
A New Start

We have all heard the stories, so don’t pretend you didn’t. They think we’re cold blooded monsters, but they have no clue who we ‘really’ are! What those adolescent humans think we are is completely bull crap. We don’t melt in the sunlight. We can go in it we just burn SUPER easy. There is this place where we have to buy this super kinda sun block. All vampires have fangs but we go through this painful experience just so we won’t get caught by humans. Do you know what we do? We file our fangs down and that hurts! We have to do that like twice a month because our fangs constantly grow somehow.
They think we have the strength of superman, but we don’t. we are obviously stronger than them but not that strong. Our strength is like this, if you’re a female than u are probably as strong as a human man. If you’re a male your probably two times strong than a female vampire. But NOT superman strong.
My family comes from a long line of vampires. We have learned not to drink human blood, soo we drink pig blood. I know cute little piggies. But its what we have to do to live. Human food makes us sick. But during school I deal with it then I normally through it up. I hate doing that, but human food is really bad for us.
Well more about me and not my family. Ha yup more about me the loner, freak, nerd, outsider. But I guess that’s better I don’t associate with them. I don’t want them finding out about us. That’s why we moved here. My little sister spilled about us so now we had to move across the country. It sucks!
Tomorrow is my first day in the new school. Im gonna be a sophomore so I guess that’s 10th grade. Yup new school half way through the year. Gonna be fun. You see the sarcasm. Sorry got off track lets talk about me and not that h*ll hole. I have short black hair that goes to my chin, with bangs. My bangs cover my eyes so they don’t see the color. My eyes are orange. I have never seen orange eyes outside off my family. And that makes me more of a freak. Im like 5’5. Not too short and not to tall.
School starts tomorrow and I have to get up at like 5 am to be there by 7. I have NO clue why so early so don’t ask.
I glance at the clock and see its 10. I get off my bed and drag myself to the bathroom to brush my fangs. The moonlight shines through the window and I just stare at the moon as I brush my teeth. I spit and rinse then drag myself to bed again. I turn off the light next to my bed and my room goes dark. I get comfortable in my bed and slowly and I mean slowly drift to sleep.
My eyes flutter open at the sound of my alarm clock I put on my phone. I stare at the phone annoyed then grab it so I can turn the noise off. Finally I turn it off and go to my bathroom to shower. I turn on the water. Its really hot. I put it really hot, but that’s how I like it. I get out then grab some cloths. My “trendy’ outfit consists off so board shorts and a big red sweatshirt. I pull on my beastly neon orange converses. I throw a brush through my hair then race down stairs to get me some breakfast. For breakfast I eat fresh raw bloody bacon. YUM!
I walk into the hallway by the door and hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up and see my older brother coming down all grumpy. He was all dressed in his ‘cool clothes’. Yup cool clothes. He is usually one of the popular kids. People say he’s hot but I only see him as my older brother Kev.
“You ready to go?” I ask him
“Yup whenever you are. And I swear ima be in the popular crowd the first day!” he announced confidently.
“Good luck with that, and you got your piggy blood?” I ask him
“Yes I have my blood do you?” he asked
“ Of course “ I say I look up in his orange eyes. I look at him very seriously
“Do you think ill make any friends this year?” I ask him sadly I had never had any real friends
“of course you will, you’re a very sweet girl you just got to trust people more and trust yourself to keep our secret. “ he tells me than ruffles my hair. I just love how he is. He’s a very understanding person.
I grab his middle and hug him tight. “Thank you sooo much Kev!”
“Your welcome lizzy.” That’s my nickname he gave me. He’s the only one who calls me that. Everyone eles calls me Elizabeth. Yup that’s my name Elizabeth Pierce.
I look at my brother as he grabs his keys to our dodge charger. Yeah I know a dodge 2011 toxic orange charger. D*mn is beast. We walk to our pimpin car and get in. Kev drives it until I get my license. I want to drive it so bad. I start pouting and grab a CD from my case and put it in. I burned a CD with all my favorite songs. I go to track 12 and turn it all the way up. As I did that I rolled down the window to let the wind through my hair. I start singing to the song ‘Rockstar’ by Nickleback. I start singing as load as the music goes.
I'm through with standing in line
To clubs we'll never get in
It's like the bottom of the ninth
And I'm never gonna win
This life hasn't turned out
Quite the way I want it to be

(Tell me what you want)

I want a brand new house
On an episode of Cribs
And a bathroom I can play baseball in
And a king size tub big enough
For ten plus me

(So what you need?)

I'll need a credit card that's got no limit
And a big black jet with a bedroom in it
Gonna join the mile high club
At thirty-seven thousand feet

(Been there, done that)

I want a new tour bus full of old guitars
My own star on Hollywood Boulevard
Somewhere between Cher and
James Dean is fine for me

(So how you gonna do it?)

I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name

'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy bunny
With her bleach blond hair

Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels
Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes
Sign a couple autographs
So I can eat my meals for free
(I'll have the quesadilla on the house)
I'm gonna dress my ass
With the latest fashion
Get a front door key to the Playboy mansion
Gonna date a centerfold that loves to
Blow my money for me
(So how you gonna do it?)
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and change my name


And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the latest dictionary and today's who's who
They'll get you anything with that evil smile
Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial, well

Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

I'm gonna sing those songs
That offend the censors
Gonna pop my pills from a pez dispenser

I'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs
lip sync 'em every night so I don't get 'em wrong


And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the latest dictionary and today's who's who
They'll get you anything with that evil smile
Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial

Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

As the song ends I open my eyes to see that we made it to school and now im just sitting in our car with my brother. Kev turns the car off and we get out. We both walk to the office. We see the receptionist at her desk and walk to her.
“Hello im Kevin Pierce and this is my sister Elizabeth, we are the new transfers and we need our schedules.” Kev tells her politely
“Why yes we have been expecting you guys. Here are you schedules” she says as equally politely as Kev was. She hands us our schedules then we leave.
“alright I got to go Lizzy. Love you see you at lunch.” He says
“alright love you to bye” I wave to him as we walk away from each other.

I walk to the room that says 205 on it. That would be my homeroom.
I walk in and everyone stares at me . I look at the teacher who walks up to me.
“Yes?” he asks
“I’m the new transfer student” I tell him
“Ah I’ve been expecting you. Did you get lost on the way?” he asked me
“A little bit.” I laugh
“would you like to introduce yourself for us?”
“Sure.” I tell him. I turn to the teens that are still staring at me.
“ Hi im Elizabeth Pierce its nice to meet all of you.” I say politely but shyly
“Im Mr. Tarence . now that you introduced youself why don’t you sit down next to David.” Mr. Tarence tells me while pointing to a boy I presume is David. I Smile at the teacher then walk off to my seat.

all boys i meet are STUPID

I walk to him with a smile on my face. This is how I be friendly but I guess he doesn’t like my friendliness because he just glares at me. ‘Fine!’ I thought to myself as I sit down. ‘Ill just ignore him them’. I turn my head from him and stare at the front. I secretly flip him off when he turns his head. Ha. Yup that’s funny.
After like 3 more classes was lunch and let me tell you those classes seemed like they would never end. Do you know why? David was in all of them, AND I have to sit next to him in those classes to! My life sucks so much.
I walk down the hall to my new locker and shove everything inside, then run all the way to lunch. I push open the doors to see a huge crowded lunch room where everyone is divided. You have the popular tables and since there is quite a few they have 2 popular tables. And guess who I see there Kev AND David. And they are friends. How can Kev like a guy like him. David is a jerk. All day he just glared at me. Gosh my brother has bad taste in friends.
Ill get his attention. I grab my phone from my pocket and find Kev’s number.
Me: Kev don’t talk to David and get ur a** over here NOW!!!
I stare at him as I await his answer. I see him reach in his pocket and look at his phone. He looks around for me then finds me at the door. He stares then starts typing on his phone.
Kev: why he seems nice and I think it would be better to talk in person. The chicks in here wont get off of me! Lol told ya I would be popular.
I laugh as he gets up and pries the plastics of him (plastics are those fake a** popular chicks) every one stares at him as he walks my way. There probably thinking what’s the cool transfer doing with the loser transfer.
Kev walks up to me. “Hay” he said “How’s the school so far?” “well I like everything except that’s dude!” I say and point to David. Everyone is still staring. Kev looks also. “Why don’t you like him? He seems pretty cool to me.” “Well when I got to class after we got our schedules and like me trying to make friends and you see the key work TRYING. Well I was trying to make friends and he just glared at me. And the worst of its is I sit next to him in every class!” I tell him out of breath.
“oooo okay. Well since we are already up why don’t we go and eat. PLEASE!” he said while whispering the last part. I smile at him. He always trys to lighten the mood for me. “ Well ok lets go .” me and him start making our way to the door and I turn and see everyone is STILL staring at us. But the plastics and david just glare at me. Ha. They be jealous. I just turn and stick my tongue out at them. Then I start laughing as I walk out the door.
We walk down the sidewalk outside the school, down to the football field. We get there and sit behind the bleachers. We go into our backpack and grab our piggy blood. Awww poor piggy’s. we start to eat when we notice something strange. I look into my brothers eyes and we both stare at each other. “Do you hear that?” I ask him. “Yeah” he replies looking around. We hear the noise again. We both look up to see a chick and a dude making out on the bleachers above up.
I look at Kev and he has a ‘that dude is lucky’ look. I give him a disgusted look “perv” he looks at me sheepishly and I go back to eating. after we eat we start to walk back to the building. I look up at my brother and smirk. This is gonna be funny. “Sooo hows it feel to be the popular? I bet you love having the plastics all over you?” I teased him. He did this thing that looked like a blush and a smirk. I started laughing. He just looked so funny! “its not funny!” he shouted at me. But it was still funny. He just look so dang funny when he was embarrassed. I got an idea!!!! We walked a little further then I pretended to fall. I knew he would come right away. “ow ow ow ow !” I shout. He comes quickly to my side. “whats wrong lizzy?!” he asked franticly. I wanted to laugh so bad. I pretended to cry. “I pretended to fall so you could carry me to class” I pretend sob. I looked up to see Kev look all confused. I just busted out laughing. As I was laughing I got up and jumped up on his back. “gitty up little monster gitty up!” I shout. I can see the realization in his features. Then I laugh more.
He starts to get up and walk the rest of the way to school. “You just love me don’t you?” I asked him. “yup I just love you but wait till I show you what I have in store later.” He smiled evilly I squealed. Not and excited squeal but a scared squeal. As I did Kev tightened his grip on my legs. Dang him. We walk in the door and everyone is staring. “Kev they keep staring. I don’t like it!” I whisper in his ear. He just laughs. Meanie. We continue walking when we hear a shriek. Kev turns and I see one of the plastics. “Kevin what are you doing?!” she shrieks again. “who she?” I whisper to Kev. “Girlfriend” he whispered back. I stared wide eyed at him. “Already!?” “yea-“ he was interrupted by whats her face. “Who Is She!?!” she asked. I look her in the eyes. “its very nice to meet you. My name is Elizabeth-“ she didn’t let meet finish. “I don’t need to hear anything from you b*tch!” she yelled and me. D*mn she’s annoying me.
“put me down kev” I tell kev and he does so. I walk up to snotty two face over there. “B*tch if you let me finish I would have told you I WAS HIS SISTER! Gosh I have no clue what my brother sees in you” i whisper the last part.
“lizzy stop” he said angry.
“well im just saying she didn’t even let me finish. Gosh im leaving see you two ‘love birds’ later.” I say as I walk out the door to the parking lot. I really don’t see what Kev sees in her. Shes just rude. And its our first day he shouldn’t be dating someone when he don’t even know them. My brother is stupid. I walk off the school ground and found a place where no one can see me.
Being a vampire has its advantages you know, like transforming into a flying bat. I did so and flew off to home. As I got home I ran to my room.
I loved my new room. Its amazing. There’s a window at the very top where you can see the sky at night. My room is dark but colorful. Its black, blood red, and dark orange. Beautiful just beautiful. I have a queen size bed right under the window, with curtains all around it except the top. I have a 62in flat screen mounted to the wall. Epic right. Like 3 book shelves. I have a huge dresser on one wall with a vanity. And a walk in closet. On the bookshelves are tons of manga, graphic novels, and dvds.
I need a shower so I walked into my bathroom with my phone in hand. Turned on the water and put so music on from my phone. I strip and step in to the shower. Gosh the warm water feels awesome. As im washing my hair my phone goes off. Fudge. I grab a small towel and wipe my eyes and hands. Whos calling me? I pick it up and look at the number. No clue whos number it is, but I answer it.
“hello?” I ask
“Elizabeth?” asked a dude on the other end.
“whos this?” I ask not really asking his question.
“so this is Elizabeth?” he asks
“yes but who are you?” I ask him a little annoyed.
“its hard to hear can you go somewhere where I can her you better?” the dude asked
“I cant leave dude im in the shower.” I tell him “who are you again” I ask
“the shower?! Why are you answering the phone while in the shower and its David from school.” David tells me. Gosh how did david get my number?!
“give me like 5 minutes and then call again so I can get out of the shower.” I tell him and hang up. Why is this dude calling me cant he see I don’t like him and he docent like me so don’t try! Dang why are all boys I see are stupid.

i am truly what those humans discribe of me

I had just finished getting on my pjs when my phone rang. ‘Right on time’ I thought. I walked over and grabbed it. I slide the arrow on my android that allows me to talk and put it to my ear.
“Hay” I say
“finally your done. Took forever in there you know” David said
“I told you 5 minutes and its 5 minutes. That is not a long time you know” I say in a ‘matter of fact’ way.
He laughed on the other end. I stare at it confused then he talked. “it somewhat is” he says
“so what you want boy, interrupting my shower?!” I ask and somewhat snap at him.
“don’t need to get grumpy. You just let early so I wanted to know why.” He says
“you wanted to know when so you know the next time you can glare and ignore me right?!” I shout into the phone.
“No that’s not why,-“ “how did you get my number anyway.?!” I yell interrupting him. Its quite then he speaks.
“your brother, but don’t tell him I told you” he says quickly
“D*NM HIM. God Kevin cant you doing anything right!”I say to no one in particular. I throw the phone across the room and it hits the wall. I don’t even bother hanging up or checking if the phones ok cause I know it is. Androids are awesome phones.
I run down stairs and into the garage and grabbed my rip-stick. Luv them so much. Grabbed my helmet and was out the door in like less than a minute. When we first got here I had a hard time excepting it so I left the house for like 2 hours. When I was gone I found this awesome relaxful. It was this beautiful cave like 2 miles from where we live. If you walk for a little bit then you find a beautiful waterfall. It has a light source coming from somewhere cause its bright. The sunlight glistens on the waterfall. Truly beautiful.
Since then I have brought some things from home. I have a couple mushroom chairs and a bookcase with some of my books. I wanted bring my tv but I don’t know if theres a source of electricity. Soon im going to buy a futon so I can stay here when I have troubles I don’t know how to deal with at home.
As I get there I go straight to my chair. I plop down and just relax. I just sit there for what seems like hours. Then I get up cause im hungry. God I hate being hungry. I grab my rip-stick and head out.
When I turn the corner I see our house. Kev and David are sitting on the front porch. It looks like there waiting for me. I don’t want to talk to Kev so I turn around and walk. I found a place where people cant see me and turn bat. I fly the long way so Kev wont see me. He knows exactly who the bat is when he sees them. I hate him for that. I fly behind the house and into my bedroom window. I always leave it open for cases just like this.
Once I get in I transform back and run to my bedroom door and lock it. ‘not gonna come in to talk to me Kev.’ I thought. I turn to my window and lock it also. He’ll try to come in through there when he is desperate. I turn off the light and climb into bed . sleep was only seconds away from when my head hit my pillow.
I wake up to banging on my door and light shining in my eyes.
“UGH!” I groan/shout thing.
I grab my drill off my dresser.{yeah I know me got drill in my room. Its kinda weird. But who cares. I might need it sometime like now. I grab the drill and walk over to my door. I put the drill over a spot on the door and start drilling a hole. I then make it a little bigger by drilling a little more.
Now the hole is the size of a quarter. I look through it and see 5 people. My mom, dad, little sis (darla), Kev, and David.
“Yes?” I ask annoyed.
“You drill a hole in your door!” my mom shouts. I look at all them even though they can only see my eye, and look at them stupidly.
“Yes I did drill a hole in my door. Did you not just see me?” I ask sarcastically. She and dad look even more mad.
“And why did you do that?!” she asked with her voice raised.
“so I don’t have to unlock the door and still see and talk to you guys” I said dryly.
“open the door!” her, dad and Kev demanded at the same time.
“No.”I shout.
“NOW!” dad yells.
“why should I?” I ask sweetly.
“BECAUSE I SAID SO!” he yelled.
“Nope” I said popping the P. with that I took a piece of paper and taped it over the wall. I unlock the door quietly and open it slowly. I transform and fly out to my cave.
When I get there I strip my cloths and dive under the water. Aaaah relaxing. I dive deeper then under the waterfall I go. When I get the other side I sit on the edge that was there. Why am I doing this? I thought to myself.
I have no reason to cause them trouble. What did they do to me that deserved me treating them badly. Gosh its stressful being a teen. I thought of al the times I was mean to my family. A lot. Am I that bad of a child. I need to be better. What was Kev talking about me being a sweet girl. That’s more Darla the me.
I pulled my knees to my chest and cried. They care about me and I treat them badly. I remember the time dad got me a present and I cried and screamed cause I hated it. It was a gift for me and I screamed. I am so ungrateful and selfish and childish.
Oh my god! I put my hand over my mouth and started to sob at the thought. That’s why I never had friends. I chased them away. I remember when I was young I used to be nice then I would start being rude and they would leave. I didn’t have friends cause I couldn’t trust them it was because I was rude and never cared what people think.
I feel just how they describe me. I cold blooded monster. i sobbed some more then dived into the water again. Once I surfaced I ran to my clothes. I grabbed a towel I had put on the bookshelf and wrapped it around me . once I was dry I put my clothes. I grabbed a blanket and book off the shelve and sat there reading.


Texte: some of this i do not own like the songs i dont own them
Bildmaterialien: GOOGLE
Lektorat: me
Übersetzung: mauh
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.08.2012

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