
i woke up and i already knew hell was on it's way,"darling wake,don't want you to be late at your first day at school" i groaned.i got up and went to my wardrobe and got out a Tinkerbell t-shirt and light blue skirt and glittery blue flats. i went to the shower and turned the handle to cold,don't ask me why i just like it cold it makes me feel refreshed.i got dressed and brushed my hair and tied it to form a tidy bun i don't make up on so i just put pink lip gloss on and walked out of my room. i noticed my dad was just about to go "dad aren't going to take me to school" he looked up at me "i just had a text that said a boy is taking you there" i think he noticed my expression cause he said "don't worry he's very friendly,his name is Matt" i nodded my head. after my dad walked out of the house i got my bag and opened my door and ran but who stopped my escape a boy that looked 17, had blue eyes and blonde hair he was kinda cute but my anger took over me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" he just gave me this weird smile "my name is Matt, and if you don't mind can you get off me" i got off him and my face showed no sign of embarrassment "my name is Sadie,and am aware that your taking me school" he nodded "well i don't want you to" i smirked and what he did surprised me he got his phone out and started dialing a number " yeah, hi guys i want to come over at nettle street and come to number..." he shoved me a side to see the number of my house "8 bye" he shut the phone and grinned at me "what were doing" he looked at me " oh calling some friends round" i glared at him " i don't want your stinkin pigs at my place" he grinned " when they come you can tell them" i narrowed my eyes at him " you are pretty,blue eyes,blonde hair full lips one of many men's dreams" my eyes were wide of shock and horror "what did yo" some boys came round the corner yelling and shouting some even laughing "i see your boars have come to get there message" i said he grinned "hey guys this is Sadie, and she wants to you something" they crowded round me waiting eagerly at my message "you are all sweaty pigs and boars" i grinned as their faces fell but my own face fell when they all had smirks on their faces "so guys i need help to help this little girl to school" Matt said eyeing me the whole minute, that's it, that's all i could handle from this jerk i jumped on him but something caught me in mid air i looked around and saw eight pairs of arms on the sides of my waist i looked around to see four guys looking at me with wide grins on their faces which looked creepy to me because they looked like weirdo freaks "MOVE.YOUR.FAT.HAIRY.ARMS" i said slowly making it clear i wasn't joking they all shook their heads i looked in front of me to see Matt grinning showing his white teeth "let them take their hands of me" he just shook his head and motioned his finger to the guys to follow him and i was still held beneath there arms i squirmed every step they took making them giving up in defeat at last, the last person could not handle any more "Matt i can't take any more she keeps on squirming" Matt turned around "fine" they put me on the ground i started walking when i felt two muscular arms around my waist i started to squirm and hit but i looked like i was to far from the body to hit,in the end i sighed in defeat and dropped my feet down to my surprise i find they touched the ground and the firm grip around my waist was gone i looked around to find that we have arrived at school. i looked to see Matt was the one with the firm strength "what the hell are you, some vampire" i said rubbing my waist, i felt my hand being hold i looked up to see Matt grinning at me "let go of my hand" i glared but he just dragged me i nearly fell over but loads of hands grabbed my waist i glared behind me at Matt's friends they just grinned. as i walked in i felt all teenager boys eyes boring into me. OK i get i'm pretty but i don't like people staring at me like i'm a very special type of jewel. i looked down Matt's hand great first day and all these people think i'm Matt's girlfriend ewwwww.we go into the building then i stop he turns around to face me "i know where my class is so please let go of my hand" he stares at me for two minutes(I've been counting)then i get annoyed "why are you looking at me for" i said glaring at him "nothing " he said before wiping some thing on my face "what did you do" i said narrowing my eyes at him "nothing only taking some thing of your face" i growled if he was doing his funny business i will kill him.i looked down and saw he had a loose grip on my hand i took that that moment to run away from him. i started running down the corridor until i got this guy that was blocking my way to freedom before i had time to move to the side i fell on top of some one that decided to move i started to mutter curses under my breath and unfortunately the guy heard and pulled me up to his level "what'd u say slut" slut? he actually called me a slut, well i'll tell him every thing i said " you are a pig fat chicken that block's..." i didn't have time to finish my sentence because a familiar hand started dragging me away "YOUR A SWETTIN PIG AND BOAR PLEASE REMBER" i shouted to the guy i fell over, "please shut up" i looked up to see Matt hiding a smile "NO WHO ARE ARE TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO" he just rolled his eyes just then the bell rang to start registration
and that made me jump (i can jump really high) so i just jumped up and while i was up i wiggled my feet and one kicked him on the head "AWWWWWWWWW" when i landed safely on the floor Matt was on the floor and before he went conscious he said "your gonna pay..."


i woke up feeling really heavy in the head.i looked around the place,white walls,curtains where the hell am i.just then a gang of (my friends) boys came in, they looked worried "what happened" i asked them they just smiled "a girl hit you on the head" said zac my friend said.all i wanted to do was sleep "i want to sleep" i told them they ran out of the room. i sighed and before i knew it i was asleep...

* Sadie*

what did he mean your gonna pay.i started walking out of the hospital when i heard people shouting my name i looked around to spot Micheal running forward "Sadie you have to come Matt is saying his goodbyes" i looked in to his eyes to see if he was lying, there was no emotion what so ever. i sighed and ran to Matt's room. i went in to find Matt sleeping on the bed and not having frustrated
nurses around him making sure he comes around. that's when i heard the door shut and the lock turned to shut they lied to me that's it i started to bang on the door but after a minute of banging and screaming i was tired so i went to the chair near the window and i was asleep in one second...


i woke up feeling refreshed,i looked around to find a new beautiful thing placed in the i looked at her she was so nice when she was asleep,but i looked away because there was something melting away and i still wanted revenge...


i woke up looking around the room,finally the Matt boy is awake, i sighed and when i did he turned his head to me and grinned "i see your looking after me" i narrowed my eyes at him "i was forced by your friends" his grin widened "well i'm sorry,but now i'm feeling well and refreshed so can you get out please" i stood up and went to the door to my surprise it opened, Matt's friends are gonna die today i thought.before i went out Matt said "can i come to your house today" i looked over and nodded my head. i was to tired to say no because i knew there's gonna be an argument. and i stepped out of the room to wait for him outside...


my revenge was going well.i went out of my bed to get dressed after i did i went out and saw Sadie waiting "come on lets go" i yelled, she jumped up so i stepped back i wasn't bothered getting hit a second time. after she went on the ground we ran out of the hospital.we walked in silence to her house, in my mind i knew what i going to say and i smirked. she rang the bell and her mum opened the door "hello sweety and who's this" she opened her mouth to say something but i spoke up "i'm her boyfriend" they both looked at me bewildered and then her mum shoved her in also me...


"what the hell was that,i told you NO boyfriends" my mum said i looked at her in disgrace "you think i would have a boyfriend after the trouble i got through" my mum looked at me "fine,so that's not your boyfriend" "no" she nodded her head and went to her bedroom to sleep, i sighed and went to the door to where Matt was standing i looked at him and walked to the living room,i looked behind me to see he was still standing "aren't you gonna come" "yeah i'm coming" he walked forward to the living room and sat on my favorite couch "GET OFF MY COUCH" i yelled he grinned and shook his head i was about to tell him to f off when the rang i ran to get it and guess who i saw.MATT's FRIENDS. "what do you want" glaring at Micheal and the rest "can we come in" "no" "darling who's at the door" "people" "what do they want" "to come in" "let them in darling" i groaned "stop groaning honey" i sighed "stop sighing darling" i rolled my eyes and went to the couch and stretched my legs so no one can sit there, they came in and started to look at me...

DAMN IT, you wanna sleep here as well!!!


i looked at them "what are you looking at?" i asked them,Zack looked at me and grinned "hey Sadie" i looked at him blankly "can you budge up" he asked sweetly, he looked so cute i just wanted to.. "Zack can you come here for a minute" i asked smiling, i heard Micheal say "you are so dead". i sighed looking at Zack who was edging his way near me, his snail pace was really annoying me, "hurry up, I'm already turning old" i muttered, Luke (Matt friend) said "did you have botox,is that why we can't see wrinkles?" he asked innocently, yeah as innocent as a robber who was gonna steal money from a bank, yeah that was soon innocent. Wait Luke your so gonna get after Zack, i thought evilly in my mind, "at last" i said "Zack has reached his destination" i got up from where i was sitting, and i did what i always wanted to do- i kneed him where the sun don't shine or the sperm maker or is it baby maker, anyways i grabbed his ear and twisted it "EKKKKKK" he screamed, like a girl who saw a mouse, "next time" i whispered in his ear "you do not tell a lady to budge up understood" i heard Luke say "psshh a lady please",Zack nodded his head and i let him go. i stalked up to Luke who saw me coming up to him and coward behind Daniel (also Matt friend) "Luke my dear friend how are you?" i asked him sweetly, i heard Daniel say "is she psycho or what" i glared at Daniel "zip it" i yelled, i turned to Luke and grabbed his shirt and was about to knee him in the balls when he grabbed my face and crashed his lips to mine....

Just joking, i kneed him where there should have been a no kicking sign and threw him to the floor "no i didn't have botox, and I'm not old it's just some weirdo speech okay" i glared at him and huffed then span around to sit on my beautiful couch- which now was holding 3 boys (which is Micheal, Daniel and Zack), (Matt sitting on a different couch, and Luke is on the floor:) "GET.OFF.OF.MY.COUCH.NOW" i said each word sepretly so they would understand i wasn't kidding they just shook their heads at me and said a simple "no" to me. i groaned "okay im going to get something" i said "and when i come back you lot better have gone understand" and span on my heel and went up stairs to my moms room, i opened the door and softly called her "mom, helllllooo MOOOOM" okay not that quietly but whatever, my mom peeked out from under the covers of the bed "yes darling what do you want?" she asked groggily, "can i use some money?" she nodded her head and went across the room where her desk was, she opened the draw and took out a twenty pound note "here" she said, i took it "thanks mom" i said but she was already snoring.

i started walking down the street to the pizza shop, it was only a 5min walk or if you went by car or bike it would be like 2 or 3min drive, i opened the door and the heat and smell hit me, like literally "owwww my head is killing me" i yelled "oh im sorry" a male voice said "well help me up and don't just stand there looking" i muttered "well then aren't you a looker" he said and for the first time i looked to see the face, what, i just wanna check who this guy is, what if he was some old dude like 60 or something and giving looks where they shouldn't be, well luckily he wasn't, he looked really nice, he had golden brown hair with different shades of brown, white teeth, green eyes and a perfect tan "your not bad yourself" i said "well you have to try when your a 19 year old to get the ladies" he said looking down where he shouldn't be "hey eyes up here" i yelled in his face "you know you shouldn't be in someone's face when they got your eyes on you" he stated "why" i asked genuinely curious "because they'll wanna do st-" "okay i think i have enough of that" i said cutting him off "so whats your name" he asked "why should i tell you stranger" i said smirking "well maybe cause im smart,clever and intelligent" i raised my brow up "you just basically said your smart three times" i said while chuckling "well that just said im smart" i sighed and looked up at him "i tell you my name because your harmless,its Sadie" he nodded his as if he catched it "well Sadie my names Ryder and before you go here is my email and phone number" he said while writing something in a small note book, after he finished he gave it to me "write yours down" he said smiling i chuckled while shaking my head.

once i wrote it down he said his goodbyes and went his way while i made my way towards the pizza shop, once i got to the counter, the woman working there gave me a nice cheery smile and said something along the lines of "hi welcome what do you wanna order" i smiled back and ordered 2 large cheese pizzas with tomatoes, olives and spicy chicken as the toppings and a family bottle of Pepsi, of course this wasn't just for me it was for the guys if they were still there and mom probably was hungry and dad wont be coming back for the rest of the week, the person working there gave me my stuff "that would be £14.59p" i gave her the 20 pound note and she gave back the change "thanks" i said as i walked away.

i opened the front door of my house, while humming a random tune "hey people im back" after i finished that sentence everyone came running out of the living room "what did you buy" Micheal said, "pizza and coke" i said happily dancing around them towards the kitchen, i heard daniel say "didn't i tell she was some mad woman" he said, but i was still in my good mood i put the food on the table and got six cups and plates and put them on the table "come now friends lets eat" i shouted, i winced at how i sounded like a retard and i saw how everyone as well tried not to laugh "forget i said that, im just gonna call my mom" i said "wait" Matt said i turned around "your mom just said she had to go to that business trip with your dad" "what" he rolled his eyes "your dad came round and said that he needed your mom to go with him he was gonna take you with them but we said that we didn't have anything to do so he said we could sleep here all week" he said while grinning like a maniac "WHATTTTT!!!!" i was gonna stay in this house with five morons and it was still monday, oh please god help me....


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.07.2011

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