
The McCurst's Secret

The red light on the monitor was beeping at it's highest setting, the woman's heart rate was shown in a red zig zag. Her eyes were squeezed shut creating craters of wrinkles across her face. Her long brown hair was splayed across the pillow and stuck to her sweaty forehead. Her knuckles were white as they clutched the rails of the bed. A low grunt escaped her clenched teeth. Her legs were spralled out like a puppet, her toes curled in pain. The doctor ran the cold scalpel across her bulging abdomin. Instantly blood poured from the wound. Her brown eyes shot open and her bloodshot veins buldged. She groaned in pain but watched as the doctor stuck a suction device into the wound. It stuck to the infant's head and he began to pull. A bloody head appear covered in curly brown hair. The baby fell out of the wound and landed on the naked body of it's mother. Crying filled the room and the mother sighed with ease, the doctor's rushing to close the wound. Then the baby turned it's head to look at her. The nurse said in the woman's ear, "A girl." The woman smiled.
" Destiny...Destiny Lee Brooklyn." The nurse gave the woman's hand a firm squeeze before leaving the room. The doctor layed the cleaned baby in the mother's arms, but the mother's vision was becoming blurry, her heart was sputtering and she was barely able to keep her eyes open. She stroked the babies face with her finger.
" Destiny." She whispered it almost silently. The eyes of the baby shot open and looked at the mother's face. The mother gasped and clutched the baby tighter. The child's eyes were the strangest shade of gray, the color of smoke, the color of her fathers.
" Curse you Oberon." With that the woman's last breath left her body and the monitor went blank. Nurses rushed over but nothing brought the mother back. Lightning cracked outside the window as a new creature was created. The sound's of another infants screams filled the air and a boy was pulled from the dead woman's womb.

The giant doors were pushed open.
" Oberon! Sir." The king looked up. His throne was covered in bluming vines that cascaded across the floor. The throne next to his was empty of the Queen.
" What is it?" The king looked down upon the court member. The man glanced down at his paper quickly.
" It is Isabella sir." The kings eyes tightened slightly.
" She has perished, let us speak of her no longer." He turned away from the man and waved a hand away in disgust.
" But's not that." The king's head turned back towards the man and his gray eyes burned with anger.
" What then?!" The little man cowared away from the lash in the king's voice. He took a deep breath before starting.
" There is a child your highness, or rather children." The king seemed taken back.
" Impossible, the woman was damned to die during child birth." The paper in the man hands became drenched in nervous sweats.
" They were out of her before hand." The king seemed completely rigid and his mouth was an angry line. "A girl and boy sir." The king closed his eyes in thought and then rested a hand on his forehead.
" Can it be said that they is mine?" He didn't look up or open his eyes. The little man nearly choked on the over amount of saliva in his mouth.
" One has your eyes, the other your hair." The king sighed.
" They will live in the human world, orphan or not."
" But sir, that would mean death." The king opened his eyes and observed the man.
" Do you think I am being overly cruel Darneus? I did not ask for these children." The man cringed away from the powerful king's scrutiny.
" Sir I believe that they deserve a chance, they seem diffrent from the others." The king arched a golden eyebrow.
" How so?"
" I cannot explain it sir, it is something I witnessed in their pressence." The king thought for a moment, rubbing his hand across his smooth chin.
" Bring me Goodfellow." He waved his hand and a guard dissapeared soon followed by another of their kind. The man walked in in wrinkled clothing, his hair was splayed around creating bright orange spalshes across his skin.
" Your highness." He sleepily nodded to the king and his eyes roamed the small man standing in the back of the room.
" I have fathered children in the human world, you will see to it that they stay alive until I see it fit to return them to this world." The eyes of the sleepy one seemed to shoot open in surprise.
" But sir, this is the job of-" The king held up a hand and the other stopped short.
" You will do as I say, no questions asked." He waved his hand in annoyance and both men knew that their time with the king was over. The red head sighed in frustration and stomped from the room. He got dressed and entered the human world much to his dissapointment.

- 16 years later -

"Oliver open the door!" I banged my fist against the old wood covered in diffrent groups of dark, strange bands. The door flew open and my brother stood in the midst. Dark sheets stretched across his windows keeping out the light. He stood with his electric guitar strapped across his chest. He had long blonde hair that covered his face, but underneath were chocolate colored eyes.
" What!?" His voice was agitated and I could see his hand fumbling with the strings on the instrument. His fingernails were bit to the quick and painted black.
" Dinner's ready." His mouth turned into a sneer.
" Oh yay." His hand gripped the door and sent it spinning in my direction. It slammed in my face and my hair flew out behind me. I sighed as the music began to blast again. I walked back down the hallway and then into the kitchen. The elderly couple was sitting at the table fumbling with shaky hands. They were messily putting mashed potatoes into their mouthes. I walked over to the woman and wiped the food from her face with a napkin.
" Addy, is that you?" I sighed.
" No, Mrs. McCurst my name is Destiny." Her face took on a frown.
" Wait!" The old man seemed startled and he dropped his fork. "Addy's here!?" I walked over to him but he was already chanting and soon the woman added in.
" Addy! Addy! Addy!" It sounded like a bunch of vultures. Oliver and I had lived with the McCurst's for the past two years. They had recently both got a severe case of Altsheimers that made them believe their long deceased daughter, Addy was back. We probably should have reported that we were in unstable housing but who else would take 16 year old twins. Not likely, I rolled with the punches and took care of the two as best as I could, but it wasen't easy, especially because Oliver was obviously no help.
He stomped down the stairs at that very moment.
" Uhh, can't you get those two to shut up already?" He stalked into the kitchen giving the squaking pair dirty looks. A pair of drumsticks stuck out of his back pocket as he grabbed a soda from the fridge. He yanked a piece of chicken from the table before going back up the stairs. The loud music started up again and when his door slammed the two elders grew silent. I sat down at the table and slowly ate, stopping every few bites to wipe food from one or the other. I cleaned all the plates from the table and then rolled the now sleeping people to their rooms, putting both into seperate beds. I cleaned everything up and collected the chicken bones from outside of Oliver's room. I heard a knock on the door and hastily trid my hands on the dishtowel. I pulled it open and focused my eyes on the kid standing in the doorway. He was alittle taller than me, about Olivers height. He had bushy red hair that stuck up all over his head. His extremely green eyes were smiling down at me. I held my finger up to my mouth "Shhh." He nodded and closed the door silently. I sat on the couch and he sat down next to me, we were used to talking in whispers although the sleeping two probably couldn't hear us over Oliver's music anyhow. We both sat their and listened for a moment before Robbie rolled his eyes.
" Happy Birthday." I smiled, my best friend was the only one who seemed to be able to lift my spirits.
" Thanks, are you hungry?" I had put the leftovers in the fridge. He shook his head. His eyes focused on something intently just to the left of me.
" What?" I asked. He reached out one of his pale, thin hands and pulled some potatoe from my hair. I laughed and ran a hand through the thick brown mess.
" They were throwing food." Robbie smiled.
" What a shock." His sarcasm lightened the mood. I heard footsteps and watched Oliver go back into the kitchen. After some more banging he came back out with a whole box of oreos. He nodded towards Robbie and they shared eye contact. Then Oliver was gone again his music turned up a few octives. Robbie sighed and I couldn't blame him, he hated the way Oliver acted about the same way I did. We went outside and sat on the small front porch, our feet hanging down in the dirt. We usually sat here on days like these watching the stars, it made the world seem better like everything was going to be fine eventually.
" So what are you planning on doing this summer?" I asked looking over at him. He shrugged.
" I don't know, maybe something back home." I tried to wrap my head around that statement.
" Back home?" He nodded and I let it go, but Robbie had grown up with me here, I'd known him sense kindergarton. Maybe he just meant something around his house.
" How about you?" I stared back up at the sky looking across the constilations.
" I was going to apply for a job down at the diner, but I don't know how I'd manage with taking care of the McCurst's." I shrugged it of knowing it probably wouldn't be possible. We sat in silence watching the night and then something in the caught my eye. A falling star blazed across the sky lighting everything up.
" Wow." I said, but then it was gone. I looked over but Robbie was gone. I made out hid figure running away towards the darkness.
" Robbie!?" He didn't answer. "What are you doing?" Silence then after a moment I heard the yelling from inside. I sighed and went back in. Mr. McCurst was having yet another spell and I finally got him to lay back down in bed.
" Night." I called as I walked past Oliver's room but the music was too loud for him to hear me. I closed my door quietly and laid down in my small bed. The curtains ruffled slightly with the breeze coming in from the window and I pulled the blankets up to my chin. Aside from the music it was peaceful, I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting.

My eyes shot open and I looked at the ceiling. It was still dark out and so I looked around. My eyes caught on a figure standing in my doorway.
" Mr. McCurst what are you doing in here? How did you get out of bed?" The figure stood in my doorway and swayed slightly. I sat up in bed, I could hear my heart in my ears. He took a step and something jumped from behind him. He collapsed onto the ground and the other thing stood in my doorway. I screamed but then a pale hand covered my mouth and only a squeak escaped.
" It's me." I looked up into Robbie's eyes and he took his hand away from my mouth.
" We have to go, now." He sounded urgent and he yanked my wrist. I let him drag me into Oliver's room. He didn't turn the music off and I was surprised. He went over and whispered in Oliver's ear gently waking him. I reached for the knob on his stereo but Robbie's hand grabbed my wrist. He shook his head no but then he turned to face the door and his back became rigid. He reached for his pockets just as the door flew from the hinges. I was pressed behind Robbie and I could see Oliver in another corner shrouded in the darkness. Mrs. McCurst stood in the doorway, but it wasen't really her. Large thing extended from behind her and with a jolt I realized that they were wings. A hiss escaped her mouth and when she lunged for Oliver, Robbie jumped forward. They smashed into the wall and roll to the ground. Robbie was yelling profanities and the creaturing hissing in anger. I grabbed Oliver's wrist and I flipped on the light switch. I creatured screamed and I saw that it's skin had begun to boil. It dove for me but seemed to freeze in mid air. It disintigrated when it hit the floor and Robbie stood covered in scratches. He had a gash across his arm that was dripping onto the floor.
" We have to go." He watched me and then reached for me. I slapped his hand away. I could hear Oliver's breathing behind me.
" Destiny I can explain, just not here." I backed away from him.
" Explain now." He looked around nervously.
" You don't understand, more of them are coming. I will explain I promise but I have to get you two to safety." He watched me for a moment. "Please, trust me. It's the only way." I looked behind me at Oliver's scared expression.
" Let's go." Robbie nodded all buisness and then led us back into my room. He closed the door and then open my closet. He started tapping the tiles and whispering in a strange voice. Soon light began to radiate from my wall until it was the size of a doorway. Robbie grabbed my hand.
" Trust me." That's when he dove into the closet wall, pulling Oliver and I along with him just as the door to my room busted open.

A New World

I opened my eyes and let my body get used to the surrounding. I was laying on the ground and I was surrounded by what appeared to be large trees. I sat up slowly and wiped the dirt from my face. There was no one around me and just enough light filled the sky so that I could see. My jeans were torn but I suppose that was the fashion any how. I struggled to my feet but thankfully nothing was seriously injured. Everything around me was silent and not even the leaves made noise.
" Destiny?" I could hear Oliver's voice a ways off. I began to run without realizing it. I blindly plunged through the under brush tripping. I found him leaning against a tree, his pant leg was ripped and a bloody line ran down his left leg.
" What happened?" Robbie came from the other side and knelt next to him, I noticed a white bandage wrapped around his arm where the gash had been.
" Landed on a stick." Robbie pulled something out of his pocket and Oliver cringe as it was dabbed against the wound.
" Where are we?" My eyes wandered the leaves overhead and the enormous trunks.
" Never Never." Robbie mumbled as he messed with Oliver's leg.
" What?" I asked dumb founded and I could tell from his expression that Oliver was thinking the same thing.
" The Never Never." Robbie stood up and shoved his supplies back into his pocket. "That should do." He said gesturing to Oliver's leg.
" How come I've never heard of this place?" I asked.
" Because it's not in your world...Let me restate that, it's not in the human world."
" What the hell are you talkin' about?" Robbie always got agitated when Oliver swore and I could see it brewing under the surface.
" This isn't where you two grew up," He said only answering my question. "But it should have been." He seemed to be saying the last part for himself.
" Robbie I don't really understand." He sighed.
" I know, but I don't have time to explain we have to get moving." He trudged past me into the woods and I followed. I kept glancing back to make sure that Oliver hadn't fallen behind but his leg didn't seem to be nearly as bad as I had thought. The silence was just starting to make my ears ring when Robbie finally started talking again.
" The Never Never...It's a place that is not inhabited by humans." My brain didn't wrap around this well and I could hear Oliver mumbling behind me.
" And we got here through my closet?"
" There are many portals to this room, your father had one installed into your's incase-"
" Our father?" The word was nearly foreign to me, I had heard about it in school and what not but I had never had a person to fill that meaning. Robbie seemed uncomfortable with this, like he hadn't meant to say anything.
" Um...well, your father...he lives here."
" Does that mean?"
" No, he isn't human."
" So what the hell is he?" Oliver spoke from behind me. Robbie inhaled deeply.
" The people that inhabit this world are known as fey...fairies if you will."
" Then how?" My sentences seemed to keep getting cut off short and I felt that my brain was recoiling from the information.
" Your mother was human."
" Where is she?" I asked feeling a small sense of hope growing inside of me.
" That's screwed up." Oliver muttered behind me. I shot him a look but I couldn't see his eyes under his hair.
" She died...when you two were born." Everything was silent again except for the sound of our feet. This place was strange in that there was no cricket sounds or anything else that was an animal, but yet I still had a feeling they were around us, watching.
" Why hasen't he come to get us?" I saw Robbie's back stiffen.
" He sent me to watch over you, he is...important in this world and he didn't want the two of you to be known about until you could fend for yourselves."
" Dead beat dad much." Robbie was having a very hard time ignoring Oliver.
" What do you mean by important?" Robbie sighed.
" Your father, he is a king." My brain couldn't quite wrap around this. I knew that England had a queen but our country had a president. The word king seemed old, medieval even. We continued to walk for a while, all of our brains working simultaniously. I kept trying to picture him and then my mother.
" If she lived in the human did he meet her?"
" Fey can travel between the worlds quite easily really, he just met her."
" Did she know?"
" Yes, of course. Your mother was hoping that you two would end up living a normal life." Oliver was silent behind me and I glanced back to check on him. He was unusually quite and I guessed that his brain was just working, he was probably silently thinking about everything. I looked back and nearly ran into Robbie.
" What?"
" Shh." His back was stiff and he seemed as still as a statue. He didn't blink or breathe for a long amount of time. I didn't dare glance back at Oliver but I could hear his quite breathing just behind me.
" Let's go." Robbie took off at a jog in front of me almost silently running through the woods. I kept up and I could hear Oliver akwardly running behind me. By now we were running as fast as we could and my lungs were beginning to tigten, but just when I thought that I would have to stop they seemed to open and I could breathe easily.
" It's your body adapting." Robbie said from in front of me. He must have heard my breathing and I looked back to see Oliver keeping up easily. We bounded through the brush and I caught up on the sound of something following us. Robbie stopped again and glanced back at me. Something was wrong with his face, the skin across his cheekbones seemed tighter and his eyes were somehow greener. I swore that I saw a tip of an ear peeking from beneath his hair. As I watched he fell to the ground and his body morphed, in a second a full grown horse was standing in front of me. I stood in shock and I watched as Oliver bounded past me. He lept onto Robbie's back and then looked at me.
" Come on." Without thinking I grabbed his hand and jumped up behind him. Robbie shot forward and I grabbed Oliver's waist, I saw his white knuckles clenched into Robbie's bright red mane. My brain seemed to be recovering and I barely noticed the trees flying by.
" How did you know?" I leaned close and asked Oliver. He shrugged.
" Saw it in a movie." I chuckled and leaned back holding tight to his waist. Robbie jumped sideways and nearly knocked us off but Oliver had a tight grip. Something caught my eye and I saw shapes on the ground. They were dogs, black and their skin looked like a seal's. They ran along next to us barking and trying to nip at Robbie's sides. We stopped and I realized that we were surrounded. The dogs were all around, barking and yipping with excitement. A shadow appeared and stopped quick in front of us. A large black horse stood in front of us and on it's back a rider. He was dressed in black armor and a sword hung from it's side. My eyes fixed on it and I realized that it was radiating light. My gaze made it's way to his face and the bow that was poised pointed at Oliver. A man starred back he had dark hair and the same face that Robbie had earlier. His purple eyes sparkled with excitement and I watched as a mischevious smile played across his lips. His eyes shifted to mine and he seemed to freeze for a moment. I watched as he sent the arrow from his bowstring. I pushed Oliver without thinking and the arrow flew over his back, sticking into a tree. I felt Robbie's muscles tensing and I reached around Oliver to clutch the mane. We shot forward and I could hear the animals in pursuit. Robbie did a quick manuever and doged a tree at the last second, a whine came from the dog behind us as he rammed into it. I could hear the pursuit of the other horse just out of sight.
" Well never make it." I whispered. Robbie let out a grunt of disagreement. We changed direction again and I kept getting glimpses of grass in between the trees. Robbie shot sideways and we trotted into a meadow. I heard wines and looked back to see the dogs all at the edge and the rider among them. He had an angry look on his face and I felt Robbie chuckle underneath me. I sighed and relaxed taking a few deep breathes. I looked back but there were no signs of our pursuers. We continued to gallop through the fields until a giant castle rose in the distance, I tightened my grip on Oliver and prepared myself.


The Castle was beautiful really. There were shops and houses around the base. They were teaming with people shuffling around and a constant buzz of conversation. A large wall rose along the back and kept the courtyard seperate from the rest of the place. The castle must have been 5 stories, with 2 towers in the front. It was a grey brick building with vines crawling up all along it. The courtyard had many tree with bright leaves and plush grass. We slowed to a walk as we entered the village.
" What is this place?" I asked. Oliver was quiet and I knew that Robbie couldn't answer me right now. People stared as we passed but quickly moved along once we were out of hearing distance. Robbie's hooves clicked along the old fashioned cobblestone. The flowers here seemed extra vibrant and abundant. The gates to the courtyard were guarded by two very large trees. They seemed absolutely still until we got within touching distance and I saw one of them blink. I shivered and glanced back more than once. Robbie sat on the ground and Oliver and I took the hint to get off. He shifted back and his features were as sharp as they had been earlier.
" Dude, what happened to your face?" Oliver asked with a disgusted expression.
" This is the place I come from, this is what we all look like. Haven't either of you noticed." To be honest, no I hadn't really noticed. "You two will eventually look this way too." I glanced at Oliver but he was wearing his usual sour expression. After a moment Robbie started walking towards a pair of giant doors that appeared to be the entrance.
" Are you sure were allowed in here?" Robbie stopped short and looked at me with an awe struck expression, then he seemed to realize.
" We are in the Summer Court now, your father's court." It seemed to click in my head than.
" Wait so are we like royalty?" Robbie grinned and nodded lightly as he turned away from me. Guards opened the giant doors for us and we walked in. We were in a giant room with what seemed like hundreds of hallways branching from it.
" Goodfellow?" A man appeared from a doorway. He was tall and thin with long red hair.
" Fern?" The man smiled.
" What are-?" He met my gaze and he stopped short. He seemed to choke on his words and his hand reached for his throat. I took a step towards him.
" Are you ok?" I reached a hand out and touched him tentatively on the shoulder. He waved it off.
" I'm fine young one, you must Destiny?" He held out a hand. I went to shake it but he turned my knuckles up and gently kissed them. I felt the color rising to my face but he turned and nodded towards Oliver.
" I see now." He said to Robbie. They exchanged a look and then the man turned back towards me.
" I will see you again my lady." He bowed to me and then I watched him disappear down a hallway. I heard footsteps behind me.
" Don't get your panties in a bunch, they all act that way." Robbie brushed past me and I thought I heard some anger in his voice, but it was quickly gone. I shared a look with Oliver as we followed Robbie through a long hallway. They were all made of the same grey stone and the top curved over head. We took a few turns and then a gigantic room rose in front of us. It was like a ballroom with giants windows for a ceiling. Of course the whole room was extremely bright and filled with people. They were all dressed in expensive clothing with beautiful faces. They stopped short and all talking stopped when we entered the room. I spotted two thrones in the center of the room, one was occupied by a beautiful woman. She had long golden hair that flowed along her tanned skin. She had piercing eyes that seemed to be pinned on Robbie. The man next to her had long blonde hair as well, and golden skin. I roamed his face and then found that his eyes were also trained on Robbie. The thing about them was the fact that they happened to be the same odd color that mine were. I starred at him and then the king waved a hand. All the people in the room rushed out and then Robbie whispered.
" Stay here, keep your heads down." He started walking forward and I could nearly hear the tension in the room. He bowed in front of the thrones.
" Your highness."
" Why have you returned?" The king spoke down, looking through Robbie without lowering his head. Robbie stood and I could tell from his stance that he was extremely nervous.
" There was an incident." The king waited. "The twins turned 16 yesterday." The king nodded and it seemed to answer some unsaid question.
" Let them come forward then." The king said this without interest and I allowed Oliver to walk in front of me. I kept my head down and I could feel Oliver doing the same. The king rose from his throne and Robbie moved to stand behind us. I could feel his intense stare watching our every move.
" Oliver is it?" I saw that Oliver raised his head to look at the King. They were the same height and I noticed that their hair was the same shade, exactly.
" And who are you?" I flinched at Oliver's disrespectful tone but the man didn't seem fazed.
" I am King Oberon, your father." Oliver stared into his eyes without saying a word. Then I felt his gaze shift to me but I didn't look up, I didn't want to see the eyes again and prove my fears true.
" Destiny, I believe. My first born." I nodded and examined his shoes as he came to stand in front of me. "Look at me child." I swallowed the lump in my throat and reluctantly met his gaze. I saw something change in his features for a split second and I heard a hiss come from the other throne. I knew that they were seeing the eyes, the ones that no one else had, until now. He froze for a moment and then returned to his throne not meeting my gaze again, but I could feel everyone else starring at me intensly.
" Everything is as it should be. Goodfellow show them to their rooms." He waved us off and Robbie frisked us out of the room quickly. He let out a deep sigh after we had rounded a few corners.
" What was that all about?" Oliver seemed quieter than usual as did Robbie.
" Destiny's eyes...well it's quite a long story. I'll tell you both when there aren't more sets of ears around." We kept following him but I couldn't seem to see anyone listening to us, or anyone at all. He led us down a few more hallways before stopping in front of a large door. Inside were two sperate rooms but he had us all sit down on some couches. He got comfortable and made us wait while he got something to drink.
" Here goes." He began launching into the story of my life.

The Curse

"Now first of all I need you to understand that my name is Robin Goodfellow, although you all know me as Robbie most people here know me as Goodfellow or Puck."
" Puck?" I asked, the word unfamilar in my mouth.
" It's a nick name." I nodded and let it go. "Your father is known as King Oberon and his wife is Queen Tatiana."
" Wait," I cut him off again. "Then how did he meet our mother."
" In the Never Never relations with humans are not considered cheating, it's like if the queen had a consort. Tatiana see's it diffrently becuase the two of you were brought into this world. She despise's you and so you will need to watch out for her."
" So I have a hot stepmom?" Oliver said from the couch.
" No!" Robbie-Puck snapped. "She is by no means your stepmother, she would cut out your toungue if she heard that." Oliver didn't seemed offended, he mearily crossed his arms and leaned back.
" What about the eyes?" I asked. Puck took a few deep breathes and regained his composure.
" Your father, he has not always been a...kind ruler. He used to burn people for merely looking his way and the population of the Summer Court grew scarce. One day he set his might upon a witch, She is known as Shujii. She is the most powerful and believed to be the mother of all others. She was disguised to see your father for who he truly was. She set his wrath on him and cursed him."
" Where is she?" I asked quietly.
" She is said to live in a swamp on the edge of the Never Never, she shows herself in the courts every few milenium." He puased for a moment and went back to the subject. "She cursed your father for his wicked ways and for all of eternity he would have to accept anyone who wished to reside in the Summer Court and that the endess killing's must stop. This wasen't such a problem for him because the Summer Court is vast and immensely huge, but your father is not a law abiding man. He refused entry to a fey from the Winter Court and had him killed on sight. For this the witch took the blue pigment from his eyes and replaced it with grey. In your world the color gray may be somewhat common, but in the Never Never it is impossible, the genes of the Fey do not carry on this trait."
" Until now." I said letting my voice die out. Puck nodded.
" Your father tried to hunt down the witch but she always evades him, and her home is never found unless she wants you to find it. He has tried to ask her of your future to make sure that you were not to be his demise. He wanted to kill you two off as babies but instead I was sent to watch over you. So here we are." We sat in silence for a moment until the pieces all began to come together.
" Wait... all she did was make his eyes a diffrent color?" I felt that there was another part to the story and from Puck's face I could tell that I was right.
" Your father...he paid the ultimate price for evading his curse, the witch damned your mother to death when you were born."
" Why though?" I asked.
" Your father loved your mother very much, for a mortal she was exceptionally intuitive. She was an artist, a painter. She was the thing that if lost would hurt him most."
" Wait, dude so they killed her because of something he did?" Oliver asked dumb founded.
" Yes, he warned her but she refused to abort you. she knew that twins were instore but Oberon did not and she believed that she could fight the witches curse. Your father never saw her after the day he warned her, he thought of her as suicidal and a lost cause."
" She must have been miserable."
" She was, but she knew that you two had to be born. It is said that the witch herself visited her and told her of your destiny's. That made up your mother's mind to keep you two."
" What are our destiny's?" I asked quietly.
" No one knows, only she did and of course the witch. It is believed that you are named this way for that very reason."
" God he's an ass." I looked at Oliver but his expression was unreadable.
" Shh, he can probably hear you." Puck warned. Oliver muttered under his breath.
" So what now?" I asked. My brain was numb but I ignored it. Puck sighed.
" Nothing really, you two should probably stay here and keep your head down."
" You expect us to stay here?" Oliver asked, with surprisingly no curses.
" If you want to stay alive." Oliver curse under his breath and walked off around the corner.
" How long do we have to stay here?" I asked as we both stood.
" A few day's at the least, in two days there will be a ball, it's known as a spring solstice. It's kind of complicated but all you two need to do is show up. They will most likely be sending someone to assemble your outfits tomorrow, I will be here as much as I can." I nodded and he turned to leave. I felt his hand brush my arm and then he was gone. I sighed and went to find Oliver who was sitting in his room. I sat down on the bed next to him.
" This sucks." He mumbled.
" Yeah." I said quietly. "You ok?" I looked over at hum but he rolled his eyes.
" Don't start." He stalked off and I took a deep breath. I went into my room and closed the door quielty. I had no windows nor did any other room in our litte "suite". I wondered if we were in the middle of the castle, maybe somewhere important. I layed down on the bed and felt my true exhaustion take over. I didn't realize how tired...or sore I was until just then. I pulled my knees to my chest and drifted easily finding comfort in the bed and the sound of my brother's footsteps outside. I was about to fall asleep when my brain finally caught up. Firstly my name is Destiny, and my mother saved my life because of something that Oliver and I would do in the future. I was sure that it must be good because why else would she have kept us. My father was selfish and only wanted our mother for himself. He didn't care about hurting other's, all he wanted was power. I had no doubt he would do whatever it took to get what he wanted. I began to wonder who the Winter fey was that he killed. Why was he denied and who was he. At last the image of me looking in a mirror filled my head. I could see my eyes, they were grey but on the inside I could almost swear that a storm was brewing deep down, just like the one's I had seen on my father. Secondly Tatiana was someone to watch out for, and I almost couldn't blame her. I worried about Oliver saying the wrong thing and being killed or him doing something stupid to mess up our situation even more. And lastly I worried for Puck, he had been frightened to bring us here, like it wasen't planned. I thought back to yesterday and what he had said about going "home". I understood now that he knew that something was coming, and where his home was. This place was foreign to me and my head ached from thinking so much. I let my mind go blank then and hoped for sleep as quickly as possible.

Dealing with Goodfellow

"Morning." I plopped down next to Oliver who was munching on what looked like bacon. He didn't acknowledge me, he only looked ahead without emotion. I sighed and grabbed a fruit. I bit in and the juice filled my mouth. I wasen't really hungry more thoughtful. There was a knock and before I could say anything Puck's head was poking inside.
" Hey."
" Hi." Everything felt diffrent now and I wondered what had happened during the time I had been asleep. He sat on the couch and tossed a piece of fruit between his hands.
" So how bad?" He cringed slightly but tried to shrug it off.
" It's not so bad, about the usual welcome home I'm used to." His eyes stayed locked on the fruit until he stuck a pale fingernail through it's soft outer shell. It dripped on him and he set it back down. "So...There will be people in here today getting you two ready for tomorrow. I can't always be here so please be careful." He met my gaze for a long moment and I nodded. He seemed frank and formal and I knew that he was not allowed to be the Robin I had always known. He stood and walked out silently. Oliver disapeared going somewhere back into the rooms. I pulled my legs up and wrapped my arms around them which gave me some comfort. I decided that I might as well be prepared for whatever would come next. I washed myself and brushed my hair out, changing into a silk robe I found behind the door. The food had disapeared and Oliver was lounging on the couch. I had just sat down when the door opened. A tall woman stalked in. She had long silver hair that was wound in beautiful ringlets down her back and her bright green eyes almost resembled Puck's. She observed us for a moment and pursed her red lips.
" I am Eilan, I am your father's fashion coordinator and so I now have responciblities for you two as well." She didn't seem pleased by this. I didn't quite know how to respond so everything was silent. She waved her hand and little goat girls came in drapped in supplies. They went straight for the bedroom behind her and I got up to follow. I could here Oliver slowly trailing along behind me. When I got to my room the supplies were already splayed across my bedspread. She turned her gaze on us and I felt the scrutiny but they slipped past me.
" You." She stuck one of her long pale fingers in the directions of my shoulder and I glanced back at Oliver. "Get yourself washed." She was less than pleased and Oliver stalked off without another word. I felt a tug and look down to see one of the goat'd wrapping a tape measure around my waist. Eilan walked arund me with one perfect nail placed at the edge of her mouth. I could almost see her mentally thinking, making notes and comments to herself. She turned and bent over the things spread across the bed. She sent one of the goat's off after a few patterns and they returned with a spool of dark blue fabric which she quickly sent away. She took my measurments and made a few small drawing in a book, before briskly leaving my room. She was in Oliver's room for a very little amount of time before I heard the front door close. I got up and went to Oliver's door, knocking gently.
" Hey, you didn't say anything stupid right?" He made a disgusted noise.
" Give it a break." I sighed and closed the door. I turned and found Puck standing right there. He followed me to the living room.
" How did it go?" His eyes were anxious.
" Fine, I guess." I shrugged and leaned against the couch with a sigh.
" What did she say?" He seemed nervous, anxious. His eyes were wide and he was standing on the balls of his feet, leaning towards me.
" Nothing really." I wasen't really up for much conversation, and even though the day had only started a few hours agom I already felt exhausted. His face fell and he sighed. He slowly went and sat on the arm of the other couch.
" She didn't say anything? At all?" He was trying to appear calm but I could tell something was bothering him.
" No Puck, why does it matter?" He watched me for a moment with the same fake expression.
" I just need to make sure that nothing made her unusually angry." I sighed.
" She was not unusually angry, ok?" His mouth was set in a stern line but he slowly nodded. I could see him analyzing my face slowly, going over every detail. I sighed and looked away, anywhere but at his face. I was agitated and I didn't try to hide it. I got up and walked to my room, when I turned to close the door Puck stuck his foot in it.
" What?" I asked.
" What are you doing?"
" Getting dressed." My eyes were narrowed and he withdrew his foot. I put on a pair on jeans and a tank top. Then I found puck standing a few feet from my door waiting for me.
" What are you doing?" He followed me as I walked back away.
" Going for a walk." I tried to keep my voice calm, monotone but I could still here the agitated edge.
" Ok." He said. he was all to happy as I tried to close the door but he ducked out after me. I stomped through the hallways blindly. I randomly turned and didn't care where I ended up. Someone cleared their throat behind me and my anger boiled. I spun around with my fists clenched.
" Look, I don't need a babysitter!" I growled it through my clenched teeth. Puck didn't react he simply just starred back at me. I stood there glaring at him without him showing any sort of emotion. I counted to ten in my head and then turned back around. I started walking again, alittle more calmly. I kept telling myself that it wasen't a big deal and then a thought came into my head. I stopped and I heard his footsteps do the same.
" Why are you here?" I asked without turning.
" Watching you." He was calm, completely in control.
" But why?" This seemed to take him a minute.
" Because...I was asked to." Anger boiled again and I did my best to control it.
" By who?" He was silent for a moment and that's when I knew the answer. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth against the sudden red wave of fury.
" Why does he even bother?" I spun around not waiting for an answer. "He didn't want us anyway, remember?" I stepped towards Puck until I was merely inches from his face. "He told her to kill us!" I stood there breathing hard as Puck starred back quietly. He waited until I had calmed down and then he took a small step back.
" Many people here wish you harm, he asked me to protect you." His words were coated with sooting but I was past comfort.
" Well you tell him, that we don't need protecting, not from him not from anyone." I shoved past him and I was satisfied when he didn't follow. I found the way back to my room mostly out of luck but I stormed in and locked the door. Oliver was laying on the couch passed out with food across his face. I grabbed a piece of bread and walked to my room slamming the door. I sat on my bed and nibbled on the tasteless bread. I felt a tear streak down my face but I wiped it away with anger. I threw the food on the ground and slouched under my covers. I pulled them to my chin and ignored the anger that was still bottled inside of me. I closed my eyes and prayed for rest.

The Ball

In my dream there was a black door and from the other side I could hear knocking but I couldn't open it no matter how much I struggled. I finally grabbed it with both hands and put all of my body weight behind it. My hands slipped away and I fell backwards into a never ending darkness. I woke up sweating and I could hear the knocking from the living room. I wrapped the robe around myself and ran a hand through my mess of hair. Goats rushed in as the doors burst open under my touch. Eilan followed behind them but ignored me completely. She bustled through and I saw her open Oliver's door. The goat's woke him and then she had the goat's shove me into the shower. They scrubbed my skin red with foamy sponges. Eilan sat me down at the makeup table and complained about the redness. She set to work covering my blemishes and I could hear the water running for Oliver's shower. She plucked my eyebrows and splsyed diffrent powders and creams across my skin. I felt tugging and saw the goats brushing out my long hair. Oliver tried to sneak by in his pajamas but Eilan sent two goat's running after him. I stayed quite and silent while they plucked and pulled at me. Finally she stood back and took a long look at me before feeling satisfied. She held out a hand and one of the goat's placed a tube of lipstick in it. She applied the bright red color to me and then briskly walked away. I could hear her telling the goats something and then a few bustled out of the room. I listened to their hooves in the hall and then tried to find something reflexive to look in. I found Eilan trying to fix up Oliver and I heard another knock on the door, a familiar one. No matter how mad I was at him I still had to let him in. I waled over but Eilan bustled past me and opened the door a crack blocking my view.
" Eilan?"
" You know better Goodfellow, you'll just have to wait."
" But..." I knew that look, the puppy dog eyes.
" Do I have to turn you into a jacket again." I could almost hear Puck shiver and then nod no. She nodded and then closed the door. She walked past me as if nothing had happened, and I followed. She went back to Oliver and made a goat run a comb through his hair one more time. The few goats reappered carrying a long white bag and several boxes. I was jostled into the make shift dressing area where I was stripped and then they made me close my eyes while they put me in a dress. I felt the jewels clasp around my neck and they had me sit down as they slipped the shoes on my feet.
" Alright, let the girl look." I opened my eyes and the goats were all around me, there eyes wide with envy. They parted and Eilan brought out a large mirror. I starred back at the girl in the mirror knowing the woman was watching for my reaction. She had long dark hair that cascaded around her and grey eyes that seemed to beem away from her face. She was a beauty with sharp cheekbones and gracefully pointed ears. Her red lipstick merely matched her doe-like eyes. She was dressed in a cascading piece of fabric. It was strapless and silver. The top was sequins and it faded into a train with embroidery. White diamonds hung from her neck and clear stilettos graced her feet.
" Wow." Satisfied, Eilan set down the mirror and disapeared after Oliver. His eyes were huge when he saw me and then he looked in the mirror. His Mangy blonde hair was brushed away from his face an his chocolate eyes shown brightly. His features were intensified as well and I felt as if I were looking at an alien rather than my brother. He was wearing a black tux that made him look exeptionally, un-Oliver-ish. I smiled at our reflection and then Eilan removed the mirror and ordered us to follow her. She checked the clock and then dashed into my room. When she reappeared she was dressed in a long purple dress that hugged her figure and I was almost jealous, almost. She took the lead and Oliver and I followed behing the goat's. I felt butterfly's invading my stomache and I snuck a few glance's at Oliver but he seemed calm. We were led through a few back corridors and then she turned towards us.
" Good luck." She hadn't said much but I knew that she meant it.
" Thank you." She checked our outfits once more and then left us. I took a deep breath and rounded the corner. There was a line of fey waiting to be announced into the ballroom. A guard saw Olvier and I and ushered us to the front as all stared at us in awe. He whispered in the man's ear and I instructed Olvier to take my arm. Our names were announced and the giant doors before us opened. My throat tightened and my eyes swelled at the amount of fey starring back at us. I briefly saw Oberon and Tatiana at the back of the room and I felt Oliver pulling me directly towards the huge crowd. I was beginning to judge his sanity when I saw that the fey had indeed parted for us. The room was humming with excitement and I kepy my eyes forward. I could almost feel the hate from Tatiana but I refused to meet her gaze. Oliver just quietly pulled me forward and I was so thankful that he was there. I met the gaze of Puck who was standing by Oberon's shoulder. He was dressed to kill in a powder white tux with his usually crzay hair tamed. He looked handsome in his own way and I thought that his eyes were abnormally large. I dropped my eyes and then met my father's as we were about halfway across. They had just announced another name but all attention was still on us. Oberon was starring down at us emotionless but when I met his gaze I think I saw him flinch slightly before regaining himself, but I could have been wrong. Oliver steered me left and waited for me to sit in my throne before he sat next to me. I thought that it was entirely un-normal of him to ac this way and I starred at him in awe. He was not himself and then I caught Eilan's eyes and I understood. She had explained it to him, told him how to act. I nodded towards her and she returned it before sipping from her glass and turning away. I felt many eyes on me especially from the area where many of the men were together. I even felt alittle protective when I caught a group of girls looking and gossiping about Oliver, although he didn't seem to notice. Puck appeared at my shoulder then.
" Hey." He was casually leaning against the side of the throne, as if hundreds of men weren't shooting daggers at him every second.
" What Puck?" He was sipping on a green liquid in a tall wine glass that he dangled carelessly from his fingers.
" Just wanted to say that you look great." I let the compliment sink in for a moment.
" Thanks." He nodded and I turned back away. I heard him sip his drink and I had just caught a scent of the alcohol when I heard his footsteps and he was gone. Something caught my eyes and I realized the other side of the room was slowly being covered in ice. All the fey had moved away but didn't act like anything had happened. I shared a look with Oliver and then the drums started. Everything grew silent and everyone turned to greet our visitors. The Winter Court.

The Winter Family

It's hard to discribe them. I know it seem's strange but words almost seem lost on their kind. Starting with the trolls that slouched into the room. Their skin was slimmy green and drool ran down their faces. Shackles made noises from their wrists and ankles, but they had no problems carrying their clubs. It was like a fairy tale really, the scariest part. Then the goblins scattered in. They were covered in dirty torn clothing and I could see the gaudy gold teeth scattered in their mouthes when they sneered. They sleeves were green with snot and they all seemed to hobble the same way, definately imbred. They cleared the way and that's when I noticed that there was another set of throne's, 4 of them directly adjacent from us. It was silent for a moment and then the WInter Fey entered. They were much like Summer Fey, distant cousins maybe. They were tall and thin with creamy skin and hair that was almost too black. There dark eyes darted around the room and came to rest on our section before dropping. They all seemed dressed to kill in dark, elegant pieces. Many of them filed in but they did not mix with the Summer Fey and the hostility could have been cut with a knife. I felt my hands gripping the arms of my seat in anxiousness. Then entered guards, but there were like the Summer guards. They walked without feeling and there faces held no emotions, it was almost maddening to see their eyes never leave the same place they were fixed. They filed in with their dark spikey armor and their long swords that glowed with power. I saw the Summer guards tensed and their hands unknowingly resting on the weapons. Once the entrance had cleared and silence fell everyone held their breath. Then the royal family entered. The Queen, Mab came in calm and quiet but I could almost smell the power flowing from her. Her hair was dark as night and piled elegantly on top of her head. She was wearing a long sheer red dress that dragged long behind her. Her eyes focused on Oberon and then they darted to me. I felt her eyes bore into mine and then I dropped my gaze, knowing better. I had to remember to breath as she took her throne slowly and I felt Oliver pat my arm. I glanced over at him in shock but he seemed completely diffrent now. I saw his eyes shift to something at the door and I pulled my gaze away from him. A prince came through the door, the eldest. Sage, he was dressed in black armor with a cape gently blowing behind him, a sword hung at his side and a large white wolf walked at his flank. Behind him came aother with the same dark hair and ivory skin. Rowan seemed to slink like a rat and I felt his shifty eyes starring at me. I was focused on the last through the door. The youngest brother, Ash. He was much like his brothers with his long dark hair and translucent skin. His sword glowed with a white power and I felt his pressence immediatly. His eyes met mine and I recognized the purple immediatly. A flashback entered my head taking me off guard. Oliver and I were in the woods, riding Puck. A man was aiming at us with the same purple eyes. I look and the face was the same. He seemed to realize it as well and he did well to hide the smirk that played across his lips. I felt the anger boiling but also the embaressment and I felt heat rising to my cheeks. I heard Oliver intake a breath and I looked over to meet Puck's probing eyes. He was across the room his glass now empty. He was watching me carefully, but he also seemed in a way calculating. By the time I looked back they had all taken their seats and the music had started again. I kept my head low and refused to look back to their place. I heard Oliver whispering to someone and then I was offered a drink. I refused it but I could still feel what seemed like a million eyes boring into me. I took a deep breath and then leaned towards Oliver.
" When do we have to dance?"
" Next song." He seemed so formal and blunt that it left me short. I was so used to the adolescent immature brother that had always been there. The person that had replaced him was so opposite everything that my brother stood for. I looked at him for a moment until he met my gaze again. His eyes were empty as if this was all normal, like this was his usual self. I forced myself to look away and swallow the lump that had formed in my throat. I took the offered drink and sipped it once then I set it back on the tray. When I turned back Oliver was grasping my hand and waiting for me to stand.
" Come on." He said quietly. I rose and let him lead me to the dance floor. The fey cleared a large area around us and Olvier glasped my hand without missing a beat. I had always been a horrible dancer and so had Oliver but it seemed that it was much diffrent here. We twirled around the floor as if we had been doing it for centuries and I looked up to meet Oliver's calculating gaze more than once.
" Do you think we could live forever?" I whispered in his ear. He chuckled so unlike him.
" I don't know about forever, but I would say a very long time." I couldn't get used to him the change in him. I took a deep breath and then Oliver stopped the dancing. I saw a pale hand flash from where it had been on his shoulder and I took a step back. Ash was standing there not a foot from Oliver.
" May I interup?" He was asking Oliver but his eyes never left me. Oliver merely nodded and turned to walk away. His hand was held out to me and I felt all eyes on me so I forced my body to react. I react out and set my hand in his, with my teeth clenched. He began to spin me the way Oliver had and I let my mind go blacnk hoping it would be over soon.
" Why are you here?" I thought out loud and resisted the urge to cover my mouth while I mentally cursed myself.
" It is tradition that a child of one court it to dance with one of the other, of course they have never both existed until now." I let his words seep into my mind. His voice was like water flowing over smooth rocks.
" Yes," I had already known about that, although I wasen't sure how. "But why you?" It took him a mintue to answer and I assumed he was choosing his words carefully.
" Because in this world the next time I may be talking to you will be when your at the end of my sword. You are the only thing that has ever escaped my hunt, and it will not happen again. I may have thought diffrently if I had known who you two were. The outcome woul have most likely been the same." He rambled for a bit and I let my head swim in the words, and I mumbled out the only thing that I could form.
" An apology would have sufficed." He chuckled but I didn' think he found it very humerous. He was playing a part, the same way I was. We were actors in the story of survival. A false move and it could be over for both of us. Thankfully the song ended and he surrendered my hand. I turned to walk away whe I heard the crash. Shards of glass flew across the room and scattered along my back. I saw a flash and then arms were around my waist. I was picked up and caried aside in a swift motion. I turned and saw Ash darting from me sword drawn. Screams were filling the air and people were running for the doors. A giant creature stood in the room. It had broken through the windows and walls of the room. It reacked of rotting flesh, but worse of all it's bright red eyes were pinned on me. I saw it's muscles flew as it prepared to jump towards me but instead it shreaked in pain as Ash cut on of it's knees. It surggled to it's feet and I could hear it's cries as I turned and darted for Oliver. Oberon and Tatiana were already running towards it and I could see Mab on the opposite side, ice crystals shooting from her palms. All the guards were in action momentarily confused and I took the moment to grab Oliver''s hand. He was confused but he didn't question me and he let me drag him from the room. We blended with the scared crowd where we were swept outside and I pulled him into the shadows.
" What the-?" I put my hand over his mouth.
" Shh..." I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. "I'm getting us out of here." He seemed to disagree but he didn't say anything. I flung off my shoes and grabbed the hem of my dress. We ran around the back of the castle and into the edge of the woods unnoticed. We stopped there to catch our breath and watch teh scene unfold. A fire had broken out in the ballroom and the animals angry cries were still audible.
" Are you crazy?" Oliver asked. He was looking at me with a shocked expression.
" Really though." A voice said from the shadows.
" Puck?" He appeared already out of his tux.
" What were you thinking?" He looked like he wanted to smack me silly. I saw the anger flash in his eyes.
" Were leaving." He clenched his teeth.
" Where? You don't think they won't hunt you down? There's nothing out here!" He spit the words through his teeth but thankfully kept quite.
" I'm going to find Sujii." I said slowly. His eyes went dead and all the color drained from his face in a split second.

The Great Escape

" Have you lost your mind?!" He was spitting the words at me but I didn't bother to glance back at him. I was jogging through the forest with Oliver close behind me and Puck stomping behind us. He was outraged to say the least but I could care less.
" Wait!" He called.
" What Puck?"
" Why don't we plan this out." I sighed but kept moving. I didn't have time for this. I felt my left heel sink and the lower half of my dress got covered in mud. I sighed and stopped.
" Puck can I see your knife?" He looked at me cautiously and then handed it over without a word. I really didn't to do this but it seemed I didn't have much of a choice. I dug the kinfe into the fabric and cringed at the sound of teh fabric tearing away. I heard Oliver gasp.
" What are you doing?!" Puck ssnatched the knife but it was too late. The bottom of the dress fell away and now my beautiful dress was merely knee length and much more appropriate. They both just starred at me in shock.
" I'm doing this..." I mumbled as I pulled my hair back into a clumsy ponytail. "Because I know what that thing was." I pulled out the last few remaining bobby pin and stuck them in the top of my dress for safe keeping.
" It was a Draugger, what's the big deal?" I met his eyes.
" The big deal Puck, is that they only rise for a reason. It was sent for me, she sent it for me."
" You think Sujii sent a Draugger to kill you?" Puck said sarcastically. I just shrugged ignoring his rudeness.
" Why would she want you dead?" Oliver asked.
" She didn't, it was a sign. She knows were here." I turned away from them and started walking again. I stopped and on last thought slipped off the stilettos. I loved them but they weren't practical and I sent them flying into the brush.
" So why don't you have your fathers guards find her?" Puck asked. I sighed, I was honestly surprised he hadn't put all the pieces together yet.
" Puck, do you really think that she would let them find her just because were here? She wants us to go there, I'd say there's something we need to know." I shrugged again and took off at a sprint leaving them in silence. I knew that their minds were working, figuring out the logic behind it.
" How are we going to find her?" Oliver asked.
" That's the tricky part." I mumbled. "Were gonna have to find someone or...something that knows where to find her." I didn't like the idea but I didn't think that we had much of a choice.
" You sound insane." Puck muttered from the back. I ignored him and continued striding through the woods. I felt my legs stop before my brain realize the sound that was going through my ears.
" Shh." I heard Puck hiss and then he disappeared into a pile of leaves. Oliver and ducked against trees as magnificant horses strode past us. On their backs Summer guards rode with their swords drawn and their eyes wide with concentration. We held our breath until they were far out of ear shot then Puck appeared again in front of us. He motioned for us and he led us diagnal. I had to trust him as were darted along a strange route. I could hear Oliver close behind me. Puck stopped short and I nearly ran into the back of him.
" Hide." He boosted me into a tree and then I pulled Oliver up. He turned into a large black raven and cawed flying away from us. We hid in the center under all the leaves but we still saw as the riders neared us. These were winter guards and they had what appeared to be dogs with them. Their fur was sleek like a seal and there eyes were black as their skin. They slunk along on all 6 legs. They sniffed around the base of the tree for a few seconds and when I grew worried they caught Puck's scent and with wines took off. The riders followed but one remained behind and he seemed cautious. Then he suddenly took off in the other direction. I waited a minute and then I climbed down slowly. As soon as my feet hit the ground I knew I had made a mistake. The shadow moved towards me as I was stunned. His sword was gleaming against his side. I felt the breath leave my lungs and then his face caught the light. Ash was watching me with a careful expression and then he turned his head slightly away from me.
" Here." He said. It wasen't loud but then another shadow appeared from the darkness. Rowan slunk forward and his eyes seemed to divour me. He was smirking and I resisted the urge to punch him.
" Get the boy." Ash said as Rowan reached into the tree and pulled Oliver out. He fell to the ground and while he scrambled to stand Rowan put his knee on the side of Oliver's head. I resisted the urge to scream as I watched.
" Leave him alone." I said through my teeth. Rowan looked up with a pleased expression and Olvier took his only oppurtunity. He reached for Rowan's sword but Rowan turned and hit Oliver in the head with his fist. My brothers head fell against the earth and he was unconcious. I ran towards Rowan intent on killing him but a hand grabbed my wrist and then my hands were pinned behind my back. I struggled as Rowan watched with satisfaction.
" Take him, I'll be behind you." Rowan seemed torn but I could tell that Ash was giving him a look from behind me. He grabbed Oliver and threw him over his shoulder disappearing into the darkness. I felt the tears running down my face as I screamed.
" No!" His hand clamped over my mouth and I began to cry. I let my legs go dead and he dropped me to the ground. I laid my face into the ground and sobbed covering my face. I was in hysterics but I knew that I had to wait for my oppurtunity. I felt him walk around in front of me and reach for the tops of my arms to pull me up. I tensed and reached for his legs, pulling them from underneath him. He was unprepared and that's the only reason it worked. He grabbed for his sword but I climbed on top of him and pinned it under my knee. He looked into my face shocked. It was silent for a moment and then I saw his hand flash and I felt the crack on my cheek. Automatically I reached up to touch the pain and he threw me off. I heard him draw his sword and I threw myswelf from the ground and took off at a run but grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me against his chest. I felt his sword at my neck, it's coldness nearly burning me.
" Enough." He growled it and I felt his pulse beating through his chest. I felt that I was smeared with grass and dirt. My face was aching and I knew there was blood on my cheek. I didn't fight him and he threw me over his shoulder the same thing Rowan had done to Oliver. I let my cheek rest against his shirt and when I was jostled I saw the blood smeared there along with the tears. I heard wings and a large black bird appeared overhead it's bright green eyes beating down on us. It screeched and dove for us. Ash sidestepped and Puck landed in human form next to us.
" What the hell!" He yelled it at Ash who seemed unchanged. He didn't release his grip on me but I felt him move his free hand to grip his sword.
" What did you do to her?" Puck asked, Ash drew his sword as he took a step forward. He stopped short but his eyes were on me.
" Mab has ordered us to capture them, what she does with them is none of my buisness." Ash was cold and I didn't understand the hostility in his voice.
" The hell it's not your buisness." I heard Puck pull his weapons and Ash took his hand away from me. I fell off and landed on my stomache. Puck watched in shock and I met his gaze. His eyes roamed my face and came to rest on the wounds.
" Where is Oliver?" He asked. I was gripping my stomache trying to catch my breath.
" Rowan left with him." Ash was in a defensive stance and I could see Puck trying to keep his eyes from me.
" Puck, they hurt Oliver." I manadged to whisper it and when I coughed blood flew out. His eyes squinted and turned on Ash. I saw them sizing up eachother and then Puck pulled his weapons towards Ash. I rolled over onto my stomache and shoved myself from the ground with the rest of my strength. I stumbled forward and I heard quick footsteps behind me but I was ready for them. Ash was reaching for me and I took a step towards him grabbing for his sword hand. I yanked it away and held it to his throat. He stood still for a moment and I saw Puck running towards us. Before I could comprehend Ash had taken the sword back and cut Puck's arm with a gash a few inches long. Puck hand glasped over it as he back away a few feet. We all heard he approaching hooves.
" That's right Goodfellow, run away once again." Puck shot a desperate glance at me before changing into a bird a sailing through the skies. At the last minute Ash grabbed me and dragged me into a tall tree. He was surprisingly agile and he handled my weight without issue. He shoved my face into his shirt and I thought he was smothering for a second. I reached up but he retrained me and my screams were silent. The horseman rode under us unaware and then he released my fafe. I gasped for air and he grabbed my wrist and yanked me from the tree. A small whistling came from him and then a giant black horse appeared from the darkness. Before I could comprehend I was thrown onto it's back and Ash was behind me gripping the manes. I slouched backwards against his chest and I felt that the life had gone out of me. We galloped forward and the darkness consumed us. The horse had no problem navigating and it seemed to know where it was going. I felt Ash's cool hand reach up and press against my throat. He checked my pulse for a moment. He cursed under his breath and changed course quickly as I blacked out.


Lights danced behind my lids as I slowly came to. My head was throbbing and a iron smell filled my nose. The noise started out as mumbling and then my brain recognized the words.
" They came threw here last night...the boy was in bad shape...definatley Oberon's kid, both of them." A strange voice, a man no doubt but it was not one I recognized. I heard footsteps and then something breathing. Cool fingers removed something from my cheek and I flinched at the pain there.
" She's coming to I'd better get going, they were right on our trail." Something was lathered across my face and then my body was jostled. Cool arms were around me and I could hear the beating of a heart in my ear. I was laying against a stone chest, Ash's I assumed. A door opened and then I felt him go down steps before the door softly thudded closed. I was lifted and soon I recognized the rythm of a running horse. I slowly came to reality and my brained cleared the remaining fog. My eyes cracked open and darkness filed in. Soon the trees flying past us became real and then my eyes opened fully. The stars shone in between the canopy off leaves and the woods smelled of pine. I felt Ash watching me and his iron grip around me. I leaned my head back but kept space between our bodies. I let in rest on his shoulder as I watched the stars. It seemed crazy that we were moving so fast and they barely changed position in a few minutes. Ash's breathing was calm and even next to me. In my head I was planning. I knew that I had to think quickly but my brain seemed to still be sleepy. Before I could think of a plan vomit rose in my throat and I gagged. I convulsed forward and my loose hair spilled around me. I heaved and then he stopped the horse. I nearly fell off of the side and vomited green foam across the grass. I was on all fours and I couldn't catch my breath. I felt him standind close and when I caught a breath I spoke.
" Where are" I convulsed again and I heard him take another step towards me. I was dry heaving now and his cool hands gently lifted me. He set me back on the horses back and we set off again. I sensed that their was some danger behind us. His hands were like bars around me as I gagged continuously. I leaned over and pucked over the side of the horse. We didn't slow down and I nearly choked on it. Finally after my stomache felt like fire the convulsing stopped and my throat tasted of death. My body slumped and I fell back against him. He didn't say anything and I wondered what he was thinking. My throat was so hoarse I barely manadged a whisper.
" You didn't...answer." I choked halfway through, but he knew what I meant. He sighed and waited until I had stopped.
" I know of a place that may be what you seek." I let this sink in but I culdn't wrap my head around it.
" Not without...Oliver." I barely weezed it out and then swallowed dryly.
" I cannot help your brother, he is already in the Winter Court." I felt a tear run down my face even though my eyes felt dry. I collapsed against him again.
" What's wrong," I barely choked it out my vice growing weaker.
" You were poisoned." He said it so quietly I wasen't sure it was real. Who would want to kill me, then when I really thought about it the list wasen't all that short. Something caught my eye and I swore that I saw a large black bird flying in the horizon, I blinked but it was gone and I was sure that I was seeing things.
" Water..." I sounded like an old lady as I croaked it out. He sighed in what seemed like irritation but stopped the horse a minute later. He wordlessly led me to a small stream. I watched him from the corner of my eye and he seemed strangely unsettled. I slurped down what seemed like a small amount before I felt my stomache sloshing. He pulled me back onto the horse and we set off at an even faster speed. I let the soundless tears streak down my face without saying a word we both understood why. I was so exhausted already that I didn't have much control over my eyes slowly drooping. I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay awake for very long and so when I became completely consumed it was no surprise.
Light was shining against my lids when I woke up. I squinted and slowly looked around. I was in a small clearing and I couldn't see anyone else. My throat was dry and hoarse and I followed my hearing to a river close by. I slurped it up hungerly and then sat there for a moment watching the water. I ran a hand through my matted hair and then found my rubber band on my wrist. I put my hair up looking at my reflection. I saw a bandage on my cheek and I remembered the irony smell. My dress was torn and covered with mud and gore. I wanted to wash it but I didn't know where Ash was. I waited a minute and then stripped down to my underwear. I soaked the dress and then rung it out, laying it on a rock to dry. I sat there for a moment and then decided to wash myself. My hair swirled around me and thankfully the stream had a deep point where I stood up to my chest. I washed my face, carefully avoiding the cut. I slipped the dress back on and let my hair air dry after wringing it out. I went back to the clearing and looked around for any signs. A few hoof prints were in the softer pieces of earth and I everntually found the horse grazing no far off. I walked up to him and he ignored me. I sighed and then I remembered that my brother was being held captive in the Winter Court. I had a feeling that we were still in the Summer Court, also it was still mildly warm.
" Were off grid." I turned around and saw Ash leaning against a tree not far off. He was watching me carefully with an unreadable expression.
" I need to get to my brother." I said it as forceful as I could manage.
" I was rather hoping to delay that." I was watching him carefully and he walked towards me slowly. "I would like to propose with you." I waited for him to continue with my eyes tight. "I will help you find Shujii if you will willingly go to the Winter Court to be held as prisoner." I tried to understand but he seemed like he would always be somewhat of a mystery.
" Why don't you just take me now?" It was probably stupid but I couldn't help it. He only shrugged surprising me and he walked around me.
" I could, but where's the fun...the adventure in that?" I could tell he was smirking without turning around. I felt like I was seeing a diffrent part of him, someone that was less formal when the eyes weren't all watching him. "Living forever, get's alittle boring sometimes." I turned and observed him. He was already mounted on the horse and after a moment he extended his hand out.
" So?" He arched a perfect black eyebrow.
" I don't think I have a choice." He smirked and then grabbed my hand, hoisting me onto the horse. He kicked it's sides and we jolted into the forrest. I made sure to keep space between us no matter how much harder it was to hold on. He didn't say anything but I knew that he was watching me. I looked around watching things but nothing really changed around us. I didn't want to bring up last night but without thinking my hand drifted to my cheek and I flinched.
" Sorry about that, but Rowan was watching and I had to make Goodfellow believe he's never been a good liar...I wasen't exactly sure about this plan then either." It seemed crazy the whole concept.
" You let him hurt my brother." The words quietly spilled out.
" There was little I could do, you are the one to blame." Heat filled my cheeks and anger boiled in my veins.
" Me?!" I shrieked it without meaning to.
" You provocked it." He shrugged so nonchalantly.
" Your sick." I muttered. He ignored me and I resisted the urge to be violent. A few angry tears spilled out but I wiped them away quickly. All I could think about was Oliver's unconcious body laying on the ground.
" How long was I sick?"
" The ball was 3 days ago."
" Oh..." I had slept for a very long time, I remember sipping on the drink at the ball. I couldn't remember the waiter's face but I was sure it wasen't him who would have done it, Tatiana maybe. I sighed and looked up at the sky. The sky was covered with pudfy white clouds.
" How much longer?"
" Not very long." His voice had changed and I wondered if the light mood earlier was a rare occasion. I glanced at him and his face was hard again, his purple eyes like rocks. I looked away but the image stayed in my head. I felt him stiff behind me and there was no more joking. I couldn't imagine why he would have chaned so suddenly but then I saw the buildings. We entered a town that seemed completely emtpy. The blinds were pulled on all of the homes and the streets were completely empty. The horse slowed to a walk and I tried to hide my shiver. We came to a building with smoke actually cominng from the chimney. Ash got down quickly and I saw his hand hovering over his sword. He didn't help me down but he walked behind me. A group of men appeared from the shadows and Ash quickly stepped in front of me. The man in front was large with greasy hair tied behind his neck, he must have stood 7 feet tall but Ash didn't seem afraid just cautious.
" Prince, what buisness do you have here?" The man crossed his arms and starred down at us, a few other men stood behind him looking on menicingly.
" I am here to see Armes." The man looked down at him for a moment and then burst out laughing making us both jump.
" You think I'm just going to let you in, pay up bub." His friends pulled out weapons of diffrent kinds and Ash unshealthed his weapon. The man held up his hand and swtopped his friends in their tracks.
" Of course you could always leave the lady here." I saw Ash stiffen and the man stretched his neck around Ash to meet my gaze. He froze immediatly and I felt myself loose all fear. I stepped forward around Ash and stood a foot from the giant. I starred up at his shocked face and then he seemed to shock him self and he looked back at Ash. He nodded and then walked away. The others followed slowly looking dumbfounded. I felt Ash grab my wrist as he dragged me towards the building.
" We don't have much time." He didn't knock on the door but instead burst inside and closed it quickly behind us. I lookeda round the room and found a small thing crouched behind a table. It was covered in robes and Ash walked over and whispered in it's ear. It raised it's covered head and met my gaze. It made a noise and then Ash gestured for me to sit across from it. He stood behind me.
" My dear." It was a male, old maybe. The voice was cracked and hoarse. "I have waited a long time to meet you." What I said next was dumb but I was already freaked out and my brain doesn't work super great under stress.
" I'm only 16." The creature laughed quietly.
" Your prophecy has been around for a thousand years young one." This seemed to shock me, how could something like this be true if my mother wasen't even born then. "You are the one that will save us all." Then the thing burst into a spasm of coughing. I glanced back at Ash but his face was cold as ice. The thing was clutching his chest now but the couching had stopped.
" We need to find Shujii." I said quietly.
" Yes, but she is not one to be easily found." He stopped and tried to catch his breath. "She is in her swamp, you will find her if that is the destiny." He seemed to be gasping now. " You must go." He waved and Ash nodded.
" I'm sorry if we've put you in danger Armes. I wouldn't have come if it wasen't crutial." I was standing now.
" Don't fret young ones, this is the fun part of eternity." There was a laugh and then it disappeared in dust. Ash burst out the door and a sea of people were there. Ash drew his sword and burst through. I ran behind him but hands were grabbing at me and ripping my hair out. I cried out and I felt him grip my wrist. I was airborn and then I landed on the horse's back clasping it's mane. It screeched in protest and I dug my heels into it's sides instinctively. It ran over some of the zombie like people and headed straight for Ash I met his gaze and I studk my arm out just as we passed him. He caught my forearm and I pulled him from a sea of people as his arms circled around my waist. I kicked the horse again and he plowed over more as they chased us. We shot into the woods and my knuckles were white from holding onto the horse. When all of the people were out of sight the horse slowed slightly and I straightened up. Ash's arms left my waist and gripped the reins around me.
" What were they?" I asked quietly.
" They are the fey that belong to no place, they have no destinies." This sunk in and I remembered their emtpy faces.
" That's horrible." I said mostly to myself.
" It's inevitable." I didn't know what he meant but something else popped in my head.
" The man he recognized me?" Ash nodded. "Why did he tell?" He sighed.
" There is a bounty on your head from both sides, you are an important pawn in the game of life." He seemed so sure of this that I didn't question it and I didn't have the heart to keep up much of a conversation. I closed my eyes and tried to rid the bad images from it but it seemed somehow impossible. When I opened them I realized the ground underneath us had become covered with a sheet of ice. I looked at Ash but his expression was cold as ever. He pulled the horse to a stop and that's when I saw the woman's figure waiting for us.


Ash dismounted easily and sauntered up towards the woman.
" Ash?" She called her voice like a purr.
" Stefani, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He stopped in front of her his cape wiping gently and his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.
" I could ask you the same why are you and the Summer Whelp in the wastelands?"
" Merely passing through, I have a contract to furfill." I saw the woman examining his face.
" Does the queen know?" Her voice was more predator like an it made me shiver but I saw Ash stiffen.
" She will have what she wants, one way or another." The woman made a noise in the back of her throat.
" Should I take her off your hands?" Her gaze shifted to me for a moment.
" And offend your queen, I think not?" The womans face scowled but she held her toungue.
" Fine, but I believe that she's waiting the other ones not holding up well." With the last bitter remark she disappeared in a flash of crystals and the space where she was began to thaw. Ash took a few deep breaths and then walked back towards me. I was loosing my hold on reality and I felt myself slipping towards hysterics. I was slumped down onto the mane of the horse, and I assumed that he would say something but he merely got up behind me. We rode for what seemed lke forever as I fought the urge to scream and fight for my brother. I missed him unbelievably and I was so alone that I couldn't imagen how he must feel. I let the tears run down my face for a long time by now. When it grew dark we stopped and he got off and disappeared into the darkness without a word. I slumped down onto the horses back again and lay that way as it grazed. I let my tears roll off it's back and I could of cared less about anything right then. I eventually got the hiccups but the tears didn't stop and I refused to sleep. I still couldn't believe my luck. How could so much go wrong for one person, especially in such a time frame. I couldn't help him now and that was the worst feeling, I had always been his protector, I always watched out for him and I had done this to us. I was the one who thought we should escape, this was my fault and my guilty concence was almost more than I could bear. I eventually fell off and layed in the darkness. I crawled over to a tree trunk where I pulled my knees to my chest and cried into them for a long time. When I awoke the next morning my eyes were puffy and red but I couldn't stop crying. Ash had left a pair of pants for me but he was no where in sight. I slipped them on and cut the rest of my dress so that it was only waist length. The tears continued and I wandered through the woods, hungry and blind. I eventually fell and stayed there. He found me and watched me quietly with a bored expression. He left me with some strange berries that I choked down inbetween sob outbreaks. He was waiting for me by the horse and I got on without a word. Thankfully the tears were silent and our ride was too. I could tell that he was agrivated with me but I felt like I had nothing left, like I had ruined everything, because in all reality I had. I found myself clutching the horses mane so hard my knuckles were white and I had to focus to get myself to loosen up before I hurt myself. I concentrated on breathing and staying in the moment, eventually we stopped and I found that I could deal with the guilt easier. I forced the tears to stop and I dismounted before him. I walked into the woods and found a puddle where I washed my salty face and threw my mangy hair into a ponytail. I took a few deep breaths and went to find him. He was kneeling washing his shirt in the stream, I took a moment to stare at his perfect back before I remembered my sentence.
" I need your help." He held in his surprise. He rung out his shirt and continued to pay no mind to me.
" That's an understatement." He shook his head as if I was really unbelieveable but I continued before I lost my nerve.
" Teach me how to fight." His back stiffened and he turned around and walked towards me. I forced myself to keep my eyes off of his naked torso.
" You don't know what your asking." I took a deep breath, he was only a foot away from me watching me intently.
" I do." I nodded. "Teach me and I will owe you, anything you ask." His expression changed to disbelief.
" Do you know what your saying?" I pursed my lips and leveled my gaze.
" Yes, anything." He starred at me for a moment and then he shook his head.
" Fine." He turned away from me and walked to the horse. He open one of the bags attached to it's saddle and pulled out a dagger. He tossed it to me and I caught it gently. He went back to his damp shirt and held it out to me. I looked at him questioningly.
" Put it on, I don't want to cut you up too bad." He helped me slip it on and then he buttoned it quickly his hands slightly quivering.
" Alright, now you have to hold it like this." He demonstrated placing it in my hand correctly. "If not, you will never get anywhere." He went and stood in front of me drawing his sword. I had to admit it was intimidating but I knew that his was what I had to do, no backing out now.
" Alright come at me." I stabbed forward and he backed up criticizing it. I repeated this so many times I thought my arms would fall off, each time a small critic made. I saw that he was getting frustrated and I tried harder but I didn't seem to be getting anywhere.
" Your hopeless." He said readjusting my hand again. My body grew numb with the insult and after a few more I was doing it mechanically my body shut off. That's when I noticed that the dagger was glowing with light. He ignored it but I couldn't stop watching it. I knew that it must be because of some powers I was unaware of.
" Your not even trying." I felt on the verge of tears and I threw everything I had into the next one a grunt escaping my clenched teeth.
" Good." He said it quietly only slightly adjusting this time. After a few hours he had me stop to eat and drink, making sure I didn't get dehydrated or exhausted. My legs and arms were like jelly already as I collapsed under a tree. He disappeared and I ate what I had before I got back up. I didn't wait for him and I was anxious so I practiced against a tree. I pretended to stab at it but I could tell I wasen't doing it quite right. I got aggrivated and stuck the dagger into the bark. A root shot out of the soil and I jumped back. It lay idle and I looked around but Ash was no where in sight. I had to catch my breath as I went to examine it. It seemed normal and it felt as if it were a regular tree root.
" Ready?" He called from across the clearing. I straightened up and grabbed the dagger ignoring the root. He didn't say anything and I kept it to myself as we began to train again. I felt like I had gotten better but by the time darkness fell I couldn't form a thought. I collapsed under a tree without eating and I passed out quickly and completely exhausted.In the morning I woke to damp air, thankfull the branches prtoected me from the rain. I sat up and stretched underneath the make shift shelter. The rain thudded against the ground and I looked around. the horse was laying under the tree safe from the moisture but Ash was no where in sight. I sighed and ate the berries from last night. My body was slightly sore but not as bad as I expected. I glanced up and he was standing there. He was not far away under a tree. His dark hair had rain droplets in it and the gloom of the rain seemed to suit him. He watched me quietlty and I starred but not knowing what to say. His purple eyes were intense on me and he seemed to be thinking about something. I thought about waving but it seemed too formal. He leaned against the tree and broke eye contact looking at something behind me. I lowered my gaze to the ground and watched the rain thud in the small mud puddle. Something touched my head and I reasched up to feel a drop of rain in my hair. It had slipped through the canopy. I wiped the moisture away and then leaned back closing my eyes. I had no idea what we did now or how long we would have to wait. After a while I got bored and opened my eyes. He was gone again and I stodd and paced. Another rain drop hit my head and I reached out beyond the branches to let the rain thud into my palm. It was warm and it felt good on my skin. Without thinking I stepped out and stood in the rain. I fell down into my hair and along my back. It felt nice on my skin and I found myself smiling. I sighed and closed my eyes as it trailed down the lids. Thunder cracked loudly and my eyes shot open. A streak of lightning jutted down and struck a tree not far from me. I darted back under my canopy to find Ash watching me, a bewildered expression on his face. I looked back soaked now, I probably looked horrid. He tilted his hand upwards and I watched as the rain turned to snow for a moment. He met my eyes and when I looked again rain was falling. I summoned up some courage and walked across the space. He watched me carefully until we were under th same tree.
" How old are you?"
" Centuries, it's hard to tell time here." He shrugged and the number surprised me. His cold eyes watched my face examining it.
" Can I do that?"
" Can you?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me knowingly. I shook my head no and he looked away.
" Why are you helping me?" His head turned back towards me and he took in my expression carefully.
" Your not like anyone else, you worry more about caring for others. It's admirable." He said it matter of factly and I didn't have a responce. It felt nice to have something good said about me but I only remembered my brother, his face in the dirt. My eyes swam with tears and I walked back out into the rain away from him. My pain was a weakness that I was bound to keep to my self. He may assume but he will never have evidence. I stormed into the woods. The rain became almost unnoticable underneath the thick canopy of trees. It sheilded me and I stormed through stunbling on roots. I fell and stayed down covering my face with my knees. I was still so ashamed with myself that I didn't know how to cope with the waves of guilt that crashed into me. I tried to swallow it down but Oliver's face kept coming into my head, and then Puck's words, "Have you lost your mind?" I began to werious judge my mental state, had I gone off the deep end? Was the stress too much and Iw as too far gone to tell? I couldn't judge. I forced my self to stop crying and then I walked back to Ash. It had stopped raining and he was sharpening his sword with a rock. He didn't look up when I came back and I grabbed my dagger.
" I'm ready." He looked up curiously and then saw what I was doing. Without question he rose and faced me starting the lesson where we left off last night. It was easier now that I knew some of the basics, I didn't shy away from his blade any more I simply stepped out of the way. I was once again sore and shaking but I felt accomplished when we stopped to rest. I laid under the tree and curled up. I closed my eyes quickly without bothering to eat again.

Finding Shujii

The nightmare was unexpected. I was walking through a field when my feet suddenly got cold. The ground beneath me had frozen and when I looked up I could make out a shadow in the snow. I ran forward and comfronted Mab her eyes dark as night. A corpse laid on the ground at her feet and I recognized my brothers face the way I had last seen it. Anguish filled me and my mind made me run towards them. Mab swooped in and grabbed from behiind. A seering pain shot through my chest and I looked down to find an ice spear sticking through me. I clutched myself and then thought that I would wake up. Instead I was pulled into a darkness. There was nothing but air around me and I was falling through nothing. A voice was in my ear but there was no shape in the darkness.
" It is time." The words were spoken clearly and as soon as I acknowledged them my body was shocked awake. I sat straight up and looked around. The sun was just coming over the horizon and everything was quiet. I found Ash at a stream merely sitting st the edge and looking calmly into the waters.
" I have to go." I said he stood and walked past me to where the horse was waiting ready.
" I know, but I must warn you," He swung up ono the horse effortlessly. "It will not be an easy trip." I nodded and he held out his hand. We locked forearms and he pulled me up behind him. I wrapped my arms loosly around his waist as he dug his heels into the sides of the horse. We took off without a second thought and plunged into the woods. I closed my eyes and held on tight burying my head in his back. He didn't say anything just merely held the horses reins althought it didn't seem to need direction.
" How did you know?" I said in his ear. I merely whispered but I knew he heard me.
" You were talking in your sleep." He said it quietly and I wondered why I wasen't embaressed by this. I hadn't had a history of it, but then again I had never slept with someone else in the same area. We rode in silence for a while.
" What was your life like in the human world." It was such a random question but I wondered if his mind was simply rambling,
" We lived with an elderly human couple, but the night we left they changed into monsters." He nodded matter of factly and I felt like he was storing information.
" Did you leave anyone behind?" I understood the meaning of the question a moment later and heat rose to my cheeks.
" No, we were not accepted."
" Why not?" He asked turning his head to look at me from the corner of one purple eye.
" We have never been normal, orphans aren't exactly treasured. Oliver made more of an effort to fit in than I did though." I remembered him hanging with the punk kids outside of school. He would skip class and I'd listen to the calls from the principal on the answering machine. I even caught him smoking a cigarette once.
" Do you miss it?" He interupted my train of thought and it took me longer than usual to answer.
" No." I shook my head slightly. Trying to remember the details of our old life. How boring it seemed compared to now.
" Your a horrible liar." I examined the side of his face.
" Your not." He tilted his head slightly, not denying or accepting.
" It's the only reason I've survived so long, the only reason any of have survived at all." He let his voice trail off. The only sound was the horses hooves on the ground as we continued to gallop along, it never slowed down or changed pace. Suddenly a horrendous smell overtook us and I gaged before covering my noise with my hands. The horse stopped and stomped the ground impatiently. Ash got off and pulled me down.
" This is as far as he can take us." He patted the horses next and then took thing from the bags on the saddle. He handed me the dagger and then started walking away. I followed without question but the smell only seemed to intensify.
" What's that smell?" I finally asked. He stopped at the edge of a cliff and I walked up to stand beside him. It was infact not a cliff but the edge of a giant nest. In the center were rotten shelf emptied of their infants. Underneath was a layer of bones that were the prey.
" Dragons." Ash whispered. He walked away quickly and I nearly ran to keep up. Soon the scenery changed and the ground became soggy and sticky. I had to put effort behind pulling my feet from the soil. We had entered a marsh and Ash did his best to lead me around the largest bodies of murky water. I heard the sword of metal and then he had stopped and his sword was drawn. I held my dagger with a tight fist but I didn't see anything. I was about to ask when a hiss rang out and a giant spider dropped from above us. It had a million eyes dotting it's face and they were all pointed at us. It hissed again and opened it mouth. Teeth covered in slime stuck out jagged and then a ball of slime shot from it's mouth. Ash sidestepped it and I barely dodged it. It slammed into a tree behind me and began smoking. Ash jumped at the creature and it reared back swinging it's front four legs. He slashed at it with his sword and two legs on one side flew off into the brush. It screamed and he backed up to circle it again. It was limping now but I could see from it's eyes that it was furious. He dove at it again merely missing another ball of green poison. He slashed it's back and green puss oozed out. It spun towards him and dove but he was ready impaling it with his sword. It let out one last cry before falling limp. He clean his sword on a nearby trees bark which then burst into flames. He didn't bother waiting for me he just started walking again. I was in shock but I managed to make my legs move after him. Once we left the marsh and the ground became firm again I noticed another change in the scenery. The sky was now a strange shade of red, maroon like. A roar rang out and the ground shook beneath us. In a split second Ash was pressing me up against a tree his hand over my mouth. I held my breath and we both watched the skies. A dark shadow soon appeared nearly blocking out the sun and then slowly disappeared. When he removed his hand I gasped for air.
" What's going on?" I asked in between labored breaths.
" Were nearly there." He seemed anxious and he began walking quickly until I had to jog to keep up. We were full blown sprinting when we came into the clearing. I stopped dead and immediatly fought to keep my lunch down. I looked at Ash but his face was lit up and he seemed as if he had just won a gift.
" Amazing." I couldn't believe him right now. I let my eyes stare at the ground to try and ignore the carnage in front of me. In the clearing lay thousands of skulls, piled up.
" What the hell is this place?" I managed to choke out. I was not one to swear but I didn't think I had much control right now.
" This is the entrance, we found it." He started walking towards the mound. I followed sure to keep my eyes off of the skulls.
" Where did they all come from?" He didn't even stop walking just answer like a machine.
" I believe in your world it was called the holocaust." He stopped at the foot of it and gazed up adoringly. He was making me want to vomit my breakfast all over. I could feel the vile in my throat as he began to climb them.
" If the legends are true then..." He reached down and picked one up by it's empty eye sockets. Something shiny came from inside the skull. "The skull with the golden tooth." He murmured. He was beginning to worry me as he reached down into the pile. He pulled with both hands and a section of the mound came free swinging on hinges buried beneath. A door appeared sending a group of skulls flying. Ash jumped down into the mound.
" Wait!" A roar came from somewhere behind me and without thinking I scaled the mound and closed the door as I jumped down. I landed with a thump onto the dirt. I was underground and up ahead I could see Ash standing with a torch of some kind.
" Hurry." He said as he turned and jogged away. I raced and caught up with him as we ran through the tunnels.
" Are we...underground?"
" It's the only way to get there." He said like it was the dumbest question ever. We kept walking the smell of dirt fillinf my nose. Finally I saw a small fragment of light and we came to door. Ash knocked on it and we waited a few moments. I heard footsteps and then it opened. A little woman was sitting there. Her eyes were hard and they were focuses right on me.
" Come in quickly." She ushered Ash and I inside. We sat down on a wooden bench in the small room. She came and stood in front of us looking at us. She laughed randonmly.
" It's so nice to finally see you child." She said to me. I was sure that this was Shujii but what happened to the mean old woman. "Now," she grabbed a stood and slowly sat down in front of it. "What's the question?" I glanced at Ash and then back to her.
" I want to know my Destiny." The woman looked at me sternly and then a bitter laugh came from her.
" I can't tell you that, not all of it anyway." I looked at Ash but he seemed confused as well. She sighed impatiently. "I can only tell you things when there are about to happen, if I tell you the whole thing it will change your choices." I was a bit confused and I felt alittle angry that I had traveled all this way to hear part of what was rightfully mine.
" Wait a minute I think that I deserve to know all of it." I said to her. I saw a fire light in her eyes and the witch that was told stories of made an appearance.
" You should listen before you get your toungue cut out for being disrespectful." She snapped it out loudly. Then she took a deep breath. "The first part...The eldest will not be that way forever." Her eyes glazed over for a moment and then her head snapped back. " That's that I can say." She stood up and seemed suddenly frantic. "Leave, you must leave!" She pulled the door open and looked around crazily. Without another word we were thrown out of the room and the door was deadbolted behind us. We looked at eachother and then we sprinted back down the tunnel. Ash pushed the door open and reached down to help me up. I had just closed the door when a giant figure appeared overhead. The shadown covered the entire clearing and Ash and I darted for the trees. We just made it under cover when the gigantic drgon landed on the mound. It was screeching and then it spoke our launguage.
" My babies!" I realized that Shujii must have taken them. We held out breath and soundlessly backed farther into the trees. The dragon blazed the pile with her fire but it did little but slightly char the mound. We turned and ran hearing no pursuit. The horse was waiting for us and I swung up behind Ash easily. We took off away from the marsh and when we were safe the horse slowed slightly and we stopped for the night.
" What does it mean?" I asked as I got down. I could tell that I looked alittle crazy but the message scared me, it had to do with Oliver and I.
" I don't know, but it didn't sound good." He shook his head and splashed water on his face. I sank down againt a tree trunk but my head was running wild with the diffrent meanings and possibilities.
" Am I going to die?" He came over and knelt before me. He gripped my upper arms aggresively and made me look at him.
" Don't we can't accept that, nothing can happen to you." He looked at me sternly under I nodded, swallowing dryly. He went back to the stream and removed his shirt.
" What now?" I asked quietly. I felt as if all of the life had gone out of me. She was supposed to solve everything, explain it all. It had only caused chaos.
" I have to take you back to the Winter Court." I had already known the answer but it still stung alittle. I couldn't break my promise and he had already held up his end. I watched him put back on his damp shirt and he walked past me as he buttoned it up.
" Get some rest, we leave at first light." He was all buisness and his expression was hard, almost like there was something he was hiding. I watched as he dissapeared into the woods again. I curled up againt the tree root and laid my head down. It was throbbing with information. Oliver's face filled my head and I felt alittle happier. I would be seeing my brother tomorrow, no matter what happened to me he had to be ok. I couldn't live myself if anything had happened to him. I kept telling myself that everything was ok, that we would be fine. It kept the break down inside and I eventually found sleep on the damp ground.


I was shaken awake. Ash was kneeling there but as soon as I opened my eyes he was gone again. The horse was grazing sattled and ready, my dagger had disappeared. I felt that our friendship was over. I went to the stream and washed my face. I combed through my hair and then when I was done he was mounted on the horse. He didn't offer me his hand and I climbed up behind him wordlessly. When I put my arms lightly around his ribs he stiffened and I tried to touch him as little as possible. The ride was quite and I thought that the horse ran faster than usual, eager to get home. Soon it became cold and when snow coated the ground I knew where we were. I shivered but Ash seemed fine his skin not even goosebumped. He didn't say anything and when a long time later civilization came into view I knew that this was it my last private moment with him.
" Thank you." He seemed shocked but his face was still stone, too formal.
" Just holding up my end, now it's your turn." His voice was cold, unemotional. We passed through some small towns and then I saw the castle on the horizon. It was ice completely. The city around it was bustling with dark haired fey, goblins and I could make out to giant orcs guarding the gates. We rode in silently everyone shooting daggers my way some pointing and laughing. I swallowed loudly and then we entered the courtyard. Ash jumped off the horse and waited for me not even looking my way. The horses hospitality also seemed to be gone as he pranced impatiently. I slid off and Ash held my arms behind my back in an icy embrace. He shoved me forward and we walked until we were at large doors. They opened with a groan and then were in the main part of the castle. All talking ceased and then the queen appeared from one of the tunnels followed by many glamorous fey.
" I heard rumor you were here," She looked me over quickly. "And with my package, what a good boy." She snapped a finger and two Winter guard appeared. They shackled my hands and Ash looked on uninterested. "What was the delay?" She asked impatiently.
" We found Shujii." His mother raised and eyebrow.
" What did she say?"
" The eldest will not be that way forever..." He said it slowly and a few off the fey around the queen jotted it down in notebooks. She let out a high pitched laugh and made us all jump.
" Maybe the old bats onto something." With that she waved her hand and I was dragged away into a dark part of the castle. We went down stairs and I found myself in the dungeon. All around the cells were full of goblins and deformed Fey, Mab's targets. They threw me in one without a word and then disappeared. The only sound were the moans of the others. My brain took a while and then it all clicked together. Ash had used me, he had played me and he had hidden the person he really was. He was just like the rest of them cold and heartless. A few angry tears streaked down my face and I wiped them away with a swipe of my palm. I had been betrayed and it stung like hell.
" Oliver?!" I called. "Oliver!" No answer.
" Miss?" A stranger called from another cell.
" Do you know my brother?"
" I'm afraid so." A cough and some sputtering followed.
" Where is he?" I clutched the bars tightly.
" He's with Rowan, something terrible has happened. They have corrupted his brain." I let this sink in.
" Who are you?"
" My name is Hija, I was one of the queens advisors until recently."
" What happened?" He seemed to gather himself.
" I made a mistake and spoke out of term." It seemed alittle harsh but I wasen't sure how things worked here.
" I need to find him."
" I wouldn't bother, get out. It's far too late for him." I didn't answer. I huddled in a corner. Someone started wimpering and another was whispering to himself. I kept trying to think but everything seemed to cross out. I had counted so much on Shujii and she had let me down. I buried my head and closed my eyes. splashes of light played behind my lids but that did little to affect the pounding that had taken up in my ears. I hummed to myself to drown out the others noises but my brain was so restless with new information. I must have and that all night because eventually I heard the sound of bootsteps. They opened my cell and gripped my arms. They tied them behind my back and shoved me back the way I had been brought in. We went through a maze of hallways and then I was standing in front of Mab. She was seated on a throne and I saw Ash leaning uninterested by her side. She waved off the guards and they waited outside the doors.
" Destiny is it?" I didn't answer her and I saw her eyes tighten. "Your father has made an interesting proposal, unfortunately I cannot take advantage of his weakness." She inspected her long fingernails with critical eyes.
" You see you are here under terms that I cannot change," She waved her hand and a side door opened. "And your brother has chosen to remain here." I starred as a man walked in, He had short blonde hair spiked atop his head. He wore dark armor and a long sword gleamed at his side but it's aura was off it glowed brightly. He bowed to the queen and then turned formaly towards me. Oliver face had changed so much the eyes only seemed the same. But there was something off there too, they were dead, no life resignated. He met my gaze uninterested and then stared at the floor without a thought. A noise came from my throat like a choked animal but I clamped my teeth shut with effort.
" So you are here until you can find someway to earn your freedom." She shrugged and continued talking as if my heart hadn't just been torn apart. She glanced at Ash but his back was turned to us. Hija was right, my brother had been changed deluted.
" What did you do to him?" I said it through clenched teeth. I had spoken out of term but what more did I have to loose. She surprisingly didn't seem put out more like she wanted to explain it.
" Well it's honestly quite and ingenius idea." She ran her fingers in a circular motion of her ice throne. I watched as Ash left the room soundlessly. "We placed a chip in the back of his head that thinks for him, it's not as advancxed as we'd hoped but he follows basic commands." She seemed to have lost her enthusiasm with the thought and she snapped her fingers. The guards returned and dragged me out and I only tore my eyes from Olvier as I rounded a corner. As soon as I knew where I was in the hallways I let my legs go limp. It took the guards a moment to readjust but that's all the time I needed. I swept the feet out from under one guard and turned so that the strike from the other broke the chains. I shoved his sword back at him cutting my hands. It hit his face and he fell unconcious to the floor. The other grabbed my ankle and tried to pull me down but I merely kicked him in the gut and then used my fist to hit him in the temple. I sat and listened for a moment but it had gone unnoticed. I grabbed the keys and a sword as I took off through the halls. I rounded the corner and stopped short. A tall figure was coming towards me and then I saw his face.
" Oliver." His expression was dead as he charged me. I expected him to stop but he pushed me against the wall pulling back to strike. I closed my eyes and turned my head away knowing that this was the end. My eyes shot open at the sound of metal hitting the wall. His sword had hit an inch from my face. A confused look took over his face. Immediatly I drove my knee between his legs doubling him over. I took off the opposite way and heard him pursue. I ducked into a small shelf as he ran by unnoticed. I slipped and and went the other way knowing I could make before he realized what had happened. The large doors were open and no one was in sight. I ran around the back to where the stables were. I stopped short and the air flew from my lungs. I could see Ash's horse standing there, the only thing in the way was Ash. I walked towrds him making eye contact and I stopped a foot from him. His expression was hard as stone and he was emotionless. His hand rested on his drawn sword.
" Thank you." I whispered. A tear rolled down my cheek. His eyes watched it and then they focused back on me.
" I'm sorry but I can't let you leave."
" You don't have to." I said shaking my head slightly. "Take care of my brother." I said as he reached for me. I threw my own sword and knocked his from his hand. A surprised expression crossed his face as I jumped and grabbed the horses mane kicking it in the same motion. We were off in a puff of snow heading away from the castle. I glanced back to see his shocked figure watching us go. More tears ran down my face but I merely shoved my head in the horses mane and nearly laid down on his back. I looked up when it got warmer and the horse stopped at the border. I got off and patted it's face.
" Go." It turned with a last grunt and took off towards home. I heard wings and I turned around.
" Destiny!" Puck called running towards me. I smiled as much as I could manage. "Are you hurt?" He asked looking me over.
" No." I said shaking my head. He picked me up in a hug and spun me around.
" Your father will be so pleased." He said smiling. I shook my head and his face fell.
" I'm not going back."
" What?"
" I'm not a pawn in this childish game. I can't go back, but I need your help." He looked at me like I had three heads. "They have Oliver, and they've hurt him bad." His expression changed.
" You found Shujii." It wasen't a question but I nodded anyway. "What can I do?" He asked alittle nervously.
" Take me back to the human world."
" You want to go back?" I nodded quietly.
" I need to make a plan, some room to clear my head." He examined my face for a moment.
" Alright, I'll do it." I smiled, and I saw him shift down into a horse. I jumped on without pause and we took off along the border of courts headed towards Earth.


The first thing I felt was the wind. I opened my eyes and looked out across the horizon. Sky scrapers were everywhere. It was strange though because from where I was standing I could see the tops of them all.
" Puck?" I yelled. I felt something grip my wrist and then he was there. He pulled me away from the edge and towards a building.
" Where are we?"
" Empire state building." He said it as he opened a door and pulled me inside. The wind immediatly stopped and then I could hear him clearly.
" You brought me to New York?!" I had never been, but the big apple was something I had always wanted to see.
" I have a house here, where you'll be safe." The elevator door dinged open and we stepped in. It immediatly shot downwards and I felt my ears pop. When the doors opened we stood still for a while but the only person was the sleeping guard at the desk. We snuck out and then we were on the streets. They were surprisingly lively for night time. Although nothing was dark, lights were everywhere. Puck pulled me through some suspicious looking alley's and then we stopped in front of a giant building.
" Trump International Hotel?" I couldn't believe the size of the building.
" Inconspicous isn't it?" He grinned and let go of my hand walking forward. The door was open for us and then we entered the lobby. A giant chandalier hung over the stone floors and a counter stretched out on our left. People in expensive clothes bustled by and Puck led me to the elevator. The man inside pushed a button and music played in the background. When we reached our room Puck pulled a key from nowhere and slid it through. The door opened with a click and my breath was taken away.
" Are you kidding me?" Through the huge windows I could see central park, plush creamy furniture flowed across the room. The master bedroom was huge and completely perfect as was the other room. I nearly drooled when I saw the bath tub.
" Puck are you sure it's safe here?"
" Of course, don't you trust me princess?" He eyes shined with mischief but I didn't have a choice. He grabbed some grapes and dissapeared into the spare room. I closed off all of the curtains and then turned the television down to a low hum. I flopped onto one of the extremely fluffy couches and closed my eyes.
" What am I going to do?" I mumbled to myself.
" Firstly, your going to write all of your plans down." Puck was leaning against the open door with his arms crossed. I nodded and grabbed the pad of paper and a pen. My mind was a jumble of words and I sighed.
" Bring it to bed with you." He turned and closed the doors of his room leaving me alone. I walked into the master room and closed the doors quietly. I set the things on the stand and crawled under the plush comforter. My muscles immediatly relaxed and I could see through some of the fog in my brain. I grabbed the pad and wrote down a few words.
I sighed and then set them back not being able to proccess much more. I closed my eyes and let my stressed mind rest.
In the morning my door was open and the paper was gone. I found a beautiful silk robe in my closet and I walked into the main room. A tray with food awaited me and I picked through it. I spotted the pad of paper and went to grab it. On the bottom in elegant writing were the words,
Gone for a while, be back soon.
Don't leave the room.
I sighed and set it back down. I grabbed an apple and went to watch television. The news was the same as always, killings, burgularies and bad economy. I clicked around until I was watching some sort of golf. It seemed pointless but it gave my brain some time to continue thinking. But of course it was cut short when the door opened. Puck saw me and signalled for someone behind me. I stood and walked over to them. A small bald man walked in an bowed.
" Your highness." I looked at Puck for explination.
" Destiny this is Fredrick, here's here to help." I took in the same man. He looked normal dressed in his expensive suit. He nodded to Puck and then disspeared into the master bedroom.
" Why is he here?" I asked Puck.
" He works with magic, he can make us look unlike ourselves."
" Ourselves?"
" You didn't think I was going to let you go alone, did you?" He raised an eyebrow in an amused expression. I felt anger inside of me.
" You can't go with me." He just shrugged.
" Of course I can." Before I could say anything else he walke dinto the master bedroom. The man had set up a lab like area inside the room and he was know wearing gloves. Puck turned to me.
" We need a piece of your hair." I pulled a strand out and the man grabbed it with tweezers. He dropped it into a bubbling green solution that nearly foamed over. He did the same for Puck and then he poured it into a small cup.
" Take zee small amount, It vill only last vinutes." His accent impaired him. I took the small amount and felt a warm sensation across my face. I ran to the bathroom and was shocked by my reflection. It did not look like me at all. The woman had a short black bob with bright blue eyes. Her red lips were a perfect shape and she had light freckles across her cheeks. My skin was the strangest thing, it nearly glowed with lightness. I turned and starred at the man in the doorway. He had long brown hair that was down his back. His dark brown eyes observed me curiously.
" He's good." I took a deep breath at the sound of his accent.
" What is that?" I heard it in my own voice as well.
" The people from the institute of magic here in the human world sound this way." I starred in the mirror again but my face had returned.
" How do we make it last longer?"
" Larger doses." Puck muttered. The little man was hard at work outside of the room.
" How long?" Puck asked leaning over his shoulder.
" Vone hour." He said quietly, Puck nodded and pulled me into the main room.
" Names?" I asked him. He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was a nametag with the face of the woman that had been in the mirror.
" How did you do that?"
" The man's a professional. These are valid." I looked down at it again.
" Veronica?" I said lightly.
" Marcel." He slung his around his neck.
" When do we leave?"
" As soon as he's done. Eat." He nodded towards the new tray of lunch foods. I ate a sandwhich and then the little man came out carrying two large beakers.
" It is veady." He handed one to Puck and the other to me. "Vake them vight vefore you enter ze portal." He said it and then he dissapeared. Puck opened the door and signalled for me to follow. We went back through the streets quietly and then we were on the top of the empire state building once again.
" Ready?" I asked. He nodded and then we both drank the large amount of fluid. It was tasteless but I could feel the diffrence before I had finished it. We left the containers in the trash can and then we turnd to eachother. It was so strange and then I realized that I was in a buisness suit with heels. Puck was also dressed in a black suit his nametag around his neck.
" Ready Veronica?"
" After you Marcel." This body was so diffrent and I folowed him into the nearly invisible portal.


A carriage awaited us along with guards from the winter court. I looked at Puck quietly but we wordlessly got into it. We flew through the country side but did not say a word. Puck handed me a word pad with a pen. I felt my heart beating in my ears as we pulled to a stop in the courtyard. Puck stepped out and then held his hand out for me. People were gathered around watching us enter. I saw Rowan in the crowd but I only followed Marcel quietly. The doors opened and then the queen was standing there. My heart stopped when I realized that Ash was standing next to her.
" Ahh, my Earthly friends." She held her hands out welcomingly. We bowed in together. "Your specimen has been sedated in the library." Then she seemed to stop for a moment. "The other has escaped." She glanced at Ash iritated.
" Escaped?" Marcel asked quietly as he wrote on his clipboard.
" Only a minor set back." She said glancing at her nails.
" Thank you your highness, without delay we will begin." He nodded and I glanced up to meet Ash's inspecting eyes as I followed Puck. He knew where he was going and we found Oliver layed out on a couch. There was a guard in the room so I forced myself to hold in all emotions. We walked up and Marcel started writing right away. I wrote things down on my board as well and then we compared our senseless information. Then Marcel walked up to the guard and asked him for something that was strange and I was unsure of. The guard looked confused but he nodded and left quickly. Puck nearly ran back over to me.
" I'm getting him out." He grabbed Oliver and flung him over his shoulder. Then before I knew it he jumped out the nearest window. I ran and watched them land.
" Come on!" he yelled up.
" Get him out, I'll buy you some time."
" No!" He yelled back but I turned away. I ran back and closed the door behind me. I met guards half way down the hall and they stopped short when they saw me.
" Lab?" I asked them in my thick accent. They looked at eachother confused and then my heart dropped. Ash came from around a corner.
" I will take her, go supervise." They bowed to him and then they were off. I walked past Ash going quickly.
" This way." He stepped in front of me and led me down a hallway. He held the door open behind me and then closed it behind us. I walked over to the lab and looked at all of the complicated things. I was glad to see a giant window behind me. I could feel Ash's eyes watching my every movement.
" What do you think of the technology?" He asked me. I looked up and met his eyes for only a moment, before I buried my face in the clipboard again.
" It is almost repulsive but very accurate." His eyes tightened.
" I do agree, but I am surprised. Others from your line of work would find it merely amazing. I wonder, why not you?"
" I find myself more reserved than my companions." I shrugged and tipped a beaker into another, thankfully nothing happened but some bubbling. All of a sudden footsteps ran by. Ash glanced back for a moment and I took my chance to smash out of the window. I landed in the snow two stories down and looked up to see Ash's face. He looked utterly confused. He tensed to jump down behind me and I took off. I ditched my heels and ran along as fast as I could. I could hear him behind me and then my foot caught on something. I stumbled and he took me down. He had his knee in my stomache with his sword at my throat. I swallowed as I looked into his bright eyes. Suddenly something slammed into him and he rolled off. I jumped up and Puck grabbed my hand pulling me along. We ran into the heavy brush and then once we had lost sight of Ash, Puck dissapeared to get Oliver. I realized his features were coming back to his face. I hid in a bush and then suddenly I was pinned against a tree starring into familiar purple eyes. I felt the mist leave my face and he seemed taken back at what he was seeing.
" Destiny?" I swallowed and a tear slipped down my cheek. His hand reached up and wiped it away.
" I'm so sorry Ash." The accent had wore off and I heard myself again. His eyes watered slightly at my voice. I knew that we didn't have long and I had to take advantage of this. I felt Puck coming and I reached up to touch Ash's face. My hand rested against his cold, beautiful cheek. He cringed but didn't move away. He opened his mouth to speak but I shoved. He went spralling into the snow as Puck jumped out of the brush in his horse form, Oliver's unconcious body hanging over his back. I grabbed a chunk of mane and flung myself up behind him.
" No!" Ash cried out as he jumped up. I felt his hand grab my leg and it nearly tore me from Puck's back. I held on and met his gae as he was dragged along. His eyes were furious but I saw pain underneath.
" Please." I whispered. His whole body shuddered and then his eyes fluttered closed as he let go. I kept eye contact until the trees cut us off. I hunched over Oliver's body and cried. Puck didn't slow or stop and then I heard something behind us. I looked up as a large black horse came up behind us.
" Shit." I muttered it under my breath. Rowan's face poked out behind the horse and he was wearing the same smug grin. A bow was pulled taught in his hands and aimed directly at me.
" Sorry Princess." I lost my breath as I watched in slow motion. The arrow flew from his bow string and I pulled my body backwards instantly, instinctively. My eyes followed it and I seemed in shock as it pierced through Oliver's back. He went rigid and his eyes shot open looking at me. Rowan instantly dissapeared and I pulled Oliver into my arms.
" Oliver! Stay with me." His eyes were bloodshot and I saw the blood flowing out onto my clothes.
" Destiny."
" I'm here." I brushed some hair from his face and pulled him tight as I held onto Puck's back.
" It's cold."
" I know, just hang in there." His eyes were misty and they seemed lost. He smiled suddenly and then it was warm. I realized we had crossed the border when Puck stopped short. I fell to the ground with Oliver in my lap. I heard hoof prints and then we were surrounded by Summer guards and then Oberon was there standing over us. He looked down angerly and then knelt. He touched Olvier's blue face. Then Oliver smiled.
" Destiny?"
" Hmmm?" I pulled my eyes away from Oberon's face.
" I'm with mom." A shock filled me and then the light left his beautiful brown eyes. I felt my blood run cold as he stopped breathing. I met Oberon's eyes, he touched Oliver lightly on the forehead, saying a prayer and then he stood straight. I clutched Oliver's body and then I realized what was happening. In a matter of seconds his body burst into leaves. I felt my mind in shock, completely. The only thing left was his sword. Hands gripped my arms and I was pulled to stand, although I couldn't feel my legs. Oberon was facing away from me towards the castle.
" Destiny Lee Brooklyn, daughter of Oberon, princess of are hereby banned from the Summer Court for eternity, and are charged with the dealth of Oliver Carter Brooklyn, prince of Summer, and heir to my throne." I was speechless and I met Puck's startled eyes.
" Wait!" I heard him yell as he was pulled into a wagon. The wagon immediatly took off with horseback guards riding behind it. I could hear puck's yells but I couldn't move. My legs gave out and I starred up at Oberon's back. All the guards had left us and he turned towards me.
" You left me no choice Destiny." He glared down at me with his gray eyes. "You have shamed me." With that he was gone, just completely gone. I was now starring into an open field. My body seemed broken, completely shattered. I clutched Oliver's sword in my hands and then I felt my body being moved. Soon it was cold and I was back on the ground. sitting in the snow I let the tears stream down as my body began to shake. Cold hands gripped me and I was lifted until I was set upon a horse. I felt a figure behind me but I couldn't make myself look. I knew that it was Rowan from the feeling of dread that over came me. Then suddenly it came into my head.
" The eldest will not be that way forever." I muttered it.
" Not at all." Rowan said behind me. He was smug and I felt the vile rising in my throat. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth against the pain inside of me. I held the sword against me, the only thing keeping me in reality. I was thrown down from the horse and I landed on my knees. They started to bleed but thankfully I couldn't feel them. I saw Rowan drag me as I clutched to the sword. We were in the main area and then into the throne room. The queen looked surprised for a moment and then she saw the sword.
" So it is true?" Rowan nodded above me. No one else was in the room but guards and they all seemed to be looking away from me.
" What had Oberon said?" She was leaning forward excited.
" He has banished her, and charged her with his murder." She placed a fingernail at the edge of her lip.
" What of Goodfellow?"
" They took his back with them."
" Hmm." That's when I felt it. It was quite sudden but I couldn't hold it in. The vomit rose nd shot from my mouth onto Rowan's shoes.
" Disgusting thing." I looked up and then a smack was across my cheek. My head spun and it came to rest on the cold floor.
" Put it in the dungeon." She waved her hand covering her nose from the smell. Unwillingly guards grabbed my arms and held me inbetween them. They dragged me back into the basement and threw me in the same cell. Thankfully they didn't take the sword they merely looked at me. Then one whispered to the other.
" What's there to lose." He shrugged and one guard came towards me the other watching. He pulled my jacket off and them he was pulling the zipper from my skirt when the guard screamed in pain. The one at the door fell into a pool of blood, and I watched as a sword stabbed through the others chest, an inch from my face. He fell in front of me and then Ash's face was there. He was crouched in front of me looking.
" Destiny, can you hear me?" He was snapping his fingers in my ears. He dragged the guards body outside the cell and then came back with a blanket. He laid it across me but I threw it off. He looked down at me surprised.
" I am not your charity case." I sobbed it through my chattering teeth.
" Let me help you."
" He killed my brother. Oliver's dead. You let Oliver die." My body was shaking hard. I couldn't see straight and I dragged my body into the corner where I curled around his sword.
" Please Destiny."
" Leave!" I screamed at him. He didn't flinch but I saw a mask cover his face. He backed away and then slammed the door closed. I heard him storm off and then it was quiet other than my sobs. The rest of the cells were empty and I wondered what had happened to my old friend. The cold seemed to set in my bones and then I lost all of the feelings. The tearing in my chest and the burning in my throat all went away. I closed my eyes and let the pain fade away with reality.

First Love

After that it all blurred. Food was brought in but I didn't touch it, eventually it piled up. Ash never returned but Rowan looked in on me once. When he saw my condition he smiled. My body stunk and the blood from my knees had long since dried. The sword never left my hands and I hardly moved. I could feel that the skin on my cheekbones had sunken in and my body was merely bones. Patches of my hair had been falling out more and more often. The sun had started to burn my eyes the few times I opened them. One day the door opened and I felt my eyes open. Guards entered and forced me to stand. We walked slowly and then we were before the large doors of the throne room. I swallowed and then the doors opened. Everyone looked my way and a gasp went through the room. The female fey covered there faces in horror, but the men did well to hide their disgust. They bustled out of the room quickly and then I was set on the floor. The guards closed the doors behind them and then after a few moments the queen entered. A group of fey dressed in suits were behind her. She could not hide all of her shock when she saw me and one of the suited men whispered in her ear. She sat on the throne an they surrounded me poking and prodding at me. They touched my head but I didn't feel any of it. I had to force my eyes to stay open. Then out of nowhere a voice came into the room.
" Mother the-." It cut of short as Ash stopped a few steps into the room. "I'll come back." Then he realized who I was and he stopped again.
" No stay, we are almost done here." His face was agony but he forced himself to stay composed. He went and stood by her throne. When they were done they left the room after one whispered in her ear again.
" You are not healthy enough for the implant Destiny, not quite as healthy as your brother was." She sighed in what appeared to be irritation. "Either you start eating again or die. The choice is yours." It took me several times to clear my throat and I watched the back of Ash's head as he was refusing to look at me.
" I would rather die." I coughed it out and Ash's eyes snapped to my face. They were intense and wide with fear, almost panic.
" Hmm. I can see why, such a waste." She thought for a moment.
" But not yet, you will serve one last purpose before you are gone." She waved her hand and the guards took me away and I met Ash's eyes one last time before the doors closed. They brought me back to the dungeon, and the next morning they were there again. They brought me to a wash room where a fey washed my boney body. I couldn't look at myself without being sick and I never let go of the sword. They brushed my hair out but that only made the rest fall out. I glanced in the mirror and was shocked. My grey eyes were still the same but the skin around them was wrinkled and sagged. I had purple bags under my eyes and my head as completely bald now. They put me in a dress that would have fit a 5 year old, but with my new body it fit loosely. They scrubbed the dried blood from my knees until they were nearly raw. Then they placed me in a wheelchair in a dark room, the sword across my lap. I heard the music for the ball and after what seemed like forever a guard was there. The ball was almost over and no one was dancing. Oberon was not looking my way until they dumped my body in the middle of the empty dance floor. I didn't have the energy to stand so I merely hung onto my sword.
" Your daughter Oberon." I heard Mab say behind me. I raised my head for a moment to take in their expressions. Oberon's was hard, but Tatiana's seemed almost in shock, she hid it well. The last set of eyes that I found were Puck's. He was standing in his usual spot but he seemed lost, like an empty shell. He met my eyes and I saw him girp a table to stay standing. His knees wobbled uncontrollably and I let my head drop back to the ground.
" That is no child of mine." Oberon's voice rang out and I used the last of my strength to glance up again. "Both of my children died that day." He said it alittle quieter but he met my eyes this time. He motioned to his council and they dissapeared without a backwards glance. They dragged Puck along. I let my head hit the floor and I saw stars for a moment. That may have stung if I had any feeling left in my body. I was kicked as people exited the room and I felt things being spilt and poured on me. Then cool hand gently grabbed me. I was lifted into strong arms but I couldn't open my eyes. I felt cool air blowing my face and then a strange sensation. I smelt horse and then I felt myself being jostled as if I was on one. I wished I could have opened my eyes to know what had been happening. I could feel someone holding me from behind but I eventually lost all of the energy and fell unconcious.
I was warmer when I woke. I slowly peeled my eyes back and waited for the fuzziness to leave. I was covered in a blue blanket and I was laying on a bed. It made my bones feel diffrent to lay on something soft. The door cracked open slightly. A head poked in.
" Good your up." Ash came in the door but he was diffrent than what I was used to. He was wearing a white polo, and normal pants. There were no weapons and no armor. It was strange to see him out of his ways. He pulled the blanket back and picked me up. He nudged the door open with his boot and then swung me out. I looked around in amazement. We were in what appeared to be a cabin. He set me down on a couch and propped me up with pillows. He dissapeared from my vision but I couldn't turn my head. I heard his boot steps and then he reappeared. He was holding a bowl and a spoon. He sat next to me and held the spoon up to me. It appeared to be applesauce and I looked at him strangely.
" I'm sorry, but it's all you can eat right now." I slowly forced my mouth open and he put it in. I choked at first but after a few times I could swallow fine. He spooned me some more until I was too tired to open my mouth anymore. He put the bowl away and laid me down on the couch. Then he pulled up a stool.
" I know your probably wondering quite a bit, and I'm sorry that you don't know everything. All that really happened was that I took you from the castle and snuck you out. I'm sure that I am exhiled from the Winter Court and so I brought you here. It's a place I found when I was young, it's located in the Inbetwen so were alittle bit safer." He ranted for a while and his eyes looked like they were lost far away.I swallowed and then opened my mouth as far as possible.
" Why?" It was so low I'm surprised he heard it but he looked at me alittle funny.
" Because I couldn't live without you, even if you do hate me. You have to live. It may be selfish but it's because I love you Destiny." The last part shocked my brain and I forced my eyes to bore into his. After a while he sighed and sat me up. He parted my lips and slowly poured a stream of water in. My body felt heavy with the food and after a moment he picked me back up and brought me back into the room. I was already tired and so I passed out quickly. After that I lost track of day and night. It was the constant feeding and eventually I got so the I could sit up by my own. I kept the sword on my bed and I still curled around it when I slept. Finally the applesauce was gone. He had sat me down and I could hold myself up now.
" So now that your getting stronger, you can eat some solid food." I heard him behind me in the kitchen. He walked over and sat in front of me. He had a plate of fruit in front of him. He slowly fed them to me, and he continued to make me drink water. I now had a layer of peachfuzz covering my head. My nails had grown back and my skin had started to gain some more color. He fed me it all and then put me in my wheelchair.
" I think we should go outside today." He said it from behind me, as he pushed me towards the door. I hadn't seen the outside since Oliver's death. The gust of air hit my face and I was pushed out. The ground was soft and a few inches of grass covered everything. Flowers grew around and I let the sweet air fill my lungs. It was so diffrent to being in the house. Unfortunatly I could barely raise my arms and I still couldn't walk so Ash had to accompany me everywhere. I breathed deep and let the freshness fill me. I sighed in contempment and then he walked around to my front. He kneeled next to me.
" I'm gonna go wash your clothes, will you be ok for a minute?" I nodded and then he was gone. I closed my eyes and let the sun warm my skin. It was almost too good, like it couldn't be possible. I wasen't used to that sort of joy, something so simple that meant so much more than I could have ever imagined. He hung the pants and shorts he had stolen for me on the line, along with his clothes. He didn't have his shirt on and I watched his beautiful white skin in the sun. He was so amazing it seemed impossible. A tear slipped down my face and he came over worried.
" What's wrong?" He craddled my face in his hands and wiped the tear away with his thumb.
" What happens after this? Are you going to leave me again?" His expression became soothing.
" Of course not, we never have to leave." He kissed the top of my head and then dissapeared to grab more laundry. He wheeled me back inside later and fed me again, but now I felt that I would always worry about how much time we had left here. How much longer it could be peaceful before someone found us. Before someone brought me back to reality, a place where I didn't deserve or have any of this.

Happiness is Not Forever

I woke up to light streaming in through my window. I listened for a moment but I couldn't hear Ash anywhere. I had grown impatient and I pulled myself up against the headboard. I threw the covers off and starred down at my white legs. My hair was thankfully almost shoulder length now. It grew so much faster here. I tucked it behind on ear and the swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I took a deep breath and pushed off of the frame. My knees wobbled and threatened to buckle but I just gritted my teeth. I grabbed the headboard and took a few deep breaths. I wiggled my toes and stuck one small leg out. I had gained weight again but I still far smaller than what I should have been. I gritted my teeth and shifted my weight grabbing for the doorknob. I hobbled over and slowly pulled it open. There was space between me and the kitchen so I took a deep breathe and then set out. It was strange at first the feeling of something hard touching my feet. The weight that I had to bear seemed strange but my small legs still barely held me. By the time I made it to the counter I could walk partially normal. I found a bowl in the cuoboard and the filled it with milk and cereal. I was walking to the couch and my foot caught something on the floor. I went spralling and milk coated the floor. I struggled to my feet and grabbed a towl from the counter.
" What happened?" I looked up as Ash came through the door. He was still so breathtaking. He wore black clothing and a hunting bow was slung over his shoulder. His eyes sparkled in the morning light.
" I tripped." He knelt beside me and took the towel from me. I sighed and stood up taking the empty bowl with me. I dropped it in the sink and leaned against the counter as he cleaned up my mess.
" Why are you walking?" He asked without looking up.
" You have to stop babying me Ash." He didn't answer me he just wrung the towel out and set it to soak in the sink. He went and set his bow down by the door.
" Destiny, you shouldn't push yourself."
" Ash," He looked up at me. "I need to be ready when they come, You can't protect me forever." He looked at me for a while and then sighed.
" Fine." He crossed his arms and washed me. I walked over to him.
" I want to spend more time outside." He nodded and opened the door for me. I walked out and took a deep breath. He came out and I saw a swtring skinned rabbit hanging. The small clearing was bland and plain.
" Can we hike?" I turned to him but he was watching me carefully.
" Are you strong enough?" I rolled my eyes and ignored the seriousness. He walked past me and I followed him into the woods. I found a small worn path and he walked through. I tripped but he caught me before I even touched the ground. Our eyes shared a look and then he held my hand for the rest of the way. He grabbed me a chair from inside and sat me in the sun. It warmed my skin and I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed in the middle of the night. I got up and walked quietly out into the other room. I saw Ash's shape underneath a blanket on the couch. I walked over and sat on the edge being careful not to wake him. His face was smooth and completely calm in sleep. He was so peaceful that it was hard to remember him as the cold, dark prince he once was. I brushed the hair from his face and his eyes crept open.
" What's wrong?" He whispered.
" Nothing." I said smiling down at him. He stroked my cheek with his hand.
" You should sleep in the bed." I said quietly, he needed the rest more. He was my provider for now weither I liked it or not. He watched me for a whole and then suddenly he was standing and I was craddled in his arms. He strode towards the bedroom and put me down. He laid down beside me. I pulled the blanket over him and then snuggled against his chest.
" Is this ok?" I nodded and then closed my eyes against him.
A few days had gone by unchanged, my walking had progressed, and my hair was back to original length. I could go hiking without issue and I could keep the house clean without Ash's help. I woke up and he was already gone, leaving me undisturbed. I walked out with my shorts and tank top on. I slipped on some black tights and a sleevless top. I washed dishes and ate breakfast. Looking out the windows for any sign of him. I sighed and tapped my nails against the counter. I finally slipped on some boots and went outside. I don't know what I was looking for but everything was the same and there was no sign of him. I sighed and stormed back inside. I swept and mopped the floors. He came in while I was sitting on the couch contemplating what to do next.
" Morning." He set his bow down. I rushed over and threw my arms around him.
" What's wrong?" His arms tentaviely rapping around my waist.
" Nothing." I said into his shirt. I had missed him that's all. That night we lay in bed, both of us thinking to ourselves. He had closed his eyes for a few minutes but I knew he wasen't asleep from his breathing. Memories of Oliver had been running through my head.
" I love you." I hadn't meant to speak it but I felt relieved that I had. His purple eyes shot open and he turned to look at me. After a moment his expression softened.
" You are my life." With that he beant his head and pressed his lips against mine. Our first kiss was fire and I felt my fingers knot in his hair. His hands constricted around my waist and he pulled me close. I felt him everywhere as if he was the sun to my earth. He sighed and pulled back to look at me. I smiled and then he kissed my forehead before going back to sleep without a word.
Something startled me from my sleep and my eyes shot open. Ash was leaning across me his eyes trained on the window. I opened my mouth but his hand covered it. He held a finger in front of his lips. He slowly crept over me and to the door. He opened it a crack and then listened for a moment. He signaled for me to follow as he crept out. When I rounded the he already had his boots on and his bow was held in his hands. My knuckles where white around Oliver's sword and I followed him to put on my boots. We both froze when a shadow crossed one of the windows. He put an arrow in his bow and pulled it taught. I unshealthed the sword and fasten the sword case around my waist. I pulled a jacket around my shoulders quickly. Ash handed me a bag that was made of rough brown material and had a srap across the front. I nodded and soundlessly crept across the room to our food. I grabbed a bag of fruit, a set of clothes for each of us, a blanket and the stash of money we had, all while shadows were being cast across the walls. I pulled my arms through and fastened the buckle across my front. We stood still as the shadows stopped and then the front door flew from the hinges. Ash let his arrow free and a cry came from outside. He dropped the bow and charged forward pulling out his sword. I slung the bow across my shoulder and threw his quiver in the bag. I snuck out the door and I could hear the fighting around the back. I found a dead body and my mind nearly ran away. A dead Winter guard was laying across the ground an arrow in its throat. I swallowed and forced my mind to work, fear was not an option. I ran and found Ash fighting several more. I pulled his bow out and loaded and arrow. I aimed perfectly and when I set it free it pierced through the spinalcord of a guard. Ash didn't have to look to know who is was but the others looked around in wonder. This gave Ash time to take down the remaining two. I walked to him and put the bow across my back again.
" You ok?" I asked him, checking for marks. He nodded but then his eyes shot towards the house. I felt him grab my wrist and we ran towards the cover of the woods. We hid just inside and watched the house. Suddenly a horse burst through the clearing. My blood ran cold as I recognized Rowan's sneer. He rode up to the house and observed the reckage. I heard him sigh loudly.
" Come out, come out where ever you are." He laughed bitterly and unmounted his horse. Ash gave my hand a squeeze and then walked away. I wanted to cry out but I knew better. I merely watched in horror. Rowan's eyes grew wide for a moment and then he sneered.
" Ahh, little Ash. It's been a long time." Ash didn't respond and he stood a few feet away from him. I could only see a section of Rowan around Ash and I wondered if he was trying to shield me.
" Mother is very unhappy." Rowan said as he looked Ash over. His eyes focused on the shealthed sword for a moment and then a cocky aura filled him.
" Why don't you give up the abomination and end this little family spat, before somebody gets hurt?" His eyes seemed taunting, he was merely waiting for Ash to snap. I slowly unstrung the bow from around me and pulled a arrow from the quiver.
" I never would have thought you would have a soft spot for that sort of thing, but I guess you never know." He shrugged and reached to grab the hilt of his sword. He raised it and held it before Ash's throat as I aimed my arrow directly at his shoulder.
" Not talkative today, Ash? Hmm?" He took a step closer and that's when I let the arrow free. It flew by Ash's head so close I nearly fainted but it struck Rowan in the shoulder so that he dropped his sword. Ash placed a boot in Rowan's chest and launched him backwards. Rowan hit a pole as Ash grabbed the reins to his horse. He charged towards me and I ran towards him from the woods. Rowan's expression when he saw me was priceless. Ash held out his arm and I grabbed his forearm as I swung up behind him. We entered the shadow's of the woods without another word.
" Nice shot." Ash called back to me. I smiled and held him tight resting my chin on his shoulder.
" I got lucky." He shook his head and I looked over at his expression.
" It's in your blood." I laughed.
" I'm an orphan, always have been."
" Doesn't matter who claims you, it's the blood that's in your veins. Techniqually I'm an orphan too." He shrugged and used the term so casually that I couldn't help but watch his face. I pressed my cheek against his and he sighed. We shot through the overgrowth and I lost track of direction.
" Where are we going?" I asked in his ear.
" I had a dream." He said quietly.
" So?"
" Shujii warned me about Rowan, said I needed to keep you safe." I watched him for a moment.
" Why wasen't she in my dream?"
" She knows that you blame her for Oliver's death."
" I blame Rowan." Ash shrugged again.
" Never the less some of the blame falls upon her shoulders." I let the silence stretch on as my brother's face filled my head. Then I had a flashback. It was of Oliver and I sitting around a playset when we were younger, Preschool. I glanced up and caught the eyes of another kid. He had bright orange hair and luminous green eyes, his eyes were locked on me and I dropped my gaze back to my toys without a thought. Puck.
" Why are we going to see her then?" I asked him. He seemed like he didn't want to tell me this.
" For the next part of the Destiny." He said quietly. My body went rigid against his and he glanced at my face. I knew that it was strained and pale but there was nothing that he could say that would fix this. I buried my face into his shoulder and closed my eyes. I forced myself to stay with reality, to keep myself out of the dark hole that always tempted me. It would be all too easy to get lost in inanity and never ressurface, but I had to do this for Oliver. I owed him this much.

What's Next?

The marsh appeared out of the mist and without a word we tied the horse off and walked in. I felt my eyes wide as I watched all the dark corners and followed Ash. He held his sword in front of him and it lit the way. I shivered as a wet fern rubbed up against my arm. Without a sound Ash stopped and I saw his shoulders go stiff. I placed my hand on the hilt of Oliver's sword. I knew that something was close but then Ash took a breath and I knew that the danger had passed. We started walking again and then thankfully we were out of the marsh. Before I knew it we were standing in front of the mound of skulls again. Ash walked up it and picked up the one with the tooth. He pulled the door open and then looked back desperately towards me. A shadow covered me as I turned and drew the sword. A dragon was standing over me but it wasen't full grown. It's dark eyes starred down at me and it's scales were peeling. That's when I noticed the thing in it's teeth. It gingerly bent over and dropped it at my feet. A monster sized chew toy was covered in dragon slime.
" Throw it!" I turned around and saw Shujii. She was standing next to Ash watching me with her hand's on her waist. She was wearing a checkered apron and looking upon the dragon fondly. I turned around and looked at the dragon who was now waiting like an anxious puppy. It's tail wagged and drool came from it's open mouth. I slowly bent down and picked it up. Then I pulled back and sent it flying over the tree tops. The dragon turned and took off through the trees, it's tail nearly took me off of my feet. I turned and started walking back towards them. Shujii had already disapeared but Ash was waiting for me. He jumped down and I followed closing the door behind us. She was waiting with a torch. Without a word she started walking and we followed.
" Is that the egg you stole?" He asked her, I had nearly forgotten about our near death experience with the angry mother dragon.
" Yes, Dudley was the only one that I took." She led us through the dirt tunnels and then she opened her familiar door. A sweet smell filled my nose and she disappeared around a corner.
" Have a seat." She called. Neither of us sat down though, I had been immobile for too long to rest. She came back with out with no apron.
" Sorry for the inconvenience, baking." She took a seat at her old table with a sigh. Then she met my eyes and we starred at eachother for a while. Suddenly her eyes snapped away and to the sword at my hip. She smiled then looked at Ash.
" Wait outside, the tunnels fine." Without question he glanced at me and nodded before leaving. She watched me for a moment then sighed, and stood.
" Follow me, leave everything but the sword." I watched her round the corner and I took off the backpack, arrows and my bow. I rounded the corner and walked through her kitchen where a strange cake was sitting on the counter. Then I walked into a hallway. There were a few doors but the one on the end was open. She was waiting in the doorway. I followed her in. It was lightly lit with candles and she signalled for me to sit in the only seat. I watched her carefully. She put an orb like ball down on the floor. Then she turned off the lights and it glowed blue.
" Come out when your ready." I was about to protest but she closed the door and I was in darkness. My eyes shot to the ball and it's color was glowing. Suddenly a stream of color shot out of the ball and into the air. I blinked and then my brother was there. He was watching me with a smile on his face.
" Oliver?!" I asked as my voice shook. He took a few steps over in his nonexistant state. He was made of blue mist but it was definately him.
" Hello Destiny." I felt the tears rolling down my face as he knelt in front of me. His hands reached up and held my face. I could see them but I felt little more than a slight chill. I reached down and unhooked his sword and held it out to him. He shook his head.
" I cannot take it with me. But here." He took it and I watched as the metal melted under his hands. I was going to protest but suddenly he was holding something new out to me. Two beautiful daggers sat in his palms and the shealths too.
" You were never much of a sword girl." I took them in my palms. It was true the sword had always felt akward for me and too heavy. These felt perfect and I knew that this was his gift to me.
" Thank you." I clutched them but I could tell he was watching me.
" What is it?" He asked. I looked up into his confused expression.
" I'm so sorry Oliver." A new flood of tears flew from my eyes and I could barely see him.
" Don't feel sorry for me, I'm happy Destiny." I looked up at him. "I'm truly happy here. Mom is great, I wish you could be here but you have things to do in Never Never."
" What do you mean, I have things to do?" I asked confused, his form was slowly starting to fade.
" Your destiny is pretty long, but it was always you. Your gonna do great things."
" How do you know?"
" I know everything, that's how I know that your going to find Robbie." He winked then. Suddenly I heard something strange.
" Oliver?" Someone called from the orb. A woman's voice.
" I gotta go, that's mom. Oh but don't worry, well be watching you." He turned away and I was filled with fear. His body was barely there now and he looked like he was leaving.
" Wait!" He looked back at me.
" What?"
" I love you Oliver." He smiled.
" Love you too Sis." Then he was gone and the ball went dark. I cried for a long time after that. I curled up on myself in the chair and let the tears stream down on me. I moved and something hit the ground. I looked down and remembered the daggers, his gift. I smiled through the pain and held them in my hands. They were slightly warm and I attached them to my legs. I finally found that the tears had stopped but my heart was still heavy. I took a few deep breaths and then I opened the door. I found her and Ash in the dining room drinking tea and talking. They both watched me carefully. I sat down without a word at the other end of the table.
" So, what's the next part?" I asked quietly. My throat was sore and it croaked slightly. She watched me for a moment and I saw Ash trying to figure out what had gone on. She sighed and then her eyes got lost again.
" The oldest will not be that way forever...The powers of the great one will awaken when the blood of the Winter Prince runs cold..." Her head snapped down on the table and I starred into Ash's face. His eyes were locked on the wall and a war seemed to be raging inside his body. His teeth were gritted and his eyes began to fill with water. I reached over and grabbed his hand. His head snapped over and his eyes met mine.
" Ash it doesn't have to mean you." I said it through my teeth but he wasen't listening his eyes were somewhere else, somewhere far away in his memories. I got up and grabbed his face between my hands.
" Come back." I starred into his lost eyes for a long moment and then suddenly they snapped closed. "Come back, please." I was on the verge of a breakdown when his eyes crept open again.
" Ash?" He swallowed loudly.
" I'm alright." He seemed to be telling himself more than anyone else. I looked over and met Shujii's sceptical eyes.
" Do you know what you've done?" She asked me. Ash looked at her also.
" No rules have been broken." She smiled quickly and then shook her head.
" But you love him." I watched her carefully and I could feel Ash's eyes on my face. We both knew that it was illegal but we were too afraid to face it. I tightened my grip on his hand.
" We have to go." I stood up and he followed me as I grabbed my things from the couch.
" Be careful." She said as she watched us go. I heard the door close long after we had entered the tunnel, and we opened the hatch door. There was no sign of Dudley and we walked through the woods silently. I wondered what was going on in his head, and if it was like the storm happening in mine. The horse was exactly where we left it but neither of us got on it. He was facing me but he wasen't himself. It had stirred something in him, something that had been buried deep.
" Ash?" His eyes came back to the present. "Where do we go now?" He watched me for a moment.
" Did your brother give you any hints?" I thought back.
" He mentioned Robbie."
" Who?"
" Puck, he said that I would find him." Ash watched me for a moment and it seemed to stump us both.
" Then I guess we know where were going." He swung up onto the horses back.
" Where's that?"
" The Summer Court." I looked up at him.
" Are you crazy!? I'm exiled!" He grinned dangerously then.
" That's only if they catch us." I smiled and pulled myself up behind him without another word.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.07.2012

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