
chapter 1

"He is cute” Jessica said looking at the computer. I make a wired face and said “who?” But before she finished I know who she was going to say. Alexander. Jessica had a crush on Alexander since we were 8th grade and now we are in 10th grade. She has a crush on him for 2 straight years. That is a lot for me if you ask. But I didn’t say anything except “get over him girl”
“I can’t. He is so cute and nice.” She said smiling. I watch her and said “ ya, but you been trying to go out with him since 8th grade.”
“I know” she said covering her face by my pillow. I don’t what her to cry about him again so I said “hey, come on, this is our sleepover don’t ruin it.” She wiped her eyes and said “ok. I am sorry. It just so hard for me.” I pull her and hugged her and said “I know.”

chapter 2

Me, Jessica and Daren were walking in the hall way. Even though I am not popular. At least used to be. Daren was. He was the most popular guy in the whole school. When he asked me out in 9th grade it was a big shock. Even for me. How could the most popular guy in school ask me? But he did and it was cute. He ask me in front of the whole school. Me and Jessica were talking about Alexander, but all of sedan, He said “ Samantha! Would you go out with me?”

Everyone was quite for a moment. Even me. Then I think his friend Alex said “dude you are embarrassing yourself.” He ignores Alex and said “so, would you?”
I look at Jessica. And she said “are you?” I look at the cafeteria and every one was waiting for my answer. I was so scared. I feel like I was going to throw-up. Then I turn my face to him and said “ ya,sure.” He and his friend give each other a fist and the other students start cheering. Jessica said “you are so lucky. I wish that happen to me with Alexander” before I answer her Daren come to me and said “so, Saturday night. Movie?” I look back at Jessica because we had plans on Saturday. I was scared she well be mad cause I promise her I won’t let her down. But then she said “she well love to.” I look at her and mouth her “tanks” she nods back. Then Daren said “great I well pick you up at 8.”
That is when all began I was so happy when I get home I remember when my mom said “that is so sweet of him.”

chapter 3

“Honey can you take Ardi for a walk?” Mom said.
“Ya, Sure.” I said putting my jacket on. Ardi is our family dog. He been here since my dad died. I was so sad for me cause my dog rocky and dad died at the same week. I know. I was crying hard. I didn’t come out of my room for like 2or3 days. I sure miss both of them. But Ardi make me forget about Rocky. But about dad, not even close. Cause my dad was like my best friend. I love him like crazy. It so hard to live when someone you love is gone forever.Me and my mom aren't that close together but after dad died we were close.very close. witch is good,i guess.
It was sunny and little bit windy.I like such kind of weather not to cold not to hot. like Daren.Daren is such a sweet guy.I fell like i well never live with out him.he is just so...
"hey,Samantha!" some one said behind me.I turn.It was mike. mike from school he used to have a crush on me in 6th grade. and i used to have a crush on him in 7th grade. it was a complicated relationship.
I smile and said "hey!"
He walk up to me and said "so,it's been a long time huh? I sigh and said "Ya. long time."
"So,you are walking with your dog" he said touching Ardi.I bend down next to him and said " ya. what about you? what are you doing here?"
He looked at me in the eye and said "I was in my room looking out side.Then when i look at you i came.I was s surprised and also I was really happy he did that.I look back, and look at his house it is 4 blocks from my house.It looks small and nice.I look back at him and say" that is sweet of you." But before we got to close to each other i stand up and said " do you what to walk?"
He smiles and said " sure"
"so,I said ,'how is your mom." she is fine.she just think about dad a lot." he said looking down so his tires don't come out.I look down too. his dad died 5 month after my dad died.He was sad. very sad. when I go to his dad funeral he was so sad that he didn't even get out of his room.
" i am sorry." he said "I am just.." he stops.I didn't what him to continue so i said " is ok."
we smile at each other.He looked at me.I looked at him.He is cute when you think about it. with his brown hair, blue eyes, sweet smile, and a nice personalty.

when I get home, i was smiling. I don't know why but i can"t keep my mouth closed. My mom come up to me and said "You didn't" I look at her. " what do you mean?" she look at me and said " you kissed a guy." I open the TV and said " no." she walk up to me and said " honey, you are not fulling any one."
"I am not!!" i said screaming. she walk to the couch and said "hmm mm.."
"no really!" i said smiling and trying to talk at the same time.
" whatever!" she said. "really!" i said walking to the stairs.
" you are not fulling anyone!" she said speaking loud.
"I am not!" I said.

chapter 4

The next morning,Was sunny.I was waiting for the bus with Jessica when mike came and said "hey!" Jessica looked at me.I guess she was wired out cause he never wait for the bus.but she said "hey!" I was so happy that he came for some reason.I smile and said "what you doing here?" I don't what him to think that I don't what him here so i said " i mean you usually don't come." he looked at me and said "my mom usually drive me to school but today she have to go to work early so,I came." I smile.Jessica was lost.I can see it in her face. when the bus came we all got I always do I seat next to Daren and Jessica seat across us.

My first class was math.I hate math. even tough i am not that bad at it and the teacher is not,I just don't be so happy getting in that class.When i set in my seat My teacher called me.I go to her. she wasn't smiling like always.she was mad.I was so sacred. what if i get a really bad grade.or what if she fiend out that i cheat on that math test we take 2 month.No she wouldn't it been a really long time.
I smile and said "yes,Mrs Dezamiena" she move her glasses up and down. she clear her trout and said "Samantha, you used to have a good grade. but now you are felling. Is there any reason why?" I was so scared i am felling!I am so dead.before I go crazy I think about her question. why did i suck any way?I don't know!! but i can't say that to the teacher so i said " well i guess i didn't study hard enough."
She smile.Not a sweet smile.A smile that shows that the person knows that you are lying smile.But I didn't care I just smile back.
She look at some paper and said " well,if you need some one that can help you i have one smart kid that has good grade on math and he can help you?"she said looking at me.Having someone to help is not that bad. so i said "sure" she look at the paper again and said "OK. so,your tougher is, mike Richard." Mike Richard!!!! are you kidding me!! I wasn't sure if i was spouse to be happy or not.I try to smile.I look at her and said "great! when can I start?" she put her glasses down and said " you guys need to talk about that."

Chapter 5

When I get out of class and was going to my locker Daren came and kiss me.I smile and kiss him again.He lean in my locker and said " so how is your day?" I take out my algebra book and said " It been kind of bad." he hold my hands and said "o,really? what happen?"I closed my locker start walking and said "my math teacher said that i am felling in math and i need some one to help me." he hug me and said "o my gash i am so sorry. well who is your helper? If you don't have one I can help you." I smile." that is so sweet but my teacher said she want mike to help me." his face was kind of red. he know the story between me and mike. But he didn't say any mean tings to me he just said " o.that is good"

When I get home mom was cooking.I walk and hug her and said "hey mom." she kissed me and said " hi honey" I was scared. should I tell her? would she be mad. Because she said i can only date if i have a good grades. and i don't wasn't to separate from Daren.But in the second thought if I don't tell her and if she fiend out i well get in more trouble.But I don't what to start the conversation.but tank god she said "how was school?" I put my bag in the table and said " well my teacher said I need help for math." she put the stop purring the water in the bole and turn her face to me and she said "I told you to study!that is the reason why i don't what you to date anyone!" I look down."I am sorry.I well study hard.And my teacher said she Fined some one to tutor,so I can study with him." she hold her hips and said "'he'.It is a "HE"" I look up at her. "mom i am mature enough to handle a guy tutor me!!" she shook her head and said "i am sorry.It just I don't what you to fell." I go up to her and said "I well never do."

The next day I go to mikes house.I knock at the door. when the door open i see his mom standing." hello Mrs. Richard can i see Mack, please?" she smiles and said " hello. sure you can. mike! mike!" she start to call I herd his voice he said "yes mom." she replied " Samantha Is here." I herd his foot steeps coming from up stars. He came he was warring his blue t-shirt with his blue swet pants.His mom let me in.He go to the kitchen and told me to seat in the couch. I smile and sat. He open the fringe and said "do you what coke?" I look at him and said " sure." he bring the coke in the table and seat in front of me and said " so what makes you come here?" I took a sip and said " I need your help in math." he smiles and said " you failed?" I nod. He took a sip too and said "I well love too." I was so happy. I go up to him and hug him and said "thank you so much." he hug me too and said "hey no prop." after we hug there was a moment we stare each other for a moment I almost what to kiss him but then i back away and said "So when should we start?"

chapter 6

Today was the day I meet mike then movies with Daren.I was Dressing up when someone knock the door I said "who is it?" mom's voice come through the door."hey hon,it is me." I ware my blue T-shirt and said "coming!" why does she what me now?

I opend the door and said "hey mom!" she come forward to me and hug me. "hi" she said. she get in and seat in my bed.I look at her and say "your worried?"I ask her setting beside her.she nod and said "ya"I look down. I shook my head and said "don't be." she nod again and said "honey,Is alright with me you dating a guy felling is not OK." I look at her and say "I am so sorry.I didn't mean to.But next time I well work hard." she smiles and said "I know you well." and kiss my forehead I stand up see my time and said "I have to go." she smiles and stands up and said,"be!" I rool my eyes and say "ya,ya."

I holed my books and heeded to mikes house.I was about 5:00pm It was a cool air.I love it.I was kind of scared.why? I mean it is just a guy right?
I stand in the door way and knock the door.mike Answers.He smiles and said,"hey." I smile back. "hey"I said getting inside. He closed the door and said "next time I should come to your house." I seat in the couch and said,"you well." He seat down and said "so what do you what me to show you?" I put my books down and said, "did you learn about...." but before I finish my sentence mikes mom come in and said,"you came!" I stand up say hi to her.Mike was not really happy about her interpreting but he go with it anyway.

After me and mike finish our work he ask if HE can walk with me back home.I said OK.
"Try to get A+ in the next test" he said I look at him and say,"i well try." when we get in my door step he smiles at me and said "bye' I smile back and said,"bye"
When I get home I change my close and call Daren.He said he well come home and pick me up.
I was at the living room talking to my mom when Darn called and told me to get out.
I open the door of his car and get in.He kissed me and he said "hey" I put my seat belt on and said "hey"
He start to ride.He looks so nice.I put my hand on his and say,"I love you." he smile and said "not more than me."
When we get there he ask me what movie I what to watch I told him "what do you what to watch?"
He give looks at me and said " any ting you what to watch." I smile that was so sweet of him.
I look at the bored front of us then i said "twilight breaking dawn" he told the get out his wallet and said "great."

After me and Daren watch the movie he asked me if I what to go somewhere else, I told him I what to go see the stars from the top of the north tower apartment. He said OK. “It feels great.” Daren said. I looked at him and said, “Especially when you are with me.” He smiles. He lean down and kiss me. We saw the stars for about 30 min. when it rich 10:30 we stand up and get out of the apartment and start walking to the parking lot. He hold my hand and say, “you know how much you meant to me right?” I look at him. “I know. But you don’t love me more than I do.” He looked at my eyes. “What?” I said smiling. “I love you too.” he answered.

chapter 7

When I get home I called Jessica and we talked about my date with Daren and Alexander. Even though I don’t really have hope for her and Alexander I still support her. Because maybe one day he might ask her out who knows?
“Your friend is not here?” Jessica said. We were waiting for the bus. I looked at her. I know who she talking about. Mike. I smile and said, “I don’t know.” She laughed and said, “You are not fooling anyone Sam.” Just after she said that a red car stops right in front of us. The driver’s door opened I see mikes face. He smiles and said, “Do you need a ride?” I looked at the car. Before I answer Jessica said, “You got your drives license?” he nods. She looks at me. She was seeing me with her eyes. She was asking me if we can go. I look at mike and said, “I thought your mom drives you?” he look at the car and said, “Not any more. I got my license yesterday.” I opened the back door and said, “then let’s go!” he come by my door opened it and said, “hey, I need some friend to set beside me while I Drive for the first time in school.” I was shocked I think Jessica was to cause she sqweked.
We start driving. Mike was a good driver for a beginner. He looked at my direction and said, “I may suck.” I smile back and said, “No you are good driver for beginner.” He looked at me and looks back at the road and said, “Tanks.”
When we get to school I told Daren what happen, even though he didn’t ask but I know that he care so I told him. And he was cool about it. He even makes a joke by saying now I don’t have to take the bus anymore. I laughed and we forgot about it the whole day.
When I get home mom ask me if I can go shopping with her on Saturday I was going to say no but i fell sorry for her.I don't what her to shop alone cause David(my step dad) is always going out of the country so he only come twice a moths. so i said, "sure"
After I finish my homework I call Daren and we talk for about 2 hours. I talk to him about our future, College and Important stuff that is going to come to our life's.I was so happy to be with him.I fell so alive. And he make me fell like I am so Important. I hope there won't be anything between us.

Chapter 8

"hey." Daren said. I smile and said "hey" we were at my locker I was putting my stuff to go to lunch. Daren hug me and said, "are you OK?" I put my books and said, "ya.why?" He put his arms down and said, "you Just don't seem in a good mood." I close my locker and said, "If you are with me I am." He chuckles and bend down little bit to kiss me I rich to him and was going to kiss him but just then mike came. I put my head down. Daren turned his face he give a look to mike.but mike ignore it and said, "sorry I interrupted but I was just going to give Samantha her pone back." he rich his pocket and take my phone out. He give it to me and said, "you left it in my car this morning I was going to give you before but I can't fined you." Daren look at me then him and said, "well thank you for bringing it back." I look at both of them mike stared at Daren for a moment I was scared they were going to start fighting, the were staring at eachother like 'NOW OR NEVER'. But then mike said, "welcome"

"bye!" said mike waving from his car. I wave back. He turned and go. Jessica look at me and said, "why don't you admit that you like him?" I stand and stare at her. I don't like mike. He Is just a friend right? But I didn't day that I just said, "WHAT?, I can't have a guy friend." She bend down and said, "you are just scared." I stand in our door way and said, "about what?" She pull her bag up "Liking some one other than Daren." I put the keys in the door turned it and said, "I am not." I opened the door and we both got in.
"hey kids." mom said coming from up stares . I put my bag back down and said, "he mom." she hug both of us and said, " So what do you what to eat for lunch?" I rool my eyes, "we just got in mom." she give me a look and point at Jessica and say , " You are full doesn't mean she is" Jessica hold her stomach and said, "I am full i don't think I well eat right now." My mom gives us a look and said, "fine.Go up stares and do your teen stuff."

“Did you finish your science project?” Jessica said.
“No. did you?”
" ya. so, how are you felling about drake and mike?" she said again. she look like she was going to explode.
" o, good for you.” I looked at her I can tell that she what to tell me something. Why? Cause Jessica talks to much or ask wired and unusual questions.
“i am so tired of sience. you?" See. Told you.
“Ok what?” I said putting my math homework down. She stands up and said, “What?” I smile. “You always say too much when you what to tell me some ting.” She blushes.
“Fine. I just meet this guy today. And I think I like him. Even though don’t really know much about him.”
I shoved her and said, “well tell me more details. Place? About The guy? When? What?”
“ok, ok, ok. After we say goodbye yesterday after mike drop us down. After I get out from your house when I was walking to mine. And remember we were texting?”
I nod.
“ya, that time, I wasn’t really looking were I was going. Then all of sadden I bump into this guy, who is so cute he has this red hair, green eyes, he was just perfect.”
She was really interested in that guy. other than alexander. “well what did you say?”
She look at me and said, “o, yes. I said ‘o I am so sorry.’ He hold me and said, ‘ no problem. I wasn’t really seeing were I was going myself.’
“ then..” I said. I really what to know.
“Then...” she said looking sad. “Then, someone call him and he picks it up and start going.”
“ o I am so sorry.” She nods. “Me too.” I hug her. I fell so sorry for her. Just when she thought she fiend someone she lose it.
“ you are so lucky.” She said rubbing her hands.
“ why?”
“ cause, you have two guys that are crazy about you. But me-“
“no ,no ,no. you are very lucky. Being single is fun! Instead of stressing about two guys going around you!”
“really?” she said
“yes!! I mean there is a big life out there have fun! Enjoy it!!”
“ that is really sweet of you.” She said and give me a big hug.

I was actually telling the truth. I mean who what to be in a life that is so complicated with boys?

Chapter 9

“Mom! I am going out!” I said opening the door.
“Be back at 8!” she said calling back.
Thursday, Is the day I meet mike. We have a big test tomorrow so he was going to prepare me for the test. I am scared really scared. But you know I just got to put my mind to it. Test! Not Mike! Test! Not Mike!

“Hey” Mike said opening the door for me.
“Hi” I responded.
He closes the door. Even though it was like my third time coming here I was still nerves. I look around. I never really recognize this but the house is pretty wide.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt but, would you guys what some chips.” His mom said. I turned my face to her and said, “o no I just ate maybe after we study.” Mike smile to his mom. His mom smile at both of us and said, “Ok. Tell me if you need anything.”
‘I well” I said smiling back.
“So. Do you what to study upstairs or…?” mike said looking at me. I was shocked. Just little bit. He looked at me. But I didn’t show it. I just said, “any were you what.” He chuckles. “We can be on the dining room”
He led me there and it was nice. Simple. He set down and said, “ok. Let’s start studding.” I set down and take out all my books. He was looking at me while I do that. I pretend I didn’t see him watching me. I just said , “ how did you become so good at math?” he stopped looking and said, “my dad was really good at it and he used to tutor me” I nod. “You must miss him every time you do math.” He faked smile, sad smile I can’t tell. And the he said, “That is why I love it. It brings back good memories. Memories I will never forget.”
For almost a second I really what to hug him. But I bring back myself and remember myself, ‘I still have a boyfriend I love.’
we study for about 2 houres. his mom gave us some drink and chips. she asked me to stay for dinner but i said i have to go. even though it was really really distracting to study with him, i try to focus and i actully anderstand it better than before. I said goodbye and thanked him and he said bye too.


Today was scarey.I took the math test shaking like crazy.but i got trough it, and it felt good when i was done.
when i was out Darek was watting me outside.
"hey sam, how was the math test?" he said kissing my forhead.
"I was nervous but it was good."
"well I am happy for you."
we headed to lunch and jessica came from bihind me and say,
"hey, how was your test? bet you passed."
" it was fine."
"well good for you."

later that day i go to jessica house we did our homework and we talked the rest of the time.
"i am so confiused." i said
" why?"
" sometimes i think that, Derek is THE ONE and then i don't."
" I don't really know how you fell but, when the time is right you well know witch is witch." she said.
i smiled. " you are right."
" now, do you what to go drink smotthie?"
"hell ya i do!" i said.

we walked to the smoothie place, then we got in there was about 10 pepole. it wasn't that hot so you can guss why.
we go to the counter then some guy in a brown hair was cleaning the cups, when we sat down he turned his face, and it was MIKE!!!! MIKE? what is he doing here? but before i asked him that he said,
I looked at him, he was talking to me? o, what i my sepose to say o ya,
" very., I said " what are you doing here?"
" I work here on fridays and sundays."
"o, really? well can you please give us two banana and straberry smootie please?"
" two smooties comeing up."
'thanks" jessica said. then she winked at me. I knew what she was trying to do. and it is soo not working.
" here you go." he said putting it in the desk.
" thanks," i said
" so how was your math test?"
"it was not bad. you?"
" it was nice."
" right, your a math expert. forgot about that." I said. but i didn't i so didn't
he smiled. he knew i was jocking.

after we finish our smooties, mike asked us if we want a ride. we said shure. I was late to cause it was 8:31Pm and i am so late and my mom is going to kill me. but i didn't care i am with my friends and i am happy about that.
we drop jessica and we were going to my house.
" is ok, you don't have to go all the way to my house, i can walk." i said to mike.
" it is ok. and I don't want to leave you alone at night. it is late."
I blushed really blushed and i think he saw that cause he said,
" you parents well kill me if something happen to you."
"you are right," i said
we said goodbye and i got out.

chapter 11

Saterday night derek asked me if i want to go to his friends party and i said yes.
I thought I should spend time with other people, and go out a little. He picked me up at 8:00 we were both ready to go.
“Marcus said there well be a lot of people” Derek said.
“Well lets get ready to party” I said. He smiled and he opened the door for me. We got in the car. And start driving. “Isn’t Jessica coming?” he asked. “I don’t think she want to.” “Alexander well be there,” he said smiling at me. “Ha ha. Very funny. I well just ask her.” I took out my pone and start calling. “ hey, Jessica!” “ hey girl.” She said. She is chewing something I can here through the pone. “Me and Derek are going to his friends party, do you what to come?” “Mm… na I don’t what to come I am tired.” She said finish her last work slowly . “ Alexander well be there.” I said smiling at Derek. He shook his head and smile. She pused for a moment and said, “ I think I am over him. I just think it is a waste of time, you know?” “ I didn’t here you just say that!” I say opening my mouth. “ I think I am, hey I go to go. Bye!” she said. “ WHAT HAPPENED?” Derek said. “she said she don’t want to come.” “Jessica?! Did you tell her alexander is coming?” “ ya, but she said ‘no’!!! “ It was impossible to think that Jessica is over alexander!! Really really impossible!!
we got to his friends house and there was a lot of pepole. some were making out in the couch and some were dancing, others were just talking and eathing. some guy came to us and say, " hey daren! i see you bring some one elese here?"
Deren ppint at me ant say, "ya, this is my girlfriend samenta."
"hey," i said shakeing his hand.
" hey sementa! I am max! welcome to my house! you guys can go there and get drinks and stuff.I well just be right there."
He point to a two girls, and went.
" do you what drinks?" daren asked.
"shure." i said stand there like an idiot.
he came and give me bear. I looked at it and say," daren, you know i don't drink bear."
"o, come on. sometimes you need one."
"no.", I said." i well just get coke." Before i even start to walk, he hold me and say, "i am sorry. i just thought you need some fun. i well bring for you. wait me in the couch."
I walked in the couch and sat there. then some drunk guy came and say, " hey hot one. why are you so lonley?"
" i am not"
" well you seem bored."
"well i am not." I said my voice a litte higher.
"ok, ok sheeesh.", he said and went to the other darection.
" hey!" some one said bihind me. i tured it was alexander.
" hey alex! I said
he sat next to me and said, " were is derek?"
" he is bringing me a drink."
"o. were is your friend...." he was stragling to take it out.
"jessica." I finished for him.
"ya, jess. were is she?"
" she is tired."
" no one is tired for a little party."
Just then derek came.
" hey alex!"
" sup?" Alexender said putting his drink up.
derek hand me my coke, and sat next to me. I was in the middle of my boyfriend and his friend.
" having fun?" aked alex
" so far, ya"
The whole party was kinde of boring, i just mostley sat there and dance a little. but I think derek had fun, cause he was almost luging and joking with his pals.

Derek drop me home, and say good night. I got home about 12:30Pm and that is because we left early. My mom may be a little mad but i think she can trust me enogh to forgive me. I got in my room and changed in to my PJ and get in my bed. I was fast as sleep.

chapther 12

sunday, was a normal. I just mostley at home. I go to the smootie place. YA, you are probeble wondering, dosen't mike work on sundays? and you are right. jessica maked me go. and i want to talk with mike a little, too. BUT IT DOSEN'T MEAN I LIKE HIM!!
" I talked to alexender, yesterday at the party." i said wile we were walking to smootie place.
" really? what did he say?"
" He said, were is jessica, and i told him that you were at home tired."
" ya, i was" she said. not careing! how can she not care!
" jessica? what is up with you? i thought you like alexander?"
" well, I don't any more."
"since when? you were like obssessed with him?!"
" well, am pepole move on, on sam. and i chooose to."
" well I mean-" she broke me off.
" please, can we just not talk about this, sam."
She was really, mad. she look like she is going to brust out.I really what to scream at her and say, " HOW CAN YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND, SO FAST!" but i didn't i just said,
" ok, watever."
we got inside and we sat in the regular tabele. we were both quiet for a moment, but then jessica said,
" who is going to get the smottie?" right i forgot. i was to cought up, on our argument.
" i well," i said. I go to the counter, mike wasn't there, there was some other girl.
" what do you like, miss?" she said smiling. we both know i am not that old enoght to be callled 'miss'. she is not even that old, she is around my age. but i just said,
" two banana and strwberry smottie, please?"
" comeing up." she said
after she gave me the smottie, i coudn't help asking her, if she know were mike is.
"I thought mike works here, on sundays?"
she nod and say, " o, mike, he works atil 4pm. why do you what to live a messege, to him?"
I looked at the wach on the wall. it was past 5:30. wow! the time was so fast.
" no, i just what to say hi."
I wen't to our table, and put down the smotties. I gave one to jessica.
" i am sorry." she said just when i sat on my chair.
" for what?" I said even though i knew what she meant.
"for being a jerk"
" is ok."
" i mean, i just relise that, this whole crush thing is so stuped, i mean i liked him and he was actting like a b***, so i move on."
" i know." I said. i fell sad for. she was single almost all her teen. life.
Even though, she is annoying and moddy, sometiems I still love her. she is my best friend. whertever i go she well be with me.
After I got home it was about 8 I was really tired and bored to do anything so I decide to sleep, when the pone rang. I picked it up.
“Hello who is this?” “Hey Sam, it is me Daren.” Daren? Why didn’t he just call me by my cell. “What is up?” “I was calling you by your cell, but you didn’t pick up. And when I called by your house pone, you weren’t there so I thought you were at mike’s.” I checked my pone 12 missed calls and 4 text messages’. I put my pone in vibrate yesterday and I didn’t put it back on. “no I wasn’t at mike’s I was with Jessica. Why? What did you what to tell me.” “ I was going to say sorry about last night. You were kind of bored at the party and I was so caught up with my buddies I didn’t talked to you much. “He said. He paused for a moment but before I start to speak he started to talk again, “I was going to tell you last night but you were really tired” Awwww. It was so sweet of him, I can hug him! “Is ok. And it wasn’t that bad anyway.” “No it was. And I am sorry about that.” “ no proplem.” “ well then I well see you tomorrow. Bye, love you” “ I love you too.” I said and closed the pone.

chapther 13

On Monday me and Jessica were waiting mike to come but he wasn’t coming. So we walked to school because we missed the bus. We were late to school and I had science first. And mike is there I am going to ask him why he leaves us. He better have a better reason. I should to cause the teacher is going to ask me why I was late and if I didn’t give good reason I am dead. “Why were you late?’ he said looking at me in diseased. “My ride was late.” I said in a wired tone. All the students were staring at me. But mike wasn’t there. Why didn’t he tell us that he is not coming to school! “You’re lucky we just began. Go set down” the teacher said. I go seat were I was told and shut upped for the whole class time. When we were going to lunch Daren ask me why I was late. “Why were you late I was looking for you? I even thought you weren’t coming?” “Mike didn’t come to pick us up so me and Jessica had to walk.” “Really? He is such a jerk man. Is he here anyway” “ mike! Don’t say that. But no he is no here. Why?” "just to show him no one dich my girl." he said smiling.
after i got back from school by bus mike was waiting out side. in the door way. did mom tell him he can't get in? or he is there cause he wants to? Why was he here to tell me he is sorry cause he better.
"hey" he said. he was putting his hands in his sweat pants.
"hey!" i said standing in the door way with him.
" i am really sorry about today."
"ya, what happened? me and Jessica was waiting for you."
" my mom was sick and i have to take her to emergency room. i was going to call you wile i was at the hospital but i don't have your number. so when i come home you weren't there. so i go back and when it was close to dissimil time i was at school to pick you up but you were already in the bus. and it was going. so i came and wait you here."
o my god!!!! i just what to hug him. and i did. i hugged him tight. there was a little tires in both our eyes.
" i am sorry, about your mom. is she OK now?" i said getting out.
" ya she is at the hospital. they say she have to stay there for a wile."
"good." i said and i meat it. " and i forgive you. is OK." i said smiling."
we agreed to walk after i put my stuff at home. mom said i have to walk Ardi.

" so you and Jessica walked?" he said walking beside me.
" ya. we were kind of late."
" really? what class did you have first?"
" science. but i got trough it."
" good." he said smiling." HOT!
we set down at the bench and talked for a wile. we raced and play a catch with Ardi.
" that was fun." he said. we were seating at the grass, talking. we were so close to each other. very close!
" it was." i said patting Ardi . he was setting beside me.
" what is your Favorite season." he asked me.
" i don't know. fall? you?"
he smiled. " summer."
" why?"
" it is very beautiful the grass is very green as well as the tress. and everything just seems bright and beautiful. and the sky looks clear. normal day. just only a little clouds. it is like a drawing." he turned his face to me.
WOW!!! he was really hot at saying that i could almost kiss him. and enjoy the beautiful day with him.

On Tuesday and wens day was the same day. school, home, friends, boyfriend.

On Thursday was the day i meet mike. I go to his house after school. when i knock at the door his mom wasn't the one who knock the door, it was him.
" hey!" he said.
" hey."
" you came."
" i did."
When i entered the room I saw two womens and an old man. mike's mom was seating in the couch talking to them.
"hey, samenta you came." she said standing up. but before she did i came to her and shook her hand. i said hi to the people and then mike said.
" we have to be in my room cause there are gusts."
I was really shocked but seeing his room exited me so i said, "shure"
we walked up stares, and i saw two rooms. i noticed that the big one was his parents and the second one was his. his room door was locked but not his mom's.
he walked up stares. there and say, " well here is my room, sami"
did HE just call me sami??????
But whatever his room was nice. he had a poster of some rock stars and he have a large bed with his desk in front. he have his laptop was in his bed and his cloth drawers were in the corner. next to the closet. and i notice that there was some kind of a text in the wall. it said, " 30 years from now, it won't matter what shoes you wore. what jeans you bought, how many girls you've dated, how your hair looked. what well matter is your education and how you used it."
He noice i am reading that text cause he said, " my dad gave it to me when i turned 13."
i turned my face to him, "really? that is the most deeply interested thing i ever read." and it was.
He smiled. " well lets set down and study." he pointed to his bed. Omg!!!! his bed! i am dead. but i said, " lets study!"
we studied for about an hour then we decided to just talk. which was crazy, cause I am on bed talking with some dude and I have a boyfriend. wow I am crazy! he looked at me, " what is your future plan?" did he just say that? " go to college, study medical things, then just get a job, get married, then try to be a special doctor. what about you?" he chuckled. " me. he said. " o, me, i really what to be a hart doctor. then get married." he looked at me while he said that, " then enjoy life with my good job and wife and kids." kids. I what to ask him how many he what to get, and i did. " how much kids do you what." " wow! like 3. what about you" REALLY? my plan was to get 3 or 4! " 3 to 4." I said blushing. he smiled. "that is not bad." Just then my phone rang. It was Jessica. "hello" I said" hey, Sam!!" she was breathing hard. it was loud there. " Ya. what's up?" I said sounding calm. she was quite for a moment but then she said, " i saw Derek with another girl." I couldn't believe my ears!! I think I looked shocked. cause Mike said, "Sam, are you ok?" i was paralyzed. I couldn't answer. I can hear Jessica saying, " Sam, Sam?! hello can you hear me? look don't be sad cause he is a jerk and you don't disserved better than that." yes! he was a jerk. all the things he said, all the talking and hugging and codling I trusted him. I told him everything! I HATE HIM! just then, mike took the phone from me. i can hear him and Jessica talking. her voice was really loud mike said, " hello? who is this?" Jessica said, " it is me Jessica! where is Samantha?" " she is really shocked what happen?" and that is when I turned to him. surprised I can move. " Derek is cheat on her." Jessica said. I hate that I heard it again. he looked at me. he said, "I well call you back Jessica." he hugged me I hugged back cause I really needed that at the moment. I really do.
Jessica called again. she asked me if i what to come to her house or if i am at home. I told i well be fine with mike. " I am sorry." mike said. we were laying in his bed. I don't know why but I don't what to go home. his room fells really safe. " I can't believe he did this." I said. he looked at me for a moment then he said, " you really like him don't you?" I do. I least I did. before, but now I hated him. I fell used. " Ya, I thought I did." I said Turing my face to him. now we are laying in front of each other. " I can't say I know how you fell cause I don't. at least I never felt used." Is he saying he was in love before? with who? I mean I am not mad but, I never picture him with a girl. I move more closer, " you never had a girlfriend?" he sign, " I did, but I broke up with her. she didn't" " really, why?" I said interested. he smiled, he was prepared to tell me like a long story. " remember the time, when i had a crush on you in 6th grade?" omg i can't believe he remember that. " Ya" i said. " well after that well I had a little crush on betty." o betty she was nice. she was actually beautiful. " well after that I decided to ask her out. then it was a mess. we actually kept it a secret cause we don't what people to know. then she starts acting wired. she start to like makeup and were those little skirts. then i said i what to break up with you. it was really stupid, but she actually was hurt. really. more than I expected. after than i never actually dated until like 8th grade witch i had my first kiss." WOW i wanted to know that. and that is why i said this, " who was it with?" " what the kiss? o it was with Becca. we both never had our first kiss so we decided to do it. it was really bad." he laughed i laughed with him, it was the good laugh i had all day. " how bad? i said laughing. " really bad" " who was yours?" he said calming down. " mine was jack." i said. " jack? the 6th grade?" he said surprised. " ya. we just clicked cause we both really what'd to do it. it was really bad! his saliva was in mouth." he chuckles. " you had a bad one too." " ya." I said. and that is when I look at the clock. it is 11:21 pm. I am dead. " I have to go!" I said standing up. " he hold my hand, " do you have too?" " yes i do." i said holding my stuff. "one more thing." he said then he hold me then kissed me. omg! i can't believe it! his lips were so smooth. he breath smells so good. and he was a really good kisser. we were kissing. i really don't what to stop. but then he stopped and said, " i am not still over the crush i had on you in 6th grade. I don't think I well." omg!!!! i could scream! but i just said, "me too." and it was true. he is my best friend, brother, a father had everything i could ever ask for. and I loved him for that!

chapter 14

On Friday mike take Jessica and I to school. When we reach there I was feeling like throwing up. We get out of the car and headed for the school door that is when mike whispered in my ear, “be strong” I nod and got inside. When I reach my locker I can see Derek and his friends standing next to my locker. I am so going to kill him if he tries to lie. When he saw me he starts to smile. I ignore it.
“Hey baby” he said, trying to act innocent. Normally I would kiss him but now I just said, “where were you yesterday night?!” he looked at me then at mike then to Jessica. He pointed at his friends and say, “I was with them, why?” I said angrily, “Jessica saw you with another girl!” he looked at Jessica then me. He said, “I am so sorry!” I couldn’t believe he actually was saying this! I HATE HIM! I run to the rest room, I can hear Jessica following me. “Sam, stop!” I didn’t stop; I got inside the restroom, and locked myself in the bathroom. “I know, you are hurt, and I am so sorry!” she said trying to open the door. I was crying so hard I think people can hear it in the hallway. I replied, “I couldn’t believe it you know? I thought he well say something like that was my cousin or something” the bell rang, Jessica said, “the bell rang we well be late.” I know that she can’t wait for me because she had enough late papers and she might get suspended so I said, “you go!” Then “are you sure?” she asked. “ya” I said. I know I was late and I didn’t care. I watched my face and went out, that is when I saw Alexander. He was standing by the door. Was he there the whole time? He saw me and say, “that was long, what did you eat this morning?” he smiled I couldn’t help but smile too. I know he was joking. I couldn’t help but ask so I said, “why are you waiting for me?” he put his hand in his jeans and said, “I saw your breakup with Darek and I thought you might need a company when you go out, and a pass.” he handed me a yellow sticky note, it says “pass from office at 9:12am” I looked at him. “Don’t you need it more?” I ask. He touched my back and say, “I am going to the Gem, no one well notice.” And he slide his hand off me and went to the Gem entrance.

chapter 15

On Sunday night me and Jessica were having a sleep over and we were going to buy all junk food we can get from 7-11. “Should we get 4 chips?” she said picking up 4 potato chips? I looked at her, usually I would say no we will get fat, and she then will say we won’t because she is the kind of best friend who NEVER gets fat no matter what she eats. But then I remember my heart is broken junk food will do. So I said, “ya. And get 5 Hershey” then a filmier voice said, “5? You got your hart really broken, huh?” I turned it was Mike and Alexander standing. “Seems like it” Alexander said. I laughed and said, “Really? You’re going to bug me about it?” Jessica was looking at Alexander, she smiled. “Hey guys!” she said. “hi” Mike said. He hugged both of us, he smelled so good! Alexander came and gave me a hug me too, when he went to Jessica it was really awkward. Then Alexander said, “So why are you here?” I answered. “Having a sleepover” Mike was looking at me. I felt like I need to say something so I said, “how about you guys?” “We were going to go to the movies; we just came here to buy snacks. You know thither foods are like so expensive?” Mike said. I nod. Alexander said, “You should join us” I looked at Jessica, “do u want to?” I said facing her. For the first time she admitted something she said, “it will be awkward, you know?” she said looking at Alexander, he was sad she said that but then he lean to her and kissed her. Me and Mike watch in silence. I looked at him he looked at me and smiled. Then Alexander let go of Jessica and said, “it won’t be awkward anymore.” she smiled and they were both kissing again. They kissed a lot trust me! Me and mike shopped and went to the register until they finish smooching each other. Mike looked at Alexander and Jessica and said, “Wow, they look like they never kissed a person before.” I laughed and said, “They are just so attractive to each other.” After we paid we went were Alexander and Jessica were whispering to each other at the milk section. Mike said, “So do you guys still want to go?” they stopped and Jessica said, “You guys go, we will just hang out in the smoothe place.” Milked looked at me and said, “ok, let’s go!” he was really happy; I was happy to because I can finely be with him and talk to him without Derek on my mind. Dang it, now I am going to think about him! Why did I have to say his fucking name?!

Chapter 16

When me and mike got in the car he asked what movie I wanted to watch. Then I said, "Anything" he looked at my direction and said, "We both know you are saying that to be nice. But how about we ditch the movie and go someplace more fun."  I smiled back and said, “It’s good with me.”

“Where are we going?” I said after like 15 min of driving. He was quite for a moment then he said, “Let me ask you something. Have you ever gone to a place where there are only animal’s there? No people? Not the zoo.” He added. I thought about it, I never did. “Never. Why?” I said curious. “Because that is where we are going”. He said. I nod. I trusted him. Then I added, “Can we open the radio?” he nod and I opened my favorite radio station. “Are you serious? That is my favorite station!” he said surprised. “Really? Me too! It is like- “THE ONLY RADIO STAION WITH A DESIENT SONG!” we both said and laughed. “I always say that to my mom. She just rolls her eyes at me when I tell her.” I laughed again. “Wow! I never thought any person will like this radio station except me.”  We both smiled and that is when my favorite Beatles song came! I scream and we both sang turn my turn.


When me and mike got in the car he asked what movie I wanted to watch. Then I said, "Anything" he looked at my direction. "We both know you are saying that to be nice. But how about we ditch the movie and go someplace more fun."  I said, “It’s good with me.”


“Where are we going?” I said after like 15 min of driving. He was quite for a moment then he answered, “Let me ask you something. Have you ever gone to a place where there are only animal’s there? No people? Not the zoo.” I thought about it, I never did. “Never. Why?” I said curious. “Because that is where we are going”. He said. I nod. I trusted him. Then I added, “Can we open the radio?” he nod and I opened my favorite radio station. “Are you serious? That is my favorite station!” he said surprised. “Really? Me too! It is like- “THE ONLY RADIO STAION WITH A DESIENT SONG!” we both said and laughed. “I always say that to my mom. She just rolls her eyes at me when I tell her.” I laughed again. “Wow! I never thought any person will like this radio station except me.”  We both smiled and that is when my favorite Beatles song came! I scream and we both sang turn my turn.


 “*Here comes the sun here comes the sun, and I say it's all right*" I sang with them. Mike smiled and sang the next part, “*It's been a long, cold lonely winter, little darling, It feels like years since it's been here*” we both laughed after he sang, I said, ‘u suck at singing!”  He blushed. “I know! I do suck! HERE COMES THE SUN!” He screamed and we both laughed historically! We sang and screamed to the songs that came.


“Wow!” I said. we were looking at bunch of animals. Little animals but a lot of them. It was night and the stars look so pretty. I never thought I will be a girl who looks at stars with a guy. It seems cheesy. But seeing all those animals and looking at them from distance from uphill is refreshing. “Where do they come from?” I asked. “From different places. They come together in here. My dad used to bring me here every day after thanksgiving. We will just see them. The squirrels and birds and insects. He always tells me story’s from his childhood while we sit right----here!” he said moving to a little rock. I looked at him. “I miss him too. My dad.” I added. He moved closer. “He was everything to me. And all of sudden…..gone” I nod. I get it. I get it a lot. I was so close to cry and I think mike saw that because he hugged me. I cried in his shoulders. “It’s ok…I know…its ok” he said kissing my forehead. I felt safe. Safe from bad things.




keep up with that next book!

i am done with that book! yay! I know it is uncertin because i wanted to leave it that way! u can make predictions and comment ut ideas about how you want them to be! BUT the next book which i will start in the summer witll thell the truth!!! HOPE U LOVED IT!! keeo up for other stories!! 


Texte: This book is made on february 22,2012
Bildmaterialien: This is my first book. and i hope you guys enjoyed it! i may've mesed up alittle on spelling but i am not good at it. but i hope understand my idea.
Lektorat: thank you for me and the pepole who are reading this book
Übersetzung: CHOOSE THE RIGHT ONE!!!!!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.02.2012

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