
My Love

In the night,
Stars shine bright,
Like your deep dark brown eyes.
I see the love you have for me,
Feel it in our kiss,
In your warm embrace,
Close to your heart.
Hold me tight all day and night.
I beg you please dont ever leave,
My love you were meant to be.

I Need You

I had a dream,
It made me scream,
In it was a killing,
Then I thought of you,
At that moment I thought of you,
Then I knew it was true,
I need you.

Lost Love

Empty promises, hopes, and dreams.
What does love really mean?
Is it the sunrise or the sunset as we fall into an endless night?
Is it light or dark?
Is it near or far?
Is it life or death?
Is it high in hopes or low?
Is it lost at sea or all around me?
Is it hidden behind a mask with a loving face and eyes?
Does it hurt, does it lie, or does it try to hide?
Is it good or bad?
Will it show itself to me or is it another game of hide and seek?
Will I cry if I find it?
Is it found deep inside not wanting to hide any longer?
Does love cry?
Is that what tears are,
Love that's lost that wants to be found or held in the arms of some one who understands just too well?
How can we tell?
Will it always fail?
Can it die?
Can I see it, feel it, or help it grow?
Is it doubt?
Is it peaceful or regretful?
Is it strong or meek?
Is it an obsession or an addiction?
Is it in the the heart?
Can it be torn apart?
Can it be healed?
What does love truly mean?
Is it empty promises, hopes, and dreams?


Why do we write poems.
Is it so we can show are pain,
To tell our stories,
To let out our feelings,
So we can see what others see,
Or maybe to be inspired,
It's not a contest of whose is better,
Sadder, more depressing, or more emo.
It's to show a pashtion of what you love,
To show your not the only one or alone,
Some one some where does care.
I'm right here.

I'm Here

I know when you need a friend.
I will be like a sister to you.
Listening and lovingly
I open my arms wide to take you in.
Taking you away from reality.
Take you to your dreams,
So you can spred your wings and fly sky high,
Feeling light and free.
In my arms your sister I will be.
I promise never to leave.

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry for meeting you,
For falling for you,
For dating you when you asked me.
Sorry for the memories we made,
For the kisses we shared.

I'm sorry for loving you for you,
For staying by your side during the good times and bad.
For forgiving you when she kissed you,
And listening to you when you needed me to.

I'm sorry I stayed when you said you didn't want me,
For fighting for you and proving that I love you.
For putting you before my friends and myself,
And making you the center on my world.

I'm sorry for being me no matter what stupid things I said and did,
For wanting you to be you no matter what every one else thought.
For not listening to the disaprovement and harassment I got for being with you,
And holding on storng because of the love we shared.

I'm sorry I tried to keep you,
For wanting to be close to your heart.
Sorry I couldnt cut it but most of all,
I'm sorry for being me.


Watch the way a butterfly flies,
With wings both big and small.
Bright and dull colors on their wings,
like twins and finger prints,
they're different in every way, yet they are the same.
With peaceful grace they spread their wings and fly away.
Sit back, relax, and watch them lovingly leave your watchful eyes,
as they disappear into the sky.


I got lost in this world.
Got lost in my work.
I lost the me I use to be.
I almost forgot the true me.
Then I met you and you reminded me.
I remembered who I am and showed you.
I found myself when you found me.
But you needed me as much as I needed you.
Now we're best friends.


Love can live or it can die.
Love can stay or it can leave,
But for you and me, love is what we need.
So we bond to make you a part of me.
In my heart you shall stay,
Till the end of these happy days.
So here it goes:
I Love You.

Demon Eyes

Demons hide behind your eyes.
Ready to kill at any time.
Cutting throughts,
Slashing skin,
Hearing their screams as they fight to live another night.
Demons hide behind those cruel, dark, evil eyes.
You wont survive the night

Nights Life

The sun says good night,
The flowers close their eyes.
Fireflies greet the night,
The warm moon light.
Stars shine bright,
A cool summers breeze.
Crickets chirp,
Grass and leaves sway this
Way and that.
Just like day,
Night as a life of it's own.
One to make your heart glow.


Childern crying in their sleep,
people dieing in the street.

The darkness hides,
the mess they leave behind.

Thats ok its alright,
say goodnight or whisper goodbye,
as they close their eyes for the last time.


Always hold those you love,
and remeber those you lose.

For when they are in your heart,
and they are never far apart.

In memeries of
Lil One
Rest In Peace


You told me once the moon is life,
as it shines full and bright.

You said I am your moon,
then she is your star.
For she is the creation of your hearts

We share the love for this little thing,
for you are the sky that surrounds the moon
and holds the star.
We keep each other close, and never let go.

Lost and Broken

A loving heart can mean alot to a girl.
If he holds he and truely loves her to,
she will always be there for him.

Her heart will be his and his alone.
She will never hide nothing from him,
but if he brakes her heart and loose her trust.

Nothing will be the same for her again.
No ones to blame when she goes insain,
and she chooses to let her love die.

But deep down she will always secretly always love him,
and remember all the good times they shared.

Evil of the night

Shaddows lurking in the dark,
Ripping out your beating heart,
Listening to your fearful screams.

Watching your blood stain everything,
Teeth and claws so sharp and long,
Your pain goes on and on.

Knowing you wont last to long,
Trying to run and hide,
Easily staying by your side.

Hidden in the darken night,
Laughing as your try to fight,
I promise you.

You Will Die.


By your beauty I am fazed.
As the moon shines on your face.
Soul-mates we were ment to be.
I hear your tears and feel your fears.
It is me you will see when ever you need somebody.
My love will find you where ever you may be.
I promise you my love forever and eternity <3

</3 Tell her I love her.
I'll never leave.
By your side I will be.
When you need me call my name.
By your side I will be.
But please don't leave me for I'll never leave you.
Tell her my heart is hers forever.
Never will that change.
I love you girl with all my heart.

Mother nature

My flowers burst with love and life.
My children come at their sight.
Little things with songs and wings.
grazing, playing, growing too.
All the things my children do.

Newborn Love

I love you baby,
This is so,
I love you with my heart and soul,
I'll love you through the good and bad,
I'll always be there to take your hand,
I promise you I'll never leave.

You can always find comfert in me,
I'm not your friend,
This is so,
But within your heart you have a love that'll never go,
I always dreamed of a gift so sweet.

You grow and turn and kick in me,
I just can't wait for the day we'll meet!
I love you dearly my baby.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.04.2012

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To all my friends that are there for me and support me all the way :)

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