
Chapter 1

"Good morning mom, dad", I say as I walk through the kitchen to grab a granola bar. They both turn their heads and look at me.


"Hey honey, you heading off to school", my dad asks me as my mom smiles my way. I take a bite out of my granola bar and nod my head.


"Yeah, I have work right after school today so I won't be home until later tonight", I say to them grabbing my bag from off the floor and walking to the front door.


"Be careful walking to school honey", I hear my mom yell before I close the door all the way.


I walk to school everyday because my parents can't get me my own car. They offer me rides to and from school but I don't want them wasting gas. We only have one car, my dad drives my mom to work and then he drives to work. I work hard in school so that I can get a scholarship to go to college. If I can't get a scholarship I'll probably just end up going to community college.


When I get to school I walk through the doors to only see a few people. Not a lot of people go to this school because most of the teens go to Kingsley High School. The few people here at Gerard High School can't afford Kingsley.


"Hey AnaBelle", I hear my close friend Tasha say behind me. I quickly turn  around and look at her smiling. Tasha has short brown hair and she's really pretty. To be honest I don't know what I would do without her, she's my best friend and she understands me. Were pretty much in the same situation due to her being poor and me being poor.


"Hey Tasha", I say hugging her as she hugs me back. We begin walking down the small hall together.


"Are you working at the diner tonight", she asks as we walk into our classroom. I nod my head.


"Yeah, I won't get off until late. Laney isn't coming so I have to take her shift", I say rolling my eyes. Laney is another friend of ours, but she doesn't go to school she just works.


"Ok, I'm going to stop by so I can see you", she says to me. Before I can respond our teacher walks into the class and begins teaching.

The teachers at this school even suck. Most of the guy teachers are creeps who stare us girls down like their lives depend on it. Sometimes the teachers don't even teach us, they just sit there and do nothing.



When school ends I head straight to the diner, it isn't to far away from my school. Once I get there I'm greeted by all the people who work here. All of them are so nice to me.


"Hey AnaBelle, how was school", Gina asks me as she stands behind the counter. I shrug a little while smiling at her.


"Same old same old. Mr. Greene didn't even teach today, he went to sleep", I say chuckling a little bit as I walk behind the counter to where she is. I grab my apron and put it around my waist. I grab a pen and notepad from the counter and put it in the small pockets of the apron.


After an hour the place is filled with a lot of people. I've waited a lot of people since I've been here and I'm a little tired, but I still have a few hours to go. I here a ding from the door and I look over to see some teens about my age walk in laughing together. I see that their wearing the Kingsley School Uniforms and I roll my eyes.


"Belle, you've been requested", Gina says laughing as she points to the old man smiling my way. Mr. Unis, he comes here every night and he always requests me. I take out my notepad and pen as I walk to his table smiling at him.


"Hey Mr. Unis, the usual?", I ask him as I write down what he always gets as he smiles at me.


"Yes, but as piece of you would be nice to", he says still smiling. Mr. Unis being old and all doesn't understand that this is weird for me. I close my eyes and chuckle a little before opening the back up.


"Mr. Unis, don't you think your a bit, old for me", I say to him as I put my pen back into the small pocket of the apron.


"I'm only seventy, I might be old but I can still Jiggy", he says laughing loud causing a few people to look over at him.


"Yes, yeah, well uh your order will be out soon", I say before walking away and shaking my head at Gina as she laughs at me. I take Mr. Unis's order to the kitchen before heading off to more orders. I walk to the table next to Mr. Unis's table and see that the Kingsley School kids are sitting there. There's two girls and three boys siting at the table.


"What can I get you", I ask smiling a little. One girl whispers to the other girl and they both start laughing until she looks my way. I just give them a small smile.


"I don't believe I've ever seen you before, do you go to Kingsley", the blonde haired girl asks me with a smile that I can tell is fake. I shake my head.


"No, I don't go to Kingsley. I go to Gerard High School", I say slightly smiling at them. The girl looks me up and down.


"Yeah, I can tell by what your wearing", she says. I quickly look down at my clothes and then back up to her. I don't see anything wrong with what I'm wearing. The girl next to her laughs while the guys just looks at them like something's wrong with them.


"Ok, uhm, are you guys ordering or not", I ask getting a little annoyed, but I stay nice to them. One of the guys speak up.


"I'll just get a water", he says looking at me. I look at him, he has cute blonde and brown hair with blue eyes. I notice that I've been looking at him for to long and I quickly nod as I jot down what he says. Everybody else orders except for the two girls. Once I finish writing down every ones order I take one more look at the guy before heading off to take their orders to the kitchen. When I come from the kitchen I see Tasha talking to Gina.


"Tasha", I say smiling at her while giving her a hug. "I forgot you were coming", I say to her pulling away.


"Gee, glad to know I'm always remembered", she says laughing and I laugh with her. "So, how has work been going so far", she asks me looking around.


"It's been good I guess, it could be better", I say shrugging looking at her as she looks at something else behind me.


"Ok, and who is that guy staring at you", she asks still looking behind me. I turn around and see that Kingsley guy looking at me. You know, the one with blonde hair and blue eyes. I quickly turn back around to Tasha.


"He could be looking at anything Tasha", I say with a 'duh' tone to my voice.


"No, no I'm pretty sure he was looking at you Belle", she says looking back at me. I just roll my eyes and smile at her. "Well, I need to get going, its getting dark. Bye Belle", she says before walking out of the diner doors.



When everybody has left the diner its just me and Gina, but I tell her to leave since she's tired and I can just clean up.


"Fine, I'll leave, but make sure you lock up before leaving", she says. I nod at her before she walks out. I begin getting cups and silverware from tables and taking them to the kitchen. When I walk from the kitchen I hear a small knock on the door. I roll my eyes thinking it's Gina until I open it to see someone I wouldn't expect it to be.


"Hey, uh, I left something here". That Kingsley boy says to me. I open the door wider and I let him walk into the diner to get whatever he left. I close the door and begin cleaning up again.


"So umm, this is a nice diner", I hear the guy say as he walks next to me with a few plates in his hand. I give him a small smile and take the plates from him.


"Yeah, I love working here", I say walking behind the counter and taking them to the kitchen. He follows behind me.


"Yeah, and about earlier. I'm sorry about my friend, she's-", he starts saying before I interrupt him.


"It's fine. I get that from a lot of people all the time, I'm used to it now", I say dropping the dishes in the sink.


"Oh, I'm VJ by the way", he says to me putting his hand out for me to shake. I look at his hand with raised eyebrows before I speak up.


"AnaBelle". I shake his hand and he does this cute thing where he bites his bottom lip. I quickly pull my hand away before walking out of the kitchen.


"Well, I need to head home. It was nice talking to you", I say taking off my apron and hanging it up. VJ follows me out of the door after I shut off the lights.


"Where's your car", he asks me looking around. Probably because the only car in the parking lot is a white Cadillac Escalade, and that's an expensive car.


"I, don't have a car, I walk home everyday after work", I say to him. He raises his eyebrows at me before biting his lip again.


"Well, I can give you a ride home", he says pointing to the Cadillac. I shake my head at his offer.


"No no, that's fine. I'm fine with walking, really". I begin to walk away again before he starts talking to me again.


"C'mon, it's late and I'm sure there are lots of creepy people out here", he says rubbing his fingers through his hair. I roll my eyes at him.


"Fine", I say to him following him to his car. When we get to his car I don't even want to touch it because of how expensive it looks. He opens the passenger side door for me and I get in. Once he gets in the car we both strap our seat belts on and he starts the car.


"Where do you live", he asks me as he pulls out of the parking lot. I tell him where I live and he heads off into that direction.


"This is a nice car, it's pretty", I say looking around in the car. The inside of the car is a light brown color.


"Thanks, when I get my new car maybe I'll let you have it", he says smirking at me. I look back at him and smile. Is he for real or is he just joking.


When he pulls into the driveway of my house I sit there for a little minute. "Thank you for driving me home", I say slightly smiling at him.


"Your welcome, I can bring you home tomorrow to if you want me to. Just so you don't have to walk home in the dark", he says to me.


"Uh, I mean if you want to you can, but you don't have to", I say to him. He nods and smirks at me.


"Ok, I'll drive you home tomorrow night. Do you get off at the same time", He asks me.


"No, I get off two hours earlier, the only reason I got off so late was because I was working two shifts tonight". He nods at me.


"Ok, I'll see you then AnaBelle". When he says my name it makes a tingle go trough my body like a spark of electricity. I get out of his car and wave at him as I walk through the door to my home.

I head straight for my room and I change into my pajamas. I get into bed and fall right asleep.


Chapter 2

The next morning I wake up at nine o'clock. The first thing I do is take a shower and throw on a red tank top with shorts and some sandals. I then brush my brown hair and then I go downstairs to see no one home. My parents work on Saturdays sometimes, so they're most likely at work. I hear a knock at my door and I quickly go and open it to see Tasha.


"Hey, my parents let me borrow their car, lets go somewhere", she says smiling while hopping up and down. I laugh and her and roll my eyes before shutting my front door and getting into her parents car with her.


"So, where are we going to go", I ask her as she pulls out of my driveway.


"Hmm, we could go walk around the mall, I have twenty dollars from babysitting", she says smiling at me with a hopeful look on her face. I shrug.


"I guess, I don't mind looking at stuff I can't get", I say smiling at her. But I really don't care not being able to get things I can't have. As we drive down a street I watch as Tasha takes a CD out and put it in the radio. When I hear the song I like it Like That by Hot Chelle Ray I look at her funny.


"Really Tasha, this song is so old now", I say smiling at her as she dances while driving.


"So, I still love this song, I don't care how old it is. This used to be our favorite song", she says reminding me how me and her would scream this song super loud whenever it played on the radio. She then begins singing.


"Lets get it on, yeah, ya'll can come along everybody drinks on me, bought out the bar, just to feel like I'm a star, now I'm thanking the Academy". She says yelling and singing while looking at me a few times as I laugh at her.


"Come one Belle, sing it with me", I roll my eyes and begin singing with her when the chorus starts.

"I like it like that, hey windows down chillin' with the radio on. I like it like that, damn sun so hot, make the girls take it all off. I like it like that, yeah, ]one more time, I can never get enough, oh everybody sing it right back I like it like that", me and her yell the song together. By time the song goes off were at the mall. She turns off the car and we get out. She locks the door and puts the keys in her bag.


Me and her walk around the mall looking at a lot of cute clothes and shoes. "If only I could afford this shirt", she says holding a shirt up to the top half of her body. We walk out of the store and we walk to the food court to sit down, until I hear my name being called from behind me. I turn around and see VJ walking up to me.


"Hey, what's up", he says smirking at me. He then looks at Tasha and says hey to her to. She looks at me and smiles wiggling her eyebrows. I look at her and hit her shoulder and then I look back at VJ.


"Hi", I say giving him a small smile. "Were just going to find a seat to sit at", I say answering him.


"Oh, you should come sit with us", he says pointing to a table with the two other guys that I saw from the diner. "I think all of the other tables are full". I look around and notice that all the tables are full, I then look back at him and I nod.


"Sure", I say. Me and Tasha follow him to his table.


"Isn't he the guy I said was staring at you in the diner last night", she says smiling at me.


"He wasn't staring at me, and yes", I say answering her question. She giggles a little bit before saying something else.


"He cuter up close". I don't answer her anymore because now were at his table. Tasha sits down and VJ pulls my chair out for me.


"Thank you", I say to him as I sit down. I look over at Tasha to see her wiggling her eyebrows again. I roll my eyes at her.


"So, this is Brinley and Jake", VJ says pointing at them when he says their names. Brinley has dark brown hair and dark green eyes and Jake has dark brown hair and light brown eyes.


"Hey, your diner girl", Brinley says pointing at me. "My cheese burger was good", he says smiling. I notice Tasha staring at Jake and Jake looking back at her smiling.


I look next to me to see VJ already looking at me and I blush and quickly turn around to see Tasha smiling at me. Then she begins talking.


"So, VJ", she says looking at VJ. "What does VJ stand for", she asks him smiling.


"It stands for Van Jameson", he says smirking at Tasha.


"Yeah , he doesn't like his name", Jake says to her. She just nods her head while thinking to herself.


"So, AnaBelle, isn't she so pretty, I mean any guy would be so lucky to have a girl like her. Her last boyfriend was a jerk, he actually ch-", she rambles on and on until I cut her off with my hand.


"Tasha, come to the restroom with me please", I say smiling at her. I notice Jake and Brinley smiling trying to hold in a laugh.


"Why, I don't need to use it", she says looking at me. I raise my eyebrows at her and I widen my eyes at her. She rolls her eyes at me.


"Fine, I'll come to the bathroom with you", she says. We both get up and make our way to the bathroom. I hear Jake and Brinley laughing. When he get in the bathroom I close the door behind me.


"Tasha, what are you doing", I ask her as I put my hands on my hips. She looks around wondering what I'm talking about.


"What do you mean, I'm standing in a restroom", she says acting as If she doesn't know what I'm talking about.


"Tasha you know what I mean".


"Ugh sorry, sorry. It's just that I can tell you like VJ", she says to me. I scrunch my eyebrows together.


"Wait wait hold up, 'like VJ' who said that I liked VJ", I say to her crossing my arms. She's always assuming things.


"Oh I can tell when you like a guy Belle. You blush a lot and when your sitting close to the guy you constantly shake your leg out of nervousness", she say smiling at me. I roll my eyes at her because she's right, but I don't like VJ, I barely know him.


"Whatever, this conversation is over, lets go", I say walking out of the bathroom just to bump into someone. I look up and see a guy that I always told myself I never wanted to see again.


"Oh wow, look who it is", I hear Tasha say to me as she looks up at the guy.


"Oh, why don't you shut up", he says to her still looking at me. I look away from him and I grab Tasha's arm.


"Come one Tasha", I say pulling her back to the table where VJ and his friends are. I notice the guy is still following us.


"Wait, Belle, please we should talk", I hear him say from behind me as I'm still walking away with Tasha's arm in my hand. I quickly tune around and look at him.


"No, we don't need to talk. Just leave me alone Wyatt", I say to him before turning back around to see VJ standing next to me.


"Just talk to me damn it", Wyatt says angrily towards me. I begin to talk but I don't get a chance to because VJ begins talking.


"Dude, she said no, leave her alone", VJ says as he pulls me and Tasha behind him. Wyatt looks at VJ and smiles.


"This has nothing to do with you, this is between me and my girl", he says pointing at me. I walk from behind VJ and look Wyatt in his face with anger and disgust.


"Your girl, really", I say looking at him angrily. "You can just go ahead and shove that thought up your ass because the last time I checked you cheated on me with some slut you met at a party. So why don't you go back to her", I say to him before walking away and sitting at the table with Jake and Brinley. The both of them are looking around not knowing what to do. Tasha and VJ sit back down and the table is quiet.


"Hey, you want to walk around with me for a minute", VJ asks me. I look over at Tasha and she shrugs.


"That's fine with me, I can just hand with Jake and Brinley", she says smiling at Jake. I stand up as VJ stands and we begin walking around.


"You alright", he asks me as he looks at me. I look his way and I nod.


"Yeah, I'm fine. I just really hate that guy", I say slightly smiling at him.


"I could tell", he says to me. Then it gets quiet again and were just walking. After a few minutes I speak up.


"Thank you for trying to help by the way, it was nice of you", I say looking down as I feel his gaze on me.


"Your welcome", he says. "So, does your friends always ramble about you to people she just meets", he asks laughing and I laugh with him.


"She's, just very weird, but I love her for her weirdness", I say still laughing with him. "Does your friend Jake always stare girls down, or is Tasha just special", I say smiling at him.


"He probably likes her. I mean, when I like a girl it's pretty hard for me not to look at her", he says staring down at me. I blush and look back down to the floor. I hear his phone vibrate and I watch him as he pulls it out and reads what I'm guessing is a message.


"Uh, Jake just texted me and told me that him and Tasha left. He says that I have to take you home", VJ says to me as he puts his phone into his pocket.


"I have to be at work soon, so can you take me there", I ask him and he nods at me.


When VJ takes me to the diner I get greeted by everyone like yesterday. I walk to the back and put on my robe and grab my pen and notepad.


"AnaBelle, you've been requested", Gina says laughing. Ugh, like I said, I get this every single day. I walk over to Mr. Unis's table.


"Good afternoon Mr. Unis", I say writing down what he always gets. I look back at him and he's smiling.


"Well, don't you look beautiful like always", he says laughing. I roll my eyes at him before I walk away. I then walk to another table to see that blonde girl and her friend.


"Uh, what can I get for you", I ask the both of them.


"We didn't come here for this crappy food. We came to talk to you", she says looking me dead in my eyes. I look around and then look back at her. "I heard VJ took you home yesterday", she says to me.


"Ok", is all I say. I don't know what she expects me to say to her.


"I don't like you talking to him. He's my boyfriend and he's to good for you, your poor, he's rich", she rudely says to me. My heartbeat quickens at what she says. I turn around and walk away from her.


When work ends I clean up and I hear the door open. I look over to see VJ walking up to me with a smirk on his face. I smile at him as I put down my notepad and pen.


"Hey, you ready", he asks me. I nod my head and follow him outside after locking up. He opens up the passenger side door for me and I get in. When he gets in he heads off to my house.


"VJ", I softly say his name. He turns towards me. "I don't think you should drive me home anymore after tonight", I say looking at him. He turns towards me as we stop at a red light.


"Why, what's wrong", he asks with his eye brows scrunched together.


"Your girlfriend told me that she doesn't like me being around you. She says that your to good to be around me because I'm poor and your rich", I say looking out of the window remembering what she said.


"She's not my girlfriend, and don't believe what she says to you", he says to me but I keep looking out of the window.


"Hey", he says to me. I turn and look at him. I feel him place his hand on my shoulder.


"Don't believe what she says, I'm not to good to be around you. I like being around you", he says looking me in my eyes. I smile a little and nod at him. He then begins driving again, when he pulls up in my driveway I can see my parents arguing through the living room window. I sigh loudly and put my hands on my head.


"Do your parents argue a lot", he asks me as he turns of his car. I nod my head at him.


"They argue all the time, sometimes they argue all night", I say shaking my head. I look over at VJ to see him looking at me as he bites his lip.


"Well, if you want you can stay at my place and I can drive you home tomorrow morning", he says looking at me. I think about it while looking at my parents and I nod my head.


"Sure", I say. He starts up his car and he begins driving. When we finally get to his house its huge and pretty. He gets out and he walks around to my side of the car.


"Wow, your house is, beautiful", I say to him as he opens up the passenger side door for me. I get out of his car and he locks the doors.


"Thanks". We walk through his front door and he turns on the lights.


"Do your parents mind me staying here. I don't want you to get into any trouble", I say as I follow him up a set of stairs.


"They don't mind. Plus, their not here, their out on business trips", he says. "This is where you'll sleep, it's the guest room", he says smirking at me. The room was brown and white, there were couches and the bed was king size.


"I'll bring you something to sleep in" he says as he walks out of the room. I look around before I sit on the bed. When he comes back he's holding a T-shirt in his hand.


"Here", he says handing me the shirt. "Goodnight", he says before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. I begin pulling off my clothes. I put the shirt on and since I'm short and he's tall the shirt is long enough for me. I get into the bed and I feel so comfortable. This bed is definitely better than my twin sized bed.



When I wake up I rub my eyes. I roll over in the bed to see a little boy staring at me creepily. I widen my eyes and scream, and he screams, then I scream again. He jumps up and runs into the closet shutting the door behind him. I get ready to jump out of the bed but my foot is caught in the covers so I fall out of bed.  Then the bedroom door swings open.


"AnaBelle, are you ok", he says helping me off the floor. I grab onto his arm and point at the closet.


"In there", I whisper to him. He raised his eyebrows at me before walking over to the closet with me still holding on to his arm. He slowly opens the closet door and in there stands a little boy about the age of 13 or 14. He just smiles up at VJ.


"Reed, out", VJ says and the boy quickly walks out of the room. I sigh loudly and VJ looks at me with an amused look. I look down and see that he's only wearing a towel around his waist. I quickly let go of his arm and I blush looking away.


"Sorry about my brother, he has problems", he says smirking at me. "Why don't you go downstairs and wait on me in the kitchen", VJ says to me. I nod.


When I get into the kitchen I sit at a table and I wait on VJ. When VJ walks in Reed is next to him.


"Reed, apologize", VJ says to his younger brother. Reed rolls his eyes and he comes up to me.


"I'm sorry that I was staring at you in your sleep, it's just that, when there's a hot girl in your guest room it's hard not to stare". I see that VJ is upset and I laugh at what Reed says.


"It's ok, you just scared me a little", I say to Reed still laughing.


"A little, you screamed in my face and fell off the bed. I'd say you were terrified, but that would be an understatement", he says laughing and I laughed with him. This little boy is funny.


"Reed go upstairs", VJ says to his brother. Reed waves bye to me and I wave bye back to him. VJ sits down across from me and looks at me and I look back at him. I get up and I begin rummaging through his kitchen for stuff.


"What're you doing", he says as he watches my every move. I open a bottom cabinet and I see what I need.


"I'm making breakfast", I say going into his refrigerator and pulling out eggs, bacon and strawberries. open a top cabinet but I can't reach the pan that I see. I jump trying to get it but I still can't reach it. I feel someone close behind me and then I see a hand grab the pan easily for me. I turn and see VJ, I blush and he hands me the pan.


"Thank you", I say moving from in front of him. I begin cooking the food and VJ would help me with some things.


"Hey, don't eat that strawberry, we need those", I say slapping VJ's hand from the strawberry and making him drop it back in the box.


"I only want one", he says smiling at me. I laugh at him.


"There's only six strawberries in there, and that's three for me, you, and your brother. The foods almost done", I say still laughing at him.


When the food gets finished everyone makes a plate. Me and VJ at the kitchen table while Reed takes his food to his room because he said, and I quote 'I'm to smart to eat at a table with VJ'.


"This is good, you can good", VJ say as he takes a bite out of the eggs I made. I smile at him.


"Thanks, my grandma taught me how to cook". He nods at me while smiling.


"Do you have to work tonight", he asks me. I shake my head no.


"Nope, Sunday's are my nights off", I say answering his question.

When we both finish eating I begin washing dishes. "Hey, you don't have to do that", he says stopping me.


"I want to, I'm the one who cooked", I say washing again.


"It's fine Belle, we have a maid who comes every afternoon". I roll my eyes and say ok. "Do you like swimming", he asks me. I lift one eyebrow at him and I smile.


"Why, do you have a pool", I say still smiling.


"Yep, and I think we should swim in it", he says smirking at me. I shake my head at him.


"I don't have a swim suit". He bites his lip and then he quickly runs up his stairs. When he comes back he has a two piece in his hand.


"You can wear this, it was my sisters but she's at college so she won't mind". I grab the two piece and he shows me to the bathroom. I change into it and I look in the bathroom mirror. I put the T-shirt over it and I walk out of the bathroom. We walk outside and I see a huge pool. I notice that VJ has changed  into swimming trunks. I take the T-shirt off and throw it on the ground. He grabs my hand and I look at our hands together.


"Ready", he says smiling at me. I look up at him and I nod. "Ok, One, two, three". We both jump in together and I feel my feet touch the bottom of the pool before coming all the way up to the top. I wipe my face while laughing. VJ then splashes me with water and I splash some back. I swim up to him and dunk him under the water and he grabs my waist and dunks me. I swim away from him and I splash him. He laughs at me and I laugh back at him.


"Come here", he says motioning me to him. I smile at him and I shake my head.


"Nope". He then begins swimming towards me and I swim away but he catches up to me and he pulls me down under the water with him. When we com back up were both laughing.


"Having fun". Me and VJ both turn to see Jake, Brinley, and that blonde girl standing there looking at us. My laughing instantly stops as I see the look the blonde girls is giving me. I look at VJ and he looks back at me. Me and VJ both get out of the pool and I follow him upstairs to a room that I'm guessing is his room. He throws me and towel and I wrap myself up as he wipes himself off. 


"I'll be right back", he says walking towards the door. "You can just find something to wear in my closet", he says before waling out. I look around and notice he has a bathroom so I walk in the bathroom and close the door. I turn on the shower water and take off the two piece right before getting in the shower.  


Once I finish showering I wrap the towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom and into his closet. I put on a T-shirt and sweatpants. Right when I come from his closet he walks back into his room.


"Sorry about them, they always walk into the house whenever", he says smirking at me. I shrug at him.


"It's fine", I say looking at the floor. "I should go now, my parents are probably worried about me", I say looking up at him to see him already looking at me. He says ok and I wait for him to change before he drives me home. When I do get home I thank him and I walk into my house to hear my parents arguing, I wonder if they even noticed me not being here. I walk to my room and sit on my bed. The first thought that comes to my head is VJ and the things I like about him. I think I kind of like him, but what about that girl, she seems to like him to.


Chapter 3

"Here", VJ says to me as I close the door to his car shut. I look at his hand to see a IPhone 5. I open my mouth wide and look at him.


"I can't take that", I say to him pushing his hand away. I can't just take that phone from him, I can't even afford to pay for it. I'm not even good enough to hold the thing.


 "Just take it Ana, I bought it just for you so that I can talk to you more", he says bringing his hand back to me. Talk to me more, he wants to talk to me more? I grab the phone from his hands and look at it, then I look back at him.


"And how exactly do you expect me to pay the bills for this thing?", I ask him. He starts up the car and pulls away from the diner.


"I'm paying for it". After he says that I sit the phone in his lap and shake my head while looking at him and he's looking at the road.


"Now I definitely can't take it", I say while still shaking my head. He stops the car at the red light and turns towards me. "It doesn't feel right to take this and use it while your paying. It's just wrong", I say looking at him.


"It's fine Ana. If I didn't want to pay for it I wouldn't have bought it for you. So just take it", He says giving the phone back to me. I put it in my purse still not liking this.


I then begin to notice that were not going the direction to my house. "Uhm where are we going", I ask him as I stare out of the passenger side window.


 "A party at Jake's house", he answers my question with a smirk. I've never been to a party before, especially a rich people party. I'm probably going to be the only poor person there. I stay quiet the rest of the ride looking out the window.


 When we arrive at Jake's house there are people dancing around, people passed out on the ground, and some making out up against the house. VJ opens my side of the car door, I didn't even notice him get out of the car, and I get out. We walk up to the house to be greeted by Brinley and Jake.


"Diner girl, whats up", Brinley says to me.  "Tasha's in there waiting for you". When he said Tasha was here I instantly starting feeling a little better.


"Where is she", I ask him eagerly so I can find her. He points through the door to a dancing Tasha. I rush to her.


"Hey, Tasha". She turns around and smiles at me. She pulls me in to a hug.


"Hey", she says as she stops dancing. She pulls me to a couch and we both sit down. "Is this party awesome or what", she says looking around and smiling.


"I'm glad your enjoying this", I say in a sarcastic tone. She rolls her eyes and me and clicks her tongue.


"Come one, just have fun. Let loose for tonight. I mean, this is a once and a lifetime thing for me and you", she says to me.


"I don't know Tasha. We don't really fit in around all these rich people. Look what were wearing and look what their wearing", I say to her. She devilishly smiles at me as she pulls me to a flight of stairs.


"Where are we going?', I ask but I don't get an answer. She pulls me into a room and closes the door behind her.


"When I came home with Jake after school-".


"You came home with Jake after school", I say interrupting her. "What are you thinking Tasha", I ask her and she just rolls her eyes.


"Can I finish please". When I don't say anything she continues speaking. "So when I came home with Jake after school today, I met his sister and she's nice. She said that we can wear anything from her closet". Tasha says as she opens up the closet door. I widen my eyes cause the closet is huge and filled with shoes and clothes.


"No no no. I'm not even a stylish person, I wouldn't know what to match what with what", I say looking through the clothes. "Also, I can't just take her clothes".


"Take advantage of this moment AnaBelle. Once in a lifetime", she says with one finger in my face. "And I'll figure out what you should wear", she says smiling at me.




"I can't wear this", I say looking in a mirror at myself. Tasha went way out with this outfit and my hair. She ven put makeup on me and I look like a total complete stranger to myself. I'm wearing dark spiked shorts that are way to short for my liking, a dark red crop top that is tight on me. My stomach is out which makes me feel exposed to the world, red heels that are about six inches. Light makeup with red lipstick. She curled my hair and put it all to one side.


"Girl, you look hot. What are you talking about", she says to me smiling I guess at her work. I shake my head and look at her.


"Tasha-", I begin to say before being interrupted.


"Nope, Once in a lifetime", she says to me smiling. "Now come one girl", she grabs my arms and pulls me out of the room and down the stairs. I get stares from every one I pass by and I just give them a small smile. 


"I'll be right back, I'm gonna get us some drinks", Tasha says walking away. I stand there as I nod my head to the song playing.


"Somebody better call God, because he is missing an Angel", some cute random cute guy says to me. I laugh at his stupid pick up line.


"Does that ever work on girls", I say still laughing. He laughs to.


"Let me try again", he says to me as I smile at him. "Are you from Tennesee, because your the only Ten I See", he says with hope in his eyes this time. I start laughing even harder this time.


"I think you should just give up on pick up lines", I say to him smiling. He laughs to and nods his head at me.


"Yeah, I think your right about that one, so what your name", he asks smirking at me. Wow his eyes are enticing.


"AnaBelle, and yours", I ask him noticing the logo on his shirt which shows that he goes to Kingsley High School.


"Tyler", he says to me and a smile comes to my face. I see Tasha standing next to me in the corner of my eye. I turn and look at her.


"Here's your drink", she says handing to me as I grab it from her hand. "And who's this sexy alien right here", she asks me as she eye balls Tyler.


"His name is Tyler. Tyler this is Tasha, my best friend", I say smiling at him.


"It's a please to meet you Tasha", he says to her. She looks at me and she turns around leaving me alone with him. She always does this to me. "This is going to be a long night", I say to myself as I chug down my drink. 




I haven't seen Ana since we arrived and I'm starting to get a bit worried. Where the hell did she go. I begin walking around and being interrupted by girls.


"Hey Van", Diana says to me. "I saw that girl who served us at the diner here. What does she think she's doing", she says to me swinging her hair over her shoulder . I just ignore her like I'm doing to everyone else and I walk away as I keep looking for Ana.  When I see Tasha talking to a group of guys I walk over to her and interrupt their conversation.


"Hey, where Ana?", I ask her hoping she knows where Ana is. She shrugs her shoulders at me.


"I don't know. The last time I saw her was probably like thirty minutes ago, she was with some guy named Tyler", she says answering my question while still staring at me. Tyler Tyler, I don't know of a Tyler.


"What's this Tyler guy look like?" She starts thinking for little bit as she looks down at the floor.


"He's hot", she says giving me my answer. I roll my eyes at her and I walk away looking for Ana. I walk upstairs and I open up every room door. When I open the bathroom door I see Ana on the floor in front of the toilet and next to her is a guy who I'm guessing is Tyler. I rush over to Ana.


"Hey, you ok", I saw squatting next to her and putting my hand on her back. She nods her head at me and I look up at the guy.


"She drank a lot", he says to me shrugging his shoulders. I see he's wearing the Kingsley uniform shirt, but why haven't I seen him before. I squint my eyes at him and I raise Ana up so I can take her home.


"C'mon Ana, it's time for me to take you home", I say still holding on to her so she doesn't lose her balance. She doesn't say anything, she just keeps walking. Her eyes are half way open and she can barely walk.


When we get to the car I put her in on the passenger side and strap on her seat belt for her. Then I get in the drivers seat and I start up the car.


"We'll be at your house soon", I say to her. She moans loudly as she puts her hands over her eyes.


"Home, why home", She asks looking at me funny. I don't answer her because I know that she's just drunk. I then begin to feel a hand on the side of my face. I look over at Ana.


"Your face is soft. Are all rich people skin like that", she says laughing as she pulls her hand away from my face. "Rich people, they have it all. Unlike poor people like me, we have nothing", she says still laughing. "You guys get everything you want, you even get your own school". I don't say anything I just listen. Is this how she feels about rich people, about me.


When I get to her house I see her parents arguing through a window, they really should get some curtains. I look over at Ana to see that she's fallen asleep. I then pull way from the driveway and make my way to my house.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.02.2014

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