Even if he's always gonna be there, when I least expect it.



I'll break it off with him and hope he understands. I ran faster and faster until I couldn't feel my legs anymore.


I've never ran so far in my life, it felt good and made me take my mind off of everything and just keep running.



I eventually ended up in Elle's neighborhood.



I saw her house from across the street I was on. I hid behind bushes from that last time I spied on her.


I heard footsteps come from behind me and I ran across the street.



I knocked on the door, and banged on it until someone answered.


I've never felt so scared, knowing Kyle's after me and he won't stop until he gets what he wants from me.



I didn't even think of properly running away before, but this is a first try.


Finally someone opened the door. I walked in and shut the door behind me fast.



I sighed, carelessy rolling down the door. Panting and coughing.


I finally got up and looked out a window. I know I can't hide from him for long.



"Sounds like you got yourself in a jiffy, huh?"



I turned around and saw that it was Elle who had opened the door.


"Sorry for barging in on you like this, I was runnning away." I said, looking back out the window.



"Running away from who?" she asked.


I sighed.


"There's no time to play around Elle. Can you please drive me back to the AUX hotel."


Elle finally took the sign that I didn't want to talk. 


"Not until you tell me why you're in my neighborhood."




After finally realizing what I had gotten myself into.


It was my fault, my own trust which I needed to fix.



I didn't stop running again until I reached to his apartment.


I went up the stairs and knocked on the door.



"Kyle?! Kyle are you there?" I say.


He didn't answer.


I knocked again.


"Kyle please, I wanna talk for real." I said louder.



Just then I heard footsteps, coming towards the door, inside the apartment.


Kyle didn't open the door.



"Come on Kyle, i'm serious!" I said banging on the door.


I decided to call him on the phone, if he didn't answer the door.



"Kyle let me in." I said over the phone.


Kyle answered lowly, which made his voice echo when he talked back.


"No, i'm not gonna open my door to anyone, especially you." he said.



"But Kyle, I really want to talk to you. I'm sorry for running off like that. I didn't mean it, I was just scared." I said.


"Scared of what?" he implied.



"I.....I was scared." I hesitated.


Kyle didn't answer.


 "I felt lost and I need you. When I realized without you that I wouldn't feel loved, I realized why I had pushing the idea of stop seeing you. You're the only person I have left in my life. Please talk to me." I said.



"No, I don't want to talk to you anymore. After running off like that, I can't trust you no more." he said.


"Please Kyle, i'm trying to tell you something and if you don't let me in, you'll never know." I implied.



"Sara please, I don't want to talk anymore, i'm done with you. I gave you all the love I had and you still refuse to accept it."


"But I do now, I just didn't realize it." I said over the phone.



"I really love you Sara and if you think saying it back is gonna help,.....well it's not. So just go already and don't come back to me." he says.



"But you can't let me go, you love me. No one ever leaves the person they love." I said, almost sobbing.



"Those times I held on to you, you slipped away and never told me the real reason why. I worry about you too much, to let you go and now i'm finally gonna do it. Goodbye Sara." he said, hanging up the phone.



I felt heatbroken, like in one of those movies.


Usually it works out in the end, but it's gonna be harder  for him to trust me again.



I never saw Kye this way, not until now. And if I did before, I was blind.


I never heard him say something so painful to me.


Now I know how he really feels, and it hurts.



I didn't think that I was hurting him this much inside. 


"Kyle i'm really sorry, please open up."



He didn't open the door for a long time. I got out of the building and I went down and out.


I came across the fire escape. I had a stupid idea.



If there's a way to go down, then there's a way to go up.


I climbed on top of a garbage can and pulled myself up onto the ladder.



I know the docter said for me to keep off my right arm, but I have no choice.


I'm doing this for love.



When I finally got up, I saw Kyle in the kitchen fixing a pot of spaghetti.


I slid the window open and climbed inside.



"What are you doing here?" he said, turning around.


"Kyle I need to talk, let me expli-"


 "No, enough!! I don't need to hear your explianation and I don't want to hear it now."



"Kyle i've never seen you this way before." I say.


"It's because, I want you to know how it feels to be me everyday. Ever since I met you."



He steps closer.


"Knowing, that I couldn't go to sleep without thinking about you. Knowing since the day we met."


I hesitate to respond.


He approaches closer.



"Knowing for the past month, that I want to wake up with you in my arms and seeing your face next to mine."


He steps closer and strokes my hair back, looking down at me.



"Knowing that your kisses drive me crazy, when I look at you."


He steps in even closer putting his hands around my face pulling me in close.



I almost hesistated to move my arm and back away from him. But my body wouldn't budge.


"I look through your eyes now and I see a vulnerable girl, who needs all the help she can get. But I also see someone, that I know , i'll love forever."



"Kyle," I finally respond.


He finally leans in and kisses me.


I hesitated for a moment to kiss him back, and then I let it happen.



I felt safe in his arms again.


He held on to me closer, pulling me tight and our kiss became more passionate.



I knew I made a mistake, but I never meant for Kyle to feel unhappy and always put try to adhere for my pushing away.


He pulled away and let go of my waist. 


"I'm sorry Sara, but it's not gonna work out. If you don't tell me that you love me."



He sighs, letting go of my hands.


I strickenly look up at him.


"Tell me you love me?" he said.



I hestitated, but then I realized how much I needed him. And if I didn't tell him how much I loved him, I would lose him forever.


And I don't want to lose Kyle.


And it's Kyle.


I love Kyle.



I thought about this for a moment, then I finally said it.


"Kyle, you."


I said it againm this time with more confidence. "Kyle. I love you." 



He turned away, not looking at me.



"Kyle I mean it, i'm never gonna love anyone else other than you."


Kyle stepped back a few steps.


"I can't believe you." he said.



"What?" I said back.


"Because I don't believe you."


"Well i'll make you believe me."



I walked towards him and pressed my lips up against his.


He didn't respond by kissing me back.



I tried harder but his lips wouldn't budge.


"Come on Kyle, I really love you. I'll do anything to show it." I said, still holding his face.



He walked away from me.


I hesitated to speak again.


I ran after Kyle and pulled him down on the couch.



He laid on the couch trying to get up, but I pinned him down.



"Listen here you jerk, I love you and I said it to your face. Can't you just accept my love?" I said


He sighed, then finally answered. "No."



I ran out of ideas.


I stayed on top of him, kissing Kyle until he refused to kiss me.



I knew he couldn't resist my lips, so I had to use them to distract him. 


Finally after trying so hard, he gave up and kissed me back. Making me feel relief for once, knowing he had sympathy for me.



We stayed there kissing for while, till he pushed me off suddenly.


"No!... i'm sorry Sara. I can't do this, even if you love me."



I didn't think what would happen after we made out, but I had to think of something.


"We can do this now. I'll make you feel wanted. Please, i'll do anything to prove that I love you." I say.



"Really, you're willing to let me in?" Kyle asked.


"Yes!! i'll do anything, even if it means having you to myself." I said.



What was I thinking? And after all those years of telling myself I wouldn't do it for anyone, even Kyle.


But I was desperate to have him in control and to love me back.


"Well, we can do this right now...." he said, getting up from the couch.



I looked at him seriously.


"Right now?" I said nervously.



I felt my eyes burn, and tears filling up my view.


My tears stung like a bullet, Kyle would do anything to let me in his heart again.



I gave up and wiped my tears, before Kyle could see them.


I knew Kyle had a thing, when he saw me crying. He's not gonna wipe away my tears and make it better, if he doesn't believe that I love him.


And I still had a chance.



I climbed out, on the fire escape stairs and started walking down.


But I stopped to say one last thing before I did something stupid.


"Kyle. I just want to let you know that if I don't make it or survive, you at least knew that I said my last i love you. I really do love you Kyle, and if you don't believe me, just watch me." I say.



I kneeled down on the fire escape stairs.


He turned to me, before heading back to the stove to turn off the fire.


"I didn't know what was ahead of our relationship. I mean you practically ran after me, every single day until you got good enough answers like. If I feel the same way that you do." I said.



Kyle walks closer to the window, not changing his facial expression.


"That made me laugh and smile, knowing someone wanted to get to know me. It was the best feeling ever." I say.



He finally faced me, towards the window.


"Every single moment that i'm with you. I freak out, thinking, I never really had anyone in my life who loved me like you do."


Kyle finally looked up at me, feeling the same way.


"Even after you threw your love at me a hundred times a day, I still refused. Because the thought of losing someone who loved me no matter just scared me. And I thought you would eventually leave. Like my mother and my last boyfriend....I didn't want to make that same mistake again."



I broke into tears, not knowing Kyle was near me.


"Thinking that, someone will love me. But turns out, people are different from what you think they are."


He wiped my tears away, holding me still.


"And you'll always be someone who's willing to love me back,....but obviously you don't think that I do. So i'm gonna prove it, and leave. And never come back like you said."



I stood up still and looked out at the view of the sun, it was going down. Finally.


I looked back at Kyle again.



"Wish me luck."


"Wait you're breaking up with me?" he finally said.


I heard the sorrow in his voice, I guess my words must of finally hit him.



"Thanks for the memories and for the romantic dates, i'll never forget it."


Just as I was about to run down the steel stairs, i heard Kyle's voice.



"Sara wait,....I don't want you get hurt going down the fire escape. Please, go through the door." he says.


I looked at him again.


"Alright." I said.



Instead of helping myself down, Kyle carried me down.


It was sweet, to still know he cares about me and my safety.



I walked to the door and he followed behind.


"Bye." I said.


"Wait, what do you mean Sara?" he asked, still at the door.



I head up to the top of the building, ignoring his question.


Chapter Fourteen: Hideout On Secret


Elle's P.O.V



"Come on Marybella, there's no time to waste. Help me." I said.


Struggling to to put up the christmas decorations in Marybella's living room, she shuffled to me.



"I'm coming!!!" she said.


"Every year Elle, every holiday. Why did I make that bet." I whispered to myself.



"Here I am!" Marybella said, showing me her new dress coat.


"Well what do you think Elle?" she asked smiling widely.



"I think there's too much sparkly ornaments to be laying about like this, if you tell me!" I yelled back at her.


"Fine I get it you don't care, but at least stop yelling. Mark's still asleep." Marybella said, heading in the living room.



"Oh really he is asleep? Why don't I scream even louder!!" 


I yelled making my voice echo in the hallways.


"Shhh!!! shut your trap Elle!"



I looked at Marybella concerned, tricking her into thinking I didn't really mean that.


"Alright, alright, okay." I said in an innocent voice.



"Come and help me set up the camera, so I can record my yearly holiday video for my dad." Marybella said.


"Alright fine. But I get to do the intro." I said setting up the tripod.



After zooming in and out on the view, I set up the camera on a tripod.


I cleared my throat and spoke to the camera.



I pressed the record button.


"Hello my name is Elle S. Woods and I am 20.....and a half years old."



I stopped for a moment and laugh at my intro.


Marybella came behind in the background looking at me.


"Elle take those fake glasses off and stop fooling around." she said, coming towards the camera.



"Dad sorry, i'll try to get that part out of the video." she said looking at the camera.


She huffed at me, and I smiled in rerponse.


"I'll try to edit it out." Marybella said, carrying a box into the kitchen.



"Yeah not really, she can't edit." I said in a voice to the camer.


It made Marybella laugh in the background.



"Elle you're too funny." she said, finally turning off the record button.



I followed her to the kitchen, as I grabbed a few cookies on the plate she layed out.


"So Marybella, tell me when are you gonna tell your dad about what you mentioned to me last month. I still don't know what you're gonna tell him about, but it better be worth it."



I looked up at Marybella, who was staring at the kitchen window.


"What are you staring at?" I asked, distracting her gaze.


"Nothing." she said hesitating.



"No, you're lying. Tell me what you're gonna say to your father." I implied.


Marybella sighed.


"Okay, Mark and my father already know and i'm sorry."



Marybella walked off, picking up the ornaments that fell down and putting them into a box.


"Hmm, when I find out, tt better be for a good reason and excuse." I said.



I zipped up my high heel boots and grabbed my coat.


"Thanks for having me over, even after having some fun for a while."



I smiled looking at Marybella who was smiling back.


I went up to her and kissed her on the cheek.



"See you at the christmas party tomorrow." I said, walking to my car.




Marybella waved at me, by the front door as I got inside my car.



Jaocb wasn't home this week, but he'll be home before christmas.


He'll possibly be around till New Years, then he'll have to go back to Tokyo to seal a big deal with his company.


I decided that I would stop by the nearest store to buy Jacob's christmas gift last minute.



I went into Macy's. And right when I walked in, I saw Kyle shopping.



I walked up behind and almost startled him.


"Hey Kyle, nice to see you here."


He almost jumped at the sound of my voice.


"Oh god, Elle, almost scared me half to death." he said.



"Sorry, didn't mean to." I said laughing.


"So are you shopping for Sara?" I asked, looking at the samples he was trying.


"Yeah, do know what I should get her? I'm picking out a new signature scent for her in the women's perfume collection."



I looked around at the samples he was trying.


I smelled one of perfumes that was layed out.



"Mmm, that would smell good on Sara." I said.


"Really?" he asked, taking the bottle and smelling it.



"It's perfect, even more perfect for Sara." he says.


I looked at the bottle and the name.



"Sensual Seduction, that's a nice name for a nice smelling perfume." I said.



"Hey Elle?" Kyle said.


I turned around from where I was leaving, to face him.


"Nice to see you again." he said, smiling.


"You too." I said back.



After several hours of shopping, I finally found the gift for Jacob.


It wasn't much meaning for, but at least something better than nothing. 




Sara's P.O.V



After i left the AUX hotel, i met up with Craig i've been talking on the phone with.


It was time we meet again since i got the call to come out of hiding.



Just then i saw him walk up from across the street.


He stood still face to face with me.



"Hello Sara or should i say, agent Sara." he looked at me straight in the eyes.



"Hello again Craig." i said giving him a nasty look.


We both looked at each other for a moment.


"So what did the big boss send you here for?" i asked.



"He sent me here to tell you that you need to stay on track, because were moving up the raid. We postponed it to before New Years."


I looked off to the side.


"Yeah i know, but i still can't shake the fact of raiding..." i reply.



I looked around to make sure no one was hearing.


"I can't raid Elle's house, i've been there before." i say.


Craig gave me a stubborn look.


"No, it's not her own house! although the being there is gonna come in handy later. I'm talking about the place she used to live in. Were gonna hit her real hard, she's gonna be so sad she'll never get it off her mind. Then we hit her where it really hurts by sending her off forever."



I looked around suspiciously.


"How many years is she spending there in jail?" i asked.


"We don't know yet but all we know that were gonna put her down on the lock and she's gonna pay for what she did back in Rosewood. We got her now, no turning back Sara do your job and youre done for the case. You'll have plenty of other people to catch, but Elle's our most wanted."



"Thanks for the news Craig, i'll get back to you next year." i said.


Craig left and i went back into the AUX hotel.



I turned on my computer and talked with the boss.


It was happening, i was gonna raid Elle's place.



I had to stick to the plan like usual.



I didn't want to think about what would happen to Kyle after he finds out what i've been up to even after we met.


I know i'm doing the right thing but this is not what i was expecting when i joined the case.


I kind of feel bad knowing that i'm betraying my boss and friend Elle, but it's my job to make sure people like her get what they deserved. 




Elle's P.O.V


"Today's the day of the christmas party happening at Marybella's. It's the first time i'll get to celebrate Christmas with friends this year. Last year, I spent it with Jacob. I cannot wait until Jacob comes home next week, it'll be my christmas gift from him this year. This coming year is gonna be perfect. I want to wish a very happy christmas to you all, my ElleWoodsers. And a happy new years. I have so many plans for next year and I can't wait to experience it. This year has been a ride and without you guys, I wouldn't be me for all iIknow. I'm proud to be known by many people this year and the memories that gave me for the past 2 years. Gotta go and see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86



After I typed down my post, I sent it to my drive through Marybella's laptop.


I walked over to her dining table and sat down.


Marybella clinged her glass with a fork.



"Attention everyone, i'd like to say a brief thanks to everyone for being here. Elle, for being my best friend and inteoducing me to FARELLE last year." she says.


She turned to me, giving a smirk.


"Mark, for being the love of my life and the person who could accept me. Even in my mistakes. And dad...for being the best father I coulld ask for and the best parent. I love you dad."



Steve chuckled. "I love you too, my Bella."


She looked back to us.



"Cheers, to this year and next year! Merry Christmas!" she shouts.


Everyone raised their glasses and cheered, then we ate.



Ater the big christmas dinner, we all had dessert.



"Oh my god, Marybella your dessert is delicious." I said with a mouth full out cannolis.


"Yeah, theiy're delicious." Rikki said, from across the table.



Just then Steve came in with a piece of paper in his hands.


"Uh,....Marybella. May I speak with you in private. Outside."



I saw the nervousness in his eyes.


What does he have to say?


Marybella looked at him confused, then slowly rose from her seat



"Okay, i'll go grab my coat." she says.



Marybella went to the closet and grabbed her coat.


I briefly looked out the dining room's window, it was snowing.


"Oh my god, you guys it's snowing!!!" I yelled.



Everyone  got up in surprise, and looked out the window.




Marybella's P.O.V



When I looked up, after closing the front door.


I saw snow falling down.


"Oh my god father, it's snowing. I haven't seen this much snow since the last time I was in Russia. Isn't this great." I said smiling.



Dad stood in the middle of the driveway.


Silence overwhelming my response.



"Dad what's wrong?" I asked.


I neared him, as he stood far away from me.


"Bella. You know I wouldn't make you do things you never want to do right?" 


"Right." I say.



"So can you tell me, what this paper means, that I found in your room."


Dad shot out out a piece of paper to me.



"Go ahead, read it." he said.


I could hear the stillness in his voice, my own hands began to shake.



I took the piece of paper and read it.


It was my latest update, from my test results on curing my lung cancer.


How did he find this?



"Dad, why would you go through my stuff like that!" I said.


"Enough!" he interuppted me.


"I will leave you alone as soon as you tell me, what is written on the paper."



My heart sank and my throat ran dry.


I felt sweaty.


I did promise Elle that I would tell him, before he leaves.



"Okay, dad, don't get mad. It's something you'll have to live with, and if I survive, it'll all be worth it."


Dad looked at me confused. "What do you mean survive?"



I had to tell him sooner or later.


And if the time is now, i'll do it for me.


"Dad for the past few months....I've had....I have....lung cancer."



Dad's eyebrows rose up, his eyes widened.


"What do you mean, you have lung cancer?" his voice boomed


I replied. "I do. I just do."



"My daughter had lung cancer and she did not tell me? When and for how long?" he beamed.


I struggled to reply. "Since august ,dad."



He was startled and started walking around to comply his thoughts.


He didn't speak for a while.


"Who else knows?" he says.



"No one else other than you, even Mark."



"Good, because I need you to pack up your things. Wer'e going back to Russia."


"What, no!!" I yelled, as loud as I can.



"You can't take me back, I live in Manhattan now. It's my home now, where me and Mark live. You can't take me back to Russia!"



I yelled so loud, I heard my voice echo in the area behind my house.


"Enough. You pack for Russia right now. Tonight. And you'll get special treatment there, this time I won't lose the one person who I have left."



"I'm the only person you have left? What about my 6 brothers, they need you."


"It is not your business to talk about my sons like that!" he interuppted.



I grew mad and spoke back stepping closer to him.


"Yes, yes I do. And my brothers need you. I'm still gonna live here in New York, whether you like it or not. And plus, I'm getting good treatment here and if you take me away, it'll only disrupt the process."



"Then i'll have no one to depend on. Just like you mother." he said.



"Excuse me about my mom, surviving and fighting for her life. When she died from lung cancer. And to even think about telling you, I had to, eventually. Millions of people all around the world have the same problem as me and i'll survive just like the others."



I sighed before countinuing.


"But you think this is fun and games, thinking i'll die just like mom. She lived a good life and when I got lung cancer, I didn't think once about dying and seeing mom sooner than I thought. I wanted to fight back and now i'm beating cancer. So whether you like it or not ,i'm going to survive and i'm gonna live. I won't give the satisfaction of being like mom, because I won't. I love her too.



I felt tears run down my face.


I had to get all of my feelings out.


I'm not gonna make my dad take me back.



"So make your choice, stand by my side and fight this with me or leave my life forever and never come back here. I hate you, even more then when you told me and my brothers that mom was gone, because you chose to risk saving her life and it ended up killing her faster instead. You have the right mindset, but you went too fast. That's what killed mom."



It was always his fault for everything.


I never saw dad the same again after today.



Finally, I let out a huge breath of air.


It took all my might and memories to tell him off like that.


"It's your choice, make the right descion and put this behind us, or you'll watch you're daughter die in front of your eyes." I say.



"Bella, I could never let you do that." he said concerend.


"Watch me."



I took out the knife I had stashed in my coat.


In case, giving the news to my dad meant risking my own life.


"You keep this secret to yourself, don't tell anyone. Not even my brothers, otherwise i'm gonna be hugging mom in less then 3 minutes from now."



My dad stood there, for a while.


He sighed. "Okay fine, I won't tell anyone. But you're going back to Russia with me."



"No," I replied, my tears beginning to fall again.


He rushed inside.


I yelled after him. "You can't make me go!!"



I dropped the knife I had pointed to my stomach.


I broke into tears, I sobbed a few times but eventually I stopped.



Rikki and Elle came out, from inside.


"We heard your dad yelling and telling everyone to leave. What happened out here Bella?" Rikki asked approaching me slowly.


"Yeah what happened Marybella?" Elle asked.



I turned around, and faced Elle and Rikki.


"My dad wants to take me back to Russia."



Elle and Rikki both looked at each other, concerned.


They both gave me a hug, and then Mark came rushing to my side.


"And he was saying things, I can't understand. He said your name a couple times. Is everything alright?" Mark asked, concerned.


"Yeah, i'm fine. But my father isn't." I said, hugging Mark.  



We all went back inside.


Before I had a chance to open the front door, everyone ran out scared and screaming.



"Great my father scared away my friends and co-workers." iIsaid.



Now i'm really mad.


I had to end this once and for all.



We all went inside and saw my father carrying his things, as he came down the stairs.



"Great you're leaving and why'll you're at it, never come back to the U.S. for as long as i'm fighting to stay alive." I said to dad.


Elle, Rikki and Mark looked at me concerned.



"You wouldn't do that to your own father." Mark said softly.


"I just did." I said glancing at him.



"Fine, i'll leave, but just to let you know. I'll be back....and for a good reason." he finally says.


He turned around towards the door.


"I'm sorry Marybella, I didn't mean for this to happen."



A part of me wanted him to apologize and forgive me, but part of me wanted dad to leave.



"Just leave." I said flat out.



I pointed to the door with my fingers shaking.


He left and I never looked back to see him.



I've never felt so mad in my entire life. To yell at me dad like that, and as if he was going to come back.



I called it a night and everyone went home.



I'm gonna fight this lung cancer and i'm going to survive.


Even if I die in the end, I know i'll  be for a good reason.


And to protect everyone from worrying about me.



Chapter Fifthteen: Shots Fired


Elle's P.O.V



The ball is about to drop in 3.....2.....1


"Happy New Year!"



The crowd cheers and kisses are going around.


Just then someone tapped me on the shoulder.



I woke up to my alarm clock and it buzzed in my ear.


Jacob blinked a few times before getting up.



I looked at him smiling.


"Same new year's dream?" he said.


"Yep." I say.



"It's been 3 months since new year's Elle, and that dream is never gonna go away?" he asked.



"No, and I can't wait until April. It's when i'm gonna announce my blogs to the media and claim myself. People know me for it. People love me for it. It's my life." I said dramatically.



I got up from bed, and dressed.


"Hey that reminds me, are you coming to the event in April?"


"Unfortunatly,....I will. Because the day you announce, is also the day I come back from one of my yearly meetings." Jacob responds.



"Okay, and promise me that if I don't make it there, or if i'm not there on time, please speak on my behalf." I say.


I brushed a couple knots from my hair.


"Of course." he said, getting ready to go downstairs.



A few minutes later, i'm down the stairs. too



"Alright i'm leaving for work, bye." I said.



I left out the door, before he could say anything else.


I turned around and saw Marybella in the driveway, with her car.


"Hey Marybella!" I say.



She got out of her car and walked towards me.


"Elle did you forget that i'm driving you to work?" she asked, leaning on the car.



"Yes I did." I said raising my hands, looking guilty.


"Well come on, we need to get to work." she said ,unlocking the passenger seat door. 




I walked past the glass doors and saw Sara back in work again.


It's actually been a while since I we've talked personally at work.



"Alright people let's get to work, spring is upon us and we need to get our magazine out in almost 1 month. Let's do this." Lauren yelled.



I could hear her voice booming over the new interns.



"Hey Lauren." iIsaid walking towards her.


"Hey Elle." Lauren, embraced me.



"I'll see you at lunch." I said turning to Marybella.


"See you then." Marybella said, before heading off to her office.



"So Elle, we have new upcoming interns for next year and their visiting in the month of March. So everyone, especially you, be on your best behavior." Lauren interuppts.



Lauren walked to her office, leaving me to think.


All the interns were following Rikki around, when my attention was caught again.


I saw some interns talking to Sara.



"So we'll stay here and distract everyone till you get back." one intern said.


"Till who gets back?" I asked interuppting.



"Nothing, just talking with the new interns here. Sara was talking about how much work it is, working for you." one intern said.


Another one spoke. "Yeah! and since Sara's about to go from an intern to an assitant, i'd like to apply as your intern next year."


She had a big smile on her face.



"Why do you want to apply for FARELLE next year?" I said.


"Because i'll have the money to apply then, i'm currently earning the money right now." she says.



"Alright, let's go to the design department." I heard Rikki said in the distance.


She went with the other interns ,to where Rikki was standing.


"Bye Elle." she said smiling.



I knew for a moment there, that when she smiled at me, she was gonna get a chance to work here.


"As you were, Sara. We have lots to do before we send out the spring cover this year." I say.


Sara nodded, and got back to work.



I walked off to Lauren's office, while Sara was with the others working on the cover.


"Yes I know!" Laurenyelled into a phone.



"Hey Lauren, just walking in." I say.


"Hey Elle, what is it you need?" she asked happily.



"Walk with me." I said politely.


"First time I heard you say that. Makes you sound like a boss." she said smiling, following me.


"I need you to get the girl who Rikki' is showing around, to work here at FARELLE." I said.



"Who, and which one?" she asked looking around.


"That one, the girl with the brownish highlight hair." I say.



I pointed out to the girl, who was complimenting me earlier.


"Oh her, let me see if I can pull up her resume." Lauren said, scrolling through her phone.



"MMmmm. Ah! here she is. Ruby Giles. I looked at Ruby's resume earlier and it's...not good." Lauren replied.


"Well is there something you can do, to get her on the list. I can really see Ruby having a future here." I said.



I showed sympathy for Ruby, the girl I saw earlier.


"Sadly only a few make it to be interns here at FARELLE, maybe even one, of all the girls will work here. And when you applied, you won out of 10 girls. So be lucky you got in here." Lauren replied.



"Well, you'll find some way to get her here, right?" I pleaded.


"Aw, you actually like the girl and you think she has a shot here. Well, i'll see what I can do, but don't hope on getting her here some other way."



Lauren left back to her office and I was left to stand alone, near the reception desk.


Pretty soon the intern visit was over and all the girls left.


I started to feel bad, knowing that before I had a chance to work here, I was up against 10 girls.



I didn't even know.


I was hoping that Ruby will get to go here, sooner or later.



Ruby waved goodbye and I waved back.


She was a happy girl, who deserves to be here.



After getting back to work, I realized that I needed a break.


I worked hard these past few years.



Just then, Lauren broke news to me while I was taking my little break.



"Elle come here, I spoke with FARELLE's chairman and they agreed on having Ruby work here, if she works as a pre-intern until next year. When the jobs are up for grabs and official." 


"Wow, that's great. Thanks for that Lauren, I knew for a fact, that she'll get to work here." I said.


"Woah, hold on there, might. At a slight chance, she might not make it to being an intern here next year. Just like the others, she qualifies as an intern. She's just working here until we all have summer break."



I understood that Ruby might not be working here for good, but at least a good try for her to get the experience before she searches elsewhere.


"Okay, when is Ruby gonna be starting here?" I asked.


"She starts next week." Lauren said, running off to her office again.



I knew Lauren had tons of work to do, but I felt like interuppting her to find out that Ruby's chance to work here is early possible.


I have a good feeling about this and Ruby. 



Sara buds in on my thoughts.


"So wow, Ruby might actually get to work here?" she asked.


"Yeah and you know what that means?" I said.



"What?" she said back.


"You're gonna be an assitant next year, so you'll actually have responsbilities like Marcus." I say.



Sara's smile disappeared, as she looked off to the distance where Marcus was choosing a piece of paper to put up in the main desk area.


"Crap, I have to look forward to that. Neing an assitant." she said, sounding scared.


"Yep, and Ruby's gonna be my intern." I said.



Sara looked back at me.


"You're kidding. And you're sure about this?" she said.



"Because she's interested in the writer's department and plus, FARELLE throws all the chosen interns to one of the important people from each department. And since i'm Writer and Editor of FARELLE, I get to choose Ruby." I say.



Sara scoffed and went back to work.


And I, went to lunch.



"It's been so long since i've eaten lunch here." Marybella said, sitting down at our table in the Cafe.


"Yeah I know, but can you believe our last months here before summer break is upon us and the trip for FARELLE in Brazil is just a month away. I can't wait to go." Rikki said eating.



"I can't wait to work for FARELLLE soon." a familar voice rang in my head.


"Ruby!" I said looking up at her.



She sat down across from me.


"I'm still here. Lunch is part of the tour. And I found your crew."



"What?" Marybella asked.


"Crew, like your group of friends, homies, savage squad." she says.



"Savage squad?" Rikki replied.


"Oh, is that what you whipsnappers say these days?" I said aloud.


"Like a clique?" Marybella said, munching away on her salad.



"Exactly, and I can't wait to possibly one day work here for FARELLE. Luckily, I got chosen to work for the rest of the few months here before summer break."



She smiled really big, showing her pink gums and white teeth, which also showed the braces.


Everyone looked in surprise.


"Wow, I guess you smile alot." Marybella said.



"Marybella!" I whispered.


Marybella smiled, looking at Ruby.


"Oh, so you're a mean girl?" Ruby said happily.


She was not eating her sandwich from her brown sack lunch.



"No!! i'm not, but I can be sometimes. If you piss me off. But other than that, let me to introduce the crew." Marybella said smiling finally.



"This is Rikki, our good friend and the photographer from the Writer's department. I'm Marybella. I'm a model and ballerina. I don't work for FARELLE offciially, i'm just a celebrity working here to get the social media views and press up, since I am a world star in Manhattan and Russia."


Marybella flaunted her hair in excitement.



"Anyways, that's Elle, you've met her. She's the Writer and Editor of FARELLE magazine. Writer's department."


We all smiled at her politely.


"So now that i've met your group, can I old you guys are?" Ruby said.


 "No," I replied, low and shy.


"You can't say that! No one ever asks how old we are in this building." Rikki shot back, lowering her voice afterwards.



Rikki kicked Marybella under the table.




"Why did you allow her to ask?" Rikki said to Bella.


"What, I didn't invite the question." Marybella said, pouting her lips.


"It's okay to ask Ruby, we're all 20." I said.



"Except me, I don't turn 20 till July." Marybella said, happily interuppting.



"Wow, i'm only 18 and yet you guys look old enough to work here forever." Ruby said smiling.


"Well thanks for the compliment." I said, before Rikki threw away her yogurt.



Just then, all the phones rang like crazy, especially Ruby's.


"Time to get back to work." I say.



We all stood up and walked out the door.


Ruby followed behind us.



She was gonna fit in just right, here.


Even if it's for a little time.


"Oh and Ruby, remind me later to tell you or before you leave where the intern Cafe is, because the cafe across from the writer and design building is for us workers. Not interns."



"IGreat. I'll see you whenever." she said, before heading off with the intern visit group.




We had a meet up after lunch that someone scheduled for us all.


We all met up near the photography area. 


Just then all the upcoming interns surrounded us making a secure circle.



"Uh, what's going on?" Marybella asks confused.


Most of the workers around us, worried too and panicked.



"Don't worry everyone, it's fine we'll all be out of here in no time." one intern said looking back at us.


"Why are you surrounding us?" I asked.


"Just like we we're told to." one said yelling wildly.



"Okay." Rikki said from behind me.


We all stood there for a really long time, wondering what's going on.


"Excuse me Lauren, Vanessa? Is this a new fire drill?" I say.




Vanessa and Lauren joined us in pure panic.


"I don't know, I got a call saying  to come to the photoshoot area." Vanessa added.


"We never practiced any fire drills." Lauren said.


"Something is going on, and someone's behind it." Vanessa said looking around.




After that big misunderstanding, I left back home and spent the afternoon thinking how that all happened.


And why did it particularly happened.



I thought, it had to be someone's plan.



I needed to have the meeting Lauren and Vanessa again, as promised.


And it'll be nice seeing Alex again.


I could really use her right now.



After callling and texting, we all met up at Vanessa's place.


Her house was a big 'Mansion' in Chelsea.



We all sat down at her kitchen table. 


"Okay, so how are we gonna catch Sara now, she's way too many steps ahead of us." Vanessa said.


"Well I think we lock her up." Lauren suggested.


"Well I think that we need to catch her doing something, that includes her coming after Elle." Alex suggested.



"How?" I asked.


"Watch this." Alex said.



A video of Sara came up and it showed the uncut part from last time, when I went to visit her that day. 


"Is this the missing part to that video?" I asked Alex.


"Yep and if we show this to the public, they'll know what Sara's trying to do to you and stop her once." Alex said.



"But how is she gonna prove herself 'not guilty' of this." Lauren asked concerned


"Don't need to worry, I have everything taken care of, and if it back fires. I have more proof." Alex said again



"You guys we got this, Sara's gonna be gone forever and no more stalking." I said looking up.



I felt happy and excited for once.


Lauren high fives me. "Yes, we've got her now. Let's hope this works."



Even if the memories of her being in my life were real, she's going to be nothing but fake crap rotting in jail.



After our meeting, we all left out separate ways home.


Feeling good about the thought of Sara finally being exposed.



And after all, this past year of alledgef stalking, it's gonna be on her records.


I have a good feeling that Sara's gonna be away from me, for a long time.



Chapter Sixteen: 300 The Rocks



After driving to work the next morning, I stopped by Sara's office and didn't see her there.


I looked in the coffee room and I spotted her.



"Today's the day Sara." I said silently to myself.


I walk over with a guise to her.


"Hello Sara!" I cheerfully yelled.



"Oh, hi Elle." Sara said, smiling my way.



"Come into the big room, someone has a surprise for you." I said smiling.


"Of course, lead the way." she replies.



She followed behind me.


When we got to the big room, Vanessa had called everyone to the middle of the photography area.


We stood there for a while, with Sara.



"Okay Sara, are you ready for the surprise?" I asked eargely.


"Hold on, let me put my coffee down first."


Sara put her cup down on the end of my reception desk.



"Okay, ready?" I say.


She stood still, standing and closed her eyes.


"Kyle. I think you should do this too." I silently said.


Kyle, was standing next to me.



"" I said.


The police had came in, and they surrounded her.


The video was ready on play on speaker.



Sara opened her eyes, and when she looked up, she saw hand cuffs on her wrists.


"Is this a mistake or a really awful surprise?" she said, looking confused.



"No. Just one big surprise." I say, crossing my arms.



Kyle looked at Sara, upset and confused.


"Sara? What's going on? I hought this was a surprise, not cops cuffing you up." 


Kyle sounded concerned and scared.



"Don't worry Kyle, the police will take good care of Sara." I replied.


"While she's locked up." Vanessa said, smiling.


"I have the video to prove it." Lauren said, from behind Vanessa.



Alex played the clip and everyone around the area, heared and watched as Alex explained the stalking to everyone.


Most gasped and sympathy was plagued in the room for me.



"We have the evidence and Kyle knows too now, isn't that good enough....oh wait it gets better." I said, playing the other clips.



Sara watched nervously not saying anything.


"You've been stalking me, since the day you started here. And it's crazy to think that you'd become my friend, a real co-worker that I can depend on. But you broke my trust, I found out. With the help of Alex, my friend." I say.


Lauren encouraged me with a nod to continue.


"You see what happens when you mess with the wrong person, you face the consequences. People can go to jail, for stalking. Although the time is temporary, I don't want to see you back here. And Lauren and Vanessa will make sure of it."


"You're out of here," Lauren spills towards Sara.


"And um, your resume? You faked it for the internship, right?" I said.



Sara hestitantly wants to nod her head, but she keeps it still at the sight of Kyle.


Everyone, including Kyle looked upset and betrayed.


"You can't do this to me. I have a life, this is my job. Kyle you have to believe me!!" she yelled.



Kyle looked away and then disappeared behind the crowd of employees to leave the building.


Everyone chanted on for Sara to leave, while I stood there, basking in my glory for a minute.



"No please, I can explain!!" she yelled over everyone.


But before Sara could say something else, they took her away. 



Seeing Sara being taken away, left a very good feeling inside and for Lauren, Vanessa and Alex.


And me.


"Well done. We did it and Sara's finally out of here." Lauren said.


"No coming back." Vanessa repleid.



"You did a good job. Knowing that we'd all work together to expose her." Lauren said.


She puts a hand to my shoulder, then walks to her office.


Vanessa does the same, before walking off to her office.



Alex came up behind me.


"I'm so proud of you Elle, you did it. And it seems like my work here is done." Alex said, walking to the glass doors.



"Wait? you're leaiving?" I asked.


"No, i'm not leaving, i'm just laying low here until...I go back to Paris. Soon." Alex says, before finally leaving.



I texted her.


"Wait, what about working for Lauren and Vanessa behind my back?"


"I did it for you, and i'm sorry. I should of told you. But I didn't want you to see me go yet." 


She replies.



"Why didn't you tell me?" I said.


Looking up to peer in Alex's eyes again, she doesn't appear again.


"Because I wanted to protect you."



The final text.


Lunch was quiet, too quiet.


"Well there goes our day. Finding out the Sara is a stalker, not only that but your stalker? Weird, and she hung out with us." Rikki replies.


"That makes it weirder." Marybella comments.


"I'm sorry Elle." Bella says towards me.



Sara was taken away and give an assortment of time for stalking.


And I was a hero to that exposed her to everyone.


But she won't be working here anymore.



If it wasn't for Lauren, Vanessa and Alex, I wouldn't be standing here finally putting an end to this.



Just then, after returning to work from lunch, Ruby came in.


"Elle, I saw what you did to Sara and that was ungrateful of you."



My face signficantly dropped.


Ruby's expression was upset.


"Ruby, it wasn't ungrateful. Sara had something planned for me, with the stalking and everything. I'm sure you saw the clip, she stalked me and tried to ruin me." I said to her.



"Yeah, well at least she'll go to jail knowing her boss put her there." Ruby said.


"I'm sorry Ruby, but it was for the best. I can't continue to work with someone who's obssesed with me. It was for the best. For you and me even, nobody wants to work with a stalker."


"Not, but if you just understand where she's coming from. Then you might, that she's a good person. Outside from her flaws." Ruby quickly replies.


I sighed.


"If she was still working here, you wouldn't see me anymore, right? It was clear from the beginning that stalking could have led to her hurting me or worse. Wishing death on me. I did a thing. And now it's over."



"You should have given her a chance, to come clean about it." Ruby said, then left.



I didn't mean to let her down, but I finally got Sara off my back with no worries this time.


And more important things for me to work on, await.. Like my life, my friends.



I'll have to call Kyle and tell him about my whole plan, before he breaks into an arguement with me.


I didn't think that I would upset people outside of my circle.


I had to put Sara to a stop, before anything bad me.



When I called Kyle after leaving work, Kyle's phone went straight to voicemail.


"Hey Kyle, this is Elle. I want to say that i'm sorry for locking up Sara. But you have to listen to me, she had something planned for me before this all happened and trust me. When you see the real Sara, you'll know she played you too this whole time. She's not some innocent girl you found and fell in love with. Don't trust her and don't believe anything she says."



I pressed the end call button and went to get inside my car.



"Hey Elle!" Kyle yelled from behind me.


"Kyle?" I said looking at him.



He's pants as he runs over to me.


"I don't know why you locked up Sara or called the cops on her, but at least I want to hear why."



Just then, he heard his phone ring.


"Hey, you left me a message." he said looking down.



He put his phone up to his ear and listened.


I swallowed hard. Waiting for my nervousness to kick up.


I overheard the voicemail he was listening t,o then he started to look fustrated.



"I thought you were gonna explain the whole thing to me, but it seems like you from a second said it all." he walked away afterwards.



"Kyle, wait!" I said.



He left before he could hear me yell for him again.


"Why is everyone mad at me, Sara's gone now." I say aloud, to myself.



I turned around to my car, when someone popped up in my view.



"Hello, the name's Craig. Nice to meet you."


The guy who was in front of me looked sketchy, I had a bad feeling.


He had brown spikey hair and wore worn out clothing.



"Who are you?" I asked.


"I'm Craig, i'm here to sign you a good deal. Recommened by a friend of yours."


"How?" I asked.  


"If you sign this paper right here, we'll get you free coverage over you home when you're gone." he said smiling.


He pointed out a piece of paper to me.



"Hold on, I don't even know who you are. And which friend?" I said.


"The on you normally talk too. Sara, she asked me to tell you to sign this paper. She got a good deal with us and wanted to recommend you." he says.



"How do I know it's Sara and not a sketchy person like you?" I said, narrowing my eyes.


"If you sign it, i'll have full approval to take care of your home and make sure that Sara never comes back ever, under my circumstance. She had to send this to you against her will." he said.



This Craig dude was convincing, but I wasn't fully convinced.


"Well, I don't trust you." I said back.


"Sorry to hear that, but if you sign this contract, i'll protect your home before and whenever Sara gets out of jail. So be prepared, unless you want Sara spying on you again." he said.



"Alright fine, if this gurantee's i'll be safe from Sara again, i'll sign it." I said.


"Good." Craig said.


Anything to get rid of him.



I signed the paper and he left right then and there.


"God, what a creep." I said, before heading home.




Sara's P.O.V



After seeing the evidence and clips of me talking about Elle, I was in a daze.


I can't believe she had enough evidence to put me in jail. And before I get to put her in here.



"Hello." I heard a familiar voice coming from the hall.


I turned abruptly.


"Guess who came today?" Craig said.



"What do you want, Craig?" I asked.


I sat down on one of the rows of chairs, at the police station.


 "I'm here to tell you that everything is going as planned, just stay in jail until we can bail you out." he said, sitting down in a seat across from me.



"What? stay in jail?!" I yelled back.


I showed him the hand cuffs on my wrists. They made red circles around me.


Clearly, these cops need to upgrade their hand cuffs.



"Pipe down missy, it's fine. The boss and I are gonna bail you out when it's time. Plus, I have Elle's signature. So she'll have restriction to see everyone she knows when she hits gets put in." Craig said, with a smile on his face.



"How's that gonna help me, i'm in jail!!" I yelled, trying to break free from being cuffed.


"Don't worry, we have everything under control. Before she walks down that aisle to announce her blog to the media, it'll be our go time. No turning back and we finally get to finish the investigation. This is overall the longest we went before getting one of our agents caught. So keep up the good work Sara." Craig said.



"But i'm in jail. What am I suppose to do?" I replied.


"Have fun, and don't worry. She'll be here sooner before you get out."


Craig left, laughing like an manically.



I couldn't believe it.



I'm already going crazy, i'm even talking to myself to keep calm.



After a long time of waiting, my name was called.


The officer pulled me towards a doorway, where my cell was for the temporary time I had here.



"I may be locked up in jail, but pretty soon Elle's gonna be in my place." I said.


The officer pulled me inside my cell.



Think again Elle, before you kill someone. Because i'm out to get you.



I felt like I was starting to go mindless.


All the blank walls and cell mates, already bullying me.



I miss Kyle and I want him to save me from here, but there's nothing I can do.


"You're gonna be here for a while." said an officer.



"Great." I said slouching on the bench in my cell.



Elle's gonna pay when i'm out of here.



Just then an officer came by my cell. 


"Alright, Sara you're free to go. Make the right choice and don't stalk people."


"What?" I yelled.


"Somebody bailed you out early, and now you're free to go."



I smiled in eagerness. I wonder who it is?


But now, I have to fix my plan for putting Elle in jail.


She deserves to be put there for a reason. And she'll surely pay for what she did.


Chapter Seventeen: The Blackprint


The next morning, I went down to the station on the other side of New York, to research up some facts about Elle and her case.


I had prepared to sit down.


Just then, the boss came in.



Everyone sat at their desks and so did I.


"Alright, we are officially getting somewhere on Ms. Elle Woods Case. Turn your chairs to the visi-screen."



We all turned. As we looked up to see her profile and documents on the visi-screen.


I had to admit, it felt good, being able to come back here. Even after being locked up for nearly 24 hours yesterday.


The boss pointed at the board with a ruler and looks to us.



"This is Elle. Our good private investigator, Walker, was revealed by Elle. Sara had to go to jail for a bit, but at least she's back out now." he said.



The rest of the P.I. gang, silently cheered for me.


"Settle down, we're back at work. Not here to party." he replied.



Everyone went quiet, turning our attention to him.


He clicked to show the next slide.


"We've been tracking Elle's every move, since she settled down in Manhattan in New York this past year."




"We have recovered some old police forms from back when she used to live in Rosewood, a town in Georgia."


One co-worker spoke after.


"Says here, a neighbor nearby heard screaming coming from the residence of Claire Woods. Suspect said moments later, Elle appeared coming out of the house and mostly packing up some thing. She left town and never came back for 2 years."



"Until she reappeared with her mother and a possible different man in Rosewood several months ago. Not Henry, who has died in Rosewood. They visited for a while, then went back to New York."



This case confused me alright, for a really long time.


Why would Elle keep coming and going? We know that people are prone to leave or have a flight response when something bad happens, but I didn't realize until it was put into words, how much and fled.



And her mom, geing with another guy. After seeing her husband dead, geez what a crazy family.



The boss countinued.


"We've been tracking her for the past year now, and our P.I. Sara, has gone undercover to secretly work and find out some information about Ellle. Working at FARELLE for the past year, we haven't really covered anything but the fact she's gonna be under arrest this coming April."



He flipped to another picture on the visi-screen.


"Back in Rosewood, our team had found some evidence of who was in the household during the time Elle's father died. And it was possible, that Elle was in the house when her father was killed. And that leads to Elle actually killing her own father, because nobody else was seen during those hours after. And hiding the evidence herself, she escaped or disappeard to Paris."



"Bingo." I said softly.



"So Sara, continue going undercover at FARELLE. We've talked with the board of the magazine company and you are not guilty of anything. So don't answer any questions, about why you're back in work. Now, back to work y'all." boss said.



We all went to our separate computers and searched through Elle's profile.


"Let's see what you got now Elle." I said under my breath.


I looked through the case.



Name: Elle Sierra Woods 

Marital Staus: Jacob Callies (Boyfriend)

Friends: Rikki, Marybella, Lauren

Location/Residency: New York City, Suburbs, Manhattan, Vera Lace, 3456 E. West St.

Work Place: FARELLE Magazine Co.

Locations: Rosewood, Georgia | Manhattan, New York | Paris, France | Mumbai, India

Undercover P.I. Assigned: Sara Walker


Crime: Murder, Disappearance


Expectated Aresst: April 30, Day of Blog Meet up for Elle Woods



"I'm gonna take you down Elle, and I plan on locking you up. No matter what."




Elle's P.O.V



A rushed tingy feeling, brushed through the back of my neck.


Someone was coming back. I sensed it.



Just then the glass doors opened. And there she was.




How did she get out?



I busted her just yesterday, she was stalking me for the past year. How is she not locked up?


"Hello everyone, i'm back." she says.


Everyone stared in suprise, most didn't even look twice at her.



The ring in her voice irritated my ears.


Why was she back?


I couldn't stand to see her back in FARELLE again. She looked over to me and gave me puppy dog eyes.


"I'm so sorry for stalking you Elle. I guess I wasn't really getting my life together, and I wanted it to take it out on you."


She sighed, pulling me into an embrace.


I reluctantly get up from my chair in response.


My body couldn't stop me from moving.



"So sorry again, but feel free to put a restraining order on me if you want. Cause it's impossible, now that i'm out of jail and back to work."



I looked back at her stunned.


I wanted to burn her eyes from my vision.


I felt boiling mad and felt my breath hitch at the slight thought.



How could she come back FARELLE and act like nothing happened.


"Bye, i'll see you at lunch." she said.


Walking to her desk, I remebered, it's right next to mine.



Marybella and Rikki came up from their offices.


"Why the hell is Sara back in work, didn't you lock her up for stalking you?" Rikki said, giving attitude.


"I don't know. But I did. Idon't know who bailed her out, in one day." I replied.


Rikki sighed.


"All it takes in one wrong move, and the little woman can do anything to mess up your life." Marybella excliamed.



We all looked at Sara, who was working again.


Lauren came to my reception desk. In surprise.


"Oh, I guess your here already Sara, keep up the good work." Lauren said smiling.


I give Lauren a look.


Why is this happening.



She smiles and heads to Vanessa's office.


Rikki and Marybella were giving Sara looks, as we prepared to not hang her in the workplace.


"Guys just go back to work, I can handle this." I say.


I knew they would keep me safe and worry about me, but we have a lot of work to do before our big trip to Brazil for the hot magazine face off.



They sigh and slowly leave, eyeing Sara closely.


I walk up to Sara's desk after Rikki and Marybella went back to their separate spaces.


I stood in front of her desk silently.


"Sara can I talk with you, in the conference room."



She got up and followed me.


I shut the door behind her, I got a clear view of her across the room.


"Why are you back, why are you here? I told you to leave me alone. Stop stalking me. But I guess you haven't gotten that through your puny little brain." I said suddenly.


I'm needing the urge to call Alex and make Sara pay again.


"I told you Elle, I was bailed out and released. But I won't be stalking you anymore. I'm back at work and you have to deal with it."


She smiled afterwards.


"I don't know who the hell you are, but you need to get out of my life this instant. I've done everything I can to make you fit in and even help you out. And in return you stalk me." I say with a gross tone.


"Let's keep up the good work." Sara complied.


She put her hand out to touch mine, and I don't flinch.



Sara's P.O.V 



All the talking and yapping Elle's doing is getting my brain in a knot.


I can't blow my cover, I need to lie it off and make it seem believable.


I quietly cleared my throat pretending to act ashamed.



"I used to stalk people, all the time. It was a habit of mine when I was younger. I guess it was beause, after my mom left me in New York, I kinda liked spying on people's lives. It was the only thing that interested me. So i'm sorry, if I took my tactic skills on you too far. But I hope you can forgive me."


I looked innocent to make it seem real.



Elle's P.O.V



Sara wasn't good at lying, but I could tell she really meant it.


I don't know what she's up to, but I will find out sooner or later. But for now, I need to play nice in order to get the details.


"Okay. I forgive you, for now, but I still think there's something shady going on with you." I say to her.


Sara reached out her arms.


"Hug?" she said with innocent eyes.


I scoffed and walked past her.



As if!


After leaving Sara in the conference room, I made a quick call.


"Hey, Kyle. I need you to spy on Sara for me, right after work ends. I want you to find out where she's working or  who she's collaborating with. Something's up with her, but I have to find out. If you believe me and if you do this, then I know you care. Look,...we're not friends but we know one person who keeps us tied together." I said silently.


"I don't know Elle, I completely trust Sara on everything." Kyle said back.


"Listen Kyle!, if you love and trust Sara so much, you'll do this in order to protect her and me from whatever she's trying to do. You do want to be with Sara forever right?"



Persuading Kyle to think it was something fishy, had to get him in my aim to shoot fire on Sara.


If she's planning on doing something to me or on me, I need him.


He can keep a close eye on her.


"Okay, i'll follow her after work, but only because I love her."


Kyle hung up and I turned off my phone.



Laurnen came up behind me and softly spoke.


"Did he get the call?" she asked.


"Yes and plan B is on the way. But do you still got plenty of anger riding up to talk on Sara kindly?" I said back.


"Raging inferno." she said.


"Good Boss," I said.



We went back to work, finishing the convo.


Sara wasn't gonna make me speechless again, not this time.



After work, I carefully watched Sara go out of the building and walk up the street to Kyle's place.


"This is your time Kyle, make it shine." I said.


I drove up the street waiting for Kyle's signal.




Kyle's P.O.V



"She's entering my building, going up the stairs and heading in." I said into my phone.


I can't believe it hurts to do this to Sara, but if it helps protect her and...Elle, then I might be worth it.


Sara walks in suddenly.


"Hey, how was your day back at work?" I asked, playing cool



Sara's P.O.V



"Oh hey Kyle, it was good i'm just gonna head down to the bank."


I tried to hide the folders of papers with some info on Elle's case, to put down at the station.


If i was really gonna trick Elle into thinking that I used to be a stalker, then I have to use a little homework from work to catch her off guard till the arrest time.


"Be back in 10." I said heading out the door.


Kyle smiled, watching me leave.



Kyle's P.O.V


"Oh wait! Sara, before you go. I just want to let you know that i'm hanging out with Elle now, so....she's outside waiting for me. I just wanted to make it clear, so i'm not acting suspicious to you."


I heard Elle slap her hand on something over the phone, but I turn it off.


"Oh, okay. Be sure that she doesn't get you into anything. I can't get you out of it if she's involved. Like running into a ditch or something like that."


She smiled and closed the door.




Elle's P.O.V



I slapped my hand on my forehead, overhearing Kyle talk to Sara on the phone.


I'm waiting in my car, for Sara and Kyle to exit the building.


I saw Sara come out first. I decided, I better make an embarassment out of myself to throw her off guard.



I rolled down my window and shouted.


"Hey Sara!! What's up? Hope you don't mind me and Kyle going out. He seems like such a perfect boyfriend."


I smiled the whole time as she nervously walked to her car parked out front.



Kyle came rolling afterwards, waving goodbye to Sara.


"Get in." I said to him angrily.


Kyle jumped in the passenger seat, as we slowly watch Sara drive off.



We took a different road, but as soon as she drove downtown. We were on her ass.


I followed her down to the other side of New York, when traffic cut us off as soon as Sara parked in front of some strange rundown old police station.



Soon as traffic ran by, Sara was already back in her car, off to the bank or wherever.


"Dang it." I say




I get out of my car following Kyle.


I walk up the big steps, into the old rundown building. It was dim and dark like, it had no power in the building.


It looked like an old scene from an film set.



Just then, I saw my name on a dashboard and ran to the desk where it was.


There was a file on where my name was.


I grabbed the folder and looked through it. Kyle flicked a flashlight, so we can both see.



This folder has nothing but my information on it and a few blank papers.


"I can't believe we chased her down for this." I said in regret.


"But why would Sara come down here, to an old police station then go to the bank?" Kyle asked.


"Because she's bad like that." I said.



I packed up the folder and walked towards the exit.


"Kyle, you coming?" I said.


He looked mysteriously at a visi-screen with no light on it.



The lighting in the building creeped me out.


"Kyle, let's get out of here." I said, running to the exit now.


"Okay." Kyle said, slowly walking back to me.



We got out of the old police station and drove back to Kyle's place.



"So how does this information, equal up to her stalking me?" I asked, sipping tea.


"Well for starters, the folder has your name on it and it's got information that I don't know." Kyle said.


I scoffed at Kyle, then went back to decoding what Sara typed on the papers.



"Undercover? P.I.? Does P.I. stand for undercover boss?" I said.


"No P.I. stands for Private Investigator." Kyle said.



I looked up at him, confused.


"Why would Sara be a private investigator, just to stalk me?" I asked. 


"Maybe she needed the tools and the smart brain to capture all the details from stalking you." Kyle said.



"You're absentmindely pissing me off." I say to him.


I was getting annoyed by his thoughtful thinking.


I blocked him out and continued reading the paper over and over again.



I thought to myself, why in the world would Sara be undercover as a P.I.


That doesn't make sense.



"I'm done, and i'm keeping the folder for now. Thanks for the help Kyle." I said opening the front door.


"Bye." he said, closing the door behind me.



I went out with Marybella and Rikki for lunch the next day, to talk to them about what I found.



"You guys, she actually stalked me, like for real. I can't believe this." 


"Maybe it's not true." Marybella said.


"What!" Rikki and I say at the same time.


"Marybella she has a folder filled with my information, stashed away in an old police station. Until I found out."



"Really?" Marybella said, now concerned.


"I want to lock up Sara so bad, she doesn't deserve to come back to work especially since she just got out of jail." i said. 



I sigh, putting my hands to my forehead in protection.


"This is really frustrating me." I say.


"Then why don't you make it happen?" Rikki said smiling.



"What? how?" I said.


"Convince Lauren and Vanessa to unemploy or let Sara be suspended from work, because she's your stalker."


"I don't know if that'll work." I reply.



I sighed thinking about that for a second.


After lunch, I had a talk with Lauren and Vanessa about it.


"I don't see how this is going to help, we have to contact the board and everything." Lauren said.



"We'll have to override Sara's attorney, a restraining order isn't going to help if you both work here." Vanessa said.


"So you'll have to fire Sara then." I said.


"Elle." Lauren said, stern.


I give Lauren an innocent look.


"Well she is bad at her job, and she is your stalker. I can't see why she should work here." Lauren said.



"Then let's make it happen, Sara's fired today. No intereaction with FARELLE at all." I said.



"But we are going to have to talk with the board." Vanessa said.



"Because I can't work, if Sara's back here again." I finally said.


I finished the convo, leaving the conference room.



"Hello....Sara." I said.


Trying to act kind, as I walked past her desk. I think about the plan.


"Hey Elle, just finished my brief interview for this spring's magazine snippet."



"Good." I said.


I stopped mid walk and backed up.


"Wait, you're not suppose to right a breif interview, your suppose to interview someone breifly." I said, mad.


"What? but I thought you told me-"


"Enough. Do it again." I interuppted.



"But Elle," Sara started.


"No, you thought. Get this done before the due date." I implied.



Sara rushed to get papers and panicked, while I sat back at my reception desk and relaxed.


Playing with Sara until she leaves, is gonna be a great experience.




Later on Lauren and Vanessa brought news.


"Elle, where's Sara?" Lauren asked.


"She's doing a breif interview for the magazine." I said rushing to their side.



"What, no she's suppose to right a breif interview for the magzine." Lauren said.


"Elle what did you tell her?" Vanessa said budding in.



"Well, I might have said to her to get more responsibilty done. I just said brief interview." I said.


"Elle, that's not funny. You are off your game, now get back to work." Lauren said seriously.



"Hey, this no laughing matter, where is she?" Vanessa said.


"Interview-" I started.


"Here!!" Sara said, carrying a box that was heavy.



"Delivery for Elle Woods, to be delivered to Vanessa." Sara said, not breaking eye contact with me.


"No time for chit chat Sara." Lauren said.


"We have news." Vanessa said, startling Sara.


"What?" she said looking at us.



"You're fired." Vanessa said.


"What!!" Sara said devastated.


"Yep, we spoke with the board and it was an unconditional saying to the system. When someone came in and changed up the explaination as to why you were stalking Elle." Vanessa said towards Sara.



Sara bit her lip nervously.


"So for that, you're fired and you can never work here in FARELLE every again." Vanessa said.


"Bye bye." Lauren said.



"This can't be happening, I need this job. You!!" Sara said, finally looking at me.


"You're doing this!" she said angrily.



"Sorry, I had no clue." I said, faking it.


"I'm on to you. Why am I fired?" she said, turning back to Lauren and Vanessa.


"Because you stalked Elle for 8 months and no stalker is working for FARELLE. I don't want people asking me questions, as to why a stalker is still working here." Lauren said completely.



"Bye!" Sara said.


"Take your things, your belongings and leave. We don't need you here." Vanessa said strictly.



Sara gathered her things and stopped at the glass doors.


All the other interns gathered up, surrounding the area around her, before she leaves. 



"I just want to say, that the past year was great. Being here, with you guys. And i'll never forget it." Sara said.



I almost believed her for a second there, before a tear fell down her face.


I had to stay strong.


All the interns went back to work, as she left.



I'm just glad she's out of my life, for now. 


Chapter Eighteen: Fake Friends


"Alright everybody, let's get this show on the road. Spring is still here and the fashion show is tomorrow. Our magazine will be released in a week. So until then, be proud everyone." Lauren said.


She thanked us for all the hard work we did. 



It was April and in 2 weeks, i'll offcially be putting myselfpublicly out into the world.


All my fans and will be coming to see me, in person too.



"Congratulations Elle." Lauren said.


She stood close to me, her smile wide.


"We did it, our magazine for this spring is to be published in a week. Plus, we get paid extra for this year's fashion show." Lauren said, keeping her voice low.



I turned to Marybella.


"I can't wait till my big event." I said excidedly


"I know, I'll see you later." Marybella walked back to her office.



Today started off great, and everything's turning out good so far.




Sara's P.O.V


"I can't right now Kyle, my job is already putting me on overtime. What do you want me to do, just act like a normal girlfriend?!"


"Yes, my mom's visiting and I want to tell her how great you are. But you have to do more than, work a lazy job."



Kyle pissed me off.


It's not lazy.


"I don't have time for this, i'm on a break. Seeing Elle do the things she love and i'm left in the dust to see it, is ruining my mood. Plus, something is coming up in 2 weeks. So don't something to bother me....not even for your mom!" I said.


I left the apartment with a slam to the door behind me.



I couldn't help it, life is so hard now.


Kyle is nagging me to do more work around the apartment and tto get a better job.



Doesn't he know that I work hard enough already?


I wish that I could tell him about me being a P.I.


But that's underwraps, until my work is done.




I walked downtown, to the old police station were my boss is having a meeting.


"Sara, come into my office." he said.


I walked in, while I saw everyone bustling away at work.



When I entered his office, it was cool and quiet.


"Please sit down." he pointed to the chair across from his table.


"What is it?" I said nervously.



"You've been working at FARELLE for nearly a year now."


"And I got fired." I finished.


"Yes, you got fired and we're still working on the case." he said.




"But well done, no one's ever gotten that far into being a P.I. for this company. The reason I called you in here, was because I wanted to congratulate you. You've done well, for your first case in years." he replied.



He turned a hand towards the door, and it opens magically.


Smiling faces appear and I see majority of my co-workers come in.


The were holding a cake out for me.


"You guys." I said happily.



"Everyone, cheers to Sara. For being in the force field and to getting work done." the boss said.



We all cheered and drank soda that being passed around.


Then, my boss pulled me to the side.



"You know, I don't like things that are personal. To people, that have it in their lives, like a special one right?" he sad.


"Yeah."Ii replied.


"Just to let you know, if you do have someone in your life now. End it. Now, I don't want you breaking a hearts here. Especially if you're work and be commited." he said.



My smile had dropped, but I kept it up for the sake of him.


"Maybe one or two." I said smiling.


"No," he said, jokingly.


We parted from our convo, then got back to work.




"Alright listen, the job is almost done. Only 2 weeks till this case is put to an end. So do your job, and Sara?" he said, pointing to me.



"Continue stalking from a far, I received a restraining order from FARELLE and I don't want to make it any worse." he said.



"I'll do my best, sir." I said.



The meeting was over and I finally decided to work a quick shift at my new job.


The pharmacy store was all I had.



I hate working there, but at least it'll get more money for now.


Until I get paid when the case is over.



On the walk home, I spotted somone following me.


I had to get up quick to Kyle's apartment, if I don't want to stay out for too long.



Just as I was about to make a run for it. The person grabbed me.



"Stop fussing." a strange familiar voice.


"Who are you?" I said, easing up. 



He let's up, lettig me look him in the face.


"Brian?" I asked. 



"You recognize me?" he asked, leaving a space between us.


"It's Sara." I say.



"Long time no see." he said, starting to smile.


"What are you doing here?" I asked.


I became annoyed, and not forgeting that he left me back then.



"I'm working, I have a good job. Everything's fine. How bout you?" he asked.


"Fine, I live here and i'm working." I said back.



Brian looked around, then back to me. 


"Listen if you ever need any help, call me. Here's my apartment address. Come by. I have something to show you."



"To show me, what?" i said.


"Something I kept that you thought was long gone, from when I left you behind." he said, looking calm again.



"Yeah, I remember clearly. You threw me out of your apartment." I stated.


I put up my defenses, crossing my arms over my chest



"Yeah, but i've changed. I want you come by, so we can fix things. Finally." he reassures.



I started towards the street again. "Not a chance."


"Look!" he said, grabbing my elbow.



"I'm sorry for leaving you behind and saying that I wanted to break up. Can't we go back to the way things were?"


I looked at him seriously, and he looked at me kindly.



"I have a boyfriend. And remember, when I bought you your first car?" I started.


"When we stole candy bars from gas stations, when we first kissed." he finished.



All the talking Brain did, brought back the memories we had, ones I can't seem to forget.



They were good memories and I wouldn't forget them, but I have Kyle now.


I have Kyle and I have to get Braian out of my life.



"It's not gonna happen, but good luck." I said pulling my arm from him.


"Okay, I get it. I'll leave you alone." he said, turning around and leaving.



I wanted to say that i want you back and to forgive him.


But Kyle is a better boyfriend than Brian ever was.



I was tempted to visit Brian and tell him i'm sorry, for turning down his offer.


But I have more things to focus, on than an ex popping up.




Elle's P.O.V



Marybella gave me a call and I drove out to her house.


The front door was creaked and opened, when I walked in.


"Marybella?" I said looking around.



"She's in the living room." Mark said coming downstairs. 


"She's upset, so be careful about what you're saying." he said.


I walked into the living room. 



I saw Marybella, sitting near the window. Looking at the trees and plants outside.


"Bella." I said softly.



She turned her head slowly, looking weak and still.


Marybella looked like she lost a lot of weight and her skin looked more pale than usual.



"Hey Elle." she said, her voice weak and breathless.


"I wanted to talk to you before things get crazy. Remember when a few months ago, my dad came and visited?" she said.



"Yeah." I said walking over to her.


"Well, I wanted to be the one to tell you that, i'm not moving back to Russia, ever. I'm going to stay here."


"That's good to know." I started.


Marybella sat in silence, then she started talking again.


"I got a call earlier from my dad. He said he was coming to take me back, I said no."



Marybella's voice got quiet, as she looked back to the window pane, then to me. 


"In case anything happens...." she said, holding my hands in her's.



"I want you to know, that I was happy here. Living here, with you by my side too."


"Wait, what do you mean?" I said, now concerned.



"I'm going under isolation at my hospital next week. I wanted to tell you first, because I was scared about anybody knowing it."



"Are you gonna be okay?" I said, concerned as to why she was leaving.


"Yes, but hopefully the surgery will be done right. And if not, I might die." she says.


"Wait, you might die? Surgery? Bella what is going on?" I asked.



"Hopefully you'll understand." she says.


She let go of my hands and looks back to the window. The shadow of the blurry sky brightening her skin.


I don't know what's going to happen, but hopefully she doesn't die yet.


I need her.



She's more than a worry in my life, she's my best friend. 


But maybe she'll tell me sooner.



I only hoped she would.


After, I drove home and flopped on the couch.



Jacob was out of town for the week, so I was by myself.


I felt lonely and out of this world.


Marybella wouldn't tell me what's going on and my blog media is about to blow up next week.



Luckily, I have Rikki.


She'll probably cheer me up.


I called her up and said to meet up at 90 Rockers.



"So, it's been a pretty lazy day huh?" I said keeping the conversation up.


"Yep, but if we want to get through this, we have to do something fun." Rikki said.



"Like what?" I asked.


Rikki looked around.


"Karaoke" she said smiling.


"I don't sing." I protested.



"Here drink this." she said.


Before I could get another word in, the cup's already touching my lips.


"What is it?" i asked.


"Just drink it." she said.


I took the drink, accepting maybe i'd get a little loose.



And then everything spaced out for a moment.


All the colors, of the LED lights turned big and blurred.


And my mind was twisting.



What did Rikki give me? I felt someone pull my arm and I got up.



"Sing with me!" Rikki said.


Her voice was different, as if it was cosmic.


Almost muffled, but I could hear it clearly.



"Sing with me." she said agian.


We got up on the mini stage and we sang all afternoon long, until I felt my stomach turn.


What was happening? Did I have too many drinks, am I drunk?



Oh no.


I felt liquid crawl up my throat.



I pulled Rikki from the stage and ran to the bathroom.


I coughed a few times, before I wiped my mouth finally.


"Worst expericene ever." I said.


Looking at Rikki who was applying lip gloss in the mirror, I turned a sour eye towards her.



"Hey it's not my fault, you were drunk." she said.


"What!?" I said back looking directly at her.


I stood up abruptly. "I didn't know that I was a lightweight drinker, until now."


"Hmmm, that cosmic drink I gave you, must have been too strong for you." she said.



She absentmindedly didn't even look by way. Like she was in her own world.


"Look, I don't wanna know what you gave me. Just take me home." I prompted.



Rikki smiled at herself in the mirror.


She was partially sober and she's the one pulling me along with whatever drink she gave to me.



"Matter fact, I'll take myself home." I said, walking out of the bathroom.



I couldn't believe Rikki would say that, so ignorant.


I talked in the parking lot with her, before we left.



"I can't believe you're acting like this Rikki, you are so reckless today. I can't even see you anymore, the real you." I said.


"Yeah, you can't. Because i'm a new person." she shot back.


"What?" I said, before I got in my car.



Rikki brushed it off, like she didn't make the comment.


We drove in silence, on the way to her house.


The least thing I can do, is make sure she gets home safe. Much to me.



When we reached her house, we both walked up to her bedroom and I saw half the room missing. 


"Where's Jason's stuff?" I said looking around.



"He's gone and I kicked him out, i didn't need him." Rikki said, dressing into something nice now.


"Wait, you kicked him out? Aren't you guys married? Rikki you tell me any of this, why?" I said.



"You don't know anything about marriage. You don't know anything about me. When was the last time we talked together, huh?" Rikki said.



I paused to think.


"A month ago..." I start.


"Where?" she said stern.


"When I was with Mary-"


"When you were with Marybella, that's all the time I ever get to talk with you. You're selfish and dumb. I don't even know why i'm friends with you?"



"Rikki, where is this coming from? We're friends, even though we don't talk much because of our jobs. I'm here for you, so please tell me what's going on."


"No! no. You are selfish, you get everything you want. Everything goes your way. Everything is perfect for you." She replied.


"That's not true, even my own life isn't perfect. And you know that. No everyone is." I shot back.



Rikki didn't reply, she just continued to get ready to go out.


"I don't even know why i'm still friends with you, what happened to you Rikki?" I said walking towards her.



I put a hand to her elbow, and she moved me back.


I didn't flinch at her gaze.


She calmed down and applyed another coat of lip gloss in a mirror.


"You do you..., and i'll do me. Okay." she says.





"Because I wanna be somebody, and I can't be my own self being married to a has-been player of a husband. Who worked enough hours, but never spent time with me. I decided to find a new me, than rather be the same old vintage Rikki who's a photographer at FARELLE and is a great friend." she shot back.


"You can change. You're aloud to. But please, understand. That you're not alone. I am here for you."


"Since when? Have you been there." she starts.



She pinches her thumb and index finger together, while looking at me.


"I can't even get in a sentence worth of my life towards your's and Marybella's. Compared to mine, yours are all jolly and happy."


"That's not true-" I start.


"It's not true. Of course it's not, but it sure feels like it. Look, Marybella is sick, and all we know that she's suffering here and there. And you....selfish you, caring about nobody but yourself and your safety around others. Couldn't even see past Marybella's struggles or Sara's life, past your own."


"I care about Marybella. I became fast friends with her." I said.


"Yeah, and before met me. Now, i'm outside of the cirlce."


"You're not-" I say.


"Just stop, Elle." Rikki says, turning away.



"You can't do this by yourself Rikki, you can get your life together. Talk to me." I said.



Trying to get her to stop leaving, was nearly impossible.


"I will." she said walking to her closet.



"You're somebody else right now, you're an alien." I said, directly at her.



I've never seen this side of Rikki ever, it was so weird.


The funky 70's room decor, had now become minimalist.


The house, that once felt warm, is now cold.



"And everybody can't be the angel, that is Elle Woods." Rikki shot back.


"You've got problems. Rikki. Solve them please, then come talk to me." I said.



I left in a hurry and in a huff.


Suddenly now she's a new person and has a wild side.


She's changing.



Everyone changes, including me.


But it's usually before you grow up, it's almost never rarely after.



I just hope that she realizes the life she has now and the friends she made along the way.


I don't want her to throw it away, for a new her.



Breaking up her marriage with Jason and calling it quits, she would have told me.


Because we're friends.


She's somebody else, she's turning right now, into somebody else.



Not the first friend I had in years.



Everything's falling down, but why.


Why my life?



Sara hasn't come back and tried to ruin it yet.


Marybella's talking about death and what comes after and Rikki has surely gone crazy.



Why is my life falling apart now.


I just hope my relationship doesn't.


I trust Jacob not to ruin things now.



This week is gonna be tough and I have to wheel myself back to gravity and reality. 


Chapter Nineteen: And So It Lies...


"Good morning my ElleWooders, a crazy week is nothing but the shortest break for me. But at least, in 2 days i'll get to see you guys at the event. Hopefully, a ton of you will show up. I'm really excited, because the day I meet you all is the day Jaocb comes home. And this, time he's staying home for the rest of the summer. Also coming up is the big Magazine Show off travel trip to Brazil. I'm so excited to be able to visit Carla in Venezuela. This month and summer is gonna be great, i can feel it. I wish the best of luck to your safe travels. Now, I gotta go and see ya next time." - @SumerElleW_86




As I finished my blog post, I heard a knock on my door. 


I opened it and saw an unusual face.


"Hellom, Elle Woods? Come with me." 



A bright feminine voice shot through my ears.


"Hold on, i'm not going anywhere." I said.


"We have an emergency, to which someone broke into your old apartment in the Yodo apartments in Manhattan. Please come with me, to approve someone has lived there before we confiscate the leftover items." says the woman.



She souded serious. I followed her to my old apartment.


I hadn't been there in a long time. So i'm sure everything is just fine.


And I only hoped that no one broke in.



When I walked into the apartment, I saw things broken up and misplaced.


Things, ripped and shredded. The couch cushions were missing. The tables was split in half and the big window was shattered.



"How could someone do this," I said silently.


"Yeah, someone did." the woman says.


"And I intend on having Christina get to the bottom of this." a man said.



How do you know Christina?


"Do you know Christina?" he asked.


"Yes, she's an old friend of mine." I said.



"Well, feel free to take what's yours and we'll clean up the rest before it goes into renovation and repair."


The man left and I searched around.



The pots and pans were left with dust, old discarded plates and plants were gone.


How could someone do this, and when.


Telling by the warmness of the sun that seeped in, I think someone broke in a few days ago.



Why had I not found out about this?


I was upset. My childhood home was ruined and destroyed. 


Mom would have been devastated if she saw this now.



Why would someone hit it here, where it really hurts. To break everything, in my first ever home.


It brings me disgust to think back on the memories I had here, because now they're just stories to be told.



I took must of the unbroken and valuable things home with me.


Discarding the rest.


I'm really angry at who broke into my old apartment and messed it up.



Probably Sara. 


I hate her even more now, if she really did this.



What more does she want from me or my past.


Sometimes I wonder, if she's still spying on my and writing down secret things that I don't know.



Sara had really peaked my angry side. And I was ready to blow up.


But I have to forget it.


I have people who depend on me.



People, fans who i'm going to meet in 2 days.


I have to put this behind me for now.



I wanted to call up Jacob, but instead I dialed Rikki's number.


I only hoped sthat she'd answer.



"What do you want?!" Rikki said over the phone.


"Rikki, my old apartment got broken into. I just got the news today. Please come and see me." I said.



She didn't reply for a solid 3 seconds.


"Fine i will, but it better be for a good reason." she said, in her regular voice.




We met up on the street near my old apartment. 


"So you said someone broke in, how long ago?" she asked



"I don't know, a few days. All the broken glass and things were ruined when I got here." I said.


"Do you think someone new is after you?" she asked.


"No, I can only think  that Sara is behind it." I said.



Rikki scoffed at me.


"Elle stop with Sara, she's out of your life. Think about it, she was fired. Just get over it."



"I can't get over it Rikki, she practically stalked me and ruined my childhood home by breaking into it. I think she's telling me that she's still on some vendetta of exposing me." I say.



"What does Sara want to expose from you Elle, huh what!!" Rikki said annoyed



I thought hard, why would Sara do all these things. To expose what, about me?


I did something terrible in my past.



"I don't know, but she's up to something. I still have eyes on her." I said, looking down at the road.


"Anyways I gotta go, bye." Rikki said.



"What, why?" I asked.


"To the club, of course." she replied.



"This time of day?"


"Listen Elle, I don't want to yell or fight anymore. Let me be myself. I found a new me and it's been freeing for once t feel that."


"Rikki-" I said softly.


She looked straight at me, slightly annoyed.


"I need you," I begged.


"Not now." she replied.



She walked off and turned the street.


Just then, I got a call from Mark.



"Hello?" I answered.


"Elle get down to the hospital now, Marybella's under isolation and I don't think she'll get out of ever."


"Okay, i'm coming." I said.


I rushed to my car.



When was Marybella gonna tell me something or was her diagnosis so serious that it was irrelevant.


I don't know.


I just hope she's still fine when I get there.



I still want to see her again.


It's been so long since we talked.



What could be happening? This can't be good.



As soon as I reached the hospital entrance, I saw Mark pacing around in the waiting room.


"Hey Mark i'm here, where's Marybella?" I said.



"She's under IOSIS. I don't know what that is, or what's gonna happen to her." he said.


"How long do we have to wait?" I said looking around.



"Possibly hours."


"Oh no." I said, slowly sitting down.


How serious is this?



To pass the time, I called up every person who I knew that cared about Marybella.


There were no call backs, except for Rikki, who said she'll be done here soon.



Hours passed and we still hadn't heard from the nurses and doctors.


It took forever, was she really going to die?



I can't let her. Not now.


She has so much to live for.


I'm going crazy, just thinking she's probably under a long wait to recover.



Sitting on the old hard chairs in the hospital, was quite uncomfortable.


Even after seeing Marybella's doctor walk back and forth with nurses, more hours passed and I was beginning to think, did she survive?



8 hours had passed and I still waited to see Marybella.


Just then, Rikki came in. Dressed like her regular self, but she looked bagged and tired.



She looked pale and drawn out of life.


"Rikki, where have you been" I said, my voice sharp.



I wanted to burst into tears, it didn't take long before she replied.


"Listen Elle, get over it. This might be the end for Bella."



I looked up at her confused. My face turned red.


"You can't just say that. Marybella's needs us, she's our friend." I said.



Rikki interuppted. "And when she's gone, i'll be your best friend. Look, i'm tired, i'm done with being the second friend to contact." she says.



"You're not second. Is this still something you're worried about? Look, I haven't contacted or talked to Marybella in days. Who I called the most out of this whole week, is you. So don't say you're second, because you are not to me." I said angrily.



Rikki sat down and huffed in a chair.


"Rikki you were the only first best friend I ever had in New York City, as a grown adults. Don't think, because I don't favor you, it means your second in my life."


"And what Elle! Who do you favor. Me or Marybella?"


"Neither," I say, desperate.


"Mainly because you haven't spent time with me."


She huffed.


"Show you who's second rate." she shot back silently.



I immediately sat down one chair from Rikki, till I saw a glimpse of someone.


Was it Marybella?


It was.



I ran over to see her being pushed on an emergency bed.


Her face looked sickening and her face pale.



She looked almost dead.


It was a quick moment, before the doctors disappeared with her down the hall. 


The glimpse was all I could see of Marybella for now.



An hour passed before the nurse finally called us in to see her.


"She's still unconsious, so don't try to wake her up." the nurse said.



I was the first to walk into the room.


Mark went in after, then Rikki came in a second later.


"Oh my god..." was all I could say silently.



They had hooked up Marybella to so many machines.


She had a breathing mask on and  needles injected to her arms.



Mark sat down, unstable at the sight or thought.


Rikki looked over at her, with wide eyes.



"She looks horrible." she said, trying to keep still.


I looked over to Marybella, who hadn't moved since we got into the room.



I sat down in a chair, next to herbed. Watching her to see if she moves.


And she doesn't, for a long time. 


She breaths in and out, but no sound of her voice peaks through.



Just then, her doctor came in.


"We have some news and results for Marybella, in case any of you have been wondering what we've been doing for the past 10 hours."



"Yes, we've been waiting here for hours." I say, immediately.


Mark rubbed his face to stay awake.



The doctor spoke again.


"She suffered a mass of blood loss during surgery, but we were able to stop it enough to keep her alive. She's okay for now, but she's going to need therapy for breathing again and possibly go into surgery one more time. In June, just to be sure if the tumor is gone."



"Tumor?" Mark said.


My eyebrows push together in confusion and worry.


"Wait, what do you mean tumor?" Mark asked.


"Has she not told you? She's had a tumor stuck in her lungs for 9 months and it was hard to remove in surgery. But we were able to get half of it, before the effects could spread to the liver."



"So does Marybella have some type of cancer?" Mark asked.


"Yes, she does. But I was told before surgery by Marybella, that she would tell you all. I'm sorry to break the news so early for you." he said, before leaving the room.



"I can't believe Marybella had cancer and never told us." Rikki said.


"For literally 9 months now, and that time I visited her....she told me about her dying wish and things. I didn't suspect, that it'd be cancer." I said, looking to Marybella again.



Rikki interuppted. "It's because you hung out more with her than me. So of course I wouldn't get the picture about her being sick. I'm so stupid.."



"Rikki why are you acting like this? This has nothing to do with Marybella, look, she is trying to survive. So be there for her." I said abruptly.


Mark looked over to Rikki.


"Rikki you have changed recently, and although it may be good to you. It's good to everyone else, you're weaking our friendship circle ever since Jason left you."


"Left?" I say.


"Yes, he left her. Because she couldn't commit to him." Mark finished.


"You aren't the Rikki I know now. So stop acting like the new one, and get your shit together." he said looking over to her again.



"I didn't cheat, I just couldn't live with him anymore. I got no satisfction." she says.


I look at Rikki, with big unwavering eyes,


"Yeah i know, and the change is good for now. But guys....i'm struggling here." Rikki said back.



A moment of silence went around before anyone spoke. 



"She looks dead." Rikki said abruptly.


"She's not. And don't say that, we are not gonna let her fail on us." I shot back.




Overall the time we spent in the hospital led to all night.



We worried if Marybella was ever gonna wake up.


She had been still for hours.


Sometimes, even within mintues, I think she's slowly dying inside and we don't know it.



The nurse came in as we look at Marybella, our eyes hard from looking at her all day.


"Excuse me, but, we're putting Marybella under isolation for tonight. So we need all visitors to leave."




"I-, please let us stay a little longer." I start.


"No we can't, she's gonna wake up. And I know it. Plus, we can stay the night right?" Mark said.



He tried to touch Marybella's head, but got blocked by the machines in front of him.


He put his hand back to his side looking upset.



"Yes, but only two family members can stay." said the nurse.



I looked at Mark. And Mark looked at me and Rikki.


"I'm Marybella's partner." Mark said.


"Fair enough." the nurse said, writing down something.



She looked over to me.


"I'm her close family, like a sister." I said nervously.



"Okay." she said, looking over to Rikki now.


"I'm not friends with Marybella anymore, but i'll leave."


Rikki left, showing any emotion.



The nurse watched as Rikki left.


She turned to us.


"Well I guess youcan make yourselves comfortable. I'll have some male nurses bring in 2 couches for you."  



Before leaving the room, she walked over to Marybella, checking her pulse.


"Hang in there Bella we have you, don't give up on me." the nurse said.



She left the room, and me and Mark were left alone.


The night was long and filled with patient's surgery, doctors running around and good coffee to keep us awake.



We both stared at Marybella, before we spoke after a long silence.


Mark spoke first.


"You think she'll make it?"


"I think so, we can't just leave her here. She will wake up, and want to see us." I reply.



A moment of silence went by before Mark spoke again.


"You know sometimes, I feared that one morning i'll wake up and Marybella's not next to me. I never dreamed she'd be in a hospital at all. I actually planned, to ask Marybella the big question this week."



"What?" i said, sitting up.


"Yeah. Marybella's the one for me. No matter what the situation is, i'll always love her." he said.



"Really?" I said.


 "Yeah, and when I look at her now. I wonder if she's gonna have a future with me at all. She needs to wake up, so we can all be there for her. I mean, earlier this year, she talked about me. About loving someone else and finding a better partner. But I think that was in fear of her losing me, rather than thoughtful thinking."


I sighed.


"But I never suspected it'd be because she might die from cancer."



There was a long pause, before my eyelids closed and I was asleep.


I couldn't bare to sleep, but I had to get some rest after all the staring I did at Marybella.


I hope she wakes up soon.




My eyes fluttered open and I saw Marybella, still unconsious.


Mark had his hand on her's, while his head slept on the end of the hospital bed.


I got up and stretched.



I walked out of Marybella's room and went to go get coffee, then possibly in an hour get breakfest.


When I got back into the room, I saw Mark looking up at Marybella, still unconsious.



"Do you think she'll wake up at all, today?" he asked me.


"We'll see. I have a feeling she will." I said.



I sat down on the couch that I slept on last night and watched as Mark rubbed Marybella's left hand.


Moments went by, but she still didn't wake up.



A moment later the same nurse from yesterday came in.


She checked Marybella's pulse, then her vitals.



"You're doing great Marybella." the nurse said silently.


The nurse never left Marybella's side while she checked on her. Mark was anxious to leave, but he stayed still, looking over her.



"There we go..." the nurse said, slightly lifting Marybella's hand



In one second, I saw Marybella move her eyelids.


"I just saw her move her eyes." I said abruptly.



Mark moved to my side and looked over her.


"She did, when? When?"


"Just a second ago." II said almost smiling.



We watched Marybella, as her nostrils moved up and down. While her lips looked dead and her eyes, flickering in the light the nurse flashed on Marybella.



"We have eye movment, but all we need next is for her to move and be able to speak." the nurse said, smiling.


Me and Mark looked closely and saw Marybella move her eyes again, this time opening them. 



Me and Mark cheered.


"She opened her eyes, that means she's awake!!" I shouted as we hugged.



He went over to the other side of the bed and looked into her eyes.


"Finally you're awake, speak, say something." he said.



She only blinked a few times, then stared at the bare ceiling.


Mark's smile disappeared.



The nurse kept looking at Marybella, as she still layed there motionless.


Mark looked back to her.


"I don't get it, her eyes are open. Why isn't she awake? She should be moving and everything. Marybella speak."


Mark's voice was unsteady



"Don't worry Mark, it takes time. She's motionless for now, but at least her senses are awake."


"What do you mean by that?" Mark said.



"Well she opened her eyes, and that leads to opening of the 5 senses. She's awake now, but the rest of her body isn't. Thank god she woke up now, instead of tomorrow. Otherwise we'll have her ISOSIS again. She's healthy and fine, but we'll have to wait till her muscles build up strength and feeling comes back into her body. She went through hours of surgery, so it'll take a while."



"Like, how long?" Mark asked finally, looking up from Marybella to the nurse.


"Few days, possibly weeks. But for now it's all up to Marybella."



"Days, weeks?" I said softly.


"She has to wake up her body, in order for her therapy to start." the nurse said.



The nurse walked out of the room, as we both stood there looking down at Marybella.


"Well thank god you're finally awake. We spent hours looking at you, but now you can finally see us." I said.



The nurse came back in abruptly.


"Oh just to let you know, she can't really see anything from her apointed view, in which her eyes move. So she can't move her eyes in different directions yet."



Suddenly the room drained of emotion.


"She can't look at you guys yet."


The nurse left again.



Me and Mark look at each other.


"She can't look at us?" I said.


I put myself in her field of vision.


"She'll remain motionless, for possibly days." I said over her.



"We have to wait, even more." Mark said.


"Marybella was gonna come and support me at my blog meet up. My blog media meeting is.....tomorrow." I said concerning Mark.



"It's okay, I think we can both handle going to it tomorrow. But it'll be for a good reason " Mark said, looking up at me.



"Yeah I know, but Marybella's always by my side. She's my best friend." I said.


And at the moment, I realized what Rikki was saying about being friends with Marybella.



She was jealous that Marybella was getting all the friend attention, rather than her.


Rikki isn't exactly acting like a friend these past few days, but i'll get better at trying to bring Rikki back.


I hope she comes back.




Sara's P.O.V



"Oh my god remember when I stole the strawberry jellly and got caught!!" I said aloud, laughing with Brian.



I decided to go visit Brian after all and try to make peace before he drags me into things.


Plus it's okay.


Brian's my ex, so he'll take care of me.



"So tell me what area you doing now?" Brain asked, sipping iced coffee.


"Well i'm currently working on a case, it's gonna be done tomorrow when it's official and I get paid. Finally. I've been working on this case for a long time now, and finally it's about to be over." I said.



"You've been working? for who and for what?" he asked.


"Just an agency, we've been on and off a person and now we're finallt gonna lock it down."



A long moment went by before either of us spoke.


"So, I was just wondering. You haven't been all over the place and your phone isn't blowing up. You're not texting anybody. What's up?" he asked.



"I have a boyfriend and no, we haven't been blowing up each other's phone. But he's...perfect." I reply.


"Does he know you've been sleeping over at my place for the past few days?"



"No." I said.


Brian caught me and it was official. I kinda, might have, not missed Kyle being around.


But it was fun to get back in contact with Brian again.


"I miss the old days we used to have together, when I first moved out from my caregiver's  place. I remember you telling me to get lost. Then you helped me and then you became more than just a friend, my boyfriend. A lot of memories." I said.



I looked out at the street ahead, everything was different from what I remember.


"New apartment huh?" I said.


"Yeah, I miss the old one. But this one is kind of cool." Brian replied.



I looked at the time and saw that I needed to get back to the station.


"I gotta go, almost ready for the case tomorrow. I have things to file at the office." I say.



"Wait." Brain said stopping me.


"At least steal something with me one more time, for past's sake." he says.



I looked at him curious.


Was I gonna go back to my old ways and steal like he did or was I gonna get the job done?



"I have only a few minutes, but for past's sake?" I say.


"For past's sake."



After walking to a nearby store, me and Brian did it.


We stole candy bars and hand sanitizers.



The clerk almost caught us, but I was lucky to get out before Brain did. 


"Oh my god, I forgot how fun this was before." I said, relishing the feeling of the wind on my face.


"But we got a good deal on candy bars, that'll last us till september!" Brian said



We both laughed silently as we walked up the street.


"I had fun, this was a great throwback." I said, before leaving on the metro bus.



"Yeah, I know, me too. I hope that  we can do this again. And maybe we can get back to things, like they used to be." Brian said smiling.



"We'll see." I said, finally gettinng on the bus.



I had thought about getting back together with Brain at least once, these past few days.


I hadn't really thought he'd want to too.



It was a major choice and decision, but I have to do what's right.



When I unlocked the door to Kyle's apartment, I saw an older looking lady put a blanket over him.


"Excuse me, who are you?" I said closing the door.



"I'm Kyle's mother and you should probably leave." she says.


"Why should I leave, I live here." I replied.



"Kyle is upset with you. You haven't returned any calls or texted him back. The type of girlfriend my son needs, is the one who will be there for him." she says.



She left in a hurry behind me. 


I walked over to Kyle looking at the mess of the apartment.



He hadn't cleaned it for days, I could tell.


Was he staying up late for me? With his mother?



"Oh, his mother visited..." I said silently, thinking back to a few days ago.


Instead, I was with Brian having fun. Rather than coming here and meeting her.



What a great first impression, Sara.


I thought about a quick response.



"Hey Kyle." I said, softly watching him get up.


"Sara, you're here?" he said looking up at me.



Before I can answer, he's already up and hugging me.


"Where have you been?" he said, hugging me tighter


"I'm back now." I said hugging him back.


Chapter Twenty: Welcome to Dollhouse


Elle's P.O.V



Today's the day, i'm gonna meet my long time fans for the first time.



It's been a few years since I started blogging. I can't believe this day is happening.


I don't necessarily feel good about today. But I have to be in a good mood.


Today's my day and nothing can ruin it.




Only 2 more hours till I have leave.


Just then, I get a call.



"Hello?" i answered.


I heard Mark over the phone.


"You want me to come down and see Marybella, today?" I said.



He answered back, after a second had gone by.


"Okay, i'm coming."



Marybella's room still looked the same from when I saw her before.



Mark walks in and I get up to greet him.


"Hey, she can speak." I say hurridly.


"Really?" he asks.


"Yeah, I heard her. Just now."


Mark hurries towards Bella's side, waiting to hear from her.


Silence rings in the air.



"I don't get it, you told me she finally said something. Why isn't she speaking?"


"Be patient she tried to say my name today in her sleep, and I think she's getting close to actually really waking up." I reply.



Just then, nurses walked in and checked on Marybella's progress.


The nurse from yesterday, was in the room chanting for Bella to wake up.


"Come on Bella move your hands. You've been doing great an hour before now, and an hour before that, and the hour before that hour. Come on." the nurse said.



Marybella's eyes shift, looking off to the side. Then straight, staring all the wall.


They raised up her bed, making her lay up to get a better view.



She breathed in and out from her breathing mask, motionless.


Then, she blinked a few times and closed her eyes.


Mark yelled. "No!"



Marybella flipped open her eyes.


He looked at her, shocked.



"Can she hear me? can she hear me?" he said, grabbing the nurses attention.


"She's trying to get some sleep, she's had her eyes opened for a long time yesterday. Not only can she see, but she can close her eyelids too. And by getting her attention, she can now finally hear." one of the nurses said.



Mark and I jumped for joy silently. 


"She can hear us!" Mark said.



Mark walked over to Marybella, when the nurses finally left.


"Bella, i'm here. Please,...if there's any sign that your body is awake. Look at me." Mark said.



"She's not so cold anymore." I said feeling her hand.


"Marybella please look at us." I said, looking down at her eyes.



She didn't budge from her view set.




Marybella's P.O.V



Just last time, I felt my body moving as my eyes opened.


I felt relief. That I can see.



Hours of surgery and I feel really crappy. But now my senses are awake.



When the nurse flashed lights on my eyes, I didn't flinch at all.


It's great that i'm awake, but only if I can move my body.



When I saw Elle coming in, I didn't flich to look her way. My eyes were settled on the bare wall.



The nurses tugged and pulled on my skin with needles and finally, I feel free from them.


I hear myself breathe. My chest going up and down, as I tried to get some sleep.



Being awake and having my eyes open for a long time, since god knows when. And how long i've been lying down.


I felt super tired.


Just as I was about to sleep, I heard a familiar voice come, booming to my ears.



The voice was muffed, until my ears finally opened up.


It was Mark's voice.



I felt like crying. Because of what he said, about me not dying just yet.


But no tears fell, my eyes shifted to the right. Where I can see a chair, then back to the bare wall.


My vision was blurry for I don't know how long, but soon it started clearing up.



I blinked a few times, noticing 2 people were by my side.


I wished one of them could get in my view. So I can see them.


 I missed Mark.


And to lay here, to blink and breathe was tiring me out. For literally, hours.



How long have I been in this hospital?



Every few hours, nurses would come in and check on me. Because they knew how to release needles from my body and check my pulse.


That's how I got the idea that I was in still in the hospital.




Elle's P.O.V



"Marybella, please look our way." I said.



Just as I closed my eyes, I felt movement.


I saw Marybella's hand curl on mine. She was moving around, searching for my fingers.



I touched her fingers quickly and looked to Mark. 


Mark looked up, shocked and saw at Marybella who was blinking a million times.



"Marybella? Move! Move your body." he said smiling.



She moved a hand to my hair as iIbent down, she touched my face and touched my nose.


She left out a sigh like breath.



She did it again, this time pronoucing something.


I leaned in again and she did it this time more clearly.



She said. "Haa,...ell...Ell...Elle."



"Yes, Elle. Elle!" I said dramatically, then beginning to cry.



I never felt so much joy in my heart.


Mark bended over, looking into her eyes. She twitched, then shifted her eyes to his direction.



She moves her eyes all around the room, then back at Mark. 


She smiled. Then, he smiled.


"She's awake, her body's awake" he said excitedly smilng.





She said in the same breathless voice as she did with my mine.


"She said my name." Mark said smiling, kissing Marybella on the forehead.



Nurses rushed in.


"I heard Marybella on my speakercom." one nurse said.


"Yes, she's awake now." Mark said, looking to Marybella who was staring his way.



She moved her fingers, then the rest of her body.


She was like a robot, coming back to life. Every single edge and bone she moved had control again.



She lifted her head and looked around.


She pointed weakly to the glass filled with water.



The nurse handed it to her, as Marybella shakingly took off the breathing mask.


The nurse helped Marybella drink from the glass.



"There we go." the nurse said.


She puts the breathing mask back on Bella.


Marybella laid in bed, looking around then back to the two of us. 



She smiled as she pulled us slowly into an embrace.


We hugged tightly, then let go.


"Well done Bella. We thought it might have taken days, but maybe. It was just a miracle." the nurse said.




I was the first to ask Marybella a question once the nurse had left and was gone.


"What was it like to sleep for a long time-" I start.



Mark interuppted. "We should let her rest."


I looked to Mark, worriedly.


"Did you feel pain?" he begins to ask Marybella.


"You just want to get your question in, huh?" I said with a snarky remark.


Mark smiled. Two can play that game.



I smiled to him, all knowingly.


We went back and forth.


"Does it hurt breathing?"


"Are you thirsty?"


"Tell me all about it?"



We both stop, lastly leaning in to her.


She shook her head slightly, looking frustrated.


"Ric....eee,..Rik,..Ki...Rikki." she said to us.



My eyes fell down.


"Oh Rikki's home, I guess." I said.


Mark gives a sigh, looking at Marybella lovingly


"But it's okay now, you're awake. I've been waiting days and hours for you to wake up. I'm so happy your awake."


Mark interuppts me, and begins snuggling Marybella who was smiling.



He looked more bagged and tired than I was.



I heard my phone ring and it was a call from a random number.


I walked to the hallway, to answer the call.



"Hello Ms. Elle Woods, we need you to come down to the Yodo apartments. We have secured and sealed the apartment. We need contact with the previous owner, to come see if it's a possible recovery option to put it up for rent." the strange sounding woman said.



I remember, from last time, before I found out Marybella was in the hospital.


"Okay i'll be there." I said, turning off my phone afterwards.



I looked over to Marybella, who was enjoying being awake again.


I walked over to her smiling.


"Marybella, I have to go. But I promise i'll be back to see you again, before you're released from the hospital. I have something to check up on right now. But wish me luck at the blog meet up." I said. 



She looked at me concerned and upset for me to leave and for the blog meeting.


"Yeah I know, you can't make it. But make it up to me and get better." I said smiling.



She smiled back and Mark hugged me briefly before I left the hospital.




Mark's P.O.V



I looked down at her beautiful skin. It's not so pale anymore, and her cheeks filled with color.


Her smile brought me back to reality.


It kept me grounded once more.



"Marybella." I said softly, sitting down next to her.


"For the longest time I dreamed of one day asking the big question and I want to say it now."



She looked at me confused, then continued listening.


"You are the most, greatest person i've ever met. You are beautiful, and funny. And your accent drives me crazy everytime. And seeing you hide and not tell anyone that you have cancer, it was hurting me."



Marybella looked solmenly at me.


"But I learned to accept you, whether you need to hide something or not. I will always love you, forever."



She smiled, looking to the side as if she needed to say something back. But couldn't.


"I know, don't talk yet,....but whatever happens. Now would be a better time, to ask the woman I love...."



I looked down and took out the ring that I had in my pocket, the whole time.


When I got to the hospital 2 days ago, I didn't think I'd propose right now.


"Marybella...will you marry me?" I said.



She smiled widely. She removed her breathing mask and cleared her thorat.




She said it softly, and loud enough for me to here.


I place the ring on her finger, as she looked up at me. She kissed me abruptly.



My biggest goal in life, was to marry someone after realizing that they're the only one. The right person, and I want it with Bella.


No matter what the situtation or place is, to ask her.


We both hug, then I turned on the tv. So we could watch the news.




Elle's P.O.V.



I drove out to the old apartment place and saw that guy from last time in the FARELLE parking lot, standing near the entrace.


"Why, of all days do I have to be here today." I say silently to myself.


I approach the man, finally.


"What's the situation?" i say.



"Ms. Elle Woods, we're putting your apartment up for rent. And you don't have a legal contract with this place, so thanks for your cooperation on this break in." he says.



"Wait, No. What!?" I say back.


Is this a joke.


"You can't take away this apartment, this is my home. My childhood, where I grew up. I plan to grow old and die in this apartment." I shot back.



"You can get this apartment again. That is, if you apply like a regular person and fight for the place. But we'll have to have the pervious owner of the home, sign to release the apartment over." he replies.



I thought, who was the first owner?


"My mom, I have to get mom down here." I said taking out my phone.



I called her and she answered.


"Mom, can you get down here to Manhattan?" I said.



God, I am so selish for this. Calling my mom, for this? This apartment?


When have I ever returned anything to her, other than to ask her a favor.



"Elle, I was just about to call you. I'm actually in my Manhattan right now. I came to see your blog media meet up with your father, he's been raving about."



I heard her voice echo nearby, she was possibly from across the street.


"Mom!" I yelled at her across the street.



She waved to me, when she looked up.


She talked with my dad on her way to me, while I made conversation with the guy who was selling our old apartment.


"Mom, you have to sign this paper to be able to release the apartment in your name over to me. I might have to fight other people to get it, but this ensures that I will." I explained to her.



She looks at me, with worry. Than turns her saddened expression to the man.


"I can't let you rent our apartment." Mom said, to the strange guy.



"Actually there's been a break in about a while ago, they sealed everything up and now they're selling it to the landlord to rent it out." the man said.


Mom hurried, and signed the papers.


"Suck on this, i'm keeping the apartment. Even if it goes to Elle next," my mom said.


"Great, the process is done. Now we just have to hand in your application and hope that you get it," the guy says to me.


My expression turns grey.


"Actually to keep the apartment, that is, even if you do get it. You'll have to move in to keep it, for at least one year." the man said.



I pulled my mom to the side at the words.


"Mom, are you sure about this. I have the house, I don't need the apartment,


"No, my daughter fought for it. Once you get it approved, i'll stay to keep the place warm. With your father while you stay at the house. There's nothing with a place in your name for me."


"But mom, one year? You have to leave Rosewood for this. You don't have to. We can sell it!"  I reply.



Mom interuppted. 


"No, if keeping the apartment means living in it for living purposes, then i'm willing to do it. Plus, a year can give Bali the chance to explore New York properly this time." mom said.


She then turned back to the man.



"We'll move in to keep her apartment." she said, smiling at my dad next to her.


"Well then, welcome come home Mrs. Woods. I'll make sure, her application, get's put to the top of the list. Who knows, maybe I'll even be there when she gets picked for it." he said.



Mom, dad and me left the scene.


It was horrible enough to experience those emotions.



I went back to my car, wanting to go home. But I was stopped from the same guy.


"Hello again..." he said.


"I forgot, your name is Craig right?" i said.


"Your times up, give up now and come with me." he said



"Wait, aren't you working at the Yodo apartments? I won't be needing your services anymore, but thanks for your help." I say.



"I'm not with anyone. I am a P.I. and you're under arrest." he said.


I scoff.


"This is a joke right? How many jobs do you have?" I say, jokingly.


 He stares at me with hard eyes. 


"Whatever," I say.



As soon as I was about to ignore him and leave, police cars and NYPD showed up.


"Put your hands on your head and get down on the ground." A big guy said.


"What?" I say.


"You heard him, get on the ground." the Craig guy said.


"What is happening." I whispered.


"You're under arrest get down on the ground." the police said again.



"I don't understand." I said now concerned.


Mom and dad came out from nowhere and I looked back at them.


"Elle what's going on?" mom asked, trying to approach me.


"We watched you from a far, making sure you got to your car safely." she exclaims.



One officer got i nfront of mom trying to pull her away from me.


I want to protest, don't touch my mother.


Just then, Sara got out of a cop car with a signature P.I. coat on.



"I got it from here boys." she said, to the officer.



The officer nodded as she approached me.


"Elle Woods, i've been keeping an eye on you for too long. But now the day's come. Right on time exactly." she said.



As I looked at my watch, I saw it was twelve o'clock. It was time for my blog media meeting.


Everyone is waiting for my appearance.



"This can't be happening." I said, looking at the many guns pointed at me ready to shoot.


"This is happening alright, you're under arrest for the charges of muder and disappearance for Herny Woods." Sara said.


Coming up to me and cuffing my hands, she does it quickly.


I hear gasps from across the street.



"What! No, I can't be going to jail. How can anyone do this?" I said.


"I tracked down your life from 2 years ago. Your killed your father, then you left him to die." Sara said, as she pushed me to the car.



I tried to look back to my mom.


"Sara what are you doing?" I heard someone say.


I looked up and it was Kyle.



Sara paused then, said something.


"Doing my job. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but i'm a Private Investigator. And Elle's under arrest for killing her father."


"What?" he questioned.


Sara kept trying to get me in the car, but Kyle kept talking.


"Look Kyle, what we have, it's over. My job is done. I don't need you. You were just someone I needed, to cover me until I could finally arrest Elle." Sara said, extra heartless into her feelings.


"You befriended Elle, only to arrest her."


"She's a known killer. She killed her dad, didn't you hear me?" Sara yells.


Kyle looked stunned and hurt. 


"But I love you.." she said.



Sara sat me down inside the car, before closing the door.


"I never did love you truly, like how you wanted me to. And I never will. Let's put this behind us. We can always be friends." she said, before slamming the door on me.



I sat in silence, before Sara and the officer got inside the car and drove me off.


Mom was the last sight I saw, as she tried to approach the car.



As Sara announced the other officers to scatter, I heard one last thing from my mom.


"I still love you Elle, no matter what. I forgive you." she said.



Before even saying anything back, she was pulled away from the scene and the car window.


I watched as the flashing light from the police cars blinked obnoxiously.



I looked at Sara, sitting in the passenger seat smiling at the rear view mirror.


Her feet on the dash/


"Today's my lucky day, locking up my old boss and getting back on the scene again. Life is so good." she said, snearing.



I looked out the window, as cars passed by and the siren wirred from the car.


Jacob was gonna come to see me, now he's gonna be devastated to no see me there.


And Marybella is gonna wanna see me soon. Now I can't promise her that.



What's gonna happen now? It's because of the big stupid mistake I made in my life.


If only, if only I had listened. To him.



It was for a good reason.


I was protecting myself.


But I wish I can go back in time and rewind, so that I can leave without hurting him.



Why, why do all the bad things happen to me.


I shut my eyes in preparation for what's to come next.


And when I opened my eyes again, we were at the hospital.



"Wait, why are we here?" I asked sitting up.


"To visit your friend Marybella, before you head off to jail. You'll be uncuffed, but I have my eyes on you. When we reach the station, you'll have your last goodbye before you're sent to the cells." Sara said.



She pulled me out and uncuffed me.


"I'm watching you." she said, following beside me.



Even in the midst of me going to jail, she still cared about how much I was there for Bella.


As I entered into Marybella's room, Sara stood by the door outside. Not to be seen.


Marybella was smiling, then turned to me.



"Elle, I have my voice back and i'm engaged." she said squealing.


With every passing second, I tried my best no to seem nervous.



Perking up the best smile I could, I had to put up a front.


I was really dying inside.


She's engaged now. Mark must have asked her to marry him, like he said.



Like how he told me yesterday.



I walked over to her, looking to Sara. Then back to Bella.


"Aww, your ring is so beautiful." I said touching it.


She extends her hand to me.



"It fits your finger perfectly." I say.


"And that's not all.." she said.



She paused to breathe in, then looked to me.


"I've been waiting to tell you both this, for so long. I hope it doesn't ruin the moment, but I want to say it now." she said.


"For 9 months I had lung cancer. And I never told anyone, because I was afriad about people worrying about me, especially Mark. I didn't want to end up like my mom, when she had lung cancer. So I decided to get treatment here at this hospital. After the big fight with my dad, during christmas, I planned to keep the secret for a little longer. Unil at least I got the surgery done." Bella says.



I looked into her eyes and knew that she was telling the truth.


"I'm sorry for lying to you guys and tellling you that it's fine. But now it's okay. I'm done with surgery for now and I plan on living my life perfecty. Now that i'm engaged, i'm looking forward to a wedding. A brighter future." she said smiling, as she cried.


A tear fell from her eye.


I bursted into tears and hugged her.


As we hugged, Mark turned up the news and they heard about me going in jail and arrested.



Marybella looked up.


"Elle, are you being arrested?" she said, her smile now downwards.


I couldn't deny it.


"Yes, and i'm sorry to tell you this. But remember..."


I paused and started crying again, this time uncontrollably.



"What?" Marybella said, starting to cry too.


"Remember when I told you about finding my real dad, and about my step dad?"


"Yeah.." Marybella said.



She was trying to hold my hand, but I pull away.


She's gonna leave me.


I leaned down, with my head up far away from Bella.


"I killed my step dad." I said, trying to hold back the tears.


"No." Marybella said silently.



She laid back on her bed, her eyes wet with tears and her face turning from white to a blushed red.


"Elle....tell me...this isn't true." she said, sobbing between each words.



I nodded my head, unable to look up.


My voice would shake with fear, if I spoke.


Marybella fell back on her bed, again sobbing louder this time.



Just as the moment got emotional, someone pulled me back. Holding my hands and putting them together.


When I realized I was being pulled, I knew it was Sara. She had enough and needed to take me to the station.



"Let's go, slow poke." she said.


Pulling me back and finally cuffing me.



Marybella yelled, screaming as Sara pulled me away.


"Marybella I promise i'll get out of jail soon, somehow....just pleaese don't hate me!!" I said lastly.



I was pulled out of her room and down the hall.


My tears ran again, as the officers took me out of the hospital and to the police car.




Marybella's P.O.V



Mark tried to calm me down, but I woldn't budge.


My body was going in all different directions. but my mind kept picturing Elle being taken away over and over again.


I screamed and cried again.


Why Elle, why does this has to happen to my one and only good friend.



The nurses came in, trying to keep from jumping off the bed. I cried and cried, trying to control my feelings.


But tears kept falling down my cheeks.



I wrestled the nurses, trying to fight back and run out of the hospital. So I can chase Elle.


The nurses finally grabbed a hold of me and stuck a shot into my arm.


I flinched, because it hurts as much as the pain i'm feeling for Elle right now.



They put back on my breathing mask, due to my sobbing and told me to calm down.


As I powered down and felt weak again. I layed there on the hospital bed, weeping and sobbing.


Mark finally spoke.



"I don't know what to say, is Elle really going to jail?" 


"Elle's gone, she's really gone now. I don't even hate her for this." I said, looking up at the lights.



I breathed in and out slowly, as my eyelids closed and open.




Elle's P.O.V



I was pushed around by other people, who have done somethime terrible too, like me.


I stared at bad guys, bad girls. People who broke the law and then there was me.



The girl who murdered her step-father and ran away.


"Alright, you'll take it from here, make sure she's locked up. She's serving for 1 year." I heard Sara say.



As I sat down in a seat with 2 other empty ones to my left and right, I couldn't bare the thought.


"Good luck." Sara said, as she left to the door.



"Wait!" I said finally looking up.


"Why would you go through all this trouble, finding your way in life, working at FARELLE, spying on me. Betraying me, setting me up in situations that weren't worth it and all just to catch me and put me in jail? Why is this your prized possesion?" I said, putting thought into my answer.



She picked on a pen than looked up to me.


"Because it's my job, because i'm a private investigator. Because it's what I do, and all of it is worth it, because now i'm back at it again after not working for so long. It means so much to lock people up, for their crimes. So there's your answer." Sara said.


With Sara finally walking through the station's exit doors, I never felt that mad since.



I looked around and thought, how did I got here.


And all it took, was but one simple thing in life.


Getting what I want.



It was for Paris. 



What do I do now?


I looked around at the other people, who were just as bad as me.


One guy turned his head to me staring into my eyes.





I was scared for my own life, I didn't know what people were capable of in jail.


I looked up at the sign built in over the cell entrance, it read.





"Now i'm a part of it." I say, scared.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.10.2015

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