
Chapter 1

"What!", I scream in my mothers face shocked at the news that hit me in my face.

"I said Ryder is coming back to town today", my mom says again. "He and his mother are coming to dinner with us tonight", she added.

"What!", I scream again louder than the first time. "I'm not eating dinner tonight if he's going to be here, I would rather starve up in my room", I say crossing my arms and holding my head up.

"Stop being a drama queen Starlett, you will be attending this dinner whether you like it or not". With that my mother walked away.

Ryder Caldwell, his name just makes me want to kill myself. He had to go to military school about two years ago because of his behavior. Back then I was very chubby, so I got bullied a little. Ryder was one of the bullies, he was the meanest. When he left off to military school a big weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

I walk to my room and grab my backpack and walk to my car outside. I hopped into my car and started my engine and pulled out of my driveway. Once I get to the school I walk to the cafeteria where I know Jaime, Liz, and Easton are eating breakfast. My little group of friends are all different. Liz is rebellious or 'misunderstood' as she says. Easton is in with the populars, only cause of his looks. Jaime, she's the one in the middle of both of them, and me, well apparently I'm the werid one who isn't popular nor rebellious.

"Hey guys", I huff saying as I sit next to Eastin and across from Liz and Jaime.

"Wow, you look hot today", Easton says to me winking. I felt my face grow hot and I blushed a little.

"No I don't shutup." I hit his arm still blushing. I know my face is super red right now . Easton is a big flirt, whenever he says things like that to me I blush, I guess it's just a weird reflex of mine.

"So, did ya'll here about Ryder Caldwell coming back to town today", Liz says to all of us.

"Oh my gosh, yes I heard!", Jaime squeals looking like she just got a chocolate bar bigger than the world. This day is not an exiting day for me at all, but I guess him coming back is great for everyone else.

"Him coming back isn't that exiting", I say interrupting Jaime's loud squealing.

"He's hot, so it's an awesome thing he's coming back", Liz says high-fiving Jaime. None of my friends know about the bully situation with Ryder, and I really don't want them to find out. Minutes later the bell sounds for classes to start. Jaime and Easton walk one way and me and Liz walk the other.

"So, the reason you don't like Ryder is...", she asks I guess out of curiosity.

"No reason", I say splitting up with her to go into my class, and also to avoid the question.


When I arrive home after school I sit on my living room couch turning on the TV. I then here the front door open, then close.

"Starlett!", I hear the sound of my mom calling me from the foyer. I get up and walk to her. I see that she has grocery bags in her hands. "Go get ready for the dinner, they're on their way over". I make a stink face and do as my mom says.

I walk to my room and change into a fancier shirt to match my blue jeans. Then I put on some matching flats. I then walk down the hall to my bathroom and brush my hair into a pony tail. My hair is down to my waist, so I wear it up a lot. I then put on some mascara and lip gloss.

"Starlett!". My mom yells my name from the kitchen. She yells my name so much it's rediculous.

"Coming!", I yell back.

Now that I'm finished getting ready I walk back down the hall where I begin smelling food being cooked by my mom. When I get to the foyer the doorbell rings. My heart begins pounding from how scared I am to see Ryder, it's been like two years and the last time I saw him he constantly talked about me. My mom shuffles quickly past me and opens the door.

"Amanda, Ryder, it's so nice to see you", my mom says hugging them both as they walk through the door. I haven't even looked at them yet, I don't want to see Ryder. He's probably just ready to make fun of me already.

"It's nice to see you to Stacy, it's been a while". Mrs. Caldwell says to my mother. "Starlett, is that you. Your so tiny and skinny", she says to me. I slowly turn my head around to see her waiting for me to hug her. I smile and hug her. As I hug her I see Ryder standing behind her looking at me. I quickly look away from him.

"You have become a beautiful young lady", she says pulling away from the hug. "Oh Stacy, we have so much to catch up on about each other", Mrs. Caldwell says to my mother happily.

"Yes we do. Starlett, why don't you and Ryder go to your room until the food gets ready", my mom says walking out of the foyer into the living room with Mrs. Caldwell. I roll my eyes and walk down the hall to my room. Once Ryder comes through the door I close it and stand there while Ryder sits on my bed. Right now my wall is the most interesting thing to me.

"Starlett". I hear Ryder say my name. What does he want to say to me.

"What", I say with a little edge to my voice. I didn't intend on sounding mean, it just came out that way. Still I haven't looked at him.

"Whoa, you seem happy to see me", he says. I turn my head and finally look at him. Hot Hot Hot

"You alright, you look like you just seen a ghost", he says smirking so very sexily at me. No Scarlett, don't think about his sexiness.

"I'm fine", I squeal at him. He gives me a weird look then his smirk reappears onto his perfect face. We sit in an awkward silence, well it's awkward for me at least.










Chapter 2

"You've lost a lot of weight since last time I saw you", he says standing up and walking up to me.

"Yeah, and", I say crossing my arms and not looking at him. He's probably about to say something about my hair, or my clothes, I just know it's going to be something mean.

"You got hot over these two years", he says with his deep sexy voice. I quickly turn my head and look at him. I squint my eyes at him angrily.

"That's not funny, I might not be the prettiest girl around but you don't have to joke about it". He just makes me want to jump out of the window that's behind him.

"Yeah, I might be joking, but then I might not", he says showing off his smirk again. "So, did you miss me while I was gone Kitten". Kitten, Kitten, is that supposed to mean something bad.

"First of all, my name is Starlett not 'Kitten', and second no I didn't miss you, I didn't even think about you while you were gone", I say smiling. 1 point for Starlett.


"Really now". He walked up to me as I backed away up against my bedroom door. He put both his hands on each side of my hips and held me there tightly as I tried my best to get out of his hold, nothing I did worked because I'm so small and weak compared to his two years work of a military body. He started lightly kissing my neck, I closed my eyes from his soft touch. Then he stopped after a minute or two and I opened my eyes.

"You'll be thinking about me now Kitten", he says smirking and removing his hands from my hips. And 300 Points for Ryder.

"Your a jerk, you know that". I hit his arm, but my tiny hands don't hurt him. God why, why couldn't you have made me strong just to hurt this boy.

There was a small knock on my door, I quickly got off of it and opened it to see Mrs. Caldwell.

"Sorry to disturb you, the food is finished so you both can come out now", she says giving off her best smile. Why can't Ryder be more nice like his mother. Both me and Ryder follow his mom to the living room and into the dining room of my house. We all sit down at the table and begin fixing our plates that are in front of us.

"So Starlett, how has school been. Your mom tells me your a sophmore at the Tilldale High School", Mrs. Caldwell says before putting a fork full of spaghetti in her mouth.

"Schools been good I guess", I say giving a fake smile towards her. My smile quickly fades when I feel Ryder kick my leg from under the table. Why did he have to sit across from me.

"So, is Ryder starting at Tilldale High tomorrow", my moms asks Mrs. Caldwell.

"Yes he is, he will be a Junior. We went up there this afternoon and got his schedule ready, he just has to get it tomorrow at school".

Again Ryder kicks me. Wow, jerks must like to kick. I give him my most intense look, which only made him kick me again. So I kicked him back, but harder. Then he kicked me again, and I kicked him. It just kept going and going, and I guess both our parents noticed something was going on because Ryder's mom was staring at him seriously and my mom was staring at me seriously. Typical Mothers.

"I just thought of an idea", my mom says still staring at me as I looked at my plate. "Starlett could show Ryder around school tomorrow", she says smiling.

"No!", I yell. "I mean, I-I-I- I'm going to be doing other stuff", I say looking at my mom with a fake smile on my face so Mrs. Caldwell doesn't notice that I truly hate her son with a passion.

"Cancel what your doing, he's going to be new and he needs a friend to show him around". When she said friend she made me want to bust out in the loudest laugh ever.

I don't even say anything back to my mom. I look across from me to see Ryder smirking. That idiot.


Once the dinner ended me and my mother cleaned the kitchen together and got ready to go to bed for work and school tomorrow morning.

I walked into my bedroom and changed into a tank top and some loose spongebob pajama pants. When I laid in bed I traced back to everything that happened tonight. I remembered Ryder kissing my neck softly, now I can't get it out of my head. He wasn't joking when he said I would be thinking about him now.

Chapter 3

I wake up to my alarm clock on my dresser, I get up and turn it off. I walk down the hall an dinto the bathroom to take a hot shower. Once I finish my shower I securely wrap my towel around my body and walk back to my bedroom. I decide on wearing blue jeans and a crop top with a tanktop under it with my black converses. I go back to my bathroom and brush my hair into a ponytail. The put on some mascara and lip gloss. I grab my backpack from my room and walk outside and get into my car and head to school.

Once I get in the parking lot I get out of my car and walk to the cafeteria like I do every morning. When I walk in the school I see Ryder standing next to the front office with a paper in his hands. I turn my head and put my hand over the left side of my face so that I could slip past him without him seeing me. I quickly walked like that.

"Starlett". I heard my name come from him as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turn my head around rolling my eyes.

"What", I say as I fake smile in his face.

"What", I say with an annoyed look on my face. He probably doesn't want anything but to annoy me.

"Your supposed to show me around, remember", he says walking up closer to me. Did he actually think I would show him around this school.

"Show yourself around", I say before walking away. When I walk into the cafeteria I sit in my usualt spot with my friends.

"Hey-ahh!". I begin to say hey until I get lifted off my feet, literally, and over someones shoulder. I had a guess of who it was.

"Put me down", I say punching his back with my small fists. When he puts me down I find myself standing with him back in front of the office. I roll my eyes and begin to walk away, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back to where I'm looking at him. He looks me right in the eyes.

"Why do you hate me so much kitten", he asks still looking into my eyes, and I looked back into his. "Whatever I did I'm sorry. Can't we just be friends". I could tell he meant the apology, but he looked as if he didn't know what he was apologizing for. I looked around for a minute the sihed.

"Fine, but don't make me regret being your friend", I say crossing my arms. Ryder formed a smirk at me. That smirk is just to sexy.

"Oh, and by the way, I don't need help finding my classes. I walked around earlier this morning". He kept his smirk on his face as he turned and walked away leaving me standing there already regreting this friendship thing. Thats when the bell sounded for classes to start. 


After school I did homework and relaxed on my bed. Until my mom came home later that night.

"So, are you going out with any friends tonight", my mom asks me smiling.

"Nah, I think I'm going to stay in tonight", I say sending her smile back. I always spend most of my weekends at home watching movies or reading. 

"Well, I'm going to be out late tonight with some people I work with", she says to me. My mom gets out more than I do. That's a shame. 

"Okm thats fine". When she leaves the house I walk to the living room and put in the strangers. I quickly turn all the lights. I then hear thunder come from outside. I run to the couch and sit down on the couch to watch the scary movie.


Half of the movie has passed and I'm scared out of my mind right now. I hear a knock at my front door and I quickly turn my head and begin to panic. What if it's someone in a mask trying to kill me like in the movie. I hear another knock at the front door. I grab the first thing I see, which is a magazine, and slowly walk to the door. I turn on the porch light and slowly unlock the door. I closed my eyes as I flung the door open and threw the magazine at whoever it was. I stood there with my eyes closed, and when nothing happened I opened one eye, then the other. Thats when Laughter erupted from a Ryder standing at my door.

"You scared me Ryder!", I yell as I move to let him inside the house. After he waalks in I turn on the lights in the house. 

"Yeah, and what was the magazine going to do", he asks still laughing at me. He walked to my couch and sat down. 

"Why are you even here", I say putting one hand on my hip while standing in front of him. 

"C'mon kitten, don't be like that", he says as he stands up. Which put him right in from of me. I move back a little. 

"whatever, I'm going to my room, you can stay out here". I give him my fakest smile and walk away to my room to read or something. 

When I sit on my bed with my book I see Ryder lean on my door frame from the corner f my eye, but I don't ackknowledge his appearance. When he doesn't say anything I look up. He's wearing a tight dark blue shirt that fits him as perfect as his pants fit him. His dark hair is a little messy but looks good on him.

"Are you checking me out kitten". I instantly look at his face. I made a chuckling noise at him.

"W-what. No no I wasn't checking you out", I say as i turn my head to make my 'embarresed' face.

"Don't deny it, I know I'm hot", he says winking at me. 

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, so when are you leaving", I ask waiting for him to respond with 'Oh I'm leaving now', but I ended uo getting a different answer.

"I thought we were friends, friends have sleepovers". I looked at him with my mouth open a little. 

"Ryder, your a boy, I'm a girl. We can't have sleepover together, that would be weird", I say looking at him and that smirk on his face.

"It's only wierd if you make it weird kitten", he says walking all the way into my room and closing thr door behind him. He walks to my bed and gets next to me. He takes off his shoes and relaxes on my bed with his hands behind his head. I sat there quiet for a while.

"Your sleeping on the bed", I ask hoping the answer would be no.

"Yeah, where'd you expect me to sleep", he says with his eyes closed. 

"Uhm, maybe the floor", I say looking down at his face. He opened his eyes and gave me a facial expression that was so cute.

"Now why would I sleep down there when I can sleep with you", he says getting up and moving closer to my side of the bed.

"U-I don't know". He is so close to me right now I don't know what to do. He just looks at me and rolls his eyes as he moves over and lays on his back again. I turn off my lamp and lay down to. Laying next to him is weird, I've never had a guy sleep in the same room as me. I get comfortable and close my eyes, I slowly drift into a deep sleep.






Chapter 4

I wake up but keep my eyes shut because if I open them they will burn because of the light outside. Still lying in bed comfortably I notice how hard and warm my pillow feels. I rub my hand down and feel hard bumpy things. I open my eyes to see Ryder. I widen my eyes and scream as I accidentally fall backwards off of my bed. When I get up I see him yawning.

"Why are you yelling, I'm trying to sleep", he says sitting up. His hair is messy, he still looks cute though. Bad Starlett, no thinking about how hot he is.

"Why, why are you in my bed, and wheres your shirt", I yell. He looks at me and smirks. That smirk is all I see whenever I do something and he's amused by it. 

"First, I told you that I would be sleeping in here, and second,I felt you feeling on my abs", he says getting out of my bed. I didn't believe him when he said he was sleeping in my room. I thought he was just trying to make me angry. I notice when he is standing that he isn't wearing any pants, but just boxers. I quickly turn around so I don't see him.

"To sexy to look at kitten". I didn't need to look at him to know he was smirking amusingly at me. I could feel the smirk on his face even though I was on the other side of my room.

Seconds later I feel hands on my waist. I quickly turn around to push Ryder away but he wraps his arms around my waist and he's to strong to push away. I look up at him angrily and he looks at me. I want to look away from him but it's ind of impossible due to his perfect looks. why does he have to be so cute. Still in the position were in my bedroom door opens. I turn to see Liz standing there with her mouth open and her eyes wide. Ryder releases me from his hold and I quickly close the door on my friends devastated face. Ryder walks and puts on his clothes. 

"Well, now my friend is about to investigate me", I say sending a fake smile Ryder’s way. "She probably thinks I'm with you now". I hear a chuckle come from Ryder.

"I would never get with you", he says before he exits my room. That kinda stung a little, I just shake it off as I see Liz walk into my bedroom.

"Did I really just see what I just saw", Liz asks me closing my door behind her. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah you did, but it is totally not what you think", I say. She smiles at me, then she laughs.

"I know that you didn't do anything with him. You will probably be a virgin for your whole life". She laughs some more before she stops. "But I came here to tell you something, something very important", she says seriously. 

"Yeah what is it". I get a kind of worried expression on my face. She could be in some kind of trouble or something. I definitely hope not.

"Well-", she begins to talk until she's interrupted by the yelling of my name being called from my mother. 

"I'll tell you another day", she says as she gets up. 

"No no, tell me". She looks at me then looks down. I wonder whats going on with her.

"I'll tell you later. I gotta go so..". She walks out of my door and I walk behind her not saying anything else about what she was going to tell me. When she's out of the house I walk into the living room to see a random man I don't know sitting beside my mother. 

"Starlett, sweetie this is Thomas, he works with me", she says smiling at me. Thomas has brown hair and he's wearing a weird smile on his face. I stand there looking at my mother, then I look at Thomas. The first thing that comes to my mind is my father. I really don't know much about my father, all I know is what my mom told me. She says that he couldn't handle having children so he bailed. She says that when I turned two that he came and visited me, but he never visited again. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and smiled nicely at Thomas.

"Hello, my name is Starlett", I say in the nicest way possible. I see my mom smile at how good were getting along with each other. He then puts his hand out for me to shake and I gladly shake it. 

"So, I was wondering about inviting some family and the Caldwell’s over to meet Thomas", my mom says looking at me smiling. I can tell she likes Thomas. I haven't seen her with anyone so this is probably a big deal for her. 

"Yeah, that sounds good", I say smiling at my mother to show her that I'm glad that she's happy. I walk back to my room and take a shower and get dressed. When I finish I brush my hair and leave it down even though its super long. I put on eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. I walk outside and start walking up the street to the small park. When I get there I see that theres no one here. I sit on a swing and swing slowly. I begin singing while thinking about random things.

"Your a good singer". I hear someone say behind me. I feel their hands on the chains of the swing. I turn around to see Ryder closely behind me.

"Thanks", I say turning back around. I feel him begin to slightly push me. 

"So, your mom called my mom not to long ago and invited us over to meet some of your family and someone named Thomas, he says still lightly pushing me in the swing. Wow, my mom called everyone earlier than I thought she would.

"Yeah, she works with Thomas and she wants the family and your mom and you to meet him. I'm guessing she likes him". I feel the swing stop and I turn around and look at Ryder. 

"Wanna come with me somewhere", he says smirking at me. I tilt my head a little and squint my eyes.

"Where", I ask still with the look on my face. I see him roll his eyes.

"Just c'mon, you'll see when we get there", he says turning around and walking. I sit there for a minute, then I quickly get up and run over to him. When we get a little down the street I see a motorcycle.

"Please tell me that isn't your motorcycle, and that we won't be getting on it", I say hoping that he repeats the words that just came out of my mouth.

"That IS my motorcycle and we WILL be riding on it". He just said the complete opposite of what I told him to say. Also, I've never riden on a motorcycle but I'm pretty sure I don't want to ride one. They look super dangerous and I'm a scary person.

"Wait, I can't get on that thing", I say making him halt in his position and turn to look at me with a amused expression on his face.

"And why might that be Kitten", he says walking towards me. The closer he gets, the more I feel tingles inside of my body.

"B-Because I'm scared", I say honestly. I think I've watched to many movies. Movies always get to my head.

"Well you'll be with me so theres no need to be scared. I promise you'll be safe with me, I won't let anything bad happen to you". When he said that it made me feel like he cares about me. Does he care about me? 

He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him and the motorcycle. "Get on", he says holding the motorcycle. When I stand there clueless he puts one of his hands on each side of my waists and puts me on. Wow he's strong. He then gets on and sits in between my legs in front of me. 

"Put your hands around my waist", he says with his deep voice. I slowly put my hands on his waist already feeling how rock solid his abs were. He then grabbed my hands and pulled them all the way around his waist. He kicked off the kick stand and started to drive. That made me hold on even tighter. 

After a while of driving I got used to it. I kinda liked the way everything looks, it's as if everything is sped up and everything swirls right past you. When he stops the motorcycle I look to see where we are. It's a huge building that has no windows and only a door. 

"What is this", I ask looking at him as I lifted on leg to get off of the motorcycle. He didn't answer me, he just smirked and walked into the building as I follwed behind him. When we got in it was dark and the walls weren't walls, they were big aquiriums with millions of different kinds of fish everywhere.

"Wow". Thats the first thing that came out of my mouth. I never knew that had a place like this here in this small town. 

"This place How did you know about this place", I ask him as we walk down the isolated halls looking at all the fish. 

"Well, I know who owns the place and their closing down. I thought maybe you'd like it". No wonder why theres no one here except me and Ryder, because their closmg down. After walking for a while me and Ryder sit on a bench in the middle of the hall. 

"I love this place, I wish they weren't closing down so I could come everyday", I say still surprised by how great this place looks. It's like a place you could come to to calm down.

"Yeah, me to Kitten", he says also looking around. I turn more towards him with my eyebrows scrunched together.

"W-Why do you call me that", I ask out of curiosity. I've always wondered why he calls me Kitten.

"Because, Kittens are adorable, sweet, and they have big pretty eyes, like you", he says looking at me. Is it just me or is he being extra sweet today. I look at him wondering what is up with him. Were not talking, were just looking at each other in silence. I feel his hand go around my back as he moves closer to me. I look down at his lips. Everything that was in my mind before has just vanished just from looking at him, why does he have this effect on me? He leans closer to my face, his lips and inch away from mine. My eyes instantly shut when his lips touch mine. I feel a strong shock go all through my body. I then feel his tongue on my bottom lip, I grant him access. His tongue rubs against mine and my tongue does the same. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer to his body. He then quickly pulls away from me, I didn't want him to stop. 

"Maybe I should take you home. I don't want your mom being worried", he says turning and walking away. Did he regret kissing me just then. I feel like my heart is about to explode out of my chest. I get up from the bench and follow behind Ryder. I wish I could read his mind because that kiss did something to me and I'h hoping it did something to him to.

Chapter 5

When me and Ryder exited the big aquarium place we got onto his motorcycle and he drove until we were in front of my house. I hopped off the back of his motorcycle. 

"So, I'll see you at the dinner", I say smiling a little at him. He looks at me and looks away.

"Yeah, sure", he says before driving away without a goodbye. I start getting a feeling that he regrets the kiss me and him shared. I used to be the one who hated his guts and now I'm the one who is beginning to like him. All of the bad things he did when we were young have just vanished as if none of it happened. I turn and walk into the house.

"Starlett!", I hear my mom yell my name. I walk to her bedroom to see her applying makeup and she's wearing a nice loose black dress. Her brown hair is curled and she's wearing black heels. She looks great. "Everyone is coming to dinner tonight, but me and Thomas are going away for about three hours and then we'll be back just in time for the dinner", she says putting earrings in her ears as Thomas walks out of her bathroom.

"Why are you going to be gone so long?", I ask curiously. Three hours is a very long time.

"Where were going is and hour away. I'm going to meet his family", she says to me smiling. Wow, this relationship of theirs is more serious than I thought. She's meeting his family, then he's meeting mine, next thing you know their going to be married. I just nod my head and walk into my room. When I hear the front door shut I know that it's my mom and Thomas leaving the house. I lay on my bed in silence. The house is so silent its scary. I then call Easton, Liz and Jaime over because of my boredom. I hate being bored because being bored is the most boring thing ever. When they arrive we all talk in the living room.

"So, I heard that your mom has a new man. Where is he, I want to see him", Jaime says smiling at me. Everybody probably knows about Thomas because of this small town, word travels fast around here.

"Yeah, I guess. She left to go meet his family."

"Wow they must be serious", Easton says putting his arm around my shoulders. 

"Yeah I guess they are", I say. I felt Easton get closer to my ear.

"Can I talk to you for a minute", he whispers in my ear. I wonder what he wants to talk about. Me and Easton get up and he follows me to my kitchen.

"What is it", I say hoping nothing is wrong. 

"Well, we've been friends since freshman year and uhm uhm, I wanted to ask if you would go out with me". I see him shaking a little bit and he's playing with the bottom of his shirt. I never knew he liked me that way. I don't like Easton that way, he's like a brother to me. Then I begin thinking about the kiss between me and Ryder.

"Easton, I would be flattered, but heres kinda someone else. Plus your kin-", I say but get interrupted.

"Yeah Star, I get it already", he says with a look of rejection on his face. He walks away and I follow him. Instead of him walking in the living room he walks out the front door. I just walk back in the living room and sit next to Jaime and Liz. 

"What. just. happened", Jaime says looking at me. Liz is looking at me too. 

""Easton just asked me out and I totally just rejected him. I mean, theres someone else". I'm hoping they won't ask me who that someone else is, because if I tell them it's Ryder then they will be confused. 


Liz and Jaime leave after a while. They did ask me who the other person was, but I told them that I couldn't tell them just yet. They begged and begged until they gave up.  When they left my mom came home a little after telling me to get ready for the dinner because everyone was on their way over. 

"So I bought you a dress", my mom says holding a bag in her hand. "I want you to wear it at the dinner". I grabbed the bag and went to my room and closed the door. When I took the dress out the bag, it was red with tiny white dots and a big black bow going through the middle. I liked it. After I put on the dress, I put my hair in a side bun and some hanging down for a bang. I then put a white flower clip a little above my bun. I put on eyeliner and mascara with some red lipstick. The last thing I did was put on some black flats. I've never dressed up this much before, I don't even know why I'm dressing up so much. When I walked out I saw that everyone was here reuniting and meeting each other. 

"Cuzz", I heard my cousin Frankie say behind me. Ugh, I hate him, he's a bully and I haven't seen him in like 3 years. I turn around and look at him.

"Whoa, what happened to you. If you weren't my cousin you'd be my girl". I gave him a disgusted face.

"Frankie, you do know thats sick right. Well sorry, you look different, you used to be fat and not so good looking", he says smiling at me. I just roll my eyes and walk away, I see my grandmother hugging Thomas.

"Grandma!", I say happily. 

"Hey buttercup", she says squeezing me into a hug. "It's been so long since I last saw my only grandchild, your crazy uncle still hasn't had children", she said making a face at me. I just laugh at her. I turn around and see Ryder standing in a corner looking at me. I walk towards where he is.

"Hey", I say nicely as I wave at the same time. He smirks at me and looks me up and down.

"You look good Kitten", he says still leaning against the wall looking sexy. I have definately gained a crush on him. 

I smile at him. "Thank you". I begin to say more until I'm hugged from behind on my legs. I look down to see my younger cousin Jake hugging my legs. He's only 4 years old and he's the most adorable thing in the world.

"Hey Jake", I say picking him up. "I've missed you", I say kissing his cheek.

" I wiss you twoo". He says it just like that, he hasn't leanred to say all his words correctly. 

"yeah, well why haven't you come to see me bud", I say tickling him a little. He laughs.

"I was wiff my gwirlfwiend", he says laughing. I look up at Ryder and raise my eyesbrows, Ryder begins laughing.

"Ooo a girlfriend huh?", I ask smiling at the adorable boy. 

"Yeah, but I'm hungwy and weady to eat", He says trying to get out of my arms. I let him down and he runs to the kitchen probably to where his mother will fix his plate. I look at Ryder and me and him bothe go and fix our plates as well.


After dinner me, Ryder, and Frankie go outside and sit on the beches in my back yard.

"So dude, are you my cousins boyfriend or something?", Frankie asks Ryder.

"Uh, no, were just friends", he says looking at me. I see Frankie nod his head.

"Well I have to admit, my cousin has gotten hot". Frankie puts his arm around me.

"Frankie, that is so sick", I say laughing at him. "Theres something wrong with your brain". Frankie is so weird I don't know what to say. I see Ryder making a weird face.

After a while everyone leaves, except for Ryder. He stays and helps me clean up while my mom and Thomas rest after the long drive and the dinner.

"You know, you don't have to help me clean up this mess. I can do it by myself", I say to Ryder as I put some dishes in the dishwasher.

"Nah, I can help. It's no biggie", he says smirking at me. Dang, that smirk is just way to sexy. We just clean without really talking. I'm standing in fron of the sink and next to the diskwasher, I turn around and put my elbows on the counter space behind me and at the same time Ryder reaches in front of me to put something in the dishwasher. His face is right in fron of mine, he looks at me then out of nowhere he pulls me into a kiss. I snake my arms around his neck as I grant him access into my mouth. He explores my mouth with his tongue, he pushes me over and puts me on top of the counter. As he kisses me roughly but passionately at the same time. I pull back and look at him, and he looks back at me.......




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.10.2013

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