
Chapter One: Alone


As the trees go by in the rainy cloudy view of London, I sat back in the cab. I was on my way to give my speech and my amends for my family. 


I missed them so much.


It has been a long time since i've seen my husband and kids.



Once I reached the doors of the typical conference room, I walked down the aisle. Press and reporters and tabloids took pictures of me.


I wore a grey pencil skirt and a black blouse.


My hair was cut short to my shoulder and I wore my mom's favorite heels.


As I got to the podium, the press began to speak.



"Ms. Woods, Ms. Woods how does it feel to be out of jail?"


"Do you finally get to live with your family again?"


"It's been so long since the big murder scandel, how do you feel?"


I sighed and tried to ignore the questions and nervously put my hands on the podium. As I tapped the microphone every press and reporter gained my attention. The cameras were on me and it was my time to speak.



"Um, hello....I'm Elle Woods and i'm sp glad I got to come here and see my family. In London. I have been over the fact of being in jail for the past six years. So this is my chance to say something."



The press asked non-stop questions. Wanting more about the truth.


"Ms. Woods, how did you feel about going to jail 2 times and knowing you left your husband and children behind?''


That one reporter completely caught me off guard.


Everyone in the crow leaned in. Even Jacob and my 3 kids.


Kylie, Jake and Galleria. Who were standing off to the side watching me.



"It's been a while since I've seen my kids and husband. The last time I remember seeing all 3 of them, was when Galleria was just a newborn and Kyile and Jake, wonderful twins were just 3 years old. Someone I knew leaked information about my past and told it to the police. And I admit, at first I wanted to attempt threats. But I was no longer in control of resisting my actions. And after 6 years in jail, I realized I needed to get my life together."



I looked out into the crowd as I tried not to tear up in front of the cameras.


"I mean, leaving Jacob behind with my kids after I went off to jail again? That's just not me. But I did what I had to do. The first time I went, I thought Jacob was gonna leave me and never forgive me for that."



I started tearing up, but I had to hold it together.


A tabloid interuppted. "Ms. Woods, tell us exactly what happened and why you depend on making your future better than the past?"


"A long time ago, every single bit of my past had to do with how I got here in the first place." 



I looked to the crowd, now more confident.


"It was when I was writing a new blog on the metro bus on my way home, on a rainy afternoon."







"I really don’t know what I wanna do with myself. It’s difficult to think while i’m blogging and on the fairly clean bus filled with so many students and people who go to the same school as me. There’s the girls who talk about everything and allegedly think every boy in the whole university has a crush on them. They're...I don’t wanna say what I really feel about them. I know my mom says I shouldn’t call girls that type of word. But I really think it’s necessary to say that they're basic. I mean, I wouldn’t call myself basic judging myself solely. I’m just different from everyone else with their well dressed clothing, their talent and thinking they're the best, out of anyone. But anyways, I gotta go. My bus just got to my stop. I have got to get home my ElleWoodsers. Have a nice weekend and see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86



I got off the bus as I popped in my earbuds and blasted music like usual. I walked down the old sidewalk and stared down at the ground as I walked always.


This is my life.


I am Elle Woods, the daughter of a now un-anger managed mother and moving-out dad. 



Ever since the big divorce, I couldn’t handle the fact of my parents leaving me to be with just one of them. I’ve always thought that the divorce was part of my fault.


But dad told me i was because mom needed to go to anger management class and become stable again


After all these years my parents spent together, they were always happy. And my mom did so many things I never knew. Like sky diving and touring France and she had short hair back then, which surprised me.



 My dad is an artist. Loving and inspiring others to do what they want.


That’s were I got my sense of blogging from.


I've been blogging on my laptop for about 4 years after I finished middle school.


It’s been tough.



But knowing that after school, getting on the bus and opening my laptop to write to my fans, I feel happy to know that I have so many people all around the world listening and reading about me and my life.


And what I believe. 




Mom enters out of the house with a relieved look on her face once she saw me. And a concerned but mad look after, she had her hands on her hips.


"Where have you been Elle, i’ve been waiting 10 mintues for you to come home. Have you've been wondering again? You haven't done that since middle school."


I looked down, straying away from her eyesight.


"And stop doing that, you made me call in late for work."


There she goes, complaining again.



She sighed and walked down the steps from our house. Talk about moms, mine’s more annoying than ever.


Before, my mom use to design dresses in Manhattan. And when she got the big call 14 years ago about an offer in working with the most famous designers in Europe, we packed up and left from New York to Paris.


It was an amazing experience of course. I don’t know what happened after 2 months of living in Paris, but all I knew was my mom suddenly had anger issues after that one night I snuck into the Fashion Show she was promoting.


She quickly made us move back to the U.S.



But instead we moved to Rosewood, it’s a small unknown town in Georgia (far far away from New York). 


There I go wondering again, my mom’s yelling at me and i’m not listening.


"I told you so many times...Elle! Elle? Elle!?…get your butt inside the house and never come out or you're grounded. You're gonna come straight home from the bus stop and i’m gonna watch you walk to the house! I'm so disappointed."


I had built up anger inside and I finally let it out for once.



"Mom you treat me like i'm a 12 year old, i'm 18 mom. 18. I can handle things. But sometimes I wonder off because I think about things and about my life. And mom, I have to come back to you everyday nagging about me and my priorities to you."


My mom looked frustrated at me. And for the first time in my life, I say those 3 horrible, blinding, words to my mom.


"I hate you."



It was loud enough for my mom to hear. Those words struck my mom like a dagger in the heart.


From that day I didn't talk to my mom.



I stormed inside the house, feeling boiling mad as I let it simmer in my thoughts.


I'm just trying to live my life and she had to ruin it. Everything.


She went to work crying, upset. Her eyes looked like the dew drops on a leaf from the prettiest plant on earth. I knew I let her down but it was worth the everyday talk she tries to give me.



As soon as she left, I run inside the house to see my dad.


The only person I could trust. 


He’s amazing, someone who I look up to. Someone I can count on.



"How's my little sport today?" he asked.


"Great, but mom got all mad because I got home 10 mintues late after I got off the bus. Dad can you make me a sandwich? Just like I want it."



"Of course you are my only daughter and child. Anything for you, and you know it."


I respond. "Right, I’ll be upstairs."



I ran upstairs to my room to see my walls, which I had painted purple 4 years ago.


The color expresses how I feel most of the time, like a grape.



A big purple grape who has so much to live for and has always been different from the others.



I call my room The Purple Palace, because I would love to live in a palace.


Just like in Paris.


Memories of living there come flooding back, but it's one big blur. I can't remember the details.



Dad suddenly comes in with my sandwich. Two pieces of ham, three pieces of turkey. Mustard, light mayo and a glass of my favorite orange juice.


"Here ya go." Dad says.



I take a bite and the white bread gets stuck in between my teeth, as I look to my window.


I dream of Paris and running away to it someday.


Maybe I can leave this lose town after all. If my dreams come true.



I bite into the sandwich again.



To go back, back in time when everything was right. Although I never really thought of escaping to Paris. But it just came to mind and i’ve been thinking about it for a long time ever since what happened in Paris, a long time ago.



I took 2 more bites out of my sandwich and sip my orange juice.


I always thought the best memories were the worse. But the worst have become the best in the past.



 Talking to my dad everyday is the best feeling in the world. Like when you know you found the right person that’s just perfect. The type of person you want to spend the rest of your life with.


I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who's perfect for me.



That used to be the type of relationship my parents had, but now it’s ruined.



I haven’t really told anyone the real story of why my childhood ended up shattered and it faded away quickly.



Dad leaves the room. I watch his figure leave.


He know’s how I wonder a lot and I must admit, he’s a wonderer too.


Me and my dad are just the same. Always thinking and making the best of every moment.



The real story of how my family and I came to be was back when my parents met in New York, where my dad lived. Before we came to Rosewood and before Paris.


He was writing stories hoping to become a journalist and accidentally ran into my mom at a small craft store. And at that moment they fell in love.


They lived in a small New York studio apartment. And after dating for 1 year, I was in their lives.



Up until I was 5, mom got the big call that she would get to launch her Fashion Line in Paris and work with other designers more closely. Of course, back when she was a designer.


And as for now she’s an accountant working at a bank. Managing money for big product companies that design clothes and shipments. I guess you can say she's got half the fashion designer field back in her life.


But not really.



How low did my mom go to get this far?


But, when she found out the news, we packed up and left to Paris in less than a week. I mostly remembered the flight to Paris from New York.


It wasn’t long since we lived on the edge of america. In New York.



And when we got to Paris, my mom had a big Mansion or should I say, Palace waiting for us. Mom bought the house as soon as she heard from Paris.


I remember the big mansion and the view of the buildings and the streets of Paris. 


Me and my mom would walk the streets and look at how people dressed to determine what she wanted to design every so often.



Life was going great and dad especially made good money there, selling and painting on the streets up until fashion week in Paris.


That's when something went wrong and mom came home angry, after finding out I sneaked in to watch her models walk down the runway. So that I could see what she designed.



From then on, my mom never smiled or looked at me the same again.


My dad walks in my room suddenly. ''What’s wrong Elle?"


''Nothing." I mumbled.


'"You know I’ve always wondered why great minds think alike, it's because they work together and become the best."



My head shifts to look at him, I smile for a second.


My stomach drops for a minute. Dad's eyes looked different in the mellow dim room of mine.


The same eyesight I recognized back in Paris, he did it to a lot of women.


I didn't even know that I remembered.



I just don't know how many he did it to.



My heart begins to beat faster. Even at my age it feels weird to accept the fact my dad did a lot of bad things.



Dad looked at me a certain way I never saw him look before. I’ve never seen him give that look to mom or anyone else in a long time.


And at that moment, I realized what happened long ago to a woman my dad was seeing behind my mom’s back.


He did something that I overheard when we moved to Rosewood a month after the big fight in Paris, or as I say The Paris Treaty.



I named it that for a reason because my parents never talked to each other the same again, like they signed a reverse treaty and they would never get back together.



After the fight and quiet flight back to New York 3 days later, all things were quiet between me and my mom.


We never talked about Paris.



We later moved to Rosewood, where I grew up in my teen years and part of my childhood left in misery.


My mom said it will be great when we moved.


Dad would find a job other than painting and possibly move out after what he did.



Although I didn't want dad to leave.


Eventually mom and dad had been fighting over custody of me after just a few months living in rosewood.



The judge hadn't come up with anything for the terrible mess they made fighting over me. It was never solved. Mom and dad agreed to stay quiet and live under the same room, but when I turned 18, he'd have to leave.


And I, get to stick with mom until I decide to move out.



Currently dad's in the lead against mom with their agreements on what's left to each other before they officially part.



Somehow, I knew it would come to this day.


His eyes grew with shock and worry suddenly, I slowly get up.


He moves closer to touch me. I flinch at his hand motion.



Who knows what can happen if you don't think right.


As soon as he laid a finger on me, I stand straight and quickly ran downstairs.


From before, dad met my mom and the beginning of the big fight, my dad often fondled women.


Women he didn't know, women he just met. And a certian women he fell in love with in Paris.



I don’t know how. I didn’t notice for a long time after my dad came out about it and my mom told my dad to never touch me in any way.


I never saw anything bad about him, but it's one of the reasons why mom told me to keep a distant relationship with him.



I ran up and down all around the house thinking. How could I be the next target, why me?


He has all these women to touch and he comes for me next. I'm sad, broken and disappointed.



I could tell by the way he was yelling as he tried to stop me, he wanted to apologize.


I felt hurt that he wanted to make things right again and I'm dragging him from that happiness.



When I made a stop in the kitchen to catch my breath, dad explained how he didn’t mean to do anything to make me feel uncomfortable in anyway.


But I knew he went back to his old ways, but not again. And not with me this time.



''Elle please don't, I love you as my daughter and I'll never hurt you. Now come here and give me a hug to show you, it's alright."


His voice didn't sound convincing.



His hands motion for me to come to him. I stay crouched near the dinner table. My eyes went to the set of knives just ahead.



I grabbed a knife off the kitchen table and make my way slowly to the living room, where dad told me to calm down and talk it out with him.


He also promised not to touch me or look at me that way again.


But I didn't believe it.


He was telling the truth, I almost believed him for a second. But I didn’t trust him.


I ran upstairs and he followed.



As soon as I was in mom and dad’s room, I paused to breathe because we only have a certain amount of space in our house and it's very small.


We only have two rooms.



My parents still shared their room.


As soon as dad got a hold of me, but before he could lay a finger, I thrusted the knife to the side to jab but he dodged.



I was so mad, I had anger inside of me that grew even bigger every time my dad apologized. And every word hurt more and more.


But finally when my dad said those 3 words, which everyone in the world would want to here.


''I love you.''


Part of me wanted to believe him, but I didn’t and I forcefully stabbed my dad right in the side towards his stomach.



At that moment when I saw my dad look at me in concern and fear in his eyes, I knew I did something terrible that I could go to jail for.


I, Elle Woods could probably kill my dad.



After looking at his quivering body fall to the floor. I watched in horror as he grasped for his last breath. I didn't know where I hit him or how it got him down to teh ground so quickly.



But I knew that after several mintues, he stopped moving. I wiped my nose and dragged his body onto the bed with all my force.


I went to the bedside and strugged to write a letter in his handwriting for my mom. My hands were shaking as I restarted the first word.



"Dear Claire, I’ve done something bad which led to me remembering what I did back in Paris. Just 2 months ago, I broke that rule. So I killed myself for our daughter's sake. You’ve been a great mother and wife to me and Elle, I wish the best in her future and I also wanted to apologize for thinking that leaving you would be the best mistake I ever made. Because I still want to be with you, even if it means getting help and getting myself under control. I know you think i’m a creep for coming out about doing what I did and cheating on you with someone in Paris. But, truly i'm sorry. When we moved to Paris, you started working late hours and we rarely spent time together. My guess is that led to me cheating. But over the years, i've inspired our daughter in so many ways that she’s only seen a true parenting’s eye through me and I wish she would have that connection with you. Like she always did, but I’m sorry for the years of forgetting you're the most important person i've ever met and known in my whole life, I Love You."

Sincerely Henry. 



It was the hardest thing I had to write in my entire life and I had to stop myself from crying every time I mentioned mom in the note.


It's all for me and my mom. Tears stream down my face as I wrapped up the note.


I didn’t mean to hurt him, I just wanted to end those bad things he had done, once and for all. Before he went after me like the other girls back in Paris. I overheard it dad say it when I tried to eavesdrop on the big fight many years ago.



After leaving the letter on the table in the room, I thought to myself.


I have to do something i’ve always wanted to do and it’s officially time.





I quickly ran to my room, gathered up all of my stuff, some of mom’s jewelry and dad’s paint brushes as a reminder.


I’ll come back and remember the good memories i’ve experienced with them.


I pack mom and dad’s stuff into small bags and also my prized possessions.



I thought i’d never have to do it, even though I dreamed of it. But i'm gonna make it happen.


After taking almost all of my belongings with me and all the good food in the fridge, I pack everything into my cruiser bike.



I say goodbye to my house for the last time and say goodbye to my dad. And out the front door I went.


I didn’t even bother to say bye to mom or leave a message for her phone, I left in such a hurry.



I'll be long gone in New York before anyone finds out I killed my dad.


The afternoon turned into a blurry rainy trip, as I roll through the streets with my cruiser bike and my helmet secure on my head.


I looked up at the sky above me.



I looked over at the pond I went to every spring, to watch the water flow when the cherry blossoms grown there fall down.


I look at Rosewood for the last time and drive faster like i'm escaping from here. I finally stop a couple miles at Renchenni’s.



A small fancy bakery on the side of the road. Not in a plaza, like other stores..


I make my way inside and greet to Renchenni.



"Hey Renchenni, how have you been?"


"I’m good, running a bakery like always. Where are you going today? I see your cruiser outside, going somewhere quiet?"


I reply, hesitantly.


"Yes, just somewhere to think and let my mind wonder like usual."


He smiles at me like an old man with a cheery heart and wrinkled lines under his eyes.



I look at some of the choices and pastries to buy.


"I think i’ll take 4 croissants, 1 cherry pie, 9 sugar cookies and 2 white bread sticks please."


He looks at me like crazy.



"Packing up some food for the road aren’t ya."




Picinic, say it's a picnic dummy.



Renchenni looks at me like I have something to tell.


"What?" I say.



"Tell me are you really going somewhere to think or are you going out of town?"


I couldn’t stand to lie in front of Renchenni’s face, but I couldn’t hold it any longer. I looked around then whispered in Renchenni’s ear.


"I’m going out of town, to Paris. Can you keep it a secret from my mom?"


He looks around to make sure no one was listening.


 ''Of course Renchenni never tells a soul."



I looked at Renchenni and smiled. I knew he could keep a secret.


I took my order in a big bag and head out the door, turning back to look at Renchenni.


"Good luck and have fun." he yells.



I say my last and final goodbye to Renchenni.



Leaving Rosewood was one of the most uncontrolling feelings i've had. But i’m doing this for my mom, dad and me.


To see that I can be on my own and retrace my way back to Paris.


Which was the last place i've ever felt happy.



I can’t wait to go home to Paris, where some of my oldest dreams live and where excitement breaths. Paris was pretty much the only dream home I ever had except for New York.


New York was always my home, but not like Paris.



I definitely can’t wait to see my home again and experience new things like before.


Where my dreams live and so do I.



Chapter Two: Non-Stop Trip


After a couple long hours of driving my cruiser bike, I make it to Denson street.


The apartment my mom lives on, her work apartment.



I quickly hid my cruiser bike in the storage unit my mom had beside the apartment homes. I wouldn't think of cruising my way to New York, then hitch a plane to Paris.



A metro bus was coming my way as I locked the storage unit. Running away isn't my best choice, but it's what I have to do.


Heck, it's what I always wanted to do.



The doors opened and I stepped up into the bus.


The bus driver stopped me.


"50 cents for 25 miles and $1.00 for out of state." said the bus driver.



I answered nervously.


"Do you think maybe $2.00 can get me to New York?"


"I can only go up to the suburbs." she said getting annoyed.



I sighed looking down at my front pocket.


She answered again. ''Suburbs of New York."


She smiled.



I smiled back. I felt happiness come across my face as I felt overjoyed.


"Great, how much do I have to pay?" I said picking out the cents I had in my pocket.


She sighed. "Just sit down."



I walked down the bus aisle and chose to sit 2 seats from the back.


As I sat down, I looked around the bus. Only two other people were on.



I was on my way, running away from home and never coming back.


The bus ride from Rosewood, Georgia to the suburbs up in New York was long.



Not many people came on or left for a long time. At night fall, I finally fell asleep making sure I was hugging my bags so no one could steal them.



When I woke up, I heard the bus driver yelling at me.


I blinked a couple times.


"Young girl, i'm gonna have to ask you one more time. Get off the bus, this is how far I go."



I got up from lying down on the hard bus seat and rubbed my eyes.


"Are we in New York?" I asked.


"Yes, and you need to get off my bus!" The bus driver said annoyed.


She had a concerned look on her face.



I shook my head and dug my hand in my pocket for money. I took out the 2 dollars I had in my pocket and handed it to her.



She looked off to the side. "No need to pay, just go. I know how you young kids can be. Just go."


She smiled slightly.


"Thanks." I said.



As I got off, she asked a question.


"Where are you going anways?"


"Going up to Manhattan, I have some old things I need to revisit here." I replied.



The bus driver smiled again. "Good luck."


She closed the bus doors and drove off.



 I waved my hands for another bus in view. And when I finally got a ride, I looked up at the sights of the buildings.


"I'm here." I said silently to myself.



It's amazing how young I am to be in Manhattan.


When I got off the bus I rode in from the suburbs, I walked down a long street to where I used to live with my parents.



The Yodo apartment homes.


I remember so much from living here, the friends I met and knew since daycare and the block parties I went to during the summer and the big New Years celebration here.



I looked up. There it was my home sweet home.


Standing there looking at the building where I used to live is so....weird. To think of the memories you had be all gone, but still in your head when you revisit a place is mind boggling.



I walk into the building and just like always I take a deep breath.


I knew I was back home.


I never told anyone. But I secretly one day, when my parents were out, went to a shop where they duplicate keys and got a copy of the apartment’s key.


Lucky I put it in a safe place where no one would ever look.


The garden.



The garden was on the 3rd floor. But I used live on the 5th floor and I hid it where Mrs. Wilson lives. She was a neighbor we knew on the 3rd floor.


So quiet and peaceful. Her apartment brings back memories.



I sneaked in like I did before, like that one time I accidentally lost my basketball chain from when I got my first key for my bike lock. 


It was when I started riding my bike on Saturdays.


I remember I saw Mrs. Wilson on a rocking chair, she was old like any other person her age.



She had a silent ring in her speaking. Like as if she was someone to be remembered.


But I don’t remember much about her.


But, one spring break, I visited her apartment and she told about life and how to live in a world where you're not wrong or right.


I learned so much from her, and now the apartment is empty.



When I opened the door, it was unlocked because she always kept it open to anyone. I look at the corner where her rocking chair used to be and it’s still there, but everything else isn’t. Only her rocking chair and the garden is left in the apartment.



It’s so sad, the last time I saw her was when I was moving to Paris.


I never said goodbye for good, but even if I went back in time to reverse that day and say bye, I would have seen her for the last time and know I had good memories with her.  



I went out on the small balcony and start looking for the keys under the hydrangeas, but it’s not there.


I look under the ficus, it’s not there. Finally I look for the tropical brazil nut plant she had and bingo, I found it.



Afterwards, I finally said my goodbye in a whisper to Mrs. Wilson. She was a great, wise and a wonderful lady. She deserved so much in life.


I grab the key and went to the elevator across from her apartment.



The doors open, I walk in and press the button with the number 5.


I never thought i'd ever see our old apartment. I’m actually scared, because my mom is probably on her way home in Rosewood right now.



She has a place to stay near where she works and for her anger management classes she's finishing now. So when she’s ready to go home, it takes only a day because the bank is so far away from Rosewood and she makes an overnight ride every other day.



As soon as the doors open, I walk past 7 doors to the left and at the end of the hallway, near the exit door, there it is.


The apartment. Number 37.


I slowly walk to the door put in the key and it unlocked, in relief I rejoiced. Because I was hoping they didn’t change the lock or if it was the wrong key.



The door opens slowly when I push against it.


I close the door behind me quickly.



Everything looks the same from when we left.


So many things run through my head. I took my first step in this apartment, I went to preschool and came home everyday to this apartment.


I learned how to cook with mom for the first time in the apartment.


I found my inspiration in this apartment.



I walk down the hallway to the room I had when I lived here. When I was done I walked through the kitchen and touched the pots and pan that hung from the ceiling rack above.



Mom had to leave most of everything behind, because the landlord was selecting some apartments to be changed and furnished so they could put it in the ads.


I looked at the same window I looked at when I was 5. Before we left to Paris.


I couldn’t stop staring into it. I don’t want to leave but I have to, it’s for the good of my family and it has to happen now. 



I quickly did something for mom to find when she gets here somehow, then she'll know I was here.


I put the key in the lock and locked the door behind me, as I walked to the elevator.


As soon as I made it out of the building, I take one last look and waved for a taxi to take me to the airport.



I had a diamond incrusted necklace I took from mom's room. I remember mom telling me when I was younger she wore it all the time and it's worth $12,000.


I figure this can get me a ticket. 




When I walked into the airport, most people looked at me weird and some ignored me. I must have been really short over the years, I guess people still think I look like a teen.



I reached the front desk to buy a ticket, as an older woman asked questions to the people that were older than me.


"Which flight?" she said not making eye contact.


"Excuse me, i'd like a ticket for a Paris flight please." I said in the most mannered way.


"How old are are you?" she asked finally looking up.


"I'm 18 ma'am." I said looking over the desk.



Her desk was clean and sorted. She had a glass full of nail files.


"Well isn't that interesting." she said, printing out something.



She ripped it off the printer and headed towards me.


"Here ya go, please be patient your takeoff will be ready shortly." she said, looking down at her manicured nails.



She punched some numbers in her computer then looked up at me with the ticket in her hand.


"Have a nice flight." she said looking at me.



She handed me the flight ticket and told me to wait 2 hours. My flight was delayed.


I sat down nervously looking around at other people who were waiting for the same flight as me.




Finally I got on my flight after what seemed like hours and we were off.  


The ride was bumpy, but safe.



And when I arrived, I looked around and saw that this wasn't Paris.



I saw things written in a different choice of words, more exquisite.


I ran across the street to a payphone.


I pushed the numbers hurriedly and some odd woman like voice answered sounding british.



I hung up the phone and ran back into the airport.



"This can't be right." I whispered to myself.


I looked around again as I passed people coming from their flight.



"Where's the eiffel tower and warm weather. And where's the mimes on the street?" I said complaining, as I looked out the airport windows.



I saw a few big planes fly by and some land.


I read silently. "London Air"



I was shocked.


I was in London.



But how?


I sat down on a chair in shock. My heart was beating so fast.


The lady at the front desk gave me the wrong ticket back in New York.



I went up to a front desk nearbyin the airport.


"Excuse me, there's been a mistake. I'm suppose to be in Paris, not cold London!" I said mad.



The young lady at the front desk ignored me.


"Flight 8012567 that just departed was the flight to London from New York, and as for Paris?" she typed something into her computer.


"There was no flight for New York to Paris yesterday." she said popping her buggle gum.



That can't be. I told her I was going to Paris.


I was upset. That means, I could have been back in Rosewood at this time instead of going to London. How am I gonna get back to New York now, i'll have to steal something vauleable to trade in a pawn shop again.



"Can I possibly get a flight back to New York, and if you can, give me information when there is a flight from New York to Paris?" I asked.


She punched some letters into the computer and a few clicks from her mouse to follow.



"Sorry there will be no flights to New York till, November 23rd."


"This coming November?" I asked happily.


"No, November 23rd of next year."



My face dropped.


"Sorry, there are rarely any flights from London to New York during this season." she said.


She interupped before I can say anything else.



"But there is a flight from London to Paris in December."


I walked away and sat down dazed.


I was in London. It was kind of a dream of mine to visit London, but not a mistake in flights.


This was a disaster, but I can make the most out of it.



A big smirk grew over my face. I ran out of the airport.


I knew what to do with my time.



"I'm in London, that means I don't have to go back to New York. I just have to get a flight to Paris."


I kept thinking.


"And that means, i'm just a few countries away from Paris." 



I walked the streets searching for a hotel to stay in for at least one night, till I can find a job and find a place.


I look at everything above me. London is so big and had buildings so tall.



I whip out my camera and shot some pictures. I have one those old-new cameras where you take a picture and it comes out in print right in front of your eyes.



I continue walking on the sidewalk, smelling the cold London air and looking around at the traffic. I take several pictures of the buildings, houses, restaurants and statues.



It’s amazing what anyone can discover in London.



As I stood, looking at my pictures on the sidewalk, someone bumped behind me. Which scared me. I looked up at the person.


He was young, maybe around my age. He had a slender body and had a young man’s face, which gives him a confident look.


 "Are you okay?" he asks.


 "Yes, just fine." I reply.



He gives an interested but bored look as we stand almost near each other on the sidewalk.


"Come with me, I know your type of people."


I reply furiously. "What do you mean my type of people?"



He looks at me like he never meant to say that.


"I meant, I know your the type of people who are not from here. Either you're a tourist, or you're visiting here in London."


I give him a curious but mad look in response.



"Just come with me." he said again.


I reply instantly. "How do I know I can trust you and follow you?"



He looks back at me, fearless about my question. "Because I know you can."


He turns back to the sidewalk.



I stood there stunned for a moment that he would say that. He knows I can trust him.


"So are you gonna follow me or not?" he gives me a concerning look.


"Okay?" i say.



 He takes me to a small house ,which actually looks big but is small. We both walk up the steps of the house and I read the sign by the door. Home to All.  



He says "wait here" and he goes in the house and leaves the door open.


I stand there confused.


3 minutes pass and he didn't even welcome me in. Then suddenly, a man stands in the way where the door creaked.


He was much older, with grey hair. But looks young enough to stand on anything.



The man speaks. "Welcome, are you looking for a place to stay?"


How would he know I needed a place to stay, unless young boy over there told him.


I look up at the man nervously.


"I guess you can say that." I said.



He speaks again. "I am the caregiver and keeper of this house you are the second person to be hauled in here.”


 "Who’s the first?" I ask.


 "The young man who stands next to me." he says.



 I look at the same boy I met on the street who took me here, he's standing next to the old man and god knows when he came back to invite me in.


The old man asks. "I believe he escorted you here, right?"


 "Yes." I replied.


The boy from eariler sorta smiled at me as I looked back up at the caregiver of this place.


''Good, welcome, this will be your home until you are destined to live somewhere else."



I walk inside and take a look around at everything. The kitchen was amazing, and so is the living room.


The guy I met on the street sits there as I silently tour the entrance of the house.


I quickly sit down on one of the couches after. The guy from earlier sat across on another couch.


"What’s your name?" I ask.



He looks as me with kind eyes and he replies.


"Jacob, my name’s Jacob."


"And yours?" he implied.


''My name’s Elle." 


I pause then speak again. ''Pretty weird name huh?"



He looks at me again and replies.


"No, not really."



Silence feels the air, I speak again.


"So why are you here?" I asked him, hoping he doesn’t look at me again.


 "I’m here because of my mom."



I give a concerned look and ask.


"What about your mom?"



He pauses then continues.


"She left me a long time ago by myself one night, I had a good childhood before everything went wrong."


He silences his voice after and looks over at me, searching my eyes. But all I do is look away.


Still staring at me, he continues the story.


"My mom sent me to New York because there was an incident that happened earlier in the past. But all I know is that, my dad died when I was young and I lived with my mom ever since.”



He pauses and I look at him ready to hear the rest, but he looks like he’s about to cry. And he doesn’t.


He looks at me again with those eyes. Those type of eyes you can’t resist.


Those eyes that don't leave yours.


"What’s your story, why are you here?"


"I came here because I did something terrible and because of what happened in the past. It lead me to going back to Paris, as soon as I get a flight out of London. Plus, it’s a really long story." I say.


He replies. "I’ve got time to listen. You listened to mine, I can listen to yours. Maybe another day, but not now."


I smiled at the thought. Someone actually wanted to listen to me.



I gather my stuff as the old man or as he says to call him, Theodore escorts me to my room.


I didn’t even think that being here 10 minutes could give me a room.



I put my belongings on the bed, which feel soft even without the comforter. I look over to the right where a big but small table is filled with jewelry, perfumes, makeup and other necessities. 



There's a big window behind the bed and in the backyard is a pool and patio furniture.


I take one look at the door and Theodore is gone. He was in the room when I put my stuff on the bed, but I didn’t notice he left till after I looked around.


Jacob walks in unexpected. "You enjoying your new room? I know I did when I first got here."


I turn around to him and I reply.



"And when was that?"


"4 years ago."


I pause and think about the life I left behind back home in Rosewood. Jacob looks at me and wonders off to look at the wall.


Then he talks again. "I can see it in your eyes you're upset."


I look at him confused.



Jacob gives a small laugh at my look, then repeats what he said. "I can see it in your eyes you're upset about something you had before right?"


I give him the guilty look instead of smiling and feeling embarassed while he laughs at me.


"What’s so funny?" I ask almost laughing, he replies laughing.


"Just at the fact your face changes expressions so quickly."


I began laughing too.



We’re both standing there laughing and me knowing we can both get along very easily.


After seeing the way Jacob looks at me, I knew there’s something he’s not telling me or that’s just how he looks at everyone.



He leaves my room and walks into his, which is across from mine and he smiles at me before closing his door. I knew from the time I laid my eyes on him in the house, there was something special about him.




15 minutes later, me and Jacob were called for dinner by Theodore through an old 80's or 90's telephone we both had in our rooms.


It was fancy, how he used an intercom to call us on the old phone to tell us, news and announcement. Like school and stuff.




After the long weekend, Theodore had enrolled me in the same school Jacob went to when he arrived here before me.


I had to admit, sleeping the night before my first day back to school for a new school, was nervous and scary like no other.


I missed home and I needed to figure a way out of London. 



Chapter Three: Sweet Dreams


It's 5:03AM and i’m still awake. 


I decide to go downstairs and get something to eat. Like I usually do at home in the middle of the night.


Although in Rosewood, my mom would prepare me a meal to eat in the night. For my late night snacking.



She’s put a PB&J sandwich, with chocolate chip cookies and carrots in a brown paper bag and put it in the small drawer next to my bed. So I wouldn’t creep loudly downstairs and wake everyone up in the house.



She would put it in my bedside drawer before she left to work, while I was taking my courses at my University.


I never thought about how nice she was to do that and I didn’t recognize that for so long.


There I go, wondering again, while i’m halfway out of my room looking at the ceiling in the hallway.



Theodore stays in the basement nearby, cause if he were to stay up here, there would be problems.


Jacob's words, not mine.



I slowly walk down the stairs, fast like a shadow. Even though i’m wearing a green rainforest leaf designed PJ set.



I quietly walk pass the marble floor to the left, from the front door. That's where the kitchen is.


I make it to the kitchen quietly and whisper, "Success!!" and I do a little dance.


I tip toe to the fridge and pick out bread.



I take 2 slices and go to the cabinets and search for the peanut butter and jelly.


I found both of them and begin spreading them both, onto my bread.


Peanut Butter first, then lots of Jelly, just how I want it.



Then, I search through the cabinets for the chocolate chip cookies. I found only 4 left and the exact amount I needed.


I started looking through the fridge for carrots and took the whole bag from the fridge once I saw it, I take my meal upstairs. I didn’t make a sound, when I closed the fridge door.


I start on my PB&J sandwich, and it’s delicious.


Then finally, I start eating the cookies. And their even more better than the cookies my mom buys.



The carrots seem to be the same one, like the carrots back home. It’s too bad, I didn’t get ranch for the carrots. I took a big drink from my water bottle, which I had packed with my stuff when I left.



I start thinking about when I say left, how I left home, with my mom to look at dad’s body and the letter I wrote in his handwriting.


I want to say i’m sorry to mom. For all those years I ignored her after Paris/ I never thought it would come this far to me think about mom more often.




I wake up 3 hours later at 7, like how they said.


Theodore intercoms us to come downstairs and eat breakfast. I lazily go to the bathroom in my room and look at myself in the mirror.


It’s amazing how I look. Not so tired, but I feel tired in the mirror.


As soon as I start brushing my teeth, Theodore runs the 3 ring buzzer and when 3 buzzers ring, he needs us downstairs immediately.




Because i'm the new girl in the house, I get treated with more buzzers than usual.


I had to know the rules, escape plans and necessary things bout this place.


God, it bores me.



I quickly put down my toothbrush and run out of my room downstairs to the kitchen.


I see Jacob already eating breakfast.



He looks tired, but seems not to care and Theodore looks at me from the corner with a serious look.


I give him back, a "what did I do?" expression and Jacob smiles while I sit down.


Confused to why he's smiling.



I sit on the left, near Jacob. He sits at the end of the table towards the window. Which is on the same wall as the front door.



I try to stay awake and open my eyes, so I wouldn’t look so tired. But all I did was sit there, nod my head and fix my face for 1 minute.



Jacob looked up and gave a small laugh, then went back to eating his cereal.


Theodore hands me my breakfast, which consists of pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage. Which was the welcoming breakfast here and for starting a new school here, I hope.


It's so basic.



For several moments, I look at my breakfast and give a not too hungry look to my plate. Then Theodore gives me a furious look, and finally speaks.



''Eat your breakfast, Ms. Elle.''  


Jacob looks up, as if he was uninteruppted then looks at me.


"I’m not hungry, I already ate." I reply.



Theodore gives a surprised look at me and then asks.


''You already did, before I made breakfast? Well that’s just an excuse for someone like you to say.''


I give him a confused, concerned, angry expression all in one. Then I respond.



 ''I ate a midnight snack, because I couldn’t sleep and eating something at night helps me sleep. Okay!''



''You're eat at night, huh? That i’m sorry, from now i'll give you a simple, snice small breakfast after your plesant night eating confession.'' Theodore bellows.



He leaves to his private room and office, leaving the plate full of breakfast at the table. Just as i’m about to leave the table, I ask Jacob something.


''What's Theodore’s problem with the breakfast? Is he always this mad and nice?''


''Not really, he’s usually strict about everything.''


He finishes is cereal then speaks again.


''And before you arrived, he used to call me Mr. Jacob but now he calls me Jacob, isn’t that weird.''


''Yeah, very weird.'' I said eating some toast.



He smiles. ''Alright, first day of school for you. Get ready and i’ll meet you outside, okay?''


''Meet ya down.'' I said.



We both head upstairs to our rooms.


I look at my bed and see a school uniform laid out for me. I also see a piece of paper that’s next to it


It read: 


Freshly dry cleaned for you Elle, have a nice day - Carla.



How nice for someone to leave a message, but I wondered who Carla was.


I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror, it was hung on a wall close to the door.


I looked like someone who knew what she was doing. I got my backpack, which I brought with me when I left home.



I paused and looked at my stuff still on the bed.


I decided I wouldn’t let my feelings get the best of me today. Because every year, mainly, dad was always the person I would talk to before I left for my new school.


And we’d paint something beautiful to express how our day will go and we show it to each other, before we leave out the door.



With us moving before, it meant new places for my dad to paint and sell and we both always did this.


Now that moment i'd looked forward to, is gone.



And he’s forever gone.


I take a long hard look at myself in the mirror, then look at the time on the table next to my bed




I still have time.


I get out a piece of construction paper, pasty paper and glue them together with the tools I took with me here.



I begin drawing. I pull out my favorite color and coat violet purple over it


By the time I was done, I heard Jacob open the front door and I put on my favorite white chucks and walk out of my room to run downstairs.



I saw Jacob dressed just like me, except he has a sweater on and his pants are long but mine isn't


He looks at me like he’s been waiting forever. He gives a small smile, then gives me a signal to walk beside him.


I stop him.



''Listen, Jacob, I know this may be weird but there’s something that I do before I go to a new school… with my dad. And I was wondering, if you could keep this painting that I drew just now. As a gift and a new school present.''


''Sure, if it’s a little something you do before going to a new school, it’s fine.'' he smiles, seeming happy.


''I hope you don’t mind, it was a daughter and dad thing I did. When my parents and I moved around, my dad and I made a pact. On the day I started a new school and when he started a new painting job, we'd both draw each other a painting of what we think our day would go like. By expressing it in a drawing.''



Jacob smiles as I continue.


''We’d both hand ours to each other like a gift and throughout our day, we’d look at our paintings and think about each other. Do you do anything before you go to a new school?''



I look to Jacob, realizing we walked from the front steps to the sidewalk.


He looks at me with surprise, then replies.


"Yeah, there’s also something I do with my mom before I leave to school. The last time we moved I would always give her a kiss on the cheek and told her, I will be the best in school and one day come home a man just like my dad did.''



He looks at me and kisses me on the cheek.


I noticed after and look at him.


"Sorry, you were the only girl around here, thought it might help.'' he says shy, but with confidence.



I touched my right cheek and look at him again, but he’s already walking down the sidewalk and I follow quickly behind. 



''So tell me about yourself, judging by the fact that you told me only about your mother.'' I say.


He smiles briefly then answers.


''I’m 18, I live in a London home with Theodore, after leaving my hometown in Georgia and then moving to New York. I don’t know where my mom is and I don’t have any hobbies, anything about you?”


I paused reply.


''Well, i’m 18, and I left home to go to Paris after I did something bad. Which I know that i’ll regret and I plan on staying in Paris till I forgive myself for the things I did, it’s becoming a habit.''


I asked Jacob. ''Wait, did you say New York earlier?''



He answered.


''Yes, I went to New York once. It was only for 22 days before someone found me and took me to London. That person knew I was lost and needed a new home. It was Theodore, he found me and promised that when I turned 15 he would take me to London and raise me there.''



I look down at the sidewalk fascinated. He looks past me and changes his expression.


''Anyways we're here.'' he says.


I look at the new school.



''Wow this school is big.'' I say.


He replies. ''Yeah I know. But anyways, don’t get lost trying to go to class and see ya after school ends.''


I watch him begint to run towards a building on the campus.



I shout after him. ''Wait! You're gonna leave me behind?''


''Yep. Just how life goes.'' he replies



I reply, worrying. ''Okay I see i’ll see you after school.''



Jacob goes through front doors and I follow behind a crowd of students. As soon as I see the inside of the school, I was even more surprised.


My university back in Rosewood wasn't as good as this one here, it's more open.



Right after looking around, I finally found the buidling i'm supposed to be in. Jacob's and I are the same starting year.



I find my way to my first class, it was Writers Communications. The class I took for the course, has a very strange teacher.


All the teachers, I had before were all concerned about how I didn’t do my work like I was stuck in another life.



My mom thought I would have more focus and make friends, but the truth is, I never had true friends in my life.


But I have fans and people who follow my blog.




Me and Jacob walked home together after we were done with our classes for the day.



"I really don’t know if it’s me or has my whole new school day gotten better than I expected. People were nice to me, girls actually wanted to talk to me and the boys who ate lunch, sat were I was and actually looked at me. Boys usually never look at me. They just stare in confusion like I had jaundice or something, of course there was one boy who had a crush on me but that never lasted long because this stupid, girl Lily in 6th grade had to tell him I liked him back. Even though I clearly didn’t and it ruined my ‘starting’ social life forever. My crush or should I say 'the person' who had a crush on me, never talked or looked at me again. Life was very different back then, my ElleWoodsers. I live in London now, at least until I make my way back to Paris, my true home. But I gotta go and see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86




Writing is one of the best feelings i've ever hadand today i’ve reached 1,000,001 viewers on my blog.


People must really love me or my crazy life.


After posting to my blog with my laptop, which I brought with me to London. I realized the door to my room was creaking.



And the one thing that was going on in my mind, was either the door is creaking because of wind or someone’s watching me.



I get up and look to see who’s there and there was no one, except someone downstairs talking in Spanish.


I repeat, yelling in spanish at Theodore.  



I slowly walk downstairs. Jacob hears the yelling too. He comes out of his room and follows behind me.


We slowly walk faster and faster down the stairs.



We peak down the side of the stairwell, to see a beautiful mexican lady who has a duster in her hands. She was screaming at Theodore and he’s standing there confused, then he notices us peaking at the conversation.



''Hey! what are you two doing?!''


Me and Jacob quickly run up the stairs, till we're at the top and we hide behind our bedroom doors.


Theodore yells. ''You two come down!!''



Then he says politely.


''Please come down, there's someone I want you to meet. She’ll be in the house everyday. I want you to meet her.''



Me and Jacob both give the signal to open our doors.


When we peaked to hear Theodore's last words. Meet her.



We slowly walk together downstairs in a mysterious way, like we're spies investigating a murder.


Theodore clears his throat. ''Meet Carla, our new house maid. She’ll be staying with us here, say hi you two.''



We both say "hi" at the same time.


''Hi!'' she responds with a smile and says something in Spanish.


''Hola, mi nombre es carla agradable para satisfacer you two.''



Theodore and Jacob stood there clueless and they both gave me a look to respond.


What Carla said was 'Hi, my name is Carla nice to meet you'


I reply.


''Encantado de conocerte Carla, espero que su estancia sea acogedora.''



Jacob looks at me, like he’s never seen a girl look so beautiful speaking a foreign language before and he replies to Carla with a smile after turning away from me.



Theodore stood there with a surprised look at me, then Carla.


''I know a little Spanish from my past.'' I say.


Carla looks at me impressed and I walk with her to the living room.



Still surprised, Theodore and Jacob watch me walk Carla into the living room. Theodore ran to the in door library we had and Jacob went to the computer.


I’ve never seen guys run so fast to learn another language before, it must be my lucky day.



Several hours later, after talking with Carla she told me so much about her life and how her family’s in Venezuela now and she even taught me how to clean a granite table properly.



''Mr. Theodore you don’t have to speak Spanish, I speak english fluently.'' Carla says aloud, so everyone can hear.



Surprised Theodore lets out a breath of relief.


I walk into the kitchen from the living room, where I see Jacob studying.


''You're studying?''



He looks up. ''Yeah, I have an assignment that needs to be done.''


I give him a look.



''It’s only the first day of school and you're doing work, wow I have nothing to do in my classes…maybe?''


Jacob laughs at my frustrated face. He closes his textbook.



''I’m going upstairs wanna come?'' he asks.


I pause. ''How do you mean?''



He smiles then answers.


''Want to see my room?'' 


I give Jacob a weird look than nod. I knew that in my mind it would be a bad thing, but not really. 



''Come in. Welcome to my humble abode.''



Seeing Jacob’s room for the first time was a dream.


His room looked so clean, not like how a boy's room looks like in the movies.



Being an only child doesn’t stink, but knowing that a boy can keep his room like this was a surprise.


I look at the statues he had on a shelf.



On a counter, I spot a picture of him when he was probably younger and a woman by his side.


''Is that you when your were younger?''


He replies. ''Yeah.''


I ask. ''And the woman beside you?''



''My mom, that was before she met her boyfriend and everything changed.''



 I look up at him.


''I know how you feel, everything changed for me when...'' I pause then ask something else. ''Jacob can you promise to keep a secret and not tell a soul?''



I look around to make sure no one was listening.


''Tonight, meet me in my room after night call, I have something to tell you.'' 


He nods and smiles.




Later that day we ate dinner and at the dinner table we had Carla join us.


We talked up a good storm. Carla taught us how speak her language and I taught Jacob to how pronounce words in Spanish.



As usual, Theodore eats before we do and goes to his quiet room.


And after dinner, we were stuffed and made our way to the living room, where Carla played games with us.




Later that night, I took a shower and cleaned up my room. Which was messy.


When Theodore called us on the intercom, saying that it was time to sleep, by then I knew it was night call.


10 minutes after Theodore came to check on me and Jacob, he left downstairs.



I gave Jacob the signal to creep over to my room.


He makes it over without anyone knowing. He sits quietly on my bed.


There was silence for a moment, then I spoke.



''So like I said earlier, I wanted to tell you something. And just to let you know, i’m talking to you about my past and present.''


He nods his head



''My parents were young and in love when I was born. They took care of each other and me. All life was good. We went to many places all around New York, my home. It was a great experience for about 5 years, and I learned so much from my dad.''



 I pause almost crying at the thought, feeling saddened and continue.


''My dad was a great man, he had a huge belief in what people wanted to do, if it was their dream. And he always believed in me. My mom, got the call that her fashion line could be in Paris and she could be the next top fashion designer, of course that was back then when she had an awesome job."


"Now she’s recovering from anger management and she’s an accountant in Rosewood.''


Jacob stops me. ''Wait did you say Rosewood?''


''Yeah.'' I answer.


He asks. ''Rosewood, Georgia right?''


''Yeah.'' I reply.


''That means we're from Georgia. I lived in Georgia with my mom before New York and London.''



I continued after.


''Anyways, after leaving New York where I grew up for most of my childhood, my parents and I left for Paris. I was excited. A new country and a chance to make new friends. I've never really made any friends in my life, except when I was in Paris. I had one there.''



Jacob looks at me the way he always does, when he knows i’m not saying anything and I feel a certain way.


''Life, changed so much after a big event in Paris.''


''What’?" he asks.


''I’ll tell you tomorrow. But for now i’m gonna leave it at the start of Paris, good night.''



Jacob leaves confused but concerned.


I close the door after he leaves to his room.



Later that night, I sneaked back downstairs to the kitchen to make a PB&J Sandwich, get cookies, and carrots with the ranch this time.


I quickly pack everything in a bag and before I knew it, someone was coming up from across the hall in the living room.


I run upstairs unnoticed, then quickly go in my room to hide under the covers with my food.



I peak out my door after a minute or so and look at a mirror across my hall. From my room, I see Carla walk from the kitchen to her room which was near the living room.



I was scared for life.




About a month had gone by. And i’ve already gotten to know Carla, Jacob and Theodore.


I told Jacob about The Paris Treaty incident and he was surprised, but I haven’t told him about the 'decision' that happened in Rosewood.


I think it would be best if I didn’t tell him at all. Just keep it a secret from everyone, for their safe keeping.



But of all days, other than today, I decided to go for a walk in search of a job that might make me good money. It's so I can start saving up for my trip to Paris.


I decided to start while I can.



I found a cute little photoshoot place down by the malls. It was small but spacious and good enough to start a job there.



After having an interview with the owner and manager of the place, I got a job stacking up boxes and picking out dresses for photoshoots.


And being in the photo’s with my boss was amazing too from time to time. My boss who is older than me can act as young.



Me and Ms. Duboni have spent a large amount of time together since I got the job. Shopping, eating out, pictures and photoshoots. And meeting new people off the streets.



She made me feel like I can do anything as long as I believe in myself and that lead to me working as the new assistant manager at Duboni’s.


One of the best things that have ever happened to me. Especially spending time with Jacob.



We've discovered and got to know one another and 3 weeks after my birthday, he got me a necklace which I still wear currently.


It's one of the best gifts ever given to me.


I’m loving London and the people in it, I could almost never go back to Rosewood again.


Chapter Four: Rosewood Again


Claire (Elle's Mom) P.O.V



''Oh my god!!'' I pause in mid air. ''Henry?! Henry?!…Henry?!!!''


I scream as the ambulance men pulls him into the truck.



''911 what’s your emergency?'' says the speaker


''Yes i’m calling my…'' I pause then look over to Henry.


''My husband is dead, I just came home today and I saw an ambulance outside my house. I don't know what happened, i've been gone for one day! And I don't where my daughter is.''


I took in a deep breath.


''Ma’am is he breathing?'' the caller says.



I stare at the phone for a moment before answering.


''Did you hear what I said, I got home and I find my husband covered up, being pulled into an ambulance truck!''


''Calm down ma'am, what’s your address?''


''It’s 4321 N. Lilac Street, The name is Claire Woods.''



After seeing my husband…ex-husband get rolled away to the hospital and then to the grave, I was so upset. I didn’t get to say goodbye or say that I still love him after all these years.


One of my friends, was lucky enough to make it and comfort me today at the funeral.


I heard her footsteps.



''I’m so sorry Claire, I know you still love him.''



I look at Henry being pulled down to the earth. 


She said worried. ''I wish Elle were here to see her dad for the last time.''


I looked up and realized Elle wasn’t here.



I didn't see her near the house or anywhere else.



''Elle. Where is Elle? She didn’t show for the funeral or is she helping at the Rosewood synergy again? I’ll find her and tell the news.'' I say.


Looking for Elle was a big problem. She always hides in the best places where she can’t be found.


''Where is she?''



I hear from the distance, my friend Chrissy, call my name after I searched around the graveyard and the sidewalk.


''Claire I heard from someone that Elle went back to Paris."




I yell confused. ''Paris!!? No she couldn’t, she wouldn’t..."



"Chrissy, who told you where she went?" I said concerned now.



''I heard someone say Renchenni knew where Elle was going. Just yesterday.''


''Since yesterday!?'' I replied.


''Yeah!'' Chrissy replied.



I sighed then thought back to yesterday.


"The day Elle came home someone called me during the time I was at work, saying they heard screaming then silence for 20 minutes from the house. That person said Elle walked out the house with most of her belongings packed in her cruiser bike than left. Do you think Elle left home?'' I asked.  


Chrissy answers. ''I’m guessing she did leave home.''



 I began worrying.


''I wonder where she is now? I’ll put up signs all around town if anyone's seen Elle recently. She couldn’t escape to Paris, not without her passport. She left it at home…I think?''



I knew Elle had something in her, that would make her leave and not tell what was going on, she didn’t even get to see Henry at the quick funeral. 


When I get to see Elle next time she’s gonna pay and come back home.


We've already been through enough in our past to come this way. I just want things to go back to normal, the way they used to be.


Oh no, I miss Elle already.





It's only been 3 months and still no sign of Elle. I'm beginning to think she's never gonna come home.


"Claire? Clarie!!" I heard someone's voice.


"Clarie where have you been these past couple months, you should be home not in your work apartment."



I could make out that it was Chrissy, since she had a sincere voice.


My eyesight was blurry as I tried to get up, I moved to the side but only managed to sit down again.


"You're drunk, Claire how can you drink at a time like this!" Chrissy said gathering the bottles.



She walkes over to me, looking at me in the eyes.


"Say something." She leans closer.


"...You., used to call me my cellphone." I said in a sick voice.


"Oh my god, Claire. Get your life together, your daughter is missing, she's gone. Drinking isn't gonna help it." she said.


"You know what i'm done! You're on your own this time." she said as she left.



I fell alseep looking out the screen door for a second.


I get up and walk slowly to the door. The sun hits my eyes as I flinch from the brightness.


"She's right. I need to get my daughter." I said in a grazing voice.




I started going back to the anger management classes again. My time to get Elle back is now.



"Alright, state your name and why you're here this week." said the volunteer working this weekend.


"Let's start with you?" she said, looking up to find me.



I put my hand up, she checks her paper and I start talking.


"My name is Claire and I recently got drunk off of the thought of my daughter being lost. But, I will find her nontheless. But I need to get myself together." I said looking around.



"Because of me, and that fact that i'm not the perfect mother she needs right now. I wish she and I, can have a better connection." I said my voice breaking.


"So what are your plans for releasing this anger that boils in you?" asked the volunteer.


"To find my daughter and make things right. And to tell her, i'm gonna be there for her from now on." I said looking at the volunteer, straight in the eyes.


"Okay any comment on that Claire?" she said.



"Yes, I need to leave right now. Thanks for the class." I said getting up.


"Wait, you can't leave. We have 20 mintues left." said the volunteer.


"I don't care." I said entering the hallway.



"I'm gonna find Elle, I will and things will be right again." I said before leaving the center and heading home.


Chapter Five: Never Going Home


 Elle's P.O.V


"It's only been a few months in London, an experience, i got to see so many things and even got a job. I work at a designer photoshoot place. Photographers come in everyday and take pictures of models in clothing and new designed wedding dress Duboni makes. She’s my boss and close friend despise the fact she’s 6 years older than me and in case you didn’t know i turned 19 a month ago, it’s only November here in London and it’s snowing. I love the life here in London, especially the new love of my life Jacob. After spending months talking, getting to know each other it was a matter of time we’d be together. And for 2 months. During that time Theodore and Carla became good friends, there's lot’s of things that we all do together. I’m proud to call us all family. Gotta go my ElleWooders and see ya next time.” - @SummerElleW_86



Sending blogs to my bloggers are getting easier and easier by the month, i’ve gotten more views than ever.


I love living the life here in London, it’s no wonder why i would ever go back to Paris. But I plan to, later this December it will be a surprise to everyone but it's something I gotta do.



A few weeks ago, I got a call from my mom here. I was scared she’d come to take me away, but she left a message. She was asking if i was there, I told no one to answer the phone if she called.


She began calling every single synergy in London and won’t stop till she get’s a hold of me.



I knew that if I didn’t answer, she would come down to London herself. I don't know how she found out that I was here.


But I knew that this is a fight that needed to be taken seriously, so I knew getting a raise at my job and getting my education together was gonna be much more harder.


But i'll do anything to get away from mom.




I told Jacob about going to Paris in December, and he agreed with my plan but made me promise to take him too. I knew that if i left him here in London, he would never forgive me or possibly even talk to me anymore.



These past few months have been amazing, but going back to what I came to Europe for, is my next big step.


I’ll have to tell Carla and Theodore about my plans to leave London and go to Paris, but it’ll be worth the talking.



That night I went downstairs to the kitchen, as usual. I didn’t want to wake up Jacob, because i know how protective he is about me, since we’ve become a thing.



I see a shadow coming from the living room, slowly creeping up and I hurry with everything and in a brown bag. As soon as I made a run for it, I ran into Theodore.


Both surprised, we calmed down before anyone heard us breathing heavily.



''What are you doing up to early in the morning, Ms. Elle?''


I pause then answer. ''Getting a snack like I always do.''


''Well try to be a little more quiet next time and don’t come down at such a manageable time.'' 



I look confused then say.


''What do you mean manageable time?''


He sighs then answers.


''Because i’ eat late at night too and being down here an 5:00 in the morning isn’t a reasonable time, it should be around 2:00 for times’s sake, and i rather prefer a cuisine than a sandwich with snacks unlike you.'' he says in a disgusted voice.


''So, Theodore, if that is your real name, what do you eat in the middle of the night?''



He replies. ''I eat a delightful meal with a mix of chicken, beef and sausage with a triangle shape that has bread crust.” 


I look confused then quote. ''You mean pizza?''


''Yes.'' he replies.


''Well let’s see.'' i implied.


''What do you ever mean Elle?'' he asks.



''I’m saying we do a taste off, your pizza over my sandwich, than one of us has to order McDonalds for breakfast every morning for the other.''



"I don't get it." he whispered back.


"Okay, if your pizza tastes good and I like it, but you don't like my sandwitch, i'll order McDonalds for you to eat every morning."


"Sounds fair." he replies.


I interuppted.


"But if you like my sandwitch and I don't like your pizza, then you have to order McDonalds for me every morning."





We shake hands on it.


The McDonalds order finally got here and the game was on.


My PB&J Sandwich against Theodore’s Homemade pizza, it was a challenge.



''On the count of 3 we both eat each other’s late night snack and if one of us spills before the other, that person wins the McDonalds meal."




He gives me a evil look, while i give a look that describes vengeance. "2," Our hands ready to bite into the food and eye on the prize




We both took a bite at the same time and i chew furiously to find something horrible about it, his pizza wasn’t half that bad and he gave a good look with my PB&J.


We both agree with a smile, both our late night meals were good.



"Now that this is settled, who's gonna come down at 2:00?" he asked.


We looked at each other.


''I will and you will come at, 4:00 that’s when every room in the house is quiet.'' i said


''Great idea…, but who get’s the McDonalds?'' he asks.



We both look towards the living room and see Carla coming, she looks sleepy as she looks at us.


I run and snatch the McDonalds, I bolt upstairs before Carla knows i’m here. Theodore was left hiding behind the counter and Carla asking questions.



''What is going on here?'' she asks still sleepy.


Theodore slowly rises from the behind the counter looking guilty then smiling.


"Just getting some hot sauce. never go to sleep without it.''



Carla gives him a weird look than shakes her head, walking back to her room. Theodore let’s out a relieved breath then heads back to bed.


I watch them leave the conversation, as i walk back to my room.





Claire's P.O.V                                                               


''Has anyone seen my daughter her name is Elle.''


''Excuse me have you seen this young girl, she’s my daughter.''


I look around.


''Anyone, please help me find her!''



I don’t know if i’ll ever find Elle.



I walk into Renchenni’s, hoping he might have known where Elle went.


''Hey Renchenni.'' 


He speaks in his Italian accent as usual.


''Hello Claire.''



''I've been around town searching. Calling every synergy, putting up signs, telling the news. No sign of Elle anywhere. Where could she be?”


Renchenni gives a guilty look, randomly sighing for a moment, I look at him with curiously.


''You know where Elle is do you?''



''I don’t know what you're talking about Ms. Claire?''  


I ask furiously. ''Tell me the truth Renchenni or this place goes down with you in it.''


Renchenni sighs.



''She told me she was leaving for Paris and planning on staying there for a while just to get things off her mind, that’s all I know please don’t shut down my store.''


I calm down, finally knowing where Elle went. It took ease off my mind.



''Don’t worry Renchenni I couldn’t do that to you, thanks for telling me. I have a daughter to catch and i know exactly where she is.''



I packed the car up with my belongings, just then someone came up to me.


''Leaving back to Paris is probably not the best choice, but if finding my daughter there might solve everything it’s worth it.'' I say silently to myself.


Chrissy comes up behind me as I pack my stuff inside the car.




''Yes Chrissy?''



''Where are you going at a time like this?''


''To Paris, now if i’m right she’ll be at the old mansion we used to live in and if not…''


I sigh at the thought. ''I’m gonna travel the whole world for the rest of my days till i find her, even back in Mumbai.''


"Wait, Mumbai. Claire you promised me you'll never go back there. What if Elle finds out, what if-''



I cut Chrissy off.


"Elle won't find out!. Not yet. But I do plan on telling her soon. I don't want rumors to be spread about Elle being a possible daughter and heir to-" I cut myself off.


"Are you goona leave now?" she asks calmly.



"I have to, this is my only chance to fix my relationship with her." I said, as i get inside my car.



I close the door then take a deep breath.


I fastened my seat belt and checked the bags i packed in the back seat.



"Let's go find Elle." i said, before i push hard on the gas pedal and leave to New York.



Chrissy waves goodbye in the distance, while i hope to find Elle fast.



2 days later I make it to New York other than the usual 3 days, i know a short cut to Manhattan.


Looking at the view and places in New York, it really does bring back memories of being here where Elle. Where she grew up before Paris.



I park and stop in front of the old building, where we used to live.


''Never thought i'd be back here again.'' I whispered under my breath



Walking in, I see the plants on the side of the entrance door. New ones.


I remember there used to be pink tulips, now there’s white lilies and hydrangeas.



''Luckily I still have the key to the apartment.''



I kept the apartment under reservation in my name, so that no one can move in.


Seeing the old hallways and elevators still in place, scares me, but still feels like home. In fact the only place, where i thought i would call it home.


I made it to the old apartment door, taking a deep breath, I unlock the door and walk in.



Everything is still the same when we left, 12 years ago.



I was originally suppose to go back come home 2 days after Elle came from school, that one day when she said those terrible words.


''I Hate you.''


It flew over my head and instead went to my heart. I never heard from her again, but I was gonna break the news to her that day and then everything turned out not how I wanted it be.



I walk around noticing that nothing was stolen or broken, surprised, there was something off in the apartment.


There was a mark on the window, a certain mark, not a smudge but more of a handprint that was left.


I look closer at the handprint, I figured only the smallest hand in our family would be able to match the print.


I knew it had to be Elle’s.



 Renchenni told me she ran away to Paris and she must have traced her way…back here to the apartment. because the building here was the only first home Elle ever had.


Looking around, it gives so much delight to seeing it again. The princess castle Elle always played with before she went to sleep when she was 3.



I spot something on the passport sketch wall, pinned up above the computer area. We planned to travel somewhere every year and put up a picture of the place on the board.



After all the years of traveling in between different towns of New York, we never really put anything on the passport sketch wall, except the picture of Paris when I found out my fashion line was going to be a big hit in Paris. 



I quickly run out of the apartment, closing the door behind me making sure it was locked, I hurried to the elevator.


As soon as I got outside of the building, I got in my car and headed to the nearest airport in New York.


I knew that one point I would have to travel across seas to find Elle and this is it.



Walking down the long ground leading to my plane, it looked almost like a dream, like this was probably my destiny something I have to do.


I know this now.



I will find Elle and we'll make things right again, just like how it used to be, but if only she forgives me.


I'll search in London first, Elle told me a long time ago she wanted to go there at least once.


I hope she's there first.


Chapter Six: The Paris Treaty


Elle's P.O.V 



I could sense the feeling of my mom leaving home and finding me, it’s like a game of hide and seek.



And my mom always seeks, but in this case I hope she doesn’t, cause no matter what my mom always seeks me at the game and I have a feeling she might know where am.


I left a picture of London on the Sketch board in our New York apartment.


I couldn't help it.


I had no choice, my parents told me every time either one of us went traveling without the others, we would put a picture of where we were going under the sketch board so we would know one of us went somewhere nice.



I know that now’s the time to go to Paris, there’s no time to waste or complain about. I’ll tell everyone and they’ll understand...maybe.



I have to start making plans on how i’m gonna get out of London and make my way back to Paris.


Luckily, I have Jacob to help me, we’ve been together for a while. I bet he’s already reading my mind.


I rush downstairs and gather the things and decorations I put up in the house that are mine, into a gym bag for safe keeping.



Packing for Paris will be hard enough.


I can feel my mom coming a mile away, or is that a saying, because I can’t control myself over the fact that my mom is coming for me and i know it.


I feel it, I can see that she’s looking for me, but I don’t want to go back.


I don’t want to live my boring life again.



I don’t wanna go back to Rosewood, seeing my dad at the grave, knowing it was my fault.


I killed him and they won’t be able to trace who did it, but that’s what investigators are for but i totally doubt they ever put me in jail.


I thought for a very long time before i was done packing, it took a lot of thinking but i got through it.



In less than 2 hours i leave for the Airport with Jacob, thinking that everything’s gonna be alright and if I make it to Paris, there’s no more going back to anything.



 It was my plan to escape to Paris and i’m in London, a coincidence.


After i made sure Jacob was ready to go, I was ready to say goodbye to everyone.


''Well, I guess this is goodbye Carla, i had fun staying here learning so much from you but, really i came to go to Paris not London. Not to say i enjoyed London, but i really did. And now is the right time to leave to Paris and i promise i will think of you every single day Carla. I miss you already and we haven’t even left the front door.''



Standing in front of the door i first entered, when i arrived in London, was one of the best things that ever happened to me.


But also the last.



''Goodbye Theodore, you taught well on how to live life, because it's only the beginning, knowing we both have something in common because we can’t sleep without eating something late at night. The memories of us walking in the parks and getting to know each other.'' i pause and cry a little.


''I’m gonna miss it and you, but this isn’t the last goodbye i hope you guys visit me in Paris, I know i’ll miss you a lot,"



As I wave goodbye, but not for the last time, I smile. Genuinely. That’s something i haven’t done. since i've said goodbye to anyone.


''You ready?'' Jacob asks.


''Couldn’t be more than ready, i know i am.''



We both take a step off the front porch, as walk beside. I knew this was something i always dreamed of doing in a million years.


After the 20 minute drive to the airport, we finally arrived. This was the beginning, i’ve never been on an airplane to Paris since i was 5.


But know it’s my first time riding on an airplane from here in London to Paris with Jacob.



After going through with security and customs, we had to wait till we could board the plane.


It was a hassle, but at least i’m going back to where the fight began and to fix whatever i left in Paris.


That was the only thing I wanted to go to Pairs for, not to go back to the scene where my mom changed and my parents broke up.



I want to go back to forgive myself, my dad and my mom, but also for a chance to re-live that moment and bring back the good memories that were lost and make new ones with the new people that entered my life.



A person on the intercom announces. ''Flight to Paris, France. Please board the plane!''



''Well that’s us.'' i sigh.


''Yeah, can you believe it?'' Jacob looks at me then says.


''Let’s do this.'' i say as we hold hands and board the plane.




As we take off, i think this what i want to do and i do feel it in my heart, this is what i want to do.


I close my eyes and we take off.



Looking out the small windows on the plane brings me happiness, it’s been so long since i’ve been on a plane after moving from Paris to Rosewood.


I know i’m gonna miss London so much, it’s practically the place where my best memories were made and finding that one person i know i want to be with. 



I have to admit, i’m scared about going back to the mansion my mom got and so i figured if i can stay in the Mansion I might find clues which could lead to The Paris Treaty and the reason we left in between the fight.



I always thought, it was my fault that we left Paris but the real reason was that it was a lot to take in for my mom and part of it was my fault for sneaking in to the fashion show, i almost ruined it.


Part of me thinks about what would happen if I didn't ruin it.




While I was drifting off to sleep thinking about what happened in the past, it struck me in the heart, but i went through it and after so many long hours of traveling, we finally made it to Paris.


I look down from my window and see the view of Paris, it’s so different from London judging i just came from London to Paris.



But it's beautiful just like how I used to see everything.


I’m so happy to be here in Paris it’s amazing and the fashion here has changed over time.


''My mom always taught and told me when we used to live in Paris that “what people wear, judge who they are, but what’s really in the person’s heart explains their fashion” a little motherly quote i always remember when i travel, not that i ever travel that much. But being here is wonderful, especially with my boyfriend, we’ve been together for for 3 and a half months. It’s amazing how strong our young relationship is and still going strong. The view of the Eiffel Tower, the most viewed thing here in Paris in still as ever, so beautiful. We plan on staying at the Mansion i used to live in when i came to Paris many years ago when i was 5, anyway’s I gotta go and see ya next time'' - @SummerElleW_86




After blogging, i started on settling into the Mansion. It’s a great place, I thought, this is how you live the life.



Knowing that i’m back in Paris makes everything right again. We took so many pictures and ate at a lot of croissants at small shops.


I never knew that Paris could be so much fun and touring the Eiffel Tower with Jacob was sorta fun and romantic at the same time.



Who knew that you could be in love with someone in Paris ,after all it is the city of lights and love.


I think he’s in love with me, and i’ll see tonight, when we go on our first official date in Paris.



We never actually went on a proper date out in London, it was sort of a stay in and have fun kind relationship back there. Especially with Theodore watching us every minute of the day.


Since we decided to date, being more of a thing was harder, cause the only time we ever spent alone together was in my room.


It was one night when Theodore went for a run with Carla, that was the best 40 minutes of my life. 



 The mansion, which i know call The Purple Palace, named after my purple room back in Rosewood, looking at the place again was marvelous just a view.




Several hours had passed, me and Jacob got ready for our date.


I put on so much perfume, maybe more than 6 sprits is enough, right?



And the stairs which lead to my room was designed in golden colors, and a wonderful staircase that was the best, especially when you walked down it.


You look like a movie star even in pajamas, heck! You can go down those stairs in a plastic bag and still look amazing.



My room has a lemon chiffon color, painted all over the walls and my bathroom is just stunning. I might say, better than the one i had in London.


I’m only 19 and i'm staying in a luxurious place like this, this is a teen’s dream come true.



I put on the beautiful dress I bought today when I went shopping with Jacob. I made sure he didn’t see me buy or pick it, because I wanted it to be a surprise for when I suggested earlier today we actually go on a date.



I hurry up and do one more sprit of my mom’s favorite perfume.


She loved the smell and so do I.


I walk out of my room and make my way to the staircase, where Jacob and a Chauffeur are talking.



I took one step on the staircase and they both shut up so I they can look at me. I come down at a steady pace, not to slow, I smile the whole time i walk down.


I stop at where Jacob was standing, he smiles saying.



He leans into me.


"You…look…beautiful, amazing, flawless." he whispers in my ear.


 I smile and whisper back.


''You look like a real gentlemen tonight.''



We take each other’s hands and walk to our limousine, which the chauffeur had waiting for us. 


''Ladies first.'' Jacob signals for me to go in.


I get in the limo and i'm surprised at how Jacob could be such a gentlemen.



And we were off, watching the view of the sunset slowly going down as were ride to the restaurant we made reservations for.


Watching the view and the sites from a car view makes it even more magical, like a fairytale.



We arrive just in time as the sun had went down and the sky looked like a bodacious blue and sapphire.


Jacob and I walk into the restaurant, like two lovely couples. It’s our first date, and we look a little overdressed, but it's perfect enough for no one to care.



''Reservations for two.'' Jacob says.


The waiter inside replies.


''Of course right this way, Mr. and the Miss.''



He leads us upstairs, our table is not in the building, but above. I see a table with flowers.


The waiter leaves us in peace. 



''Is this where we're eating tonight?'' I ask looking up at the sky.


Jacob looks at me in excitement then replies. ''Yes, I had it just reserved for us.''


Jacob walks me to the table and pulls out a chair for me to sit in.



''Thank you.'' I reply, he sits down across from me and almost out of nowhere we start talking about how wonderful the restaurant is and the dinner the waiter served us.



The dinner date was amazing we talked for what seemed like hours.


I had to admit, it is the best first date I've ever experienced and had in my life, and i’m really seeing who Jacob is overtime.


We leave the restaurant to walk on the roads, we talked and laughed and enjoyed each other’s company.



Later that night, we went on a ride through the beautiful neighborhoods of Paris which made looking at the houses at a better view, amazing.



Laughing after an incident with the ride, we ran to the Eiffel Tower, it was fun. In a romantic kind of way, he lifted me up into the air and i spread out my arms up like bird.


We actually had to chance to go up the Eiffel Tower and look at the view from above, but before going up, we went under the Eiffel Tower because Jacob had to talk.





He paused then smiled and continued.


''You, out of all the girls who ever wanted me, you are the most special, fun, wonderful, most beautiful girl i've ever met.''


I replied smiling.


''I didn’t think you thought of me that way.''



''These past 3 months we spent together, from the first time we met till now, it’s been a roller coaster but keeping our relationship strong is most important to me and you.''


''You are the most handsome, romantic, gentlemen and boyfriend i ever had in my life and i’m proud to call you mine.''


''Well i’m happy to say i’m in love with you.'' he says.



I look him in the eyes, I always look at him when he makes me smile and at that moment I knew he loved me to.


''I’m in love with you too.''



He smiles then pulls me in for a kiss. Not on the cheek, not on the forehead, and not on my hands. But a real kiss, on the lips.


Words can’t even describe the way i feel or the kiss that happened (and to be exact my first kiss).


The kiss was sweet and enduring like the night would go on forever.



He lets go me slowly, like he never would in his life and his face leaves mine as we both smile at each other. Then we walk fast towards the entrance, where we can go up in an elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower.



 When we got to the top, I run for the rails and look down at where we previously were. The view of Paris, is a beautiful view from the Eiffel Tower.



I got so tired of thinking, I began drifting off almost falling down, but Jacob catches me before i could close my eyes.


I fell asleep in Jacob’s arms, not to make him carry me home, because i was super tired after all the fun we had.


We wouldn’t be able to talk about our day till tomorrow.



 I felt every single thing, from the wind blowing on the leather seats in the limo and most to the time Jacob held me. His coat was warm, which made me clench to him more when he carried me, he also smelled good like a real gentlemen.



I don’t know how long I was asleep, but it was long enough to realize that Jacob was in his room watching TV, I could hear the volume go higher from the hallway.



I finally woke up after seeing that i’m in my room.


Tonight was great. I drifted back to sleep looking up at the ceiling.


Chapter Seven: Here I Come


Claire's P.O.V



''Alright, i’m on the plane and i'm going to London.'' 


There’s a long pause before I answer.



''Yes, Chrissy I know i’ll find her in London. I’m not lying i’m gonna find her there and she’s coming home."


 I’ve been on this plane going to London for hours, being a mother sometimes sucks when you have a child who’s stubborn, especially being the mother of Elle.


''What kind of destiny do I have?'' i whisper under my breath.



I know what i have to do now. I’m gonna get my daughter back, no matter what it takes.


I just hope she’ll listen to me and when i tell her about Mumbai.



So many hours on a plane was not the best of my adventures in my entire life, but I made it to London and i hope someone here knows where Elle is.



After taking the tourist ride on the buses, I was set out to find Elle, I went to the police but there was no sign of her.


I checked the nearby parks, no sign. Finally I decided to check a synergy to see if she stopped by or went there till she found somewhereelse  to go.



I checked a place called ‘The Home of Runaways’ under a listing. What a weird name for a place teens would go to, maybe it has a reason to have that name.


I urge to knock on the door knowing this is probably the last place i would search for Elle again before finding the motivation to do it again. I take a deep breath.


I see big bold letters near the door


Home to All.



''Well here goes nothing.''


I knock on the door then wait a minute. I here footsteps coming towards the door. An older but young looking man answers looking down at me.


He answers. ''May i help you Ms.?''


I pause then answer.



''Yes, I’m looking for my daughter her name is Elle. Is she here? I’ve been searching for her for so long and the last place i remember her saying she wanted to go to was London. I thought she might be here.''


His eyes rose at the mention of Elle he looked surprised when i finished talking.



''Yes i know Elle, she was previously here a few months ago, but she left somewhere I don’t know.''


He reached to close the door quickly.


I push the door open against him.



He stops and opens the door again to ask me something.


''You know Elle?'' he replies with a downward face


''Yes.'' i said re-adjusting my purse.


Which had almost flown off my arm from the door pushing.



''How long has she been here in London?'' i ask steadying my voice from sounding excited.



''About 3 months, before she left to the airport with Jacob to go somewhere, she only told Carla our house maid the details about where she and Jacob were going but not me.''



I look at him confused.


''Wait, Elle left with some guy, and where is this Carla? I need to speak to her.''


I rush in the looking around till I spot a young lady cleaning the couch, I shout.


''You. Are you Carla?''


She replied confused. ''Yes?''



I walk over to her as if i want to fight, but i calmly respond.


''Do you now where my daughter went with this guy Jacob?''


She smiles then answers happily.


''Oh, you're the lady who called Elle 2 months ago, yeah she left with Jacob who happens to be her boyfriend to…..” Carla pauses then realizes she said to much



''I’m not suppose to tell anyone, Elle told me not to say a word while she was gone. A promise''


I give a mad look at Carla.



''Well, where is she now with her boyfriend?'' I ask.



Carla smiles after trying to figure out how to tell me where Elle was.


''I can tell you she’s still here in Europe, you just have to find her.''



''Well this is a disaster.'' I said pacing back and forth.


The old man from the door, walks in to the living room after ease dropping.


''Who are you Ms.?''



I look at him with furious eyes then reply calmly.


''I’m Elle’s mother.''



In shock Carla and the old man look at me gasping.


The old man starts leading me towards the door.


''I’m sorry Mrs. Woods, but this is a place for teens, not mothers who seeks their child. I'm going to ask you to leave please.''



I almost yell and bicker.  


No one in the house listened to me or what i had to say. Then the old man kicked me out. 



I whispered to myself,


''If i were Elle what would be the last place i would travel?''



Then it hit me, Paris, Elle always wanted to go back to Paris after the incident that happened 15 years ago. w


Which she now calls The Paris Treaty, I overheard when she was talking with her dad.



I knew I had to catch the next plane to Paris, but that was 2 days from now when i went to the nearest airport.



I’ll have to find a place to stay before i leave.


I went back to the house to apologize and stay there while i ask questions about how Elle was doing.



"Here's some tea." Carla said handing me a small cup.


"Thank you, i'm glad you're so nice to let me in here again." i said drinking from the cup.


"Elle was such an inspirational person, she had a big effect on our lives." Carla said budding on the silence.


"Really." i said putting down my cup of tea.



"Yes, instead of giving us anxiety, she gave us...warmth and comfort in our lives." The old man said.


He looked at Carla mischievously, like Elle had been misbehaving. And he lied through his teeth.



"Was she good?" I asked.


"Yes very good, in fact, I think Elle would have liked it better here than back where she used to live." Carla said.


I almost want to burst into to tears over the thought of Elle being happy here.



"Wow, I never thought that since the whole move to Rosewood, that coming to London would change her life and make her happy for once." i said inbetween breaths.


"No need to cry Ms. Woods, it's alright. She's okay now." the old man said.



I tried to stop myself from tearing up, but the tears came down.


"Why don't you go up to your room." Carla suggested.


I looked up at her wiping my tears.




I grabbed my purse and then followed Carla up the stairs.



She opened the door, then lead me in.


"This was Elle's room, before she left." Carla said.


"Feel free to grab your things and settle down, dinner will be ready shortly." she said before leaving down the staircase.



I looked around the room as i sat on the bed.


I layed down on the spot where Elle probably layed the most, the left side of the bed.


I smelled the comforters, it was scented. Vanilla. Elle's favorite sweet smell.



"I hope Elle's thinking about me." i whispered slowly.


I wish Elle were here, so i can tell her how much i miss her and tell her that i've changed myself.


Chapter Eight: Let It Go


Elle's P.O.V



Our time here in Paris has been great.


We visited so many places and tourist sites.


After leaving London, I had to leave my job at Duboni’s.


But luckily, Duboni had a photoshoot shop here in Paris. And she'll be coming soon so we can meet up, have lunch and then head to the photoshoot which is in a famous pavilion bridge.


It's well know that it's this great place to shoot photos and movies in Paris.



Later in the afternoon me and Duboni headed to the pavilion for the photoshoot, it was an amazing view and had lots of space.


They took so many photos, it was hard to choose one. Duboni had a great idea and said I should be in the photoshoot.



''Come on Elle, you will be on the front page of FARELLE magazine, it would be fun and everyone will see your beautiful face.'' she insists.


I take a long hard look at Duboni.


''Alright i’ll do it, but only a few pictures then i’m out.''



I walk up on the runway circle stand and the photographers take my photo. Before I knew it, they had taken a dozen photos of me.


Duboni said I was a natural model, I looked amazing in each photo they viewed of me and I continued half the whole afternoon.



"Alright good luck then in Paris, and i'll possibly see you back in London." Duboni said.


"Bye." i said, as I grabbed Jacob's hand.


"Nice photoshoot." Jacob said holding funnel cake in his other hand.



"Are you gonna give me some of that funnel cake?" I asked looking down at it.


"Maybe, if you catch me." he said running ahead of me.


"Hey!" I yell running after him.



The rest of my afternoon was spent with Jacob.


We had someone paint the both of us together near the pavilion.


"I love this." i said, walking with Jacob down the streets of Paris.




I walk into the Mansion to find the door open, I guess someone was needing fresh air.


I walked to the kitchen and found Jacob on the couch reading.


''So, Jacob what should I make for tonight’s dinner, I told the chef we hired that i’ll be cooking tonight. I’m thinking potato casserole or spaghetti with garlic bread."



He sighs then says, smiling. ''I think the spaghetti and garlic bread might be a good choice tonight.''


''Alright i’ll get it started on that.'' I reply.



The dinner I made was delicious and Jacob loved it. Afterwards we watched a movie, while eating ice cream for dessert.



I took a deep breath, thinking of what needed to be said to Jacob.


''So since i’ve been in London and I told you that I needed to go to Paris, where I originally wanted to go after I left home, I've felt this weird feeling and sort of knew my mom was coming for me back in London. That was why I was so quick to tell you to come here."


"I’m sorry i didn’t tell you this before, but I know, I think my mom’s coming for me again. And she won’t stop till she finds me, which means we need to start packing and find a place to visit before she comes here.''



Jacob looked confused, but also understood.


''Why do you want to escape somewhere new and not see you mother, who’s been searching for you since you were in London?'' he asks.


I sigh then reply.


''Because she doesn’t understand me, she doesn’t love me anymore or even cares about me, because of the incident that happened here in Paris years ago. And I still don't want hold a grudge on it, but I don’t want her getting better, because the last year she’s been getting help and starting fresh and clean has made me realize how close we could become again.''


"But this time, it could be different." Jacob says.


I sigh then continue.


''She’s gotten out of anger management and is trying to have a connection, with me, again. But it only gets worse when she tries to talk to me, I don’t want her back in my life.''


Jacob gives me a weird look.


''What?'' i ask.


''Look, what the problem is, is that you need to start accepting your mother for the new woman she is. She changed for you and your dad. She’s trying to get back in your life and start again, a new beginning for the both of you, and it seems like your giving her a hard time to enter into your heart again. You gotta learn to let go of what happened before and take on new standards."


I look at him, then look away.


''I know, it’s been hard not to have your mother come back into your life properly, but give it a chance, I mean you trusted me with your heart when we first dated. It took a while until you finally accepted the fact that I will always be by your side.''



Then, I realized what Jacob was saying.


''It was one of the most challenging things I had to deal with when we're together, but in the end you came through and I had you and your heart. Give your mom a chance, I know I had a connection with my mom. Everyone does. That moment when you know that everything’s gonna be okay, and you can trust someone and believe in yourself and nothing’s ever gonna hold down that connection. I miss my mom and I wish that I can see her again.'' 


Jacob pauses, then answers again as I console him.


''I don’t even know if she’s alive or dead, but it’s a burden I live with, and it won't be anymore.''


 I re-think my decision.



''You really think I should give it a try?'' I say.


He replies to his confession. ''Give it all that you got, while you still have your mom searching for you.''



We hug for about a minute, then we deicide we would leave again, one more time.


Leaving Paris wasn’t a dream come true, I thought my mom would never find me here, but she’s know me way better then I know myself. Even before The Paris Treaty. 




The next morning, we left for the airport, as I said goodbye to old friends I reunited with this December. And goodbye to Ms. Duboni, as she’s still gonna continue her photoshoots before she heads back to London.


And saying goodbye to the Mansion that used i live in before, one final time.



But this isn’t necessarily goodbye for now, but goodbye until then.


''You ready to go?" Jacob asks before we leave for the airport.


''Yep, i’m gonna miss Paris…again.''



Me and Jacob chuckle, then get inside the limo.


As we drive to the airport Jacob asks. ''So where to next Elle?''


I smile then reply.


''New York.''


He smiles in excitement. ''Really, we're going there?''


''Yep.'' I reply.



One of the best memories in Paris is this moment right now, leaving Paris to go back to my home in New York.


We land in Manhattan and catch a cab to the building I first lived in before.



''Can you believe Jacob, i’m back home and you're gonna get to see all the sites here in New York. You're gonna love it.''


The cab stops in front of the building, the cab driver says ''$5.09''



The driver said it in a grown man smoker's cough voice, not to judge, but he did need the money.


Jacob paid him and we got out.


Me and Jacob go into the building, up the stairs, then in the elevator leading us to the 5th floor.



''So are you excited to see the place? It’s only January, but trust me the apartment looks great in this month because of the colors of the furniture and when the sun rises it hits a perfect lighting on the apartment." I say.



 He looks at me like i’ve been waiting for forever to give this speech, I reply with a smile then the elevator dings indicating we were at the 5th floor.


''Here we are.'' I say as we walk down the hallway to the left.


And there it was, the last door on the left. I got out the key I kept.



I unlock the door making sure I had the right key, I smile then open the door wide so we both look at it.


Jacob gazes at the window that’s across from front door.


''This is gonna be my new home and i’m gonna live here with you Elle.'' he says.



He drops the bags he was holding and lifts me up hugging me, as we spin around and walk into the apartment.


He kisses me on the cheek, then brings in the rest of our luggage from the hallway.



I look out the window like how I always do when I came home here, before Rosewood and before Paris.


When I look out the big window I see my mom in the reflection, mainly because I also see me, but when I really look at myself I see my mom.


I look just like her.



Jacob comes into the living room from the hallway.


He wraps his arms around me, hugging me from behind.


''Don’t you just love the view?'' he whispers to me, I reply.


''Yeah I miss New York and this view.''



We both laugh and sit on the couch that I had picked out a long time ago, when my parents went shopping with me to buy our first ever couch.


I felt the cool dampness of the couch as we sat down and turned on the TV.



Later that day, we ate dinner which I cooked very well, then I went into the hallway and decided to pick out which room I wanted in the apartment.


Because i’m here living in the apartment, it’s my rules.


I picked out mom and dad’s room, because I always felt more comfortable sleeping there, than in my own room, when we last lived here together.



The room was big and small at the same time. I missed living here, it brought back so much memories.


Later that night, we got ready for bed, I put out a few sheets and blankets on the bed.


''It gets cold throughout the night, don’t wanna get a chill.''



Jacob looks at me in a certain way, which makes me feel secure.


We both hop into bed even though it’s only 9:00, we decided to go to sleep early.




Claire's P.O.V



I pay the cab driver.


I know Elle’s here and I’m gonna find her, especially in Paris because i’m her mother and I know her well.


I get out of the cab.



I stand and look around until I found a place to stay and settle in, as usual that last time we went to Paris me, Henry and Elle stayed in the Mansion. On top of the biggest sandy-grass hill in Paris.


But, of course when I got there they already had it reserved to someone else. It hurt me that I wouldn’t be able to stay there, butIi had an idea to find out who reserved it.


I walk up to the man at the gate entrance.



''Excuse me sir, who might have reserved this mansion?''


The man at the door replies in disgust. 


''The reservation of the Mansion is reserved under Elle Woods.''


I keep my calm, then reply.


''Thank you.''



I walked away from the gate and call a taxi cab, as I wondered about Elle's whereabouts.


I knew Elle was here, and she reserved the Mansion, how smart is she.


And to think that where she would escape to now would be puzzling, because i’m running out of money to spend on these trips. Just going on the plane from New York, to London and from there to Paris, is exhausting.


How much more traveling will she have to do until she quits and comes home.



After being on the phone with a couple of Elle's friends she had here in Paris, I knew where she was and i’m planning to go to New York once when i've gained up enough money.


But as for now, there’s no more searching. I’m gonna take a break.




Elle's P.O.V



After a peaceful night of sleeping, I woke up extra early in the morning to make breakfast and start job hunting.


The truth is, I never had a job in my life, but the only thing I can consider work was working at Renchenni’s bakery during the summer during the 6th grade.


I never really saw it as a job, but as something I did when I was bored staying home all the time.



Jacob walks in from the hallway dressed appropriately, like he’s going somewhere. I talk while beating the eggs in a bowl.


''Good morning.'' he says with a smile.


I don't reply.


''Good morning to you too, did you make coffee?'' he asks.


I reply.


"Yes and i’m making breakfast too, so sit down and eat.''



He smiles with a giggle, then sits down at the table.


''So what are you all dressed up for? A meeting, a fancy restaurant, or something important?'' I ask.


 Jacob answers after sipping his coffee.



''Well in case you didn’t know, yesterday, when I went out to to buy ice cream for dessert after last night’s dinner I ran into someone who offered me a job at a nearby company, so guess who’s gonna become the next mogul design empire man? in 2 to 4 years.''


I look at him in surprise.




I stop mixing the eggs, put the bowl down near the stove and run to hug Jacob.


I never knew that he could become the next top mogul designer, it was a dream come true for him. I knew it.



When we were back in London, he told me that he wanted to design for many things, including stuff for store openings.


I knew that had to bring money to us.



''That’s great news Jacob, I knew this dream job would come someday. And it has. Now if only mine would.'' Ipause then continue


''Well how about I say that I always wanted to be a writer somewhere professionally and that today I might get to go into FARELLE. The magazine company, but wait guess who’s gonna new writer for the stories…me!"



We both jump for joy, today was the first official day that we went to work.


"Well i guess this is it.'' I say.



We finish breakfast and hurry to clean the rooms in the apartment, then head out the door.


When we get out of the apartment building, I looked up at the sky.


I knew this was the morning, the morning that it could happen. For both of us, I always wanted to see when I'd officially became a writer.


Jacob and I stop out front on the sidewalk and we talk briefly.



''So Jacob, I hope you have a wonderful day at work. You are not a teen anymore, but more of a man and i’m proud to say that you're gonna do great.'' i say.


He smiles in return then says.


''You too, i wish you the best and have a wonderful day at work also.''


We both shake hands like we're doing business, then we both hugged then left our separate ways.



Working as a young adult is something that feels so right, like freedom ,only to know it lasts half a whole day.


I remembered, we were suppose to do the whole painting thing for when we got new jobs, but were just interns. So it doesn’t matter anymore, besides we're too old for that now.


It was just a silly thing me and my dad did.



Besides i’m an adult now, it’s time i start acting like one. 




I really love it here at FARELLE, the people are nice and the workers are involved, so far I've made no new friends but i will get there soon. I met a nice girl who was around my age but only a year older, she taught me so much about the company, like how much money to bring on taco tuesday and when to bud in on fashion shoots. And sitting where it’s necessary. I didn’t think working would be so hard for a adult like me, but it’s life. Of course, i miss the fact that my dad isn’t here to send me off to work for the first time, it was always our special thing. But luckily, i have Jacob by my side and being here in New York is a dream come true. Meeting my boss for the first time, was scary but i passed the interview and everything sort out great for me. I’m already loving my new job, who knew that my ElleWooders, gotta go and see ya next time - @SummerElleW_86




After a long day of working and writing about a fashion fail story, which I might say was fun to write, I enjoyed the rest of the day and prepared to go home.


''Oh Elle!?''


I turn around to see who was calling my name, it was Marcus. The almost snotty, deal breaker, spoiler alert friend that almost anyone can't count on.


Rikki my new friend warned me about him.



''Sweetie I need to ask you a question, what color do people say suits you better than others?''


He smiles like he’ll never tell, but I knew what was going on his mind.



I was pretending to think which color people say suit's me better, I thought to myself red suits me better, but saying light blue would be such a people pleaser and am I not wrong when I say I do look good in blue.


I finally reply. ''Light Blue.''



He smiles in desire then says in response, ''Charming, i’ll see you tomorrow Elle. Good night.''


He runs off to his boss’s office to does some late work, everyone else had went out or home in less than 5 minutes.


It’s weird i’ve never seen a crowd of people move that fast to get out of work.



I know my boss is the best, her name is Lauren.


And she’s amazing. She's tasteful and she used to be the writer for FARELLE magazine a year ago.



She’s only a few years older, like Ms. Duboni from my last job. 


This is my first real job as a writer, I'm actually a natural at it and I get to wear almost whatever I want as long as it’s fashion appropriate.



FARELLE is a fashion magazine, so I have to dress my best to impress.



The last thing I do before I grab my coat and bag to leave, is post to my blog which I had just typed before Marcus came up to me.



I clicked and closed my laptop, put it in my bag and left my desk. Thankfully most of the people here ride taxi cabs home, because don’t they have a car at least not yet.



I only get paid $35.59 an hour, but it’s still good money for a start out.


Walking on the streets and sidewalks of New York is surprisingly amazing as long as you don’t get mugged, New York is the city that never sleeps but also the city with the highest crime rate.


Can’t be to careful these days.



Looking up at the apartment building, it gives me such a good feeling, like i’m finally home and i love it. I walk into the apartment entrance, then up the elevator till I make it to our door.



I can start calling ours, since it is me and Jacob’s apartment. No one had lived here for so long, it’s practically ours.


The workers, maintenance and the person who owns the building, stay in the basement and gambles with fellow friends.



It's weird how no one has ever talked to him since the last guy who owned it left, he was nice and had something great to say to everyone who enters, I miss that dude.



As I wonder thinking again, I whip out my key and unlock the door, to find Jacob inside watching TV and eating dinner. Which I had made earlier while I was on my 40 minute lunch break.


I went home to cook dinner real quick before I went on my way back to work. I didn’t want to come home feeling hungry and having to cook dinner.



Were on our own now and i’ve gonna do my part to keep us alive.


To men, women shouldn’t always be the one to provide too. But from my perspective, the women should have an equal share to providing for the both of them.



These past 2 days have been hard, but we get through it together. Me and Jacob are a team, we never give up and were always by each other's side, no matter what.




Waking up the next morning around the same time yesterday, exactly 7:00 AM, I have a whole hour to get ready and by the time it's 8:00, i’m out the door



It only takes 12 minutes to get to work.


And today, I decided to walk. Because i’ll make better timing and i’ll get there faster, to make it to the breakfast club.



It's where people go for a hot breakfast, if you can’t afford to eat early in the morning. And it's also for those who didn’t eat in the morning.


It’s so nice of FARELLE to think about others and their hunger.



I took a hot shower, as usual and Jacob is left with little warm water  when he begins to shower. What can I say, a woman’s shower comfort is precious.




I made a small breakfast, I warmed up a sausage patty from the jimmy dean breakfast box in the freezer, yesterday we bought food.


I hurry out the door when it strikes 8:00. Work starts at 8:20.


I say goodbye to Jacob and kiss him before running out the door.



Luckily, yesterday I made another friend.


A taxi driver that spots me in front of the apartment building at 8:02, his name is Eddy.


He's always there early in the morning for anyone who has to go anywhere around 8 and needs a ride.



This morning was rather warm and elite for this part of New York.


''Good morning Elle, one of my loyal taxi riders as of right now, how are you today?''



I reply fixing my salmon pink blouse. ''I’m good Eddy, just gonna walk to work today. I'm not gonna ride like yesterday.''


He smiles then starts off.


''Suit yourself.''


He drives off into the busy intersection of the street.



I start walking immediately, because I didn’t want to waste time.



I had run fast and walk at the same time. I knew that I had wasted 2 minutes talking to Eddy and Jacob before I left to work.


Which means that today, i’ll make it there by 8:14.



I walk gracefully like I had somewhere important to be, like I imagined myself as a fashion celebrity.


No big deal, I was always into fashion when my mom was a designer. She designed the most amazing dresses and also designed a beautiful one for me when I was a flower girl in a wedding.



I stopped on the streets to get a hot coco or perhaps instant coffee if I decided on which one.


I never really liked all other types of coffee, I liked mine instant, with milk and sugar .



Life is almost so easy, especially knowing your parents aren’t around telling you what to do. 



The clock on a street strikes 8:12 and I knew I was just around the block from FARELLE. After humming a song in my head, and the rest of it as I enter the walkway to the Design and Writers building, I press the up button for the elevator.



A few seconds later the doors open, I made my way to the 3rd floor, where I worked .



My small office desk, which was on the left of the design and writer building workplace, stood at attention.


Most of the jobs here in the FARELLE buildings weren't filled, most of workers here worked 2 jobs. Some worked in the cafeteria and lobby, some worked as fashion photographers and models.


But me? I work as the new writer and receptionist here.



It’s hard greeting people here, since I just started yesterday. Not to say I was a child, more so an adult who’s trying to live life at her beginning.



When i’m at work, i’m not Elle, the young girl who ran away and escaped to London and then Paris. The person who went back originally to leave her mother, so that she could live another life.


But, i’m known as Elle, the girl with big dreams and deserves so much in life. With a new and found great sense of fashion and writing abilities.



My second day at work, was even more amazing than the first at the receptionist desk. And i'll say again. I’m not Elle, the lonely run away vulnerable trying to survive 'Elle'.


I’m the "Welcome to FARELLE. How may I help you, I know everything. iIm getting paid good money, and I have fashion sense 'Elle'."



Marcus comes up to me in excitement.



''Remember how I told you yesterday about what color suits you? Well guess what, I got a perfect outfit for you to wear. iI will suit you better then the salmon pink and black and silver clothing you got on.'' 


I reply in a disgust, but in a reasonable way.


''It’s H&M.''


He looks at me like i’m crazy or something, then answers. ''Well, let me just say, that you should try it on first. See if you like or if I like it.'' 



Why would I try it on for you?


He smiles in agreement and I smile back, when really I was biting his back with my eyes.


He leads me to a changing room, where I quickly undress and look at myself in the mirror. Like how I said yesterday, red suits me better, but blue is a whole other chapter.



''Get out and let me see.'' Marcus asked.


I walk out, like if I were on a modeling show. As if I won a grammy or something, and Marcus looked at me as if I was a poor girl who didn’t know fashion and he had changed my life forever.



Marcus grabs me by the arm then says:


''Now go and show everyone here what fashion sense I have and see if they say it suits your better, instead of people saying mean comments about the whole blue color suiting me.''


 And I did as he said.


I had several comments raring from differen't people.


''Hey nice outfit.''


''It really looks good on you.''


''Love that color of you.''


Fabulous, so gorgeous. Another one said.


''You rock it girl.''



My friend Rikki complimented me, as I walked by, ''Looking good mate.''


She had an australian accent.



Marcus stood by his only friend in the building, Jeff. He loved taking photos of the models. It’s one of his jobs here and the other is serving samples at the Cafe.


Marcus looked at Jeff, like he did something wrong or his own plan didn’t work.


I felt sorry for making Marcus feel bad about the whole 'which color suits me' problem.


But then, let’s be real, i’m still not.



Later today, I had to go to a party to interview a famous ballerina.


Rumors that I heard were, she smoked and cussed people out.


I spent most of the day at FARELLE trying on dresses in the BIG closet, mainly where all the dresses the fashion designers clothing go. I picked out one which matched my personality.



Pink was it.



A chauffeur led me to my limo and I was off to the party. I got to the party that night and I saw that everyone who attended was dressed elegant, especially me, I looked stunning. 


I wore a peach pink suave, flowerlike, dress. It had a flower designed belt to go around the waist, which was really decorative ribbon.


But it looked like a flower to me.


I was a pink present for christmas, and I wore the most fabulous shear see through, black seamless high heels.


I was the life of the party. At least I thought.



People were speaking about rumors as I met up with writers and the people who worked at magazine companies.


The truth is, everyone wasn’t spreading rumors, it was good rumors. Random people came up to me and said I was a fabulous fashionista.


Even if they were dressed more elegantly.



But even though I’m a magazine writer, it would be fun to be editor of FARELLE magazine. I would get to choose what goes on the next cover of the magazine.



Just maybe, I’ll get that job later.



Late night of partying was too much, which I just found out for me. I started searching for the famous ballerina, who was outside smoking.


Someone told me.


I walk slowly, trying not to scare her as she responded in disgust, looking me up and down.



''Darling, you're gonna have to do more than that. I’m mean think about it, think about life. So many girls pay so much, just to be a slut and trust me I see no future in that for you. You should think twice before letting someone in and getting your precious flower stolen to the wrong person.''


I was surprised, she had called me a slut.


I never actually ‘did it’ with Jacob, while we were in Paris or before. And besides, we made a pact ourselves, that when we're sure and ready, it's probably be never right now.



''Sorry Marybella, i’m the new writer for FARELLE magazine. I came to do an interview with you.''



I almost said something bad under my breath, before she looked up at me again.


She looked up, surprised as if she judged me wrong and apologized in advance.


''Oh i’m sorry miss. I didn’t know you were from FARELLE magazine, and I didn’t mean to call you a slut. It just comes out at random times, because i’m famous and have been a slut many times. And everyone thinks, i’m the perfect little Russian daddy’s girl who would never lose her virginity to my first boyfriend. Oh, what a jerk he was, but it was worth it. I’m over it know.''



She answers again after throwing away her current cigarette and smoking a new one.


''And the company FARELLE is pronounced fare-well, just take out the E and W in 'fare' and 'ell'." she replies.



She looked pretty smart for a russian ballerina, it was all I could think about.


And she had it all in a bag.


''So Ms. Mach-istan?'' I finally say.



She interrupts me. ''It’s pronounced mack-e-stan, like the name mack-"


"Sorry for interrupting you again, I have a habit of doing that, please continue.''


''So, Ms. Machistan. How does it feel being the most well known russian ballerina ,working in the New York field?'' I ask.


She takes a deep breath from her cigarette then replies.



''It’s very interesting, knowing people don’t accept the worst out of you, but the best and you know miss?-''


I  stare at her.


She waves her hand, her cigarette bouncing. "Miss?!"


My name. I reply quickly.


''Uh, Ms. Woods.'' 



She looks at me then continues.


''Ms. Woods, Your life is all you have now, live like it’s the last life you’ll ever have. Don’t run away from anyone or anything, express and be free like my father always says, "if t at first you don't see the future in your eyes…that’s bullshit.”



I look away and sigh. I try not think about laughing at that later.


''Thanks, that’s great Ms. Machistan, the interview will be in the magazine. Thank you for your time.”


"Whatever," she says in disgust but then in a smile afterward.



She stays, smoking outside. And I go back to FARELLE and get the answers she gave me to the writer’s editor office. 


Turning in the assignment I was given.



Tomorrow they will print the magazine into copies and we’ll get the first look at the magazine, before it goes on the streets.


I walk home gracefully after leaving FARELLE.



I walk into the apartment and closed the door behind me. Jacob is there waiting for me to say something, and then I finally say it out of surprise.


''I got to interview Marybella, the Russian ballerina today!''


He smiles with joy and then lifts me up into a hug.



''That’s great news, and guess what happened today at work. Or at the least what I got to take home?''


I ask.




He whips out a check, which has written in black pen, $100,000.



We both squeal in enjoyment.


We got so much money and the following week after, I brought him home my check.


Only a few dollars more then his, but he didn’t mind.



I knew that in the past year, I didn’t finish college even though it was a bore fest. But I still had a little fun, and I miss it sometimes.



Spending the rest of year with Jacob was amazing, we visited so many places the I knew in New York and he showed me knew places. Our second date took a very long time to plan with work and all, but we figured it out.



It was at Starbucks, we both enjoyed each other’s company and were getting better at the relationship stuff.


We know so much about each other now, he reads the little things I have on my mind and get’s me romantic gifts from time to time.



We work together and get through the rough times, but mainly we just have fun.



Being a young couple, in love and in New York is a big deal for us. We're making new friends, especially me. Having parties and discovering new things.


A couple in love, is a story in motion. We’ve been together for a 7 months know since September of last year.



Jacob had something planned for us tonight and i’m expecting the best, because in a few weeks it’s gonna be Jacob’s birthday and he’s turning 19.



Chapter Nine: Put It Down


As I walk back to the apartment building, I get a text from Jacob, I read it softly in a loud whisper. 


After you make it back to the apartment i’ll meet you there by 7:30 and dress up.



"Wow, what man I have." I said aloud.


 Jacob got home and tok me around the block. As we walked down the block, we talked about where he was taking me.



"So you sent me a text saying to 'dress up' and wait till you're home, what’s that suppose to mean?"


He smiles then answers.


"I’m taking you out, well the both of us out. To a restaurant around the block, because we’ve been together for 7 months know, and our relationship has been going on pretty strong. I wanted us to celebrate, by going somewhere nice. Where it's just the two of us."



It was a small romantic place to have a date, it was perfect.


We sat down at a table, not far from the entrance.



The restaurant had a small garden like look and amazing lights hung from the tall gateway, that have bushesand a tree almost halfway from the edge of the tall gateway.



We ordered appetizers, we enjoyed the night like it was our first date again, but our first date was even more amazing than this.


We laughed, talked and even sneaked a kiss after a person who was selling roses came up to Jacob and asked him if he wanted to by one.



He said yes and gave me the rose.


"I’m really enjoying tonight, I love you so much," I say



As I look at him, in a way that I know, this is the person I  want to see everyday for the rest of my life.


He looks up at me and I can see in his eyes, that he knows. He loves me too.



He smiles and says I Love you too, at that moment.


I knew that we both deserved each other. From the beginning, when we first met until now, I thought that he was rude and hard to get, an impossible guy.


But then, I saw a totally different person. A nice, caring, thoughtful, positive guy. Who I truly love.




Jacob's P.O.V



Her eyes twinkled in the light. She smells like a goddess that somehow exists on earth, a smell unknown to me, but a seduction that drives me in.


"I love the way you look tonight." I say.


"Thank you, and you look very handsome."



We both smile for a moment, and stare at each other, like pieces of perfect art.


I know that deep down in my heart, that I love Elle very much. 


I would never let her go, ever. She will be mine forever. Because she is precious.


I don’t see Elle the way I saw her, we were younger, just a year ago.



Before we first met I thought she was selfish, a bit spoiled. But now, I see a totally different person. A loving, caring, special girl.




Elle's P.O.V



For dessert we had raspberry cheesecake and it was simply divine, it ended the date perfectly.



Later that night we toured the block and visited a shop where they had the most delicious cookies and my favorite.


Jacob bought me 3 of them, and then finally we went home. When we got home, Jacob lies down on the couch, groaning.



"Are you tired?" I ask.


"Yeah, from all the planning." He says.



"Man tonight was probably the best date we've ever had since we’ve been together."


I walk into the kitchen and sit down on a barstool. We bought barstools around valentine's day this year as our gift to each other.


I start eating my cookies, then I go through the hallway into our room.



I sit down at the table near by the bed and window and start typing.



"Things have changed in time, i’m in love with Jacob and he’s in love with me, what can I say. True romance even for the both of us. Work is great too, I got to pose in a picture ,which will be in the magazine. Not the front cover though. it's inside the pages. I’m proud to say that i can call New York my home  once again, even though i’ve been here for almost a year and counting. The past year has been amazing, i'm spending it with Jacob. We went to Central Park, Rockefeller Center and many other famous sites, we even got to go down to Brooklyn for a comedy speaker. I still think about our time in Paris, it’s been so long and i miss my mom often. Hopefully if the timeing is right, i'll see her again, i never thought i’d say that ever again, spring in New York will be beautiful I can tell, but i've gotta go and i'll see ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86



I never seemed to notice the feelings I had for someone, it was the feeling before that I knew something was gonna happen.





The weather here in New York is amazing for this time of season, i'm hoping the weather will last forever.


I look out the big window in the living room. It’s raining.


I dream of going back to London and living there again, I haven’t really thought about it much but i’ll probably talk with Jacobabout it later.



My mom will always find me, I don’t want my mom to find me, but I want to talk to her one last time.


Just so our connection isn't ruined.



Before I decided go out and shop for things for the apartment without Jacob noticing, I made a phone call.


A phone call to my mom. She answered, she was in Paris.



It took a while to get a hold of her all the way from New York.


She spoke softly like she hasn’t left my life ever, she’s still there.


I hadn’t spoken to her since I left Rosewood, it was a mistake to leave, but also the best mistake I ever made and had in my life.



I took a few deep breaths before speaking.


"Mom, I can’t explain but there's something I want you to do."



I hear her moving in the background, i’m pretty sure she seemed surprised.


I hadn’t called her ever,, I take 2 more deep breaths then speak again.


"I just wanted to call you, so that you can come out to Manhattan. I want to talk to you about what I did, and why I ran away. And the reason why I ran away to Paris."


I pause then continue. 



"I want you to come to New York alone, no excuses. I don’t want any complaining from you, or anything that might make me sound stupid, but hear me out. I’m doing great, i’m living the life I always wanted and I did run away so that I could escape my old ine, and to forgive myself.



"I should have developed a new relationship with you, a year ago when you started anger management."



I pause then continue suddenly.


"I was afraid that yourweren’t gonna change or ever come back into my life, I was afraid that you weren’t gonna change for me when really, I should have noticed that all these years since Paris, you were trying to change for me. Dad told me you were changing, but I didn’t believe it because I knew you would never forgive me or dad ever since Paris. I thought that you would never love me again the same way, I was scared afraid and thought that if I never cared about you anymore, what good use is living with you and dad."



I held on strong to my tears and continue.


"I just thought that if I left, ignored your calls and answers, you would know what it was like for me. To feel left out of your life, searching for so long, then finally giving up like it’s never gonna happen. I can't doubt it, our connection is gone."



She was listening, the whole time.


"But now I know, you’ll never stop searching for me and you will find me no matter what, but I stopped searching for you a long time ago. And i wanted to make that up, so as soon as you make it to New York, I want you be at Central park around 1:00 by tomorrow. I want to meet you there and make things right again, no exceptions."


I hesitated before hanging up.


"Love you mom, and I miss you."



I hung up the phone. Even though, there are no tears rolling down my cheeks, I knew what I felt was immense and left me teary eyed.


That was what I wanted to do and it’s gonna happen.



But for now, I have to tell Jacob about meeting my mom and seeing her again, alone in New York. 


Jacob comes into the room, a few minutes after I made the call.



"Hey, what’s for lunch?"


I answer.


"Oh, just something I whipped up and I have to tell you something."



He pauses then leads me to the couch, where we sit.


I hesitate to speak.


"I'm...meeting, mom after...I left rosewood."



He smiles and kisses me on the forehead.


"I understand, you need time to think about what you have going on with you and your mom, take some time off and explore. When you're ready to come back, let me know."



I knew Jacob would understand, he knows me better than anyone else. Not like mom ot dad, but he knows me well enough.


"Thanks for your support and, i'm staying at Rikki's, my new friend's place for tonight. I need motivation for a girl's point of view, so I hope you don't mind me leaving." h



He shushes me.


"Go ahead, take all the time you need, just come back when you've solved it."


I smile and hug Jacob bacl.



I say to Jacob as I leave on the elevator that afternoon.


Two seconds pass by before I hear someone running towards the elevator, it’s Jacob.



And he stops the elevator doors from closing, making everything stop.


I hesitate in surprise, he looks at me the way he always looked at me since we first met.


Those eyes, always watching me and the feeling that rises in my chest makes it even more believable.



"I can’t say goodbye just once, I really need to say goodbye for real. If this is what you want." He says.


I look at him confused and surprised at the same time.



He pulls me into kiss.


Like in one of the romantic movies, where the guy stops the girl from leaving and gives her one last kiss, before she goes.



But then the girl realizes, she shouldn’t leave, but she does anyways.


It was one of those long, but very special kisses that just makes you feel thankful for the person you're with.



He finally let's go of me and says a final goodbye.


He steps out of the elevator with a small smile on his face, as the elevator doors close.


I smile back once the elevator goes down.



I finally knew what I was doing and it hit me with a dozen feelings right in the heart.



When I arrived at the Rikki's building in New York, I was surprised.


It looked like a run down city hotel.


"Well, this is my new home for the next…whatever time I spend here,"


I walk up to my room and unlocked the door.



I looked around at my belongings and other things that were already there in the apartment.



The person who owns the building said someone who lived here before Rikki or herself, didn't have most things that would make up an 'apartment'.



Rikki's bathtub had a gold graffiti writing on the side that said 'GRAD-4 LAURISSA', written in big letters.


Rikki came in from the front door saying "hi,"


"Welcome to your new home, listen I know it's not much but, it's just until me and my boyfriend get a place. And just to let you know, we don't live together, so no need to worry for things that are unusual." 



I smiled and hugged Rikki. She is a true new friend.


I knew tomorrow my mom was gonna see me again, but it never occurred me to believethat  it would happen in an instant.


I got settled in, once I put everything I wanted in an organized order.



I came across another door in the apartment, I didn’t notice it at first, Rikki said it was a one bedroom apartment since her bed was in between the living room and hallway.



I never knew that there was another room or possibly that the room was hidden, I shuddered in the thought of a hidden room, it gave me the creeps.


The apartment seemed pretty decent and I had a great view of the city from the west.



It was a beautiful view that took away my breath.


I moved all my stuff into Rikki's room while she slept on the guest bed, near the living room. Oh boy, I was living life for real now.



Chapter Ten: Next Time (Won't Throw My Heart Away)


Crazy as it seems, i’m seeing my mother for the first time again. 


I called in sick for work, figured I can’t work properly if I know i’m seeing my mother again.



And I have to tell her the truth, about what happened to Dad. He wasn’t meant to die, especially by me.



I never knew if mom would forgive me, even after all these years. And finding out until now, she wanted what was best for her and me.


And I couldn't see that at the time.


I should have, I wish that I can go back in time and could’ve seen it in her eyes.



Why she really wanted us to leave.



I walk out to Central Park, which was anout two blocks from the apartment.


I knew where my mom would meet me. Because a long time ago, when we first lived in New York, she took me to Central Park when she had her days off and went out for coffee.


She got vanilla latte and I got hot chocolate.



She told me we had a special place in the park, that no one ever knew or heard of.


We called it No Boundaries, because no one was around that area, ever.



When we left before we had a chance to go back there again, we never saw it again. 


In the near distance, I see mom walk down the long pathway.



She’s wearing a light brown coat and a white dress underneath, her boots were black as night. And her hair was, the color of the darkest coffee.


She still looked young like she hasn’t aged a day.


But she looks older than usual, well obviously. Who wouldn’t get tired running around the world searching for me.



She approaches me in the kindest way, she looks at me with that see how grown up i’ve gotten.


I’s only the middle of April, but it seemed as if she knew I hadn’t changed at all.



She answers with hesitation.


"Elle, how you've been?"


She said it in a normal voice, like she wasn’t mad or anything.



I begin to speak, but the words don’t come out. I'm stuck in a cry that won't start.



It’s like my throat choked on my words.


I struggled to say something, but Mom answered for me.


"I know how you feel, about me coming back, and it seems weird and out of the blue. But just to let you know, I still love you and I want what’s best for you. So if you want to stay in New York, you can stay."


I felt my tears form, one falls over my cheek and I wipe it before mom can see it.



My mom was sweet, something I knew she would do. Accept me, even in my depths of feelings.


She speaksagain.


"I know it’s been hard, not seeing you in so long but, I truly still do love you, and all those moments in our life when you ignored me since Paris. It’s been hard, but I dealt with it. I just wished I  had the courage to say something."



I look up at her with tears in my eyes.


"Are you still mad at me, about the Paris Treaty?" she asked.


"When we went back to the U.S. the summer before we moved to Rosewood, after the Fashion Show, I was not mad at you. I was angry, angry at myself. That I thought you ruined my show."


She flips her hair, and I realized that we had been standing.


How rude of me. Get yourself together Elle


I gestured for the bench nearby and gestures me to sit first.



We sat down on a bench, and a quiet moment passes.



"Since the fashion show, I haven’t been normal since. Because right after my clothing line was introduced on stage and the models went down the runway, showing off my clothes, I looked up where other people were sitting and watching."


She looks off to the distance, then back at me.


"I saw your father. He was touching another woman, in a way which made me uncomfortable. I knew he had to explain his actions and I was mad. And when I spotted you, there, I still had your father’s image in my head. I wanted to take out my anger on you, because you were there. Even though you left the mansion to come see me. I never meant to be so rough holding you and taking you home, when the fashion show was over and I announced my line. After seeing your father up there."


She pauses almost in tears, then looks up at me and continues.


"When we moved to Rosewood, I wanted a new beginning for you. Even though we stayed in Paris for a year. When you turned 6, I threw you a birthday party. I didn’t invite your father after what he did, I mean he did hurt my feelings. And when I put you to sleep that night, when the fashion show was over, your father had done a bad thing. I never saw him the same way again."


She continues.


"I took you to Rosewood, to have a better life and to hopefully make new friend. I thought it was best, since Paris was just another photo in my life that I needed to delete. And even though I was still angry with your father, he paid for my anger management several times. When I went didn't come home, night after night thinking where did I go wrong, why did my husband cheat on me. I was crazy. I never went to one of those sessions, your dad paid me to go, but when I finally decided to get my life back in order, I paid for my own anger management and I went back to work again."



She cries, letting a few tears fall. I tried my best to resist to touch her.


But all I could think of what giving her a napkin.


She sniffles, then answers.



"I couldn’t believe my own daughter, stopped looking up to me and O lost my heart and soul to that fact."


She clears her throat and wipes her tears.



"But I still got through it, every single day. I decided that I should divorce your father, that day I went to anger management. I never told you because I didn't want things to get complicated but I got custody of you, and I wanted your father out after realizing I didn’t need him anymore. And he agreed, I got my life back together and I tried to make connection with you again, but all I did was drive you away. But I still had hope, you had me in your heart since when your father refused check on you during the night, despite the fact we lived together for 2 months before he was finally gonna leave."


She pauses as if she was done talking, I look up at her while my head is on her right shoulder.


"That’s just something I didn’t know," I say.



"After almost being done with anger management, I wanted to tell you that I was doing fine 2 days before dad was gonna move out. When you came back from the bus stop late, as I was about to head off to work, I wanted to make it up to you by telling you. But you were angry at the sight of me and told me you hate me


I cringe.


"It hurt me real deep, I left to work crying because I thought, even my daughter doesn’t love me."



This time instead of tearing up, mom just sits close to me rubbing my arm.



"Mom, i’m sorry, for all the years I ignored you and never said anything to encourage you, i’m so sorry." I said, lifting my head from her shoulder.


I knew she meant well, I just didn't know how much my mom was suffering since then.



"But honey, you did help me and encourage me every single day, by rejecting me and telling me i’m nothing to you, it helped me realize that I needed to be the mother I needed to be for you. Not for me. You helped me become a better me."



My mom calmed me down by hugging me, it always worked and it still does know.


After talking, we went for coffee, she got a vanilla latte and I got a hot chocolate.



"I never really liked drinking coffee that much." I say.


"I know." she replies, smiling



We talked about how much had happened between the years and I confessed that I had killed my father. But it was an accident, a force of protection for me and our future.


What was I thinking, confessing this. But I had to say it.



She didn’t mind about what I did, even though I had killed her one true love.


But in fact, she was just happy for me. Even if it someone that I knew.



After coffee, she told me she was going back to Paris and staying for good.


"I'm gonna miss seeing you again, and sorry for the travels you had to make just to see me." I say.


"Oh, it was nothing. Plus you owe me, next time you're taking a vacation, you come to Paris and see me." she said.


"Bye Elle, I love you." she says, before hugging me.



And she left, as I watch her get in a cab.


"Bye mom,...again." I said under my breath.


Chapter Eleven: Wildest Dreams



So far, into work I came across Marcus and his 'supposed' devious friend Jeff.



They both stare at me with beady eyes, waiting to bite me. I don’t think they’ll do that since, i’m dressed up for once.


FARELLE wanted me to be on the front cover of the magazine, introducing me as a new writer on their team. Better than a spread.



Im known as the starstruck girl among them, it’s really a big deal.


I’ve officially been thinking about many things that I have to do and deal with.


Like going back to Rosewood and seeing my dad’s grave for the first time, call back to London so I can chat with Theodore and Carla.




"I really think my life’s coming together, I’m on my own and I think I've got everything on track. Except for my relationship with Jacob. I haven’t spoken to him in a few weeks, but I think it’ll be okay. He'll alone without me, I trust him to find use of the time. But luckily his birthday is coming up and i’m planning the biggest, well, smallest party for his birthday this April, when we met it was September and i had quit the 2nd year and 1st semester of college, and my life’s been a disaster since, but it’s getting better. I saw my mom a week ago and I spoke with Jacob, he still cares deeply about my well being. Well, I gotta go and see ya next time" -@SummerElleW_86




 I had dressed up in my best dress, well actually, the one I wore in Paris. It meant a lot and it was special.


Me and a few friends arranged a place nearby in New York, where Jacob is gonna meet up with me. And then we're gonna head to the party, there’s gonna be a big surprise for him and i think he’ll really be happy for once since we came to New York.



I met up with him at the apartment, he dressed up nice.


He walks out the entrance door and finds me on the sidewalk, in front of a taxi. He smiles.



"So how’s my boyfriend doing? Has he gotten in trouble or has broken a promise?"


He laughs and says back. "No I haven’t done anything to upset my girlfriend, i’ll stay loyal to her forever, no matter what."



He walk towards me and kisses me, then we both get into the cab. Eddy, the taxi driver takes us on our way to the party/.


"Hello Jacob, and his girlfriend, Elle. One of my loyal taxi riders is here again."



I say in a demanding but calmly voice. "Let’s go Eddy."


He drives off towards and then after a while, we were stuck in a little traffic.


I told Jacob about how my surprise was really gonna shock him and I hope he doesn’t get mad about the time, the distance, and flight I had to paid for this gift.


And I might say, he’ll be crying for sure when he see’s it.


Eddy gets us out of traffic pretty easily and we were on our way again.


When we reached the destination, I couldn't hold in my excitement, I was practically ringing Jacob's arms with my strength as we entered the set up.



Everyone was in their positions and ready to come out and yell happy birthday.


I turned on the lights.



"Happy Birthday Jacob!!!"


Everyone shouts and even I do too.


He smiles in surprise and thanks everyone once we got around the cake. Everyone passes out pieces, after getting myself I slice, I lead him towards a small area across from his birthday party.



"Okay Jacob, I know it’s been a while since I listened to anything you’ve had to say. Especially since I came to London, but i’ve got a surprise for you. I was thinking about it back in Paris where we stayed, and she’s right behind that staricase, go and see it." I say.



He walks slowly rounding the corner, I see him freeze then cover his mouth in excitement.


I squal in agreement behind.



I hurry him up to say something, but he gets down on his knees.


My smile begins to drop as I watch him closely.


I think he’s overwhelmed with the emotions, It's probably running through his head like crazy.


And his big surprise was his mother.



He gets up after realizing what he was doing, and he hugs his mom.


I see them squeeze each other tightly as my smile returns.


"I found her all the way down in Cuba, with a few friends. She didn’t want you to find her till you were safe and I found her easily."


I smiled as I watch their gaze reunite.



Today he had officially turned 19.


And he got the best present he could've asked for.



In surprise, the next day, I came across MaryBella from last year.


We met up on the New York streets and she took us out for ice cream. We went all round town with Lauren, my boss who met up with us and Marybella by my side.



We shopped until, none of us could climbe another flight of stairs to get to the next level. For one moment in a mall, me and MaryBella caught two guys staring at Rikki who had also joined us.



And Lauren, despite the fact that she is older then me , wanted to see what was up.


The guys looked like they were in their twenties. More specifically, 20 or 22.


But Rikki didn’t mind, she couldn't even look up to see them, she had her nose pointed down to her phone.



I could tell, the brown haired boy was looking straight at Rikki, and she didn’t notice till now.


And of course no guy would dare come up and ask me out, because I knew Jacob would come in a blink of a flash.


Chapter Twelve: Party'


"I love the end of spring, it’s when summer is on the brink and it gets warmer, I haven’t had the time to think about what my future with writing could be, but i’m thinking of going back to College and completing my degree. Even though i’m retaking courses at the University of New York City. I decided , that it'd be best for me to get my degree, so I can have a bright future ahead of me. Just think of me, working with more magazine companies and making tons of money. But other than that me and Jacob have been down in Brooklyn for a while, spending time together. iIm taking it one step at a time, every day, see ya next time.” - @SummerElleW_86



I’m planning to visit mom in Paris this summer, we’ve been talking on the phone and she invited before, so why not take it?


In about a few weeks, I had packed my things to go to Paris. And I was going with Jacob, he decided he wanted to come along and meet my mom for the first time.


Given that I breifly met his, he wanted to meet mine.



It was sort of embarrassing, to think and to tell my mom that I had a boyfriend. Mainly because I never really did, even before. 


But it’s worth the chance, we're leaving tomorrow morning and everything is almost set for my trip back. Maybe it'll be possible to meet Duboni again, since it’s almost summer and she vacations in Paris from June through September.



Being in Paris once again, will be a dream. Mom has a surprise for me when I get there, she said it would be the two things I haven’t seen in a while.


I didn't know what it was, but Iwas excited for going back to Paris.




Me and Jacob left early in the morning for our flight, it took hours before we could get on the plane, but it was worth the wait.



We got on the plane and it was lift off from then on.



I look out the window, the view from New York above was extravagant. And the skyscrapers looked like tiny buildings.



We arrived late in the afternoon and drove up to the Mansion.


It was under my name, I couldn't forget.



Mom was staying at a nearby hotel from the Mansion, she told me about her time and fun there, while I was back in New York the last time we met.


When we got to the Mansion, I introduced Jacob.



"Mom i’d like you to meet Jacob, my boyfriend."


She smiles eagerly, then replies.


"It's nice to meet you, Jacob. I never knew you had it in ya to date Elle, she can be such a meanie sometimes."


"I'm not a meanie!" I say back to her.


Jacob laughs.


I smile eagerly to my mom.


"Well i’m so honored to meet you, how long have you and Elle been together?" she asks.



"We’ve been together for 8 months now, and were going on strong."


He holds my hand and looks over to me.


I melt and blush, as he smiles at me.



When he answers my mom’s questions, I can't help but smile.


Jacob and I, both follow my mom into the living room, where Jacob grabs our bags and takes them up to our rooms.



I sit down with mom on the couch, sighing in relief.


"So mom, how’s it been since you came back, did you have fun?" I ask.


She smiles at me.


"Yes I did, when I came to Paris the time you left for New York, I noticed you had the place  under your name. So now, you legally own it."


I cringe and turn away.


"I was planning to stay here until I could go to New York again, and here we are."


She continues.


"Do you miss this place, because I miss it a lot. It's where you grew up the last year before we moved to Rosewood. But Iimiss rosewood the most, but not as much as Paris."


She sighs then continues again.


"Do you remember, that cherry tree in late April? And that accident that happened. What did we call it?"


"Paris Blossom Incident," i answer,


We both laugh at the memory.



"Remember when we went to the park and the cherry tree blew blossoms all over the ground, and we got fined with a warning for playing in the streets and throwing blossoms around like it was the forth of July!" she said.


We both laughed out loud, loud enough for anyone upstairs to hear. 



"Yeah, I remember that, I was so scared that I had begun to cry and he waved our fee so that I could be happy!"


We bothbreifly laugh again. It was the first time in years that I heard my mom laugh alongside me, she had a laugh that made everyone around her feel welcome.



Her laugh changes the way you feel about her, she has a laugh that you're willing to die for.


"What are you guys looking at?"



We look up at Jacob, as he comes in to the living room.


"Were looking at pictures of my mom , from when we first came to Paris," I reply.



"Oh! and look the picture I took in front of that cafe." I mentioned.


I point to a picture of a cafe , it was near but not far from the Eiffel Tower. We both smile and laugh.


Jacob joins in and asked me about a picture in the album.



"What’s that one, right there?"


I look at it, i’ve never seen the picture, but something just grabs me about it.



"Mom what’s this picture here? I don’t remember this one?" I  say.


She looks over to the picture and says.


"That was a picture taken years ago way before we moved here, when me and your dad was in Paris for one week so that um, I could promote my fashion line. That happened before I got my promotion. They wanted me to visit Paris, so that I could see what life I would be living, if they accepted me."



 I look at the picture again, I noticed it was at the restaurant that me and Jacob went to, when we went on our first official date.


The picture had a brown-ish blackish color to it, and showed a picture of mom and dad sitting down at a table across from a bridge view of the Eiffel Tower.



It was from an angle, in the picture mom and and dad seemed so happy, he was even smiling and mom smiled too.


She was wearing a beautiful dress, that looked similar like the same one I wore, it was strange.


I never really thought about it.


The thought of seeing my dad again, in a lively picture. I shook my head to get rid of the thought.


Jacob walks with me to my room after I ate lunch.



Upstairs, I see my bags in the same room that I stayed in before.



I spent Christmas looking at the Eiffel Tower with Jacob, and looking at the beautiful lights that decorated Paris.


So many memories run through my head from the last time I was here.



Jacob comes into my room, as I look at the window. He hugs me from behind, I smile feeling the comfort.



My mom comes in and tells Jacob to talk in the hallway. He goes into the hallway and he gasps, which caught my attention.



I quickly rush out of my room to see him hugging his mom at the bottom of the staircase, they all walk up the stairs to greet me.


Jacob’s mom hugs me too, after talking with my mom.


"Jacob, why didn’t let me know you had girlfriend, she’s so precious! And you lied to me back in New York when you said she was just a friend."



I turn to Jacob and give him a fearsome look.


Just a friend.


"I'm your whole ass girlfriend. I can’t believe that I told your mom I was someone close that you knew. I was hoping that you wanted to tell her, that we we are together."



She hugs me again, tighter and swings me side to side. 


After she puts me down, I look her square in the eyes.


"It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs....?"


"Oh, it’s actually Ms. Callies, not Mrs."



She smiles at me, her face so bright and happy. I begin to smile too, but as I tried to talk again, Jacob stops me and he grabs me away from his mom.


She continues talking with my mom.



I stop Jacob before he could squeeze my left arm tighter.


And before he could say anything, I had to ask him.


"Why didn’t you tell me your last name, or that fact that you didn’t tell your mom about me?"


He gives me a look then replies.


"Why didn’t you tell me your last name?"



I’ve never seen Jacob look so irritated before, he always seemed happy.


After a long second, I answer. "Fine, my last name is Woods."


And he replied. "My last name is Callies, ya happy?”



I answer. "Not really."  


I walk away back towards my room and he grabs my arm again, at the moment I was about ready to let off some steam and get boiling mad.



He pulls me towards him, so close we were face to face.


I can hear him breathing calmly, and i’m breathing heavily, like I just came back from a run.


He looks at me, particularly in the eyes then let's go of me. He lets me walk away.




At dinner, I saw Ms. Callies in the kitchen helping mom with preparing the table.


She looks up to find me and smiles.


"How you doing?"



I could tell she was a calm person, who at time seems to not care. Her eyes reflect off the ceiling lights and her brown hair is shiny like the sun.


She seemed to be a great person, who I would know forever.


But there’s a reason why Jacob pulled me into him so closely and rough, maybe because he doesn’t want me to have a relationship with his mom, or at to least to get to know her.



"Sweetie can you help me set the table please, I need someone to help. Can’t do these myself."


She laughs after saying that, a laugh that reminds me of a happy home and a loving mother.


She must be the best mom ever.



I grab a plate full of potato casserole my mom made, I could tell by the smell of the sour cream and cheese in it.


I take a sniff from the smell and it instantly feels like home.



I follow Ms. Callies into the dining hall, where the table is set up nicely.


She places the spaghetti I suspect she made, because my mom can’t even make mac and cheese right.


Let alone spaghetti on a good day. It’s been a while.



She places it on the table, and I can smell it from across the table.


The sweet smell of dessert fills my nose finally, I grieved to try and not to take a bite.



Ms. Callies looks at with a smile before we eat.


"I remember Jacob saying goodbye and leaving. So young, I didn’t think he would be on his own for so long. I didn’t even know that I was with a bad guy who didn't treat me with respect with kindness, until one day he took everything I had."


She continues.


"I knew at a moment, that what I got myself into was horrible. When Jacob’s father was gone, I knew people were gonna judge him as the kid who didn't have have a dad anymore. And that he’s gonna grow up to be a deliquent or something. But the truth is, Jacob’s dad died in car crash when he was younger. I never told him that he died a good man, doing the right thing. He kept us together, he practically raised Jacob while I was out having fun with my girls and coming home to someone who still truly loved me, even after realizing I probably married the wrong guy."



She struggles not cry, but she smiles instead and it makes me happy.


"People and even my friends, told me that I married a good man. I never saw it in him, ever since the last boy i’ve been with. No one ever treated me the way I was supposed to be treated. And when I met John, he was the nicest person i've ever met. Who took me in, and cared for me."



I interrupt before she continues. 


"So were you in love with him, John?"


"Oh yes of course, before him, the guy I dated was crazy. I thought he was the one, but it eventually lead to fighting and knowing it that it was eventually over. And John, he….he was different. A person who I can totally rely on and love forever."


She smiles.



"We got engaged a year after of dating and we never did marry, but I still went on with my life. When I found out I was pregnant with Jacob, he was the only child we had."



"Did he love you?" I ask.



She turns to me and smiles, then answers.


"Yes, he did love me so much."


She continues on. It seemed like we talked for hours but only 9 minutes.



"Later, during the years, the morning he left in his car on his way to work, e ended up in a car crash after a driver hit him on the road.


"At times, I felt happy when I shouldn't have. I didn't want to come home to him,  because of the way he treated me. He was o nice and I regret feeling that way. He made me feel on top of the world and I was used to guys making me feel down. I never knew what it was like to love or be loved and he showed me. And a part of me accepted it for a while, but it faded away, Especially after he was gone."


Silence fills the room before she speaks again.



"I never told Jacob about his dad, I didn’t want to scar him forever and Jacob only has a little memory about his dad that only he talked about with his friends, he never told me. We carried on with our lives and we were a family of our own."




"I have talk to Jacob about this, he’ll be really surprised." I say


Ms. Callies stops me, before I can get up.


"No, I don’t want you to tell him about the whole dad thing. Just only the things that he remembers. I know how your young relationships can go these days, especially with a life like this."


I look back, concerned.



"Just let me tell him about it, I want to be clear with him. Like how you and your mom talked back in New York, she told me."


"Okay, I won't tell him." I said heading back upstairs.



A few minutes later, we sat down for dinner. I was anxious about telling Jacob, he never remembered from time to time and about his life.


At the dinner table Ms. Callies decided to tell Jacob about the missing part in the story, about his mom and dad rather than me spilling it.


He was surprised, for real and he had to get up and leave the table after he heard his mom out.



"I'm so sorry, I didn't tell you before. I wanted to make things right for once." she exclaimed.


"I can't believe you kept this from me." Jacob said, mad.



The raised concern in his voice, scared me for a moment.


"For so long I believed that he moved away to have a better future."


Jacob said getting up.


"I lied to my friends about him leaving us, when he really died?"


He was staring into his mom's eyes intensely.



"You were young and I didn't want you to be confused by it, till you were older." Ms. Callies said.


"No, you're a liar. For my whole life, you're a liar." he said yelling, then walking out of the dining room.


I followed him.


"Jacob! wait!" his mom yelled.  


I dart after him.



He ran up the stairs and I caught him quickly. 


I stop him before he enters the room.


"Jacob stop, what are you thinking? Just leaving the table like that, at least your mom told you the truth, be glad for that reason." I say.



He interrupts


"You don’t know anything about my life, or my mom. Unless she told you, which I knew she would do. Just like the rest of them!" he yells at me.



He tries not to make noise.



I reply, about the whole rest of them.


"What do you mean by the rest of them?" 



He looks at me suddenly, ready to fight, but calms down before he lays a finger on me.


"The rest of them, my old girlfriends. Ever since my father left and the rumors about him dying circled the block, I didn’t tell you in London. I had a hard time letting girls meet my mom, because I didn’t know where she was. I already told you that. And because I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me. Before, when I was younger, she would tell girls about my life and what happened to our family and I knew she would bring it up. I knew I couldn’t trust you."



Trust me?


I look at him confused, I didn’t know what was going on or what he was talking about but I felt a sting at that mention.


I try not to cry.


"What are you talking about, I don’t even have anything to do about this! She just told me something dear to her heart about your and your lives spent together, why is that so wrong?"



I could tell, he was gonna yell back, but he doesn’t.


"I know this is wrong, but nothing can compare to what life I had to live with my mom by my side. And since I finally saw her again after all the years, what are you doing in mine now huh?


"Don't say that," I reply.


My visions became blurry.



"Let me guess, are you're here to be with me or just to feel sorry for me?"


"I don't feel sorry for you at all. If anything I feel sympathy. No one deserved to live a life like that." I say


"I guess you really do." 




"Feel sorry." he replies.



I knew it was time for me to fight back, with truthful words.


"Well first of all, what has your life have to do with me? And even if you didn’t want me in it, what’s the point of trying to shut me out. And maybe for god’s sake, your mom wanted to tell me about the whole story so that I would understand where you were coming from in the past. Forgive for wanting to know about your past, it's not like I wanted to hide mine. You're not the only one with a complicated past Jacob."


I pause for 2 seconds, catching my breath.


"Did you have to deal with an angry mom for years?! A dad who turned out to be a molesting mistake in my mom’s life? I fought back in my life against my mom, with my dad because of what happened in Paris. Which changed everything. Life got harder.”


I continue, but hesitate for what's to come next out of my mouth.



"It made me do stupid things, like run away to New York and London to escape a mom who dearly loved me. I haven’t seen that she loved and cared for me all these years since Paris and even though my dad was dead after I left him to protect myself, I did things that I regret. But for me and my mom, I still care about her even since she visited me in New York. Shee mended our relationship and I think you need to that with your mom!!"



I walk off to my room and slam the door shut, he opens the door abruptly.


I’m sitting on the bed, drying my tears I begin to sob.


He walks in and talks again.



"Look, I know your life and mine are very different. But that doesn’t mean you need to bring your's into mine, it’s my life. Mine and my mom’s. There’s no reason to have you in all my business about my family. Our history is big and I survived living on my own. So why talk about!?"




I give him a fierce look, standing up.


"Where is this coming from?" I start up again.



My tone scares him and makes him take a step back. 


"You really don’t know do you? You should be able to just accept my life and I left in despair when I was scared, afraid and ready to give up everything to leave everything that I had behind. And then you came along, you changed every little bit of me from top to bottom, you made me have hope. We fell in love in Paris."


I sob, before I continue.


"You saw the real me, but instead I think you see a vulnerable person who would do anything you say if it meant getting your way. And I am not that, and i don’t want something like that even if it means giving you everything I have to offer. So go and find your own life or leave mine!!"



I talk at the top of my lungs and it pierces the room with tension.


The way I spoke just now, it shatters my heart.


That's the most I can come up with, I put everything I had to put into the fight.



He answers almost crying out, but he doesn’t.


"Why did you have to say that? You don’t know anything about my life or my mom. So why am I here with you, if you're just gonna mock me in my face. How about we call it a day and i’ll just leave you. I'm sorry, but it’s life and sometimes ya gotta keep it to yourself."


"No, you don't. So figure it out. With your mom, and then when you're ready. Maybe you can come back to me." I say suddenly.


"Why don’t you ask the person you call mom so dearly, why you're fighting with me"



I turn towards the door, but I say something soflty.


"Also being in a relationship, means that you have to forget about your past and leave it behind. Not light it up like it's something that will solve everything. Relationships helps us move forward, not go back, to when the times were tough. Trust me, i've been there. Despite the many relationships. So get over it okay! This is the future now. I don't care about the past you had that still shocks you, I care about you! And if that's not enough, then I think you should re-think our fight and find yourself. I don't need someone who won't let go of the thought about their past and still think it's a problem in the future."



It was one of the last things I told him, before I balled my eyes out.


I could here him run down the stairs, knowing he was gonna talk.



Later that night, I crawled out from my room downstairs to find him fighting with his mom.


How long has this been going on?


It seemed to be almost over, but Jacob continues to talk and make excuses to fight again.



I decided not to go down, if it meant seeing his face again, fighting or just simply talking.


I felt hungry after hours of crying myself to sleep, I went downstairs finally, when the house was quiet.



After tonight’s dinner when Jacob’s mom, she announced the missing link to the story about Jacob’s dad and what happened before I barely got to finish my meal.



Luckily, I know my mom and she packed up a meal perfectly in a paper brown bag in the refrigerator.


I specifically remember telling Jacob about my midnight snacking, so I would expect not to see him downstairs waiting to talk or fight with me.



And it turns out, he wasn’t downstairs or in the kitchen.



When I went back up to my room with dinner in the brown bag, I didn’t even want to check up on him.



I changed into something comfortable and packed my things. I ran downstairs with my shoes in my hands and decided not to put it, until I was outside.


So no one can hear me walking.


I opened the door and slowly crept out the door, I walked down the streets where the gate entrance was and the doorman let me out as soon as I slipped him a 20.



 The night sky looks like a midnight sapphire, that shines bright like the sun and reflects off the eiffel tower.



I remember the first moment it happened, I wasn’t even thinking about it happening.


I just knew at one point, it would, but I wasn’t expecting it.



Bright lights are my ultimate excuse for staring or wondering which reminds me, I haven’t wondered off into daydreaming, for long while.



 I wish Jacob would take back what he said about me, about being involved in his life and why he’s in a relationship for no reason if it meant someone was going to find out about his past.


It really pissed me off, I snapped at the first moment he started yelling at me. I knew he had something to say when he found out I was talking to his mom.



The tragedy that happened in his life, shouldn’t be involved in mine. If he wants it that way.



He brought me up in the fight like I was a nobody.


As I thought through about the fight and what it meant when he said all those thingss, I decided that I would leave here.


To go somewhere, where Jacob won’t ever think to find me.


God, I hate when I think like this. Why?



If he thinks he knows me well...he'd better think again.



I left for the airport, I know that my 'traveling around the world where nobody will find me' is a thing when I get into a fight or a situation with someone where I don’t want to fix the relationship. Like with my mom.


It took years for me to finally talk and fix my relationship with her. who knows how long it will take for me and Jacob?


The possibilities are real.



"Which flight are you taking?" a older woman at the desk said in the airport.


"Any flight that you can give me, that'll get me out of Paris fast." i said.



She looked up at me suspicious.


"This is my lucky day." she said grabbing a ticket from a small drawer.


"One ticket, flight 209541. Mumbai, India." she smiled as she handed it to me.



I grabbed it and went towards the gate


I left in a hurry and in 1 day I finally made it.


Chapter Thirteen: One World


"I have arrived and it’s beautiful here, despite the cows roaming around. They are known as sacred. I’m in India, the most beautiful, amazing, religious and caring place on earth. It’s a dream coming here my ElleWooders. The people are inspiring, especially the old hindu guy who sits on the street underneath the tree out front of the hotel i’m staying at. And the sunset here is to die for. I spent most of my time here daydreaming and shopping. And shopping right from the street is something i can get used. I love it here, India is gonna be my knew home and i could live here forever. See ya next time." - @SummerElleW_86



I wake up every morning to the most beautiful view in the world.


The people here are so nice, they practically parade me everyday because they say that I look like the lost and forgotten princess of Mumbai.


They say that she resembles the peace and thanks of India.



On my way to a nearby store, I spotted someone looking at me.


The guy looked attractive and he was indian, which made it more of an experience for me.


He smiled as he looked at me, I smile back and look away.



God, what am I doing? Stop it!



I don’t have time to think about guys, or dating someone new especially after having a fight with Jacob.


We did have a fight and he said some things he meant for real, I think that were not together after having a big fight over each other's lives.


And he did start the fight, so I guess it’s okay to say that we're not talking.



No, I couldn’t do that. 


He’d probably want to get back together with me after the fight.


But the guy seemed so interesting when I looked at him.


I decided to change my mind, I went up to him.



"Hi, I couldn’t help but notice you staring at me. Is there something wrong?"


He smiles then answers. "No, I was just looking around and I spotted you and you took my breath away. It’s amazing how you look just like the lost princess of Mumbai, so alike!"


I laugh.


"Yeah I know, everyone here had been saying that since I arrived 2 days ago."


He laughs with me.


"Nice to meet, your name?" I start.


"Adam. My name’s Adam."


I smile and shake his hand.





"Well Adam, my name’s Elle and your country is beautiful. It’s a dream, I wish everyone could see it want."


"Yes, that’s what everyone says." 


I could tell he was looking straight at me, with his soulful brown eyes.


He notices and looks away.



"How would you like it if I took you out for ice cream? I bet you get tired of hearing the word 'curry' huh?"


"Yes, i’d like that, very much.  And I have had enough curry," I reply.



He pulls out his arm for me to hold, just like when is helping your down a staircase.


For a moment, it seemed like I was meant to be here in India, like this was what I was longing for.



Adam took me out for ice cream, and then dinner. And he insisted on paying.



When we sat down at our table, a young looking woman hands us a menu and interrupted.


"I’m sorry for budding in, but might I just say you look just like the lost princess of Mumbai, you resemble her very much."


I smiled. "Thank you and can I say, what really is the story of the lost princess of Mumbai?"


She smiles. "Very good question, follow me."



Me and Adam follow the waitress towards a little hallway filled with pictures, gifts, statues and sculptures.


She leads us towards the end of the hall, where a big picture hangs, and on the top it read small letters.


Princess of Mumbai b


But around the words was written in red, lost.



She points at the picture.


"Look upon the face of the lost princess for the prophecy said, she will return in good hands to Mumbai. The legend story says that on one day, on a lonely night, a young women on her exploring voyage was visiting Mumbai searching for a new fashion inspiration she could design."


She continues.


"But little did the young women know, was found by the prince soon to be King, if he marries in time before he is crowned as King. For that the former King was dying and needed one of his sons to take his place on the throne, as soon as he found his queen. The prince found the young woman and in despair asked her to be his queen, but she replied that she wouldn’t marry to be queen, if it meant him becoming king."


She points to a glass window, with a sill holding a gifted box with jewelry. Rhinestones, even.



"After a year of dating or so she calls, she finally decided to get married to the prince after knowing that she loved him for all the right reasons and not for the fortune. She then married, he became King and she his Queen, they ruled Mumbai with greatness and integrity. They were known to be the happiest king and queen during that time of 20 years ago. Later in that time, Princess Elle was born."


I was startled at the mention of my name, I spoke suddenly.


"Did you say Elle? That’s my name!"



She looks at me in surprise.


"Many people here have the same name as the princess. She went missing with the queen not long after, many mothers named their daughters Elle to honor the lost princess."


She continued.


"During a big storm that came in, the queen left with the princess and they were never seen again. The King wanted to give up his palace and work a job living like his people after losing his daughter and wife, and he was never seen again too after."


"The story lives on, that the lost princess and queen were never found. It was destined, that the princess be the next queen, but as far as we know we have the king and queen next in line as rulers of Mumbai. The king and queen are as humble as the previous, and they wanted a painting of the once 'queen to be' to be hung in every restaurant as an offering and to celebrate and hope that our princess will come back."


She finshes then looks at us, I stare at the big painting of her.



"So the princess needs to return to become queen?" I asked.


"Those are only rumors, we come up with a big storyline for people to keep the excitement in our city. You know, to bring the customers in. The real story is that about a decade ago or so, a prince married the girl who came here, they had a baby and the girl disappears with the baby, who supposedly was destined to be the next queen after."


"Was that her or someone else? Because i’m confused." i said pointing to the portrait.


The waitress explains.


"No, they painted this years ago in honor of the baby who's probably grown up now. Hoping she'll come back and claim the throne, but only if the current king and queen step down."


She left us to look at it, I examined the painting more than Adam did.



Looking at the painting, I realized it looked familiar like it was allctually my face.


"Maybe, I have a doppleganger. Huh?" I asked Adam.


"What?" he says turning back to me.


"Nothing," I try to whisper.



I questioned it for a minute, Adam and I went back to our table.


Maybe I am the doppleganger of the princess, it's no wonder people keep saying they recognize me.



"So do you think that the princess will return?" I asked looking at Adam.


"Yep, we need her back now." he says urgently.


"Why now?"


"Because the king and queen are planning to change the rules in Mumbai and we need a blood heir to the throne to take the queen's place, if the current king and queen get sent off the throne."


"So the princess needs to return in order to make things right, if the current king and queen get kicked off the throne?" i said looking down at my plate.


"Exactly." Adam said.



I can't believe it, what kind of story  are you going to tell if you're gonna exaggerate it, when really the designer left with the baby princess.



"Well, tonday was amazing. I hope that we can meet up and do it again." he says.


"Yeah sure." I say nonchalant.



I could tell he wouldn’t stop staring at me, and I snapped him out of it.


"Bye Adam, it was nice to meet you!" I say, wiping my mouth with a napkin.



I ran up towards the doors of the hotel, I finally escaped myself out of that situation.


I hear someone call out for me, I turn left abruptly.



"Do not be afraid, come closer."


I'm not sure if I should.



I went towards the tree, where an old man sat under.


I saw him there, 2 days ago.


"Hello, you're looking very well. Tell me something, do you feel like you're missing a part of your life?"


How could you tell?


I look at him confused.


"Not really, I feel like half my heart is missing since I left Paris."



He looks at me, as if I had something more to say, but I don’t.


"Come here my child, it’s alright. I know how you feel, but leaving isn’t the answer. And even though you left Paris, you came to the right place, because I have something to tell you."


"What?" I ask.


He looks around to see if anyone is looking, I look too.


Is anyone around?



"I’ll tell you tomorrow, but let’s just say it will blow your mind and a hint. I know who your real father is."


My eyes widen and he shushes me.


"Don’t tell anyone." 


He tells me to towards the Hotel.



I walk to elevator inside and then to my room.


I was thinking all night about what he meant 'he knows me real father.'


I know my father, he’s dead because of me.




The next morning I ate a big buffet of breakfast, which filled me up.


I walked outside to find the same old guy waiting under the tree.


Was he there all night?



I knew he was waiting for me because he had a big smile on his face.



He looks at me as I walk down.


"How are you today Elle?"



I stopped in my tracks towards him, then I fast walked to him.


"How do you know my name?! Who told you!!"



He laughs.


"Simple, don’t be scared. I know everyone’s name here, that I know of from my past."


He sips some water from a jug, then gets up.


"So I was gonna tell you about your real father, let's get to it!" he says.



I stop him. "Wait, you don’t know my real dad, he’s dead for all I know."


He looks up at me in surprise.



"The man you call dad, is in fact not your real dad."


I give him a look, then question him.


"And how do you know that he’s not my dad, tell me." I start.



He laughs as we walk towards a fountain.


"Because he’s just the substitute dad, I put in place for your mom."


"How do you know my mom? Huh. And what else do you know about me!" I said.



He gives me a innocent look, like I was crazy.


"Calm down Elle, I am known as the guy who tells crazy people about their future and past."



I look at him weird, as if he were crazy.


"Listen my dear Elle, you have a past you didn’t know that you had. You should understand now...i’m your father."


He puts his hands on my hands in despair.



"What!!" I say.


"How do you mean, what?" I reply in curiosity.


"What do you mean you're my father, my father’s dead okay. You can’t come up these kinds of things like your right,"



He shushes me.


"Calm down my dear, I can prove you're my daughter if you want me to."



I freak out, i’m going crazy. I begin pacing around in circles.



"Oh, don’t you call me daughter. What is the meaning of this, I don’t believe you one bit. Tell me what’s going on."


He motions his hands to me, letting me know he wanted me to sit down.


I sit down and calmly listened to what he had to say.


He clears his throat and begins.



"Years ago your mother came to Mumbai, in search of a new, she said fashion trend. This was before you were born, when your mom was traveling the world."


"I caught her along the palace one day when I was having a fight with my father, he was dying. He was sick for too long, I knew it was my turn to take place as king. And to be King, I had to be married and I knew an arranged marriage would be ithe other option. I quickly ran out the palace to find your mother on the castle bridge looking upon the view, she was beautiful like the sun and had the greatness of omani."



He looks up at the sun then back at me.


"I asked your mother if she would be my queen, but she refused."


That moment made me feel better, knowing my mom was still the same as she was before.


He continued.



"She wanted to have an experience in mumbau and get to know me better, before deciding if she truly wanted to marry me for all the right or wrong reasons. And hey, ho, one year's past by and itwas official. We get married."




Chapter Fourteen: Fury Love


"Your mother looked absolutely perfect on our wedding day, she glowed with flawless skin and wore a beautiful dress. That day was the happiest day of my life."


I continued to listen.


"We got married, we spent a weekend on our honeymoon in Paris. Where she found the exact country, she needed to start her fashion line in, she was inspired and had a lot to designs. But of course, she did take a break to spend the rest of the week with me."



I smiled at the thought of my mom, falling in love.


I wonder what it was like.


I cleared my thoughts and continued listening to the old guy.



"Your mother, was as lovely as a lily pad, on a joyful riding pond."


I give the old man who claims is my father, a look.


"Your mother was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to me, she was the love of my life and I will never forget her."



India iis one of the the most romantic countries on the planet, next to America of course.


"Was my…mom the most, amazing…beautiful person you ever met?" I asked finally.



I stopped in-between words and continued talking.


"Was she the person you’ve always hoped for, to love forever?"


He smiles.


"Yes, she was and I was lucky. If I hadn’t stormed out of the palace or found your mother on the bridge you wouldn’t have existed."



I stop him before he could speak again.


"So how, after all this time, are you my dad and why was my mom married to you before my....dead dad?"


He sighs.


"Well Elle, my dear ,it’s a lot to explain to you. But before your mother met your father, as you know who's dead, I was your father. And i'm saying i’m your biological father and in conclusion, the person who you thought was your dad was just a substitute, a step-dad until I could see you again."


"Do you really believe?" I ask.




"That my step-father who was my real dad, isn't my dad?" I say.


He nods his head.



And to think that all those years, Henry was my dad, we looked nothing alike.


My mom convinced me Henry was my dad and I believed her for so long.


"Even though he was a real father to you and you grew up with him, he was just the next choice for Claire. When your mother left and I located that she was in New York. I found out she married again, and I never talked about that again."


He gives me a sorrowful smile.



"So pretty, much your mother. Who I assume has made to Paris?”


I took a deep breath then answered.


"She's in Paris now. She made it, her designs. They were a success."



"That's good to know," he says nodding his head.


I breathe in deeply and finally confess.



"My mom is back in Paris right now and my step father is dead. Does that mean that you're my real father?"


He smiles. "Yes, it does."


I took one look at his face, and I was surprised.



"Wow, you're really my dad. So that means i’ve been spending my whole life with my step dad. Mom always told me dad...that,Henry wasn’t the father that I needed, and I didn’t believe her for years. I can’t believe this is coming back to me, wow your my father!!”



I get up and pace back and forth, till he got my attention and told me to sit down.


"Listen Elle, I know this is a lot to take in, but just to let you know, I never really became king of mumbai or king of anything. It was just a line and lie I told in the story to mess it up and make it more believeable."



I shook my head in disappointment.


"So most of the story, was a lie to get my mind off guard, so you really weren't a prince and your dad wasn't a king?"


"No he was, and i'm still a prince, my brother took my father's place as king because I didn't want a daughter to have to take the throne when I didn't want to become king. So my brother made it possible, at least until you return." he said holding my hand.


"Wait, I came to Mumbai to escape the problem I had back in Paris. And as soon as I get here, people are saying that I look like the lost princess of Mumbai and now I just learned that I am the lost princess, because you're my father and you were desitned to become the king of Mumbai twenty-some years ago right?"



"Yes, but I never became king. I was just a prince, my father was the king and my brother took his place."


I shook my head in despair.


"Wait! So what you're trying to say is your're my real father, and you could have become be the king of Mumbai but chose not to because of my mom?"


He replies. "Technically, yes."




"So here I am. Magically in Mumbai thinking, I can solve everything back in Paris by coming here to refresh my mind. But in reality, I get sent to where my real fate is."


 "Life has it's ways!" he yells at the top of his lungs.



"So you're my real father, and you were married to my mom. Then my mom left with me to New York. So, if she were to stay, I would have been royalty." i said.


"Well you're actually royalty, but not really. You didn't stay long in Mumbai to be crowned royalty in our family."


"So I could've been a princess, but instead my mom took me away and lived a noraml life. With me."



I was shocked, didn't my mom want me to become a royal baby.


She married this man who claims to be my real dad.



I never thought anyone here would recognize me and say that i'm their child. My own dad, who I haven’t seen since I was born.


I saw him disappear behind a fountain and headed towards a garden.


"Why after all these years, would you just claim to be my father and expect me to come back here and be your daughter?"



I hear him walking towards me, he looks at me concerned.


"Tell me why are you here?"


I look up from him.


"I don’t even know your name and suddenly you claim to be my dad. And yet you ask me about why i'm here."



He sits down, near the fountain edge and I join him in sync.


"I want to know where you are coming from and why you would run away from problems in your life, it's not worth it." he says.



"Mumbai is my home, and i've lived here my whole life. Why do you run away from your problems, than rather fix it?"


I look around, i'm ashamed.



"I don't know, I just have sense of adventure to numb the pain. When it's too great for me to solve." I said looking to the ground.



"Speaking of staying, how is your mom? Is she safe and okay?"


I could tell he was concerned, to know how his wife was doing, who left him mysteriously.


"She’s back in Paris, I told you and she’s fine."



He chuckles.


"Oh, I forget sometimes. It’s just the memories I get, instead of the story. But as for you, feel free to be as normal as you want to be here in Mumbai. I'll prepare a ritual ceremony, for you to meet the current king and queen of Mumbai."


I sigh in disappointment.


What did I get myself into?



"Hey, I didn’t catch your name?" I say.


He looks up at me, as if I wasn’t angry, or mad.


He smiles. "My name’s Bali."


I smile in return.


"Nice to meet you Bali, you're the only dad I have now. And it makes me happy to know I get to see my real dad, after all these years."


He smiles, reaching out to hug me. I hug him back.


"I’ll talk with you later and ask more questions." I reply.


 "Very well, soon, bye."


He puts his hand of his mouth and blows me a kiss.


I raise my eyebrows in shock.


Was I suppose to catch it?




When I get back to my room, I decided to meet up with Adam from yesterday.


He’s very sweet and obviously a nice person.


Anyone would want to be with him forever. Even me.


But I have Jacob I need to talk to, and deal with back in Paris. a


And I promised that I would stay loyal, not matter what



I just can’t now, especially since were not talking. So that still makes it clear we're not together.


And he hasn’t apologized, so how am I suppose to forgive him and take him back?



As for now, I  think that i'll be seeing someone else.


For fun. And besides, I like hanging out with Adam, mainly because i’m starting to like him.


But I have to stop sooner or later, if I really want to be with Jacob.




I call mom and she picked up.


We talked all night after my strenious day with Adam. She promised not to tell anyone where she was going or what she was doing.


She'd come and visit me.



I know my mom can keep a secret.


I will never forget when she hugged me and promised not to tell anyone, so that I wouldn't go to jail or get taken away from her again.


This whole thing has gone crazy, god why did I do it?


I'm so stupid, this is my mess. And I need to fix it.



And I need some rest before I figure out what’s going on with my earlier past that I don’t know of.


Why is everything such a secret?


Chapter Fifteen: It Will Rain


I woke up, the next morning knowing my mom will come for me.


She told me over the phone, that Jacob and Ms. Callies bought the bait about her searching for me around Paris.



I‘m just glad my mom could see me again.


God, I ruined our trip.


It's summer and I ruined our trip.



All this traveling I do, not being able to sit in one spot when I have problems with someone.


It's never gonna stop, is it? 



Mom arrived at my hotel this morning, she wanted to have a room to herself. She sensed I needed space and didn't bother staying with me.



And granted, she was still mad when I left.



But also proud, that I found my dad after all these years. And didn't even know it.


After mom unpacked her things, she went up to my room, and we talked over tea like how we used to.



"So tell me about, how the hell you found your father. And leave in the middle of the night in Paris to come to Mumbai!"


I sip my tea.


She stares at me for a long time, when I don't respond.



"I’m super mad with you. With what you did, but to find your father? Here!? Well Luckily this man you claim to be your 'dad' is here, otherwise I would have been here to take you home, if you hadn’t called me."


She paused then continued.



"So how are you Elle? Everything fine here, let alone the fact that you flew halfway across the country to Mumbai!!"


I yell back.


"Mom! Can you calm down. I’m fine, you know how I get over fights. I have to leave somewhere, so I can rest my mind and think clearly."



She looks at me with furious eyes, but then calms down.


"Sorry, Elle. I just thought, why else would you come here to Mumbai?"



I interrupt her.


"I went to the airport and asked for the most random flight to take and I was brought to Mumbai, and while I was here I found my real dad, mom." I say.



She freezes in mid-air.


"Wait, you found your real father?" she said shocked now.


"Yep, just 2 days ago, and you didn’t tell me that I had another dad halfway around the world who really is my dad. Right mom?!" i said.



She sighs and explains.


"Yes it’s true, your real father was living in Mumbai the time I rasied you with Henry. And Henry was just a substitute, until one day I would surprise you with a trip to Mumbai, you and I would go to Mumbai and I would tell you who your real father was."


But that never happened.



I speak again.


"Oh my god, this is just like that fight with me and Jacob." i said out of frustration.



I realize how Jaocb must have felt. He grew up alone with his mom, no one to call his dad and eventually ended up living alone.


All those secrets that came out that night for him, must have been frustrating.


I just chose to not see it, when we fought.



I don't even know if I can trust my mom with secrets anymore.


And there are many, now.


"So wait, did you plan on taking me to go to Mumbai one day? So that I can meet my real father? And Henry was just someone to fill the spot for him, while he was here living his lonely life alone?"



Mom gets up and tries to calm me down, she grabs my arm. I jerk her away.


"So for real mom, did you plan for me to go to Mumbai, meet my real dad and just figure out the rest of my past?" 



"No honey, but yes. You weren't suppose to meet him until you were old enough to undersand. Elle i’m sorry, but it’s a lot to take in especially for me right now, knowing previous husband is alive, here in Mumbai and Henry is gone." she exclaims.


My eyes water at the mention of him.


It was mu fault, my fault that he was dead.


He was a second choice for my mom, but he wasn't for me.



I felt rage run through my veins as I tried to sit still.


"Are you even my mom?!" I yelled.


"Yes, i'm your mom. I gave birth to you. Elle, of course i’m your mother, why would you think that i'm not?"


I sigh and calm myself down.


"Okay mom tell me the truth, am I your daughter?"


"Yes, do you want to see the scars from when I gave birth to you?"


"No, but is Bali my real father?"



She replies. "Yes."



I ask a few more questions.


"Was Henry in your life ,only to fill the father figure, instead of Bali?"




I look away. This time in tears over my face, it seemed real.


"Is it true that you left Mumbai to run away from Bali and he stayed here in misery. So that you could wait until I was older to understand and see him for the first time in my life?"



I tried to steady my voice, but the words came out in a sob.


I look away, already reading the expression on my mom's face.


I cried thinking that all that time, I spent my life with the wrong dad and my mom knew.


And she didn’t care to tell me about it until now.


"I'm going back to New York, that's it."


"Elle stop, please don't leave again. Jacob needs you, I need you in my life. It's summer, please spend the rest of the week with us."


"I can't, it's too much." I reply in a cry.



Just when I thought I could love my father even more, I find out my dead step-dad, isn't even my real dad.


"I don’t know what to do now, I mean I just found out my mom didn’t tell me about my real father my whole entire life. The person who I called dad is actually my step father and my real dad lived in Mumbai this whole time, i've been raised in New York, Paris and Rosewood…" I start.



I paused and thought about the stories told and what Bali said 2 days ago.



"They told stories about me here in Mumbai while I was growing up, and about how my mom took me away with her and we both never returned to Mumbai.  I was suppose to return to my dad again. I don’t know what's real anymore but, my life just got a whole lot better and worse, since I got here and i depend on living it the way it was suppose to be for me. Life is striking me in the back, but i’ll try and get back up again, once more and get to know my real dad for the first time in my life. Gotta go and see ya next time.” - @SummerElleW_86



Spending the last few days in Mumbai, was something to think about.


Meeting my real father for the first time and figuring out I have a past here, had kept me from progressing furthur with my problems in Paris.


My own parents, never told me about the past that they would have want me to remember.



My step father is dead, so what next?


Who’s gonna fill the dad position in my life? Is Bali really my dad or is this a prank?



I pondered out the balcony of my hotel room, as I thought through moments in my life. How it came to be.


As soon as I arrived in London, I wanted to escape to Paris.



I can’t give up on the fact that I still don’t have anything left with Jacob ever since the fight.


I think we won’t be talking for a while, plus since Jacob’s not here.


It'll give me more time to think.



It’s nice to talk to Adam, because he listens.


I can’t choose between Jacob and Adam now.


I mean, Jacob’s been in my life since I arrived in London last year. We’ve known each other for over 9 months and I've felt that our relationship was going somewhere, until his mom showed up.



I don't get it.


My mom and real dad are slowly, working on bringing their relationship back on top after he told her abot meeting me.


After all the things they've been through, apparently it did work out and know i’m even more confused.



But at least I get to spend a moment and some time with my real dad.



We’ve been getting along since I first met him.


Mom rekindled the lost relationship with me and my real dad.


So everything’s fine between us.




After a day's worth of thinking, I finally went to the palace to see where I was born and where I could've grown up.


This was the place where I could've lived my life, before I was whisked away from Mumbai to New York.



The palace is big, with everything is nice. Not a single plate missed a moment to sparkle, not even the rice.


I met the current king and queen to the throne aka my uncle and his wife.



They bowed in acceptance for my return to Mumbai, even though it was only for a few days.



They wore extravagant outfits, especially the queen who looked beautiful.


I was envious. 


"Greetings, the long time daughter of Bali from my dear brother. Elle has returned to her rightful home."



I swallow at the mention, was this my home?


I look around to mind anyone, anyone to give me a glass of water.


"Elle, welcome to Mumbai and this palace your home."



I nervously bow, God I hope that wasn't embarassing.


Next, the queen spoke.



"Come Elle, let me show you around as your parents settle in again."



She led me towards a hall filled with jewels, trophies and massive sculptures. Possibly made of gold.


I don't know.



She pointed to a picture, up on a wall. The same picture I saw in the restaurant that time I went to with Adam.



"See that picture, that is you. Your father had a keen eye on how you would like when your mother took you away from here. We had a photo of you, when you were a baby and your father guessed the rest of what you would like now."


"This is werid." i said softly.


How the hell do you have a picture,...or protrait of someone about how they'll look in the future. Based on the reference of a baby picture?


I was getting more and more curious.



I looked at the portrait and it looked a lot like me.




My dad may be an accurate prophet.



The queen then led me down to a hallway, which makes a passage way towards a fountain inside the palace.


I wish I had a fountain in a palace.



She leads me to a secret door, which holdsto a great big mysterious room filled with gold, money, coins.


Jewels and many things to exchange over gold.



"This is the chamber room, where we keep our riches. You're welcome to come here anytime, but don’t take anything out of this room. Especially from the vault."


There's a vault?



She pointed out to two chairs, in the middle of the room and we sat down. She spoke.


"So tell me niece, how are you? You're adjusting to being the daughter of Bali I guess?"



I nod in excitement, to see the smile on her face.


"I know, it’s been hard. Going on for years when your father stepped down as king and me and my husband took the throne. Bali's brother got first dibs next in line after their father died, but Bali got married first." she says.



I nod, as if I knew what she was saying.


"Well, if I and my husband hadn’t took place as king and queen after Bali's devastated meltdown, what would have happened? People will be free to break rules and steal." she said.



She picked up some gold coins and fiddled with it in her hands.


"And the lost princess would have to be found, in order to be heir to the throne and rule Mumbai, but we took her place instead. Since we knew of her disapperance."


"But what, a coincidence. I'm alive, and here." I say.


She retraced what she said.


"Sorry, I meant we took your place. No offense, but you were never really the lost princess."



Something inside me  stirred, and I tried to look away.


But my eyes burned into hers.


There was something up with her.



The way she worded her sentences and even her tone.



Did she assume, and just threaten my bloodline?


"Our people would be able to make their own decisions if nobody ruled. Right?"


"Right," I said eagerly.


"And what are we to be, nothing but citizens too like everyone else. I can’t see myself living like a regular person on the streets of india." she says.


"Because you're royalty." I said, harshly.



She looked over to me concerned.


The queen seemed interested in my answers after a while.


"So in America, you have your own freedom to do whatever you want. No matter of it?"


I answered.


"Not really, but some things you have freedom to do. I don't know what to do with my life now, i'm royal blood and this is the life I could've had." I said looking at the pieces of gold.


She nods her head, knowingly.


"I know it's a hard life, but you'll get used to it. But you do intend on still taking the throne, when I don't have kids right?" she asked.



"No, I plan on living like any regular person. The ones who have kids," I said


The queen storms out of the room suddenly.



Had I said something to upset her, I don't know for sure.



For all I know, before interpreting what she said for a time we were in the chamber, her massive appeal to not have anyone take the throne was immense.


I walked out of the chamber, letting those gold coins I held, drop to the ground.


I looked everyone until I found my way back to where we came from.



She talked to the king, as I approached them.



"My king, our niece Elle, is not implying to be the heir to the throne even when we don't decide to leave it to our descendents."  


The King cleared his throat. "She can't turn down royalty."


"We don't plan on having kids, she's next in line because of Bali's mistake. A mistake it was for him to become king first."



"But she's not royal yet, she didn't go through the royal bloodline accepted ritual."


"How dare you say she's not royal blood. She's the daughter to my brother and my niece."



Silence fills the halls and the big great room.



"I will not accept this nonsense you speak of." The king said turning to me.


"Elle? Will you be next in line, if I the king and the queen don't descend our future kids?"



"No, i'm not royal, i'm just a regular girl." I said.


"Fine, no further fights to being heir. We will be the last king and queen to the throne, since my brother refuses to take once again." the kind said.


"That is all." he said lastly.



The queen threw a fit and ran into a hallway.



After her fit, I trailed my way out of the palace for a quiet piece of mind.


"What a day, what a glorious day." i said, going out of the palace.



I must have saved a generation of torture, because I didn't not understand what just happened back there.



"How are you doing?" mom asked coming up behind me.


"Mom, will you accept me even, if I don't want to be an heir to a throne?"



She paused and looked back at the palace.


"Look, marrying your dad was probably the dumbest mistake I ever made. I was in the height of my career with nowhere to go until I came here. But in the end for right now, you get to know what it's like to be royalty."


"So, what do I do know?" I ask.



She nudged me with her arm.


"You fix your relationship with Jacob, i've seen you with that Adam boy and trust me it's not the thing to do."


"I know, but Jacob's driving me crazy." I said



"But he's with you for a reason, he just needed time to cool off until his shit together."


"So should I go back, to Paris?"



"Yes, it's up to you. But if I were you, I'd go fix it." Mom said.


"Yeah, I should."



I leaned my head on mom's shoulder.


Chapter Sixteen: Stars Dance



The mood was set and everything was absolutely perfect.


The night took away our breaths and were left to hang out with each other.


"It’s been a great adventure, coming here to Mumbai." I say.


"I know."


Adam’s looks towards me, he leans in to kiss me and I stop him.


"I can’t do this, to Jacob I mean. He still means so much to me."


Adam looks at me, confused. 



"What do you mean, are you still in love with him?" he says.


I don't respond.


"You can tell me, are you still in love with him or not." he says.



I paused in fear, I might say something bad.


"Yes. I just-"


"We had a fight and I ran away in the aftermath. I realize that was wrong for me to do." I say.



I feel like I can’t trust him, after what he said.


"And I can't pursue you, I'm sorry. But the first time I saw you, I was entranced. But I can't continue to do this. I don't have feelings for you, it's just attraction."



I couldn’t help but shake the fact that I should fix my relationship with Jacob.



My eyesight got blurry and I opened my eyes to the view of the sun.


I woke up shaking. Turned out it was a dream. Something I haven’t had filled with that much emotion in a long time.



Or at least had to hear what he had to say, before I make up mind and decide to continue my flirtatious act with Adam.


I can’t just seem to give up on Adam, he’s a dream. But’s that’s not fair.


To me or Jacob.



I have to make a choice, these past few nights are making me realize that everyday is important to accomplish one or many things.


So that was it, my time was coming to an end in Mumbai.



I took the next out to Paris. I got there in time, during the afternoon.


Looking at the Mansion once again, I opened the door to find Jacob, tidying up the living room .



He turned slowly and noticed me.


I try not to ball my eyes out.


I was near the door., I could easily run away.



I guess Ms. Callies wasn't here anymore, I didn't see her anywhere. Most of her belongings were gone.


Jacob dropped the pillow he was holding and ran towards me, he hugged me in excitement.



I couldn’t breath, he squeezed me too tight.


I wanted to cry and breath out at the same time.



"Jacob your squeezing me and I can’t breath." i said in a huff.



I wasn’t expecting my first words, after leaving Paris and coming back, would be that awkward.


He tightens his grip on me then releases a little bit,


I'm sorry.


I couldn’t help but put my arms around him and hug him back.



After leaving him and discovering my lost past, it’ was a lot to take in about our situation again. Especially in-person.


"Oh my god, I wondered where you were and if you were ever gonna return. I missed you so much."



I didn’t even realize he had said something, until he pulled me back and looked at me up and down. Like I was something he hadn’t seen in so long.


And it’s true but, i’ve only been gone for 10 days.



He hurries me towards the couch, where we sit next to each other. He starts speaking calmly.


"Elle, where did you go and why did you leave me? You know how I hate it when you leave on your own. Why would you leave me?" he says.



I sighed. 


"I needed time to think and get things through, I won’t tell you where I went. But i’ll tell you, that when I arrived, I was mad at you. I needed time to think and clear my mind, until I knew how I felt about you and me after that fight. I’m sorry I just left. I just wanted us to be over."



It hurt me to say that, I wanted me and Jacob to be together.


But another part of me wanted to leave.



It struck Jacob’s heart like bullet, when it slipped out of my mouth as soon as I said it.


"But, I want us to be together. I wanna try fix this, I don't want to break up. Never. After doubting you ever being in my life again, I know that I want to be in your life."



Jacob's face looks concerned, I could tell it was a lot to register.


Because he knew me well enough, that I would run away, I think a part of him knew that I would return and with an apology.



It’s like going on a hiatus, that people do when they need to forgive themselves or a family member and it works every single time.



But no matter what, my mom will find me and I will keep on escaping. But it’s time that.


In no time, maybe it'll be over with.


"Jacob?" I say.



He stayed still, looking down at the floor. 


I look at him waiting for an answer, then he looks at me a soon as I look away in despair.


"Elle, i’m not mad at you, you told me the truth and I believe it, I just need to see that you really mean it."



"I’m willing to change for me and you, if it means that we can fix what we have." I reply.


He stares off into space for a bit, then turns to me.



"Look Elle, I really messed up when my mom came to visit in the last 10 days. I didn’t expect her to come here, and I knew she would say something about my past. And I didn’t want you to hear it from her, because I wanted to tell you myself. And in a right way where I don't let my emotions get the best of me. I got carried away, I mean I was just finding out about those things I never knew for the first time Elle. I didn't know how'd I react."



"I know how you feel, but comparing or bringing my life into your problem is not the answer even in a fight." I say.


"You're right, and I'm sorry for that. I should have said that earlier."


"You should have," I reply, laughing a bit.


Jacob's forehead reaches mine and our finger linger into a hold.




Later that night we cozied up on the couch, looked out the big window in the living room and watched the lights turn on one by one outside.


It was magical.


"I really missed having you here in my arms." Jacob said.


"I missed it too."


I leaned into him.



I told Adam about my relationship with Jacob before I left. And he understood.


I told him about the times we spent together and the time we had in Mumbai won't be in vain.



I had to break it off for once. Before I made a big mistake, and i'm glad it worked out.


I could have ruined everything if I still hadn't had faith.



I couldn’t just leave Jacob, he’s the light in my darkness. The joy in my sadness and many other things I can think of.


"I can’t think of being in another place, other than here with you." I say.



We both gaze up at each other. And it reminds me of the first night we spent in Paris.


When we went to the restaurant and got to see the big view of Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower itself.



No matter what, I will always stay try to be there for Jacob from now.




As I tidy up the living room the next day, the door rang unexpectedly.


I went up and opened it



I opened the door, and to my surprise, Carla and Theodore were at the door.


I hadn't seen in a long time.


"You guys!" I shouted.



We all hugged at the door.


Our footsteps made an echo in the Mansion and I knew Jacob would wake up because of us.


We were the only two people in the Mansion left.



I turned towards the stairs to see him coming down.



"Jacob look who it is?!"


He finally opened his eyes to see Carla and Theodore.


"Oh my god, I can’t believe it." he said.



He ran towards both of them.


He's still tired, but he did it anyways.


"I can’t believe it you guys are here." he said jumping up in excitement.



I never saw Jacob this happy since London.


"You guys come in and sit down tell us what happened in London after we left?!" he says.



They came in and I went to the kitchen to fix up breakfast.


They sat down on the couch and talked with Jacob for a while.



Everyone came into the kitchen where I had set up the table with plates and silverware, we all sat down.


Surprised I could make breakfast, Theodore sat down first before everyone.



"So, Carla and Theodore. Tell me all about London?" I say.


Carla answered.


"Well things have changed, we decided to turn the Home To All  into a daycare, because Theodore had experience taking care of kids."


She whispered to us after. "Especially you guys."


She laughed.



"We decided to turn it into a daycare, so that parents can work and have a place of take their kids too."


"And speaking of kids, I have one way!!" she says.


"What?" I say in surprise.



I got up eyes widened and hugged Carla.



"Oh my god. I can’t believe it, you're gonna have a baby!!" i said.


"Yep, the first one."


"First one, woo!!" I shout.



We both cheered at the news, both Jacob and Theodore had to cover their ears so they wouldn’t hear.


We calmed down, then Carla spoke.


"My first one, can you believe it?"



"Wait a minute, hold on. You're having a child and you don't have a ring on your finger. Is this something new?" I asked.


She looked at me and gasped to answer. "I forgot to tell you, i’m getting married!!"


"When!?" I say loudly



We both squeal at the top of our lungs again.


I cleared my throat, then talked to Carla, while Theodore looked at us.



"So when and where did you get engaged, and where will you get married Carla?!" I asked.


"It’s not when did I get engaged, it’s when and where I'll get married and it’s here in Paris!"


"Here?" I say, my voice peaking.


We tried so hard not to scream, but we couldn’t hold it in no longer.


Carla stopped me before I could shout again.



"I think we should stop, let's have breakfast. All this screaming will only wake up the baby." Carla said rubbing her stomach.



I went close to her, feeling her stomach to see if ther was a bump.


I put my hand on her stomach, and she placed my hand to area above her pants.


"How many months are you?" I asked.


"1 month, me and my hubby was waiting till the last moment we knew we were pregnant and then we had to plan the wedding right away. Because I want to fit in my wedding dress before the baby gets bigger." she replied


We barely talked about anything else during breakfast,


Theodore and Jacob mainly ignore us and ate, while we chatted up a storm until we realize they had left the table.



I took Carla upstairs to my room, where she finished her breakfast and I asked questions.


"So, who’s the lucky guy?" I say.


She smiled and answered.


"Well, he’s pretty tall. He’s super nice and caring. Lovely and amazing, you’ll love him."


"I bet," I respond.



I looked off to the side, as if this was all a dream.


But it wasn’t, it was reality.


She's really getting married and having a baby.


"When did you guys met, and does he love you?" i asked.


She scoffs, "Elle stop being so defensive. I know you want what's best and I hope you know that I'm happy, but he really does. It was back when you left for Paris, and I was at a store buying juice and there he was standing next to me. He offered to help me take the grocery bags to the house and we started seeing each other after that day."



We both smiled in excitement


"So tell me when’s the wedding Carla and what dress will you be wearing?"



She sighed the smiled. 


"Well, since I knew you worked at Duboni's, she said she would love to design my dress and i’ll pick up the dress next week here. It'll be 2 days before the wedding which reminds me, you and Jacob are obiviously invited!"


"So fast," I said hurriedly.


"Why didn’t you tell me you were getting married next week, I would have been glad to plan with you."



She answered.


"Well, since we found out we were pregnant, I wanted to go right ahead and plan for the wedding. Since then, we were engaged and there was no choice. We’d either do it after the baby, which would cost so much for more people and the baby present in the wedding, I wanted a simple life track plan. That my child was born, after we were engaged and married."



I understood Carla, We became good friends and even more now, especially since we're getting more bonding time now that’ she’s getting married.



"So Carla ,what should I do to prepare for your wedding. If everything is okay?" I asked.


"Yes, everything for the wedding is ready. Now all I have to do is shop for a few things, get my wedding dress next week and get ready for the big day. But as for now, i’m just calm until the day comes." she answered.



We both went shopping that morning and took maternity photos with her fiancé, who I also got to meet of course.



While preparing for the wedding, I also had time to fit in and spend with Jacob.


As we were slowly building more trust in our relationship, it’s getting better by the day.



The last thing I had to do was check what the weather was gonna be on the wedding day.


Then get dinner ready and we had wait for when Carla and I get her wedding dress.



"Alright Jacob that’s enough, I need to help Theodore in the kitchen with dinner." i said.


Jacob wouldn't let go of me. When did he get so clingy all of the sudden?


I walk towards the kitchen to help.



The rest of the night Carla, Joe and Jacob plus me, watched a movie late a night before we went to bed.


Carla's mom will come by and see her try on the dress.


I bet it'll be magical.


Chapter Seventeen: Hands On Me



It’s early in the morning and i’m getting ready to go out with Carla and her mom to see her try on the dress, and let me just say, Carla still looks slim even though she’s 1 month pregnant. Carla’s mom must be proud of her, to find a guy who she loves her and wants to marry her. And as for me, i’m still rekindling my relationship with Jacob and it’s going well. We’ve only slowly started getting back into going out while Carla and her fiancé try to bring what they call 'the heat back', I have no idea what she's talking about but I guess Jacob understands, because he was nodding while Carla and Joe talked to us about it. Has it been so long since i blogged? Sorry for the late post my ElleWooders. A lot has been going and it’s all under control, I least that i know of. In a few weeks Jacob and i will be going back to New York as we regain the habit of going out again. Love and miss all of you so much, but i've gotta go and see ya next time!” - @SummerElleW_86



After finishing up my blog post, I started to dress.


I picked something pretty to wear, for when Carla comes out of the dressing room at the fitting.


Carla came into my room yelling.


"Today, i’m getting my wedding dress!"


"We know, you've been excited about it all week." I say tiredly.



She said it over and over again, until I finally looked up from the mirror, brushing my teeth.


She was prancing around in my room, jumping on the bed.


"Stop. Remember Carla jumping up and down is not good for you right?" I said.



She stopped jumping and got off the bed quickly.


"Sorry Elle, I'm just so excited that I get to try on and see my wedding dress today. I bet you i’ll look sliming in it." she says.


"Of course, you're one month pregnant. There's nothing there." I say coming from the bathroom.


"Don't say that, you'll hurt it's feelings." she says, rubbing her stomach on her way out.



She hurried back to her room and got ready while I finished dressed up.


That morning Carla was so excited to try on her dress, that she didn’t eat breakfast.


I sighed at the thought, Iput her breakfast in a brown bag and stuffed it in my purse.


Then we were out the door.



When we got to the shop, I saw Duboni working behind the service desk.


"Hey Duboni, long time no see." I say.


"Elle," I hear her say elegantly, making her way to met.


"Bonjour Elle, nice to see you're still looking fashionable."



She took a piece of paper and walked towards Carla.


"Your dress is ready, let me pick it out for you." Duboni said, going to the back room.



She showed me and Carla towards to back to the room ,where her dress was.


She led us past a few dresses that seemed to look beautiful.



Then she finally landed on a dress, just close enough to the runway mirror in the back to the room.


"And here’s your dress Carla, made just for you. Customized by me of course." she says.



Carla stood there for a moment then picked up the dress, I could tell she was speechless and I took her into the dressing room.


"Come on Carla you don’t have time to waste, the wedding’s in 2 days." I say.



A couple minutes go by, then she finally comes out.


I had to admit, she looked the best out of the times i’ve seen her dressed up. And after all this time, I hadn’t seen her.


And being pregnant? I’m surprised, it looks like she isn’t even pregnant in that dress.



She looked amazingly beautiful and I can’t fit in anymore words to explain how she looks, but she looks stunning.




It was all we could say, when she saw herself in the mirror mainly.


Her mom showed up.


"Aye, Carla you look beautiful, just beautiful like me." said Carla's mom.


"Xo, how would you feel when you see Carla and Joe got married today? Just a theory." I asked



Carla left to the changing room, Xo sighed then answered.


"I would feel proud of my daughter and Joe getting married, even if it was today. It was always one of her dreams to marry the one person who she could always love. I all the way here from Mexico to be at her wedding, i’ll always be there for my baby."



Carla came out and got her dress ready to go.


"Okay girls, since I tried it out and it's ready for Saturday, let’s go get married!" she says.



She walked out of the room and waited for me and her mom, Xo pulled me aside before continuing to walk beside Carla.



"Let’s just say, Elle. That your relationship with Jacob, will get better especially, if you have heat." she whispered, walked alongside with Carla.


I’m surprised, Xo knew something about relationships and heat.



Later today, me, Carla and Xo went out to the club. Or what Xo said was a 'nice place to hang out'.


I’m surprised the club was really loud, and Xo left us fast to go and party with friends.



Me and Carla hung around the nice couches and talked with people.


I went to go get a drink, when suddenly Jacob showed up behind me.


"Uh, Elle that’s alcohol." he says.


"Oh, I was looking for water." I said.


I reached to put my hand up for a bartender.



He stopped me and poured water in a cup for me.


"Here." he says.



I took the cup and smiled.


"So why are you here? Keeping tabs on me, because that is so wrong." I say.



I was about to leave Carla behind to be with Jacob all night, but I needed to find her.


I turned to see where she was, when he stopped me again.



"What are you doing here? Go home or something, aren't you suppose to be with Joe at his bachelor's party?" I asked over the loud music.


"Listen ya don't have to be here, you can be somewhere else more quiet." he says.



I didn’t understand, but Icould care less.



"No thanks i’m good, plus I gotta watch out for Carla. She might secretly try to drink alcohol when i'm not looking. But hanks anyways, i’ll see you at home."



Before going back to where the girls were, Jacob stopped me again, before I could take another step.


"Do you not want to be alone tonight?" I asked.


"Elle, listen to me. I can take you somewhere far from here, where we're alone and it’s just you and me."



I pondered on it, it has been days since we've been alone.


Not with Carla and Joe in the mansion.



He seemed to had plans for us, even I didn’t know of.


He put down my drink and held my hands.


"When you're ready to go, i’ll be outside by the car waiting for you."



He left quickl,y before I had a chance to say something.


He disappeared, into the crowd.


I went to find Carla quickly.



I spot her and run instantly, I needed to get out here.


I barely made it out alive through a crowd of people dancing.



"Carla i’m leaving, make sure to be safe and watch out for your mom. I have to find out what Jacob's plan."


She nods her head and I quickly walk towards the exit, when I felt a rush going through my head.


Like I was telling myself something I knew would come this day and tonight was probably it.



I ignored the feeling and went out the exit, where I found Jacob standing by a car, in the front of the club entrance.


He stood there, looking at me. All knowing that I made the right decision.



I ran up towards him and gave him a hug.


He smelled really nice, his cologne seeped into my memory. If this was all I could remember today, it would be worth it.


I would never leave his arms.



We got in the car and we were off. He took me to a nice big place off a big mountain, east from the Mansion.


It was nice and quiet, just like how Jacob said back in the club.



When we arrived, the sky was as dark like the blankets of space.


And a star above shone, I looked up to notice it.


This is definitely, one of the best moments I experienced in a long time.



He opened the door for me and lead me inside the house.


When I opened the light, I was mesmerized by the sparkle of the lights in my eyes.


I barely paid attention to what Jacob said.



When I finally came to, I looked towards Jacob, he asked me a question.


"Do you know why I brought you here?" he asked.



I was stumped for the first time when Jacob asked questions all those times and now.


"I don’t know, I guess you brought me here so that I wouldn’t be all up in the club." I answered.



 He shook his head and went over to a wall near a kitchen and he dimmed the light down, until I noticed that my reflection in the window was like a shadow.


He answered after walking towards me again.



"No, I brought you here because I love you. And because I wanted to make sure, that you were safe in my arms.


He held my hands as he said that.



So many questions run through my head as he kept giving me hints about what he’s saying, I still don’t give in.


"Why here?"


"It's nice," he replies.


At the last moment I finally realized why he brought me here.


When I realized it, he asked another question.



"You know I love you right? And someone who loves you would love you completely right?"


Jacob leans in and kisses me softly on the lips, he pulls back as I react.


I smile and he me closer, filling the space between us.



It was romantic and thoughtful of him to bring us here.


Just so that we could be alone, but then I felt his hand run up my outer thigh, then pulling my right leg up.



I was disgusted, I felt repulsed at the feeling.


It made nervous and sick at the same time.


And I couldn’t handle the fact that he brought me here and thought he was gonna get what he wants, not even bothering to ask me properly about it.



I stop his hands from reaching further up my leg.


I pulled back.


"Jacob stop, what are you doing? I don't feel comfortable."



"I just wanted to try something different for once, don't you get tired of just kissing, like we said when we started dating?" He said.


He reached his arm around my waist, pulling me closer again.


"No, stop. And I like just kissing. It doesn't take our love life to the next level."



Suddenly out of it, I had to quickly run out of the place before something bad I could say would come out of my mouth. 


And it sucks, he couldn't read my mind or my thoughts.



"Wait, Elle where are you going?" he said, running after me.


Before he could reach the doors and open it, I was already in the car.


I started the car just in time, to drive off before he could lay a finger on me.



I drove as fast as I could out of that area and back to the mansion. I couldn’t bear the thought, he knew what he was saying to me and thought I was ready.


I couldn’t deal with it. 


I see a red light turn green and I sped fast.



I suddenly knew why everyone was always giving advice to me and Jacob, talking about kicking it up a notch, and try something new.


Experience the fun



I don’t care if people call me a virgin for the rest of my life, or make fun of me for not doing the same things that they do.


I really don’t want to deal with this for as long i'm here.



I stopped at the mansion’s driveway and let the gate man take the car in to park it.


As I ran towards the door, I opened it to find Xo and Carla sitting on the couch.


Absolutely sober rather than drunk.



I dropped all my body weight on the couch after I took off my shoes in the living room.


I lhad anded flat on my stomach, Xo and Carla stopped talking to find me sobbing on the couch.


"Elle, what’s wrong and why are you crying?" Carla asked.


She comforted me and let me sit down next to her, as she hugged me.



Xo went to the kitchen to get me a water bottle.


I stopped crying and eventually started weeping.



Xo came in, giving me the water bottle. I grabbed it quickly and drank half of it fast.


When I cleared my throat, Carla spoke.



"Elle tell me what happened. Tell me everything?"


"Okay just listen. Remember when I told you in the club that I was leaving? Well, it turns out now i’m leaving Jacob for good!"


"You're being dramatic." Carla spoke back.


Xo gasped as if I cussed out loud.



"Elle what do you mean." Xo whispered to me.


"Jacob took me to a nice and quiet place, east from the Mansion and he said all these things. Saying he loves me and that didn’t make sense, and I started questioning myself what does he mean and then I realized."



I stopped and looked around to make sure it was only Carla and Xo around, even though I knew it was just them.


I realizing that I sounded like drunk girl who came back from the club.



I told Carla and Xo to bend down towards me.



I whispered quietly enough for both of them hear what I said.


"He wanted me the way i've never seen in him before."



Carla and Xo looked at each other confused.


They turned back to me and I whispered again. "He was trying to do something, that I totally didn’t want to do, because we never talked about it."



Carla and Xo looked at each other again.


They bent down furthe,r then I finally stopped hinting and told them what Jacob was telling me through a series of words.



They gasped and looked at each other, then me, then each other again while I was staring at both of them confused.


They both ran around the living room, screaming or rather laughing, like it was good news.



I was sitting down on the carpet in the living room, crossing me legs a hundred time until my legs were officially closed up on each other.



Xo and Carla stopped and pulled me up on the couch, i'm surprised they had a lot of strength together. 


I looked at them.


They were both looking at me like savage animals, giving me the romantic eyes, and smiling at me.



I finally broke the silence.


"Why are you guys staring at me, didn’t you hear what I said. He wants me for my body now." i said.


"Shut up," Carla said dramatically.



They smiled instead of talking and they were laughing like to little girls. 


Carla finally spoke after smiling for too long.


"Elle, it doesn’t mean anything but that fact that he loves you and he want’s all of you, physically."



Xo and Carla laughed like it was a joke.


I stood there with a mad and confused expression, that sort of looked like dog face.


"You're young and don't know about sexual love. Did you even have the talk when you were younger?" Carla spat out.



Xo finally speaks.


"There’s nothing to worry about, except for the fact that he loves you and he’s wants some." she laughed loudly afterwards.


Carlawas son the floor laughing, they had their own world of humour.


And I was excluded from it. And I couldn’t help it.



"Listen the both of you, get up and sit on the couch and handle this like mature adults!!" I yelled.


Xo and Carla paid close attention and listened to what I said.



They both sat up straight and looked at me like proper.


"Now tell me, that you’ll be more specific about the information you're telling me, and don’t be rude about it." I say.



They heard me clearly and started speaking at the same time, which seemed like they were blurting out two different things.


"Okay stop you two."


They stopped.


"One of you start talking." I said.



Xo raised her hand.


"Okay Xo, go ahead." 


I stood on the table like a judge, so that it seems like i’m the bigger person.



Xo began talking.


"Alright, Elle there’s nothing to worry or be scared about. He just wants to take the relationship to the next level, I mean it’s the middle of August what perfect time out of the year."



I looked at her like she was crazy, Carla spoke for her.


"Elle, it’s not a big deal, if he really loves you then he will respect your answer."



Xo objects to what Carla said.


"Okay, listen Carla you learned from the best. Me! and I bet you that I can explain this to Elle better than you. I mean someone has to teach the virgin, obviously.


I give her a look.


"That was a joke, obviously."


"She doesn’t know." Carla exclaims to her mom.


"Stop it, my turn." Xo responds.


Carla nods and shut's up.



As I stood waiting for the night to be over, I thought, what did Xo mean?


Xo finally spoke again. "Okay, Elle come here."



I stepped down from the table and sat right in between the both of them, Xo on the right and Carla on my left.


Xo starts whispering into my ears, she said things I never heard or possibly imagined.


My ears and my head were never the same again.



I sat there speechless, while Xo and Carla nod at each other in agreement.


I feared of making my relationship with Jacob fall apart again, especially since I left him there with no car.



Xo and Carla both told me the things I needed to know and explained it perfectly.


After they were done, it almost brought tears to my eyes because what they said was explained beautifully to my ears.


I didn't understand, and thought Jacob was doing something to entice me about our relationship.



"Elle, if he loves you and respects what you think about it, then he’s the one for you. And I guarantee you if he tries to lead you into the bedroom without talking to you about it before, that’s a sign you have to talk to him about your choice and your answer."


Carla agreed and added something to Xo’s answer.


"And Elle listen, make sure you're making that right decision and if you're ready or if your not, the tell him. Like for example, me and Joe, our relationship was totally fine. And when it came to that moment, I had to admit that I felt the same way you did. I wasn’t ready for it to happen."



Xo budded in.


"It’s true, Carla told me the night Joe tried something."



Carla scoffed at her mom then went back to talking to me.


"If he’s willing to listen to what you have to say, it's worth it. When it came down to me and Joe, I asked if we could talk it out and later on that year it happened and let me just say, don’t let anyone take advantage."



Carla and Xo had great advice for me or at least advice I didn’t listen to much.


"Yeah, whatever. I'll think about it." I said lying on the couch.


"Goodnight Chico." Xo said, before heading up and leaving me in the living room.



I fell asleep on the couch, while Xo and Carla were upstairs talking before they went to sleep.


Just as I was settling into sleeping on the couch for the night, I heard keys jingle outside and the door opened.



I figured it either had to be Theodore or Jacob coming in. Xo, Carla, me, Jacob and Theodore are the only ones staying here at the mansion.


And for my mom, she’s back in Mumbai having the time of her life spending it there with Bali.



I finally got up from the couch and saw the shadow of who was at the door... it was Jacob.


I noticed he saw me and he started walking towards me slowly, he turned on the lights before he took another step.



He started talking to me as soon as he got close enough.


"Elle, why did you run of so quickly? You didn’t even had time to tell me where you were going and I had to get a ride to come here, did I say something so wrong?" he asks.



He didn’t yell at me which made it more of a challenge to talk back, I took a deep breath then spoke.


He puts his hands on me, I try not to shake off his hands.


The feeling is still fresh from when he touched me.



"Just leave me alone for now, you're making me feel uncomfortable again." I said before walking up the stairs to my room.



I sighed and flopped onto my bed once I got to my room.


"Why." i said muffed into the bed covers.



Why, couldn't I had just said that he did nothing wrong.


I was just experiencing it for the first time and didn't know how to react.


I didn't know.



God, now I feel bad.

Chapter Eighteen: Forever



In just 1 day, the wedding will happen and i’m so excited. Carla’s going to be married and have a baby on the way.



Everything’s prepared and ready to go for tomorrow.


I pulled a few strings with the people that I know to find a place where it's legal to get married, behind the eiffel tower.



Carla was busy stressing out what the wedding will be like and if she doesn’t fit into the dress she just got days ago.


I found ways to calm her down, one that worked was a special herbal tea recipe I learned back in Mumbai.


It helps calm the nerves and relaxes you and I hope it works on Carla for the whole day.



Carla spent her time relaxing, meditating and thinking about being calm.


I had to admit it was the most quiet I had ever seen her.



That night, me and Xo painted Carla’s nails and touched up some things before tomorrow.


Tomorrow will be the day she commits to full happiness and leave whatever’s behind her, to become a beautiful married couple with Joe.


It was such a pleasure to have them here.



"Okay, Carla. You didn't tell me anything about how he proposed to you or when, I haven’t heard the story." I said.



She sighed and got up quickly, guess her fast return meant the herbal tea wore off.


"Okay. I remember we were walking in a park, and he told me he wanted to take me out to dinner that night because he had a big announcement and wanted me to be the first to hear it. I remember ,before I went to the restaurant that night he took me out for ice cream and bought me roses and we talked all afternoon until he had nothing else to say."


"That night he took me to the restaurant off the corner, near my favorite cupcake store. And after 2 hours of non-stop talking, he did it. He finally proposed."



"Oh my god, tell me he did it in the most romantic way possible and were you wearing something pretty?" i said.


"I wore something that most girls would wear on a date, because I didn’t think that it would be something serious like a proposal."



"You know that guys will propose to a girl in no time of manner and anywhere not matter what." she continues.



"I remember he said some meaningful things that meant so much to me, like he was giving me the key to his heart. It felt like my life had finally progressed furthur. And out of nowhere, he got down on one knee and asked 'what kinda girl would I be if I didn’t say yes."


We smiled for a second.



"I love him, and he wants to marry me. And I want to marry him, it’s meant to be. It was the most romantic night, ever. In my whole life, and guess what?"


"What?" I asked.


"Afterwards, he took me out to my favorite cupcake store and bought a special cupcake, made just for me."


"Awww, you guys are so sweet!" I say.


She punched my lightly on my arm.


"Don't worry, you guys will talk again. Just give him a chance to explain. Listen, I know your romance with Jacob will eventually come back together again, and in a different way. What you guys lost over the course of your lives doesn’t mean anything, if you don't progress."



"I believe in you and Jacob, that you’ll sort things out and start a new love, a new beginning."



I can’t believe it, Carla was right. That we will have what we did before and it will be a new one, a new fresh beginning to start over and make things right.



That afternoon, I finally decided to meet up with Jacob.


We picked a spot outside.


I see his unwavering eyes meet mine and I want to gasp.


I fidget my fingers into place as I made my way to him.


"You wanted to talk?" he says.



I hadn't heard his voice since last night, It made me miss him even more.


"You know, Jacob. We’ve been through a lot these past couple of weeks and I wanted to make sure that I said this before you did. I love you, I never want to give up my heart to anyone else but you. I could have. But i'm here, and i'm with you, again. Promising we’ll do better and make our relationship the best of what it could be, what it was like before."


He stared at my silently.


"Remember the necklace you gave me for my birthday last year? From when we first met? You thought I was a know-it all and person who couldn’t handle her shit. I thought you were an insecure bo,y who didn’t know how to live life."



I paused to remember the moment I met him.


"Like my mom always told me, no matter what Jacob, i’ll always come running back to you. Every time."


He looks over at me from wherever he was staring and kisses me on the cheek.


It meant so much for him to listen to what I had to say.



It was sweet and caring.


"I will never ever try to do anything that'll make you feel uncomfortable again." he said hugging me.


"I mean, you'll ask first right?" I asked jerking away.


Jacobs looks to the side, annoyed with my response.


"You didn't even promise not to do it again. I feel like I still can't trust you from last night." I said.


He didn't promise it, so I can't trust him not to do it again.


Isn't that right?


"Promise me," I said.


Jacob just looks at me, there's no response.


I want to leave, and I do.



He doesn't have to say anything before I'm in the house.


We made progress, and then we back tracked.




The next morning we woke up bright and early, before sunrise.


Carla was already up and hyper about the wedding, eat breakfast at a million miles per house.


And etting ready to go shopping for her day.



All Carla told me to do was to be her maid of honor and make sure everything’s in order.


Me, Xo and Carla went to the store to buy her last minute reception dress and shoes and jewelry.


God, Carla can be forgetful sometimes.




We went walking in the park and ate lunch afterwards.


Unlike most people rushing to get things done and ready for the wedding, guests arrived on time.


Carla wanted her guests and family to have a relaxing morning off to chill, until it was time to get ready for the wedding.



Carla was specific about the time people took to get ready and made a list of things she sent out to her family through mail and e-mail.


Carla wanted everything to be how she imagined it and I was gonna make sure she got it.



Just 2 hours before the wedding, we were rushing to eat something light before we all walked down the aisle.


Carla got ready at the Mansion and we went out to the Salon that afternoon, so they could do her makeup and hair.



I stood by Carla’s side the whole day, I could tell she was nervous. She was getting married in an hour.


After getting things done at the salon and we rushed back to the Mansion.


Before we were halfway up the stairs, Jacob ran into me. 


"Hey, Elle do you have any idea how to tie a tie?"


"Seriously? Right now." I respond.



Carla went fast up the stairs, followed by Xo. She was giving me the signal that she's goning to take care of everything.


I turned back to Jacob. "Now’s not the time, I'm busy. And you seriously don’t know how to do it?"


He replied. "Yea, I don’t know."


I growl at him and fixed up his tie.



"There all done, now can I go?"  I said, signaling the stairway he was blocking.


He looked up and then smiled. "Of course."



He stepped aside and went down the stairs.


"I'm still mad at you." I said going up the stairs.



He left and I quickly ran through the Mansion to Carla’s room, where Xo was helping her put on her dress.


I grabbed that box which held her heels that were only 2 inches.


"Carla you look amazing and when that afternoon light hits your skin you're gonna look…flawless!'" I said.


"Oh, that reminds me, Elle you have to put on your bridesmaid dress. I know you’ll look beautiful in it."



She pushed me towards the bathroom, where I saw a dress in a garment bag and my name written in big ball letters.


I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror, it was magnificent and stunning. I could've looked like a princess.


But Carla's the princess today, its her wedding day and I get she wants me to look pretty too.


But it’s her day.



Me and Xo left the room for a few minutes before the limo came to pick us up and take us the wedding spot. 



"I really can’t believe i'm riding in a limo today, Carla is the best. She deserves so much especially on her wedding day, the wedding looks amazing it’self, the people were calm and not rowdy like the weddings i've been too with my mom. I jusr wish she were here to see how I looked, but luckily I know my mom and she knows me and it turned out she was here with my dad, after a very long time during the reception, Jacob finally met my dad, while Carla was walking down aisle. I spot Jacob on the other side of the alter smiling and looking at me. I’m glad the wedding is outside, because I can’t deal with being secluded in a wedding with guests and people I don’t know. Carla looked so beautiful walking down the aisle and Xo's smile was what made it more enduring as Carla looksed back at her. Soon we'll be onto the reception, then it'll be time to party!, gotta go and see ya next time!" - @SummerElleW_86



The wedding was just magical, like it was all in a dream.


After the big celebration of the newly weds at the alter, we went to the reception. 



Everyone was shouting and cheering.


There was a moment for dancing, then it was that time catching the bouquet of flowers.


Carla tossed it into the air.



And to my luck, I was put in it with many other girls, fighting for the roses.


When Carla threw the bouquet in the air, it was headed straight for me.


And I caught it, along with 22 other girls. And all of them were trying to get the flowers from me.



But I fought them off, I wasn't gonna let it go that easy.


I had it in my hands first and people know what that means.



All night long, every single one of Carla's aunts came up to me and said the same thing the other one said before. 


Over and over.


I hate that it's sucha a stigma.



I hope it happens soon.


Maybe you'll get proposed to next.


Best of luck.


I hope you get married too.


Oh, and...


"You're next." Carla said, coming up to me.



As she looked at me, I spotted a family of 6 sitting at a table fighting and screaming.


I pointed over to the family and looked towards Carla.


"You're next." I said.



We both chuckled.



But most of the night, I ignored Jacob and people kept looking at me.


As if that made me even more lonley.


"Elle, go dance with Jacob. You guys haven't talked since this morning." Carla said.



I gave Carla a look. "Look. Today's your day, not mine."


"Yeah, but I still want you and Jacob to communicate." she said pushing me to the dance floor.



Jacob came up towards me.


Had he been waiting all along?


"So. Are you gonna dance with me?" he asked, gesturing his hand.


"No.'' i said sternly, pushing it away.



"Come on, please. I'm sorry." he said.


Suddenly he moved his feet to the beat.


"For the last time, no." I said.



Jacob grabbed my hand and twirled me to his side.


"I bet now you do." he said.



I jerked away, but he held me back in his arms.


"I'm not letting you go, even if you're mad." he said.


That's good to know.



As music played and everyone around started dancing, I reluctantly danced alonside him.


"Might as well go with the flow." I whispered under my breath.



"Look, i'm sorry for pressuring you into doing something you clearly didn't want." Jacob said in my ear.


"And I won't do it again. Not like that, I promise." he said.


A smile perked up on my face.


"That's all I wanted, a sincere apology." I said, finally facing him.



Those were the exact words I wamted him to say.


"And I forgive you, but we need to make up for the lost time during this wedding."


"I know how." Jacob said smiling.



He leans in to kiss me, as we slow dance.


We both smiled at each other, while the reception was still bustling with music and people.




Just two days from that night, me and Jacob left back to New York as planned.


So much had happened in the past year when I left for London.


And more the following year.



I found out, my step father wasn't in fact my real dad. My mom had been lying amd hiding to me all these years, until I was old enough to know.


And knowing that these past 18 years, have been wasted with my step father. But I won't forget, who I still remember and will love forever. 


Chapter Nineteen: Don't Stop, Just Keep On Going


"I love being back in New York. Manhattan has changed in the time that i’ve been in Paris and Mumbai. I came back to New York with a slight change in my personality and I don’t mind. The August heat had gotten to me, I’m burning up everywhere I go, but luckily it’s almost September and the cold months are a far long head away, I still have time. I can’t wait to spend Christmas this year in New York, I spent my first christmas away from home in Paris with Jacob Things have changed and I love how it progresses. Fall will soon be upon us this season, I want to see it's gonna be like nearing half year I've been at FARELLE, I miss Rikki and my co-workers. l miss you all my ElleWooders, LUV, and see ya next time!"- @SummerElleW_86



FARELLE had gotten bigger since my return.


I loved being back, workingn myself to the bone for a good story and to see it published.


But mostly, Id love being back knowing Marcus had left and I mean left.


The position he filled is now vancant. And boy am I glad. That means I won’t be seeing him anymore.



I think of this is as dream, but really it’s not.


I can’t think of a better life than mine, which has changed so much since I left home.



And to think, that if I hadn’t left home or thought of it, my life wouldn’t have changed.


I probably wouldn't have met Jacob.


Or Theodore and Carla.


Duboni, Rikki, Lauren, Marybella, and Eddy the other new friends i’ve made and had seen in the past year.



But today was simple and boring, I head back to work while I still have time.



"I just need this to be done by this afternoon." 


I heard Lauren, as I entered through the glass doors.


"Elle, how was your vacation?" she asked towards me.



"Good, and i'm ready to get back to work." I replied.


"Great, I need you to interview these important people today. Here's the things you can find, in the photography room. Good luck."



Lauren handed me some papers and I got on it.



"Alright, so since you've been working at FARELLE for so long, how do you feel about being here for as long as you live?" i asked.


"Well, I love working here. Espcially with my good friend Lauren." said Vanessa.


"And there's a rumor going around that in the past, you and Lauren were rivals? Is that true." I asked.



"Well no, we're not rivals from the past, we're still rivals. Were just not talking to each other." Vanessa said, without any facial expression.


"Thank god. I interviewed you first." I whispered under my breath.



"I'm sorry, what?" Vanessa asked in a tone.


"Thank god for insight fashion, you are always looking trendy." I said


I put on the best fake smile I can muster.



Exactly how did they become rivals? I wonder.



"How are you today Rikki?" I ask.


"I'm good, just upset their not selling jell-o in the cafe anymore." she replied.


"Okay." i said writing down her comment.



"So what's it like to work for FARELLE?" I asked.


"Not really something fun, but good enough." Jeff said.


"Okay, no more interviews from Jeff." I whispered under my breath.



"I mean why should they do that, it's not fair." Rikki replied.


"Mmhhmm, I know how you feel." I said writing down her comments.


"Is the interview over?" she asked.


"Yes! I mean yes. You can go back to work." I said, rushing her to the camera and lightings.



"It's important to catch the right angle, and get the best shot. After all, I am being paid for that."


"Mmmhmm, I see." I said back.


"So is that all the questions you have?"


"Yep, you're free to go." I said back.




"Really." I said.


"Like right now?" he replied.


I sighed, turning my head to leave.



How was I suppose to do this under control?



"I do plan on running FARELLE one day, so don't think about quiting." Vanessa said seriously.


"Wasn't gonna plan on it." I replied, scared.


"Good, because Lauren and I can't stand to be in the same room."



"Okay thanks for your time, I will be sure to put this in." I said.


Vanessa left and a breath of relief overcame me.


"So can I go?" he asked.


"Yes, i've been saying that for the past two minutes." I say.


"Okay, so should you call me in case I make the job." he asked.


"This is an inteview for your job experience here." I almost yelled back.


"Oh, then what were you asking me?"


"I quit." I said under my breath.



"Hey Elle, did you get the interviews?" Lauren asked coming to my desk.


"Yep and it was a mistake. Everyone annoyed me." I said, handing her the papers.


"Good job, I expect to see you back in work again soon right?"


"You can count on it." I said tiredly.



Lauren walked to her office, as I chugged down my coffee.


God I need this energy.


"It's gonna be a long week." I said to myself.




After a long day at work, I hurriedly went back home.


Jacob was already there, watching tv as I entered through the door.


"Hey, how was work?" he asked.


"I wanna go to sleep." I said, walking past him into the hallway, then to our room.



I flopped my body onto the bed and looked up at the ceiling.


"Welcome back to life, Elle." I whispered, before I fell asleep.



Chapter Twenty: PlayBack



It’s a while since I spoke to my dad.


Bali’s been doing good, taking care of my mom in Mumbai.


She decided she wants to live in Mumbai for the time being and she's having fun.



But hopefully she'll return to Paris, it's still something she can't shake off.


She had missed living there, and claimed to me on the phone that it was her destiny to come back.



It’s been nice, getting to know him through our calls. To know him more, even after all these years  I never knew about his existence.


He wanted to make up for our severed relationship.



Jacob met Bali back in Paris, when Carla got married.


Which reminds me, Joe and Carla had the baby.


A boy and he is precious. I've seen the pictures.



Their baby is cute and adorable.


I be one day I might get to hold him.


He’s only 4 months now and Carla had decided to lleave london and raise her baby in Venezuela, where her parents lives and it’s far from New York.



I mean, Venezuela is in South America.


And every year from now, I get the chance to go to Brazil for a big annual magazine competition for the big hot magazines around thw world.



And if I cant get the chance to see Carla, it would be a dream.


When i’m there, i've got to see Venezuela and see how Carla and her baby Max are doing.


He’s gotten big, since the last time I saw him before I came back to New York for fall.




Celebrating Christmas here in New York for the very first time again, was a pleasure.


By tomorrow, it’ll already be New Years.


And I just know that this coming year, will be great. Especially since I haven’t seen Jacob in 2 months.


I had to admit, I had missed him so much.



We basically take care ourselves and I guess our 'taking it up a notch' makes it an exciting new thing to try.


And speaking of kicking it up a notch, Rikki got engaged to her boyfriend of 2 years, recently got married about 3 weeks ago.



I was happy, for them even though Jacob wasn’t there.


And I really wanted him to be there.



"I always new that the day I sayyes will be the day I commit to a relationship forever. Theodore found himself a quite lady friend and I get to meet her in January. Thank god. I’m so proud of my friends this year, for coming along with me as I explore life and being there during the good and the bad times. I also want to mention that Marybella has a certain somebody in her life I haven’t heard of and i'm yet to know. I’m really happy for the things that have changed in and the people who encouraged me to move on from my past. I love you all, and i’m never gonna stop changing. Gotta go and see ya next time!” - @SummerElleW_86 




The official countdown for New Years, was is 15 minutes away.


I just spotted Jacob in the crowd of manhattan.



I could tell he was looking straight at me, as he laid eyes on me.


I truly did miss him, after all this time and getting to celebrate New Years with him again, is a blessing in whole.



He quickly runs through people to get to me and I do the same. We rush through the crowd and found each other under a street lamp.


This is the first time i’ve seen his face since christmas.



"Hi." he says, then smiles.


"Hey, I missed you." I said.



He picks me up for a comforting hug, which seems like it lasted forever, but it was only 2 minutes.


We caught up on what happened while he was gone. We talked for 12 minutes at Starbucks nearby that was open, then we hurried outside where everyone was crowed up, waiting for the jingle ball to fall down.


the New Year was gonna begin.



Only 1 more minute. 30 seconds and only 10 seconds now.


This gives me the next 10 seconds to remind and remember the past year.





For meeting my dad and knowing so much about my past.




For dating Jacob and knowing him long enough to know that I love him.




For believing that my mom can change, and that I can be part of her life again.




For new friends and FARELLLE.




For true greatness.




For Theodore and Carla.




For my family.




For my travel and adventures.




For Jacob.



The ball drops down and everyone cheers in happiness.


I shout at the top of me lungs.



People’s voices ring in my head and I drink a sip of my drink, to cheers for the New Year.


Everyone goes crazy over the jingle ball dropping.


Jacob kisses me as soon as he notices everyone else does too.



Jacob's kisses, are something that no one can explain other than me.


His kiss, is like the feeling of being loved, the feeling of happiness and the feeling of romance all in one moment.


And it’s worth it.



Worth the wait for him to come back and to be able to kiss me again and again, as much as I want to.


I really do see my future with Jacob, he’s my one and only.



All those years of thinking there was something wrong with me, but instead it was my life. A life iIdidn’t know of and a life i’m living now. 


Chapter Twenty-One: End Of Time


"It’s official, I'm moving away from the New York apartment. It was fun while it lasted, it was great living there again, after leaving around the world for 5 months. It’s a blessing, but know its time to start thinking big. Jacob and I bought a house in the suburbs of New York, since we didn’t want to miss living in far from the city. It was a hassle, but eventually we made a decision, and were moving out today. I totally almost forgot my ElleWooders, that 'yes' he's still my boyfriend and he hasn't put a ring on it yet. But i’m happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with him. Because he’s the one I want to marry and be with. I will continue to write on my blog to you, thank you everyone for a glorious year, I love you so much, gotta go. See ya next time!” - @SummerElleW_86



I finished my blog and packed up the rest of the boxes in the apartment.


I'm gonna miss living here, but luckily I have the apartment in my name.


Mom wanted to make sure that I had a place to go to and stay.


The place was in her name for too long and there needed to be a change.



It so no one can move in and in case someone in our upcoming family wants to live on their own, they can stay in the apartment here in Manhattan.



I’m gonna miss living in Manhattan, especially taking long walks at the park and getting hot chocolate with Jacob on cold days.


I'm gonna miss meeting up with the FARELLE gang at the malls.



Although, i’m still working at FARELLE, my move and my upgrade in position has change.



I'm would become the manager assistant at FARELLE, a surprise. I just found out.


But I gave up the position to Lauren, she deserves to be manager assistant, because she worked so hard before.



And after I took up her spot to be writer/editor of FARELLE, i’m gonna continue working there.


Plus, every year I go to Paris and I get to see how Duboni’s doing with her modeling and stores, she recently opened up only in Paris and London.


So lucky.



This is a goodbye to my old life, there’s been regret and disappointment for so long.


I didn’t think that my soul, could carry such a burden.



But I eventually gave in and let myself free, so that I can see the good in life and start over. Which I have done.


When I was 6, I thought my life was over, I had started thinking that it wasn’t worth the memories if it meant things were going bad.



I wrote down a quick message on my laptop to send to everyone I knew before I left. 


I was done packing up to move to the suburbs. 



I can’t live without every single person who’s in my life and the best memories of the people in my past.


And to my real dad, he's best dad I could ask for.


Henry was a great step father and I knew he was a optimist about me and the future, we always had the same thing in mind.



I love and miss him.


And now for my life to still continue to begin, i’ll always love New York and the fun and adventures that came along after.



And to think, that just for one day, I decided to leave Rosewood and end up taking a turn into the life I thought i’d never knew could exist.


I’m so blessed to have my life finally come together again.



"Oh my god, you're really doing it." Rikki said, holding my hands.


Jacob gathers the rest of the packed boxes to the moving truck.



"I know, i'm gonna miss living here, but i'm still gonna be here whenever you need me." I said back.


"Don't forget to come over to our house, in case Jacob is giving you problems." Rikki said aloud.



"Don't worry, I won't." Jacob yelled back from the truck.


"Wish us luck and see you back at FARELLE tomorrow." I said before getting inside the truck and driving off.



"Tell what neighborhood life is like there!" Rikki yelled before we drove off.



It was offcial my life was moving on and there's nothing to worry about.


"I really love the view here don’t you?" i said.



I looked over to the river and yellow gold grass.


Jacob looks over at me and smiles.



"Yes, it’s perfect and trust me you're gonna love the house we bought."


I smile in return. "Oh, we’ll see about that!"



We’ll only be 15 minutes away, but it feels like forever.


I'm really gonna miss living in Manhattan, but it’s worth it, for the next chapter.


Best to luck to me.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.09.2015

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