
A Tale from Tyrell: City of Stone




This tale takes place in the colourful, yet complicated City of Tyrell. Colourful because of it’s wide variety of people and complicated also because of it’s wide variety of people. It’s not an ideal place to live; in fact, if you were to move to the city, then I guarantee that within a week, you’d be looking at houses in another city! People don’t move to Tyrell City. People from Tyrell City move to other places in Tyrell City because other cities in the country would probably discriminate them for their origin.

                I shall explain; within Tyrell City, there are four regions. The city itself is built in a small but steep valley and it’s houses spreading right out to the surrounding highlands, but stopping and giving way to a vast desert beyond. At the centre if the city is, the quite astutely named City Centre. This is where you’d find the typical shopping centres, the schools, train stations, monuments and tourist attractions. It’s a shame that the only thing that the City Centre is missing is tourists. This is in the centre of the valley, deep in the heart.

On one side of the valley, the gold of the grey city, is Boundary. Boundary is filled with big, modern houses built from pale bricks, wide, tarmac roads, black, neatly paved drive ways, posh cars, neat, well-kept front gardens, trees and, most importantly, Horizon House. Horizon House sits at the top of Boundary, gazing over the surrounding Valley and it houses the Mayor and the people who govern Tyrell. Boundary is where you would find the successful business men’s houses, the policemen’s homes, the most expensive schools and the people who are most well off and can afford their electricity bill, along with taxes and gifts for their children at Christmas.

The opposite side of the valley is called The Wynde. Looking at The Wynde, you would notice the tall, dark brown-bricked, historical buildings built extremely close together, the narrow, cobbled roads running up the steep hill like black veins, the black, slate rooves, some which had ancient gargoyles nestled in the corners. This is probably the most historical part of the city, the only part with the original, iconic, gothic buildings from centuries ago. It is here you would find the people who live in small, confined flats down narrow streets, people who have no real jobs but get income by other, more shady means, people who dress in a certain way, people who are looked down upon by the rest of the city. Oh yes, discrimination is a big part of life in Tyrell City! People who live on The Wynde live in a tight community, look out for themselves, concentrate on surviving, not luxury.

The last region of Tyrell City is the Outskirts. People out here are middle-class, normal, in-between people who aren’t defined by where they live. They aren’t defined by money or status but go about their daily lives, rarely involving themselves in the conflict between the prejudice and the survivors.

There is another part to the city, a part that people learn about in their history lessons and are told about in the form of legend. The city’s Underworld lies beneath The Wynde and spreads out beneath the whole of the city and some of the desert or wasteland that surrounds the city. It is only legend, not many people speak of it. Years ago, in medieval times, the king decided to ‘cleanse’ the city of the vermin. To do this, he decided to build a wall around the section of the city where the peasants lived and dwelled. Doing this, he entrapped the peasants and effectively, ordered his men to build another city on top of their city. Their city was buried deep beneath, the only hope for them were the people who knew better, who knew that one day, the kings plan would fail him; vermin would find it’s way back into society somehow. So a secret group was created, people who were part of the kings court were given keys to secret entrances to their underground city. These people who were entrusted to passages to the Vaults, which in turn, would allow passage to what the people called The Warrens. These people were called the Descendents. People in league with the descendents, were known as disciples. Together, they believed that one day, the people of the Warren would once again, rise and punish the king for his actions. Of course, the legend was soon forgotten about.

This is who we are. We are survivors, living against the harsh inner rims of society who call themselves sophisticated but are really just tyrannical beasts posing as human beings. Or so I say; I’ve yet to meet someone who isn’t form The Wynde, who actually accepts us and isn’t a complete bitch. People say, however, that a Black Parade will soon rise and take back the city. What once belonged to the myths of the Warrens and what was once held in hands of black and gold, of The Wynde and Boundary will be reclaimed. Those who claim they are gods, who drove the warriors beneath the city itself, will fall to it. And all it’s descendents.

At the top of The Wynde is Duskgate Mansion. My house. It sits at the peak of the hill, surrounded by trees; it’s huge, gothic structure reaching above the tallest pine trees. My parents are dead, so I inherited it. The mansion itself is only the tip of the iceberg, there are more chambers running deep into the earth, reaching the Vaults through the Archives and the Cellars, through it’s many rooms. The mansion itself rivals the beauty that of Horizon House, the two houses stand face to face, forever locked into each other’s sights. It holds authority; as do I. As my parents died, I and the house inherited the secret of the Descendents. I know for a fact that the rumours are true. I am a key holder. I see the future from my bedroom window.  I can see almost all of Boundary from my bedroom window. It seems a shame that so few people can witness such a beautiful sight.

But that’s just the way things work.

My name is Cynthia, and I can see The Black Parade rising in the east; we are ready.


Part 1:  The Betterment of Human Society.


                Kayla stood poised in the shadows outside the warehouse, a heavy assault rifle at her side. Her four male companions were too, in waiting for Kayla’s signal, ready to strike. The shadows cloaked them, rendering them invisible to the soldiers dressed in black, bearing the traditional colour and dress of Tarragon Industries. Inside that warehouse was Wyvern Industries stolen research. Inside that warehouse was the goal of the operation of which Kayla and her four companions were to perform.

                Gale, Rafe, Seth and Nate flanked Kayla.

                Wyvern Industries Research Department liked to nickname the five-some the Wyverns. The five, enhanced soldiers were the special operations team, sworn to the protection of the company’s supposedly ‘life-saving’ research. Kayla didn’t know much about the research, nor her own life. The five of them had volunteered for a procedure that would enhance their already-trained bodies and turn them into super soldiers. A side-affect had been Amnesia, but it had been for a good cause. The betterment of human society.

                Kayla motioned to the four that flanked her, and she moved backwards, away from the group. She broke into a run, running through the shadows, around the warehouse, making her way to the back. When she saw there were no guards here, she stepped from the shadows, taking a grenade from her belt. She glanced at the small, bolted door to the back of the warehouse and pulled the clip on the grenade, throwing it close to the door. Leaping back into the shadows, she watched the small, yet loud explosion and listened out for the voices of Tarragon guards come running to see what the commotion was about. As guards thronged around the door within minutes, Kayla pointed her assault rifle at the group and pulled the trigger, burning through half a magazine until all the guards dropped to the floor.

                Kayla zipped through the door, before more guards came at the sound of gunfire, although she was sure the other Wyverns had heard their cue and burst into action.

                The warehouse was huge and filled with large metal crates, big enough for at least a dozen  humans to inhabit. Kayla searched one and found it was empty. Seeing no other guards or sign of life around, she listened instead and could hear the sounds of gunfire and fighting in the distance. Seizing her chance to do so, she smelled the air, smelling the blood from the bodies near the door, the gentle creak of metal and sweat... human sweat. Somewhere nearby!

                Kayla searched more of the crates, sniffing, following the stench of sweat and fear and blood. There was something else too....adrenaline, some sort of other drug...morphine?

                The smell got stronger as Kayla got further into the middle of the warehouse. The crate she came to stank. But wait...was this the research? She’d been told by superiors that Tarragon’s research could be anything from a stack of files to a living subject.

                The door to the crate was bolted. Kayla gripped the lock and squeezed, watching the metal crumple and the lock break.

                The door swung open, revealing it’s shadowy interior.

                Chained to a chair was a naked human. A man. She edged closer. He had tattoos in his shoulder, arms and neck and had shaved blond hair. His head was drooped against his chest. On his arms were what appeared to be injection marks.

                Kayla reached for his head and lifted it up. His eyes were half open and he was breathing heavily.

                “Help....m-me...” he whispered, his voice hoarse and cracked.

                It had to be the research. Kayla grabbed the chains and broke them without a second’s hesitation. She put a hand beneath his arm and lifted him from the chair. She took his full weight as she walked him out of the crate and leant him against the metal wall.

                “What is your name?” she asked.

                “C-Corey. Who...?”

                “My name’s Kayla. Come on, we have to move.”

                Trying to escape with the subject was awkward. Balancing him without letting him drop was an ordeal and on top of that, Kayla was aware that the gunfire in the distance had stopped and she could hear car engines somewhere.

                It was when Corey suddenly sagged with exhaustion, grabbing whatever was in front of him, which happened to be Kayla’s wrist.

                One thing about the procedure that Kayla and the other’s underwent was that in order for the ‘upgrade’ to be successful, they would have to wear inhibitor bands. Around their wrists and ankles were black, metal bands that made the enhancements possible. Or so Kayla had been told. One thing that was of the upmost importance was that they could never take them off. Never. Else the effects would be disastrous. They’d never been told what would actually happen. Only that it was imperative. It was just one thing they didn't question.

                That was until Corey grabbed her wrist, his face a picture of horror as he stared at whatever was behind Kayla.

                It was as if the next evens happened in slow motion. Two guards appeared, already on the triggers of their machine rifles, bullets already halfway to their destinations.

                Kayla lifted her wrist, in an attempt to shield Corey, knowing that to her, a bullet wound was but a scrape.

                Misjudging her position, she watched in horror as the bullet pierced the black metal of the band, ripping it from her wrist.

                There was silence as it clanked to the floor and became still.

                Kayla could only look at the band, and then back to her plain, bare wrist.

                The feelings that came afterwards could only be described as overwhelming and horrific.

                Her vision became blurred. Her body started to change. That last coherent thing she remembered was Corey’s horrified, yet strangely sympathetic face.

                The guards watched in horror as the girl in front of them changed, her body becoming more lean and agile, her hands dropped her gun and her nails grew longer and curled into thick, sharp claws. Her teeth grew into sharp little fangs, her hair, turned from blond to black and snapped the band of her pony tail, tumbling down her back. Her skin became pale and blue veins appeared. Her eyes were suddenly ringed with black and turned to an animalistic yellow, glowing with hunger.

                It was seconds before the guards all fell to the floor, their heads ripped from their bodies, blood shadowing the floor. Corey tensed, watching the thing that crouched over the dead guards.

                Across the warehouse, her four colleagues made their way, stealthily towards Kayla’s location, their guns at the ready.

                Of course they didn’t know what to make of it. Nate gestured with his hand and the four of them surrounded her, ensuring they were unnoticed as Kayla bent over one of the bodies and put her face to it’s chest, tearing at it’s flesh with her teeth. She glanced up at Corey, a flicker of curiosity, blood and flesh dripping from her mouth and down her chin.

                When her attention was turned back to what lay in front of her, Nate looked up at the others, unsure what to do. They all thought the same thought, a simultaneous notion that spiralled through their collective consciousness. It was Nate who stepped forwards, putting that barrel of his gun close to the back of her head. Kayla was about to look up, when the gunshot rang out, and blood flew outwards. Kayla collapsed, her head wide open, brains spattering Nate and the already blood-soaked body where Kayla’s body now lay.

                Corey let out a pained gasp, his horrified stare bouncing from Kayla to Nate, to the others. Seth stepped up to him, holding out his hand. Corey, too scared to take, remained on the floor, balled up.

                “Let’s get her out of here.” Nate spoke, his voice flat, yet overflowing with confusion. Gale and Rafe took Kayla’s shoulders, lifting her whilst supporting each other. As they left with her body, Seth leant forwards over Corey, reaching for his shoulder, trying to force him up.

                “C’mon. We have to get you out of here and to safety.” Seth said, his voice hard. Eventually, Corey rose. As Nate was about to follow, he noticed the silver band on the floor. It took a while for him to notice the splintered metal. His brow furrowed and his confusion deepened.

                Picking up the band, he followed the others, only looking at his own bands and wondering what would become of Kayla.


Part 2: The Task at Hand


                Nate looked through the glass at Kayla’s still figure lying, horizontal on the table top. Blood still covered the table where her head rested and some of it had spilled onto the floor, but now, with her newly healed head, she was on her way to recovery. Nate sometimes despised this ‘upgrade’. He wished he remembered more about life before the procedure. He would have liked to know if he’d had family. Or kids. A job. A profession. He didn't feel human, sometimes. And to see Kayla heal from having half her head blown open... that just added to the feeling of being something monstrous.

                Had he even agreed to the procedure? He wished he remembered.

                The broken inhibitor band sat on a table top to the side of the room, where a technician was bent over it, tools and rods and instruments surrounding his work space.

                The very things that kept the secrets hidden were clamped around his wrists and ankles like shackles.

                “You shouldn’t be here, Nate.” Came a deep voice form behind him. He saw the reflection of the Commander in the glass.

                “I wanted to see if she was going to be ok.”

                “That she will, but you can’t be here at this time.” The Commander stepped beside Nate, looking at him. Nate had always thought the Commander was ugly; his face wrinkled by lines of experience that hadn’t sunk in hard enough. He used the same, dismissive tone with everyone, as if everyone apart from the Commander was an ant beneath his boot. It was this that made Nate despise him.

                “Why not? There are things you are keeping form us...things I want to know.” Nate resisted the urge to look him in the eye.

                “You saw Tarragon Industries? You saw how protective they were of their research? Then you should understand how important the research is! More importantly, the research used to create you!” Nate could feel the Commander’s cold stare, pressing hard against him. “Now, there are things we need to keep from you, for the sake of the research! Tarragon Industries are ruthless! They will stop at nothing to steal you away from us, to take you apart, to use you for evil purposes!”

                Foe the sake of the research...

                “I just... I don’t like being kept in the dark.” murmured Nate.

                The Commander sighed. “You’re not supposed to like it. You are a soldier. You are not meant to do anything but to follow orders. And there inlay our problem.” The Commander paused. “There have been...rumours.” His voice lost it’s anger, and became saddened almost. “We have reason to believe Tarragon Industries are in league with people on The Wynde. This could be problematic. If people like that have a hold on research... things could get sticky. I will have more orders for you soon, in the mean time, go back to the others. Kayla will not be joining you.”

                The Commander turned and strode away. Nate bubbled with anger and confusion. Just what was he? And how could the Commander not give him answers? Nate began to walk back to the quarters, but a part of him wanted to run, to escape.

                Run, get Kayla, get the strange guy from the container and run, get out!

                No, Nate couldn’t leave without answers. One thing was clear to him, he wasn’t about to followed the Commander’s order so blindly. Not anymore. Even if it was for ‘the betterment if human society’.

                The desire to know what lay beneath the inhibitor bands was overwhelming.

                And then there was the mention of The Wynde. Nate didn’t really care about society beyond Wyvern Industries. But that was before he saw a glimpse of what he really was. Maybe The Wynde was the place to look for answers. Maybe.

                Nate made his way through the maze of corridors. The Wyvern Headquarters was nothing special; all the corridors looked the same, all lead to somewhere boring and grey. The Labs, the Cells, the Armoury, the Medical Bay...

                Nate found himself heading towards his quarters to join Rafe, Gale and Seth, but stopped when the junction came that lead to the Cells. He could go back to his quarters, forget he ever saw what he saw, forget the burning desire to take off his inhibitor bands and find out what he really was...

                Or he could go to the cells, get some information and find out the truth.

                Nate made his way towards the Cells, the tingling sensation of someone who was being obedient in his stomach.

                The Cells were plain and barred, with but a bed and nothing more on the interior. The Cell itself seemed to reflect the inhibitor bands- closed in, trapped, unable to escape. Nate smiled at the thought, then grimaced. He thought of ripping them off right here and now.

                Like that would go down well.

                Corey was in the end cell, sat on the bed with his head in his hands. They’d given him clothes at least. Nate got the impression he had no idea what was going on.

                “Corey, right?” asked Nate as he reached the steel bars.

                Corey looked up, fear set into his face. There was a certain underlying sadness too.

                “I’m not here to hurt you or question you.”

                “Good.” Corey’s voice was one hard line. “I’ve had enough of your questions.”

                Nate paused. They’d already questioned him?

                “I just want to know your story. How did you come to be in that container?” Nate said slowly, cautiously.

                Corey looked up. “I’ve already told you!”

                “You told them. I’m not like the rest. Like you, I feel like I’m being kept in the dark with no idea of what going on.”

                Nate leaned against the wall.

                “I don’t know much.” Corey looked at the floor. “I woke up naked, tied to a chair. They gave me drugs, injections. I don’t know what they did to me; I was unconscious sometimes. It was like they ripped something out of me. Or tore something apart. I don’t know, but whatever they did, I can barely remember anything before they took me. They’d snap bones, break me, I even thought they’d killed me once. But it’s like nothing ever happened. I could overhear them talking about some research or something...that they had to keep it safe. People would know they’d stolen the procedure. They had to hide me.”

                Well that explained him, Nate thought. Corey was just like them! Or was he? He seemed so different. He seemed more... in control.

                “I know what they did to you.”

                Corey looked up at Nate. “You do? ‘Cause I sure would like to know what the fuck’s going on!”

                Nate nodded. A plan was formulating. “So would I. And I think Kayla’s the key. I’ll be back for you.”

                Nate left before he heard Corey protest and ran, full speed back to his quarters. Gale, Rafe and Seth waited for him.

                “What’s going on, Nate? What happened to Kayla?” asked Seth.

                “I don’t know, but I know a way to find out. I think we need to go to The Wynde.”

                “The Wynde? Are you crazy!” shouted Rafe, angrily.

                They only knew what they’d been told about The Wynde, that it was where the low lives of Tyrell lived. That the people there were evil and always trying to overthrow society. That they were blasphemous. Nate had seen someone from The Wynde brought into the building once. A murderer, they had told the Wyverns. They were to torture, question and despatch.

                Nate had been to The Wynde itself several times. It hadn’t seemed the den of inequity the Commander had ranted about, in fact, there seemed to be a sense of solidarity surrounding it’s citizens.

                “No, I’m not crazy. We need to get Kayla and Corey out and find out just what they did to us. Whatever it is, it can’t be for the betterment of human society. It can’t be good.”

                They seemed to know what Nate meant. They seemed to understand. Only a flicker of doubt flittered over Rafe’s face. If he knew what was good for him, he’d help, thought Nate. If he wanted to know what he really was...


                Nate made his way to the medical bay, the plan set firmly in his head. He’d take care of Kayla while Seth and Gale took Corey and Rafe went to the armoury. If they were going to do this, they’d need guns.

                He edged his way around the camera, taking care to stay in the shadows and go unnoticed. He was almost there, just a little further to go to get to Kayla’s room, when...

                “THE WYVERN’S TO COMMANDER’S OFFICE. THE WYVERN’S TO THE COMMANDERS OFFICE.” The voice overhead echoed through the hallways and Nate could feel the other’s start to panic.

                No! You guys carry on, I’ll deal with it! Carry on like nothing happened! Nate pushed the thought out into their minds and raced form the medical bay. He’d have to do this fast! There was no time for delays! People sprang out of Nate’s way as he sped through the corridors, until he came to the Commander’s office.

                He could hear voices coming from within.

                “We can’t have this problem go out of control. We need to nip it in the bud!”    

                “But you can’t just terminate her! I think you sometimes forget that they are human beings, that they are just teenagers. They’re not going to be your mindless soldiers forever!”

                “That is the last time you will speak out of turn to me! You will go back to the medical bay and initiate code white! Now, no more delays, go!”

                Nate stepped back, behind a corner as the doctor strode form the office. Panic spread through Nate as he gave one last look to the open door of the Commander’s office.

                If we ever meet again, it will be too soon, thought Nate as he followed the doctor to the medical bay. He stayed out of sight, stalking the man in the white, lab coat.

                Kayla’s room was within sight, Nate could feel himself getting ready to jump this guy. The doctor paused for a minute to look at a computer screen, to write something down on a pad. Nate watched as he reached into his pocket and withdrew a key card. He was about to use it when Nate sprang.

                Before the doctor could scream, Nate jumped onto his shoulders and clamped a hand around his mouth. Nate put his face close to his ear.

                “You’re gonna go in there, lock the door, then tell me what code white is.” Nate released the doctor and watched as he reached out with the key card in his trembling hand and the door swished open. Nate stepped inside, swiftly moving into the room before the doctor could lock the door, which closed with a swoosh.

                Kayla lay, unconscious on a bed in the middle.

                “Now, we can talk properly, tell me what code white is.” Ordered Nate, staring coldly at the doctor who quivered beneath his stare.

                “Th-the Commander told me to incinerate Kayla, should the damage p-prove irrevocable.” The doctor stammered.

                “Well, code white is going to have to wait, I’m afraid.” Nate stepped up to the doctor. “Tell me anything you can about the research done on us.”

                The doctors eyes widened in fear. Not of Nate, but in his eyes was a sense of comprehension of what could come if he answered the question.


                Nate hardened his gaze.

                The doctor reached into his coat pocket, his fist emerging balled.

                “You can, or I’ll kill you.” Replied Nate.

                The shadow of a smile flickered over the doctor’s lips. His fist went to his mouth and before Nate could leap towards his, grasping his hands, the doctor smiled, foam bubbling from his mouth.

                “Fucking cyanide!” shouted Nate. The doctor’s limp body fell to the floor.

                He turned and gazed at the machines gathered around Kayla as she lay on the table. Nate touched some of the wires, seeing how they buried themselves beneath her pale skin. The inhibitor band was reattached firmly over her wrist, but somehow, Nate knew it wouldn’t matter any longer. He plucked her body from the nest of needles and carried her away, winding through the maze of corridors, towards the rendezvous.


                Part 3: Discovery Road


                The others were waiting on the roof of the building. Nate knew, as soon as they left the compound, they’d be outsiders, unwelcome back into the world. But what choice did they have? They couldn’t be iron soldiers forever.

                “Are you sure this is the right thing to do?” asked Rafe, doubt still in his face.

                “What else can we do? Be mindless slaves for the rest of our lives?” replied Nate.

                Rafe sighed and went quiet.

                Kayla was beginning to stir.

                “Right, the Commander mentioned The Wynde, I think we best begin at Tarragon Industries. Apparently they are in league with The Wynde.” Explained Nate. “But first, we need to get somewhere safe. They’ll come looking for us. They’ll want to terminate us.”

                Rafe handed out combat rifles and pistols, slotting on into a holster for Nate. Corey held the rifle, not too sure about the black machine in his hands, as though it would turn round and bite him at any moment.

                Gale and Seth were the first to jump from the building, Rafe followed them. Corey stood there.

                “Dude, I’m not like you, I can’t survive a jump like that!”

                Nate raised an eyebrow. “Trust me, there’s stuff you can do that you’re not even aware of yet, you’re going to have to grit your teeth and bare it! Now, jump!”

                Corey went to the edge. Nate sighed. Jumping down, he landed softly with Kayla’s body. Passing her onto Gale, he scaled the building, grasping onto windows and cracks, propelling himself to where Corey stood again. Corey was looked down at the quiet courtyard. There was no one around this time of night. The City Centre spread before them, before disappearing into the blackness that was The Wynde.

                “I...I can’t.”

                Nate sighed, and stepped up behind him, pushing him from the building. Corey screamed as he fell, the rifle going clattering to the floor. Corey spun in the air, landing on his side. He was silent, but then looked around, wildly. Nate landed beside him, crouching.

                “Told you.” Nate muttered, a smile passing over his lips.

                Corey stood and took his rifle. His expression was one of shocked surprise, although it was obvious he was having a hard time trying o register was had just happened.

                The 6 of them disappeared into the darkness, receding passed the shadows and into The Wynde.

                Now that Nate was not under the influence of the Wyvern Industries, it was as if he saw the place for the first time. Not just a slum, but a community closely linked together. People thronged the street, even though it was the dead of night, close-knit groups, living, breathing, surviving.

                “Dude, where do we go? We stand out a bit, don’t you think?” Seth asked, looking at Nate. He suddenly became aware of the fact that 5 of them were dressed head to toe in black suits and another had on bare minimum of jeans, t shirt and boots. Not to mention one of the group was passed out and being carried by Gale. The guns however, seemed to fit in perfectly. Plenty of other people had guns strapped to their backs, some of them even had swords!

                Nate spied an alley way that looked abandoned. “Come on!” they followed him through it, towards what looked like a field, following the slope of The Wynde itself. There was a tree in the middle, and trees adorned the edge of one half. “Over there, the trees!”

                The group passed through the field, into the trees. Buildings could be seen in the distance, the black stone of the living, breathing Wynde.

                “We need to stop, Kayla keeps stirring. I think something’s wrong.” Warned Gale.

                Nate looked around in desperation. Through the darkness he could just make out the shape of a building. Moving towards it, Nate could make out the emptiness of what appeared to be an old farm house. It was missing doors and windows, the only thing holding it up was wooden beams and the three rooms were tiny, had no floor and were over grown with weeds. Nonetheless, it was shelter. A place to hide.

                “This way.” Nate motioned.

                Once inside, Gale lay Kayla on the floor. Her skin was pale and there was evidence of blue veins around her eyes and neck.

                “What... is she?” asked Corey, standing in the corner.

                “She’s one of us.” Replied Nate.

                “Guys?” Kayla muttered as her eyes opened slightly. “Where are we?”

                “Away from Wyvern Industries. We’re gonna find out what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with us.” said Nate. She sat up, gazing past Nate, towards Corey. There was a sense of attraction in her gaze, but Nate thought nothing of it.

                Kayla looked down at her wrists.

                “So, we need to find Tarragon Industries and find out what they know about the research. We rest for a while, then move out.” Nate ordered. It seemed he was going to have to take up authority on this one. Nate looked round at the others, who looked at him, waiting for their next order. It made Nate sick to compare himself to the Commander, but he imagined this is what the Commander felt like.

                A while later, silence fell in the small hours of the morning. The sun was almost rising.



                “So, what are you? Really?” asked Corey, sitting next to Nate.

                “We’re part of a failed experiment. We were designed to be faster, stronger, live longer, to heal from any wound. They said we were going to help mankind, to cure illnesses. So far, all we’ve been are mindless soldiers.”

                “So, what am I?”

                “You’re like us. But, you’re not a soldier. You still have control.”

                “Over myself?”

                Nate turned and held out his wrist. “You see these? These are inhibitor bands. They’re supposed to make the enhancements possible. To ensure that the procedure would work perfectly. We weren’t supposed to take them off. We never questioned. But now, we find out that if we do take them off, something horrible will happen to us. You, you don’t have one, yet they did the same research. That means, they must have done something differently.”

                Corey looked down at his wrists. Nate looked at his own. It felt like he’d worn the inhibitor bands his whole life. Now, he could see a possibility of living without them. It was strange.


                Kayla turned out to be fine, as if nothing had happened. She claimed she remembered the whole thing, but not after she’d been shot in the head. Nate looked at her; the same, small yet powerful girl looked back. He took in her emerald eyes for a moment before tearing his gaze away and motioning for the group to move out.

                The facility of Tarragon Industries was nothing like the modern building of Wyvern Industries. A helpful tip from a passer-by led them to a narrow road that led to a dead end. At the end was a large door that made it look like a garage. Nate tried the handle of the door next to it. The group behind him stood motionless aside from Corey, who looked uneasy. The door was locked, but Nate stood back and kicked it, forcing the door to swing open.

                The interior looked much like a hanger; huge vehicles lined the room and people dressed in the Tarragon colours turned and aimed their guns.

                “Wait!” shouted Nate. “We’re not with Wyvern Industries!”

                “Put your weapons down!” yelled a voice from across the room.

                Nate motioned for the others to drop their weapons. Nate put his rifle on the ground and put his hands in the air- the others followed suit.

                “Cuff ‘em!” came the voice again, and several of Tarragon members approached and cuffed their hands behind their backs.

                The tarragon holding cells were very different from the Wyvern cells. The rooms weren’t as clean and as sterile; the walls were peeling, paint discoloured, a single wooden chair in the middle. The windows too, had been blocked up with wood.

                It was a while before someone who looked like he was in charge came into the cell. Nate straightened up.

                “So, the Wyverns sent right into our territory? Right into our grasp- that’s not usually the kind of sloppy strategy Commander Tarrif usually uses.” He was different from the Commander. His uniform was the same as other members of Tarragon, as if there was no clear ranking. His voice sounded like it had another side to it, too, as if he was being forced to be hard in Nate.

                “We’re not working on the Commander’s behalf.”

                “Really? And why should I believe you?”

                “You have us in cuffs. I have no means of defence, no weapon. All I have is the questions I come to you with.”

                “We both know you don’t need a weapon to get out of those cuffs. One swift pull and you’d be free. And questions, you say? Why should I answer them?”

                “The only reason I have not broken free is because I believe this way, I have the best chance of you listening to me. My team is wishing to know the same answers as I. In fact, we all want to know about the research done upon us. I believe the Wyvern Industries is more corrupt than it claims it’s adversaries to be.” Nate looked into his eyes.

                He saw confusion on the commander’s face.

                After a pause, he said, “I am Simon, leader of Tarragon Industries. I know who you are.”

                “Will you help us?”

                A walkie talkie on Simon’s belt fizzed and Simon turned his back to Nate. He spoke into it, “Is that so? Well then, I think there’s more to this than meets the eye. Bring them in to holding cell 6.”

                Simon turned to look at Nate. “I’m quite sceptical of you and your ‘kind’, but if it is about the research, then I think you should know just how corrupt Wyvern Industries is. It may change your mind about who you work for.”

                A moment later, all 6 of the Wyverns were stood behind Nate.

                “So, what do you want to know?” asked Simon, several guards standing behind him, aiming guns at them.

                “Just what did they do to us? Why do we have inhibitor bands and why is Corey like us?” asked Nate.

                Simon paused. “From what we know, the five of you were commissioned to take part in a research project that would help humanity to progress- cures for cancer and other diseases, longer life, strength, agility, speed. Of course, Wyvern Industries had a secret department that lent it’s skills to the research of souls. It sounds ridiculous, but they found out that they exist. They’re tangible, they were able to run experiments on corpses to see that manipulation of souls was possible, that they could re-write a person if they so wished. This was top secret, however. We found out because we were trying to do the same thing. Anyway, the research conducted on you 5 was manipulation of a living soul. They in fact split it into two. It was part of the process; they could bring out abilities in you that could be controlled and monitored. This, however, brought out a different side that was uncontrollable, unpredictable. The danger here was sealed away with the inhibitor bands. What we managed to do to Corey, was do this, except we manipulated his soul so that we took away the dark parts. This resulted in memory loss and a new personality trait. What we left behind, however, was potential. This potentiality was what enables him to have all the powers you 5 have.”

                Nate looked down, unable to believe what he as hearing. “Souls. Souls? Are you serious?”

                He could sense the disbelieved expressions of the other Wyverns flanking him.

                Was this guy crazy?

                “Yes, souls. They exist.” Simon explained. “Have you ever noticed that some people, very

rare people, can do things? Unexplained things. Impossible things! Things that go against human

ability, that disprove the things we know. Well, we found that these people have different souls. We

believe souls are the cause of their powers. To what extent and from what cause, we do not know.”

                Nate couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he suspected more crazy ramblings like this

could be nestled somewhere within Wyvern Industries.

                “So, are you gonna let us go?”

                Simon looked at them dubiously. “To tell the truth, I don’t know. How do I know you’re not

going to turn around and attack us? You’ve been working with the rival company who’s been trying

to foil our research for years. What proof is there that you’re not here to do it again?”

                Nate paused. “Because after we’re done here, we’re gonna go to Wyvern Industries and find

out just what their plans are. They were going to incinerate Kayla. What’s to stop them from doing

this to other people? What’s to stop them from terminating us?

                Simon looked at them, unsure. Then, with motioning at the soldiers behind him, they moved

forwards lowering their guns.

                “Thank you!” gasped Nate, standing while his hands were untied.

                “Just get out. If I find out you’ve double crossed us, I will personally see to your destruction.”

And with that, Simon disappeared behind the door.

                Nate motioned to the Wyverns, glancing behind him- just in time to see Corey squeeze

Kayla’s hand. He whirled back around trying to forget what he’d seen and burying the burning

sensation, focusing on leaving The Wynde.

                It was around midday by the time the 6 of them left the building, and Nate could see the tips

of the sky scrapers of the City Centre rising above the black, slate roof tops. Nate thanked Tarragon Industries as they handed over the Wyvern’s guns, still uncertain, but Nate could feel their relief when they started down the road, towards Wyvern Industries.


                Part 4: Back and then Forth.


                Kayla stood in front of the other 4 Wyverns. Corey was nestled safely in an alley way, out of sight, ready to assist if needed.

                “You know the plan?” she asked. The 4 of them grunted.

                “Once we have the files, meet you back at the yard.” She explained. She and Nate were to go to the Commander’s office and cause a distraction- however crude it maybe, he might have information and the so-called files that contained details of the procedures- and the other 3 were to go to the research labs, evacuate and destroy.

                “Got it? Go!”

                And with that the 5 of them disappeared towards the building. Gale, Seth and Rafe disappeared inside, while Kayla paused and turned to Nate.

                “Want a leg up?” she asked, holding her hands out like a foot hole.

                “Ladies first.” Nate mirrored her actions, while she stepped into his hands. He shot his hands upwards, propelling Kayla into the air. He watched as she flew into the night sky, grasping onto the glass windowsills and cracks in the modern brick, scaling the entire 40 floor building in seconds. Nate followed, crouched and then leaping into the air, silently- a shadow moving through the night.

                He met Kayla on the roof of the building, surrounded by vents and a low wall that ran around the perimeter.

                “South side, I think.” Kayla muttered.

                “Yes.” Nate watched as Kayla went to the edge, gripped the low wall and hopped over the side. He looked over the edge; Kayla’s shadowed form moved downwards to the window. Nate looked behind him; the only light came from the huge sign on the opposite side of the building, the glow from the green letters that spelled WYVERN INDUSTRIES slithered across the concrete roof top.

                “Argh!” Kayla’s gasp sent panic through Nate’s veins.


                “Nate! I can’t get through the glass, wait...” her voice trailed off and there was the sound of breaking glass.

                “Clear!” came her voice. Nate grasped the top of the low wall and found cracks and crevices, using his strength to lower himself to the window, which was but a few jagged shards of glass. Someone was bound to have heard the glass shattering and Nate could hear the tinkle of glass hitting the ground below.

                Once inside the office, Nate looked around. Through the dark, he caught sight of Kayla. She held on of her inhibitor bands in her hand...

                “Kayla?” Nate said, uncertainly.

                “I...I’m fine, it’s strange, it’s like I can control it now.”

                Nate heard footsteps. He’d deal with this later. “Look in the desk.” He ordered as he went o a filing cabinet and proceeded to dent the locks with his fists, watching as the draws slid open.

                “There’s something here.” Muttered Kayla, just as the door swung open, revealing the light from the corridor and the huge figure of the Commander.

“ returned.” He spat in his sinister, hostile voice. He held something large and black in his hands. “What do you hope to gain by this, I wonder?”      

“I’m sorry. We couldn’t be kept in the dark any longer. We had to know.” Replied Kayla. “You’ve turned us into monsters!” Nate noticed she held a brown file in her hands, the remains of a metal draw at her feet.

Nate reached for his combat rifle, which was strapped to his back.

“I don’t think so.” The Commander cocked his gun and pointed it at Nate. “Put it down.” Nate did as the Commander said. They both knew it would make no difference. “Now, I will not have my research spoiled by the likes of you. You’re just soldiers. Where are you going to go? What are you going to do if you leave? No one will take you in, they’re all scared of you!”

“No, we won’t let you carry on with this!” Kayla brandished the file.

“You won’t ruin anyone else into monsters! You won’t play you’re little games with anyone’s soul, ever again.” Spat Nate looking at his watch.

In the distance, the three of them suddenly paused and tensed as shouting was heard from below. Nate looked behind him.



The three of them waited in the silence, knowing that this was not the work of the Wyverns. Then there were gunshots. Then there was silence.

“Where were we? Ah yes, I was about to close the Wyvern’s down. For good.” The Commander smiled, then shot at Nate, who leapt out of the way, bullets grazing his body. He felt the pain, but felt his skin immediately start to heal.

He saw Kayla leap at the Commander, dropping the file. He had to find a way to destroy that file! Hiding behind the desk, he heard the clink of metal and saw an inhibitor band fall, bouncing across the floor.


Nate rifled through the draws, looking for a lighter, or something!

“You think you can kill me?” he heard the Commander shout. “You’re just a failed experiment! A mindless monster!”

Nate stood, anger burning in his stomach. He saw Kayla bent over the Commander, a gun to her head.

“You think bullets can kill me?” Kayla growled.

“No, but they’ll render you unconscious, which allows me to use this, reducing you to ashes! You’ll never move again, bitch!” the Commander held a lighter in his hand.

So fire could kill a Wyvern. Convenient how they kept the secret to themselves in case they ever needed a kill switch.

“Stop! Commander, you turned us into monsters, it’s time we took responsibility for what you did to us.”                 Nate reached for his wrists and felt the cold metal in his hand. He squeezed, feeling the metal crumple and splinter. Letting the metal fall to the floor, he did the same to the other inhibitor band, and started to feel his body change...

He felt his bones snap and twist, his vision become enhanced; he could see the heat and the fear, radiating from the Commander. Leaping over the desk, he joined Kayla, ready to assist her in the kill.

“You see, Commander.” Kayla snarled, her fangs glinting beneath her black lips. “You play with fire, it’s gonna burn you.” And with that, the two of them bared their claws and sank their fangs into his body, the sounds of explosions and screams sounding in the distance.


“Do it.” Said Kayla, flatly. Nate lit the lighter and let the flame lick the file, watching the black seep into the pages.

                Nate let it fall and watched as the carpet caught fire. The two stood there, their wrists and ankles bare. He wanted to ask Kayla about Corey, but he let it pass. His past attraction to Kayla had since been replaced by a feeling of hatred.

                She was more like family. The Wyverns were his family.

                “The others are waiting.” She said to Nate, looking out at the street below. He followed her through the window, leaping down to the dark street, landing softly next to a dead body. The man was old and fat and looked to proud for his own good.

                “Looks like the owner of Wyvern Industries was also killed. Dunno how. But it’s not been a good day for them.” Chuckled Gale.

                Nate saw Kayla’s hand come to rest in Corey’s. “Where do we go now?” he asked.

                Nate looked towards The Wynde. One road stretched the length of the hill, something waiting at the top. “We find people who want the same fight as us.”

                The other Wyverns looked to Nate and he couldn’t help but feel that the mindless soldier they’d once been were still there, only following different directives... Nate’s directives.

                It saddened him, but he began to understand that order was needed. Nate led the Wyverns up the hill, where a new fight awaited...

                Oh yes, the fight had only just begun.




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.06.2013

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