

Love is a strong four letter word.
So is hate.

I roll down my window and here we are again, Nixon High. I really should be excited for the first day of school. But what's there to look forward to? Cranky teachers, stuck up teens, lacrosse tryouts soon, all honors classes.
"Good luck today," Dad said, he patted me on my back and I smiled slightly. Got out of the car and slammed the door, as I saw my dad drive away in our beat up bugee, I tuck in my dirty uniform and immediately Jaclyn, my best friend runs up to me with Ryan my other friend.
"Logan!" She yelled happily then hugged me.
"Hey Jaclyn," I said.
I hugged Ryan and he asked, "How'd you get here?"
"Dad," I said.
"That must've been uncomfortable," Ryan said.
"Ryan!" Jaclyn yelled then hit him.
"Oh I'm sorry," Ryan said.
"It's cool, I just need to focus on school," I said breathing out.
Just then Drew Michaels walks by with his so called posse, Conor, Shane and Will. Then of course you have the drooling cheerleaders dragging behind them. I'm so sick of this whole who's in who's not situation. I mean yeah Drew might be gorgeous with his brown flow and deep blue eyes, and his.. never mind he's over rated. Conor of course was your typical barbie, blonde hair blue eyes, muscles on his muscles, and dumb as a rock. Will was probably my favorite, he had a short brown hair do and said hi to everyone in the halls. He played every sport possible, football, basketball, lacrosse, tennis, swimming, you name it he plays it. I've known him forever, ever since, my mom died...
Shane, he's the shy one, he has black hair, covers his eyes, and mostly keeps to himself, he's basically a follower, they tell him to do something he'll do it. Just then Drew looked over at me, I turned away and acted like I had no idea who he was.
"So how was your summer?" Jaclyn asked.
"Alright, worked," I said.
"How's Paige and Charlie?" Ryan asked.
Paige and Charlie are my two younger siblings Paige is 4 and Charlie's 2, I love them to death, but I spent the whole summer watching them, feeding them, and what not.
"There good," I said.
We went inside and I went to my locker, but there was a catch. Someone was standing right next to it, Drew. Of course he was talking to one of the cheerleaders, hand against his locker, leg over the other and standing as close as possible to Sabrina. Sabrina is I guess you could say somewhat my friend, we've been family friends for ever. I watch as she twirls her short, stringy blonde hair and laugh at everything he says. I walk over with Ryan and Jaclyn, and go to my locker.
"Logan?" she said confused.
I looked up from my combo, and looked at her and said, "Hey."
Drew turned his head around and gave me a confused look.
Sabrina hugged me and said, "You look great."
My face got red and said, "Thanks." I hated attention, coming to school a whole different person probably didn't help. I got contacts, braces off, and instead of throwing my hair in a bun I actually straightened it and put a braid on the side. I never realized how long and brown my hair was until I actually did it.
I got back to my locker, and I heard Sabrina say bye and I saw her out of the corner of my eye hug him. He turned back to his locker, and looked at me. I ignored him and acted like I didn't notice.
"How could I spend 2 years of high school and not notice you?" He asked.
"Same reason, why I spent 2 years of high school avoiding you," I said back.
"Who wants to avoid me?" He said flipping his hair.
"Anyone who has a straight mind," I said closing my locker then walking away.
I heard in the background Conor come up and ask, "Who was that?"
"Logan Schapiro," Drew said watching me walk away.
"That girls a freak," Conor said.
Drew hesitated then said, "I know."
I rolled my eyes then went to class, I was used to it. The only time anyone really liked me was on the field. I was the captain and starter of the girls lacrosse team and led the team into 2 state championships. I was known as that freaky smart, poor, girl. The whole day went by so slowly, and by the end it was time for pre season. I went in the locker room and everyone looked at me. I took a step back, then they all started whispering. I closed the door and walked towards my locker. My only friend on the lacrosse team was Rachel Barnes, co captain.
"You sure look different," She said.
"Do I really look that different?" I asked.
"Yeah, you actually... look good?" She said.
"Gee thanks Rach," I said.
"In a good way," She said.
I threw on my pinnie, number 11, and headed for the field. I see all these new freshmen and see how nervous and scared they look. I, being the captain was supposed to start off.
"Alright everyone over here, my names Logan Schapiro captain of the team, and this is.." I said.
"I'm Rachel Barnes co captain," Rachel said.
"A lot of you are new, and we just want to say try your hardest, and don't give up. Show us you deserve to be here." I said.
"Let's start off taking a lap around the field," Rachel said, turning on her ipod speakers. She put on "Driving Me Crazy," by Sammy Adams.
We ran then stretched, did shuttles, shooting drills, and then it was over. I gathered my stuff and stayed after to talk to people with questions.


Drews POV:
Lacrosse just ended and I was exhausted, the only thing that kept me going were the cheerleaders. New uniforms this year, short skirts, and bandeau tops. Funny, that they make them wear that at a catholic school.
"Good job today dude," Conor said.
"Thanks bro, you too," I said.
Suddenly Logan walks by and she catches my sight, Conor see's me look at her.
"What happened to her? Some plastic surgery or something?" He asked.
I looked at her then said, "I bet her crazy dad did that to her."
Conor laughed and said, "A little too much to drink this summer?"
I laughed and then said, "He's a goon."
"So are you," Conor said jokingly.
I hit him in the head with my lacrosse stick lightly.
"Only one way to prove you're not," Conor said.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" I asked.
"Ask Logan out, get her to fall in love with you, and I'll pay you 10 dollars every week you stay with her," Conor said.
"Nah, I'll pass dude," I said.
"15 Dollars," Conor said.
I thought about it and said, "20 and it's a deal."
"Fine," Conor said.
"Whats the point of this?" I asked.
"To show that you're not easy, and you're not a baby, show your badass side." Conor said.
"By breaking some girls heart that did nothing to me?" I asked.
"Yup," Conor said.
Out of the corner of my eye I see her so I ran up to her and said, "Logan right?"
She looked at me then nodded.
"I'm Drew, which you probably know," I said.
"Can I help you?" She replied sharply.
"No, I just saw you and wanted to tell you how beautiful you look," I said charmingly.
"Well, thankyou?" She said.
"Do you know what 2 pretty people make?" I asked getting closer.
"No, flatter me Drew," She said sarcastically.
"A perfect couple," I said trying not to get angry.
"Good luck finding her," Logan said.
"Never thought you could be the one?" I asked.
"No sorry I never thought of dating a conceited pretty boy," she said.
Then Logan stormed off and went in a car.
"So I'm pretty?" I yelled after her.
Before I knew it there was a hand on my shoulder, "Next time." Conor said jokingly.
I walked away and got in my convertible and drove away.
Logan's POV:
"What was Drew saying?" Ryan asked.
"He was flirting," I said.
"Is that a good thing?" Jaclyn asked.
"No, he's a conceited jerk," I said folding my arms across my chest.
"Yeah, but he's hot, " Jaclyn said.
"You're not helping," I said.
When we got to my house our nanny Marissa was still there, I thanked her and she left. My dad worked all day to recover from.. last year. I grabbed Paige and kissed her on the cheek, in my other hand I grabbed Charlie and kissed him also. We went up to my room and Jaclyn said, "I'm giving you a makeover, Drew will want you more now that you have no braces, glasses or those pimples."
"Gee, thanks Jac," I said.
"It's a good thing!" Jaclyn said.
I rolled my eyes and sat down, why fight it?
"Okay, first Ryan leave the room, it needs to be a surprise," Jaclyn said.
"What am I supposed to do?" Ryan asked.
"I don't know take the kids for a walk," I said.
"Fine," Ryan said.
Once he left, Jaclyn took out a whole suitcase, inside was millions of makeups, hair products, and what not.
She first pulled my hair back, and put some cream all over me.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Tanning lotion," Jaclyn said.
She then put on mascara, eye liner, eye shadow, blush, all this stuff I've never worn before. She curled my hair and we were finally done.
"Open," She said.
I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the girl I saw, she was beautiful, I've never actually worn makeup or done my hair. My dark brown hair had gently curls that went below my shoulders.
"Ryan come in!" Jaclyn said.
He came in and his eyes widened and mouth dropped open, "Well?" Jaclyn asked.
"You look...." Ryan said at a loss of words.
"Look what?" Jaclyn asked smiling.
"Beautiful," Ryan said.
I smiled slightly and said, "Thanks Ry."
I hugged them both, I did look different, and I actually felt confident. Tomorrow should be fun..
I tucked Charlie and Paige in bed and Jaclyn and Ryan left.
I went to bed and got ready for a new day tomorrow.
Drews POV:
Okay so today is the day I will win Logan over, I know I will, I looked in the mirror, flexed my muscle, brushed my teeth and hoped in my car and left. When I got to school I met the crew at our regular spot, by the bell tower.
"Have you seen Logan yet?" Conor asked.
"Nope why?" I asked.
"Boy you're in for a suprise," he said.
I turned around and tried to find her, I saw Ryan, and Jaclyn but didn't see her. They got out of the car and I see a beyond hot girl. Long brown curly hair, tan, not too skinny, nice body, and a nice a--, never mind. I watch where she's going and see she's headed for my locker. I run after her, and beat her to my locker. I looked over and she was at Logan's locker. She looked up and it was Logan.
"Logan?" I asked.
She looked up at me, it was her I recognized those big brown hazel eyes.
"Yeah?" She asked in a sweet voice.
I stood there, "I'm sorry, it's just you look so.. amazing."
She tilted her head to her shoulder and smiled and said, "Thank you."
"I've never realized how beautiful your eyes are," I said.
"That's because we've never really talked, you never noticed me," She said.
"What a mistake that was," I said stepping closer.
She stepped back and said, "I'm sorry about yesterday."
"It's cool don't worry about it." I said.
"I was just, stressed I guess," Logan said.
"I know what you mean," I said.
She ran her hand through her hair and put it to her side.
"I'm guessing my request for a date is still a no?" I asked smiling.
She smiled and said, "It's a maybe."
"Well here's my number," I said and took her hand and wrote my number on it, to be extra romantic I gently kissed her knuckles.
I winked and said, "See you around."
She bit her lip and nodded.
I turned around smiling and Conor was right there.
"Oh hey," I said.
"What was that all about?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing just a conversation," I said.
"Didn't seem like just a conversation,you dont like her do you?" Conor asked.
"No, I don't like her," I said doubting myself.
"You sure, seems like you do," He said.
"Yup," I said.
"She's not apart of us," Conor said.
"Who's not apart of us?" Will asked.
"No one," I said.
"Drew's in love with Logan," Conor said punching my arm.
"No I'm not dude," I said pushing him off me.
"Logan Schapiro?" Will asked.
"Yeah," Conor said.
"I can set you two up, we're good friends," Will said.
On my way in the hall I saw Shane, "Sup?"
"I don't like her ok!?" I yelled.
Ryans POV:
Damn, Logan looks amazing, and honestly I don't want to admit it, but I might like her. If Drew's after her I have no chance.
"Ryan!" I hear Logan call.
I turn around and she's running towards me.
"It worked!" She said hugging me.
"What worked?" I asked.
"This, Drew asked me on a date again, except this time I said maybe, I want to play hard to get, but not too hard. You know I don't want to seem desperate and.." She said fastly.
"Logan, Logan, Logan, breathe," I said holding on to her shoulders.
"I'm sorry. I'm just so happy." She said.
"What happened to you thinking he was a conceited pretty boy?" I asked.
"Well, that was before he liked me," She said.
"Log, I played football with him, he's not the nicest guy. He goes after all these girls, then breaks their heart." I said.
"He's changed," she said.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"How do you not?" She replied sharply.
"Logan I'm just looking out for you," I said holding her hand.
She wrapped her arms around me and said, "I know, thank you."
I put my head in between her neck and shoulder and said, "I'm always here for you."
"Me too," She said looking up to me.
I breathed in then said, "Did you ever think that the person who could be for you, could be right infront of you?"
"Possibly, I've never looked," Logan said.
"Oh, okay," I said not knowing what to say next.


Logan's POV:
Friday, finally, and worst part is, my birthday. I'm a whole different girl, and I'm ready for this dreadful day to end. I hop into Ryan's car and Jaclyn said, "I don't think I've ever seen your hair straightened."
"Here you have it," I said sitting in the passenger seat.
"Jaclyn, is that really the first thing you say on a day like today?" Ryan asked.
Oh God they remembered.
"Nah, I seemed to have forgotten my best friends birthday," Jaclyn said sarcastically.
"You can forget it now," I said.
"No, I think I'm going to treat you to breakfast," Ryan said.
"No, no that's okay Ry Guy," I said.
We arrived at Dunkin Donuts and Ryan bought me a large hot chocolate, and a bagel twist, my favorite.
I hugged Ryan and said, "Thankyou."
We got back in the car and East Northumberland High by Miley Cyrus came on. Jaclyn immediately sang along. I laughed and then Ryan sang along.
"You guys are freaks," I said.
"You know you want to," Jaclyn said.
"Come on it's your birthday, do what you want," Ryan said.
A minute later I started singing along, it was tempting. We arrived at school and of course the student council birthday crew came by. They tied balloons on my bookbag and put a tiara on my head. Worst part is I had to keep it on, school tradition.
We walked and then I saw Drew and them, I looked at Drew then he looked down. Will came up to me and hugged me and said, "Happy birthday."
"Thanks Will," I said hugging him.
When he let go I looked over and saw Conor, Drew, and Shane walking over.
Conor popped my balloon, and said, "Alcoholics birthday er?"
I didn't say anything.
"Back off," Ryan said stepping stepping closer.
"I'm sure your dad has drugged you," Conor said.
"Why don't you just leave?" Jaclyn said.
I felt myself starting to tear up I looked at Drew and he looked down.
"Aw, baby girls getting upset," said a cheerleader Ainsley behind him.
"Conor, leave Logan alone," Will said.
"Did you even wash those clothes last night?" Another cheerleader Andrea asked.
"I can smell the beer off of it," Shane said.
"How much was that plastic surgery?" Ainsley asked.
I finally had enough I took off not even able to see where I was going with the tears in my eyes. I ran to the bathroom and took my tiara off and broke it in half and threw it across the room. I went into a stall and cried. Jaclyn came in and said, "Log, come here."
I remained silent.
"Come here," Jaclyn said.
I decided to go out of the stall and she hugged me.
"Don't listen to them, there jealous, and don't know anything." Jaclyn said.
"I'm fine," I said.
"No you're not," She said tucking my hair behind my ear.
I hugged her and wiped my tears, and said, "I have to get to class."
"I'm here for you," Jaclyn said.
We went out and Drew was standing right there, and on the other side of him was Ryan. I looked him in the eyes and this time he didn't look away. I walked the other direction to music, he said, "Jaclyn wait."
I turned around and said, "You're a liar, and a deceiver. You had me fooled, congrats.. You want to know how my dad earned his reputation? My mom died in a car crash, the other driver was drunk. He turned his problems to alcohol, abused me, and got my family into great debt. This whole summer I worked day and night watching my younger siblings, we went on no vacation, or I did nothing except babysit all summer, and work. I don't even remember I had a day when I was free, from having to babysit trying to help out my dad. Judge him, judge me, i don't care, but do me a favor, and stay the hell out of my life."
I went to class, then realized he was in my class, God damnit.
"Okay so today we're going to work on expressing how we feel right now," my teacher Mr. Martin said.
I raised my hand and he was surprised and said, "Yes, Logan."
I decided to go with Mean by Taylor Swift.
Singing was my passion I sang it with emotion and made it obvious it was out to Drew. When I was done everyone went wild and he sat there still looking at me then asked if he could be excused. He came back in with a guitar and face red, he whispered something to Mr. Martin and he nodded.
He strummed a few notes, then started singing, How to Love by Lil' Wayne, he came to me and sang it to me. When class was over I walked away quickly then he called my name, I turned around.
"Logan, I'm sorry okay. I know, I've been acting terrible, truth is I'm afraid to admit I might like you. My friends might judge me, and you're honestly intimidating. If you could give me one chance to love you, you'll never regret it."
I looked away and did not expect that at all, no guy has ever liked me before, and to have the most popular guy in school like you was weird.
He put his finger on my chin, tilted my head up and said, "Please."
I sighed and said, "Maybe."
He threw his head back and said with a smile, "Logan you're killing me."
I laughed and tucked a hair behind my ear and said, "I guess."
"That means I get to give you your birthday present," Drew said.
"Present?" I asked.
"Oh please, I didn't forget your birthday, close your eyes." Drew said.
I covered my eyes and I felt a necklace go around my neck.
"Open," Drew said.
I looked down and it was a necklace with the number 11, mine and his.
"I love it," I said smiling.
"Really? I didn't know if I should or shouldn't," He said.
"No, it's perfect," I said.
Just then Ryan came up with Jaclyn and Ryan hugged me immediately.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Better," I said.
"Did he apoligize yet," Jaclyn asked staring down Drew.
"Yup," I said.
"Did we miss anything else?" Ryan asked.
I looked at Drew and almost said no untill he interrupted me and said, "I asked her out."
Jaclyn's mouth dropped open, then her eyes immediately fell to my necklace, she covered her mouth.
The final bell rung, and Drew put his arm around me. Before I knew it Conor was next to him, he looked at Drew weirdly.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
Drew looked at me and I nodded, and then said, "Look Conor, you need to learn to stop being such a bitch and judging people, I have plenty of reasons to judge you. Plus her and I are kind of an item now."
"I was kidding," Conor said.
"Still was rude and inconsiderate," Drew said.
"I'm sorry Logan," Conor said not sincerely.
"So's my dad," I said then stormed off.
I heard Drew yell, "See what you do?"
I hopped into Ryan's car, and Drew came running over, "Where are you going?"
"Home, I have to babysit," I said.
"On your birthday?" He asked.
"Yup, my dads working," I said.
"Can I help?" He asked.
"I don't see why not," I said.
"Text me," Drew said.
"Will do," I said smiling.
Drew shut my door, waved bye, then we drove off.
"Are you seriously dating him?" Jaclyn asked."
"I guess," I said.
"Are you sure about this?" Ryan asked.
"Once a player, always a player," Jaclyn said.
"Everyone deserves a chance," I said.
Ryan and Jaclyn looked at each other, then arrived at my house.
"Happy birthday Log," Jaclyn said getting out of the car to hug me.
"Thanks so much," I said hugging her then went to Ryan.
"Happy birthday," He said pulling me in.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, and said, "Thanks." He hugged me for a while and then suddenly let go.
"You sure you don't want help tonight?" Jaclyn asked.
"I'm good enjoy your Friday night," I said.
"Love you," Jaclyn said.
"Love you both," I said then walked in.
I thanked Marissa, she said "Happy Birthday," and then left.
I picked up Charlie and held him then my phone vibrated, it was Drew.
"Hey," he said.
"Hey," I replied.
I didn't know if I should trust Drew, yes he's known to be a player, but I'm known for being this crazy alcoholic freak. Like I said everyone deserves a chance.
"When do you want me to come over?" He asked.
"Whenever," I replied.
"Mind if I come now?" He asked.
"Of course not," I said.
"Be right there (;" He said.
I ran up stairs fixed my hair, threw on jean shorts and a light purple v neck, I threw on my beat up converse, which probably was a bad idea considering he's probably around a foot taller than me. Then the door rang, how the hell is he already here. I opened the door, and it was him.
"Hey," he said.
"You weren't kidding when you said you'd be right here," I said laughing.
"I was lonely," He said.
I laughed and rolled my eyes and he came in and we went into the kitchen. He sat on the bar stool, and I stood behind the counter.
"You're house is really nice," he said seeming surprised.
"Thanks," I said.
Charlie came crawling to Drew and sat right on the ground next to him.
"Hi there little guy," Drew said picking him up.
Charlie giggle and held onto Drew's finger, I could tell he loved him.
"That's Charlie," I said.
"Hey Charlie," he said tickling him.
Charlie laughed and Drew rose him to the sky, and said, "He's like the little lion from lion king, if only I had a coconut..."
I laughed and shook my head. Just then the door opened, I looked over and saw a briefcase, balloons and a small gift.
He came in and said, "Happy Birthday sweetheart."
"Thanks Dad," I said helping him with his stuff and hugging him.
"This is Drew," I said.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Schapiro," he said taking out his hand to shake his.
"You too Drew, what are your plans tonight you two?" He asked.
"Well, I thought I was babysitting," I said.
"On your birthday? No way, go out, have some fun," My dad said.
"You sure?" I asked.
"Positive, just be good," he said.


We're back inside and we go back to his room.
"I don't have clothes to change into," I said.
He tossed me a tshirt and sweatpants and I tried it on not even caring he was right there. The clothes were humongous on me, but they were so warm.
I looked over and he was shirtless, he had the nicest body and then I turned around.
"It's a little big," I said.
"You look cute," Drew said.
"It's really warm," I said.
"You cold?" He asked.
"Kinda," I said.
He wrapped his arms around me from behind me, and kissed my neck all over. I undid his arms and held both of his hands.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Drew asked.
"I used to not, but I think that might've changed," I said smiling.
"You in love with me?" Drew asked with a smile.
I bit my lip and said, "I don't know yet."
"I'm crazy about you Logan," he said.
I can't believe it but I was actually in love with Drew Michaels.
"And I'm crazy about you," I said stepping closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist then the door opened we both turned around, it was Jordyn.
"Oh sorry, I just wanted to let you know the pizza's ready," she said.
"Okay, we'll be right there," he said.
I looked at him, then said, "I'll help you get it out."
Drew threw his head back then held my hand out the door.
Drew took out the pizza and everyone sat down, Caroline sat on my lap and I asked Jordyn, "What grade are you in."
"Eigth," She said.
"Oh okay, do you like it?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm president of the school, it's nice," she said.
"I'm sure all the boys are chasing after you, you're gorgeous," I said trying to be nice.
"Aw, thankyou but really, they think I'm.." Before she finished she looked at Drew.
"What?" Drew asked.
"I'm not saying it infront of you," she said.
"Why not?" He asked getting defensive.
"Because, sometimes you get too protective," Jordyn said.
I laughed and said, "Is that so."
"Yes, once a boy came home and he tried to kiss me so Drew chased him around with a pan," she said to me.
"Hey, he was getting offly close," Drew said.
"He's just looking out for you," I said.
"I know," she said smiling.
Drew went over and picked her up and said, "I just love my baby sister."
"Put me down!" She said laughing.
Drew put her down and kissed her on the cheek, she wiped it off and said, "Ew," then smiled and laughed.
We ate and then decided to all watch a movie, Drew put on One Missed Call, and we put the kids to bed.
"Logan, will you be here tomorrow?" Caroline asked.
"I don't know sweetie we'll see," I said.
Max ran up and hugged my leg, and said, "Don't leave."
"I won't, I just have to go home tonight," I said.
"Will you be back?" Max asked.
"Hopefully," I said smiling.
"No worries, she will," Drew said putting his arm around me.
I said goodnight to the kids and we went back out to the tv room. Jordyn, wasn't in there she went back to her room.
Drew sat down and made a motion for me to sit next to him. I layed down on his lap and he played with my hair. We decided not to watch the movie instead just talk.
"I had a lot of fun today," I said.
"Day 1 of a great relationship," he said smiling.
I smiled and kissed him, "You're a really good kisser." Drew said.
"Am I now?" I asked laughing.
"Once I start I never want to stop," he said.
I pulled his head towards mine, kissed him once more and he wrapped his arms around my back and put me on his lap. I wrapped my legs around him and he kissed my neck.
"How come I've never noticed you before?" He asked.
"I'm invisible," I said.
"That's not true," he said.
"The only attention I get is being called a freak or alcoholic, I've never had beer in my life," I said.
Drew tucked my hair behind my ear, "They don't know the real you."
"I don't even know if I know the real me," I said.
"I'll always like you just the way you are," Drew said.
"Pinky swear," I said putting out my pinky.
"Pinky swear," Drew said smiling and pressing his forehead against mine.
Suddenly, the door opened, I looked at the clock it was only 7, I looked at the door, and it was Conor, Will and Shane.
"What are we interrupting?" Conor asked confused.
I got nervous and said, "Uh, I was just leaving."
"No you weren't," Drew said holding my hand.
"Logan are you going out with Drew?" Will asked.
I looked at Drew and he said, "Yeah."
I looked back at Will and Will gave Drew a look that said, "What are you doing?"
I grabbed my bag and got back up, clearly I shouldn't be here.
Conor blocked the door, and I rolled my eyes and said, "Conor, will you please move?"
"Nah, I think we should all chill here," he said.
"I have to get home," I said.
"Daddy wants you home to drive him to the bar?" He asked.
"Conor, shut up!" Drew asked.
"Oh, wait I forgot you can't afford your own car!" Conor said.
I finally had enough, I balled my fist, and punched him straight in the temple. He threw his hand to his head, and yelled "Ow!"
I walked out the door and slammed it shut, Drew ran out after me and said, "Logan wait!"
I was crying now, I turned around and he said, "Don't leave, please."
"I'm sorry I can't deal with him," I said.
"Ignore him, he's a douche looking for attention," Drew said.
"Then why are you friends with him?" I asked.
Drew was silent. I took off his sweatshirt and pants, because I had clothes under and gave it to him.
"Logan, you're not mad are you?" He asked.
"No," I said, I wasn't mad at him, it was Conor.
"Can I at least give you a ride?" He asked.
"I'll walk," I said.
"Let me drive you," he said.
"I'm fine," I said.
He looked at me straight in the eyes for a little, his eyes were beautiful, he pulled me in and kissed me, except this time it wasn't for a moment.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"Don't be," I said smiling.
He gave me one last hug and I was barely at his chest and then went inside, I called up Ryan to pick me up. He came and he was with Jaclyn, I got in the front and we drove by and I saw Drew looking out his window making sure I got in okay.
Drew's POV:
I can't believe I actually was falling for her, at first it was a joke but she's perfect. My ideal girl.
I watch her leave and she's with Ryan, and suddenly I'm nervous, what if she starts to like him.
I get inside and flip shit at Conor.
"Listen Conor, you leave Logan alone, and not only that but you treat her with respect, she's my girlfriend. If I hear one more word, and I swear I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you never say another word again," I said yelling.
"You don't actually like her do you?" Conor asked.
"I do," I said.
Conor, Will and Shane exchanged glances, "Alright bro, I'm sorry, I'll try."
"We cool?" I asked putting my hand out.
He gave me a high five then said, "Be mad no more, I have a gift for you."
He reached in his back and pulled a six pack of beer.
He passed one to Will and Shane, and said, "Toast to Drew and Logan."
"Dude I don't know," I said nervous.
"It's just beer, it's not like you'll die," Conor said.
"I don't know, I'm babysitting and.." I said.
"Don't be a baby," Conor said.
I got a bottle opener and chugged down a bottle. I breathed out and felt fire in my throat. I grabbed another bottle and gulped it down. I was suddenly dizzy, but I needed more, I went to my parents beer cabinet and chugged down another one. I went to grab another one but suddenly my vision blurred. Everyone else was on their first, and they all asked me if I was okay.
"I'm, I'm fine," I said shaking my head.
I blinked a couple times then lost my balance, Will put his hands on my back and I said, "Who turned off the lights?" Then before I knew it I passed out.
Conor's POV:
Shit, Drew's passed out on the floor, his parents will be home soon, and I have no idea what to do.
"What do we do?" I asked.
"I don't know CPR?" Shane asked.
"No stupid, he's not dead," Will said.
"I'm out of here," I said frantically.
"Me too," Shane said.
"Don't just leave!" Will yelled right as we ran out the door.
Logans POV:
I get in the car and of course I get asked 100 million questions.
"Alright, alright enough, he and I are going out, that's it," I said.
"But why?" Ryan asked.
"Because I like him," I said.
"But.." Ryan said.
Then my phone was ringing, it was Will.
"Logan?" He asked.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Can you come back please, Drew passed out," Will said.
"What? How?" I asked nervously.
"Uh, details later, just get here please," Will said.
I hung up and said, "Turn back we need to get Drew."


Logan's POV:
What the hell do I make him? I decide to go for the obvious, pancakes, I add chocolate chips, cinnamon sugar, and a tad bit of whip cream. I pour him a cup of coffee, then run up. His face lights up when he sees the meal, I put it down on the table next to him and he puts his arms around my waist and sits me down on his lap.
"This looks amazing," he said.
"Anything for you," I said smiling.
"I don't deserve you," Drew said.
"Sh," I said covering his mouth. "Don't say that."
"Why'd you decide to forgive me?" He asked.
"When? Last night or the whole thing in school?" I asked.
"Both," He said.
"Well, I decided to forgive you yesterday, because I thought about it and realized, I might've done the same thing, and said nothing. And last night, because you needed me and I'm sure you'd do the same for me," I said.
"I should've said something," Drew said shaking his head.
"You did, that's all that matters," I said.
"Yeah, after," he said.
"All that matters is, we're together," I said sitting closer to him.
"Forever," Drew said holding my hand.
Suddenly the door opens and my dad is here.
"I'm headed off to.." he said then paused and looked at Drew. "You spend the night?"
"Yeah, he forgot the keys to his house," I said.
"I hope that's okay with you sir," Drew said.
"Oh, that's fine, you're always welcome here, I'm off to work, Marissa will be here today," My dad said.
"Bye dad love you," I said.
"Bye sweetheart, it was nice seeing you Drew," my dad said.
"You too Mr Schapiro," Drew said.
My dad left and Drew looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You're so beautiful," he said then put his nose against mine.
"You think?" I whispered.
"I know," he said
Suddenly my phone is ringing again, I grab it then Drew took it out of my hands, and answered.
"Hello? Oh sup, yeah, yeah thanks I appreciate it, um now? I guess, yeah see yeah," he said then hung up.
"Who was it?" I asked.
"Ryan, I think him and Jaclyn are coming over," Drew said.
"That means I have to get up?" I asked.
"No, I'll carry you my princess," Drew said scooping me up and taking me to my room. When we got to my room he gently laid me down on my bed and I said, "I brought you a change of clothes, you know if you want to get changed."
I gave him the bag and looked in the bag, I packed him Nantucket red shorts and a light blue polo.
"You into preppy boys?" He asked.
I smiled and said, "A little."
"Do I get to pick you out an outfit?" He asked.
"Go ahead," I said.
He looked in my drawers and gave me a long sleeve a long sleeve light blue shirt, and pink jean shorts.
"Impressive," I said.
I put it on and he changed and then threw my hair into a side braid and then Ryan and Jaclyn were here.
Ryan's POV:
I can not believe Logan's dating him, what's so special about him? I text Jaclyn and tell her we should go to Logan's. I can Logan and of course Drew picks up, and then we head to her house.
"Do you think Logan really likes Drew?" I ask Jaclyn.
"Maybe, but I think he actually likes her," she said.
"He's not the only one," I mumble.
"What?" she asked.
"Nothing, why do you think she likes him?" I ask.
"He's perfect, hot, charming, lacrosse captain," Jaclyn said.
"I get it," I snap.
"Ryan, are you jealous?" Jaclyn asks me.
"No of course I'm not," I said.
I refused to talk at all the rest of the ride.
Drew's POV:
Jaclyn and Ryan came and to be honest, it was completely awkward. Ryan didn't stop glaring at me and he asked finally, "Are you playing football this season."
"Yeah, I was voted captain," I said.
"Of course you were," Ryan said quietly.
"Ryan," Logan said then shook her head.
"I should get going," I said.
"No don't leave," Logan said grabbing on to my arm.
"I'll text you," I said hugging her.
"Promise?" She asked staring into my eyes.
"I promise," I said I kissed her on the temple then said bye to Ryan and Jaclyn and left.
I realized I had no car and was forced to walk home. When I got home my parents were at the table hands folded across their chest.
"Where were you?" My dad asked.
"Conor's," I said.
"Why'd you walk?" My mom asked.
"He was still asleep," I said.
"Did he come over before?" My mom asked.
"No," I said.
My parents exchange looks then pull out the trash can, shit, no one emptied the beer bottles, I looked down.
"She did this to you, didn't she?" My dad yelled.
"No! Logan didn't have any!" I yelled.
"So she brought beer over and made you drink it?" My mom asked.
"No, she wasn't here," I said.
"Then who was it the beer fairy?" My dad said sarcastically.
"It was, Conor," I said quietly.
"Conor Shoop?" My mom asked.
This is it, time to tell the truth.
"Logan was over, Conor, Will and Shane came, made fun of her, so she left. They brought out beer and gave me a couple, I drank all of it and passed out. Conor and Shane left, Will called Logan, and Logan had her friends bring me to her house and she watched the family while I was gone." I said regretting saying it.
"You're pathetic," My mom said tearing up.
"You have a family, a lacrosse future, a reputation," My dad said.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"You don't deserve Logan, you better be God damn thankful for her, if it weren't for her you could've been in a lot of danger," My dad yelled.
"I know," I said.
My parents both shook there head then left the room, I went to my room roaring with anger. I hate Conor, I hate my parents, I hate Shane, Jordyn comes in but I scream at her to get out.
"You know you were a lot nicer when Logan was here. Too bad she doesn't know the real you!" Jordyn yelled I could hear in her voice she was trying to hold back tears. And now of course I feel bad.
I stare at the wall then, at a picture of me and Conor, I took it and threw it at the wall as hard as I could. Glass covered the floor and I breathed heavily.
I then decided it was time to apologize to Jordyn, she was my sister, I love her and I need to be there for her. I got up and knocked on her door and said, "Can I come in?"
"No," she said crying.
"Please, I need to apologize," I said.
Then there was silence, I heard a lock getting undone so I backed up. The door opened and she stood in the doorway. Her eyes were red and puffy and suddenly I felt like the biggest douche in the world.
"Can I come in?" I asked.
"Sure," she said wiping her tears.
I sat on her bed and she sat on her chair that hung from the ceiling, I said, "Look I'm really sorry for everything. I was acting like a complete ass and I'm just mad."
"At what?" She asked.
"Myself, I guess," I said.
"Why?" she asked.
"I made a mistake last night and I feel really stupid," I said.
"Everyone makes mistakes," Jordyn said sitting next to me then putting her hand on my shoulder.
"I think mom and dad are super pissed though," I said.
"It'll be okay," Jordyn said.
I smiled, I really have the greatest girls in my life, then I said, "Do you forgive me?"
"I have to, you're my brother," she said.
I laughed then said, "Is there anything you needed to talk about?"
"Yeah, it's about Zac, he wants to get back together," she said.
"That's good! Right?" I asked.
"Yeah, but I don't know he seems to eager to like, get into stuff, if you know what I mean." Jordyn said.
I raise my eyebrow and ask, "Do I?"
She blushes then says, "Yeah."
"Have you done anything?" I ask suddenly really concerned.
She was silent, "Jaclyn!" I say loudly.
"All we did was go to second," she said.
I put my hands over my face and shake my head.
"You're in eighth grade," I yelled.
"I'm sorry," She said crying again.
I then look at her and she looks so upset, I pull her in for a hug and hush her while she cries.
"You're not mad right?" She asked.
"Disappointed," I said.
"He's coming for dinner tonight," Jordyn said.
"Great," I said sarcastically.
"You should ask Logan, I like her, she's nice, unlike the rest," Jordyn said.
I laugh then say, "I'll call her."
"Thanks for being here for me," Jordyn said.
"Anytime, I'm always a door away," I said.
I go back to my room and there's glass all over the floor and then I decide, best thing to do next is apologize to my parents.
I go their door and I hear them screaming at each other, about me, I knock on the door and they open it.
My mom's been crying and my dad looks mad.
"I came to apologize, I screwed up, and I need to stop putting myself first," I say.
"We're just looking out for you Drew," My mom said.
"I know, I need to be more appreciative," I said.
My parents look at each other then look at me, "We love you Drew, we just don't want you screwing your life up."
"I know, I'm really sorry," I said.
"Thank you for apologizing," My mom said then hugged me. I looked at my dad and went for a hug but he just shook my hand, my dad was as strict as strict can get and never shows affection.


I finish praying then look up and everyone is still staring at me.
Oh shit was that a bad idea I think to myself, Drew smiles at his parents and they both smile.
"I told you it's normal to pray at the table," Mrs Michaels said to Drew.
I look at Mr Michaels and even he's smiling.
I look at Drew and he says, "They're impressed."
I smile and then, Mr Michaels said, "Are you catholic?"
"Yes sir," I say.
Drew looked at his dad with a smile and his dad says, "I like her." With a smile.
Now I was blushing extremely and then Jordyn looks at Zac and she asks, "What's your religion?"
"I don't believe in anything," he said.
Jordyn breathes in rolls her eyes then yells, "You know you're making this really hard?"
"I'm sorry babe," he says.
Mr Michaels raises his eyebrows as if he doesn't like him calling her babe.
"I forgive you," Jordyn says smiling.
"Let's go hook up in your room now," Zac says.
My mouth literally drops open I look to see everyone's reaction everyone's shocked.
Drew pushes the table forward and yells, "Don't talk to my sister like that."
"Woah chill, all I ever hear is how you try to get with every girl in the grade. Sorry for loving one girl, Logan won't last," Zac says.
Drew flips the table over and screams, "What'd you say punk?"
Mrs Michaels screams and yells, "Andrew Michaels!"
Drew throws Zac against the wall and says, "I'm not afraid to beat up a girl."
"Clearly," Zac said.
Mr Michaels pulls Drew off of Zac and says to Zac, "You treat my daughter with respect or you're never setting foot in this house again."
"I love her more than any other girl in the world," Zac said.
I pull my napkin off my lap and wipe my mouth and push out and say, "I better get going."
Drew grabs my wrist hard and says, "Don't, please."
I try to pull my hand away but his grip is too hard and suddenly I get a flashback.
Last year I was in the kitchen with my dad and he asked me for a beer, I said no and he grab my wrist so hard he broke it.
I shake my head and raise my voice a little and say, "Drew let go!"
Everyone's eyes turn to me, I put my dish away and say thanks for having me then bolt out the door. I get in my jeep and I'm balling my eyes out. I suddenly hate this car I'm in such shock I can't even drive the car.
Drew is running out and he hugs me immediately and asks, "Baby, what's wrong?"
"I'm sorry it's just it was too much," I said.
"No it's my fault, I shouldn't have put you through that," he says.
I sniffle and he wiped my tear and kissed my cheek, "Thanks for coming tonight."
"Think I hit it off?" I ask.
"Most definitely," Drew says.
I look in the rear view mirror and tears are still falling, "Wait did you get a car?" Drew asks.
"Yeah, for my birthday," I said.
"I love it," Drew said checking it out.
"What do you say just you and I take a ride to the beach?" I ask.
"I'd love that," He says kissing me gently.
He hops in and we drive to the beach when we get there I leave my shoes in the car. First we take a walk on the beach hand in hand and I rest my head on his shoulder.
"How did I get so lucky?" Drew asks stopping me.
"Get so lucky with what?" I reply.
"Winning over your heart," Drew says.
I blush and smile and say, "Fate."
"Thank you fate," Drew calls out.
I laugh and push him and say, "You're adorable."
"How adorable?" He asks.
"Um, this much," I try saying in the cutest voice I can and then spread my arms out.
Drew smiles and says, "Oh really?"
"Really," I say with a big smile.
"I love you Logan Schapiro," he says stepping in to the point where our chest are against each others.
"And I love you Drew Michaels," I say wrapping my arms around his neck. He pretends to go in for a kiss then instead picks up my legs with his arms and says, "Hope this doesn't change that."
"Hope what doesn't?" I ask.
Then before I know it he's charging for the water, "Drew put me down!" I yell.
We get in and the current is bad but nothing will tear us apart. He lets go of me and I get up and he kisses me, its pitch black out and the only thing I can see is his blue eyes. His lips are soft and wet and I never want to stop, I wish I could pause this moment forever.
When he finally pulls away I say, "No don't stop." I wrap my fingers on the back of his ear.
Then out of no where, I'm no longer holding on to him, I am now being pulled by something strong, that I can't control. I try to scream Drew, but I can't I'm at a loss of words. I get pulled underwater and before I know it the world is spinning.
Drews POV:
Logan is the best kisser, I have ever kissed, the best part is she doesn't ever want to stop, like me.
I pull away to get a look at her beautiful face and she tells me to not stop. I smile, the best part is, she's not one of those sluts who just want to have sex, or any of that shit. I blink and before I know it she's gone.
"Logan!" I yell out.
No reply.
"Logan!" I scream.
I start panicking and search everywhere, I have a huge knot in my throat and I feel tears coming. I wipe them before they fall, be tough, you're a guy, you can't cry.
I dive under and swim out and finally find her, except she's not breathing. Shit, I grab her out bring her on the beach, I start panicking. Then decide to perform CPR, I do it for a good 20 minutes before she coughs up water and is breathing again. I throw my head back and whisper thank you.
"Drew?" She asks.
"Baby, I'm here," I reassure her, and hold her hand.
"Don't let go, don't ever let go," she says.
"Not in a million years," I say then kiss her on the cheek.
"Want me to take you home?" I ask.
"I don't want you to leave me," She says.
"I mean I guess I can sleep on that hammock again," I say with a smile.
"You can have the couch this time, if you want," she says.
"No you deserve the best," I say.
He helps me up and drives the car to my house, he holds my hand the entire car ride.
When we get to her house she goes to her room, I ask, "Where do you want me to sleep?"
She pats an area of her bed, and says, "Don't leave me."
I smile and found that my clothes were still here from the other day, I text my parents letting them know I'm spending the night here. I threw on my clothes and Logan was already in bed, I laid down next to her and she cuddled right next to me, she was shivering. I put my arms around her and she rested her head on my chest. Her warm breath was relaxing and I kissed her neck and said, "Goodnight my love."
"See you in my dreams," she said smiling.
I doze off and fall asleep next to the girl I love, and no one could ever change that.
When I wake up Logan is still sleeping and I carefully tried to get out trying not to wake her. But then of course she wakes up.
"Good morning sunshine," I say.
She stretches and then says, "Morning."
"How was your sleep?" I ask.
"Better with you," Logan says.
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
"Better, I feel light headed," She says.
"Come here," I say with my arms out. She comes over and hugs me and I say, "This has been a long weekend."
"Can you believe it? We just starting dating Friday?" She asks.
"Feels like forever," I say.
"I'm enjoying it so far," Logan says with a smile.
"So how about we.." I say in a sexy voice and then my phone rings.
I answer, mom of course.
"What time are you coming home?" she asks.
"I don't know, why?" I ask.
"I think you should get home," she says.
"I'm with Logan," I said in a pleading voice.
"You'll see her tomorrow," she says.
"That's too long," I say.
"Deal with it," she says then hangs up.
"Who was that?" Logan asks.
"My mom, she wants me home," I said.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow anyway," she says.
"I don't want to wait," I say pulling her in.
"The best things, are the longest to wait for," She says.
I sigh, we're going to have to go our separate ways, I kiss her and she doesn't let me stop, she tightly has her arms around my neck and i squeeze her body into mine as hard as possible, I spin her around then put her down.
"Goodbye," She says.
"I love you," I say.
"I love you too," she says smiling.
Logans POV:
It's Monday, time for school. Woohoo...
I throw my hair in a curled pony tail and hop into Ryan's car.
"How was your weekend with your love dove?" Jaclyn asks.
"Amazing," I say.
"He better treat you well in school," Jaclyn says.
I smile and wonder what's to come at school. We arrive and Ryan gets the door for me and I walk out. I look over at the bell tower, there he is chatting it up with the cheerleaders, the football players, the lacrosse players and what ever.
I keep walking, not planning on making a fool out of myself, maybe this relationship is supposed to be kept to us and friends. I suddenly feel two arms around my waist and I'm jolted forward, "You suddenly ignoring me or something?" Then he kisses me on the cheek, Drew.
"Never," I say kissing him on the lips.
"I missed you yesterday," he said putting his arm around me.
"Worst, 12 hours of my life," I say.
"Now we're together that's what matters," he says smiling.
Suddenly Sabrina comes up and hugs Drew, I move my body so his arms not around me anymore and she kisses him on the cheek. Are you serious? I look at him and then shake my head and storm off.
I go to my locker. I'm not even surprised, either he's really bad at cheating or is really bad at realizing other girls can't kiss you when you're dating me.
I felt something on my shoulder and I said, "Not now Drew."
I turn around and it's Conor, "What do you want?" I hiss at him.
"What do I want? Hm, well I want you to back off my friend because you're ruining his life." He said.
"Yes because I'm the one who made him drunk then left him in the middle of the kitchen," I say.
"His fault, you are causing tension between us and screwing everything up and best part is, you don't even know anything," Conor says.
"What are you talking about," I say rolling my eyes.
"I'd tell you, but he'd might kill me," Conor said.
Conor steps closer to me then my back is against the locker, I see Drew out of the corner of my eye and suddenly Conor kisses me. I throw my head to the side and slap him, "Man you've got an arm." Conor says putting his hand to his face.
"You're. Pathetic." I screamed at Conor then left.


Logan's POV:
I stand here shocked. I had no idea Ryan ever liked me, and now I feel terrible.
"What's up with Ryan?" Jaclyn asks.
"He.... Likes me," I said.
"It was kind of obvious," Jaclyn says.
"I feel terrible," I say shaking my head.
"Spend the day with him after school, make him feel special," Jaclyn says.
"Won't it be awkward?" I ask.
"Not unless you make it, think of him as Ryan, your best friend," She says.
"I can do that," I say nodding.
Then the bell rings, it's time to get to music, I get there and sit down. Drew comes in and winks at me then a lacrosse player comes up to him they talk and I hear my name mentioned. Drew blushes then tries to hide it by flipping his hair. Then they both look at me, I look down and pretend I wasn't paying attention.
I see Drew coming over but then suddenly this kid sits in the empty seat next to me, it was a kid I didn't talk to much, I think his name is Matt. He has a buzz cut, dark brown hair, big brown eyes, and everyday after school he gets get high.
I look at him and he looks at me then tilts his head back, I narrow my eyes then scoot my chair over.
"I don't bite," he says.
"I do," I say and narrow my eyes again at him.
"Rawr, I'm just sitting here, no need to get mad," he says.
I shake my head and turn around.
"If you bite me will I need to get a rabies shot?" He asks.
I can't help but laugh, and I say,"We'll see."
"I'll take it," he says.
I look over at Drew and he's in the back now with the team and I sigh and look down.
"You and Michaels?" Matt asks.
"What?" I ask.
"You two going out or something?" He asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"How come he's not sitting here?" Matt asks jokingly.
"Would if he could," I say with a smirk.
"You guys can hook up later," Matt says.
I punch him in the arm, and say, "Unnecessary."
"Yeah so was punching my arm," he says while rubbing his arm. I laugh and roll my eyes and the teacher finally comes.
"Today we are getting in pairs and working on a duet song."
I turn around at Drew and he looks back at me and nods.
"Except I'll be choosing the partners." He adds.
"Joy," I mumble.
"You're partner will be the person next to you," he says.
No! I turn around and Matt has a big smile on his face and is staring at me. I shake my head, if only Drew got here before him.
"You have a lot of work to be done, and you have to work on it outside of school too," he says. "Starting today." Then he leaves the room to go to the teacher's lounge, where he always goes during the period.
Matt throws his arm around me and says, "So partner."
I nudge his arm off my shoulder and ask, "Do you sing?"
"A little, I do rap," he says.
I bit my lip, we could do this.
"Well who do you listen to?" I ask.
"Every rapper," he says.
"Like, Drake, MGK, Sammy Adams, Eminem, Asher Roth, Waka Flocka, Big Sean?" I ask.
"Exactly," he says.
I love Drake, Sammy Adams and MGK and I know they all have a girl in at least one of their songs.
"What if we did Take Care by Drake featuring Rihanna?" I ask.
"Love that song," he says.
I scratch my head and read the board and it says, "Will be performed in front of whole school, you will need effects."
I start singing the words quietly to myself, "I know you've been hurt, by someone else."
Matt gets on the drums and starts out a rhythm, I smile and then play it on the keyboard. He starts rapping and it's perfect. He was right, he's amazing at rapping. When he's done I clap and say, "That was amazing."
"Let's hear you," he says.
I sing the Rihanna part and he smiling and nodding his head to the rhythm. I can tell he loves it.
After he says, "You're welcome."
"For what?" I ask with a laugh.
"Sitting next to you," he says.
Drew's POV:
Damn I'm stuck with Dalton, nice guy, but never does work. I'd much rather be with Logan, who is stuck with druggie, Matt. I look over and she's giggling and looks like she's having a good time and he's smiling.
I look at Dalton, "What are we doing?"
"I don't know I don't sing, I rap," he says.
"Then we'll find a song you can rap," I say.
"What if we did, Nice Guys by Nigahiga, I'll rap, you sing," he says.
Nice Guys is a song on youtube that is such a joke, but it'll be fun so I say, "Okay."
We start and it sounds good, and he literally knows every word to the song, I start laughing.
"Too much?" He asks.
"Nah, it's perfect," I say.
The bell rings and I see Matt hug Logan, she just stands there, doesn't hug him back but then he asks her for her number and she writes it on his hand. I walk to the door, and wait for her.
Matt walks by and I glare him down and he winks at me, Logan's right behind him. I put my arm around her and say, "Hey beautiful."
She puts her arm around my waist and says, "Long time no see."
"Too long," I say.
She laughs then Will comes up, and says, "Hey."
"What's up?" I ask.
"Football starts today," he says.
"That's right, we have a game," I say completely forgetting.
"You coming?" Will asks Logan.
"Maybe, I have the music assignment," she says.
"You don't have time to support your own boyfriend?" I ask.
"I'll always have time for you," She says.
"Then come," I say with a smile.
"Okay," she says.
I kiss her on the cheek and she turns her head and kisses me on the lips.
"Do you guys ever not kiss?" Will asks.
"No," I say jokingly and then smile at Logan.
She grabs onto my hand and holds it.
"Poor Logan," Will says jokingly.
"I know," she says.
I look at her and raise my eyebrow, "I am stuck with you though." She said.
"Yeah, you are," I say pulling her in tighter.
Just then a cheerleader comes up, Lauren, and says, "Hey Drew pumped for the game?" In a flirty voice.
"Getting ready to kick ass," I say then knuckle punch with Will.
"I'm sure you'll do great," she says with a smile.
"Well, I'll have my girlfriend there supporting me so I hope," I say knowing that Logan might be feeling uncomfortable.
"Who is that?" She asks.
"This girl right here," I say.
"Oh," Lauren says then stares her down head to toe. "That's nice."
Logan smiles and says, "Good luck cheering tonight."
"Thanks," Lauren says with a smile. "I'll see you all tonight."
"See you then," Will says.
Just then Ryan walks by and Logan throws my arm off her and runs over to him.
Logans POV:
I see Ryan and instantly run over to him, without saying bye to Drew or Will, I needed to fix this.
I grab his arm and ask, "Can we talk?"
"There's nothing to say," he says avoiding eye contact.
"Ryan," I say.
He doesn't look at me, I tilt his chin up and look him in the eyes, Ryan was good looking, he had black hair that was combed to a little spike up top, had big brown eyes, was medium height, and was pretty strong.
"Ryan, I'm sorry," I say.
"I know, I'm sorry too," he says.
"I really wish I knew before," I say.
"Would it have changed?" He asks.
I shrug my shoulders, "Can we just forget about this?" He asks.
I nod and say, "I'd like that." He pulls me in for a hug and I hug him really tight.
"I support yours and Drew's relationship," Ryan says. "Until he hurts you, then I'll kick his ass."
I laugh and say, "Thank you."
He smiles and says, "You coming to the game tonight?"
"Of course, I have to support my best friend," I say putting my arm around his shoulder.
"I'll see you then," he says.
I smile and nod, I turn around and smash right into Matt.
"Sup," he says.
"You scared me," I say.
"Everyone needs some scare in their life," He says. "Are you going to the game tonight?"
"Yeah," I say.
"Would you want to meet up?" Matt asks.
"I don't see why not," I say.
"Would you rather me pick you up?" He asks.
"I don't care," I say.
"I'll pick you up at 7," he says then winks at me and walks away.
I laugh then yell after him, "I have a boyfriend!"
"I know," he says with a charming smile then leaves.
I bite my lip, he's charming, but he's just a friend.
I think.
I hope.
Drew's POV:
Final bell rings, and I'm pumped for tonight's game, I go to my locker expecting Logan and she's leaning against my locker. I smile and then kiss her and ask, "How's my baby doing?"
"Better now," she says.
I open my locker and she asks, "You excited for the game tonight?"
"A little nervous," I say honestly.
"You'll do great," she says with a smile.
"You better be right, Ms Schapiro," I say.
"I know I'm right," she says with a laugh.
"Is that so?" I ask.
"I'm always right," she says.
"Not all the time," I say.
"I was right to choose you," she says and then I don't know what to say. She's perfect at sweet talking.
"Do you believe that?" I ask.
"Of course I do," she says staring intently in my eyes.
"Asking you out was the best decision of my life," I say putting my hand to her cheek.
She puts her hand over mine and then holds it. I honestly feel Logan is changing me into a better person, even if we've been dating for a couple days, it's been the best 3 days of my life.
Suddenly, I feel something push me forward and I turn around, it's Conor.
"Get pumped, big game tonight," he yells patting me hard on the back.
"Might want to work on a calmer approach," I say.
"The whole school's depending on you. One mistake and we lose, don't mess this up," he says.
"Well, I'm not nervous at all," I say sarcastically.
"Good," he says putting me in a headlock and messing up my hair.
I push him off and fix my hair and I see Logan is trying to not make eye contact with him.
He looks at her then says, "Oh did I mention, your girlfriend's a great kisser."
Almost like an instinct my fist immediately punches his face, he falls over.
"You keep your hands off of her," I scream at him.
Everyone in the hall has stopped to watch and Logan looks really nervous.
"Calm down bro," Conor says.
"You stay away from my girlfriend," I say.
I walk away and grab Logan and say, "If he does anything to you, you let me know. Okay?" I say.
She nods, I hug her hoping she's not mad or scared and say, "I don't want to lose you."
"You won't," She says hugging me tighter.
I scratch my head then say, "I should probably get ready for the game."
"Good luck super star,"she says.
"I'll need it," I say with a smile.
I bend over and give her a quick kiss, then leave.
Logan's POV:
I find Jaclyn because we both don't have a ride because Ryan needs to get ready and he drove us to school.
"Hey," she says.
"Looks like we're stuck," I say.
"I didn't think about that this morning," she says with a laugh.
"Want to go grab something to eat?" I ask.
"Sure," she says.
We walk out of the school and see all the football players, and then the cheerleaders right behind them.
"How are things with you and Drew?" She asks.
"It's good," I say looking down.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"Well, he got in a fight with Conor today, and he got in a fight with his sister's boyfriend last week," I say.
"Why?" She asks concerned.
"His sister's boyfriend was a douche, and Conor kissed me," I say.
"Sounds like he's got some anger issues," she says.
"I know, and it's just like, what if I do something wrong, what happens then?" I ask.
Jaclyn was silent and then asked, "You don't think he would.."
I shrug my shoulders, Jaclyn hugs me and says, "He wouldn't dare touch you, he should know I'd beat him hard."
I laugh, Jaclyn stinks at acting tough but I love her, we walk to starbucks and order.
"Are you going to the game tonight?" She asks.
"Yeah, you?" I ask.
"I'll be there, need a ride?" she asks.
"No but thanks, I got a jeep for my birthday, but I think Matt's taking me," I say.
"Matt Butler?" She asks shocked.
"Yeah," I say.
"How the hell did you end up friends with a druggie?" She asks.
"Well, we're partners for a project, and he wanted to go with me," I say.
"I don't even know who you are anymore," she says with a laugh.
"Me either," I say laughing.
"Promise me we'll stay friends forever no matter what," Jaclyn says.
"Forever," I say.
"Also, try to not have Drew change you, don't forget about us," Jaclyn says taking my hand.
I put both my hands over hers and say, "You guys are my best friends, I'll never forget about you two."
Jaclyn smiles then says, "Alright well I should probably get going, get ready for the game. Got to look good, hot guys might be there tonight."
I laugh, then hug her goodbye, Jaclyn is super pretty I don't know why she doesn't have a boyfriend, she has long light brown hair, with sparkly green eyes.
I get walking and a random numbers calling me, I pick up.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hey, it's Matt," he says.
"Oh hey, what's up," I say.
"I was wondering what time you wanted to chill, we could work on the song a little before maybe," he says.
"Okay sure, where?" I ask.
"Why don't you come to my place around 4?" He asks.
"Okay, sounds good," I say.
He gives me his address then I tell him I'll see him soon.
I get home and notice it's already 3:20, I brush my hair, throw on a leggings, a long shirt and a jean jacket, get in my car and leave.
I arrive at an apartment and I go up to his floor, 11th. I knock on the door and he lets me in, the place is really messy, but he takes me to his room. His room is messy and has all this hipster stuff on the walls and crap all over the floor. I sit on what I think is his bed, and he sits by his drum set.
"Sorry it's a little messy," he says.
I laugh and say it's cool, I've seen worse."
He smiles and says, "So how's this song going to work?"
I go to his keyboard and start playing the tune, he watches me carefully and listens carefully then picks up a beat on the drums. It's perfect and spot on, I spot a guitar in the corner of his room, and stop playing.
"You play guitar?" I ask.
"I play like every instrument, besides the lame ones," he says with a smile.
I get up and hand it to him, and say, "I have an idea."
He sits down next to me, "I'm listening."
"Okay, so what we're going to do, we're going to start the song as an acoustic but then it gets to the rap you play drums and rap full out. Then the rest is plain old rap, sound good?" I say.
"Perfect, they won't expect it," he says.
"Let's try it out," I say.
We sit on the floor sitting face to face, he strums until he gets the beat right. I nod and smile, he smiles and nods, as if saying, start saying.
I start singing, dragging the words, to make it slower, and more acoustic.
"I know you've been hurt, by, someone else, I can tell by the way," I start, and he's staring in my eyes, with his big brown eyes. "You carry yourself, and if you let me, here's what I'll do, I'll take care, of you." Then, I stop, except this time he doesn't applaud me he's still staring in my eyes. I don't take my eyes from his, and he leans in as if to kiss me and I move forward a little, then shake my head and sing, "I've loved and I've lost."
I smile and he smiles back at me and then I nod and bit my lip at him to sing this time. He strums his guitar in a guitar solo, then hands it to me and bangs his drums really hard and starts the rap, while playing drums.
When he finishes the rap I keep the song going, I dance over to him drums, sit on his lap and sing, not in a romantic way, a friendly way. Right?
The song finally ends and we're both laughing, it was so good. He hugs me and spins me around and I hold onto his neck. We check the time and it's 6:40, game starts at 7. We get into Matt's car, and head to the stadium.
"I had a lot of fun today," Matt says.
"Me too," I say with a smile.
"Even though you tried to make a move on me," Matt says teasing me.
I hit him in the arm and say, "I did not!"
"You almost kissed me," he says looking at me.
"No, I have a boyfriend," I say.
"I know," he says.
I roll my eyes but can't help but smile, we arrive at the stadium and the teams warming up.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.04.2012

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