
Inspired by midnight love series thank you

Chapter one: Why did it change they used to love me now they hate me? Ok I almost killed them but still I’m their daughter, and I didn't mean to. Ok back up it was late November a vampire named Emma attacked me. She said she was my only hope. (Why did I listen?) It hurt for 72 hours and twelve minutes. Then my vision and hearing were sharper she said, "Congrats you lived now you’re a vampire. I will show you a new family and help you, but you need a new name, Arabella." I cocked my head to the side and said, “Fine." she repeated my words "That's not funny." I said with head straight. "You made me do that!" she exclaimed. She realized that was my gift, and a useful one at that. I practiced at channeling my gifts for hour’s even days at a time. Eventually I could picture someone in my mind and make them mimic my movement and sound. It depressed me to no end I don't like tricking people to their death it wasn't fair to anyone except for EMMA. I knew I couldn't be the only one with this thought I made Emma help me find me a new place to stay preferably somewhere I didn't need to eat people. Ok so not only are vampires’ Real apparently so are the Cullen’s. I asked them permission to stay with them. (I was desperate ok!) I needed a new life one that didn't include slaughtering everyone I know (but after a week of living there maybe Edward and Bella and hey you try living there when I describe it.)

Chapter 2: Jasper and Emmett are always near me they say I might try to hurt Nessie, but other than that I was comfortable with living there. On Tuesday I decided I needed to meet three members of my new family that avoid me at all costs even if that means Emmett and Jasper starring at me more. As I am walking through the woods to meet them I freak out! Blood! It's in the air the scent hurt a lot my nature wanted me to run towards it to drink it "NO!" I scream I can't I can't Nessie is my family Jasper realizes my trouble and tries to grab me I walk over to them ashamed with my head down but I need it I need her blood. I tremble on the ground screaming," Jasper Emmett please grab me and don't let me go no matter what I say please don't! I still want to meet Edward and Bella though don't let me meet Nessie I will kill her." I instructed with my gift in progress. Edward and Bella meet me at the house without Nessie. Carlisle also comes I tell them I am sorry for trying to hurt her, but most of the time I was talking they were kissing and wouldn't listen to me! Eventually they listened and thought for a moment. Edward said, “Well stay away from her, then." I needed to leave and I wouldn't bother them over it Emma would come after me and kill me. No need to involve them, but I did ask them not to say my real name if she came. From then on I was known as May.

Chapter 3:

As I packed Jasper walked in and I could tell that he understood my motive for leaving, but yet he still said, “Stay." I looked at him sad and wanting to and said, “Why so Emma can kill you too? You think you can protect me from her Jasper, but you can't she isn't like you think! She will kill anything I don't want her to. Even though all of you hate me I still don't wish death on you." He actually smiled and said, “We don't hate you especially me your like a little sister to me, stay." I shook my head no. "Well then at least give me a week to show you we don't hate you, that we can protect you." Jasper pleaded I sighed and shook my head in agreement. He left my room and gestured for me to follow him. I sighed and promised myself that when he left I would leave and go confront Emma and plead for her to spare the Cullen’s Edward rushed out and told Jasper my plans STUPID! Stupid stupid! I forgot he could read my mind. I ran from them to Carlisle and begged him to let me go to Emma. “Is that what you want? To go sacrifice you to Emma, May, in hopes of sparing us?" he asked. I nodded afraid to look at him. “No I won't let you we will protect you and us." I sighed and begged Edward to kill me then. “Never." he told me "Take me to the Volturi then let then kill me you would understand wanting to die wouldn't you." "Yes but your life is a precious thing keep It." he replied. "How did you cope when you left Bella? How did you keep from killing yourself?" “Bella is my savior in that you will find someone too." and then he left. "Jasper," I whimpered, "please let me take Edward's advice let me leave and find someone to help me." He agreed but said to ask Edward and Bella to go with me, so I did. Bella said no that she wasn't leaving though I wasn't surprised I knew she hated me, but Edward agreed he said that he would help me, and that makes Bella agree though she hates me. They said, “We needed to leave Forks and ask the wolves permission to go across their land." Edward explained my situation to a wolf and the wolf left. After a few minutes ten people came and one named "Jacob" agreed if they could escort us across their land. I looked at him and whispered under my breath, "I think we should let them cross on their own." He repeated me and they moved to let us cross. Soon we were out of hearing distance Bella asked, “So that's how you convinced us to come huh well we're leaving. Come on Edward." She turned to leave Edward started to leave too but he said," No she didn't I would have read her mind and known." I grinned and turned to them and said, “I don't make friends things they don't wish to do, but I do make snacks." I finished as two humans appeared. Then chaos struck: I ran at then, Bella ran away, and Edward gasped and tried to grab me. I knew I should let him get me but I was very hungry. I made the humans come closer and closer, but I made Edward stronger. Then the wolves reappeared and I snapped. I knew that the wolves would attack me but I welcomed it. I made Edward get the humans and Bella out of the forest, and soon it was just me and the wolves."Attack me, kill me, I’m done with living like this." I pleaded. A velvet-like voice I wanted to never hear again said, “No don't kill her I want to." Emma sang. The wolves gave me a clear warning that said don't move or we will let her kill you, but for now let us kill her. I nodded and pictured Emma being attacked by the wolves and her defenseless. As they made my vision a reality I screamed at them I begged them to stop I asked them to let her leave to just kill me and no one else but I did not make them I was done making choices for them.

Chapter 4:

As Emma left they left and I followed them to the young chief who they said would decide my fate. He was a young guy about my age and immediately Edwards words came back to me and I smiled, but all he did was stare at me with dark eyes. "Collin," they said," This young vampire wants to die she begged us to kill her do we grant it." "No leave her alone we are not the Volturi I want to speak to her though." He replied. Then he motioned for me to follow him. We sat at a small beach, but I didn't care I was so in love all I could think about was how his green eyes sparkled in the moonlight. We talked all night I confessed why I wanted to die he told me about being a wolf and the world was perfect except for the fact we were enemies and in love with each other I asked him if he would come with me to the Cullen's for a little bit. He didn't want to until I leaned in and kissed him very softly yet very needy. With our fingers interlaced we ran back to the Cullen's home.

Chapter 5:

When we got there I could hear everyone was in the first room. Collin hissed softly I turned to him worried he saw my worried glance and replied," A lot of vampires I'm sorry, but we are enemies I am ok now though I just forgot that not all of you are so bad." My happiness was aloft in the air I was relieved he still liked me even though I was a vampire. Leaned towards me and I rapped my arms around his neck while we kissed I heard Edward and Jasper coming towards the door, and I let go of him sadly. They were happy to see me and thought I was dead and lead I inside I looked at Collin still at the door looking at me pitifully. I motioned for him to come in and he smiled happily and came and took my hand stroking it softly we sat on the couch and relaxed and Collin started to close him eyes in slumber. I looked at him then let go of him hand and went to ask Jasper, Edward, and Carlisle if he could stay tonight. "Please let him stay." I begged. "A werewolf why?" They asked me. “It just happened and you can't change it I love him and he loves me." I stated. They nodded and motioned for me to take him to my room. "Thanks," I said. I walked over to Collin sleeping peacefully I didn't wish to wake him, so I picked him up and laid him down on the bed in my room. He woke up and looked around dumbfounded. "Where are we?" He asked. "In my room they said you can stay. Sleep Collin you're going to need your energy to help me think of a way to tell the rest of wolves why I'll be around so much sleep." I soothed "Come over here with me then May." He directed I lay beside him. "You're so cold." He noted as he wrapped his arms around me, and soon he was asleep.

Collin’s P.O.V.

I knew I shouldn't love her, but I did and I didn't care it felt great laying here with her in my arms when we kissed I couldn't dream of being anywhere else. When I awoke from my sleep I awoke to her snuggled against me with her eyes closed I knew she wasn't asleep vampires didn't sleep. I kissed her forehead and whispered her name. She rose and smiled at me "How was your night?" I asked. "Perfect, the best night of my life." She answered. I agreed with her. She stared at me for a while thinking. "What" I asked "You can't leave in the clothes you came in. Maybe Jasper has something that will fit you." she concluded. "Maybe all I know is there is one thing that's certain: I love you no matter what the others think." I finished. She smiled and kissed me softly, “I love you too." she said. We went and got me some clothes from Jasper. I got dressed in the bathroom and she got dressed in her room. When I came out she was dressed in a green dress and she looked beautiful. When I walked in she asked me "What do you want for breakfast?" "Why don’t we both got hunting you need something too." I suggested, and off we went.

May's P.O.V.

After we hunted we went to his home and he called a meeting. He told me, “I am going to tell them we are together and no matter what they think." He took me to the woods and I sat on his lap because he told me the chair was only big enough for one person who was fine with me I preferred this. One by one they showed up and looked discussed by me sitting with Collin and Collin kissing me softly on the cheek. They demanded that we break up immediately when I realized the trouble I caused him I got up and told him," I love you enough to let go I’m causing you trouble, and I don't want to so goodbye Collin they won't except us, and their you're family I love you and you know that, so I got to let you go." Tears streamed down my face but I knew it was for the best, so I still walked as he begged me to stay. He cried as I walked away. He followed me back to my house. Tears in my eyes swelled when he dropped to his knees and told me "I quit my pack to stay with you I'm begging you to make me a vampire so we could stay together that I love you enough to let go of everything else I'm never going back that my backpack has everything I needed besides you." "Not now please don't make me." I begged. He nodded. I was certain that he wouldn't drop the matter he would beg me until I changed him like Edward did Bella."Let's see if you can stay here permanent." They agreed if they could go hunting away from here for the weekend. It worked for me it was time for my reunion it happened every five years at my "grave" it made me happy to see them even if it's temporary, and I keep something to last for years of seeing no one, but I forgot about Collin. He freaked out when he saw me packing and demanded to know, “Where are you going?" I told him, “Relax Collin it's time for the reunion you can come if you want." I knew he didn't know what I was talking about but this was something I wouldn't explain it made me look pathetic. At dusk we left running at 8 am we arrived the first guests were coming, so I pointed a tree out to Collin thankfully he understood after he went up I did to." A funeral why a funeral." He asked. "It's my funeral reunion every five years they come to my grave and put things on it for me to help me remember them now shush." He looked hurt, so I quickly kissed him on the cheek and he pulled me on his lap. The funeral began and they spoke words about me and then put the following on my grave: a picture of our family, my favorite book, and a shriveled rose. Then they whispered to me, “Take the memories of your life and remember us always we will join you soon." No they would could not join me, but I didn't want them to. After they left I jumped down, and picked up the items and the shriveled rose lost a petal. I don't know why but I picked up the petal put it all in my backpack zipped it up and went into town. Collin pulled me back and said, “You’ll expose yourself as a vampire it's sunny." I laughed and said, “They think I come visit them. That I am an angel and I glow if they ask you're a guide to lead me to the shrine its fine." He didn't seem to like it, but we walked into the streets and everyone rushed up to me at once knocking Collin away. I spoke in my sweetest voice and said to them," You have knocked away my guide. I need him to go the shrine please move and let him join me." They moved for Collin and didn't ask any question just followed us. When we got to my shrine I noticed they put out a chair for Collin and smiled. When we sat my family rushed forth and hugged me. They offered us all my favorite things though they now tasted horrible I ate them and gestured for Collin to be given some too. Once they noticed him they begged him keep me safe. He nodded then spoke to them in a tone that scared me I felt obliged to obey him immediately he said," I am sorry but I must transport her back now." I nodded and stood as we left they waved.

Chapter: 6

Collin's P.O.V.

I knew that leaving must be hard for her. After running a little bit we stopped, and she started to cry. I ran over to her and held her begging her to stop crying. Within a few minutes she stopped crying enough to tell me why she was crying she told me all those people thought she was an angel but she was far from it. Then she burst into tears again. I told her, “Shush its okay in fact you're wrong May you are an angel to me." That's the day I found out how complicated May is one second she crying the next she's kissing me I mean I didn't mind but she freaked me out. I took her face in my hands I could tell she was still freaking out and she scared me. I didn't want her scared or sad. She tried to take me over the edge so she wouldn't have to worry about anything and I wanted to I deeply did, but I knew I would hurt her and I couldn't. I deeply wanted to continue, but instead I let go of her and stood up she still sobbed but she was under control so we went back to her house. She suggested we watch a movie so I told her to pick one out. Sadly my stomach betrayed me and growled I knew it had been hours since I last ate but she needed me right now. She heard my stomach and jumped up immediately,"You're hungry." She stated as she raced to the kitchen. Well I thought at least this will keep her occupied and followed her through the door.

May's P.O.V.

I knew I shouldn't have told Collin now his heath is at risk because he's trying to relax me. I fixed him a big dinner with rolls, steak, corn, potatoes, and a cherry pie for dessert. He accused me of spoiling him and I kissed him on the forehead and said, “I like spoiling you its fun." He rolled his eyes as a response, but he ate as much as he could. After his dinner he was having trouble keeping his eyes open."Can we do the movie tomorrow?" He requested. I nodded as we walked to my room. As he got into the bed I grabbed a jewelry box from my closet and told Collin to open it he did and looked at the broken heart necklace skeptically. "Old mementos keep it. I think in a way my parents put it there for you." He put it on and yawned. "Sleep" I ordered I was able to grab my novel from my box of mementos before he pulled me down next to him. "Night love you." He murmured. As he slept I read my novel. Then I lay beside him closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. The next morning I went around and did random things until my family returned. I fixed Collin breakfast, did the laundry, and vacuumed. Then I ran out of things to do I was so desperate for something to do I had Collin turn into a wolf and brushed him until he was fluffy and soft and had no tangles.

Chapter: 7

Collin's P.O.V.

Though I thought it was silly I let her brush me. It did feel nice though. "Collin we're really sorry we didn't mean to please come talk to us the vampire can come too if you want." the wolves said in my mind "Stop referring to her as that vampire her name is May and you will treat her with respect!" I snapped. "Sorry will you and "May" please come talk to us?" "I will ask her, but I don't make decisions for her." I turned into a human and asked May they're request so off we went.

May's P.O.V.

We were on our way to meet wolves why who know? Soon we reached the line that separated the wolves from us. I took a normal step back then remembered that I was allowed here and walked back. Collin looked at me as what I took as pity. “We don't have to go May," He offered. I took a deep breath and took another step forward."Its fine," I stated, "I'm just worried that......" He didn't give me time to continue he placed his lips on mine reassuring and lovingly at the same time. I closed my eyes and stepped closer and he put his arms around me. We were wrapped up in our own thoughts and didn't notice anything until someone walked up to us muttering something unpronounceable. "Sorry to interrupt but your girlfriend's in danger." He stated. "But they said I could come!" I stuttered. Collin stepped in front of me and nodded in agreement. he turned to Collin and said, “You both need to get out of here. It’s a trick. They’re going to capture her when you aren't paying attention and hand her over to a vampire who is looking for her trust me I've known you for years leave."

Collin's P.O.V.

I didn't know what to do smack Seth, probably not, thank him, later when May's not in trouble, get May out of there but how she's on the ground freaking out because of Emma! Then it hit me I ran to May pulled her to her feet kissed her then motioned for Seth. "Seth, get May back to the Cullen's and stay there." He was stunned but did what I asked.

May's P.O.V.

I was to stunned fight Seth pulling me. I could see the house in view now."Seth let go." I whimpered. Reluctantly he let go I ran towards the house screaming for Alice."Alice did you see Emma disappear please say no!" I begged. She nodded."Seth leaves for a minute." "Emma's future stays gone too and in one hour yours will he's fine." I nodded and turned. Seth walked to me begging for answers. "He's fine." I whispered. When I walked to the boundary line I was shocked. Collin was walking towards me with Emma. When he arrived he walked over to me and kissed me lightly, but it didn't distract me like usual. "Emma isn't here to hurt you she's here to protect you."He soothed."The wolf speaks the truth there isn't much time but enough for you to remember the truth."She said. I shook my head sobbing, and Collin put his hands around my waist. "Emma," he said,” give here time to relax she's freaking out right now." he instructed. She nodded “Come here tomorrow at five o'clock" Then she vanished.


Collin and I sat outside the house. I said nothing but he understood. Then a low rumble sounded. I stood up and walked into the kitchen."I'm getting ready to cook." I announced to the Collin’s and they scattered. "Let me show you the best dinner I can make." Collin smiled. I shrugged he grabbed box of cereal took out a handful then ate it."All done" I rolled my eyes. Then he yawned "Bedtime for the werewolf?" He shook his head. He pulled me onto his lap once he was seated on the couch. I laid my head on his chest and the memories came flooding back. I didn't like this one bit everything I knew was a lie. When I opened my eyes Collin was staring at me."May?" I nodded weakly."Emma's here." Collin kissed my forehead then let me up."May, Jackson won't like that you're cheating on him. Collin looked at me stunned and I looked at Emma stunned."May whose Jackson?" Collin asked trying not to look hurt. "Apparently my boyfriend." I whispered. Collin looked at me and ran."Collin wait “I begged. Emma looked angry."How dare you cheat on the nicest vampire you would ever meet? I’m going to get Jackson you break up with him now." I needed to explain so I made Collin come to the boundary line and listen."Collin I love you I do I don't know who Jackson is I pleaded, so what happens now is up to you if you still want to be with me I'll stay you are my true love, but if you don't want to I will go with Emma and be the person I'm supposed to be." He looked at me and turned and walked away. I went back and packed everything I needed. I turned toward the Cullen’s who were outside my door. Jasper, Alice ,Edward, and Carlisle come forward and told me goodbye everyone looked like they didn't know what to say then finally Edward broke the silence by saying, “May you don't need to go I understand you're confused, but if the person she claims you to be isn't who you want to be you don't need to be it." "Edward I have no clue what you just said but thanks I think." Bella showed up then and said," Will you break up the pity party May Collin is here to apologize or say goodbye or something. I hate to say it but I ran down the stairs."May I am so sorry I I guess I was hurt I didn't understand and was afraid you hated me now that you remember..."Collin tried to explain but he had to stop because my lips were on his mouth. He smiled then let go of me and walked to the couch I started to follow but then I heard a voice say ,"Arabella so great to see you are you ready to go darling? He tried to kiss me and I pulled away. I knew this must be Jackson, “I’m not Arabella at least not anymore and I’m not going anywhere with you I'm staying here!" I scream. "You are my Arabella whether you like it or not and you are coming with me!" Jackson yelled. He tried to grab me. Suddenly Collin was at my side pushing him away from me."Get your hands away from my girlfriend if you try to take her away from me or kiss her again without her permission I will kill you." He stated angrily .He pulled me behind him. "Get away from me before I burn you to nothingness now goes tell Emma that you both need to find a new target because I'm done!" I scream clawing at him. "Never!" screams Jackson. The Cullen’s were behind me but I didn't want them to be this is my fight them and Collin need to back off. Edward must have heard my thoughts because he backed off and grabbed Collin. Immediately the rest of the Cullen’s back off and I sit down and tap into a power I'm not supposed to use it attracts my parents but right now I don't care. I close my eyes when the force comes and Bella starts to throw up a shield but I beat her to it. Then Jackson was frozen in place not that I saw that's just what I was told later on. Actually I passed out. When I woke up Jackson was gone only Carlisle and Collin remained. "How much trouble am I in?" I asked since they appeared angry. Collin just stared. Finally Carlisle broke the silence," Why didn't you tell us? Do you not trust us?" "What do you.....? Mom? Dad?" I squeak. They nod. Collin seemed scared."Um so these are the Cullen," I explain, “and this is my, boyfriend, Collin." "We've met." They growl then stare at me until Carlisle broke the silence,"Um if you don't mind me asking how do you know May or um Arabella?" "She is our daughter from when we were human." In my mind i hear Arabella why date a werewolf why runaway why live with our enemies? Ugh I hate mom's power. “That’s enough time for an explanation I suppose. I love Collin, and I don't care he's a werewolf. I ran away because I was tired of being kept a secret. I came here because I was scared and alone. I’m not leaving........... Unless I'm unwelcome now that you know who I truly am." "I do believe it is best that you go home May." Carlisle decides. "I'll leave here, but I'm not going back to Italy. Collin comes help me pack, please." He jumps up relieved to have an excuse to get away from all he vampires I think. “You could come to my home you know. I don't care what my parents think they won't care as long as you don't attack them that are." Collin offers. With a backpack full of my things I follow Collin to the woods he takes my hand and walks me to a small wooden house. "Mom!" he calls out. "Yes dear, oh who's this?" she asks. "Mom this is Arabella and we were wondering can she stay here with us for a while the Cullen’s kind of kicked her out she is the Voultori's daughter and my girlfriend and I know you don't want me to date a vampire, but you can't stop me." he asks/declares. “Um uh well of course you're welcome to stay here Collin please show her to your room for now I guess. Then come back here while she gets ready for dinner or um uh maybe hunting?" she stumbles out. His relief nods. He leads me to a room that was very messy, “Sorry I need to clean I will sometime I promise." he whispered. I give him a quick kiss before he leaves and then sit on his bed and try not to listen to their conversation going on in the kitchen.

Collin's P.O.V.
"Yeah, mom?" I ask. "You two may stay here I doesn’t mind just promise me something you two haven't...." " MOM! A little trust please of course not we aren't crazy we barely know each other I wouldn't do that to her and she doesn't want me to." I state. "Just be careful." she whispers. I nod walking off ok I should have figured it would be a talk about that or me being crazy. Arabella walks out of my room smiling curse her good hearing! "Mrs. Aden please allow me to cook I have gotten pretty good right Collin?" she asks. I nod and I'm not pretending she is perfect. "Go ahead." my mother smiles."There is stake in the fridge." she nods and I walk over to help her."No go, ahead and relax I can handle it." she assures. " Are you sure?" I ask. She nods and before I walk out I caress her cheek. Half an hour later I see a beautiful arrangement of food stone out on the table. My mother gasps and calls my sister and brother out of their rooms. We all eat and notice Arabella even struggles to eat a bit. After we ate she started to gather the dishes. "Arabella please after that amazing meal the least we can do is do the dishes." my mother objects. After a lot of convincing we walked out without doing the dishes. We sit on the couch and watch the television with my little siblings who after a few minutes seemed to adore her as much as I do. She laughed and smiled and played with them. Almost three hours later it was time for them to go to bed. After they were asleep and my mother was in the room we excused ourselves to my room. I go to the bathroom to give her time to get ready for bed.

Arabella’s P.O.V.

I can't help, but notice summer is coming to a close. Should I go to school? Where? Maybe Collin's mother can think of something. When Collin comes back I notice he seems distracted. "Something wrong?" I ask stroking his hand. "Nothing just thinking." He replies. "About what?" I ask. He sighs, “Mom wants you to come to school with me. She thinks the elders will allow it as long as you follow the rules. You want to come right?" school? yes I want to come. I nod and unable to hide my excitement of not having to go to the school in Forks wraps my arms around him excitedly. "I should admit you in my school more often." he remarks. I roll my eyes and pull him closer to me, “Thank you this is so much better than being in." I stop I don't want to think about being home with my parents right now. "Before school starts next week I want to take you somewhere." he decides. I nod and satisfied he lies down to sleep I hear his mom coming and even though she's far away I know she is watching us. He strokes my hand and eventually falls asleep. After she decides he's asleep she comes in. She motions for me to get up and follow her. "Yes miss Aden?" I ask. "I'm sure Collin has told you I plan to enroll you in school at the reservation, but I want to make sure you realize there everyone realizes you are a vampire and will resent you." she explains. I nod. “Just stay near Collin ok? This may seem weird to you, but I feel as if you are my own daughter and wish to protect you." she warn/sooths. "Yes, ma'am." I reply. The next afternoon Collin makes me to a small building that I recognize as a dance hall. I look at him confused. "My parents used to come here I know a few people still do, and I thought it would be nice to do something like this. I know it probably seems stupid we could go somewhere else if you want." he said. “Not at all it's a great idea." I whisper. He smiles relieved I know this means a lot to him. We walk in and I see a few couples, but they are all in their twenties or thirties. I put my arms around his neck and he puts his arms on my back. I drop my hands long enough to reposition his on my waist and step closer to him, “This is nice" I murmur. "I love you." he replies. We ended up staying in that exact spot not even moving. Sunday was great, but I hated the fact that we stayed out late with school the next morning Collin tries to deny it, but he needs sleep. When we got up the next morning I gather some clothes, and look at the weather it's raining, so I must go to school. While we wait for the bus thanks to his decisions not to walk or run to school I whimper, “Swear you won't leave me alone with them they'll kill me the second you leave." "Why would I leave your side we have all the same classes?" he asked. I shrug. Then the bus pulls up with a gulp I walk into it seeing a mix of smiling faces directed at Collin and glares directed at me. We sit in the back where a group of Collin's friends sit. In an effort to be nice they do not glare, but they do sneak the word, “Vampire." Most aren't that decent not that I mind. At lunch we sit alone, but not without interruptions at one point a preppy girl came up, and announced to the entire school, “Vamps need to eat too any blood-donors in the building." "Back off Veronica." a boy utters. "Excuse me?" she exclaimed. "I said back off before I make you now get lost." he growls. She backs up to her table and sits her head down out of my view. The guy walks over and sits down. Collin glares at him and he glares back trying to break the tension I smile and say "Thank you for what you said my name is Arabella." I say flatly. "Everyone knows who you are." he replies. "If you’re going to have an attitude go back with the rest of the preps." Collin snarled. "Don't you belong there too?" he asks. "Enough Thomas I never belonged with the preps." he growls. "What's so wrong with being prep?" I ask confused. As if they just remembered I was still here both replied "They're jerks." I'm not a jerk and back in Italy long ago I was prep. "They are jocks who can't play sports." Collin adds. Well that much is true I can't play sports. "Well that proves I'm not a prep I'm the captain of the football team," Thomas states, “anyway if you're ever up for fighting a werewolf I'd love a challenge." “You want to fight a vampire?" I asked. He nods. "Collin?" I ask. He shakes his head. “What’s wrong boyfriend won't let you?" he sneers. "Your treaty is keeping me from ripping you apart, pup." "Whatever like I said up for a challenge call Me." he replies as he walks away. "Ready for math?" I ask. "No." he answers. "Well we could ditch." I offer. He nods. I don't think it should matter much it’s just one class. After we arrived back at his house I power up my laptop. I freeze a email from Italy.

Dear Arabella,
We would love for you to come visit for the festival we understand your home is there, but it would be great to see you for a few days. If it would make you feel better you could bring Collin. Please think about it we have many presents for you and miss you quite dearly please consider it if you accept please call us for your flight number. Our number has not changed. The festival is in two weeks on Wednesday and we would love to have you the entire week.
Love always,
Your parents

"Are you going to go?" Collin asks. I think I do miss home and I would love for Collin to see my home. "Yes, will you come with me?" I ask. He looks scared, but he still nods. To thank him I kiss him. Even after our lips part we still remain that close."Collin, would you mind if we," I break off, “please please just this once." He looks at me with a pained look on his face. "Please." I beg. With a sigh he brings his lips to mine once again, but we do the thing I heard him promise his mother he wouldn't do. We heard his mother come in half an hour later. Still that half an hour was heaven, and I make sure to let him know it. "Thank you." I whisper. “I should be thanking you." he decides after a moment. After we are both dresses I just lay there thinking about how nice the feeling of him stroking my hair is. "Collin! Arabella! Where you are there's mail for you!" Collin's mom yelled. "In my room!" he yelled. When she came in she handed me a thick envelope that came from Italy."Thank you." I remark. She nods and walks out. "What is it?" Collin asks. "Plane tickets our flight is scheduled for this weekend." I remind. I hear his mother's car drive away. Now that he is lying beside me I snuggle myself into chest and he wraps his arms around me. Friday and we still hadn't packed and our flight was in three hours! In desperation I just grabbed a handful of clothes and stuffed them in our luggage. "Let's go." I scream. That night when we arrive we are ushered into the castle. "Home sweet home." I murmur. "Ah! Anna what are you doing alive wouldn't you be like 90 now, but you don't look older than me." I scream "Witch remember we live a long time." Anna reminded. "Does that mean Chase is...?” I can't finish the thought. "For thirty years." Anna grieves. "So what's so big that Arabella was needed here A.S.A.P.?" Collin asks. "And who are you to call the princess by her first name." Anna questioned. "My boyfriend." I clarify. "Hum well I've got great news if you want it." Anna smiles. "What?" I ask. "A way to make us human," Anna reports, “It will take a while and you will still have traces of vampire in you but still." "Me human?" I whisper. "Got a trial size right here it will only last a week, and we are not completely sure what will happen, but your mother wants you to try it out when you leave, but you are welcome to stay for as long as you want and leave when you want to. Well it's pretty late so goodnight we have to catch up tomorrow." Anna informs. "Goodnight." I smile. When she left I looked at Collin "You tired?" I ask. "No." he assures. "Good I want to show you something." I inform. I take his hand, and lead him to my closet, and push the false back out, and lead him out of the castle, and then down to the beach, “Angelo!" I whisper scream. "Yeah? Wait is that you Arabella long time no see how you been angel?" "Good you?" I ask. "OK. Who's this?" he asked. "Collin, my boyfriend." I explain. "Ah..... So you here like before or....?" he asked. "Like before." I explain. "Okay." he decides. He waves us in. "Hold your breath." I warn. Then I pull him into the water and swim to the hideout. By the time we surfaced Collin was gasping. "Sorry I forgot how long it would take." I gasp. I wipe his anger away with a kiss. Then I walk over to the counter "Entanaro my usual and a regular for the boy I am with." I order he nods and hands us our drinks. "Spicy." I notice. "What is this?" Collin asks. "Yours: wine mine: blood wine, which is different donated blood types mixed together. Sorry I won't drink it after we leave it just makes me stronger." I explain. "And I have a feeling since we're alone so much while we're here you might want to do something together." I whisper in his mind. "How did you do that?" Collin asks. “The blood wine makes my powers work in many ways." I explain. "I'm tired." Collin decides. I close my eyes and concentrate then we find us back in my old room.

Collin's P.O.V. (do not read if fewer than 18 skip to Arabella point of view)

Just like before when she pulled me to her I do not start doing anything other than kissing her yet. I kiss her then move my lips down to her throat to her chest across her breasts in an effort to please her. When she started to squirm I let her up and lay down besides her thinking she did not want anything further. She got up and hovered over me peppering my chest with kisses that felt nice. When she decided that was enough she pulled me back onto her stretching her legs apart "Are you sure Arabella?" I whisper. As an answer she pulls me down harder forcing me in and lays her legs on me to hold me there. "I get it you can let go now." I whisper. She does and the more she gets satisfied she kisses me longer at one point she simply lays her tongue in my mouth, so I do the same. When I get too tired to continue she allows me to stop just to hover over me again only lower. Oh this is very nice I feel her mouth traveling down until it reaches purchase. Suddenly I hear in my mind "Enter me too." Not wanting her to stop I rotate both of us until she was laying vertically on me I enter her with my tongue and feel around causing her to moan this is nice to. I can't help it I swallow mouthfuls of her juice. "But then I bite her it didn't hurt her, but it caused us both to stop.”Ouch." she whimpered. I jumped up and grabbed her nightgown and me some pajama pants, and wiggle them on us. I then sit on the edge of the bed kneading her shoulders whispering, “I am so sorry I feel so bad I'm a monster to do this to you I feel, so bad." over and over. She tried to stop crying, but I know it hurt worse than I had thought. Eventually she stopped crying and I convince her to let me see the mark on her leg. It's starting to heal, but it looks so bad. I gently kiss the skin around the mark. She kept telling me it was her fault for pushing me to go that far, but it was my fault. I knew that.

Arabella’s P.O.V.

That hurt and felt nice all the same. "I'm fine really you just scared me go to sleep." I advise. "Fine you wore we out." he teased. He immediately went to sleep, and I snuck out of my room to go to Amy's. "Anna." I whisper. "Arabella ugh! Some of us actually sleep you no." She complained. "Can you fix my leg it really hurts!" I ask. Suddenly alert she asks," I'll try what happened." "Um... Well me and Collin..... and he accidently bit me." I explain with my head down. "Werewolves." she sneered. "My fault." I protested. "It will leave a scare, but drink this it will close it up." she decides. “so he marked you. Are you happy?" she asked. "Marked?" I ask confused. "Well he can't imprint on a vampire exactly, so this is his way of imprinting you." she explained. I raced out of the room excited now Collin can't blame himself for something good. "Collin wake up!" I beg. "What?" he murmurs still half asleep. "You imprinted on me." I stated. "I wish that were true,but I didn't I would know if I did." he whispered sadly. "Collin just listen you can't imprint on me since I'm a vampire,so you came up with your own way to you marked me instead." I whispered. "Huh?" he asked. "When you bit me." I clarified. " How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry." He begged. "You could just kiss me." I suggested. Smiling he leans up and kisses me. It felt nice,but now I had felt greater passion so it didn't please me as much as before. "You're eyes are dark again that was quick. You're hungry aren't you." he decided/asks. "I'm fine." I lie in reality if I don't find blood soon I might kill someone(Collin). "Why don't you drink some of mine?" he offered. "Cause I might not stop." I muttered. "Hmm." asks Collin. "I said cause I might now stop!" I restated angry now. "I think you could,and even if you didn't it's not like it would matter you're the only thing I have to live for." he mutters. Would now be a good time to tell him? "Collin," I whisper,"You have more to live for than me you also have a kid to live for possibly." "What but you're a vampire it's not possible.........right?" he gasps. "Well..... after we first........ my period came back again and well it's gone again I think it's because you're a wolf." I sigh. "Well to be safe we should get you tested." he whispers gently. "OK What should we name it if it's a boy?" I ask. "What about Chase?" he asks. I nod. "If it's a girl I want to name her Rose Thalia. I decide. Collin nods encouragingly,"Why?" "Well back home Rosalie is my best friend and Thalia is your sister's name." I explain. Collin thought for a moment," I love that name so much... I hope it's a girl now." "If she is actually real." I whisper excitedly. We spent the rest of the night talking about it,and decide we need to go back home and quite school. "My parents would want to keep her they are cruel people that refuse to take no for an answer." I told him at one point. The next morning we went home. When we got there we went straight for the Cullen's house. "Carlisle this is going to sound crazy,but I think I'm pregnant." I explain. "Arabella, Collin, come in and we'll find out." he decides. He leads up to his office. "Lay down here." he instructed me. Collin squeezed my hand and I lie down and wait. He puts a weird machine on my stomach. After a moment he clarifies,"Yes you are pregnant..... I think it's best if you stay here for a while so I can monitor your progress. I can tell you this it's a girl," "YES!" Collin and I squeal, "you can have your old room for now.""Hey Rosalie." I smile. "You're back!" she squealed. "Yep and guess what? I'm having a girl and naming her Rose Thalia." I smile. Collin once again squeezes his hand I need to remember to talk to him later to see if he's okay. "You are!" she screams. I nod. "What's all the screaming about?Arabella!" The rest of the Cullen's scream. " Yeah hi I need to hunt bad so bye." I explain. I ran out and killed a lot of well I'm not really sure,but it took a while to quench my thirst.

Collin's P.O.V.

I am so excited. I don't even think about what I'm going to tell my mother. Well now I am actually. Forget it right now. "Collin will you get Arabella it's time to check on Rose Thalia." Carlisle asks. "Sure." I reply. I actually run into Arabella on my way to find her. I give her a quick kiss. "What's wrong you seem upset." I ask. "I ran into some wolves," she states," um we weren't trying to keep Rose Thalia a secret were we because when they threatened me I said 'Shut up just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't rip you to pieces' and they ran away growling." "I'll take care of it," I promise," now I'll be right back Carlisle wants to see you. I'm on my cell if you need me." She takes one final worried look then walks into the house. I run until I reach the boundary when I get there I see all the wolves waiting for me. I turned to a wolf and sat and listened to what they said in my mind," She's pregnant how?!" asks their new leader. "Is it a boy or a girl?" asks Seth. " When's it due?" asks another. " Is the treaty still intact?" asks Jacob asks. With s single thought I answer all their questions," Wolf genes. Girl.Unknown. I hope so." "When were you going to tell us? What's her name?" Ask Seth. "When she was born and Rose Thalia." I finish. Suddenly my cellphone rings I turn back and walk over to it. "Hello?" I ask. "Collin? It's Jasper Arabella told me to call you and tell you Carlisle says the baby should be here in a few days." "Really that's great I'll be back shortly. Goodbye thank you for calling." I finish "They all look at me confused," That was Jasper Cullen calling to tell me Rose Thalia will be delivered in a few days oh and if you want to give us something for the baby that would be nice. I must be going feel free to come see her." I invite.When I get there I find Arabella looking through some catalogs. "Hey Rose is going to buy us some stuff for the baby which do you like better." She asks. Studying them closely I decide," The wooden crib is nicer than the metal one." She agreed. "Collin will you grab me something from the fridge Carlisle says I should try to eat some normal food in case she's human like you." She asks. "Of course what would you like." I smile eager to help her in anyway. " I don't know whatever you think would be nice it all smells horrible to me." she decides. I see that they put some ice cream in the freezer so I grab that a spoon and some pickles I remember my mother eating these when she was pregnant with my siblings. " Here," I offer,"try this." She looks at me gratefully and repulsed at the same time. While she ate I sat down next to her and rub her back in soothing circles. She leans back forgetting the food at my touch. " You're taking this pretty easy." She decides. "Well in truth I'm freaking out on the inside I'm just staying calm for you. I mean I'm basically a kid myself how am I supposed to raise one." I confess. " Simple we're going to help each other out don't worry." she whispers. "Come here." I whisper. She leans closer to me I lay my lips on hers and continue to rub her back. When she pulls her lips away I move mine to her neck needing to touch her just a bit longer. I lean back when she stiffens. "Something wrong?" I ask. She shakes her head and laughs a little,"No she just kicked me that's all. Um could you grab a garbage can." I walk into the kitchen and bring a garbage can back. She leaned over it so I pulled her hair back. "God I hate morning sickness." she whimpers. "It will be over soon." I promise. "Here lean back you need to eat some more you look pretty weak." I instruct. I bring the spoon to her mouth, and make her swallow it. " My head hurts." she complains. "Just wait a minute I'll go get you some aspirin. Would you like anything else while I'm out?" I ask. She thought for a moment "No thanks I don't know how I'd handle this without you." She smiles. "Anyone else want anything?" I yell. "I'm coming we need to pick up some blood in case Rose Thalia is like her mother." Carlisle yells. I can't wait to go back to our house. "Back soon." I murmur to Arabella after I kiss her goodbye. After we were in the car,and on our way I ask," Does that mean sooner than a few days?" "I have no clue." He admits. I drove until we got to the hospital. "Wait here." he instructs. I hear him say something like 'Yeah this will save some lives' and he came back carrying a few coolers. When I get to the store he says "I'm going to run home." Alone at last. I go in and grab some aspirin and hand the cashier a five and walk out.


Arabella's P.O.V.

I sat with Rosalie flipping through magazines when Collin pulls up. "It would be easier to just order everything from this I can't choose what is best." Rosalie decides. I barely payed attention though because I was to busy watching Collin. That makes me sound like a lovesick puppy doesn't it? He walks in and pulls a glass from the counter and sees it's half full with bottles "You've been shopping" he smiles. He fills a glass with water and hands it to me with two pills. I swallow them and pull him down next to us " Look at this." I instruct. " Very nice." he whispers in my ear. "Okay I can take a hint you want some alone time I'll see you later." Rosalie smiles. I lean my head down on his chest and he puts his arms around me," I love you." he whispers. In reply I kiss him. " Would you like anything?" he offers. Why must he be so interested in my needs? I know he's just trying to make this easier for me,but it's getting annoying. I shake my head,"What about you would you like anything?" I ask. "This." he replies. He leans down and kisses me and strokes my side. When he moves his lips to my neck I yawn for the first time since I was changed. He stopped immediately,"Are you tired?" he inquires. I nod. "Here I'll carry you." he offers. I yawn again and wrap my arms around Collin as he lifts me up. When he lays me down on the bed he then turns to the drawers to find me some night clothes. "Collin," I protest,"I'm not helpless." "I like helping you." he answers. I roll my eyes,but let him change me. He simply shrugs off his pants and crawls in next to me. I feel asleep instantly. I don't dream though probably since I'm not human. "Arabella time to wake up." Collin told me softly. "Sorry I'm up." I respond. Collin looks up at my hair and laughs "What?" I ask softly. I am confused Collin has never laughed at me before never. He must see the hurt on my face since he comforts in his gentlest tone,"Nothing don't be mad you just looked so adorable with your hair messed up like that don't be sad." I pout some more because I know if I do he will kiss me. He nuzzles my neck and strokes my hair. Oh well close enough I let a smile creep on my face. "Anyways Carlisle wants to see you." Collin remembers. "I think I kept you up why don't you sleep I can go by myself." I encourage. He shakes his head. I roll my eyes "Give me your hand." I instruct and he lays it down in my own right away. I place his hand on my stomach,and after a moment he raised his eyes to meet my own his eyes shown with pride. In a second's time he crashed his lips on my own. We stayed like that a few minutes then he let me up. "I really should go." I insist. "I know." he whispers. He laces his fingers into my own and we walk up to Carlisle's study. "You wanted to see me?" I ask. "I've been looking through some things,and I believe you should have a c-section tomorrow. Everything will be fine." he concludes. I feel Collin squeeze my hand reassuringly. I nod as this is as much as I can manage. Collin pulls me out of the room and back to our own. "Are you okay?" he questions. "I really don't know." I whimper. "Just calm down and relax when you're relaxed we will continue this discussion." he concludes. He walks into our bathroom and runs water and after a moment comes back. "Just lay down in the bubbles and relax." he instructs. I strip down my clothes and lay down the bubbles tickle. With a teasing smile I tell Collin,"You need to relax to come in with me," He rolls his eyes,"please." With a sigh he strips off his own clothes and lies down next to me. Just as I suspected he does relax a bit. "Bubble baths are nice." I conclude. "Anythings nice if I can do it with you." he declares. "Ouch." I whimper.


Collin's P.O.V.

"What's wrong did I hurt you?" I beg. Wait I think I get it now. "I'll be right back." I promise. I throw on my clothes and run out the door,"ROSALIE!"CARLISLE!ARABELLA'S HAVING THE BABY I THINK." I scream. "Where is she?" they scream back. I lead them back to our bathroom and Rosalie walks over to her to check she nods. They carry her up to him study and I stand outside. A few hours later Rosalie comes out and tells me I can come in I walk in and see Arabella smiling down at a cover. I walk over to her,but when I look down instead of seeing a baby I see a wolf pup with fangs. She is still my daughter though,and I couldn't help but smile."Will she stay like this?" Arabella asked. I shrug.

Two days later...........................................................................

"Dear will you go get her a bottle?" Arabella screams from upstairs. "Of course love." I call back it has been a peaceful few days. The doorbell rings "Coming." I called. When I open the door I see my pack of wolves(I rejoined the pack yesterday) at the door standing awkwardly,"Hey came to see your new family." they told me. I shrug,"Come in if you want." I answer. I lead them inside,"Dear are you going to get that bottle?" Arabella calls. "Working on it love." I answer. They look like they're about to laugh,so I shoot them a look. "What does Rose Thalia eat anyway?" Seth asks me. "We've been giving her a combination of baby formula and blood,so she'll be nourished either way since it is unclear which one of our traits she follows." I answer mixing some into a baby bottle and heating it. Then I lead them up to our room where Arabella's sitting in a chair with Rose Thalia curled up own her lap fangs showing. They gasp when the see her. "Something wrong?" I ask walking over and scratching her behind the ears. "She's a wolf." they whisper shocked. "With fangs." I smile leaning over to kiss Arabella.

End of First book


Texte: Please do not copy any parts of this book without the authors consent Copyright protected
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.05.2011

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