
Help Me Out

I get up and try to cover all of my bruises fix all my wounds with my clothes or cover up. After I did my best I walk to school trying to ignore the cold because we can't afford a new jacket. By the time I get to school I was late and had to run to class. "I'm sorry." I yelp when I run into someone. "It's fine...could you show me where science with Mrs. Crahm is?" the guy asks. I nod and pick up my things walking into class with him following me. "Thanks." he smiles. I take my seat in the back and take notes. When class ends I bolt out trying to keep from getting seen. Classes go by uneventful then at lunch I sit down and watch people eat alone at my hidden table. "Could I sit with you?" the same guy asks. I bite my lip but nod. "Aren't you hungry?" he asks. I was hungry but of course we couldn't afford it. I don't answer and he sighs. "Why won't you speak to me?" he asks. I shrug. "Say something." he instructs. "Why?" I ask softly. He smiles and leans back. "Are you hungry?" he asks again. "No." I lie. "Come on eat." he instructs sliding me his tray. "Take something." he orders. I take a roll and bite into it. "What's your name?" he asks. "Calin." I answer. "That's a nice name mine is Dustin." he introduces as I eat. "Would you like something else Calin?" he asks. "I'm fine." I reply. "Take something really I'm not hungry." he offers. He puts the pizza in my hand softly accidentally touching a open cut. I yelp out softly and he looks at me concerned. I bring the pizza to my mouth and take a bite. "Calin why are you sitting alone?" he asks. "I don't like anyone no one likes me." I answer looking down expecting him to leave now that he knows I'm a freak. He does get up,but only to move closer to me. "I like you." he answers. "Save yourself a lot of trouble and don't." I answer. "You'd be worth it." he whispers. He leans over and kisses my cheek and causing some cover up to come off. "Why is your cheek bruised." he whispers. "No reason." I lie. "You can tell me." he promises. "Maybe some other time." I reply. He nods. "Would you like to drive to school with me tomorrow?" he asks. "It beats walking in the cold." I answer. "You walk to school?" he asks. I nod softly revealing to much. "I'll drive you home." he offers. "Thank you but it's fine." I reply. "I insist." he argues. "Fine." I sigh. "I'll meet you back here at the end of the day." he instructs getting up to go to his next class. The day ends and I was standing where we ate lunch considering just walking home when I felt warm hands wrap around my waist. "Please don't hurt me I'll do anything." I whimper. "I won't hurt you." Dustin whispers breath tingling my ear. "Dustin please let go." I beg. "Of course Cutie." he answers dropping his hands. He takes my hand and leads me out to his car,or should I say truck? Since it was an old ford. He opens the passenger door for me. "Where do you live,love?" he asks getting in the drivers side. "106 willow." I answer. "I'm your new neighbor." he smiles. "Would you like to come over?" he offers. "Sure." I answer. "Right this way sei la mia anima gemella." he whispers leading me into his house. "What did you say?" I ask. "I speak itallian and I just said my soulmate." he explains kissing my hand. "You're really sweet Dustin,but I don't think you would want me." I whisper. "I do though love is mysterious mia bella." he answers. "Don't say I didn't warn you." I mutter. He leads me to sit on a couch in his room. I tense when he starts rubbing my arm. "Don't worry Cara mia ti voglio bene I'm not going to try anything." he promises sliding his other arm around my waist. I close my eyes enjoying the feeling of him. "Cara mia ti voglio bene." he whispers to me. "I don't speak itallian." I whine. "I said my darling I love you." he answers kissing my neck. I didn't even think about the fact that my make up was dissolving. "Non pensavo di poter provare un sentimento così profondo prima di incontrarti." he whispers into my neck taking my hands. "I repeat I don't speak itallian." I sigh. "Don't worry about what I'm saying it's nothing bad just listen and relax." he whispers massaging my sides. I close my eyes again relaxing into his embrace. "il mio cuore è per voi forever my love." he whispers. He starts kisss my neck up and down enjoying the pleasure I open my eyes and scoot closer. "I love you Calin." he whispers. " you too Dustin." I admit. "It's okay to admit it I love you and I will never break your heart you can trust me." he promises laying me down beside him. "Come posso esprimere il mio amore per for I love you so much." he whispers. "That's nice I suppose......." I reply. "You are my everything my love my life I know I just met you,but I absolutly adore you." He whispers. "Dustin you are so sweet and....." I sigh not knowing the word. "Vogilo portare il nostro rapporto con un altro livello." he whispers into my ear. I close my eyes and he repeats the word questioningly. "English." I beg. "Oh sorry I forgot." he apologizes. "May I kiss you?" he asks. I look down thinking....."Sure." I agree. "If you want to wait that's fine." he assures. "Dustin." I sigh. "I want to wait for you to feel comfortable." he promises taking my hand. "ti amo con tutta I'anima." he whispers stroking my side softly. "I wish I could understand what your saying.How do you know it anyway?" I wonder. "Well my my dad made me take a class saying I'd be glad one day." he answers. "Are you mad he made you?" I wonder. "No glad like he said now I have a nice way to interest you." he replies. "Will you teach me so I can know what your saying?" I ask. "Of course my love what would you like to learn?" he smiles. "Start with what you've been saying." I suggest. "Well let's see ti amo con tutta I'anima means I will love you forever." he starts. "Ti amo con tutta I'anima." I decide leaning closer to him. "Are you sure Calin?" he asks lips inches from mine. "Yes." I answer and he crushes our lips together softly. He pulls back and lays me against him. "Hum..... como posso esprimere means my heart is yours." he informs squeezing my waist softly. He leans down and kisses my cheek. "Go on." I prompt. "Well I could or you could tell me where you got those bruises." he whispers. "What bruises?" I ask playing dumb. "The ones you tried to cover up." he answers and runs his fingers over my leg. "I tripped." I lie covering my face. "Tell me the truth my love." he begs. "I did." I lie. "I can make you tell me." he frowns. "Don't hit me." I yelp. "Why would I hit you?" he asks. "You said you could make me tell you." I reply. He pulls me into his lap craddling me close to him. "I would never hit you my sweet I will protect you from whatever it is just tell me." he promises. "You'd leave me." I whimper. "Never." he promises. "I don't want to go back to being alone." I whisper. "You won't just tell me." he answers. "He hits me Dustin." I whisper. "Who hits you?!" he growls. "My dad." I admit. "My poor darling I'll take care of you I won't let him hurt you ever again." he sooths. "Where did he hit you?" he demands. "My legs,my face,everywhere." I whimper. "I've got some medicine that will get rid of the bruises." he suggests. "Thank you." I whisper. "Do you have any cuts?" he asks. "A few." I answer. "Come up to my sisters room with me and I'll find you something you can put on while I put the medicine on." he instruccts. "Okay." I agree. He leads me up to a room and rummages around in her closet until he pulls out some shorts and a top that would barely cover the bottom of my breasts. "Just put it on." he instructs. "Thank you." I reply. He leaves the room so I could change and comes back in a little while later. "Follow me." he instructs leading me to his bathroom. When we get there he pulls out a container and starts to rub the contents on me. "It burns." I complain. "I'm sorry." I whisper. When he finishes he pulls out some neospoirn and rubs it on my cuts. "All better." he decides. "You aren't going back to your house are you?" he asks when I leave the room. "I have too eventually." I answer. "Stay here." he begs. "Your parents wouldn't like that." I argue. "I don't care I'll hide you!" he screams. "It's fine." I assure. "No it's not I don't want you going back there stay here I'll take care of you." he begs. "Dustin I have to go fix him something to eat now or I won't get anything." I sigh. "He doesn't feed you either!" he shrieks. "No." I admit. "I will." he answers pulling me into the kitchen. "What would you like?" he asks. "Nothing." I answer. "Let me fix you something." he insists. "I'm fine." I growl. "Please eat." he begs. "I don't need you to take care of me Dustin I was fine before you showed up." I snap walking toward the door. He grabs my wrist and turns me to look at him. "You may not need me,but I need you. If it wasn't for you I would be upstairs cutting myself right now." he whispers. "Dustin I didn't know." I beg. "Just go home if you want to." he sighs walking to his room. "Dustin don't." I shriek when he slams the door behind him. I open the door and see him laying on his bed staring at the wall. He doesn't agnoligse my presence even when I lay down next to him. "Dustin say something I'll do anything." I whisper. Silence. "Dustin please." I beg pressing myself against him. Nothing. "Dustin please please." I whimper burying my head in his chest. I feel warm arms wrap against me and I felt something fall on my head. Water continued to fall onto me. He was crying. "Calm down Dustin shhh." I comfort kissing his chest. He tightens his arms around me slightly. "Talk Dustin." I encourage. "I got scared you were going to leave,and I'd have to go back to hurting myself." he whispers. "I'm not going to leave you Dustin." I promise kissing his neck. "I love you." he whispers before placing his lips on mine passionately. "Let's go downstairs baby." he whispers. I nod and follow him down to the living room. He instructs for me to lie down on the couch and leans over me peppering my neck with kisses. He doesn't stop not even when front door opens and someone walks through. "Dusty who's this?" a female voice asks. "Calin my....girlfriend?" he answers glancing at me asking permission to call me that. "Nice to meet you Calin I'm Crystal his sister." she greets. I hope I wasn't supposed to say anything back because he was distracting me kissing my hair. "I get the hint Dustin I'll leave," she sighs,"don't get her pregnant!" He pushes the shirt down a little so he could kiss my shoulders. "I'm sorry your just so.....I don't know the word but it makes it hard to stop." he apologizes laying down beside me. My cellphone rings and my face pales when I see it's my dad calling. "Hello." I whimper. "Where are you with my dinner bitch!" he screams. Dustin grabs the phone and growls,"Don't call her a bitch and she won't be coming back she's far away from your abuse." He closes the phone and lays it down, then wraps his arms around my waist protectively. "Dustin?" I ask. "Mine no one will hurt you." he whispers. "Dustin?" I repeat. "Yes." he replies. "Can you get off of me you're crushing my leg." I beg. "Sorry." he apologizes getting off of me. "Are you okay you seem disracted?" I ask. "Just thinking." he answers. "About what?" I wonder. "About where to hide you." he replies squeezing my hand. "Okay." I answer not sure how to respond to that. He pulls me against his chest softly. "Calin are you ready to eat?" he asks. "No." I answer closing my eyes yawning. "Why don't you take a nap." he suggests. I scoot away from him and raise my arms up protectively. "Don't worry my love I won't touch you just rest." he assures. "I'm fine." I reply still insure if I was ready to trust him completely. "Would you if you slept in my sister's room with her?" he asks. "Yeah." I agree. "Good." he smiles pulling me off the couch. "Chrissy?" Dustin asks leading me to his sisters room. "Yeah Dusty?" she asking pushing her headphones onto her neck. "Can Calin take a nap in here she doesn't trust me?" he asks. "Yeah go ahead and smart girl." she smirked. "Hey." he protests. "Night." I yawn laying down. "Goodnight baby." he replies walking out.---------------------------------------------------------- "Wake up and hide our parents are home." Crystal whispers. "Where?" I ask. "Closet!" she instructs. "Crystal!" a male voice yells. "Coming!" she screams running out. About twenty minutes passed when I heard footsteps come in. "It's okay Calin it's only me I brought you some dessert I'll sneak you some more food later." Dustin informs handing me a piece of lemon cake. "Thanks." I smile. He leans down and pecks my lips. "I gotta go to my room do you want to come with me?" he asks. "Will I have to hide in a closet?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Great then let's go." I beg. He smiles and takes my hand and leads me to his room. I lay down next to him on the bed and he leans down and crushes his lips to mine. He pulls me closer and wraps his arms around me. I pull back and he let's go of me. "Sorry." he murrmers. I lay my head on his chest and he strokes my back carefully. "Eat now my love." he instructs. I didn't realize it was still just sitting next to me. I start to eat and he starts humming and he continues to massage my back. "Party Rock Anthem?" I ask referring to his humming. He nods. When I finish the cake he takes the plate and sets it down on the table next to him. "Why don't you rest some more." he encourages. I look down unsure. "I promise I won't touch you." he assures. "Okay." I agree laying back. He frowns and pulls the covers from underneath me. When I still remained unmoving he picks up the pillow and puts it next to me,and places the covers on top of me. When I don't move my head to the pillow he pushes my head onto it gently. "Baby relax and sleep." he whispers. I just roll my eyes and continue to stare at the ceiling. "Why are you so stubborn." he whines. "I want to be." I answer. "Well I guess you can if you want to." he replies brushing the hair out of my eyes. I yawn silently and hope he doesn't notice. "See Calin your tired,sleep my love." he sighs. "Fine." I sigh giving in. He kisses my hair and I fall asleep. I wake up to Dustin throwing himself on top of me roughly. "Dustin what are you doing?" I hiss. "My parents are coming I'll get off in a minute." he informs crawling under the blanket and pressing me closer to him. I heard the door open a few minutes later. Then the door closes again and he rolls off of me. "I'm sorry did I hurt you?" he asks softly. "No you just scared me." I answer. "I'm sorry." he repeats. "Go back to sleep it's okay." he whispers. "Aren't you tired?" I ask. "Yeah I was going to go to sleep too." he answers. I nod and move so he could get comfortable. He pulls me back to him almost immediately. "Please I'd feel better if you layed next to me." he begs. "Okay Dustin." I answer. He trys to position me where I would be most comfortable,but I refused to get that close to him. "Goodnight baby." he whispers lips brushing my ear. I close my eyes again and when I wake up I find I had pressed my face into Dustin's chest and curled up beside him in my sleep. He had his arms around me lightly as if afraid to touch me. I look up and see him watching me a soft smile playing on his lips as he tried to figure out what I thought of waking up like this. "How did you sleep?" I ask deciding that I liked being so close to him. "Great and you?" he asks. "Okay." I shrug. He laughs softly. "You look so cute with bed head." he smiles. I try to comb my hair into place with my fingers with miminal success. He gets up and walks into his bathroom coming back with a comb. "Try this." he suggests combing a loose strand of my hair. He continues and I sigh,"Are you going to give me the comb?" He replies,"I can do it it's fun." When he's satisfied it looks okay he leans down and pecks my lips. When he pulls away I kiss him not finished. "Somebody likes me." he teases. "Do not." I huff. "It's okay I like you too." he smiles. He buries his head in the crook of my neck pressing his lips on my shoulder. "I love you mi amora." he murrmers. I run my fingers through his hair,and he groans softy. "Does that bother you?" I question. "Yes!No! Maybe? I like it but you aren't ready for that and your pushing me toward it." he answers. I run my fingers through his hair one last time. "What do you want to do today?" he asks. "I don't care." I answer. "Want to go see a movie?" he asks. "Sure." I agree getting up. We go and see "Chronicles" and everytime there was something bloody or something like that I would burst out laughing and couldn't stop. His smile dropped for a minute when he saw the people around us look at me crazily. He took my hand and glared at them. When the movie ended we walked out and I heard someone say,"What a freak what's wrong with that guy." I just sigh and keep walking knowing they were right. "What did you just say about her?" Dustin asks dropping my hand and walking over to him. "I said she's a freak." one smirked. Dustin punched him in the face. Dustin punched the other in the gut and then pulled me to his truck. "Dustin why would you do that?" I ask. "He called you a freak!" he yelled. "That's not the worst thing that has happened." I sigh. He growls softly. After a few minutes he stopped the car. "What are you doing?" I ask when he gets out. "I need to hit something." he mutters walking into the woods. I get out and follow him. "Get back in the truck!" he demands. "No." I answer. "Get back in the d*** car Calin!" he screams. "I said no." I growl. "We have school tomorrow so just get in the car so we can get in bed." he sighs. "I want to go to my friend's house." I inform. "Why?" he asks frowning. "I just want to." I answer. "Who is it?" he asks. "Bethany." I answer. He sighs and starts the engine. "Where does she live?" he asks. "308 Weeping Willow." I answer. He stops at her house. "Will you pick me up at eight?" I ask. "Sure." he agrees kissing me. After a minute I pull away and run to the door. "Hey Ca Ca." Dylan greets. "Dillie is Beth home?" I ask giving her little brother a hug. He returns the hug immediantly and ushers me inside. "Out with her boyfriend,but you can still stay it's been a while since I talked to you." he answers. I lay down on the couch resting my feet on his knees. "Of course not because now your a senior. The captain of the basketball team. Popular,while I'm a freak junior." I reply. "Come on your not a freak,and I don't care if your a junior." he argues. "How's Carly?" I ask referring to his cheerleader girlfriend. "No clue I broke up with her when I started liking someone else." he smiles. "Who I won't tell." I promise throwing my baby finger in the air. "You." he answers. "That's funny now who?" I ask."You." he repeats craddling one of my hands in both if his. "Your lieing." I argue. "I'm not lying." he whispers stroking a bit of my hair. "I I'm dating Dustin." I whisper. He drops his hands in defeat. "Why." he whimpers. "He's nice to me." I answer. "Okay Ca ca if he makes you happy,but if you ever get sick of him let me know." he informs sighing. "Thanks Dylie." I smile kissing his cheek. He smiles lightly and I feel a weird tingling from just being near him. "Ca Ca is there a time you need to be home I could drive you." he offers leaning away from me. "Dustin's picking me up at eight." I answer closing my eyes. He nods and lays down beside me. "You want to play some Zelda clips and comment?" he asks. "Yeah." I agree slitting open my eyes. "He loaded the content on his computer and lays back looking at the television with me. "I think there is no thinking here." I decide. He nods in agreement. He lays his arm around me gently when I almost fall off the couch. "Careful." he laughs. "Shut up." I laugh. I don't push him arm away though afraid to fall. The hours pass by quickly and I don't pay attention to the knock at the door and neither does Dylan. I look up startled when I see Dylan slammed into the wall. I see Dustin hitting him and Dylan was to surprised to fight back. "Dustin what are you doing!" I scream pulling on his arms. He drops his hands away from his only to slap me. "What the!" screamed Dylan pushing him off of me. "Don't lay your hands on a girl dude ecspecially my sister's best friend." Dylan demands harshly. "Don't touch her then." Dustin replies snapping his arm easily. He turns to a confused me and drags me out to his car. "Why would you do that?" he growls pushing me into the car. "Do what you're the one who almost killed him!" I scream sobbing. He drives back to his house. "Not almost he'll die of blood loss." he decides after a while. "You....moster." I mutter. He pulls into the driveway and when he sees his parents aren't home he grabs my hair and pulls me toward him. He crushes his lips to mine painfully and presses me against a wall. He yanks the buttons on my shirt open vilolently. "Stop your hurting me DON'T" I scream. "Calin haven't you figured it out by now you're mine I can do whatever to you." he laughs using the exact words my parents had.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.02.2012

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