

I am Roseamay Flame I might seem a little strange but that’s because you don’t know me so I’m going to introduce myself. I have light blue hair and purple eyes, I look like an ordinary human girl but I’m not. I am of royal blood, the long lost fairy princess that’s me but I aint just fairy. If I was a fairy I’d have wings and wouldn’t look human but I was born without them because I’m a crossbreed but you will find out more about that later. This story my story starts off with me in a cave sure it doesn’t sound realistic but this cave was in fact my home sure I could have gone to my father’s but he banished me I still hadn’t told him the news. So I was hiding from my ex he I’ll describe as what I thought was someone but turned out to be a mistake he had red hair and red eyes, blood red, my blood red. He was more into the shadows than any other guy I'd ever met but he said he’d protect me and never hurt me, stupidly I believed him despite the warnings my brother gave me I still loved him and would do anything within reason and want for him but that all changed, he changed me, he destroyed my life. He was the beginning of my new messed up life but I weren’t to know you’ll find out more about that later as well. So I was in the cave and I must have done a spell wrong and it caused an explosion. I was blown out of the entrance of the cave, I landed on the hard ground surprisingly it didn’t hurt. Smoke was billowing from my cave and I lay coughing on the floor then a guy rushed to me taking me in his arms. He asked me with the gentlest voice I'd ever heard other than my mother’s and brother’s. “Are you ok?!” I replied while coughing “I... am ...fine” he placed me gently down onto my bare feet and I made sure my arms were fully covered with my long sleeved shirt. The smoke had blown itself out by now and I turned to go back inside when he grabbed my hands gently and asked “what happened? Who are you? What are you doing out in these woods?” I simply stayed silent and took my hands away ready to run if he tried to do anything, because of my ex I stopped trusting everyone I lost my friends when I ran away from the fairy kingdom but I never trusted boys all because of my ex. I weren’t to know that this kind guy would soon become my friend and that I would have to try and save him from myself and my ex. He said “I won’t hurt you I just want to help you” to which I replied “I don’t know you so I can’t say” he replied “I’m Eragon, Eragon the second son of Eragon the first” I walked weakly to a tree and began to climb it. You’re probably wondering why I don’t just magic myself up to the top but I don’t like to use it and draw unwanted attention especially with Eragon around a well known dragon rider. I hope he doesn’t realise that I’m connected to dragons. “What are you doing?” he said. I didn’t reply and just kept climbing. I fell from the tree and he caught me and said “let me help you I can see you are weak” I snapped back at him “I’m fine I don’t need your help!” I walked off after getting out of his arms which I longed not to leave. He came after me and helped fight off my ex’s shadows they were holding me to a tree and he sliced at them freeing me, I was weak and I passed out into his arms.I woke up in a room on a bed he was sitting right beside me. I tried to sit up “hey don’t sit up” he said pushing me back down gently. “Where am I” is what I managed to speak. He replied “my place you worried me when you passed out like that. I’ll get you some food if you feel up to it” “well I can’t eat if I’m laying down” “true I’ll help you sit up when I get back with your food" with that he walked out I lay there thinking should I try to sit up then again maybe I shouldn’t, JUST WAIT. He came back with a plate of bread, butter and cheese “I hope you’re not allergic but its light” he helped me sit up slowly and carefully then I stared at the food having not eaten for several days I didn’t want to show it. “Go on it for you. I wouldn’t do anything to you or the food” he ate some to show it was safe; of course I ate from the same side he had just to be sure. “You eat slowly but its ok” I replied “I like to taste what I eat” he simply laughed and sat there keeping an eye on me. I could tell he was thinking but I gave him privacy and blocked my mind. “You’ve stopped eating” I didn’t respond till he placed his hands on my right leg saying “what happened?” I looked at my hands “its ok, take your time” I knew he meant well but I just couldn’t tell it risked all I had left and I weren’t about to give it up. “I’ll tell you if I need to” he sighed but didn’t pester me about it. It was getting dark “how long was I out for?” “Oh about several hours, you kept waking but only to fall asleep again, If I didn’t know better I'd say you haven’t been sleeping or eating properly but that’s your choice” “why would you say I haven’t been eating or sleeping properly?” “Well” he started “your weak, well you were and you are skinny you look so fragile” I stayed silent trying to stay calm “you know I’ll take you home” “cheers but I’m ok to go on my own” “no you’re not I won’t hear of it. I will take you home and let your mother know where you have been” at the mention of my mother I felt myself tear up and I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying. “No I’ll be fine” it was silent, I opened my eyes and noticed he was gone the plate however was still there. I sat there on the bed thinking about how I could go back to my cave without eragon finding out that the cave was my home. A note slid under the door, I looked then tried to stand up it took me three tries till I managed to stand without falling back down onto the bed. I walked to the door slowly my legs shaking. I sat behind the door after placing down a pillow, I read the note (would you like to stay here tonight as it is quite dark now) I simply said quietly “how can I respond with no pen or pencil” to that a pencil rolled under the door and I wrote (if it’s ok I don’t want to be a problem.) and slipped it under the door. I hear him gasp with glee, I had to hold my breath to stop myself from laughing “you can stay as long as you want” I smiled to myself then I went to get up but cant “err...” I bang on the door “I can’t get up” I wait then looks at the window where he is climbing through; he picks me up gently and puts me on the bed. “rest you need it” I didn’t fight I could feel tiredness overcome me he saw this he must have seen for he laid me down and covered me up “sleep it’s ok I won’t let anything happen” I must have fallen asleep to this for I woke up to sun gleaming through the window eragon was asleep in a chair by my side I smiled and got up off the bed I walked weakly over to the window, silently I opened the window then started to head back to the bed but fell I must have made such a noise for eragon had leapt up from his chair I looked at him, he looked around and saw me, rushing over to check if I was hurt I covered my arms for my sleeves had gone up a little. “I’m ok...” “You sure?” he stared at me thinking I read his mind but stayed silent. He sighed and went to pick me up “No” he stops “why” “I’m o-ok” he sighed and put his hand out, I took it and got up off the floor. “I’ll get you some clothes they might be a little big but they’ll do”. I shook my head “all I need is some cotton, leaves and few blades of grass.” He looked at me strange and went to get what I asked for, he came back and I took the stuff from him folded them together then threw them up into the air and in a flash I was holding an emerald green dress “wow how’d you do that” I blushed “its a secret” he smiled “I’ll let you change” he left I could hear him walk to the main room. I stared at my dress “I had to make a dress” I said to myself I twirled twice holding the dress and the dress was on my old clothes I threw up and they disappeared “good I made long sleeves”. I walked to the place I could hear Eragon in. He stopped what he was doing when I entered the room and just looked at me “you look...” he stopped and I smiled knowing what he wanted to say “its ok you can say what you think” he blushed “o-ok um... you look beautiful” “thanks” I twirled giggling a little. “well I have to go get food for breakfast do you want to come with me” “oh no I should get home” he looked at me “I can go faster on my own its not far from here honest” He just looked at me frowning a little “you don’t know where we are do you?” “were near the forest I saw it from the window” he sighed “ok but I’ll see you around I’m sure” I smiled and made my way to the door “let me get you some food and a pair of shoes for those delicate feet” I looked back at him “food will be fine I don’t need shoes” he picked me up before I could move “you need shoes on your feet look their all bruised and red” he put me on the couch “wait here I’ll be right back” he ran out the room and I sighed when he came back in he was holding a pair of ankle boots they were pure black like a midnight sky “these are for you they should last you a while” he helped me put them on being ever so careful then I stood up they had heels but they weren’t that high, I walked really well in them. He just watched “you have had heels before?” I nod shyly “thanks these are wonderful” “well just wear them I made them just for you” I felt a sensation in my heart “I will pay you back Eragon” he stayed silent I knew he was going to say I didn’t have to but he didn’t say he just simply just sat there while I walked out the door “see you around Eragon” with that I left. I walked to the forest then climbed the first tree I saw jumping carefully from branch to branch being careful not to fall or scratch my new boots. I got to the cave remembering I never told him my name “oh Eragon we shall meet again” I walked into my cave and froze something was not right I stayed silent and clapped my hands twice a few candles lighting bathing furniture in the candlelight. I looked at all the shadows and breathed in through my nose “Wildfire” a small red dragon bounded out from under my desk with my mirror on and jumped up onto the table. “what have you been doing it smells different in here” ^oh its probably my food which I got for myself^ I rushed out the cave nausea coming over me I fell to my knees by a tree and threw up into a bucket which I made appear. I felt someone gently patting my back “it's ok” I stopped throwing up trying to recognise the voice, my head pounding. Weakly and shakily I said “E-Eragon...” “Yes it’s me I remembered you hadn’t told me your name and came here to see if I could find out anything about where you lived and you’re here vomiting” I looked at him as he sat next to me “so what is your name as I already told you mine” I stayed silent wondering if I should say my real name I didn’t have to say my last name just my first name. “R-Roseamay” “such a beautiful name for such a beautiful young lady” he paused “just like the name of the Dragon Lords daughter she was called Roseamay Flame” I inhaled suddenly and threw up into the bucket. “For some reason he made her leave” he patted me on the back holding my long hair out of the way “I wish I could meet her apparently she was quiet unique and weird” I went silent “I am not weird” he stopped patting my back “huh?” “N-nothing”. The silence was broken by wildfire appearing on my shoulder. Eragon fell back and he blushed “it’s ok he’s with me” “he’s he’s with you?!” ^Yeh^ “and he talks” I giggle “wildfire please tell me that food was not steak” ^err it was no- I can’t it would be a lie^ i groan ^oh what’s wrong Rose^ “you know what steak does to me” I growled and he disappeared. Great I thought now Eragon knows I’m involved with dragons “would you like to come in?” “in where?” I looked at the cave “oh sure” “good because I need someone to spray this” I gave him a can of spray “go on please if I smell steak again I’ll pass out” he stood up and went in the cave and sprayed the spray then came out coughing with an empty can “warn me when it’s a faulty can next time” I giggled “oops sorry” “well at least you have a little colour in your cheeks now” I smiled and got up the bucket and its contents disappearing. “So you can talk to dragons” “yeh…” “that explains how you can use magic” I sighed “come on lets go inside I need to tell you something" I walked into my cave and sat on the floor in front of a chair. He followed shortly after “what are you doing on the floor?” “sit on the chair as I said outside I have something to tell you” he sat cautiously on the chair “okay what do you wanna tell me” "Well” I began “you know how you said I had the same first name as the Dragon Lord’s daughter” “yeh” “and that you said you wish you had met her” “yeh I think she would have been cool” I blushed “well you kinda have met her” he laughed at this and I stared at him seriously “when, I would have remembered that” I smiled and looked down. He fell of the edge of the chair “wait” I didn’t look up “are you Roseamay Flame?!” I nodded still looking down “no! No way really?!” he stood up and bowed to me “you don’t have to bow Eragon I ain’t a royal” “yes you are even though you were banished you are still the daughter of the Dragon Lord” he kneeled in front of me “may I lift your head” “you don’t need to ask Eragon” he put a hand under my chin and lifted up my head gently. He gasped when he saw a forked lightening scar across my left eye. “That weren’t there before” “I hide it using magic everyone knows about me having a scar so when I left I hid it to stop people knowing it was me”. “You’ve been hiding all this time these whole two-three years” “no not hiding I went to my other kingdom but I ran away I’ve been here for a year and a half” “what?! You live here?!” I nodded “why a cave?” I didn’t answer I sat there hearing something @ROSEAMAY!!!@ I swallowed and Eragon jumped up “that’s your”—I covered his mouth @ROSEAMAY!!!@ I put a finger to my lips and he nodded. I walked out to face a huge golden dragon. @Roseamay where have you been?!@”well hello to you too father”. He turned into a human folding his gold wings behind him. He looked at me with his light blue eyes the wind ruffling his dark blue hair. @Roseamay don’t start@ “I ain’t starting anything I just said hello” @well where were you, I haven’t heard from you for…@ “a year and a half” he stared at me. @Did you come out of that cave?@ He stepped towards the cave, I stopped him quickly by hugging him @Huh?! What’s this for Roseamay@ I looked into his eyes “I missed you that’s all” I smiled @you uncovered your scar@ I remembered how I got it and shivered. “Roseamay!” Eragon was holding me my father looking at my face, “w-what happened?” @you fell backwards, you remembered how you got your scar didn’t you?@ my father spoke as he helped Eragon lay me down on the ground @didn’t you?@ I nodded Eragon didn’t say anything he just looked at me. “Eragon please stop staring at me like that. Its creeping me out” he stopped looking at me saying “sorry, I didn’t mean to stare it’s just I was so worried about you.” My father sighed “my Lord have you got something to say ?” I gasped and started coughing Eragon quickly patted me on my back @Roseamay you need to come back to the Dragon Kingdom@ “why you banished me remember” coughing again as the Dragon Lord sighed. “well you can’t-” I covered his mouth stopping Eragon saying anything else @what was that Eragon, Roseamay uncover his mouth and let him speak@ I glared at Eragon warningly and moved my hand @so you were saying?@ “never mind it was nothing important.” My father looked at me “if I can make it I will come and visit you know I’m busy working” he looked down @oh I forgot you worked there@ Eragon looked between me and my father. “Look if you don’t mind father I have a guest.” He looked up at Eragon and me @oh yeh sorry I’ll go well when you’re not busy please try to come home@ he got up and took off turning back into a golden dragon. “Bye father” he flew off without a word. “Well that was a pleasant surprise and visit from your father” I just sat there. “Are you okay Rose?” “y-yeh” he sat next to me putting an arm round my shoulders. “If I may can I ask a question?” “You just did Eragon” I giggled a little “I meant can me ask you another question after this?” “I know I was messing with you Eragon you may” “how did you get that scar?... it’s okay you don’t have to say if you don’t want to” I shivered a little “it was an accident that’s all” he pulled me closer “let’s go in your starting to get cold. I nodded and he helped me stand up. Then we walked into the cave his arm still round me “you sure you’re okay Rose? You feel kinda cold and you’re kinda pale.” “I’m fine Eragon don’t worry” he looked at me and sat me on a chair. “Your father gave you that scar didn’t he?” “No he didn’t. Just drop it!” he sat down on the floor his back to me. I just looked at the cave entrance. “I’m sorry for asking over and over Rose I didn’t mean to pry or get involved. If you want me to leave I will” I didn’t reply, I sat there thinking about my father. “Rose?” Eragon put a hand on my right shoulder “OWW!” he moved his hand quickly “sorry I’m so sorry” “it’s okay Eragon.” He moved away cautiously “Eragon its fine you didn’t hurt me” “b-but you said ow” I sighed “it wasn’t your fault I have a tender spot on my shoulder” he watched me stand-up “I slept weird at yours that’s all it is” “oh okay if that’s all it is” I nodded “do you want to eat Rose it might help you feel better” I nodded and looked around the cave. “Let’s go shop for food or something I’ll pay” I shook my head and whistled. A plate of bacon, sausages, eggs, and toast with butter on; another plate appeared with just bread and butter. I sat down with the plate of just bread and butter in front of me “that plates for you Eragon” I pointed to the other plate on the table. “Oh okay but why you eating just bread and butter?” “I don’t eat bacon for breakfast it brings out my dragon side” he sat down in front of the other plate “well thanks I bet this will be delish” I smiled and picked up a slice of bread and nibbled on it, Eragon started eating I could tell he was enjoying it “you eat as if you haven’t had a meal like this in a while” he smiled blushing “well living on your own means you have to cook your own meals but you cook, it’s all just the way I like it. I will cook for you one day Rose but I am not that good unfortunately” I smiled more “well I don’t mind even if it’s only the simple cheese toasty you can do its okay it won’t make me like you any less anyway I might be able to teach you how to cook good meals like pork chops and dumpling stew” he giggled “well Rose if you aren’t too busy working maybe we can cook together sometime” I continued to eat my bread and butter as he started on his toast after finishing his eggs. I was staring at my plate with about three slices of bread left when a sausage landed on the plate next to my bread. I looked up and Eragon was smiling at me “go on you deserve it Rose anyway it might be good” I looked down then looked up again “fine” I picked it up and started to eat it “see its good right you are a good cook rose” “thanks” I smiled back at him and continued eating. ^so you saw your father Rose” Wildfire appeared on a bed curled up the size of a dog “no thanks to you Wildfire you could have warned me. Eragon excuse me for a moment” I got up and went outside Wildfire followed ^Rose what do you want I was going to sleep^ “No you’re going to my father and your gonna try and find out why he wants me back at the Dragon Kingdom. You understand” ^yes Roseamay^ I stared at him “good get on with it.” He sighed and disappeared I went back into Eragon “sorry ‘bout that I had to talk to him alone.” He got up and packed the plates into a pile and asked “where shall I put them to be washed” just pass them here I’ll deal with it” he handed them over slowly “I should be doing this Rose” “Eragon you are my guest stop being silly” I took the plates and put them on the table whistling twice and they disappeared “okay then Rose what now?” I shrugged “well I dunno Rose have you got work?” “No not today” he smiled “you’re not gonna go to the Dragon Kingdom are you?” I shake my head “nope I don’t want to not until I know why he wants me to come home” he nods “well do you want to go to mine” “I have a better idea I know where there’s a really good river we can go to and swim.” He nodded “I’ll have to go back to mine to get my swim trunks” “okay let’s go then Eragon” I walked out the cave and went to a tree. “Rose what you doing?” “finding the quickest route to yours” I started climbing the tree before he could stop me “Rose wait be careful” I stood on a branch “come on Eragon hurry up we aint got all day!” he started to climb up “careful Eragon it’s a little tricky” I put a hand out to help him up and he took it, I pulled him up and lost my balance, he grabbed me holding me close to him. “Rose you okay?!?” I stayed silent trembling slightly as he held me close to his body. “I’m fine Th-thank you” he set me next to I’m on the branch and we were both blushing a deep rosy pink. “hehe I guess that was close Eragon thanks” “it’s no prob Roseamay it was my fault you lost your balance” I rolled my eyes “Eragon lets move” I moved away quickly jumping from branch to branch I fell and dangled from a branch “shit I have to either pull myself up or use another method to down safe” I couldn’t see Eragon anywhere. i let go of the branch and and turned into a light blue dragon as i fell i opened my wings and flew down to the ground safely. "ROSE!! where are you?!" i changed back to normal and sat under the branch i fell from. "Eragon down here" Eragon climbed down next to me. "what happened i lost sight of you" i got up "dont worry i fell but i landed fine" he looked up at the branch "from up there rose?" i nodded "how... oh yeh dragon lords daughter" he hit his forhead."let's walk on the ground now to avoid us from losing each other and hurting our selves" i nodded again. "might be wise anyway we're almost at yours now" He started walking "mhm" he stopped "what?" he looked at me and i was pointing in the opposite direction than where he was walking. "oh" i smiled and he walked in the direction i was pointing. i followed listening to our footsteps. by now i had reached his side and walked along beside him when i stopped and put a hand on his lower stomach slowing him down. "shh listen" we listened then Eragon whispered "Rose what are we doing?" i put a finger to my lips and looked at him. he mouthed okay then i stepped out infront of him when suddenly out of nowhere my ex pinned me to a tree by my throat. "" Eragon stood there shocked and confused. <well whos this Rosie< "james... get off me now!.." Eragon snapped out of it and tried to pull my ex off of me. <you pull anymore, i'll kill her< "eragon....stop..." i tried to breath as Eragon backed away slowly "let her go.. james" <i'll let her go if you leave< "i'm not going anywhere with out her" <aww Rosie you got a fan< "SHUT UP....... the elders.... would love.... to see all... you did.... to me." that did it he let go of me and growled as he disappeared. i fell to the floor couging "Rose!!" Eragon rushed over to me "are you okay?!?" i layed there trying to breathe. he crouched down beside me "Rose" "i'm... fine" i pushed myself up off my front and sat in a kneeling postion still trying to breathe properly rubbing my throat. "Rose let me see your throat" "no its fine" i was able to breathe properly by now "i'll see when when you move your hands then" "stop being being childish Eragon" he shrugged and helped me up. i continued to walk to his "we are almost there now Eragon" "okay that throat may bruise alittle Rose you should tell your father about this" i didnt reply and just kept walking. "Rose dont ignore me" "i aint ignoring anyone" he stopped me by grabing my left arm gently "dont Eragon the sooner we get to yours the sooner we can get to the river" "shhheeshhh" i walked off again him following. "rose i just suggested god dont be so-" "so what?!" i stopped and turned to him "actually i dont care if you dont want to drop it i'll go swimming on my own!" he stared at me "not with that james guy around" i stormed off "ROSE! ROSEAMAY!!" i didnt stop until wildfire appeared knocking me on my back and sitting on my chest.^he wont say he keeps saying its a suprise^ "you had to knock me over onto my back you could have just appeared small on my shoulder!" ^sheshh Rose whats wrong with you? you never get this moody unless you have been into work on a day your really busy with other stuff^ "Rose why walk off like that? wildfire is it? thanks for stopping her" ^no problem Eragon the second^ "wildfire! get off me! NOW!" he sits there ^why so you can go get yourself hurt or pssibly even killed^ "NO!... to calm myself down" ^Right you know i know when you say that it means your gonna fight something^ "just calm down on that spot your laying on Rose i'll go get my swim stuff and i'll meet you back here, alright?" ^Rose^ i lay there "fine" ^hurry i wont be able to sit on her much longer^ "okay Rose please behave" ^she will just hurry up and go already^ Eragon ran off and was back in the space of ten minutes. Wildfire got off me and i got up brushing myself off. ^can i sleep now Rose i'm really tired i'll try harder to snoop when i've had a nap^ "go on then i'm gonna go to the river if you need me" ^okay Rose^ with that he disappeared "dont before you ask eragon" he just stood there his mouth open as if he were about to speak. i know he was gonna ask about my ex james. "as i've said before eragon if i need to i'll tell you" "he was gonna kill you just atleast tell me who he is" i sighed. "well he's james and he has red hair and red eyes" he sighed "Rose please stop being sarcastic how'd he know you? why'd he zoom at you like that? who are these elders you speak of and why do they scare him?" "stop!" i walked off towards the river and Eragon had to run to keep up with me. "what are you so scared of telling Rose?!?" i stopped dead in my tracks "if you cared you'd shut up on the subject" "ROSE!! tell me what your so scared to tell. i can help"... i didnt reply "rose" "you cant help me... NO ONE CAN!!!!" "well i can try Rose if you let me" i walked off reaching the river i took the boots off and placed them away from the river edge where they would be safe and looked at the water. "i'll just go change rose" i nodded slightly and sat down putting my feet alittle way into the water. all of a sudden there was a splash and i was drenched in water "come on Rose the water is great just right." i sat there "no im fine on the edge." he shrugged and swam over to the other side then came back. "come on rose you said you wanted to swim" i sat there "i know but i changed my mind" he looked at me. "right?" i got up "where you going" "im gonna look for a bag it has my swim clothes in" he was about to pull himself out "its fine i'll be quick." "hurry back then once you changed" i ran off into a clump of bushes and my dress changed to a green scuba suit and i watched eragon from where i stood he was going back and forth from edge to edge. i made a bag appear and my emerald green dress was neatly folded up inside. i put it silently by my boots and jumped in splashing eragon more than he had splashed me "what?!!!?" i laughed looking at him as he wiped water from his face and eyes. "you got me back for splashing you before" he was smiling "why a scuba suit and not a bikini or swim suit Rose?" "i like swimming at night so this helps me not get colds as much" he splashed me alittle. "how long can you hold your breath under water for eragon?" "err i dunno why?" "oh i was gonna challange that i can stay under the water longer than you" "oh you do, do you? okay we both go under together i'm gonna prove you wrong" "okay three two one" we both went under and after three minutes he went up for air i remaind under the water until he pulled me up after another ten, i didnt gasp for breathor anything. "how rose how do you do it" "i can do it for up to three hours" he looked at me "but how" "i havent always been able to i just learnt how incase i ever needed it" "right" eragon stared at my lips as he swam alittle closer to me "err... eragon why are you staring at my lips" i didnt repond and i tried to read his mind but there was nothing relevant. i moved away slowly "Eragon... eragon please stop" he grabbed me to him "Rose please let me warm you your lips are blue" "get off me i dotn want you to warm me" i moved away from him quickly and climbed out the river curling up into a ball. "rose are you okay?" he sat next to me "rose im sorry did i do something wrong?" i listened i know he was thinking over and over what did i do? i wonder what i did. "nothing" "what?" "you didnt do anything you just set off a memory of mine thats all" i uncurled tears on my face. "rose im sorry" "its fine" he wiped the tears from my face and smiled gently. "can i warm you up your lips are still blue" i nodded and he held me close to him as i fell asleep. i woke up "wow rose you sure love sleeping dont you" "how long this time?" "i dunno an hour or two" i smiled he was laying down my head was on his chest. he was so warm i just wanted to hug him back, but i didnt. ^Roseamay your father wants you to go to a meeting with cedric^ wildfire appeared by my boots and green bag. ^oh did i disrupt something^ i moved quickly away from eragon as he did the same. "NO!" we both said together. ^right anyway he wants you to wear a dress Rose he needs to talk to you and cedric^ "err who's cedric? rose?" ^oh^ "my half brother" i smiled and eragon smiled back "okay is he good?" ^oh yes he is^ "good yeh...^ "rose you okay?" ^yeh she's fine, its the fact her father wants to see her and cerdric together^ "right is that it rose?" i nodded looking at the water. ^be there in an hour rose im gonna go find cedric and tell him^ "right wildfire" he disappeared and i sat there silently staring at the water "rose are you okay?" he splashed alittle water on me "rose?" he waved a hand infront of my eyes "rose hey" i snapped out of it and looked at eragons worried face. "eragon what you worried about?" "you rose" i just looked at him "why you worried bout me eragon?" "why wouldnt i be? i guess you have to go to this meeting" i sighed "well i aint supposed to but would you like to come to my office and wait for me" "err sure but if your gonna get in trouble for it" "thats settled then your coming" i get up and grab my bag "let me get dressed and you get dressed and we'll be off" "okay" he got up and went to change i did the same. i was standing in my black boots and emerald green dress waiting for him, he walked out looking smart "ha" "what rose?" "you dont have to look smart or are you going on a date" i couldnt stop myself from laughing "what rose? i always look like this" i calmed myself down "okay! are you ready?" he nodded and i grabbed his arm and the forrest blurred into a mist of green ane we were suddenly in an airy office with a view of the blue sky outside "look your not to tell anyone bout this place got it" he nodded looking around. i clappe and a jug of lemonade with two glasses appeared on my desk, i poured both glasses and picked one up giving the other to eragon. "cheers i hope this meeting will be quick" "cheers rose" we clinked glasses and he sipped slowly as i downed the glass. "well better go" i walked to the door. "oh dont touch anything other than the desk top the chairs and the floor and the jug and the glass okay?" "got it" i opened the door and went out closing it behind me "right which room should i go" i walked along corridors decorated by mirrors and paintings. i got to a set of double doors and heard my father's voice. @look cedric i want you to tell her the news@ ~no father i couldnt she'd hate me more than she does now~ @you are to tell your sister the news@ i burst through the doors "what news father?!" @oh Roseamay your early@ "father!" ~yes father she asked you~ "cedric shut up" @thats enough both of you@ "bighead" ~idi-othf~ he was on the floor holding his nose. @ROSEAMAY!@ i saw cedrics blood on my fist. "sorry father... cedric" i ran out. ~ugh.. i think she broke my nose~ @shut up@ ~again..~ i stood on the roof of the huge castle mansion like building. <well Rosie you hit cedric again< "piss off james" <no rosie i can be on this roof< i stood there my back to him i could feel his eyes staring at my back. "why you staring at me james you know we're not together anymore" <well your just saying that< he grabbed me from behind "get off!!" ~rose! james you leave my sis alone~ james pushes me to the edge of the roof and disappears causing me to lose my balance and i fall off the roof. ~ROSE!!~ he jumped off the roof turning into a dark blue dragon with green streaks catching me on his back "why cedric. why did you save me? i hit you." ~well you are still my sister~ i smiled as he flew back up to the roof, i got off him and he changed back to normal, a human with green eyes and dark blue hair. he folded his green streak and dark blue wings behind him. ~well father wanted me to tell you but he should tell you this news.~ "okay" we walked back to father who was still sitting in the hall. @nice to see you two made up@ i growled and cedric nudged me ~Rose wanted to know father the news and i believe you should tell her as it was your arrangement~ my father opened his mouth to speak when Eragon flew through the doors. "eragon!" <knew it rosie he had to be with you< i thought straight to james blocking everyone else from reading my mind (you better shut the fuck up or i'll fucking kill you) @roseamay what is james on about@ i dashed infront of eragon and stared at james <what has your father not told you< "no he was about to" Eragon got up behind me <well rosie< "its not Rosie! its Rosamay!"<baby girl rosie your my girl your my fiance< "what the fuck!!" i stormed out pulling eragon after me~james you bastard~ cedric rushed out after me. james stood there shrugging @great james you just had to@ ~rose slow down~ i stopped letting go of eragon. "rose what was he on about?" "eragon i ont have a fucking clue what he was on about, cedric please explain"~well sis umm its like james said father arranged for you to get married to james~ i clenched my fists ~dont hit me please~ i smiled "oh no i'm not going to hit you brother im gonna kill james or hit father" ~rose dont you'll get into trouble~ he stared at me and eragon coughed. "oh eragon are you hurt?!" "no im okay just alittle bruised" i nodded. ~well that attempt failed but then again james shouldnt have snooped in your office~ "lets go eragon before james does anything else to you" "okay" ~can i come too rose i might hurt you by hurting james~ i nodded and opened a portal. we all went through it, i closed it after cedric and we were outside my cave. ~wow~ i smiled and my fists uncurled ~Rose do you live here?~ "yup she does" ~wow rose you really looked after yourself after you left the dragon kingdom~ "well i do my best" i went into the cave and they followed "right have a seat both of you eragon, cedric" they sat down as i knelt on the floor infront of their chairs. ~now what~ "well its rose's place" ~true, Rose you okay?~... "she spaces out alot she's fine" i stood up but everything went black all i heard was cedric and eragon shouting my name.when i woke up i was on the hard bed. "cedric she's awake come in the cave" i heard my brother come in and felt his presence by the bed ~sis?~ my vision was blurred but i could make out their figures one besides the other the rest was a blurr of colour. "c-cedric, E-Eragon" ~its okay sis we're here~ i felt a hand hold my right hand "Rose its okay we're both here dont worry" "w-who's holding my right hand?" ~oh its me sorry its just you worried me so much~ everything started to come into focus and I could see Eragon and Cedric, they were a little fuzzy on the edges but i could see them. "can i sit up?" ~as long as you don't over do it Rose~ i sat up slowly and everything blurred but then returned to normal. ^so what happened at the meeting other than you hitting Cedric?^ ~come Wildfire out from under the table~ He did as he was told and hopped up onto a chair. I glared at the red dragon who was the size of a dog ^what Rose?^ "why didn't you tell me" ^tell you what?^ "about my father arranging me to get married with James" ^thats news to me^ ~Rose relax I'll sort him out later lets concentrate on getting you strong again because you worried me~ "okay Cedric I will rest" ~you will?~ ^you will?!^ "why is it a suprise to you two that she says she will?" ^she never rests unless she is truely ill^ ~like death ill~ "oh you two exagerate, Eragon I don't usually need rest that's why." ^no you normally need to rest but you refuse to^ i growled and he disappeared. ~Rose? are you sure your okay? you never do that never ever unless you really truely utterly have to~ "Cedric i'll rest if i pass out again." Eragon looked at Cedric and Cedric shrugged ~promise?~ "No I wont promise" "Rose just stick to your word please" I rolled my eyes "I always do" ~right sure you do~ I frowned ~why the long face~ he pulled a face as if he were trying to mimic me "grr" "Cedric don't annoy her" ~I'm only trying to make her laugh~ "it aint working cedric you can hear her as well as see it in her face" ~fine but Rose honestly why do you hit me so much?~ "well i can answer for her" "shut up both of you!" I stood up and walked to the table ~she told you Eragon~ they pulled faces at each other as my back was to them. "can you just grow up Cedric" I walked outside and climbed a tree, sitting on a branch.<Rosie why storm off like that? its no way to treat your fiance < i just sat there ignoring him. <Rosie come on you cant ignore me forever< he stood there staring at me on the branch.<Rosie look at me do as i say< i blocked him while he tried to control my mind. <Rosie do as i say now!< I blocked him and didn't do as he said. I knew he had stepped closer and was about to hit me but I caught his hand and threw him off the branch onto the floor, then I jumped down standing on him. <get off or i'll hurt you Rosie< "then my father will have something to say." He disappeared and I stood there. Cedric and Eragon walked out of the cave and stopped, Cedric walked alittle closer to me looking into my eyes.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.11.2014

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