

Bored out of my mind I watched some youtube videos and was about to log off when Louis and the guys ran into my room. Liam handed me his phone. Zayn seemed a liittle pumped too. Harry was grinning like he just got proposed to and all the guys gathered around me.
"Niall! Watch this video now." Louis was the most excited and I clicked the play button on the screen. A girl around our age wearing a red and white striped shirt with teal high waisted shorts red toms, and gold suspenders appeared and she was singing to Tongue Tied by Grouplove and dancing. I was capitivated at the sight of her and Liam noticed this while the others began talking about her joining our group. Harry and Louis were bouncing on my bed and singing the same song the girl had been and Zayn was busying fixing his hair.
" So it's settled. We are going to ask her nicely and then introduce her saturday the press conference." Liam took control of the situation. The guys left and an hour later Zayn walked in my room wearing his signature varsity jacket and dark jeans.
"Get ready. We are meeting her at Starbucks in fifteen minutes." He turned to leave but i stopped him.
"What's her name?" He laughed lightly.
"Full name is Emilia Nicole Guardian. Age 18 and she goes by Nikki or Emily." After he left I quickly threw on my free hugs black and white tee with black jeans and my favourite shoes. Emily. I smiled widely at the thought of meeting her in person and living with her. Excitement got the best of me and I practially ran into the van.
" You shouldn't do that in front of her. She might freak." Liam was the best at knowing when things were off. I grinned again and we took off to see her.

One Direction wanted to meet me all because of Ayden. I finished curling my dark brown hair and applied my lipgloss. A pale pink blouse and black high waisted shorts paired with my favourite toms and I was ready to go.
"Bye Ayden!" I called grabbing my jacket and bag. She hugged me tightly. "Don't forget to thank me later Nik." I smiled and jumped into my bright red dodge viper. Five minutes later I was sitting at Starbucks sipping a latte and reading Wuthering Heights again.
I turned when the door opened to reveal five amazingly hot guys walked in. Harry reached me first and thenLouis, Zayn, and Liam. And finally my favourite guy, Niall. I couldn't help but smile and blush when they all kissed my hand.
"Mhmm...smells like grapefruit." Louis noted after he had his turn. I giggled and blushed.
"Hey guys." I said after we had hugged and they had ordered their drinks. Niall sat on my right side while the others asked me questions.
Where did I get my suspenders? How long did I spend on my hair? Do I act at all? When did I start singing? I laughed and answered all of them in order. "I made them. Five minutes. Yes. When I was two. Anything else." Niall smiled widely and I blushed as he looked me in the eyes. I was melting in my spot. "Do you play sports? Oh! Do you cook?"
"I play football(soccer), gymnastics, basketball, cheer, dance, ballet, and lacrosse. Yes I do cook. My roomate Ayden can't cook at all. I make a mean pasta!" I joked lightly and turned back to the guys who had been watching us in awe. Liam chuckled and then asked the question that changed my life.

Movies and Kisses

She said yes! In my mind I was jumping up and down and I couldn't stop the smile that caused the guys to roll their eyes and Emily to blush deeper. Man, she made my heartbeat loudly in my ears.
"Why don't we go get your stuff and you can move in tonite." Louis suggested though he really just wanted to check out her closet. Emily knew this too and giggled,"Can Ayden come too? I mean she's like my sister and I can't leave her on her own." She seemed truly concerned for her friend. Harry agreed and winked at me. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and they headed to the van. I crushed the cup in my hand. "Chill Niall. Harry's just trying to make you mad. Don't let him get to you." Louis patted my back before leading me to the van.
When we reached her house a girl with bubble gum pink hair and blood red lips hugged Emily. I noticed Zayn blinking rapidly at Ayden. Ayden gave all of us a tight hug and lingered in front of him a bit longer than usual. Emily laughed and whispered to us,"Beware. She is the master of flirting. I've seen football players cry at the sight of her with another guy." Zayn laughed nervously before murmuring to me,"Then I guess we have a challenge. " I smiled and we followed the two girls to the building. Louis ran straight to her closet and ran his fingers lovingly across the fabrics. An hour later the girls were putting away their clothes. Emily got the room across from mine and Ayden across from Zayn.
Passing her room I heard them talking.
"Admit it. You love Niall." It sounded like Ayden.
"Yeah. But what if he doesn't like me back. And what about Zayn, hmm Ayd? You never flirt a guy that long!" She liked me! I felt my heart soar when I noticed Zayn listening too. I almost said something when I heard footsteps. Pretending to be knocking on her door , I froze when I looked at her body. Emily had on a large tattered t-shirt and you could totally see her bra. I watched her blush and ask what was I doing. "I was going to see if you ladies wanted to wath a movie with us." I tried to sound normal but failed. "Can we go to the gas station? I need to get some candy." I could only nod and she hugged me before closing the door. I sat on the floor. A laugh escaped me. How could I feel this way about a girl I just met. Zayn joined me, "I saw what Harry did at the coffee shop. That was not like him. At all. Everyone could see how much you are into Emily. " I nodded."I get this warm sensation in me when we get close and I never know what to say." I sighed deeply. We sat in silence when the girls walked out. My mouth dropped. Emily had put on a tattered tee and jean shorts that showed off her long legs. Her dark brown hair hung loose and down to her midback. She caught me staring and smirked. "It's not polite to stare darling." She patted my cheek. Louis walked out his room and screamed. "What?" He had totally ruined the moment. He pointed at Zayn who was sucking faces with Ayden. I covered my eyes when Harry and Liam walked out. Immediately Harry started flirting with Emily. A low growl formed in my throat and a smirk found it's way onto his face. Liam glared at the two of us and tried to end the tension,"Where are you guys going?"
"The girls want to get snacks for our movie." Louis frowned, "A movie? And I wasn't invited? Hurt Louis over here!" We all laughed and once the guys were dressed we walked two blocks to gas station. The girls bought enough food to last until winter and when we checked out they had spent forty bucks on food, magazines, and nail polish. Emily jumped on my back the moment we were out the door. Startled I let her wrap her legs around me. She pecked my cheek quickly blushing at her implusive actions. Though i knew she felt the spark. That bit of electricity that made me gasp and freeze for a moment. Our laughs filled the nite air that was thick like molasses but comfortable. Emily rested her chin on my shoulder, enjoying the perfection of everything. I breathed in her heavanly scent, remembering our first nite together.

I couldn't believe I had just kissed Niall Horan on the cheek and he didn't mind! Amazement and a feeling of pure love nearly knocked me out. Everything was perfect and I found myself daydreaming about him. "Hey Em what movie do you want to watch?" Harry asked. Ugh. The constant flirting was getting annoying. At first I thought he meant it but I saw him smirking at Niall and knew it was for show. Oh well. "Umm... do you have Crazy Stupid Love or New Years Eve?" I asked smiling at him but moving closer to a tense Niall. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "We have Friends with Benefits if you want to watch that." His smiling slowing fading. I nodded pulling my hair back and sipped my tea. Louis had gone to change into his pajamas while Liam sat with laptop in the kitchen. Ayden had lead Zayn to her room and a few minutes later came back with messed up hair and stupid grins. I arched my eyebrow at her but turned my attention to Niall who had been eating my skittles and drinking my tea. Smirking I grabbed my things and laughed,"I don't share." He gazed at me hungrily before reaching out for my skittles. I jumped up and ran around the house. I was in his room when he caught up with me. Smiling slyly he closed the door. Uh oh. "Stay back! Or I'll....I'll...I'll..." I froze as he stalked closer until I was up against the wall. Our mouths inches apart. "You'll what?" He whispered. My stomache flopped and then he tickled me. He put a hand on one hip while the other danced across the fabric of my shirt. I giggled and screamed begging him to stop and I tried to run only to fall onto his bed. Niall was on top of me and in seconds our lips met. A moan escaped my lips and he darted his tongue in only to pull away. I whimpered pathectically. Someone coughed and I tilted my head back to see Ayden, Zayn, Louis, and Harry standing in the doorway. I stood away from Niall so fast I should have had whiplash. Liam appeared a few seconds later. "Are we watching the movie or not?" He asked eating a handful of skittles and turned around. The others followed but I couldn't move. "Emily?" His voice full of concern. "I'm fine. It's just... what just happened?" He chuckled. "Well I kissed you and you responded then they showed up and ruined our moment." Niall frowned slightly. I kissed him quickly and hummed Who'd Have Known by Lily Allen.
Are you mine? Are you mine?
Cause I stay here all the time, watching telly drinking wine.
A smile formed on his beautiful face. "Yes." He whispered into my ear. I shivered lightly and we joined the others to watch Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake have sex then fall in love. I fell asleep curled up on the couch with Niall behind me and his lips on my neck softly. I smiled when he whispered I love into my ear and those words stayed with me.

Press Conference and Twitter

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up dear Emilia Nicole Guardian!" Three voices pulled me from my dreams. Moaning I pulled the blankets over my head. In seconds I was on the ground, groaning. Louis stood over me. "Get up! We have our press conference in an hour." I shot up. Today was the day the world would find out that One Direction now had a girl member. I pushed Harry, Liam, andio Louis out my room but not before he handed me a bag. Confused, I glanced at him. "Your outfit for today. " He pecked my cheek before shutting door.
I climbed into the shower and let the warm water relax my muscles. After awhile I washed and rinsed my hair and got out. I pulled out a red and white striped shirt with teal high waisted shorts. I laughed and quickly threw the clothes on adding a gold beanie hat, my gold suspenders and my red toms. Curling my hair, I applied a smoky eye look and a clear lipgloss.
Niall walked in with a bag of carrots and some bag from a jewelry store. "Morning Gorgeous." He kissed my forehead and handed the bag to me. I glanced at him and pulled out a silver locket. I gasped at the intricate design of leaves and a diamond laid in the center. "Open it." So I did. Inside was a picture of him and then one of me. Throwing my arms around his neck I hugged him tight. " Thank you!" Niall laughed and put the locket around my neck. Looking in the mirror I smiled brightly. I looked stunning. Turning I placec my lips upon his. This time we actually kissed awhile. Those eyes melted me to the core and I tasted carrots on his tongue. Laughing I pulled away. He looked puzzeled, "You taste like carrots. Come on. We have to go. Big day for me!" I skipped out of the room and smiled at the others. Ayden looked up at me and smiled. She looked stunning in a black sheer tank top and dark denim jeans. All the guys were dressed up and Louis smirked when he looked at my clothes. I looked at his. I giggled. He also wore teal colored jeans with a red and white shirt with gold suspenders. Niall appeared next to me. I looked at his clothes jeans and a white v-neck tee with red converse. "What's with the red guys?" Noticing everyone had on some shade of red. Liam laughed and grinned,"In honour of you we all decided that red was your color. But only you and Louis can pull off stripes." Zayn leaned over and stage whispered," What he means is Louis over there nearly killed him for suggesting that we all the same outfit." Louis shot daggers at him. " Anyways it's time to go folks." I suddenly felt nervous and kind of sick. " Don't be nervous. I'm going to be there with you the whole time." Niall's voice filled my ear and I felt less sick and more focused on the closeness of his body. Well here goes nothing.
Cold rain hit my face like gentle slaps. Ayden groaned mumbling something about her hair frizzing up. I couldn't help but laugh at the frown that seemed out of place on her normally smiling face. Zayn pulled her closer didn't seem to mind that his hair was getting messed up. We climbed into a black van. Louis was singing and Harry joined him. Liam seemed content to reading something while ignoring the two boys next to him. I couldn't help but stare at him. How did he manage four crazy boys and millions of fans? Liam caught me staring and gave me a small smile. Blushing because staring was rude, I tried to smile back. Instead of talking I snuggled closer to Niall and watched pretty houses and then the city and then screaming girls pass by. We stopped by a back door and were ushered inside quickly.
A warm breeze welcomed us and then the cameras and microphones and ladies practically threw themselves onto the boys. I clung
onto Niall's arm like I would die without it. He smiled down at me causing the crazy chick with pretty blue eyes to look at me. Her eyes
grew wide and she burst into tears. I stared in shock. " that your girlfriend?" She was really crying now. Other reporters headed
to us. Questions came from everywhere; Is that your girlfriend? What is her name? Who is the other girl? Why is she crying? That last one was about me because I could feel the tears on my cheeks. A girl was standing in the back with a sign that read: Die! Die! Die! Finaly these big guys lead us to the conference room and I stopped by the bathroom. Quickly I wiped my eyes and redid some of my makeup. I stared at the pale girl with dark brown hair and dark gree eyes. I wasn't pretty just normal, breathing deeply I stepped out of the bathroom. The guys were outside the door waiting for me, concern clear in their eyes. Louis pulled me into a bear hug. "What happened? I mean that girl starts crying and the reporters and then you were crying." Liam asked before pulling me into a hug. There was this girl and she had a sign that said die and I freaked. It's nothing. Let's do this so I can go get some tea and fries." I smiled showing I was fine. No one bought it but went along. Niall wrapped his arms around me and we walked to the conference room and sat down. I cloed my eyes, counting to 50 before looking out to the cameras.
The blood drained from my face. I had seen the sign. It made me sick and when Emily was in the restroom I told Liam that we needed to make sure she was safe at all times. He agreed and we decided that Ayden needed in protectio too. Emily walked out looking better and asured us she was fine just shocked. The guys didn't believe it but stayed quiet. A sighed escaped her lips and I pulled her close. Once we were in the room we had the girls sit i the middle of us. Ayden was kind of in the back but Emily had to be closer. I put
my hand on her knee and she smiled brightly. I grinned back like the lovesick boy I was. I couldn't help it. She made me feel happy all
the time. Reporters started walking in and one boy about our age was pretty much eye raping Emily and Ayden. A low growl escaped Zayn and Ayden whispered something in his ear. A smile broke onto his face. They kissed quickly and the cameras were flashing. Liam
grabbed the microphone and asked if anyone had questions. The boy raised his hand and smirked at me. "Who's the babe with you?" I frowned and noticed Emily shaking. "What is it Love?" She stared at the boy. "That's Nick. He found me." And she fainted. Ayden looked at the boy and winked at him. Uh oh.
We ended the conference and Emily woke up. "How did he find me?" She was crying again. I took her to where Ayden was talking to the boy. Flirting she lead him to a back room. All of us followed. When we were close we could hear a
cracking sound. Zayn burst through the door to see her punching the crap out of him. He pulled her off and she kicked him again tears
on her face."You ruined her! You broke her! You low life, good for nothing, bastard!" Ayden screamed in his face. Harry had to walk her
out of the room. Emily slipped from my arms. Slowly she walked towards the guy. "Nick. I told you to stay away from me." Her was low and calm. Too calm. All of a sudden she turned and ran to the van. Nick smirked and I punched him hard in the face. We left him there
to find Emily crying and Ayden comforting her. I slid in next to her. The guys stayed quiet and the happy feeling left the air. Ayden asked if we could stop at Mcdonalds. My stomache agreed by rumbling loudly. Emily laughed shocking us. "I guess today was not my day so it's comfort food and book time." She said. I wiped her tears and that familiar blush crept up her face. She took away my breath. I could not look away from Emily until we ordered and headed to the house. Ayden and Zayn headed to her room, Louis and Harry settled down to watch the t.v. Liam called his girlfriend and Emily led me to her room. The walls were black and white stripes and clocks hung everywhere. A picture off her with a woman that looked like her. Same dark brown hair, dark green eyes, bright smile and same warmness. "Is this your mom?" I asked. Emily stopped looking through her books and walked over to me. "No that's my sister. Abbie. She lives in New York. This is her son Jackson." She grabbed a picture of a boy about two with a wide smile and a lot of freckles. A smile appeared on her face. "Can I ask you something?" Her voice was in my ear. I turned to face her. The moment I did her lips were on
mine and I pulled her close. My tongue slid into her mouth and I moaned. This kiss was perfect. When Emily broke it I smiled. "Sorry. It's just I can't stop thinking about how amazing you are and that you like me." I frowned."I don't like you." Her face fell."I love you." I pulled her in for a another kiss.

I guess I fell asleep because when I opened my eyes Niall was lying at the foot of my bed. Groaning I rolled over to see Louis and Harry also in my room. "Hey Em!" I sat up. "Hey. What are you doing in here?" Louis stiffled a laugh. "What?" Pushing back my comforter I ran to the bathroom. "OMYGOD!" a scream bubbled up in my throat and came up. Niall jumped up and looked at me. He burst out
laughing. My pretty brown hair now was blue."You guys are so dead." ThenI smiled. Revenge was going to be good. After the boys had left my room I texted Ayden to come to my room. When she came in she froze. "Oh they are so going to pay. I mean you can't have coool hair too." She plopped on my bed. "So what's the game plan?" This is why I love her. She always has my back. Sitting next to her I pulled out my box of pranks from under my bed. "Okay so for Louis I'm going to dye his shirts all black and Harry...I'm going to give him a makeover.!" "What about Niall?" Hmmm..."I have something planned for him." We high fived and got the supplies ready. I took a quick shower to wash out my hair and my pretty colour came back. Once I was done pulled on yoga short shorts and a Grouplove t-shirt. Time to put Nialls revenge into action.
Everyone was in the living room and when I stepped into the room Harry practically was drooling and Niall was following in suit. Grinning I sat down on the couch. Laying my head on Louis lap and my feet on Harry with my midsection on top of Niall. He blushed a deep shade of red. It's working! I staree at the t.v. while Louis play with my wet hair and Liam , sitting on the arm of the couch, was on twitter. Hmm. "Hey Liam why do you have a twitter?" He looked up in surprise,"It's for the fans really. They want to know every part of our lives." I got up and leaned oveer his shoulder. Reaching for my phone I pulled it out of my bra. "Help me set up one?" I asked nicely becuase while tthe boys were nice Liam was the nicest kind of like the dad of the others. A smile appeared on his face and fifteen minutes later I had over five hundred thousand followers. "Wow." I mumered under my breath. Giggling I ran to the kqitchen and grab a tea and some cheese cubes. Pouring salt and pepper over the tiny cubes I added a toothpick to pick them up. Glancing at the clock I smirked. Only two hours before my plan went into action.
Heading back into the main room I heard the boys talking.
"What do you think she is going to do to us Niall?" Louis asked fear evident in his voice. "How am I suppose know? I'm pretty sure she
going to do something back at me." His stomache growled and I stepped into the room. "Are you guys hungry?" They all eyed me but eventually relaxed and nodded. I jumped up and gtabbed my flip flops. "Well let's go!" They shuffled out the house climbing into the van. I whispered into Niall's ear,"You can relax I'm not going to do anyything to you. I like you too much." A small smile tugged at his mouth and I kissed him lightly. Harry groaned,"I wish Emily was my girllfriend." Niall growled at him. "Relax bro. I was just kidding." We all laughed and when we reached a Panda Express I cheered silently. I love Panda Express! Some people stared at us and I remembered why. I, Emilia Guardian, was the only girl to be apart of One Direction and to top it all off I was dating Niall Horan. Sighing with the thought of how perfect my life had become I ordered my usual of fried rice, chow mein, spicy chicken breast, and orange chicken. The guys stared at me with open mouths. Feeling slightly awkward, I squirmed under their stares. "What?" Louis spoke first,"No
girl has every eaten as much as Niall Horan. Ever." I laughed and began eating. A few minutes later my plate was empty but I was still hungry. So I did the impossible. Grabbing my fork I reached for some of Niall's orange chicken. Sticking it in my mouth I frowned at the expression the guys had on their faces. Shrugging I continued eating his food. Sipping my pop I burped really loud. "What is your problem?" I had finlly gotten sick of the stares. Harry spoke this tim."You just ate Niall's food and he let you." Rubbing my tummy I smiled at the memory of food. Liam smiled like he knew something and I sighed again. Ayden and Zayn decided to walk in at that moment looking confused. "Zayn Emily just ate Nialls food. And he let." Harry repeated. "Ugh. What's the big deal. Yeah I ate his food. So?" Niall laughed. "I've never shared before. That's the big deal Love." "Oh." Louis smirked at us and shouted as we walked out,"Niall has found a girl that eats as much as he does and he shares with her!" Laughing I stood in the light drizzle that fell. Niall picked me up from behind and I screamed and giggling as he spun me around. Finally he turned me around and placed his lips on mine. Not caring that cameras were snapping away around us. To him it was just us. His lips were soft and I felt a smile on his face. "I love you Emilia Guardian. More than anything." Tears fell onto my face. " i love you too Niall Horan." We broke apart and the others smiled at us. That night I slept in his room and when he pulled me into the perfect shape of his body I felt complete bliss.

Studio time and Tv interview

I woke up with Emily in my arms and I laid there for awhile enjoying this moment. Yesterday's events came back to me and I worried if she had done something to the guys. As if to answer me I heard Louis and Harry scream in such a girly manner I thought some fans had snuck in. They both ran to my room, furious. "Where is she?" Harry yelled and I laughed at his face. Makeup was smeared all over it , making him look a bit like a angry clown. Louis peeked over my shoulder his hair now blonde like mine. Emily rolled over and gasped when she saw them. "What happened? You look so stupid!" Ayden and Zayn walked into the room followed by Liam who cracked a smile but not at Harry and Louis. At me in bed with Emily. I couldn't get over how she played innocent like that. "You did this! You put this stuff on my face!" Accusation clear in his tone Harry walked to the bathroom to get it off. Emily followed him wearing only a t-shirt and boxers. "No shit Sherlock! Of course I did it. Payback is a bitch." She smiled smugly and skipped to her room dragging Ayden with her. Curious about what they were talking about we crept towards the bedroom they had walked into.
"Why did you tell them you did it? You were knocked out cold dude." Ayden asked and Harry opened his mouth but Liam kicked him.
"What about this shirt? Well I know that but they don't. I had Liam do it." We all turned to Liam who chuckled and headed to the kitchen. "Creepy much?" Emily stood in her doorway wearing neon pink jean short shorts with a cropped Wanted tee. Smirking she kissed my cheek and sung loudly to Blow Me One Last Kiss by P.I.N.K. God she had the voice of an angel. Hypnotized by her beauty and voice I walked after her. Liam was whispering to her and she laughed until she noticed me. "Liam told me that we have a interview today. That's freaking awesome!" Smiling at her I pulled her into my arms. "Your hair smells like pineapples." She whispered and kissed me. My heart starting hard and loud in my chest and she placed a hand right of it. "I got to get dressed but save me some bacon." I watched Emily run upstairs. Curious I asked Liam why he smiling at me this morning. Sighing he looked up the eggs in the pan,"Isn't obvious? You are madly in love with a girl who was made just for you. Emily is great. She eats like you and she gets you to share. Honsetly her being here brings another Niall out. The one that can't stop smiling, the one that is not going to be in the background anymore. I like Emily. She's like a younger sister. Anyways don't break her heart." Liam turned away from me and grinned. He was right Emily was perfect and I loved her.
After we had breakfast evryone rushed to get dress. Pulling out clothes, I decided on a green and white free hugs tee with black jeans. I walked out of my bathroom to find Emily lying on my bed watching tv. "Hey." She glanced at me before looking at the show. "What's wrong?" I sat down next to her. "Nothing is wrong. I'm just surprised that I'm actually doing this." I kissed her forehead and she smiled."What if afterwards we go to the mall? You can get a new phone and some clothes. They have new converse." Emily brightened. "Ayden would love that!" Louis's head popped in the doorway. "Time to go lovebirds." Emily giggled but grabbed my hand and we were out the door.
Louis chatted the whole with Emily and Ayden awhile Harry glared at Liam. Emily looked stunning in her signature bright red high
waisted shorts, a black beanie hat, and a white cropped top exposed her stomache a bit.Tan oxfords covered her feet and avaitors
blocked the sun out of eyes. "Is anyone hungry?" She asked suddenly. Ayden shook her head,"Eveytime she gets nervous or upset she eats enough to keep anyone alive for awhile." Ayden explained fixing her own now blonde hair. Emily glared at her before begging for us to stop at the gas station. "Please! I just need some tea and a bag of skittles!" She was now pulling the puppy dog eye thing. I looked at the guys for help when Louis nodded his head yes. "Thank you!" She beamed. "What do you want?" Liam asked once we had made it inside. Emily laughed like a mad woman and headed to the candy section. She came back with skittles,pretzel,teas,pops,gum,and monster. Skipping to the register I noticed the cashier, a guy around our age, eye raping Emily. I wrapped an arm around her and she giggled. The poor guy looked down. Thanking him Emily ran to the car with a laughing Ayden behind her. "What are you going to do with her? She is just like you eating wise but she has Louis' humor and energy." Harry asked also watching Emily. I shook my head, "Honsetly I don't know." Emily was downing the monster like it was in a shot glass. Two minutes later she was drinking her tea and eatin the food. "Goodness. Do you always eat like this?" Louis looked at her like she was a new creature on earth. Emily shot him a look that said; just becuase I eat a lot you don't have to talk about it. I laughed and they both gave me the: shut up look. Ayden suddenly cried out. "What?" Zayn asked making sure she was okay. "Is that Leona Lewis?" She half screamed. Harry nodded looking slightly amused. Ayden stared wide eyed. A slient scream escaped her lips, "Em, remember when we went to her show and her bodyguard had to like kick Jazzy out because she jumped onto the stage." Emily grinned,"Oh yeah! Jaz wouldn't stop crying for weeks!" They launched into a animated story of the concerts they had gone to and we all listened. "And there was that um.... that Justin Beiber concert. I like peed when he kissed my cheek." Emily laughed. Her eyes met mine and I felt like time slowed and the world dissolved around us. I leaned closer to kiss her lightly. The moment our lips met sparks flew. Louis groaned, "Oh eww. Get a room!" Emily pulled back and smirked. "Later." I whispered in her ear, watching her shiver slightly. Kissing the top of her head I held her til we arrived at the studio.
Today we were going to be on Alan Carr's show. He was really fun and always had some food around. Liam led the way in and I stopped with Harry to grab a water. "You really love her." He seemed so sure. I nodded, "She's different. I honestly think she is my princess. The way my heart races around her, her smile, her laugh. I don't even have to think around her." I confessed. Harry smiled his signature one and patted my back. "You know what this means right?" I shook my head no, "Now I have to get a girlfriend. With Eleanor, Danielle, Em, and Ayden around it can be awkward. I just wish it was easy." He sighed. "You'll find her. Look how long it took me. I've waited for how long? When you see her, you'll know." I grinned wide. Laughing we followed the signs to the stage. Emily was paling and sweating slightly. "Don't worry. You got this. I love you." I mumered quietly, holding her shaking hand. Emily looked up at me, color returning slowly to her beautiful face. "Love you too." Alan's voice carried our way annoucing us to the stage. Louis then Liam and Harry went first and then me and Zayn, the girls by our side. The shrill voices of screaming girls welcomed us. Alan stepped forward, walking a little funny. "One Direction! Ladies and Gents, they have brought two girls with them. Who are you lovely ladies?" Ayden blushed, grasping Zayn's hand tighter. "Well I'm Ayden Walcott and this my friend Emilia Guardian. She sings with the guys now." Ayden took control of the situation in a very Liam like manner. A smile plastered to her face. "So she sings? Can I ask a question? This photo was taken by People magazine yesterday of you two kissing in front of Panda Express. Are you dating?" We both said yes in unison causing everyone to laugh. "Um. Yeah. Emily is great. She eats as much as Niall, laughs at everything, and she has great fashion sense." Louis summed up how we all felt. "Well welcome Mrs. Horan. I hope Niall doesn't fart in the same room as you, does he?" I blushed and Emily burst out laughing, "When is he not. That's what I love about him though. His easy going, laid back attitude, we eat the same, and he loves horror movies." She moved closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder. A sigh escaped my lips. A quiet one though. Alan laughed. "I heard that you ate Niall's food and he didn't mind. Is that true?" Liam nodded, "Em ate her whole plate in seconds and then she devoured his chicken in a minute. It was crazy." After that the interview went easy and when it was over we headed to the mall, like promised.
(A/n: hey guys! Tyanks for the support. Im going ou of town of awhile but when I come back I will try to work on it more. August is busy for m with school but I hope you are enjoing summer and check out Radio by Lana Del Rey :) thanks agan!)

Truth or Dare?

The guys were stuck carrying our bags while me and Ayd shopped around. After like an hour Louis groaned, "How much longer? My fingers are killing me!" Ayden laughed and took me to Victoria Secret. "No way! Ayden! Remember what happened last time I was in here? That guy like stalked me the whole time." I freaked. "Relax. We've got the boys so don't worry. And you need more bras chick!" Her vooice rose a bit at the end and both Niall and I blushed. Liam insisted that they stay out and come get them if we need anything. Finally I let Ayden drag me in there. I headed straight for the yoga pants and swimsuits while she flirted the male cashier into giving her a coupon. Ignoring the whispers of the woman around me, I grabbed four new yoga pants, three sweatshirts, a black two piece, and a lace black bra and underwear. "Ready to go?" I asked a pile of clothes known as my best friend. "Yup. Hey can you grab the bra on top so I can see." I chuckled but did as asked when a girl about fourteen tapped my shoulder. "Oh hi. Can I help you?" She smiled brightly, "Can I have your autograph? I love One Direction and you are super lucky to be dating Niall! " She squealed handing me a slip of paper and I scribbled my signature quickly. "There you go. Thanks by the way. Maybe I can get you to meet the guys. I'm sure they would love that." Again she squealed and thanked me. After we bought our stuff I led her to where the boys were still sitting. "Hey this is umm. I'm sorry.I didn't get your name." I apologized. "It's Jasmine. Jasmine Yorks." I introduced hher to the guys and when she left they groaned. "What?" Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "I can't believe she knew who you were." The others noddedd and I rolled my eyes. "Come on. I still need to get a new phone." Ayden handed off our bags. "I like this one." Shee held up a black apple iphone. I nodded andd we bough them with awesome cases. Hers was sparkly pink and mine was red, white, and blue stripes.
"Oh! That is so you Em!" Ayden said as we walked out of the store. I nodded, distracted by the cold airthat instantly surrounded us. An arm wrapped around me. "Are you cold?" Niall's voice in my ear caused me to shiver. He laughed. "Now im not." I turned in his arms to kiss him lightly. "Hey Niall you guys can make out later Im hungry." Louis'voice called from by the front door. I giggled and lead him to the car. "Eleanor and Danielle are meeting up with us at Nando's." Liam said ending the call he was just on. Ayden glanced at me with evident fear in her eyes. I gave her the dont worry look and noticed Harry watching me. I shot him a smile and intertwined my cold fingers with Niall's. He placed a soft kiss on my head. I laid back trying to process what had happened to me in just a few days. Amazing. I pulled out my phone and set up everything including a passcode and took a couple of pictures of me and the guys with Ayden. "Nice one." Niall mumured in my ear again. His eyes on the picture of the two of us. "Yeah. I like this one too." The car stopped and we walked into Nando's. Eleanor and Danielle were sitting down already and once we were introduced I ordered mmy food and ate it in seconds. The girls watched in awe. I hoped i didnt have anything on my face. "Um. Im gonna go to the bathroom." Ayden followed me. "Whats wrong Em?" I shook my head. "Its just awkward thats all. Really awkward. Hey we should invite them to do yoga with us tomorrow." I checked my face and hair. Ayden did the same and nodded. We headed out together and Ayden asked, "Um. Do you want to do yoga with me and Em tomorrow? We always go on Thursdays and we could us two more in the class. We could even go shopping and cook dinner for everyone." Ayden rambled on and to my surprise they both agreed eagerly. I lightened up and when returned to the
house i crashed onto my bed. Niall came in after me and closed the door. "Ugh. Im so sleepy." Groaning i flipped on the telly to watch Jane by Design. Billy is suppose to confess his love to Jane who is curious about wether Billy likes her or not. "No surprise. You've been up since nine and its eleven at night now." He laid next to me watchin me with warm eyes. I stared back and fought to breath. How could he possibly love me? Out of all the girls in the world. Yet here he was. The love and desire clear in his eyes. Niall moved closer to my face. "How could anyone not love you? You're beautiful, talented, and stunning. Emily. I have never said this to anyone before. I love you more than anything. I cant be without you. Ever." His voice a hushed sound in my ear. I felt a tear fall pathectically. Niall wiped it slowly a smile forming on his face. "No one has every said that to me. I dont know what to say but I love you too. If Ayden hadnt posted that video, i know we wouldve met eventually. The Fates work like that." I grinned pressin his lips to mine. All I could do was focus on the fact that someone loves me. Someone incredible. I fell asleep in Niall's arms, a warm blanket around us. I felt so happy and at peace. Nothing or noone can ruin this happiness.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.07.2012

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